One Nation Under God Ministries ( Some Forgotten
One Nation Under God Ministries ( Some Forgotten Truths About The Rapture, The Resurrection, And The Protestant Reformation, That Many Churches Today Don’t Want YOU To Remember! (Part 2) 1 One Nation Under God Ministries ( Some Forgotten Truths About The Rapture, The Resurrection, And The Protestant Reformation, That Many Churches Today Don’t Want YOU To Remember! (Part 2) "The Catholic Church for over 1,000 years before the existence of a Protestant, by virtue of her divine mission, changed the day [of worship] from Saturday to Sunday…” – The Catholic Mirror: Official publication of Cardinal Gibbons and the Papacy in the United States, published in Baltimore, Maryland, September 1893. Welcome back to Part 2 of our Bible Study! If you haven’t read Part 1 of this study, we invite you to go back, and catch up on what we covered last week. Just go to, and READ: BIBLE STUDY: Some Forgotten Truths About The Rapture, The Resurrection, And The Protestant Reformation, That Many Churches Today Don’t Want YOU To Remember! (Part One) Let us pray… Father God, we Thank You, Sir, that You have opened our eyes today, to Show us Your Truth. Your Truth is not a natural truth, and no natural man, no human man can understand Your Truth, unless You Give Us that Ability – Through Your Spirit, by Your Power, to Understand It! We Thank You LORD for Blessing our eyes that they can SEE today, and we Thank You LORD for Blessing our ears that they can HEAR today The Things You will Reveal to us; that we may Follow You and Worship You in Spirit and in Truth!!! Take us Father, from darkness into Your Light; from Satan’s power to deceive us, into Your Power to Reveal To Us – YOUR Truth, and Enlighten Us to KNOW Your Word! We Ask that YOU Teach Us, Father; to be Obedient Followers of ALL that You Reveal to us here today.
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