PROGRAMME 2013 Environmental Film Festival WELCOME 2013 Thunder Bay Environmental Film Festival SPONSORS

MAJOR FUNDERS SEEDLING SPONSORS * Arts Council *The Chronicle Journal *Bay Street Film Festival *Canadian Environmental Law Association EVERGREEN SPONSORS *Dr. Kerstin Muth *Environment North *Canadian Association of Physicians for the *Bay Meats Butcher Shop Lihakauppa Environment *Bare Organics *Thunder Bay Community Economic *Pullia Accounting & Consulting Development Commission *TbayTel *Golectric *Wiggles 'n Giggles SAPLING SPONSORS *Bay Credit Union DOOR PRIZES AND *EcoSuperior Environmental Programs *Earthwise Thunder Bay DONATIONS *Essante Organics *A Beautiful New You *Lakehead University, Faculty of Science *Bare Organics and Environmental Studies *Bonobo's Foods *Ontario Nature *Brule Creek Farm *Print Pros Plus *Thunder Bay Community Economic *The Source Newspaper Development Commission *The Loop Men & Women's Urban *Essante Organics Boutique *Finnport *The Green House *Frank Pullia *The Power Centre *Lakehead University Faculty of Science *Thunder Bay Media Distributors and Environmental Studies *Thunder Bay Public Library *madeFRESH *York University, Faculty of Environmental *Nutrition Corner Stuidies *Pizzeria Primavera 61 *Streak of Green Hair Salon HOSPITALITY SPONSORS *Thunder Bay Public Library *The Power Centre *Wilderness Supply Company *Tony and Adam's Your Neighbourhood *York University, Faculty of Environmental Bistro Studies *Prince Arthur Waterfront Hotel & Suites *Sweet Escape Cake Cafe & Bakery *Eat Local Pizza & Pastry 2013 Thunder Bay Environmental Film Festival 28 PREVIOUS SCREENINGS 2013 Thunder Bay Environmental Film Festival 1 SCHEDULE

Previous Films Screened by C ho king Lake Winnip eg Festival Schedule Living D o wns tream Saturday March 23, 1:00 PM the Environmental Film P o werful - Energy fo r Everyo ne "YERT: Your Environmental Road Wednesday March 20, 7:00 PM Network Maquilap o lis - C ity o f F ac to ries Trip" 17 *Ordered by date screened "Occupy Love" 3 113 min, USA 2011. A C hemic al Reac tio n - A S to ry o f a True 90 min, 2013 Green Revo lutio n Directed by Ben Evans Directed by Velcrow Ripper (in attendance) Unac c ep tab le Levels The F armer and the Ho rs e C has ing Ic e C hemeric al Saturday March 23, 3:00 PM S ho p ' til Yo u D ro p The Age o f S tup id Wednesday March 20, Post­ "Orange Witness" 19 P las tic P lanet H2 O il Film Opening Night Gala 45 min, Canada 2012. Yo u Never B ike Alo ne Mad C ity C hic kens Tony & Adam's Restaurant (one block away Directed by Andrew Nisker (in attendance) The Lightb ulb C o ns p irac y Ho mo To xic us from theatre, for film attendees) *extra time is being allowed for in-depth O n the Line: The Gamb le fo r C anada' s Las t Earth Keep ers - A S urvival Guide fo r a discussion with the filmmaker and guests F ro ntier P lanet in P eril Thursday March 21, 9:30 AM to To Make a F arm What Wo uld Jes us B uy? 12:30 PM "Workshop: Love in a The Ho le S to ry Saturday March 23, 7:00 PM C o ns uming Kids - The C o mmerc ializatio n Time of Crisis: A Workshop with Weib o ' s War o f C hildho o d "Trashed" 21 Ho w to B o il a F ro g Velcrow Ripper" 13 97 min, UK 2012 Baggage Building Arts Centre, Prince There O nc e was an Is land Directed by Candida Brady Kilo watt O urs - A P lan to Re- Energize Arthur's Landing (RSVP required, cost) White Water B lac k Go ld Americ a Never Eno ugh Es tab lis hing a F o o d F o res t Saturday March 23, 9:15 PM Thursday March 21, 7:00 PM No Imp ac t Man What' s all the " F lap " Ab o ut "Just Do It: A Tale of Modern F armaggeddo n B irds o ng and C o ffee "Elemental" 5 Outlaws" 23 93 min, USA 2012. I Am King C o rn - Yo u Are What Yo u Eat 90 min, UK 2011 Directed by Gayatri Roshan Tas te the Was te B lind S p o t Directed by Emily James B ag It - Is Yo ur Life to o P las tic ? Addic ted to P las tic Ec o - P irate the S to ry o f P aul Wats o n Walmart - The High C o s t o f Lo w P ric e Friday March 22, 7:00 PM Sunday March 24, 1:00 PM Mo ther Nature' s C hild P o is o n Wind "Bottled Life" 7 S o Right S o S mart "Seeking the Current" 25 The Wo rld Ac c o rding to Mo ns anto *co-presented with EcoSuperior 86 min, Canada 2010. Into Eternity C rap s ho o t - The Gamb le with o ur Was tes (World Water Day) Directed by Nicolas Boisclair and Alexis de Vanis hing o f the B ees The Lo rax 90 min, Switzerland 2012. Gheldere And this is My Garden Madame B lueb erry Directed by Urs Schnell Ec o no mic s o f Hap p ines s It' s a B ig B ig Wo rld P lay Again Sunday March 24, 3:30 PM "A O ver the Hedge Friday March 22, 9:15 PM No rthern Gro wn Refugees o f the B lue P lanet Fierce Green Fire: The Battle for F o ur Wings and a P rayer "Bidder 70" 9 a Living Planet" 27 B eing C arib o u 73 min, USA 2012. Junc tio n C reek C learwater Revival 101 min, USA 2012. F o rb idden F o res t Directed by Beth Gage & George Gage The C lean B in P ro j ec t The F ight F o r True F arming Directed by Mark Kitchell B urning Water To xic Tres p as s 2013 Thunder Bay Environmental Film 2 WELCOME 2013 Thunder Bay Environmental Film Festival 27 FILMS

Greetings from the Festival I am proud to belong to this group of six passionate, SUNDAY MARCH 24 • Act 2 looks at the new environmental movement of hard-working individuals who have demonstrated the ‘70s with its concerns about pollution, focusing Chair, that, when working together, respecting each others 3:30 PM on the battle led by Lois Gibbs over Love Canal. opinions and ideas, and utilizing creativeness and First we connect Rachel Carson and Silent Spring to ince our last Festival in 2012, we have witnessed perseverance, anything can be accomplished! A Fierce Green Fire: The the golden era of environmental legislation and S in our country and indeed around the world, groups like NRDC that arose to enforce regulations. Battle for a Living Planet But it takes Love Canal to put toxic waste on the growing unrest about many social and environmental We support the people in all the stories shown over map. Lois Gibbs leads angry housewives in a two- issues. Even with the promise of prosperity, people’s the course of the Festival, and thank the filmmakers USA 2012, 101 minutes year battle to save their children from 20,000 tons of homes and livelihoods are threatened daily by who filmed them so we could share them with you. It Director: Mark Kitchell resource extraction, climate disruption and eroding toxic chemicals. is very cliché but so true..."Together, we can change Official Selection (Sundance Film Festival 2012) democratic values. Where is the prosperity? Or more the world"! Official Selection (Wild & Scenic Film Festival 2013) accurately, who is experiencing it? Certainly not the • Act 3 is about alternative ecology strands, with the people whose drinking water has been ruined by the main story being Greenpeace’s campaign to save the latest oil spill or gas extraction project. Or by the 'Roll em' Fierce Green Fire tells stories of A environmental activism – people trying to save whales. We begin with going back to the land, storms that rip harder at their homes than ever Deanna Ford, Festival Chair building ecological alternatives and exploring before, flooding or destroying them. Around the the planet, their homes, the future. It chronicles grassroots and global movements building over five renewable energy. Greenpeace brings together the world, people are rising up to say they want 2013 Thunder Bay anti-war and ecology movements. Putting themselves better...and that it IS possible. Their stories are being decades; connects all the causes; explores how we Environmental Film Festival got here and where we’re going. It is the first film to in front of harpoons to stop whaling launches told and our festival this year has many of them to Greenpeace on the wildest ride of any environmental share. create a big-picture overview of the environmental movement, bring together all its parts and eras from group. conservation to climate change. This year's Festival is our biggest yet, with more film Festival Committee Members • Act 4 explores global resource issues and crises of sessions, two guest filmmakers, a workshop, and an *Charlene Rogers the ‘80s, focusing on the struggle to save the Amazon opening night mini-gala reception. We welcome our A Fierce Green Fire unfolds in five acts, each *Deanna Ford led by Chico Mendes and the rubber tappers. They returning sponsors, and new ones alike and for the twenty-two minutes. E.O. Wilson, eminent biologist *Marla Dunn fight ranchers and roads, then start a movement to first time, four hospitality sponsors! The support of and advisor to the film, said focus on five of the most *Michael Dodd Smith establish extractive reserves. The pivotal battle is all of our sponsors is so appreciated! We send also a dramatic and important events and people. In over a plantation called Cachoeira. Chico wins – but big thank you to the Ontario Arts Council for, once *Scott Harris developing those main stories and characters, we is assasinated. However his death proves to be the again providing very key financial support for this *Tracy Rowe discovered each was emblematic of an era and a part turning point, to reserves that now total a third of the initiative. We could not do it without you! of the environmental movement. Amazon. and A festival of this nature takes hours upon hours of thank you to all of the volunteers! • Act 1 focuses on the conservation movement of the hard work and dedication on behalf of all committee ‘60s, David Brower and the Sierra Club’s battle to • Act 5 concerns climate change. First we look at members to make sure that it comes together halt dams in the Grand Canyon. It grows out of three scientific origins. Then comes a twenty-year story of smoothly and in a timely fashion. earlier battles to halt dams: Hetch Hetchy, which was political frustration, from Rio to Kyoto to lost; Dinosaur Monument, which was won; and Glen Copenhagen. We explore opposition; the movement’s Canyon, which was sacrificed. Saving the Grand difficulty in dealing with the issue; and the role of Canyon looks like a lost cause until David Brower disasters like Hurricane Katrina in bringing it back. places ads denouncing the dams. The IRS retaliates COP15 ends in failure and our focus shifts from top- and the uproar becomes front-page news. down politics to bottom-up movements. 2013 Thunder Bay Environmental Film Festival 26 2013 Thunder Bay Environmental Film Festival 3 FILMS


Occupy Love Canada 2013, 90 minutes Directed by: Velcrow Ripper (in attendance) Best Canadian Feature Film (Planet in Focus Environmental Film Festival 2012) Official Selection (VIFF ­ Vancouver International Film Festival 2012)

oin acclaimed director Velcrow Ripper on a J journey deep inside the global revolution of the heart that is erupting around the planet.

From the Arab Spring to the European Summer, from the Occupy Movement to the global climate justice movement, a profound shift is taking place: humanity is waking up to the fact that the dominant system of power is failing to provide us with health, happiness or meaning. The old paradigm that concentrates wealth, founded on the greed of the few, is collapsing. Endless growth on a finite planet cannot be sustained. The resulting crisis has become the catalyst for a profound transformation: millions of people are deciding that enough is enough – the time has come to create a new world, a world that works for all life.

Woven throughout the moving, action oriented backbone of the story, is a deep exploration of the heart of the movement, the meaning of love, and concrete examples of just what “another world” could look like, featuring some of the world’s key visionaries on alternative systems of economics, sustainability, and empathy.

Occupy Love is a moving, transformative, heartfelt film, featuring Ripper’s signature stunning visuals and rich soundscapes. A powerful cinematic experience that will leave audiences inspired. 2013 Thunder Bay Environmental Film Festival 4 2013 Thunder Bay Environmental Film Festival 25 FILMS

SUNDAY MARCH 24 economic development opportunities in this domain and for generations to come. 1:00 PM

Can green energies be a real alternative? What is Seeking the Current Quebec’s green energy potential? Are these four Canada 2010, 86 minutes dams really needed in a territory that already has one Director: Nicolas Boisclair and Alex de Gheldere of the highest concentration of hydroelectric dams in the world. 48 years after the election that lead to the Audience Award (Recontres Internationales Du Documentaire de Montreal 2010) nationalisation of electricity in Québec, are we still Grand Prize (Portneuf Film Festival on the “Maîtres chez nous”* (Masters in our own home)? Environment 2011)

“road movie” on a river. Summer 2008, a year * In 1962, the Premier of Quebec, Jean Lesage and A before Hydro-Québec starts building an 8- Natural Resources Minister René Lévesque billion dollar hydroelectric project, Alexis de campaigned to get public support for the Gheldere and Nicolas Boisclair decide to canoe nationalisation of electricity in Québec. They won down the Romaine River with two the election and launched the most important environmentalists… a “river trip” down 500 km economic development in the history of the province. which will take them from the source in Labrador to the mouth in the Gulf of St-Lawrence.

Packed with an Innu stove, two solar panels and a 2,500-page environmental assessment impact study, they discover a river and the future impacts of Hydro-Québec’s next hydroelectric project. Kilometres after kilometres, they open their eyes on a rich and spectacular ecosystem, virgin of any development. For now. During this 46 day expedition, they document a vast region of spectacular beauty and archive stunning images for future generations.

This adventure runs in parallel to another quest, where the two directors team up with Roy Dupuis, one of the most renown Canadian actor and President of the Rivers foundation. Together they set out on a road trip across Québec to explore ways of producing and consuming energy for the XXIst century. Questions that arose from their canoe expedition leads them to contact numerous experts and people who work in the field to give us a surprising insight into the potential of green energy in Québec. Their findings suggest there are important 2013 Thunder Bay Environmental Film Festival 24 2013 Thunder Bay Environmental Film Festival 5 FILMS

THURSDAY MARCH 21 Separated by continents yet sharing an unwavering 7:00 PM commitment to protecting nature, the characters in this story are complex, flawed, postmodern heroes for whom stemming the tide of environmental Elemental destruction fades in and out of view – part mirage, part miracle. USA 2012, 93 minutes Directed by: Gayatri Roshan Winner (Jaipur International Film Festival) Official Selection (India International Film Festival)

lemental tells the story of three individuals E united by their deep connection with nature and driven to confront some of the most pressing ecological challenges of our time.

The film follows Rajendra Singh, an Indian government official gone rogue, on a 40-day pilgrimage down India’s once pristine Ganges river, now polluted and dying. Facing community opposition and personal doubts, Singh works to shut down factories, halt construction of dams, and rouse the Indian public to treat their sacred “Mother Ganga” with respect. Across the globe in northern Canada, Eriel Deranger mounts her own “David and There is no engineering answer to a problem created by culture. ~ John A. Livingston in One Cosmic Goliath” struggle against the world’s largest Instant, p. 380 of the John Livingston Reader. industrial development, the Tar Sands, an oil deposit larger than the state of Florida. A young mother and It is horrifying that we have to fight our own government to save the environment. ~ Ansel Adams native Denè, Deranger struggles with family challenges while campaigning tirelessly against the Nothing is ultimately as irrational as rushing with Tar Sands and its proposed 2,000-mile Keystone XL maximum efficiency in the wrong direction. ~ Pipeline, which are destroying Indigenous Wolfgang Sachs in Planet Dialectics: Explorations in communities and threatening an entire continent. Environment and Development, p. 88

Earth provides enough to satisfy every man's need, And in Australia, inventor and entrepreneur Jay but not every man's greed. ~ Mahatma Ghandi Harman searches for investors willing to risk millions on his conviction that nature’s own systems Nature holds the key to our aesthetic, intellectual, hold the key to our world’s ecological problems. cognitive and even spiritual satisfaction. ~ Dr. Edward O. Wilson Harman finds his inspiration in the natural world’s profound architecture and creates a revolutionary The natural environment sustains the life of all beings device that he believes can slow down global universally. warming, but will it work? ~ Dalai Lama 2013 Thunder Bay Environmental Film Festival 6 2013 Thunder Bay Environmental Film Festival 23 FILMS


Just Do It: A Tale of Modern Outlaws UK 2011, 90 minutes Director: Emily James Honourable Mention (Planet in Focus Environmental Film Festival 2012) Official Selection (Wild & Scenic Film Festival 2012)

or one eventful year, Emily James was allowed F unprecedented access to film the secretive world of environmental direct action. Two years later, Just Do It – a tale of modern-day outlaws hit the big screen. This is how it happened…

Emily James spent over a year embedded in activist groups such as Climate Camp and Plane Stupid to document their clandestine activities. She went over fence, through mud, in daylight and twilight, to capture over 300 hours of footage. That footage was lovingly crafted, moulded, pushed and pulled by Emily and editor James for over a year before the film you see today emerged.

The film is a story of people standing up for what they believe in and making themselves heard. But it was a story that needed to be told without the creative constraints of traditional production models or the editorial control of big investors. And so it was that Just Do It – the totally independent project – was born.

Staying true to its principles, this film has been made possible thanks to the power of the crowd; the generosity of almost 500 crowd funders, an army of over 100 volunteers, a slate of indie film giants, and a handful of foundation grants, all of whom have given generously of their time, and expertise. 2013 Thunder Bay Environmental Film Festival 22 2013 Thunder Bay Environmental Film Festival 7 FILMS


Bottled Life *co­presented with EcoSuperior Switzerland 2012, 90 minutes Director: Urs Schnell Winner (Greenme Festival Berlin 2013) Winner (Berg & Abenteuer Film Festival Graz 2012)

o you know how to turn ordinary water into a D billion-dollar business? In Switzerland there's a company which has developed the art to perfection - Nestlé. This company dominates the global business in bottled water.

Swiss journalist Res Gehringer has investigated this money-making phenomena. Nestlé refused to cooperate, on the pretext that it was "the wrong film at the wrong time". So Gehringer went on a journey of exploration, researching the story in the USA, Nigeria and Pakistan. His journey into the world of bottled water reveals the schemes and strategies of the most powerful food and beverage company on our planet. 2013 Thunder Bay Environmental Film Festival 8 2013 Thunder Bay Environmental Film Festival 21 FILMS

SATURDAY MARCH 23 litres of water bottles, billions of tons of household 7:00 PM waste, toxic waste and e-waste.

If you look at Al Gore's Inconvenient Truth, like it or Trashed loathe it, everyone's heard of it. Potentially movies UK 2012, 97 minutes have the power to reach everyone, touch us on an Director: Candida Brady emotional level and to galvanise us." Candida Brady Audience Award (Movies that Matter Maui Film spent over two years researching and filming Festival 2012) TRASHED, but Brady has been focused on the Special Screening (Cannes Film Festival 2012) problems of waste and the environment for most of Official Selection (Abu Dhabi Film Festival the showcase section 2012) her adult life. "As a lifelong asthmatic I have always been interested in the effects of pollution. But it was eremy Irons stands on a beach beside the ancient meeting an environmental doctor (who saved my J Lebanese city of Sidon. Above him towers a life) that opened my eyes to the direct effects the mountain of rubbish-a pullulating eyesore of medical environment has on our health," explains Brady. waste, household trash, toxic fluids and dead "When I was young I was the only kid with an animals-the result of thirty years of consumption by inhaler-these days it's fast becoming the opposite." just one small city out of how many in the world? As the day's new consignments are tipped on top, debris tumbles off the side and into the blue of the Mediterranean. Surrounded by a vast reach of plastic bottles, a forlorn Jeremy Irons stares at the horizon. "Appalling," he mutters.

Irons sets out to discover the extent and effects of the global waste problem, as he travels around the world to beautiful destinations tainted by pollution. This is a meticulous, brave investigative journey that takes Irons (and us) from scepticism to sorrow and from horror to hope. Brady's narrative (director) is vividly propelled by an original score created by Academy Award winning composer Vangelis.

The beauty of our planet from space forms a violent contrast to the scenes of human detritus across the globe. Vast landscapes in China are covered in tons of rubbish. The wide waters of the Ciliwung River in Indonesia are now barely visible under a never- ending tide of plastic. Children swim among leaking bags; mothers wash in the sewage-filled supply. Each year, we now throw away fifty-eight billion disposable cups, billions of plastic bags, 200 billion 2013 Thunder Bay Environmental Film Festival 20 2013 Thunder Bay Environmental Film Festival 9 FILMS

FRIDAY MARCH 22 After two years and nine postponements, his trial began on February 28, 2011. Outside the courtroom, 9:15 PM hundreds rallied in solidarity with Tim. Inside, Judge Dee Benson disallowed every defense his lawyers Bidder 70 put forth. After a five-day trial, DeChristopher was found guilty. His sentencing was scheduled for summer 2012. USA 2012, 73 min. ​ Winner (American Film Traverse City Film Festival 2012) Refusing to back down, Tim flew to D.C. in April Moving Mountains Prize (Mountain Film Telluride 2011 to give a keynote speech at Power Shift 2011 in 2012) front of 10,000 students. He then led students to Official Selection (United Nations Association Film Festival 2012) occupy the Department of the Interior. Tim wisely Official Selection (Human Rights Watch Film avoided arrest, but dozens of others were arrested for Festival 2012) this mass act of peaceful civil disobedience. im DeChristopher is Bidder 70. On December ​ T 19, 2008 Tim DeChristopher disrupted a highly On July 26th Tim was sentenced to two years in disputed Utah BLM Oil and Gas lease auction, federal prison and removed immediately from court effectively safeguarding thousands of acres of in chains. pristine Utah land that were slated for oil and gas leases. Not content to merely protest outside, Tim Tim is serving the remainder of his sentence. entered the auction hall and registered as bidder #70. He outbid industry giants on land parcels (which, starting at $2 an acre, were adjacent to national treasures like Canyonlands National Park), winning 22,000 acres of land worth $1.7 million before the auction was halted. ​ Two months later, incoming Interior Secretary Ken Salazar invalidated the auction. DeChristopher, however, was indicted on two federal felonies with penalties of up to 10 years in prison and $750,000 in fines. Patrick Shea, former BLM Director for Clinton, represented DeChristopher pro-bono. ​ With the threat of prison looming, DeChristopher stepped up his activism and evolved into a charismatic and ingenious climate justice leader. He co-founded Peaceful Uprising, ​a grass-roots group dedicated to defending a livable future through empowering non-violent action. ​ 2013 Thunder Bay Environmental Film Festival 10 2013 Thunder Bay Environmental Film Festival 19 FILMS

HOSPITALITY SPONSORS SATURDAY MARCH 23 Without prior knowledge, he then discovered that it wasn’t only the people of Vietnam who were 3:00 PM suffering but also those who worked with Agent Orange domestically to defoliate hydro lines clear Orange Witness cuts, roadside culverts, railway corridors and even those who bought it at their local hardware store to Canada 2012, 45 minutes control weeds in their gardens. The potential Director: Andrew Nisker (in attendance) exposure to the general population during years that *extra time for in­depth discussion with filmmaker and guests Agent Orange was used domestically was enormous and frightening. Official Selection (Planet in Focus Film Festival 2012) Nisker says “faced with the challenge of telling that ickened after visiting severely disfigured story, with little funds and countless stories I decided S children who were born from parents and or to take a simple approach. Like the truth grandparents that were exposed to Agent Orange in commissions held in South Africa after the downfall Vietnam, director Andrew Nisker wanted to so of apartheid, Orange Witness is a film/platform for desperately help bring an ending to the senseless those who were exposed to Agent Orange to tell their suffering. stories. To hopefully inspire others to start to tell their own stories and eventually pressure industry and governments to deal with impact it continues to have on our health”.

Andrew Nisker is an award winning documentary filmmaker who has produced television programming for Canada’s leading broadcasters through out his 20 year career.

His film Garbage! played at Hot Docs Film Festival and was awarded a special mention at the Cinemambiente Film Festival in Torino, Italy. His follow up film, Chemerical was awarded the people choice award at the Whistler Film Festival.

Nisker participates in panels and has been a part of programs at DOC Canada, NWA Green Expo for WalMart Home Office, Planet In Focus Film Festival, Northwestern University and has also been a regular jury member for Earth Day Canada’s Home Town Heroes. He sits on the board of directors for the Planet In Focus Film Festival. 2013 Thunder Bay Environmental Film Festival 18 2013 Thunder Bay Environmental Film Festival 11 FILMS

Want to help?

Bring more films and reach more people during the 2014 film festival. YOUR AD HERE 2013 Thunder Bay Environmental Film Festival 12 2013 Thunder Bay Environmental Film Festival 17 FILMS


YERT: Your Environmental Road Trip USA 2011, 113 min. Director: Ben Evans Audience Award (San Luis Obispo International Film Festival) Best Documentary Feature (Costa Rica International Film Festival 2011) Audience Award (EFFY ­ Environmental Film Festival at Yale 2011)

ERT (Your Environmental Road Trip) is an Y adventure and a celebration of the American spirit in the face of adversity - a thought-provoking, inspiring, and sometimes hilarious, documentary about the courageous and creative individuals, groups, businesses and leaders of this country who are tackling the greatest environmental threats in history. Called into action by the ever increasing threats of planetary catastrophe (from climate change to toxic pollution, from water scarcity to habitat destruction), the three of us - Mark Dixon, Ben Evans, and Julie Dingman Evans - upended our lives, pooled our collective life-savings, and set off on a first-of-its-kind, 50-state, year-long journey of discovery to personalize sustainability and to answer a critical question: Are we doomed? 2013 Thunder Bay Environmental Film Festival 16 2013 Thunder Bay Environmental Film Festival 13 FILMS

HOSPITALITY SPONSOR 2013 Thunder Bay Environmental Film Festival 14 2013 Thunder Bay Environmental Film Festival 15 PHOTOS

Festival planning sessions

Packed theatre for the January screening of the film "Chasing Ice"

Marquee at the Paramount, 2012 film festival

Waterfall on the Palisades, near Nipigon 2013 Thunder Bay Environmental Film Festival 14 2013 Thunder Bay Environmental Film Festival 15 PHOTOS

Festival planning sessions

Packed theatre for the January screening of the film "Chasing Ice"

Marquee at the Paramount, 2012 film festival

Waterfall on the Palisades, near Nipigon 2013 Thunder Bay Environmental Film Festival 16 2013 Thunder Bay Environmental Film Festival 13 FILMS

HOSPITALITY SPONSOR 2013 Thunder Bay Environmental Film Festival 12 2013 Thunder Bay Environmental Film Festival 17 FILMS


YERT: Your Environmental Road Trip USA 2011, 113 min. Director: Ben Evans Audience Award (San Luis Obispo International Film Festival) Best Documentary Feature (Costa Rica International Film Festival 2011) Audience Award (EFFY ­ Environmental Film Festival at Yale 2011)

ERT (Your Environmental Road Trip) is an Y adventure and a celebration of the American spirit in the face of adversity - a thought-provoking, inspiring, and sometimes hilarious, documentary about the courageous and creative individuals, groups, businesses and leaders of this country who are tackling the greatest environmental threats in history. Called into action by the ever increasing threats of planetary catastrophe (from climate change to toxic pollution, from water scarcity to habitat destruction), the three of us - Mark Dixon, Ben Evans, and Julie Dingman Evans - upended our lives, pooled our collective life-savings, and set off on a first-of-its-kind, 50-state, year-long journey of discovery to personalize sustainability and to answer a critical question: Are we doomed? 2013 Thunder Bay Environmental Film Festival 18 2013 Thunder Bay Environmental Film Festival 11 FILMS

Want to help?

Bring more films and reach more people during the 2014 film festival. YOUR AD HERE 2013 Thunder Bay Environmental Film Festival 10 2013 Thunder Bay Environmental Film Festival 19 FILMS

HOSPITALITY SPONSORS SATURDAY MARCH 23 Without prior knowledge, he then discovered that it wasn’t only the people of Vietnam who were 3:00 PM suffering but also those who worked with Agent Orange domestically to defoliate hydro lines clear Orange Witness cuts, roadside culverts, railway corridors and even those who bought it at their local hardware store to Canada 2012, 45 minutes control weeds in their gardens. The potential Director: Andrew Nisker (in attendance) exposure to the general population during years that *extra time for in­depth discussion with filmmaker and guests Agent Orange was used domestically was enormous and frightening. Official Selection (Planet in Focus Film Festival 2012) Nisker says “faced with the challenge of telling that ickened after visiting severely disfigured story, with little funds and countless stories I decided S children who were born from parents and or to take a simple approach. Like the truth grandparents that were exposed to Agent Orange in commissions held in South Africa after the downfall Vietnam, director Andrew Nisker wanted to so of apartheid, Orange Witness is a film/platform for desperately help bring an ending to the senseless those who were exposed to Agent Orange to tell their suffering. stories. To hopefully inspire others to start to tell their own stories and eventually pressure industry and governments to deal with impact it continues to have on our health”.

Andrew Nisker is an award winning documentary filmmaker who has produced television programming for Canada’s leading broadcasters through out his 20 year career.

His film Garbage! played at Hot Docs Film Festival and was awarded a special mention at the Cinemambiente Film Festival in Torino, Italy. His follow up film, Chemerical was awarded the people choice award at the Whistler Film Festival.

Nisker participates in panels and has been a part of programs at DOC Canada, NWA Green Expo for WalMart Home Office, Planet In Focus Film Festival, Northwestern University and has also been a regular jury member for Earth Day Canada’s Home Town Heroes. He sits on the board of directors for the Planet In Focus Film Festival. 2013 Thunder Bay Environmental Film Festival 20 2013 Thunder Bay Environmental Film Festival 9 FILMS

FRIDAY MARCH 22 After two years and nine postponements, his trial began on February 28, 2011. Outside the courtroom, 9:15 PM hundreds rallied in solidarity with Tim. Inside, Judge Dee Benson disallowed every defense his lawyers Bidder 70 put forth. After a five-day trial, DeChristopher was found guilty. His sentencing was scheduled for summer 2012. USA 2012, 73 min. ​ Winner (American Film Traverse City Film Festival 2012) Refusing to back down, Tim flew to D.C. in April Moving Mountains Prize (Mountain Film Telluride 2011 to give a keynote speech at Power Shift 2011 in 2012) front of 10,000 students. He then led students to Official Selection (United Nations Association Film Festival 2012) occupy the Department of the Interior. Tim wisely Official Selection (Human Rights Watch Film avoided arrest, but dozens of others were arrested for Festival 2012) this mass act of peaceful civil disobedience. im DeChristopher is Bidder 70. On December ​ T 19, 2008 Tim DeChristopher disrupted a highly On July 26th Tim was sentenced to two years in disputed Utah BLM Oil and Gas lease auction, federal prison and removed immediately from court effectively safeguarding thousands of acres of in chains. pristine Utah land that were slated for oil and gas leases. Not content to merely protest outside, Tim Tim is serving the remainder of his sentence. entered the auction hall and registered as bidder #70. He outbid industry giants on land parcels (which, starting at $2 an acre, were adjacent to national treasures like Canyonlands National Park), winning 22,000 acres of land worth $1.7 million before the auction was halted. ​ Two months later, incoming Interior Secretary Ken Salazar invalidated the auction. DeChristopher, however, was indicted on two federal felonies with penalties of up to 10 years in prison and $750,000 in fines. Patrick Shea, former BLM Director for Clinton, represented DeChristopher pro-bono. ​ With the threat of prison looming, DeChristopher stepped up his activism and evolved into a charismatic and ingenious climate justice leader. He co-founded Peaceful Uprising, ​a grass-roots group dedicated to defending a livable future through empowering non-violent action. ​ 2013 Thunder Bay Environmental Film Festival 8 2013 Thunder Bay Environmental Film Festival 21 FILMS

SATURDAY MARCH 23 litres of water bottles, billions of tons of household 7:00 PM waste, toxic waste and e-waste.

If you look at Al Gore's Inconvenient Truth, like it or Trashed loathe it, everyone's heard of it. Potentially movies UK 2012, 97 minutes have the power to reach everyone, touch us on an Director: Candida Brady emotional level and to galvanise us." Candida Brady Audience Award (Movies that Matter Maui Film spent over two years researching and filming Festival 2012) TRASHED, but Brady has been focused on the Special Screening (Cannes Film Festival 2012) problems of waste and the environment for most of Official Selection (Abu Dhabi Film Festival the showcase section 2012) her adult life. "As a lifelong asthmatic I have always been interested in the effects of pollution. But it was eremy Irons stands on a beach beside the ancient meeting an environmental doctor (who saved my J Lebanese city of Sidon. Above him towers a life) that opened my eyes to the direct effects the mountain of rubbish-a pullulating eyesore of medical environment has on our health," explains Brady. waste, household trash, toxic fluids and dead "When I was young I was the only kid with an animals-the result of thirty years of consumption by inhaler-these days it's fast becoming the opposite." just one small city out of how many in the world? As the day's new consignments are tipped on top, debris tumbles off the side and into the blue of the Mediterranean. Surrounded by a vast reach of plastic bottles, a forlorn Jeremy Irons stares at the horizon. "Appalling," he mutters.

Irons sets out to discover the extent and effects of the global waste problem, as he travels around the world to beautiful destinations tainted by pollution. This is a meticulous, brave investigative journey that takes Irons (and us) from scepticism to sorrow and from horror to hope. Brady's narrative (director) is vividly propelled by an original score created by Academy Award winning composer Vangelis.

The beauty of our planet from space forms a violent contrast to the scenes of human detritus across the globe. Vast landscapes in China are covered in tons of rubbish. The wide waters of the Ciliwung River in Indonesia are now barely visible under a never- ending tide of plastic. Children swim among leaking bags; mothers wash in the sewage-filled supply. Each year, we now throw away fifty-eight billion disposable cups, billions of plastic bags, 200 billion 2013 Thunder Bay Environmental Film Festival 22 2013 Thunder Bay Environmental Film Festival 7 FILMS


Bottled Life *co­presented with EcoSuperior Switzerland 2012, 90 minutes Director: Urs Schnell Winner (Greenme Festival Berlin 2013) Winner (Berg & Abenteuer Film Festival Graz 2012)

o you know how to turn ordinary water into a D billion-dollar business? In Switzerland there's a company which has developed the art to perfection - Nestlé. This company dominates the global business in bottled water.

Swiss journalist Res Gehringer has investigated this money-making phenomena. Nestlé refused to cooperate, on the pretext that it was "the wrong film at the wrong time". So Gehringer went on a journey of exploration, researching the story in the USA, Nigeria and Pakistan. His journey into the world of bottled water reveals the schemes and strategies of the most powerful food and beverage company on our planet. 2013 Thunder Bay Environmental Film Festival 6 2013 Thunder Bay Environmental Film Festival 23 FILMS


Just Do It: A Tale of Modern Outlaws UK 2011, 90 minutes Director: Emily James Honourable Mention (Planet in Focus Environmental Film Festival 2012) Official Selection (Wild & Scenic Film Festival 2012)

or one eventful year, Emily James was allowed F unprecedented access to film the secretive world of environmental direct action. Two years later, Just Do It – a tale of modern-day outlaws hit the big screen. This is how it happened…

Emily James spent over a year embedded in activist groups such as Climate Camp and Plane Stupid to document their clandestine activities. She went over fence, through mud, in daylight and twilight, to capture over 300 hours of footage. That footage was lovingly crafted, moulded, pushed and pulled by Emily and editor James for over a year before the film you see today emerged.

The film is a story of people standing up for what they believe in and making themselves heard. But it was a story that needed to be told without the creative constraints of traditional production models or the editorial control of big investors. And so it was that Just Do It – the totally independent project – was born.

Staying true to its principles, this film has been made possible thanks to the power of the crowd; the generosity of almost 500 crowd funders, an army of over 100 volunteers, a slate of indie film giants, and a handful of foundation grants, all of whom have given generously of their time, and expertise. 2013 Thunder Bay Environmental Film Festival 24 2013 Thunder Bay Environmental Film Festival 5 FILMS

THURSDAY MARCH 21 Separated by continents yet sharing an unwavering 7:00 PM commitment to protecting nature, the characters in this story are complex, flawed, postmodern heroes for whom stemming the tide of environmental Elemental destruction fades in and out of view – part mirage, part miracle. USA 2012, 93 minutes Directed by: Gayatri Roshan Winner (Jaipur International Film Festival) Official Selection (India International Film Festival)

lemental tells the story of three individuals E united by their deep connection with nature and driven to confront some of the most pressing ecological challenges of our time.

The film follows Rajendra Singh, an Indian government official gone rogue, on a 40-day pilgrimage down India’s once pristine Ganges river, now polluted and dying. Facing community opposition and personal doubts, Singh works to shut down factories, halt construction of dams, and rouse the Indian public to treat their sacred “Mother Ganga” with respect. Across the globe in northern Canada, Eriel Deranger mounts her own “David and There is no engineering answer to a problem created by culture. ~ John A. Livingston in One Cosmic Goliath” struggle against the world’s largest Instant, p. 380 of the John Livingston Reader. industrial development, the Tar Sands, an oil deposit larger than the state of Florida. A young mother and It is horrifying that we have to fight our own government to save the environment. ~ Ansel Adams native Denè, Deranger struggles with family challenges while campaigning tirelessly against the Nothing is ultimately as irrational as rushing with Tar Sands and its proposed 2,000-mile Keystone XL maximum efficiency in the wrong direction. ~ Pipeline, which are destroying Indigenous Wolfgang Sachs in Planet Dialectics: Explorations in communities and threatening an entire continent. Environment and Development, p. 88

Earth provides enough to satisfy every man's need, And in Australia, inventor and entrepreneur Jay but not every man's greed. ~ Mahatma Ghandi Harman searches for investors willing to risk millions on his conviction that nature’s own systems Nature holds the key to our aesthetic, intellectual, hold the key to our world’s ecological problems. cognitive and even spiritual satisfaction. ~ Dr. Edward O. Wilson Harman finds his inspiration in the natural world’s profound architecture and creates a revolutionary The natural environment sustains the life of all beings device that he believes can slow down global universally. warming, but will it work? ~ Dalai Lama 2013 Thunder Bay Environmental Film Festival 4 2013 Thunder Bay Environmental Film Festival 25 FILMS

SUNDAY MARCH 24 economic development opportunities in this domain and for generations to come. 1:00 PM

Can green energies be a real alternative? What is Seeking the Current Quebec’s green energy potential? Are these four Canada 2010, 86 minutes dams really needed in a territory that already has one Director: Nicolas Boisclair and Alex de Gheldere of the highest concentration of hydroelectric dams in the world. 48 years after the election that lead to the Audience Award (Recontres Internationales Du Documentaire de Montreal 2010) nationalisation of electricity in Québec, are we still Grand Prize (Portneuf Film Festival on the “Maîtres chez nous”* (Masters in our own home)? Environment 2011)

“road movie” on a river. Summer 2008, a year * In 1962, the Premier of Quebec, Jean Lesage and A before Hydro-Québec starts building an 8- Natural Resources Minister René Lévesque billion dollar hydroelectric project, Alexis de campaigned to get public support for the Gheldere and Nicolas Boisclair decide to canoe nationalisation of electricity in Québec. They won down the Romaine River with two the election and launched the most important environmentalists… a “river trip” down 500 km economic development in the history of the province. which will take them from the source in Labrador to the mouth in the Gulf of St-Lawrence.

Packed with an Innu stove, two solar panels and a 2,500-page environmental assessment impact study, they discover a river and the future impacts of Hydro-Québec’s next hydroelectric project. Kilometres after kilometres, they open their eyes on a rich and spectacular ecosystem, virgin of any development. For now. During this 46 day expedition, they document a vast region of spectacular beauty and archive stunning images for future generations.

This adventure runs in parallel to another quest, where the two directors team up with Roy Dupuis, one of the most renown Canadian actor and President of the Rivers foundation. Together they set out on a road trip across Québec to explore ways of producing and consuming energy for the XXIst century. Questions that arose from their canoe expedition leads them to contact numerous experts and people who work in the field to give us a surprising insight into the potential of green energy in Québec. Their findings suggest there are important 2013 Thunder Bay Environmental Film Festival 26 2013 Thunder Bay Environmental Film Festival 3 FILMS


Occupy Love Canada 2013, 90 minutes Directed by: Velcrow Ripper (in attendance) Best Canadian Feature Film (Planet in Focus Environmental Film Festival 2012) Official Selection (VIFF ­ Vancouver International Film Festival 2012)

oin acclaimed director Velcrow Ripper on a J journey deep inside the global revolution of the heart that is erupting around the planet.

From the Arab Spring to the European Summer, from the Occupy Movement to the global climate justice movement, a profound shift is taking place: humanity is waking up to the fact that the dominant system of power is failing to provide us with health, happiness or meaning. The old paradigm that concentrates wealth, founded on the greed of the few, is collapsing. Endless growth on a finite planet cannot be sustained. The resulting crisis has become the catalyst for a profound transformation: millions of people are deciding that enough is enough – the time has come to create a new world, a world that works for all life.

Woven throughout the moving, action oriented backbone of the story, is a deep exploration of the heart of the movement, the meaning of love, and concrete examples of just what “another world” could look like, featuring some of the world’s key visionaries on alternative systems of economics, sustainability, and empathy.

Occupy Love is a moving, transformative, heartfelt film, featuring Ripper’s signature stunning visuals and rich soundscapes. A powerful cinematic experience that will leave audiences inspired. 2013 Thunder Bay Environmental Film 2 WELCOME 2013 Thunder Bay Environmental Film Festival 27 FILMS

Greetings from the Festival I am proud to belong to this group of six passionate, SUNDAY MARCH 24 • Act 2 looks at the new environmental movement of hard-working individuals who have demonstrated the ‘70s with its concerns about pollution, focusing Chair, that, when working together, respecting each others 3:30 PM on the battle led by Lois Gibbs over Love Canal. opinions and ideas, and utilizing creativeness and First we connect Rachel Carson and Silent Spring to ince our last Festival in 2012, we have witnessed perseverance, anything can be accomplished! A Fierce Green Fire: The the golden era of environmental legislation and S in our country and indeed around the world, groups like NRDC that arose to enforce regulations. Battle for a Living Planet But it takes Love Canal to put toxic waste on the growing unrest about many social and environmental We support the people in all the stories shown over map. Lois Gibbs leads angry housewives in a two- issues. Even with the promise of prosperity, people’s the course of the Festival, and thank the filmmakers USA 2012, 101 minutes year battle to save their children from 20,000 tons of homes and livelihoods are threatened daily by who filmed them so we could share them with you. It Director: Mark Kitchell resource extraction, climate disruption and eroding toxic chemicals. is very cliché but so true..."Together, we can change Official Selection (Sundance Film Festival 2012) democratic values. Where is the prosperity? Or more the world"! Official Selection (Wild & Scenic Film Festival 2013) accurately, who is experiencing it? Certainly not the • Act 3 is about alternative ecology strands, with the people whose drinking water has been ruined by the main story being Greenpeace’s campaign to save the latest oil spill or gas extraction project. Or by the 'Roll em' Fierce Green Fire tells stories of A environmental activism – people trying to save whales. We begin with going back to the land, storms that rip harder at their homes than ever Deanna Ford, Festival Chair building ecological alternatives and exploring before, flooding or destroying them. Around the the planet, their homes, the future. It chronicles grassroots and global movements building over five renewable energy. Greenpeace brings together the world, people are rising up to say they want 2013 Thunder Bay anti-war and ecology movements. Putting themselves better...and that it IS possible. Their stories are being decades; connects all the causes; explores how we Environmental Film Festival got here and where we’re going. It is the first film to in front of harpoons to stop whaling launches told and our festival this year has many of them to Greenpeace on the wildest ride of any environmental share. create a big-picture overview of the environmental movement, bring together all its parts and eras from group. conservation to climate change. This year's Festival is our biggest yet, with more film Festival Committee Members • Act 4 explores global resource issues and crises of sessions, two guest filmmakers, a workshop, and an *Charlene Rogers the ‘80s, focusing on the struggle to save the Amazon opening night mini-gala reception. We welcome our A Fierce Green Fire unfolds in five acts, each *Deanna Ford led by Chico Mendes and the rubber tappers. They returning sponsors, and new ones alike and for the twenty-two minutes. E.O. Wilson, eminent biologist *Marla Dunn fight ranchers and roads, then start a movement to first time, four hospitality sponsors! The support of and advisor to the film, said focus on five of the most *Michael Dodd Smith establish extractive reserves. The pivotal battle is all of our sponsors is so appreciated! We send also a dramatic and important events and people. In over a plantation called Cachoeira. Chico wins – but big thank you to the Ontario Arts Council for, once *Scott Harris developing those main stories and characters, we is assasinated. However his death proves to be the again providing very key financial support for this *Tracy Rowe discovered each was emblematic of an era and a part turning point, to reserves that now total a third of the initiative. We could not do it without you! of the environmental movement. Amazon. and A festival of this nature takes hours upon hours of thank you to all of the volunteers! • Act 1 focuses on the conservation movement of the hard work and dedication on behalf of all committee ‘60s, David Brower and the Sierra Club’s battle to • Act 5 concerns climate change. First we look at members to make sure that it comes together halt dams in the Grand Canyon. It grows out of three scientific origins. Then comes a twenty-year story of smoothly and in a timely fashion. earlier battles to halt dams: Hetch Hetchy, which was political frustration, from Rio to Kyoto to lost; Dinosaur Monument, which was won; and Glen Copenhagen. We explore opposition; the movement’s Canyon, which was sacrificed. Saving the Grand difficulty in dealing with the issue; and the role of Canyon looks like a lost cause until David Brower disasters like Hurricane Katrina in bringing it back. places ads denouncing the dams. The IRS retaliates COP15 ends in failure and our focus shifts from top- and the uproar becomes front-page news. down politics to bottom-up movements. 2013 Thunder Bay Environmental Film Festival 28 PREVIOUS SCREENINGS 2013 Thunder Bay Environmental Film Festival 1 SCHEDULE

Previous Films Screened by C ho king Lake Winnip eg Festival Schedule Living D o wns tream Saturday March 23, 1:00 PM the Environmental Film P o werful - Energy fo r Everyo ne "YERT: Your Environmental Road Wednesday March 20, 7:00 PM Network Maquilap o lis - C ity o f F ac to ries Trip" 17 *Ordered by date screened "Occupy Love" 3 113 min, USA 2011. A C hemic al Reac tio n - A S to ry o f a True 90 min, Canada 2013 Green Revo lutio n Directed by Ben Evans Directed by Velcrow Ripper (in attendance) Unac c ep tab le Levels The F armer and the Ho rs e C has ing Ic e C hemeric al Saturday March 23, 3:00 PM S ho p ' til Yo u D ro p The Age o f S tup id Wednesday March 20, Post­ "Orange Witness" 19 P las tic P lanet H2 O il Film Opening Night Gala 45 min, Canada 2012. Yo u Never B ike Alo ne Mad C ity C hic kens Tony & Adam's Restaurant (one block away Directed by Andrew Nisker (in attendance) The Lightb ulb C o ns p irac y Ho mo To xic us from theatre, for film attendees) *extra time is being allowed for in-depth O n the Line: The Gamb le fo r C anada' s Las t Earth Keep ers - A S urvival Guide fo r a discussion with the filmmaker and guests F ro ntier P lanet in P eril Thursday March 21, 9:30 AM to To Make a F arm What Wo uld Jes us B uy? 12:30 PM "Workshop: Love in a The Ho le S to ry Saturday March 23, 7:00 PM C o ns uming Kids - The C o mmerc ializatio n Time of Crisis: A Workshop with Weib o ' s War o f C hildho o d "Trashed" 21 Ho w to B o il a F ro g Velcrow Ripper" 13 97 min, UK 2012 Waterlife Baggage Building Arts Centre, Prince There O nc e was an Is land Directed by Candida Brady Kilo watt O urs - A P lan to Re- Energize Arthur's Landing (RSVP required, cost) White Water B lac k Go ld Americ a Never Eno ugh Es tab lis hing a F o o d F o res t Saturday March 23, 9:15 PM Thursday March 21, 7:00 PM No Imp ac t Man What' s all the " F lap " Ab o ut "Just Do It: A Tale of Modern F armaggeddo n B irds o ng and C o ffee "Elemental" 5 Outlaws" 23 93 min, USA 2012. I Am King C o rn - Yo u Are What Yo u Eat 90 min, UK 2011 Directed by Gayatri Roshan Tas te the Was te B lind S p o t Directed by Emily James B ag It - Is Yo ur Life to o P las tic ? Addic ted to P las tic Ec o - P irate the S to ry o f P aul Wats o n Walmart - The High C o s t o f Lo w P ric e Friday March 22, 7:00 PM Sunday March 24, 1:00 PM Mo ther Nature' s C hild P o is o n Wind "Bottled Life" 7 S o Right S o S mart "Seeking the Current" 25 The Wo rld Ac c o rding to Mo ns anto *co-presented with EcoSuperior 86 min, Canada 2010. Into Eternity C rap s ho o t - The Gamb le with o ur Was tes (World Water Day) Directed by Nicolas Boisclair and Alexis de Vanis hing o f the B ees The Lo rax 90 min, Switzerland 2012. Gheldere And this is My Garden Madame B lueb erry Directed by Urs Schnell Ec o no mic s o f Hap p ines s It' s a B ig B ig Wo rld P lay Again Sunday March 24, 3:30 PM "A O ver the Hedge Friday March 22, 9:15 PM No rthern Gro wn Refugees o f the B lue P lanet Fierce Green Fire: The Battle for F o ur Wings and a P rayer "Bidder 70" 9 a Living Planet" 27 B eing C arib o u 73 min, USA 2012. Junc tio n C reek C learwater Revival 101 min, USA 2012. F o rb idden F o res t Directed by Beth Gage & George Gage The C lean B in P ro j ec t The F ight F o r True F arming Directed by Mark Kitchell B urning Water To xic Tres p as s 2013 Thunder Bay Environmental Film Festival WELCOME 2013 Thunder Bay Environmental Film Festival SPONSORS

MAJOR FUNDERS SEEDLING SPONSORS *Ontario Arts Council *The Chronicle Journal *Bay Street Film Festival *Canadian Environmental Law Association EVERGREEN SPONSORS *Dr. Kerstin Muth *Environment North *Canadian Association of Physicians for the *Bay Meats Butcher Shop Lihakauppa Environment *Bare Organics *Thunder Bay Community Economic *Pullia Accounting & Consulting Development Commission *TbayTel *Golectric *Wiggles 'n Giggles SAPLING SPONSORS *Bay Credit Union DOOR PRIZES AND *EcoSuperior Environmental Programs *Earthwise Thunder Bay DONATIONS *Essante Organics *A Beautiful New You *Lakehead University, Faculty of Science *Bare Organics and Environmental Studies *Bonobo's Foods *Ontario Nature *Brule Creek Farm *Print Pros Plus *Thunder Bay Community Economic *The Source Newspaper Development Commission *The Loop Men & Women's Urban *Essante Organics Boutique *Finnport *The Green House *Frank Pullia *The Power Centre *Lakehead University Faculty of Science *Thunder Bay Media Distributors and Environmental Studies *Thunder Bay Public Library *madeFRESH *York University, Faculty of Environmental *Nutrition Corner Stuidies *Pizzeria Primavera 61 *Streak of Green Hair Salon HOSPITALITY SPONSORS *Thunder Bay Public Library *The Power Centre *Wilderness Supply Company *Tony and Adam's Your Neighbourhood *York University, Faculty of Environmental Bistro Studies *Prince Arthur Waterfront Hotel & Suites *Sweet Escape Cake Cafe & Bakery *Eat Local Pizza & Pastry PROGRAMME