ΒΙ.ΜΕ.ΚΑΤ. Α.Ε. Confidential Fact Sheet
ΒΙ.ΜΕ.ΚΑΤ. Α.Ε. Confidential Fact Sheet March 2021, Athens, Greece Disclaimer This document (hereinafter referred to as "Fact Sheet" or "FS") has been compiled by EUROCONSULTANTS S.A. (hereinafter referred to as "Euroconsultants") on behalf of “METAL STRUCTURES OF RODOPI S.A.” (hereinafter referred to as the “Company”), with the distinctive title “VI.ME.KAT. S.A.” (hereinafter referred to as “VI.ME.KAT.”), and with respect to the intended sale of some or all of the Company's assets (hereinafter referred to as “Transaction”). This FS is provided to you (hereinafter referred to as "recipient") and any other interested parties, who may or may not be interested in the Transaction, solely to help those parties decide about whether to further analyze the proposed Transaction. The information and data referred to in this FS are strictly confidential. Consequently, the contents of this FS and any other information or data that will be disclosed hereafter will be confidential and may not, without the prior consent of the Company, be published, reproduced, copied or disclosed to anyone other than you or your advisors, who need to be informed and know that they are confidential or used for any purpose other than the Transaction. You will be responsible for any loss of material of Euroconsultants or the Company, in case of unauthorized disclosure or use. The information in this FS is obtained from the Company and from public or other sources. The company Euroconsultants assumes no responsibility for the independent verification of the information and expressly disclaims any responsibility whatsoever against any purchaser regarding this information or any transaction with the Company.
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