The Midlands Investor
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Annual Report and Accounts 2018 Real Estate Investors Plc Annual Report and Accounts 2018 Birmingham Wolverhampton Warwick Leicester WestBirmingham Bromwich WolverhamptonLeamington Dudley Warwick Walsall LeicesterBirmingham Coventry West Wolverhampton Bromwich Leamington Warwick Dudley Leicester Walsall West Bromwich Coventry Leamington Dudley Walsall Coventry Oldbury Derby Worcester Redditch Kings Heath RugeleyOldbury Bromsgrove Derby Worcester Bearwood Redditch Acocks Kings GreenOldbury Heath Tunstall DerbyRugeley Worcester Bromsgrove Redditch Bearwood Kings AcocksHeath RugeleyGreen Tunstall Bromsgrove Bearwood Acocks Green Tunstall Kingswinford Wythall Telford Nottingham Crewe NuneatonKingswinford Birmingham Wythall Telford Wolverhampton NottinghamKingswinford Warwick Crewe NuneatonWythall Telford Birmingham Nottingham Wolverhampton Crewe Nuneaton Warwick Birmingham Wolverhampton Warwick Leicester West Bromwich Leamington Dudley WalsallLeicester Coventry West Oldbury Bromwich Derby Leamington Worcester DudleyLeicester Reddit Walsall Westch Bromwich Coventry LeamingtonOldbury Derby Dudley Worcester Walsall Reddit Coventry ch Oldbury Derby Worcester Reddit ch Kings Heath Rugeley Bromsgrove Bearwood AcocksKings Green Heath Tunstall Rugeley Kingswinford Bromsgrove WythallBearwoodKings Telford Heath Acocks Rugeley Green Bromsgrove Tunstall Kingswinford Bearwood WythallAcocks Green Telford Tunstall Kingswinford Wythall Telford Nottingham Crewe Nuneaton Birmingham WolverhamptonNottingham CreweWarwick Nuneaton Leicester BirminghamWestNottingham Bromwich Wolverhampton Crewe Nuneaton Warwick Birmingham Leicester West Wolverhampton Bromwich Warwick Leicester West Bromwich Leamington Dudley Walsall Coventry Oldbury DerbyLeamington Worcester Dudley Redditch Walsall KingsCoventry Heath LeamingtonOldbury Rugeley DerbyDudley Worcester Walsall Coventry Redditch OldburyKings Heath Derby Rugeley Worcester Redditch Kings Heath Rugeley Bromsgrove Bearwood Acocks Green Tunstall KingswinfordBromsgrove BearwoodWythall Telford Acocks Nottingham Green Bromsgrove Tunstall Crewe Kingswinford Bearwood AcocksWythall Green Telford Tunstall Nottingham Kingswinford Crewe Wythall Telford Nottingham Crewe Nuneaton Birmingham Wolverhampton Warwick LeicesterNuneaton West Birmingham Bromwich WolverhamptonLeamington Dudley Nuneaton Warwick Walsall BirminghamLeicester West Wolverhampton Bromwich Leamington Warwick Dudley Leicester Walsall West Bromwich Leamington Dudley Walsall Coventry Oldbury Derby Worcester Redditch KingsCoventry Heath OldburyRugeley BromsgroveDerby Worcester Bearwood RedditchCoventry Acocks KingsOldbury Heath Derby Rugeley Worcester Bromsgrove Redditch Bearwood Kings HeathAcocks Rugeley Bromsgrove Bearwood Acocks Green Tunstall Kingswinford Wythall Telford NottinghamGreen Crewe Tunstall Nuneaton Kingswinford Birmingham Wythall Wolverhampton TelfordGreen Nottingham Tunstall Kingswinford Crewe Nuneaton Wythall Birmingham Telford Nottingham Wolverhampton Crewe Nuneaton Birmingham Wolverhampton Warwick Leicester West Bromwich Leamington DudleyWarwick Walsall Leicester Coventry West Oldbury Bromwich Derby LeamingtonWarwick Worcester Dudley Leicester Walsall West CoventryBromwich OldburyLeamington Derby Dudley Worcester Walsall Coventry Oldbury Derby Worcester Redditch Kings Heath Rugeley Bromsgrove BearwoodRedditch Acocks Kings Green Heath Tunstall Rugeley Kingswinford BromsgroveRedditch Wythall Bearwood Kings Heath Acocks Rugeley Green TunstallBromsgrove Kingswinford Bearwood Wythall Acocks Green Tunstall Kingswinford Wythall Telford Nottingham Crewe Nuneaton Birmingham WolverhamptonTelford Nottingham Warwick Crewe Leicester Nuneaton West BirminghamTelford Bromwich Nottingham Wolverhampton Crewe WarwickNuneaton LeicesterBirmingham West Wolverhampton Bromwich Warwick Leicester West Bromwich Leamington Dudley Walsall Coventry Oldbury Derby WorcesterLeamington Redditch Dudley Kings Walsall Heath Coventry Rugeley Oldbury BromsgroveLeamington Derby Worcester Dudley Walsall Redditch Coventry Kings OldburyHeath Rugeley Derby Worcester Bromsgrove Redditch Kings Heath Rugeley Bromsgrove Bearwood Acocks Green Tunstall Kingswinford WythallBearwood Telford Acocks Nottingham Green Tunstall Crewe Kingswinford BearwoodNuneaton Wythall Acocks Green Telford Tunstall Nottingham Kingswinford Crewe Wythall Nuneaton Telford Nottingham Crewe Nuneaton Birmingham Birmingham Wolverhampton Warwick Leicester WestBirmingham Bromwich WolverhamptonLeamington Dudley Warwick Walsall LeicesterWolverhampton Coventry West Bromwich Warwick Leamington Leicester West Dudley Bromwich Walsall LeamingtonCoventry Dudley Walsall Coventry Oldbury Oldbury Derby Worcester Redditch Kings Heath RugeleyOldbury Bromsgrove Derby Worcester Bearwood Redditch Acocks Kings GreenDerby Heath Tunstall Worcester Rugeley Redditch Bromsgrove Kings Bearwood Heath Rugeley Acocks Bromsgrove Green Tunstall Bearwood Acocks Green Tunstall Kingswinford Kingswinford Wythall Telford Nottingham Crewe KingswinfordNuneaton Birmingham Wythall Telford Wolverhampton NottinghamWythall Warwick Crewe Telford Nuneaton Nottingham Birmingham Crewe Wolverhampton Nuneaton Birmingham Warwick Wolverhampton Warwick Leicester West Leicester West Bromwich Leamington Dudley WalsallLeicester Coventry West OldburyBromwich Derby Leamington Worcester DudleyBromwich Reddit Walsall ch Leamington Coventry Dudley Oldbury Walsall Derby Coventry Worcester Oldbury Reddit chDerby Worcester Reddit ch Kings Heath Kings Heath Rugeley Bromsgrove Bearwood AcocksKings Green Heath TunstallRugeley Kingswinford Bromsgrove WythallBearwoodRugeley Telford BromsgroveAcocks Green Bearwood Tunstall AcocksKingswinford Green WythallTunstall Kingswinford Telford Wythall Telford Nottingham Crewe Nottingham Crewe Nuneaton Birmingham Wo lverhamptonNottingham CreweWarwick Nuneaton Leicester Birm West inghamNuneaton Bromwich Wolverhampton Birmingham WolverhamptonWarwick Leicester Warwick West Leicester Bromwich West Bromwich Leamington Dudley Walsall THE MIDLANDS INVESTOR Real Estate Investors Plc (‘REI’) is the UK’s only Midlands-focused, Birmingham-based REIT. Internally The Company operates a robust managed by a team with over 100 years business model. With prudent of combined experience, the Company’s leverage, excellent banking proven track record, together with its relationships and access to debt, network and knowledge of the region REI has the ability to execute it operates in, have positioned it on deals quickly as a cash buyer as the premier property investor and secure criteria compliant in the Midlands. acquisitions, delivering capital enhancement across the portfolio. With recycled capital from disposals 6 YEARS OF and a growing income stream, REI aims to continue to deliver on its CONSECUTIVE progressive dividend policy, with 6 DIVIDEND years of YOY growth now recorded. GROWTH £224.8 MILLION PORTFOLIO VALUE 96.1% OCCUPANCY With a portfolio valued at over £220 million and no material reliance on any sector, asset or occupier, REI generates value via active asset management initiatives such as rent reviews, lease renewals, lettings, change of use and refurbishment. REI is uniquely positioned in a vibrant regional economy that is rapidly expanding and, with its market reputation as a preferred buyer, is able to capitalise on opportunities as they reveal themselves. HIGHLIGHTS ANOTHER YEAR OF PROGRESS STRATEGIC REPORT Financial highlights Contents Our objective: As a Real Estate Investment Trust since 2015, we generate rental income and capital growth with the aim of delivering a progressive dividend payment and capital growth for our shareholders. Underlying profit before tax* EPRA EPS** GOVERNANCE £7. 2 m 3.9p +16.1% +16.3% FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FINANCIAL Gross property assets Contracted rental income £224.8m £17.0 m +5.5% +4.9% EPRA NAV per share** Dividend per share 69.3 p 3.562p Strategic Report +0.6% +14.0% Highlights 1 At a Glance 2 Our Dividend 3 Chairman’s and Chief Executive’s Report 4 Occupancy Revenue Our Region 6 Our Business Model 10 Simplified Debt Structure 11 96.1% £15.6 m How We Create Value 12 +3.3% +5.1% Chief Executive’s Q&A 14 Our Portfolio 16 Property Report 22 Finance Director’s Report 26 Principal Risks and Uncertainties 28 Operational highlights Governance • Acquisitions of criteria compliant • Total ownership 1.55 million sq ft Board of Directors and Management 30 properties totalling £15.4 million (net of (2017: 1.5 million sq ft) – up 3.3% Corporate Governance Report 32 acquisition costs), at a net initial yield of • Renewed £20 million bank facility with Directors’ Remuneration Report 35 8.88% and reversionary yield of 9.20% Lloyds in December 2018 for 5 years Directors’ Report 37 • Property disposal proceeds totalling • £10 million new facility secured with RBS £5.7 million, as REI recycles capital into at 1.95% above LIBOR Financial Statements criteria compliant assets • Like for like portfolio valuation £209.2 Independent Auditor’s Report to the • Active asset management with 25 new million (2017: £207.4 million) – up 0.9% Members of Real Estate Investors Plc 38 lettings and 6 lease renewals Consolidated Statement of • Overall occupancy increased to 96.1% * Underlying PBT excludes profit/loss on revaluation, Comprehensive Income 42 (2017: 92.8%) – up 3.3% sale of properties and interest rate swaps Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity 43 ** EPRA = European Public Real Estate Association • WAULT*** 4.24 years to break and 6.24 Company Statement of Changes in Equity 43 *** WAULT = Weighted Average Unexpired years