Student Trail Map: Key Stage Henry VIII’s Apartments

Self-led Resources Teacher Guide

• Refer to map overleaf My name is • Head towards Main entrance William Reskimer. from Clore Learning Centre I am one of the king’s • Ask a member of staff for servants in King Henry VIII’s court here at Hampton Court directions if necessary Palace. You will see a painting • Gather your students in of me later. Base Court Come with me to look around the Tudor in the palace • Assign students their adults and I will show you some of • Read the character introduction the spaces I spend time in. to your students Follow the trail to find out as • Head towards much as you can about what it is like to live here. Anne Boleyn’s Gateway Please help me to look after the palace by only touching objects with this symbol. When you have looked around decide if you would like to live in the palace.

• Start the trail by walking up the steps signposted ‘Henry VIII’s Apartments’ and walk into the Great The trail will take approximately 35-40 minutes Self-Guided Resources Teacher Guide Key Stage 1 02

Palace Map

Chapel Royal with Henry VIII’s Crown

Chapel Court Garden

Henry VIII’s

Clock Court

Great Hall

Start here Buttery lunch Anne Boleyn’s Gateway Base Court lunch rooms and toilets

Base Court


Kitchen Garden, Barrack Block lunch rooms and picnic area Other spaces to visit Clore earning Centre Self-Guided Resources Teacher Guide Key Stage 1 03 Map locations Map KS1 Student Trail to begin the trail. trail. the begin to Hall Great the into right Turn . open the wooden carefully up and them, walk you have found When Gateway. Boleyn’s Anne under stone steps A

Find these Gateway Boleyn’s Anne Anne

The Great The 2 horns in it. in horns of lots with room a into right the to through the door 5 B

Now walk walk Now 1 8 Room Horn Horn Chamber. Watching Great the into ahead straight C 3

Turn and walk walk and Turn

7 4 Watching Watching Chamber 10 Great 11

9 corridor to the right. the to corridor the off room small the E

Turn and look into into look and Turn 12 13 The Pages’ Pages’ The Chamber Route. Route. the Processional called corridor the along D

Now walk walk Now Processional Processional Route

go out. out. go to these down Staircase. walk You can Queen’s the find to right turn and door the through Walk Route. Processional the of end the at finishes trail The go. you as paintings the at looking gallery the F

Now walk through through walk Now

g Self-Guided Resources Teacher Guide Key Stage 1 04 7 g

The Great Hall 8 h Horn Room


Ask children to carefully touch one ofGreat the objects. How does it feel?Watching It is made from a metal calledChamber pewter. Meals are served in here twice a day for 600 of the 5 king’s servants.11 They eat a lot of meat, bread and fish. I don’t eat my meals in here. 1 4 I will show you where I The Great Hall eat later! What do you think the 2 different objects might be used for? A popular drink in the10 palace is wine. Can you find something on the table which might contain wine? Carefully touch one of 3 the big bowls from the table. How does it feel? Now try sitting down at one of the tables with the wooden benches. Would you like to eat in this room?

2 The Find a quiet space and look up at the roof. Henry wanted the roof to be impressive so he asked for it to be painted bright blue! What shape is the roof? Can you make the shape with your arms? Now make 1 Top table the shape with a partner. Key object: More important servants sat at this top table. They had chairs whereas the less important servants further down the hall sat on The Great Hall was built by with other visitors so you benches. Ask children to sit King Henry VIII to show how may have to look at other in one of the chairs at the top rich he is! Henry loves gold objects in the room first. table and then sit on one of and silver colours as they If it is busy you can gather the benches. Which one is look expensive. children at the far end in the more comfortable? Which alcove by the stained glass table would they prefer to Practical . They can look up sit at and why? information at the there. If they The servants would eat meat want to sit down they can The Great Hall can get very which was roasted, boiled or sit on the wooden benches busy at times. As it is the made into pies. There would by the tables. You could also largest room in the palace also be lots of bread and fish. sit down in the middle of the and has a lot in it you and They would drink beer or wine. hall. Make sure that any other children will probably want Ask children to look at the visitors can still pass either to spend some time in here. different objects on the table side of you. The top table is popular and work out what they might have used for. g Self-Guided Resources Teacher Guide Key Stage 1 05 7 g The Great Hall continued 8 h Horn HornRoom Room 9

The main forms of communicationGreat were throughWatching letters but most peopleChamber in Tudor England could not write. Therefore, the main way to 5 communicate11 something was face to face. In the Great Hall the servants might be 1 4 tempted to talk to each The Great Hall other about the king. The eavesdroppers were there to remind the servants that 2 other people were listening to 10what they were saying and to be careful what they said. It was thought to be safest to see, hear and say nothing. Look up and find the 3 carved wooden faces in the roof. They are called Eavesdroppers. They are there to remind the servants not to say anything bad about the king as people might be listening! There are a lot of lions How many Eavesdroppers 4 Lions in this palace! can you find? Key object: Ask children to There is a lion on the king’s find the figure of the gold lion special symbol called his Coat leading into the Horn Room. of Arms. Henry likes lions as 6 There are lions all around Your Choice they are a symbol of strength. Key object: Hampton Court Palace both Ask children to inside the palace and in the Why do you think discuss with a partner which gardens. Ask children work in Henry likes to have lots is their favourite object in this pairs and think of some words of lions in his palace? room. If there is time they can share their idea with the rest they might use to describe How many lions can you a lion – strong, big, golden, of the group and talk about spot around this room? Walk why they like it best. powerful, fierce, has a loud slowly around the room and roar, like a king (royal.) Henry count them as you go. Can you find your VIII has a lion on his special favourite object in this 3 The Stone Ceiling symbol called a Coat of Arms. room? Why do you like Stand in the big space next Ask them to suggest why it best? to the big window, to the there might be a lion on it. 5 Eavesdroppers right of Top Table. Key object: Find the figure of Ask children to Look up at the ceiling the gold lion across the top look up and spot the wooden there. of the door leading to the carved figures in roof. Explain Great Watching Chamber. that in Tudor times they What shapes you did not have all the forms can you see on the ceiling? of communication we have Can you make the shapes today such as mobile phones with your fingers? and computers. Self-Guided Resources Teacher Guide Key Stage 1 06

Horn Room &Horn Room Great Watching The Great Watching ChamberChamber

Horn Room 8 Lion on the This room is where the staircase 7 servants bring the food up Can you spot the from the kitchens into the carved lion at the top Great Hall and the Great of the staircase? 8 Watching Chamber above. Horn Look at the lion’s Room Practical information claw. Can you make Horn Place can be a quiet a claw with your hand? 9 space to rest if children need to sit down for a few minutes. There are some wooden The Great benches by the . Great Watching Watching Chamber Chamber 7 Painting of In this room more important 5 11 Elizabeth I’s porter servants wait for a long time Key object: There were many to speak to the king. The king different jobs in the palace. walks through the large Ask children to look at the wooden doorThe in the Great corner Hall painting of the giant man. when he walks through this What is he armed with? He room to chapel. I am2 only Anne has a sword and his job as a allowed in this room to serve 10 porterBoleyn’s is to guard the palace. my master. Find one of the Other Gatewayporters had the job large cushions on the of collecting things such as and sit down. candles and returning them 3 to the store each morning. Practical information The Great Watching Chamber Working in a palace like this has some large cushions on Can you spot it on the can be very hard work! the floor which children can sit ceiling too? What special Stand in front of the on if they wish. There are also badge would you choose Royal Collection Trust / © Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II 2019 painting of Elizabeth I’s some chairs and tables with as a symbol for your family? porter. He is very tall and Tudor games they can try if it strong. His job is to carry not busy with other visitors. things around the palace. Encourage them to look up in You have already found 11 The ceiling This painting shows the this room. The ceiling is very lots of lions around the palace. Look down into the actual size of the man. striking and they can use the rectangular mirror to look up Look at the tapestries in this large gold mirror with Stand up very straight at the ceiling. room. They have different the gold frame. What and see if you can stand animals and beasts on them. can you see? as tall as him! Each tapestry tells a story. This room was built for 9 Triumphs of Look for a large the king’s third wife animal with a trunk on Jane Seymour. Her special Petrarch tapestries one of the tapestries. What badge is of a beautiful bird Key object: Ask children to other animals can you find? called a phoenix and a castle. look at the tapestry with the Can you make an elephant’s Can you find it on the ceiling? elephant on it. Henry VIII trunk with your arm? had over 2,000 tapestries in his collection! They showed others how rich he was as the tapestries were made from silk 10 Tudor Rose and gold thread and were very Look at the coloured expensive. Each tapestry tells stained glass window. a story and many of them have Can you find the badge of different animals and beasts the Tudor Rose? It is red from the stories. Ask children and white in colour. It is the if they know of any stories with special badge for the king’s elephants in them? family called the Tudors. Self-Guided Resources Teacher Guide Key Stage 1 07

Processional Route & Page’s Chamber

Processional Route The king himself walks along here on his way to chapel. Great Processional Watching 12 Route Practical Chamber information The Processional Route can 13 The Pages’ get very busy as other visitors Chamber may stop for a time when they are looking at the portraits. The Pages’ Ask children to stand together Chamber as close as possible when One of their important you are looking at a painting duties was to make the and make sure there is space fire each morning. for other visitors to pass behind them. 13 Sack This is where I spend my time when I am 12 Portrait of not serving my master. William Reskimer I eat and sleep in here. Now find the portrait of Can you find the sack me William Reskimer. My I sleep on? I share the room job is as a Page in the king’s with other pages and we eat Chamber. I serve my master at the table.

as he waits to see the king. Can you find something in Key object: This is a portrait this room which helps me to of the character who is the keep warm? Would you like voice of the trail map – William to sleep in this room? Why?

Reskimer. William had © Her Majesty© Queen Elizabeth II 2019 RoyalCollection Trust / to work hard as a Page in the King’s Chamber. He was very good at his job and during his time working at the palace he was given a more important job as a Gentleman Usher. This job was a bit like a and meant he was given food and wages in return for his work. Once your students have completed all of the activities on the trail map you can do this final discussion question. Would you liked to have lived at Hampton Court Palace? Self-Guided Resources Teacher Guide Key Stage 1 08

Other spaces to visit

If you have time you might like to visit some of these additional spaces with children. There are focus questions for each one. They all link to themes on the Student Trail map.

Tudor kitchens Ask the children to look out for some of the foods that the king’s servants ate in the Great Hall – these include fish, bread and meat. They will be able to spot each of these foods in the kitchens. They can look inside the in Fish Court where the fish were stored. There were no fridges then so it had to be a very cold place. Ask children how they feel in Fish Court – cold!

Henry’s Wine Cellar Ask children what people would have One of the most popular drinks in Chapel Royal and used to have travelled on the river – the Tudor Court was wine! The wine in Henry VIII’s Crown boats. There were no cars, buses or the Cellar was poured from the barrels trains in Tudor times! Also, much of into jugs which were served on the Off the Processional Route in the the produce being brought to the table. Ask children to recall the wine Chapel Royal is a copy of Henry VIII’s palace was transported by boat. flagons they saw in the Great Hall. Crown of State. Henry VIII wore the Can the children think of other ways Remind them that the wine had to be original crown on special occasions. produce might have been brought carried all the way from the Cellar up Ask children what different colours here? By horse and cart. Children the stairs to the Great Hall and Great they can see in the crown. might like to see the cart in Master Watching Chamber! Do they like the crown? Please Carpenter’s Court. remember no photography in this space and remind children to be as quiet as possible. Men should Chapel Court Garden remove their hats when entering. This garden is full of beasts which can be found in and around the Clock Court and the palace. Ask children to find some of the different beasts – the lion, Astronomical Clock the greyhound and the red dragon. Ask children to ‘look up’ at Discuss with children if they can the clock. It was very high up so Henry remember seeing any other dragons VIII could see it clearly from his private on their visit today? Did they see any apartments. It had information on it in the Great Hall or Great Watching Garden which was important for people living Chamber? The red dragon was used in the palace. There were no mobile by all Tudor monarchs on their Coat The Kitchen Garden produced fruit, phones or computers then so people of Arms. Children might like to look vegetables and herbs for meals in the had to use other ways to find out at the large dragon on display in the palace. One of Henry VIII favourite information. The clock told people Clore Learning Centre. fruits were strawberries! He also liked the time, day and month of the year. an herb called rosemary on his lamb. It also had information about the Ask children if they can find either of times of the tide on the River Thames, these things in the garden. Can they for people who wanted to travel find another fruit or vegetable which to London. they like to eat? Self-Guided Resources Teacher Guide Key Stage 1 09

Back at School

Great Hall Horn Room Great Watching Useful to know Chamber Useful to know Horn Place was built as a waiting place The Great Hall is the largest room at for servants to serve food directly from Useful to Know Hampton Court Palace. The length of The Great Watching Chamber was the kitchens to courtiers in the Great Hall the hall is around 32m (approximately where the Royal Guards would ‘watch’ and the Great Watching Chamber. the length of three double decker and control who was allowed to go into buses!) The height of the hall is around the King’s State Apartments beyond the 18m (approximately the height of Post-visit Student Great Hall. The large wooden door in the 18 female lions standing on top of Discussion corner of the room once led to Henry’s each other!) Ask children to recall the table they private rooms where he ate, read, slept saw at the bottom of the stairs and the and entertained guests. Only important The Great Hall is a sign of Henry VIII’s things on the table. What might it have servants called courtiers were allowed power and wealth and has a lot of things been like to have carried all these things into the Great Watching Chamber. It was in it which are gold and silver in colour from the kitchens and up the stairs to important to be well dressed in the most as Henry VIII liked to show off to others! the Great Hall? expensive clothes you could afford. In Tudor times the Great Hall would not have looked the same colour as it does now. The roof would have been a bright Post-visit Student blue colour. Discussion Courtiers would often spend hours The Great Hall was used as the staff waiting for Henry VIII to pass through canteen for 600 of Henry VIII’s less the Great Watching Chamber on his important servants twice a day. way to chapel. Each meal had two courses served in messes. These were portions that Ask children to discuss what they think were shared between four people. courtiers did in here to pass the time? Can they recall any activities they saw Post-visit Student in the room? Some of the activities include: eating, drinking, talking to Discussion others, playing games, sleeping, playing Ask children to recall being in the music, writing petitions for the king, Great Hall. What features can they being seen by others at Court, waiting remember from the space? The Great for news from the king and meeting Hall was like a staff canteen or dining with visitors to Court. Which of these room for Henry VIII’s servants. Ask activities would they have preferred to them to compare it to their school do and why? . How does it look similar or different? Which one would they prefer to eat in and why? Garderobe Useful to Know This was used by courtiers waiting in the Great Watching Chamber. Henry VIII did not use this toilet as he had his own toilet in his private rooms. He actually had a large collection of toilets, known as ‘close stools.’ They looked like padded stool with a hole in the middle and a chamber pot underneath. Self-Guided Resources Teacher Guide Key Stage 1 10

Back at School continued

Processional Route Page’s Chamber Useful to know Useful to know The Processional Route leads from the The pages were essential in the daily Great Watching Chamber to the Chapel running of Court life. They spend Royal. Henry’s courtiers would wait in time in this room eating and sleeping, line along the Route to see the king. when they were not assisting the He would walk this route on Sundays courtiers in the Great Watching and special holy days and it would be Chamber. One of their important duties the main occasion when Henry would was to make the fire each morning. be visible to his wider court. Post-visit Student Post-visit Student Discussion Discussion Ask children to recall what it was Ask children to recall the paintings like inside the Page’s Chamber. What they saw on this Route. Do they might it have been like to have spent remember the smartly dressed time in this room? They could make courtiers in fine clothes? Can they a comparison with the Great Hall or remember seeing the portrait of Great Watching Chamber. What Henry VIII? Can they describe the similarities and differences are there? types of clothes worn by wealthy Did they spot the large keys on the courtiers? What types of materials table? Why do they think it would were they wearing? Expensive have been important to lock some materials such as silk, velvet, feathers things away in the palace? and fur. What colours were their clothes? Red, black and gold. Were they wearing any jewellery?

Ask children to think about In pairs ask them to discuss what they have found out whether they would like to about life in the palace, live here and why? during their visit to the Tudor Route.