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CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE June 25, 1997 H4624 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð HOUSE June 25, 1997 things, as did the gentleman from Mis- sent to Washington, that we are leav- Mr. HULSHOF. Mr. Speaker, I recog- souri, as did the gentleman from Texas ing back in our States and our commu- nize we are down to our final minute or [Mr. BRADY], to accomplish things that nities. I am convinced most Americans so. Let me just sum up that what we we think are meaningful to the future are not seeking a safety net under believe and especially in this vote to- of this country: Balancing the Federal them. They are objecting to the tax net morrow and the debate that we have on budget, lowering taxes, saving Medi- that we have thrown over them. If we this tax relief package, letting Ameri- care, and putting more power back in will provide them the relief that we cans keep more of their money sounds the hands of the people in this country have scheduled for this week, that they like common sense to most of us, espe- and less power in Washington, DC. so desperately need, I am convinced we cially those of us who are newly elect- We have done all this. These are are going to get support across this ed Members. That seems to be a pretty things that are incorporated. These are country for deeper tax cuts and less radical idea here in Washington, DC. the principles upon which all the spending and more local control, as the People in Washington should never things that we voted on today and we gentlemen have both stated so elo- ever forget that tax money belongs to will vote tomorrow, those are the prin- quently. the taxpayers and not to the govern- ciples on which we stand. I think it is Mr. HULSHOF. I especially appre- ment. It would be a big change from important that the American people ciate the comment the gentleman how things used to operate, but that know not only what we are for, lower made earlier because again waiting for change which comes tomorrow is long taxes, a balanced budget, but why we the special order to begin, barrage overdue. It is true and we have already are for it, and that is to give them after barrage from our friends on the heard it. We have gone back to the old more freedom, more power, more con- other side, particularly our Democratic divisive style of debate, this class war- trol, more decision-making. colleague from Arkansas who talked fare politics. I would hope and pray This is an incredibly historic occa- about the earned income tax credit and that we are beyond that. Instead of di- sion for us in this country, and I would how it was that the family that he viding Americans and pitting groups hope that it is not lost on the Amer- mentioned, he had a nice portrait, a against each other, we should be work- ican public what is happening in this beautiful portrait of this family that ing together to face our national chal- institution for the first time in 30 was struggling, but yet who bore no tax lenges. We have a moral responsibility years. It is amazing. It is good for my liability because the earned income tax to ourselves and to our children not to kids and for your future kids and credit eliminated any tax liability. In tolerate such acts. We have a moral grandkids and for the people in Amer- other words, that family in Arkansas imperative to make it possible for ev- ica who have held the promise for a did not have to pay taxes to the Fed- eryone to climb the ladder of success. long time that we would come down eral Government. And because we do Mr. Speaker, let me say to the par- here and do something that is mean- have limited resources, this targeted ents who are struggling to make ends ingful, about protecting their future tax relief is going to those people that meet, the parents that are burning the and making sure that they have access have tax burdens. I think the gen- candle at both ends to put food on the and are not deprived of the American tleman pointed that out a few mo- table and keep a roof overhead, the dream. As we continue to pursue this, ments ago. parents that are sacrificing their own this is the first step, but I hope it is the Mr. THUNE. If the gentleman will needs and giving everything they have first step on a long journey to putting yield on that, I think it is incredibly got to make sure that their children more power back in the hands of indi- important to make the distinction here have every opportunity for a brighter viduals and not in Washington, DC. that we are trying to bring tax relief to future, we hear you. For those who be- people who pay taxes and not increase Mr. HULSHOF. I think the gen- lieve that we spend too much in Wash- payments for people who do not. That tleman has enunciated very eloquently ington, we agree. For those who believe is a fundamental distinction that needs what it is we stand for and why it is that we tax too much in Washington, that we sought office and what we are to be made. Mr. HULSHOF. Our colleague from we agree. For those who believe we doing to accomplish the goals that Arkansas further pointed out that this must balance the budget, cut wasteful many of us stood for and campaigned family in the portrait that he had, that Washington spending and provide per- on. It is especially poignant, I think, they paid the payroll taxes and cer- manent, real, meaningful tax relief, we when we look just a couple of years ago tainly paid taxes toward Medicare and agree. And for those that demand that when we had a President who, with the somehow that that ennobled the family we here in Washington do better than liberals in control of this body, passed to receive these income tax credits. we have done in the past, we agree. If a tax hike. But the fact is that paying Medicare we can pass this tax package, Mr. There was a discussion about ever-ex- taxes and paying the payroll taxes en- Speaker, the next week and the Fourth panding government bureaucracy, uni- titles that family to reap the benefits of July will truly be a day that we can versal health care, and then suddenly of Medicare down the road or to reap all celebrate our independence. the stark contrast, that we are return- the benefits of Social Security. So the f ing power to the people, getting it out fact that that family is paying those of this city and giving it back to the TRIBUTE TO SECRETARY OF VET- payroll taxes and Medicare taxes, those ERANS AFFAIRS JESSE BROWN Main Streets and the local chambers of benefits will come and inure to that commerce and civic clubs all across family at the appropriate time. But be- The SPEAKER pro tempore [Mr. this great land. I agree with the gen- cause we have limited resources and TIAHRT]. Under the Speaker's an- tleman that this Fourth of July will tax relief, we are trying to give tax re- nounced policy of January 7, 1997, the certainly be a day to celebrate. lief to those Americans who most need gentlewoman from Florida [Ms. BROWN] Mr. BRADY. If the gentleman will it. is recognized for 60 minutes as the des- yield, as I was listening to the gen- Mr. THUNE. If the gentleman will ignee of the minority leader. tleman from South Dakota [Mr. yield further on that, it is interesting Ms. BROWN of Florida. Mr. Speaker, THUNE], I was reminded of a quote at- again to see the irony here in that we I rise today to pay a special tribute to tributed to your former famous con- are talking about not counting Social someone that I feel is one of the bright- stituent Mark Twain, who said ``Noth- Security and Medicare payments to- est stars in President Clinton's admin- ing makes liars out of more honest ward a future benefit and yet when it istration, Secretary Jesse Brown. But citizens than the income tax.'' It is not comes to computing income to declare before I begin, I would like to say a simply because it is so complicated and someone as being wealthy, we add re- word about a woman who is in Wash- people do not think it is fair. It is be- tirement benefits, capital gains and ington today, a member of the Russian cause when they are struggling so hard imputed income from rental payments Duma, Mrs. Svetlana Go Voyz Da Va is to make ends meet in South Dakota and everything else. There are a lot of the deputy chief of the Economic Pol- and make ends meet in Missouri, they things being done here with the num- icy Committee in the Russian Con- do not believe the Federal Government bers which I think we need to continue gress. During our visit this afternoon, is doing the same. Every dollar that we to put the facts out, and if we do, the we have agreed to set up an inter- can cut taxes is a dollar we have not people will agree with us. national conference where elected June 25, 1997 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð HOUSE H4625 women, officials from Russia, France, I yield to my colleague the distin- efforts on behalf of disabled veterans England, Africa and the United States guished gentlewoman from Florida, and their families.
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