Central Florida Future, Vol. 09 No. 18, January 28, 1977
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University of Central Florida STARS Central Florida Future University Archives 1-28-1977 Central Florida Future, Vol. 09 No. 18, January 28, 1977 Part of the Mass Communication Commons, Organizational Communication Commons, Publishing Commons, and the Social Influence and oliticalP Communication Commons Find similar works at: https://stars.library.ucf.edu/centralfloridafuture University of Central Florida Libraries http://library.ucf.edu This Newsletter is brought to you for free and open access by the University Archives at STARS. It has been accepted for inclusion in Central Florida Future by an authorized administrator of STARS. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Recommended Citation "Central Florida Future, Vol. 09 No. 18, January 28, 1977" (1977). Central Florida Future. 282. https://stars.library.ucf.edu/centralfloridafuture/282 Future FLORIDA TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY Vol~ . 9 FrldG_y, -January 28, ,-977 - No.. 18 York asks BOR to okay -ne\V economic• institute. In an effort to aid Florida's as get input from citizenry of the York said the commis~ion will economic development, Chancellor state. , study problems of funding, E. T. York announced 1le will ask the He said the growth of the state duplication of programs and Board of Regents (BOR) to approve has generated concern over the increased efficiency within the SUS. an Economic Development Institute amount of tax dollars that are being "I have some very high hopes this within the State University Sysl:em invested in the university system and commission can help chart the course (SUS). whether the state is getting its of higher education · in the next York also announced the money's worth. decade," York said. appointment of a citize_,n's This. "Blue Ribbon" advisory Since 1955, the university system commission to study the future of group will study the future of 'the has grown from· three universities to the state's university system. SUS .for the next 12 to 15 months nine and the enrollment has jumped This year the VOR will ask for an ·with an eye toward the' reassessment. from 20,000 to over 110,000. 18 per cent increase in the SUS of· the higher education system. The York sa_id no Florida university is Photo by Ber nal Schooley budget over last year's $272.8 group will develop and recommend in the t_op 20 in the nation, adding, DORMIT'ORY RESIDENTS Patty Munoz and Sandy Gast million. Sources say the ways to effectively serve the citizenry "I think we can do better than that. I establishment of these committees of Florida. Chandler said, and to think Florida deserves better than model some unusual Florida vyinter wear. The cold spell may o1'fset some of the legislative "gerierate more extens~ve citizen that." that hit Florida last week was one of the worst in decades, criticism that the SUS is spending too ~voivemept. ~: with more sub-freezing temperature due ·this weekend. More much money wi~hout showing photos on p:me 8. · · · enough tangible benefits. · The economic institute will For non-academic facilities coordinate the universities resources to provide expert assistance in providing new jobs, raising per capita income and increasing tax support for community and statewide Goree~ gets collstruction proposals · governments. He said the institute would help business·and industry in By MARK HESS the same way the Institute for Food Managing Editor Oswaldo Garcia, campus planner, in would increase the square footage. So ePlans to cover the courtyards and Agricultural Sciences at the order .i:o be sure . the facilities will that depending on the actual cost per and possibly close in the entrances to University of Florida -has helped After nearly a month . delay, ·meet tlieir needs and still be within square foot, th_e buiilding may be the VC. - agriculture in Florida. tentative plans for the construction the designated monetary and square larger .or smaller than the preliminary York said he will a"sk the BOR at · of five activity and service facilities footage lim~ts. plans now call for. The Developmeatal center's plans its next meeting at FTU on Feb. 7, to have been turned over to John Philip Tentative plans on a priority basis -call 'for a variety of different sized authorize the . institute contingent . Goree, vice-president for Business RBlaled editorial page..6 : for the expansion o( · the VC offices and teaching rooms for upon funding by the legislature. Affairs. Plans for the five remaining · included: counseling, - testing, ·speech therapy BOR Secretary Hendrix Chandler The · planned facilities include facilities, besides the Outdoor and other purposes. said the citizen's commission will expansion of the Village Center (VC), Recreation Building, were done on •Game area expansion which The Health Center included plans study the role · and· scope of the a bookstore, Healt-h Center, the basis of available money ~would in~lude additional ping pong for additional offices ~nd examining ~ university system over the next Developmental Center and funds for projected at a cost of $50 per square _tables, an hockey tables and lO rooms, special examination rooms for decade. land development for Greek housing. foot. The $50 per square foet bowling lanes. · orthapedic and physiotherapy work, Chandler said the commission will The plans are undergoing amount includes both construction •Meeting, conference and including a whirlpool, and an eye-ear work with the Role and Scope continuous changes, as subcommittee , and costs for equipping the building. receptiori rooms. room. Overnight rooms, an x-ray Advisory Committee and with the heads for each of the building For example, the cost of equipping facility and other rooms of ·various lnterinstitutional Task Force as ·well projects are · still meeting with the Health Center may exceed $50 e Renovation of the VCAR, _ purposes are also includes in the_ per square foot, this ·would reduce including bricking up or blacking out · plans. the total number of square .feet the the south wall and expanding the Plans for the bookstore were not building could be. On the other hand, lighting capabilities of the building. availablt:;. · Today's Future . the Developmental Center, whose spaces will primarily pe for offices, • An arts and crafts center and may -be under the $50 average, which · photography _area. Say you can't wait until _the new .Piiza Hut across Trip to i~auguratio . n, the street opens so you can sink your teetl). into one of those hot, . ' steaming pasta treats? It 'b.eautiful, impressive. opens next month, but this one will feature a different flavo~ from By BARRY BRADLEY your typical pepperoni Assistant Editor own ·private tour of Mt. Vernon:" palace... an FTU flavor. The Smithsonian Institute was of · Story on P.~e 2. It's .a long way from the warm, special significance, she said. "I was sunny weather of Orlando to the particularly interested in the dresses' cold, ice-covered streets of of the former presidents' wives, · Washington, D .C., discovered Susan be_cause I'd like to get into fashion Your - FM radio will be Newkirk, 19, when she went to merchandising. The institute is so big, President Jimmy Caqer's we were only able to see two picking up some new inauguration Jan. 20. buildings. 'Y~u could spend a week in sounds . pretty soon, and Miss Newkirk, a junior majoring there and still miss some things. • the mellow voices behind in marketing at FTU, said she went "I think Washington is one of the t:he microphones will be to the inauguration with Clay Philips, most -beautiful and impressive cities none other than FTU the coordinator for the Carter I've ever seen,H she said. "-We tried to Campaign for Pasco County. see everything but there just wasn't disk jockeys. The FCC "We had an invitation to the enough time." approved plans for a inagural parade and the party at the She and -Philips had ·-rron t row campus FM statiOn and it armory," she said, "and we were able seating- on Pennsylvania ·Avenue, may be ready by spring. to stay with friends of my family in SUSAN NEWKIRK directly across the street from the See page 3. Lexington Park, Md. --meets Carter White House for the ' Inaugural Once at the party, she said she Parade, · she said. But at the and Philips tried to work th.eir way iJ).aguration ceremony they had to over to where the President was own private tour of Mt. Vernon." stand about a block away. Although Vladimir (J,>at supposed to ·pass. "We finally got The Smithsonian Institute was of "We couldn't see much but we Gill) has · an' Emmett close enough and when he and to Florida House, the state supported . could hear everything," she said. Rosalynn cane in, we got to shake welcome center for Florida citizens "People kept building mounds out of Kelly frown / on his face, hands w~th them. Mrs. Carter was no who visit the capital. · the snow to stand on so they could the FTU Theatre nice. She said how much she "That was the first place we see better. I tried it and I just fell' Department's latest appreciated everyone coming. I really visited that we really felt welcome. down. I slipped and fell a lot the production, Samuel liked her. We had a - cocktail party there and entire five days we were there," she "I didn'·t vote for Carter, but now had a great time." said. Beckett's "Waiting for I think he is going to do a good job. She said that everyone they met ''Everyone seemed to be Goudot," is actually a Besides, he is the President and I in. Washington seemed .to be really interested in which party everyone light-hearted,.