
Oregon Geologic Digital Compilation

Keywords for lithology table(s) data entry—revised 2/1/05, 1/1/06

Lithology mineral and composition table Alteration, to (mineral) includes weathering Blebs, composition Blocks, composition Cavity fill, composition Cavity lining, composition , composition Clasts, composition Clots, composition Concretions, composition Debris, composition Encrustation, composition Enrichment, composition , composition Fiamme, composition Fossiliferous (general fossil types, not individual genus and species) Fracture fill, composition Fragments composition Grains, composition Impurities, composition Inclusions, composition Joint fill, composition Knobs, composition Lapilli, composition Layering, composition Luster, composition Matrix, composition Mineralogy (list of main minerals or lithologies) Mineralization (list of commodity minerals) Nodules, composition Oxidation, composition Particles, composition Partings, composition Patches, composition Phenocrysts, composition Purity, amount of or type Recrystallization, mineral Schlieren, composition Seams, composition of mineral fill Shards, composition Soil, composition Staining, composition Stringers, composition of mineral fill Veins (or veinlets), compositon of mineral/lithology fill Vesicle fill, composition , composition Zones, composition

Lithology color table Fresh Weathered Staining (color only)

Lithology major structures table—amounts of outcrop level characteristics (keyword is followed by a describing adjective or, if no adjective, is used by itself) Alignment, (includes orientation) Banding Body shape (includes body form) Body size Brecciation Cleavage Contacts (does not include conformability or lack of conformability) Deformation=contortion Flow shape (includes flow form) Flow size Flow type Folding Foliation Fracturing Grading Imbrication Interbanding Intercalation Interfingering Interlayering Intermixing Interstratification Jointing Layering Lineation Mantling Mylonitization Outcrop distribution Outcrop form (includes outcrop shape) Outcrop size Partings Pillowing Pluton size Recrystallization (amount of, not mineralogy) Schistocity (use with any type of sedimentary structure) Shearing Slickensides Soil development Surfaces Vesicularity Weathering (amount of, not mineral type) Welding

Lithology table—amounts of hand sample level characteristics (keyword is followed by a describing adjective or is used by itself if no adjective) Alteration (amount, not mineral altered to) Banding Cementation Consolidation Crystal size—includes , aphyric, and phyric, also glassy, dense Devitrification Eutaxitic Fiamme Flowbanding Flow breccia ( and sedimentary rocks only) Hardness Induration Kaolinization Lithification Lithophysae Luster Porosity Recrystallization Reworking Rounding Silicification Sorting Spherulitic