o i r The Observer

e ------T he O bserver Saint MarvS College NOTRE DAME• INDIANA

VOL. XXIV NO. 138 TUESDAY , APRIL 28, 1992 THE INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER SERVING NOTRE DAME AND SAINT MARY'S Senate to consider Prof: War, co-ed housing issue arts often By CARRIE KINSELLA to research the project. combined News Writer Research has seemed a key to By ANNIE VENESKY gaining the administration’s News Writer The Student Senate resolved approval in the past, according to Student Body President Greg Monday to form a task force to War has been a common Butrus, who mentioned that the examine the co-residential theme in literature, music and resolution for pre-final study housing issue, responding to a art throughout history, accord­ days passed quickly because it recent survey in which 2,000 ing to University of Wisconsin was “well-organized” and students indicated support for Professor Dick Ringler. “well-researched.” such an option. Ringler gave a multi-media Since co-ed housing is an is­ The goal of co-ed housing, presentation entitled “War, sue over which the student Senate members said, is to im ­ Peace, and the Arts” at Notre body and the administration prove male-female relations on Dame, Monday. campus. A 1988 Student are likely to be divided, the Government Report also Senate resolved to “appoint an ■ Dresden remembrance/ showed overwhelming student independent task force to study page 3 support for co-residential the means of implementing op­ Humans have been and con­ housing. tional co-residentiality.” tinue to be enculturated with Tyler Farmer presented the The task force w ill also “ assist initial resolution, which rec­ the University administration war, he said. Artistic represen­ ommended that the Notre Dame and other relevant parties in tation of war extends as far back as Neolithic times, and administration introduce co-ed the possible implementation of early artists often depicted bib­ housing. After extensive optional co-residentiality at The Observer/Jake Peters lical events such as Caan’s discussion by the Senate and Notre Dame,” according to the Tyler Farmer, the district I Student Senate representative, proposes a killing of Abel and in the cruci­ students, the proposal was task force to examine the issue of co-residential housing. fixion of Christ. amended to provide a task force see SENATE/ page 4 “The Trojan Women,” a play by Euripedes, “the poet of the world’s grief,” indicts war in Two Yugoslavian republics form new state general, Ringler said. Through the play, Euripedes questions BELGRADE, Yugoslavia (AP) emony staged by Serbian pendent Macedonia. why a God would permit the — Two republics of Yugoslavia President Slobodan Milosevic, The West, weary of Balkan YUGOSLAVIA extensive suffering of children on Monday recreated the re­ which included hoisting a new strife and wary of Milosevic’s SLOVENIA during war. mains of their dismembered Republics Yugoslav national flag. pledges of peace, is demanding War has also been a favorite country into a new, Serbian- CROATIA proclaim It was the last flag in Europe concrete action from Serbia to theme of painters throughout dominated state. new state to drop the Communist red star curb violence in Bosnia- history, Ringler said. Generals The "Federal Republic of but otherwise retained the blue, Herzegovina and relinquish ter­ and military leaders have often Yugoslavia,” less than half the white and red stripes of ritory captured by Serbs there been portrayed and glorified in size of the defunct six-member Yugoslavia, a federation and in Croatia. an effort to commemorate war. federation, was proclaimed in Belgrade | founded in the ruins of World Hours after the proclamation, Ringler explained that little the Belgrade parliament by the War I and reformed after World Bosnian authorities in Sarajevo Sarajevo denunciation of war probably republic of Serbia and its lone War II. ordered the federal army to ally, tiny Montenegro. The new The European Community is remove its 100,000 troops in occurred since upper class M o n te n e g ro members were themselves pa­ state hopes to inherit the inter­ likely to grant limited recogni­ Bosnia. But Gen. Milutin trons of the arts, and because national recognition and privi­ tion while opposing the new Kukanjac, commander of most w ar seemed to be a necessary leges of the form er Yugoslavia. Yugoslavia’s immediate entry troops there, earlier had told institution at that time. Leaders of the new country BOSNIA- into international bodies, Dutch reporters the army w ill not But anti-war paintings soon pledged its formation would HERZEGOVINA spokesman Dig Istha said. EC withdraw. became abundant, Ringler said. halt the ethnic war that de­ foreign ministers meet Friday in The 51-member Conference Many a rtists, such as Broidle stroyed the federation founded Lisbon, Portugal, to discuss the on Security and Cooperation in MACEDONIA and Picasso, painted depictions at the end of World War II. The status of the new state. Europe has threatened to expel Declared of the “malevolence and cruelty war has claimed more than Macedonia also has broken Yugoslavia if violence in Bosnia independence of which human beings are ca­ 10,000 lives since June, when from the federation but has not is not halted by Wednesday. but is not pable. Slovenia and Croatia seceded, gained the same recognition as “I hope that the proclamation widely The definition of peace as followed by Bosnia-Herzegovina the other new states because of of the new state will mark the recognized “the absence of something bad this year. AFRICA o p p o s itio n by EC m em be r end of the agony and chaos,” rather than the presence of The United States and the 12 AP Greece, which fears its own Milosevic said after the cere­ something good” is problem- European Community nations northern Macedonia region mony in Belgrade, the federal boycotted a proclamation cer- would be coveted by an inde­ and Serbian capital. see ARTS/ page 4 22 underage students cited at lounge Saturday By JULIE BARRETT tavern and permitting minors to Assistant News Editor loiter. The students charged were The Stop Underage Drinking Michael Semo, Michael Schreck and Sales (S.U.D.S.) police force and Michael Fox of Dillon; together with the South Bend Eileen Sullivan, Julie Gaddis and Indiana State police cited and Molly Flood of Le Mans 22 Notre Dame, Saint Mary’s Hall; James Downey of Keenan and Holy Cross students for Hall; Rebecca Zurcher and being minors in a tavern during Katherine LeBeau of a raid of Cap n’ Cork Lounge at McCandless Hall; Laura Lavigne 11:56 p.m. last Saturday night, and Kathleen Crossen of Walsh according to Sgt. James Moon Hall; Richard Carrigan and of S.U.D.S. Sean Hurley of Morrissey. Moon said that S.U.D.S. had Also cited were Aimee Terry been watching the bar after an of Siegfried; Joseph Mattio of underage drinker was arrested Fisher; Erich Miller of Alumni there on April 12. An Hall; Mary Phelan of Lewis Hall; undercover cop who was at Cap Eve Beale of Howard Hall; n’ Cork, 441 E. La Salle St., Shannon Ryan of Pasquerilla Saturday night informed East; Luis Torres of Stanford; S.U.D.S. of the presence of Jennifer Walsh of Holy Cross underage drinkers there, Moon Hall; and Jonathon Shean, of added. Campus View. Sing, sing, sing ^ 0 ™ ^ Two other citations, Moon The penalties for the class B misdemeanor of minor in a A Notre Dame ensemble group performs at “Hallelujah Night," held last night in Stepan Center. said, were issued to the bar owner for having minors in a see RAID / page 4 page 2 The Observer Tuesday, April 28, 1992


Sunny and warmer Forget the Tuesday. Highs near Unes separate high temperature zones for the day. 60. Increasing cloudiness and co o le r Tuesday aerial circus; night. Lows near 40. Cloudy and warmer Wednesday with a run the ball 50 percent chance of showers. High in Knute Rockne may have the low 60s. implemented the forward pass, but were he to TEMPERATURES return to Notre Dame Cltv today, he would be Anchorage Athens shocked at the mockery Atlanta that has resulted. Bogota Boston In the two years since Cairo the Notre Dame football DAVID KINNEY Charlotte, N.C. News Editor Chicago team went 23-1 and won a Cleveland national championship, 100s Dallas the Fighting Irish have" Detroit ndianapolis discovered Rick Mirer and a passing game. With Jerusalem it, we have witnessed the beginning of the London Los Ageles demise of Notre Dame football. Madrid This weekend’s Blue and Gold Classic, though Minneapolis Moscow only an intra-squad spring game, showed no Nashville signs of anything different. New York Rick Mirer was decidedly spectacular, Paris Philadelphia completing 13 of 23 passes for 190 yards and Rome two touchdowns. Although Mirer has sometimes Seattle South Bend demonstrated an ability to pull the team out of a HIGH LOW SHOWERS RAIN T-STORMS FLURRIES SNOW ICE SUNNY PT. CLOUDY CLOUDY tight, late-game crunch, he has failed to prove that he is a leader that can win the big game — like the Orange Bowl, or Michigan, Tennesee or Penn State games last year. One might argue that the Irish offensive TODAY AT A GLANCE production was astounding last year, averaging nearly 40 points a game. A closer look, however, reveals that in top-10 match-ups, including Michigan and Penn State, the offense sputtered. NATIONAL Notre Dame’s new-found passing-attack was Former police chief stole $2.6 million ____ ineffective against even the semblance of good Court says teen must receive tranfusion ■DETROIT — The city’s former police chief was so cor­ defense. ■CHARLESIO N, W.Va. — The state won clearance rupted by power he stole $2.6 million from a secret All of this proves that Notre Dame Stadium Monday to force blood transfusions on a teenager with police fund as easily “ as ordering a sandwich. ” a was never intended to be an aerial circus. Until sickle cell anemia who has suffered strokes because of prosecutor said Monday in closing arguments. William the alumni association and our commercial her condition but refuses transfusions on religious Hart served for 13 years as chief of the nation’s fifth sponsors decide to construct scaffolding around grounds. The state Supreme Court unanimously refused largest city police force. He is charged with embezzling the perimeter of the stadium in order to add to block a lower court order that would require Latoya $1.3 million from a secret police fund and authorizing 20,000 more seats, and until diamond-vision Heath to undergo the transfusions. Heath, 15, of payments totaling another $1.3 million to phony shines over end zones emblazoned with the Shepherdstown, is a Jehovah's Witness whose religion corporations controlled by the former civilian deputy words “national Catholic research university,” prohibits blood transfusions. A judge ruled that she chief, Kenneth Weiner. The prosecutor said Hart, 68, Notre Dame cannot rely on a dominant passing faces up to a 70 percent chance of suffering a serious, had complete control over the department’s secret game. possibly fatal, stroke in the next three years if she does service fund, which was intended to pay informants As was proven against the University of not undergo the transfusions. Charles B. Howard, the and finance undercover drug purchases. Hart also is Florida in this year’s Sugar Bowl, dive behind a youth’s court-appointed attorney, said he may appeal charged with witness tampering for allegedly good offensive line is the only play needed in the case to federal court. persuading one of the women to lie to a grand jury. Notre Dame’s playbook. Hart’s wife, Laura, testified she and her husband were Clearly, it is difficult to compare our 1990 and able to live above their means because she saved 191 line-ups to a team touting the likes of Tony hundreds of thousands of dollars over the years. Rice, Ned Bolcar, Anthony Johnson, Chris uavle owes back taxes in Indiana ______Zorich, Tim Grunhard, Frank Stams, Stan CLEVELAND — Vice President Dan Quayle INDIANA Smagala and Wes Pritchett. The heart and apparently owes his home state of Indiana about determination those players demonstrated seem $1,100 in income taxes because of an error on his tax to be lacking in recent years. returns, the Cleveland Plain-Dealer had reported. 2QQ arrested at lU’s Little 500 ______■BLOOMINGTON, Ind. — About 200 people arrested Saturday’s game served as a reminder the the Quayle under-reported more than $34,000 in speaking during Little 500 weekend picked up trash Sunday as running game is what works in Notre Dame’s fees for 1986 and 1987, when he was a U.S. senator, part of their punishment. They were among 274 people system under Head Coach Lou Holtz. Back-up the newspaper reported Saturday. Quayle spokesman arrested on alcohol- and drug-related charges during Kevin McDougal’s well-executed David Beckwith said he did not believe there was an the festivities at Indiana University, which this year options, the footwork of freshman standout Lee error. Quayle reported $104,931 in speaking fees those included the annual bicycle race and a John Becton (in particular, his refusal to throw the two years. He paid state taxes on $62,051 after Mellencamp concert. Two Monroe Circuit courts were ball in flashy trick plays) and the powerful run­ deducting charitable contributions, travel and other opened Sunday to handle the arrests. The 200 who ning of fullback Jerome Bettis revived memories expenses. Although they would not discuss Quayle’s picked up trash found the easiest way to resolve their of better days. taxes on the record, Indiana officials said the type of misdemeanor charges was to accept guilt and enter a Days when Notre Dame coaches realized that charitable deductions claimed by Quayle were not pretrial diversion program, officials said. The criminal running the ball and stopping the run are permitted under state or federal tax rules records of those who successfully complete the fundamentals that cannot be far from mind. program show an arrest but not a conviction. Monroe If Rockne were to return, he would have a few County Prosecutor Robert T. Miller said publicity about words to say: the road crew work, along with the rainy weather, “Run the ball, Lou. Run the ball.” helped to reduce arrests from last year’s 400. The views expressed in the Inside Column are those of the author and not necessarily those of The Observer. OF INTEREST

Today's Staff: ■ ND/SMC Right to Life will have a brief wrap-up ■Renowned Irish singer Nofn Nf Riain will perform at meeting for all members at 7:30 p.m. in the Montgomery a recital of Celtic and English spiritual song today at 8 Theatre in LaFortune. p.m. at Sacred Heart Bascilica. The performance is spon Production: Accent: sored by Schola Gregoriana. Cynthia Ehrhardt Cheryl Moser Melissa Cusack MARKET UPDATE ON THIS DAY IN HISTORY Lab Tech: News: Pat Me Hugh In 1941: The U.S. Supreme Court ruled that blacks Jennifer Habrych YESTERDAY’S TRADING/ April 27 traveling on railroad cars were entitled to the same level of VOLUME IN SHARES NYSE INDEX quality and service given white passengers. Sandy Wiegard Systems: 225.42 ' 0.28 218,817,500 ■ In 1945: Italian dictator Benito Mussolini and his mistress, The Czar- S&P COMPOSITE both of whom had tried to flee advancing Allied forces, were 409.81 1 0.45 Sports. Signing Off captured and executed by Italian partisans. DOW JONES INDUSTRIALS Mark McGrath Jon Halloran- 3338.77 # 4.48 ■ In 1967: Heavyweight boxing champion Muhammad Ali Staying refused to be inducted into the Army. DOWN PRECIOUS METALS Viewpoint: ■ In 1969: French President Charles de Gaulle resigned his Cheryl Moser ______GOLD # $ 1.80 to $336.90/oz. office. The Observer (USPS 599 2-4000) is published Monday SILVER & 4.8# to $3.965/oz. In 1981: Secretary of State Cyrus Vance resigned through Friday except during exam and vacation periods. The Observer is a member of the Associated Press. All reproduction following a failed attempt to rescue U.S. hostages in Iran. rights are reserved. The Observer Tuesday, April 28, 1992 page 3 Visiting prof commemorates Alumni are honored WWII bombing of Dresden with University awards Special to The Observer community organizations By ALLISON MCCARTHY tal, was located on the Elba Ringler. which operates two News Writer River, and was well known as a Ringler said one witness de­ The University of Notre shelters and a referral magnificent city of culture, the scribed the bombing as creating Dame Alumni Association center for homeless people An audiovisual presentation Florence of Germany, Ringler the “ignition of one of the worst honored two Notre Dame in New York. at Notre Dame on the bombing said. It had been compared firestorms ever witnessed by graduates last weekend. Father Daniel Jenky, a of Dresden incorporated testi­ with Paris, Vienna and Rome human beings.” Lawrence Hickey, a 1942 1970 graduate, received mony of several witnesses to and had produced such musical alumnus from New York the James Armstrong the World War II bombing of genius as Wagner and Strauss. The extent of damage to the City, received the William Award. The award is given the German city, and of several city left the death count at an Reynolds Award, which is annually to a Notre Dame American and British military The date of the allied bomb­ indefinite number, but esti­ given annually to a Notre graduate and University personnel involved. ing was Feb. 13, 1945, Shrove mates show that between Dame graduate who works employee who has “ Hatred cannot put an end to Tuesday, better known in the 30,000 and 130,000 were killed with young people to im­ performed outstanding hatred. In this world, that United States as M ardi Gras. At by burning and asphyxiation, he prove their quality of life. service for Notre Dame. never happens. Only nonhatred the time, the city was at twice said. The award was presented Jenky was presented the can end hatred. This is an its normal capacity of nearly Friday. award Saturday. eternal law,” said Dick Ringler, 630.000, Ringler said. Over According to a German Hickey, who retired from Jenky, rector of the Basil­ professor of English and 1.000.000 people were in the woman who at the time was a his fam ily’s construction ica of the Sacred Heart and Scandinavian studies at the city, due to the enormous influx girl in Dresden, the Americans business in 1977, is the Fischer Graduate Resi­ University of Wisconsin, quoting of German refugees retreating purposely targeted the people president of the board of dences, joined the a Buddhist work. He said the westward, away from the of the city who were trying to trustees of the Kennedy Congregation of Holy Cross quote expressed the moral Russian border. escape and not the communica­ Child Center, which in 1973 and was ordained behind his presentation tions networks or the railroads provides educational the following year. Aside Monday, “Requiem for a City: The attack on the city was of Dresden. programs for 247 children from a year teaching social The Bombing of Dresden, completely unexpected, Ringler with physical, emotional studies at Bourgade High February, 1945.” said, leaving Dresden and its Ringler ended his program and mental handicaps. School in Phoenix, Ariz., he The lecture included the people totally vulnerable to the with a memorial to Dresden Hickey also serves on the has been at Notre Dame eyewitness accounts of allies. It included three air and its citizens: a slide show board of the Astor Home since his ordination. American writer Kurt raids, two British and one accompanied by Shostakovich’s for Children in Rhienbeck, In addition to his respon­ Vonnegut, at the time a young American, which smothered the String Quartet number eight, N.Y., and is president of the sibilities with Sacred infantryman, who details the city with thousands of tons of “Elegy for the City of Dresden,” Neighborhood Coalition for Heart, Jenky has served as Dresden bombing in his book, explosives, enough to make its which the composer dedicated Shelter, a group of syna­ Dillon Hall rector, and Slaughterhouse Five. glow visible from over 250 “to the memory of the victims of gogues, churches, and Campus Ministry director. Dresden, the old Saxon capi­ kilometers away, according to fascism and war.” Campus Ministry...... Considerations Transitions always swears that Griff told everybody not to feel too badly if they didn't go to Mass much, but just to wait until we got back together the next Fall When I first came to Notre Dame as a freshman in 1968,1 moved into and things would be fine again. Actually, that's not what Griff said. He was Stanford Hall. There, rather quickly, my section mates and I settled into thetrying to help us prepare for leaving campus and moving out into a typical routines of studying, playing sports, and complaining about differentthe milieu. campus social life. (Joe Namath had been heavily recruited to play quarterback at Notre Dame just a few years before all this, and had been The end of the school year, and a little touch of nostalgia as I prepare for my widely quoted as saying that he didn't want to live at any school where you20th college reunion this summer, call all this to mind for me. had to swim across a lake to get a date.) We found out that the Shuttle Bus to St. Mary's worked just fine, and so we were happy. Several students in recent days have asked me how they can survive spiritually during the summer or after graduation, when they anticipate Dorm parties typically went very late on Saturday nights, and everyonegoing to places where liturgy will be less satisfying than they are used to slept in on Sunday mornings. In the 'last few minutes before 1:00 pm, thehere in the residence halls. whole campus would jump out of bed and rush to the dining hall where the big treat for Sunday lunch would be huge, broiled steaks. (This was before One thing is sure, we must keep praying. I believe it is important to find a the time when people were afraid of red meat.) place where prayer is meaningful to us, where liturgy is well celebrated, even if it means going to several parishes in search of style and content that Sunday afternoon was a lazy time for conversations, reconstructing andsatisfies. Surely the Lord is present in every moment of prayer and available exaggerating the events of the weekend, while we read the newspapers and to the people in every Eucharist, but it is also true that bad, boring liturgy is watched TV. By 4:00 pm, it was time to really wake up, hit the showers, and an attack upon faith, and only makes belief more difficult. So I would say go to Mass in Keenan-Stanford chapel. that there is nothing wrong in searching a bit for a place to pray that makes you happy. The rector of our neighboring dorm in those days was Fr. Bob Griffin, C.S.C., the same guy who still writes every week in The Observer with But the other thing is that all our training and experience in liturgy here on Letters to a Lonely God. We loved this priest. campus is not meant to be for us here alone. Students who know a bit about good prayer ought take that knowledge to their parishes and help make In those days the Roman Catholic church was in a bit of an uproar. The things better there. Young graduates moving to new cities need to call liturgy had changed its shape dramatically. Priests and nuns and religious others of similar concerns and start prayer groups for brothers were leaving their ministries in droves. The American political support. The world is a banquet, and we shouldn't scene was in turmoil, particularly as young people were leading oppositionlive on crumbs. We are the church, we need to build to racial discrimination and the Vietnam War, and finding their elders the church. harder and harder to trust. My father and I hardly ever spoke — we only hollered. "Me and my generation" he said, were attacking everything he These transitions must be made, nothing stays the ever believed in - his understanding of his country, his understanding ofsame. the Let us take what we know and use it where we Church, his place of authority in his own family. Most of my friends and Igo. Have a good summer, and/or a great life. found very little to trust in our heritage of patriotism and religion, except Griff. Tom McDermott, C S C.

Week after week, we would join hundreds of others who crammed into Keenan-Stanford chapel for 5:00 pm Sunday Mass. The musicians remindedReaders for the Baccalaureate Mass everyone of Peter, Paul, and Mary, probably because most Masses ended with If I had a Hammer. The sermons were always directly aimed at us and Seniors are invited to audition to read at the Baccalaureate Mass. Six readers our concerns. The room was dark, everyone sat on the floor, and the altarwill be needed. was filled with dozens and dozens of candles. We felt close, as friends, Auditions will be held at 4:00 pm, on Tuesday and Wednesday, April 28 & 29, at the Basilica of the Sacred Heart. protected, and holy. Coordinator: Sr. Teresita At the end of freshman year, my Dad came to pick me up from school and For information: Peg Houk 239-7091 happened to go to our favorite Mass. Fr. Griffin tried to say something to us about how it might be difficult that summer trying to pray in our own parishes, where things were straighter and likely much duller. My father The Observer page 4 Tuesday, April 28, 1992 Real estate group: March home sales Mideast peace talks at highest level in over three years resume in Capitol WASHINGTON (AP) — Sales of ing clearly toward recovery and existing homes were unchanged we’re feeling it not just in Existing WASHINGTON (AP) — Even so, the State in March, but remained at their housing but other areas as Mideast peace talks resumed Department, hosting the highest level in more than three w ell," she said. “ Consumer con­ home Monday with Israel offering negotiations again, said it years, a real estate trade group fidence appears to be on the to hold elections amongexpected no quick said today. rebound, new construction is sales Palestinians in the breakthroughs on Sales rose in both the blossoming — in economic Seasonally adjusted territories and Syria makingPalestinian self-rule or other Northeast and South, but fell in terms, we’re finally seeing signs annual rate, millions o l units the conciliatory gesture ofissues in the fifth round of the Midwest and West. of spring.” lifting restrictions on itstalks since October. The National Association of Helfant said housing prices 4.0 Jewish community. “This is going to be ahard, Realtors said sales of previously remain affordable despite the Israeli spokesman step-by-step process,” owned homes totaled a recent uptick in mortgage rates, Benjamin Netanyahu called spokeswoman Margaret D. seasonally adjusted annual rate which rose from 8.76 percent in TT1 the offer of “pilot municipalTutwiler said as Israeli of 3.49 million, unchanged from February to 8.91 percent in elections” on the West Banknegotiators met with a joint the February rate. March, according to surveys by a n d Gaza “the largest Jordanian -Palestinian It was the highest level of the Federal Home Loan experiment in democracy indelegation and, separately, sales of previously owned Mortgage Corp. th e Arab world.” with Syrian and Lebanese homes since resales hit a 3.50 The Realtors said the median Palestinian spokeswomangroups. million rate in February 1989, price of an existing home in Hanan Ashrawi, who in past Palestinianspokeswoman the Realtors said. March was $104,000, up 5.4 rounds accused Israel of Ashrawi said her delegation Dorcas T. Helfant, the percent from a year earlier. The stalling, said this time there h ad received, and would Realtors’ president, said the median means half of the was a “distinct possibility ” ofstudy Israel’s proposal to sales activity signifies that both homes cost more and half less. A M J JASONDJFM progress. begin municipal elections the housing market and the The Northeast posted the 1991 1992 T he talks will be held among the 1.7 million economy are getting back in biggest increase in sales, up Mar.’91 Feb. '92 Mar. ’92 through Thursday and Palestinian Arabs. The idea shape. 12.2 percent from February to 3.18 |I 3.49 | 3.49 | should be resumed in Rome is to choose leaders to work “The economy is finally mov­ an annual rate of 550,000. within a few weeks, o u t arrangements for Source: National Association of Realtors AP Netanyahu, a close aide to Palestinians to take control Prime Minister Yitzhak of their own day-to-day Shuttle launch rescheduled for daytime Shamir, told reporters. economic, judicial, “Today we began a real educational and other CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. (AP) Monday. Liftoff is now set for the flight so detailed pho­ discussion,” he said. affairs. — NASA on Monday delayed 7:06 p.m. EOT on May 7; tographs and documentation next week’s scheduled launch of Endeavour has until 7:55 that could be made for analysis. the new shuttle Endeavour by evening to get off the ground. three days so the spaceship can NASA spokesman M ark Hess take off in daylight. NASA’s acting associate ad­ could not explain why officials ministrator for space flight, didn’t opt for a daylight launch Hey Big Endeavour was to have em­ Tom Utsman, said officials re­ in the first place. Mission man­ barked on the satellite-rescue viewed the criteria and decided agers settled on a Monday mission at 8:34 p.m. EOT it would be “ prudent" to delay launch just last week. Smooth,

Scandanavian studies. He Happy21st! Raid Arts graduated inagna cum laude from Harvard University, re­ continued from page 1 continued from page 1 ceived his Master’s Degree from Flex one more the University of Wisconsin, tavern include up to 180 days a tic, Ringler said, in that it has and his doctorate degree from time for us! in jail and a $1,000 fine. led us to the perception that Harvard in 1966. He specializes According to Sgt. Moon, the peace is dull. in Renaissance and Norse students with no previous literature. From Diane, Michelle, criminal records will most “The true opposite of war likely receive a pretrial must be as dynamic as war," he Kim and the Gang. diversion program and have to said. Although not popular with pay a fine and do community Christians, many polytheistic service. religions present the “war god” The Cap n’ Cork Lounge and the “fertility god" as oppo­ owner will have to appear at a sites, he said. So human birth is hearing before the Alcohol seen as the trium ph over war. Beverage Commission in Indianapolis. The bar’s alcohol Professor Ringler is a profes­ license could be suspended or sor of English and revoked, Moon said.

reduce the number of ticket sales necessary to hold an SYR Senate dance from 70 to 55 percent of a hall’s population. continued from page 1 Senior Month Update resolution. Freshman Class Secretary Amy Connolly was appointed Senators determined that the next year’s temporary freshman Tues: Senior Night at task force should draft a class representative. This workable document in favor of representative is provided by co-residential housing. The the Senate Constitution until the freshman class council chair is HACIENDA resolution passed by a vote of 14 to 2. The task force will be elected. selected this fall. The funds for AdWorks, Irish Gardens, and ND Video will In other Senate business, the now be kept in three separate group passed a resolution to accounts. Wed: GRAFFITI DANCE at the Alumni Senior Club BRING YOUR BOXES TO US AND SAVE $$$ $2 cover for Center for the Homeless


ALL MAJOR CREDIT CARDS AND PERSONAL CHECKS ACCEPTED $4 all you can eat UNIVERSITY CENTER DIRECTLY BEHIND JEREMIAH SWEENEY S ADJACENT TO MAORI’S DELI from 6-9 page 5 Tuesday, April 28, 1992 The Observer Rival Muslims battle to standoff in Afghanistan

KABUL, Afghanistan (AP) — state, but they differ on how X j UZBEKISTAN j ja k h a r TAJIKISTAN Rival Muslim guerrillas battled strict the theocracy should be. C o n t r o l o f t o o m ile * * to a standoff Monday over the In Islamabad, Pakistan’s cap­ Badakshan tOOkro }. Kunduz- southern approach to Kabul ital, a spokesman for the Afghanistan TURKMENISTAN ■ ■ and ignored a reported cease­ Foreign Ministry, laved Major rebel factions and the fire agreement as they fought Hussein, said the leaders provinces they claim to control. I / L PAKISTAN for control of the Afghan capi­ agreed to a truce. He did not V ( Baghlan : Faryab K um r tal. release any details, but H Jamiat-e-lslami Moderates commanded by Ahmed Parv/an A convoy carrying members Pakistan’s state news agency Shah Masood. an ethnic Tajik. > Badghis ‘-^ a m iy a n ; of a guerrilla-led interim gov­ said the agreement was medi­ Nangarm ernment that supported more ated by Pakistani Prime g | Hezb-e-lslami Herat* W a rd ak" moderate factions left Pakistan Minister Nawaz Sharif and se­ Radical fundamentalists led by G h 0 r Uruzgan IW O 5 for the 120-mile journey over nior Saudi Arabian officials. Gulbuddin Hekmatyar, an ethnic ' Pakba Islamabad Along w ith the United States, Pathan and bitter enemy of P Ghazni“ rugged roads to Kabul. The Masood. Both groups favor an Saudi Arabia provided much of / V rebel leaders planned to for­ Islamic state but differ on how Competing factions the financial support for the 14- i Zabul mally replace the fallen regime strict the theocracy should be. battle for control of President Najibullah. year Muslim rebellion against Kandahar A truce that Pakistan’s gov­ the Soviet-backed government. g | Hezb-e-lslami (breakaway) Faction headed by Yunis Khalis. Paktika ernment said was agreed to Pakistan provided a haven for Helmand between the leaders of radical many Afghan rebel groups. □ Councils Nimroz fundamentalists and more The 50-member interim gov­ Comprised of either elders moderate guerrillas went un­ erning council, which was from dominant tribes or PAKISTAN heeded — perhaps in part be­ formed last week by most of the multiparty commanders. ’’Commanders' council led by Jamial-e-tslami INDIA cause word had not reached the rebel factions, originally had ^ Jamil-ur-Rehman ’Claimed by more than one group. fighters. Red, green and yellow planned to fly to Kabul on a Ultra-orthodox Muslims. tracer bullets and flares illumi­ Pakistani m ilitary plane. But AP/T. Dean Caple nated the sky above Kabul into the leaders decided to go over­ government. The civil war has claimed an two other shops smoldered. the night. land because Hekmatyar’s U.N. Secretary-General estimated 2 million lives and Fighting was concentrated on Roughly 90 percent of the city troops threatened to shoot at Boutros Boutros-Ghali, whose driven 5 million people from two hilltops facing across the was under the control of a any plane approaching the plan to restore peace collapsed their homes. highway leading south from coalition commanded by Ahmed capital. with the fall of Najibullah on The capital’s 1.5 m illion peo­ Kabul. But scattered skirmishes Shah Masood. But it failed to In Washington, State April 16, met in Tehran with ple were caught in the middle also flared in the city center dislodge the radical fighters of Department spokeswoman Iranian leaders to seek help in as battle lines shifted through­ and in other pockets held by his bitter rival, Gulbuddin Margaret Tutwiler said stopping the fighting. Iran sup­ out the city. Hekmatyar’s troops. Hekmatyar, from their Masood’s forces seemed to have, fared best in fighting that began ported some of the smaller strongholds. “This was my whole life!” In the heaviest fighting, Saturday after rebels advanced Muslim rebel factions, primarily Both sides fought with tanks, cried Artiqzadeh Afghan, a Hekmatyar’s fighters withstood into the capital. from Afghanistan’s Shiite rockets and machine guns. shopkeeper trying to remove bombing by a Soviet-built Masood’s fighters were sup­ “ Hekmatyar seems outclassed minority. U.N. special envoy Benon Russian lampshades and Polish fighter-bomber piloted by a ported by soldiers and even a militarily and isolated Sevan, who accompanied paint from his store before it Masood loyalist as well as tank warplane from Najibullah’s politically,” she said. burned. Down the road, flames barrages and an infantry as­ She said the Afghans should Boutros-Ghali, planned to re­ military. leaped from a store hit by sault against their position on seek a political solution involv­ turn to Kabul on Wednesday, Masood and Hekmatyar both rocket-propelled grenades and Martyrs’ Hill. want to establish an Islamic ing a broad-based transition U.N. officials said. German foreign minister 7 jailed for SUMMER STORAGE explosions "IT'S NOT TOO LATE TO SAVE $$" plans to resign in May CONSOLIDATED LEASING CORP. BONN, Germany (AP) — “If I were five years younger in Mexico AN ALTERNATIVE WAY TO STORE Hans-Dietrich Genscher, the and only 18 years in office, 1 world’s longest-serving cur­ would continue," he said. COMPARE - IT'S CHEAPER GUADALAJARA, Mexico (AP) rent foreign m inister and one “1 have no intention of sit­ — Authorities on Monday jailed SECURELY - IMMEDIATELY - ECONOMICALLY of the architects of German ting back in my easy chair,” seven officials accused of negli­ I reunification, announced he added, promising to con­ gent homicide for sewer explo­ $TWO SITES TO STORE TRAILER Monday he was resigning as tinue working as a member of sions that claimed at least 191 Germany’s top diplomat. Parliament. lives. Officials warned that the 1) COUNTY LINE BETWEEN ST. 1 Irmgard Schwaetzer, the area around a government oil federal construction minister, “The standing of Germany storage facility was still dan­ JOSEPH AND ELKART COUNTIES^ in Europe is clearly defined," was named to succeed the 65- gerous. 2) BENDIX ROAD NEAR AIRPORT ^ year-old Genscher, considered he said, summing up his w ork the country’s most popular the past few years to unify The defendants appeared at a politician. Germany and set western preliminary hearing Monday LOAD IN OUR YARD - NO EXTRA CHARGE OR $ Schwaetzer, 50, is the first Europe on the path to political afternoon at the state prison woman to hold the powerful and economic union. LOAD ON OR NEAR ND/SMC CAMPUS FOR A % outside the city. They stood in foreign ministry job. She their green prison jumpsuits as SERVICE CHARGE OF $80. ^ comes from the same party as Opposition politicians con­ the judge read charges that in­ Genscher, the liberal Free tend Genscher’s resignation, cluded negligent homicide, TRAILER SIZE COST/MONTH ^ Democrats. effective May 17, marks a causing damage and injury to Genscher, foreign minister crisis for Chancellor Helmut others, damage to public com­ 4 5 ' X 8 ' $ 1 0 0 ^ fo r 18 years, said in a te le ­ Kohl’s embattled government. munications and violation of vision interview he wanted to federal environmental laws. 4 2 ' X 8 ' $ 1 0 0 ^ make way for the next gen­ Kohl’s popularity has been 40X8' $ 9 0 % eration of political leaders. sliding because of the high The homicide charge makes Heart problems had made costs of the 1990 unification the officials — four from the 3 2 ' X 8 ' $ 9 0 t him conscious of his age, he between east and west local Pemex oil company and said. Germany. three from city water and I GROUP STORAGE IS ENCOURAGED < CALL NOW TO RESERVE YOUR TRAILER:674-0533 sewer departments — ineligible for bail under Mexican law. Correction Arrested defendants are as­ TERROR THE MOVIES sumed guilty and must prove Due to incorrect information their innocence. DON'T DARE UNLEASH. provided to The Observer, it was reported in yesterday’s An eighth official, Jalisco ur­ CLIVG BARKERS edition that Sam Rauch ban development secretary received a minor in Aristeo Mejia, was hospitalized consumption citation Friday. with an apparent heart attack. Rauch was not charged. The A ninth, Mayor Enrique Dau Observer regrets the error. Flores, obtained a temporary restraining order against his arrest. -MONTHLY FROM EPIC COMICS AN D ^j Collector's Den Comics, Toys, and Games SUMMER 4609 Grape Road JMS Plaza, Mishawaka Mon-Sat 11 -7 STORAGE c a l u FC7E. eeseevA TioN GRAND OPENING MAY 8 MASTER MINI-WAREHOUSE page 6 The Observer Tuesday, April 28, 1992 Californians beginning to clean up after earthquake SCOTIA, Calif. (AP) — quake, and 247 were uninhab­ in the yard. Millworkers restacked lumber itable. About 700 mill workers were Powerful aftershocks Monday and firefighters hosed About 1,000 people registered asked to report to work Monday follow earthquake the remains of the town’s cen­ at shelters in Rio Dell and to begin cleaning up, said % — - Humboldt County Two powerful aftershocks followed a ter, which caught fire during a Scotia, but only about 100 ac­ Pacific Lumber President John T ~— Eureka major earthquake along Northern series of violent earthquakes tually slept at the two centers. Campbell. that caused about $51 m illion in “Because of the magnitude of m California’s “Lost Coast." damage. the two aftershocks, we’re The first serious aftershock V Bartlett “I guess it’s unemployment,” finding many people are reluc­ hit at 12:42 a.m. Sunday and \ Spring The epicenters of both after­ t fault said John Mock, pointing to the tant to stay inside buildings. measured 6.0 on the Richter shocks were in the area of the black hole that once was the They are using tents (and) scale. The second, magnitude \ V — Green lirst quake, centered just on­ lumber store where his wife, sleeping bags,” said Elizabeth 6.5, hit at 4:18 a.m. \ \ Valley shore near Rio Dell. Arlene, worked. “That was our Q u irk , a Red Cross t .V I fault only income.” spokeswoman. Both were centered near the San Francisco Cleanup efforts also were un­ The state Office of Emergency spot where the first quake Eureka der way in Fortuna, Rio Dell, Services estimated damage at struck, south of Eureka, about Ferndale CALIFORNIA — Rio Dell Petrolia and Ferndale, small $51 m illio n . Gov. Pete W ilson 270 miles north of San Sr Scotia towns in Northern California declared Humboldt County a Francisco. People as far away Garlock “ Lost Coast ” region damaged by disaster area and county offi­ as Fresno, 460 miles to the fault Pacific Saturday’s magnitude-6.9 cials said Monday they’ll ask south, felt the second after­ Ocean temblor and two sharp after­ the Bush administration for a shock. shocks early Sunday. federal disaster declaration, Ninety-five people were in­ making damage victims eligible Scotia resident Hazel Sarlund @ Los Angeles jured, none seriously, according for more aid. said the first aftershock was to an informal survey of hospi­ The quakes spared the large bad enough. Then she saw the San Andreas fault tals. Scotia complex belonging to red glow in the sky. The Red Cross, which had Pacific Lum ber Co., w hich op­ completed 65 percent of its erates the company-built town “It was terribly upsetting,” survey by Monday, said 308 of neat frame houses, but Sarlund said. “It felt like the homes were damaged by the knocked over stacks of lumber end to everything was coming.” Source: National Geographic, U.S. Geological Survey Perot supporters begin petition drive in Indiana

INDIANAPOLIS (AP) — About County. 200 Ross Perot supporters have Perot needs 29,919 signatures kicked off a petition drive to get of registered voters to be on the the Texas billionaire on the ballot in Indiana this fall. Indiana ballot for the November About 200 people from presidential election. around the state were in “I felt strongly — very, very Indianapolis over the weekend strongly — about him as a to train for the petition drive, president, so 1 turned down a which began Sunday afternoon. job to do this full-time. There’s probably no other person I Perot supporter Houston would do this for,” said Kristina Macy, 61, said he doesn’t un­ Seay, 23, a recent college derstand the criticism Perot has graduate who heads the Perot gotten for wanting to run the Petition Committee in Marion country as a business. The Observer

is now accepting application for the Waiting to practice - Kusek following position: Jonathan Fay, Karen Mack, Steve Boness, and Jeremy Mayernik, wait in the hallway of the band building before practice is set to begin. D es ig n Editors Jackson says he would run with Clinton WASHINGTON (AP) — Jesse statement. “I have also consis­ react” if his offer to serve on Jackson, after twice suggesting tently said that such discussion the ticket was ignored or re­ Paid Position that he should be Bill Clinton’s is premature and diversionary.” jected. presidential running mate, to­ day said he would be honored The New York Daily News to­ And in an interview this to serve if selected but that he day quoted Jackson as saying morning with AP Network To apply, please contact Jeanne Blasi at 239-7471 . wasn’t trying to exert pressure. that “I’ve got the experience News, Jackson hinted that he “I have consistently said that and I’ve got the votes. I see my­ might withhold backing from a the eventual nominee of the self as a running mate for the ticket that did not include him. party has the option of whom Democratic Party.” The news­ “I have supported it all these he w ill recommend to be on the paper further quoted Jackson years, not being on the ticket, ticket,” Jackson said in a as saying he was “prepared to but things do change,” he said. CAMPUS REPS WANTED

TED, TONY. LANCE, WAYNE , and all the KAREN FORDHAM- others. ITS NULL AND VOID. WHAT ARE YOU To market our programs on campus Class CONGRATS ON GOING OUT GOING TO DO ABOUT IT? WITH A BIG BANG I HERE'S LOOKING The perfect job for those bound for continued from page 10 FORWARD TO MORE IN ALUMNI NEXT CZAR, WE MISS YOU ALREADY YEAR! graduate school! Look at the advantages: LOVE, MICHELLE, JULIE, RICH, CHEER UP, WE MISS YOU THE GAUCHOS would like to thank our HILARY, ROSIE, POLLY, ETC. ALREADY SO STAY! • Generous compensation! great "sixth man" who supported us all four years. A special thanks goes out to the men • Work on your campus! of Stanford, and the women of Farley, Knott, L £ | ALUMNI • Set your own hours! and PW. Thanks for everything. SENIOR — m THE GAUCHOS • Earn BIG commissions! Dave Bose Rob Vazquez Mike Toner Keith Tower • Have fun while you work! Pete DIGiovanni • Earn a FREE LSAT, GIVI AT, GRE Phil Coughlin ECLUB Jerome Heppleman Now Accepting Applications or MCAT Prep Course! Thanks to all the Fifth men of the GAUCHOS: Phil Coughlin, Jerome For more information, call Heppleman. Phil and Jerome, it was thanks for: to you guys we could win it all. DJ's for 1992-93 School Year . T H E______THEGAUCHOS

The Generics as playingl Its a party on Haggar Terrace Pick up applications at Info, desk in Wed 29th form 8-11. Everyones’s invited I Sponsored by SMC L a F o rtu n e EDUCATIONAL GROUP junior class I Deadline: MAY l, 5:00 PM at Christ+T, Kansas bites. Questions Call James @ 239-7521 South Bend Call 273-1866 Viewpoint Tuesday, April 28, 1992 page 7 TheObserver

P.O. Box Q, Notre Dame, Indiana 46556 (219) 239-5303 1992-93 General Board Editor-In-Chief Monica Yant Managing Editor Business Manager John Rock Richard Riley

News Editor ...... David Kinney Advertising Manager ...... Mike Hobbes Viewpoint Editor ...... Joe Moody Ad Design Manager Kevin Hardman Sports Editor ...... Michael Scrudato Production Manager ...... Jeanne Blasi Accent Editor...... Jahnelle Harrigan Systems Manager ...... Patrick Barth Photo Editor ...... Marguerite Schropp OTS Director ...... Dan Shinnick Saint Mary’s Editor. Anna Marie Tabor Controller ...... David Beliveau

The Observer is the independent newspaper published by the students of the University of Notre Dame du Lac and Saint Mary's College. It does not necessarily reflect the policies of the administration of either institution. The news is reported as accurately and objectively as possible. Unsigned editorials represent the opinion of the majority of the Editor-in-Chief, Managing Editor, News Editor, Viewpoint Editor, Accent Editor, Photo Editor, Sports Editor, and Saint Mary's Editor. Commentaries, letters and Inside Column present the views of the authors. Column space is available to all members of the community and the free expression of varying opinions on campus through letters is encouraged.

LETTERS TO THE EDITOR ND/SMC community is not The ND women’s basketball will return immune to AIDS threat next winter to take the campus by storm Dear Editor: a part of life, even at Notre Do sports w riters really have be successful, but only with the As we are avoiding our Dame and Saint Mary’s. a clue about the articles that Kristin Knapp players who want to participate homework, we have decided to Unfortunately, our beliefs in our they print? This question has Guest Columnist in reaching that common goal. come forth and address an is­ Catholic University as a type of haunted me for the ten years If someone is unhappy here, sue with which we are con­ haven from the evil world may that I have participated in dropped in order to make our then it is in their best interest to cerned. As we become older, keep the reality of this disease competitive sports. I have come schedule more competitive. go where they think they will wiser, soon to be alumni, we hidden. to the conclusion that sports The articles have also neglected find happiness. Losing one are realizing that we are soon The purpose of this university writers are only concerned with to mention that we played the good freshman does not mean to enter a much more is to educate the students and printing a story, never defending National Champions, that the basketball team is "unsheltered" world. Yet, even better prepare them for life. completely interested or Tennessee, to a 3-point loss in headed for a downfall. As Chris with this thought, we feel that There are student groups concerned with printing the front of a crowd of over 8,000 Kennedy mentioned in his letter we should point out that this presently on campus who have truth. fans. Where is the support? to the editor, there are ten other life “under the Dome” is not as been involved in educating After reading several articles How can students attack the exceptionally talented ball sheltered as we have been led students on HIV/AIDS. in The Observer, in particular women's basketball program players who deserve some to believe. However, without the ac­ “Questions linger on future of when so few students even at­ credit for their efforts and two We feel one m ajor issue has knowledgment of this disease womens’ basketball team,” I tend the games? incoming freshmen who been ignored here at good ol’ as a tru e th re a t to th is com ­ became frustrated at the lack of When the m en’s or wom en’s deserve a chance. ND. This issue is AIDS. Many munity, students will still main­ support and the blatant attack basketball teams do not per­ The media has also neglected of us have been blind to the tain a false sense of security. on the future of the women’s form up to the fans expecta­ to mention one freshman who possibility of Domers and SMC’s Hopefully, it will not take public basketball program. tions, sports writers seem to will be with the team next year, having this disease, but look at disclosure of a student testing As a member of the women’s find plenty of extra time to Letitia Bowen. Letitia has been the figures. positive with HIV to awaken our basketball team I am disap­ point out the weaknesses of the a wonderful addition to the Do we really think that we concern. pointed in the lack of support coaching staff and the program program, not only for her ex­ are so special that we are im­ Not until November, when by the student body and the as a whole. ceptional gifts as an athlete, but mune? Parietals do not protect Magic Johnson announced that criticism that we have been re­ Furthermore, sports writers for her dedication in the you against AIDS, nor does the he is HIV positive, was the ceiving. There is no need to should concentrate on reporting classroom and her constant Catholic faith—only abstinence. heterosexual community truly question the future of women’s the facts and leave the support as a friend. This team Our concern has been scared. basketball here at Notre Dame. judgement calls for those of us wants to be successful. Those increased with what we believe We urge the administration The team is committed to inside the program who at least of us who are staying have the to be truths and not rumors of and student body leaders to representing the University of know the complete story. Leave dedication and the determina­ students presently involved on pursue this issue, now, before it Notre Dame in a positive man­ the program alone and let those tion it takes to be successful. both campuses that are infected escalates and explodes on this ner and hopes to be supported of us who w ant to play, play! The Notre Dame women’s w ith HIV. campus, as it is everywhere in for their efforts. The articles in The women’s basketball team basketball team w ill be back. We feel that this issue needs this country. HIV/AIDS is The Observer have questioned is made up of a group of We had a disappointing season, to be more openly addressed by infecting the lives of our disappointing record of 14- individuals striving to attain a but we will be back to take this the student body leaders and uneducated and ignorant young 17 a fte r a 2 0-w in season but common goal, and those who campus by storm! the administration. There people. never once mentioned the are not willing to give of them­ To the students who have should be anonymous testing Let’s just hope that the mem­ stronger strength of schedule. selves for the better of the team never seen a w om en’s basket­ done by the health services in bers of the Notre Dame and Teams such as Penn State, only hamper the success of the ball game, I think you should order to get Notre Dame statis­ Saint Mary’s communities can Purdue and Georgia were program. The Notre Dame come watch us . . . you just tics. The disease is exponen­ become immune to this disease added and weaker teams were women's basketball team w ill might be surprised! tially increasing in younger instead of becoming part of people—high school and college those statistics. age. One scary figure we have Sarah Esterline seen is that one out of every Off-campus 200 college students is infected Joe DiMario w ith HIV. This may not be the Grace Hall case at Notre Dame, but we Kathleen McKinney should not be so naive to think Off-campus that this is not the case. Sex is April 23,1992 D00NESBURY GARRY TRUDEAU QUOTE OF THE DAY


Why are you thinking that? Submit: QUOTES, P.O. Box Q, ND, IN 46556

1 Accent page 8 Tuesday, April 28, 1992 'Pageant nf the Virtues' The Notre Dame Schola Gregoriana choir will present St. Hildegard of Bingen’s

By JACK WALTON personal, and unprecedented handling Accent Writer of melodies and tonal qualities; “She adds an emotional depth to the music On Thursday April 30, at 8 p.m. in that is unknown to Gregorian Chant,” Sacred Heart Basilica, and again on observes Lochner. Sunday May 3 at St. Matthew’s The crucial part in the drama, that of Cathedral, the Schola Gregoriana of the the soul, will be sung by soloist Noirin Nf University of Notre Dame will perform a Riain, an Irish recording artist, stated spiritual music drama, the Ordo Lochner. Lochner is a long-time fan of Virtutum (“Pageant of the Virtues”), her work, which has involved everything written and composed by St. Hildegard from scholarship in the Gaelic tradition o f Bingen. of spiritual songs, to her work as an Fabian Lochner, a PhD student at the ethnomusicologist in the Irish Notre Dame Medieval Institute, and countryside, documenting women’s musical director of the Schola songs. Gregoriana, explained that this informal She travels the world on tour, and choir was founded four years ago, Lochner saw her in his native Belgium, performing Gregorian Chant at local performing a set that included Gaelic liturgies. Last year, the group became music, Gregorian Chant, and selections more ambitious and planned this event. from St. Hildegard, he remembered. The group consists of graduate students, Lochner had her in mind especially for faculty, and staff, and they are always on this project. As well as performing on the lookout for new undergraduates. April 30 and May 3, Noirin Ni Riain will Many have some musical experience; give a solo recital at Sacred Heart on others have none, stated Lochner. April 28 at 8:00 p.m. All the shows will Lochner calls St. Hildegard “one of the be free, but donations are encouraged greatest woman saints of the Catholic and appreciated. Church. ” A Benedictine abbess in 12th Lochner, along with graduate student, Century Germany, her “gift of vision and Jennifer Blatchford, extends sincere prophecy" survives in her three books, thanks to the many Arts and Letters which are “very important spiritual departments who have contributed to sources," and the Ordo Virtutum is from the program, and particularly to the the first of these, Scivias (“Know the Medieval Institute and its director, John Ways,” ca. 1151), said Lochner. Her goal Van Engen. They also thank John was to aid Christians in understanding Houghton, a grad student who has notions, such as the place of mankind in translated Hildegard’s Latin and will the cosmos, the Fall, and redemption, narrate the shows in English. stated Lochner. If all continues to go well, said Noirin Ni Riain is the soloist in Ordo Virtutum, a spiritual musical drama which Notre Lochner, for the Schola Gregoriana, The Ordo Virtutum, explained by Dame’s Schola Gregoriana will perform, courses will be available to both Lochner, presents the inner struggle of a graduate students and undergraduate even know themselves. The Virtues The setting for this musical drama is human soul, torn between the call of the students in order to allow people the proceed to introduce themselves the spirit world. The voices are unsexed, Virtues and the temptations of the Devil. chance to take part in this work while (charity, chastity, temperance, et. al.) and express their spiritual paradigms in The Devil is not given music, only receiving credit. The group encourages and the revelation is so glorious that the music that, like Gregorian Chant, is not speaking and screaming, and challenges anyone interested to join them in their soul is won over. The Devil is bound; the polyphonic, but linear, said Lochner. St. the Virtues, claiming that they do not projects. soul joins the Virtues. Hildegard is revolutionary in her unique, Swayze plays in movie wasteland By PETER BEVACQUA City of Joy Film Critic Produced by Jake Eberts and Roland Joffe’s (“The Killing Roland Joffe Fields”) latest film stars Patrick Swayze (“Ghost,” "Dirty Directed by Roland Joffe Dancing”) as a young American Now playing at doctor who leaves the western University Park West world in order to search for a new identity, and a reason to continue living. He, compelled by some form of self-induced paranoia, forsakes the medical (out of five) profession, and finds himself Damascus—more a trail of adrift in India. boredom and tears than a road Max Lowe, played by Swayze, toward new understanding. becomes involved with an Swayze’s character is a m ix­ Indian peasant, Hassari Pal ture of two immortal Hollywood (Dm Puri). Hassari and his fam­ personas: Shane and Elliot Ness ily were forced from their vil­ (with a medical degree). He is lage by drought and famine, the quintessential G- and migrate to Calcutta, the man/gunslinger with a “City of Joy” seeking new urban stethoscope for a six-shooter, Rickshaw driver Hasari Pal (Om Puri, I.) and American doctor Max Lowe (Patrick Swayze) form a deep wealth. and he is forced to do battle friendship in "City of Joy", The premise seems quite in­ with a character so reminiscent that peasant characters over­ (responsible for the sounds of Socrates himself would be re­ teresting, but what follows is a of Marlon Brando’s portrayal of come by a constant state of Sergio Leone’s Spaghetti pulsed. futile attempt to incorporate Don Corleone that 'I found poverty and hunger are not go­ Westerns) soundtrack make the If you have an urgent desire postmodernism into a desolate myself laughing aloud at such a ing to hail a dirty dancing doc­ film somewhat bearable. But, to see the Indian landscape via land. Lowe initially refuses to self-conscious overkill act. tor as their savior. The film is sorry to say, there is dialogue, film, rent “Gandhi.” If you feel put his invaluable medical This is the 1990’s, and it is not convincing—it tries to be and plenty of it. The local clinic compelled to see Patrick practices into use at the local true that postmodernism is spiritually uplifting, and fails. is run by Joan Bethel (Pauline Swayze, rent “The Outsiders.” clinic, but he undergoes a very chic. However, what The stunning cinematography Collins) who utters statements Stay away from “City of Joy,” it moral conversion on his road to Roland Joffe fails to realize is and Ennio Morricone’s which are so didactic that even is a cinematic wasteland. Tuesday, April 28, 1992 Accent page 9 Philosophy of design Architecture exhibit honoring Jaime Bellalta is on display in Architecture Building By LAURIE SESSA architecture student and member of Assistant Accent Editor AIAS. In his designs, he is concerned with sight and life, paying attention to In honor of the retirement of one of the site on which the building will rest, Notre Dame’s most respected professors, Shiber stated. the American Institute of Architecture “His approach is much more Students (AIAS) is sponsoring an exhibit prophetical or spiritual,...that we are of the work of Jaime Bellalta, associate doing the work of God,” said Kuhlman. professor of architecture. Bellalta believes that architecture can Having taught in the Notre Dame be seen as “ the search for re b u ild in g School of Architecture since 1976, paradise. ” Much of his professional work Professor Bellalta has profoundly includes residential, urban and religious influenced many students of architecture projects in Chile, England and the United The Observer/Sean Farnan according to David Kuhlman, a fifth year States. An exhibit of the work of retiring professor of architecture Jaime Bellalta, is being shown in architecture student who has worked One of his most famous projects is the the Architecture Building until May 17. closely with Bellalta. Benedictine Monastery in Santiago, Chile working on the design of a mid size Bellalta was born and raised in which is now being nominated as a and is very personal to us,” he added. house in Mishawaka. Santaigo, Chile and received his degree national landmark according to Bellalta taught his studio class from According to Kuhlman, Bellalta is in architecture at Catholic University of Kuhlman. “His is the only modern work his house and student houses through unique as a teacher. “Professor Bellalta dinner and discussion every Wednesday Chile. He was then awarded a full schol­ that has been nationally recognized in has been a teacher in many ways: arship to the Graduate School of Design Chile,” Kuhlman stated. night. “We talked about things in through his personal involvement in the general, and it usually ended up with at Harvard University, where he received Sacred Heart Parish, his vocational his Masters of Architecture in 1952. Bellalta has also done much local him talking about his experiences," said outlook and teaching of architecture, After post-graduate studies at the work, including a proposal for the Kuhlman. and his value for love and family,” said Univeristy of London, Bellalta returned interior renovation of St. Bavo’s Parish “His students will always value the Kuhlman. to teach at Catholic University in Church in Mishawaka, and a proposal insight and advice he has provided for Santiago, and then came to Notre Dame for the Chapel/Conference addition to the In the classroom, “there isn’t really a both architecture and life in general,” teacher-student atmosphere. He’s more Kuhlman stated. in 1976. Fatima Retreat House which is intended of a friend and does not treat us like Bellalta’s work is on display on the Bellalta is a “philosophical designer,” to be built. Bellalta has also designed we’re on a lower level,” said Kuhlman. said Amy Shiber, a fourth year two houses in the area, and is presently second floor of the Architecture Building “He has integrity for what he believes u ntil May 17. 'Faces of W omen' African awareness is emphasized in a new film

By FRED KROL system based on money Accent Writer rather than bartering. The film deals “with the problems In an attempt to increase involved with learning to the Notre Dame community’s cope with money,” said awareness of African culture Desire Scare, the film ’s di­ and traditions, the African rector. Student Association will be showing Desire Scare’s Singing and dancing, along award-winning film, “Faces with festivals and ceremonies of Women.” A /m are woven together in the The film presents “the most film to provide insight into insightful look at women in village life. “The dances and African society,” says the songs... symbolize the Guillaume Zounlome, acting whole spirit of the film, its president of the African I tM celebration of joy,"said Student Association. “It Scare. points out the day-to-day English subtitles accom­ struggle of women to get pany the film which was their own rights and have featured at the Cannes Film men respect them,” he said. Festival and the London Film “The struggle of women is Festival in 1985. not particular to Africa,” The film has won awards notes Zounlome. He adds such as the Award of that the universal nature of International Council of this struggle is the main Television and Movie at the reason the Association chose explain why the film has no “Men deserve one thing only because she is not trusted Cannes, London, and San the two-part film from the rating. After the affair, the - to be deceived.” and is unable to do anything Francisco Festivals and is the Ivory Coast. suspicious husband attempts without her husband’s first movie from Ivory Coast to reassert his power by The second part of the film permission. She also risks to ever reach New York. The first story tells of an stating, “You’re my posses­ depicts the struggles of alienating herself from her “Faces of Women” will be unhappy wife who has a sion, my slave.” The wife re­ Bernadette, a woman trying village by competing with shown Wednesday at 7 p.m. steamy affair with her torts by calling her husband to succeed in the male- men. in the Annenburg Auditorium husband’s brother. The “Blue “stupid." During the tension dominated business world. In addition, Bernadette of the Snite Museum. Lagoon"-type love scene may a chorus of women sing, Her efforts are complicated must adapt to an economic Admission is $1. Tuesday, April 28, 1992 page 10 The Observer

The Observer accepts classifieds every business day from 10 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. at the Notre Dame office, 314 LaFortune and from 12 p.m. to 3 p.m. at 309 Haggar College Center. Deadline for next-day classifieds is 3p.m. All classifieds must be prepaid. The Classifieds charge is 2 cents per character per day, including all spaces.

$350.00/ DAY PROCESSING SUMMER SUBLET airline ticket from SB to NWK WANTED: A rational explanation for NOTICES PHONE ORDERS! PEOPLE CALL (O/W) on 5/18 (Male). Call 288- the termination of the ND wrestling WHOOPS! Is "Our Baby" growing in YOU. NO EXPERIENCE TURTLE CREEK TOWNHOUSE 9806. program. Must be logical, coherent, your tummy by accident? Loving NECESSARY. 1 800-255-0242. FOR RENT OVER SUMMER. TWO TRUE and must not make the doctor and his stay at home wife WORD PROCESSING BEDROOMS. ONE AND ONE Airline ticket from South Bend to university look like a bunch of would like to discuss Baby’s future 256-6657 THE ASSOCIATES HALF BATHS, FENCED IN PATIO, Newark, NJ on 5/9 money-hungry idiots. If you can help with you. Please call us collect TEMPORARY POSITION: LARGE LIVING AREA, WALKING also selling bedroom dresser us out, call Athletic Czar DICK anytime. (219) 462-5250. Debra $$ FOR BOOKS 10-4:30 M-Sat DISTANCE TO CAMPUS. Michael 277-2151 Rosenthal at his toll-free number 1- and Michael. Pandora's Books MARKETING RESEARCH CALL ERIC X1392 800-GET-CLUE. corner of ND ave & Howard ANALYST - Proficient in Paradox, CALL BRYAN or BRENNAN Round trip, non refundable air P S. What team is next on the list? Irish Music and Dance reg. hrs 10-5:30 everyday Lotus and MultiMate. Responsible X1376 tix - CHICAGO to JUNEAU, Every Tuesday at Club 23 for developing and analyzing CALL KEN X1385 ALASKA leave Chicago on 5-24, JUNIORS SEAMAISIN SUMMER TOURS TO EUROPE, statistical reports. returns on 5-31, 617$ value for AUSTRALIA AND THE GREEK Please call (219) 271 -6342 to Summer Sublet ONLY 400$! call 312-988-7964- U 000 THE COPY SHOP 000 ISLANDS. 15-19 days. All schedule an interview. Furnished 2 Bedroom leave message. SUBMIT PRINTED COPY LaFortune Student Center expenses paid including meals. 272-9817 N OF RESUME AND DISK TO We re Open Everyday!!! $1395 - $1798 Call Contiki Tours ND PROFESSOR & GRAD. Selling contents of off-campus apt., CAREER & PLACEMENT 1-800-950 1037 STUDENT NEED BABYSITTER Share 2Br house with M Grad vcr, beds, couches and more. I SERVICES FOR RESUME to the athletic dept.: ext. #2. FOR FALL FOR 2 CHILDREN, Student. Laundry, Garage, Garden, Call 273-1814 for specifics. BOOK NOW! your time is gonna come 2-1/2 YRS. & 6 MOS., IN OUR Porch, Air Cond. Avail May 1. $260 O —led zeppelin Allegro HOME WHILE WE ARE WORKING plus phone. 288-3878. 78 Volkswagen Van Outstanding DEADLINE: BEFORE YOU THERE. 10-20 HRS./WK. CALL California Condition. 120/K. R LEAVE CAMPUS IN MAY. to the star chamber under the A contemporary cafe with a 233-6901. $5/HR. ATTRACTIVE STUDIO'S IN Automatic, White. $1,750. 616- dome: touch of the old world. LOVELY OLD VICTORIAN BLDG. 684-7203. lyin', cheating', hurlin', that’s all you Located in the lower level of Going to Chicago after graduation? NEAR N.D. 225-300/MO. CALL seem to do LaFortune Hall. Open 24 hours a Me too! Looking for female non-smk 2879634 FOR SUMMER AND FALL CHEAP! FBI/U.S. SEIZED U PS on CAMPUS —led zeppelin day thru Thursday 5/7. roommate(s). Karen 2770 RENTALS. 89 MERCEDES ...... $200 We don’t miss a day! Ship HOW WOULD I DESCRIBE FOUR TYPING AVAILABLE BABYSITTER NEEDED FOR 3 ONE WEEK TIME SHARE. 8 6 VW...... $ 50 your stuff home now and YEARS UNDER THE MALLOY 287-4082. CHILDREN DURING SUMMER. RENT $700 USA, $800 OTHER. 8 7 MERCEDES...... $100 relax during Finals Week. ADMINISTRATION? FULL-TIME, NON-SMOKING, AND 60-90 DAYS NOTICE 65 MUSTANG...... $ 50 "DRIVES ME INSANE, TROUBLE'S Typing RELIABLE. OWN USE BY AUGUST 8 M-F 12-5 Sat. 11-2 GONNA COME TO YOU" — LED Pickup & Delivery TRANSPORTATION A MUST 616-435-5805. Choose from thousands starting ZEPPELIN 277-7406 GOOD SWIMMER PREFERRED. $25. 239-6714 PLEASE CONTACT MICHELE HOUSE FOR RENT FREE 24-Hour Recording Reveals at ADOPTION: YOUR BABY NEEDS TEXAS: I'm driving home for the AFTER 5:30 AT 277-5374. $150/mo. Call Paul 287-2159. Giveaway Prices. THE COUNTRY HARVESTER A HOME AND OUR HOME NEEDS summer to Austin and I don't want 801-379-2929 lower level LaFortune A BABY! Young financially secure to do it alone. Want to help, call Bill ALL NEW IN ‘92! SUMMER SUBLET: TURTLE CK Copyright #IN11KJC. Catholic couple looking to adopt X4274 Distribute bumper stickers and T- NEED 3RD ROOMATE X4070 "When people are at their worst, and provide a loving home to an shirts. Help America and your 88 Mazda 323, 4spd, AC, EC, 22K that's when I do my best" infant. All Expenses paid. Please Attention Notre Dame / SMC wallet. Call 1 -800-584-0757 nights 2 bedroom Turtle Creek Townhouse mil Hundreds below blue book! Jim call collect (317) 364-0300 for more NEW JERSEY students: or weekends. - sublet during summer months W239-6064/H273-9059 — Joe Godin information. Luggage Truck loading on Best Offer — X4073 Thurs. May 7 6:00-8:00 pm WANTED ALASKA JOBS My aunt dated George Bush and ADOPTION Fri. May 8 12:30-2:30 pm STATIONERY EXERCISE BIKE WANTED: 3 FEMALE STUDENTS $1000+/wk, room, board, airfare. now she wants grad tix! x4108 Childless, Christian, Couple wishes all loading at Stepan STAIR CLIMBER FOR LG. HOME. $200/MO. PER Now hiring. (503) 754-6051 ext. 8. to adopt. Legal and medical paid. Pick up Sun May 10 COUNTRY SKI M/C OR NORDIAC ROOM. LOTS OF AMENITIES. SPOC - WATCH OUT FOR THE Call Bill and Kathy, Collect, at 219- Morris Plains 9:30-11:30 am TRACK YOU STUDY WHILE I TRAVEL & LOFTS FOR SALE TREES!! GOOD LUCK! LOVE 322-8187. CBA 2:30-4:30 pm BOOK CASE AND VCR ENJOY THE UTOPIAN LIFE. CALL MOM, DAD, DIANE, CHRIS AND ?'s call Matt VanderGoot 8562/288 0730evenings FOR APPT. PAUL 232-2794. Call Shannon X4944 COLIN 1 am a worm, slowly and surely x 1756 or sinking deeper into the bowels of Keith McKeon x 4070 WANTED: Female roommate to HEY, all you party animals, the LOFTS FOR SALE "AUDREY GOMEZ the earth, putting more desolation help with off-campus rent for FRAT HOUSE is available for the SEXY between me and the universe summer school, June 22 August 8. year 92-93. Make it the best year of Airplane Seat 4 Sale! TALENTED LOST/FOUND If interested call your life. Call 272-5509. $75 for tray table and all! EXCEPTIONAL SENIORS X1502 Call 273-9316 Today! VIBRANT LOST — gold ring with black stone SUMMER IN S B ? EXTREME encircled by white rhinestones: lost SENIORS 1 hideaway couch-$75 in restroom of North Dining Hall Want to sell your bicycle sublet the newest, largest, 1 cof. table-$5 Meg, N "NEW JOB LISTING" rather than take it home? 1-1/2 bath, most energy 1 cushion chair-$10 " FRIENDS FOREVER* HANDOUTS AVAILABLE EXTREME SENTIMENTAL VALUE Call 239-5335 and ask for efficient 2-bed appart. @ 277-4491 AND I IN CAREER & PLACEMENT please call Elizabeth x1918 Walt. Turtle Creek—for the same price of •LOVE YOU ALWAYS!* SERVICES the other 2-bd. appt. Buy a cheap airline ticket to the Love, 0 LOST ND STARTER JACKET AT Moving to Chicago area? ‘91 grad in X2447 Emerald City, Seattle. L and M NOW SR. BAR ON 4/23. DID YOU GRAB western suburb looking for roomate. CLEARLY THE BEST CHOICE Fly from South Bend to Seattle on R THE WRONG ONE? LAUNDRY Call Don 708-629-3608. United May 19. ATTENTION SUMMER UPDATED WEEKLY TAG IN JACKET WITH LAST TURTLE CREEK SUMMER $150 OBO. Call Tom at 271-0571. STUDENTS: S NAME "ABBATE" AND NUMBER CUTE BLONDE NEEDS HELP SUBLET- PRICE NEG.; VITO'S BARBER SHOP "80001". CALL TONY @ 277-6048. DRIVING HER COOL PINK CAR FURNISHED. 271-1399 FOR SALE: '85 ISUZU l-MARK. 1523 LINCOLNWAY WEST JUNIORS TO MD/WASH. DC AREA Ex. Condo, sunrf, Needs clutch 233-4767 LOST Sun. 26 April at Huddle: A ON 5/17. CALL MOLLIE 4999. SIX EFFICIENCY APTS. IN BLDG. $1,200, O.B.O. -283-4903. U blue PHIL 244 notebook with my NEAR N.D. WILL RENT HAIRCUTS: $5.50 SUBMIT PRINTED COPY OF name, room number and phone Palace Laundry is looking for a INDIVIDUALLY OR 30R MORE AT N RESUME AND DISK TO number on it. My notes stink, but if drummer for next year. If A DISCOUNTED RATE TICKETS Anyone going to be in CAREER & PLACEMENT you really want them I'll make you a interested, call Tim at x1075 and CALL2879624 Durham, NC next year? 1 SERVICES FOR RESUME copy and pay for it too. I just want leave message. We would like to Extended Catholic family Looking for a roommate. BOOKS NOW! to be able to get a decent grade on audition this week. "Our Old House" from NJ. Need as many GRAD Call Amy X2860 O the final - please have a heart and if Michigan Bed and Breakfast. 35 TIX as humanly possible. DEADLINE: BEFORE YOU you found my notebook call 4911. ALASKA SUMMER EMPLOYMENT Mins, from Campus. (616) Call Teresa x2899 to haggle R LEAVE CAMPUS IN MAY. No questions will be asked!!!! - fisheries. Earn $5,000+/month. 435-5365. If you like pina coladas, Free transportation! Room & Board! FOR SALE:One-way plane ticket to And getting caught in the rain, LOST...SILVER CHAIN-LINK Over 8,000 openings. No A riverfront sharp home and San Jose.CA for May 9th-CHEAP!l- If you're not into yoga, BRACLET. Somewhere btwn. Frat experience necessary. Male or apartment for rent weekends or call Samx4863 If you have half a brain, NEED: Id. or rhyth. GUITARIST House,Bridget's,Smain circle on the Female. For employment program short terms. 219-257-9101/219- If you like makin’ love at midnight summer &/or next year for the Wed. before Easter(4/15). GREAT call Student Employment Services 291-6100. PLEASE! Desperately need 1 grad in the dunes on the cape, Metha-tones. sent, valuel $$ Anne X2580 at 1-206-545-4155 ext. 1597. tick, for my Grandma- 277-4491. I'm the love that you've looked for: call 271-0742 or 288-4859 4 Bedrm house for summer. Write to me and escape. LOST LOST LOST LOST LOST Mill Female roommate needed for Furnished, less than 1/2 mile Need 1or2 grad tix. Let's make a Take time to smell the roses! Apply Williamsburg Apt. June 1st $234.50. from campus, safe neighborhd. deal. Ron 3315, leave message. ELAN Top Ten for a position at Irish Gardens A Gold Claddaugh Ring. Call 258-5702 Cheap rent! AGNES x2769 10Hey,didyasee this? today! Applications available at the Somewhere between: One way plane tic. 9 Feathers store, due Wed. 4/29 PW and Keenan/Stanford Attention bisexual women SB to Denver - May 9 8 I had butt hair and SALES PERSON WANTED FOR (and other interested parties): $80 Brian 287-5987 7 Some wierd crotch Allegro PW and Lafortune FOOD VENDING CART ON THE Turtle Creek sublet available. Call disease WEEKENDS. LOCATION WILL BE Rian @ X1209 for details. NEED GRAD. TIX —CALL 277- 6 It's hard without a hole Now open 24 hours a day thru Please, this ring has great ON THE EAST RACE. GREAT 1958 5 We didn't do it this slow exam week! sentimental value. If you find it SUMMER INCOME. MUST BE Kicked off campus? Sexually in Menudo please call X2873 and ask for Mary OUTGOING. CALL RICK AT 288- harrassed by your roommate for the I NEED GRAD TIX! 4 You’ll never be Sean's butt NEED $$$? RENT ME YOUR Jo. 1454, WEEKDAYS. 273-0900 1992-93 school year? Three call 273-9316 III 3 Whatever part of your body HESBURGH GRADUATE STUDY NIGHTS AND WEEKENDS. (adjective) guys are looking for a sticks out the most ROOM-ASAP-5/7/92 BIG $$ Found silvr hoop earring by Law Turtle Creek roommate. Call Chris BULLS PLAYOFF TICKETS 2 Lying on your boobs CHRIS 273-9316 School Weds. Left at securty bldng Need Graduation Tickets BADLY - @ X1088 if you need us as much as Home Game 7 1 Flat lighting?No,that's Will Pay BIG $. Ask for T.Rog at we need you. We've been Philled! 1167 Kyle just the dancers DR. STAT; I'M FREQUENTLY FOUND: A blue Eddie Bauer 288-7341 GOOD LUCK TONITEI DISENCHANTED WITH THE windbreaker on 2nd floor of FURNISHED ROOM, KITCHEN, NEEDED 2 Tickets to Graduation: Love, Marisa+Anne FACT THAT YOU HAVE Stanford. Call Dan-X2067 to claim Need Rider to FL. after AIR, PRIVATE ENTRANCE, 5 MIN. call Neal 283-1159 PRACTICALLY TERMINATED It. senior week - must drive N. CAMPUS. 272-0615. J - Thanks for an incredible 3 years. ALL COMMUNICATION WITH stick. Barbara X5099 This could be the start of something THE COUNCIL ELITE. DR. LOVE, Lost silver key ring with three keys PERSONALS big!! Love T THE SQUIRE AND I MISS YOU. between Knott and FOR SALE LOVE, DOCTOR SIN/COSIN. StEds on Sat night. Call Pete FOR RENT at1698. INDIANA AUTO INSURANCE. SENIORS STUDY ABROAD IN AUSTRALIA MONEY TO LOAN Good rates. Save Money. Call me Info on semester, year, graduate, Personal - Business BED N BREAKFAST REGISTRY for a quote 9:30-6:00, summer and internship programs in 1 800 238-9755 WANTED 219-291-7153. 289-1993. Office near campus. Perth, Townsville, Sydney, and Open 7 days 9a.m. - 10p.m. N “NEW JOB LISTING" Melbourne. Programs start at Bryan Reed. Phone # 713-699- Even though MR. BUSH is speaking 2 Bedroom ATTENTION: COUCH HANDOUTS AVAILABLE IN $3520. Call 1 -800-878-3696. 2494. at graduation, my aunt still wants to Walk to Campus &MATCHING LOVESEAT, & I CAREER AND PLACEMENT come. Please help her out;Sell me a $390 Month RECLINER 4 SALE- MUST SEE- SERVICES. HELP! HELP! HELP! HELP!! graduation ticket. Call x4233 232 3616 $150 271-9165 O The Lizard King lives on! Down with Ride needed back to NEW JERSEY NOW the Crustaceans! after finals. Will help pay for MOVING TO LA? New condo available mid-May ATTENTION PANGBORN R gas/tolls. Please call Mike at I'm looking tor roommates to live thru mid-August. COMPLETELY FEMALES - 1 YEAR NEW Help Me, Please x:3526. near Manhattan Beach after furnished, incl­ 2 PERSON LOFT S UPDATED WEEKLY graduation. uding linen, towels, and dishes. 2 TO SEE CALL X2341 I need graduation tickets if anyone NEEDED: Ride back home to CALL JULIE X1342 bedrooms, 2 baths. For sale: Pair of 100 watt Sony has some they are not going to use. Boston/New England Area. Will Walking distance to ND campus. FURNITURE FOR SALE speakers. Call Quinn at x2059 if you have any help pay for gas and tolls. Call Summer Roommate needed Call Kathleen -277- Beds, Couches and More Call x1563 info. Greg at X3526 Turtle Creek apartment 1709. CHEAP Call x2891 Call 277-3610 Alicia— please, help me see CLASS/page 6 April 27, 1992 The Observer page 11

last three games, he had a bet­ the Bookstore commissioners. to be upset, rightly so, at the hit a lot harder in order to draw ter shooting percentage than When I needed information, fact that 1 misstated their spon­ fouls. Hoop Bose (19-30 to Bose’s 15-31), they were more than willing to sor. pulled down 27 rebounds and help me. However, one error continued from page 16 I suggest that the Bookstore added so much in terms of in­ (telling me that Ebony Side Of My final grief is with the ref­ commissioners either eliminate seven points and seven boards tensity (look at his four steals in The Dome was sponsored by erees. I think that being a ref referees altogether or the to lead Bridget’s. the final). Adworks when Ebony was re­ would be one of the toughest commissioners bring in some Now for the tourney MVP. ally sponsored by Black Alumni things to do. However, the refs outside referees, such as high I thought Vazquez was the My dissatisfaction with the Of Notre Dame) caused the did not call things consistently. school refs to be impartial for logical choice fo r MVP. In the tournament teams leads me to members of Ebony and others Also, bigger players had to get the round of 16 onward. o a • O


176, New England, Wayne Hawkins, wr, Southwest Minnesota. 177, Cleveland, Sherwin NHL playoff scoring leaders through April Sixth Round Jones, db, Colorado State. 178, Seattle, Mike Frier, dt, Appalachian State. 179, 26: 141, Indianapolis, Shoun Habersham, wr. Tennessee-Chattanooga. 142, Cincinnati, Pittsburgh, Russ Campbell, te, Kansas State. 180, New York Giants, Corey Widmer, nt. Player, Team GP G A PTS PIM Chris Burns, dt Middle Tennessee State. 143, Cleveland (from Tampa Bay), Rico Smith, Nicholls, Edm 5 5 8 1 3 1 0 wr, Colorado. 144, Los Angeles Rams. Joe Campbell, rb, Middle Tennessee State. 145, Montana State. 181, Denver (from New York Jets), Jim Johnson, ot, Michigan State. 182, Murphy, Edm 5 2 8 1 0 6 Detroit (from Phoenix through New England), Larry Tharpe, ot, Tennessee State. 146, Atlanta (from Miami), Tim Paulk, lb, Florida. Lemieux, Pit 3 4 5 9 0 Phoenix (from Green Bay), Brian Brauninger, ot. Oklahoma. 147, San Diego, Reggie White, 183, Minnesota. David Wilson, db, California. 184, Tampa Bay (from Los Angeles Oates, Bos 4 4 4 8 2 dt. North Carolina A&T. Raiders). , db, Georgia Tech. 185, Los Angeles Raiders (from Atlanta Hull. StL 5 4 4 8 4 148, Tampa Bay (from Cleveland), James Malone, lb, UCLA. 149, Dallas (from New through Miami), , rb, UCLA. 186, Kansas City, , lb, Michigan. 187, Philadelphia, William Boatwright,g, Virginia Tech. 188, Pittsburgh (from San Ridley. Was 4 0 8 8 0 England), Fallon Wacasey, te, Tulsa. 150, San Francisco (from Pittsburgh), Damien Ciccarelli, Was 4 5 2 7 8 Russell, db, Virginia Tech. 151, Seattle. Michael Bates, wr, Arizona. 152, Minnesota, Francisco), Scottie Graham, rb, Ohio State. 189, Houston, Elbert Turner, wr, Illinois. Coffey, LA 5 4 3 7 0 Mike Gaddis, rb. Oklahoma. 153, New York Giants, Stacey Dillard, dt, Oklahoma. 154, New 190, Green Bay (from Dallas through Los Angeles Raiders), Christopher Holder, wr, Tuskegee. 191, Miami (from New Orleans through Los Angeles Raiders), Dave Moore, te, Damphousse, Edm 5 4 3 7 2 York Jets, Glenn Cadrez, lb, Houston. Bellows, Min 5 3 4 7 8 155, Miami. Roosevelt Collins, lb. Texas Christian. 156, Los Angeles Raiders, Tony Pittsburgh. 192, Chicago, John Brown, wr, Houston. 193, Denver, Jon Bostic, wr, Robitaille, LA 5 3 4 7 8 Rowell, c, Florida. 157, Green Bay (from San Francisco), Mark Chmura, te, Boston Nebraska. 194, New England (from Detroit). Jim Gray, dt, West Virginia. 195, Buffalo. Kurt Schulz, db, Eastern Washington. 196, Washington, Calvin Holmes, db. Southern Cal. Gretzky, LA 5 2 5 7 2 College. 158, Atlanta, Terry Ray, db, Oklahoma. 159, Kansas City, Tony Smith, wr, Savard, Mtl 4 0 7 7 2 Notre Dame. 160, Philadelphia, Jeff Sydner, wr, Hawaii. 161, Chicago, Mark Berry, db, Brown, Chi 5 0 7 7 1 0 Texas. Eighth Round 197, Indianapolis, Jason Belser, db, Oklahoma. 198, Los Angeles Rams, Ricky Jones, qb. 162, Houston, , wr, Washington. 163, Cleveland (from Dallas), MP GA George Williams, dt, Notre Dame. 164, New Orleans. Kary Vincent, db. Texas A&M. Alabama State. 199, Cincinnati, Roosevelt Nix, de, Central State, Ohio. 200, Tampa Bay, SO Avg Anthony McDonald, rb, Texas Tech. 201, San Diego, James Fuller, db, Portland State. 202, T e rre ri 23 9 8 165, New England (from Detroit), Tracy Boyd, g. Elizabeth City State. 166, New York 0 2.01 Phoenix, Eric Blount, wr, North Carolina. 203, Pittsburgh (from Green Bay), Darren Perry, New Jersey (1) 24 0 9 0 Jets (from Denver), Jeff Blake, qb. East Carolina. 167, Buffalo, Nate Turner, te, 2.25 Pietrangelo 23 8 9 0 2.27 Nebraska. 168, Washington, Ray Rowe, te. San Diego State. db, Penn State. 204, New England (from Cleveland), Scott Lockwood, rb, Southern Cal. 205, New Hartford (1) 24 0 1 0 0 2.50 England, Sam Gash, rb, Penn State. 206, Pittsburgh, Hesham Ismail, g, Florida. 207, Roy 24 0 9 1 2.25 Seventh Round Montreal (1) 24 0 1 0 1 2.50 169, Indianapolis, Derek Steele, de, Maryland. 170, Denver (from Tampa Bay), Ron Seattle, Muhammad Shamsid-Deen, rb, Tennessee-Chattanooga. 208, Denver (from New Moog 25 3 1 1 0 Geater, de, Iowa. 171, Los Angeles Rams, Darryl Ashmore, t, Northwestern. 172, York Jets), Dietrich Lockridge, g, Jackson State. 209, Miami, Andre Powell, lb, Penn 2.61 Boston (0) 2 5 3 1 1 0 Cincinnati, Lance Olberding, t, Iowa. 173, Los Angeles Raiders (from Green Bay). Curtis State. 210, Minnesota, Luke Fisher, te. East Carolina. 2.61 R ic h te r Cotton, db. Nebraska. 174, San Diego, Deems May, te, North Carolina. 175, Phoenix. Derek 211, New York Giants, Kent Graham, qb, Ohio State. 212, Indianapolis (from Los 1 19 3 1 1.51 Vanbiesbrouck 120 8 0 4.00 Ware. te. Central State. Okla. Angeles Raiders), Ronald Humphrey, rb, Mississippi Valley State. 213, Kansas City, Jim Jennings, g, San Diego State. 214, Philadelphia. Charles Bullough, lb. Michigan State. N.Y. Rangers (0) 24 0 1 1 1 2.75 215, Pittsburgh (from San Francisco), Nate Williams, dt, Mississippi State. 216, Beaupre 24 0 1 0 0 2.50 Atlanta, Derrick Moore, rb, NE Oklahoma. 217, Atlanta (from Dallas), Reggie Dwight, te, W ashington (1) 24 0 1 1 0 2.75 Troy State. McLean 2 9 8 1 4 0 2.82 The Observer 218, New Orleans, Robert Stewart, nt, Alabama. 219, New York Jets (from Chicago), Vancouver (0) 300 1 4 0 2.80 Vincent Brownlee, wr, Mississippi. 220, Houston, Bucky Richardson, qb, Texas A&M. 221, Draper 2 5 3 1 3 0 3.08 Detroit, Willie Clay, db, Georgia Tech. 222, Tampa Bay (from Denver through Dallas and Buffalo (0) 2 5 3 1 3 0 3.08 is now accepting application for the Cleveland), Mike Pawlawski, qb, California. 223, Buffalo, Leonard Humphries, db, Penn Tabaracci 2 7 3 1 3 0 2.86 State. 224, Washington, Darryl Moore, g, Texas-EI Paso. Essensa 2 7 3 0 6.67 following position: Winnipeg (0) 300 1 6 0 3.20 Ninth Round Hasek 104 4 0 2.31 225, Indianapolis, Eddie Miller, wr, South Carolina. 226, Cincinnati. Ostell Miles, rb, B e lfo u r 2 1 9 1 3 0 3.56 Houston. 227, Minnesota (from Tampa Bay). Brad Johnson, qb. Florida State. 228, Los Chicago ( 1) 32 4 1 8 0 3.33 Circulation Manager Angeles Rams, T.J. Rubley, qb, Tulsa. 229, Phoenix, David Henson, nt, Arkansas Central. Cheveldae 2 2 6 1 2 1 3.19 230, Green Bay, , qb, Brigham Young. 231, San Diego. Johnnie Barnes, wr. Riendeau 73 4 0 3.29 Hampton. Detroit (1) 301 1 7 1 3.39 Circulation Drivers 232. New England. David Dixon, dt, Arizona State. 233, Cleveland. Tim Hill, db, Kansas. Casey 301 1 6 0 3.19 234, Seattle, Larry Stayner, te, Boise State. 235, Pittsburgh, Elnardo Webster, lb, Minnesota (1) 301 1 7 0 3.39 Rutgers. 236, Miami, Tony Tellington, db, Youngstown State. 237, Minnesota, Ronnie R anford 2 7 9 1 6 0 3.44 Must be available from lOam-lpm West, wr, Pittsburgh. 238, New York Giants, Anthony Prior, db, Washington State. T u g n u tt 2 0 2 0 6.00 239, Phoenix (from New York Jets), Tyrone Williams, wr, Western Ontario. 240, Green Edmonton (0) 3 0 0 1 8 0 3.60 Bav (from Los Anaeles Raiders), Shazzon Bradley, nt, Tennessee. 241, Philadelphia, Joseph 3 2 0 21 0 3.94 Ephesians Bartley, lb, Florida. 242, San Francisco. , qb. Colorado. 243. St. Louis (0) 3 2 4 21 0 3.89 Atlanta, Keith Alex, ot, Texas A&M. 244, Kansas City, Jay Leeuwenburg, c, Colorado. Hrudey 2 9 8 1 9 0 3.83 245, New Orleans, Donald Jones, lb. Washington. 246, Chicago, , g, Los Angeles (1) 3 00 2 0 0 4.00 To apply, please contact Rich Riley at 239-7471 . Notre Dame. 247, Houston, Bernard Dafney, ot. Tennessee. 248, Dallas, Nate Kirtman, Barrasso 2 0 0 1 6 0 4.80 db, Pomona-Pitzer. 249, Denver, Muhammad Oliver, db, Oregon. 250, Dallas (from W regget 40 4 0 6.00 Detroit). Chris Hall. db. Eastern Carolina. 251, Buffalo, Chris Walsh, wr, Stanford. 252, Pittsburgh (0) 2 4 0 2 0 0 5.00 CCCCCODCOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCXXXXX JOB ON CAMPUS WNDU needs a vacation relief technician for summer employment from May through September to Install, operate, maintain, and repair radio, television, cable, and satellite equipment. This is ideal for a technically minded science/engineer student w ith a knowledge of electricity and electronics. The position is for up to 40 hours per week, includes shiftwork, and requires a valid driver's license w ith Commercial endorsement. Please apply at Please Join Us the WNDU Studios by May 1st. for s l STUDENT WORKERS NEEDED Fireside Chat witlx We are seeking part-time student workers for Bishop Emerson J. Moore a unique grad school prep program.

Generous compensation Highly motivated, strong academic record Flexible hours Topic Computer experience a plus!

The Challenges of Life in the Inner City for an African-American Bishop For more information, call Tuesday, A p ril 28, 1992 7:30 - 9:00 p.m.

Dooley Room at LaFortune Student Center (First Floor across from the Information Desk) EDUCATIONAL GROUP

MINISTRY South Bend • 273-1866 page 12 The Observer April 28, 1992 Competition causes men Rangers win 8-5; lead series 3-2 NEW YORK (AP) — The New second period this time, giving Joe Kocur made it 3-0 w ith an trouble at Drake Relays York Rangers rediscovered their up five goals on ju s t 15 shots. off-balance shot from the slot power play and put themselves The last two goals came on after a sensational solo effort at By RIAN AKEY event. His time of 9:14.57 one game away from the second consecutive power plays in the 2:57 of the second period. Sports Writer earned him first in the event as round of the Stanley Cup second period as the Rangers The Rangers then scored 14 well. playoffs. scored twice in 42 seconds on seconds into a two-man advan­ The Irish men’s track squad Of this performance, head “ I guess both teams were goals by Gartner and Doug tage when Gartner connected returned with a mixed bag of coach Joe Plane noted, “John ready to explode offensively," Weight. from the side of the net for his results after this weekend’s really impressed me by New York’s Mike Gartner said That gave the Rangers what third goal of the night and fifth meets at Drake and Ball State. winning the first steeplechase after scoring three goals, two seemed to be an insurmount­ of the playoffs. It was Gartner’s Many of the team’s usual top he’s ever run in his life. It is a on the power play, to lead the able 5-0 lead. But the Devils second career playoff hat trick. finishers struggled somewhat really good start for him and an Rangers to a wild 8-5 victory came back to make it a game by Kevin Todd scored from in with inclement weather and indication of some good things over the New Jersey Devils on scoring five of the next six goals front at 12:03, the first shot in the intense competition of to come from him .” Monday night. before Adam Graves scored 66 the Devils had gotten past powerful Midwest teams at the Another 1st place finisher at “Both teams have been play­ twice in the last seven minutes Mike Richter. Alexei Kasatonov 83rd Drake Relays. Among Ball State was Sophomore ing such close, tight-checking to clinch it for New York, which made it 5-2 with a shot from the those was co-captain Ryan Chris Ross, who ran the 400 games. It was just a matter of won despite being outshot 48- right point at 14:59. Mihalko, whose 201 foot javelin meter hurdles in 54.47 time before they blew things 30. In the third period, the Devils throw earned him 9th place. seconds. This win was the first wide open.” “They didn’t give up and they got a power-play goal at 2:46 Mihalko seemed neither of his collegiate career. The Rangers built a 5-0 lead made it tough on us late in the from Scott Stevens and another pleased nor discouraged with with the help of three power- game,” Graves said. “They can goal from Valeri Zelepukin at his effort at Drake, but was op­ “ The race was run under play goals, then withstood a fu­ create a lot of offense. I don’t 3:38 to cut the Rangers’ lead to timistic about the improvement windy, rainy conditions,” Ross rious rally by the Devils, who think we panicked. We just tried 5-4. he has shown recently. remarked, “and it was not my twice came within one goal in to get back to our game and we The Rangers countered with a “The last two weeks," he best time this year. But the the final period. did.” goal by King at 7:30, but the commented, “I have conditions slowed everyone A victory in Game 6 at New Gartner made it 1-0 when he Devils came back to make it a established an upward trend down, and fortunately I ended Jersey on Wednesday night scored from the lower right one-goal game again 27 sec­ which I hope to continue and up on top. I’m still .1 of a sec­ would put the regular-season circle at 10:41, capping a 2-on- onds later when rookie Bill finish the season strong. ” ond from qualifying for the NHL champions into the Patrick 1 rush with Kris King, then Guerin, left alone in front, beat The top finish at Drake be­ IC4As and hopefully I can do Division finals against either scored his first power-play goal Richter from 10 feet. longed to the 4 mile relay team, that next week.” Pittsburgh or Washington. from the right circle at 18:14 However, Graves put the who finished 4th. The squad “It certainly wasn’t a defen­ after taking a pass off the right game away by converting 2-on- consisted of Shawn Schneider, Other top Irish finishers in­ sive battle,” said Rangers de- boards from Sergei Nemchinov. 1 feeds from Mark Messier. Mike M cW illiam s, J.T. Burke, cluded another 400 meter hur­ fenseman James Patrick, “but and Pat Kearns. dler, Dan Amitie, who wound it’s two more points in this At Ball State, several young up 4th. In the 800 meters, series and that’s the important Notre Dame athletes shined, Mike Dierks ran to a 2nd place thing.” with one freshman qualifying finish, shading fellow Irish The Rangers had struggled for the IC4As. runner Chet Taff, who came in offensively in the first four John Cowan, running the 4th. Jim Trautman completed games, mainly because they 3000 meter steeplechase, be­ the 5,000 meter course in just were only 1 for 22 on the power came the second Irish runner over 15 minutes, landing in 2nd play. In Game 5, though, they to qualify for the IC4As in that place. scored on all three opportuni­ H appy ties with the extra man. After Gartner staked them to having personal bests. a 2-0 lead after one period, the Sophomore Darcee Bishop ran Rangers scored three straight Track 28.6 seconds, Christy goals in the first 7:56 of the LaBarbera ran 29.3 seconds continued from page 16 second, two of them on consec­ and Candi Gossman ran 31 sec­ B irthday utive power plays. Pfeffer. “I throw better when I onds. New Jersey goaltender Chris am not concentrating; it’s “You always look for im­ Terreri, who had been spectac­ natural.” provement as a sign of a good Spike ular in the four previous games, For Pfeffer, having the whole season and it was always didn’t make it through the track team watch her place for there", said Szczechowski. the last time, was an emotional The Belles will only lose three experience. runners while bringing in a “Usually the team is scattered more experienced team next at track meets but not this last fall. According to Szczechowski, time", said Pfeffer. recruiting is underway and Overall, according to Pfeffer, there have been verbal the Belles held together as a commitments. Fstudents^ THE NOTRE DAME team considering the harsh “It makes me feel so good weather and injuries. “It was about this season but I am hard with the weather and we looking forward to track al­ Work did the best we could”, stated ready”, said Szczechowski. “But Pfeffer. 1 w ill miss the seniors. They VARSITY SHOP The rest of the Belles were have been inspirations to the finishing off the season with whole team.” Overseas style. Sophomore Katie Linehan “I am going to miss Lynn, had a season best in the 100 Sharon and Trudi(Sullivan) and meter—dashing off 13.6 sec­ I will miss working with the Work legally on short-term pnog-ams: onds. She ran 28.1 seconds in freshman", stated Macklin. • Britain • Ireland • France • the 200m having another sea­ At the end of the meet, the • Germany • Jamaica • VARSITY SHOP son best. Belles carried Szczechowski off New Zealand •Costa Rica “She had her best time in the the field. “We yelled ‘Ski’ and Council's Work Abroad Program, the introduces 100m which she worked hard he was laughing ...it was a only one of its kind.. .cuts through for” , said Szczechowski. great end”, said Pfeffer. the red tape! Linehan, along with sopho­ END OF THE YEAR SALE more Cheryl Fortunak , were “I was videotaping and they Council Travd named next year’s track co­ carried Ski off.” , said M acklin.” 1153 N. Dearborn St., SSid Floor captains. He’s like your dad. I always Chicago, 1160610 in th e The 200m seemed to be the looked forward to seeing him at magic race with three Belles all practice.” 312- 951-0585 Call For A Free 1999 Student Travel BOXING ROOM or Work Abroad Catalog!

Grand Opening April 3rd "I'm a big girl now!" | 10 - 30% OFF Rainbow Video WE SPECIALIZE IN: Happy 20th KJ! SELECTED K o r e a n merchandise :? J a p a n e s e C h in e s e May 1-3 Video Tapes Free Membership J J and State Road *3 G Ironwood Next to 7* Ga* Station from People May 11-13 Mon-Sat 10 am to lO pm Who Love You,! Sun 11 noon to 6 pm 11:00 am - 3:00 pm (219) 273-9545 A nyw ay! (EnteN AC ^hroucjJ^at^^ April 28, 1992 The Observer page 13 thought graduate Anthony Johnson and highly enough of Culver to Tim Manoa appears ready to Draft select him with the first pick in take hold of the fullback continued from page 16 the fourth round. Culver is not position. thought of as a back who could Brooks saw himself fall all the Fred Marion and Tim Gordon anchor a running attack, but way into the fourth round, will challenge Smith at the his versatility enhanced his where Philadelphia finally took safety position. While draft status. He played both him. The Eagles have only one incumbent Maurice Hurst halfback and fullback while truly productive back in appears set at one corner slot, with the Irish. Earnest Byner, and it is clear the other is unstable with “We feel Rodney can be an they are surging for a more Ronnie Lippett and David Pool all-purpose type of back,” said dynamic back. Alabama star struggling last year. DB Dion Colts coach Ted Marchibroda. Siran Stacy went ahead of Lambert from UCLA was a “He’s got good quickness and Brooks, in the third round, and fourth round selection and can catch passes.” should be his chief competition should also challenge Smith for Although the Colt backfield for carries this season. Current playing time. appears empty after the trade halfback James Joseph showed After Rod Smith and Brown, of Eric Dickerson, halfback signs of brilliance, but averaged the chances getting thinner for Albert Bentley remains as a only 3.3 yards a carry in 1991. the Irish players to make a solid performer when healthy, Despite the opportunity to significant impact. The and either 1990 Notre Dame play Brooks was clearly disappointed in being chose so late in the draft. “I did everything right. There were so many guys drafted ahead of me who I was better than,” commented a dejected The Observer/ R. Garr Schwartz Brooks. “This was the most Tony Brooks, a fourth round pick of the New Orleans Saints, feels he frustrating day of my life.” deserved to be picked in a higher round of the 1992 draft. McGuire will undoubtedly be failed to show impressive from football, William’s physical placed in a backup role in New numbers at the scouting attributes tempted the Brown Orleans. Veteran Joel combines, running only a 5.44 enough to use a sixth round Hilgenberg remains a solid forty-yard dash and doing only pick on the six-foot one, 303 lb performer, and the Saints will 19 repetitions at 225 lbs. lineman. likely groom McGuire into his Despite his poor numbers, the Draft analyst Mel Kiper successor. Bears felt it was worth considers W illiam ’s a solid Tony Smith is joining a Chief spending a tenth round choice selection, and believes his team which is attempting to on him. If he makes the squad future in the pros is up to him. bring youth to an aging he w ill probably spend some “If he wants an NFL career receiving corp. Last year’s third time in the weight room, and bad enough, the performance round pick Tim Barnett showed could see some action behind level I saw with the Irish he is Kansas City’s big play Mark Bortz and Tom Thayer indicates he has a good shot at receiver of the future, but a later in the season. earning a job,” stated Kiper. spot remains for a possesion Williams played a significant “He’s an effective, pure NT. ” type receiver who could work role in the 1988 championship Some of the Notre Dame opposite Barnett. team, and in 1990 he had ten seniors fell into the later Williams and Jurkovic, tackles for a loss, second to only portion of the draft due to the despite their solid collegiate Chris Zorich. He was expected abundance of quality talent in careers , weren’t thought of as to anchor the line in 1990, but this year’s selection process. blue-chippers by NFL teams. missed the season for personal The South Bend Tribune Jurkovic had the size but reasons. Despite the year off contributed to this article. The Observer/ John Rock The number 14 pick in the draft, Derek Brown, feels that the New York Student-Athletes were seniors team. We have great potential Giants are the right team because New York is a ‘high-profile’ place. Mike Crisanti, for the men’s and, with only one outgoing Golf team, and Allison Wojnas of the senior, I hope I can help ■ BRING THIS COUPON TO QUALIFY 1 women’s team. maintain the cohesion of the continued from page 16 The Most Valuable Player for team and lead them through I since it is our last. We would the women’s team was Allison another strong season,” said BUY at INVOICE also like to land the team some Wojnas. Kathy Phares. I strong recognition in the form Junior Kathy Phares will lead Both coaches Thomas and College Graduates of a NCAA tournament bid,” the women’s team upon being Hanlon expressed strong I ND& SMC said Chris Dayton. named captain for the approval for the past and I Students and Faculty Rebate* Also recognized by the Notre upcoming season. upcoming seasons. $500 Dame club of Saint Joe Valley “I’m very excited about the “We are playing the best for their achievements as opportunities that await our teams in the country. As a result, we are becoming Elmt/iGlS stronger competitively and in Hyundai our tourneys. It is only a matter of time before we will rnui evenly compete, until then, I any new FORD or HYUNDAI have great expectations for the upcoming season,” said t o r Details contact: BASNEY FORD I Fulbright Competition Thomas. JWARK HOUSER A J HYunamj Phone 291-6910 “I have to agree. We are JVIMKIN nvUOCK H # ih w i 320 EAST IRELAND ROAD I increasingly playing stronger Sales Representative s o u th b e n d , in 466 i 4 1993-94 teams and becoming a better “ "Rebate to dealer; Plus tax. doc., title and tags. "Ford vehicles only. team as a result. I’m really — — — — BRING THIS COUPON TO QUALIFY — — — — Current Juniors interested in proud of the team and their accomplishments and I look pursuing Graduate Study Abroad forward to the upcoming TELEMARKETERS after graduation are invited to an season,” said Hanlon. informational meeting with WANTED advisor, John Welle on Wednesday, April 29, 1992 at 7:30 Bright, energetic, P.M. in room 204 O'Shaughnessy highly-motivated individuals needed NOW for telemarketing positions. Faculty Happy Fares Birthday, London $525* Frankfurt $655* Rome $715 * " no safes/ Love, M o m , Tel Aviv $765 * Copenhagen $655* • salary + commission! * Fares are roundtrip for departures up to June Dad, Megan, 15 on scheduled carriers. International Teacher IDs, Hostel cards, overseas language courses Erin, Mary, for teachers. Council Travel and M aggie 1153 N. Dearborn St., Bid floor Chicago, 1160610 312-951-0585 Call For A Free 1992 Student Travel Catalog! 219 - 273-1866 [EDUCATIONAL GROUP page 14 The Observer April 28, 1992 Softball to face Indiana State SPORTS BRIEFS ■Sports Briefs are accepted in writing during business hours Observer Staff Report the Irish taking the second Dayton visits at 3 p.m. The Sunday through Friday at the Observer office on the third floor of game 2-1. MCC tournament begins on May LaFortune. Please submit your name, brief, telephone number, This week marks the end of In the first game, the Irish 12 in Indianapolis. and the dates the b rief is to run. the regular season for the Notre could manage only one hit, Dame softball team. while Missy Linn’s five-hit The Notre Dame softball team ■Irish Guard informational meeting for anyone interested in After winning three of four pitching led Notre Dame to the has earned academic honors trying out next year will be on Tuesday at 5 p.m. in LaFortune’s games over the weekend, the win in game two. for the second consecutive TV lounge. Questions? Call 283-2449. Irish (27-23) close the 1992 Amy Vaira, boasting a .410 season. campaign with doubleheaders batting average, is the ■The “Dump your Plump ” team from the Security Office, against Indiana State, DePaul Sycamores’ offensive leader. Six Irish players earned a “Safety Slugs,” will lead the noon time walk today. Meet them at and Dayton on Tuesday, Debbie Styx is close behind at spot on the MCC Academic 12:10 in front of Washington Hall for an escorted 30 minute walk Thursday and Friday, respec­ .391 and she is third in the na­ Honor Roll. Ronny Alvarez, around campus. tively. tion in triples. Styx is also a Amy Folsom, Casey McMurray, Today at 3 p.m. the Irish face force on the mound, carrying Lisa Miller, Sheri Quinn and ■3-on-3 Tourney scheduled for Saturday, May 16. The second Indiana State for the third and an 8-2 record w ith a 1.00 ERA Amy Reuter earned the honor annual “Winamac Shoot Out ” three on three triple elimination fourth time this season. into today’s matchup. with a GPA of at least 3.25. For tournament is now accepting entries. Special events include free Both previous meetings came On Thursday, Notre Dame will the second straight year, throw, slam dunk, and three point field goal shooting contests. The in March at the Sycamore be in Chicago to face DePaul Folsom was nominated for a entry fee of $70 per four member team which will be donated to Invitational, with Indiana State and the regular season will spot on the GTE academic all- charity is due no later than Wednesday, May 13. Questions? Call winning the first game 5-0 and come to a close on Friday when America team. Randy Miller at 233-6195. Women’s track battles elements at Ball St.

By JOSEF EVANS with Emily Husted coming in coming in sixth with a time of 1: Correction: Sports Writer second at a time of 4: 44. 31, 02. 79. She also placed seventh Due to an editor’s error, the Bookstore article on The and Kala Boulware placing in the 200 meters. Gauchos mistakenly stated that Rob Vazquez ended the final It was another wet weekend fourth (4: 47. 63). Senior cap­ The women w ill return to with a lay-up when he really hit a free throw. Also, it was for the Notre Dame women’s tain Diana Bradley also ran well Muncie this coming weekend David Bose, not Pete DiGiovanni that missed the dunk track team, as this time they in the race, coming in fifth at 4: for a five-team meet, and if against Just Chillin’. The Observer regrets the error. battled rain and cold in Muncie, 48. 04. Saturday’s strong showing in Indiana at the Ball State This meet was notable for the bad weather is any indication, Invitational. However, the Irish team in that they fielded their maybe a little rain isn’t so bad women must be gaining a to l­ first heptathlete, freshman after all. erance for inclement weather, Susan Maher. The heptathlon for they turned in some of their consists of seven events, in strongest performances of the which the athletes earn points year. for their finishes in each event y y a lu m n i “ The weather didn’t help us that are totalled to determine SENIOR very much, but we really the winner. Maher rose to the showed our toughness and occasion with a fourth place Houses Eor hung in for some good fin­ finish, as she compiled 3, 712 ishes.” admitted assistant coach points, and captured the shot Rent 936-93 ECLUB Tim Connelly. put portion of the competition Juniors, Seniors, & Faculty Youth was served for the w ith a throw of 37-1 1/4. 4 & 5-6 B e d r o o m s women in the 3000 meters, Also throwing shot for the where the team gave its most Irish, but not in the heptathlon, Fully Furnished L A S T L U N C H impressive performance. Four was ju n io r Karen Harris. She of the top five places were held came in seventh in that event, Security Systems by freshmen, with Stefanie but did not fare as well in the OF THE YEAR Jensen capturing the top spot. discus, where her best throw W ashers/Dryers Classmates Eva Flood, Kristi (109-4) was only good enough a i the Senior-Alumni Club Kramer, and Sarah Riley raced to take 14th. to the third, fourth and fifth Sprinter Kristin Stovall, 287-4989 END THE YEAR WITH A BANG! spots respectively. meanwhile, fell short of setting S ave $ 250.00 w it h The 1500 meter race was also the personal record she had th is A D * 12-2 Friday, May l a showcase for the freshmen. hoped for in the 400 meters, * new renters only (m ust be at least 21 years oS age)

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ACROSS 50 Painter Salvador 13 Nighttime party 14 Preclude Turkic tribesman 51 Chemical s u ffix 16 A th le tic contests states 52 Ejectors 19 through the On one's back 54 school nose South American 55 Riot substance 22 Former Ita lia n plains (2 wds.) colony Of the intestine 57 Inheritance seizers 24 Punctured Son o f David 59 ------a cold,... 26 Muslim bible Understand 60 Hard-shelled fru its 28 Harm the reputation Passes, as time 61 Contemptuous look o f Prevaricate 62 "Dallas" character, 30 ------mother P re fix fo r visio n Miss ------32 Pertinent Ra ise one's s p ir its 35 Acclaim Mere's mate DOWN 36 Sounds Arkansas 37 Intentions to mountains 1 Pertaining to a injure Alkaline solution guardian 38 Binding machine Danube tributary 2 Orangutan 39 Land area Dots 3 Exhaust 40 Pie ----- Egyptian ruler 4 Like an old woman 41 Certain runners Ita lia n number 5 Remembers 42 Sour substances Part of MPH 6 Mustard ------45 Mel of baseball P articipant 7 Author o f "The 48 Urbane Chilean desert American Dream" 49 Tree, in Toledo Comedian Myron ------8 Bridge term 52 Frightful giant Mythical b ird 9 Santa ------53 First king of Re maining fragment 10 Loungers Israel Ita lia n coin 11 Emulate one o f the 56 Vied fo r o ffic e Kama ------Seven Dwarfs 58 P re fix fo r pod

LECTURES Tuesday 3:30 p.m. Lecture, “Trends in Poverty in Britain: International Causes and National Consequences,” Peter Townsend, visiting professor, City University of New York and professor, University of Bristol. Room 28, Hayes-Healy Center. Sponsored by departments of Economics and Sociology. Scene from “Cape Buffalo Fear” "W ell these past few days have been rather delight­ 4:15 p.m. History and Philosophy of Science Colloquium, ful, but there is a major frontal system making its “Aspects of Herschel’s Mathematics,” Gary McGrath, professor, Pittsburgh (Kansas) State University. Room 131, way east. Ha — maybe Noah was right!" Decio Hall. Sponsored by The Reilly Center for Science, Technology, and Values. MENU CAMPUS Notre Dame Tuesday Chicken Fajitas Beef Stew over Biscuits 7 p.m. Poetry Reading, “Odes to the Way Things Are,” Please Reduce, Mushroom Quiche student poet performance. Stapleton Lounge, Le Mans Hall, SMC. Sponsored by English department. Saint Mary’s 7 p.m. Film, “Annie Hall.” Annenberg Auditorium. Reuse, and Recycle. “Carnival Dinner” 8 p.m. Dance performance, Elan: ND/SMC Dance Company. Hamburgers Washington Hall. Hot Dogs 9 p.m. Film, “High School.” Annenberg Auditorium. -Thank You Nachos

PICTURES Friday, May 1st presen ts aturday, May 2nd edward Beauty 8:00 pm and 10:30 pm 5CI55QRHAND5 and the Cushing Auditorium FROM THE DIRECTOR OF "BATMAN"&"BEETLEJUICE" Admission is $2.00 |PG-13|4% C 1990 TWENTIETH CENTURY FOX Beast REFRIGERATOR RETURN THURSDAY, APRIL 30th STEPAN BASKETBALL COURT 11:00 AM - 2:30 PM

LYONS COURT 3:00 PM - 6:00 PM STUDENT UNION BOARD Sports page 16 April 28, 1992

MARK McGRATH Irish have eight players selected

Reflections on ... By GEORGE DOHRMANN offensive system centers Sports Writer around a short passing attack, with the tight end Three more Irish players playing an integral role. were taken in the second Bavaro flourished in the Bookstore Basketball day of the NFL draft, raising system and Brown appears the total of Notre Dame likely to also. Washington TE It’s one of the biggest events on this players to eight. Aaron Pierce, an imposing campus and possibly the most exciting. WR Tony Smith, DL George physical specimen and gifted Ask Dave Bose, the MVP of the tourney as Williams, and OL Mirko athlete, was the Giant’s third chosen by the commissioners about Jurkovic joined first day round. The drafting of two Bookstore and he will tell you it is one of selections TE Derek Brown, receiving ends, shows the things that kept him at Notre Dame. DB Rod Smith, C Gene Handley’s commitment to However, after watching this year’s McGuire and running backs return to the short passing tourney and writing articles for The Tony Brooks and Rodney offense, an ideal offense for Observer, I have found that Bookstore has Culver as Irish seniors a player with Brown’s many problems. selected. capabilities. First, I think the All-Bookstore teams Smith went to the Kansas “ I believe I can do a little and the players receiving accolades City Chiefs and Williams to of everything,” said Brown. should have been different. I found the the Cleveland Browns in the “I can block and I can run, All-Bookstore teams did not include many sixth round, while Jurkovic and I’m a team player.” people whom deserved the recognition. I went to the in Rod Smith w ill be joining a made my selections based on overall play the tenth round. New England Patriot and the intangibles each player added to The odds on all eight organization screaming for their team. I chose people who may have players making an opening talent in the defensive not had a great game every day, but they day roster appear high backfield. It is unsure are enough of a presence on the court to considering the teams they whether Smith w ill be asked be All-Bookstore. Therefore, I would like are joining. The number of to play cornerback or safety to select my three All-Bookstore teams those players who will make at the pro level, but he featuring players from the Sweet 16 an impact in their inaugural believes he has the onward. season is much slimmer. capabilities to handle both The third team would consist of: P.J. Brown and Rod Smith slots. Stettin (Salubrious & Callipigious), Bob appear to be virtual locks “I played both CB and Cataldo (McCormick’s), Marlin Crook when it comes to playing safety in college, so I don’t (Ebony Side Of The Dome), LaRon Moore time next season. Brown think there will be any (Ebony Side Of The Dome) and Mike Toner was selected by the New difficulty making the (The Gauchos). York Giants with the 14th transition to either spots,” All five of these players had excellent selection in the first round, said Smith, who’s versatility tournaments. Stettin played on the and was penciled in as the tempted the Patriots enough surprise team of the tourney and turned starter the minute NFL to make them trade a fourth in many fine games. Cataldo played a commissioner Paul round selection to move up consistent tournament. Toner was a Tagliabue read the choice. in the second round to select crowd favorite and the Mr. Bookstore Howard Cross, primarily a him. award showed he best exemplified the blocking tight end, is the “Foxboro is a beautiful tournament. Crook was the leader on the only tight end on the roster, area, and it is a lot like boards for Ebony while Moore shot the and managed to catch only Minnesota, where I am lights out. 20 passes last year, a from,” added Smith. “I am My second team is made up of: Ray considerable drop off from also only a hope, skip and a Griggs (Just Chillin’), Kevin Rule (Just the 33 caught by former jump away from New York Chillin’), Demetrius DuBose (Frank The Observer/ Andrew McCloskey I r i sh S t a r and Giant tight and Boston. n r j IX /m * t I ' Lz m m ** 1 w i 1 I I I 11 I Drebbin and the Cocks), Andy Curoe Rod Smith, shown intercepting Andy Kelly of Tennessee in 1990, was end Mark Bavaro in 1990. (Malicious Prosecution) and Ed Larkin drafted by the Patriots and is expected to challenge for the starting job. Coach Ray Hanley’s see DRAFT/page 13 (Bridget’s) Griggs played well throughout the tourney even with spring football taking place. He provided many intangibles for Saint Mary's track and field sets bests in last meet his team while Rule distinguished himself By NICOLE MCGRATH “The relay team was a different com­ to qualify for the nationals. To do this, as both an inside and outside player. Saint Mary's Sports Editor bination which worked well in she must participate in other meets in DuBose almost carried his team through practice”, said Coach Larry the next two weeks. the tourney including the 21-17 loss to Saint Mary’s track team ran the last Szczechowski. “ She pulled her leg at “If I am to qualify in the provisional Tequila. He shot 8-11 from the floor, leg of their season at the Elmhurst the exchange which slowed them down nationals, I need about 10-11 more added a free throw and grabbed nine Invitational this past weekend where - it was too bad.” inches”, said Pfeffer. “I’m hoping but I boards. Larkin helped lead Bridget’s with they posted many personal and season Macklin tried to participate in the am happy with this season’s end”. his shooting but I think another Bridget’s bests. long jump but she could not get down According to Szczechowski, Pfeffer player deserves first team. But for seniors Sandi Macklin and the runway. Although disappointed, had a good week in practice but it did That team would be comprised of: Rob Sharon Fisher, the meet did not reflect Macklin was pleased with her season not w ork out for her. ” She was trying Vazquez (The Gauchos), Dave Bose (The their last season. performance. too hard, “ he said. Gauchos), Eric Jones (Tequila White Macklin’s track meet was cut short “I never expected to do as well as I Pfeffer jumped 3211 in the triple Lightning XI), Dave Clar (Just C hillin’) and when she pulled a hamstring in the 4 x had done”, said Macklin. jump and landed 15’6 in the long jump. John Carretta (Bridget’s). 100 relay. Macklin, running third leg, Senior Sharon Fisher, due to a She threw llO ’l l ” and placed third in Vazquez and Bose both had excellent passed a bad exchange to fellow senior misunderstanding, was not able to the last event of her track career. tournaments as evidenced by their team Lynn Pfeffer when the injury occurred. make her last meet. “The javelin was my last event “, said being crowned champions. Jones is one of “I never thought a pulled muscle For senior Lynn Pfeffer, her track see TRACK/page 12 the best big men on campus. Despite could feel that way,” stated Macklin. season is not over yet. Pfeffer is trying having a tough final game, he was the leader for Tequila. Look no further than his 10-15 performance from the floor Irish golf teams finish spring season against Bridget’s plus his rebounding. Clar was the big shooter for Just Chillin’ By MIKE HOBBES our ability to out perform have gotten much stronger in including nine points against Sports Writer teams that had defeated us competition, but the weather McCormick's. Carretta was who I thought earlier in the year,” never really gave us a led Bridget’s. In their game against This past weekend the commented junior Kathy complete opportunity to Malicious, he shot 6-8 from the floor and men’s and women’s Golf Phares. show it,” said Head Coach 2-4 from the charity stripe not to mention Teams traveled to Columbus, The men’s golf team George Thomas. his rebounds. In the Final Four, he had Ohio for tournaments hosted competed in the Kepler For both teams, Monday by Ohio State University. Intercollegiate at Scarlet Golf night brought forth signs of see HOOP/page 11 Similar to prior tournaments, Course this past weekend. the upcoming season and this was the fourth straight Leading the men’s team recollections of the past as weekend that the teams with a combined three round the teams gathered for their INSIDE SPORTS were subject to inclement score of 237 and a twenty- annual banquet. weather conditions. Chris Dayton seventh place finish overall For the men’s team, juniors ■Softball faces Indiana State “Once again, the weather was jun ior Joe Dennen. Chris Dayton and Joe see page 14 was not in our favor, we had fifth place finish overall in Overall, the team finished Dennen were named co­ to face a very cold, windy the tournament was seventeenth in field filled captains for the upcoming ■Women’s track fights weather and rain-plagued course,” sophomore Crissy Klein. with some of the countries season. see page 14 said Coach Tom Hanlon. “I am very proud of our of top teams. Unfortunately for Junior Chris Dayton was Despite the adversity, the what we have accomplished the Irish, the weather also named Most Valuable ■Men's track at Drake women’s Golf team finished a this past weekend. We seemed to have affected their Player for the Irish based on see page 12 strong sixth place at the First played very well considering team performance all spring. his performance in this past Annual Lady Buckeye Spring the course conditions,” said “There was hardly a season. ■NY Rangers back on track Invitational. Hanlon. weekend that went by that “I am very pleased. I know seepage 12 Leading the team with a “Our sixth place finish was the cold, rainy weather did that Joe and I are both combined three round total very encouraging. This not hinder our performance. looking forward to next year of 232 and an impressive tournament demonstrated We are a good team. We see GOLF/page 13