Pre-tribulation rapturism, John Nelson Darby, 1829 (believed that the church was to be removed before 3.5 years, father of pre-millennial dispensationalism)

Futurism, Francisco Ribera Jesuit, 1590 (the corrupter of Daniel 9:27) Post-tribulation rapturism by Alexander Reese, 1937

Post-tribulation rapturism by Robert Gundry, 1973

“In His Time,” Day of the LORD view by Paul J. Wickliffe, Nov. 2, 2002 Preterism (past), Luis de Alcazar, Jesuit, 1614, Historicism, William (believed that the prophecies Miller, 1818 (Adventist founder), (proposed that one day contained in the Book of equivalent to one year) Revelation had been fulfilled) Millennial Views

1. Pre-millennial View (before the 1,000 yrs.)—Christ will return, physically, before the 1,000 years to inaugurate his rule and reign over an earthly kingdom

2. Amillennial View (no 1,000 yr. reign of Christ)—Christ rules in the hearts of men (a spiritual kingdom), however there is no earthly, literal kingdom of 1,000 years between his two comings

3. Postmillennial View (Christ will appear after the 1,000 yrs.)—Man will usher in the kingdom through the preaching of the gospel. Christ will sit upon his throne after men accept Christ’s message universally.

Author’s comment The most disturbing thing about making known to the reading audience the unscriptural views of and postmillennialism is the witness of scripture—they cannot hold up to biblical scrutiny. It is time believers stop listening to what others say and find out the truth for themselves. This can only happen if they approach the LORD with a godly attitude, seek the Holy Spirit’s leading, and study from the inerrant scriptures, namely the K.J.V. When a believer is convinced they cannot know scripture apart from the church leadership, a pastor, a seminary student or professor, a Greek or Hebrew ‘scholar,’ I can assure you that brainwashing has been successful. If one understands the importance of a godly attitude, reliance on the Holy Spirit as one’s teacher, and can discern between the genuine (K.J.V.) from the counterfeit, God will lead and guide you into all truth. Oh, and steer clear of those K.J.V. Bible correctors. Remember:

1. COMPARE SCRIPTURE WITH SCRIPTURE 2. LEAVE WORDS IN THEIR CONTEXT 3. UNSCRIPTURAL BIASES THROWN OUT The spirit of exhibits itself today in the Pope Francis— vain philosophies of men and pride (self-esteem). CURRENT FALSE PROPHET This mindset exalts itself above the knowledge of Seventh 70 A.D. EPHESUS God and the person of Christ. Who will you C C choose—man’s way or God’s way (Christ)? O Seal H I S T M E R S S Current Black Pope, Arturo Sosa, Caracas, Venez. I T E R I M Jesuit Superior General and the U.N.—THE BEAST SMYRNA C P S E V A L National Council of Churches T M E E & E ‘ N L B S P E U L PERGAMOS A I T A B R L R E S E Inferior manuscripts T T W E I and counterfeit H R O C & World S A O text types elevated L A Council of Churches P D W as the Word of Y U N THYATIRA M P B W E God. This watershed E E E San Andreas The great whore of R E D A Revelation 17:1 I issue of biblical Fault, Calif. T N S S T R C S A inerrancy, textual I U E T T H transmission S T N R and preservation T R R E C E R U SARDIS N E U THE will factor into E T R A the deception of many. R E “Mystery, Babylon the Great, ANTICHRIST S C O V The Mother of Harlots and B S I C T H Matt. 24:24 E Abominations of the Earth” O Y A A E O H I E Matthew 24:24 – For there shall S E PHILADELPHIA N L S N E O R arise false Christ’s, and false C E The falling away, which started T D S N E prophets, and shall shew great signs E D during ’ ministry, will have its and wonders; insomuch that, if it S ultimate climax, as those who reject were possible, they shall deceive the Messiah, receive the mark of the Beast (666) LAODICEA the very elect.

MATTHEW 24:32-34 The signals Christ’s F THE PARABLE OF THE FIG TREE Return I R James Tissot, 1836-1902, “Solomon Seals—Tribulation sent to O Dedicates the Temple at ” test Christians S 1. White horse (False religious system of Rome) Trumpets—God’s grace P extended to unrepentant T 2. Red horse (wars and rumors of wars) men E 3. Black horse (famine, pestilence) Vials—God’s patience, 5 N 4. Pale horse (consequences of previous two: death & Hell) mercy & grace absent E 5. Christian martyrdom (Stephen first martyr-Acts 7:59, Matt. 24:9) S D 6. Cosmic disturbances (Sun, moon, stars, heaven affected) 7. Seventh seal opens seven trumpet judgments Beast rules and two witnesses E testify simultaneously A Beast establishes image in temple—issues 666--Jews double-crossed/Peace The construction of the Jewish treaty broken/Global Judeo-Christian purge begins L temple ‘triggers’ the last 3.5 yrs. S Beginning of Sorrows and Seven Seals of Revelation 6 RAPTURE Messiah’s Second Advent

Tribulation Great Tribulation

3.5 YEARS 3.5 YEARS Antichrist signs Abomination of false peace Desolation


Proponents: 7. Dr. Charles Ryrie 1. Margaret MacDonald 8. Charles Feinberg 2. John Darby 9. Arno Gabelein 3. Dr. C.I. Scofield 10. Harry Ironside 4. W.E. Vine 11. James Gray 5. Dr. John F. Walvrood 12. Ruben Torrey 6. Dr. J Dwight Pentecost 13. Lewis Sperry Chaffer

Copyright © 2008 Day of the LORD Publications RAPTURE ’

Tribulation Great Tribulation

3.5 YEARS 3.5 YEARS Antichrist signs Abomination of false peace Desolation


Proponents: 1. Norman B. Harrison (“The End: Rethinking the Revelation,” 1941) 2. J. Oliver Buswell 3. Harold J. Ockenga 4. Gleason Archer

Copyright © 2008 Day of the LORD Publications ’

RAPTURE Tribulation Great Tribulation


Antichrist signs Abomination of false peace Desolation


Proponents: 1. Alexander Reese, in the book, “The Approaching Advent of Christ,” 1937 2. Dr. George E. Ladd 3. J. Barton Payne 4. Dave Macpherson 5. Larry Simmons 6. William Arnold III

Copyright © 2008 Day of the LORD Publications Messiah’s Second Advent




Antichrist Abomination of signs Desolation false peace


Formulator/Proponent: Robert Gundry in his book, “The Church and the Tribulation,” 1973

Copyright © 2008 Day of the LORD Publications RAPTURE Messiah’s Second Advent

Beginning of Sorrows G r e a t The Day of the Lord Tribulation

3.5 YEARS 3.5 YEARS Antichrist signs Abomination of false peace Desolation


Formulator/Proponent: Marvin Rosenthal in his book, “The Pre-Wrath Rapture of the Church,” 1990

Copyright © 2008 Day of the LORD Publications Best known of the Historicists is probably Day = year to William Miller (1782-1849) His followers came to be Rome, known as Millerites and his

exiled heirs comprise people in the on abdicates Adventist, Jehovah Witness,

100 100 A.D. and Advent Christian

pope communities





govt. church

























end end of apostolic









Fall Eastern Fall of Roman Empire Ottoman to Turks


Ostragoths Ostragoths withdraw Rome from leaving Bishop

Jerusalem Jerusalem Islam to falls







538 Rome of Justinian’s fulfill decreeto 533 of 1798 proclaims France




Apostolic Apostolic agechurch begins

scriptures scriptures completed



Holy distinguishing


APOSTOLIC 33 A.D. Papal ascendency and FAITH

supremacy—1,260 years REVIVED Death of John

INSTEAD OF days 476 Oct. 1 1517 Protestant 1517 1 Oct. and the denominationalism rise of Jesus’


67 yrs. From Rome’s perspective they are the thesis in Hegel’s dialectic, while the Protestants are the antithesis. In this sinister formula for change, what will emerge from this struggle, initiated and executed by Rome and entertained clandestinely by Protestant

Apostolic Apostolic agechurch ends leaders, is the harlot church revealed in Revelation. PRIESTHOOD PRIESTHOOD BELIEVER

The falling away from Christ, from the Origen of Alexandria, Egypt Beast signs false covenant inception of the apostolic church, gave rise (184-253) to a conspiracy whose purpose was to falsify the scriptures (Alexandria, Egypt) 7 thereby increasing the ranks of counterfeit yr. Daniel’s 70th Week ‘Christians.’ Origen of Alexandria, Egypt a trib sinister manuscript corrupter, was the first . to produce a counterfeit ‘bible.’ He also gave us the famous perverted ‘Septuagint’ (LXXII), namely a corrupted Greek Old Testament with the Apocrypha.

Major tenets of Historicism: 1. A day is equivalent to a year—this eschatological belief has led to an allegorizing approach toward scripture 2. The 1,260 days, 42 months, etc. we find referring to the last half of Daniel’s 70th Week have been fulfilled

3. General agreement among Historicists that what is being spoken of in Revelation 9 is a reference to Muslim expansionism—this is abomination of desolation not what Revelation 9 is revealing. John clearly says this is a vision from heaven (v. 17). Verses 1-11 speaks of creatures from the bottomless pit who will torment men five months with the stings from their tails. Verses 12-21 discloses creatures that will kill one third of mankind. These are spiritual beings allowed to physically manifest before men to torment and kill. God could not be more explicit about this passage. Do not forget the three men (Gen. 18:2) that appeared to Abraham in the plains of Mamre? 4. Numerous Historicists embrace the unscriptural view of post-millennialism because of a failure to understand time as God sees it (from eternity’s perspective) Preterism, Latin praeter for past

Preterism covers the time period of the Crucifixion until 70 A.D. All of The has been fulfilled

The counter eschatological, allegorizing Jesuit view by Luis de Alcazar (1554-1613) with author’s comments Jewish temple, wall and city destroyed by Pentecost—start of apostolic Titus in 70 A.D. church age lasting 67 years (‘til the death of John in 100 A.D.) See comments on #8 below

Claudius NERO 54 A.D. 41-54 TO 68 A.D.

Vitelius 69 A.D. Galba Under his reign 68-69 A.D. Preterism’s *beast, Nero Jerusalem was Crucifixion, 54-68 A.D. destroyed 33.5 A.D. Executed apostle Paul Emperor Vespasian 69-79 All prophecy fulfilled (Jewish, Messianic, church, other predictive A.D. utterances) for example, Armageddon, 144,000 Jewish evangelists, etc.

The eschatology has produced some of the most bizarre and unscriptural tenets. Some of those are: 1. Jesus rules from Jerusalem, of course not literally but spiritually. His kingdom Revelation 17:10, 11 plainly tells us the beast will arise from the political/ is not literal but spiritual civil ruins of the Roman Empire. He will possess absolute, unquestioned 2. Death has been removed authority, however his authority will be primarily augmented by the 3. The curse is absent religious empire of Rome established first under Constantine the Great (272- 4. The earth has been renewed by God’s consuming fire (of course, fire is not 337; reign 312-337). Constantine was not a believer. He worshipped the fire) Roman sun god Sol until his death as Vatican files reveal (Four Horsemen, 5. Israel is living in peace from the testimony of Dr. Alberto Rivera, p. 10, 1985, Chick Publications). 6. Believer’s have their glorified spiritual bodies The emperor’s brand of ‘Christianity’ was not the New Testament kind, but 7. There is no rapture, or resurrection of the just (there is no hope of the Rome’s religion. It was initiated and established by Nero under his believer) persecutions of true Christians he perceived as a threat to his kingdom. It 8. *Nero was the beast was perfected by Constantine under his reign. When Rome split in 395 A.D. 9. Believers have received their eternal reward (meaning eternal life) this division led to a peace that lasted a 1,000 years in the eastern empire 10. Armageddon occurred until the Ottoman Turks conquered Constantinople in 1453. Though the 11. The valley of the mountains (Zech. 14:5) has been created by Christ’s feet as Barbarians conquered Rome in 476 A.D. the bishops of Rome paid off the they split the Mount of Olives military generals thereby consolidating their power for spiritual Rome. The 12. The plague that consumed the eyes in their sockets and the tongue from the Latin west was plunged into the Dark Ages (so named because of Rome’s mouth has already occurred papal ascendency and its dumbing down of the common man, the burning of the pure word of God , persecution of the Vaudois, elimination of any *Besides rejecting the formal-literal interpretation of scripture when the context dissenting voice) as Rome sought to dominate science, the arts, literature, warrants it, another obvious problem with this eschatology is that in Rev. 17:10, government and finance. 11 Jesus tells John regarding the seven kings: “five are fallen, and one is, and the other is not yet come. . . “ That means at the time John received this prophecy five kings were fallen, namely Vespasian, Vitelius, Galba, Nero (oops!), and Claudius. The one that was alive, at the time John wrote this, was Domitian. The one that followed many, many years later will be the beast because “the beast that was, and is not, even he is the eighth, and is of the seven, and goeth into perdition.” Alcazar’s lengthy (verse 11) Oh, and by the way, The Book of Revelation was not completed until 99 A.D. So of course all this happened before The Book of Revelation was completed. commentary, Did not the God of the Old Testament always warn his people before his judgment “Investigation of the fell? I am talking beyond the destruction of the Jewish temple. Of course the Hidden Sense Jesuits are relying on your ignorance, stupidity, or both when it comes to their counterfeit Latin from Jerome and using it as the benchmark to deceive of the Apocalypse” you. OF FRANCISCO RIBERA

Futurism’s foundation is built upon the erroneous Jesuit teaching of Francisco Ribera, that the subject in Daniel 9:27 is Satan. Scripture, along with grammar’s subject pronoun agreement, reveal the subject to be Jesus Christ. What is also to be noted in this verse, is the complete misunderstanding that it is not Satan who appears at the beginning of Daniel’s 70th Week. It is Jesus Christ. Half of this week has been eclipsed by Jesus 3.5 years of public ministry. All that remains of this week, or 7 years, is 3.5 years. This is precisely what you find in Daniel’s prophecy regarding the beast and in the Book of Revelation. The whole foundation of Futurism is built upon this false premise from Daniel 9:27, as well as a failure to see time from God’s perspective of eternity, namely The Day of the LORD eschatological view (II Peter 3:8). It also fails to see Jesus made no distinction between the tribulation and the great tribulation. There is also a failure to understand, by observation and careful analysis of scripture, that the beginning of sorrows corresponds to the first five seals of Revelation 6:1-11. I will however declare what the scriptures clearly teach: 1. A pre-millennial return of Christ 2. Rapture of believer’s before the 3.5 years of God’s trumpet and vial judgments 3. The sheep and goat judgment at the beginning of Jesus’ millennial reign 4. A 1,000 year literal, bodily reign of Christ on earth with the resurrected saints 5. The Armageddon conflict at the end of the 3.5 years following on the heels of Roman Catholicism’s destruction 6. The binding of Satan at the beginning of the millennium, with his loosing at the end of this period, deceiving Gog and Magog 7. The sealing of 144,000 Jewish evangelists, with the two witnesses, after the rapture 8. The beast as an individual who will embody the ideals of an apostate religious system energized by Rome (Rev. 17) 9. A dispensational perspective in the unfolding of God’s plan for man in history 10. The great white throne judgment at the end of the millennium (resurrection of the unjust) 11. God’s second world-wide judgment by fire upon creation with the new heavens, new earth, and New Jerusalem 12. God’s promises fulfilled to national Israel (a portion of the elect—For they are not all Israel, which are of Israel. . . “ Rom. 9:6) 13. After the descent of the New Jerusalem, their is the removal of the physical curse (Rev. 22:3) 14. The elimination of physical death (Rev. 21:4) after the descent of the New Jerusalem out of heaven Post-trib. Beast signs covenant THIS PERIOD STILL FUTURE rapture


Pre-Wrath’s Great Trib. Pre-Wrath’s Day of the LORD SEVEN YEARS


Jesuit Francisco Ribera 1537-1591 Corrupter of Daniel 9:27 Neo Post-trib. rapture DANIEL’S 70TH WEEK

Neo Post’s Abomination of Desolation Great Trib.

Mid-trib. Pre-trib. Pre-Wrath rapture rapture rapture

John Nelson Darby is sometimes credited, or blamed, Futurism’s eschatological offspring are: for the secret rapture doctrine. Darby, knew what 1. Pre-tribulation rapture scripture said regarding the rapture. He should not John Nelson be blamed for something scripture does not reveal. 2. Mid-tribulation rapture Darby It is only secret, or hid, to those who are lost, “But if 3. Historical Post-tribulation rapture 1800-1882 our gospel be hid, it is hid to them that are lost: 4 In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds 4. Neo Post-tribulation rapture of them which believe not, lest the light of the 5. Pre-Wrath rapture glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them.” II Cor. 4:3, 4 The Day of the LORD eschatology with its distinctions: The Day of the LORD Perspective 1. A GROSS ERROR IN SUBJECT-PRONOUN AGREEMENT—Only 3.5 years remain of Daniel’s Seventieth Week (not embracing Futurism in the on Daniel’s Seventieth Week normative sense) 2. SEE MATT. 24:19, 22, 29 “THOSE DAYS”—The tribulation and great tribulation are one CHRIST’S DEATH & RESURRECTION 3. TRIBULATION NOW, NOT FUTURE—We are not anticipating the tribulation, we are in it April 14, 33 A.D. 4. FIVE SEALS ALREADY OPENED—Five seals have been opened 5. THE FIVE SEALS ARE THE BEGINNING OF SORROWS—The five seals FREEDOM INITIATED RESURRECTION correspond to the beginning of sorrows, which we are in (this commenced OF THE JUST with Jesus’ ascension) 6. THE HOLY SPIRIT VS. MAN’S SPIRIT—Pentecost signaled the Holy Spirit’s Grace initiated at cross RAPTURE baptism, it DID NOT commence the CHURCH AGE. Jesus spoke of the church before his crucifixion. The descent of the Holy Spirit in Acts 2, signaled a division between the elect (fruit bearing) and the counterfeit (non fruit Grace manifested bearing)—those dead to self vs. those serving self (the counterfeit ‘Christian’ Israel recognized, 1948 church vs. the ekklesia—the elect) 7. ABOMINATION OF DESOLATION—The destruction of the Jewish temple and diaspora in 70 A.D. fall within Daniel’s Seventieth Week (neither Israel as fig tree, distinguished Preterist, or ending @ 70 A.D., nor Historicist, by embracing the day-year Law embodied from all other trees Lk. 21:29 theory) 8. SCRIPTURE’S COMPLETION: THE DEATH KNELL OF RELIGION—John’s FIVE SEALS OPENED death (100 A.D.) signaled the end of the apostolic church age (visible- Consequence of Holy Spirit Jerusalem destroyed physical entity augmented by government with a hierarchy of offices) AND baptism—death of self 70 A.D. with it, man’s temporal authority over men in spiritual matters. The ADVENT SECOND CHRIST’S authority of the inerrant scriptures signaled the end of man’s spiritual authority over others. The K.J.V. is the believer’s authority. The Holy Spirit’s DAMNEDTHEOF RESURRECTION anointing teaches us from life’s manual—the holy Bible. God is not opposed WE ARE HERE to believer’s assembling; however, these stated truths (priesthood of the SEVEN YEARS believer along with the Holy Spirit’s anointing AND scripture’s authority and 33 A.D. 67 years 100 A.D. supremacy over the conscience of the elect) MUST be adhered to. 30 A.D. 50 days

9. EXEGESIS NOT EISEGESIS—Committed to a literal, formal interpretive MINISTRY INAUGURATES BAPTISM WATERCHRIST’S 4:17) (Matt. approach to scripture in general, and eschatology in particular GREAT WHITE 10. CHRIST NOT SATAN—The subject in Daniel 9:27 is Jesus Christ. Satan’s JESUS’ 3.5 YR’ PUBLIC MINISTRY BEGINNING OF SORROWS & TRIBULATION THRONE JUDGMENT insertion into this verse has led to the outlandish construction of Futurisms numerous eschatology's as well as the erroneous time division within Daniel’s Seventieth Week tribulation and great tribulation are ONE 11. ABOMINATION OF DESOLATION AT BEGINNING OF 3.5 YRS. NOT THE MIDDLE OF THE SEVENTIETH WEEK—The abomination of desolation eternal life for spirit, soul and occurs near the beginning of the 3.5 years NOT in the middle of the seven body granted to elect years. The abomination of desolation follows on the heels of the temple’s sheep and goat judgment II Tim. 4:1 completion, whose construction commences, possibly, in Rev. 8:1 when there is “silence in heaven about the space of half an hour.” Holy Spirit baptism seals 6TH SEAL 12. NO COVENANT WITH ANTICHRIST—The beast does not sign a covenant grace initiated @ cross with Israel or anyone else at the beginning of the seven year period. Daniel 9:27 is the spiritual compact God makes with men through the blood covenant Christ secured at the cross. It was sealed by the Holy Spirit, when 144,000 Jewish evangelists & 2 witnesses

the sinner, who is made a saint, is baptized invisibly, supernaturally, Repent: for the kingdom of heaven is hand. at heaven kingdom of the for Repent: eternally, and in a moment, once-and-for-all. 1,260 days, 42 months, 3.5 yrs. of God’s judgment and wrath 13. THREE AS ONE—The resurrection of the just spans three time periods: the rapture, the 3.5 years, and the millennium. It is seen by God as ONE. 14. ISRAEL IN PROPHECY—Isaiah 19:23-25 says, “In that day shall there be a not responsible highway out of Egypt to Assyria, and the Assyrian shall come into Egypt, and HEAVEN the Egyptian into Assyria, and the Egyptians shall serve with the Assyrians. 24 In that day shall Israel be the third with Egypt and with Assyria, even a CHOICE, OR MAN’S ACKNOWLEDGE, blessing in the midst of the land: 25 Whom the LORD of hosts shall bless, “FREE-WILL” AGREE OR ASSENT saying, Blessed be Egypt my people, and Assyria the work of my hands, and SPIRIT MANS HELL BALANCE THE IN Israel mine inheritance.” responsible