1 Dr. Jo-Anne Berelowitz Office: A 51058, ext 4995 SDSU, Spring 2014Fall 2009Fall 199986 Office hours:T., TH. 2:15- 3:15 3:15-4:415 orTh. 7:30-8, 11-12, or by appt. Art History 560: American Art by appt. Office phone: 594-4995 Room 512300 A 412, TTh 8:00-9:152:00-3:15TH.. 1:002:30 - 3:4103:30-6:10 Email:
[email protected] Office phone: 594-4995 American Art Description/Objectives: This course is a survey of American art from colonial times to approximately 1940the present. It examines art produced in the U.S., American art institutions, and American attitudes toward art and artists. Our approach, while following a broadly chronological framework, will focus on particular issues and topics such as representations of the landscape, the politics of ethnicity, the mythology of the West, genre painting, the Gilded Age, urban monuments, paintings of city life, modernism, the the establishment of American art museums, documentary photography, and the Depression Decade, documentary photography, articulations of . sexuality, the artist’s relationship to nature and to industry. Throughout, we will view the production of art within the broader context of political, social, intellectual, and cultural issues. Prior requirements: SI expect that students enrolled in this course must have taken prior classes in Art History, particularly 258 and 259. If this is not the case, please see me before enrolling. If you have not had these courses or their equivalents, I strongly advise that you drop the course and delay taking it until you have the background that these 200 level courses provide.