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GENERAL CONFERENCE ENGLISH Only GC(XXXVI)/INF/313/REV.2 International Atomic Energy Agency 24 September 1992 GENERAL Distr. GENERAL CONFERENCE ENGLISH only Thirty-sixth regular session Vienna, 21 September - 25 September 1992 LIST OF PARTICIPANTS Information received by 6.p.m. on 23 September 1992 CONTENTS Pase I. MEMBER STATES 03 II. REPRESENTATION OF OTHER ORGANIZATIONS AND OF STATES NOT MEMBERS OF THE AGENCY 74 An asterisk following a name indicates that the participant's husband or wife is present in Vienna. REQUESTS FOR CHANGES IN SUBSEQUENT EDITIONS OF THIS LIST SHOULD BE MADE TO THE PROTOCOL OFFICE IN WRITING. 92-04276 MEMBER STATES AFGHANISTAN ALBANIA Delegate: Mr. Zef MAZI Minister-Counsellor, the Embassy in Austria, Alternate to the Resident Representative Alternate: Mr. Perparim FUGA Directeur de l'Institut de la Physique Nucléaire Mr. Maksim SINEMATI First Secretary, the Embassy in Austria, Adviser to the Resident Representative ALGERIA Delegate: Mr. M. Ramtane LAMAMRA Ambassador to Austria; Governor from Algeria on the Agency's Board of Governors; Resident Representative to the Agency Alternates: Mr. El-Hacène HELLAL Directeur, Secrétariat d'Etat à la Recherche Scientifique Mr. Chérif BENMAHREZ Directeur, Secrétariat d'Etat à la Recherche Scientifique Mrs. Fatma Zohra KSENTINI Minister-Counsellor the Embassy in Austria, Alternate to the Governor and to the Resident Representative Mr. Djelloul TABET First Counsellor, the Embassy in Austria, Alternate to the Resident Representative Mr. Mohamed BENYOUB Sous-Directeur, Secrétariat d'Etat à la Recherche Scientifique Mr. Sid Ali ABDELBARI Chef de bureau, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Abdelkader AZIRIA Counsellor, the Embassy in Austria, Alternate to the Resident Representative Mr. Lyès NAIT TIGHILT First Secretary, the Embassy in Austria, Alternate to the Resident Representative ARGENTINA Delegate: Mr. Manuel Angel MONDINO President, National Atomic Energy Commission Governor from Argentina on the Agency's Board of Governors Alternates: Mr. Jorge Alberto TAIANA Ambassador to Austria; Resident Representative to the Agency; Alternate to the Governor Mr. Enrique de la TORRE Director of Nuclear, Space and International Security, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Roberto Mario ORNSTEIN Director, International Affairs, National Atomic Energy Commission Mr. Gabriel Julio MAFFEI Minister Plenipotentiary, the Embassy in Austria, Alternate to the Governor and to the Resident Representative Mr. Augustin ARBOR GONZALEZ Counsellor, Atomic Energy, the Embassy in Austria, Alternate to the Governor and to the Resident Representative Mr. Carlos HERNANDEZ Directorate of Nuclear, Space and International Security, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Gustavo ZLAUVINEN Second Secretary, the Embassy in Austria Alternate to the Governor and to the Resident Representative AUSTRALIA Delegate: Mr. Michael J. WILSON Ambassador to Austria; Governor from Australia on the Agency's Board of Governors; Resident Representative to the Agency Alternates: Mr. David J. COOK* Executive Director, National Nuclear Science and Technology Organization, Alternate to the Governor Mrs. Elizabeth Ann SCHICK* Counsellor, the Embassy in Austria, Alternate to the Governor and to the Resident Representative Mr. Garth R. HOGG* Counsellor (Nuclear), the Embassy in Austria, Alternate to the Governor and to the Resident Representative Mr. Peter DUERDEN National Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation Mr. John Malcom PAGE* First Secretary, the Embassy in Austria, Adviser to the Governor and Alternate to the Resident Representative Ms. Margaret Mary DURNAN Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade Advisers: Mr. Mark William Christopher HIGGIE* First Secretary, the Embassy in Austria, Adviser to the Resident Representative Ms. Anna Christina GEORGE Second Secretary, the Embassy in Austria, Adviser to the Resident Representative Ms. Jennifer Ruth HANNA Administrative Assistant Ms. Margaret Anne PHILLIPS* Administrative Assistant Ms. Frances Clare WESTON* Administrative Assistant AUSTRIA Delegate: Mr. Heinrich GLEISSNER Ambassador, Federal Ministry of Foreign Affairs; Governor from Austria on the Agency's Board of Governors; Resident Representative to the Agency Alternates: Mr. Ulrich STACHER Director General, Federal Chancellery Mr. Robert MARSCHIK Minister Plenipotentiary, Federal Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. James PREUSCHEN Minister Plenipotentiary, Federal Ministry of Foreign Affairs; Alternate to the Governor and to the Resident Representative Mr. Christian ZEILEISSEN Minister Plenipotentiary, Federal Ministry of Foreign Affairs; Alternate to the Governor and Adviser to the Resident Representative Mr. Fritz-Werner SCHMIDT Director, Federal Chancellery; Alternate to the Governor and Adviser to the Resident Representative Mr. Johann-Klaus HOHENBERG Director, Federal Ministry for Employment and Social Affairs Ms. Maria-Renate WIEDEMANN Federal Ministry for Health, Sports and Consumer Protection Mr. Johannes KRENN Federal Chancellery; Adviser to the Resident Representative Mr. Andreas MOLIN Federal Chancellery Mrs. Teresa INDJEIN-UNTERSTEINER Federal Ministry of Foreign Affairs; Alternate to the Governor and to the Resident Representative Mr. Daniel WESELKA Federal Chancellery; Adviser to the Resident Representative BANGLADESH Delegate: Mr. Jamiruddin SIRCAR Minister-in-Charge of the Ministry of Education Alternate: Mr. M.A. MANNAN Chairman, National Atomic Energy Commission Mr. Iftikharul KARIM Counsellor, Alternate to the Resident Representative BELARUS Delegate: Mr. Alexander MIKHALEVICH Director, Institute of Energy Alternate: Mr. Alexander N. BUBEN Resident Representative to the Agency Advisers: Mr. Sergei SERGEEV Second Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Vladimir KOROLEV First Secretary, Alternate to the Resident Representative BELGIUM Delegate: Vicomte Georges VILAIN XIIII* Ambassador to Austria; Governor from Belgium on the Agency's Board of Governors; Resident Representative to the Agency Alternates: Mr. Bart OUVRY* Second Secretary, Adviser to the Governor and Alternate to the Resident Representative Mr. Charles BEETS* Scientific Counsellor, Adviser to the Governor and to the Resident Representative Mr. Peter SAVERIJS Ministry of Foreign Affairs Experts: Mr. PENDEVILLE Cabinet du Ministre de l'Environnement Mr. SAMAIN Inspecteur général, Ministère de la Santé publique Mr. VAN GEEN Président du Conseil d'Administration du CEN/SCK Mol Mr. GOVAERTS Directeur de l'AIB Vinçotte Mr. DEJONGHE Conseiller, CEN/SCK Mol Mr. MATHIEU Ingénieur, Chargé de cours, Université de Liège BOLIVIA Delegate: Mr. Alvaro Francisco DEL POZO CARAFA First Secretary, the Embassy in Austria, Alternate to the Resident Representative BRAZIL Delegate: Mr. José Luiz de SANTANA CARVALHO Chairman, National Nuclear Energy Commission (CNEN); Governor from Brazil on the Agency's Board of Governors Alternates: Ms. Thereza Maria MACHADO QUINTELLA Ambassador; Resident Representative to the Agency; Alternate to the Governor Mr. Jayro COELHO Minister Counsellor, Alternate to the Governor and to the Resident Representative Mr. Roberto Jaguaribe GOMES de MATTOS Counsellor, Head, Division of Commerce and Advanced Products (DCA), Ministry of External Relations Mr. Roberto FULFARO Director of the Department of Research and Development, National Nuclear Energy Commission (CNEN) Mr. Bernardino PONTES Head of Cabinet of the Chairman of the National Nuclear Energy Commission (CNEN) Mr. Vergniaud ELYSEY FILHO First Secretary, Alternate to the Governor and to the Resident Representative 9 Ms. Virginia Bemardes de SOUZA TONIATTI Second Secretary, Ministry of External Relations Adviser: Mr. Ivan CUNHA NASCIMENTO University of Sao Paulo (USP) BULGARIA Delegate: Mr. Janko JANEV Chairman, Committee on the Use of Atomic Energy for Peaceful Purposes; Governor from Bulgaria on the Agency's Board of Governors Alternates: Mr. Boris GEORGIEV Minister Plenipotentiary, the Embassy in Austria, Alternate to the Governor and to the Resident Representative Mr. Radoslav DEJANOV Director of Division, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Rubin DOBREV Head of Department, Committee on the Use of Atomic Energy for Peaceful Purposes Mr. Ognemir STOIMENOV Second Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs CAMBODIA CAMEROON Delegate: Mr. Jean MELAGA Ambassador; Governor from Cameroon on the Agency's Board of Governors and Resident Representative to the Agency Alternate: Mr. Alfred NGUINI First Counsellor 10 CANADA Delegate: Mr. Edward G. LEE Ambassador to Austria; Governor from Canada on the Agency's Board of Governors and Resident Representative to the Agency Alternate: Mr. Peter McRAE Counsellor, Alternate to the Governor and to the Resident Representative Advirers: Mr. R.J.A. LEVESQUE President, National Atomic Energy Control Board Mr. W.T. HANCOX Corporate Vice-President, Technology and Planning, Atomic Energy of Canada Limited Mme Françoise GUENETTE Vice-President, Corporate Relations, Atomic Energy of Canada Limited Mr. R.W. MORRISON Director-General, Electricity Branch Ministry of Energy, Mines and Resources of Canada Mr. D. SINDEN Deputy Director-General, Administration, National Atomic Energy Control Board Mr. Alan CULHAM Director, Nuclear Division, External Affairs and International Trade Canada Mr. A.E. GRANT Nuclear Division, External Affairs and International Trade Canada 11 Mr. K.P. WAGSTAFF First Secretary (Scientific), Adviser to the Governor and to the Resident Representative Ms. Denise A. DUBOIS Attaché, Adviser to the Resident Representative Ms. Gabrielle METHOT-DORAIS Attaché, Adviser to the Resident
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