Extensions of Remarks
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2292 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS February 1, 1996 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS LEGISLATION TO REIMBURSE than $200,000 in their own defense, some not overlook India's brutal repression of Sikhs, WHITE HOUSE TRAVEL OFFICE $150,000 of which was reimbursed in a Trans Christians, and Muslims. India and the United EMPLOYEES FOR LEGAL EX portation appropriations bill in 1994. States should be friends, but our friendship PENSES While this bill will make financially whole the will become increasingly strained unless India seven fired Travel Office workers for their starts to practice the democratic values it HON. WIWAM F. CUNGER, JR. legal expenses, I regret that nothing I can do claims. OF PENNSYLVANIA will ever erase the needless, baseless· suffer Also troubling are India's testing of the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ing inflicted upon them and their families as their reputations were trashed before the world Prithvi-11 missile. The missile's 156-mile range Thursday, February 1,1996 to make way for friends of the First Family and is a clear threat to Pakistan. In context of this Mr. CLINGER. Mr. Speaker, I rise today Harry Thomason. For that, I am deeply sorry. blatant intimidation of Pakistan, India's desire with several of my colleagues, including Major I want to commend the White House to test another nuclear device can only be ity Leader ARMEY, to introduce legislation to spokesman for publicly admonishing Mr. Rob seen as an extension of its threats to Paki reimburse the seven White House Travel Of ert Bennett, the attorney representing Presi stan. I share India's suspicion of China's re fice employees for legal expenses incurred as dent Clinton and Harry Thomason for continu gional intentions, but that mutual suspicion a result of their firings on May 19, 1993. ing the administration's attack on Mr. Dale and does not give it leeway to threaten force It was nearly 3 years ago that seven men his colleagues. I wrote the President asking who had served in the Travel Office for any him to call off his attack squad and that now against its other neighbors. where from 9 to 32 years were fired summarily seems to be happening. According to the United States State De and placed under a cloud of suspicion when The White House spokesman also indicated partment the Indian Government paid over the White House announced they were the that the President will sign this legislation. I 41 ,000 cash bounties to police officers for the subjects of a criminal investigation. Only one anticipate these bills will pass both Chambers killing of Sikhs since 1991. Sikhs are not the of the seven men was indicted and, in the relatively quickly. only victims of India's state terrorism. In addi wake of a 3D-month long investigation, a jury I am pleased to introduce this bill on behalf tion to the estimated 150,000 Sikhs who have took only 2 hours to acquit Billy Dale of the of the seven Travel Office employees. They been murdered by the Indian Government two charges against him. served their country for many years with pride, The seven men fired from the White House integrity, and ethics. All of these characteris since 1984, tens of thousands of Christians Travel Office on May 19, 1993, appeared be tics are essential if we ever hope to restore and Muslims have also been killed. In fact, all fore the Committee on Government Reform people's faith in their Government. non-Hindus are at risk, of oppression in India. and Oversight last Wednesday. Individually H.R.- If India is "the world's largest democracy," as and collectively, they spoke, with an elo Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep it claims to be, then how can it pile up such quence which has touched the Nation, of the resentatives of the United States of America in a gruesome death toll? If India respects the pride they took in serving the White House Congress assembled, human rights of the people who live in India, under Democrat and Republican Presidents. SEC110N 1. REIMBURSEMENT OF CERTAIN why do so many citizens of India want to get Mr. McSweeney put it best when he said, and LEGAL EXPENSES AND RELATED out from under Indian rule? I quote: FEES. I would hope that people would understand (a) IN GENERAL.-The Secretary of the I have criticized the absence of religious that, for me and thousands of others, when Treasury shall pay, from amounts in the freedom in Burma, Vietnam, China, and other Air Force One would arrive, the markings on Treasury not otherwise appropriated, such sums as are necessary to reimburse former totalitarian countries. India's record does not the side were not Democratic Party or Re seem much better. Just this week, the Indian publican Party-it read "United States of employees of the White House Travel Office America." The emblem on its side was not a whose employment in that Office was termi Government jailed an 88-year-old Catholic political poster, it was the seal of the Execu nated on May 19, 1993, for any legal expenses priest and a 5Q-year-old nun on charges of tive Office of the President of the United and related fees they incurred with respect violating a law outlawing religious conversion. States. When the door opened, the man or to that termination. woman chosen by the people of this country (b) VERIFICATION REQUIRED.-The Secretary Beyond India's systematic abuse of human to fill that office had my complete loyalty shall pay an individual in full under sub rights in Kashmir, Nagaland, and Khalistan, I and support. I did that for 13 of the proudest section (a) upon submission by the individual am deeply concerned with India's growing years of my life. of documentation verifying the legal ex penses and related fees. negative role in Afghanistan. India's support I know that Mr. McSweeney spoke for all six (C) NO INFERENCE OF LIABILITY.-Liability for the Rabbani regime in Kabul troubles me of his colleagues when he said those words of the United States shall not be inferred because of Mr. Rabanni's rejection of efforts and he spoke for the pride of a nation in the from enactment of or payment under this to return Afghanistan to peace. I have pro Office of the President. section. posed that former King Zahir Shah serve as a It pains me to say that I now believe that the charges made against those seven men transitional Head of State of Afghanistan while by this administration appear to have been HUMAN RIGHTS VIOLATIONS AND the Afghan people write a constitution, orga baseless, unwarranted, and intended to pro UNFRIENDLY FOREIGN POLICY nize elections, and ultimately, establish a vide cover for an act of political cronyism. The IN INDIA peaceful and democratic Afghanistan. Unfortu fact that these men were, and are, innocent, nately, Mr. Rabanni has opposed this possible however, does not mitigate their suffering as HON. DANA ROHRABACHER solution in favor of continued fighting and FBI and IRS agents trooped through their OF CALIFORNIA chaos. Indian's support for Rabanni makes neighborhoods inquiring into their character, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES him less likely to accept reasonable efforts to their conduct, and their families. Nor does it end Afghanistan's bloodshed. make up for nearly three-quarters of $1 million Thursday, February 1, 1996 in legal expenses they incurred in the course Mr. ROHRABACHER. Mr. Speaker, India re- India should be our friend. But, Mr. Speaker, of mounting their own defense. cently celebrated the anniversary of the adop- the more we learn about India, the harder that Billy Dale's legal defense has cost him near tion of its constitution. While 1 applaud India's friendship will be to sustain. ly $500,000. His six colleagues spent more embrace of democratic principles, we should e This "bullet" symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. February 1, 1996 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 2293 TRIBUTE TO THOMAS FRANCIS season, he had increased the stock and store group AA championship. The Blue Devils fin CORCORAN of the world. And today. at the close of his ished the year 14-1 under Coach Tom final season, he has added to the storehouse McFerrin. Lincoln County High School won the of memories of each of us. HON. JERRY WELLER Grandpa was a strong man, who did hard group A championship. The Red Devils were OF ll..LINOIS physical labor all his life. In recent years the undefeated, going 15-0 under Coach Larry IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES time had taken a toll. One of his great loves Campbell. I am very proud of the efforts of was training and racing horses. Remember these young men, . the.re coaches, teachers, Thursday, February 1, 1996 that in a race the horse and jockey do not and the communities that supported them. Mr. WELLER. Mr. Speaker, I want to inform stop when they reach the line: there is a lit They are a credit to the State of Georgia. my colleagues in the House of Representa tle canter before reaching a standstill. It is Mr. Speaker, it is my distinct pleasure to tives of the recent death of Thomas Francis then that the jockey hears the cheers of the herald the accomplishments of these three Corcoran of Ottawa, IL, at the age of 86.