(Trident) DIVISION on Redeployment Furloughs June-July 1945 ENROUTE to TOKYO
CONNECTICUT MEN OF THE 97th (Trident) DIVISION On Redeployment Furloughs June-July 1945 ENROUTE TO TOKYO The 97th (Trident) Infantry Division, ing the 387th Infantry Regiment did not the second of the combat units enroute reach the port of New York until the night from the European Theater of Operations of June 28. to the Pacific, arrived in the United States The men on the Brazil and the for redeployment furloughs late in June, Angel received the standard welcome pre• 1945. pared by the New York Port of Embar• Preceded by a small group of division kation Army Service Forces. They were headquarters personnel, the three major serenaded by WAC bands aboard small contingents of the Division, with 14,184 boats which cruised along side of the trans• officers and men on their rosters, crossed ports as they steamed up the bay, harbor the ocean on the transports Marine Angel, and river at New York, and escorted by Brazil, and Marine Panther. harbor craft carrying the press and pho• The Marine Angel, with 1,463 members tographers. Other ships in the harbor of the division aboard arrived at New York and harbor craft sounded their whistles on June 23, 1945, and proceeded up the as men crowded the decks and lined the Hudson River to Piermont, New York. rails to get the first good look of their Men were debarked from the Angel to homeland. At the Pier 86, Red Cross per• small craft, went ashore, and proceeded sonnel were on hand to distribute coffee, by truck to Camp Shanks, for processing lemonade and crullers.
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