of the Com mon- " Russia's tlenigns" are explained in egree» keep a (-harp watch upon the Kew world «-«ci*»«»d on him. Bade of »lio (\ir1y historic dny« Court- I Then the Chr«*Mnn ton« st these r«N«»nt spoudeiion on the second page, togeth«*r willi Benaa. Ul na know what tatt-ful ami election», «ff., obit Foti UttnrnA of Klectiom inb lids lo resale and dis wealth. TIh« general appro¬ m ente, etc., £l)ie Crcning. nevcrol Stolen for IfiTO, bim an example, lina l*«*«*n ««'¦counts from Naples of the latest political priate ornament ím propoBcd an a _\ nanti kelti ¡n the by __fmt' itHclf into dernier morality by pu'ting batta moling* of New-Kiiglandcra ».Issuiuto ' IhettriH», ami in S ctr-Vori.. _--'___ ci[)line of the faith and religious movements in Italy. f')r the donn, ami -At "Kip Van Witi- OoBggtti rt>m- siw in III«« lu moid fttiy serious iiaaortion whaleveiother changea of l'iiktni'sTiiiTTHi. DsmlR: neu. anti Cotisiciteiit. by town«, earefolly bun If I bnilal death. I'lins! are 81».- BBaaaa ; ia i'i «ia sll ; Mid, therefor«». ÜB*! is pim meditated. A bul. volimN-er atlen- taajb ' the rttttfnt uf trari man thal littve ||i:it Al I .*><- "aanloaa. tnared with former trror,«¡_J"5w thief U't-on the cost the might in »I»» THE NEW ALLIANCE lion from \b ,.,rs. Vaux t\ PBftn-AVBBtiaTBBaiBB. trith antro other um tul iriformalwn. " soiiip!!iiih: ¦ littli- m« «.lignions |IB~i (Mn.Bted Bak(»d r.i.u«"." been, and lo lum. Thii night thou floliah who tele¬ one of the tim st davni>0ffBBA__BBBb-Attan48:.nuit)« : treen for *? apollo " with which Dr. lli-Uows Major O'Wrady Gahagun, vistas in th, (>nlra| Ai«w* cc-iUprrcnm hhiom*.¡ " His fol¬ gglWMki words »i-^ tlTlr. " V-)?%?""lTe»r gani,-,, Lis v Kdwin's TiiP.iTKR.-AI misused mili ».'ii. .-h.'iiniiii iiiiswcrt.I IMpilHW poa .V« (I- J'(If/, . lowers to-day see in this oilier pom bc- li lins of French ia our coteened Mead -»mular waHhfulrieM and _____^mmm^--^-...-- t nit-«. Mm on th. pl.it foi m, lan», Bight, rietoey Balik .pint mar (ivPDPN.-At 11 ami I "The HI n 1» Cibob. life a Iio|m-Ickh evil, for which the only ]«in.«l, 'Ihr World, has a rival at hutt. The Mt. P< t» rs- Hitircepl rtipiiif of the Ñutí«.'* ** before <>»' wh«. baa eaan Hlupitli,(M .f »i.0 lui..til. At2 -nul «i: \\ . «j W ii ii Win The (-vitlcn."!' inlnnl-tnil forever, he fami. s, tan nns thousands people the ¡JJ OivMt- ¡J«found*«J-will is t»t» blot it out IV-ilmps one of the «hnrcst burg correspondent of Indrpcnilanrp Hehjc Court»! lourie CoininisTioti. bia" I I- I»«- to (hat (he iiiyr-tinou-lv but tu lisien to him. H amlN "('iiqii.tt'"»' gate prove in is for hope is it long, If be had ¦ jeai-u writ«** f.u- has d«-vclope«l ¦ capacity in the manufacture W ni v. h\ Tin vTii:.-At of tin» lal«' Jaa-eja B. l'a.*»lor I fon-ery the .uni pi »iii'iiHi..«t tkiaken wh«> «¡11 leave mont I to wish the blood-stains off, gulf »mi of Casai»-» before which the inventive powers Mr. Honi,,,.,,', !,.M iviibnll', in, t-. At aadS; "Cinderella.'' Milong hihI pot.ilive. und » MBB of <-'r,'lt »aaiB-Bg much b,,,.*, ¦BB-Yoaa Cn:, M LI I («ilainly ln-fnro lum at hin bu'h nu,'ht nimii, at Toura sink into utter in- M ri-rm«««. »4W«Sanr prrtornan«-« 8.- ii "¡til the ¡don that thal yawned Ilia BBI of the gentleman Wilhelm»!,,.],,-. Taro dall in B^aartrna ni.«st peitOBfl iiiip-.f**»« a vear or v> ni.» «ho surveyed p»phlete on« d «US Im- t rosse-d. Hut there is not Mpfri-BBB, This newsmonger at the month are too >an luvst i», MiBBiBB-Bi Ka. Broadway. lias lu cn rascality soniev»herc. The case yet iiKMt gmt Hit» vi.st lii'hl signilicaiice. capital much for ,|u* palience .f r Patt», d.txwa. r*WBtr,r arl. s r. there und there ii" generally tli-s.il contenta of a ti nttcntion mid inonlh. Ile «-its und waits; has studied men in of the Czar has discovered the '""»,-Mfl-iuig Iii. lasl ellon W« 1)1 » Mt »«IM 4M> M»SW"T"!" at 9Uad largely attracta legal igiteteB di of literature, mid publie. whiol t»"«i« T.- "¦. in «em la _o_a__»___»-4 .ä-»_, from President (îr.nit to the .¦r.n« .ra ,h. v ^^^^^ bnndredi hil or letter appiaiH indei »he ...rue of .,, tiktUtBurmL" tot ¡al eil« Ich not n lillie. As it is man. lands, had BB Imitation Cain iiiod..ty privat«, Marqum da over the «ountty, wailing with him. life's Alexander, and he not only «tates its (»rtmot.it, is ;J and ni M tho result of hi* laborious I'lnjieror tedhNH di-lngemiouH de, Chiistiiuis. have ft dinner of turkey, and giving, tho most minute¬ lense of his it hob» t'.llOlüfßO _\0tUC6. 'Iii. r« ¡s linio t,nor for the Italian BE th«y that tim work of the substance with inipn*ssive administrai mi. The an- Kinf while the clocks on reflection, hi-t conviction s Meeta-, as they cat it. atcst ness, hut. what he solemnly guarantees thflt uppi aislo have fourni .tea ti» son,., elect ¡n tim prut ist ol lit" di|)«iM'«l \ggja is gi NVw-F.nghiml waa tim gr» gives for hi« Bbmbuict*! Timk, N<». Bil Broadway. Spoin CliriiHfIrin chinchen tick oil the hours until lu.in.li tim literal text. We have own he i »« Witch««. Jutiikt ian Ritraaw««». but the ti *t this le wD t«» Im. very nearly reading; eth-tnhw could iot have til 9 m holm and tin« .upirtng Doa Carlos; hy min; country sent Iiunn? « .' Ila) Uti o;r» p. shall the aOOfO, and take yet performed reason to believe thal the Czar te wild an IIV.t. hr. i fruin tin« and Christian fingen» slip the in fart good the mai umiigest,*«i i^,,,; Sprri.ltl'-«I )_ .-iniriy («lies which pro«.'ed *K-oplc t,,.iiv tin- vanguard of the world j that puer Prias «T ItK.iTiiaR«. N- Broanw.»,_-_ the last chance of fnrgiveness froa Ihetn. n-iul the lett« to the coi respondent, ihti.s and contiailii lions. Al the l'«(it«.s nmy will cause bim lo pause. Tia» B_ nunton ti*, the tni." starting jMiiitt of uctiially fad |lf. K,1>H ,hf, HtiiiDAV PBaaama Whit's here loan to take a copy of war was the n -nil lal.« of Maximilian cannot be forgotten on Talk of Christiandaylight? civilization of tito planet. Of ami would have allow«*d lum «.f pailiamcntuy gov, ni re Cn» MgtMBÍ at the nu tit some hesi- Is«side foul weather I «s to it had they not both b. en on horseback ami minisUnal M UfWi>r. APPKtTION IBB ("11 «PITT, the Adriatic; aiid there is naturally >w coane« h.* ioea nat daba tim Brui plata l"_a|M-_ri|--ilUjr, »1,K Down the street comes another yo-mg fell tho under which cir¬ lion which he lor_, !s finan, m Yu ««n lalion tlie is again mudo to the woihl of original thought. time, reviewing troops, and denies before hi w,.« UvTHi». Baaeaaaa, before titiempt of the in hil achievement in sawt«- m. h m wlio for ii nitfa the very genial spirit day inn cumstances waa inipoHwibl«'. President close«. Ho UM si Vaaaama * BamteM tesa-Btiasa thrust a inona.ch 0:1 «t people ligfc We have produced no\Hhak«'s|K»are Milton copying ,ays niggle nu . ,,.._,( in l'-i and Biron»*, friendly voice. A Ml j that "at the H.vi.' a Million clear eye nor Mérhan'upie Crlette. (inmt, it seems, has written aUe eooeeqnence »f the nggran.l_cn.cnt c.« _ .ipi Nonim .«.! InitrnrtloB Cntu l.'cpiililic. whole-.fart' d, OfCRgBM " j W«-r.n»' of education und natural power, ' read tirst word from Russia tho whole naval Pru.s-.ia, and pcfntl a long eui ular \i ritten b IS. limad« » mur» Americans than Knglishnien t-tlttn-mm. tin. lo bunk with instincts matt Ve« of the states will eaaeea- hlMllllf to show it not. He (»on. Trochu iniide anotlier effort unselfish, sltonß religious hii«1 hihiii" forty milli.ins of Bi "flotea Batted mtm mis Le (a Casi of Hi mi-ükvx'» Hobko- her sons whom Shakespeare, " will there the ~A FabiÍt ,. onr of 1h» moat n-r'til on but Wedin it is most of all trate in the M«-iliterran«*an, and reted of hi_i fra. in- ro«tiB|r hat et> ol 110 away from Paris Tiii-sdny, si!ay hoy, likely, ¡i more definite i