


No. 127




1 MR to move—

That a bill be introduced for an Act to amend various Acts relating to courts and crimes and other related matters.

(Justice Legislation Amendment Bill).

(Notice given 30 May 2017)


†1 Electronic Transactions Legislation Amendment (Government Transactions) Bill; awaiting second reading speech. (Mr ).

2 (i) Appropriation Bill. Cognate bills; resumption of the (ii) Appropriation (Parliament) Bill. adjourned debate, on the motion of Mr (iii) State Revenue and Other Legislation , "That these bills be Amendment (Budget Measures) Bill. now read a second time". (Introduced (iv) Emergency Services Levy Bill. 20 June 2017—Mr ).

3 Granville Train Disaster First Responders; resumption of the interrupted debate, on the motion of Mr Anthony Roberts, "That this House notes the Granville Train Disaster First Responders". (Moved 25 May 2017).

† Bill forwarded from the Legislative Council

4992 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 21 June 2017



1 Petition—from certain citizens opposing the reintroduction of tolling on the M4 Motorway. (Ms ). (Discussion date 22 June 2017).

2 Petition—from certain citizens requesting legislation mandating a percentage of all new residential developments be set aside for affordable housing. (Mr ). (Discussion date 3 August 2017).

3 Petition—from certain citizens requesting the Government ensure that public hospitals are kept publicly operated. (Ms ). (Discussion date 10 August 2017).

4 Petition—from certain citizens requesting the Government ensure that public hospitals are kept publicly operated. (Ms ). (Discussion date 14 September 2017).



1 MR LUKE FOLEY to move—

That a bill be introduced for an Act to amend the Snowy Hydro Corporatisation Act 1997 to prevent the sale of shares in Snowy Hydro Limited unless each State Minister holding those shares is satisfied that the proceeds of the sale will be applied for the purposes of investment in infrastructure in regional NSW.

(Snowy Hydro Corporatisation Amendment (Restriction on Sale) Bill).

(Notice given 24 May 2017—lapses 25 November 2017)

2 MS JODI MCKAY to move—

That a bill be introduced for an Act to amend various legislation to ensure that the Motorway Corporation is subject to accountability requirements applying to public authorities and agencies; and for other purposes.

(Public Accountability Legislation Amendment (Sydney Motorway Corporation) Bill).

(Notice given 31 May 2017—lapses 1 December 2017)

3 MS to move—

That a bill be introduced for an Act to amend the Road Transport Act 2013 to provide for a trial of the use of autonomous motor vehicles; and for related purposes.

(Road Transport Amendment (Autonomous Motor Vehicles Trial) Bill).

(Notice given 1 June 2017—lapses 2 December 2017)

4993 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 21 June 2017

4 MS to move—

That a bill be introduced for an Act to amend the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 to enable all councils to impose conditions requiring the payment of contributions to be used for the purposes of providing affordable housing; and for other purposes.

(Environmental Planning and Assessment Amendment (Enabling All Councils to Require Affordable Housing Contributions) Bill).

(Notice given 1 June 2017—lapses 2 December 2017)

ORDERS OF THE DAY (for Bills)—

1 Public Health (Medicinal Cannabis) Bill; resumption of the interrupted debate, on the motion of Mr Luke Foley, "That this bill be now read a second time". (Introduced 9 March 2017—lapses 23 August 2017).

2 Land and Property Information NSW (Authorised Transaction) Repeal Bill; resumption of the adjourned debate, on the motion of Mr , "That this bill be now read a second time". (Introduced 30 March 2017—Mr Christopher Gulaptis; lapses 29 September 2017).

3 Securing NSW Steel Industry Bill; resumption of the adjourned debate, on the motion of Mr , "That this bill be now read a second time". (Introduced 6 April 2017—Mr Chris Patterson; lapses 5 October 2017).

ORDERS OF THE DAY (General Orders)—

1 Regional Infrastructure Investment; resumption of the interrupted debate, on the motion of Ms Katrina Hodgkinson—

“That this House:

(1) Condemns the Opposition for opposing more than $8 billion worth of infrastructure investment in regional since 2015.

(2) Acknowledges the Government for taking the necessary reforms that have delivered the largest investment programme in regional New South Wales in history.

(3) Considers anything the Opposition does is no more than a political stunt.”

Upon which Mr David Harris moved, That the motion be amended by leaving out all words after “That” with a view to inserting instead:

“this House:

(1) Acknowledges that all members of this House support infrastructure investment in regional New South Wales.

(2) Acknowledges the Government has implemented reforms that have delivered the largest transfer of public assets to the private sector in the State’s history.”

(Notice given 31 May 2017, moved 1 June 2017—Mr Christopher Gulaptis, 2 minutes remaining; lapses 1 December 2017) 4994 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 21 June 2017

NOTICES OF MOTIONS (General Notices)

1647 PREMIER AND WOLLONDILLY MR JAI ROWELL to move— That this House: (1) Congratulates on becoming Premier of New South Wales.

(2) Notes that as Treasurer she was a great friend to Wollondilly and Southern Highlands.

(3) Looks forward to the Premier visiting Wollondilly.

(4) Thanks the Premier for listening to the community about future projects.

(Notice given 14 February 2017—lapses 15 August 2017)

1648 MINISTER FOR WOMEN MS JENNY LEONG to move— That this House: (1) Supports the right of women to make choices about their individual reproductive health.

(2) Acknowledges widespread community support for a woman's right to choose.

(3) Notes that the Minister for Women stated she is 'pro-life'.

(4) Expresses concern that women in New South Wales could be represented by a Minister for Women who is anti-choice.

(5) Calls on the Minister for Women to clarify her position and confirm her commitment to defend and protect the rights of women in New South Wales to reproductive freedom.

(Notice given 14 February 2017—lapses 15 August 2017)

1649 ROTARY CLUB OF HURSTVILLE FUND RAISING MR to move— That this House: (1) Congratulates The Rotary Club of Hurstville on holding the 22nd Annual Antiques and Collectables Fair, which raises money for local and worthwhile causes, from 10 to 12 February 2017.

(2) Congratulates members of The Rotary Club of Hurstville, in particular Dorothy Dixon, who have been involved in organising the event for over 22 years.

(3) Notes that this year money raised would go to the St George Hospital Children's Project.

(4) Congratulates The Rotary Club of Hurstville for its dedication to the community.

(Notice given 14 February 2017—lapses 15 August 2017)

1650 CAMPBELLTOWN TRAIN CARRIAGE OVERHEATING MR to move— That this House: (1) Condemns the Government for its inaction on, and the increased allocation of, non-air- 4995 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 21 June 2017

conditioned trains for Campbelltown commuters.

(2) Notes that in the past few weeks Campbelltown has experienced extreme heatwave conditions and reports that the temperature inside train carriages at Campbelltown have exceeded 50 degrees.

(3) Rejects the Minister for Transport's explanation that non-air-conditioned trains are only used as a backup as it is completely inconsistent with the experiences of Campbelltown rail commuters.

(4) Calls on the Government to take action to immediately deliver on its election commitment to remove all non-air-conditioned trains from the network.

(Notice given 14 February 2017—lapses 15 August 2017)

1651 ALEX JEFFERY – BANGARRA DANCE THEATRE YOUTH ENSEMBLE MR to move— That this House: (1) Congratulates Inverell Wiradjuri teenager Alex Jeffery on being part of the Aboriginal Bangarra Dance Theatre's youth ensemble.

(2) Commends the youth ensemble on performing at the official Sydney launch event at Barangaroo Reserve and at the Sydney Opera House Australia Day concert.

(3) Acknowledges the Bangarra Dance Theatre's focus on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander culture and the traditional Aboriginal stories from across Australia.

(Notice given 14 February 2017—lapses 15 August 2017)

1652 LAKE MACQUARIE PALLIATIVE CARE SERVICES MR to move— That this House: (1) Notes that outreach palliative care services in Lake Macquarie are not provided equitably.

(2) Notes a demarcation line at the Fennell Bay bridge denies patients south of the bridge access to a 24⁄7 palliative care services.

(3) Calls on the Government and the Hunter New England Area Health Service to ensure that all people in the Lower Hunter have equal access to this important end of life service.

(Notice given 14 February 2017—lapses 15 August 2017)

1653 GLENN KOLOMEITZ – NSW RSL CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER MR to move— That this House: (1) Supports the Chief Executive Officer of the New South Wales Returned Services League (NSW RSL) Glenn Kolomeitz in his strong leadership of the NSW RSL.

(2) Supports the work of Mr Kolomeitz to undertake a forensic audit of the organisation and the introduction of greater transparency concerning the use of the funds and resources of the NSW RSL.

(3) Condemns those directors of the NSW RSL who have attempted to remove Mr Kolomeitz from his position. 4996 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 21 June 2017

(4) Calls on the Government to implement changes, similar to the United Kingdom, so that the NSW RSL must present its financial statements to the Parliament.

(Notice given 14 February 2017—lapses 15 August 2017)

1654 ELECTRICITY SUPPLY MS to move— That this House: (1) Condemns the Government for failing to provide an adequate supply of electricity to the people and businesses of New South Wales.

(2) Notes that on 10 February 2017 the Tomago Aluminium smelter had to switch off three potlines as the state faced an acute power shortage.

(3) Supports the comments of Matt Howell, Tomago Aluminium's CEO, that manufacturers are being pushed to the limit and it is not acceptable.

(Notice given 14 February 2017—lapses 15 August 2017)

1655 MARTIN BRIDGE MAINTENANCE MR to move— That this House: (1) Congratulates the member for Oxley on her appointment as Minister for Roads, Maritime and Freight.

(2) Calls on the Government to fund the painting of the Martin Bridge over the Manning River, Taree.

(3) Acknowledges that over $6 million has recently been spent on works to ensure the structural integrity of the Martin Bridge.

(4) Notes that the Martin Bridge is the gateway to the Manning Valley.

(Notice given 14 February 2017—lapses 15 August 2017)

1656 GRANVILLE POLICE STATION STAFFING MS to move— That this House: (1) Notes that the construction of the new Police Station in Granville with state-of-the-art custody facilities was completed in July 2010.

(2) Notes that the Rosehill Local Area Command of NSW Police is understaffed with insufficient staff to manage a custody facility at Granville Police Station.

(3) Notes that people who are arrested at Granville Police Station are transferred to Parramatta for charging.

(4) Calls on the Minister for Police to put in place sufficient staff to run a custodial facility at Granville Police Station.

(Notice given 14 February 2017—lapses 15 August 2017)


MS to move— That this House: (1) Notes the rediscovery of the Hibbertia Fumana Sieber ex Toelken plant, a species thought extinct in New South Wales since 1824, on the proposed Moorebank lntermodal Site.

(2) Calls on the Minister for the Environment to approve a scientific study of the site to ensure that the species is not lost to New South Wales because of development.

(3) Calls on the Minister for Roads, Maritime and Freight to review the New South Wales Freight Policy.

(4) Calls on the Minister for Planning to suspend all planning decisions associated with the proposed Moorebank lntermodal Site pending the outcome of the scientific study and review of the Freight Policy.

(Notice given 14 February 2017—lapses 15 August 2017)

1658 NORTHERN CONTROL CENTRE DISPATCHERS MS to move— That this House: (1) Notes that the Northern Control Centre takes emergency calls from the Hawkesbury to the Queensland border.

(2) Notes this is a highly stressful work environment.

(3) Notes reports that some dispatchers at the control centre have become the targets of bullying.

(4) Calls on the Government to ensure no worker at the control centre is exposed to bullying and harassment.

(Notice given 14 February 2017—lapses 15 August 2017)

1659 CAMDEN LOCAL AREA COMMAND MR JAI ROWELL to move— That this House: (1) Congratulates the men and women of the NSW Police Force for the hard work they do every day within local communities.

(2) Notes that within the Camden Local Area Command crime is trending down due to their hard work.

(3) Notes that the population in the Camden Local Area Command is increasing.

(4) Notes that measures are being put in place to provide more resources to support the local community and Police.

(Notice given 14 February 2017—lapses 15 August 2017)

1660 PUNCHBOWL RAILWAY STATION ACCESSIBILITY MR to move— That this House: 4998 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 21 June 2017

(1) Recognises that over 900,000 passenger movements at Punchbowl Railway Station every year with an unknown number of people unable to access it due to disability, infirmity or travelling with small children.

(2) Calls on the Government to confirm that it is bound by the terms and spirit of the Commonwealth Disability Standards for Accessible Public Transport Act (2002).

(3) Calls on the Minister for Transport to immediately review how the station can be made accessible now rather than postponing all planning until the Sydenham-Bankstown Metro is constructed.

(Notice given 14 February 2017—lapses 15 August 2017)

1661 AUSTRALIAN CHINESE CHARITY FOUNDATION MR MARK COURE to move— That this House: (1) Congratulates The Australian Chinese Foundation for hosting a Lunar New Year Dinner on Saturday, 11 February 2017 to raise funds for aged care services, children with special needs and multiculturalism projects.

(2) Congratulates the Australian Chinese Charity Foundation for its work in maintaining culture, language and tradition while helping to provide a range of community services.

(3) Notes that the Lunar New Year is the most important traditional holiday symbolising the arrival of luck, joy and prosperity and is a time for new beginnings and an opportunity to show our appreciation for the gifts we enjoy.

(4) Congratulates the Australian Chinese Charity Foundation for its contribution to New South Wales and its service to some of the most vulnerable people.

(Notice given 14 February 2017—lapses 15 August 2017)

1662 WYONG HOSPITAL MS YASMIN CATLEY to move— That this House: (1) Notes the Premier was recently on the Central Coast listening to the issues that are important to the local community.

(2) Notes the Premier was greeted by hundreds of local nurses, midwives and workers, whose main concern is the privatisation of Wyong Hospital.

(3) Calls on the Premier to listen to these Central Coast locals and reverse the Government's decision to privatise Wyong Hospital.

(Notice given 14 February 2017—lapses 15 August 2017)

1663 ASTA JOHNSON – NATIONAL INDOOR HOCKEY TITLES MR ADAM MARSHALL to move— That this House: (1) Congratulates Asta Johnson, of Moree, on being part of the New South Wales women's under 18 years team that won the Australian National Indoor Hockey Titles in January 2017.

(2) Commends Asta on being one of two goal keepers selected for the state team at the state tournament in Goulburn last year. 4999 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 21 June 2017

(3) Notes the New South Wales team dominated the six other teams during the National Titles, beating the Australian Capital Territory 4-1 and in the final defeating Victoria 2-1.

(4) Notes Asta first started playing hockey in Moree when she was five years old and had a strong commitment to improve her hockey skills since 2014.

(Notice given 14 February 2017—lapses 15 August 2017)

1664 SHELLHARBOUR HOSPITAL PRIVATISATION MS ANNA WATSON to move— That this House: (1) Condemns the Government for announcing the proposed privatisation of Shellharbour Hospital without any community consultation.

(2) Urges the Minister for Health to not proceed with the Government's plans to privatise Shellharbour Hospital.

(3) Calls on the Minister for Health to visit Shellharbour Hospital to meet with all affected stakeholders, including the 48 senior lllawarra clinicians who have raised serious concerns about the Government's privatisation plans.

(Notice given 15 February 2017—lapses 16 August 2017)

1665 BONDI ICEBERGS CLUB MS to move— That this House: (1) Notes that the Bondi Icebergs Club received funding from the Government's Community Building Partnership Fund to install a shade sail at the club to provide sun and weather protection to patrons.

(2) Notes that the club was established in 1929 by a band of dedicated local lifesavers trying to maintain their fitness during the winter months.

(3) Thanks President Dave Hall, General Manager Kerrie Brien and Director Ben Bullard for their continued work at the club.

(Notice given 15 February 2017—lapses 16 August 2017)

1666 WALLSEND HOUSING AFFORDABILITY MS to move— That this House: (1) Notes the Premier nominated housing affordability as a major priority for her premiership.

(2) Notes that the median house price in Newcastle is now over $700,000, with many Wallsend would be home owners facing renting permanently.

(3) Calls on the Minister for Housing to take immediate action to assist those not able to afford to buy a home in the current housing market.

(Notice given 15 February 2017—lapses 16 August 2017)

1667 CHINESE ASSOCIATION OF 5000 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 21 June 2017

MR MARK COURE to move— That this House: (1) Congratulates the Chinese Association of Greater Western Sydney for organising the Chinese New Year Buddhist Blessing on Sunday, 12 February 2017.

(2) Congratulates members of the Chinese Association of Greater Western Sydney, including James Chaw and Vincent Kong, for bringing together a diverse group of people to offer prayers for prosperity, joy and peace during the Year of the Rooster.

(3) Notes, that this year the Buddhist Blessing took place at Friendship Arch at Freedom Plaza in Cabramatta, a wonderful venue that symbolises the diversity and strength of the people of Western Sydney and across the State.

(Notice given 15 February 2017—lapses 16 August 2017)

1668 CAMPBELLTOWN TO ILLAWARRA 887 BUS TIMETABLE MR GREG WARREN to move— That this House: (1) Calls on the Minister for Transport to explain why he is not responding to requests from University of Wollongong students living in Campbelltown for a review of the 887 bus timetable between Campbelltown and the lllawarra.

(2) Recognises that the current timetable sees some students left on campus for 3 hours with no bus home and it is not consistent with the needs and expectations of students.

(3) Acknowledges that the failure to address this timetable issue means students drive to university, via Appin Road and its black spots.

(4) Calls on the Government to review the timetable to ensure it provides students with the public transport services they require.

(Notice given 15 February 2017—lapses 16 August 2017)

1669 PUBLIC TRANSPORT PROJECTS MR to move— That this House: (1) Notes the Government's commitments to new public transport projects including the North West; the Sydney Metro South West, including a rail tunnel under the harbour; the CBD and South East Light Rail; and the Parramatta Light Rail.

(2) Notes the thousands of additional weekly rail and bus services which have been introduced by the Government since 2011.

(3) Commends the Government for the biggest contribution to public transport in New South Wales since Bradfield.

(Notice given 15 February 2017—lapses 16 August 2017)

1670 NEWCASTLE PALLIATIVE CARE OUTREACH SERVICE MR to move— That this House: (1) Notes that the Government proposes to reduce the 24/7 Palliative Care Outreach Service provided 5001 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 21 June 2017

by the Calvary Mater Hospital.

(2) Notes this is contrary to the proposed Government policy document "The NSW Government plan to increase access to palliative care".

(3) Condemns the Government for limiting access to palliative care for vulnerable end-of-life patients.

(4) Calls on the Government to maintain the 24/7 Palliative Care Outreach Service provided by the Calvary Mater Hospital, including in-home visits.

(Notice given 15 February 2017—lapses 16 August 2017)

1671 SOUTHERN HIGHLANDS HOSPITALS MR JAI ROWELL to move— That this House: (1) Congratulates the Government on its investment in health.

(2) Thanks the Government for its $50 million dollar investment in the Bowral and District Hospital.

(3) Requests the Government ensure there is community consultation in relation to any extension of any public private partnership with the Southern Highlands private hospital.

(Notice given 15 February 2017—lapses 16 August 2017)

1672 MEREWETHER SCHOOL BUS 824 MS JODIE HARRISON to move— That this House: (1) Notes that Merewether resident Jo Turner is entitled to a Disabled Parking Permit for her son, Bayly, who is unable to walk more than 100 metres without pain or fatigue.

(2) Notes that Bayly is expected to walk almost a kilometre to school as the 824 school bus, while serving many students from Merewether High School, does not stop at the school.

(3) Acknowledges this means students with disabilities, mobility issues and students as young as 12 years old are forced to walk along busy roads twice a day, unsupervised.

(4) Calls on the Minister for Transport and Infrastructure to change the 824 school bus route so it adequately services all Merewether High School students, particularly those with a disability.

(Notice given 15 February 2017—lapses 16 August 2017)

1673 LIVERPOOL COUNCIL INTERMODAL COMMITTEE MS MELANIE GIBBONS to move— That this House: (1) Congratulates Councillor Tony Hadchiti for moving to reinstate the lntermodal Committee on Liverpool Council.

(2) Thanks the Liberal and Liverpool Community Independents Team Councillors for supporting the motion.

(3) Condemns the Labor Councillors for all voting against the motion. 5002 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 21 June 2017

(4) Recognises the importance of this Committee to the local area.

(Notice given 15 February 2017—lapses 16 August 2017)

1674 STAFF REDUNDANCIES AT DEPARTMENT OF AGEING, DISABILITY AND HOME CARE MS to move— That this House: (1) Condemns the Government's treatment of Department of Ageing, Disability and Home Care (ADHC) employees made redundant through Government job losses.

(2) Recognises that the treatment of this largely female workforce undermines hard fought gains made by women in the public sector.

(3) Acknowledges that women public servants should be able to expect the same conditions and redundancies as their male counter-parts in other agencies.

(4) Condemns the Minister for attempting to use the courts to shut down the workers protesting against the treatment by the Department.

(5) Notes the efforts by the Public Service Association in advocating for the workers.

(6) Calls on the Minister to rectify the unjust treatment of workers.

(Notice given 15 February 2017—lapses 16 August 2017)

1675 BRIANA GRAHAM – JUNIOR LAWN BOWLS CHAMPIONSHIP MR ADAM MARSHALL to move— That this House: (1) Congratulates Briana Graham, of Armidale, on being part of the winning team at the Australian junior lawn bowls championships held in Adelaide in September 2016.

(2) Commends the fours team on a successful competition that culminated in taking out the gold medal match against Queensland.

(3) Acknowledges Briana's dedication to training and improvement, often having to practice drills and record her training results on her own.

(4) Notes Briana took up the sport three years ago after watching her brother and father play and now competes at the Armidale Ex-Services Club.

(Notice given 15 February 2017—lapses 16 August 2017)

1676 PRIVATE EDUCATIONAL COLLEGES SUSPENSION MS YASMIN CATLEY to move— That this House: (1) Notes that 1,500 students from across the Hunter Region have been left in a void after 11 private colleges were suspended across the state for failing to meet standards under Smart and Skilled.

(2) Notes that the Government has refused to release the names of the 17 private training providers who have been suspended and thus threatening more students at risk of loosing their fees.

(3) Calls on the Government to release the names of those providers so that students in the Hunter can have certainty over their vocational education pathways. 5003 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 21 June 2017

(Notice given 15 February 2017—lapses 16 August 2017)

1677 TUNCURRY SLIPWAY—MR STEPHEN BROMHEAD (Notice given 15 February 2017—lapses 16 August 2017)

1678 MINISTERIAL RESPONSIBILITY FOR COUNTER-TERRORISM—MR (Notice given 15 February 2017—lapses 16 August 2017)

1679 TZEMACH TZEDEK COMMUNITY CENTRE BONDI—MS GABRIELLE UPTON (Notice given 15 February 2017—lapses 16 August 2017)

1680 INDEPENDENT COMMISSION AGAINST CORRUPTION—MR (Notice given 15 February 2017—lapses 16 August 2017)

1682 CBD AND EASTERN SUBURBS LIGHT RAIL—MR (Notice given 15 February 2017—lapses 16 August 2017)

1683 HUNTER SCHOOLS VIOLENCE—MS SONIA HORNERY (Notice given 16 February 2017—lapses 17 August 2017)

1684 OLD BAR ROAD UPGRADE—MR STEPHEN BROMHEAD (Notice given 16 February 2017—lapses 17 August 2017)

1685 PLANNED PUBLIC HIGH SCHOOL AT MEDOWIE—MS KATE WASHINGTON (Notice given 16 February 2017—lapses 17 August 2017)

1686 GRADUATE POLICE OFFICERS—MR MARK COURE (Notice given 16 February 2017—lapses 17 August 2017)

1687 METROPOLITAN REMAND CENTRE LONG BAY RIOT 30TH ANNIVERSARY—MR GUY ZANGARI (Notice given 16 February 2017—lapses 17 August 2017)

1688 URALLA BOWMEN—MR ADAM MARSHALL (Notice given 16 February 2017—lapses 17 August 2017)

1689 CENTENNIAL COAL ENVIRONMENTAL CONTROLS—MS TRISH DOYLE (Notice given 16 February 2017—lapses 17 August 2017)

1690 LIVERPOOL CHAMBER OF COMMERCE—MS MELANIE GIBBONS (Notice given 16 February 2017—lapses 17 August 2017)

1691 NO GROUNDS EVICTIONS—MS JENNY LEONG (Notice given 16 February 2017—lapses 17 August 2017)

1692 FALL OF SINGAPORE ANNIVERSARY—MR GARETH WARD (Notice given 16 February 2017—lapses 17 August 2017)

1693 NEWCASTLE PUBLIC TRANSPORT—MS YASMIN CATLEY (Notice given 16 February 2017—lapses 17 August 2017) 5004 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 21 June 2017

1694 MEDICAL INTERNS—MR MARK COURE (Notice given 16 February 2017—lapses 17 August 2017)

1695 TRANSPORT SYSTEMS PAYMENTS—MR PAUL LYNCH (Notice given 16 February 2017—lapses 17 August 2017)

1696 MICK DAVIS WARIALDA ENGINEERING AND WELDING—MR ADAM MARSHALL (Notice given 16 February 2017—lapses 17 August 2017)

1697 FUNDING MAINTENANCE IN PUBLIC SCHOOLS—MR JIHAD DIB (Notice given 16 February 2017—lapses 17 August 2017)

1698 WOLLONGONG AND SHELLHARBOUR COUNCILS—MR GARETH WARD (Notice given 16 February 2017—lapses 17 August 2017)

1699 SCHOOL MAINTENANCE BACKLOG—MS SONIA HORNERY (Notice given 16 February 2017—lapses 17 August 2017)

1700 TAFE FUNDING—MS SONIA HORNERY (Notice given 21 February 2017—lapses 22 August 2017)

1701 MARKWELL ROAD AND UPPER MYALL ROAD—MR STEPHEN BROMHEAD (Notice given 21 February 2017—lapses 22 August 2017)

1702 FAIRFIELD REFUGEE SUPPORT—MR GUY ZANGARI (Notice given 21 February 2017—lapses 22 August 2017)

1703 SOUTHERN HIGHLANDS RAIL SERVICES—MR JAI ROWELL (Notice given 21 February 2017—lapses 22 August 2017)

1704 PENDLE HILL RAILWAY STATION PARKING—DR HUGH MCDERMOTT (Notice given 21 February 2017—lapses 22 August 2017)

1705 SUPPORT FOR BRAVEHEARTS—MR GARETH WARD (Notice given 21 February 2017—lapses 22 August 2017)

1706 POLICE POWERS AT OUT OF CONTROL EVENTS—MS JODIE HARRISON (Notice given 21 February 2017—lapses 22 August 2017)


1708 PARRAMATTA WAR MEMORIAL POOL—MS JULIA FINN (Notice given 21 February 2017—lapses 22 August 2017)

1709 GUYRA PONY CLUB—MR ADAM MARSHALL (Notice given 21 February 2017—lapses 22 August 2017)

1710 FIRE AND RESCUE NSW FUNDING—MS ANNA WATSON (Notice given 21 February 2017—lapses 22 August 2017) 5005 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 21 June 2017

1711 WARRAGAMBA PRE-SCHOOL—MR JAI ROWELL (Notice given 21 February 2017—lapses 22 August 2017)

1712 PLAY BABY INITIATIVE—MS KATE WASHINGTON (Notice given 21 February 2017—lapses 22 August 2017)

1713 AUSTRALIAN CITIZENSHIP CANCELLATION—MR GARETH WARD (Notice given 21 February 2017—lapses 22 August 2017)

1714 PORT OF NEWCASTLE SALE OF LEASE—MR TIM CRAKANTHORP (Notice given 21 February 2017—lapses 22 August 2017)

1715 AUSTRALIAN MODEL RAILWAY ASSOCIATION – MORTDALE BRANCH—MR MARK COURE (Notice given 21 February 2017—lapses 22 August 2017)

1716 SEXUAL ASSAULT STRATEGY—MS JENNY AITCHISON (Notice given 21 February 2017—lapses 22 August 2017)

1717 OUR COMMUNITY PANTRY—MR JAI ROWELL (Notice given 21 February 2017—lapses 22 August 2017)

1718 SYDNEY MOTORWAY CORPORATION SAFETY COMPLIANCE—MS JENNY LEONG (Notice given 21 February 2017—lapses 22 August 2017)

1719 COMMONWEALTH PENSION CHANGES—MS SONIA HORNERY (Notice given 22 February 2017—lapses 23 August 2017)

1720 HOUSING DEVELOPMENT—MR KEVIN CONOLLY (Notice given 22 February 2017—lapses 23 August 2017)


1722 MICHAEL ADAMS – AUSTRALIAN RUGBY SEVENS TEAM—MR ADAM MARSHALL (Notice given 22 February 2017—lapses 23 August 2017)

1723 FORCED AMALGAMATIONS OF LOCAL COUNCILS—MR GREG WARREN (Notice given 22 February 2017—lapses 23 August 2017)

1724 OXLEY ISLAND PONY CLUB—MR STEPHEN BROMHEAD (Notice given 22 February 2017—lapses 23 August 2017)

1725 POLICE RESOURCES – FAIRFIELD—MR GUY ZANGARI (Notice given 22 February 2017—lapses 23 August 2017)

1726 NAMING OF THE AIRPORT AT BADGERYS CREEK—MS MELANIE GIBBONS (Notice given 22 February 2017—lapses 23 August 2017) 5006 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 21 June 2017

1727 LAND AND PROPERTY INFORMATION PRIVATISATION—MS TRISH DOYLE (Notice given 22 February 2017—lapses 23 August 2017)

1728 SCHOOL LEADERS 2017 – OATLEY ELECTORATE—MR MARK COURE (Notice given 22 February 2017—lapses 23 August 2017)

1729 AGEING, DISABILITY AND HOME CARE SERVICES – PRIVATISATION—MS KATE WASHINGTON (Notice given 22 February 2017—lapses 23 August 2017)

1730 INVERELL POLOCROSSE CLUB—MR ADAM MARSHALL (Notice given 22 February 2017—lapses 23 August 2017)

1731 POKER MACHINES—MS JENNY LEONG (Notice given 22 February 2017—lapses 23 August 2017)

1732 SCHOOL RESOURCING—MS MELANIE GIBBONS (Notice given 22 February 2017—lapses 23 August 2017)

1733 STRATHFIELD HOMEBUSH LIGHT RAIL—MS JODI MCKAY (Notice given 22 February 2017—lapses 23 August 2017)

1734 HAYLEY WHITEHILL – BAGPIPE PLAYER—MR ADAM MARSHALL (Notice given 22 February 2017—lapses 23 August 2017)

1735 ANSWERS TO WRITTEN QUESTIONS—MR (Notice given 22 February 2017—lapses 23 August 2017)


1737 LAND AND PROPERTY INFORMATION PRIVATISATION—MS SONIA HORNERY (Notice given 22 February 2017—lapses 23 August 2017)

1738 NARWEE RAILWAY STATION—MR MARK COURE (Notice given 22 February 2017—lapses 23 August 2017)

1740 WESTERN SYDNEY TOLLS —MS JODI MCKAY (Notice given 22 February 2017—lapses 23 August 2017)

1741 WALLSEND NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH—MS SONIA HORNERY (Notice given 23 February 2017—lapses 24 August 2017)

1742 MANNING BASE HOSPITAL REDEVELOPMENT—MR STEPHEN BROMHEAD (Notice given 23 February 2017—lapses 24 August 2017)

1743 CARTERS ROAD – LAKE MUNMORAH—MS YASMIN CATLEY (Notice given 23 February 2017—lapses 24 August 2017) 5007 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 21 June 2017

1744 TWEED MARITIME FACILITY—MR (Notice given 23 February 2017—lapses 24 August 2017)

1745 M4 TOLLS AND PRIVATISATION—MS TRISH DOYLE (Notice given 23 February 2017—lapses 24 August 2017)

1746 NOWRA SHOW 2017—MR GARETH WARD (Notice given 23 February 2017—lapses 24 August 2017)

1747 INNER WEST BUS STOP REMOVAL—MS (Notice given 23 February 2017—lapses 24 August 2017)

1748 WOLLONDILLY HEALTHCARE—MR JAI ROWELL (Notice given 23 February 2017—lapses 24 August 2017)

1749 BUS FIRE SUPPRESSION SYSTEMS—MS JODIE HARRISON (Notice given 23 February 2017—lapses 24 August 2017)

1750 CANREVIVE—MR MARK COURE (Notice given 23 February 2017—lapses 24 August 2017)

1751 WYONG HOSPITAL PRIVATISATION—MR DAVID HARRIS (Notice given 23 February 2017—lapses 24 August 2017)

1752 CROWN RESERVES FUNDING—MR GEOFF PROVEST (Notice given 23 February 2017—lapses 24 August 2017)

1753 HOUSING AFFORDABILITY FOR YOUNG PERSONS—MS JENNY LEONG (Notice given 23 February 2017—lapses 24 August 2017)

1754 LIVING WELL STRATEGY—MR JAI ROWELL (Notice given 23 February 2017—lapses 24 August 2017)

1755 PALLIATIVE CARE SERVICES IN LAKE MACQUARIE—MR GREG PIPER (Notice given 23 February 2017—lapses 24 August 2017)

1756 THE OAKS COMMUNITY CHAMBER OF COMMERCE—MR JAI ROWELL (Notice given 23 February 2017—lapses 24 August 2017)

1757 REPEATED REFERRALS TO THE MERIT PROGRAM—MS SONIA HORNERY (Notice given 23 February 2017—lapses 24 August 2017)

1758 POLICE CAMDEN LOCAL AREA COMMAND—MR JAI ROWELL (Notice given 23 February 2017—lapses 24 August 2017)

1759 ASHBURY COMMUNITY CONSULTATION ON PLANNING PROPOSALS—MS JO HAYLEN (Notice given 23 February 2017—lapses 24 August 2017)

1760 NABIAC TO KRAMBACH ROAD UPGRADE—MR STEPHEN BROMHEAD (Notice given 7 March 2017—lapses 8 September 2017) 5008 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 21 June 2017

1761 RAIL ROLLING STOCK CONTRACT—MS SONIA HORNERY (Notice given 7 March 2017—lapses 8 September 2017)

1762 CAMPBELLTOWN COUNCILLORS—MR JAI ROWELL (Notice given 7 March 2017—lapses 8 September 2017)

1763 TRAIN SET MANUFACTURE—MR TIM CRAKANTHORP (Notice given 7 March 2017—lapses 8 September 2017)

1764 TASLY HEALTHPAC MEDICAL CENTRE—MR MARK COURE (Notice given 7 March 2017—lapses 8 September 2017)

1765 HABERFIELD PUBLIC SCHOOL – PEDESTRIAN SAFETY—MS JO HAYLEN (Notice given 7 March 2017—lapses 8 September 2017)

1766 MEDICAL PRACTITIONERS’ QUALIFICATIONS AND STANDARDS—MR GARETH WARD (Notice given 7 March 2017—lapses 8 September 2017)

1767 EASY ACCESS TO RAILWAY STATIONS – FAIRFIELD ELECTORATE—MR GUY ZANGARI (Notice given 7 March 2017—lapses 8 September 2017)

1768 CATH JEFFERY – TEACHING AWARD RECIPIENT—MR ADAM MARSHALL (Notice given 7 March 2017—lapses 8 September 2017)

1769 ELDER ABUSE PROGRESS REPORT TO PARLIAMENT—MS (Notice given 7 March 2017—lapses 8 September 2017)

1770 CEDAR PARTY CREEK BRIDGE REPLACEMENT—MR STEPHEN BROMHEAD (Notice given 7 March 2017—lapses 8 September 2017)

1771 INTERCITY TRAIN FLEET MANUFACTURE—MS JODIE HARRISON (Notice given 7 March 2017—lapses 8 September 2017)


1773 INTERCITY TRAIN FLEET AND LOCAL JOBS—MS TRISH DOYLE (Notice given 7 March 2017—lapses 8 September 2017)

1774 LOCAL SPORTING GRANTS – OATLEY ELECTORATE—MR MARK COURE (Notice given 7 March 2017—lapses 8 September 2017)

1775 GOSFORD NCAT OFFICE CLOSURE—MR DAVID HARRIS (Notice given 7 March 2017—lapses 8 September 2017)

1776 COMMONWEALTH HEALTH FUNDING—MS SONIA HORNERY (Notice given 8 March 2017—lapses 9 September 2017)

1777 NEW XPT RAIL FLEET BASE—MR STEPHEN BROMHEAD (Notice given 8 March 2017—lapses 9 September 2017) 5009 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 21 June 2017

1778 SEFTON RAILWAY STATION TICKET MACHINES—MS (Notice given 8 March 2017—lapses 9 September 2017)

1779 ECONOMIC MANAGEMENT OF THE STATE—MR KEVIN CONOLLY (Notice given 8 March 2017—lapses 9 September 2017)

1780 UNANDERRA RAILWAY STATION ACCESS LIFTS—MR PAUL SCULLY (Notice given 8 March 2017—lapses 9 September 2017)

1781 BONDI PUBLIC SCHOOL CHINESE NEW YEAR—MS GABRIELLE UPTON (Notice given 8 March 2017—lapses 9 September 2017)

1782 EARLY CHILDHOOD WORKER PAY RATES—MS KATE WASHINGTON (Notice given 8 March 2017—lapses 9 September 2017)

1783 NAHED SOLIMAN OATLEY ELECTORATE WOMAN OF THE YEAR—MR MARK COURE (Notice given 8 March 2017—lapses 9 September 2017)

1784 CANTERBURY HOSPITAL REDEVELOPMENT—MS SOPHIE COTSIS (Notice given 8 March 2017—lapses 9 September 2017)

1785 TUNCURRY OPERA BY THE LAKE—MR STEPHEN BROMHEAD (Notice given 8 March 2017—lapses 9 September 2017)

1786 FIRE AND RESCUE NSW BUDGET—MR GUY ZANGARI (Notice given 8 March 2017—lapses 9 September 2017)

1787 THE HUB AT GUYRA—MR ADAM MARSHALL (Notice given 8 March 2017—lapses 9 September 2017)

1788 INTERCITY TRAIN FLEET LOCAL MANUFACTURING—MS YASMIN CATLEY (Notice given 8 March 2017—lapses 9 September 2017)

1789 HAMMONDCARE 85TH ANNIVERSARY—MS MELANIE GIBBONS (Notice given 8 March 2017—lapses 9 September 2017)

1790 SCHOOL CONSTRUCTION PLANNING—MR JIHAD DIB (Notice given 8 March 2017—lapses 9 September 2017)

1791 ST GEORGE COMMUNITY HOUSING—MR MARK COURE (Notice given 8 March 2017—lapses 9 September 2017)

1792 HOUSING AFFORDABILITY—MR GREG PIPER (Notice given 8 March 2017—lapses 9 September 2017)

1793 SAM JENNER CYCLIST—MR ADAM MARSHALL (Notice given 8 March 2017—lapses 9 September 2017)

1794 ABORTION LAW REFORM—MS TRISH DOYLE (Notice given 8 March 2017—lapses 9 September 2017) 5010 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 21 June 2017

1796 PENALTY RATES—MR RYAN PARK (Notice given 8 March 2017—lapses 9 September 2017)

1797 NEWCASTLE POLICE RESOURCES—MS SONIA HORNERY (Notice given 9 March 2017—lapses 10 September 2017)

1798 MIDCOAST AREA RURAL FIRE SERVICE—MR STEPHEN BROMHEAD (Notice given 9 March 2017—lapses 10 September 2017)

1799 WOLLONGONG ENTERTAINMENT CENTRE UPGRADE—MR PAUL SCULLY (Notice given 9 March 2017—lapses 10 September 2017)

1800 NSW SENIORS FESTIVAL—MR GEOFF PROVEST (Notice given 9 March 2017—lapses 10 September 2017)

1801 PENALTY RATES—MR (Notice given 9 March 2017—lapses 10 September 2017)

1802 WOLLONDILLY SHIRE COUNCIL RATES—MR JAI ROWELL (Notice given 9 March 2017—lapses 10 September 2017)

1803 NSW RAPE AND DOMESTIC VIOLENCE SERVICE AUSTRALIA—MS TRISH DOYLE (Notice given 9 March 2017—lapses 10 September 2017)

1804 SOUTH WEST RAIL LINK—MS MELANIE GIBBONS (Notice given 9 March 2017—lapses 10 September 2017)

1805 WALLARAH 2 COAL MINE—MR DAVID HARRIS (Notice given 9 March 2017—lapses 10 September 2017)

1806 NEW ENGLAND NORTH WEST SWIMMING CHAMPIONSHIPS—MR ADAM MARSHALL (Notice given 9 March 2017—lapses 10 September 2017)

1807 HURLSTONE PARK RAILWAY STATION—MS SOPHIE COTSIS (Notice given 9 March 2017—lapses 10 September 2017)

1808 LOCAL GOVERNMENT TOURISM CONFERENCE – TAREE—MR STEPHEN BROMHEAD (Notice given 9 March 2017—lapses 10 September 2017)

1809 SUPPORTED ACCOMMODATION FOR PEOPLE WITH DISABILITY—MS YASMIN CATLEY (Notice given 9 March 2017—lapses 10 September 2017)

1810 AUSTRALIAN LONGBOARD SURFING OPEN—MR GEOFF PROVEST (Notice given 9 March 2017—lapses 10 September 2017)

1811 CHILDHOOD VACCINATIONS—MS JO HAYLEN (Notice given 9 March 2017—lapses 10 September 2017)

1812 BROUGHTON PASS REPAIR—MR JAI ROWELL (Notice given 9 March 2017—lapses 10 September 2017) 5011 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 21 June 2017

1813 BERESFIELD DRIVER REVIVER SITE—MS SONIA HORNERY (Notice given 9 March 2017—lapses 10 September 2017)

1814 KELSO PARK, MOOREBANK UPGRADE—MS MELANIE GIBBONS (Notice given 9 March 2017—lapses 10 September 2017)

1815 WENTWORTH FALLS RAILWAY STATION UPGRADE—MS TRISH DOYLE (Notice given 9 March 2017—lapses 10 September 2017)

1816 SCHOOL MAINTENANCE SHELLHARBOUR—MS ANNA WATSON (Notice given 28 March 2017—lapses 29 September 2017)

1817 NATIONAL GARDENING WEEK—MR STEPHEN BROMHEAD (Notice given 28 March 2017—lapses 29 September 2017)


1819 TAHMOOR PEDESTRIAN CROSSING—MR JAI ROWELL (Notice given 28 March 2017—lapses 29 September 2017)

1820 STOCKTON CENTRE, KANANGRA AND TOMAREE LODGE CLOSURES—MS KATE WASHINGTON (Notice given 28 March 2017—lapses 29 September 2017)

1821 GONSKI EDUCATION REFORMS—MR GARETH WARD (Notice given 28 March 2017—lapses 29 September 2017)

1822 NSW TRAINLINK CONTACT CENTRE OFFICE CLOSURE—MR TIM CRAKANTHORP (Notice given 28 March 2017—lapses 29 September 2017)

1823 OUR LADY OF LEBANON MARONITE PARISH—DR (Notice given 28 March 2017—lapses 29 September 2017)

1824 WOLLONGONG HOSPITAL THORACIC SURGEON—MR PAUL SCULLY (Notice given 28 March 2017—lapses 29 September 2017)

1825 JOHN DAVIDSON – SERVICE TO OATLEY RSL SUB-BRANCH—MR MARK COURE (Notice given 28 March 2017—lapses 29 September 2017)

1826 CAMPBELLTOWN RAILWAY STATION CAR PARK—MR GREG WARREN (Notice given 28 March 2017—lapses 29 September 2017)

1827 KILLABAKH COMMUNITY HALL—MR STEPHEN BROMHEAD (Notice given 28 March 2017—lapses 29 September 2017)

1828 RACIAL DISCRIMINATION—MS JULIA FINN (Notice given 28 March 2017—lapses 29 September 2017) 5012 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 21 June 2017

1829 WINGECARRIBEE ADULT DAY CARE CENTRE—MR JAI ROWELL (Notice given 28 March 2017—lapses 29 September 2017)

1830 COMMUNITY LEGAL CENTRES FUNDING—MS JENNY LEONG (Notice given 28 March 2017—lapses 29 September 2017)

1831 SAIVA MANRAM COMMUNITY—DR GEOFF LEE (Notice given 28 March 2017—lapses 29 September 2017)

1832 DUBBO GOWRIE NSW EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION CENTRE—MR DAVID HARRIS (Notice given 28 March 2017—lapses 29 September 2017)

1833 XPT TRAIN FLEET REPLACEMENT—MR TIM CRAKANTHORP (Notice given 29 March 2017—lapses 30 September 2017)

1834 CEDAR PARTY CREEK BRIDGE REPLACEMENT—MR STEPHEN BROMHEAD (Notice given 29 March 2017—lapses 30 September 2017)

1835 EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION—MS KATE WASHINGTON (Notice given 29 March 2017—lapses 30 September 2017)

1836 TAHMOOR CRICKET ASSOCIATION—MR JAI ROWELL (Notice given 29 March 2017—lapses 30 September 2017)

1837 PALLIATIVE CARE—MS JODIE HARRISON (Notice given 29 March 2017—lapses 30 September 2017)

1838 BRONSON MACKLINSHAW – KING OF THE RANGES—MR ADAM MARSHALL (Notice given 29 March 2017—lapses 30 September 2017)

1839 PARRAMATTA ROAD REVITALISATION—MS JO HAYLEN (Notice given 29 March 2017—lapses 30 September 2017)

1840 WOLLONDILLY NETBALL ASSOCIATION—MR JAI ROWELL (Notice given 29 March 2017—lapses 30 September 2017)

1841 MULTICULTURALISM—MS SOPHIE COTSIS (Notice given 29 March 2017—lapses 30 September 2017)

1842 GLEN INNES COUNTRY WOMEN’S ASSOCIATION—MR ADAM MARSHALL (Notice given 29 March 2017—lapses 30 September 2017)

1843 TAMIL SENIOR CITIZENS’ ASSOCIATION—MS JODI MCKAY (Notice given 29 March 2017—lapses 30 September 2017)

1844 JOAN DERKS’ COMMUNITY ACTIVITY—MR JAI ROWELL (Notice given 29 March 2017—lapses 30 September 2017)

1845 GONSKI FUNDING—MR GUY ZANGARI (Notice given 29 March 2017—lapses 30 September 2017) 5013 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 21 June 2017

1846 JACKSON GWYNNE CRICKET ACHIEVEMENT—MR ADAM MARSHALL (Notice given 29 March 2017—lapses 30 September 2017)

1847 COMMUNITY LEGAL CENTRES FUNDING—MS TRISH DOYLE (Notice given 29 March 2017—lapses 30 September 2017)

1848 SHARON ROBERTSON—MR JAI ROWELL (Notice given 29 March 2017—lapses 30 September 2017)

1849 CENTRAL COAST NCAT SERVICES—MS YASMIN CATLEY (Notice given 29 March 2017—lapses 30 September 2017)

1850 OATLEY HERITAGE AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY—MR MARK COURE (Notice given 29 March 2017—lapses 30 September 2017)

1851 SCHOOL MAINTENANCE—MS JODIE HARRISON (Notice given 29 March 2017—lapses 30 September 2017)

1852 JOHN PULLMAN—MR JAI ROWELL (Notice given 29 March 2017—lapses 30 September 2017)

1854 WESTERN SYDNEY INCINERATOR—MS PRUE CAR (Notice given 29 March 2017—lapses 30 September 2017)

1855 OURIMBAH STATION MASTER’S COTTAGE—MR DAVID MEHAN (Notice given 30 March 2017—lapses 30 September 2017)

1856 DONNA CARRIER – MYALL LAKES LOCAL WOMAN OF THE YEAR—MR STEPHEN BROMHEAD (Notice given 30 March 2017—lapses 30 September 2017)

1857 LAND AND PROPERTY INFORMATION PRIVATISATION—MS TRISH DOYLE (Notice given 30 March 2017—lapses 30 September 2017)

1858 WILLOW VALE BRIDGE—MR JAI ROWELL (Notice given 30 March 2017—lapses 30 September 2017)

1859 ILLAWARRA INFRASTRUCTURE INVESTMENT—MR PAUL SCULLY (Notice given 30 March 2017—lapses 30 September 2017)

1860 CONCESSIONAL CAR PARKING AT PUBLIC HOSPITALS—MS MELANIE GIBBONS (Notice given 30 March 2017—lapses 30 September 2017)

1861 WESTCONNEX PROPERTY DAMAGE—MS JO HAYLEN (Notice given 30 March 2017—lapses 30 September 2017)

1862 DR SUDHA NATARAJAN – RESOURCEFUL AUSTRALIAN INDIAN NETWORK—MR MARK COURE (Notice given 30 March 2017—lapses 30 September 2017) 5014 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 21 June 2017

1863 HUNTER REGION PALLIATIVE CARE—MS KATE WASHINGTON (Notice given 30 March 2017—lapses 30 September 2017)

1864 NORTHERN TABLELANDS UNDER 15 YEARS HOCKEY PLAYERS—MR ADAM MARSHALL (Notice given 30 March 2017—lapses 30 September 2017)

1865 HEALTH SERVICES AND HOSPITALS RESOURCING—MS JODIE HARRISON (Notice given 30 March 2017—lapses 30 September 2017)

1866 BLACK DOG RIDE MANNING – GREAT LAKES—MR STEPHEN BROMHEAD (Notice given 30 March 2017—lapses 30 September 2017)

1867 SPORTS IN HARMONY—MR GUY ZANGARI (Notice given 30 March 2017—lapses 30 September 2017)

1868 STEM IN EDUCATION—MR JAI ROWELL (Notice given 30 March 2017—lapses 30 September 2017)

1869 WYONG HOSPITAL REDEVELOPMENT—MS YASMIN CATLEY (Notice given 30 March 2017—lapses 30 September 2017)

1870 WATTLE GROVE LAKE RUBBISH CLEAN UP—MS MELANIE GIBBONS (Notice given 30 March 2017—lapses 30 September 2017)

1871 WALK FOR RESPECT—MR JIHAD DIB (Notice given 30 March 2017—lapses 30 September 2017)

1872 CIVIC DISABILITY NEW PREMISES—MR MARK COURE (Notice given 30 March 2017—lapses 30 September 2017)

1873 MANAGING ILLICIT DRUGS AUSTRALIA 21 REPORT—MS JO HAYLEN (Notice given 30 March 2017—lapses 30 September 2017)

1874 PETER BUREY BUSINESS AWARD WINNER—MR ADAM MARSHALL (Notice given 30 March 2017—lapses 30 September 2017)

1875 JOHN HUNTER HOSPITAL ROAD NETWORK—MS SONIA HORNERY (Notice given 4 April 2017—lapses 5 October 2017)

1876 HARBISON CARE TRAINING PROGRAMS—MR JAI ROWELL (Notice given 4 April 2017—lapses 5 October 2017)

1877 CENTRAL COAST YOUTH UNEMPLOYMENT—MR DAVID HARRIS (Notice given 4 April 2017—lapses 5 October 2017)

1878 OLD BAR PROJECTS—MR STEPHEN BROMHEAD (Notice given 4 April 2017—lapses 5 October 2017)

1879 LISMORE FLOODS—MR GUY ZANGARI (Notice given 4 April 2017—lapses 5 October 2017) 5015 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 21 June 2017


1881 BYRON SHIRE STATE EMERGENCY SERVICE—MS (Notice given 4 April 2017—lapses 5 October 2017)

1882 PARRAMATTA AND ROSEHILL POLICE—DR GEOFF LEE (Notice given 4 April 2017—lapses 5 October 2017)

1883 SCHOOL MAINTENANCE CANTERBURY ELECTORATE—MS SOPHIE COTSIS (Notice given 4 April 2017—lapses 5 October 2017)

1884 GILGAI PUBLIC SCHOOL FUNDRAISING—MR ADAM MARSHALL (Notice given 4 April 2017—lapses 5 October 2017)

1885 MEADOWBANK TAFE—MS PRUE CAR (Notice given 4 April 2017—lapses 5 October 2017)

1886 ST GEORGE BASKETBALL ASSOCIATION—MR MARK COURE (Notice given 4 April 2017—lapses 5 October 2017)

1887 UNIVERSITY OF WOLLONGONG INNOVATION CAMPUS—MR PAUL SCULLY (Notice given 4 April 2017—lapses 5 October 2017)

1888 ANNA ISBESTER HIGHER SCHOOL CERTIFICATE—MR JAI ROWELL (Notice given 4 April 2017—lapses 5 October 2017)

1889 EMERGENCY SERVICES LEVY—MS TRISH DOYLE (Notice given 4 April 2017—lapses 5 October 2017)

1890 TAREE BOARDWALK PROJECT—MR STEPHEN BROMHEAD (Notice given 4 April 2017—lapses 5 October 2017)

1891 HUMAN RIGHTS COMMISSION SURVEY—MS JO HAYLEN (Notice given 4 April 2017—lapses 5 October 2017)

1892 PARRAMATTA PCYC PILOT PROGRAM—DR GEOFF LEE (Notice given 4 April 2017—lapses 5 October 2017)

1893 BERESFIELD POLICE STATION—MS SONIA HORNERY (Notice given 5 April 2017—lapses 6 October 2017)

1894 WINGHAM CHAMPIONSHIP DOG SHOW—MR STEPHEN BROMHEAD (Notice given 5 April 2017—lapses 6 October 2017)

1895 ANDREW SCIPIONE ACKNOWLEDGEMENT—MR GUY ZANGARI (Notice given 5 April 2017—lapses 6 October 2017)

1896 ST GEORGE AFC – OLDS PARK UPGRADE—MR MARK COURE (Notice given 5 April 2017—lapses 6 October 2017) 5016 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 21 June 2017

1897 BALLINA SHIRE EMERGENCY SERVICES—MS TAMARA SMITH (Notice given 5 April 2017—lapses 6 October 2017)

1898 EMA KOBAYAKAWA WORK EXPERIENCE—MR JAI ROWELL (Notice given 5 April 2017—lapses 6 October 2017)

1899 BLUE MOUNTAINS RAILWAY STATION VENDING MACHINES—MS TRISH DOYLE (Notice given 5 April 2017—lapses 6 October 2017)

1900 ROYAL EASTER SHOW 2017—MR KEVIN CONOLLY (Notice given 5 April 2017—lapses 6 October 2017)

1901 VACCINATIONS AND CHILD CARE CENTRES—MS JO HAYLEN (Notice given 5 April 2017—lapses 6 October 2017)

1902 VAUCLUSE WOMAN OF THE YEAR—MS GABRIELLE UPTON (Notice given 5 April 2017—lapses 6 October 2017)

1903 WALLARAH 2 PROJECT ASSESSMENT—MR DAVID HARRIS (Notice given 5 April 2017—lapses 6 October 2017)

1904 CHALLENGE ASSISTED LIVING—MR JAI ROWELL (Notice given 5 April 2017—lapses 6 October 2017)

1905 ORANGE BY-ELECTION COMMITMENTS—MR (Notice given 5 April 2017—lapses 6 October 2017)

1906 WOLLONDILLY EMERGENCY SERVICES—MR JAI ROWELL (Notice given 5 April 2017—lapses 6 October 2017)

1907 BERNARD CHAN NURSING HOME—MS JODI MCKAY (Notice given 5 April 2017—lapses 6 October 2017)

1908 BRADMAN MUSEUM—MR JAI ROWELL (Notice given 5 April 2017—lapses 6 October 2017)

1909 LAKEMBA WALK FOR RESPECT—MR JIHAD DIB (Notice given 5 April 2017—lapses 6 October 2017)

1910 RINA HORE—MR JAI ROWELL (Notice given 5 April 2017—lapses 6 October 2017)

1911 CAMPSIE AND ASHFIELD POLICE OFFICER OF THE YEAR—MS SOPHIE COTSIS (Notice given 5 April 2017—lapses 6 October 2017)

1912 BOWRAL HOSPITAL FUNDING—MR JAI ROWELL (Notice given 5 April 2017—lapses 6 October 2017)

1913 WALLSEND FAMILY BUDGET IMPACTS—MS SONIA HORNERY (Notice given 5 April 2017—lapses 6 October 2017) 5017 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 21 June 2017

1914 JEAN NEWTON WOLLONDILLY—MR JAI ROWELL (Notice given 5 April 2017—lapses 6 October 2017)

1915 MULLUMBIMBY HOSPITAL SITE—MS TAMARA SMITH (Notice given 5 April 2017—lapses 6 October 2017)

1917 GOVERNMENT NEGLECT OF THE GOSFORD ELECTORATE—MR DAVID HARRIS (Notice given 5 April 2017—lapses 6 October 2017)


1919 OLD BAR OCEAN RHYTHMS MUSIC FESTIVAL—MR STEPHEN BROMHEAD (Notice given 6 April 2017—lapses 7 October 2017)

1920 MEDICINAL CANNABIS—MS TRISH DOYLE (Notice given 6 April 2017—lapses 7 October 2017)

1921 LIVE ORGAN DONOR PROGAM—MR JAI ROWELL (Notice given 6 April 2017—lapses 7 October 2017)

1922 AFTER SCHOOL CARE—MS JO HAYLEN (Notice given 6 April 2017—lapses 7 October 2017)

1923 ANDREW WALKLEY PROFESSIONAL GOLF COACH—MR ADAM MARSHALL (Notice given 6 April 2017—lapses 7 October 2017)

1924 HOUSING AFFORDABILITY POLICY—MR DAVID MEHAN (Notice given 6 April 2017—lapses 7 October 2017)

1925 MOOREBANK INTERMODAL COMMUNITY ADVOCACY—MS MELANIE GIBBONS (Notice given 6 April 2017—lapses 7 October 2017)


1927 DYLAN WHITELAW YOUTH MENTAL HEALTH AWARENESS—MR JAI ROWELL (Notice given 6 April 2017—lapses 7 October 2017)

1928 WARNERVALE TOWN CENTRE PROJECT—MR DAVID HARRIS (Notice given 6 April 2017—lapses 7 October 2017)

1929 NORTHERN TABLELANDS LADIES IN LIVESTOCK—MR ADAM MARSHALL (Notice given 6 April 2017—lapses 7 October 2017)

1930 METRO ASSIST—MS JODI MCKAY (Notice given 6 April 2017—lapses 7 October 2017) 5018 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 21 June 2017

1931 SCHOOL LEADERSHIP PROGRAMS—MS MELANIE GIBBONS (Notice given 6 April 2017—lapses 7 October 2017)

1932 RAINBOW ROUND OF SPORT—MS JENNY LEONG (Notice given 6 April 2017—lapses 7 October 2017)

1933 HILL TOP PUBLIC SCHOOL BREAKFAST CLUB—MR JAI ROWELL (Notice given 6 April 2017—lapses 7 October 2017)

1934 WALLSEND SMALL BUSINESS RENT INCREASES—MS SONIA HORNERY (Notice given 6 April 2017—lapses 7 October 2017)

1935 WORLD AUTISM DAY—MS JO HAYLEN (Notice given 6 April 2017—lapses 7 October 2017)

1936 EDMONDSON PARK RAILWAY STATION CAR PARKING—MS MELANIE GIBBONS (Notice given 6 April 2017—lapses 7 October 2017)


1938 TAREE AIRPORT UPGRADE—MR STEPHEN BROMHEAD (Notice given 2 May 2017—lapses 3 November 2017)

1939 TAHMOOR PUBLIC SCHOOL BREAKFAST CLUB—MR JAI ROWELL (Notice given 2 May 2017—lapses 3 November 2017)

1940 WALLSEND ELECTORATE POLICE ALLOCATION—MS SONIA HORNERY (Notice given 2 May 2017—lapses 3 November 2017)

1941 ABORIGINAL EMPLOYMENT STRATEGY ANNIVERSARY—MR ADAM MARSHALL (Notice given 2 May 2017—lapses 3 November 2017)

1942 FAIRFIELD CITY MULTICULTURALISM—MR GUY ZANGARI (Notice given 2 May 2017—lapses 3 November 2017)

1943 LUGARNO PROGRESS ASSOCIATION CLEAN UP AUSTRALIA—MR MARK COURE (Notice given 2 May 2017—lapses 3 November 2017)

1944 BANKSTOWN POLICE LOCAL AREA COMMAND—MS TANIA MIHAILUK (Notice given 2 May 2017—lapses 3 November 2017)

1945 STEBER INTERNATIONAL BOATS—MR STEPHEN BROMHEAD (Notice given 2 May 2017—lapses 3 November 2017)

1946 HERITAGE PROTECTION—MS JO HAYLEN (Notice given 2 May 2017—lapses 3 November 2017)

1947 REGIONAL ENTREPRENEUR ACADEMY—MR JAI ROWELL (Notice given 2 May 2017—lapses 3 November 2017) 5019 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 21 June 2017

1948 PALLIATIVE CARE ROUNDTABLES—MR TIM CRAKANTHORP (Notice given 2 May 2017—lapses 3 November 2017)

1949 RIVERWOOD AIR LEAGUE CADETS—MR MARK COURE (Notice given 2 May 2017—lapses 3 November 2017)

1950 INTERNATIONAL WORKERS MEMORIAL DAY—MR DAVID MEHAN (Notice given 2 May 2017—lapses 3 November 2017)

1951 LUKE PRIDDIS FOUNDATION—MR (Notice given 2 May 2017—lapses 3 November 2017)

1952 MALDON-DOMBARTON RAIL LINK—MR PAUL SCULLY (Notice given 2 May 2017—lapses 3 November 2017)



1955 MAITLAND ELECTORATE – SCHOOLS FUNDING—MS JENNY AITCHISON (Notice given 2 May 2017—lapses 3 November 2017)

1956 ABANDONED VEHICLES—MS SONIA HORNERY (Notice given 3 May 2017—lapses 4 November 2017)

1957 TWEED EMERGENCY SERVICE WORKERS—MR GEOFF PROVEST (Notice given 3 May 2017—lapses 4 November 2017)

1958 PORT STEPHENS AND DUNGONG COUNCIL MERGER—MS KATE WASHINGTON (Notice given 3 May 2017—lapses 4 November 2017)

1959 VALE DAVE HALL—MS GABRIELLE UPTON (Notice given 3 May 2017—lapses 4 November 2017)

1960 COMMUNITY LEGAL CENTRES—MS JENNY AITCHISON (Notice given 3 May 2017—lapses 4 November 2017)

1961 OLD BAR BEACH EROSION—MR STEPHEN BROMHEAD (Notice given 3 May 2017—lapses 4 November 2017)

1962 KEEP LEFT UNLESS OVERTAKING—MS TRISH DOYLE (Notice given 3 May 2017—lapses 4 November 2017)

1963 NELUNE FOUNDATION CHARITY SWIM—MS GABRIELLE UPTON (Notice given 3 May 2017—lapses 4 November 2017)

1964 GLENDALE-CARDIFF ROAD INFRASTRUCTURE—MR GREG PIPER (Notice given 3 May 2017—lapses 4 November 2017) 5020 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 21 June 2017

1965 JO BURGESS GUYRA CENTRAL SCHOOL—MR ADAM MARSHALL (Notice given 3 May 2017—lapses 4 November 2017)

1966 STOCKTON CENTRE FORMER RESIDENTS—MR TIM CRAKANTHORP (Notice given 3 May 2017—lapses 4 November 2017)

1967 MANNING RIVER SOUTHERN BREAKWALL—MR STEPHEN BROMHEAD (Notice given 3 May 2017—lapses 4 November 2017)

1968 ANZAC DAY – HELLENIC PRESIDENTIAL GUARD—MS SOPHIE COTSIS (Notice given 3 May 2017—lapses 4 November 2017)

1969 GEORGINA MORGAN HOCKEYROO—MR ADAM MARSHALL (Notice given 3 May 2017—lapses 4 November 2017)

1970 NEWCASTLE RAIL JOBS—MS YASMIN CATLEY (Notice given 3 May 2017—lapses 4 November 2017)

1971 ST PATRICK'S CHURCH BONDI CENTENARY CELEBRATION—MS GABRIELLE UPTON (Notice given 3 May 2017—lapses 4 November 2017)

1972 NORTHERN BEACHES B-LINE—MS JODI MCKAY (Notice given 3 May 2017—lapses 4 November 2017)

1973 WESTERN SYDNEY RAIL SERVICES—MS JULIA FINN (Notice given 3 May 2017—lapses 4 November 2017)

1975 STATE TAXES—MR RYAN PARK (Notice given 3 May 2017—lapses 4 November 2017)

1976 CANOBOLAS CLONTARF ACADEMY—MR PHILIP DONATO (Notice given 4 May 2017—lapses 5 November 2017)

1977 TWEED SHIRE FLOODS—MR GEOFF PROVEST (Notice given 4 May 2017—lapses 5 November 2017)

1978 AMBULANCE RESPONSE TIMES—MS SONIA HORNERY (Notice given 4 May 2017—lapses 5 November 2017)

1979 MANNING TOUCH FOOTBALL REPRESENTATIVES—MR STEPHEN BROMHEAD (Notice given 4 May 2017—lapses 5 November 2017)

1980 SHELLHARBOUR HOSPITAL—MS ANNA WATSON (Notice given 4 May 2017—lapses 5 November 2017)


1982 BLUE MOUNTAINS WEEKEND TRAIN SERVICES—MS TRISH DOYLE (Notice given 4 May 2017—lapses 5 November 2017) 5021 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 21 June 2017

1983 WINGHAM RIFLE CLUB—MR STEPHEN BROMHEAD (Notice given 4 May 2017—lapses 5 November 2017)

1984 INTERNATIONAL FAMILY EQUALITY DAY—MS JO HAYLEN (Notice given 4 May 2017—lapses 5 November 2017)

1985 LIVERPOOL ANZAC DAY DAWN SERVICE—MS MELANIE GIBBONS (Notice given 4 May 2017—lapses 5 November 2017)

1986 FAME COVE PORT STEPHENS—MS KATE WASHINGTON (Notice given 4 May 2017—lapses 5 November 2017)

1987 WESTERN HARBOUR TUNNEL AND BEACHES LINK—MS (Notice given 4 May 2017—lapses 5 November 2017)

1988 MAITLAND POLICE RESOURCES—MS JENNY AITCHISON (Notice given 4 May 2017—lapses 5 November 2017)

1989 BULA HIBISCUS FESTIVAL—MS MELANIE GIBBONS (Notice given 4 May 2017—lapses 5 November 2017)

1990 NORDS WHARF PUBLIC SCHOOL—MS YASMIN CATLEY (Notice given 4 May 2017—lapses 5 November 2017)

1991 ENERGY INFRASTRUCTURE—MS SONIA HORNERY (Notice given 4 May 2017—lapses 5 November 2017)

1992 BLUE MOUNTAINS TRAIN TIMETABLES—MS TRISH DOYLE (Notice given 4 May 2017—lapses 5 November 2017)

1993 WESTCONNEX LEGACY LAND—MS JO HAYLEN (Notice given 4 May 2017—lapses 5 November 2017)

1994 PARAMEDIC SAFETY—MS SONIA HORNERY (Notice given 9 May 2017—lapses 10 November 2017)

1995 MANNING VALLEY RELAY FOR LIFE—MR STEPHEN BROMHEAD (Notice given 9 May 2017—lapses 10 November 2017)

1996 DAVID CARTY MEMORIAL SERVICE—MR GUY ZANGARI (Notice given 9 May 2017—lapses 10 November 2017)

1997 PENRITH ANZAC DAWN SERVICE—MR STUART AYRES (Notice given 9 May 2017—lapses 10 November 2017)

1998 MAITLAND SCHOOLS MAINTENANCE BACKLOG—MS JENNY AITCHISON (Notice given 9 May 2017—lapses 10 November 2017)

1999 BONDI AMATEUR SWIMMING CLUB PRESENTATION NIGHT—MS GABRIELLE UPTON (Notice given 9 May 2017—lapses 10 November 2017) 5022 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 21 June 2017

2000 GRANVILLE TAFE—MS JULIA FINN (Notice given 9 May 2017—lapses 10 November 2017)

2001 TARRANGOWER SUPERFINE WOOL AWARD—MR ADAM MARSHALL (Notice given 9 May 2017—lapses 10 November 2017)

2002 WILLIAMTOWN RAAF BASE CONTAMINATION—MS KATE WASHINGTON (Notice given 9 May 2017—lapses 10 November 2017)

2003 MIDCOAST BUSINESS AWARDS—MR STEPHEN BROMHEAD (Notice given 9 May 2017—lapses 10 November 2017)

2004 DRIVER ONLY TRAINS—MR TIM CRAKANTHORP (Notice given 9 May 2017—lapses 10 November 2017)

2005 GLEN INNES WOOL TROPHY—MR ADAM MARSHALL (Notice given 9 May 2017—lapses 10 November 2017)

2006 HUNTER TRAIN SERVICES—MS JODIE HARRISON (Notice given 9 May 2017—lapses 10 November 2017)

2007 LAURIE CUPPLES MASTERS GOLF—MR STUART AYRES (Notice given 9 May 2017—lapses 10 November 2017)

2008 CLOSURE OF THE DULWICH HILL LIGHT RAIL LINE—MS JO HAYLEN (Notice given 9 May 2017—lapses 10 November 2017)

2009 RHIANNON BYERS WOMEN’S RUGBY REPRESENTATIVE—MR ADAM MARSHALL (Notice given 9 May 2017—lapses 10 November 2017)

2010 NAPLAN EXAMINATIONS—MR JIHAD DIB (Notice given 9 May 2017—lapses 10 November 2017)

2011 SYDNEY’S FIRST SEAPLANE FLIGHT—MS GABRIELLE UPTON (Notice given 9 May 2017—lapses 10 November 2017)

2012 NURSES IN AGED CARE FACILITIES—MS TRISH DOYLE (Notice given 9 May 2017—lapses 10 November 2017)

2013 WEAR ORANGE WEDNESDAY—MR GUY ZANGARI (Notice given 10 May 2017—lapses 11 November 2017)


2015 SANTOS AND CLIMATE CHANGE—MS JENNY LEONG (Notice given 10 May 2017—lapses 11 November 2017)

2016 EMU PLAINS LIONS CLUB—MR STUART AYRES (Notice given 10 May 2017—lapses 11 November 2017) 5023 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 21 June 2017

2017 WYONG HOSPITAL—MS YASMIN CATLEY (Notice given 10 May 2017—lapses 11 November 2017)

2018 VOYAGER POINT LAKE—MS MELANIE GIBBONS (Notice given 10 May 2017—lapses 11 November 2017)

2019 WESTCONNEX INTERAGENCY COORDINATION—MS JO HAYLEN (Notice given 10 May 2017—lapses 11 November 2017)

2020 NEPEAN NEWS—MR STUART AYRES (Notice given 10 May 2017—lapses 11 November 2017)

2021 HILLSBOROUGH ROAD WARNERS BAY – SAFETY MEASURES—MS JODIE HARRISON (Notice given 10 May 2017—lapses 11 November 2017)


2023 HELLENIC CLUB SYDNEY ANZAC DAY LUNCH—MS SOPHIE COTSIS (Notice given 10 May 2017—lapses 11 November 2017)

2024 DAVID MOOR AGRICULTURE SOCIETIES COUNCIL—MR ADAM MARSHALL (Notice given 10 May 2017—lapses 11 November 2017)

2025 MASTERS AND SPRINGHILL ROADS WOLLONGONG—MR PAUL SCULLY (Notice given 10 May 2017—lapses 11 November 2017)

2026 WATTLE GROVE PUBLIC SCHOOL FAIR—MS MELANIE GIBBONS (Notice given 10 May 2017—lapses 11 November 2017)

2027 AFFORDABLE HOUSING CENTRAL COAST—MR DAVID MEHAN (Notice given 10 May 2017—lapses 11 November 2017)

2028 WALDER AND HEATHCOTE ROADS HAMMONDVILLE—MS MELANIE GIBBONS (Notice given 10 May 2017—lapses 11 November 2017)

2029 NEWCASTLE TRAINLINK CALL CENTRE CLOSURE—MS YASMIN CATLEY (Notice given 10 May 2017—lapses 11 November 2017)

2030 NORTHERN TABLELANDS SPORT ACHIEVEMENTS—MR ADAM MARSHALL (Notice given 10 May 2017—lapses 11 November 2017)

2031 STEALTHING—MS JO HAYLEN (Notice given 10 May 2017—lapses 11 November 2017)

2033 SCHOOL INFRASTRUCTURE—MR JIHAD DIB (Notice given 10 May 2017—lapses 11 November 2017)

2034 COUNTER VANDALISM—MS SONIA HORNERY (Notice given 11 May 2017—lapses 12 November 2017) 5024 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 21 June 2017

2035 MANNING CYCLISTS—MR STEPHEN BROMHEAD (Notice given 11 May 2017—lapses 12 November 2017)

2036 RAIL SAFETY—MR TIM CRAKANTHORP (Notice given 11 May 2017—lapses 12 November 2017)

2037 MEALS ON WHEELS—MS KATRINA HODGKINSON (Notice given 11 May 2017—lapses 12 November 2017)

2038 WYONG HOSPITAL CANDLE LIGHT VIGIL—MS YASMIN CATLEY (Notice given 11 May 2017—lapses 12 November 2017)

2039 LAVENDER BAY RAIL LINE—MS FELICITY WILSON (Notice given 11 May 2017—lapses 12 November 2017)

2040 WYONG HOSPITAL CANDLE LIGHT VIGIL—MR DAVID HARRIS (Notice given 11 May 2017—lapses 12 November 2017)

2041 NOVA EMPLOYMENT HURSTVILLE—MR MARK COURE (Notice given 11 May 2017—lapses 12 November 2017)

2042 HILLSBOROUGH ROAD CHARLESTOWN—MS JODIE HARRISON (Notice given 11 May 2017—lapses 12 November 2017)

2043 COOTAMUNDRA ELECTORATE VOLUNTEERS—MS KATRINA HODGKINSON (Notice given 11 May 2017—lapses 12 November 2017)

2044 MARONITES ON MISSION—MS SOPHIE COTSIS (Notice given 11 May 2017—lapses 12 November 2017)

2045 MANLY HOSPITAL NURSING AUXILIARY—MR JAMES GRIFFIN (Notice given 11 May 2017—lapses 12 November 2017)

2046 NATIONAL MOTHERING WEEK—MS JENNY LEONG (Notice given 11 May 2017—lapses 12 November 2017)

2047 INCREASED FERRY SERVICES—MS FELICITY WILSON (Notice given 11 May 2017—lapses 12 November 2017)

2048 WOLLONGONG AND LLLAWARRA TOURISM AND HOSPITALITY—MR PAUL SCULLY (Notice given 11 May 2017—lapses 12 November 2017)

2049 HURSTVILLE SENIORS COMPUTER CLUB—MR MARK COURE (Notice given 11 May 2017—lapses 12 November 2017)

2050 RENTAL AFFORDABILITY—MS JO HAYLEN (Notice given 11 May 2017—lapses 12 November 2017)

2051 LIONS CLUBS IN AUSTRALIA—MR GARETH WARD (Notice given 11 May 2017—lapses 12 November 2017) 5025 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 21 June 2017

2052 HAZELBROOK RAILWAY STATION ACCESSIBILITY—MS TRISH DOYLE (Notice given 11 May 2017—lapses 12 November 2017)

2053 KIAMA ART EXHIBITION "RE:LOVED"—MR GARETH WARD (Notice given 11 May 2017—lapses 12 November 2017)

2054 INTERNATIONAL WORKERS’ DAY—MS YASMIN CATLEY (Notice given 11 May 2017—lapses 12 November 2017)

2055 WALLSEND STORM FLOODING CONSEQUENCES—MS SONIA HORNERY (Notice given 23 May 2017—lapses 24 November 2017)

2056 SAMUEL TERRY PUBLIC SCHOOL FUNDRAISING—MR STUART AYRES (Notice given 23 May 2017—lapses 24 November 2017)

2057 REFUGEE STUDENT RESETTLEMENT FUNDS—MR GUY ZANGARI (Notice given 23 May 2017—lapses 24 November 2017)

2058 SELECT COMMITTEE ON MENTAL HEALTH UNITS—MS TANIA MIHAILUK (Notice given 23 May 2017—lapses 24 November 2017)

2059 INNER WEST BUS SERVICES – SUMMER HILL—MS JO HAYLEN (Notice given 23 May 2017—lapses 24 November 2017)

2060 CAMPBELLTOWN AND MACARTHUR ROAD PRIORITIES—MR GREG WARREN (Notice given 23 May 2017—lapses 24 November 2017)

2061 PENRITH LAKES PARKRUN—MR STUART AYRES (Notice given 23 May 2017—lapses 24 November 2017)

2062 PENALTY RATES—MS JODIE HARRISON (Notice given 23 May 2017—lapses 24 November 2017)

2063 INNER WEST BUS SERVICES – CANTERBURY—MS SOPHIE COTSIS (Notice given 23 May 2017—lapses 24 November 2017)

2064 BRINGING THEM HOME REPORT 20TH ANNIVERSARY—MR DAVID HARRIS (Notice given 23 May 2017—lapses 24 November 2017)

2065 PENRITH YOUTH ADVISORY GROUP—MR STUART AYRES (Notice given 23 May 2017—lapses 24 November 2017)

2066 INNER WEST BUS PLANS—MS JENNY LEONG (Notice given 23 May 2017—lapses 24 November 2017)

2067 INNER WEST BUS SERVICES – LAKEMBA—MR JIHAD DIB (Notice given 23 May 2017—lapses 24 November 2017)

2068 COMMONWEALTH SCHOOL FUNDING—MS TRISH DOYLE (Notice given 23 May 2017—lapses 24 November 2017) 5026 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 21 June 2017

2069 GRETLEY COLLIERY COLLAPSE ANNIVERSARY—MS SONIA HORNERY (Notice given 24 May 2017—lapses 25 November 2017)

2070 NORTH COAST FLOODS – CRISIS SUPPORT—MR GEOFF PROVEST (Notice given 24 May 2017—lapses 25 November 2017)

2071 STOLEN GENERATIONS REPORT ANNIVERSARY – BLUE MOUNTAINS—MS TRISH DOYLE (Notice given 24 May 2017—lapses 25 November 2017)

2072 EDUCATION MAINTENANCE BACKLOG—MS MELANIE GIBBONS (Notice given 24 May 2017—lapses 25 November 2017)

2073 WESTCONNEX M4-M5 LINK CONSTRUCTION—MS JO HAYLEN (Notice given 24 May 2017—lapses 25 November 2017)

2074 ANNA WINTER – THE BIGGEST LOSER PARTICIPANT—MR ADAM MARSHALL (Notice given 24 May 2017—lapses 25 November 2017)


2076 SCHOFIELDS ROAD UPGRADE—MR KEVIN CONOLLY (Notice given 24 May 2017—lapses 25 November 2017)

2077 GONSKI SCHOOL FUNDING – HOLROYD HIGH SCHOOL—MS JULIA FINN (Notice given 24 May 2017—lapses 25 November 2017)

2078 GEORGE AND SOPHIE MERHEB RETIREMENT—MR MARK COURE (Notice given 24 May 2017—lapses 25 November 2017)

2079 TOUKLEY AND WYONG RSL ANZAC DAY—MR DAVID HARRIS (Notice given 24 May 2017—lapses 25 November 2017)

2080 B'RITH B'NAI EASTERN SUBURBS GENERAL MEETING—MS GABRIELLE UPTON (Notice given 24 May 2017—lapses 25 November 2017)

2081 GONSKI SCHOOL FUNDING – FAIRFIELD ELECTORATE—MR GUY ZANGARI (Notice given 24 May 2017—lapses 25 November 2017)

2082 BOARDING HOUSE DEVELOPMENTS—MR (Notice given 24 May 2017—lapses 25 November 2017)

2083 RAILWAY STATION ACCESS – THE ENTRANCE ELECTORATE—MR DAVID MEHAN (Notice given 24 May 2017—lapses 25 November 2017)

2084 BERRY BYPASS OPENING—MR GARETH WARD (Notice given 24 May 2017—lapses 25 November 2017) 5027 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 21 June 2017

2085 CORPORAL GEORGE JULIAN HOWELL – VICTORIA CROSS ANNIVERSARY—MS JODI MCKAY (Notice given 24 May 2017—lapses 25 November 2017)

2086 FUNDING FOR SURF LIFE SAVING NSW—MR GEOFF PROVEST (Notice given 24 May 2017—lapses 25 November 2017)

2088 DEMOUNTABLE CLASSROOMS—DR HUGH MCDERMOTT (Notice given 24 May 2017—lapses 25 November 2017)

2089 DEATHS OF ELIZA WANNAN AND WILLIAM DALTON- BROWN—MR (Notice given 25 May 2017—lapses 26 November 2017)

2090 THE HON. DUNCAN GAY—MR GARETH WARD (Notice given 25 May 2017—lapses 26 November 2017)

2091 LATE NIGHT TRAIN SAFETY—MS SONIA HORNERY (Notice given 25 May 2017—lapses 26 November 2017)

2092 LUGARNO PROGRESS ASSOCIATION—MR MARK COURE (Notice given 25 May 2017—lapses 26 November 2017)

2093 PUBLIC EDUCATION FUNDING—MR JIHAD DIB (Notice given 25 May 2017—lapses 26 November 2017)

2094 REFERENDUM ANNIVERSARY—MS FELICITY WILSON (Notice given 25 May 2017—lapses 26 November 2017)

2095 GUN CRIME—MR GUY ZANGARI (Notice given 25 May 2017—lapses 26 November 2017)

2096 ‘GET AROUND IT’ RUN FOR MENTAL HEALTH—MR JAI ROWELL (Notice given 25 May 2017—lapses 26 November 2017)

2097 NCAT – GOSFORD FACILITY—MR DAVID MEHAN (Notice given 25 May 2017—lapses 26 November 2017)

2098 MOTIVATING MUM AWARDS—MR MARK COURE (Notice given 25 May 2017—lapses 26 November 2017)

2099 BUS SERVICES TO CARDINAL GILROY VILLAGE—MS JULIA FINN (Notice given 25 May 2017—lapses 26 November 2017)

2100 VIVID SYDNEY – TARONGA ZOO—MS FELICITY WILSON (Notice given 25 May 2017—lapses 26 November 2017)

2101 NANNYGOAT HILL PRESERVATION—MS SOPHIE COTSIS (Notice given 25 May 2017—lapses 26 November 2017)

2102 OUR COMMUNITY PANTRY—MR JAI ROWELL (Notice given 25 May 2017—lapses 26 November 2017) 5028 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 21 June 2017

2103 NCAT ACCESS – CENTRAL COAST—MS YASMIN CATLEY (Notice given 25 May 2017—lapses 26 November 2017)

2104 MANLY MARLINS RUGBY TEAM—MR JAMES GRIFFIN (Notice given 25 May 2017—lapses 26 November 2017)

2105 KOALA POPULATION NUMBERS—MS KATE WASHINGTON (Notice given 25 May 2017—lapses 26 November 2017)

2106 MARIS CUMMINS – ARTS AND CRAFT—MR MARK COURE (Notice given 25 May 2017—lapses 26 November 2017)

2107 WESTCONNEX SALE—MS JO HAYLEN (Notice given 25 May 2017—lapses 26 November 2017)

2108 SCHOOL SHADES—MR JAI ROWELL (Notice given 25 May 2017—lapses 26 November 2017)

2109 DOWNING CENTRE COURT COMPLEX – SECURITY—MR RON HOENIG (Notice given 30 May 2017—lapses 30 November 2017)

2110 TAREE WEEKEND ON WHEELS—MR STEPHEN BROMHEAD (Notice given 30 May 2017—lapses 30 November 2017)

2111 BANK BRANCH CLOSURES – WALLSEND ELECTORATE—MS SONIA HORNERY (Notice given 30 May 2017—lapses 30 November 2017)

2112 PICTON ANZAC DAY COMMITTEE—MR JAI ROWELL (Notice given 30 May 2017—lapses 30 November 2017)

2113 STOCKTON CENTRE – FORMER RESIDENT’S CARE—MS SOPHIE COTSIS (Notice given 30 May 2017—lapses 30 November 2017)

2114 PENRITH RELAY FOR LIFE—MR STUART AYRES (Notice given 30 May 2017—lapses 30 November 2017)

2115 STOCKTON CENTRE – DEATH OF FORMER RESIDENTS—MR TIM CRAKANTHORP (Notice given 30 May 2017—lapses 30 November 2017)

2116 KIAMA SURF LIFE SAVING CLUB—MR GARETH WARD (Notice given 30 May 2017—lapses 30 November 2017)

2117 DEMOUNTABLE CLASSROOMS – CHARLESTOWN ELECTORATE—MS JODIE HARRISON (Notice given 30 May 2017—lapses 30 November 2017)

2118 YOUTH OPPORTUNITIES—MR GEOFF PROVEST (Notice given 30 May 2017—lapses 30 November 2017)

2119 RECONCILIATION WEEK—MR GREG WARREN (Notice given 30 May 2017—lapses 30 November 2017) 5029 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 21 June 2017

2120 BALMORAL BURN RUN 2017—MS FELICITY WILSON (Notice given 30 May 2017—lapses 30 November 2017)

2121 TUGGERAH RAILWAY STATION – ACCESS LIFT—MR DAVID MEHAN (Notice given 30 May 2017—lapses 30 November 2017)

2122 WHEELCHAIR SPORTS NSW—MR MARK COURE (Notice given 30 May 2017—lapses 30 November 2017)

2123 WOY WOY RAIL UNDERPASS—MS (Notice given 30 May 2017—lapses 30 November 2017)

2124 MURU MITTIGAR COMMUNITY FINANCE HUB—MR STUART AYRES (Notice given 30 May 2017—lapses 30 November 2017)

2125 HOUSING AFFORDABILITY—MS TRISH DOYLE (Notice given 30 May 2017—lapses 30 November 2017)

2126 SEXUAL ASSAULT STRATEGY – CONSULTATION—MS JENNY AITCHISON (Notice given 31 May 2017—lapses 1 December 2017)

2127 FRED AND BETTY DEATH – WEDDING ANNIVERSARY—MR STEPHEN BROMHEAD (Notice given 31 May 2017—lapses 1 December 2017)

2128 NCAT ACCESS – CENTRAL COAST—MR DAVID HARRIS (Notice given 31 May 2017—lapses 1 December 2017)


2130 LAND CLEARING AND WILDLIFE PROTECTION—MS JENNY LEONG (Notice given 31 May 2017—lapses 1 December 2017)

2131 ROSE BAY COMMUNITY GARDEN GRANT—MS GABRIELLE UPTON (Notice given 31 May 2017—lapses 1 December 2017)

2132 ALZHEIMERS AND DEMENTIA—MS SONIA HORNERY (Notice given 31 May 2017—lapses 1 December 2017)

2133 RURAL AND REGIONAL SWIMMING FACILITIES—MS KATRINA HODGKINSON (Notice given 31 May 2017—lapses 1 December 2017)

2134 NCAT ACCESS – GOSFORD—MS LIESL TESCH (Notice given 31 May 2017—lapses 1 December 2017)

2135 MANNING VALLEY HIGH SCHOOL HOCKEY REPRESENTATIVE SELECTIONS—MR STEPHEN BROMHEAD (Notice given 31 May 2017—lapses 1 December 2017) 5030 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 21 June 2017

2136 PRISON POPULATION GROWTH—MR GUY ZANGARI (Notice given 31 May 2017—lapses 1 December 2017)

2137 SERVICE NSW CENTRES—MR KEVIN CONOLLY (Notice given 31 May 2017—lapses 1 December 2017)

2138 WORLD ENVIRONMENT DAY—MS TAMARA SMITH (Notice given 31 May 2017—lapses 1 December 2017)

2139 BEAUTY POINT PUBLIC SCHOOL FIREWORKS NIGHT—MS FELICITY WILSON (Notice given 31 May 2017—lapses 1 December 2017)

2140 CANTERBURY EARLWOOD NEIGHBOUR AWARDS—MS SOPHIE COTSIS (Notice given 31 May 2017—lapses 1 December 2017)

2141 ROAD SAFETY FOR SCHOOL CHILDREN—MS KATRINA HODGKINSON (Notice given 31 May 2017—lapses 1 December 2017)

2142 GOVERNMENT RESPONSE TO CLIMATE CHANGE—MS JODIE HARRISON (Notice given 31 May 2017—lapses 1 December 2017)


2144 DISABILITY ADVOCACY—MS JULIA FINN (Notice given 31 May 2017—lapses 1 December 2017)

2145 WINGHAM RIFLE CLUB EVENT—MR STEPHEN BROMHEAD (Notice given 31 May 2017—lapses 1 December 2017)

2147 PREMIER’S PROMISES AND POLICIES—MR LUKE FOLEY (Notice given 31 May 2017—lapses 1 December 2017)

2148 WORLD MILK DAY—MR STEPHEN BROMHEAD (Notice given 1 June 2017—lapses 2 December 2017)

2149 PUBLIC BUS SERVICES – INNER WEST—MS JODI MCKAY (Notice given 1 June 2017—lapses 2 December 2017)

2150 TARONGA ZOO CONSERVATION PROGRAM—MS FELICITY WILSON (Notice given 1 June 2017—lapses 2 December 2017)

2151 BUS SERVICES – INNER WEST—MS JO HAYLEN (Notice given 1 June 2017—lapses 2 December 2017)

2152 PEAKHURST SOUTH PUBLIC SCHOOL GARDEN—MR MARK COURE (Notice given 1 June 2017—lapses 2 December 2017)

2153 BUS SERVICES – WESTERN SYDNEY—MR (Notice given 1 June 2017—lapses 2 December 2017) 5031 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 21 June 2017

2154 ILLAWARRA SHOALHAVEN DEFENCE INDUSTRY—MR GARETH WARD (Notice given 1 June 2017—lapses 2 December 2017)

2155 BUS SERVICES – CANTERBURY ELECTORATE—MS SOPHIE COTSIS (Notice given 1 June 2017—lapses 2 December 2017)

2156 SCHOOL PRINCIPALS – HOLSWORTHY ELECTORATE—MS MELANIE GIBBONS (Notice given 1 June 2017—lapses 2 December 2017)

2157 PLASTIC WASTE REDUCTION—MR GREG PIPER (Notice given 1 June 2017—lapses 2 December 2017)

2158 CENTRE FOR URBAN MARINE INNOVATION—MS FELICITY WILSON (Notice given 1 June 2017—lapses 2 December 2017)

2159 RECONCILIATION—MS SONIA HORNERY (Notice given 1 June 2017—lapses 2 December 2017)

2160 BELMORE ROAD RIVERWOOD—MR MARK COURE (Notice given 1 June 2017—lapses 2 December 2017)

2161 CENTRAL COAST WATERWAYS DREDGING—MS LIESL TESCH (Notice given 1 June 2017—lapses 2 December 2017)

2162 NATIONAL TAFE DAY—MS TRISH DOYLE (Notice given 1 June 2017—lapses 2 December 2017)

2163 YOUTH FRONTIERS MENTORING PROGRAM—MR MARK COURE (Notice given 1 June 2017—lapses 2 December 2017)

2164 NUCLEAR ENERGY DEBATE—MS JULIA FINN (Notice given 1 June 2017—lapses 2 December 2017)

2165 BROOKVALE HEALTH CENTRE—MR JAMES GRIFFIN (Notice given 1 June 2017—lapses 2 December 2017)

2166 NORTHERN TERRITORY INTERVENTION—MS JENNY LEONG (Notice given 1 June 2017—lapses 2 December 2017)

2167 FLINDERS ESTATE NOISE ABATEMENT MS ANNA WATSON to move— That this House: (1) Notes the near decade need of the residents of Flinders Estate in the Shellharbour electorate for noise abatement since the realignment of the Princes Highway in August 2007.

(2) Acknowledges that a Government funded noise barrier wall was constructed within the Kiama electorate on the same road under similar circumstances in 2016.

(3) Notes that the noise wall required for Flinders Estate would be 500 metres in length and would positively impact the lives of hundreds of residents of the estate.

(4) Calls on the Government to fund the construction of a noise barrier wall for the benefit of the 5032 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 21 June 2017

community of Flinders Estate, as has been done for the residents of North Kiama.

(Notice given 20 June 2017—lapses 21 December 2017)

2168 NEWCASTLE TRANSPORT HERITAGE GROUP MR TIM CRAKANTHORP to move— That this House: (1) Notes that the Hon Scot MacDonald labelled the volunteers of Newcastle's Transport Heritage Group, as dysfunctional.

(2) Calls on the Parliamentary Secretary for the Hunter to apologise to these hardworking volunteers.

(3) Condemns the Parliamentary Secretary for his ill-informed negative comment as discrediting the efforts of the volunteers who are committed to preserving the history of trains in New South Wales and Newcastle in particular.

(Notice given 20 June 2017—lapses 21 December 2017)

2169 TELEGRAPH POINT CHILDREN’S CENTRE MS KATE WASHINGTON to move— That this House: (1) Notes that the Telegraph Point Children's Centre provides the only preschool, childcare, vacation care and outside of hours school care for the families of Telegraph Point and surrounding area.

(2) Condemns the Government for its failure to ensure the service remains open.

(3) Urges the Minister to urgently intervene to prevent the Telegraph Point Children's Service closing on 23 June 2017.

(Notice given 20 June 2017—lapses 21 December 2017)

2170 INNER WEST BUSES SERVICES MS JENNY LEONG to move— That this House: (1) Congratulates residents of the Inner West for its massive turn out to community meeting at Leichardt Town Hall on Monday 19 June 2017 hosted by the members for Balmain and Newtown.

(2) Expresses its thanks to the Hon Mehreen Faruqi, Rail, Tram and Bus Union and the drivers for participating in the meeting to stop the privatisation of Sydney Buses.

(3) Supports the drivers and their right to strike to take industrial action.

(Notice given 20 June 2017—lapses 21 December 2017)

2171 KINDNECESSITIES MS JODI MCKAY to move— That this House: (1) Acknowledges the launch of KindNecessities, a charity that works to promote and support sanitary care products to refugee women in Jordan's Za'atari camp.

(2) Recognises and congratulates the KindNecessities executive team of Iman Farrar, Ella Clarke, 5033 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 21 June 2017

Emma Cross, Dory Fadel, Sophie Ellis, Abby Butler and Daanyal Saeed for their leadership.

(3) Thanks the organisation for working towards challenging the taboo and stigma surrounding female hygiene and menstruation and for empowering women locally and internationally.

(Notice given 20 June 2017—lapses 21 December 2017)

2172 NUCLEAR POWER GENERATION MR TIM CRAKANTHORP to move— That this House: (1) Considers that as nuclear power involves the production of toxic waste it is a hazard to the environment and human health for thousands of years.

(2) Notes that the Deputy Premier told the Daily Telegraph on 19 May 2017 that communities could nominate themselves to be the site of a nuclear power plant.

(3) Notes that the people of Newcastle do not wish to be considered as a location for a nuclear power plant.

(4) Condemns the Deputy Premier for what is considered an irresponsible proposal to develop nuclear power in New South Wales.

(Notice given 20 June 2017—lapses 21 December 2017)

2173 CENTRAL COAST MR DAVID MEHAN to move— That this House considers the only time the Government cares about the Central Coast is at election time.

(Notice given 20 June 2017—lapses 21 December 2017)

2174 ST PAUL’S COLLEGE MS JO HAYLEN to move— That this House: (1) Notes the Minister for Education's realisation of the need to amend the acts governing residential colleges of universities following the revelation of further misogyny and abuse at St Paul's College.

(2) Considers that this toxic culture of sexism is not restricted to St Paul's and that a wholesale review of governance arrangements at residential colleges is required.

(3) Considers that misogyny, sexual assault and harassment is not acceptable anywhere or anytime and that residential colleges are no exception.

(4) Calls on the Minister to take action to acknowledge the pain and suffering of generations of young women, and to end the privilege and old-boy culture at these colleges.

(Notice given 20 June 2017—lapses 21 December 2017)

2175 HUMAN RIGHTS MS JENNY LEONG to move— That this House supports human rights and the protection of them in New South Wales laws with a 5034 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 21 June 2017

Human Rights Act.

(Notice given 20 June 2017—lapses 21 December 2017)

2176 ST JOHN OF GOD BURWOOD HOSPITAL MS JODI MCKAY to move— That this House: (1) Notes the significant contribution that St John of God Burwood Hospital makes to the lives of so many people through the provision of mental health care services.

(2) Congratulates St John of God Burwood Hospital for 60 years of service to the community.

(3) Thanks the management and for its commitment to supporting patients, carers, family members and the community.

(4) Recognises its ongoing service to those at risk of homelessness and its support transitioning people to independent living.

(Notice given 20 June 2017—lapses 21 December 2017)

2177 WYONG HOSPITAL MR DAVID MEHAN to move— That this House: (1) Notes the people of the Central Coast are opposed to the privatisation of Wyong Hospital.

(2) Calls on the Government to reverse its plans to privatise the hospital.

(Notice given 20 June 2017—lapses 21 December 2017)

2178 INNER WEST BREWERY ASSOCIATION MS JO HAYLEN to move— That this House: (1) Welcomes the formation of the Inner West Brewery Association, bringing together craft brewers from across the inner west to advocate for this growing industry.

(2) Notes the important role the micro-brewing industry plays in attracting tourism, creating jobs and fostering small-scale manufacturing in the inner west.

(3) Calls on the Government to improve regulations for tap-rooms, adopt the Opposition's plan to standardise food truck regulations across the State, create tax breaks for micro-brewers and assist in funding associated tourism through grants.

(Notice given 20 June 2017—lapses 21 December 2017)

2179 VINCENT KONG COMMUNITY WORK RECOGNITION MS JODI MCKAY to move— That this House: (1) Congratulates Vincent Kong on his award of the Medal of the Order of Australia in the General Division on Australia Day 2017.

(2) Recognises his outstanding service to the Chinese community in Sydney through his leadership 5035 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 21 June 2017

role in many organisations, most notably as President of the Mingyue Chinese Buddhist Temple.

(3) Thanks him sincerely for his support to a range of charitable organisations through donations and sponsorships, including the Australian Red Cross and Salvation Army.

(Notice given 20 June 2017—lapses 21 December 2017)

2180 MS JENNY LEONG to move— That this House: (1) Calls on the Government to upgrade Redfern railway station.

(2) Expresses its doubt at a prioritisation process for station upgrades.

(3) Calls on the Premier to prioritise the installation of lifts at Redfern railway station.

(Notice given 20 June 2017—lapses 21 December 2017)

2181 INNER WEST BUS PRIVATISATION MS JO HAYLEN to move— That this House: (1) Notes that the Minister for Transport has commenced the tender process for operating Region 6 buses, despite the overwhelming opposition from the inner west community and local bus-drivers.

(2) Notes that the Minister for Transport and Premier have indicated they will extend privatisation to bus services across the city, despite opposition even from Government members.

(3) Calls on the Minister to listen to the community and abandon what is considered an arrogant and ill-conceived plan that will threaten driver jobs, risk higher fares and less frequent services and da ferrous reductions in bus maintenance.

(Notice given 20 June 2017—lapses 21 December 2017)

2182 CENTRAL COAST MS LIESL TESCH to move— That this House: (1) Considers the only time the Government cares about the Central Coast is at election time.

(2) Notes that the Government has committed to the delivery of a Northern Beaches tunnel but by comparison has yet to deliver the Woy Woy underpass.

(Notice given 20 June 2017—lapses 21 December 2017)

2183 LITTLE YARNS PROGRAM MS KATE WASHINGTON to move— That this House: (1) Notes the success of the Little Yarns early intervention program in Karuah, delivered by Firstchance, which supports over 170 indigenous families in the Port Stephens, Newcastle and Lake Macquarie areas.

(2) Notes that the program was funded by the Department of Ageing, Disability and Home Care and 5036 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 21 June 2017

that funding will cease as of 30 June 2017.

(3) Condemns the Government for using the NDIS as an excuse to abolish the services of ADHC and see programs that work, disappear.

(4) Urges the Government to continue funding Firstchance to deliver the Little Yarns program.

(Notice given 20 June 2017—lapses 21 December 2017) 5037 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 21 June 2017


1 Report of the Legislation Review Committee entitled “Legislation Review Digest No. 39/56”, dated 20 June 2017. (Tabled 20 June 2017)


Date Tabled Committee Report Title Date Due 23 February Legislative Assembly Procurement of Government Infrastructure 23 August 2017 Committee on Transport and Projects 2017 Infrastructure 7 March 2017 Public Accounts Committee Examination of Auditor-General’s Performance 7 September Audit Reports December 2014 – June 2015 2017


Date Lodged Member Petition Title Minister Responsible Written Response Due 1 June 2017 Mr David Mehan Station Master’s Cottage – Mr 6 July 2017 Ourimbah 20 June 2017 Mr Ban On Hunting With Pig-dogs Mr 25 July 2017

20 June 2017 Mr Alex Greenwich CCTV in Slaughter Houses Mr Niall Blair 25 July 2017

20 June 2017 Dr Hugh McDermott Ramped Access, Pendle Hill Mr Andrew Constance 25 July 2017 Railway Station 20 June 2017 Mr Alex Greenwich Public Housing, Millers Point, Ms 25 July 2017 Dawes Point and The Rocks


Date Lodged Member Petition Title Minister Written Discussion Responsible Response Due Date 23 May 2017 Mr Philip Orange Health Service – Mr 27 June 2017 1 June 2017 Donato Palliative Care 23 May 2017 Ms Prue Car M4 Motorway – Tolling Mrs 27 June 2017 22 June 2017

25 May 2017 Mr Damien Affordable Housing Mr Anthony 29 June 2017 3 August 2017 Tudehope Roberts 30 May 2017 Ms Anna Public Hospitals – Mr Brad Hazzard 4 July 2017 10 August Watson Shellharbour Hospital 2017 31 May 2017 Ms Jenny Public Hospitals – Mr Brad Hazzard 5 July 2017 14 September Aitchison Maitland Hospital 2017

HELEN MINNICAN Clerk of the Legislative Assembly


Authorised by the Parliament of New South Wales