
CalifOraP. State Library S.crame.nto 9,

,774rist 041: 4.. Fair Weather Continues Northern California, predict. the ueatherman. %sill be fair to- liit Vets Can Sign day and tomorrow. exeept for I chance of rain along the Ore- the tgat da¦ for gon border. Korean Vets to Sin attendance The Santa ( lara Valle¦ have patches of tog lo the farms for the month of Fehru- morning with little change Iii ArY Forms should be signed in temperature. The expected high Room 122 not later than 5 pm today and tomorrow is 58-66 and low. 31-39. Gentle winds SAN JOSE STATE COLLEGE will accompany the fair %%rather. Son Jose, Calif., Friday, March 2, 1956 No. 89 _ ¦ Tight Battle on Tap Cs et arrttusr yr,-/ioalrdc hP 19a y Wintermist Dance In Interclass Meet At Civic Tonight Track and field fans will get an early look at the Spartafi seike In College Theater Tile annual Wintertime larmal dance will be presented in the The (cam when the squad competes in the annual interclass Meet at 2:15 Merchant et Yonkers," a Civic Auditorium tonight with Ray Haekett and his nrchestra rnnmd pan. today On the Spartan oval. Speech and Drama Departmeia ing the musk, according to Bill Squires, chairman of the Social Attairs production, opens in the College Meet Director Lloyd (Bud) Winter, Spartan Comntittee. tradt coach, expects ITheater Friday, March 9. at 8:15 honors In the Outer Quad )e-aerday and still a close battle for team am. qig t11, five Comrtition p.m. It also will be presented %WI,' ¦:!vcn will be held in both varsity and " I March 10, 15, 16 and 17. are available in the Student Busi- novice divisions with results being The production, under the dir- ness Affairs Office today. Squires said persons will added together for the final score of Miss Elizabeth Loeffler, be admitted to Fraternities and sororities are Brame T o Lecture ...ion Soph Doll Dahlen the dance upon presentation of asaociate professor of drama, is co-sponsoring the teams in the a student body card based on a century-old script by classic; with the tonguing line- Dark sults will he *cremator up: Jim Ilushaw's team support- On Parliamentary Johann Nestroya Austrian play- Will Compete wright. The script has been re- dress for men: formal or ball- ed by Phi Sigma Kappa and erina-length goons, for %%omen Alpha Good. , written by Thornton Wilder and Kappa Theta; Ray Customs Methods For Bay Area Tile The committee ask that no win's club sponsored by Delta is now playing m New York under British Parliame,d, It's SJS Soph power's be brought to the dance. Sigma Phi and Chi Omega; Don the title of "The NIatchmaker " 19a6, a II have a at DON HUBBARD Traditions and Methods" is the Tickets tor the on chalice Comedian Joey Rardin and vo- Hubbard's critters backed by show are tither honors tomorrow evening topic of Bernard Braine's lecture the College Theater box calists Bob Calahan and Ardeeti Kappa Alpha and Alpha Phil sale in when she competes with Soph this morning at 9:30 in Morris office Monday through Fridas JOHN DOWDEN DeCamp will Lang Stanley's outfit sponsored Dolls from nine other Bay Re- be guest entertain- by Sigma ('hi and Dailehi y.. from 1 to 5 p.m. They are 50 !I II o id a Cy ers at the dance Both vocalists Alpha C gion campuses for the title of Omega; and Art Iliatt's team Brame first became a mem- cents for students with Asti have had experience with Ray Miss Intercollegiate Soph Doll Don Hubbard Lists supported by Pi Kappa Alpha ber of the British Parliament ear& and St for general ad- Hackett, Squires explained. of 1956, according to Jim C.atter and Delta Gamma. in 1931 but resigned in 1939 to oin Army. Soph Doll chairman here. Squires said the decoraUon The. fraternity and sorority back- .) the nisc'ILTiteiSJ S produetion of Wilder SJS Student Files committee. under the direction In the Army Miss Dahlen, attain competing Meeting Purposes log the winning team will receivel he rose to the farce comedy twill feature Fre., of llobb,s Marsh, has been meet - rank of tentporary in dressy sport attire, will run a trophy and in addition, the out- ! Lieutenant Engelberg as Horace Vandergel- ing tort% luesdas And Thor', Don Hubbard, ASB presidenti standing rooting section will be Colonel anca was stationed in for the honor at the Intereollegi today reieased a list of purposes der; Wayne Ward, Cronelius For Legislature ate Soph Doll Hop to be held at day in the Dugout in order to awarded a plaque. To win the lat-' West Africa from 1942 until 1944, Donald West, and advantages of the open Stu- ! Hackl; Barnaby the Castlewood Country Club frog. complete final decoratton ar - ter honors. the organization does in northwest Europe in 1949 and Tucker; Craig Thush. A San Jose State student. John dent Counell meeting. to Melchior 9 p. m to I a m. rangements. The committee still be held not have to sponsor a team . i in southeast Asia from 1945 to Stack; Frank Davidson, Ambrose Dowden, will officially file as at Morris Dailey Monday after- , Six girls will he chosen as fill- "bfrt this aft"""n" at the rivie Gail Dahlen, Soph Doll of 1956, , 1946. Kemper; Joseph Markham, Joe a Democratic candidate for a scat noon at 3:30 o'clock. the ilists when the judges deliber- Auditorium to handle last min- will present the awards at the Braille, who was born in Eat- Scanlon. in State Legislature for the The items are as follows: Assembly %avtiell sbtearitnitnrgodautce9dpt.omt.hendieanweerMsneart u,e.rtdosettaedils-rantasy,, the them conclusion of the meet. In addl.; jog, Middlesex in 1914, has served Robert Gordon, Rudolph; Con- 28th District. I. Students can become better lion to the trophies mentioned.' as Dowden, an english major work- is parliamentary private secre- rad Mendenhall, August; Robert will acquainted with the functions of laurels go to the outstanding par- , tau ing toward his pro-secondary twelve, when the Intercollegiate I for the dance, and emphasis to the Minister of Trans- McNamara. a cabman; Judith on winter ut the outdoors. student sigiVernment. ticipant in both varsity and nov port since 1952. credential, announced that he in- Sopli Doll and her two princesses I be 2. Students can meet He is also a Joint Dresch, Mrs Levi; Hilda Katz, Trees, stars, and snowmen will thy leaders ice divisions and to the winning honorable secretary of the tended to file for the Santa Clara ' will be announced in student government. Con- Miss Van Husssen. ' make the winter picture complete. team in the Greek Relay servative Parliamentary Party's County Assembly seat March 7, Bids, selling for $2 per couple. 3. Students can be shown many In event, Patricia Branch, Mrs. Irene the latter eight ria. Imperial Affairs Committee .anri Molloy; the first day for filing. may be obtained from sophomore ways to become active in student teritiesra will compete in an 8- Elli.0 Galarra, Minnie secretary of the West Indies sub- Patricia Murray, He wilt seek hacking at Sun- council members Jim C.arter, Don ssovernment. teen, half-mile relay uith re - FAY: Ermen- grade; Nancy Stephens. Ger- &W meetine of the 10th Con- Ryan, Bonnie Soc. and Ted Ter- 4. Students can have questions suits being added to the regular zakis Aho, student Spartacampers To Hear His publications include "Wa- trude: Barbara Hartman. Miss gressionAl District DentocratIc Helvi re- answered and misconceptions meet's final score. Trams en. cepttontst, also has them at her cleared up concerning student tered in this race are Delta Up- fling and Purpose of British Corn- an ifwsen's cook and afar- Cons ention. held at Civic Audi- torium desk in the Student Union Walton, Scarr Speak government. alien. Sigma Nu, Theta Chi, Sig- monwealth and Empire," 1948 and torte nullity and Dick Thomas . At present he l¦ unop- posed Twenty-five couples from State Council members plan to draw ma Alpha Epsilon, Pi Kappa Al- "Tory Democracy." 1949 people in the Harmonia Gardens. for the democratic nomin- Waton , w it h the National instrue- ation. Dowden are expected to attend the con- up an agenda for the meeting pha, Kappa Tau, Alpha Tau Rollin Buckman, drama has stated that Aasociation of Manufacturers, and Omega and Sigma Chi. This race in charge of settings and he vi ill u age a full campaign test and dance to the music of over the coming weekend. How- , tnr is A F. "Frank" Scarr. with Kaiser concludes the most at 4:20 Berneice associate pro- if given backing by the con- Jack Fine and his band ever, the session's general Want- Music Materials Meet Steel Corp will address Sparta- o'clock. fessor of drama, is in charge of ' vention. caamtimssa Dsoarholennty, apleKdgeappa Kappa th at an Zation and procedure have been the Director vinter announced that Th., ternnd annttal music mat- i Dowden, '22. IS married and has majoring allePod by a ispagial.sommittee, ' erials education, w-as sponsor- ' the .10ideratilP training meet to 't the meet will he postponed until meeting will be held /oinor- a young son. t in general held this weekend at Asilomar, which has been studying tie prob- row at 10 a.m. in Sigma Nu Fraternity in the meeting. if had the Concert ' In cc] hy Mimi Jo Rae Turner, Spartacemp lems of this Monday weather prevents it according to Dr. Os declaration of candidacy recent sorority contest, held at First business slated is the in- Hartle, Dowcien has the publicity chairman, announced It from brine held today. Snyder, assistant professor ol Seniors Elect indicates that he troduction of members of the vari- specific interests regarding free yesterday. (Continued on Page 3) ; music. ous class councils. This will be public education, and state is Spartacamp Director Rout Sch- done to permit members of each Summer Officers procedures. midt issued a list of "reminders" I.: Lela class to become better acquainted Among these. Doveden related .veaterday to help campers make with their officers the Senior Class elected officers I hat he would support a move- this year's meet a "burger sue- for the Follosving these introductions summer aessions and were ment to give tax relief for the called upon a Council business meeting will for a vote of confi- expenses of attending school Buses will leave the Student dence acccrding to James F Ja- commence. During this session At the pre,ent time. according !Tilton at 7:00 a.m., tomorrow perform cobs, Senior Class adviser. Council members will to Du' den, there is no one .';chmide said All campers must and a regular Veiled as president for In their regular duties the the grate Assembly who reflects ase the transportation provided, business will be consider- summer seaaions order of waa John E the thoughts of the sounmer :10 one will be allowed to bring ed. Tucker, with Charles J. Brcwyr people of the state. Ihneden .ars r! as vice Students are encouraged to ask president. The class also states that tie Will aim his eloete.i Gloria questires during the course of Freiberg secretarY- campaign at the college az if time allows, treasurer. State property," Schmidt said, the meeting, and, individuals, and to the ¦ oang "anyone will be opened possessing aleholic be- a question period In a vote of confidence, the persons Just out of college who verages is liable to a $500 fine." following, the proceedings. Senior Class upheld the $15 grad- are Just starting in the bust- Concerning personal tolleteries: uation fee. , nes% ii orld. ichmirit said soap and towels The class alsa was told how Its reaals s In San .10e at will be provided Dress should Sweeney lists the money is spent. According 940t Spring St . and is the son be casual, comfortable, and warm. to Jacobs, $7.78 of the fee is of Mr. and Mrs A. W. Dowden Pedal pushers for the girls, de- spent for activities,. $5 goes to of Orange. Prior to entering the nims for the fellows, are ap- Schooling Benefits the alumni and the remaining service and attending SJS. Dow- 14 propriate However, Schmidt said, 62.22 for she diploma. , den was graduated from Santa DAHLEN the Saturday night dinner and 'I .::! l aHlogan may The Senior Class does not have Ana College. ,rrow ;.; will require sport clothes etid. cdtication is a continuing a regularly scheduled meeting ' Dowdenai father is a forma, rrneesa which goes on until a per- Monday due to the meeting of all swimming coach,. at a southe, son dies This idea was forward- the rhis.,es on that day. im:vcrsity, and ha,' been a citr . Sweeney. More Than 300 Language ed by Dr. William C tal :flier in Southern Califernia professor of education, when he Dowden has exprefaed his spoke to the Senior Briefing Radio Tryouts Today Intention of ern"-filittc on the i.roup yesterday. Arts Teachers To Visit RepUldiean hall,* if ha becomes Dr Sweeney pointed out five For 'Behird Each Man' i candidate for the Assembly hr liaro;i1 room arrangements for the meet- assets he feels the student gains seat. head uf the English Department. ing Dr Glenn A. Reed. profess- HI his formal schooling. Try,,,.. ..1 ! ,’ : sour of English, is finance 3:30 p.m. in the Speech and Dra- In his declaration of candidacy, ' will welcome noire than 300 teach- chair- First or these is the "develop- . man. ma Building, Room 121, for "Be- Dowden !dates, "As one who has ers to the Central California ing of personality.' According to , john J Gross. a,sistant hind Each Man." a radio produc- , a clear-cut stake In the political Counsel of Teachers of Language Dr Dr. Sweeney, this is the "bal- be held Saturday on cam- professoi of Endhsh, wtll speak tion to be presented Thursday , climate and philosophy during the , Arts, to ancing of items, of attractiveness ! pus according to Dr Henry Mee- to the junior college english sec- such things by the Radio and Television Guild next four years, I publicly di'- in the individual lid, professor of education tion on "Unexplored Approaches understanding." of the :5 "Behind Each Man" is a satire dare and pledge active support as sincerity and GINGER BUSS holds one awards to k: 0,111ra:teal for by ! Language arts teachers from to Creative Writing." "loyalty to friends concerning the feminine push be- the choice of the Democratic Second is over 40 skiers at the annual Ski Club races Saturday at Soda Ito I elementary schools, junior and was pointed out hind "Mr Average Citizen" Try- voters of my Assembly District, Mrs. Lillian Gray. professor and causes". It Springs Any member of the Ski Club is eligible to race in one !senior high sehnela, and junti,r ' of education educational outlooks aid the outs open to all students , try county sod state" at 535 and the that ,¦f thc eicht ch....ill:anons offered f ;- I colleges and colleges, will attera, author of a reading text, sill in being loyal to hi, The seript we written by Jae student the conference Registration outline the total vitriol reading his principle and he. Ahern, S.IS student. Ahern u friends, .11 8'30 a.m . with a genera' proZram Irons kindergarten to profeaaion. east and direct the product!, am. the senior higat school grade is the matter of molding SJS Ski Club Members To Attend which will be presented at 9 ll Frosh Camp Counselor Third lheg' 4cotn9fereiS will he di- let el. .aid pm Thursday, over radio KEEN of character. Dr. Sweeney % ruled into three sections: sev- regard he felt that 117n Techniqw s for meeting the that in this Signup Deadline Today enth .And eighth grade English: most important was the art of Saturday Soda Springs Ski reading needs of retarded child- Races ; the public school reading Pro- being able to rise above envy 1.0glag is the deadline for ren will be discussed by Dr Har- t-,prit ri, r pl... ( - ’ 11-,4(’1 anYOne and the unit method of o ;f ptie in tykeable Doll Contest , for next fall's Fresh- rison Itullork, reading consultant and an Highway 40, will be the site I tereated in serving as a gait tea-clung on the senior itghhi Fourth is the development of ! man ("amp counselors. accordinr for the San Francisco Unified of the annual Ski Club races Sat- keeper to report at this time. !aboutb level, M r, kci aellUiOr kindness. This is coupl- Open for Summer Issue I to Paid Thomsen. Freshmii, School District ioday briganning at I I a in Dick All racers and other person: .\../:iamv J. pro- ed closely with aineerity, Pr. !Camp director Mr. Will Jumper, Morleato Hiatt Aleock, (dub treasurer. said 4n are urged In arrive Iii r , ii : early and Ha\ t..; Students must sign up in the School teacher. ail! present some SVIeeney said. I racers wer, expected to compete help pack the course for the didate the Lykeable Doll eon- ;indent of the Califnrnia Aaancia- Dr. Sweeney is races for Student Ultima and applications . techniques for meeting the read- Fifth litded by for the 28 au ards offered in the The races will he run on the "lovel" lion of English ('ouncilus, . " lie! right wdl he judged on personality. ing needs of aisle students. races sok of the chairlift .11 Soda is( ine csw:n7, according ing toastmaster at a luncheon at the campus will never be Spr- scholarship, and participation in said, "The Men, will compete in beginning. 10.2, to Jack Diggins, promotion mana- !Catholic Women's Center. "One of the outstanding fea- I student body activities. Seniors the aame after you leaveeven intermediate, novice and advanc- Awards for the winners of ger of the feature magazine Dr. Alice Scofield, assistant pr,e- ture., of the reading section are only here a moment. '5 ill if you ed classes and women will vie the races %%ill be awarded at "Doll's" pictures may be sssor of English, is Conference be an exhibit of materials It cannot be said whether it will in beginning, intermediate and Ilogjellet Lodge Saturday eve- the ,ostesa chairman. for the teaching of reading." will mitted to Journalism 1-b be better or worse, but it advanced, races. Awards will be ning Patrons accompanying the ment Room J1. Sr... Registration chairman for the Dr. Nleekel said. the same." Office, never be exactly statuettes, first: cups, second, and Huh on the trip are Dr. and of candidate will be cons, No Council Meetings cal!: ra sstatsi !tat nIsteprlotrr,a,Irarotihasns11. Toin,mek’s reading exhibits belt auckles, third. Mrs Riled Pisa no and flat id by the Lyke Staff for publication ACII arranged for by Mrs Ruth Cal Vets Must Sign Forms An open race will be held At C Donoho. in the summer issue of the maga.- (lass not meet ish Iler firmistant .ire Dr Ran. ra:rner. superintending in the All etcratis attending school 2 p.m in which recline is eli- The Ski Club vill at Ilnyfjel- Monday, disc ti their incorpora- Guth, atositiosni proiessar of San Jose Unified Selicad Dbtriet,

under the Cal Vet program must gible to comnele let Lodge over the weekend. Ap- 4inT"he only rule of the contest tam into the Student (mown'. English, and Dr. Dorothy Nor- Mra Tillie King, consultant for Morris ingn tRicir monthly alien. ance Racers in all classi- ilitisl rc- proximately on club members is that the Iolscable Doll may not open meeting, slated for ris, assistant professor of S ..., (..)nty Schools, Monday vouchers March 1-10, Glen Gut- port to the Intermediate ramp have made reservations for the have any Greek affiliations. Names Dailey Auditorium. listi lirth Chairman of o'clock, tormsen, accounting officer an- of the chair lift by 10:15 a.m. to j trip Taie_clule_bess-avall leave the must be Inserted on back of the afternoon at 3:35 17:' !,1 7;,77t.T., 1. d Engl h at San TOday, obtain nwnbers and starting Student Union at I p in. ft, ,,,r h., Hi...,

nounced 7 SPARTAN DAILY Friday, Mortb 2, 1036 'TIL 9 EDITORIAL Weekend Doings OPEN THURS. EVENING lit Don Osborne The ja/z San Francis- At times he sounds Ilke the can- ary-throated singer that -.nuts SJS Growth Big Topic co's Blacktiawk nightclub is really but at other a swinging one. Featured ott 41ir with the Ink Spots, t freshest i Son ..4)!.e Shoe Coilege s future growth ysill be o big topic progrimi is the Milt Jackson Mo- times he returns to solid ground next week when the problem of expanding enrollments co stote dern Jazz Quartet Filling In op- in fine style Don Ewell is featur- new if posite the Modern Jazz Quartet ed on the same program with cotes will be presented to the State Board of Eciucotion. Here's Mathis fl is none other than Cal "Afro- the situation that will confront the bourd members at their Cuban" Tjacier and his quintet. 'THEY'RE CRAZY' AT FACKS oe fashions' I meeting. Something like this could happen tack's still has the "They're only in a city with good jazz Crazy" Kings IV gargling a few Dr. Burton Vasche, chief of the Division of State Colleges notes They should go away soon. , just taste ps of the State Department of Education, says the department .. Fur` those who aren't familiar Incidentally, Pack's Na. 2 is MOIR no recommendation thot enrollments be limited, but o with the Modern Jazz Quartet, seheduled to open in the lust week arrived., -lay the problem out for the board s consideration. Dr. Vosche they are an exceptionally skilled of April on the site of the old will cite State Deportment icroup of musicians Jackson is Balalaika restaurant on Bush St. of Finance estimates that San Jose featured on vibes, John Lewis on Either the Hi 1,Les or the Four will have 13.300 full time equivalent regular students in 1961. piano Percy Heath on bass and Lads will be the opening attrac- Dr. Vasche says there has been no formal proposal by the Connie Kaye on drums. Lewis tion with Vernon Alley and his deportment for a new state college in Alameda county or any and Jackson do much of the group filling in. writing and arranging nuts house other county He says the board already has adopted the policy for the "Jenny Kissed Me," at group in Ns modern, unusual and the Curran Theater Ott tears of nine that no new colleges will be developed until existing campuses 1.'001 StY if'. In 1954 they took first St., is scheduled to close with hove been developed to their full potentials. place in the Downbeat poll, but Saturday night's performative, A proposal for a new college in southern Alameda county were nosed out last year by the after a rather unprofitable stay. Dave Brubeck Quartet The play, which stars Rudy was mode at the lost session of legislature by Assemblyman With Cal Tiader tilling in Vallee as a Catholic Priest. Is MOST SIZES Carlos Bee (D-Hoy-word). The proposal now is being considered during the intermission (if vou all amusing Olie which requires 5, 7 a 9 iN lOwN by on interim committee. want to call a session with little thinking on the part of Tivider an intermission) this audience. The board also must consider the finance estimate for the messes kart 111.) well turn out to be a lull -madame Butterfly" will be total of 73.600 students in the 10 state colleges and the maritime evening's entertainment. Costs 6104tVostee presented by the Cosmopolitan I Mil III academy by 1961. That compares with on actual 1955 enrollment At the Fallen Angel, 1234 Pine Opera Company at 8:30 tonight of 36,777 students. The estimate for San Jose is the largest of any St., a .sittg'er by the name of John in the Opera House. Carlo Mores- HOUSE OF NINE Mathis is emitting some pretty of the colleges. co will conduct the orchestra and 44 E. Son Antonio tine notes for his style of singing members of the cast include Ma- The action taken on this issue naturally will be a big step CHESS IS A POPULAR PASTIME for students who take advantage between of Student Union facilities. The doors of the Student Union are mills 1Villiams, Barry Morelle, First & Second ill SJS history, so watch for any considerations the Board makes opened daily for students who seek relaxation, recreation, study- Eunice Alberts, Edwin Dunning next week ing facilities or a meeting spot. photo by Downs Meetings and Ge,wee Tallone. Canterbury Club ss ill hear the For that vocation trip Rev. Stuart Anderson speak on get your car ot Looking for a Place -Studying and Taking Exams," SJMS 5 Y :it its meeting Sunday at 6:30 p m. 25% OFF in the Youth Center of Trinity 388 Keyes Dear Cuunctl members: All Permanents It was with definite inte:s Episcopal Church, 81 N 2nd St. on :hat 1 read the editorial in Charming Club will hold a pot- month To Rest Your luck dinner in the Fireside Room for the SPARTAN DAILY, Feb 20. F.,: Bones? of the Unitarian Church, Sunday - ofile strange reason your sub- of MARCH at 7 p m. iect was the one that had been by Don Sheets Mondiys ,ccupying my thoughts for sev- Searching not have a permanent international Students Organis- HAIRCUTS for a place where you address ation will meet today at 12:30 Tuesdays eral days can plunk down your weary hones truaV have their ma it sent here."- and Wednesdays Fiat tops - p m. in SD118. Crew - Burr I am a new student on the and rest during these "breaks" Miss Attu Said. Lambda Rho will elect officers Only- . ampus, 31 years of age, married in your class schedule? Want to 1 Islist campus orgyn...ations re- escape and initiate new members at its _oid have 3 full time job in ad- from the maddening silence i ceive their snail at the Student meeting tomorrow at Sparta SALONS OF BEAUTY !Mon to attending school But I of the library, yet discover a spot ' Union. Miss At assumes the . 5 Barbers ... .m no stranger to college life. where you can still Camp. Is North hrst St 257 South tote 51 study, if need duties of a mail clerk svben the Pre-Medical Society will hear C546154 C57 1640 We attended the Don-Spartan be, la ithout too much interfer- mail arrives. guest weaker Dr Henry C. Dah- For Personal,zed Service basketball game Feb. 14. In ence? the MISS ABIO KEEPS BUSY leen at its meeting Monday eve- Make That Next One A SPARTAN DAILY that day There is such a place on cam- ning at 7 nit. lock a request had been made of pus where you can find some students to wear white shirts of She also heads the campus Lost California state Teachers As- the more aesthetic pleasures of and Found Department which is sociation will meet today at 2.30 CLUB BARBER SHOP at the game. A few did. but college life And you'll be wel- quartered here, and a telephone p Ill. in the Dugout. HAIRCUT many did not. We did and sal in come anytime up 'til the closing answering service for lost indivi- Wesley Foundation will honor AT HOURS the student cheering section hour. It's the Student Union duals who are searching for the guest Dorothy Thompson at its HAIRCUTS 68 E. San Fernando and attempted to cheer the Lounge, located in the Student lounge. p.m. meeting Sunday in the team on to victory. Union Buildir.g. From a conference room that Social Hall, 24 S. 5th St. Treat yourself: Shave 25c CENTS Even though they lost. the boys The Student Union caters to adjoins the lounge come the San Jose Affiliate Group of the played well and certainly tried all students and offers, among National Science Teachers Associ- their best, which is more than laws that cover% the student All ROBERT LAWS Oilier things, tional facili- body. it is here that the Stu- ation will meet Tuesday at 7 Work I can say for the cheering section ties, mailing privileges. Lost find dent Court and Council meet. p m. In Room S 216. Moler Barber College Supervisd I Saturday we attended the game Found Department and a tele- In the basement of the build- Dr. Gertrude Cavins, head of by LIcnted between Loyola and the Spartans vision education, will 41 West San Fernando in,tructers 288-90 Park Ave. CV 5-921 5 set. ing, once the San Jose Public science speak to open 9 to 6 Mon thru Sat. The lack of spirit was appalling The doors of the Student Union library, the campus Cu-OP is the group on "Opportunities in Free Parking in Rear The game was thrilling to the located on the north- located. It is a fountain and Science Teaching'." bitter end and our boys deserved west corner of the campus at 4th snack shop and Is commonly more support than an occasional and Sari Fernando Streets, are the "Coop." See CONNIE apathetic S-P-A-R-T-A-NS Go." called Ice! open daily from 8-5 o'clock. ex- The Student Union is governed Fix Melting For Delicious In the few short weeks I've Thursday, when at te I've noticed that cel-4 they close by a board of ten members, from SoUTII BEND, Ind. (UP) been on campus at 10 p m. It is closed on week- faculty and student body Park board executive secretary CANTONESE FOOD students seemed to be ashamed ends the that they are in school here. Not which has the task of providing Edwin Davies received a tele- COLLEGE BOWL or HOMEY ATMOSPHERE recreationaI facilities phone call from an irate woman UNDER NEW MANAGIMFNT all, thank heavens. but enough Inside the drab brick building, that the feeling of unhappiness complaining the ice at a park FRIED CHICKEN you'll find a friendly. home' skating rink was melting. In For the Best PIZZA in Town seems tu spread atmosphere and a carpeted floor The cheers that I have heard answer to his question "What SNACK PIZZAS 40c - - SPAGHETTI and RAVI011 for that is usually covered with col- can I do about it?, the woman I0 far are terrible. perhaps be- lege folks, some perhaps playing Spa 2 tan 91)aiiii Served or to take out cause they are delis ered with replied: "What can you do about HOME SERVICE cards while gulping' down a coke it? You can come right out here such reserve. but nevertheless More 354 East Santa Clara CV 7-9961 Phone CY 5-1186 than likely you would and fix it, that's what you can Open Friday and Saturday 11 a m. to 1 a.m. they are not conducive to hear- see the popular Student Union Entered at second class matter April do" ty yelling. receptionist. lielvi Aho. :Miss 24, 1934, al San Joic Calif , under this I have not offered any sug- Aho has been welcoming stu- ocl of March 3, 1879 Member Goldoni FIRST PitIMYillitIAN CHURCH gestions, at least not tangible dents here for the last year. Newspaper Publishers' Association. 60 North Thlull CHINESE ones, but this letter has done one and In that time has not lost Published daily by the Associated Stu- LET'S GO TO CHURCH THIS SUNDAY gm Phil W. Battett-Poslor thing for me. At least I've told her Finnish sense of humor. dnts of San Jose State Colleg except SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 19 someone how I feel about the Most of are Saturday and Sunday, during the college Wonhlp Service at 11 a m College the older students Class 930 a m. Col.() p in KITCHEN "spiritless" campus I will be here probably aware of the Strident year ....Ph one isiusi during ach final Club at 6 998 North 4th for the next two years and in Supper-Diszussion-Warsh,p Union and the recreational ser- examination period. -Tom Are Cordially Invited- Next to Dick's Super Market that time I certainly hope to see vices that it offers Miss Aho Tlephon CYpress 4-6414-Fditorlal, a change of heart take place believes there are many new Est, 710, Advrtising Dept. Ext. 211 I want to emphasize one point; students who may not know. Subscriptions arfeptod only en a ta- Fellowship San Juse State is ray school now, FINE PLACE TO RELAX rnoinder-of-school year basis. USE YOUR MIND AUTO INSURANCE and I will back it to the end. "The .Student Union offers stu- In fall semester, $3; In spring se- Inspiration Sincerely, dents an excellent opportunity to en , $1,50. Sunday 10.45 a m. If you are 21 years of age or Mrs. Evelyn Mitchell Prost of th Santa Clara Journal, 1440 get together and meet others In Studio Theater-376 S 1st older (Married or Single) and ASB 5776 addition it gives them a fine place Franklin Si , Santo Clara, Calif. Bible Instruction have a reasonably good driv to relax and enjoy themselves EDITOR: Jerril Lee Ilunt "USING CREATIVE POWER ing record, you are eligible Open at 1 PM in their leisure time," she ex- BUS. MGR.: Harry sage CONSTRUCTIVELY" for auto insurance at REGULAR Oin by Candlelight at th plained Day Editor: Don Nash " THE COLLEGE CLASS" rates. HOUSE OF PIZZ Although some students, it of THURS 8 00 P M. See or has been alleged, have never Phone Delicious Steak Sandwiches 142 W. San Carlos AL BAUER been known Co sit around the BETHEL CHURCH SUNDAY SCHOOL 395 Almaden Ave CY7-9901 tables In the lounge and study, Agent ' Where You Go Your Money s Worth ' EUROPE ' A:sembly of God "JONAHEveryman’s Fish there is an abundant supply of 20 Coorinii, it Days /Aimed Story" I study space. The lounge also gy air, all menage, $1260 /WI 224 Meridian Road Farmers Insurance Is tell stocked with soft, com- Colleg,ns Speaker-- fortable easy chairs and di- Alma, California 11 45 A M EVERY SUNDAY They Talk About to Bue's Foothill Plaza vans where you can relax and 1 I CO A M Morning Worship Service DR. WAYNE ITNFP. Story and White Road chat or smoke. One section of the lounge has 7.30 PM. Evangelistic Service Science of Phone CI. 8-8700 "Jack Frost" been set aside as the unofficial Wesley Mind San Jose game area. Chess, checkers. bridge, cribbage are some of the must All over the World popular judoing from the number Foundation MIST CHRISTIAN 011111104 of perams playing them go south Fifth Street When it’ Visit your C.ollege HAS RADIO. TV Sunday Worship feel quite tip WELCOME ut AM We Make All Our Own Or, if you don't Son. Campbell Club .9 45AM PM "Five Minutes to vigorous game activity, you Dorothy STUDENTS FACULTY PERSONNEL Morn luncheon 11 30 and 1. Ice Cream - Sherbets may find pleasure playing, or To The Downtown Church Where You'll Get Something Cierele M. Fiord, Minister listening to someone blse play, Genuinely Helpful James S. Corp. Astor Dir till Toppings & Homemade Pies the piano Radio and television Thompson You'll Find A Live College Group That You'll Really Enjoy NEM. also are strategically located with- national news in the confines of the lounge Join Us EVERY SUNDAY TRINITY Mentioned earlier vs-ere mall- columnist 11 00 -MORNING WORSHIP SITIVICI EPISCOPAL CHURCH .411 amide her I ill emeriences in 9 30-COL1EOIATE SIDLE CLASS II NORTH SECOND Vali h.( pricileges. This Is one of Rialto tire services offered to students. and Europe .0 6 IS - COLLEGE Ill C CLUI Sundcfy Services THE NEW CHALLENGE TO THE WfST- 7 30- EVENING SERVICE "Students oho are in the pro- I 00 a rn. Holy Communion Sunday at 7 30 p.m in the Two Youth Pastors To Serve You 9 30 a m. *lurch School el.., of movInv or It ss hi, do F,,1. Methoditlf Church DR CLARENCE SANDS - REV. MERU! ROARS and family Service '.,iclients are invded to drop into IHoly Communion on 3rd Sunday) JAWS MONTGOMERY, MINISTER Of CHURCH EDUCATION e social hull next door, 24 No ' 00 o m Morning Proyr Ride for Snaci. S"pper with th INV, DAVID 611111S - YOUTH DIRECTOR ond Sermon It will be none too UNITED TAXI Lollop fellowship at 6 00. (Holy Communion on 1st Sundayl Wesley will attend the talk ot 7 IC, FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH to Wintermist 30 Oanterbory club early to bit thinking of and hold re-r- o afterwards Two blocks from campus 2nd and San Antonio Rev. Mork Itihinharti, 0 SWIM SUITS CY 4-2324 for hors., intommtion cell dui The 0 , Rector Personal roonsVng by appointment - CT S-4391 The Rev Stuart Anderson, Assistant fey DIfi Intraham a D., CV 4-7251 4/- ?

Green Squod Wins BUYING SOMETHING? Interclass Captains Check Your Spartan Daily Varsity Clubs Face List Team Changes Advertisers First K.A., Kappa Tau Still (continued from Page It VklISITY Hubbard t Vol Damols. Hod' Stock When it s Top Fraternity League Tomorrow man, Norm 0....1. Van POt it h Payne Indians John Manwn 141 Nwliw, torn Omen, Clone. Doc& Horb, Jam.. loc.... Ken "five Minutes Kappa Alpha and Kappa Tau The Swells: Toth, Ken la 0.1 ond Jim Vondortwols continued to lead the Fraternity Wednesday suonloy'. Bon Goordmo, Sob Mormon till Independents Nine ,11. Ross, Taylor Sutton lack Sthuott Intramural Basketball League by SJS Stanford posting easy victories over Phi 41, Sparta Chi 26 W.1/ Maromonle and lob Penner. Sigma Kappa and Lambda Chi Al- Dugout Dandies 46, Phi Epsilon Kappa Hiatt .6 Al Ross, Jerry latorsen, Ia pha last night in Spartan Gym' 31 Play 0..h. Wiley Schmidt, hank Patonal, Ed Sparvots 77, IF? 20 To - Last Foe K.A. defeated the Phi Sigs, 26-13, 6.11 E5.1 Bu.ks, John metal end Mal while 01 Li 37, Tappa Nu Keg 33 r..w11. Kappa Tau won, 47-30 Both SPARTAN DAILY 3- teams have three victories against Fiat. Goodwin Id MIAs Bill Stephens, Friday March 2 1956 no defeats. Sigma Alpha Epwlan 64, lambda Chi opener For Five lorry ihorntwon. Cleontin Nand...ter, Al Alpha 32 In the Independent longward 0 W. Rhodw, Norse, Mc- League, the Alpha Tau Omega favored Green Squad dumped the 37, Theta Xi 74 Cullough Mai Albion/ and Dock Shaman. S,gnia NY 49, Delta Sigma Phi 13 Spar tans Underdogs Slipsticks, 31-23, behind Hal Plushow.o Ron Veer, Den 'wry, low- Phi Sigma Kappa 44, Pi Kappa Alpha Five Veterans Named Don Manned, lynn Greene, Boutte's 14 points. Charlie Hard). Noy how about that 42 Scoreboard Against Tough Tribe Ray Ellis and Roger Lipp* added nine fur the winners. Spar- last Night NEW SUIT? vets and Dugout Dandies also dis- In Starting Lineup YESTERDAY 'S RESUi IS San Jose state a ill clow out it, NOVICI Independents played good form in capturing Pistol: San low 1360, Stanford 1264 1955-56 basketball season when it Nubbard’s ton Ratliff, louden Un- . Green Squad 3i, Slipsticks 23 of the their second straight wins. The Getting their first test takes on Stanford tomorrow night met. Illoyd Fair, Ken Allen, Mary William., New Club S3, Tow Dells 20 WEEKEND S EVENIS Sparveta clobbered IFT, 77-20, season, Spartan baseballers meet In the Indian Gym Tip-off time Ad Powell, Soh Mitchell, Doug Wolk*, Bomber. 37, Outcasts 18 2310 p m. on while Dugout Ltandies downed Phi Stanford tomorrow at Friday will be 815 o'clock. len Pouting, Mtlie Milli Don McDermott, loaners 31, Phi Mo Alpha 28 Epsilon Kappa, 46-31. the Indians' sunken diamond. Stanford will be favored to make Sheldon, len Itnhenufh and lack Fraternities Boxing. Intor-Moontain Tourney at Icds Coach Walt Williams will field it a dismal finale for the Spartans. Nigh Scorers Gary Gurley (Dandies), Theta Xi 34, Sigma Nu 33 Pocatello, Idaho. a team consisting of use holdovers Stanford utilizes the same type of Stanleys Clarence Nunes, Norm frl- 111; Fred Wilton Wats), 22, Dols Bergman Delta Upsilon 47, PI Kappa Alpha 24 Track Interclass Meet 2 IS p in from last which went play used by St. Mary's, which Ante., Tom lionvale, (Nowo), 12, Frank Sousa (Rayons), 16, Kappa Tau 47, lambda Chi Alpha 30 year's team Gymnastics lames lick and Sun berg, Keith Dick to the finals of the area playoffs proved to be highly effective Chswskos. lob ROW and Paul Incandora Bob Forrester (MK', IS; Wally Perry Alpha Tau Omega 44, Theta Chi 43 Mateo Nigh Schools at Son 10,0 for an NCAA at-large berth Four against Walt idePtersun's troops Mater Claud. Stock, lotos Gernim, ISM), 16; Lou Stowell (Phi Sias) 17, Sigma Alpha Epsilon 3111, Delta Sigma Froth, 2.30 p.m. rookies, including starting pitcher Tuesday. However, the Indians are Warren Saddler, Kermit Walker. Steve Dick Piston (Phi Sigs), 17; Pat Fracisco Phi 27 Wrettling Far Westeen AM at Oak- Don Kulstad make theic first ap- much more adept at the press and Scott and lame. le Gate. (AT% 14; Jim Carter ISN), 14. Kappa Alpha 26, Phi Sigma Kappa 13 land, S p.m. pearance in Spartan uniforms. fast break than the Gaels. Goodwin'. Ron Snow, lob Awls., At The Spartans will be put to a Saturday McPherson has announced sev- win Conley, and Dave Stokes. in his starting lineup Gene's Rendezvous stern early season test as the hard' Boxing: Inter Mountain Twomey at eral changes thwhaw's John Agulor, Bernie Gouid hitting Indians already have chalk- Pocatello, Idaho in an effort to stop the Stanford NM Ashmore, Tom tilos, lorry Iwo, Schwendinger. only is Open Again ed up two shutout victories in as Swimmincr Far Western AAU at tactics. Dick mei Tom Ilockwood. SHOW SLATE Spartan able to solve the St. Mary's many startai Ray Young, Stanford Portland, Ore. press, gets the nod at one guard pitching standout for the last two Baseball. San Jose at Stanford, 2 ARCADE SHOE REPAIR serving the same seasons and a co-captain of this p.m. position, while Gil Egeland will rest of the delicious food year's squad, probably still start easketball Son Mao at Stanford, open at forward. The AND SHINE SHOP against San Jose. p.m. lineup will be John Erceg, Mary I-1$ Branstrom and Torn Crane. leave your show with STUDIO Coach Williams reports the Wrestling Far W AM at Oak- John and Andy for 1VIEATRE It will be the first start of the Complete$1 .35 up horsehiders are in good early sea- land Dyeing, Cleaning and Repairing season for Schwendinger, a senior 1 595 So. First St -CV 3-9821 Uproarious son shape although adverse weath- Sunday 12 West San Antonio CYPRESS 1- SS41 40030.1tIntSt. Comedy playing his last game. Only 5-8 er has crimped training conditions. Judo- Northern California PAAU at Road Show Engagement "Swish" has played bang up ball Hard hitting Jerry Clifford, a Stockton. In reserve during the season, and ADMISSION PRICES "FOREVER junior, will open behind the plate his play aided State's be- Week Days SAT-SUN steady for the Spartans, with Kulstail lated comeback in the St. Mary's T1 11 75c, iii 4 $1 Gen Adm. DARLING" slated for mound duties. Tuck Hal SHANK'S After 4 $1 25 1 contest. $1.23 sey pitcher-outfielder of last sea- DRIVE-IN DRY CLEANERS and SHIRT LAUNDRY AMERICA'S OWN MUSICAL' Lucille Ball - Desi Arno? Spartan Ring Men San Jose's cagers will have their son's team, will be on hand should hands full trying to stop the In THE PICTURE OE THE YEAR! James Masin relief be needed. dims George Selleek, rated by Ed King, junior, will start 'n! One Stop In by 9-00 GUYS AND Face Tough Foes some as the best little man in Service Out by 5 00 Full Length - In Color first base. Bill Rahming, who led basketball. Selleck, one of the bat DOLLS the 1955 Spartans with a .378 leaders in Pacific Coast Conference at No Extra Charge r CitioNScoet COLOR . ling average, and Stan Beasley In Idaho Tourney scoring statistics, is second to aunt- both seniors, will return at short as far as ball handling is con- SECOND and SAN CARLOS CALIFORNIA and second. Don Hodge'', a trans- Spartan boxers come up against cerned and owns potent jump and (Right behind Newberry's) -VISTA VISION- fer from Shasta J.C., will start at competition that resembles an all- set shots. Stomps UNITED ARTISTS 1 "THE COURT JESTER" third base. star mitt team tonight when the Jump shooting stars Bill Bond WI give S & H Green Chuck Reynolds. a .270 distance LAUGHS GALORE L/ANNY KATE two-day Inter-Mountain Tourna- and Barry Brown also figure to "DIG THAT URANIUM" Also- hitter, returns in left field, while ment gets underway in Pocatello, give the Spartan defense plenty "TWO-GUN LADY" Paul Gilbert, a Bakersfield trans- Idaho. of trouble. Scrappy Bill Flanders THE BOWERY BOYS fer, will patrol the center field PEGY CASTLE - BILL TALMAN and Gary Van Gelder will round - Plus- Winstead, transfer from Idaho State, favorites to win the 4 area. Joe out the Indian lineup. "Tho Lone Ranger" Santa Rosa, will open in right meet, anounced pairings for the KOtr, f34041, tournament Wednesday, and T. C. The game will mark the final field. appearance of seven San Jose sen- MAYFAIR Chung in the 112-pound division, Saturday's game is the first of iors. Playing their last contest Lana Turner - Richard Burton 11 with CIBA teams. The Spartans and Max Voshall, 165 pounds, were EL RANCHO Fred MarMurry will be Bob Borghesani, Ray Good- meet Stanford, California and the only Spartans not paired win, George King, Crane. Ereeg. against opponents of high national --Two Top Flight P¦ctures- "RAINS OF RANCHIPUR" Santa Clara three times each, and Fred Niemann and Schwendinger rank. -Also- USC and UCLA, once apiece The "BILLY THE KID" ochedule also includes Chung drew a bye for the first Q: Anne Baxter - JuL. Adams 1Spartan -AND- ' four games with Fresno State and night of the tournament, and Vo- "HONKY TONK" " ONE DESIRE" three with Pepperdine, both SJS shall 165 pound NCAA champion SJS Mermen Go opponents in the 1955 NCAA bat- of last year, meets Jess Klinken- What does tle. berg of Washington State. To Oregon Meet this TOWNE SARATOGA In the 18 semi-final bouts slated Top Import Comedy of IP. for tonight, Al Accurso, of SJS, Two car caravan containing A JOY' A SCREAM, Truly Outstanding' 119 pounds, goes against Bobby members of the Spartan swimming ink blot remind you of? "SHEEP HAS 5 LEGS" Orson Welles in McCullom, NCAA champion from team left today, bound for Port- SHAKESPEARE'S Idaho State, and Spartan Bob Ta- land, Ore., where they will com- STARRING INCOMPARABLE Wrestlers To Seek foya meets Dave Abeyta, an out- pete in the Far Western FERNANDEL "0 THELL 0" AAU standing sophomore from Idaho swimming championships ea State. In the 132 pound slot, Al Coach Charley Walker is ac- Wins in Oakland Julian of State goes against John companying the 10 man squad, Butler, a A finalist from Mi- which includes Bob Anderson, Jay Five Spartan wrestlers will seek chigan State. Cross, Bob Eustis, Brent Heisinger, You can prevent your car championships in this weekend's Welvin Stroud of SJS takes on Dick Henning, Rob o Kolvisto, Rog- Far Western AAF tournament in Dan Axtman, a PCI champion, in er McCandless, Stan McConnell, from haying the "Vacation Blues- Oakland. The tournament will open the 139 pound division. Stu Ru- Dick Threlfall and Larry Wood. this afternoon at 5 o'clock and bine, San Jose State's 147 pound The Spartan's outstanding point will run through tomorrow. representative, meets Robert Mul- Tone-up Tocloyl possibilities appear to be McCon- Coach Hugh Mumby announced lins of Michigan State, and Jirn nell in the individual medley and the following entries: Lynn BroOks Davis of SJS goes after the 156 Eustis In the diving competition. 2 blocks (147), Dick Weger (157), Ken pound honors against John lice- Both are undefeated thus far this North of Leo & Jess' Chevron Service Spagnola (167), Jerry Ledin (177) Ian who has lost only one ring de- season and the former has come and Russ Camilleri (191). The cision while at Idaho State. seconds Roos Bros. N. 1st d St. James St. within five of the SJS re- Spartans are expected to battle Jack Nelson, 178 pounder from cord in his event. -- Use your Standard Credit Card -- it out with the Olympic Club and San Jose, meets Mike McMurtry, McConnell will also compete in UCLA for team honors NCAA champ (torn Idaho State, the breaststroke along with Ko- and Spartan heavyweight Mel Rat- visto, Wood, Anderson, Helsingor avich boxes Andrew Ronnie of and Cross. Michigan State, who was a NCAA Workhorse for the Spartans in Semi-finalist last year, before be- the Rose City meet will be Threl- ing edged by the champ In a close fall who is slated to appear in the bout. 200 yard free style, the breast- stroke and relay. Judo Team To Defend A SAN REMO Whatever Northern Calif. Crown the Like pizza with cheese? ... with spicy ItcCian sausages? . .. with an- The ink on my old San Jose State's judo team will occasion chovies? Whatever your preference, San Remo's pizza is a real taste defend its Northern California PAAU championship Sunday in Say it pair of slacks. treat guaranteed to melt in your mouth. Stop in at any one of San Stockton in what will be the ass- with ion opener for coach Yosh Uchl- Remo's 3 locations. da's squad. Flowers Uchida plans to send second de- gree black belt Mel Augustine and FLOWER first degree black belts Ben Camp- BAKMAS SHOP bell, John Sepulveda, Ro Wooer CT 2-0461-10,h & Santo Chug and Roy Kimura into action. Comment mushroom P cheese Get a new pair sausage The Upjohn Company At Roos -- only 15.65 salami On-Campus interviews March 7 pepperoni Represerrrit the "walks- Pharmaceutical salesman for Northern California See your Roos science background preferred, Ernie George, Kerne McOuocis, Sara Rinehart IDA not a complete necessity.

SAN REMO SAN REMO CARA'S Please contact placement office for interview appointment of of SAN REMO R,00(71 ELI LOS ALTOS in SAN JOSE THE UPJOHN COMPANY 218 Willow (on El Camino) FARMERS' MARKET FIRST at SANTA CLARA Son Promistrt, CY 4-4009 YOrkshire 7-2570 HILLSDALE CollfornIa dggsgmegmeme¦ 4 SPAR1AN DAILY Friday, March 2,1966 Granberg Chosen 'Journalists Bound Dr. Clements Announces PATRONIZE YOUR I R. Club President For Long Beach ADVERTISERS Bill Granberg was elected pre- 1SSIFIED ADS sident and Joe Clark elected ex- Seven Job Interviews ecutive secretary of the Industrial Conference Today Relations Club Tuesday night in l'ourti.en &Is journalism stu- Dr E. W Clements, placement nesday. Upjohn is interested in dents officer, announced seven new job pharmaceutical salesmen, gradu- PARKING FOR RENT '48 Studebaker. Champion. radio the club's first session of the are bound for Long Beach today to attend interviews today . ides and majors of natural science Trite fnr Men's and heater, overdrive, $175. Good semester. at-cording to Ed Pagter- a two day con- roam. kitchen. linen, $25 ference of business administration, liberal month each 633 tires, AX 6-8981. publicity chairman. the C'alifornia Inter- First on the list of interviews is PrilIC It For You S. 5th St collegiate Preas Association which Pacific Telephone irts and physical education majors '45 Other officers elected were: Ken and Telegraph 1 ri,i! 0 . r . . BELLE MANOR-ose vacancy, Studebaker, good transpor- is meeting today and tomorrow Co, appearing here Monday and ' with physiology and anatomy tation, best offer. Fite. treasurer; Mary Bragg, tr. iC girl's room and board 260 S. Ilth CY5-5227 after re- at the Lafayette Tuesday. Representatives of the courses. 3 p cording secretary; and Phil Mor- Hotel St CY 5-2367. The group, headed by Dr. Wil- company will be looking for grad- Thursday there will be gan, parliamentarian repre- T C P Dutebees liam E Gould, journalism pro- uates in the fields of business sentatives HallTwo vacancies. LOST Granberg promised a full slate from I.os Angeles on In N 5th St San Jose, CY 3- - - - - fessor, will participate in v.-rit- administration. Industrial arts, campus looking for civil, mech- Silva's Shell of activities in the coming year, contests, 9O Mali zipper Jacket and gloves. ing discussions on pub- industrial relations and engi- , anical and electrical and traffic fouith rind rOil F.arnondo Return to lost and found Reward. and extended an invitation to lic relations, TV and radio and neering XtS, month rooms for boys. all Industrial Relations majors !engineers with a LIS in these Across from Student Union hear speakers III the field of Kaiser Aluminum and Chemi- 1.hert privileges, linen, 561 S WANTED minors to attend and partici- fields. and journalism. cal Corp. of Oakland will he OH -;th pate. Dues $1 50 per semester. International Business :Machi- Wanted-one or I...0 girls to are Tonight, following a banquet, a , campus Wednesda Y. seeking Mtivttics will include field nes will be on campus Thurs- SERVICE 1 or 2 seterans to share apartment very close to meeting for recommendations and productiln engineers, industrial LAUNDERETTE help share trips to various industrial plants day looking for industrial, plant, house, 376 S 5th St. CY 5-8980 campus with two others Contact ! nominations will take place. saleamen and accountants: also in the area to afford the student Plant layout and design engi- SPRING SPECIAL: after 330 p.m. at CY 4-9307. Attending the conference from I students With degrees in chemi- Sleeping Roost. private bath. an opportunity to observe mana- neers and draftsmen with mech- 2 Tubs Washed & outside entrance. 170 S. 14th St. SJS are Dr. and Mrs. Gould. I cal. electrical, industrial and anical, electrical. chill, archi- Gentlemen to share nice apart- gement in action under varied Mary Dried (not folded) 99c $25 mo. Pat Jameson. Barbara ' mechanical engineering and tectural engineering and drafting ment with two college boys, $25 : conditions House, Eleanor Norris, Jerri Lee ! ---- - business admintateauon majors. degrees. . Hand Ironing Ram near school in per month. 545 S 4th St. The next meeting' will be held at Hunt, Shelby Tree, Marlene Bur- i Francis- house with The Upjohn Co of San 'California men students CH 3-3250 3 p m., Tuesday. March 13 at the get. Harry Sage. Leo Chiantelli. campus Wed- Packing Corporation Alterations co 'also will be on t representatives Institute of Industrial Relations. Carl Shaver, D011 Nash. Ray Ma- I scheduled to be Service FOR SALE here Friday, are looking 1-Day HELP WANTED Building W. S. 8th St. son, Peter Meckel, Aaron Levy. for ac- counting trainees with a Free Parking '59 Ford convertible. new top. and Naney degree white walls, in accounting or business admini- radio and heater. ex- students work 10 Discount cellent condition. 1'7 hours ac!- Alpha Chi Epsilon College Committee stration. $395, Call UN- Shouu! iiake V.80 7-3454 after 5 p.m. age per night. Scars, Roebuck & to Students per week. CY 3-26:' Company re- Initiates Membei s Campus Chapel Service Talks on Problems presentatives also will be on cam- pus Friday to interview persons Alpha Chi Epsilon, society t interested in a beginner training LAUNDRE BRITE e.^ The college calendar mordinat For Every Occasion kindergarten primary and ge::- To Occur at New Time program A degree in any major eral education majors, initiatc.: ing committee discussed problems CLEAN RITE encountered in programming for men with interest and ability Orchid Corsage from 52 thirteen new members at a recent 98 So More May Attend events at its third meeting of the to succeed where human relations Week Days 96 - Sunday 10-3 Carnation Corsage meeting are of major importance is stres- were Joan Balck, Chapel service for the campus, school year held Tuesday, accord- 609 S. 1st St. CY 7-5605 Wedding Work Those initiated ing to Miss Helen Dimmick, asso- ised by the company. elS Beckland, Nancy Labhard, usually scheduled for 9:30 a.In. Phone Ann ciate dean of students. Rose Jones, Merle Lee Tuesdays,,will have its time moved CY 5-6380 or Emma CV 3 538 8 afarchano, LaVerne Moresco, Ml- to 1:30 pm. on that day next The group has decided to send FREE DELIVERY week, announced the Rev. Jim letters to the various organizations Phillips. Shirley Scarlet% Janet them Doris Martin, executive director of the asking to list their 2?ogede $tuel .e . events. lists will be used Velvet& Sexed Weaver and Nancy Student Y. TOWNE FLOWER :lcnry. Gerry as an aid to other groups which SHOP h Ile explained the time would be 1203 SOUTH 1ST " ndol are planning activities the Childhood Educa- changed now and then during the 72 DAYS-115 Plans for stu- ,Members of the committee. in V) Dinner at the Hotel De /VIZ& spring semester to allow more Eapentei '.an faculty members to at- addition to Miss Dimmick, arc: Wednesday also were discussed. dents and - The tend. .Toe II. West, lectures; Barbara ir - GOLDEN BEAR Helen }letterman is scheduled , Fisher. AWS; Ray Freeman, Mu- , be the guest speaker during the The services, sponsored by the Student Christian Council, and dent government: Don Hubbard. ALL-STUDENT FUN TOUR WESTERNER held in Memorial Chapel, are inter- P E. department; Dr. Hartley Sny- IA thi- 1956 denominational and open to all der, music department. and Dr. Restaurant Chi Pi Sigma Will Hold students and faculty members. Harold Crane, fine arts depart- Entertainment on one class Student Ships with leaures Smoker Monday Evening Dr. Joyce W. Farr. pastor of the ment. and language lessons by experts. Chi Pi Sigma. college police fra- First Methodist Church, at 5th For on Adventure in Fine Western Dining ternity. will hold a smoker at 7 and Santa Clara streets. will speak See exciting events en- and places ... Meet o'clock Monday evening at 507 N. on faithfulnegs in marriage, European students in many countries. 1 7 E. SANTA CLARA ST. 3rd St. titling his talk "High Fidelity." Police, CCSF To Meet Dinners $1.30 up presi- PHONE According to Ed Gardner, The San Jose St.,,tc police r.chool 5 departures CY 3-8058 smoker will he open to from New York, JUNE - JULY dent, the pistol team will meet the San and Sll Our Desert Room Available for Luncheons & Banquets all Chi Pi Sigma members Francisco City College student FOR DETAIEED ITINFRARI guests. Payment Due police squad in a pistol match La Torre tomorrow at 7:30 p m. GREENE .5 NELSON The match will be held at the TRAVEL ADVISORS The I,a Torre business staff limeal National Guard armory absolute has set March Li as the . range. The top four scores of 24 East San Fernando pasment of organi- deadline for each of the two teams will be Pip the street from the ramp, ration space contracts, Ray Ma- !compiled in CY 7-2121 Torre business manager determining the team son. 1 a winner. announced yesterday. these contracts are not "If NORTH AMERICAN HAS BUILT MORE AIRPLANES THAN ANY OTHER COMPANY IN AJRL'a met, those organirations ssill not hase space in the magarine this sear." Mason said.

1. Miss Smith To Speak To ISO Meeting Today it Smith of Student will he featured as guest speaker at the meeting of International Stu dents Organization to he held at 12:30 p.m. today in SD 118. Also speaking to the group will he Joe Azzaoui, who will talk on -Secondary Schools of Iraq:' So- ak) Yonemoto, discussing 'The New School System in Japan," and Juan G. Aquino, speaking on "I Special Invite You to the Philippines Edition I Aquino') will show color slides along 'with his lecture. of the I A potluck dinner is being plan I lied for ISO students and friends. to be held March ft. at the Student Spartan Daily I y A sign-up sheet will be avail !able at today's meeting Students Friday, should write the dish they expect March 16 to bring when signing. arcrirdon to the ISO publicity chairman.

Dr. Downey To Hold "Five Minutes till Spring" Fireside Monday Night Pr tali. 'A DOA Or of music, will hold a fireside at his home Monday evening in the of a series of faculty fire- (hid not 0 minute too soon to; you first Features for You sides scheduled by the Student Y engineers, scientists, physicists, mathematicians... to learn what to do, where to go. for the spring semester. according Whnt to Do'' to the Rev James Martin. ond what to wee' to keep in tune The Rev. Martin, executive di rector of the "Y". stated that sit, with this exciting 5C471bOn . . All Swimming, beach parties, dances. dent, interested in the fireside CAN YOU THINK should meet at the "V". corner of the answers ore assembled lot you The places to have 9th and San Antonio streets, at Daily features the best ov this special Spentan Daily, an- 7.30 p m to receive transportation BEYOND MACH the time of your life. to the Downo residence. 2? other colossal edition of the Daily.

Desiring Airborne Vehicles of the future travel, - - holder of the world's first supersonic nem I waste a minute of soling Where to Go' Aeronautics Students ling at speeds so great that thin air becomes a speed record- was designed and built. Share the let the Dolly give you a 5 minute blazing, solid wall ... rs the challenge that North knowledge and experience that has led to North Data dames and other spting head start. on parties, To See Ail Power Film American offers to aeronautical engineers and to American's supersonic supremacy. Be a part ot a A ir roa ci uctivrties where you can take that "extra A film en! Alert compact team of top 1956 ' and a lecture by Jack Bryant specialists in most other sciences. engineers and scientists. special girl" during this season. ;of Remits Ai iation Co will be Pre Work on the most advanced projects right from sented in the Engineering Audi Join North American's engineering operations at the start. Enjoy personal rewards and recognition Itornim March 6 at 3 p m Thomas Leonard. assistant professor of Los Angeles. Here's where the F 100 SUPER from challenging assignments. What to Wear? 'aeronautics, announced today. The color film is based on thc See your Placement Office for an appointment with the North American Representative, or Write: national air last s i .1' Beochweat, play clothes, Easter fashions, show held Bryant will discuss I he tend Bill Nance, Dept. 56C0t, Engineering Personnel Office, North American Aviation, Inc , Los Angeles 45, Calif. other spring attire. Read all about the lat- velems now used on jet and retip rowating engines. est trends, colors and styles on thc Daily. Although the discussion u ill he Engineering Ahead (or a Better latnotruse leveled at the engineering, Indus- 'rial arts and aeronautics majors., all 4-ndetitt4--ere-trnited-tcrser-the-f---- NORTH-AMERICAN AV I AT I 0 N, INC. -novie