

REVIEW: 2007/08


The & Kings Heath Ward Development Plan has been Document References: reviewed and up dated following the Constituency boundary changes • City Council (2006) “Kings Heath Local Action Plan” in June 2006. Using the previous Ward Development Plan (2004/05) (KHLAP) as a starting point, this review has taken place in order to report on the • Birmingham City Council (2006) “Listening to Improving Services for progress of the key issues and identify priorities for the Ward and the Environment” (LISE) suggest ways in which they can be tackled. • Birmingham City Council (2007) “ENCAMS Survey 04/06/07” • Birmingham City Council (2006) “ District Area Agreement” It has been prepared on the basis of local knowledge, views and (DAA) concerns as expressed by local people and community groups at • Birmingham Community Safety Partnership (2007) “Hall Green public discussions and Ward meetings. The priorities have been Constituency Community Strategic Assessment 2006/07” (CSA) backed up by evidence provided through the Neighbourhood Renewal • Birmingham Health & Wellbeing Partnership (2007) “Life Expectancy Profile and reference has also been made to local consultations. The & Health Inequalities” (BHWP) revised document has also undergone consultation with statutory • Birmingham Strategic Partnership (2006) “Neighbourhood Renewal partner agencies as well as local voluntary sector organisations. Profile” (NRP) • Birmingham Youth Service (2007) “Outcomes Framework – District The Ward Development Plan is an important document as it highlights Plan” (BYS) key priorities & issues for the Ward and provides a framework for the • Bishop Challoner Extended Schools Cluster (2007/08) “Action Plan” future development of the Ward. • Highbury Partnership Extended Schools Cluster (2006) “Action Plan” • Moseley CDT (2004) “Moseley the Creative Village- A Forward Strategy Report” For further details contact: • Moseley Forum (2004) “Moseley Community Plan-Planning for Real” Muna Masood, Ward Support Officer • Moseley Forum (2006) “The Tornado & Neighbourhood Renewal Hall Green Constituency Proposal for North Moseley” 0121 675 9000 • Research by Design (2007) “Kings Heath Visitors Survey” [email protected]

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COMMUNITY SAFETY : Moseley & Kings Heath should be safe for people who live, work or visit the Ward by tackling crime, anti social behaviour and improving community safety.

OBJECTIVE EVIDENCE ACTIONS REQUIRED PRIORITY PROGRESS TO DATE POTENTIAL TARGET PARTNERS OUTCOME Reduce Crime Ward ranks 8 th highest out of 40 Sustain & enhance the Kings Heath High Kings Heath CCTV: revenue costs Highways, Police Reduction of & Fear of Crime for Personal Robbery (CSA) CCTV scheme sustained through Transportation crime & fear of section. crime Ward ranks 3 rd highest out of 40 Store Net: implemented by Police. for Theft from Person mainly in Develop “Shop Watch” in Kings Heath High “Shop Watch”: Being developed by Police, Business Reduction of Kings Heath (CSA). shopping area Police & businesses in Kings Heath. Associations crime Review expansion of CCTV in to other Low/ difficult Expansion of CCTV: Temporary mobile City Council, Police Reduction of 27% of Wounding Offences in parts of the ward CCTV used at various locations. crime Hall Green is in Kings Heath. Shared agency approaches to reduce Medium Crime & Fear of Crime: Police, Housing Reduction of (CSA) fear of crime & increase confidence • Neighbourhood Tasking led by Associations, community crime & fear of

th Police groups, Housing, crime Ward ranks 17 out of 40 for • Constituency, Moseley Common Assault (CSA) Local Delivery Group set up for CDT new constituency. • Offences for Hate Crime & Police surgeries set up in mobile Domestic Violence are 3 times units/ caravans. • higher than City average in parts Street Wardens & Environmental of north Moseley & Kings Heath Warden: work with Police to (CSA) provide support when necessary. Tackle robbery & violent crime hotspots High/ difficult Aquarius Route 50 Project: tackling Police, City Council, Reduction of alcohol related issues. Aquarius robberies, violent crime Campaigns to tackle domestic violence High/ difficult Domestic Violence: Constituency Police, Libraries, Reduction of Domestic Violence & World Cup Constituency domestic Campaigns targeted local pubs. violence Libraries provide advice & workshops. Public Lighting Improvements Street lighting improvements Medium Ward Lighting Programme Highways Reduction of Prioritisation crime & fear of Moseley Community Plan crime Ward is ranked 4th highest out Tackle burglary hotspots High/ difficult Burglary Reduction Initiative: Scheme Police, Family Housing, Reduction of of 40 for residential burglary developed for Constituency. Burglary Constituency burglaries (CSA) reduced from 2 nd highest Ward in the City to 4 th in the past year.

Enough is Enough: implemented gating scheme during 2004-06.

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Tackle anti Drug offences & treatment high Reduce street drinking, drug abuse, Medium Moseley Street Wardens: work closely PCT, City Council, Reduction of social behaviour for Kings Heath compared to begging with street drinkers, assisted in the Police, Aquarius, anti social City (CSA). Alcohol Free Zone. Moseley CDT, Extended incidences Schools Clusters. Moseley Community Plan Route 50 Project (Aquarius): provided support & raised awareness of alcohol abuse.

Early Evening Youth Activities: raise awareness of risks of alcohol & drugs amongst young people. Kings Heath scores 3 times Increase diversionary activities for young Medium Trafalgar Road Pocket Park, Young Youth Services, Police, Reduction in above City average for offences people Voices & Early Evening Youth Activities voluntary organisations, numbers of committed by young people developed to involve young people. extended schools young people (CSA) clusters in crime Develop network of Safer Estates Medium Woodbridge Safer Estates Group set up. Police, Housing, Reduction of Hall Green Safer Estates group being Birmingham Anti Social anti social set up to cover Kings Heath. Behaviour Unit, incidences Constituency Promote “Dying to Drive” campaign Low Fire Service currently delivering Fire Service, schools Reduction to amongst secondary schools campaign with local schools road traffic collisions Improve fire 30.8% of all Accidental Dwelling Review home safety e.g. security, fire Low Burglary Reduction Scheme: City Council, Fire Reduction of safety Fires in Hall Green Constituency precautions, installation of gates to Constituency wide scheme. Service, Police, Family accidental take place in Ward (CSA) alleyways Housing, Constituency fires, arson & Enough is Enough: implemented gating burglaries scheme

Keep Your Business in Business: developed by Fire Service to increase awareness of rubbish & arson.

HOUSING : Support actions to bring properties to a decent standard and improve the housing provision to meet the needs of local people.

OBJECTIVE EVIDENCE ACTIONS REQUIRED PRIORITY PROGRESS TO DATE POTENTIAL TARGET PARTNERS OUTCOME Support a range 19.3-28.8% households Bring vacant properties back into use. High/ difficult Empty Properties project: now part of the Housing Properties of housing types overcrowded in north Moseley City-wide scheme. back into use as compared to the Birmingham Impact of new housing developments Low/ difficult Discussions needed with Planning Planning Impact average of 9.6%. (NRP) need to be assessed assessment undertaken 90.2 to 100% of north Moseley Improve standard of homes Low/ difficult The City’s housing strategy provides a Housing, Housing Improved Council owned homes failed to target to improve the standard of all Associations homes meet the Decent Homes social housing by 2010. Standard compared to the Improve energy efficiency of homes Medium Green Doctor scheme is being Moseley CDT, Housing Improved Birmingham average of 67.6%. implemented by the Moseley Street homes (NRP) Wardens

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ENVIRONMENT : The quality of the environment, including shopping & residential areas, has always been a key theme for the Ward and consequently the Ward Committee has set up a sub group, the Clean Environment Thematic Group, to identify gaps & improve the environment. The need to secure environmental improvements in order to conserve the Ward’s valuable green spaces along with sustainable practices, e.g. recycling & composting, has also been highlighted.

OBJECTIVE EVIDENCE ACTIONS REQUIRED PRIORITY PROGRESS TO DATE POTENTIAL TARGET PARTNERS OUTCOME Cleaner & tidier Litter & Detritus: 4% sites Remove graffiti, fly posters & placards & High Graffiti & Fly Poster: Heartlands RSO & Heartlands RSO, Cleaner & streets unsatisfactory compared to city identify preventative measures Warden schemes assist. Moseley CDT, City tidier street target of 12%. Smoking, Council scene confectionary & non alcoholic Remove unnecessary clutter, e.g. illegal High A Board Removal: being targeted for Highways, business Tidier street related litter main issues. advertising boards & investigate Kings Heath groups, Wardens scenes. (ENCAMS) alternatives. Sustain & expand Street Warden & High/ difficult Wardens: funded do date through NRF City Council, Moseley Sustainability Fly Posting: Ward scored 4% & Environmental Warden schemes CDT of schemes is above target baseline of 0.6% Prevent dog fouling High /difficult Wardens: carry out dog fouling Regulatory Services, Cleaner streets (ENCAMS) enforcement activities & open spaces Support litter & rubbish reduction High/ difficult Litter & Rubbish: Mechanical Sweeper Regulatory Services Cleaner & tidier Kings Heath Local Action Plan initiatives piloted successfully. Special Street street scene Moseley Community Plan Collections & Junkswaps funded. LISE Container refuse collections piloted. Kings Heath Visitors Survey Sustainability Kings Heath Local Action Plan Increase recycling facilities High/ difficult Recycling Initiatives: Brumcan recycling Brumcan, Regulatory Increased Moseley Community Plan piloted successfully. City’s kerbside Services recycling recycling due to expand. Underground recycling facilities in Silver Street. Encourage sustainable environmental Medium/ Awareness Raising: Moseley in Bloom’s Moseley in Bloom, local Improved practices e.g. awareness raising, difficult schools liaison group exploring Eco schools, voluntary environmental renewable energy, recycling, low energy Schools organisations, Moseley practices bulbs, reduce carbon emissions etc Moseley Forum (SusMo) exploring ways Forum, City Council to reduce CO 2 emissions. Greening the Kings Heath Local Action Plan Improve parks & play facilities e.g. Low /difficult Parks development: Parks 4 Play & City Council, Friends of Increased use ward Moseley Community Plan Highbury Park, Moseley Park & Pool, Trafalgar Road Park schemes, Kings Parks, Voluntary of parks Trafalgar Road Park & Kings Heath Park Heath Park Multi Use Games Area Organisations Improve retail areas – e.g. new street Medium Discussions underway to improve Kings City Council, Kings Improved furniture, seating, paving, repaint street Heath retail area. Street furniture Heath Centre appearance of furniture repainted across the Ward Partnership retail areas Green streets – e.g. hanging baskets & Medium Moseley in Bloom & Kings Heath Floral Kings Heath Floral Trail, Improved planters, tree planting, front gardens Trail “greening” Moseley Village & Kings Moseley in Bloom, City street scene Heath retail area Council Explore the scope for park keepers Low /difficult Assistant Ranger: recruited for Highbury Friends of Highbury Improved Park. Park, City Council parks Encourage take up of composting High /difficult Composting service covering Ward. Run Community Service Improved service A Muck successfully piloted. Volunteers, City Council environment Encourage appropriate tree planting & medium/difficult Tree Planting Programme: Tree planting City Council, Moseley in Improved landscaping programme being implemented. Bloom environment Encourage tidy & green gardens Medium Front Gardens: RHS leaflet being Moseley Society, Improved delivered to all householders Moseley in Bloom environment

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TRANSPORTATION : The quality of transportation links within the Ward has been a key priority for both Neighbourhood Forums. The need to reduce traffic impacts and to balance the needs of the differing communities, including residential & business communities, is crucial in terms of any improvements that are made.

OBJECTIVE EVIDENCE ACTIONS REQUIRED PRIORITY PROGRESS TO DATE POTENTIAL TARGET PARTNERS OUTCOME Improve Kings Heath Local Action Plan Parking - Review parking issues to High /difficult Moseley residents parking schemes Highways Parking transportation Moseley Community Plan support both residents & retail areas explored. improved links and reduce including retail deliveries & school traffic impacts dropping off provision. Kings Heath Local Action Plan Safety – pedestrian & roads. Review the High School Travel Plan: team currently Highways, local schools Reduction of Moseley Community Plan present traffic calming arrangements & working with local schools to promote traffic Bishop Challoner & Highbury consider needs of schools & other walking, cycling & use of public transport accidents Partnership Extended Schools services. Electronic Signs: being implemented in Cluster • Explore traffic calming – 20mph zones Russell Road to reduce speed. • Safer routes to schools • At puffin pedestrian crossings Kings Heath Local Action Plan Develop traffic management proposals Medium Traffic Management: Traffic regulation Highways Improved for addressing issues of loading, limited orders (TRO) being examined by traffic flow street parking & signage Highways “Kings Heath Centre”. Kings Heath Local Action Plan Consider whether present pedestrian Medium Pedestrian Facilities: drop kerbs being Highways Improved Moseley Community Plan facilities & footway arrangements are examined by Highways “Kings Heath pedestrian appropriate. Centre”. facilities. Identify better pedestrian crossings at Reduced busy junctions. traffic Kings Heath Local Action Plan Improve cycle routes & facilities Medium Cycling Facilities: cycling stands installed Highways Increased Moseley Community Plan in Kings Heath. cycling Kings Heath Local Action Plan Seek ways to reduce clutter & excessive High Rationalising Signage: being examined Highways, Regulatory Tidier streets signage through coordinated design. by Highways “Kings Heath Centre”. Services Kings Heath Local Action Plan Review with bus operators & Centro Medium Centro are exploring interchanges at Centro, Reduced Moseley Community Plan present routes, bus interchange Kings Heath. Travel, Highways traffic arrangements & access to reduce through traffic levels.

Define bus stop waiting areas on footways. Kings Heath Local Action Plan Explore reintroduction of local passenger Low/ difficult Discussions underway to develop rail link Highways, Centro, Rail Reduced Moseley Community Plan rail services for Moseley & Kings Heath. operators traffic

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CHILDREN & YOUNG PEOPLE : 10 primary schools, 6 secondary schools, 2 special schools and a number of private nurseries are located in the Ward. The social and learning needs of young people to encourage their personal development & community involvement are crucial to promote confidence & respect.

OBJECTIVE EVIDENCE ACTIONS REQUIRED PRIORITY PROGRESS TO DATE POTENTIAL TARGET PARTNERS OUTCOME Encourage Key Stage 2: parts of north Identify schemes that would strengthen High Library Outreach Project: successfully Library Services, local Raised enjoyment & Moseley 49.9% & below as educational achievement piloted at local centres resulting in over schools & organisations educational achievement compared to City average of 200 new library members. achievement 65.4% (NRP). Develop library services Medium Library introductions being made with Library Services, local Raised local schools schools & organisations educational Key Stage 3: parts of north achievement Moseley 49.9% & below as Support the development of cultural, Medium Exploring feasibility for a multi media Schools, libraries, play Increased compared to City average 52.5% music & arts projects centre for Queensbridge School. services, voluntary availability of (NRP). Moseley Children’s Music Festival organisations recreational supported. activities Small concentrations of young Support inclusive out of school activities High Play Provision & Activities: Moseley & City Council, Play Increased people gaining 5 in more GCSEs & play provision Kings Heath Play Forum operating. Services, voluntary availability of at A-C rank below the City Other play provision includes Trafalgar organisations, Play recreational average for north Moseley. Pocket Park Group, Parks 4 Play & Forum. activities (NRP). Highbury Partnership. Children’s Play Project providing after school & holiday Early Learning (Foundation provision. Inclusive play also taking Stage): parts of north Moseley place at Calvary Play Scheme 49.9% & below as compared to Engage with young people congregating High Early Evening Youth Activities Youth Services, City average of 51.3% (NRP). in areas such as street corners, Moseley developed to target young people Extended Schools Village etc Clusters

Develop children’s community facilities High Being developed by Play Forum, Play Forum, Extended Increased database extended schools & library. Schools, Library provision Support young people at risk of High Head teachers & extend schools clusters Schools, extended Raised disaffection with school begun initial discussions schools clusters educational achievement Develop virtual children’s centre High Highbury Partnership Cluster appointed Highbury Partnership Increased provision targeting under 5s officer to develop this. Cluster, Early Years provision for under 5s Increase provision for young people High Initial discussions underway with Play Play Forum, extended Increased particularly for 11-13 year olds Forum & extended school clusters. schools clusters, youth provision services Encourage Kings Heath Local Action Plan Increase number of schools with school Medium School Travel Plan: team working with Highways, local schools Reduction of healthy activities Moseley Community Plan travel plans & develop safer routes to local schools to promote walking, cycling traffic school. & use of public transport accidents Make positive BYS Outcomes Framework Plan Develop parent & family support Medium Being developed through schools Extended Schools Reduction of contribution Extended Schools Clusters clusters & children’s centre. Parent Cluster, Play & Youth disaffection Support Worker being appointed at services, Children’s Bishop Challenor School Centre Recruit youth worker & develop youth High Youth Services recruiting youth worker Youth Services Increased development plan for Ward. provision

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Develop provision for young people in High All Saints Youth Project also developing All Saints Youth Project, Increased line with the Youth Service constituency bids for further projects. Youth Services provision plan & Every Child Matters Improve Young people who are victims of Support crime victims e.g. reduce Medium Discussions underway with community Victim Support, Police, Improved community crime are 4 times higher in parts antisocial behaviour, bullying & other safety coordinator Extended Schools, Play safety safety of Kings Heath & north Moseley crimes & Youth Services, than the City average (CSA) Constituency

COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT & PARTICIPATION : Consultation & engagement including active community involvement and participation is crucial to strengthening local democracy and enabling all communities to become involved in decisions affecting their neighbourhood.

OBJECTIVE EVIDENCE ACTIONS REQUIRED PRIORITY PROGRESS TO DATE POTENTIAL TARGET PARTNERS OUTCOME Support Moseley Community Plan Improve facilities for local community High / difficult Constituency asset management Local voluntary & Increased community use e.g. meeting rooms, cafés, including process underway. community facilities for groups & sharing of facilities such as common All Saints Community Development organisations, City community encourage rooms etc. especially north Moseley Project underway. Council participation Discussions underway to explore use of Library learning centre for community. Support community cohesion & Medium Moseley CDT Volunteer Directory, Local community Increased volunteering opportunities Diversity Day, Black History Month taken organisations, library, volunteering place Kings Heath community opportunities centre, Moseley CDT Review community development for the High Community development review being Hall Green Community Ward including Moseley. undertaken by the Constituency Constituency, Moseley development CDT cover whole ward Maximise opportunities for participation High / difficult Community development review to take Hall Green Increased & ensure the diverse communities are place. Constituency, voluntary participation consulted & engaged organisations Identify support required for elderly Medium Handy Person & Benefit Advice Adults & Communities, Review carried people schemes supported. All Saints Project, St out Discussions with Adults & Communities Agnes over 50s, to take place. Support local festivals & events Medium Events Supported: Moseley Festival, Local community Increased Christmas lights, Kings Heath Carnival organisations participation Advice & welfare Moseley Community Plan Expand & support legal, social & welfare High / difficult Benefit Advice for Over 60s Benefit Advice Team, Increased advice including homelessness, drug & Primary Care Trust, number of alcohol advice and benefit take up Neighbourhood Office, support Citizens Advice Bureau services Improve Moseley Community Plan Identify ways to disseminate information, High Notice boards installed in Trafalgar Road Neighbourhood Forum, Improved dissemination of Kings Heath Local Action Plan improve communication, publicise & Open Space & Highbury Park. community & voluntary dissemination information market schemes groups, City Council of information Development of library services Medium Dissemination of information e.g. health Library, local community Increased including learning centre awareness, outreach work, local issues, organisations participation workshops. Support cultural Moseley Community Plan Supports arts & cultural activities for all Low Moseley Children’s Music Festival, Community Increased & creative sections of the community Moseley Festival, Diversity Day taken organisations, Moseley participation schemes place in the Ward Inter Faith group

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HEALTH : Health related issues including improving life expectancy and reducing health inequalities have been identified at various levels in order to combat obesity, circulatory disease and cancer through awareness raising, exercise and nutrition guidance.

OBJECTIVE EVIDENCE ACTIONS REQUIRED PRIORITY PROGRESS TO DATE POTENTIAL TARGET PARTNERS OUTCOME Improve life Ward ranks 33 rd for circulatory Improve access to health facilities & Medium Health Centre: All Saints Project being All Saints Community Improved expectancy & diseases with concentrations advice especially targeting north developed in Kings Heath. Project, PCT, City health promote healthy above 200% in north Moseley Moseley Books on Prescription available at Kings Council, Moseley CDT lifestyles compared to average. Heath Library (NRP)

Crude death rates for stroke Increase sports development & Medium Access to Sports Facilities: Bishop Sports facilities, City Improved ranked 5 th highest in City. encourage people to take up more sport Challenor Sports Centre agreed for use Council health (BWHP) by wider community.

For cancer, Ward ranks 17 th out of 40 in the City with Support health promotion initiatives e.g. Medium Health activities developed at Highbury Local community Improved concentrations above 200% in Walk 2000, smoking cessation, free Park including Walk 2000 organisations, City health parts of north Moseley swimming for children, ‘walking buses’, Council, Primary Care compared to England average. safer routes to school, healthy eating & Trust (NRP). exercise

Low Birth Weight: parts of north Tackle problems of alcohol & drug abuse High Alcohol Issues: Moseley Street Primary Care Trust, City Reduction of Moseley above 15% compared Wardens, Route 50 scheme, alcohol free Council, Police, alcohol & drug to national average of 5.04%. zone in Moseley. Aquarius, Moseley CDT abuse Ward ranks 37 th out of 40 for infant mortality. (NRP) Improve quality Moseley Community Plan Develop initiatives to improve quality of Medium Benefit Take up for over 60s funded, City Council, Moseley Improve of life for older life for older people e.g. benefit advice. Green Doctor Scheme CDT independence people & & well being of vulnerable older people people Support mental health & learning Low Mental Health: TOPIC (male suicide City Council, Primary Reductions of difficulties initiatives project) mainstreamed by Mental Health Care Trust, Mental people Trust Health Trust suffering from mental illness Reduce health Rate of deaths from all causes in Develop healthy hearts programmes. High Healthy Hearts initiative developed to Gateway Family Reduction in inequalities north Moseley is 200% above target men to improve lifestyles Services, PCT, City heart disease England average. (NRP). Council

Life expectancy for males ranked 7th for Birmingham. (BWHP)

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REGENERATION & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT : The balance between long-term regeneration to ensure economic success and prosperity of the poor neighbourhoods against the wish to conserve the character of the Ward as well as the existing valuable green spaces is a key priority of the plan.

OBJECTIVE EVIDENCE ACTIONS REQUIRED PRIORITY PROGRESS TO DATE POTENTIAL TARGET PARTNERS OUTCOME Encourage long Kings Heath Local Action Plan Support local efforts in regeneration e.g. Medium All Saints Community Project: Phase 1 City Council, All Saints Completion of: term efforts in Moseley Community Plan All Saints Community Project. of the development underway. Moseley Community Project, -All Saints physical Support Moseley Regeneration Group to Regeneration Group addressing issues Moseley Regeneration -Moseley regeneration develop the Moseley Action Plan in Moseley. Group Action Plan Encourage Kings Heath Local Action Plan Develop new businesses & social Medium Plugging the Leaks project being Moseley CDT, Libraries, Increased new entrepreneurial Moseley Community Plan enterprises developed by Moseley CDT. Raising Enterprising businesses & diversity & local awareness of self employment through Communities social business Business Insight enterprises development Expansion of Farmers & Arts Markets in High Two Farmers Markets: successfully Moseley Forum, Kings Availability of Moseley & Kings Heath organised by Moseley Forum & Kings Heath Business local produce Heath Business Association Association Support Moseley Creative Village. High Projects include Moseley Exchange & Moseley CDT, Creative Identify support for media & arts Moseley Arts Stalls Enterprising village industries Communities Develop local Kings Heath Local Action Plan Explore the scope for town centre Medium Discussions underway with Kings Heath Kings Heath Centre Appointment centres Moseley Community Plan managers Centre Partnership. Partnership of TCM Develop a blueprint/ design feasibility for High Discussions underway with key partners City Council, Centro, Improved Kings Heath Kings Heath Centre centre Partnership Develop Business Improvement District High Business Improvement District: going Business Associations, Approved BID for Kings Heath. ahead in Kings Heath City Council, Chamber area Develop identity for Moseley. of Commerce

General improvements to the shopping Medium Retail Environment: Moseley in Bloom Voluntary groups, City Diverse range environment to attract quality retailing & scheme & Kings Heath Floral Trail Council of small office development contributing to greening the retail areas. businesses Highways improvements underway for attracted Kings Heath. Encourage % population economically Develop employment project targeting High/ difficult Employment Scheme: Integrated Enterprising Reduction in economic well inactive above 40.1% for north north Moseley. Gateways scheme being implemented in Communities, Benefit the number of being Moseley as compared to City Attract new employers. north Moseley. advice team, claimants & average of 31.5%. (NRP). neighbourhood offices, those Business Link, Moseley unemployed % claimants of Job Seeker CDT, Learning Skills Allowance above 15.1% in north Council. Moseley as compared to City average of 8.4%. (NRP).

% claiming Income Support above 15% for north Moseley as compared to City average of 10.4% (NRP).

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