The “+” means the vote aligned with Western Native Voice’s position on the bill. The “-” means the vote DID NOT align. The bills shown are not all bills that may impact Indian Country.

To find your Senator/Representative go here:

Score calculation: + = 1, - = 0. For example, Abbott (see left) received 4 “+” giving her 4 out of 4 (4/4) or 100% rating.

Myth: State law does not impact tribal na- Myth: The Legislature does not Myth: Medicaid expansion does not impact tions or people within those boundaries pass laws that benefit Native American com- Montana’s Native American communities. I munities don’t want Medicaid I have IHS Services Tribal sovereignty was under attack this ses- sion. Three bills, House Bill 332, House Bill 48 This session, a number of bills meant to help Montana Medicaid expansion, through and House Bill 733, are just three examples Indian Country became law. One biggest win House Bill 658, introduced by Representative of how state law impacts tribes. is House Bill 21 (Hanna’s Act), introduced by Ed Buttrey, passed the legislature and was Representative Rae Peppers, which requires signed into law by Governor Bullock. House Bill 332 would have required tribes to the Montana Department of Justice to hire a get county consent before transferring bison This means that Montana residents, includ- missing persons specialist to work with com- onto tribal land. House Bill 733 would have ing those within the boundaries of a tribal munities and families in response to cases of made tribal members pay taxes on land while nation, may be eligible for health insurance missing people. The missing persons special- in the fee-to-trust process, if that application coverage at little to no cost to patients. Pre- ist is responsible for working closely with is denied. ventative doctor visits for diabetes, high local, state, federal, and tribal law enforce- blood pressure, substance abuse treatment House Bill 48 would have allowed tribal court ment authorities on missing persons cases. and other chronic illness continues to be convictions for partner or family assault to In partnership with House Bill 21, Senate Bill available for those who enroll in Montana “stack” and transfer to non-tribal courts. 312, creating the Looping In Native Commu- Medicaid. Meanwhile, non-Native partner or family nities (LINC) network, became law and estab- assaults would not transfer to tribal courts. In House Bill 658 was not the only Medicaid lishes a non-official database of missing per- addition, tribal courts and governments were expansion bill to be debated at the Legisla- sons at a tribal college. The non-official status not properly included in the bill writing pro- ture. House Bill 425, introduced by Repre- of the database means that people can file a cess. sentative Mary Caffero, hoped to perma- missing person right away rather than nently reauthorize the previous Medicaid House Bill 332 was vetoed by Governor Bull- waiting for a police report. House Bill 312 expansion program under the 2015 HELP Act. ock, House Bill 733 did not advance to a full was introduced by Senator . House Bill 658 includes an end date of June Senate vote and House Bill 48 failed to be Both House Bill 21 and Senate Bill 312 were 2025. passed by the . introduced as part of the policy response to In 2015 Medicaid expansion passed and since the Missing and Murdered Indigenous People then over 15,000 American Indians have (MMIP) crisis. health care coverage. Our IHS service units have benefited as well with all seven going from level I to level IV. Level I being life or limb and Level IV being elective surgeries (ie: knee replacement, muscle tears, etc.)

2 Myth: Native vices do not matter in Helena Myth: Nothing happens between legislative sessions

Not true. Montana boasts both the largest number of Native Ameri- Many legislative committees meet during what is called the inter- cans serving in the state legislature, at 11 legislators, and the largest im, the 19 months in between legislative sessions. One of the, Indian Caucus, at 25 legislators, of any other state legislature in the committees, the State-Tribal Relations Committee (STRC), meets country. regularly to discuss future policy changes that impact Native This accomplishment is made possible thanks to voters like you as American communities. well as countless individuals and organizations, such as Western Na- The interim is a time for committees to hear from the public and tive Voice, who defend voting rights and access. other stakeholders, gather information from communities, brain- Lawsuits, such as Wandering Medicine vs. Montana Secretary of storm new laws, perform studies and prioritize policies for the State, have protected voting rights and have compelled counties to upcoming session. work with tribes to offer early voting and voter registration services at During the 2018 interim, STRC members worked together to satellite election offices inside tribal nations. The goal of these satel- prepare a group of 5 MMIP bills, including Hanna’s Act, to intro- lite offices is to bring these important services right into your commu- duce during the 2019 legislative session. All but one of those 5 nity. bills passed the Montana Legislature in the 2019 session. The only bill to fail was Senate Joint Resolution 2, introduced by Sena- tor Frank Smith, which would have requested a study, during the interim, on how to break the cycle of youth runaways.

3 House Bill (HB) 21 “Hanna’s Act” - SUPPORT

Introduced by Representative Rae Peppers (D) of Lame Deer, “Hanna’s Act” is named in remembrance of Hanna Harris, a Lame Deer woman who was murdered in 2013 on the Northern Cheyenne Nation. HB 21 requires the Montana Department of Justice to hire a missing persons specialist to work with communities and families in response to cases of missing people. The missing persons specialist is responsible for working closely with local, state, federal, and tribal law enforcement authorities on missing persons cases. They will manage and oversee entries into the National Crimes Information Center and other missing person databases. They will also provide public outreach and education on missing person issues and facilitate law enforcement related to missing persons cases. Hanna’s Act was signed into law.

Senate Bill (SB) 147 - SUPPORT

SB 147, sponsored by Senator Margaret “Margie” MacDonald (D) of Billings, targets human trafficking at massage parlors by making any direct sexual con- tact a crime and would charge pimps at the same level as customers. Pimping and sex trafficking are now on the list of violent crimes. The bill was signed into law.

Senate Bill (SB) 148 - SUPPORT

SB 148, introduced by Senator (D) of Missoula, allows people to drop off their absentee mail ballots at a polling location on Election Day. Before this SB 148 passed the Montana Legislature and became law, people would have to travel to a county seat to deliver an absentee mail ballot on Election Day. This new law will allow more people to vote and have their voices heard. The bill was signed into law.

House Bill (HB) 219 - SUPPORT

HB 219, introduced by Representative (D) of Missoula, would have replaced Columbus Day with Indigenous Peoples’ Day in Montana. This bill was the latest attempt to establish Indigenous Peoples’ Day and passed the Montana House of Representatives. But, failed to pass in the Senate.

House Bill (HB) 332 - OPPOSED

Sponsored by Representative Josh Kassimer (R) of Fort Benton, this bill would require authorization from the county commissioners before bison are re- leased in a county and require that bison meet certain conditions. HB 332 passed the Montana Legislature, but was vetoed by Governor Bullock.

House Bill (HB) 599 - SUPPORT

Introduced by Representative (D) of Box Elder, HB 599 allows for the practice of dental health, behavioral health, and community health services under the Community Health Aid program. HB 599 passed the Montana Legislature and is now law.

House Bill (HB) 658 - SUPPORT

Sponsored by Representative (R) of Great Falls, HB 658 renews a version of the Montana Medicaid Expansion program. HB 658 originally included strict work requirements and unrealistic personal reporting requirements. This bill was heavily amended to expand exemptions for the work re- quirements, remove the reporting burden from the individual to the Department of Health and Human Services, as well as other amendments. While in the Senate, an amendment passed to also include a program expiration date of 2025. It is estimated that the final version of the bill will protect 90,000 of the 96,000 people who are currently enrolled in Medicaid through expansion. This bill passed the Montana Legislature and was signed into law. Pro- tecting access to healthcare for over 15,000 Native Americans.

House Bill (HB) 696 - SUPPORT

Introduced by Representative (D) from Billings, this bill appropriated $500,000 from the state special revenue account for suicide preven- tion efforts. HB 696 passed the Montana Legislature and was signed into law.

4 + or - votes are in relation to either support or opposition to the bill. Votes shown here are last votes within respective chamber (House or Senate). A = absentions. E = excused

HB21 SB147 SB148 HB219 HB332 HB599 HB658 HB696




Last Name First Name City District Grade Abbott (D) Kim Helena HD 83 + - + + + + + + 88% Anderson (R) Fred Great Falls HD 20 + E - - - - + + 43% Bachmeier (D) Jacob Havre HD 28 + E + + + + + + 100% Bahr (D) Jade Billings HD 50 + - + + + + + + 88% Ballance (R) Nancy Hamilton HD 87 + + + - - + + + 75% Bartel (R) Dan Lewistown HD 29 + E - - - - E E 20% Beard (R) Becky Elliston HD 80 + + ------25% Bedey (R) David Hamilton HD 86 + + - - - - + + 50% Berglee (R) Seth Joliet HD 58 + + + + - - E + 71% Bessette (D) Barbara Great Falls HD 24 + + + + + + + + 100% Bishop (D) Laurie Livingston HD 60 + + + + + + + + 100% Brown (R) Bob Thompson Falls HD 13 + + - - - - - E 29% Brown (D) Zach Bozeman HD 63 + + + + + + + + 100% Burnett (R) Tom Bozeman HD 67 + + ------25% Buttrey (R) Edward Great Falls HD 21 + + - + - + + + 75% Caferro (D) Mary Helena HD 81 + - + + + + + + 88% Curdy (D) Willis Missoula HD 98 + + + + + + + + 100% Custer (R) Geraldine Forsyth HD 39 + + + + - - + + 75% DeVries (R) Greg Jefferson City HD 75 + + ------25% Doane (R) Alan Bloomfield HD 36 + + - + - + - - 50% Dooling (R) Julie Helena HD 70 + + + + - + - + 75% Dudik (D) Kimberly Missoula HD 94 + + + + + + + + 100% Dunn (R) David Kalispell HD 9 + + - + - - - - 38% Dunwell (D) Mary Ann Helena HD 84 + + + + + + + + 100% Duram (R) Neil Eureka HD 2 + + - + - + - + 63%

5 + or - votes are in relation to either support or opposition to the bill. Votes shown here are last votes within respective chamber (House or Senate). A = absentions. E = excused

HB21 SB147 SB148 HB219 HB332 HB599 HB658 HB696




Last Name First Name City District Grade Faris-Olsen (D) Robert Helena HD 79 + + + + + + + + 100% Fern (D) Dave Whitefish HD 5 + + + + + + + + 100% Fitzgerald (R) Ross Fairfield HD 17 + + + - - - + + 63% Fleming (R) Frank Billings HD 51 + + - + - + - + 63% Fuller (R) John Kalispell HD 8 + + ------25% Funk (D) Moffie Helena HD 82 + - + + + + + + 88% Galt (R) Wylie Martinsdale HD 30 + + - - - + - - 38% Garcia (R) Rodney Billings HD 52 + + - - - + E - 43% Garner (R) Frank Kalispell HD 7 + + + + - + + + 88% Glimm (R) Carl Kila HD 6 + + ------25% Greef (R) Sharon Florence HD 88 + + + - - + + + 75% Grubbs (R) Bruce Bozeman HD 68 + + + + - + + + 88% Gunderson (R) Steve Libby HD 1 + + - E - - - - 29% Hamilton (D) Jim Bozeman HD 61 + + E + + + + + 100% Hamlett (D) Bradley Cascade HD 23 + + + + + + + + 100% Harvey (D) Derek Butte HD 74 + + + + E + + + 100% Hayman (D) Denise Bozeman HD 66 + + + + + + + + 100% Hertz (R) Greg Polson HD 12 + + - + - - - + 50% Holmlund (R) Kenneth Miles City HD 38 + + + - - - + + 63% Hopkins (R) Mike Missoula HD 92 + + - + - + + + 75% Jones (R) Llew Conrad HD 18 + + - - - + + + 63% Karjala (D) Jessica Billings HD 48 + + + + + + + + 100% Kassmier (R) Joshua Fort Benton HD 27 + + - - - + - - 38% Keane (D) Jim Butte HD 73 + - + E + + + + 86% Kelker (D) Kathy Billings HD 47 + + + + + + + + 100%

6 + or - votes are in relation to either support or opposition to the bill. Votes shown here are last votes within respective chamber (House or Senate). A = absentions. E = excused

HB21 SB147 SB148 HB219 HB332 HB599 HB658 HB696




Last Name First Name City District Grade Keogh (D) Connie Missoula HD 91 + + + + + + + + 100% Kerr-Carpenter (D) Emma Billings HD 49 + + + + + + + + 100% Knudsen (R) Casey Malta HD 33 + + ------25% Knudsen (R) Rhonda Culbertson HD 34 + + - + - - - - 38% Krautter (R) Joel Sidney HD 35 + + + + - - + + 75% Krotkov (D) Jasmine Neihart HD 25 + + + + + - + + 88% Lenz (R) Dennis Billings HD 53 + + - - - - - + 38% Loge (R) Denley Saint Regis HD 14 + + - + - - + + 63% Lynch (D) Ryan Butte HD 76 + + E + + + + + 100% Mandeville (R) Forrest Columbus HD 57 + + + - + + - + 75% Manzella (R) Theresa Hamilton HD 85 + + - - + - - - 38% Marler (D) Marilyn Missoula HD 90 + - + + + + + + 88% McKamey (R) Wendy Great Falls HD 19 + + + + - + + + 88% Mercer (R) Bill Billings HD 46 + + ------25% Moore (R) Frederick Miles City HD 37 + + - - - - + - 38% Moore (R) Terry Billings HD 54 + + ------25% Morigeau (D) Shane Missoula HD 95 + + + + + + + + 100% Mortensen (R) Dale Billings HD 44 A + - + E E - - 40% Noland (R) Mark Bigfork HD 10 + + ------25% Olsen (D) Andrea Missoula HD 100 + + + + + + + + 100% Peppers (D) Rae Lame Deer HD 41 + + + + + + + + 100% Perry (D) Zac Hungry Horse HD 3 + + + + + + + + 100% Pierson (D) Gordon Deer Lodge HD 78 + + + + - + + + 88% Pope (D) Christopher Bozeman HD 65 + + + + + + + + 100% Read (R) Joe Ronan HD 93 + + - - - + - + 50%

7 + or - votes are in relation to either support or opposition to the bill. Votes shown here are last votes within respective chamber (House or Senate). A = absentions. E = excused

HB21 SB147 SB148 HB219 HB332 HB599 HB658 HB696




Last Name First Name City District Grade Redfield (R) Alan Livingston HD 59 + + ------25% Regier (R) Matt Columbia Falls HD 4 + + ------25% Ricci (R) Vince Laurel HD 55 + + - E - + - - 43% Runningwolf (D) Tyson Browning HD 16 + + E + + + + + 100% Ryan (D) Marilyn Missoula HD 99 + + + + + + + + 100% Sales (R) Walt Manhattan HD 69 + + + + - - + + 75% Schreiner (D) Casey Great Falls HD 26 + - + + E + + + 86% Shaw (R) Ray Sheridan HD 71 + + - + - + + + 75% Sheldon-Galloway (R) Lola Great Falls HD 22 + + ------25% Skees (R) Derek Kalispell HD 11 + + ------25% Smith (D) Bridget Wolf Point HD 31 + + + + + + + + 100% Stewart Peregoy (D) Sharon Crow Agency HD 42 + - + + + + + + 88% Sullivan (D) Katie Missoula HD 89 + + + + + + + + 100% Sweeney (D) Mark Philipsburg HD 77 + + + + + + + + 100% Tschida (R) Brad Missoula HD 97 + + ------25% Usher (R) Barry Billings HD 40 + + - - - + - - 38% Vinton (R) Sue Billings HD 56 + + - + - - - - 38% Weatherwax (D) Marvin Browning HD 15 + + + + + + + + 100% Webb (R) Peggy Billings HD 43 + E + - - - - - 29% Welch (R) Tom Dillon HD 72 + + + + - - + + 75% White (R) Kerry Bozeman HD 64 + ------13% Windy Boy (D) Jonathan Box Elder HD 32 + + + + + + + E 100% Winter (D) Thomas Missoula HD 96 + E + + + + + + 100% Woods (D) Tom Bozeman HD 62 + + + + + + + + 100% Zolnikov (R) Daniel Billings HD 45 + + - - - - E - 29%

8 Blackfeet advocates at the capitol lobbying for healthcare funding Just a few of the Native American representatives of the Indian Caucus pose for a picture in the Montana House of Representatives

Representative Marvin Weatherwax Jr. speaks during a committee hearing A group of Native youth from Arlee take a moment for a pic- ture with Representative Jessica Karjala

9 + or - votes are in relation to either support or opposition to the bill. Votes shown here are last votes within respective chamber (House or Senate). A = absentions. E = excused

HB 21 SB 147 SB 148 HB 332 HB 599 HB 658 HB 696




Last Name First Name City District Grade Ankney (R) Duane Colstrip SD 20 + + + - + + + 86% Barrett (D) Dick Missoula SD 45 + + + + + + + 100% Bennett (D) Bryce Missoula SD 50 + + + + + + + 100% Blasdel (R) Mark Kalispell SD 4 - + - - - - - 14% Bogner (R) Kenneth Miles City SD 19 + + + - - - + 57% Boland (D) Carlie Great Falls SD 12 + + + + + + + 100% Brown (R) Dee Hungry Horse SD 2 + + + - - - + 57% Cohenour (D) Jill East Helena SD 42 + + + + + + + 100% Cuffe (R) Mike Eureka SD 1 - + - - - - - 14% Ellis (D) Janet Helena SD 41 + + + + + + + 100% Ellsworth (R) Jason Hamilton SD 43 - + - - - - - 14% Esp (R) John Big Timber SD 30 - + - - - - - 14% Fielder (R) Jennifer Thompson Falls SD 7 - + - E - - - 17% Fitzpatrick (R) Steve Great Falls SD 10 + + + - - + + 71% Flowers (D) Pat Belgrade SD 32 + + + + + + + 100% Gauthier (R) Terry Helena SD 40 + + + - + + + 86% Gillespie (R) Bruce Ethridge SD 9 + + + - + + + 86% Gross (D) Jen Billings SD 25 + + + + + + + 100% Hinebauch (R) Steve Wibaux SD 18 ------0% Hoven (R) Brian Great Falls SD 13 + + + - + - + 71% Howard (R) David Park City SD 29 + + - - - - + 43% Jacobson (D) Tom Great Falls SD 11 + + + + + + + 100% Kary (R) Doug Billings SD 22 - + - - - - - 14% Keenan (R) Bob Bigfork SD 5 - + - - - - - 14% Lang (R) Mike Malta SD 17 - + - - - - - 14%

10 + or - votes are in relation to either support or opposition to the bill. Votes shown here are last votes within respective chamber (House or Senate). A = absentions. E = excused

HB 21 SB 147 SB 148 HB 332 HB 599 HB 658 HB 696




Last Name First Name City District Grade MacDonald (D) Margaret Billings SD 26 + + + + + + + 100% Malek (D) Sue Missoula SD 46 + + + + + + + 100% McClafferty (R) Edie Butte SD 38 + + + + + + + 100% McConnell (D) Nate Missoula SD 48 + + + + + + + 100% McNally (D) Mary Billings SD 24 + + + + + + + 100% Olszewski (R) Albert Kalispell SD 6 + + - - + - + 57% Osmundson (R) Ryan Buffalo SD 15 + + + - - - - 43% Phillips (D) Mike Bozeman SD 31 + + + + + + + 100% Pomnichowski (D) JP Bozeman SD 33 + + + + + + + 100% Regier (R) Keith Kalispell SD 3 + + - - - - - 29% Richmond (R) Tom Billings SD 28 + + + - + - + 71% Sales (R) Scott Bozeman SD 35 - + - - - - - 14% Salomon (R) Daniel Ronan SD 47 + + - - + + - 57% Sands (D) Diane Missoula SD 49 + + + + + + + 100% Sesso (D) Jon Butte SD 37 + + + + - + + 86% Small (R) Jason Busby SD 21 + + + - + + + 86% Smith (R) Cary Billings SD 27 - + - - - - - 14% Smith (D) Frank Poplar SD 16 + + + + + + + 100% Tempel (R) Russ Chester SD 14 - + - - - + + 43% Thomas (R) Fred Stevensville SD 44 + + - - - - - 29% Vance (R) Gordon Belgrade SD 34 - + - - - - - 14% Vuckovich (D) Gene Anaconda SD 39 + + + + + + + 100% Webb (R) Roger Billings SD 23 - + - - - - - 14% Webber (D) Susan Browning SD 8 + + + + + + + 100% Welborn (R) Jeff Dillon SD 36 + + + - + + + 86%

11 Established in 2011, Western Native Voice is a non-profit, non-partisan social justice organization working to inspire Native leadership through community organizing, education, leadership, and advocacy. With 7% of Montana’s popu- lation being Native American living almost evenly split between tribal nations and urban areas, we organize in both rural and urban communities using a cul- turally tailored community organizing and engagement model to inspire Native leadership.

Today, we work in seven Montana tribal communities and four urban centers-- Billings, Missoula, Great Falls and Helena.

Our Purpose: We inspire Native leadership so our communities flourish.

Our Mission: To foster sustainable positive social change in our communities through community organizing and mobilization, leadership development, edu- cation, civic engagement, and public policy advocacy.

Our Vision: We strive for a world absent of discrimination and inequality, where every human has equal access to safety and success. Building on the successes of our ancestors, we equip community members with the tools to address local community needs, and enhance political and personal power.

Western Native Voice 310 N. 27th Street PO Box 1018 Billings, MT 59103-1018