S7170 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE December 2, 2020 that, at the very least, a new treat- FAIRNESS FOR HIGH-SKILLED cum laude from the University of ment can further extend the life of IMMIGRANTS ACT OF 2019 with a degree in political science. these men and women. Rather than re- Mr. LEE. Mr. President, as if in legis- The embodiment of a public servant, moving the waiting period for those lative session, I ask unanimous consent ROB began his career as a high school with one specific disease, we should re- that the Committee on the Judiciary teacher at Ben Lomond High School move the waiting period for those who be discharged from further consider- and Box Elder High School, teaching suffer from any of a small select group ation of H.R. 1044 and the Senate pro- courses in German, AP U.S. history and government, and coaching debate. of conditions that have no cure and ceed to its immediate consideration. have the shortest life expectancies. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The He notoriously had one rule in the There is no reason we cannot help clerk will report the bill by title. classroom: I am never wrong. That those who suffer from ALS and these The bill clerk read as follows: might tell you something about ROB other conditions. We can walk and BISHOP. A bill (H.R. 1044) to amend the Immigra- An avid lover of musicals, he was ac- chew gum at the same time. We can tion and Nationality Act to eliminate the protect victims of ALS and these other per-country numerical limitation for em- tive in community theater, where he conditions as well. ployment-based immigrants, to increase the happened to have met his wife The bill, as written, sets the stage for per-country numerical limitation for family- Jeralynn. They first met on the pro- duction of ‘‘South Pacific’’ at the Pal- only those diseases that have the most sponsored immigrants, and for other pur- poses. ace Playhouse, and they later starred recognition and, to put it bluntly, the together as the prince and princess in a most fundraising backing to fund bill The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there production of ‘‘Once Upon a Mattress.’’ sponsors, and it would set at a dis- objection to proceeding to the meas- In their real-life love story, they have advantage the conditions that are far ure? five children—Shule, Jarom, Zenock, more rare and underfunded. Who will There being no objection, the com- Maren, and Jashon, with spouses Me- be the voice for the men and women mittee was discharged, and the Senate lissa, Kristin, Shalise, and Courtney, as who suffer from those diseases? Who proceeded to consider the bill. Mr. LEE. Mr. President, I ask unani- well as nine grandchildren. will fight for them? Adding similarly Inspired in his public service by cruel maladies to this list takes noth- mous consent that the Lee substitute amendment at the desk be considered Barry Goldwater, he was also involved ing away from ALS, and it can make in local politics from a young age, all the difference in the world for and agreed to; and the bill, as amended, be considered read a third time. working at various levels of govern- Americans suffering from similar dis- ment and of the Republican Party. He abilities. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there objection? has gone from being a precinct chair to I had hoped to offer my broader ap- Without objection, it is so ordered. a member of the Republican National proach as an amendment, but after The amendment (No. 2690) in the na- Committee and from being vice chair months and months of working with ture of a substitute was agreed to. of the Davis County Teenage Repub- the Social Security Administration (The amendment is printed in today’s lican Club to the adviser to the Utah and with the Congressional Budget Of- RECORD under ‘‘Text of Amendments.’’) Teenage Republicans in 1996. Starting fice, I was, unfortunately, given incom- The amendment was ordered to be in 1997, he served two terms as chair- plete information at the time an agree- engrossed and the bill to be read a man of the . ment was reached on scheduling a vote third time. At just 25, he was elected to the Utah on this bill. I appreciate Senator COT- The bill was read the third time. House of Representatives when he was TON’s and Senator BRAUN’s patience in Mr. LEE. I know of no further debate known for always wearing sweaters and allowing me to work towards a fix on the bill. no socks. He served in the State legis- while they remain committed to ad- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there lature for 16 years and, during the last vancing their legislation, for which I further debate? 2 years, having been unanimously commend them. Hearing none, the bill having been elected, served as speaker of the house Additionally, while I would have read the third time, the question is, of representatives. hoped that my work with the Social Shall the bill pass? In 2002, after serving in the State leg- Security Administration and the Con- The bill (H.R. 1044), as amended, was islature and having spent 28 years of gressional Budget Office could have passed. teaching, he decided to serve at the na- gone more quickly, I do appreciate Mr. LEE. I ask unanimous consent tional level. As ROB BISHOP said in one their efforts to address my questions that the motion to reconsider be con- of his most popular campaign slogans: and compile the necessary information sidered made and laid upon the table. ‘‘Utah has plenty of Bishops—send this and tools to estimate my amendment’s The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there one to Washington!’’ ROB has faithfully devoted his life to fiscal impact. objection? representing Utah’s First Congres- While I was pleased to see Senator Without objection, it is so ordered. sional District, and he has been doing GRASSLEY’s amendment, which at least TRIBUTE TO ROB BISHOP that ever since making that critical de- would have paid for the removal of the Mr. LEE. Mr. President, I rise today cision to run for Congress. waiting period for ALS, I will continue to honor my friend and colleague, Con- I remember one of the first times I to work on legislation that will remove gressman ROB BISHOP. After 18 years of worked with him when ROB was a rel- the waiting period for diseases that service in the U.S. House of Represent- atively new Member of Congress and I meet a set of criteria—no known cure atives, he has decided to hang up his was serving at the time as general with a life expectancy of less than 5 gloves and embark on his well-deserved counsel to then-Governor Jon Hunts- years—while not further jeopardizing retirement. man. At the time, a private fuel stor- the solvency of the disability insurance ROB BISHOP has served Utah’s First age organization was trying to store program. It will be ready for introduc- Congressional District with integrity, spent nuclear fuel rods in above-ground tion soon. tenacity, humility, and humor, and it storage casks along the Wasatch Front My concerns and efforts have not is my high privilege to have worked corridor, just miles from Utah’s major been about waiving the SSDI waiting with him over the last 10 years and, in metropolitan area and just under the period for those who tragically suffer the process, to have become his friend. low-altitude flight path of fighter jets from ALS. I certainly agree that we Born and raised in Kaysville, UT, flying between Hill Air Force Base to ought to improve the time that they ROB has been a lifelong resident of the Utah Test and Training Range. have left. But picking and choosing fa- Utah’s First Congressional District, Out of all of the Members of Utah’s vorites among those with comparable with the exception of the 2-year mis- congressional delegation at the time, conditions is not the right way to go sion where he lived in Germany while all of whom, I would adhere, were simi- about it. The lives of the men and representing the Church of Jesus larly opposed to this proposal to store women who suffer from other very Christ of Latter-day Saints. He grad- spent nuclear fuel in this particular similar conditions are just as valuable, uated from Davis High School with place in this particular way—our con- and we should be a voice for them, too. high honors and later graduated magna gressional delegation was united in

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:26 Dec 03, 2020 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00028 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G02DE6.046 S02DEPT1 rfrederick on DSKBCBPHB2PROD with SENATE December 2, 2020 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S7171 that regard—but ROB BISHOP stood out make it happen. He was instrumental powerful when he left than it was when as one who was particularly concerned in establishing Falcon Hill, an aero- he came. In all of his time here, he about it and was particularly deter- space research park just outside of Hill sought to put power in Washington mined to prevent such a dangerous idea Air Force Base and a public-private back in the hands of Utahns and back from taking place. partnership between the Air Force, the in the hands of people across the coun- Congressman BISHOP had a full un- State of Utah, and private developers try in their respective States. Just so, derstanding of the problem, and he had that was the first of its kind anywhere in all his time here, he slept on either a complete mastery of the scientific in the country and a model of many an air mattress or on a futon so that he facts of the issue, and he had detailed, more like it to come. wouldn’t get too comfortable, so that helpful ideas about how to address it. ROB has also brought his love of base- he would never feel too ‘‘at home’’ in He also understood the significant and ball with him to Washington. A huge Congress. long-lasting potential ramifications admirer of Mickey Mantle and Ernie Rare is the person who can come to that this plan could have had for Hill Banks, ROB is known to have actual change Washington but not ever be Air Force Base and the Utah Test and dirt from the pitcher’s mound at Yan- changed by Washington. ROB BISHOP Training Range. kee Stadium in his Washington, DC, of- has managed to do just that. He has Thanks to ROB BISHOP’s vision, direc- fice. He has been a long-time supporter made a real difference for the people of tion, and determination, he developed a of the Salt Lake Bees, even cham- Utah and the people of the United strategy and worked hard to imple- pioning the construction of their sta- States of America. ment that strategy and eventually dium while he was in the State legisla- It has been a distinct pleasure to call worked to pass a bill designating the ture, and he is a diehard Cubs fan. him a friend and a colleague, and I area in question as wilderness—cre- Every year, he dons a uniform himself, have to say I am going to miss ROB ating a wilderness curtain around the leading his office in the intramural BISHOP’s service here in Washington. designated storage area—making it im- baseball league on Capitol Hill, with Just the same, we have all benefited possible for the storage plant to be their team name known as the and we will all continue to benefit for completed. ROB BISHOP thus success- ‘‘Raucus Caucus.’’ many decades to come from what he fully prevented spent nuclear fuel rods ROB has brought the same passion he has done here, who he has been here, from coming to Utah and being stored has for baseball to serving his constitu- and what he has stood for here so val- in a particularly unsafe way and in an ents. He has, for years, worked with iantly and consistently and faithfully unsafe place close to Utah’s major pop- the Close Up Foundation to bring high and with such great decency and hu- ulation center. school students to Washington, and he mility. Though relatively new to Congress at has partnered with teachers and stu- Thank you. I yield the floor. the time, ROB was punching way above dents to put on an AP government con- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- his weight. Why? Well, because he is ference every year. ator from Oklahoma. awesome and because he was willing to He has famously led constituent and COMMUNICATIONS DECENCY ACT dive into the nitty-gritty details of an student groups on long, expert night- Mr. INHOFE. Mr. President, there is issue and put in the hard work, not time tours of the Capitol Building. In a rather complicated issue that is out knowing and, frankly, not even caring fact, he is known as the guy who gives the very best Capitol tours in all of there that not many people are aware who got the credit. ROB BISHOP just Washington, and he has consistently of. It emanates from back in 1996 with wanted to get it done. That is who ROB spent hours upon hours late into the the passage of something called the BISHOP is, that is how he serves, and night making personal phone calls to Communication Decency Act. that is why we love him. That has each constituent who writes in to his Just a few weeks before the 2020 elec- characterized ROB BISHOP’s entire time office. tion, Twitter did what was previously in Congress: doggedly, thoughtfully, One of my favorite things about ROB unthinkable: It suppressed a long- and honestly working for Utahns’ best BISHOP is precisely how understated standing, legitimate news outlet—that interests, and never really caring much and down to Earth and often self-depre- was the New York Post—from sharing who got the attention. cating he is. It is a true feat when you an article either publicly or privately He served on the Armed Services have been in Congress as long as he has it deemed unfavorable to Presidential Committee, the powerful House Rules and accomplished as many things as he candidate Joe Biden. Obviously, they Committee, and the Science Com- has. were concerned about Joe Biden, and mittee. As both chair and ranking While he is known for his sharp they were using this act to suppress in- member of the Natural Resources Com- three-piece suits here in Washington, I formation that may not have been fa- mittee, he chaired hearings with his can’t count the number of plane rides I vorable. That is not what is supposed characteristically witty quips and wry have taken with ROB BISHOP where he to happen, what it is supposed to do. To jokes. He has also chaired the Congres- shows up on the plane actually wearing make it worse, they suspended an ac- sional Western Caucus, served on the gym shorts, sandals, and a hoodie. In count of the Post—that is a major news House German Caucus for his whole fact, basically every time, he has given outlet—for over 24 hours. tenure, including for 2 years as chair, me the sage advice not to torture my- While other big tech entities sup- and he helped found the 10th Amend- self wearing a suit while on a 4-hour pressed the story as well, the depths of ment Task Force. plane ride. Twitter’s censorship reached new When Speaker of the House John In fact, just the other day—just this heights, telling users that sharing the Boehner created committees for con- week, as we were flying from Salt Lake article could be ‘‘potentially harmful.’’ gressional reform, ROB BISHOP was City to Washington, DC, he commended There is no criteria to determine what named chairman of the Committee for me for finally having gotten the memo. is potentially harmful; they just de- Procedural Reform and, later on, lead- At least this time, as he noted, I wasn’t cided—it is a liberal mindset, and they er of the Rules group. Under Speaker wearing a suit, although he derided me want to punish people who are not Paul Ryan, he was named chair of the a little bit for not wearing shorts. sharing their mindset. Federalism Committee. ROB did all this But when you have a conversation Contrast that with the refusal to in addition to being a staunch advocate with ROB BISHOP, you never feel that moderate any comments made by for the military and, in particular, for he is trying to advance his own agenda Iran’s Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Hill Air Force Base. or gain attention or fanfare. As a mat- Khamenei, who called Israel a ‘‘can- One of his proudest achievements was ter of fact, it is quite the opposite. It cerous growth’’ to be ‘‘uprooted and de- getting an extension of the Michaels feels like a real conversation with a stroyed’’ and for the ‘‘elimination of airstrip at the Dugway Proving Ground real goal to fix a problem. He simply the Zionist regime’’ through ‘‘firm, in Tooele County. When he was told tells it like it is—an altogether rare, armed resistance’’ despite having a pol- that there was no funding for it to be refreshing, and much needed quality on icy against hateful conduct and glori- attained at the Federal level, he suc- Capitol Hill. fying violence. That is what they did. cessfully got the Utah State Legisla- When ROB ran for Congress, he said it Those are the words. That is what they ture to appropriate the funding to was his goal to make Congress less did.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:39 Dec 03, 2020 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00029 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G02DE6.048 S02DEPT1 rfrederick on DSKBCBPHB2PROD with SENATE S7172 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE December 2, 2020 Yet it proves what President Trump not surprising when you look at the ample, Twitter can’t be held respon- has been talking about for a long pe- employee culture they have in that sible for someone who posts a death riod of time on social media. Look media. threat against me, and I understand what they have done to him over the Here is the problem with section 230. that. That is where we are today. But last 4 years. According to a strict interpretation of they are also protected from what they It is time to make sure that Twitter the 1996 law, that is allowed. Partisan censor even if it is in violation of the and other social media platforms are censorship is allowed. Senator RON First Amendment or it is protected held accountable for engaging in cen- WYDEN even admitted that, when writ- speech. No one else has this shield. No sorship by repealing section 230 of the ten, section 230 wasn’t about neutrality one else in society has this, which is Communications Decency Act. Now, or protecting the free marketplace of why President Trump is right. We need that sounds a little complicated. The ideas on platforms. a total repeal. Communications Decency Act—we Clearly, we need to completely over- If you look at what they had done to know why it was started, but we know haul section 230, and the best way to do President Trump over the last 4 years, times have changed, and now it has it is just repeal it. Repeal the whole you will know exactly what I am talk- turned into a very liberal political or- thing. That is what the President ing about. But the place for repeal is ganization. wants to do. Then you could start over not the Defense authorization bill. For over 20 years, social media plat- again and build up. There is an idea that the Defense au- forms have benefited from protec- Times have changed. The argument thorization bill for 60 years in a row tionism unprecedented in the modern we hear against reforming alone or re- now has passed, and so everybody who era—a complete liability shield pro- pealing would be that any changes to has something that doesn’t pass nor- tecting them from how they moderate section 230 would give social media mally, they try to put it on as an or censor content posted for their platforms like Twitter greater control amendment—having nothing to do with users. To add insult to injury, there is over content on their platforms. They the military and having nothing to do no one to check the partisan censor- are not wrong, but that argument ig- with our defense system for the ensu- ship of these social media platforms. nores the fact that censorship is al- ing year. So that is how this one was Instead, they are coddled by section ready happening for Americans due to decided. They put this on. The problem 230’s ‘‘Good Samaritan’’ provision, their political beliefs, in violation of is, if it had that language repealing it, which allows ‘‘good-faith’’ efforts to re- the First Amendment—it is supposed we would not have a defense bill. So strict objectionable material. But the to protect people—without any trans- there is not a choice in this case. We problem is, they are the ones who de- parency or recourse. need a place for repealing section 230, cide what is objectionable. Others believe in the need to reform and we need to do it. We all know Jesus’s parable of the 230 incrementally, but those solutions The NDAA is about making sure that Good Samaritan. The moral imperative are merely bandaids on a bullet wound. our troops are cared for. It is for our that comes from the parable has guided We have seen the negative impact of kids in the field. They are the ones we many legislative protections for those incremental reforms. They just don’t are supporting. They are the ones who seeking to do good—doctors responding work. A good example: Efforts to hold need us. If we don’t have this Defense to problems with people in midair. I users accountable for information by authorization bill passed by December can remember many times I was in- requiring a ‘‘real name’’ associated 31, our pilots are not going to get flight volved as a volunteer pilot helping to with an account has seen Native Amer- pay; the kids are not going to get haz- ard pay. The whole thing will fall get people medical care. People who icans blocked from platforms for using apart. are trying to do the right thing. We their legal names. Just think about the problems we are know that is significant. We know that Social media platforms and sup- having in the military. One of the big porters of section 230’s last-ditch argu- is what the history was supposed to be problems is—and the Presiding Officer ment is to tell conservative voices to on this section, section 230. It was in- recognizes this because he is on this create their own social media plat- tended to make sure that Twitter could committee—right now, our big problem flag and remove unquestionably harm- forms since they clearly aren’t wel- is how to get more pilots into the Air ful content, like ISIS and their propa- come in those that are existing today. Force, into the services. They can’t do ganda videos. That sounds good, except that the it because of the competition out In the case of the social media plat- problem is that Twitter and others there. We can’t compete with the pri- forms, however, it amounts to nothing have a de facto monopoly on social vate sector. Now, if we take away their more than the fox guarding the hen- media. House Democrats agree. They flight privileges, then it could be good- house. Instead of focusing on modera- wrote a 400-plus page report arguing bye to most of our pilots. tion to protect users from death Big Tech constitutes a monopoly. We just need to get this thing done. threats or harassment and to prevent Just remember the internet, what it It should not be on the Defense bill. I criminal behavior, Twitter is allowed was like back in 1996. In 1996, only 20 want to make this appeal to make sure to determine what is ‘‘otherwise objec- million Americans had access to the that no one has the idea that the Na- tionable’’ and censor it from the plat- internet—only 20 million Americans in tional Defense Authorization Act is the form, with no right to appeal and no 1996. Today, 313 million Americans place to have it. transparency. I mean, where else can have access. So now it is a way of life. I give the President and my col- you go in America and find someone The reality is that section 230 is sim- leagues my commitment that I will do who is totally immune from that type ply outdated for today’s usage and is a everything possible to work toward a of behavior? You can’t. It doesn’t exist. strong case for why all laws should complete repeal of section 230 through This is a case in point. Last year, sunset. One of the problems I have with other means. It has to happen. Presi- they kowtowed to the Chinese Com- laws that are passed is that they can be dent Trump is right. Total repeal is the munist Party by removing the ac- passed, the problem is corrected that only answer if we are going to make counts of more than 100 dissidents caused the laws to be passed, but the sure we get this thing done—not on the ahead of the 30th anniversary of the laws stay on the books. That is exactly bill, not on the Defense authorization Tiananmen Square massacre. I remem- what has happened with this. bill, but in any of the other vehicles ber that well. I remember where I was Section 230 is outdated and needs to that come along. It has to be done. when that happened. But they didn’t be changed. Otherwise, we will find With that, I yield the floor. want people to know that type of thing ourselves here time and again, forced I suggest the absence of a quorum. actually went on, and that was some- to rectify decades-old laws with mod- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The how objectionable. ern technology and ideas. clerk will call the roll. Twitter’s censorship and actions over Let me simplify. Section 230 allows The senior assistant legislative clerk the past few years make it clear it has Twitter and other liberal social media proceeded to call the roll. decided that President Trump is objec- companies to be exempt from liabil- Mr. INHOFE. Mr. President, I ask tionable, and they decide that they are ity—there is no accountability whatso- unanimous consent that the order for just going to act accordingly. That is ever—for what their users say. For ex- the quorum call be rescinded.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:39 Dec 03, 2020 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00030 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G02DE6.050 S02DEPT1 rfrederick on DSKBCBPHB2PROD with SENATE December 2, 2020 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S7173 The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without 5 years—that would be from 2010 to have to do that, and we have to show objection, it is so ordered. 2015—he knocked down the military our superiority, and we have to make NATIONAL DEFENSE AUTHORIZATION ACT budget by 25 percent. It had never hap- it last. That is what we are doing right Mr. INHOFE. Mr. President, I think pened before—not since World War II now. It is a very significant time. it is important that we acknowledge anyway. Yet we found ourselves in a I anticipate that we are going to be what is going on right now. What is situation where we couldn’t compete. able to get this done, and I applaud the going on is that the most significant Now, they will argue with you, and President for the time that he has vote of the year is taking place. It is they will say: Well, we spend more spent and the money that he has spent called the Defense authorization bill, money on defense than Russia and on rebuilding our military. You hear the NDAA. It has passed every year for China put together. That is true, but him say all the time that we now have 60 years now. This will be the 60th year there is a big difference, and that is the strongest military that we have it is passed. Nothing else has a record that in Communist countries they ever had and we are in great shape. But like that. don’t care about taking care of their we are still rebuilding. We still have Yet there is always trauma at the troops. Our job is to make sure that areas where our adversaries have bet- tail end, and the reason there is trau- our kids have a prosperous career. ter equipment than we do. ma is that everyone knows it is going They want to defend their country, but So that is what is going on today. to pass—and it is going to pass—so they also have families. They have to That is what is taking place. It is a anything they can’t pass during the take care of their families. very proud time that we can say that normal process of the year, for any Housing has been a huge problem in we are now addressing those things number of reasons, they try to put on the military, so we want to make sure that are the most significant things this as an amendment. Some things are that we have good housing for our going on in Washington today. not acceptable because they have the troops—not just here in the United I suggest the absence of a quorum. effect of killing the bill. States but around the world—and we The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Now, we have two people who have are doing that. clerk will call the roll. been working with the committees put- Now, in Communist countries they The senior assistant legislative clerk ting this thing together. I know that give them a gun and say: Go out and proceeded to call the roll. the Presiding Officer knows this, but kill people. They don’t care about the Mr. INHOFE. Mr. President, I ask these people have worked an entire troops. They don’t spend any of that unanimous consent that the order for year and many, many more than half money. the quorum call be rescinded. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without the weekends. People have this idea So the largest expense, the largest objection, it is so ordered. that people don’t work in Washington ticket on running a military operation ORDER OF PROCEDURE on causes. They do on this one. is taking care of the people. So that is John Bonsell in my office has been why it is important that people under- Mr. INHOFE. Mr. President, I ask the director, the support of the bill, stand this. unanimous consent that notwith- with Liz King on the Democratic side. There is also a document that nobody standing the provisions of rule XXII, They have worked hand in hand to- reads anymore. It is called the Con- the postcloture time on the Waller gether. People talk about how Demo- stitution. You read that and say: What nomination expire at 11:30 a.m. tomor- crats and Republicans fight with each are we supposed to be doing in Wash- row and the Senate vote on confirma- other. Not on this bill. We all support ington? We get involved in so many dif- tion of the nomination; I further ask it. We all want it. We all want to make ferent things. Yet, when you read the that if cloture is invoked on the Hardy sure it is done and it is done right. Constitution, it says that our primary nomination, the postcloture time ex- So we have a defense authorization concern should be to defend against an pire at 1:45 p.m. tomorrow and the Sen- bill. It will be the largest one that we outside enemy, and then other areas— ate vote on confirmation of the nomi- have had in the history of the Defense transportation and a few other areas— nation; finally, that if any of the nomi- authorization bills. It is one that, with- are mentioned. But the No. 1 concern is nations are confirmed, the motions to out it, we are not going to be able to that we have to have a military that is reconsider be considered made and laid take care of our kids in the field. second to none. We want to make sure. upon the table and the President be im- We have to remember that, while Let me say this about our President. mediately notified of the Senate’s ac- there are a lot of hitchhikers on this When he first came into office, Presi- tion. bill on causes that we have determined dent Trump recognized what had hap- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without to be worthwhile causes, we don’t do it pened to our military and had recog- objection, it is so ordered. if it is going to be something that will nized that there are things like f take down the bill. So we want to hypersonic—that is a very recent, mod- LEGISLATIVE SESSION make sure that nothing would jeop- ern technology that they are working ardize passing the Defense authoriza- on in China and Russia and other tion bill. places, and we are actually behind MORNING BUSINESS Now, the key is December 31 of this them at this time. Mr. INHOFE. Mr. President, I ask year. If we don’t have the bill passed by People assume that America has bet- unanimous consent that the Senate December 31 of this year, I mentioned ter everything in the military than proceed to legislative session for a pe- that we have problems, that any of the China has and Russia has, and that is riod of morning business, with Sen- specialist groups—and I talk about the not true. They have artillery systems ators permitted to speak therein for up pilots; I talk about those involved in that are better than the artillery sys- to 10 minutes each. hazard occupations—the SEALs—the tems that we currently have. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without individuals who are out there risking So we have a job that I consider to be objection, it is so ordered. their lives to a greater extent than the most significant job—significant f others do in the military. And they are job for the defense of our country, and out there doing it for this reason, and it is just that: to defend our country. ALS DISABILITY INSURANCE we want to make sure that they are I want to applaud all of these people ACCESS ACT OF 2019 willing to take these risks. We want to who work long hours. We are now to Mr. GRASSLEY. Mr. President, I make sure that we are taking good the point where they are what they have an amendment to offset the costs care of people. call turning the page. We are ready to to the Social Security’s disability in- I run into people all the time who pass a bill. We are in the process of get- surance trust fund associated with S. say: You are always so concerned about ting signatures from the committees. 578. Eventhough my amendment did our military. Yet the chief competition There are a lot of people who don’t not gain the 60 vote threshold, I want that we have is with whom: Russia and like the idea of having to sign a bill my colleagues to know that you just China? Russia and China actually, and sign on to a bill, yet they know can’t tap into the Social Security dis- after the last administration—that was that in order to maintain a superior ability trust funds without dire future the Obama administration. In the last position over China and Russia, we consequences.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:39 Dec 03, 2020 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00031 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G02DE6.052 S02DEPT1 rfrederick on DSKBCBPHB2PROD with SENATE