Firl SCSSiall Preinfare sir,..tlam ?it Pa Thirir-wmod Pirliamera, L9a0,81.81.83 IlTeote-detwi2foc Ibrislaiare,1980.1981.kga In)


StandingSenateCommittee on Co mite .venatariaI permanent des

Legal and Affaires juridiques et Constitutional Affairs constitutionnelles

Cbantwoo. Presfaerif- The Himours Dia JOAN B. N EIMAN L'horiorablt JOAN B. NEIMAN



(Issues Nos. I to 76 thelusivE) (raseicules irr I a 76 inclusivemen0


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information and Reference Branch, Service d'information et de reforence,


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A llae/a We from the Caoadian G (NUmem pabkishing cadre, Cl mYrc tradition du goliverncinent dti flirprif and ScrictSCanada, Ottawa, Canada K L A 069 ApprovimOnFicrntniS ofRovicoCarralic CALAwa, Canada 141 A C15:9

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Standing Semite Conintittee on Legal and Constitutional Affairs Comid senatorial permanent des 1st Session, 32nd Parliament, 1980-83 Affnires juridiques et constilutionnenms ire session, 32e kgialuture, 1980-1983 INDEX INDEX (Issues 1-76 iseliasive) uteseieules 1-76 inclusivement)

Aboriginal Constitutional A f f a i r s, Office of (Federal-Provincial Bela- llons Office), 69; 16, 21; 70:63, $1, 83;16: 9 Accord cortein entre le Canada et la Republique fedi/ale d'Allcmagne ea rue dIviter les doubles impositions ....Lot de mita on oeuvre Voir Aboriginal peoples Bill S-24 Bilateral process Continuance, 69: 16, 21-2, 74, 81 Accord constRutIonnel de 1983 69: 18-21, 31-2, 56-7, 63. 66-9. 75; 70: 45; 71: 8.9, 15-7. Definition et =wenn, 69: 15-6. 19-20, 29-30, 5!, 74; 7m 14, 36-7, 23-5; 71A: 10-5; 72: 16; 73; 25; 74; 9-10, 24, 26, 27-9; 75A: 8, 46.7 89; 70A: 2; 71: 15, 245; 71A: 8-15, 22 10-1 Constitution Amendment Pro !erne-lion, 1983, adoption, positions Paragraphs 3, 69:65 Paragraphe 4, 7141 11 On Paragraphs 5, 714: 11 Assembly of , 69: 84; 71: 26. 30; 754: 12 Assembly of Chiefs. 74: 23 Paragraphs 6, 69: 21, 56; 71A: 13; 75A; 8 Coalition of Firs! Nations, 71: 13, 17, 25, 30, 35-8; 73: 17, 18 Connell for Indians, Ilk 19; 704: 2, 4-5 Acts de l'Amerique du Nerd brlionnique Grand Council of the Cress (or ), 72: 9, 12, 16. 24 Jr Hobbenta Tribal Council. 74: 16 Loi eons; itutionnelle de 1867 Committee on National Issues, 70: 87, 89 Inuit Tapir1sat of Canada, 69: 84 Acte d'Uslos, 1840, 24 9 Metis National Council, 70: 70 Native Council of Canada, 69: N4; 74q 36-7, 46.7, 61 Native Women's Association of Canada. 74: 9, 14, 16 Administration du pctrale, Lot Nishga Tribal Council (New Aiyansh, ), 73: 9, Amendemcnt propose; adopt& 7: 10, 48-9 15, 16 Union of Indians (Artishinabek), 73; 23, 24 Admistillifity of Confenions (7'he), Fred Kaufman, 52:11; 59: 14: Constitutional ;xi-Inferences in the future 62: 25; 654:69; 684:424 Consent clause, 69; 44-5, 54. 59, 65-8. 874; 70: 88-9; 71r 24; 714: 14-5; 73: 11, 13-5, 17-9, 22; 74: 10-2, 15.7, 21-2, 29-30; 754: 4; 76: 9.10 Advocates' Society Funding, 6* 16, 75 Bill S-33 Nun -participants, numbers, 69; 28 Procedures civiles Ongoing proven, 49 15-6, 20. 51, 53. 67, 74, $0; 694; 5; 70: 9-10, Articles, commentabren ei rocommondations, 54: 7, 8-9, 10.2: 13-4, 88 -9, 95-6; 784; 3; 71: 25; 714: 14-5; 72:12, 16-7; 544: 35-49 73: 23; 73A: 2; 74: 10.20, 25; 76: 8, 10 Charte des droits et libert63, interpreturion par rilppOJI nut, Participants 54:9 Associations, 69: 17-8, 28 Definition, 6nonc6 /enislatif nu code, 54: 6.7, 9-10; 54A: 33-5 Representativeness, 69: 18-9, 25-6; 70: 42, 45.6, 62-3, 66.7, 81; Ey:vitiation, 54: 6-8, 13; 544: 33-5, 49 71: 38 -9; 73: 15. 23: 74: 16-7. 21-2: 754: 5-6 Memoire, 54: 5.8,9, 10, 11, 12; 544: 30-49 Definitions Port6e, 54: 10; 54A: 35 691 54.5, 75-6, 85; 69A: 12; 70: 18, 20-1, 40-1. 56-7, 83-4; preuve, reales, reform :, 54:7, 8,13, 14; 54A: 33, 35 704: 3-4; 71: 24-3, 32; 71A: 1; 72: 25-6; 73: 14-5, 11, 22.3; Redaction. processus de consultation. 54: 13, 14; 544: 35, 49 74: 15; 754; 1-2, 4-5; 76: 9, 10; 76: 1 Procedures crintInerles Inuit. 60: 34; 70: 88.92, 95 Articles, commuitaires cl recommendations, 62: 1 7-24, 25-31: Metis, 69: 34; 70: 41-3 53, 63-9, 72, 84-3; 73; 17 65A: 56.79 Overview, 69133 -40; 69A: 2, 5; 70: 39.40, 43.4, 51-4, 57-61 Charts des limits et libcrtes, interpretation par rapport aux, Indians 62: 30-1:65A: 56-7, 79 Arbitration, right to, 2: 10-1, 13, 14-5, 1743 Evaluation. 62: 17.23-5; 654: 56, 79 Consensus, 71: 13-4, 39; '73: 15, 17-8, 23; 744. 9. 16-7, 21-2-, 28; Memoire, 54; 6, 9,10, 16; 62: 12, 25-6; 654: 54.79 754:6-7; 76A; 2 For tee, 65A: 79 Declaration of First Nations, 71: 8, 9,14,, 23, 35 -4: 71A: I, 2,5 Redaction, prnocsaus de consultation. 654: 56, 79 Education, 71.29, 31 1lifOrmotion de Nisei 54:5; 54A: 32 Fort Nelson Indian Band, mineral rights and revenues, 2: 6-7, 9, 10, 11, 20 ..s.eronan blue, Lai History, 2: 9.10, II; 71: 7-14, 32.3, 25-7; 71A: 4.5, 8.9, 16-8; Amendements, 1977, 28: 9. 19, 29-30, 36; 29; 11-2; 3W 30, 34, 57 -9 74: 9, 13-4, 17; /54: 2, 8-10; 764; 5.7 33c 25; 34: 73.4, 75, 84

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Aboriginal peoples-Coned A Mires CORSI itationimile5 autociliomee, NUM MI (Bureau des Relations Indians-Coned fidka res.-provisse 69.: 16, 21, 70:63, 81, 83, 76: 9 Royal Proclamation of 1763, 69: 31; 69A: 8.9; 70; 27; 711:9, 11-2, 13, 15, 20, 28; 71.A.1. 1, 8,12, 14, 17.8; 73: II; 74: 13: 75A., 2. Albin* exiiirieures Canada Bill s-] 9, accord A la motion de ('honorable sena teur DeschatereIs. Land claims concerns nt fa puhlk,.ation d'infonrsation, 11 9 Agreements Contraventions de starionnement oolilique Constitutional protection, interpretations, 40.2, 48, 76-8; Diptamate;s canadiens rawer, 1Q: 25 69A: 2,3-4; 70118-9, 21-4, 26-34, 39, 88-9, 93, 98-9; P.tats etransra,ipromatcs au Ca noda, 10:.24 70A: 2-3; 72:10.2.13-5, 20-41 73: n, 13-4,17-9. 22; Etats, rclairiaticmseontre in Cri nada, 10: 22-3 73A: 2; 754: 3-4; 76: 111; 76A:1 Reck' ma Lions ea nadicnam comic des 11.....1ats. &rangers, 10: 8-9.. 12-3. Impiivotions, property rights, 69: 47-3, 63-4 14, 20-1; T6: 13: 7-8 James Bay and Northern Quebec Agreement, 1 10, 14, 20: rZet,Vil 69; 40-2, 73, 77.8; 701 65-7. 70-1 774, 80; 711; 33; 71A; Bill 549 72:4, 10.1, 13-5, 19- 25;74: 19; 75A: 1 Immunite des > ta is el rangers As-scmbly of First Nations, position, 75A :7 -8, 11 Priuilbecs of immunises dipiomatiquts et consulalreS. Lai 710t 96 lvletit, 70:65-7, 70 -3, 77 -s, 80 Nis*. 73: 3.9, 10-5, 18.9 Makes Indlennes el du Nord Canada R,Sle et re4.pon&abilites, 09; 21, 39-40, 83-4, 70: 40, 45 Northwest , 69; .34. 76- 7.80-3; 70: 22, 95. 97; 72: 2!; 73A: 1 -2 YUknri, 69:81- 2 :69A: 1, 3:10A: 2.3 Affaires Jurid limes et ccuuthutioniglles, °midi $inqi11ri311 perm:mem! Numbers Bill C -$3. etude, procedure, 25: 6-15, 28.31.2, 42 'Indians, 70: 45, 81; 71; 30 Bill C-61 lnu t, 70; 97 ude, procedure. 17; 8-9, 19: 5, 13, 19-21 ii4E.tis, 70: 12, 81 invitations aux gotivernmneakpnowintiaux Overview, 69: 28, 34; 70: 32.3 Collombic-Britannique, 19:5; 20: 24; 21; 5-13 Nouveau-Brunswick, .19.; 5, 10. 13, 20; 19,4:: f Rights Charter of Righta. and Freedoms, effect, interpretations, 69: 46,, 19; 6 Ontario. 19:5, 20, 21; 20:45.10 68.70,7ft 20; 71A: 12, 13-4; 74.: 14, 18-20 Quihee, 20: 5 Definition, 69: 22-3, 35-44, 51-4, 67, 70, 79.80. 88, 69A: , 19: 5, 20: TM 6, 9 70: 17-9, 25.6, 33.9, 43-9, 54-6, 65, 93 -4; 70A: 3-4; 71: 9-13, Terre-Neuve, 17: 8-9; 19; 5 13-8; 71A:1,3: 72110, 15-9, 21-4, 73:10-5, 21, 23-41 Molina, 19; 4, 20; 22: 4, 22, 23 73A;1 -2; 741 9-12, 14,21; 75A: 10; 76; 10 13111C-127 Equality ofbears grade, procedure, 25; 42.3 Implica lions bliVirai kris aux ternoins, 27: 6, 7 Costs., 69; 76, 84, 85-6;10:44. 58 IdeMoire;f. 9GUmis, V; 6 Property rights, 69: 47-8 Bill C-130 'naafi Act, Section12 {I)(17),effect, 69: 26-7, 45-7, 85, Motion, rappor/ Au S6na.t, 50: 12, 14-S. 17, 18, 23-5 69A:2 -3, 5; 70; 9, 13. 20-1, 44: 70A: 4; 71: 31; 72: 24-6; Ord ru tin rernoi. 513u 73A: 1:74: 15; 75A: 5; 76: 9; 76A:1-.2. 4, 7 BIT/ C-201, teneur Indians. poNiiion, 69: 27, 41, 67, 3-51. 70: 18, 21, 44.5; 70A :4; Correspondance reyue, 26: 10,-2:27: 7 71: 30-2, 75-6; 714: 13-4. 15; 72: 12, 24-6; 73: 14-5, 21.2; Lit ude, procedure, 26: 12, 81-2, 102 74: IS; 75A: 4S, 76A; 1-2, 10-1 Motions, 26: 102-3; 1x7:7 Women, prtsition, 0; 25.6: 7o: 9-11, 13, 16; 76A :4, 6-1, 9-18 Dill S-12 Wording of constitutional amendment, 69: 17, 2.2-7, 31, 32, Lattre. 2 IlloriOrable senateur Macdonald de M. Langlois, 3; 10-5 45-6, 67, 78-9; 69'A: 2-3. 5; 70: 5-16.44, 89; 72: 12; 73A.., 1; Retroactivit6, precedent, 3: 10 744 204;76:9, 10 Bill 5-19 'Existing aboriginal and 1=1y rigiM.". dell n ikon Cohen. M. Maxwc11 friterimuttionea, 69: 23, 40-1, 49, 51- 4,69 -70, 66;69A: 1-4, 5, 6- Tndisponilsilite. oomme Leinoin In 19 mars, 1.981, Idlt 5 10. 12; 713 9-10, 18, 22-6, 38, 38-9, 96, 93; 70.4: 3; 71: 10, ProNsition toerinvilGT Mr011/10iemoin S uricadzRiMg. 24; 11A; 4, 14-5, 724 10-2, 14-5, 20-2; 73: 11, 20-1; 74: 14-5, 10: 23.24 75A..: 3; 76: 8, 10; 766; I Doyen du oorr...s dipiornatique, discur.sion pour rinviter commc Trcalic5 interpretalioo by courts, comparison, a 51-2, 53-4, temoin, 10:23.4 88 ;69A:10 -2 Justice, niinist.11e Reeognulion, protection, 2; 11.4; 69: 40-2, 59, 70-1, 81; 71; 15-6, Amcndemcn to, 12: 5.6, I EL,22., 23-4; 13:4-5.6-7 17.24. 36-7; 71A: 3, 4,22; 72: 10, 12; 74: 8.9, 20.1, 23; 75.4: 3, LeitreAM.du Ples.sis uu suict des baux, 13: 7 4 Idemoircde M- Ornham F-glintonconcernnut('article14. Selgoverafficut 11; 20-11 12: 5, 8,24 Definti ions. interpretations. Bill 5-24 Assembly of First Nailons. 75A: 4-5. Com i role, 23; 7-8, 9: 11, 14. 18 Coalition of First Nations, 71: 9-14. 15-6, 18-9, 26 Information debase, 23; 5, 7- 8.9,10:24: 7-8. 9-10, 16, 19 Federalion or Saskatchewan Indian Nations, 69; 50,51.7, BM S-31, Ienetit 59-65, 70-2, 83; 69At 7-10 8Lix gouvcrncrilsprovinelaux ni refk311M, 18: 5-7; Grand Couoeill of the Cree,s of Quebec). 721 Z5-6 29: 5.6, 9: 2.9A.; 1-2; 34:94; 34A; 3..11: 37A: 1.4 Hobbema Tribal Council, 74; 12-3 Motions, documents annex. es aux pruw.;s-verbaux, 29; 4, 5; 31: 4, National Council, 713 69-70, 73.6, 77-8, 80 18;33; 4, 53; 34: 4, 5,17, 94; 37:4,5; 47: 5.

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Aboriginal penpks- Affeires juritliques et consatriionnelles, Coniit6 senatorial parma- Sel fikOvernment -Coned Rent -Suite Definitions, interpret; floss-Coed Bill 5 -31. teneur--Sithr Na rive Council of Canada, 70: 41.54 -5, 36, 57-8, 39-60 Terdoins Overview, 76: 10 discussion, 29 :6-3, 10-I Union of Ontario Indians (A nishirta WO. 73; 21, 22-3 Liste, 37A: 5 Federal government. position, 6* 14.81, 82.3 Bill 8-32 Treaties, interpretation, 71: 9, t0-4, 16, 19-22, 27-8, 35; 71A: 2.4, Amen:dements propos6s ptirle sollicineur g4r161-al, romvabilite, 9.10, 12.3, 17, 21-3 ea ppel AID Ka'glement, 511le 54, 10, 12, 14, 15; 60: 5. 9-36 Motions, 41: 4, 5. 42: 4, 6.7. 46: 4, 10. 36; 47: 5, 6-7; 64: 4, 6,7, Act of Union, 1840, 2c 9 Bill 5 -33 Motions, rIciouncats annexes aux pruti-vrebaul, 4;. el,15; 55; 4, Act respecting the Ctina4iin Merchant Service Guild 26-7. 59: 4. 30; 63c 12; 64: 4. 5; 66; 4, 30; 66: 4. 5; 67: 4. 5; See 68: 4 BiLl S.12 Charge de iravail. 29: 9. 10, 11.40: 28.54; ]6 -7; 76: 13-4 Goldenberg. l'honorable senateor, dmission de Jr, pre,sicicricudu Coma, 744 7-9., la Act respecting the Presideni of the Lethbridge Stake of the Church of Goldenberg. Rapport [Lib tation eartifillowetelle a u Q1..1'1111(0, 32:5; Jesus Christ of Latter.dity Saints 35: 17; 37: TO-1.384 12: 45; 4 i; 47: 13-4:48; .22 See Motion pour Itonoratile Inatent Neiman 4. 1a pr6sidencedu Bill S-1.6 2.6; 4, 9 Proclamation de 1983 modifiant la Constitution, tenour, Act to amend the Act of incorporation of The Grand Lodge of the 69.6, 7,8, 9,50.70i 6; 71; 6. 14, 17. 39: 71 6, 20. 74: 6, 22; 75: ti, seeetokat and Protective Order of Elks of the Dominion of 8.76: 3, 13. 24 Propos itioirs viSant # corriger... Stain's emir, .s du Canada do 1970 es Canada certainca loin posttriieureu See Examen nifecslite, discaissiau., 6: 7-8,It], Bill S.27 12-9, 22, 24-5; 7; 8 M6mora oda" de l'hionorable thiamin. Smith, 7: 8 -1 Act to amend the Canadian KOMI Right; AC1 and to nmend certain Disomierp,1; 14-61 other Adis In conseqsence thereof Ord re de renvoi. lc 13.4

Sea, Rapporl au Sepal, discussion, 6: 13-5, 17, 18, 22; 7; I Bill. C.141 Rapport do Comite senatorial permaneni des Ranques at du com- merce curiporns nt To Bill 5-24 Vole plus haw Bill 8-24 Act to amend the Criminal Code in relation to sexual offences and RappLITES au SeIllit other offences against the percou ad In amend eariain other Acts BIN C-26, saris a munclernsuit, 2..4, 5,21 in relation thereto or in tossequence tiered Bill C-34, &MS. amendement.* 4, 5.22 See Bi Ir C-45, !Taw amicodcmcot, /5; 4, 5,11 Bill C. 127 Bill. C.61, suns a nimleineni. 22: 4. 5,22. 23 BillC-130, tans Jimendemcniminis ay.=une recoinmandation ex prirnant les reserves du Coo: 50:4, 5,25 Act to amend the Criminal Code in relation to small offences slid the BillC -141, sans amendement, 51:4. 5,27 protection of youngKIS4PEINgni to emend certain other Acts In RillS-11.. sans annen4oinent, I: 4.5,12 relation thereto or in OPiliMplenCethereof Si]5 -12. avec amendments, 3c 4, 5,16 See Si]8-13. sans amender/writ, It 4, 5,i 3 Bill C.53 Si]8- 19. sans a mentlement, 5: 4, 5,7 Bil5 -16, sons a mendemcnt, Ss 4. 5,14 Act to amend the Depari meat of Energy. Mimes and Resources Aei i3i18-19. arise. aurbundemank, 13: 4-5, 9- See Bil8-20, tans amendment. Pt: 5, 6,9, 15 Bill 0.102 BilS-21,sunsarucar,lcmcni, it 5, 6,11,15 !ill5.22, sans niiicndcment. 5,6,13, 15 Bit5.24, 24;4, 5,19.24 Act to amend the Holidays Am Bil5 -2(, gam arnenclemeni. 16:4, 5,17 See B11$-27, sans amendemeni, 18. 4.9 Bill C.37 Bil8.31, toneur, sans a inendenacial. 37; 4, 5; 37,1: 5.6 Bill C-201 Hil5.32 rapport, dcana wit dinsiviiciioN au S6nal, 62; 5 Rappori ririn15 tivec a mendetuen is, 421 5.11 Act to amend the Judges Act and ceiriain other AVIs In consequence 5-1i thereof Rapport rnodifie, avec niocndenients Bill S-33, Rapport provisoire, 6& 5.6 See Bill 5-34, sans amendment, 43c 4, 5,9 Bill C-34 Bill 8-35, suns emciidcmcrt, 56e 4, 5.11 ProciainaLion d.i 983 1116dirtfint lu COnSliEiLliOn trbur, 71).: 7-12 Act to amend the Peniteininry Act stud the Parole Act vPropucitionA risnni d corr1ger.-. Slams revises du Cull:nisi de See 1970 ei etriaines lois posterieuresm, aveca mondlemenis. Bill S-32 7t 6-7, 6i

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Art to anked the Peat Control Products Act Abenakew, M. David, Chef netionel Assetnbfec des premieres nations See Proclamationde 1983modifiant laConstitution,memoirs, Bill C -45 75A: 1.12 Reference, 69: 18, 27, 51, 53, 58 75; MI 75: 7, 8 Act to implement am agreement between Canada and the Federal Republic of for the avoidance of double taxation Aide au developpement internadanst (institutions financif res), Lai See Yeti, Bill S.24 Bill C-130

Act to incorporate the Eparelt of the Eparc4 of Saints Cyril and , Fond Heritage Mcthodius of Slovaks of the Byzantine Rite In Canada Caisse de dep6i et placement du Quebec. comparsisem. 28:14; See 30; 10,41, 49, 56 -7: 33: 5-6, 7, 16, 48, 49; 34; 24, 54 1311118.35 Aiherra, gouvereemeet Act 10incorporate the President of the Lethbridge Stake, S.C. Bill C-127, toetnoire, 21: 6, 38 Bill 8-31, reaction, 29: 5,6; 33: 24, 60:34:67, 94; 34A: 3 -5 1926-27, Chap. 112 1311118-32, reaction, 42A; 53 See Proclamation de 1983 tmodifiantlaConstitution, commeutaires, Presidetit of the Lethbridge Stab; Act toIncorporate, S.C. 74: 7; 76: 9 1926-27, Chap. 112

Akan Aluminium Limitee Act to revive E.G. Klein Limited red to provide for its continuance Caine de depiit et placement du Quebec, investis,sernestis, 30: 11-2, under the Canada Business Corporations Act 29, 49, 59; 311 19; 31A; 1; 31 12, 17, 58; 34: 18, 22, 23, 41, 57 See Saguenay Transport, 307, 11, 19, 29; 31: 23-4; 33; 58; 34: II, 18, 78, Rill S26 84; 34A: 2

Act to revive Eastern Diversified Company Ltd. and to provide for its Aldridge, M, Jaws, coeseiller *Idique, Conseil de tribe: de Nisliga continuance under the Canada Business Corporations Act (New Alysosh, Colomhbe-Britannique) See Proclamation dc 1963 molifiant In Constitution, tencor, 73; 8, 17.8, Bill S.22 i9

Act to revive G.A. Berber & Sons Limited and to provide for its con- Alitacieration et de rngricultme des Nations urges, Lot stir rorganisa- tinuance under the Canada Business Corporation" Act lion See A:newton/cm par It uomitc do is Chumbre des communes I ran:co- Bill 8-21 deine:it propose, 6: 6.7; 7: 32-4 Amer:dement propose; adopts, 6: 6-7; 7: 32-4 Ad to revive Nfontilac Ltd. end Sainte Ltd, See Aliments et drogues, Lot Bill 8.13 Amendement propose; adopte,1; 34

Act to revive Ontario News Compact, Limited and to provide for Its Allocations Seminoles, Loi de 1973 continuance under the Canada Business Corporatioas Act A roende ment propose; adopts, 7: 27 See Bill S-20 Aningoalik, M. John, copresident, Comite dietetic (Quit des questions natio:tales Act to revive Polyventreprise 1..tee and to provide for its enntionmee Procta+ratinn de 1983 moditiant la Constitution, knew ander the Con Business Corporations Ad Dir,eussion, 70: 90.1, 93-8 See IXRE, 70:86 -9 Bill 5 -34 Animanx de fertile et inks produits, Lot Act to revive Pyramid Communications Limited Amendenvent prormse; ;Moine, 7; 43 See Bill S-8 Ardet:batik, honorable juge .1.12.0 dlrecteae, I3irection des politi- guts,Pollitiquedes jeunes contrevenants, Solliefieergenfral Act to revive Treece:. Industries Limited Canada See Bill C-6I, 11: 113, 21, 24, 25.6; 19: 8, 9,11-5, 17.21; 21; 19; 22: 6-7, DIII S-1 4 13, 14, 22

Adjust-meet of Accounts Aet Ares c. Vettcer 41970] R.CS. 608), 54A: 44; 63: 26, 27; 65, 8, 21; Amendment proposed; carried. de 7; 7:6, II-2. 14,61 46: 10; 68A; 260, 263, 413

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Admissibility of Centro-ions (The), Fred Kaufman, 52: II; 59:14; Arizona, Miranda c, (384 US. 436 (1966)), 40: 8: 59; 16-7; 6I 26; 62: 25; 65A: 30;68A: 214 63; 23

Advisory Committee on Judicial Compensation and reialed miners Armstrong, M. J., chef de is Division del pads et micsures, metrologie Kyle, Consummation at Corporations Canada (Dorfman Commitiee). 9; 7, 19 .Propositions visant a corriger... Statuts revises du Canada de 1970 et . certaines lois postericurcp, 7; 58-9 Advisory Council at the Status of Women Bill C-127, position, 21: 6 Asselin, honorable Martial, senatetir (Stadaeonit) Bill C-61 Advocates' Society Apercu, philosophic. 17: 9; 20:. 10, 12, 13; 21: 19, 20; 22: 11 Background information, 54; 5; 54A: 13 Moots, remuneration, 17: 28 Bill 5-33 Charts canadienne des droits at libertits, 19: 9, I n Civil proceedings Colombie-Britannique,gottvcrnement,tanoignagedevoutIc Brief, 54: 5.8,9, 1.0, 11. 12; 54A: 11-28 comite de lo Chambre des coitununes. 21: la Charter of Rights and Freedoms, interpretation in relation to, Cour supremo, jugement coniecrnant le trait:ems:Int des jeunes dans 54:9 les tours, 17: 18 Clauses, comments and recommendations, 54: 7, 8-9, 10-2; Entree en vi4.ueur, p6riodc de transition. 19: 8-13, 14; 20; 13; 21: 19 54A: 16-28 Ettude, procedure, 19: 13, 20 Definition,legislative statementorcode,54:6-7,9-10; Jeuno contrevenams 54A: 14-5 Age maximal, 17; 10, Mc 11, 12; 21:20, 27, 28 Drafting, consultation process, 54: 13, 14; MA: 15, 28 Age minimum, 22:12 Evaluation, 54:6-8, 13; MA: 14-6, 28 Colombia-Britannique, 21: 18, 26 Evidence. rules of. reform, 54: 7, 8,13, 14; 54A.: 14, 15 Dejudiciarisotion, 17: 9; 19: 14, 17 Scope. 54: 10; 54A: 15-6 Dossiers, Ili: 16-7; 211 24, 25 Criminal proceedings Emprelrite.s digitales. 17: 16-8 Brief, 54: 6, 9,10, 16; 62:12, 25-6; 65A: 15.39 Parents, autorile, 17:9 -10, 15 Charter of Rights and Freedoms, Interpretation in relation to. Vietimes, droits dulls, 17: 15, 16 62: 30-1; 65A:18. 39 Juridiction. pouvoirs federaux cl prOvinciank 19: 17; 21: 24. 25; Clauses, comments and recommendations. 62: 17-24. 23-31; 22: 12, 13. 2i 65A: 17-39 Jubilee, minisare, opinions jurktiques, 22: 13, 14; 24: 11 Drafting, consults lion process, 65A; 17, 39 Nouvelletcosse, gotwernement, reaction, 17:9 -10; 19: ri Evaluation, 62: 17. 23-5:65A: 17, 39 Ontario, gouvernement Scope, 65A: 39 Memoirs, disponibilite 0 I'avancc. 19; 20, 21 Thrtoignege levant le Comite de le Chambre; des communes, Aeronaution Act 20: 22 Amendments 1977, It 9. 19, 29-30, 36; 29: 11.2; 311: 30, 34.57 -9; Procedure, t7: 15, 16, 38; 19: 18, 19; 20: 15; 21:5; 22: 21 Programme, administration, frnis. portage, 20: ]3, 24; 21: 19.20; 33: 25; 34: 73-4, 75, 84 22: 14-5, 18 Quebec, gouvernement. reaction, 20: 5 Agreement between Canada and the Federal Republic of Ceti neny for Questions soulevees pendant lea temoignages devant Ic osmite de. the avoidance of double taxation Act to implement In Chambre des communes, 19: 13, 14 See Rappel au Reglement, 22: 13 Bill S-24 Dill C-127, teneue, 25: 43. 44; 27:33.35, 36-7 Bill C.201, icneur, 26: 37.40, 59, 81, 85-6. 102 Bill S-8, 1: 6, 9,10,11 A henakew, David, Natioand Chief. Assembly of First Nations Bill S-19, 12: 8, lE 16, 18, 20, 24-7,28-9 Constitution Amendment Proclamation, 1983, brief, 75A: 1-12 Bill S-24 References to, 69: 18.27, 51, 53, 58, 75; 69A: 10; 75:7, 8 Bill de finances, definition comme, at consequences possibles, 23: 7, 8; 24; 1 2 Justice, ministers, opinions juridiquo. 24: 11.17 Alberta Association of Enfranchised Natives Motion d'ajournemeni, 23: 8, 10 Background Information. 16.A.: 4, 7,8-9 Opinions juridiquo, 23: 5 Constitution Amendment Proclamation. 1983, brief, 76A: 3-18 Rapport au Sena t, 24: 12, 15, 18 Constitutional Accord. 1983, comments, 76A: 4, 13-12 Soma., adoption de lois sembialhIcs, 24: 7 Bill 5-26 Klein, E.G Limited Alberti gerensineat Administra don, critimie, 16: 11, 12 Bin C-127. brief, V: 6, 38 Correspondance avec Consummation et Corpora:dons Canada, Bill S-31, reaction. 291 5, 6; 33:24, 60; 34; 67, 94; 34A: 3-5 16: 14. 15 Bill 5-32, reaction, 42A; 18 Constitution Amendment Proclamation. 1983, comments, 74; 7; coat de la reconstitution, response bilile, Ifit 13 Dissolution, :iris, 161 12, 15 76: 9 information do bose, 16: 7.8,9 Soeietes en Mani, avis, procedure scion la Lai sur lasKIC[605 Alberta Heritage Fund COrnMeNiaieS canadicancs, .1116s 16 Caisse de dep64 et *Cornett du Quebec, comparison, 28; 14; 30: 10, Troisibme lecture, intention de promoncer un discours pendant. 41, 49, 56-7; 33: 5.6, 7, 16, 48, 49; 34; 24, 54 16: 17

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Alcan Memo larva Limited Asselin, honorable Martial, sena teur(Stedacani )-Sufie Caisse de depot et placement du Quebec, investments in, A 11-2, Bill 5.27, 18: 7, 8 29, 49, 59; 51: 19; 31A: 4; 33: 12, 17, 58; 34: 18, 22, 23, 41.57 Bill 5 -3!, teneur 5sguenay Transport, A I I, 19, 29; 31: 23-4; 33; 58: 34; 11, 18, 78, Amendemenis, 30: 38, 43; 35: 57; 34:37, 90 84; 34A:, 2 Caisse de dep6t et placement du Quebec Assemblie nationals, responsabitite, 31: 37; 34: 31, 32, 33, 39, Aldridge, James, Legal Counsel. Nlshga Tribal Council (New 40, 88 Aiyansh. British Columbia) lovestissements. effet, 28: 27, 213; 38:: 37; 31; 36; Ma 87, 88. Constitution Amendment Proclamation. 1983, subject-matter, 7328, 90-1 i 19 Trust Royal, 34: 30, 31, 45, 46, 47 Caned ien PaLifique Limitee, 33: 20. 24; 34:43-4, 45 Chombre de, commerce du Canada, 33:60.61 Amegoall), Johns Co-Chairma., lauit Committee or Natinand banes Chambre de commerce du district do Montreal. 34: 29, 37 Constitution Amendment Proclamation, 1983, subject-matter Etude, procedure, 29: 7; 33:45, 46 :34: 61 Disc-ambit, 78:90 -1,93 -8 Exemptions, 28: 37 Statement. 70: 86.9 Crouvernerrient federal, consultation aver lea gOUVerrielTlenkS pro- vinciaus, 28128, 29; 33: 61 Areharnbault, Hon. Judge J. R. 0., Director, Polity Branch, Young origines, 28: 16, 25.6; 30; 14, 36: 33: 9-11. 24-6; Offenders Policy, Solicitor General Canada Nt.: 36-7, 44-5, 86 -7.89, 90 Bill C -61, 17: 18, 23,.24, 23-6; 19: 8, 9,11.5, 17.21; 21; 19; 22:6.7, Lortie, M. Pierre, reaction, 21k 27, 38 13. 14, 22 Ontario. gouvernement, reaction, 29:6 Procedure, 28: 14, 29, 40; 30: 39, 42, 53, 6.1; 31; 27, 28, 32; 34: 24, 38.43 Ares v. "Ammer (/1970) S.C.R. 608), MA: 24; 63: 26, 27; 45: 8, 21; Quebec, reaction, 30: 34; 34:88, 89.91 66: 10; 68A: 39, 42, 202 Rappels an reelement, 28: 39; A 2er, 33i 27 Soeletes, reglementation federate, applicability, 34: 81, 83, 84 Arizona. Mirxmda v: (384 U.S. 436 (1966)1, 40: 8; A 16-7; 62: 26; Bill 5.33 63; 23 Accuse Conjoint, 40:25 -6 Armstrong, 3, Chief of Weights acrd Mesaurea, Legsl Metrology. Droi ts, 34: 10., 531 8-9, 10; 66: 36 Consumer sad Corporate Affairs Canada Alibi, 53: 11 Application an Quebec, SI 10; 61: 14.5; 46: 33 "Proposals to correct... Revised Statutes of Canada. 1970, and other Definition, errancy legislatif ou code, 611 16 Acts,..", 7: 58-9 ttata-Unix, regles federales de Is prouve, compureison, 40: 23, 25-6 Asselin, lion. Martial, Senator (Stadaeoan) Historique, 3617.11, 13; 53e 9, 10 Bill C -6! imprimes d'ordinateur. recevsbilite, 55;II,13.5,18-20, 24; British Columbia government, testimony before Commons Com- 65: I I, 1.5, 19.23 mittee, 21: 18 Motion, 55:4, 27 Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, 19: 9, 10 Preuve de moraine, 53: 12 Corning into force, transition period, 19: 8.9, 14; A 13; 21: 19 Procedure, 53: 15, 16, 18: 55c 20; 61: 12, 16; 63: 34. 36: 651 18; Jurisdiction, federal and provincial powers, 19: 17; 21: 24, 25; 66: 21, 37 12: 12, 13,21 Redaction, 36: 9, 13; 10: 22,; 53: 9; 61: 13. 17. Justice Department, legal opinions, 22: 13, 14; 24: I I Temoins Lawyers, remuneration, 17:28 Information do base, 53; 9,17 government reaction, 17:940: 19: Reurioes av c ministers de In Justice., 55:254; 84s 32 -3 Ontario government Bill 5-34, 431 6, 7,9 Brief, availability in advance, 19; 20, 21 Bill 5- 35,40: 28; 56:8, 10, 11 Testimony before Commons Committee, 20: 22 Goldenberg, rbonoroble senalcur, dernIssioe cumme president, 26: 7 Overview, philosophy, 17: 9; 20: 10, 12, 13; 21: 18, 19, 20;22: 12 Proclamation de 1983 modiliant la C:orurtitu Lion, teneur, 69: 35, 43-5 Point of order, 22: 13 President, election, procedure, 26: 9 Procedure, 17: 15, 16, 18; 19: 18, 19; 20: 15; 21: 5; 22: 21 Program administration, cost-sharing. 20: 13. 24; 21:19, 20; 22: 14.5, 18 Assembler des chefs du Manitoba Quebec government reaction, 20: Accord constitutionriel de 1983, commeutaircs, 74:22-30 Questions raised during testimony before Commons Committee, AsscenblEn dcs premieres nations, inembro. 74: 27 19: 13, 14 Federation des Metis du Manitoba, reunions avec, 74:26, 28 Study, procedure, 19: 13, 20 Information de base, 74; 26 Supreme, Court decision concerning treatment of young people in Proclamation de 1983 modifiant la Constitution, adoption proposee, court, 17; II 74:23 Young offenders British Columbia, 21: 18, 26 Diversion, 17: 9; 19: 14, 17 Assembler des premieres notions PIngerprints, 57; 16-7, 18 Accord constitutionnel de1983. eummemairos, 754: 3-8,12: Maximum age. 17: 10, II; 201 11, 12; 21: 20, 27, 28 76A: 10 Minimum age- 22: 12 Autonomic polnique, definition, ir tarpritation, 75A: 4.5, 8 Parental authority, 17: 9-10, 15 Fraternite nationak des lediens du Canada, secretariat, 2; 12 Records, 17: 16 -7; 21: 24, 25 Information de base, 69; 18-4, 62; 71 :22 -3, 25-6, 30, 33; 75A: 6

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Awe lie, Hon. Mistier, Senator (51sulatona)-Coned Asaemblie des premitres notions-Suite Bill C-61-Coned Proclamation de 1983 modifiam la Constitution Young offenders-Coni'd Adoption propos6e, 69: 84; 71; 26, 30; 75A; 17 Victims, civil rights, 17:15; 16 Lode par le Comit6, procedure, 75A: 1-2, 3, 11-2 Bill C- I27, subjett-matter, 25: 43, 44; 27: 33, 35. 36-7 Resolutions Bill C-201, subject- matter. 26t 37.40. 59, 81, 85-6, 102 Autonomic point 'Tie, 21 9, 12 Bill 5-8, 1: 6.9,10, 11 Droits autuchtonts, 2: 12 Bill 5-19, 12: 8, 12. 16, 18, 20, 24- 7,28 -9 Voir muse Bill 5-24 Fraternii6 nacienale des indices du Canada Justice Department, legal opinions, 24k i I, 17 Legal opinions. 23: 5 Money bill, definition as, and passible consequences, 23: 7, 8; Association camadienne des chefs de police 24: 12 Surveillance obllgatoire, position cnvers, referenc:e, 32: 14; 37: E I, Motion to adjourn, 23: 8, 10 20; 42: 23; 45: 36-7, 50; 48: 14 Report to Senate, 24: 12, 15, 18 Senate adoption of similar bills, 24: 7 Bill 5-26 Association ramedienne des fabrieentsi frequipement de bureau Companies in default, notification procedure under Canada Busi- Bill 5.33 ness Corporations Act, 16: 16 Memoire, 644: 14-26 Klein, E.G Limited P.ecommandations, 64: 6, 10, 11-2,15, 16-7,1 9-20; 64At 20, 22, Administration, criticism of, 161 11, 12 24; 65: 17 Background information. 14: 7.8,9 Information* base, 64A: 15 Correspondence with Consumer and Corporate Affairs Canada, Tecbnologie informatique 16: 14, 15 Description. 64: 5-7; 644; 16-8 Cost of revival, responsibility for, 16: 13 Importance. 44: 5-6, 11-2; 644; 24 Dissolution, notification, 16:12, 15 Third reading. intention to deliver ti speech during, 16: i 7 131115- 27,18: 7, 8 Association enfiedienee des polements 13111S-31.sobject-matter Bill 5-33 Amendments. 30: 38, 43; 33: 57; 34:37, 90 Evaluation, 65; 9-10; 6541 49 Ca lase de di p6t ci placement du Quebec M6mo4re, 65A: 40-53 Investments, effect on. 21k 27, 28; 30: 37; 31: 36; 34: 87, 88, Recommandations, 65: 6, 9.10-2, 13,14. 17, 14, 24, 28; 6.5A: 51-3, 90-1 80 National Assembly, responsibility of, 31: 37; 34: 31, 32. 33, 99, Information de base, 65: 6; 65A: 42 40, 88 Technologic informs tique Royal Trust, 34:30, 31, 46, 46, 47 Ihrscription, 65A; 43-5 Canadian Chamber of Commerce, 33; 60, 61 Impertance, 65: 15-6, 20; 65A: 43, 45, 49 Canadian Pacific limited, 33:20, 24; 34: 43.4, 45 Chamber of Commerce of the District of Montreal, 34: 29, 37 Corporations, federal regulations. applicability, 34: 81, 83, 34 Association comedienne des societes Elizabeth Fry Exemptions, 28: 37 Bill 5-32 Federal government, consultation with provincial governments, Evaluation. 39: 5-6, 9 28: 28, 29; 33c 61 Recommandations, 391 5. 6,9, 19, 20 Historical background, origins, 2& 16, 25-6; 30: 34, 36; 33: 9-11, Role, 39: 5, 7-8. 14. 17, 20 24-6; 34: 36-7, 44-5, 86-7, 89, 90 Lorlle, Pierre, reaction, 28: 27, 38 Ontario government, reaction, 19: 6 Association des motochtones 6inoricip6s de ['Alberta Points of order, 28: 39; 311% 20; 33: 27 Accord constitutionncl de 1983, commentaire,s, 76A:4, 8.12 Procedure, 28: 14, 29, 40; 30: 39, 42, 53.61; 31: 27, 28, 32; 34: 24, Information de true, 76A; 4, 7.8-9 38, 43 Proclamationde1983modifiant laConstitution.tn6malre, Quebec, reaction, 30: 34; 34 :S8, 89, 91 76A: 3- l8 Study, procedure, 29: 7; 33:45, 46; 34: 61 Bill 5 -33 Accused Rights, 36: 10; 53: 8-9, 10; 66: 36 Association des banquiers catiodient Spouse, 40: 25-6 Bill 5.33 Alibi, 53: 11 Amendernents proposits, 55: 22. 25, 26 Application in Quebec, 53:10; 61: l4-5; 66:33 Evaluation. 55: 6, 11. 12; 55A; 19, 24-5, 26, 33-4 Character evidence, 53: 12 Justice, minisItre, Mon Ion avec des fonctionnaires, 55: 25, 26 Memoire, 55A: 18-34 Computer printouts, admissibility. SS: 11, 13-5, 14-20, 24; 65: 11. Recosnmandations, 55: 12, 15, 16, 19, 20, 23; 55A; 28-9, 32, 34; 15, 19-2-3 Definition, legislative statement or code, 61: 16 64:17 -8: 65A: 80 Drafting, 36: 9, 13; 40: 224 51 9; 61: 13, 17-8 Fonction, 55: 5 Historical background, 36: 7-11, 13; 53:9, 10 Motion, 55: 4, 27 Procedure, 53: 15, 16, 18; 55: 20; 61: 12, 16; 63: 34, 36; 65: 18; Association. des compagnies de 'Wade flu Canada 66:21, 37 Bin 5-33, position cnvers, 654; 80

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Assail, Hon. Martial, Senator (Stadaeana.)-Cant'd Association des femmes autochtonos du Canada Bill S-33-Cont'd Accord constitutionnel ife 19835oommeutsircs, 70; 8-9. I I, 14, 16 United Slates federal rules of evidence, 00/11pariStirt, 401 23, 25-6 Information de base, 70: 10 Witnesses Proclamation de 1983 mrsdifiant is Constitution, adoption propo0.6.E.. Background information, 53: 9, 17 70:9, 14, 16 Meetings with Justice Department, 55:25 -6; 66; 32-3 Bill S- 34.4.3:6, 7,9 Bill 5- 35.49e 28: 56: 8, 10, 1 Association des girants el adrninistratenrs, Bastion des documents Chairman, eleel kin, procedure, 261 9 13111. S.33 Mernoire, 67k, 1-15 ConstitutionAmendmentProclamation, 1983.subject -matter, Rc.commondalion,S, 67: 6.7, 18; 67A: 11.5 69; 35, 43-5 Goldenberg, the Honourable. Senator, resignation as Chairman, Information de base, 67: S-6. 14, 15; 671: 1-2, 3 24; 7 Associating, des Iroquois ci des indigos ogles Assembly of First Nations Proclamation de 1983 modifiaol Is Constitution, adoption prop...wic. 71' 34-5 Background information, 694 Tit -9, 62; 71; 22-3, 25-6, 30, 33; 75A; 6 arinstitiption Amendment Proclamation, 1983 Adoption recoinmendcd, 69; 84; 71126, 30; 751;12 Associating' ihr 'Nemo Study by the Committee, procedure, 751: 1-2, 3, 11-2 Bill S-33 Constitutional Accord, 19835 comments, 751:3 -S 12; 764:: 10 A rticles, cconmen to ires, 68A: 231-410 National Indian Br9thsrbood,54-cretariai, 2: 12 Cokinibic.Britannique, ?vocats plaidant au eriminel,position, Resolutions 41 7, 8,22, 23, 25 Aboriginal rights, 2: 12 Definition, .6:limed legislatif ou code, Implications, 49:13, 14, 1.5-6, SW- government, 2: 9, 12 20-i, 25-7, 28:66:45,46 Sclr-goventroent, kftlittEtian, interpretation, 75A; 4-5,a Donnecs informatisees, 49; 6, 23, 27, 31;66: 7. 41-4, 50 See also Droits des incuipes. 6, 9,12, 19, 25, 27, 28: ogi 14, 20. 37; National Indian Brotherboad 68A:252, 259, 279 Atude. 49: 6, 8,23, 25, 26.27, 32, 33; 54; 13. 14 avaluation par mgmtITVA du Condit special so r S-33 Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs Assembly al firm Nations, Mtmbe,r, 74: 27 Avaeats pia idant riu civil, 491 12 -4; 66:8-13 Appeals on [dant 8u criminel, 49:7.12:66; 13-210 Background information, 74i 26 Constitution Amendment Proo-larnation,1983, adoption recom- Avitcais quabecuis, 49: 14-9, 28-9, 30.2 Ilistorique, 49:20, 22, 23, 28-9, 30, 3] mendcd,14; 23 Constitutional Accord. 1983. comments, 74.: 22-3D JurielictionsFei ranger, cornposcistin5 +19:24; 681: 318-9 luslIce, minisi&re, reunion avec, 32: 12, 23:54..24. 1.6; 6.6e 33 Manitoba Mais Federation, meetings Init.-14i 26, 28 Ma:wires friars 1983, 49: 5-19; 66: 5-6; 681; 226 Association of Iroquois and A11iei Indians Join 1983, 661 6-7;68A1225.40 Constitution Arneindment PreeLainoLlon. 7983, adoption recom- Porky, 49; 8-14, 20-1, 23, 25, 26, 27, 32.3:66: 7. 12, 13,47 mended, 71: 34.5 Prove, reOns Provinces. adoption, 49t 17-8, 22, 25, 29, 32; 66: 18 Riforme, 49,.. 19. 2J, 24-5. 21, 31:66; 46 Association of Beccirebt Managers and Administrators 1...haormisation, 497, 21, 22, 25, 28-9 Background information, 67: 5-6, (4.. 15; 67.A.: 1-2, 3 Recominanda 4.9.: 6, 7; 66:8 Bill S.33 Redaction, critiques Brief, 671: 1-15 "kph= talon au Quebec,diet,49: 16, 17-8., 30-1, 32 Recommend? tiOna, 67; 6-7, 18; 1171;I 1-5 Consultation, processus, 49: 6. 7,22, 23-4, 25. 27, 30, 31-2, 33; 66:46 Droit Ovid of droit criminal ensemble., 49.: 16-7. 30-2 Awashish, Pt2IIip, Vice-nialriaan of the Cree Regional Authority; Tradnet ion, 4Y:15 -6, 18-9, 32 Esecati Ire Chief of the Greed Coeacil a the Creel (ar Quebec). Resolution, 49: 11. 30; 66; 5:0344 226 ConstitutirraAmendmentProclamation, 1983,subject -metier. Confe'rencedc l'uniforroiss i rapports annuels. 49: 34 72: 16-7 Prf)&1" WW1' Connit6 comdoini AssociWieln du Barreau csnadion-Barreaudu BF' Canada, 325 27 Quebec

Iladsock, William T., Spec lel Legal Adviser, Nasie n al En d ian B rOtber- Assoclaaen wait:bale de Ia 'femme es le droll hood Bill C-127, menioire, 27: 6, 8 Bill C-26, 2< 8, 13-4, 15. 18, 19 New (.4) image for :Sexual Offenrex in the OintinalConte, 27: 9

Bail Rascal Acts 17; 6 Assaci.litwsa coupes-olives she credit LW Amendernent plopasc'z, aclinpte, 61 5; 7: 23-4 Baker, Samuel R. Balletfor the Petitioner, the President of the Lelliblidge globe of the Church of Jews Christ of Latter-day Assurance-cithmages Lai de1911 Saints Amentlicencui gran ]e 4Arnia de Ia Chambre dos communes a Famen- Bill S-I6, 8:o-1, 9. 12. 11, 14 dement propose, 6; 6-7

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Book Act Assurance-ch6mage, Loi de 1971-Sr/ire Foreign banks, subsIdEaries in Canada, ill 17, 20 Amendcmcrit propose; adopte, 6; 6-7; 7: 10, 56-8

Bookers' Books Evideoce Act Welted Kingdom), 55: 6.7, 24; 55A: 3; 65: 7-8 Autochtoues Antonomie politique 13:aking, Trade lint Commerce, Standing Sonata Committer Dermitiorts, interpretations Bill S-24, report to Senate, 23: 5.7 -3, 10:24: 7, 19 Aperial, 76:10 A ssemblet des premieres nations, 75A: 4.5, 3 Coalition des preani.kes nations., 71; 9-14, 15-6, 18-9, 26 Baptise Joint Committee im Public Life in Canada Conseil dc tribu de Hat:OM, 74: 12-3 Background information, 26: 73-4 Conseil des autochtones du Canada. 70: 4 1. 54-5. 56, 57-8, Bill C.201, Dominion Day, recommendation. 26: 73-5 59-60 Conseil national des Mdtis, 701 69-70, 73-6, 7 7 -8.80 Bar of Quebec Federation des nations indiennes do is Saskatchewan, 69: 50, See 51-7.59.65, 70.2, 8.3., 49-k 7-10 Joint Com mitiee of the Canadian Bar Association and the Bar or Grand Conseil do Cris (du Quebec), 72: 25-f1 Que.. Union des Indiene de l'Ontario (Anishinabck), 73: 21, 22-3 Gouvernement federal, position, 69: 14, 81, 82 -3 Conferences constitutionnelles futures Barber, & Sons Limited Consentement des parties, disposition relative alt. 69: 44.5, 54,59, Annual returns, 14: 10 65.8, 87.8; 70: 38-9; 71: 24; 71.4; 14-5; 73: 11, 13.5, 17 -9, 22; Dissolution, date and reason, 14: 10 74: 10-1, 15-7, 21.2, 29-30 Historical background, 14: 10 Fink' ncemen L., 69: [6, 75 Revival, purpose. 14: 10 Nan-partielpa nts, 69: 28 See also Participants Bill S-21 Associations, 69: 1743, 28 Consumer and Corporate Affairs Canada Representativite, 69: 18-9, 25.6; 70: 42, 45-6, 62-3, 66.7, 81; 71: 38-9; 73: 15, 23: 74: 16-7, 21-2; 75A: 5 -6 Barber, G.A., & Scam Limited ..., Act to revive Process's COMM, 69113-6, 20, 51, 53, 67, 74. 80; 69A: 5; 70; 9-10, 13-4, 88-9, 95-6; WA: 3; 71: 25; 71A: 14-5: 72: 12, See Bill 8-21 16-7; 73e 23; 73A: 2; 74: 10, 20, 25; 76e 8, 10 Derinition Apercu, 69:33 -10; 69A: 2, 5; 70: 39-40.43-4, 51-4, 57-61 Barton. Tom, legal Counsel, Legal Services, Crowe Assets Disposal 1ndien, 69: 54-5, 75-6, 85: 69A: 12:74 18, 20 -I, 40-1, 56.7, 83-4; Corporation 70A: 3.4; 71: 24-5, 32; 71A: 1; 72: 25-6; 73: 14-5. 17, 22.3: "Proposals to correct,., Revised Statutes of Canada, 1970. and other 74: 15; 75A; 1-2, 4-5:76: 9, 10; 76A: 1 Acts...", 7; 53-4 Inuit, 69: 34; 70: 88-92,95 Metis, 69: 34; 70:41 -3, 53, 63.9, 72, 84-5; 73:17 Batierni women, 27: 10. 14,7,43, 44 Drolis C bornedes droits tt libertes, drat, interpretations, 69: 46. 6840; 70: 20;71A; 12, 13.4; 74114, 18-20 Battered Women!. Pestetrion Study for, Research Centre, Con Firm ion, protection, 2; 11-4; 69: 40.2, 59, 70.1, 8l; 71: 15-6, , B.C.., 27: 16-7 17-24. 36-7; 711 A: 3, 4,22; 72: 10. 12: 74: 3-9, 20-I ,23: 75A.13, 4 &Noche:it:in. Marthe Notary For tali Petitioner, Mr. Philippe Dorval Definition, 69: 22.3, 35-44, 51-4, 67, 60, 79-80, 88; 69A: 1; Bill 8.34, 43: 6, 7,8, 9 70 17-9, 25-6, 38-9, 46-9, 54-6, 65, 93-4; 70A: 3-4; 11: 9-13, 15-8; 71A:1, 3; 72:10,15-9,21-4; 73:10-5. 21, 23-4; 73A: 1.2; 74: 9.12, 14, 21; 75A: 10: 16: 10 Belisle, Paul, Clerk of the Comonhote iDroits existant.s--nocestraux ou issus de trniteFo. definition Bill C.I 27, subject-matter, 27: 0 interpretations, 69: 23, 40-1, 49, 51-4, 69.70, 88:69A: 1-4, 5, 6- Bill C- 2131, correapondence received by the Committee. 26: 10, 11 10, 12; 70: 4.10. 18, 22-6, 38, 884, 96, 98; 711A: 3; 71: 10, Procedure, election of Chairman or Committee, 26:9 24; 71A:4, 14.5; 724 10.2, 14-5, 20-2:73: 11, 20-1; 74: 14-5; 75A: 3; 76e 8, 10; 76A:1 Bail, Hog, AR. Elizabeth, Sonata- (Nanairao-Malaspina) Trait6s,interprUationpar destribunaua,cornparaisOn. Sill C-201, subjectmatte-r, 26: 10-1, 56, 82 51-2, 53-4, 88:, 69A; 10.2 Crgalitc desSCIOS Bell aid Bruce, R. r.(1982). 35 O.R. (2d) 164), 55: 8, 24; 55A: 6, Fannies, position. 69: 25-6; 701 9-11. 13, 16; 76A: 4, 6-7, 9.18 17; 64; 12-3, 19; 65: 19; 65A; 9 Indiens, position, 69: 27, 47, 67, 84.5; 70: I8, 2 L, 44-5; 70A: 4; 71: 30.2, 35-6; 71A: 13.4, 15; 72: 12, 24.6:13: 14-5. 21-2; 74: 15; 75k. 4-5, 76A: 1-2. 10-1 Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks, The Grand Lodge of the 12(1)b). 69: 26-7, 45.7. 85; See Lol sur les Wiens, Article Elks of the Dominion of Canada, The Grand Lodge of the 69A: 2-3, 5: 70: 9, 18, 20-1, 44;70A;4; 71: 31; 72: 24-6; Benevolent and Protective Order of 73A: I; 74:15; 75A; 5; 76c 9; 76A; 1-2, 4, 7

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Bertrand. Chard, QC, Chief Legislative cograse4 Legititadim Ste- ANt0ChWnes-Suige lieu, Department of Justice. fIrgits-Sedie Birr S-31 Egal its des sexes. -.V21.1' re Discussion, 49; 34; 52: 22-3, 24 iticlaclion de l'arnendcameni constitutionnel, 69: 17, 22-7, 31 Statement, 52: 20-1 32,. 45-6, 67,, 78-9; 69A!! 2-3, 5; 70; 8-16, 44, 39; 72; 12; "Prc.p6sa Is to ...,orreet. Revised Statutes or Canada, 1970. and other 73A: 1: 74:20-1; 76: V,I 0 Acts .- Ripereussions 1--11015,9.inn, 6; 8-12, 16-8, 20, 22-5, 71 14, 16, 18.35- 39-45, 49-50. coats, 69 76, 54, 85-6;'1 dd, 58 53-6, 58-61 Deed ts de propriita, 69:47.8 Staicment, 6: 6. 7 Indians Arbitrage. droit, 2: T0-1, 13, 14.5, 17-8 Consensus, 7b 33-4, 35; 73: 15, 23; 744 9, t6-7, 21-2, 28; VICa-ChairTnOrit effillatlian COnsfiltittiTe Connell OR Mul- ticulturatism 75A: 6-7, 76ds..! Bill C201. subject- matter Melaration des premieres. naliw, 711; 8, 9,14, 23, 33-4; 71A; 1. Discussion, 26: 45, 50 Statement, 26: 45 Education. 71: 29531 Hisleire, 2: 9-10, 1 1;11: 7.14, 32-3, 35-7; 71-4r 4-5, 8.9, 16-8; 74:9, 13-4, ] 7; 75A: 2, 8.10. 76A: 3-7 teller PetdicoiPS for Camaiagv, Departpueit Al N,600.1 Health and Indices de Fort Nelziun, Wilde, drafts miniors et revenus Welfare. 31: 12, 23, 29, 32; 34: 14 2: 6.7.9, 10, 11, 20 Proelamaiion royale do 1763, 49: 31; 8, 4; 70: 27: 71: 9, Bin C-10 - Canada Nannprofli Corporatima Act 11-2, 13, 15, 20,28,.71A: I. 8,12, 14, 17.8; 73: 18. 7413; Dimissioo 75A; 2, 4,8-11 Cbtosm 26 - Ownership of property of charitable corpormion5 Nombre 84 13 Aperr-u, 69; 25, 34; 70 82 -3 Clause 28 (1) - Properly to tic used to further charitable or (Wien&It45, 81; 71: 30 membership aciivilie8413 7111: Ste thri:E1 Patis, 70; 72, 81 BGqErl'6 Proceu3sus bilateral Re/igloos oarporabons Continuntlen, 69: 16, 21-2, 74,81 Indbens, 6%. 18-2!,, 63, 66-9, 75; 70: 45; 71: 8-9, 15-7, 23-5; 7 IA:. 10-5; 72: 16; 73; 25;'74: 9-113, 24, 26, 27.9; lisA; 8, Bill C-26 - Fort Nelson Indian Rexene Minerals Revenue Sharing 10-1 Avg Proclamation de 1983 modifiant Fp ourimitulino, adoption, pmitions British Columbia goverromeni, parallel legislation, k 8 Docugsion Assembl& des ultcf du Momithlxi,74: 23 Clause 3 - Agreement approved, 2: 7 Assembles des premi6resRatiO.147,,69:84; 7l: 26, 30; 75A; 12 Clause 6 - Amendment gismo effeet, 2; 7 Association des feinme,s autochiones du Ca nada570.: 9, 14, 16 Ciause 7- Tabling order, 2; 7 Coalition des premkres nations, 71: 13, I?, 25, 30, 35-8; 73: /7, Clause 9 - Application. 2; 13.4 Preambre, 2; 9-10 011146 d'cindoInuit dot quess ions tieIivnalcc, 74s 87, M9 HL' toricat background, 2:6.7, 14, 19-20 Conseil' de tribu do Ilobbanni, 74: 16 James Day Agreement, St inparion, 10, 14, 20 Conseil tie tribe de Nisltga (New AiyanAh, Purpose, 2! 7, 9 qua 73: 9, 15, 16 Report to Senate, without amendment, 2: 4, 5,21 Conseil des autOulituntS. in Conatim,691 84; 711; 36.7, 46-7, 61 Sec mrso Conseil des I nJiciac di; Yukon571,k 19; 70A: 2, 4-5 Fort Nclaon Indian 8010 Conseil national des Metis, 70: 70 Grand Conseil des Cris (fin Qitcbcr[, 72:9,12, 1.6, 24 BB! C-34 - Act to amend the Judges At mad certain other Ae(alit friaitTapirisai of Cailuda, 69; 84 consequenoe thereof Sluing des I RCliM5 do 1'0Diarl s.1.(An isinsabels), 73; 23, 24 ThefiliAtheir3 iltriVe2FI squereebrflekelSreferra rAe seatortsof the RcLveadiaktions rerriboriales Judges Ac Aceords Adoption, urgency of, 9: Convention de la Bois James of du Nord qu613.6eois, 2: 10, 14, Disonasion 20; 69; 40-2, '73, '17-8; 70; 65-7, 70-3, 77-8, 80; 71: 33;

Cause 7 (b),19 (h),19 (m)], 9: t4.] 11A: 12; 72t 9, 10-1, 13-5, 19 -25; 74: 19;13A; I Clause 8 14, 5,7, 9.19r, 9: 5 Protection constitabennolle, inicrpr6uition5, 69: 40-2, 4N, 76-8; Clause 9 [4.5.7, 9-]9), 9: tt OA: 2,3-4; 70:18-9, 21-4, 2J6-34, 39, 58.9, 93, 9-9; Clause r 2 9 , % 5 -9 70A; 2-3; 72:10-2,13-5, 20-4; 73:11,13-4,17-9, 221 Claus* 113 [2o1,% 8, 9 73A: 2; 75A: 3.4; 76: 10; 76A; 1 Clause 15 122 (3) (b)), 91 9 rtimrcuvio,o, dreills do propriet6, 41*, 47-8, 63-4 Cause 16 [23 (1)], 9: 9, 13 -5, T6-7, /8 Asset/IV& des preadbres nations., position, 75.4: 7-8, 11 Clause 18 (2) [25 (1-1),25 (1.2)), 9:11 -2 lniril, Clause 18 (3). (25 (4)1, 9: 2.2 fvflis, 70: 65-75 70-3, 7745 'so Clause 19 (2)- Supplementary Retirement Benefits Act, 9: 9-10 Nishga, 73: 8-9, 10-5, 18.9 Cle lusts 23 - Auditor General Act, 1976.1977, c.34, 9: 10 Territoirncli!NordOuesi, 69; 3.1, 76.7, 110 -3; 7* 22, 95, 97; Clause 2A - Official Languages Act. R.S., o.02, 9: 10 72: 21 :73A; 2-2 Clause 25- Canada Elections Act, o 14 OMSlipp.), 10 'ikon, 64: 81-2; 4 A; I, 3; 70A: 2-3

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Bill C-34 - Act to amend the fudges Act and certain other Acts io Autoehtones-Sulte consequence thereof-Con/41 Traites, interpretations, 71: 9, 10-4, 16. 19-22, 27-8, 35; 7M: 2-4, 1 topEica I ions 9-10, 12-3, 17, 21.3 Consequential afeenclinents to other Acts, 9; 10 Judges' contributions 6arrards annuities, provisions deleted, 9: 6-7, Antonin:Ile politique des Indiens, Cordite special de Is Chambre des 10 communes, 69: 82-3; 70; 45.59; 75A: 5;76; 10 Report to Senate without amendment, 9: 4, 532 Ser. also Bill C-52 Awashish, M. Phillip, rice-president ale Padministrationi regiunak Judges Cris; chef askew-if du (rand Conseil des L'ris (du Quebec) Judges Act Proclamation de 1983 mad ill am NI Corestitution, temmr, 72 16 -3

BP Canada, 30: 26, 27 BM C-37 - Act to amend the Holidays Act Bill C-201, comparison, 26: 15, 83, 85, 8-8-9, 91, 92, 93 Badeock, M. William T., concealer juridique special,Fraternite nittienak des [Wiens du Canada Bill C-45 - Act to amend the Pest Control Products Act Bill C-26, 2: 8, 13-4, i5, 18, 19 Discussion, Clause 1 - Act binding on Her Majesty, 15: 6.11 Historical background, 15e 6,.8,9,10, 11 Raker, M. Sautuet IL, proeureur du petitionnalre, lc President de is Purpose, 15: 6, 9 Division de Lethbridge de rEgfise de Jesus-Christ des saints des Ramikations, provinces, l& 7-11 deriders jams Report to Senate, without amendment, 15: 4, 5,11 Bill 5.16, 8:15.7, 9, 12, 13, 14 See Ow Pest Control Protium Act Ronde its Indiens de Fort Nelson YOE, Bill C-52 - Statute Law (Superanotation) Amendment Act, 1st Ses- Indians de Fort Nelson, Mantle sion, 30th Parliament Judges Act amended, contributions to annuities, 9: 17 ilartAere Books Eridence Act (Roystime-Lini), 55: 6-7, 24; 55A: 20, See also 65:7-8 Bill C-34 Judges ludgeq Act finnques,Loi Banqocs kratteres, Ciliates au Canada, I 17, 20

Bill C-53 - Act to amend the Criminal Code in relation to sexual Ramses at du commute, Comite senatorial permanent offences and the protection of young pereOUS lad to amend certain Bill' S-24, rapport au Sena t, 23: 5, 7.8.10; 24:7, 19 other Acts is relation thereto or in consequence thereof, subject- matter Amendments proposed, 25: 29.30, 37 Baptist Joint Committee on Public Life he Canada Bill C-20I, ate du Dominion, recommandation, 26: 73-5 Bill C-127, comparison, 25: 34-5, 36, 40-1 Historical background, 25: 16 information de base, 26: 73-4 Study, 13rOcccl arc, 25:6-15, 28, 31-2, 42 See afro Barter, G,A,, &SOWSLimited Bill C-127 Dissolution, dale et raison, 14: 10 Child pornography and sexual exploitation of children Historique, 14: 10 Reconstitution, but, Id: 10 Sommalres annuals, 14: 1.0 Bill C-61 - Young Offenders Act [(oft marl Coming into force. 17: 24-5; 19: 6, 9,14; 20: 10, 21; 21: 19; 22: 11-2, Bill S21 15-7, 18 Corrsom n ut dein ct Corporation; Canada Discussion Clause 3 .- Declaration Principle, 17: 22; 19: 17; 21: ii Barber, G.A,, & Sons Limited ..., Lol reetiostituant Is roseate Clause 4 -- Alternative Measures, 21: 9 Voir Clause 11 - Right to counsel, 17: 27; 21: 9-10, 19, 23,27 Bill 5-21 Clause 23 (2) (d) - Conditions that may appear in probation orders, 211 10 Clause 24 - Custody, 21: 11 Barreau do Quebec Clause 43 (2) (b) - Private records, 19: 12. Yoir Clause 45 - Destruction of Records, 17: 16; 19: 10, 11-2; 21: 12, C'omit'd conjoint Association du Rarreau canadien-liarreau du 14-5, 19, 24-5, 27 Quebec Clause 56 - - Evidenee, 21: 9.10, 19 Clause 69 - Youth Justice Committees, 22,1 8.9 Barron, M. Tool, avocat cornea, Services .0114h/toes, Corporation de Clause 70 - Agreements with Provinces, 19:9.; 21: 12-3 disposition des Metes de la Court:one Historical background, 17; 5, 8,13.4; 19: 10, 15-6; 21: 6-7 'Propositions visant i corrigar... Stouts revises du CliflaCht dc 1970 Juvenile Delinquents Act. comparison, 17: 5.6, 10, 24-6 ci . ecriaines lois paste-ileums', 7:53 -4

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Bill C-61 - Young Offenders Act-Coned HarreredWomen, Protection Studyfar, Women's Research Centre, Purpose., philosophy, 17: 5, 6,9, 10, 22; 19: 13, 15, 16; 20: 10, 12-3, Vancouver, C.-13,, 27; 16.7 21, 23; 21: 7, 9,10, 13, 18-9 Ramifications, provincial governments, reaction, overview. 17: 7, 10, 11-2. 20-1 26, 28, 297,19: 5, 6,10,14,16-7, 18.9; 20;13; Beeitchendlit, Mine Marthe, bemire du petitionnalre, M. Philippe Dor- 21; 27-9; 22: 12 val Report to Senate, without amendment, 22: 4, 5,22, 23 Bill S-34, 43:6.7,8, 9 Scope, reiroectivity. 17: 19-20 Belisle, M. Paul, grellier du Cornice Bill C-102 - Act le amend the Department of Energy. Mines owl Bill C-127, concur. 27: 6 Resources Act Bill C.201, correspondence rogue par k Comic& 26: 10, 11 Amendment June 2, 1982, comparison with amendment of May 12, Prockdarc, election du president du Coma& 26: 9 1982, 50:9-10, 12-4, 18, 19, 22 See also Bill C-130 Belli. honorable Ann Elizabeth, seaatewr (Nanoimo-Malaspina) BM C-201, teneur, 26; r0-3, 56, 82

Bill C-127 - Act to amend lie Criminal Code in relation to lentil Bell a offences and other offences against the person and to amend cop Bruce, R. c. ( (11982). 35 O.R, (24) 164), 55: 8, 24: 55Ai. 22-3, 33;64:12-3, 14:65: 19; 65A; 4t rain other Acts in relation thereto or in constiquence thereof. sub- ject-matter The numbers between squareBracketrefertothe sections of the Bertrand, M. Gerard, cr., conseiHer Vegislatif en chef, Section de la Criminal Cade ministhe de is Justice Arertniirlivnta, proposes BM S 33 Clause. 19 1244(4)1 -Accused's beliefAS toconsent, 251 23 Discussion, 34:5Z 22-3, 24 cra use 19 1245,2 (1)11.- Aggravated , 251 29 Expose,52: 20-1 Clause 19 [246.13 - Sevin] oasnuu, 251 43 «Propositions visent i< corriger... Statute revises du Canada de 1970 Clause 19 1246,2) - with aweapon, threats et ,.. ccrtaines loin paqiricurcT. 25; 43 Disi.!ussion, 6: 8-12,16-8,20, 22.5; 7: 14, 16, 18-35, 39-45, 49-50, Clause 19 (246.3] -- Aggravated sexual.1116Milt,25: 29-30. 37 53-6, 58-61 Clause 19 1246.6 (1) (c).1- No evidence concerning sexual activ- Expos6, 6: 6, 7 ity. 25: 44 Clause 19 1246.7] -Reputation evidence, 25: 27-8, 44 Clause 19 1246.81 - Spouse may be charged. 25c 44 B'erubet M. Real, vice-presidest, Cooled consallatif catondlen du mid- Bilk C-53, eornRrFaon, 25: 34-3, 36, 40-1 ticulturallsme Discussion Bin c-lei, Eeneur Cause 1121 - Definition "complainant ", 25: 34-5 Discussion, 26:48, 50 Clause 6 [ i42], 25: 18, 34; 27:8, 11, 12, 47, 49, 50 Expose..., 26: 45-6 Clause 6 [143], 25; 35 Clause 13 1195 (I)] - Procuring, 251 33 Blass de surplus deInCommon% 1.91 Clause 16 [214 (5) (124 on page 51 of Issue #27)1- Hijacking, Amendcments proposes; adopter, 7:53-4 sexual assault or kidnapping, 27: 39-40. 51,52 Clause 19 f244 (I)] - tlssanli,25: 26, 41-2 Clause 19 L244 (3)1 -- Consent. 25: 35-6, 41; 27: 18-20, 32.3, C-116 -1.01 Surles societk-s canadiennes sans but liner:elf 37. 8,40-1 Di2OUS.SLOli CiSruhe19 1244 (4)i -Accused's belief as to consent, 25; 22-5; Art. 26 - Droit do propri.616 des societes dc bienfaisaare, 8: 13 27: 8-10, 12-6, 21-4, 26-8, 42, 46.7 Art. 28 (I) -- Utilisation des fonds pour promouroir scs act ivit6s Clause 19 [245] - Assault, 25: 17; 27; 8,14 -5, 41 de bienfaisancc,&13 Clause 19 1245.11 - Assault with a weapon or causing bodily Voir dUSSI harm, 25: 35; 27: 16-7 Bill S-16 Clause 19 1245.21-- Aggravated mutt, 25: 29-30, 37, 40-1 Soci6t6s religicusec Clause 19 [246.1 Cl)] - Sexual assault, 25: 16, 17, 32-3. 36-7, 40-2; 27:8, 17, 25-6, 41 Bill C-26 - an' In portagedegwremis [Birders de to reserve Clause 19 [246.1 (2)I - No defence, 25; 26; 27: 18.20, 40-1 indlenne de Fort Nelson Crouse 19 [246,2] -- Sexual ASSatai with a weapon, threats 13aklames,Convention, cumin, raison avec, 2: JO, L4, 213 25: 16, 17, 36-7.40-1, 43-4; 27: 16-7 But. 24 7, 9 Clause 19 [246.3j - Aggravated sexual assault, 25: 17, 29-30, Colorable-Britannique, gouvernernera. lei equivalente. 37,40-1; 27:24, 39 Discussirm Clause 19 [246.4] - Corroboration not required, 25: 19-, 27: 8. Art. 3- Accord en vigueur, 2: 7 17-8 Art-6 - Modifications, 2: 7 Clause 14 [246.5] - Rules respecting recent complaint abro- Art. 7 - D6p61. cievent le Parlement, 2: 7 gated, 25: 20, 39, 40; 27; 11, 17, 18 Art. 9 - Application, 3: 14 Clause 19 (246.6 (1)] - No evidence concerning sexual activity, Prtambule, 2: 9-10 25: 21-2, 44:27: 8, 11, 12, 47.8, 49-51 Histerique, 2: 6-7, 14, 19-20 Clause. 19 [246.7] - Reputation evidence. 25: 27-8, 44 Rapport in Simat, sans aincndemant, 2: 4, 5,21 Clause 19 1246.8] - Spouse may be charged, 25: 44; 27; 8. 14.6 Moir rums/ Clause 20 [249] -- Abduction of person under sixteen, 25: 25 I ndiens de Fort Nelson. bande

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Bill C.127 - Ace to amend the Criminal Cede in relation to sexual Bill C-34 - Lot snoditimit ha Lei stir len juges et appoHaut I rentoes offences isother offences against the person and 10 emend cer- Ids des modifications enanexes tain other Acts in petition thereto or In conseqoence thereof.- Les autngras entre parentheses carries indlquene ins&liars deia Coned Lot sur les flips Discussion-Coned Adoption, urgence, 9: 6.7 Clause 20 [2501 - Abduction of person under fourteen. 25a 25 Discussion Clause 20 [250.11 - Abduction in contravention of custody Art. 7[191)1,19h), l9m)], 9: 10-I order, 25: 25; 27: 44-5 Art, 8[4, 5,7, 9- 19],9:8 Clause 20 050,2] Abduction where na castody order. 25: 25; Art. 9[4, 5,7,9-19],9s5 27:4-4, 4S Art. 12[19], 9: 8-9 Clause 20 [250.4] - Defence, 25; 25 Art. 13[20]. 9:8,9 Clause 25 [442] - Reasons to be stated, 25; 34 Art. 15[22 (3)b)]. 9:9 Historical background, 25:6, 32, 33, 42-3; 21: 21 Art. 16[23 (l)], 9: 9, 13-5, 16-7, 18 Study, procedure, 25: 42 -3 Art. IS (2)[25 (I, 1)25 (1,2)0: 11-2 See also Art, 18 (3)[25 (4)], 9: 22 Bill C-53 Art. 19 (2) - Loi sur les prcstat ions dc retraitc supplementaire, Child abduction 9; 9-10 Sexual offences Arc 23 Loi sur k eerifienteur gen6rall, 1976-77, c.. 34, 9: 10 Art. 24 - Lei sur is langues official let, S.R., c. 0-2, k 10 Art. 25 - Loi electorale du Canada, c, 14 (ler suppl.), 9; 10 Implications BIB C-130 - International Development (Financial lantltutions) Contributions del juges ant fonds dc pensions, dispositions suppri- Condoning Assistance Act: consideration alike constitutionality of ;tikes, 9:6-7, 10 Clauses 5 to 11 inclusive Modifications connoteserantres lois, 9:I 0 Amendment by House of Commons Standing Committee on Mater- Rapport au Serial, sans amendetnent, 9: 4, 5,22 nal Affairs and National Defence. 50:20 -1, 22-3 Vofr Constitutionality of negative resolution procedures Bill C-52 Bill C-102, comparison, 50: 8-10, 11, 12-4, 16, 18, 19. 20, 21-2, 23 Juges Senate role, 50:6, 7.8, 10-1, 32, 14, 15, 16-9, 20-1.22-5 Juges, Loi Definitions "institution". 50: 22 "Parliament ", 50: 10.1 Bill C-37 - Loi modifinnt Is Lei einInissant des fours ferias Discussion Bill C-2.01, comperaison. 26; 15, 83, 85, 88.9, 91, 92, 93 Clause 2 - Definition of "institution", 50:22 Clause 3 - Assistance, 50: 18,19, 22 Clause 4- .Amendment of schedule, 50; 16, 37, 18, 19, 22 Hill C-45 - Loi modifient k Lei nor les prod nits entiparasitainas Clause 5 - Tabling order, 50: 8, 9,10, 31, 14, 16, 18, 20, 21 But, 15; 6, 9 Clause 6 - If Eirralnative motion is not adopted by the House of Discussion, Article 1. - Obligation de Ss Mniest.t, 15: 6 -I Commons, sk 8, 9, 14, 16 Historique, 15:6, 8,9, II), 11 Clause 7 -- If negative motion is adopted by the House of Com- Ramifications, provinces, 15: 7-11 mons, 50: 8, 9,14, 16 Rapport au Senat, sans amendentent, 15: 4, 5,11

Clause 8 --If affirmative motion L9 adopted by the House of Voir ;mut Commons, 50: 8, 9,14, 16 Produits antiparasitaires, Lui Clause 9 - If negative motion is nut adopted by the House of Commons, 50: 8, 9,14, 16 Bill C-52 - Lei de 1975 modifies] le drnit statutaire (Pension de Clause 10 - Revocation on prorogation or dissolution of Parlia- lre sestina, 30e legislature ment, 5111a 8, 9,14, 16 Amenderrient d la Loi stir les juges, contributions run pensions, 9:17 Clause t 1 - Definition of "sitting day of Parliament ", 50t a, Voirnewt 9,14, 16 Bill C-34 Purpose, 50; 11 -2,21 Juges Report to Senate Juges, Loi Drafting, 50:4, 8.12, 14-5, 17, 18, 23-5 Motion, 5* 12, 14, 25 Bill C-53 - Loi modifiant le Cade eriminel en matt re d'infractions Report without amendment but with a recommendation express- sexuelles et do protectioN des jeunes at apportant des modifica- ing the reservations discussed in Committee, 56:4, 5,25 tions correlatives 61 Ventres lois, tenctir See also A mendemen is proposes, 25: 29-30. 37 Bill C.102 All C-127, comparaison. 25: 34-5, 36, 40-1 ttude procedure, 25c 6-15, 28, 31-2, 42 Historique, 25s 16 Bill C-141 - Act to emend the Canadian Human Rights Act and to Vofr rrrrrti Bill C-127 amend certain other Acts in consequence thereof sexucllc The numbers between .square brackets refer to the sectionsof Mc Enfants, prwrsographie et expleitation Canadian HamanRights Act Amendments by Moose of Commons Standing Committee on Jus- Bill C-61 - I jai stir lee lenses conlrevenants tice and Legal Affairs But, philosophie, 17: 5, 6,9, 10, 16,22;19: 13, 15, 16; 28: 10, 12-3, Chose 7 [ 14] -bona fide occupational requirement, 51: 10-1, 13 21,23;21: 7.9,10, 13, 18.9

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Bill C-141 - AU to amend tire Calm Ilan Humus' Rights Act awl to Bill C-6I - Lol sur les jeunes contrevenants-51rite mead certain other Acts In consequence thereof-Coned Discussion Amendments by HousTe of Commons Standing Committee on Jus- Art- 3 - D6cleration dot prin(ipes, 1% 17; 21: 11 tice and Lego] Affairs-Coned Art d - Mesures de rechange, 21 :9 Clause 20 [41.4] - Restriction, Far avoiding undue hardship, on Art- II - Droit aux services d'un avocat, 17:27; 21: 9-10, 19, 23, orders, 51:13-6 27 Clause 29 - Coming into force. $1: 13 Art- 23 (2)(1) - Conditions pow :ant figurer duns tint ortion name Discussion de probation. 21: EC Clause 1, 51:21 Art. 24 - Garde. 21: 1 CAREX 7 1.13j - Harassment and sexual harassment. 51: 8 Art. 43 (2)b) - Dossiers priv4, 19; /2 Clause 7 [141 - Exceptions. 51: 18-20, 21-2,23 Art. 45 - Destruction des dossiers, rf; 16; 19; ID, 11-2; 21: 12, Clause 9 [] 5-1] - Plans to moot the needs or cligabrcd persons, 14-5, 19, 24-5, 27 51s 25-6 Art. 56- Preuve, 21: 9-10, 19 Clause 1 1 139.11 - Accessibility standards, 51:25, 26 An. e9 - Comires itistint pour la jcumesse, 22:8-9 Clause 23 [481 - Acts of Employees, El:et:potion, 51: II Art. 71) - Accords avec les provinces. 19; 9; 21; 12-3 Clause. 24 {63) - Binding on Crown, 51: I IF Entree en vigucur, /7.: 24-5; 1% 0, 9,14: 20: 10. 21; 21; 19; lit 11-2, Droning, Francis version 15.7, 18 Clause 7,51:6-8 His ioriq ue, 17:: 5, 8,13-4: 1%10, 15-6; 21:6.7 Clause 20, 51: 13.6 l visu r les jounes dclEnguants, C011iparaison, 17: 5-6, 30, 24.6 Historical background, 51: 6.8 Porin'e, re/roses iwite, 17t 19-20 Report to Senate, without ornenduserst, 51:4, 5,27 Ramifications, &our eruernems provinciaux. r&iction, apeu, 171 Scope. application, Si: .2 113, 11-2. 20 -1, 26-8, 29; 19: 5, 6,10, 14, 16-7, 18-9;ltt 13; Sec rorso 211727-9;22; 12 Canadian Human Rights Act Rapport au Sawa I, sans ornemiernent, rt 4, 5,22, 23 Hurtiars rights.

Bill - Lni madifInut la Lad our le ministers de rginceatie, Bill C-192 - Young Offenders Act (3rd 9lessles, Mel ParIllasent), Mines et des Ressourees 17: 14 Amendment du 2 juin 1982, I.:mune:raison ayec l'amencicinen: du 12 mai 1982. SO; 9-10, 12-4, 18, 19. 22 siN C-201 TAN iogiridigl the Holidays Act subject- miner Vnir ewi Bill C-37, comparlann, 14e 15, 83, 85, 88-9, 91, 92, 93 Bi II C-130 Consequential an or ancillary legislation, 26.: go, 83, 89, 90, 93,94, 95-6, 98 Bill C -1.27 - Loi modillams It Code 1.rloilnel en usaared'Infract ions DeruSi /ion, 26: 85.88 -9, 90, 91-3, 95,98 pecsaunse elargot:taut Drafting, 26: 15, 37 -5 saxnelles et dieutres infractions teeire des mirdIFIcations correlativesd'autrea lois* teneur Ristarir-1.1 background, paosagt in House of Commons, 26: 14-5, 28, Lfr nurWras enfre pores..tot cornet fee arrinres 61.68. 73, 74 -5.77, 75, 85, 89,90 Code erinthiel R4rnincatimas for business community, 26:97-8. 101.2 Amen.denvnteipropusitions Report to Senate, prepare don. 264 78, 80-] . 89, 94, 103 Art. 19[244 (4)1 Ctoyonee do l'oecusC quant nit smnsen tense n Study, procedure. 26: 30, 12, 37-8, 46, 76.7, 80-2, 89.90, 94, 95, 96, /02.3 ZS: 23 1)] - Void ac fait graves, 25: 29 See also Art, r9[145.2 Art.t 9[246.1] - Agrtasion sex uelle, 25: 43 , proposed title for July let Art 19124-6.2] - Agreasion acAuel It arn.t(f e, menaces ,..15: 43 Dominion Day, replacement by Canada. Day, proposal Art. 191246.3] - Agreasion sex uelle &rave, 15; 29-30, 37 Art. E91246.6 (1)e)) - P113 preliNe stir le comp:Rte.:nem sexual Bill S4- Au to revive Pyramid Communications Limited duplaignans, 25e 44 Discussion Art. 39[246.71-- Prtuve de tEeutatien, ZS: 27-8. 44 Clause 1 - Company continued, 1: 4, 12 Art. 191246.131 - Inculpation duconjoint,25: 44 Clouse 2 - Rights preserved, 1: 4, /2 dill c-53, ounpvii,,,, 25:34-5, 36.411 -i Preamble 1; 4, 12 Discussion Tit lo, 1; 4, E2 Art. 1{21 - Deinition frIa ig Iran tN, 25: 34-5 Report to Senate. without amendment. 1: 4. 5.12 Art. 61142], 25e 18, 34; 27.: 8, 11. 12, 47, 49, 50 ef afro Art. 61143], 15:35 Pyramid Corruounications Limited Art, 13[195 ()1 - Prosa.neIssme, 25 :33 Art. 161214 (5) (124 a 11: page 51 du faselcule *27)] - Datour- nemeni. afire saion sem:tile es: cribevemerst, 27; 3940.51, 52 BM 5 -12 - Asa respecting the Canadian Mershon Service Guild Art 191244 (1)1- Voiles de fait, 252 26, 41-2 The numbea between .Quart- branrceis prertoe the original trumboring Art-9[244 [3)1 - Consentemen", 25; 15-6. 41; 2.7: 113-20, 32-3, of aledouses oftheKr AmendmOras Art. !91244 (4)] - Croya:ite dero.cavishquani tot consentenoni, Clause 9 It 2) -- By.7aws between conventions, carried, 3:4,5,16 25c 22-5; 27: 8-10, 12-6, 21.4, 26-8, 42, 46-7 ClanSe 9 (A) 121 - Enforcement of by-laws, carved. 3: 4, 5,16 Art, 19[245] - Voita tie fail., 25:17; 17; 8, 14.5, 41 Clause 9 (4) [3] - Duration of bylaws; carried, 114, 5,16 Att. 19{245.11 -- .4.gression armit ou inilictian de 16.sious corpu- Discussion rcllcs 35; 27: 16 -7 Clause 4- Objects, 1: 1 3. 12, 13 Art, 19[245.2] - Voles de fait graves. 23: 29-30, 37, 40-1

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Bill 31-12 - Act respecting the Cs odd ;a a Merchant &nice Guild- Bill ctr - Lai modifisuit te Code criminel en me i lire d'infriellunts G'our'd teXU61101 451eautres linfraciloas cloture la personale et lapertant. Discussion-Cofied desFUldificstiomcorrelatives d d'autres lois., tallow-Su/le Clause 5 - Powers. k 12, ] 3, 14 Discussion-371;re Clause 9 -. Hy-laves, 3t 13-4 Art. 19[246 -I (1)1- Agression scauelle, 25: 16, 17, 32-3, 26-7, Clause 9 (1) (j) - By -laws. referenda, 3: 16 40-2; 27: 8, 17.25-6.41 Clause 9 (2)- By-laws between &inventions, 3o 7-8, 15.6 Art. 191246.1 (')1 -- D60-nirrecova We, 25; 26; 27: 18.20, 40-1 Clause 9 (3) [2] - Enforcement or by.ka ws. 1 15 Art. 19[246.2] -- Agression se:tuck a rm6e, tnonaons___, 25: 16, Clause 9 (4) [3] - Duration a by -laws, 3: I 5. 17, 36-7, 40-1, 43-4; 27: 16-7 Clause 10 (1) -"Former Act" defined, 3: 9 Art. 19[246-3] - Agree.sion scanclle grave, 25: 17, 2.9-30, 37, Clause 10 (2) -°MUDua tion, 3: 9 40-1; 271 24, 39 Clause 10 (3) - Actions taken under former Act, lc 9, 10 Art.. 191246.4] La corroboration West ink; exig ,c., 25: 19; 27:: 8, Report to Semite, with amendments, 3; 4. 5,16 17 -8 SeeoLvo Art. l9[246.5] - AboPiiiion dcs r6g.lcs retatives a la plaints soon- Canadian Merchant SeTiricc Guild tank, 25: 20, 39, 40; 27: 11, 17, 18 Art. 19[246_6 COT - Pas de. preuve sur le comporlenscuL stxuel du plaignant, 25e 21-2, 44 ;27: 8, H, 12, 47-8, 49-51 Hill S-13 - Act to revive 7vIontilair Ltd, and Saccam Ltd, Art. 79[246-71 - Preen do reputation, 25: 21-8, 44 Implications. 4: 12 Art. 19[2.46,81 - inculpation du conjoint, 25444; 2718, 14-6 Repnrt InScrtale, without amendment,4; 4, 5,73 Art. 201249] -Enfemment d'unn FIZTECH111U de rnoins descize SUMLe procedure, Rule 95, 4: 6 ans, 25: 25 See aho Art- 20[250] -Flare:neat [Punt person ne dc n7oi115dequutorie Mon Lilac Ltd. ens, 25:2.5 Senna) Ltd- Art...20(250.11 - E016.inmcnil no contravention d'oric mixt is nce de garde, 25; 25; 27; 44-5 Art. 20[250,2] - Fnleveincot en ['absence d'iann oldennanoc de Bill 5-14 - Act N revive Treanuld industries Limited garde, 254 25: 27; 44,45 Purpose, 5; 6 Art. 201250.4] - Difenee, 25: 25 Report no Senate, without amendment, 5; 4. 3,7 Art. 25(442J - Moi ire, 25; 3-4 Senate procedure, Rule 95, 4; 6 titude5 procedure, 25e 42-3 See. also H latorique, 25;. ifiit 32.33, 42-3; 27: 21 Tremus Incluetrise Limited Voer21GISSi Silt C-53 Entente, rapt Bill 5 -16 - Act realteedisig the President of the Lethbridge Stake of infractions svauel Lea the ChurchniJe5R4auristof Latter-day Salida Ant to incorporale thePrdsident ofthe j,ethbridgo Stake, compari- son, 8: 9-11, 12-3 0111C-130 - Led &aide an develappetneat istereatinnai (inerrituriorm Discussion fiaancreres); examen 4c la constitittionnalitn dos articles 5 a 11 ClaliSt1 --TricorporaLion,1:. 7-45 inclusivernent Clause 1- Capacity, 10 Amendernent par Jo Comite perrnancnt dos A ffairce catihioures et Clause 4 Non-profit corporation, & 10, 12-3 de fa D6fense rationale de la Cha m bre des communes, 50: 20-1, Preamble, paragraph {c), 8: 10 22-5 PLI.rjr:Se, 8:6.7 But, 50;11-2, 2.I Report to Seuale, withoutamendment. 8:4, 5,14 Constitutitirmalite do la prudurerely Liveaux r6solotiona oirIgativist9 See olio Bill C-102. comparaison., 50: 8-10, 11, ]2 -4, ]6, lg. 19, 20, 21-2, Bill C-10 23 President or thc Lethbridge Stake. Act to incorporato. S-C. 192.6-27, S6nat, rale, 50e, 6, 7.8, 10-I, 12, 1.4, 15,16-9, 211-I, 22.5 Chap. 112 1:14firtitioris President of the Lethbridge Stake Of the Church of Jesus Christ of el netitutiorvv, 50: 22 Latter-day Saints AParlemenD,541: 10.1 Religious cimporntixim Disouertion Art. 2 - DUrintion d'iainstitutionN 50: 22 Art. 3 --- Aide, 56e 18, 19, 22 Bill 5 -19 - Stare immunity Act Art.. 4 -Modification de Pann.exe, 50: 16, 17, 18, 10,22 A inenrimeate Art,5 - Dapst domm It Parlornem! 50: g, 9,10,[ I, 14, 16, 18, Clause 2- Deihl itione; carried, 121 5-6, 14; 1:4: 4, 6 20, 21 Clouse 4 (4) - Third party proceedings and counter chime; ear- Art. G - Nonadoptiort d'unc motion do ratification, 50; 8, 9,14, rigid, 13: 4,6 16 Clause 9 (7) - Default judgennent5 French vermin, curried,134 5. Art. 7 - Adoption [rune motion de I.:qui, 501 8, 9,14. 16 6 Art. a - Suite do radoption dune motion dc mitioation. Stk 8. Clause 11 (2) -- Property of an agency of a foreign .guts is not 9,14,16 iniumInc; carried, 1.22 6, 13; 5, 6 Art_ 9 - Suite de la min-adoption ifunc motion do =jot, 50: 8, Clause II(41 - Property of a foreign central bank immune; ear- 9,14, 16 riled, 12:5.2.2; 13a 5, 6-7 Art.I 0 - Anntdation en ins deC1 ISSOILLGU11.131.1 CAC prorogation du Clause 14 -GovernorinCouncil may restrict oremend P-arlerneat, 50:8, 9.14, 16 immunity by order,. carried, 12.: 7-8, 23.4:13e 5, 7 Art, 71 - - Di6finit ion dc ...lour do s6cincr;.), 50... 8, 9,14, .16

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81115 -19 -State Immunity Ad-Corned Bill C-130 - Lul Weide ao ikraloppenten4 international (institutions

Discussion fieasicierea): examen de is ternstitutionnalite die,, articles 5 1l 1 Clause 2 - Definitions, 11:5-6; 12:5.6, 14-5 inciusivement--Suire Clause 3 - State immunity, 10: 14 Rapport au Sennt Claw 3 (2) -- Court to give effect to immunity, lit 7 Motion, 50: 12, 54, 25 Clause 4 (2) - State eubenits to jurisdiction, 10: 14, 15 Rapport saris amendement trees avec une recommendation cheer i- Ciante 1(4) - Third party proceedings and counter claims, men t les reserves du Corn I le, 5* 4, 5,25 12: 26-7 Redaction, 50: 4, 8,12, 14-5, 17, 18, 23-5 Clue 5 - Cormnercialactivity, 11k 14, 15; 117 8, 10 Voir aus41 Clause 6 - Death and property damage, 10: 12., 14, 16-7; 11: 8, BM C-102 9,10, 19 ;12: 11, 17-20 Clause 7 - Maritime law. 11: 91 121 15 NI C-141 - Lea mod1fiara is Lo4 candle rte sur les atolls de la per- Clause 7 (2) (b) -Cargo, 11: 11 amnia at apponent des modifications earrelativea i d'antres lois Clause 8 - Property in Canada, 101 14, 15; 11: 9, 10; 12: [3, 22 narreOrtrx enter parenthises carrees indiqueng les articles dela Clause 9 - Service on a foreign state, 11: 9, 14; 12; 15 cernaNtarie .sur les drosts de In personae Clause 9 (7) - Default judgement, 121 27.9 A mendemenis par It Consite permanent dc la Chambre des commu- Clause 10 - No injunction, spec-ific performance, etc., without nes sur la Justice et des questions juridiques consent, 11: B, 9, 10, 11, 19; 12: 20-1, 22 Art. 71141-- Exigence-3 professionnelles justifiecs, 51: 111 -I, 13 Clause 1l - Execution, [1: 8, 9,10; 12: 20-1 Art. 20).41,4] - Exception en car de coniraintea excessives, Clause 11(1)[11 (3) in text of #101 - Execution. 10:14-5; 51: 13 -6 It 22 Are 29 -- cntrec cn eigueur, 51: 13 Clause 11 (2) - Property of an agency of a foreign state is not Discuesien immune, 12: 6 Art, 1.51: 21 Clause 11(.4) - Property of a foreign central bank immune, Art. 71131-- FiftralCMCTIS a Itoreaernent sexual, 51: a 10; 18-20; 11: 17, 20' 12: 22.3 Art. 7{14) - 2xcept ices, 51:18 -20, 21-2, 23 Clause I1 (5) - Waiver of immunity, 11; 17 Art, 91/ 5.1]- Programme. d'adaptz (Ina, 51; 25-6 Clause 13 - Certificute is conclusive evidence, 107 17; 11; 16 Art, 11 11 0.11 - Eiablimernenl de names d'acc6s, 51: 25, 26 Clause14 - Governor in Council may restrietor extend Are 23[48] Presomption, Reserve, 51; 11 immunity by order, 10; 17, 19; 11: 16, 20-1, 12: 7-8, 23-6, 27 Ark, 24(63] - Obligations de Sa ivlajesto, St: 11 Clause 15 - Visiting Forces Act, Diplomatic and Consular Privi- Historique, 51: 6-8 leges and immunities Act, 110:7, 10, 19; 11; 20 por[Et, champ d'applitation, 51: 21-2 Clause 17 - Application, 101 24 Rapport au Senat, sans artecndereent, 51:4, 5,27 Cueriparison with foreign laws Redaction, version frangaise , State Immunity Act, 10: 9-10; 12: 21, 24 Art. 7,51: 16-8 , Foreign Sovereign immunities Act,10: 9.10; Art,20, 51: 13-6 12: 21 Voir orate Definitions DrIliiR de la personae "Commercial activity" Drees de la personne, Loi canadienne interpretation, 10: 7, 11-2, 13-7, 18-20, 23; 11; 5-6, 8-9, 11, 13-4, 15, 19; 121 6-7, 9-10, I!, 12-4, 17 -8, 22.3; 13: 7 Big C-192 - Lai our les jeunas control-earns (3e session, 211ell-6isla- United Kingdom, State Immunity Act, comparison with10: 7, turei.,17: 14 9.10, 18, 20; 11: 6, 11. 14, 15; 12: 6-7.9, 12-3, 17-8 United. States, Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act, comparison 13111C-201 - Loi modifianr la Lon etablissant Its juurs fre'rike, teneur with, 10: 7. 9-10, la; 11: [5; 12:6, IS Dill C-37. cornpartison, 26: 15, 83, 85,18-9, 91, 92.93 "Political subdivision", 11: 6-7, 18-9; 121 5.6, 14.5; 13:1, 6 Definition, 26: 85, 88-9, 90, 91-3, 98 Diplomatic and Consular Privileges and Immunities Act, application etude, procedure, 26: 10, 12, 37-8, 46, 76-7, 80-2, 89-90, 94, 95, 96, and precedence, comparison, 10: 7, 10, 15 102-3 Drafting, English and French versions Historique, adoption a la Chambre des communes, 26: 14-5, 38, 61, Clause 4 (4), 1.21. 26-7 68, 73, 74-5, 77, 78, 85, 89, 90 Clause 6 (a), 12: 19.20 ModifitAtions correlatives ou mesure legislative correlative, 26: 80, Clause 6 (b), 11:8, 19; 12117-9, 20 83, 89, 90, 93, 94, 95.6, 98 Clause 9 (7).12; 27-9 Ramifications pour le monde dt% offal res, 26: e7-8, 101-2 Cause 11 (4), 12: 22-3 Rapport an Sinai, preparation, 26: 78, 80-1, 89, 94, 103 Clause 14, 12; 24, 25-6, 27 Redaction, 26; 15, 37-8 Historical background, 10: 5-6, 7 Voir oursr implications, immunities and privileges, extension or restriction, Fete du Canada, litre propose pour le ler juillet 11: 20-1; 12; 7-8, 23-5; 13: 5, 7 Fete du Dominion, remplaccment par Fete du Canada. proposition Purpose, 10; 5, 6-7, 15 Ramifications, provinces Effect ore 8; 11: 7, 11-3; 12:14-5 Bill 6-$ - Lui reenreetituent iu conspagnie Pyre etlit Communications Reaction to, 11: 13; 124.15 Matted Representation at Committee hearing proposed, 11: 17, 21-2; Dietussiun 12:15 Art. i - Prorogation de la Compagnie, it 4, 12 Report le Senate, with amendments, 13:4-5, 9-10 Art. 2 - Protection des tiroits, 1:4, 12 See also Preambule, 1: 4, t 2 Diplomatic and Consular Privileges and Immunitees Act Titre, 1:4, 12 External Affairs Canada Rapport au Sinai, BariS anle.thiefiliefil, 1: 4. 5,12

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Bill S-19 - State Immunity Act--Cmir'41 Bill 5-8 - l.Di reconstituaet he cocupagele Pyramidt'unainatticettons See also-Cont'd Limited-Suite Immunity of foreign states Voir aassti Justice Department Pyramid Communications I-ignited United Kingdom United States Bill 5-12 - Loi concern** Is Goalie dc marine marchaide du Canada Bill 5.21 - Act to revive Otirio News Company, Lintittel and to Les orceMerCh7 WIMP pi.Prent&VeS eorrA's imiNverrt fro nuoaratufon provide for its continuance under the Caner In Rosiness Corpora- grigiFrafe des arterks tions Act Amend ernents Purpose, 14: 7 Art. 9 (2) - Reglemems entre les emigres; adopt& 3: 4, 5,16 Report to Senate. without amendment, 14: 3, 6,9, 15 Art- 9 (3)121 - Application des regiments; Mown, 3: 4.5,16 See also Art. 9 (4)131 - Durec de vididite des reglomenis; Adopt& 3; 4, Ontario News Company, Limited 5.16 Discussion Bill S-23 - Act to revive G.A. Barber & Suns Limited and to provide Art_ 4 - Objets, 3: 11, 12,13 for its continuance ander the Canada Business Carporatioas Act Art. 5 - Pouvoirs, & 12, 13, 14 Purpose, 14: 113 Art. 9 - Regiernents, le 13-4 Report to Senate, without amendment, 14: 5, 6,11, 15 Art. 9 (I) (j) Reglements, re ferenciums. 3: 16 See also Art. 9 (2) --- Reelements entre kv congres, 3: 7-8, 15-6 Barber, G.A., & Sons Limited Art- 9 (3)121 - Application des reglem ems, 3: 15 Art. 9 (4)[3] Duree de validia des reglattents, 3: 15 Bill S-22 - Act to revive Eastern Diversified Company Ltd. and to Art. 10 (1) - Definition d' unit:demise hit, 3: 9 provide for its eoestimnanee under flee Canada Busbies% Corpora- Art, 10 (2)- Conti:lune, 3:9 tions Act Art. l0 (3) - - Choses faites int vertu de l'omcienne lei, 3; 9, 10 Purpose, 14: 11 Rapport au Sant, antemendcinents, 3: 4, 5,16 Report to Senate, without amendment, 14: 5, 6,13. 15 Moir straw! Sec also Gulick de N marine mairclutade. du Canada Eastern Diversified Company Ltd.

Bill 5.24 - Act in implement an agreement between Canada and tie Ilia5-13 - Lai reconetiluant les compegnics Monti lac 'Ake et Some Federal Republik: of Germany for the avoidance of double taxation Ltee with respect to Maim ea income and certain other taxes: consider- Importance, 4: 12 ation of the constitutionality of this Bill's being introduced in the Rapport au Sena t, sans nmendement, 4: 4, 5,13 Senate and whether or not this contravenes Section 53 of the Con- Sena I., procedure, Article 95, 4:6 stitution Act, 1867 Year artssi Constitutionality Mon Inc Ltec Challenged with definition as money bill Snenrn Ltie Courts, passible challenge before, 23: 9; 24: 7, 8,9, 10, 11-2 Explanation. 23: 5.6.8; 24: 7- 8,9 -10 Bill S-14 - Ltd retonseilwant is compagnie Tretnue Industries !Ambl- Introduction in Senate in contravention of Constitution Act, ed 1867, Section 53, 23:8, 9; 24:6, 7,8, 10, 11. 12, 19 But, 5:6 Justice Department, le,gafopinions. 23:9 -10; 24: 11, 13,4, 16, 17 Rapport an Sinai., sans amendement, 5: 4, 3,7 Report to Senate Sena t, procedure, Al ark 95, 4: 6 Discussion, 23: 8, 9,10: 24e 13, l4, 15-6. 17, 18 Moir agui Welding, 24: 5, 16, 17. 18, 19 Treinti-s Industries Limited Senate adoption of similar bills, relevance, 23: 6-7; 24; 7, 8:9, 10, 12-3 Discussion, Bin S-16 - Lai concernmet k Presidest de Is Division de Lethbridge Clause 5 (1) - Approved changes, 24: de l'Eglise de Jesus-Christ des saints des derniers lours Clouse 5 (2) - inconsistent laws, 24: 8 Sot,Sti, 7 Dual nature, tax allevIatlon and taxation meastire, 23: 5.6, 8, 9,10 Discussion Purpose, 23: 5; 24: 8 Art. I - Constitution. & 7-8 Report to Senate, 24:4, 5,19, 20 Am 3 - Carmelite, hr ID Tax alleviation, definition as, 23: 5, 6.9 Art. 4 - Societe sane but lueral if, 8: 10, 12-3 Taxation measure, definition as, 23: 5-6, 8; 24: 7, 8,10 Fran mbule, alines c), 8: 10 Treaty ratification, definition as. 23c 8, 9; 24:6, 10. 16 Lai constituent en corporation le president de In division ccelesiasti- quo de Lethbridge, cornea raison, 8: 9-11. 12.3 Bill S-26 - Ad to revive E.G. Klein Limited and to provide il. Con- Rapport au Senat, sans amendernent, 8: 4, 5,14 ti:mance miner the Canada Bwiliess Corporations Act Voir atasi DiSCOSICII 13111C-10 Clause 1 - Company revived, 16: 4, 16 hi:ninon; de b division ceelesiastinnie de Lethbridge, Lei coustitua nit Clause 2 - Rights preserved, EC 4, 16 en corporation, S.C. 1926-27, chap. 112 Clause 3 - - Continuance authorized, 16: 4. 16 President de In Division de Lethbridge de Itelise de Jesus- Christ Clause 4 -- Automatic dissolution, 161 4, 17 des saints des dernicrs fours Preamble, 16; 4, 17 Soci6tE$ religieuscs

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kill S-24 - Act to revive E.G. Klein Limited and to provide its covr-. Bill 5-19 - Lid sur rimnurnitE des itats tinunpce under the Canada business Corporations Act-Cbni'd Amendements Discussion --Coned Art, 2 -116finitions; adopts, 12: 5.6. 14; 13: 4, 6 Title, 16:4, 17 Art 4 (4) - Damped incidentes; adupl6, 13; 4, 6 adopts, Purpose, 16: 7 Art. 9 (7) - Jugement par defitut, version franceisc, Report to Senate, without amendment, 16:4. 5,17 13: 5, 6 See also Art, 11 (2) - Bien des organismes desEmits etrangers; adopte, Klein. E_G., Limited 12: 6: 131 5, 6 Art. I1(4) - Biens dime banquc centrals etningere; adopts, Rill S-27 - Act to amend the Act of incorporation of The Grand 124 5, 22; 1.3: 5, 6-7 Lodge of the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks of the Art. 14 - Novel; edopte, 12: 7-8, 23-4; 13c 5, 7 Dominion of Canada Discussion Purpose, 18:6,7 Art, 2 - Definitions, 11: 5-6; 12: 5-6, 14-5 Repori to Senate, wit horn amendment, 18: 4, 9 Art. 3 - Immunite de juridiction, 1111: 14 See also Art. 3 (2) - immunite reoonnue d'office, 11: 7 14. 15 Elks of the Dominion of Canada, The Grand Lodge of I be Benevo- Art. 4 (2) - Sou inimical 6. le juridietion du tribunal, 10: lent and Protective Order of Art. 4 (4) - Dernandes incidentes, 12: 26-7 Art, 5 - ActivIte coinmerciale. 10: 14, 15; 11; 8, 10 An. 6 - Dommages, 10: 12, 14, 16-7; 111 8, 9,10, 19; 12: 1 1, Bill S-M - Corporate Shareholding Limitation Act, subjectinstier Amendments, 33: 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 59-60; 33A: 2; 34: 37, 90, 91, 17-20 Art. 7 - - Drok maritime., 11:9; 12: 15 92 Art. 7 (2)14- Cargaisona, lit 11 Aeronautics Act with 1977 amendments, comparison, 28: 9,19, An 8 -- Blene snub au Canada, 10: 14, 15; 11: 9, 10; lb 15, 22 29-30, 36; 29: 11-Z 30: 30, 34, 57-9; 33: 25; 34: 73-5, 84 15 Banking rogisletitio, comparison. 18: 9, 25; 30: 33, 34, 45: 31: 6. Art. 9 Signification 6 ['Etat stranger, II; 9, 14; Art 9 (7)- Jugerrient par defaitt, 12.:27-9 13-4, 27; 33: 25; 33A: 2; 34; 86; 37A; 2 Art. 10 - Reparation sous reserve de consents:m=1, II: 8, 9,10. Coining into force, 28: 8, 35.6.; 30: 51: 31: 5 Definitions II, 191 12: -1,22 Art. 11 - Execs lion dos jugetnents, 11: 8, 9,10; 12: 20-1 "Control ", 2111 34.5; 33: 32, 34 Art. Ii (1)111 (3) dans le texte du 410) - Execution desjugo- "Corporation", 28:31, 32-3, 34-3; 33; 32-4 meats, 10: 14-5; 12: 22 Discussion 12: 6 Clause 2 - Definitions, 28: 31, 32-5 Art. i 1 (2) - Diens des orgarifsines des ttals krangers. I (4) - Bien dune banque centrale etrangere, 10: 18.20; Clause 6 - Exemptions, 28: 12, 26; 311 6 Art,I Clause 7 (1) --- Declaration required in certain eases, 33: 26-7 11: 17, 20; 12: 22-3 Clause 8 - Order directing sale of shares, 30: 34; 37A: 2 Art. 11 (5) - Renunciation a lInsaisissabilite, 11: 17 &bat aux A ffnires czterieures, End of session, effect, 28:36; 291 7, 9.113;30: Art, 13- Certificat du secretaire Historical background, 28: 17, 18. 20, 26; 31: 19-21, 22: 33: 7, 9-il, 10:17; 16 27 15, 20, 21, 24.5. 26; 34:13, 13.4, 37, 86-7, 39 Art. 14 -- Motet, 10: 17, 19; 11: 1.6, 20-1; 12: 7-8, 23-6, Introduction in Senate, 28: 10. 16-7, 22, 29, 38, 39; 33:61.2; 34:33 Art. 15 - Loi sur Iea forces itrangeres presenies an Canada. etc., Purpose and reasons for 28: 8-16, 18, 20. 26.7,10; 301 10. 11, 22-3, 10: 7, 10, 19: 11: 20 44, 49, 53-4; 31: 5, 6; 33... 32, 47-8, 53; 341 rig, 71-2. 76-8, 80. Art. 17 - Champ d `applient ion, le: 24 81-7, 89, 92-3; 37A: 2, 5 But. 10: 5, 6.7, 15 Report to Senate, without amendment, 37: 4, 5; 37A: 5-6 Ontioaraison avec lois etrangeres Study, procedure. ZIP 5-8, 39; 29: 5-11 Etats-linis, Foreign Sovereign. Immunities Am. 9- (0; 12: 21 See also Royaturie-Uni, Stole Immunity 10: 9-10; 12: 71, 24 Corporations involver/ in interprovincial transportation Definitions Individual provincial governments Activite commorciabbi Ems-liras, Foreign Sovereign Immunities Art. comparaison oven, 10:7, 9-10, 18; 11: 15; 12: 6, 13 Rill S.32 - Act to amend the Peoitenritry Act and thr Parole Act Interpretation, 10: 7,11-2, 15-7, 18-70, 73: II: 5-6, 13-9,11, Amendments proposed by Solicitor General 13-4, /5, 19; 121. 6-7, 9-10, 11, 12-4, 17-8, 22.3; 13:7 Admissibility, point of order, 58: 5-9, 10, 12, /4, 15; 60: 5, 9-36 Royaume-Uni, Slate Immunity ..4tv, comparaistm avec, M 7, Alternative proposed, new hill, 38: 14, 15; 60: 17-8, 20-1 23, 25, 9-10, 18, 20; 11: 64.11, 14.15; 12: 6.7, 9, 12-3. 17.8 34 'Subdivision politique", 11:6 -7, 18-51: 12: 5-6, 14-5; 13c 4, 6 Clause 3.2 (May 12, 1983), 57: 11-3 Revised amendments (May 25. 1983).58c 10-1; 60: 6-8 1-iistoriouc, I* 5-6, 7 implications, immunitos et privileges, elargissement ou Discussion Amendments proposed by Solicitor General 11: 20- 12: 7-8, 23-5; 134 5, 7 (louse 3.2 (May 12. 1983).57: i 1, 13-5, 22-3; 58:7 Privileges et immtmites diplomatinues et consulaircs. Loi, applica- Revised amendments (May 25, 1983), 58: 11.4: 60; 6, 8 tion CIL priorite, comparaison, 10: 7, /0,15 Clause 3 (Penitentiary Act, Section 24), 37: 9, 10.26; 41: 31, 32; Ramifications, provinces 58: 6; 60: 9, 3 10: 8; 11: 7, 11-3; 11 14-5 Clause 4 (Parole Act, Suction 15 (2)), 58: 6; 60: 9.31 Reaction. 1 k 13: 12: 15 Clause 5 (3) (Parole Act, Section 20 (3)), 42: 22, 23 Representation proposes aux auditions du Camille. 11: 17, 21-2; Historical background, 32: 10 12: 15 Reports to Sena re Rapport au Senat, avec amendemeois, fit 4-5, 9-10 Final Report, with amendments, 62:5- 11 Redaction, versions franooLse el anglaise First Report, seeking ;further instraetion, 62: 5 Art. 4 (4), 12: 26-7

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Bill 5-37 - Act to amend the Penitentiary Adt and the ParoleAel - Bill S-19 - Loi sur rim 'mania des Eta ts-Saire C Redaction, versions fro neaise et angjaise--Sidie Reports to Senate-Coed Art. 6 (a), 12; 19-20 Revised Report, with amendments, 61 5-11 Art 6 (15),11: 8. 19; 12: 17-9, 20 See also Arc, 9 (7), 12: 27-9 Mandatory s-uperwiRiou Art, 11 (4), 12: 22-3 Art. 14, 111 24, 25-6.27 Voir is Affaires ex,1erieures Canada Eta tsLinis Bill S-33 - Canada Evideace Act, 1987 Immunity des Dais atrialgers Comparisons Justice, minisiere Foreign jurisdictions. overview. 36r 6, 13. 18-21, 23-4, 26, 49: 24: Priviiege,s et immix te,s dipioma tic; lies et eensulaires, Loi 62: 26; 61 15.21; 65A; 30, 35; 68A; 99-100, 224 Roptime-Lini Urkitili States federal rules of eviderice.48e 6, 711, 14 13.7, 20-2. 23-7; 62: 26: .63; 13. 15, 22-3; 68Ar 202-3 Bill 3 -20 - Loi reconstitnant la societe Ontario News Company, Definition, legislative statement or code. implications, 36: 8,16, Limited et prevoyant se prorogation sous Iii ire-gime de la 141 stir 18-20; 40; .5; 49; 8, 14,I 3-6, 19-21, 25-8; 52« 9-14; 51 5. 14, lea societies commerclales egualtnnes 16.7, 18; 54: 6-7, 9-10, 1.4-5, 54.4: 2, 9,14-5; 59; 6-7, 9, 19-20; But,14:7 59A; 3,18-9; 61; 6,12,16; 62t I5, 23-4; 61 12-21, 27.30., Rapport au S6itat, son,. a mcodement, 14: 5, 6.9, 15 66: 25-9, 44-7; 66A;. 4, 5.8; 68; .5.6, 68A; 200.3 Voir otssi Discussion Ontario News Company, Lin6icx1 Clause 2 - Definitions, 54A: 16; 59A: 20; 64; 14, 20; 65A: 10; 66: 41,43; 66Az 11; 68A; 64-5 recoastitnani Is socleie G.A. Barber & Sons Liudted Clause 3 - General Fide, 49: 17, 32; 51 22, 23; 61;14, 15; 6.6e 21, Bills-21 prOmFant is prorogai ion sous le regime de la Liii sur Ice sne1e- 14,35-6, 37,66A; 13, 1 Ei 20; 68.k 204 et Clause 4 - Application, 65e 22: 66:35 -6; 66A; 18 tes eanadiennes Clause 5 - Application. exception for proteetive jurlsdieLion, But,14: 10 54A;16 Ripper!. ALL Senat. kirtlisnticdoctit. NI 5, 6,11, 15 Clause 6 - Application of provincial law, 36« 19; 66; 21-2; Voir a: um 66A: 19;6BA:204 Barber, CIA.. & Sons Limited Clause ll - Evidential burden in civil proceeding, 54A; 16-7; 66A:.19 Bill S-22 - tali reconstitaam lo social Easter. Diversified Company Clause 9 - Legal burden in civil proceeding, 541: 16-7; 66A: 19; Ltd. el prevuyont sa pavrogailon sins le regime de Is Lai am les 68A; 204-5 secieSes cossuinerciallo eamailemies Clause IC - Evidential burden in criminal proceeding, 54A: 2; Dot, 14c 11 66k 15; 68A: 8 ,12, 2 [ Rapport au Sdnai, MS a mendempern. 14: 5, 6,13, 1 Clause 11 - Lego.] burden. 53,10; 54A.1 2; 61: 7; 66 14; 684: 8. Vigir atf55i 11 -2,21 a.sicin Diversified Company Ltd. CJaasc 12 - Legal burlier; respectin¢ exception, excuse, eta 59A: 10.1; 65A; 17.8; 66: /5; 66A: 9, 68A: 16-21, 2-03 Bill S.24 - Loi de misc ea oeuvre Con accord concha on ire lc Canada Clause 14 - Ci rcumsta ntia L evidence, 54k 2; 65A; 18; 66: 2:6-7'. el Ia Republique female trAllemagne en vuo dieviter les iteihks 66A: 6, 15 impositions 48 mindere trinspdis sur le restut et de cerinius nitres Clause 15 - Effect cif presumptionin e-I:mind proceeding, imp6ts; examen de Is constitudonnalite de la pr&mrdatian dudit 68A; 21. 205-6 pnoJeL de lei au Senui et de voir 1.11 controvient'ou pea I Particle 53 Clause 16- Formal admissions. 52: 15; 54A: 66A: 7-8, 19; de11; 1.84ceristitutiorincile de1B67 68A:2] Allegcmcnt liscal, definition comma, 23: 5, 6,9 Clause 17- Adducing evidence respecting admitted fact or mat- 23; 5; 24: 8 ter. 57; 15; 661; 7; 68A; 21 Caractene dia:halumiquc, allegornent final et mmurc fisotilc, 23:5 -6, Clause 18 - Judicial notice of enactinenta, 52: 45; 54A; 17; 8, 91,10 66A: 16: OM; 21-2 Constitutionn al i Clause 10 - Judicial notice of other matters. MA: 17; 68.A.: 21, Contest'ee avcc definition comma hit] do finances 2015-7 Explication, 73: 5-6,8; 241 7-8, 9-10 Clause 20 - Hearing, 54k 17; 68A: 21 Priscrdaticui an SEnert an violation de ]a Loi conatitutionneRa de

Clause 21 - Effee1of judicial mitiee, 54A: 17; 68A; 21 1867, article 53, 23; 8, 9; 24:6, 7,8- 10, I I, 12, 19 Claw 22 (1) - General rule, 36: 21; 52; 16: Slik 17; 59: 25; Trihunaux, contestation possible ;levant, 23 1.9; 24, 7, 8,9, 10, 59.A.,. 7, 20; 65A: 18-9, 66: 16, 66A: 19, 68A: 611, 97, 207 11.2 Clause 22 (2) - Exception, 49:: 12: 52w 15-6; 54A: 3,17; 59: 25; Justice, miMsterc, Onions juricliques, 23: 9 -1.0;24:I I,13-4, 16, 59k 13, 20, 21,28; 65A; 19-20 [7 Clause 23 - General character, 59: 24-5; 68A: 26 Rapport all S411.A.1. Clause 24 - Evidence or accused as to his character traits, Discussion,7318, 9,10,24: 13, 14, 15.6, 17, 18 52; 10.1; 54A: 4, 59; 23.5: 59A;4,7-9; 29;65A: 20-1; Redaction, 24i 5, 16, 17. 18, 19 68A :23-4 Sena', adoption de lois sem hlables, pertinence, Ziie 6.7; 24: 7,8,9, Clause 25 - Evidence of prosecution as1143 ehnraCtrr traits Of 10, 12-3 8CCU50tl, 54A; 4; 5l 23, 59A; 9-10, 29; 65/i 21; 66: 16; Discussion 68A: 24-6, L39, 141, 208-9 Art. 5 (1) Modifications appreuv6cs, 74:8 Clause 26 - Saving. 521 11; 54A; 4,68A; 26 Art, 5 (2) - fricompatibiilt6, 24:8

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Bili S-33 -Canada Evidence Act, 1982-Coned BIB 5.24 - 1,01 de mice en oenvre d'un accord contln Clore k Canada Discussion-Cortr'd et In Republique -Sulte Clause 27 -Application of section 25, MA: 4; 6M: 21.2; NritSure riSeale, definition uurnmc, 23: 5-6,8; 24: 7, 8,10 66A: 11; 6114; 26-7 Rapport au Senat, 24: 4, 5,19, 20 Clause 28 - Evidence as to character traits of complainant, Trait& ratification, definition mimic, 23:8, 9: 24: 6, 10, 16 52: 11,14; 54A:3: 59A: 7-9,30:62;17-24:61:15.6; 65A; 22-3; 66: 15; 66A: 10-1; 684; 27-8, 209 Bill S-26 - Loi reconstituasi societe Klein Limited et pre- CA/vase 29 - Rebuttal evident*, 594130; 68A: 28 roan' so prorogation sous le regime de la Lot cur les soclites Clanse 30 - Use of evid ence, 59A: 30; 684: 28 conunerciales ennatikancS Clause 31 - Evidence of possession, 544: 4; 65A: 23-41684: 28-9 But, 16: 7 Clause 32 - Notice to accused, 654: 23-4; 604: 29 Discussion Clause 34 -Non-expert opinion evidence, 54A: 18; 68A: 35 Art 1 - Prorogation do 1a cumpagnie, 16: 4, 16 Clause 35- Handwriting comparison, 54A: 4-5, 18 Art. 2 - Protection des droits, 1614, 16 Clause 36 - Opinion eviuleniX on an ilittina Lc.issue, 54;10; Art; 3 - Autorisation de prorogation. 16: 4, 16 MA; IR Art. 4 - Dissolution automat iquo, 56: 4, t7 Clause 37 - Statement am :port opinion, 49; 13: 32: 17: 664: 20; Preasnbule, 16: 4, 17 68A: 35 -6 Titre, 16:4, 17 Cia/MiC 38 - Attendance of expert. 664: 20 Rapport an Sen3t, sans aniendernent, 161 4, 5,17 Clause 40 - Court appointed taped, 36: 25; 49: 13; 52t 17-8; Year oassi 68.4:31, 36 Klein, E.G., Limited amine 41 -- Report admissible in evidence; 684: 3f Cause 42 - Production of report, 6114-: 31-2 Bill 5-27 - Lol modlifiant is Loi 4:oink-gnaw dc la granite loge de Clause 43 - Examination of expert, 68A: 32-4 l'Ordre protecteur des Elites du Dominion du Canada Clause 44 - Expert report not admissible as proof of facts, Bat, 18: 6, 7 68A: 34-5 Rapport au &mat, sans am endemcnt, 1/4; 4, 9 Clause 45 - lies rauy role; 49; 14; 52111, 18-9; 544:23; 594z 21, ieOir 27; 63: 25-7; 66: 9-10; 684:40.3, 51, 57, 209.10 talons du Dominion du Canada, la grande loge de l'Ordrc benevole Clause 46 - Previous identifications. MA: 5, 23; 59A: 21-2; et prolectcur des 664:11; 684: 43, 133 Clause 47 PAM recolleetitm recorded, 544: 24; 66:10; Bill 5-31 Loi sur 1n limitation de In prnpriele des actions des :intik- 684; 43-4 less teneur Clause 48 - Previons statements, 544: 24; 594: 22, 28-9; Amunderriciits, 33: 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 59-60; 334.1 2; 34: 37, 90,'11, 664; I]; 68A: 45 -9 92 Clause 49 (1) - Unavailability in civil proceeding, 544: 24-5; Eanqucs, mcsu res I egislatives, comparinson, 28: 9, 25; 30: 33, 34, 45; 594: 27 -8; 63: 24; 684; 51-3 31: 6, 13-4, 27; 33e 25; 33A: 2; 34: 86; 374: 2 Clause. 49 (2) - Cross-examination of absent declarant, 63: 24: Rut et raisons, 28; 8-16; 18, 20, 26-7, 30; 30: 10, 1I. 22-3, 44, 49, 684: 5f 53-4; 31: 5, 6; 33: 32., 47.8, 53; 34: 69, 71-2, 76-8, 80, 81-7, 89, Clause 49 (3) - Unavailability in criminal proceeding, 594: 22; 92.3; 374: 2, S 484: 51 Difin it inns Clause 50 - Civil proceeding. 49: 14: 52: 19; 54A: 25; 63: 24-6; cControlch, 23: 34-5; 33: 32, 34 484:53, 210 iSrw...144e*, 28: 31, 32-3, 34-5: 3-Ic 32-4 Clam .51 - Criminal proceeding - statement in expectation of Discussion death, 54A: 5; 684: 53.4 Art 2 - Definitions, 28: 31. 32-5 Clause 52 .- Criminal proceeding - statement in muse of duty, Art- 6 - Exemplions, 28: 12, 26; 31: 6 54A.: 5; 594: 23, 24; 62: 28-30, 654: 24: 66: 47; 684: 54.5, Art. 7 (1) - Declaration require dams oeriains ear, 33: 26-7 210 -I Art. 8 -Ordonnance de verve des ad ions. 36; 34; 374: 2 Clause 53 - Criminal proceeding - statement as to his- Entree en vigueur, 28: 8, 35- 6;'10: Si: 31: 5 tory, 594: 23, 25; 684:55 Etude, procedure, 28; 5-8, 39; 29: 5-11 Clause 54 - Criminal proceeding - statement as to testamen- Fin de session, effet, 28: 36; 29: 7, 9-10; 30; 38 tary document, 59A; 23; 65A: 55-6 1-f istorique, 28: 17, 18, 20, 26; 31: 19-21, 22; 13: 7, 9.11, 15, 20, 21, Clause 55 -- Criminal proceeding - statement against Interest, 24-5, 26; 34:8, 13-4, 17, 86-7, 89 594; 27-4; 654: 24-6; 667 13; 68A; 56-7,211-2 Tn t reduction au Senat. 23: 10, 16-7, 22, 29, 38, 39; 33c 61-2; 34: 33 Clause 56- Condition of admissibility, 544: 25; 59A: 21, 24, 26; Loi sun rahronautique aced amenderniSii tS do1977, cninparaison, 684: 57 MT 9, 19, 29-30, 36; 294 11-2: 30: 30, 34, 57.9; 33: 25: 34: 73-5, Clause 57 -Slaw:lents made, adopted or authorized, 59A: 25 2-4 Clause SS - Statement by persun engaged is COunnOil purpose. Rapport au Sena t, sans amendment, 37:4, 5; 374: 5-6 544: 5-6; 594: 24-5; 68A: 212 Vpir austi Clause 60 Rule respecting privity abrogated. 49: 14; 52: 19 C'hettote gouvernernent provincial Claute 6] - Statement of agent or employee, 54: 12; 544: 26; Scpcietetiimpligu&s clans le transport interprovincial 59.4.: 25 Clause 32 - Other exceptions, 49: 14; 54A: 6, 26; 59; 9-14. 18-9; Bill S-32 - modifiant in Lei cur les penite-nefers at In Loi sur 13 594: 15.7, 25-7; 62: 26-7; 65A: 27.8; 66A: 9; 684: 64, 66, liberation condi tionnelle dr detenus 68-9, 74, 97, 103, 133, 212 A inendements proposes par lc solliciteur general Clause 63 -- Staterricins of accused, definitions, 54A.: 6; 59: 9, Alternative proposee nouveau projet de loi, 58: 14, 15; 60: 17.8, 11-4; 62: 26; 63: 23-4; 654: 28-30; 66: 16-7; 68A: 63. 76, 20-1, 23, 25, 34 103-4, 212-3 Amendments modifies (le 25 mai, 1983), 511: 10 -I, 60;6.8

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BUIS-33 - Canada Evidence Act, 1962-Com 13111 9.32 - Lot snotLifind la Lai sur les gialtentiesrs cIs Lei war In Discussion-Coned 11116Srstion condltionnelle 11e detains-50e Clause 64 - statements of accused, Me 16; 54A: 7; 59: 12-3; Arnendements proposes par le solliciteur general--Suite 59k, 12,I S.17; 62: 25-7; 6M; 30-1: 66: 17; 66A: 7,12: Art. 3.2 (k 12 mai, 1983), 57:11 -3 68A1 63.74, 81, 97,103, 213-4 Recevabilite, rappel au Reglement, 31k. 5-9, 10,12, 14, 15; 60 5, Clause 65 - Na question as to truth. 49: 8; 59A: 19; 66a 13; 9-36 66A: 7; 68A: 88, 214 Discussion Clause 66 - Compulsion of statute irrelevant, 59A: 19;68A:88 Amendements proposes par k sollitheur 869erai Clause 67 - Contents may be considered, 59A: 19; 684: 88-9 Ankudements modifies (la 25 mai, 1983), 58; I I -4; 60: 6, 8 Clause 68 - Admission that statement was voluntary, 59A: 19; Art. 3.2 (le 12 mai, 1983), 57: I1, 13-5, 22-3; 58i 7 66A: 7:68A: 89 Art. 3 (Lot sin lea penitonciers, Article 24), 37: 9,10, 26; 41:31, Clause 69 - Where statement not receivable, 59: 16; 68A: 81, 32; 51:k 6; 6t 9, 31 89.92,103 Art_ 4 (Lai sur la liberation conditionncile dc de'ionits, Article I S Clause 70- Where accused unaware., 59A: 17-8; 68A:76, 92.3, (2)). 58: 6; 60: 9, 31 97.8 Art. 5 (3) (Lai sur la liberation oaachtionnelle de detenus. Article Clause 71 - Preliminary inquiry, 59A:19; 62:16; 66A: 7; 20 (3)). 42: 22, 23 68A:93, 98 Historique, 32: 10 Clause 72 - Confirmation by real evidence, 54A: 7; 51A: 12-3; Rapports au Senat 62: 16;63; 21-3;45A: 31; 68A: 93-4, 98, 214-5 Premier rapport, demands des instructions au S6 uat, 62: 5 Clause 73 - Challenging credibility, MA: 26; 59A: 21, 22, 27-8 Rapport final., avec amendemcrits, 42: 5.11 Clause 74 -.General rule, 68A: 215 Rapport modifte, avec amendements, 63: 5-11 Clause 76 - Application, 65A: 24 Vail"aussi Clause 77 - Admissibility in civil proceeding, 54A' 27; 68A: 119. Surveillance oblIgatoirc 120. 215 Clause 78 - and possession. 68A:119, 120 Clause 79 - Proof of discharge or conviction, 68A: 120 BISS-33 - Lai federate de 1982 sur is preuve Clause 81 - Notice of alibi evidence, 59A: 4; 65A: 31; 66; 48; Comparaisons 6., 7-11, 12, 13-7. 66A: 11 crags -Unix,regIcs federale,s dc to preuve,40: Clause 82 - Notice by prosecutor, 65A: 32 20-2, 23-7; 62:26; 63: 13, 15, 22 -3; 68A: 318-9, 414 Clause 83 - Adverse comment, 65A; 32-3:66A: 11 juridictions a l'etranger, aperca, 36: 6, 13, 18-9, 20, 21.23 -4, 26; Clause 85 - Proceedings by way of Indictment, 3M: 7-9; 49:24; 62: 26; 63:15, 21: 65A: 60.75; 68A: 3 18.9, 434 65A; 33-4; 661 17-8, 48:66A: 11: 68A: 121 Definition, &nonce legislatif ou code, implications, 34: 8, I& 18-20; Clause 91 - Spouse as witness for defence., 36: 22; 46:23, 26, 27; 44t 49:8, 14, 15-6, 19.21, 25.8; 52: 9.11; 53: 5, 14, 16-1, 18; 9,19-20; 59A: 3, 52: 15; 62: 16 54: 6-7, 9-10, 14-5; 54A. 2, 9,33.5; 59; 6-7, Clause 92 - Spouses of persons jointly tried, 40; 25, 27 18-9; 61: 6, 12, 16; 62: 15, 23.4; 63: 12-21, 21-30; 66; 25-9, 44-7; Clause 93 - Spouse as witness for prosecution. 36: 16; 40:25 -7; 66A: 31, 35-43; 68: 5-6; 68A; 412-5 54A: 7.8 Discussion Clause 94 - No comment on failure to testify, 59A: 11; 66A: 9, An,2 - Definitions, 54A: 35; 59A: 20; 64: 14, 20; 65A; 49; 10 661 41, 43; 66A: 55; 68A: 284-5 Clause 95 - Where accused does not testify, 344 12, 13; 40: 20, Art. 3 - R6gle giaerale, 49: 17, 32; 52: 22, 23; 61: 14, 15:66: 21, 21:54A: 3; $9A; 11-2; 62; 28; 66A: 9, la: 68A: 215-6 34, 35-6, 37; 66A: 62, 73, 76, 81; 68A: 415 Clause 100 - Presenting evidence, 54A; 18; 4-8A: 122 Art. 4 - Champ d'applitration, 65; 22; 66: 35-6; 66A; 75 Clause 101 - Questions by court, 54: 11; MA: 19; 65A: 34; Art. 5 - Application facultative dans certaines prt,6dures, 68At 122-3 54A: 36 Clause 102 - Court's power to call a witness, 54A: 19; 59: 7-97, Art, 6 -- Application des regle.s provinciales, 36: 19; 66: 21.2; 65A: 34; 42tA: 123, 216 66A: 79;6SA:415 Clause 103 - Leading questions on or re- Art. 8 - Preuve morale en malere civi le. MA: 36; 66A: 76 examination. 54A: 19:63A: 123-4, 216-1 A.11. 9 - ?relive legale en matiere oivile. 54A: 36; 46A: 16, 77; Clause 104 - Leadingquestions on cross-examination, 68A; 415-6 MA: 19-20; 65A: 34; 64: 18, 50.1; 66A: 204 68A: 124-6, 217 Art. 10 Preuve morale en matiere criminelle, 54A: 2; 66A: 69; Clause 105 -Adverse witness, MA: 20; 66A.: 20; 68A: 127 OSA: 233, 237. 244 Clause 106 - 1.e- examination, 54fit: 20; 68Ar 121 Art. 11 - Preuve legate, 53: 10; 54A: 2; 61: 1; 66: 14; 68A: 233. Clause 107 - Exclusion of witness other than a party, 54A.: 20; 236-7, 244 66A: 20; 68A 127-8, 217 Art.12 -- Preuve legate en.casd'expCptiOrl, excuse, Clause /08 - Where accused confirms earlier evidence, 65A.: 34; 59A: 10-1; 65.A: 56.7; 66: 15; 66A: 46; 68A: 240-4, 4(6 66: 31-2466A: 9-10; 68A: 128 Art- 14 - Preuve indireck, 54A. 2; 65A: 57; 66: 26.7; 66A; 36-8, Clause 109 - Order not to discuss evidence, 54A:20; 68A: 128 69 Clause 110 - Refreshing memory, 54:11, MA: 21; 68A: 129, Art,15 - Effct do topresumption en matiere criminefle, 218 68A: 244, 417 Clause 111- Rights of adverse party, 68A: 129, 218 Art, 16 - Anus judieiaires, 52: 15; 54A: 2.3; 66A: 42, 78; Clause 112 - Admissibility, 54A; 21; 68A: 18, 129, 218 68A: 245 Clause 113 - Past recollection recorded, 54A: 21, 24; 68A; 44, Art. 17 -- Prove superfetatoirc, 52; 15; 66A: 42: 68A: 745 130-1, 134, 218 Art. lb - Testes legialatifs et autrcs, 52: 15; 54A: 36; 66A: 70; Clause 114 -- Examination by court and production, 611A1 131, 68At 245 218 Art. 19 - Autres cas d'admission d'office, 54A: 36; 68A; 245, Clause 115 - Cross-examination on a previous ineOnsistent state- 417-8 ment, 68A: 131-2, 218-9 AIL 20 - Audition, 54A: 36-7; 68A: 245

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Bill S-33 - Canada Evidence Act, 1982--Coned Bill 5 -33 - Lui riders,* de 1982 mar It preavc-Sufte Discussion- -Coot 'd Discussion-Suite Clause 116 - Determining voluntariness, 46A:1; 68A: 132 Art. 21 - Effet de ran:is:soon d'office, 54A: 36-7; 68A: 245 Clause 117 - Proof of statement, 59A: 22, 28-9; 68A: 45, 47, 133 Art. 22 (1) - Regle generale, 36: 21; 52; 16; 54A; 37; St. 25; Clause1 I8 - Previous sonsistent statement, 39A: 22, 28-9; 59A: 7, 20; 65A: 57-8; 66: 16; 66A: 76, 79; 68A: 280, 315, 418 68A:45, 47.9, 133, 219 Art 22 (2)- Exception, 49: 12; 52: 15-6; 54A: 3, 37; 59; 25; Clause 119 - Production of statement, 613A: 134 59A: 13, 20, 21, 28; 65A; 58-9; 68A: 280. 315, 418-9 Clouse 120 - Use of statement, 54A; 21-2; 59A: 22; 65A: 35: Art. 23 - Preuve de moralite, 59: 24-5; 611A.: 249 66A; 11; 68A:45-6, 47. 132, 134 Art 24 - Prcuvc produite par Tinculpe, 5.1 10.1; MA: 4; aa use 121 - Reputation evidence, 68A: 135 59: 23-5; 59A: 4, 7-9. 29; 65A; 59-60; 68A: 246-7 Clause 122 - Examination as to character and mode of life, Art. 25 - Preuve produite par le poursuivant 54A: 4; 59: 23; 66A: 6-7; 68A: 135 59A: 9-10, 29; 65A; 60-1; 66;16; 68A; 247-8, 355. 358.4/9 Clause 123 - Examination on previous record of witness, 36: 23. Art. 26 - Riaerve, 52: 11; 54A: 4; 68A: 248 -9 28; 49: 8; 52: 14-5; MA: 3, 8; 61: 16; 65A: 35-6; 66: 18-9, 49; Art. 27 - Application do radicle 25, 54A; 4; 65A; 61; 66A: 52; 66A:9, 10;158A: I35 -42, 219-20 68A: 249 Cla use 124 - Proof of discharge or conviction, 68A: /41, 219-20 Art28 .- Preuve relative au plaignant, 51 11,14; MA: 3; Clause 125 -- No corroboration or warning, 40: 22; 54A.: 81 594:7-9, 30; 62:17-24; 63:15-6; 65A: 61.2; 66: 116; 59k. 21; 654.; 36-8; 66; 19-20; 66A; 20; 68A: 142-4, 220-1 66A: 51.2; 68:A: 250-1, 40.20 Clause 130 - Definitions, 6518. 9,13; 65A: 10; 66:41, 43-4 Art. 29 - Refutation, 59A: 30; 68A: 251 Clause 130 (a) - Definition, "original", 64: 15 Art. 30- Usagede lapreuve, 59A: 30; 68A; 251 Clause 130 (b) - Definition, "original". 64; 20 Art 31- Re1. MA: 4; 65A:62-1; 68A: 251 Clause 130 (c) - Definition, "original", 3itk 12, 14, 15; 55: 8-9, Art, 32 - Preavis 65A; 62-3; 68A: 25] 14; 55A: 6-7, 8. 11. 12, 16-7; 64: 5, 2,1.2,13, 16, 17, 18; Art. 34 - Exception, 54A; 37; 684t 256 64A: 2-3, 6, 9; 65: 10, 14, 17, 28; 65A: 10 Art. 35 - Comparaison d'eeriaures, 54A: 4-5. 37-8 Clause I33 - Admissibility of copies, 55A; 17; 65;13, 27; Art 36 - Avis stir rime question relevant du juge des faits, 54: 10; 455A:10 54A:38 Clause 135 - Voluminous records, 55: 13 Art37 - Production d'un rapport d'expert, 49: 13; 52: 17; Clause 139 - Notice and production, 54A: 22; 66A: 19 66A: 81; 68A; 256-7 Clause 140 - Authentication, 68A; 221 Art, 38 - Presence de rexpert, 66A: 81 Clause 141 -Self-authentication, 68A: 221-2 Art. 40 -- Ordonnance designant un expert, 36: 25; 49: 13: Clause 152-Definitions, 68A: 222 52: 17-8; 68A: 252-3, 257 Clause 153 - Bueincsa records, 54A: 8, 22; 65A; 38-9; 68A; 222 Art. 41 - Rapportrecembit cal preurc., 68A: 251 Clause 154 -- inference from absence of information, 65A: 11, 14 Art. 42 - Production du rapport, 68A:253 Clause 155 (I) - Examination of record, 65:7; 65A: 10-I Art 43 - Interrogatoi re de ]'expert, 68A; 254-5 Clause 155 (2) - Evidence respecting record, 55; 14; 5.5A: 10-1, Art 44 - Rapport d'expert irrecevu bit Oil Waive, firiA; 255-6 13; 65A: 10-1 Art. 45 - Reglo du oui-dire. 49: 14; 52:I I,18 -9; 54A: 43; Clause 156 - Examination on record, 55: 14,15,16,19; 594: 21, 27; 63: 25-7; 66: 9-10;68A: 261-3. 270, 276, 420 65: 12-4, 27-8; 66:44 Art 46- Declaration relative a uric identification, 54A: 5,43-4; Clause 157 - Business records of financial institutions, 36: 15; 59At 21-2; 66A: 54; 68.4: 263-4, 350 55: 14; 55A: [0, 11. 13; 651 6,13, 14, 26-7, 28; 65.1; 11, 14; Art. 47 -- Document relatent des faits connus, 54A: 44; 66: 10; 66A:19 68A: 264-5 Clause 160 - Real Evidence, 54A: 7, 22; 59A: 12 Art 48 --- Declaration a n terieure, 54A: 45; 59A; 22, 28-9; Clause 161, 684: 47, 49,145-53 66A; 54; 684.: 265-9 Clause 161 (1) -- No right to withhold answer. 59A: 22; 61 30; Art. 49 (1) -- Non-diaponihilite en matiere epode, 54A: 45-6; 68A: 153, 223 59A: 27 -8; 63: 24; 68A: 271-2 Clause 161 (2) - Protection against use of testimony, 36; 22; Art. 49 (2) --. Contre-interrogatoire, 63: 24; 68A: 27 59A: 22; 62: 30; 68A: 153-4, 223 Art. 49 (3) - Non-disponibilit6 en matiere eriminUle, 5914: 22; Clause 162 - Corporations not protected, 62:.31); 641A: 155 68A:271 Clause 163 - Exception Cur previous inconsistent slatemenl, Art 50 - Ternoig nage non disponible en ma dere civile, 49: 14; 594.: 22: 62: 30; 65Ar. 39; 64.A; 12; 68A: 116, 47, 155-8 52: 19; 544:46; 63: 24-6; 68A: 273, 420-i Clause 164 - Privilege respecting records abrogated, Art 51 - Declaration cn mai iere concernant un dices 68.4; 158-60 ou des blesanres, 54A: 5; 68A: 273 -4 Clause 165 - Psychiatric assessment. 49: 8; 66s 13:68A: 160.2 Art. 52 - Declaration en mallere orimInclle dans l'excreice d'une Clause 166 - Definition & `EINNISC', 68A: 162-3 fonction, 54A: 5; 59A: 23, 24; 62: 28-30; 65A: 63; 66: 47; Clause 167 - Privilege, 68A: 163.4 68A: 274, 421-2 Clause 168-Duration. 66: 13; 68A: 162-3 Art- 53-- Declaration on matiere eriminelie conocrnantla Clause 169 - Presumption. 68A: 1635 farni116, 59A: 23, 25; 68A: 274-5 Clause 170- Who may make claim, 68.A; 165-6 Art. 54 Declaration en matiarc criuunoltn tower:lain un testa- Clause 171 - Exception in civil proceedings; 68A: 167-9 ment. 5904: 23; 68A: 275 Clause 172 Exceptions in criminal proceedings; 68A: 169.72 Art- 55 - Declaration en maliere criminclle 2 l'encontre des in le- Cla use i 73 -boss of privilege, 68A: 173 reis desonauttur, 59A: 23-4: 65A: 63 -5; 66; 13; 68A: 275-6, Clause 174 - Former privileges abolished, 68A: 174-5 422 Clause 175 - Implied terms in contracts, 68A: 223; 66: 22; Art. 56 - Condition de recevabilite, 54A: 46; 59A: 21, 24, 26; 68A; 175.7 68A: 276 Clause176 - Actionsformalicious prosecution, 66:22; Art. 57 - Declaration fade, adoptdc ou autorisie, 594t 25 684: 175.7, 223 Art 58 - D6ela ration dune panne poiirsuivanl une fin corn. Clause 177 - Foreign law, 66A: 19; 68A: 177-9, 223 mune.MA:5-6; 59A: 24-5; 68A: 422

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Bill 8.33- Canada lerirleace Act, 1982-C47/4 BIll S-33 - tad feden to de 1982 sur Is preuve--Steee, Discussion-Cone'd Discussion-Suite Clause 178 - Notice of intentionto product foreign Art. 60 - Abolition de la regle relatives aux declare; ions de per- 66A: 19; 684: /79-80 NQIIBC$ lifts, 49: 14; 52: 19 Clause 179 - Meaning of words, 68A: 180-2, 224 Art. 61 - Declarntien du mandataire ou de Pamphlet% 54: 12; Clause 180- Formal defects, 684: 182-3 544; 47; 594:25 Clause 181 - General power to comment, 684: 183-4 Art. 62 - Autos exceptions, 49: 14; 544: 6, 47; 59: 9-14, 18.9; Clause 182 - Appeal on admission or exclusion of evidence et 594: 15-7, 25.7; 62; 26-7; 654: 65-7; 6641 47-8; 684; 213, trial, 684; 184-6 285, 287-8, 293, 315, 322, 350. 423 Clause 194 - Objection refining to international relations or Art. 63 - Declarations de l'inculpe, definitions, 54A: 6; 59: 9. nations/ defence or security, 6134: 197 i 3-4; 62: 26; 63: 23.4; 654: 67.9; 66: 16-7; 1684: 292. 2945. Clause 195 - Objection relating to a =Odense of the Queen's 323,423 Privy Council, 68A: 197-8, 224 Art. 64 - Declaration de Vineulpe, 36: 16; 54A: 7; 59: 12-3; Clause 200, 6841 142 59A; 12, 15, 17; 62: 25-7; 65A: 69.70; 66: r7; 664: 41, 57.8; Clause 204, 594: 13-5, 29 684: 282.93, 300, 315.322, 424 Drafting Art. 65 le tertliction do poser des questions sur Ia veracite chew Application in Quebec, effect, 36; 8-9, 27; 49: 16-8, 29-32; 52: 20, declaration, 49: 8: 59A: 19; 66:13; 664: 41, 684: 306, 424 22-5; 61: 14-6; 66: 21-4, 33-6, 37-9, 47; 664: 3-4, 12-5,18-20 Art. 66 - Obligation legate, 594: 19; 6841 306 Civil law and together. 49: 16-7, 30-1; 53: 10; 61: 14; Art. 67 - &inane; do Is declaration, 594: 19; 6114; 306.7 63: 12.3; 66: 23, 38-9; 66A: 4 Art. 68 - Awed, 59A: 19, 664: 41; 684: 307 Consultation process, 49: 6, 7,22-5, 27, 30.3; 52: 6-8, 20, 53: 6, Are 69 - Irrecevabilite de Ia declaration, 59: 16; 684: 300, 8,9, 12.31 14-5; 54: 13, 14; 544; 2, 9,15, 28; 59: 5, 6,20-3; 307-10, 322 62: 13.5 23; 63: 28. 31.4; 654: 17, 39; 66c 33-4, 39, 40, 46; Art. 70 Qualbe de responseble Met:mane do rincidp& 644: 1-2, 3. 4,16; 65-6 594: 17-8: 684: 294-5, 310-1, 316 Omissions, 34c 19-20; 40: 19, 22; 53: 14; 54A: 15; 61: 6.16; Art.71 - Enquete preliminaire, e94.; 19; 62: 16; 664: 41; 63: 27-30; 66; 27-9, 50; 664: 7-8 68A:311, 316 Translation. 49: 15.6, 18.9, 32; 52: 20 -I, 22-3, 24; 61: 6-11, 12, Art. 72 - Conftenetioe par one preure ma terielle. 54A: 7; 13. 16-8; 63:29; 66: 15.38. 39-40, 66A:4-5, 15-6 594: 12-3; 62; 16; 63: 21-3; 654: 70; 684: 312, 317,425 Historical background, 36: 5-9, 10.1, 12-4, 20.2, 29; 49: 21-3, 28-31; Art, 73 Interregatoine de leanteur tic in declaration, Mk 47., 52: 6-9, 16.7, 20; 53: 12-3; 544: 8 -9, 14.6. 59At 3; 61: 5-6, I 2; 594: 21, 22, 27-8 62; 14-5; 63; 13-4, 16, 28-30, 31-3; 65A: 17; 6134: 200.3 Art. 74 - R4k phiterale,684: 425 Ramifications, reactions of provincial governments. 36: 8 -9, 27-8; Art. 76 - Application, 654: 62 49: 22, 29.30; 52: 20 Art. 77 - Ea matiere civile, MA: 47-8z 68A; 337, 338. 425-6 Report, Interim, to Senate, 68: 5-6 Art, 78 - -. Possession d'objet vole: 684; 337, 318 Scope, 36: 5-6, 10-1, le, 18; 49: 8-14, 19-23, 25-7, 32-3; 52: 10.2, Art. 79 - Weave de 10 mise en libcra ou de In condemnation, 14 5; 53: 6.10, 13-6,34: 10; 544; 2, 9,15-6: 5941 3, 4,15, 19, 29-, &SA: 138 61: 12; 62: 13, 15-7, 23 -4: 65A: 39; 66: 7,12.3, 29-32, 47; Are 81 - Avis d'eleei, 594:4; 65A: 70-I;66: 48; 664: 53 664z 8-12;6* 5: 684; 30, 38.64 Art. 82 - Avis donne par to poursei vale, 654: 71 See also Art, e3 - Obeereatione defavorables, 654: 72; 664: 53 Evidence Art. 85 - Procedure par vole de mise en aectutation, 594: 7.9; Uniform Evidence Act 65A: 72.3; 66: 17-9, 48; 66A;53;68A: 339 Art. 91 - Conjoint temoin pour Ia defense, 36: 22; 40; 25, 26, 27: Bill 8-34 - Act to revive PiAyreatreprise Ltee and to provide for its 52: 15; 62a 16 elentleuarce under the Canada Business Corporations Act Art. 92 - Conjoint d'un coineulpe, 40: 25. 27 Art, 93 --- Conjoint Itniolu pour le poursuivant, 36: 16; 40: 25-7; Purpose, 43: 6 Report to Senate, without amendment, 43: 4, 5,9 MA: 7-8 Are 94 - Obaervations sur le define de temoignage, 59A: 11; See also Rolyventreprise Lae 664; 47, 49 Art. 95 Cali an lInc-nlre :fa pas temoigne, 361 I2, 13; 40: 20, 21:544: 3; 594; 11-2; 62:28; 664: 47, 49-50; 68A: 426 11111 8-3$ -- Act to incorporate the Epareh of the Eparchy of Saints Art. 100 - Presentation de Is preu ve, 54A: 3; 684: 340 Cyril sued leletkellitas of Slovaks of the Byeantine Rite in Canada Art.101 Interrogatolre par le tribunal, 54:II; 544: 38; Discussion, Clause 4 -- Objects, 56; II 654: 73; 684: 340 Modification, spelling error. 56: 7-8, 10, 11 Art. 102 -- Pouvuir du tribunal de citer un teenoin, 544: 39; Purpose, 56: 7 59; 7-9; 6541 73; 68A; 341, 426-7 Report to Senate~ without amendment, 56:4, 5,11 Art. 103 - Questions tends neieusee a nntereoealloiee Principal See also tautors Routed; interrogaioire, 544: 39; 684: 34 I, 427 Eparch of the Epareh y of Saints Cyril and Methodists of Slovaks of Art. 104 - Contre-inierrogatoire, 544; 39-40; 65k 73.4; 66e 18. the Byzantine Rite in Canada 50-I; 664: 81; 684: 342-4, 427 Religious corporations Art. 105 - Temoin oppose, 54k 40; 66A: 81,684: 344 Art. 106 - Nouvel internegatoire,544; 40; 684: 345 Bird Commission Are 107 - Exclusion d'un temoin. 544:40:664: 80; 684: 345. See 428 Royal Commission an tee Status of Women In Cavadn Art. 108 - Ordro des temorigneges. 65A: 74; 66: 31-2; 664; 47, 48-9; 6114: 346 Bird, Hose Florence Bayard, Senator (reviews') Art.109 - Interdictiontie discolor de laptcuve, $4A: 40; Bill C-127, subject -matter. 27: 26.7, 34-5, 48. 51 684: 346

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Bird, Hon. Florence Bayard, Senator (Carlefoi)-Com'al Bill S.33 - Lei f6derale de 19152 sur 1i preure-S# ie 13111C-201, suloject.maF ter, 26: 13-4, 27, 35, 36-7, 7C-2, 80, 98 Disco,caloo-Suite Art110 - Rappel d'un fait, 54: 11; MA; 40-1; 6SA: 346-7,423 Bissemette. P. ABEIre, Deputy Solicitor General of Canaiin, Solicitor Art, 1 11 - Drolts de. la partie adverse., 68A: 347, 428 General Cm ender Art, 112 - Racers:W.1116 dims aide-m6moirc, 54k 41; 68A: 242, 13.111 C-61. 17: 10, T1,19; 6-11, 13, 14, 16, i8; 22., 21 347, 428 Art. 113 - Document reLatant des faits, 544:. 41, 44; 68A: 264-5, 347 -8.351, 428 K ick neathes). Lep' Conasel, Legal Sertices, Health nod eicare Art. 114 -Examen par le tribunal, 68A t 349, 428 Cando Art. 115 - Contre-interrogatoire sur tine declaration anti-deur; "Proposal's to correct._ Revised Statures of Canada, 1970, and other 65A: 349, 428-9 cts,..". 7: 27 Art T16 - Declaration sponta nee, 66A; 41: 68A; 132 Art.F.17 - ?retire de declaration antirieure, 5941 22. 28-0; B lant-Bardi Barnard 8, Ex6ctr6ire Director, Canadian Bar Association 684t 265, 267, 350 Bill S-33.4% 32, 14 Art- 118 - 11601ara don aritericure compaLible, 59A: 22, 28-9; 684i 265, 267, 269, 350-1, 429 Burdweli. Say and liesStI6FIrgall.The Rapisz Firs, 27: L1-4 Art- 319 - Production dc la declaration, 65A: 351 Art 120 - #Jtilisaiiou restreintr dune declaration, 54A: 41-2; 59.A: 22; 65A: 74; 66A: 51; 68A: 266, 267, 350, 351 Bose, Hon. Peter,SAMinie(Yerk-C21,010) Art. 121 - Preu.v.c do rerrutoliOn, 6844. 352 Bill C-45, 15g 7 Art. 122 - Prem oorlarnarit ]a moralit6 on le mode de vic, Bill C.53, subject -matter 66A; 38.40; 68A: 352 Child abduction. 25: 25 Art. 123 - Interdiction de centrc-interrogar un taibin Nur sore Coinplainant's credibility, doctrine of rot complaint. 25: 38, 39 easier judIciairo, 36g 27, 2.8; 49:8; 52: 14-5; 54k 5, 8; 61 16; Controversies, compromises., 25; 27, 28 65A:75-6; 66: 18-9, 49; 66A: 47, 50-; 68At 352-9, 430 Proeuring, 25: 31, 34 Art.. 124 . - Preuve d'une raise en liberte ou dine contamination, Prostitution. solid ring, 25: 41 68A; 358.430 Sexual assault, definition, 25: 41, 42 Art. 125 - Corroboration non requite. 40: 22; 54A; 8; 59A: 23; Shady, procedure, 25c 28 654: 76.8; 66: 19-20; 66A:51; 68Ai 350-61.430-1 Young persons. 25e 26, 27 Art. 130 - DEfinitions, 65:13, 9,13; 65A: 49; 66:41, 43.4 'Bill C.61,20: 20-1; 21: 13, 14-5, Id, 23, 24; 11 9, 10-i, 19 Art. 130a) -D6finition, origina[D, 64: 15 Bill C-127, subject-mutter, 25: 43, 44 torising BM C-141,51:20-3 Art. 130b1 -D6finitiprl, .64; 20 Al. 130c) - Danitiun, -original', 36: 12, 14, 15; 55: 8-9,1.4; Bill C-201, au bject.matter, 26; 12 Bill S-20, 14:9;14;15 554; 23-4, 27, 28, 33; 64: 5. 8,12, 13. 16, 17. 18; 644z 15-6. 20, 22; 65: 10, 14.11. 28; 68At 49 Bill S-21, 114.; 10, / /, 14, 15 Bill S-22,14; 12. 14, 15 Art- 133 - Recevabi I pia d 'oat cock, SSA: 33; 65; 13, 27; 65A: 49 13111 S.24, 23: 6.9,1{} Art 135 -Ikcomenta vojumi ONO., 55: 13 Riff S-26, 16: 10 Art- 139 - Avis. 54A: 424 66A: 781 Bill S-27, 18i 13, 9 Art 140 -- Prcinv crautholici.E, 6154; 431 Bill S-31, subject-Lnatter, 34: 20, 34; 37; 5 Art. 141 - Presomption d'anthentiei 68.A: 432 Bill S.32, 37: 17-9; 41;6, 8; 4fe 29-30; 47: 18-20, 22, 24.6; 48: 27-8; Art. 152 - Definitions; OA: 432-3 60:30, 32, 35 Art- 153 - Regershilhe trtal (14CUMCM, 54A: 8, 42; 654; 78; Bill S.33 684: 432-3 Accused Art. 154 - Absence de rensei,gnement, 654: 50-1. 53 Burden of proof, 66; 5 r Aft. 155 (1) - &amen d'un deco men!, 65.; 7; 65,A; 50 Crass examination on previous record, 36; 26-8; 64: 49 Art. 155 (2) - Preu see d'un domunent, 55; 14; 554: 17- 29: 65' 50 Statements, admissibility, 591 11; 61 21-3 Art. 156 - Interrogatuire concernant un document, 55: 14, 15, Admissibi1ity, general rule, 40; 8-9; 52; 16 16.19; 65: 12-4,27-8; 06;44 Alibi, 66: 48-9 Art, 157 - DOGNIMeD11 professionnel crime inatitoLion financiers, Character eirklence Me 26, 28. Sit 23; 62: 17 36t 15; 55; 14; 554127.29; 65; 6, 13, 14, 26-7, 28; 654: 50, 53; Computer printouts, admissibility, 65: 11-2, 23.4, 27-9 66A: 78 Drafting, 59: 20-2; 66; 50 Art- 160 . Preuve maierielle, 54A: 7, 42; 59A; i 2 Hearsay. PTIOwallabiliLy of declarant. 61 28-30; 63: 24-5; 66:47-8 Art. 161, 68A. 267. 269, 362-9 Procedure. 59: 30; 63: 35 Art. 161 (1 - Aucune exemptian is tepondre 3 one quesilon. Bill S.35, 56; L0 59A; 32:62: 6.134: 369, 433 Constitution Amendment Proclamation, 1983, subject- matter Art. 161 (2) - Protection, 364 22; 594: 22; 62: 30s 68A; 369-70; Aboriginal peoples 433 Adoption, positions on, 6% 83-4; 71:29-30, 34-5. 37 Art. 162 - Pc.r,sonnes physiques settlement, 62; 30; 68A: 370-1 Del-166.0E1,69: 39 Art.163 - Exception contmnarit one dectaratien anterieurc Indians incompatible. 59A: 22; 61 30; 65A: 79; 66A: 5.67; 68A: 266, Consensus, 73: 8; 74: 21-2 267 371.3 Public relations programs, 74:29 Arr. 164 - Aboiition du trait de refuocr de progloire nn doett- Rights, 69:43,46-7, 49, 84.5; 71: 3i nicht, 684: 373-5 Constitutional conferences in the future, 69; 65.7, 87 ;74: 22 Art, 165 - Examen psyq.biatriquc, 49: a; 66; 13; 68A; 375 -7 Motions, 6% 6. 5; 71:6, 14, 30; 764 24 Art. 1645 - DefIrtirion. .c.conjukl nth., 6114: Procedure, 69: 56; 71: 40 Art; 167 -- Sccrei conjugal, 68A: 379

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Mon, Hon, Peter, Senator (Vork-Caboto)-Cont'd Bin 8-33 - Lei federate de 1982 ;or la preuve Constitution Amendment Proclamation,1983, subject-matter- Discussion-Sthre secret, 66:13; Copira' Art. 168 - Duree de l'existenoe du droll nu

g. Study, procedure. 69:: 12 68A: 377-8 Goldenberg, the Honourable Senator, resignation as Chairman, Art. 169 - Prisomption do conficientialit6, 68A: 379.80 26 :7 Art. 170 - Demande do reconnaispance du &oil, 68A; 380-1 "Subject-matter of clauses of Bills,.. where such clauses may . Art. 171 - Exception en mati6re civile, 68A: 382-4 infringe upon therights and freedoms guaranteedby the An172 - Pxceptiun en molten criminclle, 68A: 384-7 Canadian Charter of Rights nod Freedoms", examination by a Ad. 173 - Absence du ciroi L au secret, 68A: 3878 Parliamentary Committee, discussion, 76; 17 Art. 174 - Droit tiu secret aboli, 61A: 388.9 Ant. 173 -- Condition implicate d'un contrat, 66:22; 68AI 389-91, 433 Bedford, Denis, Legal Counsel, Legal Services, LabourGamete Art- 176 - Action pour punrsuite abusive, 66: 22; 68A: 389.91, "Proposals to correct._ Revised Siam les of Ctroacla, 1970, and other 433 Acts...",7:: 42.1 Art. 177 - Preuve du droll stranger, 66A; 77; 68A: 391.3, 433.4 Art. 178 66A:77: 68A: 393-4 Brascide Inc., 30: 16:34: 11, i 5, 53 ArL 179 -Signification do mots, 68A: 394-6, 434 Art- 180 - Inaccomplissement d'tine formalite, 68A: 396-7 Breau, Susan C., Barrister and Solicitor; President, Elizabeth Fry Art, 181 - Pouvoir de commenter la preuve 68A: 397-8 Society of Kingsion, Canadian Association of Elizabeth Fry Socie- Art. 182 -- Decision sur Fopporionite do rocOVIOir ou d'exeture ties one preuve, 68A: 398-9 Bill 8.32, 39:9-10. 11-2. 13. 15. 16.19 Art. 194 - Opposition relative aux relations inlernationsics uu at la defense nu It Its securiii nationales. 68A:409 Art. 195 - Opposition relative iiun renscignement oonfidenlict British Columbia Coalition of Rape Centres and British Columbia du Cou5i1 rive de la Reins, 68A: 409,10, 434 Police Commission, ThisFilm isAbout Rape.VT12, 28 Act 200,68A; 359-60 Art, 204, 59A: 13-5, 29 British Columbia government I-listorique, 36: 5-9, 10-1, 12.4, 20.2, 29; 49: 21.3, 28-31, 52: 6-9, Bill C-26, equivalent legislation, 2: 16-1, 20; 53: 12.3: 54A: 8-9, 33-5; 59A: 3: 61: 5-6. 12: 62: 14-5; C-6I 63:13-4, 16. 28-30, 31.3; 65A:56;68A: 412.5 Brief io Commons Committee, 21: 18 POVI6C, 36: 5.6, 10-1, (6, 18; 49: 8-14 19-23, 25-7, 32-3; 52: 10-2, Costs involved 14.5; 53; 6-10. 13.6; 54: 10; 54A: 2, 9,35: 59A: 3. 4,15, 19, 29; Age-groups 61: 12: 62: 13, 15-7, 2.3.4; 65A: 79; 66: 7, 12-3, 29.32, 41; 12-16 year olds, 21: 12-3. 14, 15. 19, 20.23-4 66A: 44-58; 68: 5; 68A: 252, 259, 279 17 year olds, 21:8, 12-3, 14, 15, 16, 19, 20, 234; 22: 9 Ramifications, reactions des gouveroements provincLaux, 36: 8-9, Analysis, 21; 8, 13, 14, 15, 19 27.8; 49: 22, 29,30; 52: 20 COIL to process a charge in juvenile court, increase, 21: 23: Rapport proviscort au Serial, 68: 5-6 22 10-I Redaction Federal contribution to cost-sharing, 21: 12.3, 19 -20; 22: 14 Application an Quebec, cffel, 36: 8.9, 27; 49: 16-8, 29-32; 52: 20, Predisposition reports, 21: 23-4 22-5; 61: 14.6; 66; 21-4, 33-6, 37-9, 47; 66A: 27-30, 59-68, Records, destruction, 21: 12, 14-5,19, 24-5, 27 73.81 Jurisdiciian, 21:9, 12, 24-5, 22: 12 Consultation, processus 49; 6, 7.22-5.. 27, 30-3; 52: 6-8, 20; 53; 6, Legislation, federal-provincial consultation. 21: 7, 19. 27-8 8,9, 12-3, 14-5; 54: 13,14; 54A: 2, 9,35, 49; 59: 5, 6,20-31 Ontario government, consultations with, 21: 14 62; 13-5, 23; 63: 28, 314; 65A: 56. 79; 66: 33-4, 39, 40, 46; Overview, philosophy, 21; 5, 6,7, 9,10, 13, 19, 21 66A: 224, 27-8, 30.71; 61k 5.6 Young offenders Droll civilet &nit criminel ensemble, 49: 16-7, 30-1: 53: 10; Agc-groupe 61: 14; 63: 12-3; 66: 23, 38-9; 66A: 30-1 7-11 year olds, 21: 9, 22-3 Lacunes, 36: 19.20; 40: 19, 22; 40: 19, 22; 531 14; 54.4; 34; 61: 6, 12-16 year olds, 211 8, 16,, 26.7 16; 43: 27.30; 66: 27-9, 50; 66A: 40-3 17 year raids. 21: 8-9, 15-7, 20, 21-2, 28 Traduction, 49: 15,6, 18-9, 32; 52: 20-I, 22-3. 24; 611 6-11, 12, Alternative measures, diversion, 21: 9 13, 16-8; 63:29; 66: 35, 38. 39-40; 66A: 31-2, 68-70, 71 Custody, open or closed, 21: 11 -2,24, 27; 21 7, 8 Voir ausst Maximum age, criticism of increase, 21: 7, 8,9, 15, 19, 20, 21, Preuve 27-8 Preuve, I .oi u nifortne Offences Drugs, 21: 26 Statistics, 2I: 15-8, 23, 24; 22; 22 Right to counsel and admissibility of evidence, combined effect, 21: 9-10, 19, 23, 27; 21 6, 7 Transfer to ordinary court, 21: 8-9, 21-2, 16-7 Bill 5-31, reaction, 29: 5; 29A: 1-2; 33: 60; 34: 67, 69, 94;34A: 6-7 111115-34 - Loi reconstiluanl In snake Polyveutreprisc Lt #e et pre- Bill 8-32 velyault so prorogation sous le regime de In Ltil sur lea societes Criteria for forfeiture of remission, 45; 11. 30, 31: 60: 23-4 cornmerciales einotliatutes Evaluation, 45: 6, 8.13, 22 But, 43:6 Recommendations, 45: 6, 7-8, 10-3, 28, 29.30, 32 Rapport go S6oat. sans ameudement, 43: 4, 5,9 Bill 5-33, 'position reported, 49; 22, 29, 30 Voir ennui Career Criminal Project, 45: 16, 17, 19-20, 32 Iaolyventropri:ce Lt6e

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British Columbia govertionent--Cantrer Bill S-35 - Lai constituent en Node.* reparque de l'eparehin des Young of fendera, fingerprint policy, 11.7: 23, 24 Saints Cyrilleat Mttliode des Sim :noon de rite byzawfir au Canida British Columbia Pellet Commission and British Columbia: Coalition But. 54627 of Rare Ceittrte, 2.64 Film is About Ripe, 27,: 12, 28 Dincassion, A nick 1 - ()Wet, 56; 11 Modification, feu4e d'ortlicgrapha, 56:7-8, 10, 11 Rapport gat Sena!, &IRE arnelliOnC11 t, 56- 4, 5,11 British North America Act Voir aussi See Erturgue de FEparchle. dos Saints Cyrilic et Mtthode des Siovatioes Constitution Act, 1847 de rile byzantln au Canada so66t e.s. rellgiensts Brotherhood Of Indian Nations (Mitehloho),:.130 lition or First Nations Background information, 71r 24 Bird Cummiiision CiNarter of and Freedoms, interpretation, 7IA: 12, 13-4 rani Constitution Amendment Proelema t ion, 1983, brief, 71A: 7-15 Cormnis.sion royale ironquae sue la situation de ]a femme au Con sti Luzional Accord, 1983, earn mtati, 71134-5:11A: 8-15 Canada

Brom, Kienn6111 S., efl AfeCormiek ux Erigearg, 42: 22., .64A: 205, Bird, honorable Floreuee Bayard, k'eateur (Carleton) 207 19i 0 C -127, tencor, 27: 26.7, 34-5, 43, 51 Bill C-201, Lc::eur, 26: 13.4.21. 35, 36-3, 71-2, 80, 98 Drown, Henry; Counsel for the Petitioner, Mr, Robert K. Conning Bill S-27 Bissonoti ie. M. P. kni114 sous-sraiicitcur Onkel do Canada, Solliei- NSCUSSiOP, l& 7, 9 teur general Canada SLatemeni, 13: 6-7 Bill C-61, 17:10, 11; 19:6-11, 13.14, LC 18: 22:21

gruyere, Stookey,. Prtslticni, Native CONIKO of Black,r Ile !feather, altocat noosed, Services Juriiiiiints,Siasct CandiiI.Lt kia Amendment Proclamation, 1483. subject -matter Bierkilt social Conada Discussion, 71b 47-57.59-61 .Protiosiiions visain A corriger... Sta tuts reviae,s du Canada de 1970 Statement, 70: 36-47 ct --.certaLues bola pesterkures), 7: 27

Bryce Commle,sECM Blanchard, M. Bernard E., 41reci cur eicktutif, Assotiaii0a do Blitritini ScE cant:Wien Royal Commission on Corporate Concentration Bill 5.33, 49: 32. 34

8ereliWOld5 Hon. Sidney L., Seasitor () Snarl of Trsde B11111C-3-4, 9: S. 10-1, 12, 13-4.16. 22 Bill S-31, insitign, citik Lion, 33; 47, 56 BM C-61 Coming into force, 20: 21; 22: 15, !6, 17, 18 Bord well, Sally el 1,es SkrparrIQU. The Rapist File, 27? 13-4 Or:bark' RI:Nev.:mut, cots, 211: E, 2J Overview, philosophy_ Net 21 Progra ih ad mi nletra Lon Base, hoitorakle Peter, stwalour (Vork-Cahoto) Cost -sharing, !7: 20; 20; 21 Bit! C-45, 15: 7 Costs involved, 20; 8, 2 r22: 17.-8 Bill C-53, Lenoir Provincial governmentii, objection, reasons for, 17... 20 Ag-ro=ioa sexuelle, dcf ni Lion, 21: 41,42 Saskaieben government. brief., 22: 15, 16, 17 -8 Com rovertex., COM rfOrnis, 2$: 27, 28 Young offtoders Enfants, rapt, 25t 25 Maturity, age of 17: 22 kLode procedure, IS:. 28 Max innun ate, 17; 18-9. 20 Jeu nes personnes, 25: 26, 27 Offences, 17:22: 22t 22 Plaignaat, er dibilitthdorie do is plaicLe spiontane.o, 25; .38. 39 Right to tolinsol, 22: 7 Prostitution, ramie ge, 25: 41 Bill C-2,01. subject- matter, 26; JO, 54, 55.6 ProioEnettsme, 25: 33, 34 Bill S.19, 10: 15, 18-9, 20, 21 Rill C-61,201: 20-1;21: 13, 14.5, 16, 23. 24; 2.2.« 9, 10-1, 19 Sill 5-24, 23: 10; 24: 18 Bill C-1.27, teneur. 25:43.44 Bill S.3 t, subjaeL-matter, ZS: 6, 29- 32,11; 34: 61-2, 73, 79, 94 Bill. C-141, 51.20 -3 Bill 8-52, IS: 17-9; 41: 7, 14. 17-8, 24-30,12; 46: 15 22-4; 48: 22.4 Bill' C-201, Maur, 26; 12 11111S3340: 10 -I, 14;53: 14 Bill S-20, 14:9, 11, 15 Goldenberg, the BOriourabfa Senaluir. resignation as-C-heirrnart, Bar 8.21, 14; 10, i1, 14. 26: 7, .B 01115-22, 14: 12, 14, 15 "Proposals to oar/Trot.- Revised Statut as of Canada, 1970, and other 216, 9.10 Aele...", 6: 9, 12-6. 18-9, 21, 22, 24, 25 131115 -26, ifr 10 Bill5-21, L88.9 Bill 5-31, tenour, 344 20, 34; 31:5 Bunting; I. Pearce. President, remark) Stock EYCChfillge Bill S-32, 37t 17 -9; 41:6, 8:44: 29-30.: 47: 18-20, 22, 24-6148; 27 -8; Bill 8-3 position reported. 30; 11, 22.3, 36; 31: 20 60: 30, 32,35

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Barhidge, F. B. Chairman, Canadian Patine Limited Boss, honorable Peter, sinateur (York-Caboto)-Suite Bill S-31, subject -malts' Bill S-33 DiscuniOn. 31 9-27 Accuse Statement, 33: 5-9 Charge de la prcuve, 66: 51 Contreinterrogatoire au saki do son easier judiciaire, 3C 26.8; 66:49 Business Corporations Act See Dec larationa, recevabilite, 59; 11;63: 21-3 Alibi, 66,148-9 Canada Business Corporations Act Imprimes d'ondinateur, reeevabilite, 65: 11-2, 23.4, 27-9 nondisportibilille de ilauteur dunedeclaration, &insiders Tronspori, 30: 17. 33 62: 28-30; 63: 24-5; 66e 47-8 Pretive de moralite, 361 26.28; 59 :23; 62: 17 COPE Prncedarc, 59:30; 63a 35 See R eceva blink r6gle generale., 411; 8-0; 52: L6 Committee for Original People's Entitlement Redaction, 59: 20-2; 66: 50 Bill 8-35, 56: 10 C7r,, Her Majesty IN eigiti ofillberta v.( [1973J 1 &CA. 61). 15: 10 Goldenberg, !'honorable senateur, dernission voinnic president, 26e 7 Proclamation dc 1983 modifiant Is Constitution, teneur Autoelitories CY1 Adoption, positions envers. 69.. 83-4; 71: 29-30, 345. 37 See Definition, 69: 39 Council for Yukon Indians Dreits, 69: 43, 46-7.49, 84-5; 71: 31 Ind lens Caisse de elepdt et placement du Quebec Consensus; 73: 18; 74:21 -2 Administration Relations publiques, programme, 74: 2-9 Board of directors, 33: 29-30; 34: 49, 53-4, 63 Conferences constitut it-I/Indies futures, 69: 65-7, 87; 74; 22 Employees, 34: 63 Etude, procedure, 69: 12 Alberta Heritage Fund, comparison, 28: 14; 30.: 10, 41, 49, 56-7; Motions, 69: 68; 71:6, 14. 39; 76: 24 33: 5-6. 7, 16, 4/1-9; 34: 24, 54 Procedure, 69: 86; 71: 40 Assets, 30: 21; 31: 10; 33:5, 29; 34: 12, 14-5, 26. 27, 54, 64 eTvieur des articles des projets do loi, qui peuvena,.,porter Bill 8-31. subject-matter atteitite aux droies ct libertes garantis par la Charte canadienne Corporations affected, interpretation, 34: 9. 10. 11, 15. 17, 22, 35; des druita et /ibertes, examen par on Comit6 park/nein:tire, dis- 344 1, 2 cussion, 76: 17 Criticisms Economy, effect on, 33: 28, 38-9, 41-2, 44:34: 51 Bouffard, M. Denis avocat conseil. Services juridisples, Travail F.xempl ions, procedure, 33: 42-3 Canada investments. Limitation, 33: 32, 33, 34, 39-44; 34: 50, 57.9, 65 aPropositiona vissel. A corriger.. Slatuts revises du Canada de 1970 Overview, 33; 28, 34.5, 40-1, 42, 44 et , certaines lois posierieureso, 7: 42-3 Bete rn on investments, effect on, 30: 13; 31: 26: 33: 28, 34. 39. 40 -I, 42.44: 34:50, 58, 59, 87-8, 90.1, 93 Bourse de Montreal Scope, 33: 32.4 Bill 5 -31 Voting rights, limitation, 33: 32. 33, 34-9, 41-2, 43-4; 34: 50.65 Banques, manures I6gistatives, comparaison,n 6, la, 27 Definition "corporation", 33: 32-4 But, 311 5, 6 Federal jurisdiction, preservation, applicability of reptant:ions, Compelcuce constitutionnelk, 31: 6, 22, 34 33: 33-4 Critiques Purpose. 33: 32 Wet su r reconomie, 31: 6-7, 8, 10, 11-2, 15, 17, 19-22, 36 Recommendation, 33: 28, 45 Forth, 31: 5-6, 10. 36 Business decisions, responsibility of management, 30: 26-7, 38-9 Vote, droll dc. limitation, 31: 5-6, 23, 27-9, 30-1, 34 Canada Pension Plan, comparison, 30: 7-8, 10, 18, 19. 20, 21, 28; Don new econorniques 31: 10, 12, 13. 27; 31 49 CiOkt Vet Canadian Pacific Limited Fonds de pension Board of direelors, request for representation on. 33: 7, 13-4, 19, Reonmmandations, 31: 12, 13.4, 21.3, 25, 27. 29, 30. 32, 25 :34: 43-5, 47.8 )4-5 Intentions ocincerning, 30: 9, 22, 39, 47; 34: 43.4 R.151e el statistiques, 31: 10,1-2, 13, 32; 31A: 6 Shares, percentage,. 2& 26; 311;1 I, 21. 22; 33: 7, 11, 13, 16, 20, Interventions dans l'economie, amen ct statist limes, 34:6. ?- 40, 53;34: 39.63 JO, 17-8, 21, 25, 28, 32-6; 31A; 5 Canadian unity, role in. 34: 16, 24-5 Organismcs. recommancLations, 31: 12, 13-4, 21-3, 25, 27, 29, Concentration of funds under the control of one manager. 30: 10; 30, 32, 34-5 31: 10-1, 12, 27 Secia&s, structure de capital et de propriete, 31: 7. 8,11-2. 21, Depositors, 301 10; 33: 29 24, 36; 3 Lao 7, 8 Desmarais., Paul, relationship wish, reported, 28: 17-8, 39-40; 30: 11, Exemptions, 31: 6 23, 27, 39; 34: 49.50 I-listorique, reunion avec le minis tie reaponsahlc, 31: 1 9-21 Francophone presence in large corporations, 34: 8, 15-7, 25., 30. 34-5 Quebec, milieu d'affaire.s, reaction, 31; 15.6 Historical background, 30: 7-8, 15, 19, 25-6; 31: 9, 12, 13; 33: 5-6, Caisse de de* et placement du Quebec 11, 28-9, 54; 34: 8, 12, 15-6, 54 Actions, limite de proprieti, pourcentage, 31: 13, 28, 29 Investments Concentration des fonds eons l'autorite d'un gestionnaire. position Banks, 34: 54.6 drivers, 31: 10-1. 12, 27

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Caisse de 6pb`t et !Allotment du QrCebee--Care-d Bourse de PT inntrEial--Sride ftwestrnents-Comrd C2isse de depat et placement du Quebm-State Comparison with other penEiion Funds, 33; 8, 32 .2, 50, 53; 34.1 19, Fonds do penSiCIIP di; CA lig rrN, corm pa raison, 31: 10, 12, 13, 27 20,26 -7, 51, 54, 60, 61.2., 64 Hisiorique, 31:9, 12, 13 Criticism, inwrpretatiun, 304 10-1. 14, 22.3, 25-15, 3445, 37, 41, luttatiwnients,oemprm el siatistiques,11; I I, 27-8, 30, 36 V, 53-4; 337 33, 35, 37 .rvlandal, 31: 12-3. 16.37 Disclosure, 28:38; 31; i6, 23, 26;3,3; 44, 43,49; 34: 14, 20.!, 24, Op6nitions to OldsriO,IIT 26 264 134 39-43. 81, 93 Politigue, Oval uxtion Examples Gestion 31:16-7,21, 25, 26, 27 Akan Aluminium Limited, 30: 11.2, 19, 29, 49, 59; 31: 19; Eaecthsscruents, r0, 13. 16-7, 37 31A :4; 331 12, 17, 58; 34: 1.8, /2. 23,41, 57 Portefouikie,31::30, 27-8, 36 Dormar Inc., 30; 10, 12,16. 27; 31: 211., 33:49, 51; 34:8, 15, 20, ..f7hitelgailon des *ralirous d'iniiirs par les onandataira at 110',1 25, 4.13, 53, .53 POCieth d-boi: tote qtrestion CaiVanee, Si; 14. 3.2-3 Gaz W.Eropolita in [re., 31: 28, 30; 34:51_2 Ontario. gouvornement, ]7rojet do loi 176, 31: 14,5, 25-6. 32 Nora nda Mince Limited, 30: 10, 16:31: 11; 34e11, 15, 53 .Quebec, gou...crneinent, projet de Ioi 85, 31: 15, 25-6, 32 Cnervietw, 388. 12-3, 16, 17-8, 20-1.30-3; 31:30-1, 34, 36 Tableaux Provigo 281: 15; 30: 12, 50-1,31: 28; 33; 34, 58; 34; 11, 15, k...oir des .sariMis come6Mes. pre fns turwernerneuts jickrni et 23 provIneinue - 1979 (TatticAu1),31A:$ Royal Trust, 34; 30, 31, 32, 45-7,62 ContriVe (Lei des 400 pies graortes eirreprf Nes rfeemerthenoreaw SONA M AR , Societe do navigation maritime, 30.; 3(5-3, 33 rexclusion des torghltudom firReprei'eres) (Ta bleaa 111), 31A: 7 investment raiorde, 34; 56-7, 58 Principe/La (ttlfa4dsrufrducfe urn Caoada (TEI NMI 11),31A: 6 List, availability to depositors, 34; 63-4 r2t.elotn. (Les) pins grandes elYlrep.riSTS lxeridufhIo Nlanagement poky, evaluation, 28;IS,20, 2i, 26-7, 28, 38: rffxdusfou dc.lattintriolis fEttantietes) (Tableau Pe), 30: 15, 34; 311.. 16-7, 18-9, 21, 25, 26-7; 31 6, 20, 48, 49-50, 31A; 8 54. 55; 34; 16, 32, 90, 91 ObjectiveS Bourse de Mumr4n1, prhident Interpretation, 28: 16-6, 27-8; 30: 14-7; 33: 4, 3,20., 49-50. 51. Vow 52-3 Lirt NI. Pierre, ppLicICIli, Bourn do Montreor Overview, 331 31.2. 36-40; 34: 8, 13, 15-6, 17, 19-23, 25, 30-2, 34-5,50, 65 Powers, 331 30.1. 37 Bourn der Turomn, prisident Representation. on hoards of clirootors, 30: 59; 33: 7, 13-4, 19, 25, Volir 50-1, 62; 33A; 1; 34:47, 48.9, 52-3, 55, 63 Bunting, M. J. Pearce, prCmidelit. Bourse de Return, ev-aitralion, 31: 10. 13, P6-7, 1.8-9, 36-7; 34; 13,90 Shag, Ownership Limit, percentage, 30: 8, 15, 16, 17, 25, 26. 47; Briarsa;s, pribidents 31: 13, 28, 29; 33:3,30,37, 51; 34: 12-3, 51-/, 55 Caissc de depl. art p1aoento.n1 du Qu.666c, consultations consonant, Statistic. 301 20.1,31: 27-8; 34: 59.61 30:22-3, 36; 31: 19 Transportation sector, importanu, 3140 -I; 34: 57-9 VOL" 437ASSi United States, possi hiEity, 30: 13, 15,37. 53; 341 65.6 Bunting, M. I. Pearce, pr 6s ident, Bourse do Toronio Mandate, 304 8, 15, 25, 37, 53; 31: 12-3, 16, 37, 33; 28-9, 30, 37; Lortie, M. Pierre, pr6sitIont Bourse de Montral 34: i 2.3 National Assembly,. responsibility of, 284 20, 21; Mt 25, 26; 32: 9, Braseade Ina 3i1: 16:34: 1E, 15, 53 11, 22, 371 33: 54, 55, 66,34: 20,23, 24, 27, 31.3, 39, 40, 35. Ontario, operat:ons in. Si: 26; 34:20. 24, 40, 41-3, 49-50, 66 Portfolio, 30; 9.10, 20.1, .36, 37- 8,46 -7, 52-3, 57; 31: 10, 27-8, .16: Break', Maw ,Susan C., ,troche; presidente, Sue:1.60 II:hi-ARM Fry de 33: 37; 34; 53, 39-61, 63, 64 Kingstou, AssueLatfina eanadienne des ...meiEt6s Elieabt-th Pry Saskatchewan Herttage NIA comparison, 33; 5-6,48, 49 Bill S-32, 39: 9-10, 11 -2, 13,15, 16, 19 See aiso Quebec. government British Columbia ComIllion ft! Rape Centres and British Columbia Police COMPFlissivo, This Film is Mont Rape, 27: 12, 28 Calder, Frank, Oilier, Research DIreeior, Tri6a1 Canna (New A iyansh, British Columbia) Brotherhood of Indifin Nations {Manitoba), Coalition des premii1Tes Conm tu pen Amondmeril Proclamation, 1983, subject-matter nations Discussion, 73t 7, 8,17, 18 Accorti constitution Del de 1983, eommentalres, 71; 24-5; 71A; 8-15 Statement, 73: 8-15 Charts de,s droiis ct lihertEs., muttprAts lion, 71A: 12, 13-4 I. formation do base, 71t 24 Proclamationdo1983 mud Irian'. la Con.slitulion,mernoire, calirldrell, Faye E..,Counsel, Palley Yianuing Crimina1 Law 71A; 7-15 Amendments Section, Department of Justice Bill C-127, soh:rent-mutter, 27; 38-9, 40, 41, 46.7 BUMPY Kenneth J., ed., IfeCardrick urn Et.idesca, 62: 22; 611A: 416, 418 Campeau, Jean. Chairman, Caisse de d8p4t et placement du Quebec Bill 5.31 subject-matter Brown, M, Henry, avocat-consell du requ&aal, R3, Rohn K. Coulliug Diecusgon..337. 46; 34; 39-41, 44-66 Bill 5.2.7 Slatentent,31 27-45 Discussion, 38:7, +1 Polity Statements, quotations, 33: 20, 50, 5 1 Expos6, 181 6-7

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Canada Act Bruyere, M. &turkey, president, Conseil lea autoehrtone.s do Canada See Proclamation de 1983 modifiam la Constitution, teneur ConstitutionAct, 1982 Discussion, 70: 47,57, 59-61 Expos1, 70: 36-47 Canada and the Coostirariao, 1979-82,Edward PicWhinney, 26: 23 Bryce,Commission Voir Canada Business Corporations Act Commission royale d'enga#tc sur Is concentration des entreprises Amendment proposed; carried, 7:10-1,, 16 Certify:tic of continuance, 14; 7-8, 9, 10, 12; 16: 6, 16143: 6 Corporations with share capital, specification of objects, 3: 13 Backwold, honorable Sidney L., senakur (Saskatoon) Discussion Bill C-34, 9: 8, 10-1, 12, 13-4, 16, 22 Part III - Capacity and Powers, 8: 7, 13 Bill C-61 Section 202 - Revival, 4: 7; 16: 10, 13, I. Apercu, philosophic.. 20:21 Section 202 (4) - Rights preserved,* 13 Entr6e en vigneur, 20:21; 21: 15, 16, 17, 18 Revival of Campania 'mines contrevenants Certificate of Revival, 4:13 Age maximal, 17: 18-9, 20 Procedure, 1: 7; 4: 7-8, 12, 13; 14: 15; 16: 10, 13, 16 Droll aux services d'un avocat, 22:7 Seealso Infractions, 17: 22; 22: 22 Canada Corporations Act fvfatu rite, age, 17: 22 Consumer and Corporate Affairs Canada Ontario, gouvernement, frail, 20: 8, 21 Programme, administration Frais, pa rtage, 17: 20: M 21 Canada Corporations Act Frais iroplIquAs, 20: 8, 21; 22: 17.8 Clause 133 (10) - Publication of notice, discussion, It 11 Provinces, gouvernernents, objections, raisons pour, 17;i0 Companies in default, penalty, 14: 14 Saskatchewan,gouvernement, memoir*, 22: 15, 16, 17.8 Corporation charter, clauses admissible, 3: 12.3 Hilt C-201, teneur, 26: 10, 54, 55-6 Corporations without share capital Bill S- I 9. 10: 15, 18-9, 20, 21 Letters patent, 3: Bill 5-24, 23: 10; 24: 18 Powers, 3: 13 Bill S-31, teneur, 28: 6, 29-34 41; 34; 61-2., 73, 79, 94 information, companies required lo file, 1: 9, * 7 Bill 5-32, 354.17-9; 41: 7, 14, 17.8, 24-30, 32; 46: 15, 22-4; 48: 22.4 Nova Scotia Companies Act, comparison, 1: 4 Bill 5.33, 49: 10-1, 14; 53: 14 Repeal, date, 4: 7-8, 12 Goldenberg, I'honorablc senateur. deltnission (zoom pre.sideni, 26:7, Revival of companies 8 Amendment proposed, 4: 6.7,13 . Propositions visani Statute revis6s du Canada de 1970 Coroplainis agio inat, 4: 6, 7,12 at certaines lois postO'ric u ream, 6: 9, 12-6, 18-9, 21, 22. 24, 25 Procedure, 1 : 6 -7 ; 4 : 6 ,1 2 . 3 ; 5 : 6 ; 1 4 :1 5 ; 1 6 : 7 , 9- 1 0 , 1 4 ,1 6 See also Canada Business Corporations Mt Bunting. M. 3. Pearce, president. Bourse de Toronto Consumer and Corporate Affairs Canada Bill S-31, position citSe, 30: 11, 22-3, 36; 31: 20

Canada Dar, proposed title for July 1st Burbidge, M RS., president, Canadien PiteIfique Limit1e Acceptance and usage, 26e 45, 48, 54-5 Bill S-31, Lemur Day, comparison, 26: 22.3, 54, 70 Discussion,33: 9-27 Canada, evcdution as a nation, 26: 34, 35, 71.2, 76, 87-8 Expose, 33: 541 , 26: 47, 50.1, 61-3, 64-6 Evaluation as a name, 26: 27, 28, 37, 53, 54 Bureau des Affaires ciMS.114iatiredrielles auloctiloites (Bureau des Rela- Gallup polls, 26c 12-4, 27, 39, 48, 49. 50, 82, 83-5, 86, 87, 90-1. tions fedi-tales-provinciales), 69: 16, 21; 70: 63.81, 83 93-4, 98-100;27; 7 Multiculturalism, aspect, 26: 43-4, 45, 46-7, 48.9, 61-2, 63, 64 -5, 67 Symbols and institutions, Ca nadianization, 26: 38.40, 50, 56-1, Bosslires Transport, 30: 17, 33 62-3, 65, 85-6, 87-8.98-100 See also CAC Bill C-201 Voir Dominion Day, replacement by Canada Day, proposal Conseil des autoehiones du Canada

Canada Eleciions Act CC?; So .141ojesa du amide Ittlarria r. (1-1978) I R.C.S. all,15: 101 Amendment proposed; carried, 6: 7; 7: 6, 11-2, 14, Si

CEDA Canada Evidence Act Voir Section 2 - Application, 52:23; 66:22; 66A; 13 ComitS d'ttudc acs droits des a o tochtones Section 12 - Examination as io previous conviction, 651: 35; 65: 18-9; 66A: 6,I 0; 68A: 134, 219 Section 29 -- Copies of entries, 53: 14; 55: 7, 8,20, 25; 55A: 3.4,5, CEIQN 8,10, 13; 65: 7, 8.10; 65A:8; 646A: 14 Var Comit6 &etude Inuit acs questions natitionle.s

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Canada Erideoce Act, 1982 Cry Set vgio. Bill S-33 Cons41 des Indians du Yukon COMM' Gnaie NOLifilialaof change of location M oorporalipn hem.' cam, puh1i CNA cation in, 1.8; 7, 8 Voir Notification in COMpailtS of default, publioation in, 1: 7, 1y, T1,-, 4; 7, national traction sur statut do La femme 8.10;14: 8, 10. 12, ]4; 161 10-1, 12-3, 14, 15 COPE Canada is not a fuzeatiai,Emile Valieuemiel, 264. 19. 20., vat- Comit6 d'etude del droits des au Loch taus Canada Labour Code Amendments proposed: earriad, 7: 42-3 Calsae de pinitemeat du Quace Astir, 31111!:21; 31: I0; 33; 5, 29; 34; 12, 14-5, 26, 27, 54, 64 Canoe Labour Relatiurrs Board Administration BsrBnininterl Ficates, 3: 9, 11 Conseil &administration, 33: 29-30; 347.49. 53-4.63 Employs, 24:63 Canada Mortgagee and Housing Corporation Ay/ Alberta, Pond 1-16ritage, enniparaison, 28: 14; 30: 10, dC, 49. 56-7; Amendments Proposed; rejected, 6; 15.7. 18, 23-4; 7: C6-8, 19, 20-1 33: 5 -b, 2, 16546-9; 34: 24, 54 Amemh116c national; rcspunsmbiliter, 28; 20.21: 30:25, 26; 31; 9, 11, 22. 37: 3,1a 54, 55, 54,34:20, 23, 74. 2'7, 31-3, 39,40, 88 Canoga Noa-pea fit Corporations Act Bill S-311, (=cur See But, 33: 32 Bill C-10 Compe:tonee. fedEralc, presermrion, applien hilite de is r6glemenla- lion, 33; 33-1 CanadaPliSian MTh Critiques AmcadiTMTIVEpro-posied; carried, 6: 16, 17, 24-5; 7: 21 Aperf;n, 33; 2a, .34-5, 42, 44 Caisse de deNt et plaeernCtrt du Qu6bec, compariso65 30: 7-8, 10, Lonoinia, dret Sur, 331 28, 38-9,41-1, 4434: SI 18, 19, 20, 21. 26; 31: 10.12, 139 27; 33; 49 Egcmptiam,pracOdure31: 42-3 Investissements, tilniLntion, 33; 32. 33, 34, 39-44, 34: 50. 57-9, Canada Shipping Act 65 Amendment pruposod; 'carried, 64 17.19., 7: 50-1 Porlee, 33: 32-4 Rondement sin" invesLissements, effe1 stir, 30 13; alt 26; 33: 28, Canadian ant British Irmaraoce Companies Aei 34, 39, 40-I, 42, 44; 34: 513,58,59., 87-8, 90 L. 93 Amendment proposed, English version only, 7:60 Vole, droll de, limitation, 33: 32. 33, 34-9, 41 -2, 34; 50. Amendment); proposed; carried, 6; 5; 7: 41-2 6.5 Elgin i tion 32.4 Recimiinunda !ion, 33: 29, 45 Canadian Ant:rola:lion or the Pre mation4:4' Crime Soei6t6r, visors, interrirtial km. 34: 9, 10. 11, J5, I7.22, 85;34A:1. Bill S-32 2 Evaluation, 3&5-8, II. 14, 21-2 Canadion Pa eifique Limits Reccm]nenclation, 38t 7-6, 9, 21-2 Actions, pearoentage, 2$: 26; 144 i 1, 21, 22; 33: 7. 11, 13.16. 20, FUrtgtiCul and members, 38: 8 40, 33; 3t 39,63 Conseil d'adnlinnstrarioar, dtmandc do repr&ventationallsaki. Canadis a As:m.1(111Am of Chiefs. of Police 33: 7, 134, 19, 25; 34; 43.5, 47-8

Mandatory supervision, position on, quoicd,32: 14; 37: 1I , 20; Intentions towers, 30:9,22. 39,47; 34: 43.4 42; 23; 45: 36-7, 50; 48: 14 ConcenIraLion des fonds sous l'antoritie d ua e,eslionnaire, 20: 10; 31z 10 -1,12, 27 CanadianAssociation of Elizabeth Fry Socielle,13. T} visions d'affaires, re6:prinRabli i to do 1H direction, 30126.7, 38-9 Bi11 S-32 Dapesauts, 30: 10:33: 29 Evaluation, 39:. 5-6, 9 Desmarais, M. Paul, rapport uvrx, s;itstion, 2& 17,6, 39,40; 30: 11, Rogoromwxletlions, 39: 5,6,9, 19, 20 23, 27. 39; 34.; 49-50 Role, 39:. 5, 7-8. 14, /7, 20 Fonds dc inneion du canoa, eompuruisr3n5 30: 7.5, 10, 18, 19, 20, 21, 28; .311 10.12. 13, 27; 33:49 Canadian Assiniation of Markle Pilots Fnmcopbonts, presence&US desgrandIrs tiArcpriscs, 14: 8, 15-7. 25, 30. 34-5 Canadian Merchant Service Guild, a mliation, 15 See atio Historique., 30: 7 -5, IS, 19, 25-6; 31:9, 12, l3; 33! 5-6. 11, 23-9, 54; 34:3. 12, 1S-6, 54 Canadian Merchant Service Guild investissementa Pilotage Aci Actions, limitcde prOpri6te, pourcenhlge, 30: 8, 15, 16, 37, 25, 26, 47; 31: 13, 28, 29; 33: &, 30, , Si; 34; 12-3, 51.2, 55 Canadian Asanciatiod of Masters and Chief Engineers B, agues, 34: 54 -6 Canadian Merchant Service Gui1d, afftilaion, 3: 7, 15 Bassin d'ilivesliasemonk, 344 56-7, 58 Com parsison ovee d'antre-s funds tic Ni]sion. 33: 3, 31-2, 509 53.5 34: 19, 20, 26-75 5 P, 54560, 61.2, 64

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Canadian Amoniatlau of Masters and Chief Engineers -(ourd Caitse 4e $1061 ti placement du Quebec -Sucre Investissamems-.-Soffa See as* i n Larpretation, 30: 10 -1. 14, 22-3., 2545. 34,6, 37, 41, 50, Canadian Merchant Service Guild Critique, 33-4; 33t. 33, 35, 37 Divuizaticg.23.: 38; 31: 16, 25, 26; 13: 44, 48, 49; 34: 14, 20-1, 24, Canadian Bankers' Association 264. 33-4, 39-43, 81, 93 Bill S-33 tta 30; 13, 15, 37, 53; 34:65-6 Amendments. proposed, 55: 22, 25, 26 Examples Brief, 554: 1.17 Akan Aluminium LimitOe, AO: 11-2, 19, 29, 49, 59; 31: 19; Evaluation, 6, 11, 12; 55,4; 2, 7,8, 40. 16-7 31A:8; 33: 12, 17, 58; 34; 1 6, 22. 23, 4i, 57 Justice Departmeni officials. meeting with, 25, 26 A perr,w, 30: 1213, 16, 17-8, 20-1, 30-3; 31: 30-1, 34.36 Recommtadmines, 55: 12, 15, 16, 19. 20, 2.3; 554: 12.3, 16, 17; Darraar Inc 30; [0, 12, 16, 27; 31.; 53; 49, 51; M: 8. 15, 20. 64: 17.8: 654; 80 25, 41-3, 53, 63 Function, 55: 5 Gaz M6troprilitain Inc.., 31: 28, 30; 34: 51-2 Noracida mines Limited, 30; 10, 16; 31: 31; 34: 11, 15, 53 Proviso lnfi211: 15; 30: 12, 50-1: 31; 28; 334 34, 58; 3.41 11.15. Canadian Bar Association 23 Bin S-33 SONA MAR. Societ.E: dc navigation maritime, Mt 30.1, 33 Briefs Truss Royal, 34; 30, 31, 32, 45.7, 62 March 1933.49: 5-19:66: 5-6; 684:2 Gentian, politique, evaluation, 28: 15, 20, 21, 26.7. 28, 38, 34A 1 5, J1111/0 1983, 661 6.7; 68Ar 1-198 34; 31: 16-7, 18-9, 21, 25, 26.7; 33: 6, 20. 48, 49-30, 54, 55; British Columbia criminal bar, posii ion, 49: 7, 8,22, 23. 25 34: 16. 3Z 90.91 Clauses, 4..ommani s, 634:6 -198 Lista, dispunibilit6 $ tix deposants, 34; 63-4 Compu tar-produced information, 49: 6, 23, 27, 31; 66i 7, 41-4, 50 Object Fs Definiiion, legislative sIatameni or code, implications, 491 8, 14, Apercu. 33; 31-2, 3640; 34: 8,1.3, 154 17, 19 -23, 25. 30-2, 15-6, 20-1. 25-7. 28: 66: 45, 46 34-5, 50, 65 Drafting, criticisms Imerpreta don, 213; 15-6, 27-3; 30: 16-7; 33:6, 8,20, 49-50, 51, Application in Quebec, effect, 49; 16, 17.8, 30-1, 32 52.3 Civil law and criminal law together. 49: 16-7, 30-1 Pouvoirs 33: 30-1, 37 Consultation procw., 49; 6, 7,22. 23-4, 25, 27, 30, 1]-2, 33; Rendamem, evslua tIon, 31: 10, 13. 16-7, 18-9, 36-7; 341 13.90 66: 46 Ropreseniation au Kin des consei I s rrudrn i niat ration, 3* 59; 33: 7, Translation, 49; 15-6, 18-9, 32 13-4, 19, 25, 50-1, 62; 3M; 1:34: 47, 48-9,52-3, 55, 63 Evaluation by members of Special Committee on S-33 Statisiiques, 30: 24I; 31; 274:34; 59.6 Civil bar, 49; 1.24 6tc 8-13 Transports, secLeur, imporiancc, :33; 40-1; 34: 57-9 Criminal bar, 49.; 7-12; infe 13-20 mondat, 30: 8, 15, 25, 17, 53; 31: 12-3, 16, 37; 33; 28-9,30,37; Quebec 3awyers,49;14-9, 28-9, 30-2 34: 12-3 Evidence, rules of Ontario, arkrai ions, 31: 26; 344. 20. 24, 40, 43-3, 49-50.66 Provinces, adoption, 4% 17-8, 22. 25.29, 32; 66: 18 portofeaine, 34: ID, 20-4, M., 17-8, 46-7, 52 -3, 57; 31: 10, 27-8, Reform, 49: 19,21, 24.5, 27, 31;.66: 46 36; 33: 57; 34: 58, 59.61, 63,621 Uniformity:49: 21, 22, 25, 28-9 Saskatchewan, Fond H6rilage, compel ra ison, 33: 5-6, 48, 49 Foreign jurist:hellions, comparison, 49; 24; 684: 99-1CO Unite.canadienne,roledans, 34; 16, 24-5 Historical bat:kg:round, 49: 20, 22, 23. 28.9, 30, 31 Voir maxi Justice Department, meeting with, 5,..t 12, 23; 54: 14, 16., 66; 33 Quebec, gouvernemeut ReconimendaLon, 49: 6. 7; 66: 8 Resolution, 40; 6, 311; 66e 5; 68A: 2 Calder, Chef Frank., directeur des recherches, Causal de Tribe 4e Rights of accused, 49: 6, 9,12, 19, 26, 27, 28; 66: 14, 20, 37; Nisliga New Aiyansh, Golomble-Britanninua) 684; 30, 38.60 proclamation de 1933 modirant la Constitution, tumor Scope, 49: 8-14, 20.1, 23. 25, 26., 27; 32-3:664 7, 12, 1.3,47 Discussion.73; 1,8,12, Study, 49; 6, 8,23, 25, 26. 27, 32. 33; 544 13, i Expose., 13; 8-15 Uniform Law Conference, annual spurts, 49: 34 Sea also Joint Committee or the Canadian )gar Associatfon and the Bar of campben, mime';lye E container lurid la or, Section4o rallbOtatIOn Quobee de In pulirique et des mndifiectualw au droll penal, rikaaseire de Ea 2usliee Bill C-I27. lanais F. 27:38 -6,40, 4I, 46.7 Ca nadlan 14111 of Rights, 17; 27; 511 9, 22 Campeau, M. Jean, president, °Anse de denc11 et placement du Qui- hee Equipment Manufacturers Association Bill 5-31, teneur Background information, MA; 2 Discussion, 33; 46.; 34: 39-41, 44.66 Bill S-33 Expos& 33: 27-45 1-13 declarations. citations, 33; 20, 50, 51 Recommendations. 64:5,10,11-2. 15,16-7,I9 -20; 64A; 6, 65; i7 Compuier technology Canada, F$te De,;criptian, 64: 5-7; 64A: 3-4 Voir S ign i f ca nee, 644 5-6, 11 -2; 641&; TU-1 FEte du Canada. titre propos,6 Dour Ic 1 Cr juiIlet


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Canadian Centre fi3r Justice Statistics (Statistics Cain sla) Canada, Loi Court statistics, 42.11,.i Nirtction, 22;20-4 127:44 conaritutioniielle de 192 Homicidestatistios, r2 Juristat. 22: 21 rag7dabind MECo NSiiini f979-82, Mem+ MeWhiriaan 26; 23

Canadian Chamber of Caimpercg Bill 3.31, subject. matter Canada is ma' a Piarnaliarr, Emile 26: 19.20. 21 Amendments pwaposvd, 33: 53.55, 56, 59-60; 33A: 2 Brief. 33; 47, 60.1 Eco.n3yi.errort an. 31, 48, 49 Canadian Association of Marine Mtn Guilds & la marine marchande du Canada, Irfi Pia tine. 3.1 7, 35 Federal government, exemption, position on. 33: 53, 55, 56, 57; Vor aussi 33A:2 Gail& de In 171.arfilt marchande du Canada Federal-provincial consultations, 31 61, 62 R1aitage, Loi Letter to the Honeurabla Andre Ouellet; 29; 6, 7; 33: 53, 60; 33A: 2 Purpose, 33:47-8. 53 Gin iirrgtAssoCiation of Alamos. mid Chief Engizeers Reaction, reported, 29; 6, 7,10 auilde de la marine marcha Mc du Canada, affiliation, 3: 7. IS Caine de &pelt at placement du Qiace Voir cramp Comparison with other pension funds, 331 50, 53 Cud& de la marine MOrchandc du Canada Heritage roods dud Canada Pension Plan, cornparison, 33; 48-9 1nvestments5objectim, interpretation. 31 48, 49-50, 5i, 52-3, 55 Chambcr of Commerce of the District of ?skint-real, differences. Carraifiaot Jourad of Criatisdogy, 37:6 34: 23, 28 Corporations, Manngtriat decisions, federal regulations, applicabil- ity, 31 53 Crusade* Pacirsiinc G overnmeni encroachment in the private semi, policy on, 331 47, Adrniniatration 57, 62 Conseil d'administration, 33: 13, 14, 18-20. 21 Levesque, Han- Rene, statements on economic development, (India- Decisions dc &es/ion, reglomen ration leder' ale, a ppJicabilite, 33;7, Dion and interpretation, 31 51-3, 55 23 Provincial f,..nveraments. control or influence in private sector, risks, BM S-3 I, teactir 33:47, 48-9, 50.1, 52-3, 54, 55, 57-8, 59-60; 33A: 2 Barques. Loi, ConipdrdiStori, 31 25 Quebec Chamber ofCorns: rice,policystatement,quotation, Competence federate, pr6servation; 33: 5-6 -9, 12-3, 17.8, 21-3 31 50-1, 62; 33A: 1 Donniks4Scenorinciuos. 33: 5.6, 11.2 Evaivasion; 33: 7, 8,15 Hiaorique; consultations Canadian Charter of Rights. and Pi-Reclaim Cabinet federal. 33: 10-1, 15, 20, 21, .24-5, 26:34: 86..7, 89 S ee render Constitution Act. 1982 SCGtwir price, 33: 7; 9 -10, 24-5; 34: 89 Quebec, reactiondU got.' vernerricni, interpretation, 31 Canadian Ciarkitiltiee011Ciprrtaiors Vote, draitde,licRiwtictia,33: U. 16-7, 25 Towatvi (AV.' Oirraficil Jr.!:.rshe arm' Corteclioril (OuirneE RepOri), Bourse de Toronto; performance, 33: 40 45:9 -1Q 461:45-22, 31;.47; 13, 21.411: 11;5/: .10 Cairse siet1C01 at placement du gatKC Actions. pourcen rage. 28; 26; 30: 11, 21, 22. 33: 7, 11, 13, 16, 20. Catindlan Consultative Council on Mithictiiitintlism 40, 53; 34: 39. 63 Backvaund izibrsnatiOn, lunation, 76: 43-4, 45, 46.47, 49. 50 AJberin. Fond Heritage; cornparaison; 33: 5-6. 7,16 Bill C-201 Historigne, 33: 5.6, 11 Brief, Zee 44. 45, 47, 4835 50 I nvestissemcnis, objectify, intorpietation, 31 6, 8,20 Canada Day, recomnacnda kiosk. 26; 44, 45, 46, 47. 50 Representation au sein du consoi1 rfrdininistnition, demande, Gallup polls, 26e 48, 49, 50 33; 7, 13-4, 19, 25; 34; 43.5, 47.5 Sue etisdu secteur puhiie gouvernement !Men I, compn ra Eson, 3-1 10, 22 CAnadian Forces Superannoation At DUinition4X+Mtneso66-1i de transport. debut.28:35; 30: :18, Amendment proposed; carried, 7; 2t -3 al: 34; 13d. (7, 21, 33, 40., 54: 34c 1 k, 59 Desmarais, M.. Paul, Punier Corporation du Canada Caliaohill Human Rights Act Accord avee; ',10I P. 22, 27, 39; 312 20-1, 24; 33: 14-5, 20, tirrc nuMbi-J-5 beratl square beae405 refer ro the virayae-5. of Hai C- 59; 34: 8 14 ir Inyestissoments dons, 33: 10, 21, 59-6.0; 31; 18 Amervimeulls FOr141C1g. Pension,31A:6; 33: 8, 53; 34: 64 Paragraph 2 (a) [i], 51: 21 Gouvernernerds provinoiaux, ountriMe on influence dans la seorear Section 13 173- Hate messaps, 81:8 risques; 33; 5.14,16-7,18, 21, 23.4, 25.7 Section 14 l[31 - Ex options, 51i 10.1, 13,18-211, 21-2, 23 Propriete. structure, 311; it 5 24; 31A: 8; 34: 9; 34A: 1.2 Section ]5(1) [9] - Special prnagra 'vs. 51: 25-6 Transport, adiviteo, 34: 9, IT , 224 34A: 1, 2 Secrina 39 Reguivilions, 51; 25, 26 Section 41.4 1201 - Order *ham diacriErkinAtion 62113.0d on physi- cal h ndicap, 511: 13-6 Capitaines et chef mecnniciens Section 48 1231 Application, 51: Voir Section 63 .[241 - Binding on Crown, 51: 11 Canadian Association of Masters and Chief Engineent

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Can :Ilse Hassrma Rigida Ad-Coned Carroll, k.c. (k 4 avrkr.1913.3), 52: 13;158A1 234-5 ThenorPriPers berween ',pare bradeois etie.? .to sire4.1eires.c.F ofBill C- I 4 I-Cont'd Purpose. 81: 4-7 Castel, NI, Jean Gabriel, r-n. profeaseur, faculte. de droll!, illsgoode Linked Nations Charter of Human Rights, comparison, $1; 20,1 Hall See also BillS I9 Bill C-1141 DiseubsJort 11; 11.22. 14, 15, 16, 17-8, 20 Expos6, 11:5 -11

Canadian Human Rlighis Act Act to amend caughnowega, RCs.erre ([ano, Coalition des prenli'ken :crisps See Autonomic p olitiquc, definition, interpretation, 7 ]8-9 Bill C-141

Cant Cnnnentenl, Lot Mar la reformc, 17: 6 CanadianHUMPSRights Commission Canadian Human Rights Act, amendments proposed. 51: 7-8. 9 Complainis received. 1981, 51: 7 CentralAstot.AofNigeria. freatex Corporation Ltd c. (II1976] 3 A11 E.R. 437, 119771 gAll E.R. 8810, lei Discretionary FFDWC:TS, 511 38-20 l.8, 20; 11: 6, Mandate, 51:7 7,10 See also Canadian ffuman Rights Act Centre eunadien de la slatistirpm juridique (StatistiqUe Canada.) Fanction, 221 20-1; 27:44 Homicides, statimiques, 42A: 47 Canadian lsiituie of Chartered Acton:II:Intl JudoeI.,22121 Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation Act, appointment of Sialistiques judicraires, 43,11: 38 a minor, di 23, 7; 17, 19

Cession do droll. KU reinimursepaeat eu (.0 Cafradiar lotorsalrof CrimizEolegy,Pi 6 A intrielcumnts propmesz. adopt% 6t 10-1171 54.5

Canadian Merchant Service Guild Cho mhre de commerce de to province de Quebec AdminiStrative structure. 3: 8, 13-4, 15 Bill 5-31, pClailt011 envois, el:titian, 34, 29 Amendment to Bill 5-12 propascd, 7-13, 15.6 Cham bre de commerce du district da Montreal, di Nrences, 34:28-9 Bargaining certiriotes loves rime-men ts drs. socieies de In lauvonna dans l'efitreprise pfiv6e, Members, 3:6-7.9, 10, tI -2 d'eclara Lions, citations, 33: 50-1,62,33A: E.; 34: 28 Non-members, 1 10.11.2 By-laws, 3: 74, 9. 12-4. 15-6 Chumko de commerce de Wirsaipt.,i Constitution., 3: 12-3 FM 1 C-201, tc14ra mme canicernnni, 216:1 III -2 Cornracis and agreements, 3: 6.7, 9-10, 11-2, 13-4 Convent 3: 7, 14. 15-6 FluriCtion Chanihre de commerce du Culadu Labour union, 3: 6-7, 9. 10, 11-2,i 3-4 Bill S-31, trneur Professional organization, 3: 6 A mcndoments propose's, 31 53, SS,56, 59-60; 3-1.A.: Historicel background. 3: 6-9 But, 3.31474, 53 Legislation (Bill 5-12). reasons nor COMM] !Latium f6dereles-Fovinales, 33:61, 62 Convention as directing body, 3. 7, 14, 15-6 :Economic, eflet stir. 33: 48, 49 Legaliiy or existence, 31.6, 7,8,9 Gouvernement federal. orxern.ption, Osi t eisve3s, 33: 53, 55, 56, Retroactivity. 3e 6.7, 9-J 0 57, 33,41: 2 Leiter to the Honourable Senator Macdonald riot', Mr, Langlois re Lertre Andre. Usenet. 29: i. 7; 31 53, 60-, 33A; 2 Bill S-12.1 1'0-5 ivlemoirc,3147, 60- I Maritimes, involvement in, 3; 15 Reaction. citation. 6, 7,10 Membership CaiG.Sc de depai of placement du Quebec Associations affiliated. i 7 Com paraison avec- (Vault-es roods do pension, 33; 50, 53 Branches, 3: 7, 13-4, 15 Fonds keriinge et k Foots de pension du Canada, caillijargiwn, Ca tepees, 7, 11-2 33: 48-9 Expulsion of member, 3; 14 Investissements, .objectifs, interpv6tati LIU, 334 48, 49.50, 51, 52.1, Insurance poliides, 3: 8 55 Statistics, 3: 7, 10, t5 C ha mbre de commerce 1611 district de Montreal., differences, 34: 23, 5416' ilidd 28 Bill S-12 Chambre do c4.1n-nnerec du Quebec, deelara lion de principe, citation, Canadian Association of Marine Pilots 131 50-1, 62,31A: 1 Canadian Association of Masten. and Chief Engineers Gouvernement, inlervontion dans le secteur pri seC, politique, 33: 47. Merchants Senrice 57, 62 Gouvernements Tirovinciaux, cunirule .0u influ&n,dans Jo sec/v.0r pi NC, risques, 33: 47, 411.-9,50-1, 52-3, 54, 55. 57-8, 59-60, Canadian Merchant Serriry Guild. Ai! reageeling 33A:2 See Levesque, honorable Rene, 46elara eons concernant developp anent BRE 5-i2 ecorionrique, citation et interpretation, 33: 5 1-1, SS

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Canadian National 'militate for Me Blind Chambre de commerce du Canada-Su/re Copyright AU, talking books, 7:12, 13 Socieles, decisions do gestion. reglememation federalc, appllcabilite. 33; 53

C'a nadian Pacific Limited Cliambre de COMP142)Te du district de Montreal Administration Bill S-31, lemur Board of directors, 33: 13, 14, 18-20, 21 Competence leder-ale, preservation, interpretation, 34: 9, 10, 14, Management decisions. Palen] regulations, applicability, 33: 7, 17, 22-3 23 Critiques Bill S-31, subject-nuttier Invest issernents, limitation, 34: 11, 19 Bank Act, comparison, 33: 25 1'orl6e, 34: 11, 15, 34 ?commie background, 33:5-6, 11-2 Vole, droll de, limitation, 34: 7, E I, 19, 20 E'valuatinn, 33: 7, 8,15 Donwees deonomiques, 34: 15; 34A; 2 Federal jurisdiction, preservation, 33:5, 6-9, 12-3, 174, 21-3 evaluation, 34; 10-1, 14, 15 Mow:leaf background. consultations Historinue, 34: 8, 13-4 Federal Cabinet, 33: 10-1, 15, 20, 21.24 -5, 26; 34:86 -7, 89 °wallet, honorable Andre, reunion avec, 34: 37 Private sector, 33: 7, 9 -10, 24-5; 34: 89 Position envers, citation, 28: 37-8, 39; 29: 6, 7,8; 30: 13.4; 33: 56 Quebec government, reaction, interpretation, 33: 7-8 Quebec, reactiom, 341 8, 24, 29 Voting rights, Iiinitation, 3317 -8, 11, 16.7, 25 Recommandstion, 34: [6-7, 24, 26, 37 Caisse de depot et placement du Quebec Caissr de depat el placement du Quebec Alberta Heritage Fund, comparison, 33: 5-6, 7, 16 Actif, 34: 12, 14 -S Federal public sector cornpanitts, comparison, 33: 10, 22 Alberta, Fond Heritage, rAmparuison, 34: 24 Historical background, 33: 5-6, 1! Comparaison avec d'autrea fonds de pension, 34: 20, 26, 27 Invowtments, objectives, interpretation, 33: 6, 8.20 Divulgarfon, 34: 14, 20-I, 24, 25, 26-7, 34, 93 Representation on board of directors, repeat, 33: 7, 13-4, 19, 25; Francophones, presence dans de grantics entreprises, 34: 8, 15-7, 34:43.5, 47-8 23, 34.5 Share*, percentage, 28: 26; 3* 11, 21, 22; 33: 7, 11, 13, 16, 20, Historique, 34: 8., 12, 15-6 40, 53; 34: 39, 63 Object ifs, 34; 8, 12-3, 15-6, 17, 19-23.25. 31-2, 34-5 Definition as transportation company, debate, 28: 35; 30: 38, 48; Pontiquo d'investissement, evaluation. 34: 13, 16,12 31: 34; 33: 17, 21, 33, 40, 54; 34:11, 59 Socieles visees, interpretation, 34: 9, 10, 11, 15. 22, 85; 34A: 1, 2 Desmarais, Paul, Power Corporation of Canada Unite canadienne, rOlc dans, 34: 16, 25 Agreerncrtt with, 28: 40; 30: 11, 22, 27, 39; 51: 20-1. 24; 33: 14-5, Chrunbre de commerce de la province tic Qabec, differences, én- 20, 59; 34: 8 luntion, 34:28-9 Investinents in, 33: 10, 21, 59-60; 34:18 Cita mbre dc commerce du Canada, differences, evaluation, 34: 23 Ownership structure, 31: i f, 24; 1, 2 Entreprises, regimentation ftderalc, apnlica bible, 34: 9-10. 17-8, Pension fund, 31A: 2; 331 8, 53; 34: 64 22-3, 25-6 Provincial governments control or influence in private sector, risks, Memoirs, 1981, (.-tremor one nouvelle direction, ..34: 29, 35,36, 17 33: 5-14, 16-7, 18, 21, 23.4, 25-7 Role, 34: 30-1, 32 . porfunnanee, 33: 40 Tableaux Transportation activities, 34: 9, 11, 22; 34A: I. 2 elan-pHs-es non control:ices Par an actionnalre darnintad 0 retail- wmeni actives ate Q.uebec (Tableau 3), 34: 15; 34A;2 tmporiance relative des neifPith afPFre/Pt:Ton C',P, tiAltifit Akan (Tableau 2), 34: 11; 34A; 2 Canadian Payments Association Prineipales entreprises de transportare Canada[tableau1), Background information, 65; 6, 65A: 3 34: 9, 85; 34A: Bill S-33 Brief, GSA: 1-14 !?value ben, 65: 9-10; 6M; 10 Chnonbre des tonmumes Recommendations, 65; 6, 9,10-2, 13, 14, 17, 18, 24, 28; 65A: 12-4, Bills dc subsides, prexidurc, 24: 14, 15 80 Computer technology Champagne, Mme Francine, avocet du requerant, M. Jess-Paul Description, 65:14 4-6 Robert Significance, 65: 15-6, 20, 65A: 4-6 Bill S- 26.16: 12, 13, 15, 16

Cbarnoutteau, Honorable Cdy, seastrur (ICEnivehec) Cerro/4 R. v. (Feb. 4, 1983), 52: 13:68A: 9- I 0 BM C-26, 2: 7 131!! S -31, fervour. 31:29

Professor; Faculty ei Law, Osgoode HMI Caotcl, Jean Gabriel, Charlie ennadienne flea drops el Nberfat Bill S-19 Vair .rous Loi coninitutionnelle de 1982 Discussion, 11:11, i2, 14, 15. 16, 17-8, 20 Statement, 11: 5-1! Chartier, Mont, representani national du Conseil national des ntletis Caughmonaga Reserve (Quebec). Coalition of First Nations Proclamation de 1983 itiodinuni. la Cons tinition, tencur, 70: 68.73. Self-government, definition, interpretation. 71: 18-9 75-8, 80-6

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Central Bank of Nigeria, Trena Ilex Trading Corpornion Lird. augetkot honorable Jean, Andes stinibtre de Is Justice (1197613 ALL E.R. 437.[1977] 1 ALL E.R. 88i), 10: 18, 20:11: 6, Bill C-127, declarations, citations, 27: 8. 17 7,10 Clioviette, honorable Lionel. itinareur Chamber of Commerce, Bill S-8, 1; 6, 7,8 Bill C-20L, telegram concerning., 26; [01.2 atizem. United fur Safety and JUStiee Chamber of Commerce of ihr Distrirt of Montreal Bill S-32 Bill S-31, su kiwi-mauler tvafits [ion, 45: Criticisms Recommandations, 45; 35-6, 43, 44 -5 investments, limitation, 34: 11, 19 But. Fmciion, mem bre.s, 45: 33. 39.40, 44 Scope. 34: 11, 15.34 Voting rights, limits #fort 34: 7, Ili 19, 20 Clark, L. eta Lewis, Rape: Tire Prieeuf caeiciveexmaiir,y. 25 15-6: Bonnomio background, 34: 15; 34A: 2 27: 20 Evalua don,. 34; 10-1, 14, 15 Federal jurisdiction., pri.ervation, Intorpretation, 34: 9, 10, 14, 17, 22-3 Clausen, Mitt Inge, 'rice-president., Cilium United for Safety xnd Historical background. 34; 8, 13-4 Justice (ballet, Honourable AndrC meeting with. 34:37 Bill 8-32 Position on, reported. 2S; 37 -8.39; 29r 6, 7,8; 30: 13-4; 33e 56 Discussion. 45: 39. 41 Quebec reaction., 34; 8, 24. 29 Ex/Nos., 45: 33-9 atcvmmendation 34: 16-7.24, 26. 37 Brief, 1981, Earths. A New Course, 34: 29, 35, 36, 37 des piNtaileres nations Caine dc diepdt ct placement du Quebec Accord constitotionncl de 1983, commentaires, 711 9-10, 13-4, 15-7, Alberta Heritage Fond, camps rimon, 34: 24 24-5, 38-9; 76A; 10-1 Assets, 34: 12, 14-5 Assembl6c des premieres nations. rapport 71, 71: 23, 24, 26, 38.9 Canadian wilily, role in, 34: 16, 25 A dot:oink po]itique. d ell n Won, ierPret. 3(ion, 71: 9-14,I .5-0, 18-9, Comparison with other pension funds, 34: 20, 2.6, 27 26 Corporatism affected. interpretation, 34: 9,10, 11,15, 22, 35; Financeme n t, 71; 26-7 34A: 1, 2 Information de base, 691 18 -9, 28; 71: 22-3,25-6, 30 Diclosure, 34; l 4. 20-1, 24, 25, 26-7, 34, 93 Proclamation de 1983 modifiant La Constitution, position eariers, Francophone presence in large corporations, 34: 8, 15-7, 25. 34-5 71: 13, 17, 25, 30, 35-8; 73; 17, M Iiistarieal background, 34:8, 12. 15-6 Praiir aussi investmeni policy, evaluation, 34; 13, 16, 32 Brotherhood of Indian N Lions (Manitoba) Objectives, 34; S, 12.3,5.-6.17, 19-23, 25. 31-2, 34-5 Cough nawago., Riserve Canadian Chfutsbor of Commerce, difference,. evaluation, 34: 23 Treaty 6 Chief e Alliance {Album) Corporations, faleral regulations. applicability, 34; 9-10, 17.4.22-3, Union deg ladiens du NuuveanBrunswick 25-6 Quebec Chamber arCOMITICNC. differences, evaluation, 34: 28 -9 Role, 34: 30-1, 32 Code emondien do travail Tables Amendem ants propo.s6s: adopt64, 7: 42 -3 Enlerprises Not autirolitd 6,3, a Prineopal Shareholder and lasing 1?elarluely Active fo Qiir.bee (Table 3), 34: L5.; 34A: 2 Code civil du Quebec Major (The) .n.anspertnrias CorporaiFons iii C'anirda (rabic I), Amplification des jogements,11: 16 34c 9, 85; 34iLi I Art. 1053. 12: 18 Relative Linporratice of Transporrailon Activities CP and Akan (Table 2), 34: 11.34A: 2 Coliccivil du Quebec, prole! Livrc notivW1c, Chapitre VI. Artida 86 et 83, 11: 7 Champ:ague. Francine, Solichor for the l'efitiuner. Mr. J. Paid Robert Bill S-26, E6c 12, 33, 15, 16 Code ciliainel LesPit4001ePOSentre parentheses carrees laarioem fnsankle..? du Charbonneau, Hon, Gay, Senator (Kennebec) 5111 C -127 Bill C-26, 2: 7 Ante:Element propose, 7: 59 Bill S-31. subject-matter. 311 29 Amendments Art. 2[1] - Tsfiniiiona, 25q 34-5 An. 142[6] - Indication au jury. 1H... 34; 27: 8,f L. 12, 47, Chartier, Clem, Motional Repres.entaiLve of the M6tis National 1.3nue- 49.50 0111 Art. 143[6] - Viol, 25;35 CMS tiitutiimAmendmentProclamation, 1983, snhject.marter, Art, ]93 (1)(13] - 13roxenietiarne. 25: 33 74r 68-73, 75-8, 80 -u Art. 214 (5) (124 11a page 51 du laseieule 427) [145] Dctour- neinenr, enlevement nu infraction aceuollo, 27 :39 -40, 5 t, 52 Child abdur ano Art 244[19] - VOies do Fait on attaque 23 22, 23, 26, 35-6, Criminal Code, amendments, 25: 20-1.. 25.6:27; 44.5 41-2; 27: 8-10, 12-6,8-24. 2.64i.,32-3,. 37-8, 40-2, 46-7 See also Alt 245[19] - Voiec dc fait simples, 254 17, 29-30. 35, 37, 40-1; Si [I C-127 27: 8, 14-5, 16.7, 41

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Chill pornography and sexual exploitation or children. 25: 21, 26-7- C'ode erimiasei-Suite Ainendements--Sulu 32, 33 Art. 246[19] -- Voies de fait contra on agent de Inpaix, 25: 21 -2, See also 27-8. 29-30, 39, 40, 43-4; 27: 8, 11, 12, 14-20, 24-6,39-41 , Bill C-53 47-51 Art. 249[201 - Brilevement d'une nersnanc de ninthsdo seize Choquette, Hon. Lionel, Senator ((Matra East) ans, 25: 25 Rill S-8, 1: 6. 7,8 Art, 250f20] - Enlivement d'unc peruonne tic moins do quatorze, ans, 25: 25; 27:44 -5 Che'etlea, Hon, Jean, former fvenister of Justice Att. 442125] - Proccs i huts dos dans certain eas, 25: 34 C-127, statements, quotations, 27: 8, 17 Discussion Art, 7 - Appliealion aux ierntoi nes, 66:27 -8 An. 8 - Lcs infractions criminedles cloivent imither souslc coup Church of Jesus Christ or Latter-day Saints, real estate de la loi canadicanc. 66: 2741 See Art. I? - Cnotrainte par menaces. 68A: 242 Bill S- I Art, 146 -- Rap'ports sexuels avec one nc.rsonne du scxeferninin President or the Lethbridge Stake or the Church of Jesus Christ Agee de mains do 14 ans, 27: 18-9, 40 of Latter-day Saints Art. 246.6 - Pas de preuvc sur le compartementsexuel du plai- gnant, 36: 28 .,59A :4, 7 Citizens United for Safety and Justice Art. 317 - Preuve, 65A: 62 Bill S-32 Art, 318 -- Preuve dune con damnation anOrimi re, 65A:62 Evaluation, 45: 33, 34 Art. 643 (1) - Dans certain* cas, Is prcure rocticilliel'enquatc Recommendations, 451 35-9, 43, 44-5 prdiniinaire pent e'llre ioe au TrenCS, 59A1 13-5, 29 Purpose, function, members, 45; 33, 39-40, 44 Art.662-1 - Liberation conditionnelle et sans condition, 66:19 Art. 730 (2)- La preuve de l'eseeption, etc.,incombc dean- Code of Quebec dent, 66r 13-6, 30; 66At 44.6; 68A: 240-2 Extension of judgements. 11: 16 Voir mai Scowl 1053. 12: 1.8 Bill C-127

Civil Code of Quebee, Draft Book Ninth, Chapter VI, Articles 86 and 88, 11i, 7 Code critnitivei, Loi anoillflani, en inaliered'infractions nesuelles et d'auirm infractions centre Is personne Clark, L. and D. Lewis, Rape: Tke Prier of Coercive Sextrality, Voir 25:15-6:27: 20 Bill C -127

Clausen, Inge, Vice-Chairman, Citizens United for Safety and Justice ilitl S-32 Code crimittel, Lni rtrutlifiant, ca rnallere d'infrnetions sextieilesat de Discussion, 45: 39, 41 protection des jeunes Statement, 45: 33-9 rOfp Bill C-53 Coalition of First Nations Assembly of First Nations relationship with, 71: 23, 24., 26, 38-9 Background information, 69: 18-9, 28; 71: 22-3, 25-6, 30 Constitution Amendment Proclamation, 1983, position on, 71: t3. Cohen, M, Maxwell, ancien prnfes-seur de drois inieroutionoth, 17, 25. 30, 35- 8 ;'13e 17,118 University Constitutional Accord, 1983, comments, 71: 9-10, 13-4, 15-7, 24.5, Bill 8-19 38-9; 76A: 10-I Inelispnnibilite COMMC temoin, le 19 mars, 1981, 10: 5 Funding, 71: 26-7 Proposition du Comit6 do l'inviler connive temoin fa1111C mince Self-government, definition, interpretation. 71: 9-14, 15-6. 18-9, 26 ulthrieure, 10: 23, 24 See also Brotherhood or Indian Nations (Manitoba) Ca ughna wa ga Reserve Treaty o Chiefs' Alliance (Alberta) Cole, M. David, nvntat; Criminal Lawyers' Association Union of Indians Bill S-32 Discussion, 46: 13-20, 22.8, 31-5 Expose, 46: 5-9 Cohen, Maxwell, former Pr lessor of International Law, McGill Uni- versity Big S-19 Committee proposal to invite es witness u t later date, 10: 23, 24 Colondtle-Britannique, gowvertrehlent Unavailability as witness, March 19, 1981, 10! 5 Bill C-26, lot tiouivalente, 2: 8 Bill C-61 Apercit, plailosophie, 21: 5, 6,7, 9,10, 13, 19, 21 Cole, David, Barrister; Criminal Lawyers' Association Frais impliqucs Bil1S-32 Age, diYisinn en gruupes Discussion, 46: 13-20,22-8. 31-5 12-16 ens, 21: 12-3. 14, 15, 19, 20, 23-4 Statement, 46: 5.9 17 one 21:8, 12-3, 14, 15, 16. i9, 20. 23-4; 22: 9

PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor Combines Investigation Act Colomble-Britanalque. gourenienient-Shritc Amendment proposed, rejected by 1-rase of Commons Committee, Bill C-61-Sufre 6: 6;. 7: 23 Frain imptiquea-Suire Analyse:21: 8, 13.14, 15, /9 Dossicrs, clitruction, 21: 12, 14-5, 19, 24-5, 27 Committee for Original Peoples Entitlement (COPE), 60: 77, 80; Frail pour porter des accusations *ova ni tin !Mauna! pour ado- 70: 22.95, 97; 72:21 ;73A: Imams, augmentation, 211 23; 221 10- I Gouvernement fUCral, contributionauportage du tram, Composhion (The) of lAgisiaticiu: legislative Prim aid precedents, 21: 12-3, 19-20; 22: 14 E- A. Driedger, 26/ 15; 50: J7, 18 Rapoorts prk16cisionnets, 21; 2.3-4 Jcuncs contrevena Fos Age. division en groipcs Consoridated-Baltharst tee.. 311: 27; 31:11 7-11 ans, 21 :9, 22-3 12-16 .01;1%21: 1, 16.17-8,21, 22, 26-7 Constitution Act, 1867 17 aria, 21:8 -9, C5-7, 20. 2.1-2. 24 "Dominion", 26: 16. 17, 21.2, 24.25,33, 34, 36.: 69.7 1 Age maximal, critique de Ira ugmen te Lion, 21; 7, 8,9, 15. 19, 20, Monty bills, 24; 9, 10 21, 27-8 Section 53 - Appropriation and Tax 31111, 23: 6, 7,8; 24 :6, 12, 19 broilaus semi= d'un toe= et iteevn hilit6 de In preove, eff&i. Section 80 - ConatItal !ion: of Legislative ;Assembly of Quebec, conjuguk 21: 9-10, 19, 23, 27; 22: 6, 7 74; 10 Garde, milicn ouverl ou milieu forma, 11; 11-2, 24, 27:22: 7. Section 93 - Legialative Authority of , 15; 7, fraetions 8-9; 491 31. 65.7.: 718:27. 83; 71:13; 71A: 8,13-4,17-5; Statistiques, 21; 15 -6.23, 24; 22: 22 75A: 9-10, 11 Stupfliants, 21: 211 Section 92 - Subjects of exclusive Provincial Legislation, 70: 28; f.feauree do rechangc, ritud ici a ri so Lion, 21: g 74: 13.4 Renvoi d la juridliction norm:demon: conip6te4itc, 21: 8-9, 21-2., Section 95 - Coneurreni Powers of Legislation respecting Agricul- 26-7 ture, etc., 15:7 Juridiction, 21:9, 12.24 -5; 22: 12 Section 108 -Transfer or property in Schedule, 74: ]0 Mtmoire au ermine. dc 1a Chum bre des communes, 21: 18 Section 109 - Property in Lands, Mines., etc_ 69: 68; 75A: 9 Mesure .14gisiative, consultation red'erdie.-provin6ale, 21: 7,19. Section 146 - Power to admit Newfoundland, ctc-, into the Un:on, 27-8 70: 29 Ontario, gouvernement, consultations, 21: 14 Bill 5-31, reaction. 29: 5; 29A; 1-2; 33.; .60; 34; 67. 69.94; 34A:6-7 Bill S-32 Constitution Act, 1982 Criteres pour la d6ch6ance du droit ala reduction de 'mine, Canadian Charter of Wets and Frnixiorn$ (Se ationE I-34} 45: 11, 30, 31; 60: 23-4 Aboriginal rights, effect on, interpretations, 69: 46. 68.70: 70: 20; Eva I nal ion, 45c 6,8,1 22 HA: 2,13.-4; 74: 14, 18-20 Rcournmandatioos. 45: 6, 7-8. 10-3, 28, 29, 30, 32 Age off Ci LCCTIRCiltC11211.15CS,cawing into force, 51: 21, 22 Bill 5-33, position eitec, 49: 22. 29, 30 Bill S-33 Corevr.C'ximind "oleo, 45: 16, 17, 19.20, 32 Admissibility of evklence, 36.. 21; 40: 13-10, 23.4; 52; 16-7; ntreYeriants, pulitique ds dactyloscopie, 17: 23, 24 54A: 17; 59A: 12-3; 63: 22-3; 66A; 1920; 68A: 79, 95-6 Drafting changes ea used by, 36. I I, 20.2; 40: 21: 52: 16 interpretationsinrelationto, 34e 11, 22-3; 41EM8.10, 23-4; 52:13; 53: 6, II: 54; 9; $4A; 2; 59A; 4.15, 20, 32; 62 30-1: Comite eanadien dela reforme pe'iiitteel correclionirchk,orgoice 65A;i 8, 39; 66114.6.18,20, 36-7, 46; 66A: 8-9,12; of correctiom an ffeiiet forger (Rapport Otimet), 45: 9.10; 68A; 842. 18, 20, 148, 152-4, x15 -5 46: 6. 22, 31; 471 13, 21; 48: L I '.. $7:10 Effect on Bltl C-6I, 7,12, 20, 25: 19; 6, 9.10, 14. 19A: 1-2; 21: 7; 22:12, 16-7 Legal tights sections, 17; 27; 21:10, 19; 22: 6-7; 31; 13; 37: 27; 41: 15-7, 33; 41A: 8; 46: 9, 13-4, 18, 35 Narcotic Control Act, interpretations inrelationto,40:13; Cooke conjoint Association air liarremi ea niul kOlk-Eurceso 52: 13; 51 I I; 59A: 10:65A:18; 66d 15; 68At 8-11 bee Section1 - Rights and freedom in Canada, 51: 23; 56A: 15; Bill S.33 61: 18; 66. 14; 66A:9; 731 JO; 74. 18 enonc6 16gislatif on code, implications, 6fi6 c 25-9, 46-7; Section 2 - Fundameartal freedoms, 74118, 20, 21 66A: 31, 35-43 Section 5 - Annual sitting of legislative bodies. 71: Dreits de rac-cuse, 66: 29-32. 3(r, 39, 52; (NSA: 21, 44-515, 71 Scalier 6 Mobility of citizens, 69: 69; 70A: 1 Mernoire, 66A: 21-81 Section 7 - Life, libemy and security of person, 59A:. 9r1.4; Recorrimanda [ions, 6& 38-40; .6440 71 65A: 33; 66: 18 73: 10 Redaction Section 8 - Search or seirm re, la 22; 731 10 tipplimtion ale 006bcc, ciTet, 66: 21-4, 33. 34-5, 31-9, 47; Section 9 - Detention or imprisonment, 2.1: 10; 46: 13.4; 59A: 13 6.614:. 27-30, 54 -68, 73-81 Section 10 - Armen or detention, 21:10; 59A: 13; 654 :29 -30 CanluCwtion,proou;sus, 66: 33, 34, 39, 40, 443; 46A; 22-4. 27-8. Section 11 - Proceedings in criminal and penal matters. 50A: 4, 30, 71 10-2; 61: 8; 65A: 18, 33; 66:. T4, 30; 66A; 8168A; 8-12, 18, 148, Droil civil ci draft crini int! enserob/r, 64: 23,38-9; 6.6A: 30-I 215-6 Lacuna, 66: 27.9,50; 66A: 34, 40-3 Section 13 - Sett -crimination, 36; 22; 62: 30-1.; 65A: 39; 66; 11; Trad vet ion, 66: 35, 38, 39-40; 66A :31.2, 68-70, 71 68A; 47, 152-4, 156. 158 Inforrna riOn de base, 66r 7; 61..944 227

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Constitution Act, 1982-Coard Cinnite consultatif our Ia rinumerationiitSkligeS et d'autres questions Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms (Sections l-34)-Conrd coast-ours (Comiti Dorfman). 9: 7, 19 Section 15 -- Equality before and under law and equal protection and benefit of law, 51: 10; 49: 23, 46, 79; 70: 9; 70A: 1, 4; 71A; 13-4;13A:1 Consite cm:suit:nil en matiere rlInllation et tfinipnsitlea du metes Section 23 - Language of instruction, 73: 10 personnel de placenseens (ermine Lorne), 31: 7 Seetion 24 - Enforcement of guaranteed rights and freedoms, 5* 15-6;59A; 12.3; 63: 22:68A: 79, 954 Comite d'etude des drafts des autethiones (CEDA/COPE), 69: 77, Section 28 - Rights guaranteed equally to both sexes, 69; 46; SO; 79: 22. 45, 97; 72; 24; 73A: 2 70; g Section 33 -- Exception where express declaration, 68A: 154 Comite dltude Inuit des qeestlons nationalcs (CE1QN) Section 14 --- Citation, 69: 46 Accord eonstitutionnel de 1983, comments:ins, 70: 87-9 Section 37 - Constitutional conference, 69; 48-9 Information de base, 69: 18 :70: 86, 95 Secticm 18 - Genera! procedure for amending Constitution of Proclamation de 1983 rnod; Ennt Ia Constitution Canada. 69:45; 69A: 3; 70: 19, 23, 32; 74: 1 1, 23 Adoption propoe4e, 87. 89 Section 42 - Amendment by general procedure, 69:15 Evaluation, 70: 88.95-6 Section 43 - Amendment of provisions relating to some but not all Terri; oires du Nord-Ouest, division, repercussions, 70; 96-8 provinces, 70:: 13 Section 46 -- Initiation of amendment procedures, 74; 11 -2 Comite Dorfman Section 48 - - Advice to issue proclamation, 74: 11 Moir Section 52 - Primacy of , 704 21; 73A:1 Cornite consultant Sur la rem uneratioo des Juges el cl'autrca (mo- Section 54.-- Repeal and consequential amendments, 69:48; 74: 10 tions. connexcs See also Constitution Amendment Proclamation, 1983 Crmiili Larne Voir Comite consullatif en matiire d'infle Lionca eimposItion du Constitution Amendment Prochination, 19113 revene personnel de placements Amendments Section 25 (b), 69: 69; 71A: 11, /2 Connie national d'action set le slant de Is femme (CNA) Section 35 (3), 69: 49; 70:18, 19, 22, 88 -9.98 Siff C-53 resolution concernent, 27; 9 Section 35 (4), 69: 23, 26-7, 45-6; 69A: 2-3; 70: 8-9. 12, 20, 61. Bill C.127 119; 70A: 4; 71A: 11, 13; 72:12, 24; 73;21; 73A: 1; 75A: 4-5 Agression sexuelle Section 33 1, 69:65-6; 71A:11 Accusations et peines Seer Inn 17.1, 71Ar. II Accusations non justifi es, position, 27:30, 31 Constitutional conferences in the future Agression sexuelle, 27: 8, 17, 25.6 On-going process, 69:15-6, 20, 51, 53, 67, 74, SO; 69A: 5; Agression sexuelle. grave, dommages peychologiques, 27: 24 70:9 -10,13-4, 88-9, 92, 95-6; 70A: 3; 71: 25; 71A; 14-5: Immunit6 du conjoint, Elimination, interpretation. 27:8, 14.6 72: 12, 16.7: 73: 23; 73A; 2;74: 10, 20, 25; 76: 8, 11) Auto-defense, 27: 27 Preparations, 49: 16.8, 30..2, 35; 701 48; 73: 11, 25; 74: 24-5, 29 Distinction entre les sexes, suppression, 27: E Discussion Jeunee persormes, 27: 18-20 Section 25 - Abnriginal rights and freedom not affected by Pornographic, influence; 27; 9-10 Charter, 69: 30, 65, 67, 70; 71:15,16; 71A: 5,13, 14; Protege c7. prnees 72: 10-1;74:2- 9 Cons-en tement, 27:8-20, 32, 33 Section 35- Recognition of existing aboriginal and treaty rights, Corroboration. 27; 8, 11.8 69: 23, 30, 39.41, 46, 65; 69A: I, 2-3, 4; 70: 3 -11, 13, 17.20, Croyance bonnEte quint au eensentement, 27; 8-10, 12-6, 21, 22, 28, 31, 65, 88; 71: 10.-1, 15, 16; 71A: 4-5, 12, 14; 72: 10-2. 22, 73-4, 27 14-5, 20-2,24-5;73: 20- 1; 73A: 2; 74: 8-9, 14-5; 75A: 3; 76: 8 Declaration sommaire de culpebilit6 ou mise en accusation, Section 37 - - Constitutional conference, 69: 145, 23, 26, 30, 40, 27: 16-7, 25-6, 29-30 81; 69A: 1, 3; 70: 17. 64-5. 88; 71: 8, 15, 38; 7IA: 5, 7.14; Defense, moyens, 17:31. 32 72: 10, 15; 74: 10-1 Pleignant, comportment sexuel antexlear, 27:8, II, 12 Historical background, 69: 14-6, 30; 70: 86-8: '71; 8-10, 14-5, 34., Plaints epontanee, 27: 11, I 7, 18 71A14, 18-21;73:9-10 Statist:Atlas., 27: 11-2, 20, 21, 23, 28, 29 Ratification V ictimes, traitement par lea autoritea, 27: 11-2, 20. 21, 23-5. House of Commons, 69: 32-3, 73: 19 26. 27 Provinces, 69: 9, 10, 33, 45, 58, 78; 70: 47-8, 50-1, 89; 73: le, 19, Violence, aspect, 27: 7-8, 12, 25-6, 32, 33 24, 25; 73A: 3: 74: 20-1; 75At 6; 76: 7 Critiques, spercus. 27: 7-9, 11, 21 Senate, 69; 30, 32-3, 58: 70: 49-51; 73: 9, 15.6, 19, 24; 734; 3; Femmes ba atm repercussions., 27: 14-7 74: 23; 75: 7; 75k 1, 12; 76: 10 Politiques et reeritrunandations, 27: 7, 84, 11-2, 17-8, 21, 24-5, 29-30, 34-6

Consiltrtion Amendment Proclamation, 1983, subject- shatter Crierhle national de In Pte de Canada Report to Senate., 76:7-12 Sondascs et recommendations, 26: 83-4, 86. 90, 91, 93, 95, 96-7 Study, procedure, 69:13, 9-13; 701 37-8. 50, 62; 70A:1-2,4; 71AI 2-3; 73:9-10:75A:1-2, 3. 11-2 Conine national Mete de l'Assoriatium canatli cline des chefs de police See also et de Services correetienoels federaux Aboriginal peoples Surveillance obligatoire, position ewers, reference., 45:37, 50

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Consumer and Corporate Affairs Canada-Conrd Commission royale d'enquke sur la conceniration des entreprises Revival of cornpaniac (Cmionission Bryce), 31: 1 Cost, 16; 16 PrOCCC[UTG Commission royale d'eaquite sue la gesacia fininethe at l'ininPatabilia Business Corporations Act, 1; 7; 4; 7-8, 12, 13; 14: 15; 16: 10, (Commission Lambert), 31: 8-9 13, 16 Corporations Act, 1; 6-7; 4:6, 12-3: 5; 6: 14: 15: 164. 7, 9-10, 14, Commission royale d'enquitr sur la situation de la femme au C211180 16 (Commission Bird), 25: 16; 27: 48 See also Barber, G.A., & Sons Limited Canada Corporations Act Commission royale d'emattele sue In billinguisme et le bleutturalisine Eastern Diversified Company Ltd. (Commission Laureideau-Dunice), 31; 15 -6 Klein, E.G., Limited hfontilae Ltd. Catripernies d'assurance cairadiegpes et tritanniquesi Lui Ontario News Company, Limited Amendement propose. version anglaise animtemCPA ,'7: 60 Polyventreprise Lae Amendments proposes; a doptes, 6: 5; 7:41-2 Pyramid Communications Limited Sac-am Ltd. Compagales de I'Etat, Lol sus le lauctionnensent Tremus Industries Limited Amendernent propose; adopte, 7: 34-5

Compagnici de pat. Lai Cook, R, v. (March 16, 1983). 52: 13; 68A: 10,1 Amendemen1 propose; adopt, to 5; 7:43

Com pagnies fidociatros. Loi Cooper, R. v. ([1078) I S.C.R. 860), MA; 2; 66:26.-7; 66A: 6 Amendment propose; adopte, 6: 5; 7: 56

C'ampaaition (Tke) of Legialatioaa legrialrafive farmr arm' precedents, Cooperative Credit Associations Act Amendment proposed; carried, 6: 5; 7: 23.4 E.A. Drieigcr, Ng 15; Mk 17. 18

Conferenee conodienne de rutilformisation du droit Copyright Act Mem breis, 49: 11 Amendment proposed by Minister of Consumer and Corporate Rapports minuets d ['Association du Barreau imoadien, 49; 33-4; Affairs; carried. 6: 7; 7; 6-7, 11-4, 61 52r 7, 20 Whitehorse. reunion de 1981, 36: 7, 13, 20, 21; 45': 11, 22; 52:7, 20; 54: 14; 59: 21: 61; 5-6; 62: 13-5, 23 Corporate Shareholding Limitation Act Voir aleasi Preitve, Lol aniforme See S-31, subject-matter Coriarences imptriales, 26; 19, 31, 62, 66, 71

Corporations Act Conseil comsultatif ennadien du anultleuituralis' me See Bill C-201 Canada, Corporations Act Fate du Canada, recommandstion. MI 44, 45, 46, 47, 50 Gallup, sondsges. 26:48, 49, 50 Memoire, 26:44, 45, 47, 48, 50 corporations Involved in interpriovinclal transportation Information de base, Fond ion, 26: 43-4, 45, 46, 47, 49, 50 Definition, 28; 8, 20, 23-5, 30-5; 30: 47, 50; 31: 5; 33: 18, 32-4 Federal government Conseil count/toff de la situation de Is femme Consultations with provincial governments, 28; 11, 28. 29, 38; C -127, position, 271 6 34; 60; 33:61, 62; 34: 66-9 Exemption, 28: 1/-2; 311: 14; 31: 22; 33: 53.4, 56, 57; 33A: 2 Conseil de ('Europe Jurisdiction, preservation Cuingsmion sur l'Immunite des Etats, 10; 6, 18, 23; 11; 6, 16; 121 6, Interpretation, 30: 18-9, 34 60. 61; 31: 6, 3-4; 36: 9, 10, 14, 17, 22-3; 37A: 1-3, 5-6 21 Vofr aussi. Overview, 28; 8.12, 13-4. 20, 23-5, 30; 30: 23, 34, 58-9, 31: 22; 33: 5, 6-9, 12-3, 17-8. 21-3, 33, 47; 34: 69, 71,2, 76-8, 81.7 Royan me.11.1:vi Regulations, applicability, 28: 9,18-9, 30,36, 37; 29:11-21 30; 23-4, 57-9; 31: 34; 33: 7, 18, 23, 33, 53; 34: 9.40, 17-8, Conseil de (Abu de Hobbema 22-3, 25-6, 74-5, 81-5: 37A: 1 Accord constilutionnel de 1983, reoommandations, amenclements, Provincial governments' control or influence in private sector, risks, 74; 8-16,20, 21-2 33; 5-14, 16-8. 2), 23-7, 47-55. 57-60; 33A: 1, 2; 34: 17, 18, 21, Assemblec des prerni&es nations, membre, 74; 16 22, 25 Autonomic poliiique, definition, interpreiation, 74: 12-3 Shareholding by provincial governments and agencies, limitation Charts des eiroits et aeries, elm, interpretation, 74: 14, 18-20 Application, 28: 8, 13, 20, 23, 24-5. 31, 32: 34; 76, 77, 78-9, 84; Proclamation do 1983 mudifiant la Constitalion, adoption propos&, 37A:5 74: 16

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Corporations involved in interprovincial transportation-Coned Conseil de tribu de Nishp (New Aiyansh. Shareholding by provincial governments and agencies, limitation- Accord constitutionnel de 1983, comment:tires. 73: 9.11, 16, 19 Cant'd Aisemblde des premieres nations, me:Fibre, 73: 9, 17-8 Banks, comparison, 28; 9, 25: 30: 33, 34, 35; 31: 6, 13-4, 27; Information de base, 73: 8-9, 10 33: 25; 334:2. 34: 86, 37A: 2; 47: 7; 47A: 10 Proclamation de 1983 modifiani la Constitution Constitutionality, 34: 38; 37A: 1-2, 3, 5 Adoption propusee. 73; 9, 15, 16 Criticisms Etude par le Comite, procedure, 73e 9-10 Economy, effect on, 301 52, 53; 31: 6.7, 8, 10, 11-2, 15, 17, 19-22, 36; 31 28, 38-9, 41-2, 44; 37A: 1, 3 Exemptions, proccdnre, 33: 42-3 Conseil des autochtones du Canada (CACI Accord constitutionnel de 1983, con, IMF wires, 70: 36-7, 45, 46, 48, Investments, 28: 27, 23; 30; 11.3, 14-5, 17, 29-33, 37, 41-2, 46, 48-53.60; 33: 32, 33, 34, 39-44; 34: 11, 19, 50, 6 L; 76A: 11 Autonomic politique, definition, interpretation, 70: 41, 54-5,.56, 57-9, 65 Scope, 28: 33-5;30: 11-2, 24-5, 38, 41, 48, 55-6; 31: 5-6, 10, 36; 57.8, 59-60 Information de base, 69; 18; 71: 42, 46, 64, 74, 81.2; 76A: 8-9 33: 12, 13, 21 -2, 32-4, 58, 59; 34: 11, 15, 17, 34, 75-6, 77-.8, 79.84; 37A; 3, 5 Proclamation de 1983 modifiant la Constitution Adoption proposee, 70: 36-7, 46-7, 61 Voting rights, limitation, 30:11-2,30,32-3, 44-5, 46-51; 31:5-6, 2.3, 27-9, 30 -i, 34; 33: 32, 33, 34-9, 41-2, 43-4; Elude par le Comi Le, procedure, 7te 37-8.50 34:7. I I, 19, 20, 50, 65, 80; 37A: 6 Economic background Conseil des Indians du Yukon (CT") Businesses, capital and ownership structure, 31: 7, 8,11-2, 21, Accord constitution:id de 1983, oommcntaires, 70: 19; 70A: 2, 4 24.36; 31A13, 4; 34: 15; 34A: 2 Information do base, 70: 17; 70A: 2, 3-4 Ciovernments Proclamation de 1933 mocLifiant la Constitution Interventions in the cconotny, overview and statiltiO, 31; 6, Adoption proposile, 70: 19: 7011: 2, 4-5 7-10. 17-8. 21, 25, 28, 32-6; MA: 1; 33: 5-6, 11 -2 Etude par it Comite, prockviure. 70A: 1-2, 4 Pension funds, role and statistics, 31: 10, 11-2, 13, 32; 31A: 2 Memoire. 70A: 1-5 Electricity, transmission, effect on, 28: 23-5:311 10. 35 Exemptions, 28 12, 13-4, 2.5, 26, 37; 30: 59-60; 31: 6; 33: 32, Coaseil des organismes nationnwr athancultureb du Canadu 34: 77, 79 Bill C-201 Foreign investments. comparison, 28; 13; 30: 12.3, 28.9 Fete du Canada, recom mantle' inn, 26e 61-3.64.65-6, 67 Pacific Western AirlInet and Aeronautics Act amendments, com- Me moi re, 24:61,63, 64 parison, 9, 19-20, 29-30, 36; 29: 11-2; 30: 28-9, 30, 14, 40, Information de base, 26:61, 63, 64 57 -9; 33:25; 34: 73-5, 84 Purpose and reasons for, 28: 8-16, 18, 20, 26-7, 30; 30: 10, II, 22.3, 44,49, 53-4; 31: 5, 6; 33; 47-8, 53;34; 69, 71-2, 76-8, 80, Caused national des Meths 81-7, 89,92-3; 37A: 2, 5 Autonomic politique, definition, interpretation, 70: 69-70, 73-6, Quebec reaction, 30: 42; 31: 15, 16; 33: 24, 28, 47, 54, 55, 56; 77-8, 80 34: 8, 24. 29, 64-5.87, 88.9, 91.2 Gouvernement federal, rapport avec. 70: 62-3, 76-7, 78 -81, 82-4 Quebecair, exemption, 28: ] 7, 37; 33: 26; 34: 9 Information do base,69: 174; 79:41-2, 46, 62, 64-7, 74, 79, 81. Shipping, effect on. 28: 3, 13; 30: 12-3; 34: 78-9, 84; 37A: 5 85-6; 76A: 8.9 Trucking, effect on, 28: 8, 13, 37; 30: 59-60; 31: 23; 34: 10, 25, Proclamation de 1983 modifiant la Constitution, adoption proposes, 75.6, 79;37A: 5 70:70 Violations, 28:9 See also Coosa& ted- Bathurst rue.. 391:27; 31711 Bill S-31, subject- miller Ca issc dc Eta& et placeme.m. du Quebec CQ4180411atatioi et Corporations Canada Avis aux societes en &taut Correspondence envoyee Correctional Law Project, Queen's University Adressas correctes, difficulte sl determiner. 1: 6, 7-8, 4: 7, 9; Bill S-32 5:6 Brief, 41A: 1.10 Agent officio!, 4: 7 Discussion, Clause 3, 41: 31, 32 Avocats des societes. 4: 8, 9 Evaluation, 41:3.6, 18, 21, 25, 28, 29; 41k 3.10 Directeurs, 1: 6, 7-8, 11; 4: 8, 12: 5: 6; 16: 16 Recommendations, 41: 18, 19, 22; 41A :2 Poste recommandee, 4: 7-8 Role and function, 411 5; 41k 2 SiOge social, 1: II; 4: 7, 9; 5; 6; 16: 16 Preuve de recept ion, 4: 6, Publication dansCrerreue d,t4 Comadla,1: 7, 8.11; 4: 1, 8,10; 14: 8, Correctional Service Canada 10, 12, 14; 16: 10-1, 12.3, 14, 15 PeniLentiarics Travail administratif, volume, 1: 12; 4: 7, 9;14: 14 Inmates, offences and punishments, regulations, 44:9-11. 15, 26 Bin 8-31. tcncur Staff, 44: 24, 25. 26-32 Actions et invostissements iropliques, 213: 3,12,13, Reurgani7ation, 35e 26; 44: 18, 20 27-8,15-6 Role, 32: 6; 35: 26:37: 27; 42: 26 AmenclenLents, 34: 90, 91, 92 See ateo Application, 2131 8, 13, 20. 23, 24-5, 31, 32; 34: 76, 77, 78-9, 84 Mandatory supervision But el raisons, 28: 8-16, 18. 20, 26, 27, 30; 34: 69, 71-2, 76-8. 80. Penitentiaries 81-7, 89, 92, 93

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Corriveon et al, Royal v. ( (1981), 30 0.R. (2d) 653), Coasammation 14 Corporations Canada-Smite 13: 7.8 Bill S-3I, teneur-State Communications par satellite. bongoes et radiodifrusion, compa- raison, 28:9, 25; 34: 86 Conning, Robert K., Grand Secretary-Treasurer, The Grand Lodge of Consultations avec des gorriernomonts provinciaux. 28: 11, 28, 29, the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks al the Dominion of 38; 34:66 -8, 69 Canada Definition esoci6Lea, 28: 3!, 32-3, 34, 35 Bill 5-27, 18:8, 9 Exemptions, 28; 12, 11-4, 26, 37; 34: 77, 79 Gonvernement federal, exemption, 28: 11-2 Council for Yukon indiums ICY!) ilistorklue, 28: 17, 18, 20, 26; 34:86, 87, 89 Background information. 70: 17; 70A: 2, 3-4 Infractions. 28: 9 Constilutio Amendment Proclamation. 1983 introduction an Sinai, raisons, 28: 10, 16-7, 29, 38, 39 Adoption recommonded. 707. 19; 70A: 2, 4-5 investiseements 61 ra ngus, compare ison. 28:13 Brief, 70A: 1-5 Pacific Western Airlines at antendemonts a Is Loi sue raerormali- Study by the Committee, procodurc, 70A: 1-2, 4 gue, comparaison. 28: 9, 19-20, 29.30, 36; 29; 11; 34: 73.4. 75, Constitutiorml Accord, 1983, comments, 70: 19; 70A; 2, 4 84 Quebec, rtsotion du souvornerneat, intorprCtation, 28: 11, 14.6, 17.8, 27, 40-1; 34:37, 91 Council of Europe Quibecair, exclOptkin. 17 Convention on Slate Immunity, 10: 6, 18, 23; II: 6, 16; 12: 6, 21 Caisso de deptit et placement du Quebec See also Desmarais, M. Paul. rapport avec, 28: 17-8,40 United Kingdom Divalg,ation, 34: SI, 93 Mandat, I& 15 ;30: 15 Carmel! of National Ethnocultural Organizations of Canada Politioue, 6valwalion, 28: 15-6, 20, 21, 26-7, 28, 38; 30: 15, 34, Bs-Aground inrurmalion, 26: 61.61. 64 34:90, 9 L Bill C-201 Reodemont sur les isivestissemerns It ravemie, position, 34: 87-8, Brief, 26:61, 63, 64 90 Canada Day, recommendation, 26: 61-3, 64, 65-6, 67 Correspondance Klein, EG., Limited, 16: 6, 7,9, 13, 14-5. 16 Montilac Lt6e, 4: 8, 9-10.12 Court Martial Appeal Court Polvventreprise Lice, 43:6-7. 8 Name change proposed, 6: 10; 7: 9, 43-4, 53 Pyramid Communications Limited, 11:6, 7-8, 11 Trenus Industries Limited, 54 6 Cacaos, R. a. ( (1981), 22 C,R, (3d) 298), 41:6, 7 Desmarais, M. Paul, accord avec Canadian PaciNi1 c, interpreM- 6341,28: 40 Direclion des corporations, registro dc taiga les societal, 18: 8 Cranford. Bradley, Legal Counsel to the Canadian Bankers' Associa- Dissolution des toci6t6s, correspondanee, 1: 7. i I; 4; 7, 8-9; 43:6, 8 tion E.G., Limited, am'is de dissolution, position, 16: 14, 15 Bill S-33 Reconstitution des socikis Discussion, 55: 14.7, 19-25 Frais, 16: 16 Statement, 55: 6,13 Procedure Corporations cans dienecs, Lot, 1: 6.7; 41 6, 12-3; 37 6; 14: 15; Crawford, Wayne, Executive Secretary-Treasurer, Union of Solicitor 16:7, 9-10, 14, 16 General Employees Soci.Etis onnirnefreim1e;9 enruidienneS Lai, 1: 7; 4: 7 -8, 12, 13: 21115-32 14: IS; IC 10, 13, 10 Discussion, 44:7-32 YOir aussi Statement, 44: 5-7 Barber, GA., & Sons Limited Corporations eanadiennes, 1,oi Eastern Diversified Company Ltd. Creighton, Jell, Kodak Canada inc.; Member, Legislation Committee, Klein, E.G., Limited Canadion Business Equipment Manufacturers Association Monti Inc Wit Bill 5.33, 64; 15, 20 Ontario News Compary, Limited Polyventroprise Ltee Crime: Same Flews of Ms Comadiaa Fablic, Anthony N. Don't and Pyramid Communications Limited Julian V. Roberts, Centre of Criminology, University of Toronto Swam Lti-o Data Trenms Industries Limited Origin and oxplanadon, 42A: 2-3 Overview and intcrpretatics, 42A: 4,9 Constitution, Proclamation de 1983 inodifiant References to, 38: 21; 39: 6-7. 20; 4k 26; 42: 24; 47A: 8 Voir Tables prod:111100n de 1983 modiflant Ix Constitu Lion Estimates by members or the public of the proportion of those t:onvictedor carious offences scuttoprison(Table6), 42A: 6.7, 8-9. 15 Confreirtina dr VienneSLYles relations consulainek Estimates of proportion of company officials convicted of pollu- Yofr sow. Nations utiles tion or price fixing (Table 7), 42A: 7, 16 Estimates of proportion of prisoners released on parole before the Coaventioo de Vienne stir les rekstions diplotantiques expiry of their sentences (Table 8), 42A: 7.8, 9. 17 Voir sous Nations unieS

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SomeViewsof the Canadian Public.Anthony N. Drools and Cook, R.c, (le 16 [HIM 190), 52; 13; 68A; 235-6 Julien V. Roberts, Centre of Oland eulogy, University of Tomato- Corr( ' Cooper, R. c,(119781 I R.C,S. 860), 54A; 2; 66: 26-7; 66A: 37-8 Tables-Coned Has murder increased. decreetsed or stayed the same since was abolished? (Table 3), 42A: 5, 6,8, 12 Corporations canediennes. Loi How doer in Canada compare to the problem in the Abrogation. date, 4; 7-8, 12

United States? (Table 2), 42A: 5-6, 8, I. I Art. 133 (10) - Publication de l'avis, discuerion, I: 11 Perception of proportionventto prison for assault causing bodily Corporation, cha rte. articles admissible.% 3: 12-3 hartn, break andenter,and {Table 5), 42A; 6.8-9, 14 Corporations sans capi tal-aelions What percentage of all crimes committed in Canada involve vio- Lefties picnics, 31 8 lence? (Table 1), 42A; 5. 8,9, 10 Pouvoirs, 3: 13 What percentage of those released on parole commit violent Informations,obligation des societes a deposer, 1: 9, II1;4; 7 crimes within three years or their release? (Table 4), 42A: 5, Nouvelle-Ecosse, lei su r les societes. comparaison, 1:9 6,8, 13 Reconstitution dot bx:niaes Amendement propose, 4; 6, 7..11 Criminal Code Plaintes contre. 4: 6.7,12 The numbers between square brackets refer to the clauses of Rill C- Procedure, 1: 6-7; 4: 6, 12-3; 5: 6; 14: 15; 116: 7, 9-30, 14, 16 127 Societes en detail, pennfite. 14: 14 Amendment proposed, 7: 59 Voir aussi Amendments Consornma Linn et Corporations Canada Section 2 [1]- Definitions. 25; 34-5 Societes commercials, canadiennes, Section 142 [6] - instruction to jury, 25: 18, 34; 27; 8, 11, 12, 47, 49, 50 Correctional Law Project, Queen's University Section 143 [61 - Rape, 25: 35 Bill S-32 Section 195 (I) [13] - Procuring, 25:33 Discussion, Article 3, 41: 31, 32 Section 214 (5) (124 on page 51 of Issue #27) {16] - Hijacking. Pvaluation, 41: 5-6, 18. 21,25,211, 29; 41A: 3-10 kidnapping or sexual offence: 27: 29 -40, 51, 52 Memoire, 41A; 1 -It] Section 24-4 [191 -- Assault, 25: 22. 23, 26, 35-6: 41-2; 27: 8-10, Recummundations, 41: 18 19. 22; 41A:2 12-6, 18-24,26-8.32-3, 37- 8,40 -2. 46-7 RBIs et fonction, 41: 5; 41A; 2 Section 245 [19] - Common , 25: [7, 29-30. 35. 37, 40 -I; 27: 8, 14-5, 16-7, 41 Section 246 1191 - Assaulting a peace officer, 251 21.2, 27-8, Corrirean et al, Royal Dank of Canada c. ( (1981),311 O.R. (24)653)1 29-30, 39, 40,43-4; 27:8, 11, 12, 14-20, 24-6, 39.41, 47-51. 13; Section 24[201 - Abduction of person under sixteen, 25 Section 250 1201 - Abduction of person under fourteen. 25: 25; Conning, M. Robert X., pram) secriitaire-tre'sorier de la granite loge de 27: 44-5 tOrdre bet invole at pratec tam di.% Elates di Dominion du Canada Section 4-42 [25] - Exclusion of public in certain eases, 25: 34 Bill 8.27, 18: 8. Discussion Section 7 - Application to territories, 66; 27-a Section a - Criminal offences no be under law: of Canada, Cour dump/id de la cour martiale 66; 274 Cha ngernon t de nom propose, Cc 10; 9, 43-4, 53 Section 17 - Compulsion by threats, 68A: 18 Section 146 --- Sexual intercourse with female under fourteen, Cour fedkale, Lol 27: 18-9, 40 Art 28 (1) - Exurnen des decisions d'un dike, dune commission Section, 246.6 - No evidence concerning sexual activity. 36: 28; ou d'un nurse tribunal federal,57:18, 19, 23 59Ar 4, 7 Art. 48 Frinon d'engager une procedure centre lu Couronne. 2: 17 Section 317 - Evirience. 45k 23 Section 318 - Evidence of previous conviction, 65A1 Section 643 (1) - Evidence at preliminary inquiry may be road Coaxial, R.c. ( (1981). 22 C.R. (3d) 298).41; 6, 7 at trial in certain cases, S9A: 13-5, 29 Se ctiun 662.1 - Conditional and absolute discharge. 46: 19 Crawford, M. Bradley, avocut-conseil de l'AsseelatIon des benquiers Se ctint 730 (2) - Burden of proving exception, etc., 66: 15.6, 30; elm:Wien 66A.: 8-9; 68A: 16-8 Rill 8 -33 SeeAlso Discussion, 55: 14-7, 19.25 Bill C-127 Expose, 55: 6-13

Criminal Code, Act to amend, in relation to sexual offences and other Crawford, M. Wayne, steretnire-trimirier cxecutif, Syndics! des offences against the person See employes du solTiciteur general Bill C [27 Rill is.c4u2ssion,44: 7-32 Exprise, 44: 5-7 Criminal Cork, Act 1.4P amend, in relation to sexual offences and the protection of young persons ... See Credit, Loi sur les associations cooperatives Bill t>53 Amendernent propos; atlooe, 6: 5; 7: 23-4

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CHFpinaliuMwAmeadraerri Aci, 1977 Creighton, M. Jon, Kodak Canada Inc.; membre, Comile de la legisla- 1 Enendanent proposed; carried., 24-5 tion,Association canackienne its liaklemits trequigirmeni de hi:redo Bill 5-33, 64: 15, 20 Criminal Lawyers' Assitiebrioa Bill 8-32 Criminal-41030S' AsSiX12600 Evaluation, 461 5-9,15, 26, 32 Bill 5.32 Recommendations. 46: 5-6, 8.9,19-22, 25 -6, 27.30-1, 33, 34-5 trilluatian, 16: 5-4% 15, 26, 32 Function. members, 46: 5 Rccom ndations, 46: S-6, 8, 9, t 9-22, 25-6, 27, 30-1, 33. 34-5 Forturkwi, membres, 46 5

01111117111 LlivreTS1ASSOCiation or Oa tarlo Criminal Lartyers' Association of Ofitalia Background int-own:Ilion, 59: 5 Bill S-33 Bill S-33 Articles, commentaircs, 59: 7-19, 23-9; 5`91:4 -32 Brief, 59A: 132 Cherie des draftsetlibert6s,interpr6tations par rapportdi Charter of Righta and Freedoms, interpretations in relation to. 531: 4 -15, 20.32 59A:4-1 5. 20, 32 136finition., 6noue6 16.gislotif on code, 59: .6-7. IP.19-20; 591: 3, Claoses, cum menu, $9: 7-19, 2M; 59A: 4-32 18-9 Elude, 59: 30 Dear:Wan, lOgi5lailm)5tabenlent or code, 59: 6-7, 9, 19-20; 59A: 3, Evaluation, 59: 5.7; 59A: 3-4 ] 8-9 1-lishorique. 55A: 3 Drafting. consultation process, 59: 5, 6.20-3 .M6nwire, 59A: 132 Evaluation, 59: 5-7.59A: 2-4 Rhiactiote., processus de onnsoitotion, 59C 5,6,2(1.3 Historical havkground, 59A: 3 Information de base, 59; 5 Study, 59: 30

Criminal Trial Lawyers Association of E4thromon Criminal Trial LAWy63-5. Asaoclattou of Edmonton Bill 8-33 Dipoligrolp rid information. 53:6, 9,P 3, 54A: 1 ArtldC3, ebnlarieniaiteSr 53: 6-8, 10.2, 13.4: 54 2-8 Bill 5-33 Association du Da rreau ca had ien, meamineFhigiii0P1 MKT!,53: 6, Brief, 53: 5, 10C 541: 1.9 8; 544: 2 Canadian Bar Ashoolation brief, position on, 530 6, 81 54A: 2 Charte des drolts to lihertts, interpretation par rappcn-t.d, -531 6, Charier of Bights anti Freedoms, interpretation in relation to, 11;54A:2 53:6, 11, 54A: 2 Delio Wen. mince legisla [if on code, 53: 5, 14, I6 -7. 18; 54.4: 2, 9 Clauses, comments, 53: 6-8, 10-2, 134; 54A: 2-8 troluation, 53: 5. 6-8. 10: 54A: 1.2, 9 Definition, legislative stattinein or code, 53: 5,14, 16-7, 18; Hishori1166., 54A: 8.9 541: 2,9 146:noire, 53r 5, 10-, 54A: 1-9 Drafting, consultation process, 53: 6, 8,9, 12-3. 14.5; 544: 2. 9 Porti.e.53e 6-8.10, 13, t4, 15.6; 5401:2, Evaluation, 53: 5, 6-8., 10; 541; 1-2, 9 Prcuvc., r les Evidence, rules or R6rorme,53: k3. 14, 16. 18 Relarlo, 53: I.[4, 16, 18 Uniform isatiOri. $3: 5. 13, 14, 18; 541:8 Uniformity, 53:5, 13, 14, It 544: Recommandal ion. 53,-6. 8,16; 541; 9 Li istorical background, 54A: 8-9 Reduotion processus de consutiation. 51 6,8,9,12-3,14-5; Recommend-4001. 53: 6, 8,16; 54A:9. 544: 2, 9 Scope, 53:6 -8, 10, 13, 14, 15.6; 54AT 2, 9 I nrorrriation de base, 53: 6.9,13;

Cripnimlizi. trade de l'vpirgion Jo pevollarlm eArmadieride NNW hi Croll, Rom David A., Senator (Torcate-Spidina) Voir Bill C201, subjact-matter, 26: 63, 64, 66 fide aft I'oprnoot ale lo poploraiirrir eandidiCrtple mdr la erimMaii'M ConstitutionAmendment Proclamation,oEq,subijoet-rnotter, 74: 10 -9 Crull, honoffahle David Pug, sinaiime (Toroollo-Spadinal Bill C2011, ionour, 26c 63. 64, 65 Proclamation de 1983 mud ilia ra la Constitution. Water, 7* 18-9 cum, Roperi, Sir, Evhsrence, 361. 14; 654: 20 Cross, Rupert, Sir, Evidence, 36: 14; 651r 59

Crown 1,111biliiyAct Artarodmt.ri[ pr.opeaed, carried, 7: 25 tie weillegres peortipal pgwr itsCarralieks, atinislarc de b Sanle MIAOW&et du Bier -etre social, 3E 12, 23, 29, 32; 344 14

Do4sfes of Me genare Deloate 4is SEnar Bill C-45, second reading. February 3, 1992, 35: 7 Di 11 C-45, clenneine lecture, le 3 f6vrier, 082, 15;7 Bill 5-12, semal reacting, October 30,1980, 3: 10, 13 Bilk 5-12. deuxieme ]educe, k 30 eetobrt, 1950, 3:10, 13 Bilk S -16, set...oncl reading, Doacrober 2, 1980. 8: 6 B1118-16, deuxietne Pe 2 c1oembre, 1980,1: 6 Bill 5.31, ..ccorn.l reading, November 8, 1982, 28: 28, 29 Bill 5-31. dookiaune Jed:ire, Ee S movetr:bre, 1982. 25, 29 8111S-5.5. sOcOnti FrACW.3. April 21, 1983, 56: 6 Bill 5 -35, denxi6me ;wore, le 21 svril, 1983, 56; 6

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DeCierq r, The Omen (119661 &CM, 902), 491 It;517; 89A: 19; Declaration eland ienne des :hails, 17: 27; 51; 9, 22 66: 13; 68A: 88 DeCierq e. La Reine ((15681 AC'S. 902),49:8; 53: 7; 59: 19; 66:13; Decore, Lawrence, National Chairman, Canadian Consultathe C'enn- 68A; 306 dlan Multiculturalism Bill C-201. subject-matter Decore, M. Lawrence, president madonna, Conseil consult ntif canadien Discussion. 261 46,47, 48, 49, 50, 51 du naphiculturalisme Statement, 26; 43-5 Bill C -201, lieneur Discussion, 26: 46.47, 48, 49, 50, 51 Dane Nation Expose. 26: 43-5 Constitutional Accord, 1983, comments, 76A: I.2 Treaty No. 8, 2: 12 Defense nationale, Loi Amend meat propose; rejete, 7:9, 43-4 Department of Energy, Minns and Resources Act, Act to amend See Diner, Nation BILE C-IO2 Voir Nation clene'c Deschatelets,HOB.Jean-Pail, Senator (Litozon) Bill C-34, 9: 8; 10, 16 Descliattlets, honorable Jean-nuil,/rimstear (Lawton) Bill C-45, 15:6, 7 Bill C-34, 9; 8, 10, 16 Bill C-53, subject-matter, 25: 6, 10, 30, 32. 38 Bill C-45, 15: 6, 7 Bill C-61 Bill C-53, teneur, 25: 6, 10, 30. 32, 38 Coining into force. transition period. 19: 6, 14 Bill C-6 I Jurisdiction, 19: 15 Farr& envigueur, periode de transition, It 6, 14 Progra ot, adrninistratioa Etude, proc6dure,19.: 20 Cost-sharing, 17: 31; 19: 6, 7 Jelnics ounlreweilan ts Provinces, attorneys general, role, 17: 29-30 As maximal,17: 29 Provincial governments, reaction, 17: 28; 19: 5 Draft aux service:, &an avon.t 17: 28 Study, procedure, 19: 20 Ernpreintesdigitales, 17: 18 Viking Houses. brief, it 19, 20 Rehabilitation, 17: 30, 3I; 19: 15 Young offenders Juridiction, 19: 15 Fingerprints. 17: 18 Programme, administration Maximum ago, 17: 29 Preis, partage, 17131; 19: 6, 7 Rehabilitation, 17: 30, 31; 19; 15 Provinces, procurcurs gent-rim. foie,: 17: 29-30 Right to COMMA, 17: 28 Novincts, gouvernernen is, reactions, 17:28; 19: 5 Bill C- t 27, subject-matter. 25:45; 271 45 Viking Houses, memoirs, 19: 19, 20 Bill C-1.30, 50 :8, 10, 11.13, 14 15, 17, 19-20 Bil C-127, teneur. 25; 45; 27: 45 Bill 5-3, 1: 6, 7-9 Bil C-130, 501 8, 10, 13, 14, 15, 17, 19-20 Bill S-12, 3: 6, 8,9, 10, 13. 15 B11 S-8, It 6, 7,9 Bill S-13, 41 6, 8-9, 12 Oil 5-12, 3; 6, 8,9, 10, 13, 15 BillS- 14,5:6,7 Bit S -13,4; 6, 8-9, 12 Bill 5-16, 11: H. 12 Bil S-I4, 5: 6, 7 Bill 8-19 Bil S-16, 11, 12 Application to prcrvinces, 11: l I, 12 1311 5-19 "Commercial activity ", definition, 10: 8-10, 12, 17: 23-4; 11: 8, Activii6 commercialeo, definiiitus, 10e 1-10, 12.,17, 23-4; 11: 8. 13.4, 15.6; 12:10, 21-2; 13: 9 13-4, 15.6; 12: 10,21-2; 13: 19 Drafting, 11: 18; 12: 25-6, 28, 29 Application aux provinces. II; I1, 12 Extraterritoriality, 12: 19 Extraterritorialite, 12: 19 Justice Department amendments, 12: 8 Justice, tninistere, amcndcmtmts, 12;8 Motion that, following passage of the legislatlon, External Affairs Motion gut, suite A !'adoption de la mcsure 14isla Live, Affaires Canada publish information for protection of Canadian pub- exterieures Canada public !Information pour Ia protection du lic, 13:4, 9 publicoartadien,13: 4,9 Bill 5-24, 24:6. 16, 19 R1dactiou, 11: 18; 12: 25-4, 28, 29 Bile S-26, 16:7, 10, 11, 15, 16 B1115-24,24:6, 16, 19 Bill 8.31, subject-matter, 28e 37-9; 30: 15-7, 27, 38, 41, 60-1; Bill 8-26. 16:7, 10, I I, 15, 16 33: 11-4, 45, 56 Bill 5-31,teneur,28: 37-9, 3 15-7, 27, 38, 41, 60-1; 33: 11-4, 45, Bill 5- 32.32: 24-5; 48: 32; 57:5, 10, 13, 20-1;60: 23, 32 56 Bill 5 -33 Bill 5 -32, 32: 24-5; 48: 32; 57: 5, 10, 13, 20-1:60: 23, 32 Accused Bill 8-33 Failure to testify, judge's comment, 62: 23 Accus Rights, 49: 9 Declarations,recevabilite, 491 9; 63: 23 Statements, admissibility, 49:9; 63: 23 Difaut de temoignagc, observation du jugs, 62: 28 Application in Quebec:, 49: 30;52:22-3;61:15; 66: 35-6, 33 Droits, 491 9 Bar of Quebec, reeolnanendations, 66: 40 Application auQuebec.,49: 30; 52: 22 -3; 61: 15; 66: 35-6, 38 Canadian Bankers' Association, amendments, 55t 22 Association des banquiers =Ind iens, amendements, 55: 22

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Dtschatelets,Hon, Jean-Paid, Senator (Imuersa)-Coned Desollatelati, horporafile Jeari-Paa sena reur(Lauvon) Bill S-33.-Coned Bill 5-33-Soire Canadian gar Association, briefs, .19a 33; 541 13, T4:63: 30-1. 33 flatociation du Barreau cansdien, ni6mones, 49: 33; 34: 13, 14,7 Computer printouts 61 30.1.33 Admissibility, 35e 11, 21-2, 261644.12-3, 16-7; 65: 9, ;3-4, 16-7, Barron tie Qu6boc., mown manda tions,66740 26:67:14-7.20 Experts, 49: 13 Reliability. right of defence 10 challenge, 55: 14;64;14,16; Hisiorigno, 25-9 65: 11.. 17-9, 28; 67; 7-$ Imprlints d'ordinatcur

Drafting, 49: 30. 31. 33; 52: 8-9, 22; 6/1 1 1 -2; 62;23:63;33; FiblhhE1, drolt de la defense a molester, 55:14: 64; 14,16, 66:34, 40 65; 11, 17,9, 25; 67: 7-R Experts, 49.. 13 Recevabilith. 55: II; 21-4 26; 64: 12-3, 16-7; 65: 9, 13-4, 16-7. Hearsay, unavailability of declarant, 62; 29; 631 26 23, 26; 67:14-7, 20 Historical background, 63: 28-9 Motion, 63! 12 Motion, 63: 12 Chfi direr, Nunn- d`tinc dOclara ilea, 62; 29; Proceclaro, 61: 5, 13; 62:25:61 34, 35; 64:7; 66: 23, 35, 37 63: 26 Committee workload. 54;7; 76:14 Precddirre, 65; 5,13;62: 25; 61 34, 35; 64: 7; 66: 23, 35, 37 Constitution AmendmentProclamation. 19835 Bubject-mat[er, Redaction, 41; 30, 31, 33; 52: 8.-9, 22;61; II-2:62: 23: 63: 31 6% 39, 63.4; 7111: 9. 14; 72: 19; 74119-20 66: 34.40 -Proposals to correct-. Revised &aloes of Canada, 1970, 'and other Otani te, charge do travail, 544.17; 76: 14 Acts -.. ", 6; 5, 5-13. 18, 24.5 Proclamation de 1983 modillani isConstitution, occur, 69 39, -86.biect-maiter of clauses of 1:1ills-,. where such clauses may 63-4; 701 9,1'4; 72r 744 19-20 infringe upontherights and freedomseilaraniQc41bythe iiProprisi Lions visant S corriger... &la/titsfeleiResdu Canadade1970 Caradlarr Charier of Rights and Freedoms", examination by a ct,eel-Nines lois posterieures., 6: 5. 2-13, 18, 24-5 Parliamentary Committee, disco&gion, 764 19, 21-2 aeneur des articles tics projets dekii 0Eri peuvent , par/or ovicinte aux /Traitset libtrLesgarantia par la CherieelinadicnIK ilte: Elicits et liberte'sA,CAB ITICH par on COrnheparierre5n ta ire, dis- Desjardias-Stelliano, Yves, IBM Canada Ltd.; Member, Le Lesion cussion, 76:19, 21-2 Committee, Canadian BoSineasEquipment f4fa4uNetuntis AssO- EiatIon Bill S-33 Desjardins-Sieillano. M. Yves, IBM Canada I,tet aleadmo; Condiede Discussion. 64: 12-3. 15,16,17-8, 19 la ligIslation, Association oariadenne des fahrieants irequipemeni Siaterneat,64; 5.] 2 de ble eam BM 5-33

Desmarais, Paul, Power Corporation of Canada Expos6, 64: 5-12 Bill S-31, statement,reported, 30;27, 39, 40 Caisso dc tie61 ct placement, relationship with reported. 28; 17.8, 39.40; 30: 11523, 27, 39; 34: 49-50 Desmarais, M. Paul, ?Omer Corporation do Canada Canadian Pacific Bill S. deckarai Ric c:itee, 31.11; 27.8, 39. 40 Agreeribero with, 784..! 401 30: 11,12, 27,39;31; 20-1, 24; 31q 14-5, Ca Lsso dc &phi CI placement,rEipponaver, citation. 25; 17-5. 39 -40; 20, 59; 34: 8 iii: 11. 23, 21, 39. 344 49-50 investments in, 33: 10, 21, 59-60; 34! 18 Ca nadion Paei figne Arztordaye, 28: 40;34114 Pi,22, 21,39;31: 2U-1, 24; 331 14- 5.2,4. 59;31:8

Le Depoir investisszinents dans, 33: 10, 21, 59-60; 34: 1 Bill S-31, article concerning. quotation. 30: 25; 34: 56, 57,58 Diveeloppenteaut international (institutions rmaticieres.), Lot d'aide 1,3161nordl, Billy, Chief, Grand Council of the Cretia (of Quebec) Constitution Amer:di-nem Ppliciamarion, 1983, subject-matter /3.111C-130 Disuissioni, 72: 7. 13-4, 16.20, 1)-5 Stataritctrt, 72:9 -13 LeDepoir Dill 5-3], articlecc ioxTruld, Citation. MI25:34; 56, 57, 58 Dim*, James P.. Deputy Chairman, Cala/41sa PayrrtentS olds/ion Bill S.33 13itimoad, Cite' Billy, Grand' Conseil ties Cris Quakt) Discussion, 61 23, 24, 25-6 NooarnatiANIde 1983 toodifiant to 00,16{11 ion, termer Slaw/lent. 65: 5-6 Discussion, 72: 7.13-4,16-20, 23-5 Expose. 72; 9-13 Dtogiordi. Paul, Solicitor Cos the Petitioner, Mr.LAWreneg Rett4 Ingsland Dim:whet I.oi gill S-8 Aincadement propose: adopta., 6: 7; 7; 7, 11-2, 14, 61 Disens,sion, 1: 2, 10, 112 Statement, 1:6-7 Dingle, M. roes I",, riee-peEsident,ASSOtiu$14341 canadicime tips Inik` roams Dingle, Anthic, LtigislatiFf Legislation&Lotion, Department Bill S-33 of Justice Discussion, 65: 23.,24, 25-6 Bill 5-19, 12; 15-9, 24, 25 -9 P.xpose, 65; 5-6

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Diplomatic andOHISP PMPrivileges andIMMUlaiiidiAct Dioguardi, M. Paul, eon:miller juellique du pkitionnaire, M. Law- A pp Heal ioo and precedence, uompurison with Bid 8-19, 10: 7, 10, 15 rence Ross kingsland SeetrISO B1/15-18 Bill S-19 Discusaien, 1: 7, 10, 12 Immunity of foreign ata te5 ExposerI: 6-1 United. Nations Monde, Andree, enoseiller libuislarilr, Section Be la Disabled and the Itanflicappe4, Howe of Commons Special Commit- ininist4re de la Jusliem tee Bin S- 19, 12: 15-9, 24, 25.9 Report, recommenelationa, 51; 8, 9-10 Dominion, Fmk Voir Dominion Day, replaremeiti by Canada Day, proposal Rae du Dominion, rem placemen1 par Pate du Canada, ripuToai- Alterriativm suggtstal, 26: 26, 34, 36, 41.43, 46, 72.3 tion CAnodian identity,. 26: 51, 72. Correspondence received, 24: 10-2. 39, 76.82-3, 86.7; 27:7 "Donunion" Dorrular inc. French translation. 26 24-6, 41 Caime de dep6t et placement dit Quobou 1-tinierital significance I nvestinemen ts dans, 34: 10. 12; 31: 25; 34; 15, 41, 53, 63 British Empire/Commonwealth, 1,46a,ge., 26.; 19, 21, 33. 36, 52 Prise de COMMC ZfftWliVOlik 33: 49, 51; 34; 8, 213, 25, British heritage. 1Q 24. 29, 33, 4 I , 47, 50, 51, 52, 51-8, 59-60. 41-3, 49-50 63 Canadian VOA], 26: 19, 21, 24, 32-3, 36, 40, 43, 54, 66 honorable Rieharil Alphonsors, sinstear rice-pre- Constitution Acts, 26: 1.6-7, 21-2, 25-6, 31-4, 36 -7, 39.41, 56-5, sident do Coorite 62, 64.69-72, 76 Bill C-26,2:6, 7,17, 19-2f

Official title of the country, 26: 16, 20-1, 31-2, 33-4, 36-7. 39, Proeildure, 24 6, 1-8, i3, 20-1 47-5.69-70 Bill C-34, 9:7, 12. 16, 15 Symbol of creadon of Canada as a nation, 26: 16-7, 18, 26, 25 Bill 17: 11. 12, 13, 14, 21; 21: 26, 27, 25 Tradition, 26e 27, 285 29, 30- t, 35-6, 43: 6's, 70-1 Bill .C-201. Danny, 216:13, 46, 47, 50, 77-8, 90, 102, 101 Laterpreration RH S-0, 1: 8, 9,10, 11,12 Connoto dons, implications. 26: 17. 18, 19-20. 23, 32, 44-5, 52, Bill S.1 2, 3.: 10, 12, 13,16 56, 55, 66, 70, 14, 78 Prodirlure, 3: 6. 10, 15.16 C1encrie term, 26:33, 34, 36 Bill S.13. 4:11 Origin Proc6dure, 4: 6, 7,9, 11, 13 . choice of. 26: 17-8, 2.6, 33: 45, 47-8, 1311! 8-14. 5:6 52, 58-9. 60, 62.66, 70.74. 76, 27, 98 Proc6dure, 5: 6, 7 Monarchical interpretation, 26: 18, 29, 30, 32, 51. 52, 53, BillIS-116,13:8,10,1i,13 57-60, 56 Prockharc, 8: 6, 7,9-10, 11, 14 Religious Minot, 26; 18, 53, 66, 74-5, 76 Dill S-20, prucitiore, 1417, 9,13, 14, 15 Word borrowed riCleil French language, 26: 25, 52, 7(1 13111 S21, procedure, 14: 10, 11, 13, 14, 15 Dominion Day A.L.-t, S.C. 1879, 42 Victoria, Chap. 47, gig 15. 25, 33, Bill S-22, 14: 15 92.98 Proehlure, 14: 1 1, 13, 14, 15 French heritage in Canadian history, 24e 24, 33, 52, 57.8, 59-60, 69 Bill S -3], teneur5 procedure, 34: 6, 17, 21. 22, 26, 28, 33, 38 Gallup Rona,. 26; 12-4, 27, 39. 48, 49, 50, 825 53-5, ars, 83, 90-1, Bill S-32.32; 21-2, 33; 601-36 9.3-4, 98-100; 27: 7 B111 S-33,53: 17; 54: 14-5., 55: 12. 17: 59:20, 24; (Q.17, 24, 26, Governmeni of Canada usage...261 21, 22, 31-2, 34-5.40,41-2, 55 2.9-30 Multiculturalism.. aspect, 26: 27, 30, 53-4 13111 S-35, M: 9 Political aspect, eralum lion. 26: 27, 28.31, 37, 42, 60, 65 Goldenberg. ll'honnrable sena tau r. demission contrite pri;sideol2ta Seeinto President, diection, proc6durc, 26; 15-6,19, 80 Bill C' -201 Proclainalion de 1953 modifiant la Condtitntioni iencor, 72: 7-8; Canada Day., proposed title tot July Isl 73: 7:751 6, 7,5 ePropositions %Pisani A corriger...tWats revi..0s du Canada de 1970 ccrLaittts lei. poWriturcsA., prufldure, 6; 5 -25; 7:8-61 Dominion Thy 1879, 42 Victoria, Chap, 47, 26.,15, 33, 92,96 Dormerstek Edward el Neil Ma1aniurh, forfects (The) oplgoes-sitte- Portrogreehir Mass Media Seim*,27: 10 Douitar Inc. Caisse L3VAdt el placement chi Qu6bec 1)0013,m, Anthony Inyest 'Went in. 30: 40,1.2; 31; 28;14: 15, 41, 53,63 Yoir- Takeover.30: 16, 2.7; 3.3.1 49, 51; 34: 5, 20, 25. 41-3, 49.50 bude opinien ale he popahaIheni eatrairearre mo fa eriminat1re

Donahoe, Hon. Bkharili Alpha:aims, Senator (Halifax), Committee Duraly, *mumble C. William, skaateur (Harbour Ala in-Bell talland) Deputy Chairman Bill C. -I27, femur, 27: 36 Bill C-26, 2: 6,7.17, 19-20 Hill C-Z01, tenni-, 26: 48, 49, 103 Procedure, 2! 6, 7-3, 13, 20-I Bill S-31, teneur, ZS: 13-4, 25 Bill C-34. 9: 7, 12, 16. 18 11411S-32,19; 17, 18

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Domitme, Ma, Richard Alptioasua, Senator Committee. Doody, honorahle C. William, attnateretilerivour laltuttl)- Deputy inalruina-Cntio'd Sidle Rill C-61. 17: 11, 129113 14, 21; 21; 26. 27, 28 Propositioni. corriger... Statum resists du Canada de 1970 13111C-20i, subject-ma 'ter, 26: 13, 46, 47, 50, 77-8. 102, 103 et certaines leis posttrieures$, 7: 13, 39, 50 Bill 8-8, 1: 8,9,10,11, 12 131118.12, r0, 12,13,16 Doolan, M. Hobert, pr4sident, Conseil le tau de Niahga (New Procolure, 3: 6, 10, 15, 16 Alyttasii, ColomIrie-BribonIque) Bill5-13,4: 11 Proclamation de 19'83 mad ifiant It Constituaiwi, taieur, 73: Procedure, 4: 6, 7,9, 11, 13 Bill 5-1 4. 5: 6 Procedure. 5.. 6, 7 Dorfman, Camille Bill 8-16, 8: 8, 1G, 11, 13 Vofr Procedure, 114 6, 7,9-10, 11, 14 Comit6 consultal if sue ra remuneration des juges et cratirrci ques- Bill 8-20, procedure. 14: 7, 9,13, 14, 15 tions eon ilexes Bill 8-21, procedure, 14: 10, 11, 13., 14, 15 13111 8:22,14: 15 Dorval, M Pnlyrentreprise petiiiormaire Procedure, 14: tI , 13, 14, 15 Bill 8-34, 43:6 -7, 8 Bi if 3 -31 bier, procedure, 34:6, 17, 21, 22, 26, 28, 33, 38 Bin S-32, 32: 21 -2.23; 60:36 Dttedger, E.A The Coniposiiion of LegislialaW legisisdkv Pm 40 Bill 8.33, 53; 17, 54: 14-5: 55: 12, 171 59: 20, 26: 62,:, 17, 24, 26, precedents, 26: 15,5* 17, 18 29-30 Bill 8.35, 56:9 Chairman, e1ection, procedure, 26: 75-6, 79, 80 Droll trautear., Lai ConstitutionAmendmentProclamation. 1983,subjectmatter, Amendemeur propose par is rninkslre de In Consommalion et des 72; 7-8; 73: 7,75: 6, 7,8 Corporations; inlopiC 7: r1 -4, 61 Goldenberg, the 'Honourable Senator, resignation as Chairman, 26: 8 Droit fiscai (No. 2), Loi modifiglat "Pr is to correct.- lkeviscd Stattoca of Canada, 1970, and :niter Am onchbrEren propose; adopt& 7: 53 Acts...". procedure, 6: 5-25: 7: 8.61 Emil pima, Loi de 1977 modifient Dnnuerstein,, 1?.tiorard and Neil Malarial'', The Effeeh Aggressire Amenderneut propose; adopte, 7;24-5 Pornographic Mass Media Stimuli, 27:10 Drnits de b personae Mob, Anthony N. Age de lo rotraite, 51:21 -2, 23-4 See DefJoierce, personnes atteinics, 31, 8, 9-11, 25-6 CriPrm. Some Vfewsofthe ConeidionParent Femmes, 51; 8-9 Voir mail' Bill C -141 Doody, Hoc C William. Senator (Harbour Maia-Bell Island) Bill C-127, subject-marter, 27: 36 Rill C-2431.. subject-rrnitter, 26; 4E, 49, E03 Draft de le personoe, Loi ronsrlienne Bill S.31, subject-inat ter, Mr 23-4, 25 Fir ilurviipos tmite pery-rnamcarrM ffiriiqUEAP tiffifireSdu Rill Bill 5-32, 39: 17, 18 C-141 "Proposals to correct- Revised Statures of Canada, 1980, and other Amendements. Am...". 7; 13, 39, 50 Alinaa 2;1)4[1.5g:21 Art. 13p1 Propagande haineuee, 5 E Al, 1417]_ExemiCing, Si: 10.1., 13, I8-20. 23 Deakin, Hubert, Chairman, Nialtsp, Tribal Council (New Aiyansh, Art. 15 (1149] - Pravaromes specious, 51: 25-6 British Cuitrathia) Art. 19[I - Itegiements, 51; 25, 26 iConsritution Amendment Pinola matieu, 1983, nil:Oa-maliar, '11:: 8 Al.41.4[20] - Pluinte en ma tierc (handicap physique.). 51: 13-6 Dorfman Commilloe Al. 48[23] - Applicu t ion, 51: 11 See Art. #.131241 --CA14.111011 do Sa 141ajest6, 51: 11 Advisory Committee on Judicial Compensation and related in81- But, SIT 6-7 rersonne, comparaiscm, tem Nailions times, Charm des druits de lu Si: 20-1 Pair aura/ Dorval, Philippe, Poirentreprise Ltee, Petitioner BillC-141 Bill 8.34,41 6.7, 8 Dram de Ia personae 1.0i modlifinot Ii I,oicsasilienne priedger, H. A.,TheCompositionof Lepistationvlegislarioe forms and Voir preeedems, 26x 15:50; 17. 18 Bine-141

Drouillard, Lon Executive Director, St. Lemaard's Society of Drouillarii, M. Lou A., dircetear execetif, Soolidkalit Leouard ife Canada amid; Bill 5-32, 37:. 5-6, 1 i.2, 14.22, 25-30 13111S-32. 37: 5-6, 11-2, 14.22.. 25-30

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du Plessis, M. R.L., c.r , legiste at conseilier parlementeire du &fest dttPlekeis, R,L., Q.C.,, Lavr Clerk and Parilantemary Comma to the &Pate Bill C-61, 19: 21 13111061, i9 21 Bill C-130, 50; 1 r, 16, 24 Bill C-130, 50: 11, 16, 24 Bill 1: 10 Bill S-8, 1: 10 Bills -12, 3: 10, 16 Bill 5.12, 3: 10, 16 Bill 8-13, 4: 13 Bill 8-13, 4: 13 Bill 5-16, & 8, 10, 13 Bill 8 -16, 8; 8, 10, 13 Bill 8-19 Discussion, 12: 19-20, 23, 26, 27, 28 Bill S-19 Leitre du ministere de is Waite au strict des haw, 13; 7 Discussion,. 12: 19.20, 23, 26, 27, 28 Letter from .lichee Departmem re lenses, 13:7 Bill S.20, 14: IS Bill S-20, 14; 15 13111S-21, 14: 15 Bill 8-21, 14115 Bill 4-22, 14: 15 Bill S-22, 14; 15 Bill 5 -24, 23: 6, 7,8, 9.10; 24111, 19 Biil 5-24, 231 6 , 7,8, 9.10; 24: 11, I 9 Bill S.26, Hie 10.13 Dill S-27, 18; 7, 8 Bill S-26, 16: 10, 13 Bill 5.32, amendments propo*i per In solliciteur aneval, ressembi- Bill 8.27, 18: 7, 8 rappcil nu Rilgilement BiilS-32, amendments proposed by Solieitnr General, admissibility, point of order Commemaircs, 60: 33 Lets re 3 la pre.sidente du Cornit, citation, 601 12-8, 27 Comments,. 611: 33 Letter to Committee Chairman. quotation, 60: 12-8, 27 E.G. Klein Limited Voir E.G. Klein Untied Klein,EG .,Limited See Klein, E Limited E.G. Klein Limited Loi reeatistltimat In soriele Vofr Bill 8-26 E,G. Klein Limited At to revise See 'KnowsDitersified Company Ltd. Bill 8.26 Appattennace etrangere, 14: 12, 13 Defaut, notification, 141 12 Dissolution, date et raison, 14: I I, 12 Eastern Diversifloil Company Ltd. llistorique, 14:11 -2, 13 notification, 12 Voir anssi Dissolutioa, data and reason, 14:11, 12 Bill S.22 Foreign ownership, 14: 12., 13 Consort:minion et Covporatioas Canada iiistorical background, 14:11 -2, 13 See nlac Eastern Diversified Company Lid. Lai re:coristlemeni Is societe Bill S-22 Voir Consumer and Corporate Affairs Canada Dill 8.22

Edwardh, Mme Marlys, membre, sous-coadte stir InLOI anifornree Mir Eastern Diversified Company Ltd. Act to revive la prewre, Criminal Lawyers' Association of Ontario See Bill S-22 Bill 5 -33 Discussion, 5c); (8-9, 24.30 Expose, 59; 6-13, 15.8 Edwardli, Marlys, Member, Sub-committee on Uniform Evideuee Act, Neil Criminal Lawyers' Association of Ontario Wear (The)refAggressire-Pornagruphie Mass Media Stimuli, Bill 5-33 Milaututh et Edward Downeteteim 27: 10 Discussion, 59: 18-9, 24-30 Statement, 59: 6-13, 15-8 Eglintam M, Graham Volt sous R41cmenes of a titres taxies r(rgleirienteires,Candle raixte permanent Effects (The) of Aggressire.Portoograpkie Mass Media Stimuli,Neil Mallamailt and Edward Dom:erstein, 27: 10 Eglina de Jesus -grist des saints des deriders :lours, bleu imineubles Voir Dili 8.-16 Eglioton, Graham president de In Division tie Lethbridge de ftsglise de Jesus-Clirisi See under Regulations and other Statutory Instruments, Standing des saints des deriders jours Joint Committee Flans du Dominion die Canaria, In glissade loge de l'Ordrehenevele at Elirabeth Fry Society peoreeteur des Diens Immobiliers, valour, limits, 18:6, 8 See Canadian A.ssocial inn of Elizabeth Fly Sonie...ties Constitution a sin tu ts 18:

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Elks of the Dominion of Canada, Act to amend the AO of incorpora- trans do Dominion du Canada, IN groode loge de POrdro ben6vole et tion of The Grand Lodge of the Benevolent and Protective Order protecteur des -Spire of Historique, 18; 8 See Loges, function, I8: 9 Bill S-27 Nom en francnis, 18: 6, 7 Siege social, lieu, 18: 6.7 -8 Elks of the Dominioo or Canada, The Grata Lodge of the Benevolent Voir mail and Protective Osier of Rill 5-27 Constitution and by-laws, 18: 8 Head office, location, 18: 6, 7-8 flans di. Dominion du Canada, l of modiflant In Joe constitutive de In Historical background, 18; 8 grade Tape de l'Ordre henevele et protecteur des Lodges, function, 18; 9 Voir Name in French, 18: 6, 7 Bill S-27 Real estaIe, value, limit, 18: 6, See also Bill S-21 Elisalteth Fry, societe Voir Association eanndiennc des sociEtes kllizabeth Fry Ellis, Megan, National Action Committee on the Status of Women Bill C.127, subject-ma ttor Ems. Mme Megan, Comite natIonal fraction sur le stabil de In femme Discussion, 27: 19-20, 22-36 Statement, 27: 11-9, 20-1 Bill C-127, teneur Discussion, 27; 19-20, 22-36 Expose, 27: 11-9, 213.1 Employment and immigration Department and Commission Act Amendment proposed: tarried, 7: 25-6 Emploi et de riminigration, Lol our le minister': et sue ht Commissios de Energy, Mines and Resources Act, Act to amend the Department of Amendemcnt propose, ado*, 7; 25-6 See Bill C -1112 guess:re, des Mines et des 11.v:sources, Loi modifiam is Lai UP1 k mlnistere de Engel, Rick, Student, C'orreclional Law Project, Queen's University Voir Bill S-32, 41: 16.7 Bill C-102

Eparck of the Eparehy of Saints Cyril and Medirodlus of Slovaks ofEnfants, pornographie et exploitation sextrefle, 25: 21, 26.7, 32, 33 the Byzantine Rite 1. Callao Poi, atm/ Background information, 56: 6-7, 8.9, 10 -I Bill C-53 Corporation sole, 56: 7 Rusnak The Very Reverend M iuh ad, tpareh, 56; 6 See Gris0 Enfants, rapt Bill 5-35 Code crimincl, amendments, 25: 20-1, 25-6; 27: 44-5 Voir aussi Bill C-127 Eparch or the Epnrcisy of Si' tints Cyril and Methodlus of Slovaks of the Byzantine Rife in Canada, Act to incorporate See Engel, I41, Birk, Ctodinnt, Correctional Law Project, Queen's Univer- Bill 6-35 sity sill 5-32, 41: 16.7 Ervea v. The Queen 0979] 1 5,C.R. 9261 524 12: 53: 7. 54A; 6; 66; 17; 68k, 67,11-2, 213 Ruquetes stir les coalitions, Lot relative Amendment propose, rejete par le comite de la Cherubic des coin- mimes, 6: 6; 7: 23 European Council See Council of Europa Etorque de Teparchie des saints Cyrille et Method( des Slotaspie2,de rite hypo:win au Canada Corporation unipersonnelle, 56: 7 Evideuce Informal ton de base, 56: 6-7, 8-9, 10-1 Accused Rosnak, Le trios reverend Michael. eparque. 56: 6 Burden of proof borne by 36: 15, 16 :41k 13-4, 52:3; 53: 6, 10-1; Voir ;ram' 54k. 2; 59A: 10-1; 65k 17-8: 66: 14-6, 30, 51-2; 66A: 9: Bill S-35 68A: 8.21, 205 Failure lo testify, 36: 12, 13, 20-1, 22-5; 49: 20-1, 22-3; 53: 6: MA: 3; 59A: i 1-2; 62: 28; 66A: 10; 68A: 36-8, 215-6 Eparque de reparehic des Saints Cyrille et Method* des Slovsques de Fraud, 36: 27, 28; 49: 8; 54A: 8; 59k 30-1; 65A: 36; 66: 19; rite byzanthi au Cneasla, Loi constituent en societe 66A: 10; 68A: 139-41 Voir Made of life, cross-examl no Lion on, 52: 15; 66A1 6-7; 68A: 135 Bill 5 -35

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EvidenceCoard &pen c. La Reine1979] 1 RCS. 926), 52: 12; 53: 7; 544; 6; 64:17; Accusaid-Cnard 414k. 286, 290-1, 424 Obligation to give the Crown notice of defence evidence, 59: 24, 27-9; 39A: 4.6, 7.9, 29; 65A; 20-1, 31-4; 66: 174, 48-9; 664; 1 I; 68A: 23-4, 121 Etas estangers, immunite Perjury, 36; 27; 62: 30; 65k 37; 66: 19, 20; 66A: 10, 12; 684: 146, Voir 148.9, 152, 154, 158 Immunite des Etats etrangers Previous record, cross-examination on, 36: 13, 20, 23.4, 26-7, 28; 49: 8; 14.5; 53: 7; 544; 3, 4,8; 59A: 30-1; 62: 16; 65A: 21, Etata-Uels 35-6; 664 18- 9, 37, 49 -50; 464: 1(1; 684: 135-42, 219-20 Poreiga Sovereign InfonuniaesAeF Right nottoIles[ify. 36: 23-4; 40; 20-1, 23-4; 53: 7; 59: 24; Bill S.19, comparaison avec 59A: 4-6, II -2; 66: 31-2; 66A: 9-10; 68A: 215-6 Right to a fUll and complete defence, 59A: 14-5; 65A: 33-4; A pulp, 10; 9-10 66: 31-2; 66k 10-1 Definition activite commercials,lit 7.9.10. 18; I1: 15; 12; 6, Rights, overview. 36; 10, 1 t; 49: 6, 9,19, 26-7, 28; 53; 6-9, 10; 13 Execution de j u gement, 12; 21 63: 22; 65k 33.4; 66: 14, 20, 29-32, 36-7, 39, 52; 66k 8-12; 684r 30. 38.60 1-listorique, 10 :6, 10, 23; 11: 8 Voir aussi Self-serving statement, 344; 6; 62: 27; 65A; 27.8; 68A: 68-9 Bill S-19 Spouse as witness, competence and cornpeilability, 36;16-8; 401 25-7; SI 15; 544: 74.67: 16 Statement to person in authority bade de ropinion de In popniarion esnardienne gar in criminalith, Confirmation by real evidence, 54A: 7; 59A; 12.3; 63: 2/.3; Anthony N. t3uob et :Iullan V. Roberts, Centre de criminniogle, 65.4; 31; 611A; 93.4, 214-5 1Llnivrraity of Toronto Truth of, no questioning on, 49: 8; 53; 7; 59A: 19; 64: 13: Donnees 634: 88, 214 Ape/9u et interpretation, 42.4137-43 Voluntariness Origins et cxplica ti6n. 42A: 35-6 Definition 'voluniary", 544: 6; 39: 13 -9; 594: 17; 63: 23-4; References, 38: 21; 39: 6-7, 20; 41: 26; 42: 24; 474: 8 65A: 28-30; 66: 16-7; 68A: 63, 76-80, 89-92, 95-104. Tableaux 212-3 Dans quelle mesure le taus de crimes vialetqs commis en Canada Proof, 36; 12-6; 44: 24-5; 49: 9.11, 20; 52: 11-2; $3: 7; 50: 9, so compare-t-il au taus e-nrcgistre ales Btats-Unix? (Tableau 11-3, 17-9; 594: 15.9,28; 62: 25-7; 65A: 27, 304; 66: 17, 2), 42A; 38, 41.2, 45 28, 30, 33; 66A: 7, 8-9, 12; 634; 63-6. 75-6, 81-9. 92-104, Estimation de la proportion de prhiunni6rs libitis SOUS Mrldif 1041 213-4 avant l'expiration de !cur peinc (Tableau 3).42A: 4l, 42, 52 Admissibility, general rule, 36; 21; 40; 8 -10, 23-4; 49; 12; 521 15-7; Estimation do la proportitm dos dirigeauts de societas contlanines SI 13,14; 544; 3, 7,17; 59k 7-9,12-3; 62: 13; 63: 21-3; pour infraction en matiere de pollution on de fixation do prix 654: 18-20; 66; 16; 6641 19-20:68,44 59.63, 77-9, 93.104, 207-8 (Tableau 7), 42A1 40-1. 51 Alibi, 36: 13; 49: 27 -8; 53: 7,i 1.2; 54,4: 7; 59: 24, 27 -8; 59A: 4-6, Estimation de la proportion des personnes condarortees pour divots 7 -9:65k 21, 31-4; 66; 17-8, 48-9; 66A; 10, 11; 684: 120.1 crimes, centre qui une pcine d'emprisonnement cat prmioncec Burden of proof (Tableau 6), 4211: 40, 42, 50 Accused, borne by, 36e 15, 16; 40; 13-4; 52;13: 53: 6, 10-1; Le nombre de meutres a-t-11 augmcnt4, diminue ou es( -l1 le moms 54A:2; 59k 10.1; 654. 17-8; 66: 14-6, 30, 51-2; 166k 9; depuis rabOlitiOn de is pcinc capitals? (Tableau 3), 42A: 38-9, 68A: 8-21,205 41, 46-7 Circumstantial evidence, 66; 26-7; 6641 6 Perception de In proportion des per-sonnet coupables du KliCS de Civil proceedings, 54A: 16-7; 63: 29-30; 6641 19; 68A; 204.5 fait, d'effractions et do vols qualifies qui son( incararies Insanity, 40; 14; 52: 15; 62: 16; 611A: 12, 13, 14 (Tableau 5), 42A: 39-40, 42, 49 Character evidence Qucl pourcentagc dc prisonniers liberes sous condition oommet- Character or accused in issue, 36: 20, 23, 24, 26-7; 53: 12; 54k 4; tent des crimes violents dans les trois annees auivarit lour libe- 59; 23.9; 59k. 4-6, 7-10. 29-31; 62: 21; 654: 20-2; On 16; ration? (Tableau 4), 42.4:38, 39, 42.48 66A: l I; 68k 23.7, 28-9, 208-9 Quel pourcentage des crimes commis au Canada corn portent (le Complainant, character traits, 49: 11-2; 52: 13-4; 53: 7; 54A: 3-4; violence? (Tableau I), 42A: 38, 41, 42, 44 59A: 7, 39; 62: 17-24; 63: 15-6; 65k 22-3; 66: 16; 66A: 10-1: 684: 26-9, 209 Qvorview, StA: 3-4; 59A: 29-31; 62: 17; 654; 20-4 Europe, Conseil de Charier or Rights and Freedoms. effect on admissibility, 34; 21'. 401 8-10,23 -4;53:16-7;544: 17;59A:12.3;63;22.3; Conseil de l'Europe 66k 19.20; 68A; 79, 95-6 Circumstantial evidence, 54A: 2; 654: 18; 661 20-7, 38; 664; 6 Evidence, Sir Rupert Crusts 36; 14; 65A: 59 Ca-accused, 1454 27. 28:, 544:3-6; 59A; 24.5; 63A: 141-2. 212 Computer printouts of banking end business records Admissibility Ewaschuk. M. E.G., avocet general, Draft pennn, tuinisaLre de la Jus- Foundation evidence tice 11111 5 -33 Affidavit evidence ororalevidence. 36;14;40:17.8; 55: 13-0. 23; 55k 7, 8,10-2, 13. 16; 65: 10-3, 14-5, 20-4; Discussion, 36: 12-4, 16, 18-28; 52; :13, 24,25 65A: 12, 13; 67; 16-7 Expose, 52; 9-15 Computer expert or local official as witness, 36:12,14; 40: 17-8;55:10-1,15,19-20,24-5; 55A;11-2,13; Exportations, Lai stir Pexpansion 64:9-10. 16-7, 18; 64: 7-9; 65: 24; 67: 15-6 Antendement propose; adopt& 7; 26.7

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Evidence-Coned raged°, M.G. comeidler juridivine, Steam de Itt congultation al du Computer printouls of banking and business e.:Corsit-Ccutrd tura adiniaktratif, mialglere de. is Justice Admissibility-Coned Bill C-141, 511:13. 14, 16.17, 19, 2f-2, 23 Foundation evidence -Opat.'41 °Mien!, criteri i. 55: 8,9, 17-25; 55A: 4-6, 7, 13.6; 64: 12-3, 16.20; 45: 7-5, 9-14, 28-9; 65A: 7-9, ]0-4; 66: 41, 42-3, Faulkner, Mme Carol, directeur adrainishatir, Soci6te kIiinhath 9'ry 50; 67: 7, 8.14, 15-8167AI-7-9, 12-4, 15 COliavol, Association canadieaue des sac iCt,; Elizsiheth Fry Coats. 64: 10, 13, [6-7; 64A.: 9 Bill 8-32,3* 14, 17, 21 CLIFTCM siluxtirrn. jUriSpradCne6, 5: 1 -s. 11, 20, 21, 22-3, 24-5; 551: 17; 64: 12.3. 19; 65g. 7-8. 143, 19; 67: 13-4; FedcraiLon qR t/ the Rep:Awry Proasa,, Richard V. Srhultt, 34: 9 67A; 3, 9,14 Federal-Provincial Task Force OM Uniform Rulos of Evi- Federation des siatinue iiadionnes de Is Saskatchewan dcaoc,reewomendations,55: 10.1. 20, 21-2,26; Accord consLitutionno1 do 1483. commendaires, 69: 65. 67, 68; 55A: 14-5, 16 69A:6 Original "...reflects acourately...-, 36; 12; 55.:5; 55A: 6-7; Autaiboade pa/kit:rue. definition et inEerpreInfion, 69:50,5 i-7. 64: 5-7, 8-10, [2 -3. 15.9: 644.I. 2-4.6-9; 66...; 10, 14, 17, 25; 59.65, 70-2, 83; 691: 7.10 65A; 6-7; 66; 50; 67: 19.20 Cleared des drons ei 1i bert6A, imorpr6tation, 69: 68-70 Record. donaition, 66; 41, 43; 67:6.7. 67A: 3-7, 11-2, 15 information de base, 69: 55; 69A; 12-3 Swir]!y of computer system. risk to, 36: 12; 55e 9-10, 19, Proclamation dc 1983 modified isCaisriirtliari 20-1, 22-3; 551; 8-10, 11, 13; 64: 9; 6414 7; 654 9. 10, Evaluation, 69; 65-8 13.4, 21, 24-6, 289; 651: 11; 67; 18-9; 67A: 6, 13-4 ivt6mairc. 69A: 6-13 'United Killgdoin, comparison, 55: 11. 18, 20, 22; 554; 15-6; 6* 13, I? Femmes Unties, 27: 10. 14-7, 43.44 O rigins' or copy, 55! 12; 55A; 4.6, 16-7; 641 12-4. 20; 65: 7.8, 10, 13, 27-5; 65A.: 10; 46; 43,4; 7: 17 Records created rt rornc of li Lige i ion, 67; 7-g, 17, 674:9-11. Feralile5 emlienues et la Loi sag let 'Ale" Sous-onmit6 de la Chan/- 14 bre. des eommeges, 70:45. UA: fo,10, 11 Reliability of contents Banking rcciard-s, 551 6.7, 10.1, 13-9, 23-4., 55At 3-4. 8, 10.1,]alit du Canada, Cordite national 13; 64: 10-1, 15; 64A; 9'10; 65: 5-10, 11-4, 18, 20-1, 24-30: Sondoges cl pracom rnsisids lions, 26; 83-4, 56, 90, 91, 93, 95, 96.7

65A: 9, 1 1 -2; 66: 41, 42; 47; 10, 11 B usioess recOri9, 64 7-8,10 -I,14-5. 16-7; 641: 5-6, 9.10; Fete du Canada, titre propose pour le 16r joilki 65e 8.4. 13.4, 29; 66:41 -2; 67; 10 Acceptation of utilisation, 26: 45.6, 48, 54.5 Delens, right to challenge, 55: 1)-9; 64; 14-5; 65: 7. 9,11-4, AtisfraaaPay, comps raison, 26i 22-3, 54, 70 17-22, 24, 28-9; 65A.! 13 Canada, .volulion on La ni que Ration, 26.:. 14, 35, 71-2, 76.87 -8 Paper records, comparison, 40;II; 55: 6-7, 10-1, 13-5, 17; evaluation Loup nit nom,245: 27, 28, 37, 53, 54 55A: 3-4. 8, t0 -1, 13, 6* 8. 10,F4-5; 64AT 5-6; 65 6, 7; Cralrup, sondages, 26: 12-4, 27, 39.113,419,50,82, 83-4, 86. 57, 90-1, 65AT 1.3 93-4, 98-100; 27:7 1411.reight., probative value, 55: 15, 17; 64: 14-5, 16-7, 19-20; 65c 7, Wend CO ea nadierme. 26= 47..50.1, 61-3, 64-6 18, 20,65A; 7 MultioulLara[isine, aspect, 26c 43.4, 45, 46-7, 45-9, 61-2, 63, 64-5, Corrobiskatioi1, 40:: 22; 49: 21; 53: 6; 54A: 8; 61: 25; 651: 36-8; 6? 66; 19-20; 661; 20; 68A: 142.4, 220-1 Syr:tholes et institutions, c a nadianisation, 26: 35-40, 50, 56-7..62-3. {_roses-examinaavo of accused on previous reword, 36: 13, 20, 23 -4, 65, 85-6, 87-8, 95-100 26-7, 28; 49; 5; 52; 14-5: 53.; 7; 541: 3. 4.g; 59A:: 30-1; 62: 16; Voir maxi 45A.: 21. 35-6; 66: 18-9, 37, 44 -50; 661: 10; 68A: 135.42.219-20 Bill C-201 D ecision making. powers. 68A: 175-86 lite du Dominion, remplaccrucni par I6-tc itu Canada, proposition D isclosure.Jrgovernment information,684411,97-8, 224 Examination for discovery. 49: 1 d; 52: 19; 66: 35; 661; Pire ireDowile(on. Lois S.C.1879, 42 Victoria, ehap. 47. 26: 15, 25. Examining witnesses for other jurisdictions, 68A: 187-93 33, 92, 98 Expert Assesslor, 49: 13: 51; 18 Ott du Dominion, remplacument par Fan: do Canada, pruposiliuu Civil proceedings, 66A.: 21); 68A.; 35-6 AllernativegisuggEof:m 26:26, 34. 36, 41, 43, 46, 72-3 Court appointed, 36: 25; 40: 15: 49; 13-4, 27.; 52: 17-.61 591: 32: Ampm:t poli t Wan, evaluation.. 26: 27, 28, 31, 37,42, 60, 65 68A: 31,6 Correspondence recut, 26; 10-2.39, 76, 82-3, 86-2'. 27: 7 Handwriting, 54A: 4.5, 18 lion-eA pica opinion evidence, 54A: tg; 68.1., )5 Francais. traduction. 2.6c 14-6, 41 Opinion evidence on an ultimate. issue, 54; 10-1: 54A: 18 InterprE-fatfon Written opinions, 364 25; 40; 7-8; 494 13, 27; 52: 17 Connotations, iinplications. 26; 13, I8- 19-20, 23, 32, 44-5, 52, P.Oreign Iitu, 619A: 177-50, 223 56, 58.66, 70. 74, 98 Formal adiniz[oos, 52; 15;.541: 2-3; 66: 29; 66A: 7-8.19; 68A; 21 Terme stnerimtc. 26; 33, 34, 36 Handwriting, 54A.; 4-5, 1R Origine Hearsay Aspect religicux,26; IR., 53.66, 74-5, 76 Declarani inte-rpt6lation monarchique, 24.;18, 29, 30, 32. 51. 52, 53, Availabilidy, 52:18-9;54A:5, 23.4; 591.!21.-2;66: 104; 57-60, 86 68A:43-9 Mot emprunt6 de la Is ague frsnrraisc, 26: 25. 52-, 70 Crcilitility, 54A: 26; 59A.; 21, 22, 27-8; 66: 11: 661:45, 47.9

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Evidence-Com '2/ Fete du Dominion, rempliecernenipasFate dm Cads, proposition-. Hearsay-Coned Suite Deciantnt-Cont'd .Domin Iona-Suite 52: 18, 19; 54A: 5, 24.5, 26; 59.4: 22-4, 27-8; Origine--.5ulte 62: 28.30; 63: 24-6; 65A: 24-6; 66: 11-3, 47-8; 694: 50-7, Peres de la Confederation, chola, 26: 17-8. 26, 33, 45, 47-8, 52, 210-2 58-9, 60, 62, 66, 70, 74, 76, 77, 98 Overview, 40: 8; 49: 14; 52:11, 14-9; 54: 7, 8,10; 544: 5-6, 15, 16, Perspective hiatorique 22-8; 594t 20-8; 63: 13, 25.6; 66: 8-9, 25; 64A: 6, 11-2, 19.20; Empire britannique/Corrirnonwealth. utiliaOtion, 26: 19, 21, 33, 68439 -42, 209-12 36, 52 See also belowStatements Heritage britannique, 26c 24, 29-30, 33,41, 47. SO, 51,52, Insanity 57,8.59 -60, 63 Burden of proof, 49: 14; 52: 15; 62: 16; 611.k. 12., 13. 14 Lois constitutionnclks. 26: 16.7, 21-2., 25-46, 31-4, 36.7, 19-41, Test, 40: 14-6 56-8, 62, 64, 69-72, 76 1nterpreiers and translators. 66A: 20 Mot canadien, 26: 19, 21, 24.32-3, 36, 40,-43, 54, 66 Judges Symbole de Li creation du Canada en tart clue nation, 26:16-7, Accused's failure to testify, comment on, 36: 12, 13, 20-I, 22.5; 18, 26.28 40: 20-1, 22.3; 53: 6; 54A: 3; 59A.: 11.2, 62; 28; 66A: 9. 10; Titre offlciel du pays. 26: 16, 20-1, 31.2, 33.4, 36.7, 39, 47.8, 68k 36-8, 215-6 69-70 Calling witnesses in civil proceedings, 54A: 19-, 65A; 34; 66A: 2D; Tradition, 26:27, 28, 29.30-1, 35-6, 43, 68, 70-1 684; i 23, 216 Gallup, sow:lases, 26: 12-4. 27, 39, 48, 49. 50,82, 83.5, 86, 87.90-1, Discretion to exclude evidence, 36: 21; 4G 8-10, 23-4; 49: 12; 91-4, 98-100; 27: 7 52; 15-7; 53: 13, 14; 54k. 3, 7,17; 59A: 7.9, 12-3; 62; 13; Gouvcrncment du Canada, utilisation, 26: 21, 31.2, 34-5. 40, 41-2, 63e 21-3; 65A: 18-20; 661 16; 66A: 19.20;484t 59-63.77-9, 55 93- 104,207 -8 Heritage franeais dans Ilistaire canadienne. 26: 24, 31, 52, 57-8, Expert, power to appoint, 36: 25;40;18;49:13-4. 27; 52:17.8; 59-60, 69 59A: 32; 68k 31-6 ideiltllbcanadienne, 26:51, 73 Right to call witnesses in criminal proceedings, 59: 7-9; 59A:31-2; Loi de la fete di; Dominion, S.C. 1879, 42 Victoria, chap. 47, 26: 15, 65A: 34; 66A: 20; 68k 123, 216 25, 33, 92, 98 Judicial notice, 40: 19, 20, 22; 54A: 17; 66A:16, 19; 684;21-2, Mu] ticuituralismc, aspect, 26; 27, 30, 53.4 206-7 1160erreSi Opinion evidence, overview, 68A: 30-6 Bill C-201 See also aboveExpert Fete du Canada, dire propose pour lc ter joilIet Presumptions Innocence, 36: 20-1, 22-3; 53; 10; 59: 24; 59A; 4.6, 10. 11; 62: 27; 65A: 18,27; 66: 14-6, 30-1. 38, 52; 66A: 8.9 Film, Loi patianale Overview, 63: 29; 68A; 204-7, 221 Amu:dement propose; adopt& 7: 10, 45 Previous court proceedings, 15; 54A: 27; 62* 16; 65A; 24; 64A; 19; 684: 112-20, 215 Previous record, cross-examination of accused on, 36: 13, 20, 23-4, 2.6-7, 28; 49: 8; 52: 14-5; 53: 7; 54A: 3, 4,8; 59k 30 -I; 62: 16; Bill S-31, article coucernant, citation, 34:65 65A: 21, 35.6; 66: 18-9.37, 49-50; 66A; 10; 68A: 135-42, 219-20 Privilege Communications Flynn, honorable Jacques, senateur (Ratigemont) Doctor and patient, 40: 10, 27; 411A: 160-2 Bill C-26, 14, 16-9, 20, 21 Priest and penitent, 40: 10-1 Bill C-34, 9; 6, 7-8,9,10, 11. 13, 14. 16, 17.21,22 Solicitor and client. 36:20; GSA: 19; 66; 50 Bill C-45, I5c 8, 9,11 Spouses, 3* 14; 40: 27; 52:15; 544: 8; 65A:18; 46:13; Bill C-53, teneur, 25: 6-8, 9, 10, 11. 12, 13, 14 66A: 20; 68A: 162-75 Bill C-127. !elicit, 27: 34,40, 44-5, 46,0 Previous testimony, protection against use of, 36; 21-2, 27: Bill C-130 59k 22; 62: 30.1; 65A: 39; 66A: 12, 20; 68k 145-60, 223 Ordre de renvoi, 5* 6, 7,8 Psychiatric assessment, 49:8, 52: 15; 53; 7; 66: 13; 6861 160-2 Procedure,5* 20, 21, 22, 23 Privity, 49: 14; 52; 19 Rapport an Serial, redaction, 50: 23, 24, 25 Realevidence, 54:8; 544; 7, 22; 59k 12.3; 63; 21-3; OA: 31; Resolutions negatives, procedare relative 68.4; 93-4, 214-5 Bill C-1102, comparakton, 50: 8.9, 10, 12, 13, 14. 21-2 Records Seoat, role, 50: 6, 7,8, 10-1, 15, 16-7, 18, 19, 24 Authentication, 68A; 221.2 Bill C-141, 51: 11 -3, 14, 15. 16 Business records. 53: 14, 18; 54k. 8, 22; 65k 38-9; 66A: 19; Bill C-201. teneur 68A;222 Compte rendu, exemplaires additionaels. 27: 7 Microfilm, 55: 12; 55A: 4; 67:, 8, 9,11, 13, 14, 18; 67A: 2,7 d)orninionD, interpretation, 26:33, 34, 35 See also aboveComputer printouts of banking and business Fete du Dominion/Few du Canada, sondages Gallup, 26; 9.3, 94 records Heritagefrancaisdans l'histoire canadienne, 26: 59, 60 Rules of interpretation, 26; 97 Provinces, adoption, 34: 8-9, 27-8; 49: 17-8, 22, 25, 29-30, 32; Loi de la fete du Dominion, S..(17, 1879.26: 92 52:20, 22.5; 61; 146; 66; 18, 21-4, 30-1, 13-6, 37-9, 47; Modifications correlatives, 26:83, 94.95, 96 66A: 3-4, 12-5, 14-20; 684: 204 Procedure, 26: 17, 42, 73 Reform, 39:6; 49: 19, 21, 24.6, 27, 31; 53: 13, 14, 16, 18; 54: 7, Rapport au Sent. preparation, 26: 8.1,94, 95, 103 8,13. 14; 54A: 14, 15; 63 :21.2929-30; -30; 66: 46 Bill 5-16,8.1.8, 9,10-1. 12, 13. 14

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Evidence-Coned Flynn, honorable Jacques, sknateur(Itimgentont) 5-19 Rules of -Coned .Activite con; mortisleu, defirkion. 10: 10, I5, 16, 17; II: 6, 8-9, Uniformity, 3k 7, 8,9. 13-4; 40: 5-7, 16-7; 49: 21-2. 25. 23-30; 11, 20;124 10, 11, 11 13, 14; 13: 7 52: 20; 53:5, 9,10, 13, 14, 18; 54A:8 Application aux provinces. 111: 13, 21.2; 134 7 Similar facts, 36: 19.20, 24, 28; 52: 11, 14; 59: 25-6; 61; 6; 63: 30; Banque commie &range:V., hiens. 11: 20 66:29; 66A: 8 Examen article par article. 13: 9 Spouse of accused Jugcment 36:18; 40 27; Communications between spouses, privilege, Amplification, 11: 16 52; 15; 54A; 8; 65k, 18; 66: 13;66A: 20; 63A: 162-75 Execution, 11: 10; II: 8 Compellability as witness, 36: 17 -8; 40: 25, 26; 52: 15; 62: 16 Uwe du mioistere de la Justice ii14. du Plessis as sujcl des Competence as witness, 36; 16-8.; 40: 26. 27; 52e 15; 54A: 7-8; baux, 13: 7 6/ 16 d is ponibila. 10: 5 Witness Dill 8-24 Defence, for, 36: 17-8; 40: 25, 26, 27; 52:15;62: 16 Bill de firiance-s, definition comme, el consequences possibles, Prosecution, for, 36: 16-3; 40: 25-6, 27; 54A: 7-8 24: 7-8; 9, 10, 12 Statements Justice. ministate, opinions j uricliqu es, 2.4: 16, 17 Accused, to person in authority Opinion juridique independante do mile du ministere do Is Jus- Confirmation by real evidencc, 54A: 7; 59A: 12-3; 63e 21 -3: tice, 24: 16 65A: 31:68A: 93-4, 214-5 Parlernent, prockture, bills do subsides. 24: 12, 14, 15 Truth of, no questioning on. 49: 8; 53: 7; 594; 19; 66: 13; Procedure, 24: 6 48A: 88, 214 Rapport au Benet, 24: 15, 16. 17, 18 Voluntariness Sexist, adoption do lois serriblables, 24: 2, 9,12, 13 Definition "voluntary", 54A: 6; St): 13-9; 59k 17; 63: 23.4; Bill S-31, teneur 65A: 28-30; 66: 16.7; 68A: 63, 76-80, 89.91 95.104, Amendements, 33: 53-4, 55. 56, 57 212-3 Article 7, 33; 26-7 Proof, 30; 12-6; 49; 24-5; 49: 9-11, 20; 52: 11-2; 53: 7; 59: 9, Caissededep6t et placement du Quebec 1)-3, 17-9; 59A: 15-9, 28; 61 25-7; 65A:27, 30-1; 66: 17, Assemblee nationals, responsabilite, 28: 20, 21; 30: 25, 26; 28, 30, 38; 664: 7, 8-9,12; 684; 63-6, 75-6, 81.9, 92-104, 31:11. 22; 33: 54, 56; 34; 20.23, 24, 27, 31-3,as 213 -4 BP Canada, actions, 30: 26, 27 Admissibility without proof of voluntariness of certain statements, Politique, 23; 20.28; 30: 25, 26; 31: 18.4; 33e 54, 55 59: 9-19; 59k 15-7. 25-7; 62: 27-8; 654: 27-8; 66:17; canadien Pacifique Litnitee, AO: 22, 38; 31: 20 68A: 66-75 Etude, proe6.dure. 234 6-7, 8; 2918, 10; 30:40 :33:46, 47 Agent or employee, of. 54: 12-3; 54k 26; 59A: 25 Gouvernememt, intervention dans le secteur prive. 33:22-3 Dying declarations, 54A:5; 68At 53-4 Gouvernement federal, consultation avec les gotivernersients pro- Previous statements, 53: 7; MA; 21-2, 24, 28; 59A; 13-5, 22, 28-9; vincis lax. 34: 66. 67,66, 69 33:21, 62; 31; 65A: 35; 66: 10-1; 66k. 11.2, 20; 68A: 43-9, 131-4. flistorique, origines, 28: 17, 18, 20, 21; 311 22; 31: 19-22; 218-9 26; 34: 69, 70-1, 72, 89, 90 Re's gesnie, 53: 7; 544; 6; 59; 10; 59A: 15-6; 62: 27.8; 454; 27; Introduction au Senat, 28: 16, i 7, 22 66: 17; 66A: 8.9; 6841 66-73, 212, 213 Motion, 29: 5 Self-serving statement by accused, 54A: 6; 62: 27; 65A: 27-8; Portee, 30: 24, 25; 33:21-2, 59; 34; 22 Procedure, 28: 15, 22., 23, 24, 27, 29, 30, 39, 41; 30: 32, 43, 55; 68A; 68-9 Spicaiteneou.s statement made in direct reaction. to ostartling 31: 23. 33, 34. 35: 33: 15, 17, 59; 34:26. 56. 59, 61, 93 Quebec, reaction, 33: 54, 55; 34: 64-5, 87, 91 event, 59: 113-I, 12-4; 59A: 15.6, 26.7; 62: 26,8; 684; 75 Soeiets, reglementation federale, applicabilito, 28:18-9,20; interest, 59A:23-4; 65A: 24-6;66:13; Statement against 30; 23, 24, 30; 33: 25, 26; 34:22, 75, 83, 84, 94 68A; 56-7, 210, 211-2 Bill 8-32, 32:20, 21; 37: 17 Statement by person engaged in women purpose, 544; 5 -6; Bill 8-33, 52: 5, 8,24,5 59A; 24.5; 68A; 212 Goldenberg, l'honorable sena tear,demission cniume president, Statement made in course of duty, police officer's notes, 54At 20; 10 594: 7,3;62; 28-30; 63:25; 65A:24; 66:47-8; 684: 55. 210-1 President, election, 26: 9.10 Taking evidence in other jurisdictions, 6134: 194-6 Proclamation de 1983 mudifiant In C.onstitution tenenr, 70: 22-5, Witnesses 27.30, 32-5, 54-6, 69.71.2, 74 Calling and questioning, 54: 11: 544;11..19, 20, 21; 654: 34; .Propositions visunt i1 carriger... Moms revises du Canada de 1970 66 :18.31 -2; 66A: 9-11, 20;68A: 122-31, 216-8 et , certaincs hits pastel-mores., 7: 17-20, 22, 24, 25.26, 28-9, Children, 40; 22; 49: 21; 65k 37-8; 66: 20 31, 32.4, 39-40 Court's power to call, 54A: 156, St 7-9; 59A: 31.2; 654; 34; 664: 20; 68A; 123, 216 Credibiliiy, 54A:8; 59A: 14-5, 27.8; 62: 31; 65A: 35, 39; 66A; 10. 11, 12. 20; 68k 135-44, 155-8, 219-20 Foods 4e pensirm du Canada Previous statements, 53: 7; 54A: 21-2, 24, 28; 59A; 13-5, 22, 28-9: Caisse de depat et placement du Quebec, comparaison, 30: 7.8,10, 62: 31: 65A: 35; 66: 10-1; 66A: 11-2, 20; OA: 43-9, 131-4, 18, 19, 20.21, 28; 31:1(1,12, 13,27;33:49 218-9 Protection againstuse of previous testimony, 36: 21-2,27; 594:22; 62: 30.1; 65A: 39; 66A: 12, 20; 68A:145-60, 223 Refresbing memory. 52; 15; 54: 11-2; 54k 21; 62; 17; 664: 20; Foreign Sovereign immunities ..4ei (ttnio-ljniN) 68A; 129, 218 Vote sousElats-Unis

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Evirierice-Coneef Forsey, Immoral* Eugene, Itoyat Commonwealth Society Witnesses-Cowe'd Bill C -201, teneur Spint-se Of aoclisodl, aompatence and compellability, 16;16-8; Discussion, 26; 32-42 25.7; 52: 15; 54A: 7-8:62: 16 Exr.ose, 26: 14-27 Unavailability. admissibility of prior evidence, 59At 13.5, 29 See also above Expert Faruthe e. Le Rehm (CI' 0j2 &CS. 263), 2.5: 18; 27r. 47, 50

Evidence, Sir Rupert Cross, 36: 14.. 65A: 20 Fort Nelsen, Linde des lid lens :fog finlieTSS de Fort Nelson, ba title Elessichok, E. G Goers! Coirsel, Lin, Deoartetent of "na- tive Bill S-33 Fortier, M. Yves, e,r president, Association lit Barren' coitadieu Discussion, 34: 12-4. 16, J8-28; 52: 23, 24, 25 Bill 8-33 Stairs:nen!, 52: 9-13 Discussion, 66: 13, 20.1, 33-4, 36.40, 45-6, 49, 51-2 Expose, 66: 5.8

Export Development At Fortin, M. Jacques, Barreau du Quebec Amendment proposed: carried, 7i 26.1 Bin S-33 Discussion, 66: 36.51 -2 Eadertio1 Affairs Canada Expimie, 66: 24.32 Bill 8-19, agreement to motion of lite Honourable Senator Des- ehalolas re publication of information, 13: Fowler, M. Robot, directeur, Services JuriMquen, Soci414 emoodienoe Canadian claims foreign statics, 8-9.512-3,14, 20.1; Why potlkuel et de kgement 11: 16; 113.: 7-8 fProposilions vixnnt s cckrrigerStatuts revises du Canada de 1970

Foreign states' claims against Canada,. 10:22.3 of . cella Ines id.ib posierieurect, fc 23; 7; 17 -9 Parking tickets, policy Canadian diplomats abroad. 10; 25 Vraburnitie nit iernale i1ealkulkns do Canada Foreign diplomats in Ottawa, 10: 24 Bill C-2O See atm A mendements po4pos6s Bill S-19 Comptes fidneiairust, registrt-J =is, 2: 18 Diplomatic and Coasular Privileges and [rn muni ties Act Titres autochtones an); terres, resonrCeS n3111rdIM 11 12, Immunity of foreign states I3 Amendments proposes, aocord Faggiolo, G., Cassel, Advisory sad Administrative Lax Section, Application limitec, 2112, 14 Department of Aware Article 12 -- A rbitrage. 2; 1 1,i 3, )5 Bill C.141., 51: 13, 14.116. 17, 19,21.2,23 Iatcrpreta t ion, 2:9-10, 12 Droit dais banal indiennes 6 rarbitrage, 10- I,13, 14-5, 17-8 Limits emooktoties, corm ernaires stir position l'ilsiorique Flei Allowameen Affaires indiennes et du Nord Canada, 2: 9 -10 Amendment proposed., carried, 7; 27 C.olonsbie- Briton niqu e goovernement, 2: 9. 20 Responsa bilJte fidue1aire, communtalres sur litposition d'Affaires indiennes at du Nord Canada, 2; 10-1.15-8, 19,20 Farm Products Marketing Ageacies Act Voir OPISSi Amendments propowl5carried, 7: 21-30 Ind lens de Fort Nielson, Linde

Faulkner, Carol,Executive Director, Ellzabetk Fry Societyof lionarsble Royce, sinateur (Lanark) Ottawa, Canadian AssociationofElizabeth Fry Sueitlioc B ill C-45 Bill S-31,39.. 14, 17, 21 Disecarm au Shat, deuxierne Lecture, citation, 15: 7 DigCuSSIOn, 10.1 Federal Court Act Bill C-53, lemur, 25: 758-9 Section 28 (1) - Review of decisions of federal board, currimimion Bill C-61, 191 21 B ill C-127, tenetin- or other tribunal, 57: 18, 19, 23 Accusations non justifie' es, 27: 30-1 Section 43 - How preceetiing spirts' Crown inhAijuled, 17 C.14A. =woman& lions, 27v 34. 35 Consentement, 27: 19, 20 Fatieral-Pirovineial Task Force no Uniform Rules of E 'rt.:lance Croyancc hormete qoant au consientement,27 12, 27-8 Computer evidence,admissibility,critei 55:10.1, 21-2, 26; Decease, moyen., 27: 31, 32, 33 55A: 14-5, "cones personoes, 271 41

Members and participants, 34: 7, 9,12-3; 4%- 22: 52: 6-7; 54A: 15; Pluign2Int, comportemen t sm.= I ant6r,i r. 27: 49, 50-1 59A: 3; 63: 31 Proe6durts, adoration sommaire de cnlpslbililc ou mi9e en aCuu- Report. 36; 8, 29; 49: 10-t, 21-2, 28; 52: 20: 61; 6, 12,i 7; 62; 14; wiLig.n,27: 29, 313, 41 63; 13-4, 28-30t 313; 66: 10, 13.34; 6.8A.: 203 Sta t ist iques, 2,7; 28, 19 See also ant C-I 30 M array, Hon. Mr, Justice G eorge L. Butt 50; 11.2 Uniform Lose Conference or Canada ordre de rsmoi, 50:6, 7,8

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Federalism and the Regulatory Process, Richard V, &hilts, 34; 9 Frith, honorable Royce, senateur (Lanerk)- Bill C-130-Smire Procedure, 54is 20 Federailior of Saskatchewan Indian Nations Rapport as Sinai Background information, 69: 55; 69A: 12-3 Motion, Ms 12, 14 Charter of Rights acrd Freedoms, interpretation, 69:68 -70 Redaction, 50:8, 14-5, 23, 24, 25 Constitution Amendment Proclamation, 1983 Resolutions negatives. procedure Teeth's Brief, 69A: 6-13 Bill C.IO2, comparaison, 50:9, 10, 11, 12, 14 Evaluation, 69: 65-8 Constitutional Accord, 1983, comments, 69: 65, 67, 68; 69A: 6 Senat, rate, SO: 7, 8,12, 14, 15, 18 Self-government, definition and interpretation, 69: 50, 51-7, 59-65, Bill C-141,51; 6. 14-5, 19, 23, 25, 21 70-2, 83; 69A: 7-10 Rill teneur Constitution, Ligue monarchists, position, 26: 57 +Dominion., imenpre'tation, No 32-3, 60 Finance Bill S-31, article concerning, quotation, 34:65 Fete du Dominion /Fete (la Canada, sundagss Gallup, 26: 12, 13 Modifications correlatives. 26: 96 Procedure, 24:42, 44, 54, 73, 103 Fisheries Act Rapport en Senat, pr6paration, 26:81 Amendment proposed; carried, 7: 30-2 BIBS- 16, 8: 8, 12-3, 14 Section '71 - Application of Act to Her Majesty, 15: 6 Bill S-31, tensor Caisse de dept.,' et placement du Quebec, 30: 26; 34: 20, 54, 55, 62, 66 Rpm, Hon. Jacques, Senator (Rougemoat) Canadian Pacifique LAmitte, 331-12, 15, 21 Bill C26, 2: 14, 16-9, 20, 21 Consiitationna I lie, 34: 38 Bill C-34, 9:6, 7-8, 9,10,II, 13, 14, 16,17,21, 22 Etude, procedure, 26:6, 7,8; 33145, 46, 47 Bill C.45, 15s 8, 9.11 Motion, 29: 5 Bill C-53, subject -matter, 254 6-8,9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 Ontario, gouvernement, reaction, 29: 6 Bill C-127, subject-roatMr, 27: 34, 40, 44.5, 46, 49 Bill C-I30 Procedure, 28s 28, 31, 33; 30; 12, 34, 56; 31: 15: 33 :9, 18; 34: 6, Negative resolution procedures 34, 70, 72; 47: 7 Bill C-102, comparison, 50; 8-9, 10, 12, 13, 14. 21-2 Quebec, gouvernemant, reaction, Interpretation, 30: 46, 47, 48-9, Senate role, 50: 6, 7,8, 10-1, 15, 16-7, 18, 19, 24 50, 51 Order of Reference, 50: 6, 7,8 Soci616s., reglementation federele, applicabilite, 29: 11; 30; 61:1; Procedure, 50: 20, 21, 22, 23 34: 32 Report 6o Senate, drafting, 50:23, 24, 25 Vote, droit do, limitation, 31: 29; 33; 20-1 Bill C-141, SI: 11-3.14, 15,16 Bill S-32 Bill C-201, subject- matter Amendements proposes per lesolliciteur ge len* recevabilite, Consequential amendments, 26; 83, 94, 95, 94 S5: 15:64: 10-2, 20, 22-6, 28-34 "Dominion ", interpretation, 26: 33, 34, 35 Motions, 47: 5,7; 66:4, 6-3, 32.4 Dominion Day Act. S.C. 1879, 26; 92 Dominion Day/Canada Day, Gallup polls, 26: 93, 94 Preniedure, 45: 6, 25, 27; 60: 5, 35 French heritage in Canadian history, 26: 59, 60 Surveillance obligatuire Interpretation, 26: 97 Detenus Procedure, 26: 17, 42, 73 Delinquentsdangereux ou potentiellement dangereux, Proceedings, additional copies, 27: 7 45:17 -8, 2.2.3, aou I, 44; 47:8, 11-3, 15:60: 6.8, 36 Report to Senate, preparation, 26] 81, 94, 95, 103 Reduction de peine, 32: 20;45:44-9; 47: 29:60:36 Bill 8-16, 8: 8, 9,10-1, 12, 13, 14 Suspension immediate, 60: 6.8, 36 Bill S-19 Revocation, 47: 23-7 Application to provinces, 11: 13, 21-2: 13: 7 Bill S-33 Batik, assets of foreign central, 11: 20 A pplieation au Quebec, 52; 23,25 Clause by clause examination. 131 9 "Commercial activity", definition, 10; 10, 15, 16, 17; 11: 6, .8.9, Association dos berm uiers canadieris. amendements, 55: 23 11, 20; 12: 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 :13 :7 Association du Barreau candle% memoire, 49: 24-8 Judgement Commission de reforms du droit, Code sur le preuve, 52: 10 Execution of, 11; 10113: 8 Declarations de [accuse, reeevabitite, 59: 11-3, 15 Extension of, Ilk 16 DeEnition, enonce legislatif mi code, 59: 19, 20 Leiter from Justice Department to Mr. du Ple,ssis re leases, 13: 7 Experts, 52: 18 Witnessavailability,WS Irnpeimes d'ordinateur, recovabilite. 55: 8, 9,16, 17, 22, 24-5 Bill S-24 Juges, citation des temuins, 59: 8 Justice Department, legal opinions, 24: 16, 17 Preuve de morallte, 52: 14; 59; 24-9 Legal opinion independent or that of Justice Department, 24: 16 Procedure, 59: 30 Money bill, definition as. and possible constiqueneca, 24: 7-8, 9, Provinces, neaction, 10, 12 Parliamentary procedure, supply bills, 24: 12, 14, 15 Redaction, 49: 30.1; 52: 21; 59:23 Procedure, 24: 6 President, election, procedure, 7.4s 9, 79, 80 Report to Senate, 24; 13, 16, 17, 18 Proclamation de 1983 modifiant la Constitution, teneur, 70: 17, Senate adoption of similar bills, 24; 8, 9,12-,13 22-4, 27-9, 31.5, 47, 51-2, 78

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Flynt.ROILJaeetees., &Faller (Rowernont)-Coned Frye, Norihrop. cia$tion, 20: 61-;4, Cob Bill S-31, ma bject-malter Amendments, 33; 53.4, 55, S. 57 G .A. Barber S 1119 u United Cicisse de ddpot et placement du Quebec Or [ofr 131} Canada sham, 30: 26.27 National Assembly, responsibility of., 28: 20, 21; 30; 25. 26; Barber, G.A., & Sons I imitecl 31: i 1, 22;13; 54, 56; 34: 20, 23.24. 27, 31.3, 88 Poky. 28: 20, 28,30: 25, 26,31: 18-9; 31:54. 55 Harher 11.. Sons Li rrd red ,,,, Lei reemblii Plant in sriciele Canadian Pauific Limited, 34/: 22, 38; 31; 20 Vofr Clause 7, 33., 26-7 S-2I Corporations, Federal regula;Lout, appikability, 18; 18-9. 20; 30..23. 24, 30; 33: 2.5, 26; 34: 22, 75 83, g4, 94 Gagnon., M, Roger. Nelontiloe Lae et Serum, Lth, ionuaire Federal government, COniiult3tIou with prorineial governments, B1115 -11.4!: 10. 11-2 34] 66, 67, Rg, 69 (34,vern men tenention Lo the private seetor 31122 -3 Gamble, M. Alvin, Baptioll 3nin1 COrminittee ou Yublle Life in Cmnadm T-liatoricalbackground, origins, 28:17,18, 20, 21; Mk 22; 31: 19-22; 334 21,26; 34: 69, 70-], 72, 89, 00 Bill 0201. tencpun Divmssion, 20: 80 1ntred uq ion in Senate, 28: 16, 17, 22 Motion, 29: 5 E.Kpos, 26; 73-5 Procodure, 28d 15, 22., 73. 24, 27, 29, 30, 39, 41; 30: 32, 43, 55; 3!: 23, 33.34, 35:33: 15. L7, 59; 34: 26, 56, 59, 61., 93 Ganley, M, D. err,. membire dm Cormit.0 apEeim1 sur s-33iumpeiit- Quebec, reaction, 33: 55; 34; 04 -5, 81.91 lion du Barnum canal lien Scope, 30: 24, 25., 33: 21.2, 59 ;34 22 Bill S-33 Study, procedure, 2&16-1, 8: 29:8, 10; 30:40; 33: 46, 47 Diseuasion, 49: 2.7 PIM 55-32, 32:24, 21; 37; [7 En.104.49: 12.4 Bill S133, 521 5, 8,24 -5 Chairman, el ced on, 2.6:9 -10 G ar 74.16 tropoll lain inc 311 28, 30:34: 51-2 ConstitutionAmendmentProclamation, 1'983,r, ubjeatrnatLer, 70: 22-3, 27-30, 32-5, 54-6, 69, 71-2, 74 GoldcnI)erg,the Fkmourob]e Senator, retsignation as Chairman. Gazelle du Canada 2,6: 10 Avi.5 aux s4-.1e iots OR afa Lit, publication, I: 7. 8,11; 7, 8,10; 14: 8, "Propu-salls .to correet,...R.evied Statutes of Canada, k970, and other 10. 12, 14; 16: 10-1, 12-3, N.15 Aets...", 7: 17 -20. 22, 24, 23, 2.6, 28-9, 31, 32-4, 39-40 Avis de ehnugernera de Linn du siege social d'une soci611, publica- tion, .18T. 7, 8 Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations Act Amendment by House of Commons Committee to amendment pro- Genealogic del. &Manua. Lei posed, 6.6 -7; 32-4 /1/4 MendeMen propOs...artopi.% 7; 43 AMC nclmcnt proposed; carried, 41:6 -7; 7:32-4 Gibson, M, Fred sous,soilltireur Okra!! in Canada, So/lid- Food not Drugs Aet len gentrall Canada Amendment proposed; carried, 7: 34 Discussion, 57; 11-5, 19,22.;58: 3 L-5 Expos&, 58:. 7-9, 10-1 nreip Suiereign IMMUNitlIES Act (United States) .5:e.e. writer United Stateq G irohe isutd Aida Foreign states, immunity Bill S-3 f article conce.rnanl, 13:161 See Refluetion do peine enCeitk article coneerount, relation, 37: 22 Immunity or Foreign states Godfrey, honorable John Morrow, skutiouir (goat-dile) Torrey, HOD. Elegem!, ;Royal CormanomrealthSociety Bill C-34, 9: 6, 7,8 Bill C-201, subject-matter Bill C-45, 13 8 Discussion, 26: 32.42 BillS-12,3; 16 Staternant, 20: 14-27 Bi1LS-13, 4: 6, 12-3 Bill S-26, 16: 10, 11, 12,13, 16 Hi]] 5-311, leneur FeMSYrhe W. The Qr (f198012 260). 25: 18, 27: 47, 50 Caisse de depth. 42t1110.0011Mit du QUa..)=, 31: 25; 12459, 60; .34.! 19, 20.43, 47.50, 52.3 Foil Nelson Indium Baud Caned len Pagnfirlue Li mit6e, 31: 23-4. 33-4; 33; 59, 60;14: 18-9 Agrtcment Conslitutionna lid. 34: 38 Date or signing, 2: 7 Entre en viguenr, date, 28: 35, 3 Di seumion ttudc, proadu re, 28: 6; 29: 7, 9-10; 341:43-4 Article 6 (61 Amount of payment, 2: 9 Cionvernement. iotervention dans le geeteur prfe, 33; 57, 55, 62 Article Buoks and Records, 16, 18 Onlaria,gormuncinent, I-Oa:Vim), 39: 5 A rttelc. 12 - Arbkration. 2; 15 Po:4e, 30: 43; 31:23; 33: 5S, 59; 34: 17, 18. 38, 74 77.78. 79 Article 18 -A mend !tents, 2: 7 ProLx=tiure, 28: 34; 21, 43 Schedule A- Band Council Resolution, 2: 14 34: 77 -8

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Fort Nelson Indian Baid-ainci Godfrey, hunorelle Jobs Morrow, sinateur (Rosedale)-Sufle Agreement-Coned Bill S-31, tnneur-Suire Discussion- -Com' d Snelete..s, reglernentation lederale, appliesbilite, 28: 36, 37; 29: II, Scheduie B - Instrument of Surrender, 2: 9 12; 30, 59, 60; 31: 23. 34; 34: 17, 18, 38, 72.4, 75.6, 79 Mineral rights and revenues, 2: 6-7, 9, 10, 11,20 Tenwins, 29:7, 8,11 Right lo arbitration, 2: 10.1, 13, 14.5, 17-8 Voce, droll, 30: 44. 45, 46, 49; 31: 22-3; 34: 18, 19, 80 See alsr? 13111S-32 Bill C-26 Amendements proposes per le sollieiitur ,general, reeeva bait& National Indian Brotherhood 616 19.25 Motion, 42: 4, 6 or Nelson Indian Reserve Penitenciers, 39: 11; 44: 17 See Proe6dure, 37: 17, 30; 39: 17; 4t; 7. 8; 44: 28 Fort Nelson indinn Band Rat raactivith, 37: 26.7 Surveillance obligatolre Detenus Fort Nelson Indian Reserve Minerals Revenwe%twinAct Admisslbilite, 42: 27 See Assistance postp6mile, services, 44: 21 Bill C-26 Crimes avec violence, 39; 10, 20-1; 42: 17-8 Delinquents dangereux au potential lenient !lenge-tax, 39:, 9, Fortier, y President, Iassdiao 13sr Aseociation 41: 12-3; 44; 13-5; 58: 12-5; 60: 19 Bill S-33 Droits, 41:. 15-7 Discussion, 66: 13, 20-1, 33-4, 36, 40, 45-6, 49, 51-2 Frais d'entretien, 19: 22 Statement, 66: 5-8 Reduction do peine, 37:19,24; 39:9.11-2; 41:13-4; 42: 22-3; 44: 8-10 Fortin, Jacques, Bar of Quebec Rehabilitation, 39, 10; 42:27 Bill S-33 Suspension ilmnadiate. 39: 9; 58; 12 -5; 611: 19 Discussion, 66: 36, 51.2 Puulie, perception, 39: 20.1 Statement, 66; 24.32 Resultats, evaluations, 42; 19-20 Revocation Audiences, 41: 15-7 Fowler, Robert, Director, Legal Services, Canada Mortgage and Decheanee du droll d is reduction de peine seulerftent pour Henning Corporation one nouvelle infraction, 601 35 -Prop3sa Is to correct,,, Revised Statutes of Canada, 1970, and other Poises, clenerminaiion des, effcl bur. 37: 24.51 42: 17-9 Acts,..". e, 23; 7: 17-9 Raison', 37:19-20, 24.5; 39: 9-10,12; 411 fi,13,15-7; 42: 164 Frith, Hon. Royce, Senator (Lanark) Reduction de peine, decheance do droll., 39: 10,12; 41: 6; Bill C-45 42: 16-9 DISCI.ISSiOn.15: 10-I Syndicat des employes de solticiieur general. recommandations, SEKC£11 in Senate, second reading, quotation from, 15; 7 44:8 Bill C-53, subject-matter, 25: 7, 8-9 Bill 5.33 Bill C-61, 19:21 Accuse Bill C-127, subject-matter Charge de In preuve. 66: 51 Complainant's prior sexual history, 27; 49, 50-1 Declarations, recevabilite, 345: 16; 59; 12, 18-9 Consent, 27; 19, 20 Alibi, 591 24 Defences available, 27: 31, 32, 33 Alienation mentale, critere, 40: 15 Honest belitf as to consent, 21: 22, 27-8 Charte des droits et liberties, chengements 1 cause de, 36; 20.2. 24 NAC recommendations, 27: 34, 35 Definition, enonce legisla :if ou code. 36: 19; 53: 13-4, 15; 54: 9; Proceedings, summary conviction or indictment, 271 29, 30, 41 59: 19; 61: 14-6, 18, 20-; 66; 44.7 Sigijsiirj, 27:28, 29 ktats-Unis, rtgles federales de In preuve. connpaison, 44:7, 16 Unjust accusations, 27: 30-1 Experts, 54: 10-1 Young persons, 27: 4 Imprint/is d'ordinit leer, re= va bilit6, 67: 9-12 13111C-130 Motion, 67: 5 Negative resolution procedures Otis-dire, 54: 10, ]2, U, 15 Bill C-102, nomparison, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14 Preuve de more lite, 59:26.7 Senate role. 50: 7, 8,12, 14, 15, 18 Procedure, 40: 12; 521 9; 53: 16; 54: 14, 16; 59: 7, I S Order of Reference, 541 6, 7,8 Provinces, reaction, 36; 27, 28 Procedure, 50: 20 Redaction, 52.: 8:53.' 12-3, 15:59: 21, 23; 61: 13, 17-8; 63: 31.2 Purpose, 50: 11-2 T6moins, citation et interrognioire, 54: 11-2; 66; 50-1 Report to Senate 5-34, 41; 8,9 Drafting, 8, 14-5, 23, 24, 25 Proclamation tic 1953 mad Mani is Cortstirlition, lenear Motion, 50: 12, 14 Aiiiachtenes Bill C-141, 51: 6, 14-5, 19, 23, 25, 27 ionomie pnlitique,70: 69, 77-8 Bill C-201, subject-matter Consensus, 69: 33; 71: 23; 73: 17 censeciuuntial amendments, 26: 96 Definition, 69: 33; 76:20 -I, 51-3, 56.8, 60.1, 67, 84 -5, 89-91 Constitution, Monarchist League position, 26: 57 Droits, 69: 40, 45-7, 68; 70: 11-5, 20-1, 24, 26, 62; 71:23, 31 "Dominion", interpretation, 26: 32-3. 60 Inuit. 70: 92, 97 Dominion Day/Canada Day, Gallup polls, 26: 12, 13 Reven dica lions Lerritoria les, 69:40; 70: 27, 32, 34, 72-1

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Frith, Hon. Royce. Seurdor (Lanark)-Corti'd Godfrey, honorable John Morrow, semateur (Rosedale) -Suite Bill C-201, subject-matIcr--Coni"d Proclamation dc 1963 modifiant la Constitution, tenenr.Suite Procedure, 26; 42, 44, 54, 73, 103 Etude, procedure, 69:10.3 Report to Senate, preparation. 26: 81 i OAS, 69:6, 70, 50; 764 3, 13 Bill S-16, 8: 8, /2-3,14 Procedure, 69: 28-9, 59; 7* 36, 52, 95 Bill S-3I, subject- matter Ratification, 69: 32-3; 70:47 Caisse de depirt et placement du Quebec, 30: 26; 34: 20, 54. 55, Propositions visaut d =Tiger._ Statues revises du Canada de 1970 62,66 et ... cert.:tines loin posterieurcs, 6: 5-6, 8, 10 Canadian Pacific Limited, 33: 12, 15, 21 .cleneur des articles des projels de lei qui peanut porter Constitutionality, 34: 38 attains[ aux draits et libertos garantis par In Charte canadienne Corporations, federal regulations, applicability, 29: 11; 34t 610; des droi is ci libc-riesb, examen par un Cornice parlemcnte ire. dis- 34: 62 cussion, 76: 14-23 Motion, 29: 5 Ontario government, reaction, 29: 6 Procedure, 211: 28, 31. 33; 30; 12, 34, 56; 31: 25; 33: 9, 18; 34: 6, 34,70, 72; 41:7 Goldenberg, honorable H. Carl, reonteur (RIgamd)., presi4sat du Contito (Fasckules 1-25) Quebec government, reaction, intertvretatIon, 30: 46, 47, 48.9, 50, 51 Bill C-34. 9, 10, 20, 22 Study, procedure, 28: 6 7,8; 33: 45.46, 47 Procedure, 9: 6. 7.8, 9,16, 21.22 Voting rights, limitation, 31: 29; 33: 20.1 Bill C-45. procedure. 15: 6, 11 Bill S-32 Bill C-61 Amendments proposed by Solicitor General, admissibility. 58: 15; Colombie.Britannique. gauvernement, fruit, 211 25.28 610:10-2, 20, 22-6, 26.34 Entree en vigueur, periodc de transition, 201 21 Ma ndittoey supervision Etude, procedure. 10:20 Inmates Invitations MIX gouvernements ploy inciaux S temoigner, reponscs, Dangerous or potentially dangerousoffenders, 415;17-8, 22-3, 17: 8-9; 19: 5, 6,20; 20: 5; 22: 6 30-1, 44; 47: 6,11-3, 15; 60:6-8, 30 Nouveau-Brunswick, gouverncmcnt, memoire, 19: 5, 10, 13,20 Gating, 60:6-6, 36 Procedure, 17: 5, 6,14.5, 16, 18, 31; 19: 5, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, IS. Remission, 31.20; 45:44.9; 47:29; 60: 36 19, 20, 21; 2* 5, 10. 15, 22, 24; 211 5, 13, 23, 24. 27, 29; 22: 6, Revocation. 47: 23-7 14, 19, 21, 22-3 Motions. 47: 5.7; 60; 4, 6-8, 32.4 Programme. administration. partagc des frais, 19:9, 13 Procedure, 45:6, 25, 27. 60: 5, 35 Viking Houses, memoire 19: 19, 20 Bill 5-33 Bill. C-201, tencur, 26e 31-2, 36, 42 Application in Quebec, 52: 23, 25 Bill S-8, procedure. 1: 6, 7,9, 10, II Canadian Bankers' Association, amendments. 55:2S Bill 5-19 Canadian Bar Association, brief, 49: 24-8 Amplification de jugemcnt, 1 I; 16 Character evidence., 52:14; 59: 24-9 Banque centrale etre ngere. biens, 11: 18 Computer prirttoutS, admissibility, 55! 8, 9,16, 17, 22, 24-5 Contraventions de stationnairmnt, 10: 25 Definitions Dennitlon, legislative statement or code, 59; 19, 20 Drafting, 49: 30.1; 52: 21: 59: 23 ,Aetivite cornmercialcs, I I: 15; 12: II Experts, 52: 18 aBienss, 12: 17, 18 Judaea calling witnesses, 59: 8 Immunites et privileges, elargissement an limitation, 11: 20-1; Law Reform Commis:pion, Evidence Code, 52: 10 12: 24, 25. 27 Procedure, 59: 30 Procedure, 10: 5, 10. 17. 24, 25; 113 5, 9,12, 15, 16, IS, 20, 21-2; Provinces, reauion, 49:29.30 13: 6.7, 9. 10 Statements of accused. admissibility, 59: 11.3, 15 Bill S-24 Chairman, election, procedure, 26: 9, 79, 80 But, 23: 5; 24: 8 Caractere dichotomique, allegetnentfiscal ConstitutionAmendmentProclamation, 1983.subject-matter, et mcsurc fiscale, 701 17, 22.4. 27-9, 31-5, 47, 51.2, 78 23: 5-6 Comite, role- 23: 7. 8,9; 24: 18 Flynn, l'honorable senateur, position en vers, citation, 23: 8, 9,10 Justice, ininislk-re, opinions juridiques, 23: 9; 24:16, 17 Frye, Northrop, quotation, 26: 61 -2..66 Lai constitutionnelle de 1867, article 53, 23: 6 Procedure, 23: 5. 8,10, II; 24: 6, 7,8, 11, 15, 16, 19, 20 Rapport an Sinai, 23: 8. 9, 24: 15, 17, 19, 20 G.A. Barber & Sows Limited &Snot, adoption de lois semblables. 23:6 -7; 24: 7, 10 See Bill S-26, 161 7, 13 Barber, G.A., & Sons Limited Prac6durc, 16: 6, 7,8, 9,10. 12, 14, 16. 17 Bill 5.27, 18: 7 Procedure. 18t 6, 7.9 G,A, Barber & Sous Limited Act to revive D6mission comme president du Cornite. 264 7. 8-9 See Bill S-21 Goldenberg, Rapport Voir Gagnon, Roger, Montitac Ltd. and Secant Ltd., Petitioner LiMrallon eandiacourelle au Canada. Rapport doCoquille senato- Bill S-13, 4:10, 11-2 rial permanent des Alfa ircs juridiques et con.stitationnelles

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G amble. Alain, Bri Past Joint Committee on Public Life is Canada Gordon, M. Mark, equine/tont du Comite &etude Inuit des quesrions Bid C-201, su bject.rmat ter nationalcs Discussion, 26: SO Procfamarien de 1983 maddioni is CottstittltIOTN, tentur, 7G' 91 -2. Statement, 2161 73.5 94, 98-9

Gaoleyt E., Member of the Saecial Committee on 6.3.3, Goma, Chef JITIOES. president, Conseil de tabu de Nisaga {New Canadian Bar Atmociatien Aiyansh,Coloruble-Britannique) Bill S-33 Proclamation de 1963 modinant la Constitukton, lerieur Discussion. 49. 27 Discussion, 73e 7, 8.18, 20 Statement, 49" 12.4 Expose, 73; 8

Gould, M. Gary P., president, COIHali Consiittitionakt du Conseil Ors Gas Mkropotitain 31: 28, 30; 34: 51-2 autoehtones du (=smit's Proclamation de 1933 inodifiant la Constitution, teneur, 70: 47-9, 51-5. 57-61 G ibson, Fred Q.C.. De Poly Solicitor General or C-anada, Solicitor General Canada Bill S-32 anmerrteineotr de la Mpublique IlOolmerarigele dig Coop c1/me Di,scussion, 57: H-5, 19, 22; 58: i (0.971i R.C.S. 997), II: 11, 13, 19; 12: P3-4 Statemnt, 53:7-9, 10 -] Graham, R e. (0974i &CA. 206), 59A; 26-7; 66k 47; 63A1 287 o rsagd Mail Dili S.3 P. article COnCefillislt, racMcx., 331 61 Grand Conseil des tin Quebec) Earned remission, attCiC cQncerning. quotation, 37; 22 Accord coostitotionnel the 1933, commentuires, 724 9-12,r 3-4, 16 Assemblee des premieres nations. oofla bon:lion avec, 72:12-3, 17 Autonornie politique, ioterpretation, 72: 25.6 Godfrey, Hon. JAE Morrow, Senator (Rosedale) Convention de la 4tale James et du Nord owebbcois, 714 9,10-1 r Bill C-34, 4: 6, 7,8 13-5, 19-25 Bill C-43, 15: 8 Inronnation tie kiaae, 72:9 Bill5-12.3 16 Proclamation de 1983 modifiant la Cons[itution, adopti0.1 propos6e. 13i1J 5-13, 44 6. 12 -3 72; 9, 12, 16, 24 EMS-215, 16: 9, 10, fl, 12.13, 16 Bill S-31, subject.matter Grand RI ier Navigation Company Cnissc dep64 et plamment duQuehee, 31: 25; 33: 59, 60; Scramble, 2: 11, 15, 19 34: 19, 20, 43, 47-50, 52-3 Canadian Pacific Limited. 31: 23-4,33;33 ;59.60 ;34: 13-9 {}rands (1,a) loge de 110rdre birnefolt Cl proteeteur des Roan's air Coming into force, date., 28: 13, 36 Dominion du Canada Const u [-tonality, 34: 38 Voir Corporations, Federal feguhiLiOng, applicability, 2.3 36, 37; 29: U. Laos du Dominion du Canada, Is grand's loge de l'Ordro kgrievolc 12: 30; 59. 60'. 11:23, 34; 34: 17, 18, 38. 72-4, 73-6,79 protecteur des Drafting., 34; 77-8 Government ifiterventitm in printo sector, 33: 57, 58, 62 Ontario government, reaction; 29: 5 M. Pierre, sum-seakaire dk enbInet (Relations fiderals- Prooerture, 28: 39; 34 :21, 41 mmlnelales) Scope, Ms 43; 31: 23; 33: 53, 59; 34:17. 18, 33, 76, 77, 78, 29 Proclamation dc 1983 modihant La Con-31.italion, Incur Study, procedure, 28:6;2% 7, 9-10; 34It 43 -4; 69; 13. Discussion, 69: i 8-28 Voting rights, 30: 4.4, 46, 46, 49; 3l: 22.3: 34: 18, 19, 80 Expos6, 69: 14-3 Witnesscs, 29: 7. 3,11 Rill S-32 Greenspan, M. Edward ex., l'he Advocates' Society Amendments proposed by Solicitor General, 60; 19, BRE S.33 25 Discussion, fiat 17-32 Mandatory supervision Expose, 62: 12-7 Inmates Conierence eanadienne de randomisation du drcit, r6unionde After-cafe agencies, 44. 21 1931 ti Whitehorse, assistance, 36: 13; 49: 22., 54; 14, 62; 1.3-5, Cons of Maintenance, 39: 22 23 Crimes of violence, 39: 10, 20-1., 42: 17.3 Dangerousorpolential/ydangerousoffenders,39: Groupe de friernil [moral-proilneini suelea 'regles uniforines die la 4 1 ;] 2- 3 ; 4 4 :] 3- 5 ; S 8 : 1 2- 5 ; 6 0 11 9 preave Eligibility, 42: 27 Ivionskres et partici:132as; 30: 7, 9.12 -3; 49: 22; 524 4S-7; 54A; 35; Coking, 58t 12-3: 611: 19 59A: 3; 63: 31 Rehabilitation, 39: 104.42: 21 Preawe inforrnatis6rrecevabi1ite,oriteres, 557. 10-1,21-2.26; Remission, 37;19, 24: 39:9,11-2;41.;134; 42: 23-31 55A: 30.1, 32 4:8.10 Rapport, 36: 8, 29; 4% 10-1, 21-2. 28; 511 20; 61: 6, 12, 17: 62: 14; Rights, 41:16-7 63: 13-4, 23,30, 31 -3:661 10, 13, 34168A: 414 Public perception, 39: 20-1 1100E tds .7} Results, evaluation, 42.: 19-20 Conference co naclien ne de runiformisation du droit

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Godfrey, Heia, John Morrow, Semler (Rosedate)-Coned Grovpr de oxarsil f&leeal-pre vInclal our lea rIglestroiforines. de In Bill S-32-Coed preuve-Sadie Mandatary supervision-Conf'd Volt atml-Suite Revocation Murray, howsra bk Op George L. Forfeiture of remission wily for new offences, 601 15 Hearings. 41: 15-7 .Guilde de la marine mareliP tide du Canada Reasons, 37; ]9-20. 24-5; 39: 9.10, 12.;41.1 6,13,15 -7; Arnendement au Bill 5-12. propose, 3; 7-8, 15-6 424 16-9 Congri6o, 3 7, 14, 15-6 Remission, lopfeiture, 39: 10. 12; 41: 6; 42: 16-9 Constitution 3: 12-3 Sentencing. effect on, 37: 24-5; 42: 17-9 C;ontrats et accords, 3: 6-7, 9-10, 11-2, 13-4 (Jniun of Solicitor Gencral Employe4ss. recommendations, 44: 8 fonetion Motion, 42; 4, 6 Organisms prefeasionnel, 3: 6 Penitentiaries, 39: T 1; 44; Synditt. 6.7, 9. 10, 11.2, 13-4 Procedure, 37: 17. 30; 39: 1.7, 4127. 8; 44; 28 Retroactivity. 37: 26-7 Historique., 3; 6-9 Lettrerhancrra ble senateur Ma cdona Id de M. La eiglois concarran B11.1 S-33 Accused le Bill S-I 2, 3; 10-5 Loi (13111 S-12), raisons pour Burden of proof, 64; 51 Cangrieo cn tank qu'organIsme directeuri 3: 7, 14, 154 Statements, admissibiliiy, 364. IC 59: 12, 18.9 Existence jufidique. k 6, 7.8-9 Alibi, 59; 24 Retro:1.cliviik 3: 6-7, 9-10 Character evidence, S9: 26-7 Maritimes., prisenee dans, 3; 15 Charter of Rights and Freedoms. changes caused by, 36: 30.2, 24 Membres Computer printouts, ad rniGditi111 y, 9-12 Assurance, pulliiiques, 3: 8 Definition, legislalive statement or code, 36: 19; 53: 13-4,15; Ca regorieo, 3 7, 11-2 54: 9; 59: 19:63c 14-6, 1E, 2irb 6& 44-7 Divisions, 3: 7, 1.3-4, 15 Drafting, 52:: 53c 12-3. it% 59: 21.23; 61: 13, 17.8; 63! 31-2 Expalsion d'un membre, 3t 14 Experts, 54: 10-1 Hearsay, 54: 10,12, 13, t5 Organismiu a 31 7 Statistiq utz 3c 7, 10, 15 Insanity test, 4* 15 N.Cginciarion, =Ad-main Motion, 67: 5 Membres, 3: 6-7. 9. 10, 11-2 Procedure, 40: 12; 52: 9; 53: 16; 54: 14. 16; 59: 7. 18 Non-rnernbres. IC, 11.2 Provinces, reaction; 36: 27, 2,8 Reglcmcnis, 7--4,. 9, 12-4, 45-6 United States federal ruins of cvidence. comparison, 40: 7, 16 Structure administrative, 3: 8, 13-4, 15 Witneoses, calling and questioning, 54:11-2, 66; 50- t Voir auysi Bill 5 -34, 43 ;8, 9 Constitution Amendment Proclamation, 19E3,6ubje0I-metier 13.111S-12 Aboriginal peoples Canadian Association of Marine Pilots Canadian Association of Mesieri and Chief Engineers Consensus, 69: 23:71: 231 73: 17 Marine marchande Definition, 49: 33; 70; 20-1, 51-3. 5-6-8, 60.1, 67, 84.5, 89-91 Inuit, 70; 92.97 Land claims, 69:470; 27.32. 34, 72-3 cirilde de is Marine Marehande du Canada, Lai corsciraaas Rights, 69; 40, 45-7.68; 705 11-5, 20.1, 24, 26 62; 71: 23, 31 Yoee Self-government, 70c 69.77 -8 Bill 5 -12 Motions, 69; 6.7,9, 50; 76: 3.13 Procedure, 69: 28.9.59; 7111c 36, 52, 95 Guthrie, M. Derek, membre du Comite de droll, de le stickier et is la Ratification, 69; 32-3; 71:k 47 teeiraniegie, Amine-in/ion du Barreau canadiea Study, procedure, 69: 10-3 Bill S-33 "Proposals to correct.- Revised Statutes of Canada, 1970, and other Disuuslion, 464450 Acts, - -", 6: 5- 6, 8.10 Expose, 66; 41.4 "Subject-matter of Gauss of BilLr., where such clauses may ... infringe upon the rights and freedoms guaranteed by the Canadian Charter of Rights and FreetlomA", examination by a Haidass, limsa.rable Sianley, sertateur {Toronto-Parkdaile) Parliamentary Committee, discussion. 76: 14-23 Bill S-32, 37; 21, 22 81315.33, 44: 1.0, 17 Bill 5-35.56; 7.8, 9 Proclamation do 1923 modifiant la Constitution, tencur. 49: 79-52;, GOlderlberg, HOP. H. CVI. SenatorItigau.d), Committee Chairman 70: 96-8; 164 23 ..,qui peuveni..,porter (Issues #1-25) Teneur des articles des projeta dc loi. Bill C-34, 9: 10. 20, 22 aiteinie am droits ct libertiti garantio par is Charts cnnadienne parlememaire dis- Procedure, 9: 6, 7.8, 9,16.2.1, 32 des droiis el libertiis, examen par on cussion, 76: 15, 21, 23 Bill CA 5, procedure, 1 6. 11 Bill C61 British Columbiagovernment,cogs, 217 25. 28 Hareie.M- Menie, lee-presidents John Howard Society of Oita - Coming into force. transit ion period, 20 :21 eta Invitations to provincial governments to testify, responses, 17: 8-9; Rill S-17 19:5, 6,20; 20: 5; 22:6 Dnicosonin, 42: 7, 14-9, 21, 22, 24, 27-13 New Brunswick government, brief, 19: 5, 10, 13, 20 Expos& 42:7-9, 10-3

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Ge Idenberg, Hon. Ef. Carl, Senator (Bigswii), Committee Chairman Hastings, honorable Earl A., s6ligiteur (Patilser-Filothillal q$511}ER -CO:UV Bill C- 141.511 24, 27 Bill C-451-Con.rd Bill 5-32 Procedure, 17:5, 8,14, 16, 18, 31; L9:5, 10,11, 12, 13, 14, 18, 19, Amendetnents proposiis par le sollieiteur general, recesabilite, 20, 21: 20: 5, 10, 15, 22, 24; 21: 5, 13, 23, 24, 27, 29; 22: 6. 14, rappel au Reglement, 58: 6-7, 10; 60: 8, 9-10, 19-21, 29.33 19, 21, 2.2-3 Motions, 42:4, 6; 46; 4, 10; 47; 5, 7 Program, admirastratkin, cast-sharing, 9,13 Panic:niers, 37: 29; 44: 10, 17, 24-5, 28-9. 31-2; 46: 34-5 Study. procedure, 19: 20 Proo13ure, 37:20, 26, 50; 42; 7; 45; 30; 46: 5; 57: 5; 60: 34 Viking Houses, biief, 19: 19, 20 Surveillance obligstoire Bill C-201, subject -matter, 26: 31-2, 36, 42 Commission natio:tale des liberations conditionnelles, pouvolrs, Bill 5-8. procedure, 1: 6, 7,9, 10, 11 46: 15 Bill 5-19 Declaration faite en 1971, reference, 45:6-7. 14, 24 Bonk, assets of foreign central, 11: IS Deten us Definitions Admissibiiite, 45: 27 "Commercial activity", 11: 15; 12; 11 Aasistnnce postp6nalc, services, 44: 21-2 "Property", 124 17, 1$ Attitude., 35: 8, 20; 46; 22 Extension of judgement, 11; 16 Crimes avec violence et homicides. 35: 22; 42: 23-4; 45: 40-1; Immunities and privileges, extension or restriction. 11: 20.1.; 481 30.2-; 57: 15-6, 24 12:24, 25, 27 MEI:rine:Asclanggrour on dangereux, Parking tickets, 10: 25 pcitentiellement 35.: 5-7; 44: 14-5, 25-6; 45: 16, 20, 25-7, 31, 41-3; 46: 13, Procedure, 111: 5, 10, 17, 24, 25; H: 5, 9,12, 15, 16, 18, 20, 21 -2; 16-8; 47: 10, 13-5; 57: 10,12,15-7, 24.6; 511:.11, 13; 12: 5, 8.10. 14-5, 17, 20, 22-7, 29; 13:6-7, 9, 10 60: 20 Bill S-24 Delinquents smack 45; 7, 25, 41-3 Committee, role, 23; 7, 8,9., 24: 18 Ernp1oi, 44: 22; 45; 14 Constitution Act, 1867, Section 53, 23:6 Inca reeratiou, effet. 45: 25-6: 47: 15; 48: 25, 29, 31; 57: 25 Dual nature, tax alleviation and taxation measure, 23; 5-6 Infractions allies achivement sans rivueation, 35: 8; 474 28; Flynn, Honourable Senator, position on, reported, 23: 8.9.10 48: 32 Justice Department. legal opinions, 21 9; 24: [6, 17 Mises en liberte, 354 24; 42: 26, 25; 45: 40 Procedure, 23: 5, 8,10, 11;24; 6, 7.5, I I, 15, 16, 19, 20 Provinces, prisons, comparaison, 45: 47-8 Purpose, 23: 5; 24: 8 Reduction de peine, 32: 8-9, 17-8. 26; 35: 13-4, 25, 29.30; Report to Senate, 23: 8,9; 24i 15, 17, 19, 20 37: 29-30; 42: 9,19.22; 44:15. 22; 45: 14-6, 49-50; Senate adoption of similar bills, 23: 6-7; 24; 3, 10 46: 32-1.; 48: 15-7, 28-30 Bill 5-26, 16; 7, 13 Sap -ensign iTnniodialv, 35: 5-7; 44: 25; 45: 26; 57: 10. Procedure, 16: 6, 7,8, 9,10, 12, 14, 16, 17 15.7, 24-6; 60: 20 Bill 5-27, 1134 7 Lik*ration contlitionaelle, comparalson, 35: Procedure, 1& 6, 7.9 19, 25; 37: 13; 42: 26; 484 30-1; 57: 15.6, 24 Resignation as Committee Chairman, 26: 7, 8-9 Public, perception, 42: 23-5 Rapport Goldenberg, 32:IS; 35: 7-8,IT; 37: 10 -]; 45: 41; Goldenberg Report 47: 13-4 See R echerches, etudes, 40: 30.1; 48: 33 Parole in Cauoda. Report of the Standing Senate Committee on Ritsnliats, evaluations, 35: 7-8, 26, 24-5; 37: 30, 42: 24.3, 28.9« legal and Constitutional Affairs 45: 13-4, 24-6, 41-3, 46; 46; 13; 47: 26: 48: 14 Revocation Mise on liberlc aprta Is rovocn Lion, 47: 211, 22 Cordon, Mark, Representative, Inuit Cnianniftee ow National Issues Nines, determination, effet, 47: 18; 58:15 ConstitutionAmendmentFtrociamation,1983,subject-matter, Plienornene de la ports tournanteo, 48: 15.7 70; 91-2, 94, 98-9 Procedure., 35: 11-2 Statistitmes, 35: 8-9,12,17; 42; 28.9.; 46; 9.10: 48: 32; 57: 15-6, 24 Cornell, James, Chief,President, Nisbet Tribal Council New Surveillance, 35: 26-8; 37: 13-4:42:25; 44; 18-9; 48: 28, 33 Aiyansh, British Colundria) Suspension, 35; 12.4 Constitution Amendment Proclamation, 1983, subject-matter Syndicat des erupfoyes du solficliear general, position, 44: 7. 18, Discussion. 73: 7, 8,18, 20 25 Steiement, 73c 8

!Imam R. c. (4197911 R.C.S. 984), 154 7, 8-9 Gnry P., Chairman, Constitutional Committee of the Nattee Council of Canada Henderson, M. Cordon F., e.r., Gowliag anIlendersoa; corn ConstitutionAmendmentProclamation, 1983,subject-matter. seiner jarldique, Assecialion eanadiesse des palementa 70:47-9, 51-5, 57-61 Bill 5.33 Discussion, 65: 15-30 Gowernement de la Ripmblipe abwocruplque du Collo y. Vezina. Expose 65: 6-13 (11971,15,(:'.L. 997), 11; 11. 13, 19; 12: 13-4 Hicks, honorabk Henry I)., eeanteur (The Annapolis Viiltey) Bull C -127, tencur, 27: 19, 29, 51 Government Companies Operation Ate Bill S-31, Lafleur, 28:. 7-8, 22.3« 29i 31: 23; 33:. 14-5, 19, 46; 34: 6. Amendment proposed: carried, 7: 34-5 17, 33-4

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Government Employees Compensation Art Flicks, honorable Henry D., senator (The Annapolis Valley) --Sole Anicnilinent proposed; carried, 6111: 7: 35 Bill S-32, 32; 8, 19-20, 21, 23, 26

Graham, R v.(11974)S.C.R.2e6),59A; 26-7; 66A: 9; 68A: 69 Higginholbani, M. Glenn, president, Croupe&etudeSW' la peewee, Association deb hanquiersennadiens Bill S-33, 55: 25. 26 Grand Council of the Cr ees (of Quebec) Assembly of First Nations, involvement with, /t. 12-3, 17 Background information, 72:9 ffobtriase. La Reine(11982] 1 R.C.S. 553), 63: 24; 65A: 69-70; Coast/WOOD Amendment Proclamation,1983, adoption recom- 6SA: 423 mended, 72: 9, 12, 16, 24 Constitutional Accord, 1983, comments, 77..: 9-12, 13 -4,16 Hodge, ,4ffoire((1838), 2 Lewin 227, 168 F.R. 1136), 65k 57: James Bay and Northern Quebec Agreement, 72: 9. 10-1, 13-5, 66: 26-7 19-25 Self-government, definition, interpretation. 72t 25.6 Holden, R, c. ((1962), 39 C.R. 228), 41: 15-6, 20

Grand (Tbe) Lodge of the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks of HeilkeS, M. James, consenter do pitithwieaire. Easter.Diveriifitd the DO1WW011. of Ca nada See Company Bill 8-22 Elks of the Dominion of Canada, The Grand Lodge of the Discussion, 11: i3 Benevolent and Protective Order of Expose, 143 11-2

Grand (The) Lodge of the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks of Hopkins,M. Mark, Associatioa des germ's et administrateura. !er- the DOWilifmof Canada, Ad to amend the Act of ineorporatinn nes des documents See Bill S.27 Bill 5-33,67:12-4, 17

I-Aneroid o. Refine([1479] 2 R.C.S, 376), 54A: 6; 59: 14, 59A: I7; Grated River Navigation Company 65A:67-81 66: 17; 68A: 299, 307, 423 Scandal, 2 4 11, 15, 19 House, M. Fred, president. Association des (Weds LOWS Biel de In Graven*, Pierre, Deputy-Secretary to the Cabinet (Federal-Provincial Colombie-Brita aniline, Conseil national des Meth Relations) Proclamation de 1983 modifiant la Constitution, teneur Constitution Amendment Proclamation,1983, subject-matter Discussion. Ilk 67.70, 74, 78.80, 84-6 Dtscusaion. 69: 18-28 Expose, 70: 62-7 Statement, 69; 14-8 Hughes, M. Dan, president, Citizens United for Safety and Justice Green Paper on Pension Reform Bill 5-32, 439-40, 42-6, 49, See BetterPensions for ,Deportment of National Health and Welfare Hughes, M. Samuel F., president, Clearance de commerce do Canada Bill S-31, teneur Discussion, 33: 54-62 Greenspan, V.dwurd L, Advocate.' Society F-',xpost, 33: 47-53 Bill 5-33 Discussion, 62:. 17-32 Hunter, Statement, 62: 12-7 S, Lawson, bons-ministre adjoin', Korean de la polltlaue de concurrence et directeur des agitates et retberelam, ComosiMfi- Uniform L aw Conference, 1981 meeting, Whitehorse-. presence at, ikon et Corporations Canada 36: 13; 49; 22; 54: l4: 62: 13-5, 23 Bill 5-31, 28: 24

Guthrie, Derek. Member of the Law, Science and Technology Com- Hutchins. M. Peter, conseiner juridkue, Grand Conseil des Cris (du mittee, Canadian Bar Association Bill 8-33 Qukhee) Proclamation de 1983 midi flant hi Constitution. teneur, 72:14-5.2.2 Discus:sion. 66: 50 Statement, 66: 41-4 10DE, CIrspitre national du Canada Voir Haldasa, Hon. Stanley, Senator (Taranto-Parkidalle) ImperialOrder of the Daughters °Irk Empire, Chapitre national Bill S-32, 37: 21, 22 du Canada Bill 8-33, 40: 10, 17 Bill S-35.564 7-0, 9 ConstitutionAmendment Proclamation. 1983,subjectmatter, lbnwklxn c, Le Rei (11914] A.C. 599), S4A: 63; 23; 65A; 67-8; 66; 16; 69: 79-82; 70: 96-8: 76; 23 68A: 295-6, 298, 303, 423 Subject-matter of clatters of Bills where such clauses may infringe upon the rights and freedoms guaranteed bythe Immigration. Lai de 1976 Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms", examination by a A mcndement propose, 7: 60 Parliamentary Committee, discussion, 76: 13, 21, 23 Ameodemen16proposes; adoptes, 7: 35-9


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Harris, Monte, Q.C., Wee- President' 3olm Howard Society of lemma:ire des fists, Loi Ontario Voir Bill S-32 BillS-19 Discussion, 42u 7. 14-9, 21, 2Z, 24, 27-9 Statement, 42; 7-9, 10-3 rukrouniii des hats etrangers Accords imernatinnaux Hastings, Hoe, Earl A., Senator {Palliser-Foothillo Convenikm de Vienne stir les rotations consulairea, 10; 7, 10-1: Etill C.141, Si: 24, 27 10;12 S-.32 Convention de Vienne on les relations diplemstaques, 104 7, 10-1; ArnCTIC1Mnb proposed by Solicitor General, admissibility, point ii: 6, 7.8.12..20 of order, 584 6.7, f0; fit 8,9 -10, 19-21.29-33 Ambassadeur, 11: 20; IL 2.0-1 Mandatory supervision Barque centrale. &rang rc, bins, 10: 12-20; 11: 10, 17.3, 20; M 59. Goldenberg Report. 32;15; 35: 7-8,17; 37;10-1; 45; 41; 22-3; 1345,6-7 47: 13.4 Baux, pates econantiques, obligadons eiviles, IC 11-2, 14, 16-7; Inmates 11; 6, 8-9, 19; IL 13, 17 -8; 13: 7-3 After-care agenuios, 44: 21-2 Blen.s Aikitode, I5:8, 20; 464 22 Dormnago, 10: 1 k-2, 14, 16.12: 11-2. Crimes of iholence and htwnicides, 35; 22; 42; 23-4; 45: 40.1; Insaisissa Wes et exceptions, 10: 14, 15; 11: 6, 9-11.15-6. 19 12:6, 411; 301:57: 15-6. 24 7,11, 17, 20-2; 13:5, 5,7-8 Dangerous OFpotentially dangerous offenders, 35,5-7; Etat etranger, reconnaissance, 104 17; if; 7: II2; 15-7 44: 14-5, 25-6; 45 16, 20, 25.7, IL 41-3; 46: 13, I6.13; Farallon de jngement centre Etai &ranger 411 10, 13.5; 57: 10, 12, L5.7, 24-6; 58: I i,3; 68; 20 Amplification de jogement, 1r4 16 Eligibility, 45: 27 Banque, !alma, 10; 18-20; 11: 10, 17-8. 20, 124 5. 22-3; 13: 5, 6-7 Employment, 44: 22; 45: 14 Dim insaisis5pliks ct exceptions, EC 14, 15; 1111 5, 9-11, 15-6. 19; Gating, 35; 5-7; 44; 25; 454 26: 57; 10, 12. 15-7, 24-6; 58:I I, 12: 6, 7,11, 17, 20-2: 13.; 5, 6,7-8 13; 60: 20 Reciprocito, il; 16; 12; 2 t Incarceration, effect on. 4$: 25-6; 47; 15; 48., 25, 29, 31; Extraterthorialite, 12; 19 57: 25 Coovernerneut de fa.RE'pablique demorraticitie Congo c. Venue Offences after sin:cessful completing, 35; /k.; 42; 28; 48: 32 (119711 R.C.S. 907),11; El, 13,19; IL13-4 PrOVineeS, rrriScl.n6, COmparison, 45c 474 FILsioritoit, 10:5.6, 7 Release.", 354 24; 42: 26, 28; 45:40 Ittimunite absolne, 10; 5.6, 9 Remissive, 32). 8-9, 17-8. 26; 354 13-4. 25. 29.30; 37; 29-30; Immuoire des 6EALS, Irmfikinit6 dipl.ontatique et eonsulaire, distinv- 42:9,]922; 44:15. 22; 45:14-6, 49-50 k 46: 32-1; Cion enire, 10: 11 48:15-7, 28-30 ITTInitinEL6 restreinte, legislation Sex offenders. 454 7. 25, 41.3 Asie, Afrique, Arnetique latine, IStals, 10: 23 N [loll al Parole Board, powers, 11: 15 Conseil de IrEurope, lie 6, 10, 18. 2.3 P.RPOIC, L-ompanwn, 35:19,25; 37:13; 42: 26; 48: 30-1; Etois-U n is, IC 6,7,9 -10,18, 23 57: 15.6,24 RoyanmeUni, Its 6, 7,9-10, 18, 20, 23 Public pers=ption, 42: 23-5 Inierpro.tarion Researeh, siudies. 40: 30.1; 48:: 1) Cour supreme. do Canada. 11: 5, 13-4 Results, evaluation. 35. 7-8, 16, 24.5; 37: 30; 42: 24.5, 23-9; Quebec, 11:5, 12. 151 23C 7 45: 13-4, 24-6, 41.3, 46; 46: 13; 47: 26; 48.; 14 Jugernent par defect, 11:7; 121r 15-7; 13:8 ItEvoadiera Orgenisme d'un Etat eh-anger, 10: 13, IS; 11: 6, 7,15;12: 6, 14; Procedure.231I 1-2 13: 5, 6 Release postremcation, 47; 20, 22 Reclama Liens oanadleorkes eontre Etats etrangers, ICS 899, 12-3, 14, -Revolving door syndrome', 48: 15.7 15-7,20. 1, 23; 11: 16; 1.24 7. 20; 11 7-8 Senieneing, effect oft, 47: 15;5& iS Reanneiatigns 3 l'irMiGissabiliti, 10: 21-2; 11; 17 Statistics, 35) 8-0, 12, 17; 42: 28-9; 46: 9.10; 411: 32: 57: 15.6, Royal Sank W. Canada c, Corriucau er al ((1921), O.R. (2d.) 653), 24 13:7.8 Statement made in L971, reference to, 4546 -7, 14, 24 Trendlex Trading Corral-0km Lfel.v.Cenrrai Bank. 01 Plivria Supervision, 35; 26-2; 37: 13-4; 42; 25; 44: 18-9; 10: 22, 31 (11976] 3 All 8P. 437, 119771IAll ER 881), 10; 18. 20; 11: 6, Suspension, 15: 12 -4 7,10 Union of solicitor General Employees, position. 44t 7, 18, 25 aeissi ldetions, 42;4, 6; 46:4, 10; 47: 5, 7 Affkkirn exterieums Canada Penitentiaries, 37; 29; 44:: 10, 17, 24-5, 28-9, 31-2; 46: 34-5 Dill S.19 Procedure, 37; 20, 26, 30; 42: 7; 4$: 30.46: 5; 57: 5; 60: .34 Nations unies Satellites. dommagcs causes par lieurree. R e. 0E979] I S.C.R. 084), 15: 7, 31-4

Imperial Onier or the Daughters of the Empire. Chapitre notional is Henderson, Gordon F., 0.C., Q.C., !Cowling Anil Henderson; CINIRSeL Canada Cs EadiRn Pay MEWLS Amecintio* Bill C-201 Fete do Dominion. recommendation, 26; 60.71, 72-3 El4c:us.,sion 65: 15 -3(1 Mernoire, 26; 63, 69 S La Lament, 65; 6-15 information de base. 26: 67-2

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her Majesty hr right of Meru CTC 0197Si 1 S.C.R. 61),15:14 ImplIt sur le reverts., Lei Amendement propose: ado*, 7: 39-40 Hicks, Hon. Henry D., Senator (The Annapolis Valley) Bill C-127, subject-matter. 27: 19, 29, 51 lademnfaalion des eraployM de 11114 Lni Bill S.31, subject-matter, 28: 7.8, 22-3; 29; 7; 31: 23; 33: 14-5, 19, A mendement propose; adopt*, ic 11; 7: 35 46; 34: 6, 17, 33.4 Bill S-32. 32:8, 19-20, 21,23, 26 Indices Voir IFigginbothsues, Glens, Chairman, Task Force on Evidence, Canadian: Autocht ones Bankers' Association Bill S33, 55:25.26 Ind fens, I.oi Amersdement propcne; adopte, 7: 41 Amenclernent propose. Omit des bandes indien nos >i !'arbitrage. Hobbema Tribal Council 2: 18,20 Assembly of First Nations, member, 74: 16 Art. 2 - Definitions, 70: 56 Charter of Rights and Freedoms, effect, interpretation, 74: 14, Art.4 (1) - Application de la loi, 71: 31- 18-20 12 (1)b) Personnel n'ayant pasdroit arinscrio600-. Constitution Amendment Proclamation,1983. adoption recom- Art- 69: 26-7, 45-7, 85; 69A: 2-3. 5; 70: 9, 18, 2.0- I,44; 70A: 4; 71:31: mended, 74: 16 72: 24-6; 73A: 1,74: 15; 75A: 5; 76: 9: 76A: 1-2, 4, 7 ConstitutionalAccord.1983.recommendations,amendments. Art15 - pmements mix personnel qui cessent Care membres, 74: 8-16, 20,21-2 76A: 18 Self-government. definition, interpretation, 74: 12-3 Art. 16 - Transfer: de fonds, 76A: it Art. 81. Lois provinciales d'ordre general applicables aux Indiens, Hohbiaa r. The Queer (119821 1 S.C.R. 5531, 63: 24; 65AI 30: 68A: 213 71: 8; 71A1 9 Articles 12 as 16 (Lai de 1906), 75A: 16 -7 Hedges COAT (1838). 2 Lewln 227, la E.R. 1136), 65At 181 Modifications, 69:76.82 -3; 7111 45 66; 267 Indiens de Fort Nelson:1mnd* Bolden, R. r. ( (1962), 39 C.R. 228), 41: 15-6, 20 Accord Date de signature, 2: 7 Di sc usFriart I Iulidays Act, Act to amend Art, 6 (6) - Maniant du paicanent, 2: 9 See Art. B - Livres el etats de compte, 2: 16, 18 Bill C-37 Arc 12 - Arbitrage, 2: 15 BillC-201 Art. 18 - Modifications, 2: 7 A nnexc A - Resolution de Cop5ei I de Be ride, 2: 14 HUINICS IUMEN Cnuosei for the Petitioner, Eastern Diversified Om,- Annexe B -Ado de cession, 2: 9 pany Ltd, Droit rbi trage, 2: 10-1, 13, 14-5, 17-8 Bill S-22 Droits minters et reverms miniers, 6-7, 'CI,10, 11, 20 Discussion, 14: 13 Voir utast Statement, lit 11-2 Bill C-26 Fraternite INA t lonate des Indians du Canada Hopkins, Mark, Association of Records Managers and Administra- tors Inflation at i'lmposition du revenu personnel de placements. Comite 131115-33, 67: 12-4, 17 consultatif (Leslie), 31: 7

Horvath v, The Orem (119791 2 S.C.R. 376), 54A: 6; 59; 14; 59A: 17; Infractions sexueltes 65At 28-9166: 17; 68A: 80, 89, 213 Agressionsexudte Accusations et peints House, Fred, President, Louis Rid PrIetis Association, of British Accusations nun justilleca, 27: 30-1 Columbia, Meet's National Council Agression, aimparaison, 25: ti-a, 26, 30.1, 32.3, 40 -2; 27: 8, Constitution Amendment Proclamation. 3983, subject -matter 14.5 Discussion, 70: 67-70, 74, 78-80, 84-6 Agression sesuelle, 25c 16, 17, 32-3, 36.7, 40.2; 27: 8 17, 25-6, Statement, 70: 62-7 41 Agression sexuetle armee, menaces., 25: 16,17. 36-7, 40-I, 43-4; 27; 16-7 House of CalikiiOlki Agression scuttle grave. 25: 16.7, 29 -30, 36-8, 411-1: 27: 24, Supply bilk, procedure, 24: 14, 15 36, 39 Apergo, 25: 16, 36-7 Hughes, Dan, atairrnan, Citizens United for Safety and Justice Emprisonnernent a perpetuite nomme peinc maximak. 25:16-7, Bill S32, 45: 39-40. 42-6.49, 50 40.1 Immunite du conjoint, elimination, 25144; 27; 8, 14-6 Hughes, Samuel F. President, Canadian Chamber of Commerce Meurtre, 25: 37-8; 27:39.40, 51-2 Bill 5-31, subject-matter A uto-defense. 27: 26-7 Discussion. 33: 54-62 Complicit& plusieurs agressenrs, 25: 17, 43.4

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Hughes, Samuel 1?.. President, Canadian Chamberof Cortitorrte- 11162.010118 SeXtlielitS--SVite Cont'd Agression sex uelte-Sider Bill S-31, subject-matter-Cosord DeBnition5 1STP7, 32-3. 41..2; 27: 30, 38.9 Statement, 33 47-53 Historispc dot crimincl, 25 15-6, 19-20, 38-40 Jelantx personnel. 25: 26.7; rt 18-20, 40.1 Human rights Pornographic, inflooner, 27: 9-10 Pretibe et proces Age of regiment, 51: 21.2, 23-4 Consentemen P, 25; 35-6, 41; 27: 18-20, 32 -3. 37.8.40-1 D isabled persons, 31: 8, 9.11, 25-6 Corroboration, 25: 19; 27 8, 17-8 WO/MILSi: 8-9 Cri3yance bonnets rloant auulpseallenleal, 25: 22-5; 27: 8-101, See also 12-6, 21-4, 26-8, 42, 46-7 Bill C.141 Dectoration sommairt do cuipobilite ern mine to accusation, 25: 36; 27; 16-7. 25-6. 29.30, 34, 41-2, 43-4, 48-9, 51 pEfense, ruoyens, 27: 31-2, 36 -S Homan Bights Ad..., Actto amend the Canadian FThriete coname defense, indis pen ibi hie, 25: 29-30, 31 See Poignant E]0 C-14I Comporiemeut sem, el rime:km:, 25: 18-9, 21-2. 44; 27: 8, 1 12,47 -8, 49.51; 361 28; 59A: 4, 7 Hunter, Lawson, Assistant Depnly Minister, allatellit of Competition Definition, 25: 3-4-5 Polity!, and Director of Investigation and Reseal.* Consumer and it 6pucation, 25: 19, 27- 8.44 -5 Corporate Affairs Canada Pointe spontanec, 25; 19-20, 18-9.40; n 1 1, 17. 18 B ill S-31, l/k 24 Statistiques, 25: 39, 27: 11-2. 20, 21. 23, 26-4 Vick:ants, traitement par les autorii6s, 25; 18.40; 11 2, 20, 21, Hutchins, Peter, I-egai Counsel, Grand Collodi of the Crew (of Que- 23.5, 2-6-7 Iste) Violence, aspect, 25: 15, 16, 17: 27:7-8, 12. 25-6, 32-3, 37 -5 AttvilLat a 1n Fideur, 25;. 26, 27: 38 ConstitutionAmendment PreclamaLion,1981, aubject-matter, 72; 14-5. 22 Distinctionen i re lee sexes,suppression,25: 23, 33, 40; 17:11, 31 Proxnesisme, 25: 114 Voir miss!' ICNI Bill C -53 S te Bill C.127 Inuit Comm i Lice un Naciona 1 Issues Femmes bounds

/ODE Notional Chapter of Canada In:id iot canto:lien des enmptairles xgriks See Loicur laSnefert canadieone si'hypotheques it de logcrnernt, nomi- Irrtrg.rial Order of the Daughters of the Empire National Chapter nation (111 vertficateu 23; 7: 17. 19 of Canada Instilut conodien national des avengles Ibrahim 1, The King (1119141 A.C. 5995. 5442 6: 61 23; 65A: 28-9: Lai cur Leth-uil tivre6c,ras, 7: 12, [1 66: 16: 641A3 76-7, 791, 84, 212-3

biSlitille or Lair Rewire" and Reform, Eirrontori, 36: 13;51; 13, 17; Irrrogrnririn Arr, 1976 61: 6 Amendment proposod, 7; 60 A =rale:rents proposed, corned, 35 - interpretation, Lai Art. 16 - Sauf duns Pa mesure dtclarae, Sa MajeS16 Weal- ni Hee ni Immunityofftareign states vlsiz. 15;6, 5,9, 1B Absolute immunity, 10: 5.6, 9 Agency of foreign slate, 16; 13, 15; Ii; 6, 7,15; 12; 6. 14;11 5, 6 lnvolides it hehandicalwes. Comlie special de I{- hombre des comma - Ambassador, 11: 20; 12: 20-1 tics Bard:, assets of foreign central, W 18-20;11r 105 17-8, 20; 12: 5, Rapport recommandations, 51: 8, 9-10 22-3; 111; 5, n-7 Canadian claims against fbred.ilstates5 167. 8-9, 12 -3. 14. 15-7. 20.1, 21; 11:16: 127 75 203 IX 7-8 Jefferson, More Christie, dirterititr adviirkisiratil, Association D efault judgement,1L7;12: 15.7; 8 dlenue des sneiksigs limPbeth Fry E xecutionor judgementagainstforeignstate Bill S-32 Bank, assets, 10: 15 -20; II: 113, [7.8, 20; 12: 5, 22-3; 13: 5. 6-7 Diaau5ion, 39; 9-22 Extension of inergertem, I It 16 Expost, 34: 5-9 Proprrty, immunity from attachment and exceptions, 101 14, 15; 11: 5.9-11, 15-6, 19; 122 6, 7,115 17, 20-2; 11: 5, 6,7-8 ir.unas matrerensetc Reci pocky, 11! 16; 12; 21 A Extraterrikiriality, 12: 19 Age maximal de cam-Fi Lisde 15 Inai. Foreign sloth, recognition, IA 17; 11: 7; 12: 15-7 Critique, 17: 7, 10,, 11-2; 19: 5; 20: 0, 7,8-10. 11-2, 14, 15, 21; Couverneerient de M Republique aimaerinique doe Congo v. Verona 21:7, 8,9, 15, 19, 20,21. 27-8; 22: 18-9 ([197f) &CR, 997), 11:11. 13, 19: 122 13-4 Definition, 17:6-7,10.1,18-9 1nternatincial agregments Entree Cn vigneur, 17:24.5; 1% 6, 14;1131; 21: 19; 22; 11-2, Vienna Convention on Consular Relatioas, /ft 7, 10-i; I I:I2 15.7

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Immunity of foreign states-Cartt'd Jelgees contrevenants-Suite International agreements-Cued Ass -Suite Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations, 10: 7, 10-1; 11: 6, Atc maximal de ameins de 18 ansv-Sulte 7,8.12, 20 Raisons pour le choir de "moms de 18 arm, 171 7. 12; 19: 10, Interpretation 14,20: 12; 21; 7; 22: 12 Quebec, 11; 5, 12, 1.5; 13: 7 Uniformite, raison pour, 17: 7,12, 25; 19t 6, 10, 14; 20: 11; , 11: 5,13 -4 21: 7, 15, 20; 22: 12, 16-7 Leases, economic loss, civil obligations, 101 11-2, 14, 16-7; 11:6, 8-9, Enfants de moms de 12 ens, 17: 24, 25-6; 19; 7-8,10; 29: 18; 19; 12; 13, 17-8 ;113:7-8 21:9, 22-3; 224 12 Property Limites actualles, differences provinciales. 17: 7,19; 20; 11; Damage to. 10: 11-2, 1.4, 16; 12:11-2 21: 27.8 Immunity from attachment and exceptions, 10: 14, 15, 11; 5, 9- Maturite 171 7, 22, 23 11, 15-6, 19; 12:6, 7,11, 17, 20-2; 13:5, 6,7.8 Conduits, responsabilite, 17: 5, 9,10, 16, 22, 26; 19: 15; 16; 20: 10, Restrictive immunity legislation 12-1; 21:6, 10 Asia, Africa, Latin America, countries in, 101 23 Decisions, nivcau de rigueur, 17; 22-3; 20: 8-9, 14, 20-1; 21: 15.6 Council of Europe, 10:6, 10, 18, 2.3 Dossiers United Kingdom. 10: 6, 7,9-10, 18, 20, 23 Conseils soolaires, 191 10-2 United Stales, 10; 6, 7,9-10, 18, 23 Creation, 17; 16 -7, 18 Royal Bank of Canada v. Corriveau et at ( (1981), 30 aR. (2d.) Destruction, 17: 6. 16, 17, 18., 24; 19: 10-2; 2I; 12, 14-5, 19, 24-5, 653), 13: 7-8 27 Slate immunity, diplomatic and consular immunity, distinction Empreintes digitales, 17:6, 16-1e, 23-4; 21: 24, 25 between, It 11 Utilisation, awes, 17: 6; 19: 17 Treneltem Trotting Cortioration Lid, v. Central Bank of Nigeria Droi is ([1976] 3 Al) ER 437, [1977], I All ER 880, 10: 13, 20; 11: 6, Aperca, 17: 6, 10; 20: 6 7,10 Drolit tux services d'u.n avocat 17: 26-8; Kt 8; 21; 9-10, [9, 23, Waivers of immunity, I& 21-2; 11: 17 27; 22: 6-7 See also Garde Bill S-I9 Detention ii l'ecart des adultes, 19: 14-5; 20: 15, 20, 23 External Affairs Canada Facilites, 19: 7, 8-9, 15; NI 7,8,15, 18-20, 21, 23; 22: 14-5, 17 Satellites, damages caused by Milieu ()overt cm milieu rem& 17: 29;Irk 18; 20; 6, 15-6; United Nations 21: 11-2, 24, 27, 29; 22: 7-$ Separation par 6gc, 17: I I, 13; 20: 7, 14, 15, 19, 20; 21: 8, 21 Transfert dans une institution pour adultes, 17: (3; 19: 14.5 imperial Conferences. 26: 19, 11. 6L 66, 71 Tribunal pour adolescents, retie, 17: 29; I% 18-9; 21; 10,I I, 29; 22; 7 -S Imperial Order of the Daughters of the Empire National Maple! of Infractions Canada Infraetions dc situation'', 17; O. 25; 21: 6 Background information, 26n 67.8 Provinces., lois, 22: 22 Bill C-201 Statist-isms, 17: 22, 23, 25; 20: 8, 22-3; 21: 15.8, 23. 24. 26; Brief, 26: 613., 69 12: 19.21, 22 Dominion Day, recommendation. 26: 69.71, 72-3 Stuptflants, 21: 25.6 Mesure legislative Consultation federale-provincials, 17: 7, 8,12; 19A, 1; 20; 6, 7,9, Income Tax Act 21; 21; 7, 19, 27-8 A mendtrient proposed; carried. 7: 39-40 Ertl& en viguear, 17: 24-5; 19: 6, 9.14; 20 10, 21; 21;19; 22: 11.2, 15-7, 18 Income tax (No,. 2), Act to amend the statute law relating to Infractions centre les lois provineiales, 22; 22 Amendment proposed: carried, 7: 53 Juridiction, pouvoirs federaux et provinciauz. 19: 1$, 17; 21; 9, 12, 24-5; 22: 12-3, 21 Retroactivite, 17: 19.20 Indian Act Matins de rechange, dejudiciarisation, 19: 14, 15, 17: 21: 9; 22: 13 Amendment proposed; curried, 7:41 Mise en fiber:6, preeedu re, 19: 18-9 Amendment proposed. right of Indian bands to arbitration, 2: 113, 20 Parents, ,11.11thtillA, 171 9 -10, 15 Revisions, 69:76, 82-3; 70:45 Preuve. reetvabilite, 21: 9-10, 19 Section 2 - Definitions, 70: 56 Programme, administration Section 4 11) - Application of Act, 71: 31 -2 Aide jnridique, systeme, 17: 27; 19: 8; 21: 24; 22:7 Section 12 (1) (b) - Persons not entitled to be registered, 69: 26-7, 9:unites de justice pour Is jeunesse, 22:8-9 45 -7.85; 69A.: 2-3, 5; 711: 9, 18, 20-1, 44; 70A:4; 71: 31; 72: 24-6; Economies conpensalrices dans Jr systeme pour athates, 17: 26; 73A: 1; 74: 15; 75A; 5; 76c 9; 76A: 1-2, 4, 7 20:8; 22: 10 Sections 1$ - Payments to persons ce,asing to be members, 76A: 18 Frais, portage Section 16 - Transfer of funds, 76A: I Gouvernement federal, position. 17: 20.1, 31; 19: 6-7, 8, 9,15; Section 88 - General provincial laws applicable to Indians. 71: 8; 22: 9-10, 14, 15, 17, 18 7IA:9 Gouvernernents provinciaua, positions, 19A: 2; 20: 9, 10, 13-4, Sections 12 to 16 (1906 Act), 76A: 16.7 15, 21, 23; 21: 12-3, 19-20 Frais pour porter des accusations decant un tribunal pour adoles- Indian and Norther& Affairs Casella cents, augmentation, 21: 23; 22: 10-1, 12 Role and responsibilities, 69: 21, 39-40, 83 -4; 70: 40, 45 Procedures judiciaires, retards, 17: 26-8

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fisdian Sell-Corernment, Busse of Commons Special Corappittee, eantrevonants-Suite 69: 82-3; 704 45, 59; 7SAT 5; 76: 10 Program me , od ministration-For Provinces. prucureurs gonermix, rale, 17: 29-31 Indian Wornen and the 'Indian At noose of Commons Sa-Cogiigh- Rappurts prkfectsionniets, 21: 23.4 Rehab) li Onion. 17: 30.1 ;19 15, 76; 21 13, 15 70.; 45, 58;76A: 6. 10. i I Ronvoi iila jurEdi0.-tian rtimunalement compitonto, 17: 22-3; 21: 8-9- 21-2. 26-7 Indians Socialk, protection contrecomporterncat illegal, 17: 5; 21:6, 7,22 Sire Viciimes, dregs civils, 17: 15-6; 19: 19 Aboriginal peoples hoer aussi BM C-6t Indians, Fort Nelson sEs jetitESbudir@vCREditS, Loi ranNelson Indian Band Vofr 4111 C.61 inflation and the Taxshos of Persooal Investment Income, Consults- give Committee (Ionic). 3I 7 knots 40inquants V616.- 1nelitutc of Law Research and Reform, Edmonton, 36: 12.3. 63; 13, Jou nos con treverianm 17;61:6 Je4auesditiaquaaN Loi laternstionoll DeFelopopent (F1ostscio1 Continuing Assiss- Bill C.61, comps raison Rice Act Apero, 17: 5-6, lia; 19:9, 10 See- Dootyloscopie, 6, 23-4 Bill C-130 Vagnboodage, 17: 25.6 Ilistoitigive, 17: 5;19: 15-6 Tritorpretation Act Section16 -- Her Majesty not bound or affected enicas stator!, jewetlt 141. m., disec lent, Section du drat INFORiitnlioancl et interna- 15: 6, 8.9, i0 Iluhal,misisfere de la Justice Bill S-19. 10: lid, 14-5, 18, 19, 20-1; 11: 12-3, 18-9, 20, 21; 9-11. Inuit IC:oininifitee on Not-t ! Issues (1C74/1) 2-4, 17-8, 21-2. 27; 13: 7, 9 Background information, 69; is: 70; 16, 95 Constitution Amendment Prods:nub:in, 1983 Joe, TO. Doe, nigocialeur en chef, Conseil tits Ind ions du Yukon Adoption recommebded,70; 87, 89 Proclamation do 1983 modifiant la Cbristitution, tensor Evaluation, 740: 88, 95-6 Discussion, 70: 20-34 Constitutional Accord, 1983, cummonts, 70:87 -9 E.x.posi., 70 17-9 , division, implications, 70; 9.64 :loin Howard Simko 4-if Canada Jefferson, Christie, Executive Director, Conairion Association of Eliz- l'ooction, 42.: 7., 14 abeth Fry Societies MD 5-32 .Tollo Harrani Society of Ontario Discussion, 39: 9.22 131118.32 S islenisen t, 39.: 5-9 piscussEon Article 5 (3), 42; 2.2 Evaluation, 42: 8, 10-4, 16:42A: 61-2, 67 Jewett. Director, ConatIttitional and International Law Section, Leettre au Cornite avec des statiatiouce MI Ja xurvcillatac>w obRga- DeparirCent of Justice Lgirc, 47A: 1-2,4 Sill 5 -19, 10; 10, 14-5, la, 19., 20-1; I12-3, 18-9, 20. 21; 124 9-I1. lvleinoi,c, 42A: 60-7 12-4, 17-8, 21-2, 27, 13: 7, 9 Recominands nuns., 421 la; 42A; 63-4. 67 1-listorialkus el. monde', 42; 7. J4; 42AT. 6 L Joe, Dove, Chief Negotiator. Council for Yukria Indians COOttitilliious Amendment Proclamation, 1983, so Imect-ma [ter Aura firiest Lai niodifnun.Loi#iahlis not Discussion, 70: 20-34 Voir Statement. 17-9 Bill Bill C-201 John Howard Society a Canada Function, 42, 7, 14 410304 'honorable Sono, Soerei alto d'Etat du Conan/ Bill 0.201, iconic

.11:4111Howard Society of Omsk Discussion, 26: 85-10/ Bill 8-32 Pxy-ise, 2643-5 Brief, 42A :26 -33 Discussion, Clause 5 (3), 42: 22 Juges Evaluation, 42; 3, 10-4, 16; 42A; 27-8, 33 9 Lcteer to Committee with statistics on mandatory supervision. Nombre, augmentation, 9: 8 47.A.1 1.3 Num inotions su prpLemento nos, 8

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John Howard Society et Outario--C'oned JugesSulte Bill S-32-ont'd Pensions Recommendations, 42: 13; 43A: 29-30, 33 Contributions,* 22 Historical back-ground and mandate, d2: 7, 14; d2A: 27 Double 1 ndem n1t6, 9: 15-6 Eligibility, 9:13 -8 Joint C'inutnittee of the Canadian Bar Association and the Bar of Obligatoires, 9: 9, 13. 19 Quebec Frestations et traltementt, Commission pour etudier, 9: 8-9, 18-9, Background information, 66: 7;458A1 4 21-2 Bill S-33 Survivants, pensions Brief, 66A: 1-20 Enfants, 9: 1 t -2 Definition, legislative statement or cod; implications, 66c 25-9. \feels, 9: 22 46.7; 66A:4. 5-8 Veuves, 9:9 -10, 11.2, 19 Drafting Traitements Application in Quebec, effect, 66: 21.4, 33, 34.5, 37-9. 47: Augmentation retroactive, 9: 7, 8 66A:3-4, 12-5, 18.20 Indexation, formule, 9: 8 Civil law and criminal law together, 66: 23, 38.9; 66A: 4 Nominations f6derales allXCORESproviaciales, 9: 10-1, 20-1 Consultation process, 66: 33, 34, 39, 40, 46; 66A; 1-2, 3.4,16 Traiternents et prcstetions, Cormnimion polar etUdiat, 9! 8-9, 18-9, Omissions, 66: 27-9, 50; 66A; 5, 7-8 21-2 Translation, 66:35, 38, 39-40: 66A: 4.5, 15.6 Voir aussi Recommendations, 66: 38 -40: 66A; 16 Bill C-34 Rights of accused, 66: 29-37, 36, 39, 52; 66A:4, 8-12, le Jura, Lai Joys!, Hen, Serge, Secretary of State or Wain Les niirairos entre parentAises edrrias ifteliquent les arredeN du Bell Bill C201, subject-matter C-34 Discussion, 26: 85-101 Contributions des juges aux fond:: de pensions, enns6quences, 9:17-9 Statement. 26: 83.5 Effet du Bill C-34 Art. 19 [121,9:8.9 Judges An. 19b) 171, 9! 10.1 Allowances, 9: 8, 9 Art, 19h) [7], 9: l0- I Annuities Art, 19m) 171. 10 -I Contributions, 9:22 Art. 20 113], 9: 8, 9 Double indemnity. 9; 15-6 Art. 22 (3)b) (I 5]. 9.19 Eligibility, 9: 13-8 Art. 23 (1) [161, 9: 9, 13.5, 16-7, 18 Mandatory, 9:9, 13, 19 Art, 25 (1,1) [18 (2)1, 9: 11-2 Appointments, additional, 9:8 Art. 25 (1,2) 118 (2)1, 9: 12 Benefits and salaries, to study, 9: 8-9, 18-9, 21-2 Art_ 25 (4) [18 (3)], 9: 22 Number of increase, 9:3 Art, 29, 9: 22 Salaries Traiternents (Articles 4, 5,7, 9-19), 9:8 Fedora] appointment; in provincial courts, 9: 10-1, 20-1 Voir miss, Increase, retroactive, 9: 7, 8 Bill C-34 Indexing formula, 9:8 Bill C-52 Salaries and benefits, Commission to study, 9: 8-9, 18-9, 21-2 Nires Survivors' benefits Children, 9: 11-2 .tuns,.,, Lei modifia et Itt Lel Widowers, 3:22 Voir Widows, 9:9-10.11-2, 19 Hill C-34 See also Bill C.34 Jurisial Voliosoirs Centre caned len do IA iltatitticpe juridicpe Judges Act The aionbers berWeen square invekets refer in the clauses of 8i11C- Justice, minista re 34 Bill C-53, pornographic et exploitation des enfants, 25: 21, 26, 27, Effect of Bill C-34 on 32, 33 Section 191121.9:8-9 Bill C-53 et Bill C-127 Section 19 (b)[71, 9: 10-I Agression sexnel le Section 19 (11)[71, 10-1 Accusations at pei nes Section 19 (m)171. 9: 10.1 Ag rosslon, comps raison, 25t 17-8, 30-1, 40-2 Section 201131, 91 8, 9 Agression sexuelle, 25: 16, 17, 32.3, 36-7, 40-2; 27: 41 Section 22 (3) (b)[151, 9: 9 Agression sexuello arm6e. menaces ..., 25; 16, 17, 36.7, 40 -I, Section 23 (1)[161.9:9, 13-5,16-7, i8 43, 44 Section 25 (1.1)118 (2)1. I: 11.2 Agression sexuelle grave, 25: 16.29, 30, 36-8, 40-1; 27: 39 Section 25 (1.2)118 (2)1, 9: 12 Emprisonnementaperpetuit6 comme peine maximal; Section 25 (4)118 (3)1, 9: 22 25: 10 -7, 40 -] Section 29, * 22 lmmunite du conjoint, elimination, 23:44 Judges' contributions towards annuities, consequences, 9: 17-9 &teens; 25: 37-8; 27: 40. 52 Salaries (Clauses 4.5,7, 9-19), 9: 8 Com plicite, plusicursEigTeSSCUTR,25: 17,43-4

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Judges Ac -Correa Justice, minislire-Swite See also Pall C-53 ci Bill C-T 27- -Salle Bill C-24 Apession sexuelle--Ealle Bill C-52 D6.funtion, 25e 32-3; 27:38-9 Judges Historique en draft criminal, 25c 15-6, 19-2.0, 18-40 Jeune-s personnes, 25:26;17; 4E1, 41 Preuve et proofs Judges Art-, Act to amend Conseil: meat, 25: 35, 36, 41, 42; 27: 37-8, 4(1,41 Set Corroboration, 154 19 Bill C-34 Croyance honnett quant au commitment. 25: 22-1, 24 -5; 27: 42, 46.7 Declaration sornmairc dG culpabillte ou anise en aCCUsatiOn, Judicial Compensation and related mailers, Advisory Committee 251 36; 277. 41-2, 43.4, 48.49, 51 (Dorfman), gle 7, 19 1)6kinse, nrioyerts, 27: 37-2 briefseounme defense, indisporibilite. 251.30, 31 ,Iorbaat Plutgasnt See under Cad 6 Centre for Justice Statistics Comportement sexuelanterieur.254 18.9., 21.2,44; 27:47-8, 49, 50, 31 Definition, 254 34-5 Justice and Legal Affairs, House of COMMAS Scauslins Committee Reputation. 25: 19, 27-8, 44-5 BILL C-34, study, 5*: 7, 21 Plailite ;Tanta nee, 154 19-20, 38-9, 40 11.i.11 C-53, stint'. 25: 6, 20. 22, 36.7; 27! 14.5, 21, 39, 44, 48 Statistiques, 25: 39 Bill C-61, study. 17: 7-8; 13, 14, 16, 18 Victirnec, :raj tem cur par ]ca mori tea, 25: 19-40 Bill C-141, amendments, 51:10.1, 12-6 Violence. aspect, 25: 15, 16, 17; 17: 37.8 "Proposals to correcA .. Revised Statutes of Canada, 1970, and other At teritat it In pudeur, 25: 26, 31; 27: 18 DistinvionCM PE. 145sexes., suppression, 2$: 23, 31, 40; 27: 51 Chi use 6; rejected, 6: 6, 7:23 Enfants, rapt, 25: 20-1,25; 27: 44, 45 Clause f 6, amendment proposed, 6; 6-7:7; 32-4 Proxenettsme, 25: 33-4 Chutse 22.7:39 Bill C.61 Cause 47, amendment proposed, 6: 6-7, 12; 71 56 Aperu philosoplsie, 19: 15-6 Clause 49, amendment proposed, 64 6-7 Hittoritiwe, 17: 14:19:15-6 Se.g. 6/SO Junes ecintrevenants M iSCCI]acliN4ISStakOlt I-1WAmendment program Dossiers, 19: 12, 16 Droll aux services cfun °word, 17: 27.8; 19: a, 16 Justice Departmeut Juritliclirui, pouvoirs federaux et provinci aux, 19: 17 Bill C-53, child pornography and child exploitation, 25: 21, 26, 27, Programme, administrailon, procureurs geniraux des provinces, 32, 33 rale. 17: 30 Bill C.-.53 and Bill C-127 Bill C-127 Child abduction, 25e 20 -I, 25: r: 44, 45 A mendements, 25: 27.8, 29. 30, 43-5 Desendertration, 25; 23, 33, 40; 27: 51 Direciives au g prgalircum de In Couronne, 27:. 41-2, 43, 49, 51 Judeeent assault, 25: 26, 32; 27; 28 Minislre, posit ion, 27:45-6 Procuring, 25: 33-4 Bill 5-19 Sexual assault Amenclements, 12: 5-6, 7.8, 14, 22, 23-4; 13: 4 -5, 6-7 Charges and pena I tie: Lettre 6 M. thl Pless4au su.jet des. hsox, Ill 7 Aggravated sexual assault, 25: 16, 29, 30, 36.8, 40-1.. V: 39 Redaction, 11: 18.9, 20:121 6-7. 18-20, 22-3, 24-9 Assault, comparison, 25:17 -S. 30-1, 40-2 Bill 52.4, opinirms Jul-Rt.:toes, 23: 9-10; 24: 11, 13.4. 16. 17 Life imprisonment as maximum penalty, 25: 16-7, 40-1 Bill S-3.3 Murder, 25: 37-8; /7: 40. 52 Application, champ, 50: 20, 22, 2.3, 24, 35 Sexual assault, 25; 16, 17, 32-3, 36-7,40-2. 27; 41 Articks, commentairm et explications, 36:12-25; 401 15, 21: Sexual assault with a weapon, threats ,.., 25: 16,117{ .36.7, 52: 10.25 40-1. 41.44 Ass:pea:ion du BB rreltu eanadien Spousal immunity, elimination, 25: 44 Commentalres stir le memoire presence, 52: 5.22 Definition, 25:32-3; 271 18-9 Reunion avec, 521 13, 23; 14, 16; 66: 32-3 Evidence and trial Chanel des droita el libettes Complainant Chan.gemen Ls de reilaction.§. cause de, 3.6;I I,2.0-2; 40; 21; Definition, 25: 34-5 524 1f., Prior sexual history, 2.5e 18-9. 21-2, 44; 27: 47-8, 49. 50. 51 1merpretailoas par rapport 4, 36: 11, 22-3; 52: 13 Reputation, 25: 19.27-8, 44-5 D4finition, enorice legislatif ou code, 544 8, i6, 18 -20; 52.,9-I I Consent, 25: 35, 36, 41{ 42.27: 37-8, 40, 41 DOeSoneniorrinforotoltonr Propositionspour urge rituvElle 101 SW- Corroboration., 25: 19 ,oreetvo, 491 20, 23.24, 25. 27: 54A: 34:6M; 34, 40 Defences available, 27: 37-8 Historique, 36; 5-9,I t1-1, 12-4; 52:6-10.16-7, 20 Drunkenness as defence, itnavoilubility, 25:30, 31 hiridictions ii retranger, compartison. 36: 6,13. 18.9, 20, 21, Hones: belief as io consent, 25: 22-3, 24-5; 27;.42, 46-7 23-4; 5b Recent complaint. 25: 19-20. 38-9, 40 Portle, 364 5-6, 10-1, 16, 18;SZT10-2, 14-5 Summary corrviction or triditiment, 25i. 36; 27; 41-2, 42-4, Preuve, r4les 48.49, 5r Provinces, adoption, 36; 27, 2.11.; 52: 20 Unifortnisa/ Ion, 38:8, 9.13-4.521 20

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Jos lice Department-Co/it'd Justice, ministere-Sake Bill C-53 and BIB C-127-Coned Bill S-33-Suite Sexual assault-Co/it'd Redaction Historical background in criminal taw, 25: 15-6. 19-20. 38-40 Consultation, woo:taus, 52:6-8, 20 IvinhIple assailants, 254 17, 43-4 Traduetion, 52: 20 -1, 22-3, 24 Statistics, 25; 39 Conference de funiformisation du droit, rapports annuets, 49; 34 Victims, treatment by authorities. 25: 39-40 Reforme du droll penal, 38: a. 9; 47: 18; 48:7, 8; V:9, 26; 58: Yioionce, aspect of, 25: 15, 16, 17; 27: 37-8 Young persons. 25: 26; 27: 40, 41 Bill C-61 Justice et questions jirridiaire-e, fondle permanent sic la Chili-dire des Historical background, 1'7: 14; 19: 15-6 communes Jurisdiction, federal and provincial powers, 19: 17 Bill C-34, etude, 9: 7, 21 Overview, philosophy, 19: 15.6 Bill C-53, etude, 25: 6.20. 22. 36-7; 27: 14-5, 21, 39, 44, 48 Program, administration, provincial Attorneys general, role, 171,30 Bill C-61, etude, 17: 7-8; 19: 13, 14, 16, 18 Young offenders Bill C-I41, amendernents. 51: 10-1, 12.6 Records, 19: 12, 16 .Propositions visant a corriger. Stands revises du Canada dc 1970 Right to counsel. 17: 27-8; 19: 8, 16 et ,.. certaines lois posterieurese 13111C-127 Art. 6; rajete, 6: 6; 7: 23 Amendments, 25:27-8. 29, 30, 43.5 Art. 36, amendement propose, 6: 6-7; 7: 32-4 Guidelines to crown prosecutors, 27: 41-2, 43, 49, 51 Art, 2.2,7: 39 Minister's position, 27: 45-6 Art. 47, amendernerit propose. 6: 6-7, 12; 7: 36 Bill 5-19 Art. 49, amends:wilt propose, 6:6.7 Amendments, 12; 5-6, 7-8, 14, 22, 23.4; 13t 4-5, 6-7 Voir aussi Drafting, 11: 18-9, 20; 12: 6-7, 18-20. 22-3, 24-9 Lois correctives Letter to Mr. du Plessis re leases, 13: 7 Bill S-24, legal opinions, 23: 9- 10:24: 11, 13-4, 16, 17 Justice Onale et correction: as lien 4 forger. Rapport du Coigne cans- Bill S-33 diem de lafitfOratefinale at correctionnella (Rapport Okiree), Application, 51121 20, 22, 23, 24, 25 45; 9-10; 461 6, 22, 31; 47: 13, 21; 48: /1; 57: 10 Canadian Bar Association Comments on brief presented by, 32: 5.22 Meeting with, 52:12, 23; 54: 14, 16; 66:32 -3 Kaplan, honorable Robert P,, Solliciteur general du CanusLit Charter of Righls and Freedoms Bill C-61 Drafting changes caused by, 36: 11, 20-2; 40: 21; 52: 16 Discussion, 17: 8, 10.12-31, 22: 6.22 interpretations in relation to, 36411, 22-3; 13 Expose, 17: 5.8 Clauses, comments and explanations, 36:12-28; 441:18, 21; Bill 5-32 52: 10-23 Discussion, 32: 11-27; 48: 14.36; 57: 10-26 Definition, legislative staternom or code, 36c 8, 16, 18.20; 52: 9-11 Exposes, 32: 54, 9.11; 48: 5-14.; 37: 5-10 Drafting Lave a In presidents du Cornice, citation, 60: 74 Consultation process, 52: 6.8, 20 Translation, 51 24-1, 22-3, 24 Kaufman, Fred, The Admissibility of Confessions, 52:1 t;59; 14; Evidence, rules of 621 25; 65A; 69; 68A: 424 Provinces, adoption. 36: 27, 28; 52: 20 Uniformity, 38: 8. 9,13-4; 52: 20 Foreign jurisdictions, comparison, 36; 6, 13, 18-9, 20, 21, 23-4; kingsland, M. Lawrence Russ, Pyramid Communications LintitrAL 52: 12 petitionnslre Historical background, 36:5.9, 10.1, 12-4; 52: 6-10, 16-7.20 Bill S8, discussion. h 7-10 Wormarion Paper on The Proposed Canada Evidence Act, 49: 20, 23, 24, 25, 27: MA: 14; 66A: 5, 7 Klein, E.G Limited Scope, 36:5-6. 10-1, 16, 18; 52:10-2, 14-5 Administration, critique. 16: 11, 32 Criminal Law Review, 38: 8, 9; 47: 18; 48: 7, 8; 57: 9.26; 58: 15 Cortificat de prorogation, application pour, 16:6, 16 Uniform Law Conference, annual reports, 49; 34 Communications avec Consornmation et Corporations Canada Dissolution. date de avis et date, lie 6, 7.15, 16 Juvenile delinquents Societe, slatut, 16c 8.9, 11, 12, 14-3 See Conseil &administration, 161 8, 9,12 Young offenders Defaut, avis Avis pas rapt, 16: 10, 11, 12 Juvenile Delinquents Act Publication dans trinzette dm Canada. 16: 10-1.12-3, t4. 13 Bill C-61, comparison Directeur majoritaire, titre, residence a Petra ngcr, 16: 6, 7.8,I 1, 12 Fingerprinting, 17: 6, 23-4 Function, statut operationnel, 16: 7.8, 9, 11-2 Overview, 17: II3; 19: 9, 10 Historigoc, 16: 6, 8 Truancy, 17:25.6 Reconstitution Historical background. 17: 5; 1% 15-(r Frans, responsabilite, 10c 13.4 Procedure. 1617, 9-10 Sommaires annuals. 16:6, 7.8,9,1 I, 12, 13. 15-6 Kaplan, Hon. Robert P., Solicitor General ofCanada Votr nets! Bill C-61 Bill 5-26 Discussion, 17:8, 10, 12-31; 23: 6.22 Consomcriation at Corporations Canada

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ICs n, Hon. Robert P., Solicitor Geier,' of'd Mein, Limited Lot rectirmtilnant la aociete Bill C6 f Voir Statement, 17: 5-8 Dill 2-26 Bill S.32 Disear.sio4,324 II-27; 4.8t 14-36:V711426 Letter to Commit Mo. Chairman, quotetion, 60: 7-8 Knape's, M. Joke, Assoc isiioa des treats A administratenrs, 105- Statements, 32:5-8, 9-1 P; 0 5-14; 571 5-10 am des documents Bill 8-33 Discussion., 67: 7-11, 14-20 Kaufman, Fred, The Adolirsikfary tit! Cortfasylonsi., 52: 11; 59: 14, Expose, ce7i 5-7 61 25; 65A; 30; 68A: 2.14 La Forntsiase, M- Frnis vonaeilter leptislafif, Bastion Kintslla ad.. Lawrence Ross, Pyramid COIDWIunications. Limited, Peri, tion, ministere dr Ii Justice fierier Bill C-141, Sir 14, 15 Bill 8-8, discussion, 1: 7.10 Larramboist, M. Andre, crtn2Missaiwe interimaing it k ragistrature Klein. E.G, Limited federate Adrniaistration, criticism of, 1.6t 1, 12 Bill C-34 Amami returns, lee 6. 7.8, 9,11, 12, 13, 15-6 Discussion, 9: 6-7, 8, 10. 11 -2, 14, 16.7. 18, 20. 22 Board of Directors, 16., 8, 9,12 Expose. 9..8.113 Certificate of cOnliripance, application far, 16: 6, 16 COMM nicadons with Consumer and Corporate Affairs Canada Lajoie, Andrea, L pawroir 1 elandialre du Parlermeiat 26126 Company statui, 16: a.11, I1, 12, 14-5 1)issal [Ilion, date notification and dale, IC 6, 7.15, 16 Default, Lambert, Commission Notice not rmcived, 16; 10, PI, 12 Voir- Publication in Canada Ga.zelle, 16: 10.1, 12-3. 14, 15 CommiRsion royals crenquete sur la gestion Ananciare ei rnputa Function. operational status, 16: 7, 849, l 1-2 bilita Historical lac:4round, 16; 6, 8 Majority shareholder. title., residence abroad, 16:6, 7.8, 11, 12 Revival Lameman, M. Ron, coardominieur, Treaty 6 Chiefs"Alliance Cost, responsibility for, I4 13.4 (Alberta), Coalition ries premieres nations Proceduree, I& 7, 9.10 Proclamation de 1983 modifiant la Constitution, uncial., 71: 19-22, 27-8, 37-9 See zurso .N118-26 Consumer and Cerrp011ite .Affair Canada Lang, lionoralik Daniel sennieur (York -Sul) Bill C-201, tenor, 26: 11-2, 32.47-8. 65, 66.7, 86,7, 8S, 89

Klein, E.G., Limited w,, !let to revIve See Lannlois, lianerable Leopold. .senateur (Grandville) 1:1111 S-26 DitIC-130,5441 15 C- 141. Si: 12 Bill C -201. teuear. 2C 42, SI , 82 Knapers, Jake,. Association of REEurds managers and mmisdstra- 131118.22, 14: 13 tors Bill 8-33 111118.24 COrni L6, r61e, Z3: 9 Discussion, 67:7-11, 14-20 Flynn, lhonorabife sanaPeur, posit envers. citation, 21 10 Statement. 67: Gouverneur generai, recoromandation demo ndeie pour Ica do linance5,1.5; 6 Latour union, merckant serrice Pa Herne:it, procedure, bill& de subsides, 23; a; 24: 6, 4.!0, 12, 14, See 15 Canadian Merchant Service Guild Rapport au Spinet, 24; 12, 16, 18.. 19 reSltrnclil.9 culacrnant lea bills do subsides, 1, 9 LIPFontaine, Francois, Legislative Adviser, Legislation Section. Traiter, ratification, c161Inition canine, 31 8,9, 24: 6, 10 Department of Justice Bill S-31, teneur, 28. 7 -8; 30.- 59:31.46: 344- 6, 24, 35-6,63. 82-4 Bill CL-14 i, 51: 14, P5 .Propositions visant corriger... Statists revisks du Canada do i 970 et ... corta.ines lois post'ericurms. 6; 13: 7: al. 39, 43, 44,48, 50-1, Larramboiste, Antra, Acting Corynnisgiegarijor Federal Judicial. 53, 55, 56, 60-1 Affairs Lances, M. Raynold,. peneprenr dp peritionseire, Caddie 4i In marine Bill C-34 marehante to Canada Discmaion, 9e 6-7, 8, t4, 11-2, 14, i6-7, p 8, 20, 22 Hill S-72 Statement, 9: 8-10 Discsission, 1 8.16 Expose, 1 6-8 Lajoie, Andres, Le pe-emoir diteamirtoire dK PeffattetOZ, 261 26 Lettre a l'honorabk senateur Macdonald, 5: 10.5

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Lambert Commission Lapierre, M. Jean C., seeritaire porlemonioire dr seenitsire See sax Affaires exierieurts Royal Commitsion on Financial Management and Accountability Bill C-130 50: 22 Expsak, 50: 20-1 Lameman, Ron, Co-ordinator, Treaty 6 Chiefs' Alliance (Alberta). Coalition of First :Nations Constitution Amendment Proclamation, 1983,hubjcet-ma tter, Lapointe, honorabk Renaude.., senateur Isles) 71: 19- 22,27 -8. 37.9 Bill C-61, 19; 10, 14, 15, 19; 21: 15, 18, 21, 27 Bill C-I 27, tcncur, 27: 37, 4.6 Lang, Hon. Daniel A., Senator (South York) BM C.141, 51: 17 Bill C-201, subject -matter, 26; 11.2, 32, 47-8, 65, 66. 7,116 -7, 88, 89 Bill C-201, lemur, 26: 41 ,1(11 Bill S-13 1: 9, 11 WI S-16, 8: 12, 14 Langlois, Hon. Leopold, Senator (Grandville) Bil 8-19, 10: 22, 23; 11: 9, 20; 12: 19, 25, 27, 28, 29 Bill C-I30, 50: 15 Bil 5-20, 14: 9, 14, 15 Bill C-14i, 51:12 Bil 8-21, 14; 14.15 Bill 0-20I, sabject-matter 26: 42. 81, 82 811 5 -22, 14: 14, 15 Bill 8-22, 14:13 8-24,24: 11, 12, 13, IR Bill 5-2.4 Bil 8-26.16:10, 11, 12-3, 14, 15, 16 Committee, role, 23:9 Bil 5-27. 11k 7 Flynn, Honourable Senator, position on, reported, 23; 10 Bil 5.31, teneur, 30; 53-5; 31: 25-8; 34: 23-6, 59-61; 47: S, '7 Governor General's reeommendation requested for money bills, Bil 8-32 23: 6 Penitenciers 39: 21; 41: 33; 44: 17 Parliamentary procedure, supply bills, 23: 8; 24: 6, 9,10, 12, 14, Surveillance oblige Loire 15 Association canadlenne des societesllrabeth Fry, position, Report to Senate, 24: 12, 16, 18, 19 39: 17, 20-1 SGFIPILC rules on supply bills. 24; 7, 9 Cilizmis United for Safety and Justice, mernoirc, 45:43-4 Treaty ratification, definition us, 23: 8. 9; 24: 6, 10 Commission national e des ]iterations conclitionnelles, pouvoirs, Bill 8-31. subject-meth:x.2* 7-84 30i 59; 33: 46: 34: 6, 24, 35-6, 63. 46: 31 52 -4 Detcnus "Proposals to correct- Revised Statutes of Canada, 1970, and other Admissibilite, 45: 27; 55: 12 Acts -.. ", 6: 13; 7:31, 39,43. 44, 48, 50-1, 53, 55, 56, 60-1 Attitude, 35: 20:41; 23 Detinquants dangereux ou potentiellcment dangcreux. 35: 6; Langlois, Reynold, Solicitor for the Petitioner, the CanadianIrler- 37:17: 45: 25, 43:48: 26-7,12; 57: 21-2; RS: 12 cha et Service Gelid Emploi, 44: 22-3, 28 Bill 5-12 Femme*, frois d'entretien, 42: 26-7 Discussion, 3: 8-16 Frais d'entretiers, 44: 24 Letter to the Honourable Senator Macdonald, 3: 10-5 Provinces, prisons, cornparaison, 37: 28; 45: 47 Statement, 3: 6 -8 Reduction de peine, 35: 1.9: 37: 20-1, 29; 34k II. 13; 39; 12; 41: 18, 20; 42: 21, 27; 44: 23; 45:47 Rehabilitation, 38: 14; 39: 13, 16; 42: 26; 45; 28 Lapierre, Jean C., Parliamentary Secretary to the Secretary of State Suspension immediate., 35: 6; 57: 21-2: 58: 12 for External Affairs Violence merit:de, 42: 15 Bill C130 Historique, 41: 17 Discussion, 511e 22 Liberal-km oanditicunclIc, cornparaison, 38: 13, 20; 39: 13 Statement, Sik 20-1 Resulta Is, evaluations, 35:20 Revocation Laponte, Hon. Renamed. Senator (Mille Isles) Mise en liberie apros Is revocation, 48: 25 BilC-61, 19: 10, 14, 15, 19; 21: 15, 18. 25, 27 Procedure, 35: 10 C- 127, subject -mad ter, 27:37, 46 Raisons, 313: 11; 39: 12; 41119, 30; 42:15, 27; 45: 22; 48: 26

BilC-141. 51: 17 Reduction de pelvic, deeheanee du droll,38: 1 1 ; 39; 12: BitC-201, 5Objca-matter, 26; 4i, 1131 41:18-9; 45:22; 443: 25.6 Bil8-8,11 9, 11 Societe canadienne pour In prevention du crime, recommenda- 1#11 8-16, 5: 12, 14 tions, 38:21 Oil5 -19, 10: 22, 23; 11; 9, 20; 121 19, 25, 27, 28, 29 Surveillance. 37; 14, 20-1; 38: 20: 41;18, 22-3; 44: 19.20; Bit5-20, 14: 9, 14, 15 45: 28 Bil8-21, 14: 14, 15 13111S-33 BilS.22, 14: 14, 15 Accuse Bil4-24. 24: II, 12, 13, Hi Conjoint. 40; 26, 27 Bil5.26, 16: 10, 11, 12-3, 14, 15, 16 Declarations, recevabilite, 40: 25; 59: 15.7 Bil5-27, IS: 7 Admission d'office 40: 20 BilS-31. subject-matter, 31k 53-5; 31:25-8; 34: 23-6, 59-6 1; 47: 5, 7 ttais-unis, regies fedcraLos tie la preuve, compo raiS011, 40: 17, 26 Bil5-32 t:,..xperts, 36:25 M a ndatory sn pervision lmprimes d'ordinatcur, recevabilite, 66: 50; 67: 18.20 Canadian Amociation be the Prevention of Crime, recommen- Motion, 64: 5 dations, 38:21 Procedure, 49: 9; 61: 5

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Lopoiatei Hem, Remade, Senates male Wes} - Cohni 1 apuinte5 kenerable Reaande, sioateur {Mille Isles). -Suva Di 1 l S-32-Ciatirri Bill 5-33--Strite Mandatory supervision -.- G'our'd Ridaetion, 61; 16 Canadian Association of Elizabeth Fry Societies,posirl.on, Bit] 5-344 VI 8 39: 17, 20-i Goldenberg, flier tn rabic senateur, clOminion CVDMIC1:11r6SAVIt, .26! 3 Citizens United for &I' ikiy and Justice, brief. 451 43,4 Pmclarrrstion de 1983 mudifiant la Conatilurfun, LCrittlir Historical background, 41: 17 AUtaelialle5 Inmates Adoption, positions ewers, 69:22; 70:95; 71: 37 Attl dude, 35: 20-, 41; 23 Autonomic patique, 69: 71; 71.17 59, 73, 75 Costsormainteoance, 44: 24 Dainition, 70: 20, 56, 65, 95 Dangerous or putordially dangerous offenders, 35: 6; 37: 17; Droits, 69: 25-6, 86. SE; 70: 9-12, T5-6, 96 45; 25, 43; 48: 26-7, 32; 57:21 -2; 58: 12 Metis, 78r 74, 76-7, 83 Eligibility.4$727; 58; 12 Confereneos constitutionnelles futures, 69;15-9, 44-5, 68, 87; Employment, 44: 22-1, 28 747 76-7 Gating, 35; 6; 57:2]-2; 5:& 12 Motion, 71; 6, 17 Mania( violence., 42: 175 Proctsdure, 71: 40 Provinces, prisons, comparison, 37; 28:45: 47 ...Proposii ions viaant s corei8er,.. Sfaiuts rev Uths du Canada de 1970 Rebatsilitat 3& 14; 39; 13, 16-, .!M 26; 434 28 certaines iota paBi6rieuresN, 7; 13, 30, 43 Remission, 35: 19, 37: 20- ]. 29; 387 11, 13; 39: 12; 41: 18, 30; Terrhoires du NordOaest, division, 781 97 42: 21.27:447 23; 45q 47 Women, casts of malnieuanco, 42: 26.7 Laskin, k trig honurabla ll4r6, C.P., J ug.e en ehef du Cmda National Parole Board, powers, 46r 3J GouverRemeter de to Republique dentoorwieme di+ Cowc.Prerroe Parole, comparison, 31k 13, 2.0, 39: 13 ([1971) R.C.S. 997), jugement ri.ferenue, 11: 19 Results, evaluation, 354.20 Revocation Procedure. 35:II) Larry v. Loam UIinsurione* Co. pairy ( (1977), 4 A.R. 359), Reasons, 38; 1l ; 39: 12; 41: 19, 30:42: 15, 21, 45: 22; 48; 20 68A: 335-6, 337 Release post-revocation, 48: 25 Rerninion5 forfeiture, 38:11;39.i12; 41;15-9; 45; 22; Laurendeau-Dantoa, Commis' sign 48: 25.6 Yoir Supers.] 'sion, 312 14, 20-1; 35' 20; 41: 18, 22-3; 142 19-20; 4$: 28 Commission royale d'eatiate our kr bilipsuisme et le hicuitum Penitentiaries, 39:2 r; 41: 33; 44: 17 1isma Bill S-33 Accused Laurin, rot, G., eonseiller Sudan de leI glslillon, ministers Spouse, 40; 26, 27 de Iii /wake Ste tomontS, admissibility. 40: 25; 59:15-7 ',Propositions uisanl 6 corriger... Scutum revisit" du Canada do 1970 Computer minion's, admissibility, 66; 50; 67: 18-20 of certaines lois post6rieuresit, 7: 22-3, 24, 30-], 45-6, 45, 51, Drafling, 61:: 16 53, 60 Experts, Ng 25 Judicial notice, 407 20 LeA5/4 M. Peter, nitEnhpe in Cirywitti spdciall our S-33, Association du Motion, 66; 5 BaereauC9astil1tir Procedure, 49:: 9: 61; 5 Bill 8-33 United States re4:kral rules of CvideAcc, comparison, 404 17.20 Discussion, 49: 20-1, 22, 23.24, 27.5, 30 Bill S. 34, 43: 8 Expose, 4907 -]2 Constitution Amendment Proclamation, 1983, subject -matter Alori,ginak peoples Adoption, pusiiicus on, 69: 22; 70: 95; 73: 37 Lebbey, ht. Harold, mere 4s bureau de direction, Sucleei Saint Definition, 707 20, 56, 6E, 95 Leonard duCarnein klais, NI: 74, 76-7, E3 BLit 5-32. 37:14-5, 12, 24-5, 30 Rights, 69; 25-6, 86, 88; 70: 9-12, 15-6, 96 Self-government, 69; 71; 70: 59, 73, 75 Libel, M. Louis, hAtOpnlier 4u Barreau du Quatec Constitutional conferences in the future, 69:2-9, 44.5, 68, 87; Bill S-33 70: 76.7 Discussion, 64;33-4,47 Motion, 71; 6,17 Expose, 66; 21.4 Procati u re, 71:40 Goicionberg, the Honourable Senator, reitnation as Chairman, Leblanc, honorable Fernand E., setialtilf (Sauce!) 26: 8 Bill C-201, teneur, 26: 50, 67, 58, 59 Nortinvcat Torritories. division, 7.1k 97 Bill 5.12, 3: 10, 15 "Proposals to correct_ Revised Siatutes of Canada, 1970, and other Bills -13, 4: a, 9j0- , 12, 13 Acts... ", 1.3. 30, 113 Bill 5-16,114 74, 9, TO, 12, 14 Bill 5-19, 11; 13, 20 Bill 5-24, 23:2; 24; 7, 16 BIBS-31, tertear, 31; 26, 31-4; 33: 20, .16; 34: 40-1. 52., 54-9, 65.6, 20, 85 Lask16, The Bight Hun. Bons P.C.., Okla./unlit of Canada BIB S-32, 441 9, 11 Gintirernement de fa dernotraziirtm 6. Congo v. Venue ail' S.-33, 46e 27; 55: 5, 12-3, 20.1 (P 97/ .1 S.C.R. 997), Judgement, reference to. 11; 19 Firesident,Neitlion, pruned' uro, 26: 9

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Lotto v. London Life Insurance Contparty ( (1977), 4 A.R. 354), Leblanc, honorable Fernand E., amateur (Saurel)--Serfre -Propositions vitant d corriger, Status revises du Canada de 1970 68A; 117-8. 119 ct ... certain's: lois posterieuress, 6: 15-6. 17, 23, 24

Laurendeau-Doleon COMM Lvsion See Legge, major-general B. J., prisident, Royal Commonwealth Society Royal Commission on Bilingualism and Biculturalism Bill C-20I, leneur Discussion. 26: 14, 35.6, 42-3 Laurin, CI, Legislative Counsel, Legislation Section, Department of Expose, 26: 29-31 Justice "Proposals to correct.- Revised Statues of Canada, 1970, and other Acts...", 7: 22-3, 24, 30-1, 45.6, 48, 51, 53, 60 Leone, M. Laureano, president, Coasell des argamisnies nationau% ethnoeulturels du Canada Bill C -201, teneur Lass Reform Commission Act Discussion, 26: 63, 64, 65-6, 67 Amendment propme3. 7 :60 -1 Expose, 26:60-3

Law Reform Commitedun of Canada Criminal law, studies, references IA 25: 16; 27: 46, 52; 42: 28 Lesege, honorable Jean, encien premier ministre de In province de Evidence Code, 36c 6. 8,14. 19; 49: 20, 31; 52: 6, 9-11: 53: 16: Quebec 61: 6.7, 9, 16; 63: 28, 32;66; 26, 30: 39; 68A: 203-4 Caisse do dap& et placement du Quebec, declarations, citations, 30: a, 53:31: 12-3, 16; 33: 29; 34: 12-3 Leask, Peter, Member of the Special Committee on 5-33, Canadian Bar Association Levesque, honorable Rene, premier muhrirAre de la Proviuce de Quebec Bill 5-33 Developpcmcnt e.corioniique, declarations concernant, citation, inter- Discussion, 49:20-1, 22, 23, 24, 274, 30 pretation, 33: 51-2, 54, 55 Statement, 49:7-12

Lebbcy, Harold, Member of the Board, St. Leonard's Society of Lewis, D. et L Clark, Rape:The Prise of CaereirtSexuality, 25: 15-6: Canada 27:20 P ill 832, 37: 14-5, 18, 24-5.30

Lebel, Louis, Bitormier for the Bar of Quebec Lewis. honorable Philip Derek, sena tear (Saint-Jean) Bill S-33 Bill C.26, 2: 14, 18 Discussion. 46:33 -4, 47 Bill C-34, 9; 14, 16. 17, 20 Statement, 66: 21-4 Bill C-53, teneur, 25: 33 Bill C61, 20: 22 Bill C-127, teneur, 27: 21 Leblanc, Hon. Fernand IL, Senator (Saurel) Bill C130, 50: 12 Bilk C-201, subject-mater, 26:50, 57, 58, 59 Bill S-19, 10: 21, 22 11111 S- 12, 3: 10, 15 Bill 5- 27,1.8; 8 Bill S-13, 4: 8.9,10-1, 12,13 Bill S-32,39: 14, 15, 16, 18; 41: 31, 32 B ill 5-16, 8: 7-8, 9. ID, 12. 14 Bill 5-33 Bill 5-19, 11; 13, 20 Accuse Bill 5-24, 23: 8; 24: 7, 16 Conjoint, 36: 16, la Bill 5.31, subject -matter, 31:26, 33-5; 334: 20, 46; 34: 40-1. 52, 54-9. Comte.; niorragatol re au mum de son easier judiciaire, 36: 23 65-6, 80, 85 Declarations, recevabillit, 36: 14-5, 16; 40: 24-5 Bill 5-32, 44:9, 11 Default do ternoignage, observation do jugs, 40: 20 Bill S.33, 40:27; SSe 5, 12-3, 20.1 Apercu, 36: I Chairman, election, procedure. 261 9 Association du Barreav canadien "Proposals to correct-, Revised Statute,: of Canada. 1970, and other Conference eanadienne de l'uttiformisstion du droit. rapport: Acts...". 6: 15-6, El, 23, 24 annuls, 49: 33, 34 Memoircs, 49: 23 Legal and Constitutional Affairs, Standing Senate Committee Definition, enema legislatif oil code. 49: 19.21; 53: 14 Bill C-53, study, procedure, 2% 6-15, 28, 31-2, 42 Historique, 49: 21, 22 Bill C-61 imprimes d'ordinateur, recevabilite. 36: 14; 49: 23; 65: 11, 23.6 Invitations to provincial governments to testify, rcsprmsce Institute of Law Research and Reform, information de base, British Columbia, 19: 5; 2% 24; 21:5-13 531 17 New Brunswick, 19: 5, 10, 13, 20; 19A: 1-2 Juridictions d l'etrangcr, comparaison, 36: IR, 19; 40: 11-3, 17; Newfoundland, 17: 8.9; 19: 5 49: 24 Nova Scotia, 19: 6 Procedure, 36: 15, 25; 40; 16; 4% 24 Ontario, 19:. 5, 20, 21; 211: 6-10 Redaction. 411: 18-9; 49: 22; 54: 14; 65: 22 Quebec, 20: 5 PmcIamation de 1983 modifiant la Constitution, teneur, 71; 27; Saskatchewan, 19: 5, 20; 22:6, 9 72: 8 Motions, 19:4, 20; 22:4, 22, 23 PropositimB visant 6 corriger... Statues revises du Canada de 1970 Study, procedure. 17: 8-9; 19: 5, 13, 19-21 et certaincs leis posterieuress, 7:50

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Legal and ComstitutionalAffairs., Standing Senate Committee- LitAiratiott comalititkantile as Canada- Rapport du eureka. setiatorial Com Li-/ perstiadent deg Affgares juriditikies et consiitutiennellea (Rapport Sill C-1.27 Goldenberg), 324 i5; 1.51 17; 37: 10-1; 38: 12; 45: 41, 47: 13.4; Briers submined, 27; 6 48T 22 1nvitations lo wiin,&..ise..s, 27: 6, 7 Study, procedure, 24: 42-3 Liberation condltimmelle de detenua, Led BSI[ C -130 An. 5 -- Sectionsc la Commission.. 57: 11 Motion, Report to Senate, Si: a, 14-5, 17, e 23-5 Art, 6 - ComnCtonce de: la COM rnimion, 46:20 Order or keforeziec, SO: AFC. 10 - Pouvoirs de laCom mislIOn., 46: 6, 1] 13W C-201, Ftl*vi-matter .krt,1 d - Sentence conskulive concurrence,41: 30. 57: 11-5, Cotr.espondoaeo rozolved, 26; 14.7; 27: 7 22 -3:58; 6, 7 Motions, 76; 102-3; 27: 7 Art. 15 (2) - Erfet de is SUrve-iliance 58: 6:60: 9, 31 Study, procedure, 26: 12, 81-2, 102 ATE. 16-- Suspension .0.13 arm:nation, 35: 5, 6; 46: 6; 471 23 13111 5 -1 2 Art, 20 -- Lieu de r6incaree4a.tion, 42; 22, 23; 46:6 Letter to the Honourable Seas tor Macdonald from Mr- Langlois, 3: 10-5 Retroactivity, precedent, 3: 10 Libkration condidonnelle do detemus, Lai moditiont Bill .S-19 V6ir Cohen, Maxwiet[ S-32. Propeuml to invite as witae,,:s at later date, 10:23, 24 Unavailability as witness, March 19, 19], id; 5 Lipemortarcbi.svie thi Canada Dean or the Diplomatic Corps, discussion re inviting hire to Bill 0.201 appear as, 111s. 23-4 Hteda Dominion,recommandation, 26: 51-4, 55, 56, 57.9, 64 Justice Departmeni Memoirs, 26: 57-8, 59 A mendmunts, Iii 5-6, 7-8, 14, 22, 23.4; 134 4-5,6-7 information lie base, 26: 51. 56, 57. 59 later to Mr- du Plessis, re leases, 1.3.; 7 Memorandum From tv1r. Graham Eglirden, rr Clause 14. 11: 20-1; ',imitation de la proprieti des actions den socikt6s, Loi 12; 5,8,24 Moir Bea S-24 Bill 5.31, tenets:- aackground informntion, 23; 5, 7 -8, 9,10, 24: 9.30,16, 19 Conunittet, role, 2.3: 7-8, 9; 24: 13, 14, 18 I.istlecii,k1, M. Wilton, eonseiller jurldique; Conseil de nibs] de Hob- Bill L -31. subject-rnattol- beam lnvitations to prOVit1.0611 gaVenurtcntS and responses, 28;5-7; Prouta manors dc 1983 rnodifiant la Ctmstimtion, Lanett:. 29; 5-6, 9; 20A; 1-2; 34: 94; 34A: 3-11; 37.A... 1 -4 DinktSejiIll. 144 56-7, 19-21 Motions, doc timents appended 10 procergdings, 29: 4, 5; 31; 4, 18; Expos6; 74:8-16 31 4, 34: 4, 5.17, 94; 37: 4, 5:47: 5. 7 Witnesses Lire vert Siff la reforms des pensions Invitations, discussion, 29;6.8, 10 -I [colt List. 27At 5 De me:Velem pensiom pour ies C' ministere dc la Same Bill 5-32 nationalo et du Bien-etre social Amendments proposed by Solicitor Genera], odenissibility, point of order, 58: 5.9, 10, 12, 14. L5;6 5, 9.-36 Miatinns, 4t; 4, 5; 42 4, 6.7; 46: 4, 10. 36; 47: 5, 6-7; 60: 4, 6,7, Lop*, howorsible Rodman, .C.11,. Ininiatre de la Justice et procuretir 8-32, 33, 34 genera/It Gouvernement du Nouvenu-Iiiiun.suitel, 134.11 S-33, motions,OgCSLMelithappended to priXefitiinzi, 54: 4,15.; Bill C-61, niErnoire sourma, Witte, 19A: 1.2 55: 4, 26-7:59e 4.30; 63: 12; 64: 4, 5; 65: 4, 30; 66: 4.5; 67:4, 5; 68; 4 Lai eanouilieriae sur ks drafts de to perannne ConstitutionA mend memProclamation,1983, Voir motions, 69: 6, 7.8, 9,50; '7th 6; It 6, 14, 17. 39; 13: 6, 20; 744 6. Drains. de Jet porsonne. Loi conadieme 22; 75: 6, 8; 76: 3,J 3, 24 Goldenberg, the Hunourable Senator, resignation as Chairmen or Lai eanternairtGailde de la marine mareliande du Canada Comm ittee, 26: 7.9, 10 Voir Goldenberg Report {Parole is Canada}, 32: 15: 35:i 7; 37: 10-1; Bill S-I 2 3114 12; 46c 4 i; 47: 1:3-4; 48; 22 Motion to elect theHonourableSenator Neiman as Chairman of T,64 etrocernant le President de kDivisionde Lethisridge de tifF..glise Commiti se, 264 4, 9 4e Jesus-Christ des saints ides derniers jeers 'Proposals to correct--- Revised Statutes of Canada, 1970, and other Voir 11111S-16 Detailed examinaticru, neewsiiy,discussion, 6: 7-8. 10, 12,9, 22, 24-5; 7.; 8 Memorandum From [he Honou i able Setor Smitb, 7: 8-11 1.41 constlimant en corporation le priiisident de In ihisloon reclanisati- I}isuissinu, 7:14-61 (Me de Lethbridge, S.C. 016-27, chap. 1 12 Order of Referenoe, 6: 13-4 Report to Senate. discussion, b: 13-5, 17, 18, 22; 7: 11 PrggiCall do la division CAN1164iagique. de Lethbridge, Loi consti- tuent en corporation, S.C. 1926-27. chap, 112

PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor Legal aid Consatwlional Affairs, Standing Senate Committee - Loi comitituant en societe l'eparque de reporehie des Sainte Grille at Coaf'd 511ithede des Slovaques de rite by-earn In au Csuansda Report of 1hr Standing Senate Cow:mince on Banking, Trade and Voir Commerce on Bill 5-35 See show. Bill S-24 Reports to Senate Lei constitutionnelle de 1867 Bil C-26, without amendment, 2:4, 5,21 Art. 53 - Bills pour laver des crOdits et dec imp5ts, 23: 6, 7,8; 24: 6, Bit C-34, without amendment, 9: 4, 5,22 12. 19 Bit C-45, without amendment, 15; 4, 5,11 Art. 80 - Constitution dc l'AssemNee legislative de Quebec, 74; l0 Ell C-61, without amendment 22: 4, 5,22, 23 Art. 91 -A utorite legislative du Parkmem du Canada, IS: 7..8-9; C-130, without amendment but with a recommendation Bil 69: 31, 65-7; 70; 27, 83; 711 15; 71A:8, 13.4, 1 7-8; 75A: 9-10, 11 expressing the reservations discussed in Committee, 50: 4, 5,25 Art- 92 - Sujets soumis au coturnie exclusif de In legislation pro- Bil C-141, without amendment, 51:4, 5,27 vinciale, 70: 28; 74: 13-4 Oil S-8, without amendment, 1: 4, 5.12 Art. 95 - Pouvoir correspondani d'edieter des lois no sujet d regd. Bil 5-12, with amendments, 3:4, 5,16 culture, etc., 15: 7 Bil 5-13. without amendment, 4: 4, 5,13 108 - Transfert des propriety enuenerees dens Panmexe, Oil 5-14, wi alma amendment, 5:4, 5,7 Art, 741 10 Bi IS.16.. without amendment, 8:4, 5,14 Art 109 - Propriete des terrea. mines, etc.. 69: 63; 75A! 9 Oil 5-19, with amendments, 1.3e 4-5, 9.10 Art. 146 - Pauvoir d'admetlre Terec-Neuve, etc., 70: 29 Oil 5 -211, without amendment, 14; 5, 6,9, 15 Bills de finances, 24:9, 10 Bil 5.21, without amendment, 14; 5, 6,11, 15 spurn inion.., 26: 16, 17, 21-2, 24, 25, 33, 36, 69, 71 Oil S-22, without amendment, 14; 5, 6,13, 15 Oil 5-24. 24:4, 3,19, 20 B it 5-26, without amendment, lfi 4, 5,17 Loi conatitutioastelle de 1982 O il 0.27, without amendment, 18; 4. 9 Art. 37 - ConfErence constitutionnelk, 69: 48-9 Oil 531, subject-matter, without amendment, 37:4, 5; 37A: 5-6 Art. 33 - Procedure norrnale de modification. 69: 45; 694: 3; Oil 0-32 70: 19.23, 32 Final Report with amendments, 62: 5- t 1 Art. 42 - Procedure nor male do modification, 69: 15 First Report. seeking further instruction. 624 5 Art 43 - ?vied i fleau Ion I regard de certaines provinces. 701 33 Revised Report, with amendments, 63: 5-11 Art. 46 - Initiative des procedures 74: 11-2 Bill 5-33, interim Report, 61k 5-6 Art. 43 -- Dcinandc de proelemution, 74; 11 Bill 5-34. without amendment, 43: 4, 5.9 Art. 52 - Primula dc la Constitution du Canada, 701 27; 73A: I Bill 5-35, without amendment, 56: 4, 5,11 Art. 54 - Abrogation at modifications qui en decoulent, 6% 48; Constitution Amendment Proclamation,1983, subject-matter, 74 :10 76: 7-12 Charte canadienne des droits et liberal (Articles 1-34) "Proposals to correct , Revised Statutes of Canada. 1970, and Age de Is ratraitc, articles, entrees en vigucur. 51: 21, 22 other Acia...", Art,1 - Droits Canada, 51: 23; 594: 15; 61; 5; Workload, 2% 9. 10, 111; 40: 28; 54:16-7:76: 13.4 64: 14; 66A:46; 73: 10; 741 18 Art. 2 - Litertes fondamenta les. 74: 18, 20, 21 Legge, Major General B. 11,, Clhalnaan, Royal Commonweal* Society Art. 5 - Seance annuelle, 71; II Art. 6 - Liberte dc circulation, 69:69, 70A-: I Bill C-201, subject -matter Art. 7 - Vie, llberte el securite, 59A: 9. 14; 65A: 73; 66: 18; Discussion, 26: 14, 35- 6,42 -3 Statement, 26: 29-31 73: 10 Art. 8 - Fouilles, peNuisitions ou saisies, 63: 22; 73: 10 Art. 9 - Detention ou emprisonnement, 21: 111; 46: 13-4; 59.4: 13 Leone, Laureano, President, Council of NationalEtinecnEurall Art 10 - Arrestation au detention, 21; 10; 59A: 13; 65A: 69 Organ12atIons of CHM& Art, 11 - Affaires critoinelles ct penel.. s, S9A: 1, 10 -2; 61: 8; Bill C-201, subject-matter 65A: 57, 73; 66: 14, 30; 66A:44; 68A: 233-7, 242, 365. 426 Discussion, 26:63, 64. 65-6.67 Art.. 13 - Temoignage irscriminant, 36: 22; 62: 311-1; 65A: 79; Statement, 26e 60-3 66: 11; 68A: 267, 367-70, 371, 373 Art_ 15 - Egalite devant la loi, egalite de b&teliee et protection Lesage, Hon. Jean, fanner Premier ofQuebec. kgale de laloi, 51: 10; 69: 23, 46, 79; 701 9; 70A: 1,4; Caisse de step& et placement du Quebec, statements,quotations. 71A: 13.4; 73A: t 30: 8, 53; 31: 12-3, 16; 33:29; 34: 12-3 Art. 23 - Longue d'instruction, 731 10 Art, 2.4 - Recours en Can d'atteiate droitsatlibertes. 5% 15-6; 59A: 12-3; 63e 22; 684: 298, 313-4 Levesque, Hon- Rene, Premier of Quebec Economic development, statements on, quotation, interpretation. Art. 28 - Egalite de garaotie des droits pour les deux sexes, 33: 51.2, 34, 55 651: 46; 70:9 Art. 33 - Derogation par declaration expresse, 68A: 370 Art. 34 - Titre, 69: 46 Lewis, D. and L Clark, Rape: The Pries of Coereite Sexuality, Autochtones, droits, diet, interprelfitims, 6% 46, 68-70., 781 20: 25: 15.6; 27; 20 71A; 12, 13.4; 74: 14, 18.20 Bill 5-33 Lewis, Hon. Philip Derek, Senator (St. ..lefties) Changevente de redaction d cause de. 36: 11, 20-2; 40: 21; Bill C-26, 2: 14, 18 52: 16 Bill C-34. 92 14,16. 17, 20 interpretations par rapport A, 36: 11, 22-3; 40: 8-10, 23-4: Bill C-53, subject-matter, 25: 33 52: 13; 53: 6, 11; 54: 9; 54A: 2; 59A: 4.15, 20. 32; 62: 30.1;

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Lewis, Him. Philip Derek, Senator {Se, Johres}-C.ourci Lai consvitutionvelle de 1982-Suire Bill C-61,20:22 Charm coriadierthe do drafts et llbertes (Articles i Bill C-127, skitvortr matter. 27: 21 Bill Bill C-130, 50; 12 65A: 56.7, 79; 66: 14.6, 19, 20, 36-7, 46; 66A; 44.6, 55-1; Rill S-19, t4: 2f, 22 68A; 233-7, 242, 244, 365, 367-70, 426 16-7; Bilk S-27. 1& Reetvabillte de pretives, 36e 21; 40: 8-10, 23.4; 52 Bill S-32,39; r4, 15, 16, 1.8;41: 3E, 32 54A: 37; 59A: 12-3., 63: 22.3; 66A: 79-90; 611A: 24E. 313-4 Bill S-33 FEffei sur Bill C.61, 7,12, 20, 25; 19: 6. 9-10. 14: 19A: 1-2; Accused 21; 7; 22: 16-7 m inatutro on pr6lOu.S record, 36; 23 Oaranties juridiques, dispositions, 17T 27; 2.11.: 1(1, 19; 221 6.7; Failure to testify, judge's cOmment, 40; 20 32: 13; 37: 27;41:15-7,33; 41A; 8;416; 9,134 18 e, 40: 13; Spouse, 364.76, 18 Loi sur ks stupefiants, inverpre'lations par rapport Statements, admissl biliry. 36: 14-5, 16; 46.24-5 52: ] 3; 53: II; 554: 10; 65A: 57; ere 15; 68A: 233.6 Canadian Kir Association Voir aussl Briefs, 491 23 Pronta ma r inn do 1983 moclifiant Ia Cooati Lotion Uniform Law Conference, annual reports, 49:33, 34 Computer printouts, admissibility, 36e 14; 49: 23; 65: 11, 23-6 currentive de 1977 Definition., legislative gatemen( or codc.4519. 21; 53.: 14 Sanction royale. Elute,k6 Drafting, 40: 18-9;49,.22; 54: 14, 65: 22 Foreign jurisdictions, comparison, 36: 18. .19; 41`it 11.-7,17: 49; 24 Lai corrective de 1970 istoria background, 49: 21, 22 Sanction royale, date, 6.; 6 institute of Law Research and Reform, background information. 5.3t Dveryievv, 36: 11 Iii Oarfactivt de 1980 Procedure. 36: 5, 25; 40: 16; 49:24 Den n ivion, 6; 5, 6 ConstitutionAmenclutentPr&trammion, 1983,subject -matter, if, 27: 72: Lui d'aide au de'i,eloptievieua iwrentaticual rilssiitui Ions fina re ieres, "Proposals to correctRevisciinitruleS of Canada, 1970, and other Voir Acts...", 7t 50 Bill C-130

Liniechild, Wilton. Legal Counari,Hubbegra Tribal Council 1.61 do to fire du llomiglog. S.C. 11379. 42 Victoria. chap. 47. 26: I5, Constitution Amendment Proclamation, 1983, subjoa.maticr 25, 33, 92, % Discussion, 744 16-7, 19-21 Statement,74:8-16 Lol de ne124 ear oeuvre ems accord eouclu enlre le Canada el RO-prisb- liqae !Mann. rAllentagrre en vire dIviter les togibles impo- Li liesinch and LiveFluck. Products Act sitions- Amendment PR rpogcit carried, 7: 43 Voir Silt S-24 Iitesiock Pedigree Act A ineudinent proposed; carried, 43 Lai trinvergreht thou Art 16 - Bad dans la IliNlar.0 d6c18r c Sa Ma1eN46 nest ni lE6c ni Loan Conipanie.s At visa, 15: 6, 8,9, ] Amendment proposed; carried, 6: 5; 7: 43 Lei elector:Ile du Canada Logan, Hun, Walvis" 4.C.1 Minister of Justice and Attorney .1C:ev- Aincriderne4 I. propose; adopts, do 7;1;6, 11-2, 14, 61 ent]. Covernmein of New Brunswick Hill C-6I, brief submitted, teat, 19A: 1-2 Jul aderale de 19812 For 6 pregve

Landon Lift lasnrasee Company, Lima v. ((1977),4A.R. 259). Bill S-31 68A: 1174t, 119 Loi gwdifiggi la Lai canadionue sur les bolts du is persuanc el appel- Lord's Day Aci lant do modifications correlatives a d'aullret tole Amendment proposal; carried. 6: 7; 7:7, 11-2, 14,61 Voir BILL C. 141 Lortie Committee See Lai modals ni Is Lei eaustivirlve de Ia wand} loge de l'Ordte 661revole Consultative Committee on inflation and the Taxation of Per. et protteveur des thus du Dominion du Canada sonar frivol merit income Voir Bill S-27 Louie. Pierre, Prot:Merit, Moineull Stock Exchange BM S.31, su bitra.matter Lai modifier' i la Lei erabliFanul ies }ours Cafes. Discussion, 31; 19-37 Voir Letter to Committee,47A:r; Bill C-37 Ouellet, Honourable Andr6, thseussiona with, reported, 31: 19, 20 Bill C-207

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[Artie, Pierre. President, Montreal Sock Exchange-Coned Loi miRlifiant In Loi sur le ministire de l'Energie, des Mines ci des Bill 8-31, subjectmaiter--Cenr'd ReSseurces Reaction, reported, 28; 27, 38, 39; 29< 6, 8,10; 30; 13, 36; 34: 24, Voir 26,41 Bill C-102 Statement, 31: 5-18 Loi motlifient Is Loi cur les juges et apporlut a d'autres has des Lovelace v. Canada ( (1981), 2 Human Righis L.J. 158 (U.N. Human modifications conuexes Rights Commlitee)), 69; 25,79;707,15 Voir Bill C-34 Low, D. Martin, Executive Assistant to the Depoiy Minister of Jus- tice; General Counsel Human Rights Law, Department of Justice Bill C-34, 9: 3, 9,11-7, 18-9, 20-1, 22 Loi medifiant Ia Loi sur les Onitenciers et Is Lol stir Ea liWrorion Bill C -141, 51: 15, 20.1 couditionnelle de ditenus Voir Bill S-32 Lyman, S, Senior Counsel, Legal Services, Agriculture Canada

Bill C-45, 15:6, 7,8.9, I 1 Lof modiflant la Lai sag les proclaim entiparasiteires Voir McCabe, William, Researcher, John Howard Society of Oitarto Bill C.45 Bills -32, 421. 17, 18, 20, 22, 23, 26, 27, 28 Lei modIflarit It Code crimillet en matiire life:Connicik an EiPidettre, Kenneth S. Brume, ed., 62:22;68A.3205.207 ' infractions sexuelles et d'aulres infractions centre In Femme et apportant des modifica- tions corrilatives ii. d'antres lois MacDonald, Donald, Research Officer, Low and Government Branch, Vote Library of Parliament Bill C-127 Bill 8-32 Amendments, mcmotanclumcoirceming, reference to, 681: 35,36 Discussion, 35e 23 Loi mudifia or leCodecriminol en matikre rinfractiom svnuelka et de protection des leunes et apporisni des modifications correlativesii d'autrea lois McDonald, Harry, Director, Legal Services, Department oF Insurance Voir "Proposals to correct... Revised Statutes of Canada, 1970, and other Bill C-53 Acts... ", 7:23 -4, 41-2, 48, 56

Macdonald, Ron. John hi., Senator (Cape Breton) Lei reconstituant la cmpagele Pyramid Comommications Limited Vote Letter from Mr. Langrois re Bill 8-12,3! 10.5 Bill S-8 McDonald, Robert M, Deputy Minister, Mini.' sry of Community and Social Services, Government of Ontario Lol reconstituani la comptignie Tremus Industries Limited Bill C-6l, 20: 10, 12-23 Voir Dill S-14 McElmaa, Hon. Charles, Senator (Nashvraa k Valley) ConstitutionAmendmentProclamation,1983, subject-matter, Loi reecnstituant Is soelete E.C. Klein Limited it privoyant an proro- 69:23 -4: 78.9; 70: 12-5, 25, 48; 72; 9; 73: 19-20, 24-5; 74: 20-1, gation sous le regime de la Loi sE ks socielia commerriales cans- 28-9 dlennes Voir McEwan, I, A., Q.C Legal Counsel for the Petitioner, TheVeryRev- Bill 8-26 erend Michael Rusnak Bill S-35 Lel reconstituast In stickle Eastern Diversified Company Ltd. et pre-- Discussion, 56:8, 11 Toyama ea prorogation sous le rigirne de Ia Loi cur lespecietes Statement, 56; commerciales canadlennes Voir MacFarlane, Gordon, Executive Director, John Howard Society of Bill 8-22 Ontario Bill 8-32 Lot reconstlittant It. sociiti G,A. Barber & SoilsLimitedit pre,' toyant Discussiug,42: 17-21, 24-7.29 as prorogation sous le regime de to Lol sur Insecietis commercia- Statement, 42: 14 les essadiennes Voir McGovern, Edward P. Tremus industries Limited, Pt/Weser Bill 8-21 Bill S-I4, 7

Lol roconstittunit ld sociiti OntarioNewt. Company, Limited it pre- McGrath, W. Member or the Board, St, Leonard's Society of voyatit an prorogation sous lc regime de Is Loi sur lea softiies Canada commercialos canadiennes Bill S-32 Yoir Discusdion, 37: 5, 12-9, 2 l ,23-4, 28-30 BillS-20

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McGrath, Member of the Board,. St. Leorksres Society of Loi reCOSStitUirkT la scelitE Polywriteprise Liree et prevoyani sa pro- Canada-Cahn! rogation sous le thilat de fa Loi siur les snei6tes coatraereastis Bill S-32--Crire'd co etadisunes Statement, 37: 6- IC P it Bill S-34 MaeGuigass, Hun, Mark, Minister of Justice: and Attorney General of Canada Lol reeonstlituarit les compagn ins 4i welkin Liee e4 Socam Ltee Bill C-141 Voir. Discussion, 51:12 -6, 20.4, 26-7 Bill 5-13 Statement, 51: 6.11 CDPSIitkiliclu Amendment Pooch mat ion,11983, subject -matter Loi sm. Iraerunautififfe Discumion, 65% 32-49 Arrtendemen ES, 1971, ZB: 19 29-30. 36; 29: 11-2: 31k30. 34, 57-91 Statement, 09: 29-32 391 25: 34: 73-4, 75,134

Maltraish, Ron. George J. Senior (Ottawa Valley) Lol say la Com- hider sk Bill C-201, subjeel-malkor, 26; 64-5, 90.91,92 -3 Art. 28 l l) - Examen des decision§ [Van office, d'une commission Bill S-20, Isk 8, 15 Cu eon au roe tribunal feiMta57: 14. 19, 23 Bill S-22, 14: 12-3, 15 Aft, 48 - rattan d'engsge,r clue pnyzhiure. Ockitre Ca Couronne, 2; 17

Macintosh. Robert, President...Canadian Barkers Association 1,0I sue flb4ration eonslitioneeille de derlenus B1118-33, 55; 5-6, 17, 24.26 Voir Liberation cooditionnelle dc awn us, Loi

Makor, Don, President, Maniroba Mikis Federation, 14tie National La Sur ta prison au Cimada Council Voir 1983.sukkeet.roatter, ConstitutionAmendmentProclamation, Preuve R41 Canada. Lot V: 72.5, 71, 113

IA Sur Fa rillOrnie du Ouriutinekilefil. 17:6 McKay, Alvin, Eatecatire Member For Grenville, Nialiga Tribal Coun- cil (New Aiyaash, British Columbla) 1.0i sur la ilialfssiou de is prOprierle des acilons des socials ConstitullionAmu:1.6mmProclamation, 1983,subject -matter, Voir- Bill-31, tenni-

McKenna-McBride Commissian Loll' sue le CS.culsh See V941- itOyal COMMILS8i011 OR Indian Affairs for [be Province of British ctinaliguilausek de 1982 Colombia Loi sur k pane*" des menus Oli;OlerS dt lR reserve iadienne de Furl MeXercher, Robert, Q.C,, National Vice-President, Canadian Bar NelS014 AsiSdeialie0 Voir Bill 8.33 Bill C.26 Discmssion, 49; 19-20, 23,5, 26,30, 33. 34166e 36 stn temeul, 49; 5-7 LOISOIr le pilotage Voir MaeLatchie, James M., Executive Director, John Howard Society of Pilotage, 1..ei Canada Bill S-32 Loi rar les corporations rOuillisurles Discussion, 41. 19, 21, 25, 26 Vvir Statement, 42:3 Corporations cansthernes. Lei

Mebtiairff, k T. f (1975, (10 MO j, 61 15; 68A: 202 Lei Sur les kulie Voi:r 1ThJicn5,Loi MMRatfen, R, v. ( (1980), 100 D.L.R.(341) 6711, 557. 7-8, 1i, 20, 21, 23, 24-5; 55A: 4-5, 6, 7, 11. 64: 12-3, 19; 65; 7-8, 10, 19; 65A; 9; Lel sur les jennies conteevenauis 6f4 50 Voir Etill C-4 I Macistiarrle, Hon. Heath, Scimitar (1-1111sinreuet) Bill C-201, subject-matter. 26e 50, 51 Ear sur ies jettnes di linquautii Bit! S-27, 18 :9 Voir Dill 8-35, 56: 9, I1 Settnesdelinquants.Loi

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McWITInney, Edward,Canadaand theCarivitarient, 4979 -111,26: 23 Loi our Tea paehories Voir Maingo1, Q,C., Law Clerk and Parliamentary COWL Sel 10Vie Mhcrics, Loi House on Common "Proposia1s 10 correct. Revised Statutes of Canada, 1970, arid other 1.All sale ks peilitoncier5. Acts..- ",61 11-2 Voir Peniicnciers Loi Mis larentk 2n$ Edwatd. Donnersteln,The Pffecta of Aggrociro- Poenographic Mum Media Stimuli, 21; 1.0 Lai SSW NS pritliekbs of lanumaitik illiplosantlques ct conviliairE9 hibriclaibry superri5inv Voirr Privileges et Iromunlies diplornatiques et consul:liras, Lei .4.1thrnatives and variations, proposals and reactions Abolition and Abolitionapernjwion Detention uotil warrant expiry in LLortain aloes., 45; 6, 11, 17, Lbi stir les prudafts aotipornslislres 20, 28-9, 36, 38, 49-50; 47: 20-1, 26-7; siik 14, 17, 26 Voir indefinite. incarcerallion in certain cams, 45: 36. 37.9, 42.3, 44; Prod nits anti para.silaires, Lai 47: 20-1, 26-7; 48: 14, 26 Parole eligibility any time after one-third 11 sentenee, 32: 14, 1 5.1 7 ,2.6!, 37: 10-1, 12-3. 24, 39; II; 41: 19: 45: 36-7, 41, 1.o1 sue Ice societes comodiennes miss but lucratif 47; 20-1.26 -7; 48; 14, 26 Voir RtIcase solely at discrat1on of National Parole Board, 384 211.: Bill C-101 451 6,10-3, 17-9, 20, 28-9, 354, 41, 43: 46-8, 49-50; 47:20-1. 20-7. 28.9; 48: 13, 9-12, 14, 20. T, 26 Sentence extension at discrotion. of the judge in certain cases, Lai guy les ROOMS .COMOcrciales co narlieenes Vpir 44; 7, 8,11 -2, 13, 26; 47: 20- 1,26 -7; 48; 14, 26 Socitds voinimarcialaE Qinarlictmen, Loi Abolition but retention or remission No supervision (pre- 1970 si tunLion),r; 6, 18,30; Mt 12; 39; 6, 8-9: 41; 01-9; 42:: 8, 10. 13, 19-20; 42A: 29-30, 3.3; 45: 6, L41 our les srlupetlanis, 40: 13:52: 13; 53: 11, 591: 10; OSA; 57; 66,1 15, 22.4:47A: 5, 8; 4E; 17 51 :68A :233-6 Voluntary supervision, 37: 6-8, 14-5, 17-20, 30, 3$:12: 35: 7-9; 41; 18; 42.4i 29:45: 10.1:47: 21-2: 47A: 5, 6; 14 Forienure or remission 5olOy for ncw offence, 37; 9-10,18; Lot our ritrinismite Fasts 6.7, 11, 181 35: 6-7,10,12; 41: 13-9,13. 24.4, 29-31; Voir 41A: 7-10; 42: 10-1, 14-6, 19 ;45; 22-4. 27-8; 47; 16, 18-20, 25; Bill S-19 48; 18.9; 57: 17-8:60: 34.6 Inquiry into correctional system E. ad a guegace, 3& 5, 7-9:. uni forme our Ta preuve 46; 5-6, 8-9, 19-22, 25-7, 30-1, 33-5.; 47A4 5, 8.9., 48; 5-6, 8 Irate Remission Prenve, I..pi uniforine Aboliiion, 32; 10, 15, 17. 26; 37; 10-1. 20; 38: 11-2; 44: 7-8, 11-3, 26; 45: 6, 8,10.1, 17. 20, 23, 28-9. 35, 37, 313, 45-50: 48; S.9-12, 20-1, 25.26, 29 Lois correctives Relent-ion, with improvements, 32: 15., 37: 6. 8,11-2, 20, 30; But, 61 6, 9,17-8 38:12, 14, 19; 39 :6, 8-9,11-2, i6- 9;41: 19.20-, 42: 9, 11-3, T-Tist63-Nue 6: 6, 113 18-22; 42A: 291 44: 8, 26-8; 45 6. 8, ro, 211 22-3, 37, Procedure, 64 5,6-7.8.10, 12. ]4, 16, 18-9, 22, 25; 7;14 45-50: 47.41 5; 48 8-9, 28 Vpir auss 1.1istorieel Inekground, 32:5,6,10: 35: 9,23-4; 37: 23;313.: Statute rcvisis du Canada dc1970 et ... tcfitalne9 10is pasierieures,

41; 11-8; 41A1 3, 4; 42 19.20. 24.5; 45: 5; 46:: 8-9, 32; 47.: 21: Propositions visa'''.cor rigor . 413t 6 Inmates. Afier care agencies. 32: 23: 41: 17-8, 22, 23; 411: 7; 42: 26;Laniitin Life Insurance CompPay. Lana c. ((1977), 4. A.R. 355), 4.4t 14, 20, 21-2, 25-6: 45: 10, 28; 47; 21, 22, 26; 47A; 6, 8,9; 6,4! 335-6., 337 48: 9 Attitude to, 34:8,9, 18.20, 31:37; 6-8, 14-5, 17.8; 38: 18-9; 39: 6: Loctie, 01.111ifith 41; 23, 25; 41A; 3; 42: 13, 26; 42.4: 28, 32: 44: 5; 45:7, 2.4, 37: IA* 46: 25-6; 47; 21, 29; 47,014 6,7 Coinite r eh mattere 4J:inflationat eimpusition du Conditions imposed. 37: 14-5., 17,8: 41; 9, 20; 41A: 4; 45: 6,i 1, reventi petWfifiel 4173 plaCMIlenta 17-8,20, 22-4; 46: 9, 14-5, 22-3, 31 DanVrOus or poteniially dangoron.s offenders Crimes of violence awl ho iue rice, 32: 5, 7-8, 10, 21,26; Urge, /A, Pierre, 'presi4eos, Bourse de Montreal 35; 17-8,22-4; 38: 1.7: 39: 7; 41: II; 42: 15,17-8, 23-4; Bill S-31, eencur 421: 5.6,8-13, 19.20; 44; 12; 45: 6-7, 10, 22, 30.1, 39-40, Discussion, 31r 19-37 45:47A; 7:48; 11, 30-1; 57: 15-6, 24 Espos6. 31: 5.18 Criminal Code provisions, 38:: 11, 16; 4!:11-2. 26.7; 41A: 4-5; Lei ire au Comite, 47.4: 10 44:12-.1,26; 45;8,17,19-20, 23,27-30, 36-9, 41-3; Ouel I et, honors Elle And re, d iscussions awcc, citaiI011S, :11.: 19, 20 46; 16-8;47: 7.17, 27: 43 21, 25, 32;57; 7, 9,I12, 19-20; Reaction, eitallion, 28: 27, 38. 39; 29: 6, 8,10; 30: 13, 36; 34; 24, 58: I 1, 14; 64k 6-8 26,41

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Mandatory supervision--Conrar Lovelace e. Canada 01980. 2 Human Rights L.J. 158 (L1.19, Hunan Inmates-Coned Rights Committee)), 69:25, 79; 70: 15 Dangaroua or potentially da rigorous offenders---Cont'd Gating, immediate suspension Alternatives, 38: 11, 16; 41:I t-2, 26.7; 41A: 4.5; 44: 13.4. La vi, M. D. Martin, cbef de Cabinet du antis-ministre de la Justice: 26; 45: 20, 27-8, 36, 38-9, 42-3, 44; 47; 7, 9.15, 17, 27; avocet emerall, Drubs de 4 persenne, rednistere de la Ju -stice 48:21, 25, 32 Bill C-34. St 7, 9,117, 18.9, 20-1,U Evaluation, 37: 16, 19 -20: 23; 38: 7, 1(1-1, 16-7; 41; 20-1; Bill C-141,51: 15, 20-1 44: 6, 14, 256; 51: 24 Interpretation Of Parole Act Authority, 32: 13.4; 35: 15; 37: 16, 19-20. 23; 41: 10-2; Lyme-, M. S.,avocat.coasellsenior,Conteatleux,Agriculture 44:25;45: 12, 16, 28; 46: 13.5; 47; 28-9; 48: 7; 37: 5, 6- Canada 7; 58 5. 12-3; 60: 21,24 BillC-45.15:6, 7,8-9, II Cases, number, 32: 13, 17; 35: 7; 311; 10; 45: 26; 57: 16. 21; 51k 12 recherchiste, Jobe Howard Society of Ontario Court proceedings. 32; 13, 17; 35; 5-6,22; 37: 23; 38:7, 10, McCabe, M. Bill S-32, 42: 17. 18, 20, 22r 23. 26, 27, 28 18; 41: 5; 42: 24; 44: 13; 45t 9, 12-3, 16, 26, 28: 44: 9, 13-4; 47; 9. 14-5, 28; Oh 7; 57: 5, 6-7, 10 -1, 16; 58: 5, 12-3; 60:21, 24 McCormick on Evidence, Kenneth S. Brous, ed., 62: 22; 68A: 416, 4111 Protection of the public, effect on 32; 13-4; 351 5-7; 39: 15; 46: 13; 47A: 7; 48.1 6.7; 57: 6, 9.10. 25-6;6k 24-5 Reasons, 32: 13-4; 35: 5-7, 15-6, 30-1; 38: 10, 16; 41: 28; Macdonald, M. Donald, attache de recherche, Divisior du drat et do 45: 30; 44:6-7, 13.4, 25-6; 46: 19-20, 27; 48: 6-7, 20 goaveraement, Bibilothamie du Parlemen1 Remainder of sentence, length, 35:12, 23; 45: 26 Bill 3-32 Solicitor General proposal A mendcmcats, note concernant, reference, 60: 35, 36 Appeals, 57: 7, 9,11, 15.7, 18.9, 20-1, 23; 58: 10. 11 -2, Discussion, 35: 23 13-4; 60: 7-8 Authority. 57: 6.7, 8-9, 10.1, 16-7; 58; 10-1, 12, 13; 60: 6, 7,8 McDonald, M. Harry, direr leer, Services iuridinues. Departement Criteria, 57: 7.8.9, 11. 12, 25 des Assurances Explanation and overview, 57: 5, 6.13; 58: 5, 10-1; 60: 6-8 .Propositions visant 3 port ige-r... Statute revises du Canada de 1970 Hearings, 51; 8-9, 11-3, 14-5, 16.7, 18-9, 20.4: 58: II; et oertaines lois poaterieurram, 7: 23.4, 41-2, 48, 56 60: 6-8 Notice to offender, time-frame, 57: S, 11. 12. 14, 23-4; Macdonald, honorable Jobil M., sinateur (Cap-Breton) 58e 11-2.14;60:7; 8 Lettre de M. Langlois concerriant Bill S-12, 3: 10-5 Number, estimate. 57; 16,25 Period u force. sunset clause, 57: 9, 16, 21:58: 15 Release, post-gating 57: 13-4, 21-2; 5& 11; 60: McDonald, M. Robert M., sous-ministre, miais-gre des Services Retroactivity, 57: 12, 13, 25; 58: 13 sociaux et communautivires.Goavertientent de l'Ontario Identification and prediction of behaviour, 35: 6; 37: 15-7, 23-4; Bill C-61, 20: 10, 12.23 38: 15-7; 39: 7, 9-10, 15; 41: 11.3; 41A: 3, 5; 42; 13, 17, 25; f), 10-1, 16-9, 25, 28-32, 43; 44: 12-7, 26; 45c 6,7-8, McElman, honorable Charles, semateur (Nash-weak Valley) 46: 15-9, 27-8; 47: 7.16; 48: 11.20157: 6.7,15-7 Proclamation de 1983 triodt0ant la Constitution, toneur, 69: 23-6, Indefinite sentences, 38; 16; 41: 17-2; 41A: 5-, 45: 36, 37-9, 78-9; 70: 12-5, 25.48: 72: 9; 73: 19-20, 24.5; 74; 211-1, 28-9 42 -3, 44; 47: 8, 10.3; 48: 32 Mental health, 32; 12-3; 35: 30-1; 38 :17; 39: 15-6, 19; 41: 264; 41A; 4.5; 45: 8, 12-3, 25, 28-9, 38, 43; 46:27 -9; 47: 9-10, MeEwan, M. 1. A., c.r., curiseiller juritlique du petitiennaire. Le tres 13-5, 28; 58: 14 reverend Michael Rusnak Sentencing, 317, 9; 46: 26, 30; 47; 8, 9,10-3, 16, 17.8, 21, 27 Bill S-35 Sex offenders, 35: 6, 7; 37: 17; 39; 15; 45: 7, 8,13, 25, 31-5, 38, Discussion, 56: 8, 11 41.3; 46.: 16-7, 27; 4'7: 8, 11-3, 17; 57: 7.8 Expose, 54: 6.7 Special Handling Units, 39: 10; 41:6, 14, 15-8, 25 Eligibility, 32: 5-6, 7.11, 12-4, 15-8; 35: 9, 15, 18, 23; 37; 20-1; 38:5-6, la; 41: 8, 10, 19; 41A: 3 -4:42: 10, 16, 27; 46: 19, 25-6, MacFarlane. M. Gordon, die-re-icor general, Ionn Howard Society of 32; 47: 23-4, 29; 48: 6, 21, 29; 57: 6; 58: 12-3 Ontario Employment after release, 32: 25 Bill 8-32 Half-way hocks, 37: 6,12, 14-7, 21-2, 27; 46: 14, 22-4, 31; Discussion, 52: 17-21, 24-7, 29 47.A1 8; 57: 7 Espos6, 42:14 incarceration, effect on, 32: 7, 16, 20; 41: 12-3, 18. 23, 25; 41A; 5, 6,10; 42: 13; 45: 25-6; 46., 9; 47: 15. 16, 20; 48: 9, 25, 29. 31; PvFeCrovera, M. Edward P.,. Trey ea Ind metrics Limited, neiltionnaire 57: 25; 60; 24-5 Bill 5-14, 5:6, 7 Provinces, prisons, comparison, 37: 8, 12, 20. 28 -9:38: 5. 7:39: 41: 17; 45: 15, 16, 47-8 Rehabilitation McGrath, M. W. T., inenibta tiv bureau de direction, Societe Saint Motivation, importance, 37; 6, 8.14-5. 16-7, 18-9; 38; 20-1; Leonard du Canada 39:6, 8,20, 22; 41: 18, 22, 23; 42: 20, 25-7, 29; 42A: 29; 81118-32 44: 7-8, 11.2; 45: 7, 10, 14, 24, 28, 45-6; 46: 24,5; 47: 21-2; Discussion, 37:5, 12.9, 21, 23-4, 28-3(1 47A:5-6, 8, 9; 411e 9,14 Expast, 37:6 -10

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Mandatory supervision- ,Cont'd MaeCuigim, honorable Mark. minlstre de la .1-mike ct procureur 'Inmates- -Coed general du Canada Rchoisdnalion c`rhof'd Bill C-141 Programs, 32; 24-5; 38: 13-5; 39; 6, 7-8,10,13.7,19,22; Discussion, $1; 12-6, 20-4, 26.7 41:17, 28-9; 41A; 7, 10; 42: 14, 23-6; 42A: 27-8; 44: 24; Expose, 51: 6-11 48: 32.5 Proclamation de 1983 modifiant la Constitution. teneur Releases, 32: 17; 35: 15, 16, 24; 37: 13; 38: 9-10, 13, 15-6,18; Discussion, 69:32 -49 42: 16, 27, 28; 42A: 31.32; 45: 40, 45; 46: 7. 9-10, 32 Expos6, 69: 29-32 Remission Earned MeUraith, konurabk George J, eineteur (Ottawa Yid-ley ) Amount earned, percentage, 35: 19-20; 39:18: 48: 18 Bill C-201, Le neur, 26: 64-5, 90.91, 92-3 Attitude towards, 32:10, 16, 26; 3$: 18, 29-31; 37: 6.7, 8, 11, Bill 5-20, 14: 8, 15 15, 18.20; 41: 25; 41k 3; 44: 5;46: 25 Bill S-22. 14: 12-3, 15 Continuity while out under supervision, 32: 8-9 "Revolving door syndrome", 32: 8.9, 19, 21; 35: 13; 38: 7; Maeledosb, M. Robert, prkidellt, Association des banao11.4.5 coop 41:8, 10, 19, 23-4, 29; 4IA; 3, 5; 42; 10, 12, 17; 451 6, 22; 46: 6-7, 26; 47; 16, 234, 27.8; 47A: 6, 7; 48: 5-6, 7, 14-7, Bill S-33, 55: 5-6. L7.8, 24, 26 21-6; 57:10, 17 Foreign countries, comparison, 32: 5; 39:8, 12, 20 Forfeiture, post-revue-41cm Mayor, M. Dor, president, Fiderition des Melia de Manitoba, Col- Attitudes, effect on, 37: 9; 38: 22; 41: 7, 17, 19, 25, 26; sell National at Milk 41k 6.7.8, 10:42: 1/-3; 42A: 32; 46: 8 Proclamation de 1983 modifiant la Constitution. termer, 70: 72-5, New offences, 32:9-10, 18. 19-21; 35; 13-4; 37; 10. 18; 311; 77, 83

, 18; 39; 6, 10, 12; 41: 7-9, 13, 24-6. 29.32, 41A: 3.4, 7.8; 421 10, 14.6; 45: 22; 47; :6-9. 22-6; 47AI 7; 48: 18-9, McKay, M. Alvin, repriscutant executif de Greenville, Conseil de 21-2, 27-8; 57: 24 triter do Nishga (New Aiyansh, Columbie-Birltannique) Penitentiary population, effect on, 32: 18; 35: 29; 37; 29; Proclamation de 1983 modiliant [a Constitution, teneur, 73: 7-8 39: 5, 8, 1 1 , 14, 21-2; 41; 28; 41,1 1 6; 42: 12: 42A: 31, 32; 46: 8; 47A: 7, 48:25-6 McKean!-PvIeBride, Commission Proposal, explanation and reaction. 32: 9-10, I I, 14-5, 19-20; Volr 35: 29-30; 37: 16-7, /9-20; 3B 7-8; 41: 18-9, 21-2, 24-5; Royal Commission on Indian Affairs for the Province of British 41A: 4, 5,8.10; 42: 10-I; 45: 6, 8,13, 22, 33-9, 43-5; Columbia 46: 5-9, 15, 26, 32; 47: 16 -20, 23-8; 47A; 5, 7-9: 48: 5.7, 14-5, 22-7, 29-33, 35-6; 57: 6, 10 MeKerther, M. Robert, c.r., v ice-presideut national, Association du Protection of the public, effect on, 32: 7, 9-10, 14, 16-7, 21, 26; 37; 9; 38: 8, 22; 39t 5. 6,9.11; 41: 26; 41A: 5, 6; Harreau eaundien Bill S-33 42:12-3; 45; 0-8 13, 22-7, 33-4, 42; 461 8, 19-22; 474 28; Discussion, 49: 19-20, 23-5, 216, 30. 33, 34; 66: 46 47A: 7-8; 4815-8, 14, 16, 21-5, 29-35; St 6, 10; 601 24-5 Esposi, 49: 5-7 Retroactivity. 37; 10, it. 26-7 Technical breaches, 32: 9-10, 18, 19; 35: 9-10; 37: 9-10, 18; 38: 6-7, 11, 18; 39: 6, 10, 12; 41: 8-9, 13, 19, 24-6, 30; mac Latchle, M. James M., direeteur gewkral, John Howard Society 41k 7.4; 42: 10,14,16,19; 45: 22; 47: 16-20, 22-5: of Canada 47A: 7; 48; 18-9, 21-4, 27-8; 57: 17.8, 60: 34.6 BIE1S-32 Historical background, 324 5; 39: 4; 411: 20; 42: 8 -10, 20, 21, Discubsion, 42; 19, 21, 25.26 46: 33;48: 12 Expos6, 42; 7 Loss, 35: 30.1; 38: 7,12; 39 9, 11-2, 18; 41: 13.5; 41A: 7; 42:21 -3; 44; 9-1 1, 15, 22, 26-8; 45e 10, 11, 14, 16, 47-9; McMillan, R. e..( (1975), 23 C.C.C. (24) 160), 63: 15; 68A: 413 46: 6, 33; 48; 12, 17 Procedure to earn or lose, 32: 5; 35: 19-22; 37; 22-30; 38; 12, McMullen, R. e.(1980), 100 U.L.R. (34) 671), 54-. 7-8, 11.20, 21, 14-5, 19; 34.6, 8-9, 11-2, 17-2th 41: 19.20; 42: 9.10, 14-23, 23, 24-5; 55A: 21.2, 23, 24, 33; 644 12-3, 19; 65: 7-8,10,19; 27 -8;44: 10, 22, 23. 26; 45: 10, 14-6, 20:461 6. 32.3; 47; 29; 65A: 48; 66: 50 48: 12-3, 17-8, 27 Provinces, prisons. 45: 15, 16, 47-4 beLacquarrie, honorable Heath, senalewr (Hillsborough) Recrediting, 41: 4, 9,10, 19; 41k 3, 5.6; 41: 22, 23; 42Az 30; Bill C -201, teneur, 26: 50, 51 46: 7; 48: 12.3, 22 Bill S-27, IS: 9 'rime off for pod behaviour, incentive value, 324 10-1, 15-9, 26; Rill S-35, 56:9, 11 351 29-32; 38; 14; 39: 8, 11, 18-9,L, 41: 17, 22; 411A: 7; 42: 9, 1 i-3,16,, 19; 444 5, 8-10, 26-8; 45: 37, 45-7, 49; 46: 25.7, MeWhinney, Edward, Canada and nu (20,aritortion. 1979-82, 26: 23 32-4; 48: 12, 17-8,22. 28-9 Rights, 321 9, 13; 35: 5-6, 15-6, [8; 37: 16, 19-20; 38: 9-11, 16-8; Pilaingot, M. J. P. ..1 c r. llgiste et conseilkr parlementaire de la 41; 10, 15-7; 41k 5; 44: 12, 25, 26; 45: 11-3, 17.8, 35, 18, Cliamtire des communes 41-2, 44; 46: 9, 13-4, 17-22, 35; 47: 16; 48: 7, 12; 51: 24; .propositions visant si eorriger... Statute revises du Canada de 1970 57; etcertaines leis posarieures., ik 11-2 See also below Revocation Supervision Malamuth, Neil at Edward Drannerstein, The Effecrs of .4neessi-re- Judges, position reported, 32;11 Pornographic Mass Media Stisnali, 27: 10

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Maul supervision- -Cont'd 114ardorory Supervision: Polliws and People, Craharn Stewarl. 37: 6; Parole. comparison 42: 25 Eligibility, 354 16, 21, 22; 38: 6, 15; 42: 9, 10; 46: 19, 20, 32; 47: 23-4, 29 Hearings, 57: 19, 21, 22-3 Mialtolre, gouvernemeni Historical background, 324 6; 37:21; 39:6; 45: 5; 46:32; 48: 6 Bill 5-31. reaction, 34: 67, 94;34A:8 Inmates, attitude to, 37: 6, 8; 39: 6, Nov offences, 35: 19; 46:11 -2, 16; 48: l 1, 30-1; 57; 15-6, 24 Mannirig, honorable .meet C., semateur Edmonton-Oiliest) Obligations, 32: 26; 37: 15, 17, 18-9; 38: 5;41:8 Bill 8- Public. perception. 37: 7; 38: 10; 39: 6-7; 42: 25; 45: 9-10; 46: 17: Discussion, 3: 6. 10, 11-2. 14 47A:8 Parrain do bill an Sena, 8: 4, 6 Releases, 32: 17: 35: 15-6. 24: 37: 13: 3& 9-10, 13, 15-6, 18; 42: 16, 27; 42A: 31, 32; 46: 11-2; 48e 10, 20 Revocation, 35: 25; 39:5; 41A: 4; 46:6, 11-2; 48: 24, 274 Manson, M. Allan, *vocal et professeur, Queen's University;Criminal Parole supervisors, paid Lion reported, 37: 18; 44:6, 18-9; 48: 16-7 Lan ens' Association Police, position reported, 32: 14-5; 37: 11.20; 42:23 Bill 8.32, 46: 10, 14-8, 20-2, 24, 26-32, 34, 35 Public perception and attitude, 32: 5. 8,10, 12, 23, 26-7; 35: 9; 38: 18, 21; 39: 6-7, 20 -1:41: 13, 25.6; 41A: 3, 5;42: 12-3, 19-20, 24; 45: 9-10, 37; 46; 17; 47A: 8; 4-8; 11, 10; 57:6 Meurnounds M. Peter, Bandy Sarcee, inembre du Conseil, Flidera- Recommendations lion des notion' Indlermes de Ia SO' Iskaickewan British Columbia government, 45: 6, 7-5, 10-3, 28, 29, 30, 32 Proclamation de 1983 modifian1 In Constitution, teneor Canadian Association for the Prevention of Crime. 38: 7-8, 9, Discussion. 69: 63 21-2 Expose, 69; 56 -7 Canadian Association of Elisabeth Fry Societies, 39: 5,6,9, 19, 20 Citizens United for Safety and Justice, 45: 35-9,43, 44-5 Marine marchande Correctional Law Project, 41: 18, 19, 22, 41A: 2 Canadian Association of Ma rinc Pilots, 3: 7, 15 Criminal Lawyers' Association, 4615.6, 8, 9,19,22, 25.6, 27, 30-1. Canadian Association of fvlasiers and Chief Engineers, 3: 7,15 33, 34-3 Capitaines et chefs metallic:ems, 3: 7, 11-2 Goldenberg Report, 324 15; 354 17; 37: 104; 38; 12; 45: 41; Categories d'emploi, expansion, 3: II, 15 47: 13-4 Pilotage, Loi, 3: 7,11 John Howard Society of Ontario, 42: 13; 42A.: 29.30.33 Pilotes, 3:7, 11-2 St, Leonard's Society of Canada, 37: 6-10, 14, 18, 25-6, 27-8, 30 Voir aussl Union of Solicitor General Employees, 44: 7, 8,11-2. 13, 18, 19. (hide do In marine marehande do Canada 26 Research, studies32: 10, 25; 35: 22; 37; 6-7,11,13-4,17.8; 38; 9-10, 21: 3:#1.6-7. 20-1; 41: 13, 24, 26:41A: 3; 42; 24-6; 45: 7, Marina inkrelkulde di Canada, Lel runcernant 11.6 Cruilde 40; 46:7,9-12. 15.6, /8, 30-1; 48: 33-5 Moir Results. evaluation*, 32: 7; 35: 8-9, 15.9, 20-5, 32; 38: 1443; 39: 6; BiLt S-12 42:8, 19-20. 25, 28-9; 45: 6-7, 10-1, 14, 24, 45-6; 47: 20-2, 26-81 47A; 7-8; 48: 5-6, 14.6, 30, 32.5 Marine marchande du Canada, Loa Revocation Hearings, 32: 23; 35: 10, 11-2, 14: 37: 27; 38; 19; 41: 12, 15.7, Amcndennent propose; adopt& 6: 17, 19; 7; 50-1 20-2, 25, 33; 41A: 4, 8-9; 42: 15-6; 46: 20, 29;47: 17-9; 48: 19, 22, 26 Marine marehande, syndic:as Reasons, 32: 5 -10, i8, 19-21; 351 9-10, 13.4; 31: 9-10, 18; 38: 6 -7, Voir 11, 16; 39: 6, 10, 12; 41: 7.9, 13, 19. 24-6, 29-32; 41k 3-4, 0 Wide de la marine rnarchande du Canada 7.'8; 42: 10, 14-6,19; 45: 7, 22; 47: 16-20, 22-6; 47A: 7; 48: 18.9, 27-5; 57: 17-8, 24; 60: 34-6 Release, past-revocation, 32: 9.10, 18; 35: 12: 41: 32-3; 41A: 4, 7- Marques Ele commerce, Lai 8;42A: 32; 48; 7, 21-5 A menclement propose; adopts, 7: 55 "Revolving door syndrome', 32: 8-9, 14, 21; 35: 13; 38: 7; 41: 8, 10, 19, 23-4, 29; 41M 3, 5; 421 10, 12, [7:, 45: 6, 22; 46: 6-7, 26; 47: 16, 23 -4. 27- 8:47A: 6, 7; 48: 7,14-7, 21-6; 57: 10, Marquis, Mme Louise, greftler du Comite .Propositions visa ot a eorriger... Status rovis& du Canada de 1970 17 ear:eines las po,eterieurcas, 61 13. 14 Sentences and sentencing, effect on, 32: 19-21; 35: 13-4; 37: 22-5; el 38: 7, 13; 39: 7, 10, 12-3; 41: 6.11, 20, 26, 29-32; 42: 17.9; 42A; 30, 31; 46: 26; 47: 25-6; 46; 28 Marlin, Mme Dianne L., copresidente, sous -con tlte cur Is Lot uni- Statisiics furene sum Ia Keine, Criminal Lanyers' Association of Ontario Comparisons Bill 5-33 Completion without revocation. 35: 9,16-7, 20: 42: 28-9; Discussion, 59: 20-5, 27-9 46: 12; 47A: 1-3; 48; 24, 32 Expose, 59; 3-6. 11-7 Offences after Completion witlima revocation, 35: 8; 42: 28; 46: 12; 47A: 1-3; 48:32 New offences, 32: 7, 8; 35: 8, 17;41: 24; 41A.: 7; 42: 28; 46: 7, 8, Martin, M. Gary, dine taut monk:ant, Section de planification de la 9.10, 12; 47A: 3; 48 11, 32 ppiiiiquet niliiiatCte do Procaireur general, gouvethemeiit de la Toclinieut breaches, 32: 7, 8,23; 35: 8, 9,21; 41: 24; 41A: 7; Colombie-Bri tannique 42: 28; 46: 7, 9-10, 12;47A: 3; 48: 32 Bill C-61, 21: 26

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Mandator). staperelsion-Cood Mosaczak, M. Waiter, chef 4e la Division de Isreglanteutatlea des Si a tisties-ii'aori dtogues. Sarni et Bien-are social Canada; Total, 32: 7, 18, 23, 26; 35: 9, 12; 42: 28, 29-, 44: 19, 25, 45; 7; "Ppnr6Si ti.ons Again( i comfier., Statues reiriss du Canada de 1970 47A: 3.6 et certai nes lots pxxsatierre,s", 7:34, 43 See also above InMat-Cs. Strpcivki.nn rvridim M. F. A., diructeur, Direction dee consultations jutitilques, AdequaCy, 32: 12, 21-2, 23; 44: 6, 11-20; 45: 6, 8-9. 11, 15.6, 23, Bureau des affairet juridiques, Affaires exilic: ores Canada 24, 27-8; 48: 28 Bill S-I9, 9-17. 19.25,12: 11-2, 15-7, 19-20, 21, 25. 27; 13: .PLEtnr-ore evades, 421 26; 44: 21-2; 45.! 10, 28 9 Benefits, 321 6, 7,10, 14, 16, 25; 35: S. 18.9; 37: 7, 1.3-4; 38:. 12, 19, 21; a* 6, 14., 20; 41; 17-9, 22,41A: 4, 5,10; 42.1 25-6; 4416, Meagher, Mine Lontst. adjoiate du Jegisie et onoseiNer linrlemestnire 18-9; 45; 1743 7, 10;46: 23 -5; 47: 20-1; 48: 6-7. 9. 14-5, 22-4, do Se'tit 33-5; 68e 25 oproposition iisenteorrigerStEttats revises du Canada do 1975 el Parole supervisors eurtaines leis posi6rieure,s*, 71 33 Case load; 32123. 24; 421 26; 44: 6, 19- 21;45: 1 I , 17; 46:22. 24 Number, 35:26-15; 44; 6, 19- 20.29; 45: 15; 48; 15 Position reported, 37; 18; 44; 6, 18 -9; 48: 16-7 Men Released frame Prison, ci d'autres egad es, Irwin W miler, 37:7, ] 4; POwers, 32: 6, 14, 22, 23; 35: 10, 11, 13; 37: 27; 38: 19; 418: 48: 13, 14.5 28; 57s 1.8 Role, 3-I. 6, 12, 21-2, 23, 24; 35: 9, 26; 371 17; 46: 2.4-5, 29; 1984, George Orwell, 24:29.68 47:29; 48: 26, 28 Polloc5role, 32:6, 21-2,23, 24 mimpstere de Itnergie, des Mines et des Restsouree% Lai EgOlifilat li See also above irumains Loi .S.ispension, 3216, 145 23; 3R. 10-4: 37: 20, 27; 38; 19; 61: 15-6, 20-2., 41A; 5-9; 44. 24, 29, 32, 47: 17-9, 23:48: 19,26 Bill C-102 Terminology, appropriateness, 32:11 -2, 21; 351 22 See also lifirarde e. Maws (184 L1 S, 434 (1%56)), 404B;.!491,116-7; 6Z; 26; Dill S-32. 61: 21; 66: 17 Penitentiaries illattelorery Supereisitoor &Odes ant People, Graham Stewart, 37: 6; Mishokoraen, Chef Joe, anal du Grand Cowell des illations Anivhitta - 424 25 Ws; primident, Union des laslieus de rOntlaio Proolamaliion de 1981 min.:Ulant ]e r-onstitutinn, tenet!" ilifttnitobe government 131xuasion, 73: 23-5 Biir S-3 I, reaction, 341 67,94; 34A: X Expo46, 73 20-3 Manning, Hon. !Ernest C., Senator (Edmonton Welt) Bill S-16 &Riche'', M. John, Haden conseiller juridiqus din yell-IA(4106M M. Discussion, & 6, 10, 11-2, 14 Lawrence Ross Xingstand Sponsor or the Bill in the Senate, 8: 4, 6 Pyramid Coronmaaisons Limited, 3smciallion aver, 1; 10

Manson, Allan, Barrister and Prefessne at QUeeMic University;Crime lefitehel1 a. La Reine {.(11975), 14 C.C.C. (20 241), 46e 9. 20 Hall Lawyers' Association Bill S-32, 44: 10, 14-8, 20-2, 24, 24-12, 34, 35 Hindle -Licacist-ael,ref, Gilberi, avocet coma, Services juridiquem. F,T, pplOi Cl Immigration Conde Manywooeds, Peter, Sareee Band, Council Merrier, Federation of ...Propositions vivant a °aril ger... Statuts rcwi94$ du Canada de. 1970 Saskatchewan Indian Nations ct... certaloes haspreterieurnsi, 7: 25-6., 35-1. 574 Constitution Amendment Proclamation, 1983, subject-matter Discussion. 69 63 rilisigat, honorable GlIda_s L. manateur (Ste-Row) Statement, 69: 56-7 Bill C. 1 77, ttncur, 27 35, 36, 40,43 Marquis., Louise, Clerk of Ott Committee Bill S-31, teneur, 30:28 -34: 33: 18-20 'Proposals 10 correct.. Revised Statutes of Canada, 1970, and Other Acts--. ".61 13,14 Moatiliec Ltie Av4Cats5 historique, 4: 8, 9-10, 11-2 Martin, Dianne L. Co-Chairmam Sub-committee .011 Uniform' >EtI. Curatelle publique des *ail's, 4: 10 caries Ad} Criminal Lawyers' Association of Ontario Declarations d'impet, 4: 10, 11.2 Bill S-33 Dersot, evil. 4: 8, 9-10, 12 Discussion, 59: 20-5, 27.9 Dissolution Statement. 59: 5.6, 11-7 Avis de RVealill Canada impel, 4: 10 Connaissance, 4; 10, 12 Martin, Gary, Acting Director, Policy Plasusing Diriaine, Minisiry or Publication dans Garen? dzi Canudfi, 4: 5, 10 like Mtorney General, Gerernmens of British Columbia Raison, 4; 8.4 -.110 Bill 0.61.21: a. Rinds, 4: 12 Historique 44 6, 8,9.12 Mastersandchief enginemrtp. Reconstitution See Raison,* 12 Canadian Avecialion of Pilasters artd Chief Engineers Reirooutivit, 4: 13

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Mnsi.czak, Walter, Otter or Dreg Regulatory /Baits Division, Health Montilac Lree-Serite and Weicare. Casada Reunion du petition:in:re aver l'honora hie Andre. Chalker, ministrp "Prop:611s to correct... Revised Statutes of Ca rasa, 1 970, and other de re Consomme don et des CrJrperai ions, 4: 12 Acts., 7: 34, 43 Stn operationnel, 4: 30, 13 Voir err&sf Mathys, F. A.., Director, Legal Advisory Divines, Bureau id Legal Bill S-I Affairs, Estereal Affairs Canada Cowl-won tiun et Corporations Canada Tlili S-i9, Ilk 19-25; 12: 11.2,15-7, /9-20, 21, 2.c., 27: 13: 7-s, Soram bee 9 Monlilsc Lt.& e4 Socatai 1.t6e, Loi reconsrituanl les eompagriles PricagkeY, LINuise, Assistani to the Law auk and Parliamentary Voir Counsel to the Semite Bill .S-13 "Proposals to owner.- Revised Stamm of Canada, 1970, and other Acts...". 7; 33 Montreal, Breurse Voir Me it Reim -a from Prison, sad other studies, Irwin Waller, 37: 7. 14.: Bourse deManir611 48: 33, 34-5 Montan, ROM/0, minden! Merchant service Karr Canadian ASsoelation of Marine Pilots, 31 7, 15 Lank. M. Pierre, president, Bourse do Montreal Canadian Association of rYinEibrsandChief Engineen, 3: 7, 15 Cate8orFm of employment, expansion, 34 11, 15 Waters and chier engineers, 3: 7,1 1.2 [ lurrotae de commerce du district Pilotage AeL, 3: 7, 11 Voir Pilots, 3a 7, 11-2 Chambrc de commerce du district de Mon 'sea] See also Canadian Merchant Scrvioe Guild filoairell Board of Trade Bill S-31. position, citation, 3.3g 47, 56 Merchant seri ice, labour =ion 9,e Canadian Merchant Service Guild fersaa, D, P. P.c. ([1975j 1 All E.R.347 (ILL.),119741 25: 24-5 Merchant Scrvita Guild. Act respecting the ermadisi .etz morriona, EgUses Wens immeubles pia s-12 Bill S-16 Pr&giderit ele la Division de Lethbridge de Itglise de fesus-Ch.rist Mails Nalional Council Background information, 69: 17-8;70: 41-2, 46, 62.64-7, 74, 79,11I, des slots des dern len jou rs 85-6; 761: 8-9 Crinalitution Amendment ProcIaroatjou,1983: adoption recom- Morrison, Mme W. B., preSithltia du C'cisnit4 special Ike 11.0DE, Ch mended, 70: 70 plin natlwniiI 411 Canada 10DE Federal Goverarnen1, relationship with, 70; 62-3, 76-7, 78-81, 82-4 Bill C-201, Lenoir Sell-governrneut.defisition, interpnetation, 70: 69.70, 73.0 774, 80 Discussion, 16e 72-3 xpose, 26:67-71 MkatrAR V.Arizotta (384 I 434 (19.66)),art 8; 59: 1l -7; 62: 26., 63: 23; 66; 17 lvirisley, M. Richard C., comseiller juridique, Satika de Felaboralion de It palliatine et des modifications au droll pens/. mialatke 4t lac Miseellaaeolgi Slatatz LawAmendment Act, /977 Justice Royal assent, date, 6: 6 Bill C-53. utur Discussion, 15. 21- 39, 41-2 Miscellaneous Stature Law Amendment Act, 1978 Expose, 25: 15-21 Rupai assent, dale, 6d 6 Bill C-127, tenur, 25r. 43, 44-3; 27; 37-8,40.41-2. 47-8, 49, 50, 53 Bi33 S.32 Discussion, 47: 10-2, 14-9, 21-5, 27 Miscellaneous SU lure Law Ameraimem Act, 1900 Expose, 17: 9 Definition, 6; 5, 6

1Yliscellsneous Statute Lau Auteltdmeal program Munro, M., Donald W-}depute (Era UiZialt-StIBIlle111) Background. 6: 6, 10 Bill C-201, Leocur. 26: 102 Prouctlere, 6: 5, 6-7, 8- 10,12, 14. 36, E8 -9, 22, 25; 7: 14 Purpose, 6:6, 9,37-8 fyinnro, honorable John C., ministre Iles Mraires iiiiieiiiies et du. Nurd See also Proclarnal iondo1983 modifiant is Conelilutioo, teneur ReViarDd StICUM of Canada, 1970 and other Acts-, Propoaak to Din-union, 69: 75.88 cOrreci Ex, 49; 73-4

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lvIlskokamion, Joe, Chief, Grind Council Chief of the Anisitnabak Murray, honorable Inge George L mern bre, Groupe de travail Nations; P'residear, Union of Ontario Indians ral-pror inciol sue lee dates usiformes de la prom% Constitution Amendment Pre:clamor-1On, 1983, subjectmatter D6clarations, references, 34: 19. 25; 49; 7, 8,20, 22, 23, 29: 52; 17; Discussion, 73: 23-5 54A: 33; 62: 14; 63t 13-4; 66: 46-7 Statement, 73; 20-3 Musks nationaux, Lei Mitchell, John, former Counsel for the Petitioner, Mr. Lawreace Ross Amendement propose, adopts, 7: 45-6 Kingsland Pyramid Communications Limited, association with, 1: 10 Nahwegahhaw, M. David, ad joint spicial du president de la Fraternize natioriale des Indians du Canada Mitchell v. The QaeeR ( (1975), 24 C.C.C. (2d) 241). 46: 9, 20 C-'26, 19

Malik-Deadlines, Gilbert, Legal Counsel, Legal Services, Employ- Nation &nee ment and laremigration Canada Accord constitutionnel do 1993. commentaires, 76A: 1.2 "Proposals to correct.. Revised Statutes of Canada, 1970. and other Traits No 8, 2: 12 Acts,..", 7 :25-4, 35-9, 57-8 Natrona units Molgat, Hen. Gihkigi L., Senator (Sic. Rose) Convention dc Vienne sur les relations consulaires, 10: 7,10-1; Bill C-127. subject-matter, 27: 35, 36, 40, 43 II: 12 Bill S-31, sahject matter, 30; 28-34; 33: 18-20 Convention de Vienne cur les relations dipiontatiques, JO: 7, 10 -1: 11: 6. 7,8, 12, 20 Monarchist League of Canada Convention sue la responsithilite internationale pour Ica dornmages Background information, 16; 51, 56, 57, 59 causes par les objets spatial's.. 12: 11-2 Bill C-201 Voir aussi Brief, 26: 57.8, 59 immunit6 des Etats etrangc,rs Dominion Day, recommardation, 26: 51-4, 55, Se, 57-9, 60 Privileges et immunites diplomatiques Ct consulaires, Lod

Montilac Ltd. Neiman, honorable Joss, senoterar (Peel), presidents da Coraiti (Fos:- Capital.* 12 de:des /24-70 Company lawyers, background, 4: 8, 9 -10, 11-2 Bill C-26, 2: 14, 18, 20, 21 Default, notification, 4:8, 9.10, 12 HillC-34, 9: 7, 13, 14.5, 16,21 Dissolution Bill C53, teneur Awareness of. 4: 10, 12 Accusations el pains, 25: 36, 37, 40 Notification by Revenue Canada Taxation, 4: 10 Accuse, croya nee quani au consentetnent. 25: 23.4 Publication in Canada Go fele, 418, 10 Consentement, 25s 35, 36 Reason, 4: 3, 9.10 Definitions Historical background. 4; 6, 8,9.12 Agreasion sexuelle, 25; 41 Income tax returns, 4: 10, 11-2 Infraction sexuelle, 25: 32 Operational status, 4: 10, 11 Plaignant, 25: 34-5 Petitioner's meeting with the Honourable Andre Ouellet, Minister Etude, procedure, 25: 7,9-10, 11-2, 13-4, 28, 42 of Consumer and Corporate Affairs, 4: 12 Jeunca personate, 25:25 Public trusteeship of assets, 4; 10 Pisignant Revival Comporternent sexual, 25: 21, 22 Reason, 4: 12 Reputation, 25: 28 Retroactivity, 4: 13 131110.61 See afsti Colambie-Britannique, gouverncmcut Bill 5-13. Frais, 21: 15,204 Consumer and Corporate Affairs Canada Jeunes, systime judiciaire, 'evaluation, 21: 18 Socam Ltd. Dossiers dcs conseils scolaires, 19: 104, 12 Entree en vigueur, periode de transition Montilac Ltd. and Socam Ltd., Act to revive Dactyloscopie. politiquo, 17: 23, 24 See Enfants entre 7 et 11 ens, traitement, 174 24 Bill 5-13 Facilites, construction, finaneement, 19: 7; 20:21 Vagabondage, accusations, 17: 25 Montreal, Clamber of Commerce of the District of Jell nes coutreven:ants See Age maximal, 17 :23; 21: 20.1, 28, 24 Chamber of Commerce of the District of Montreal Aide jurldique, 19: 8 Droit aux services d'un avocat, 17: 26; 22: 6, 7 Enfants entre 7 el 11 ass, 17: 24: 7; 20: 18; 21; 22. 23 Montreal Board of Trade Garde, milieu ouvert ou milieu fermi, 20: 15; 21: 29; 22: 7-8 Bill S31, position, reported, 33: 47, 56 Infractions, statistiques, 20: 22, 23; 21:. 15, 16, 17; 22: 19, 20 Mille en libert6, 19: 1.8 Montreal Stock Exchange Renvoi 3 la juridiction normalement coutpEtente, 21: 24 22 Rill S-31 ViCtimss, droits civil's, 19; 19 linking Legislation, comparison, 31: 6,, 13-4, 27 Juridiction, pouvoirs Meninx et proyinciaux. 15: 17; 21: 25

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Montreal Stock Exchange-Coned Neiman,honorable Joan, sinateur (Peel), presidente dia (s's- Bill S-31-Corrid andel. 024-751-S'exiie Constitutional joriedietion. 31: 6.22,34 Bill C61-Suite Criticisms Motion, nippurk sit Senor sans a menclement, 22: 4, 22, ffect*n the economy, 11; 6.7, 8, 10, 11-2.15, 17,19.22, 36 1400.Yel/e-ECCISSe, gtIlinletnemen L. position, 17: 21 Scope, 31: 5.6, 10, 36 Ontario, gonvernement Veting rights, limitation, 31; 5-6, 23, 27-9, 313-1, 34 BEI 22, 28; 11 Economic background evaluations, 21; 17 Businesses, capital and ownership stroeture, 31; 7, 8,11.2, 21, Faciliis, 20: I R -9. 20, 23 24, 36; 31 AI 3, 4 Frais, 20; 15, 16, 1.7, 18 Governments Garde, dispositions concernant. 20; 15 Ageacies, recommendations, 31t 14-5, 21, 25-6, 31, 35-6 Pragrorrfincadmlcistratlon Interventions in the tcomirrty, overview and ma kluics, 31: 6, Comit6s us/ice pour /a iciness's, 22:6 7-10, 17,8, 21,25. 28, 32,6; 31A:1 FrAis,portage,10; 23.4 Pension funds Erais 3mpliquis.20; 15, 16, 17, 18; 21: 15, 20-1 R000mmendarilans, 311 12, 13.4. 21-1, 25. 27, 29, 30, 32, Provinces, differences,21t 28, 29 341-5 Bill C-127,lemur. 2.5t 43, 44; 27; 51-2 Role and statistics, 311: 10, 11-2, 13, 32; 31A: 2 Prneeduve, 6.7, 21.35, 3.6.40,47, 51, 52 Exemptions, 3116 Proadirre (pre,sidente suppleante).25: 42-3, 45 Historicalbackground,meetingwithMinisterrtspon8iblt, BID C.130 31:19 -2] Aineademen; per le Comitepermanentdab Affaires exarieures at Purpose, 31:5. 6 deIaDefense nationalo de IaChambre dracommunes. Quebec lousiness community, 3-caution, 1.1; 15-6 MI /2-3 Ca isse cled/p6t et placement Jo Quebec Ordre de renvoi, 56; 6,7 Canada Pension Plan, comparison, 31: 10, 12, 13, 27 Procedure, 50: 6, 3,12.14. 17-8. 20.25 Concentration nf funds under the control of onro management, Rapport au Shut, rf,daction. 51k23,24r23 position on, 31: 10-1, i3,27 Resolutions riegation, procedurerelative Historical background, al; 9, 12,13 Bill C-102. eomparaisnrs,Ste 9-10, 11, 13-4. 23 Investments, examples and statistics, 31:11,27-8, 30,36 Senat, r61e.50: 10, 11 Mani:late, 3k 12-3, 16, 37 Bill C-141, prnatklmre,51:6, 15, 16, 25, 26, 27 Opermtlont in Ontario,31: 26 Bill C-201. teneur, pros lure, 27: 10, 12. 13, 27, 2.8, 31, 36, 17, 40, Pulicy, evaluation 41, 42. 43, 46, 51, 53, 59. 60, 63, 67, 71, 75, 78-9, 80.2, 83, 84, Investments, 31; 10, 11, ]6 -7.37 ioi102,103, 27; 7 Management, 31: 16 -7.21, 25, 26, 27 Ril S-16, 8; 9, 10, 13 Portfolio, 31: 10, 27-8., 36 Bil 5.19, 141e 11-2, 13, 14, 19; 12:8, 9,11, 19, 20; 13:7, 3 Shares, ownership limit, percentage, 311 13, 28.29 1311 8-20, 14:8. 9,13 Divulgatfon desoNrazions d'initi4rpar las manziataires ei tea 5-21. 14; 11, 13 wet tes cr tar: Line question de coetince, 31: 14, 32 Bill 5-22, 14: 13 Ontario government, Bill. 176. 31.: 14-5, 25-6, 32 6-2443; 6:24: 9c/0, 13, 12 Quebeo government, Bill 85,31; 15, 2-5-6,32 B11 S-26. 16s 14 Tables Oil S- 22.18:7,8 Assiqs of Corporationscontrolled byrite federal and provincial Bit 5-31. teneur, 28: 5.4; .29: 5.8, 10-3 governmena - 1979 (Table 1), /1A: I Procedure,187.5. 6,7. 8.1.5 22, 28. 29; 29; 5, 10. 11.12; 310; 5. 15, Campo? of are 400 laws! 'Canadian- companies fexcineltrig 2.0, 21, 22. 28, 34, 39, 46, 51, 55, 61; 31; 5, 18, 22, 25, 28, 29, financial inginCliCAN-1(Table111), 31A: 3 33, 37; 31: 5, 9,15, IS, 25, 27, 45, 46, 47, 53, 60, 63; 34: 38, lifieen (7)54 larger iadeparidern Catradian compares (exclud- 43, 45,47, 50. 51, 52, 53, 54. 59,61, V, 64,65, 66, 72.,80.81. ing financialinsflitiiions) (Table IV), 31A: 4 25, 92,94-51 37: 51. 47:7 'ain Thai Funds in Canada (Table 11), 31/ese. 2 131118.32 Arn6rukrualtg propos6s parle solliciteur gen6ral. recovabllite, Montreal Stock Exchange, President 58: 5-6, 7, 10; 60:5, 10,12-24,27-9. 31-5 See du Pressis, M. R.L., let ire 6 la prh,sidente du Cermite, citation, Lortit, Pierre, President, Mcintreal Stock Exchange 60; 12 -8 Perd tenders, 32; 19; 39: 16, 21;41; 25; 44; 1$, 28 Morgeir D.P-P, 119751 2 All E.R. 347 (HI.), (19761 A.C. 152), Prnatiore, 324 5,1 t, 2b, 27; 35.: 5, 6,7. 6,13. 14. 16. 26, 29, 32,3; 25:24-5 37: 5, 10, 16, 26, 22, 30; 3& 5, 8,9, 10, 22; 39; 5, 9,22;II: 5, 6,7, 9,23, 33; 42; 6, 7,13. 20, 21, 22, 23, 29; 44; 5, 7,9, II ,32; ririOrliOn Church, real State 45: 5, 13. 20, 32, 31, 39, 50 -I;46: 5, 9,10. 29, 35, 36; 47: 6.7, Sec 9, i 1,t S. 20, 26, 29',40: 5. 14,35, 36; 57: 5, 10. 11, 20, 24, 26; Bill 5-16 58: 5,11,9, 10, 12, 13.14. IS; 611:5 -6, 7,8,10, 12, 11, 34, 36 President of the Lethbridge Stake of the Church of Jesus Christ R6treactivit6, 57: 12 of latter day Saints SollicitemE6nor41, lettre 6 14preeidento du Cotttite, 60: 7-8 Morrison, W,12 Chairman of the Special .r °De committee, IoDF. Surverila net chligatoi re Nal tonalChapter01Conada ColornbieBritannioue, gouvernement, prepositinu, 45; 23, 24; Bill C-201, subject-nutter 47: 211-9 Dissuasion, 26: 72-3 Commission national's deo lib6r7tticins condilionnelies,ponvoirs, Statement, 26: 67-71 41:20.3-

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Motley, Richard G., 1,egat CO MIMI Policy Planning and Criminal Neiman, honorable Joan, se.matour {Peal), presidente do Condie (Fes. LawAmeridgmenteSectien, Department of Justict clanks 326-76)-Soire Bill C-13, 3ubicct matier Bill S-32-Suite Discussion, 25: 21-39, 41, 42 Surveillance obligatoire-Sethe Statement, 25: 1 5.21. Deimos Bill C.127, subject- matter, 25: 43, 44-5; 27: 37.8, 40, 41-2, 47-8, 49. Assistance postpenale, services. 44: 21 50, 5/ Attitude, 38: 18, 19 Bill 8-32 Crimes avec violence at homicides, 35: 18, 23; 45e 40 Discussion, 47: 10-2, 14-9, 21,5, 27 Delincruantsdangercux au patentiellemenldangereux, Statement, 47:9 31 30-1; 38: 17-8; 41: 20, 26-8; 44: 115; 45e 26-31, 42; 47: 7, 10; 57: 12, 14, 16, 23.4:58:14 Munro, Donald W., M.P. (Estprimalt-Saanich) frate d'entratien, 44! 24-5; 4#t.: 34-5 Bill C-20, subject-matter, 26: 102 Provinces, prisons, comparaison, 45:47 Reduction dc peinc, 35; 30; 37: 22-3. 26-7. 30; 38: 12, 19; 39: 19-20; 4t; 14, 19-20, 29-32; 42; 18; 44: 10-I, 15, 26; Munro, Hon. Jobe C, Minister of Indian and Northern Affairs 45: 24, 46.9; 47: 29 Constitution Amendment Proclamation, 1983, subject -matter Rehabilitation. X: 19; 411 28; 48: 33.5 D iacuss ion. 69:75 -83 Suspension immediate, 35: 30-1; 41: 20, 27 -8; 57: 12, 14, 16, Statement, 69:73-4 23-4; 58: 14 Liberation conditionnelie, comparo [sort, 38: 18. 19-20 Igfurray, Hon. Mr. Justice George L., Member, Federal-Provincial Public, perception, 38: 21, 41: 26 Task Force on Uniform Roles of Evidence Rapport Goldenberg. 33: 17 ;Statements, references to. 36; 19. 25; 49: 7, 8,20, 22.23, 29; 52: 17; Revocation MA; 14; 62: 14;63; 13.4; 66: 46.7 Daeheame du dreit 3 la reduction de tickle aeulement pour one nouvelle infraction, 38: 18; 41: 29; 57: 17; 60: 34-6 IQAC Mise en Iiberte apre,s la revocation, 47: 22-3, 25 See Procedure, 37; 27; 3& 19; 41: 20-2 National Action Committee on the Status of Woinen Raison, 38: 18; 41; 24.. 29-30, 31; 81:: 17; 611e. 34-6 Statistiques, 41: 2.3-4 NCC. Surveillance, 38; 19; 42: 25; 48: 33-5 See Bill 5-33 Native Council of Canada Accuse Charge dc la pretive, 40:13, 14, 1.5 Nahwegabbow, David. SpecialAssistant to the President, National Defaut de temoignage, observation du jug; 40: 20, 21 Indian Brotherhood Association des Imo:piers eanadiens, amendments, 55: 26 Bill C-26, 2:8, 19 Association du Barren canadien, memolres. 49: 32-3; 54: 14; 61 31 Nateotie Control AM, 40: 13; 52; 13; 53: 11; 59A: 10; 65A; 18; 66; 15, Corroboration, 40: 22 Si; 68A:8-11 Definition. trionce legislattf ou code, 53: 16; 59; 19-20; 63; 17. 27 Enfants en tent quo temoins, 40: 22 National Action Committee on the Status of Women (NAC) Experts, 36: 25; 40; 18 1mprirnes d'ordinateur, recevahilite, 40: 18; 55:22.3; 64: 18.9, 20; Bill C.53, resolution concerning, 27: 9 Bill C-127 65: 14, 23-4,26-7: 66; 44; 67: 12 Battered women, repercussions for, 27: 14.7 Oui dace, 63: 27: 66: 12 Criticisms, overview, 27: 7-9, 11.21 Preuve de moralito, 59: 24-5; e2; 22 Policy and recommendations, 27: 7, 8.9, 11-2, 174, 21, 24-5, Prodidure, 36: 5, 15, 29; 40: 5, 22, 23, 27, 28; 49:5, II, 12, 13, 14, 29-10, 34-6 19, 28, 30, 33, 34; 52: 5, 9,15, 18, 20, 22, 24, 25; 53e 5, 3,17-3; Sexual assault 54: .5, 9,15, 16-7; 55: .5. 13, 20, 21, 26, 27; 59: 5, 9.16, 18, 19, Cha.rges and penalties 23, 24, 29, 30-1; 61: 5, 11, 17, 18; 62:12,25, 30, 31-2; 61 12, Aggravated sexual assault, psychological damage, 27; 24 14, 16, 30,33-6; 64: 5, 12, 16, 20; 65:5, 6.15, 25, 27, 30; 66: 5, Sexual assault. 27: 8, 17: 23-6 13, 20, 23, 32, 35, 36, 37, 40, 52; 67: 5, 10, 13, 19.20 Spousal immunity. elimination, interpretation, 27: 8, 14-6 Rdatition., 49: 31-2; 52; 9, 24; 63: 32, 33-4; 65:22 Unjustified accusations, position on, 27: 30, 31 Bill 5.34. procedure. 43: 6, 8,9 Dcgcaterizniion, 27: 11 Bill S.35. procedure, 56: 6, 8,10, 11 Evidence stud trial Corrine, charge de travail. 40: 28; 54; 16-7; 76; 13.4 Complainant's prior sexual history, 27: B, 11, 12 1326gidertee du Connie, acceptation, 26: 9 Carson, 27; 18-20, 32, 33 Proclamation de 1983 moditiant In Constitution, teneur Corroboration, 27: 8, 17-8 Autochtoncs Defences available, 27: 31. 32 Autonomie yolk ique, 69: 62-3; 70; 59-60 Honest belief as to consent, 27: 8-10, 12-6, 21, 22, 23.4, 27 Definition, 69: 36 :70: 53, 60.1, 91 Recant complaint. 27: 11, 17, 18 Drone, 69:26, 43; 70: 11-6; 72; 24; 74; 18, 20 Summary conviction or indki merit, 27: 16-7, 25-6, 29-30 Indiens, 73; 25; 74; 26-7 Pornography. influence, 27: 9-10 Nombre, 70s 81.2 Self-defence, 27: 27 Revendications territoriales, 70: 23.4; 711 27 Statistics, 27: 11-2, 20, 21. 23, 28, 29 Conferences constitutionnelles futures, 69; 28; 71 18, 74: 22, 29 Victims, treatment by authorities, 27: 11-2, 20, 21, 23-5, 26, 27 Etude, procedure, 69: 8, 10-3;711: 47, 62

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National Artioa Committee on the Status of Wamen (NAL-5-a,,t2rd Neiman, honorable Joon, amateur (Peal), prisideate do Comia (FM- Bill C-127-Coned atilt&1126- 76)-,Skaife Sexual assault -Coned Proclamation de 1983 modifiant la Constitution, Lamm-Si/ire Violence, aspect of, 27; 7-8, 12, 25-6, 32, 33 1:`r.xedure, 69: 8. 9,11, 18, 26, 27-8. 29, 43, 48, 49-50, 55, 72, 73, Young persons, 27; 10.20 88, 70: 8, 9,10. 12. 14. 16, 17, 19, 25, 31, 345, 36, 47, 52, 62, 67r 85, 86, WO; 71; 7, 14, 19, 24, 25, 27, 31, 33, 37, 39, 40; National AAsociation of Women and she Lax 72: 7, 8,9, 13, 26: 73: 7,15, 19, 20, 23, 26; 74: 7-8. 2]. 22, 29, Bill C-127, brief, 2n 6, 8 30,75: 1, 8.76: 1 3, 24 /New 141 irriogefor Sentell Offences im the Criminal Code, 27: 9 Ratification, 69: 9; 701 47 iTeneur des articles des pro orsticloi,qui pcuvcni poricr atiCinkC aux droks ci libcrles garancis per la Charte canadienne National Committee for Gawasisei Birthday des clan rs et libortesi, ox amen par um Cownte. porlerron Labe, Efts. Polls and recommendations, Itte 83.4, 86, 90, 91, 93,95, 96-7 cession, 76c 15-21, 23-4

National Defence Act Amendment proposed: rejected. 7: 9,43-4 Nelligan, M. John P. ex., The Adtocates` Society Dill S-33 Discussion, 54; 8-15 Nationai Energy Board, 28: 18-9.23. 24, 32: 313: 23, 57, ,B; 34: 17 Expos& 54: 5-8

.Notlenal Film At Amendment proposed: carried, 7; 10, 45 Nicholas, M. Deitch, vice-prisident. Fraterisia noticalle des Wiens du Canada Bill C-26 Nnsional Heitth and Welfare Department, Berm. Penylorn for Discussion, 2: 13, 16-7, 18, 20 Citriaslinns, 31: E2, 23, 29, 32; 34.: l4 Expube, 2: 8-] 3

Narional Indian Brollierhood Nicholas, M, Graydon,. prilia114., 1.-4114111.Elea Us Nouveau. ,Aboriginal tiers, conirrients oa historical position of Bruaiswicle, Coalition des premieres notions British Ccilninbia government, h 9, 20 Proclamation de 1983 moddiant la Constitution. tenour Indian and Northern Affairs Canada, 3: 9-10 Discussion. 71: 23-5, 31.2, 34. 37, 39 Bill C2.6 'Eapose. 71: 114-7 Amendments proposed Aboriginal tide to lands, resources, 2; / I, 12, 13 Truax account records, tabling, 2 :16 Normarla Mines Limited* 30v 10,6,31: 11; ida 1 15, 53 A mend Fronts proposed. Agreement Application limited. 1'2, 14 Asti.e1e 12- Arbitratioa, 2: IL 13, 15 Normand, M, Gormand, dirocteur gagral i joi.I, Coisse de Intcrptcutitm, 2: 9-10, 12 platemerii chi Quebec Right of Indian hands to arbitration, 2a LDI, 13, 14-5, 17-8 Bill S-31. te ocu r, 34: 46.7, 51, 55, 56.7, 58, 59-60, 62 Trost responsibility, comments on piuitioa of Indian and Northern Affairs Canada, 2: 10-1, 15-8, 19, 20 See farso Normee des pest:Woes de peimion, Loi Fort Ntion Indian Hand Amendment propos6; adopt6, 6; 5; 7:48

!galloon Joial Committee of the Canadian Association of Chiefs or Norton, Chef Joe. reserve Caughnawaga (Quebec], Coalition its pre- Pak' ail Federal Correcrional Sri-view mare' rUlliONS Mandatory supervision, position pa. reference. 45c 36-7, 50 Proclamation de 1983 modifiantlb Carmtituliou.,!Femur 71t 14, 17-9, 22-3, 25- 7,29.33, 35 National ?vitamins Act Expos&7117-14 Amendment proposed; carried. 7: 45.6

NnOvegin-fininswick,gonveriserment National Parole Board Bill C61 Annual cost, estimates 1982-83,35: ] Agc maxima] tint forme, Mr 5, 13; 19A: 1-2 Members, 35; 10-1, 26-7; 45; 14. 15; 414: 15 Crimes graves commis par !cajun= de 16 ou 17 ans, 19A: Role, power* 321 6', 352 6, 9-12. 16, 21-2, 2.6, 27; 37: 7, 12-3, 17. 27; Fiala impliqu6s, 19:5, 10, 13; 19AI 2 Sit 5,19:11: 8-10, 213-1., 41A1 3, 4; 42: 22, 23; 46; 34-5.20, 22-3, MAmoire. !env, 19A; 1-2 31; 47:18.9; 48: 13, 19, 24-6 Bill S-32, rise:Lim42! 23.1 42A:54 Tables Prociamaiion de 1983 modifianr Ix CanNtinitiOn position, 69: 23-4, Pofkrw -up tre June 1932) of Full Parole Releases from 1970 TO 25. 78-9;70; 12,44,474,51; 74: 20-],76: 1981,46: CI Follow-up 1to June 082) of Al 5, Releases /own 1970 yo 1981, 46c 12 Nouvelle-icorse, gounwotmeat See also ]311tC-61, 17:9, 11, 12, 14, 21; 21: 15 Mandatory supervision Bill S-32. reaction, 42A: 55-7

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Native Cowell of Canada (NKr) Nalusviiiek c. La Maeea 25 jaavier, 1.683 69:: 5 [-2, 53-4; Background information, 69;18; 70:42, 46, 64, 76, 81-2.76A:8-9 69A: 7 Constitution Amendment Proclamation, 1983 Adoption recommendeci, 70; M-7, 46-3, 61 NalSafal5 Mina Joan, analyse de la Oakum.. Sodlieiteur [remind Study by the Committee, proved u re 70: 37-8, 50 Canada Constitutional Accord, 1983, comments, 70: 36-7, 45. 46, 48, 61: Bill S-325 32: 15, 2U, 21; 35:18;42t. 21-2, 23. 26; 47: 24, 25. 26; 76A.: 11 48.: 18, 33; 57: 24 Self-government. definition, interpretation, 70: 4],.54 -5. 56, 57-8, 59-60 1.4Kr8itr, tonararPla Nathan, senates's: (Winnipeg-Nord) Nativepeoples BillC-26, 2:65 8,14-5, 16, 18-9, 21 See Rill C-34, 9: 13, 21 A borigins I peoples BillC-127,tenni: Agression sexuel le, definition, 1113fl 39 Agression sexu elle grave. 2.7: 24.39 Native Women's Association of Canada Consentemeni, 27: ] 9, 38 Baekgrourid information, 70: it Ctoyance Iron trete qua nt a it consentainent, 27: 21-3, 24 Constitution Amendment Proclamation,1983, adopiiou recom- Meurire au premier degre, 272 39.40 mcndcd. 70: 9,14. 16 Pia igno n t, reputation, 25e 45 Constitutional Accord, 1983, comments, 70: 8 -9, 11, 14, 16 Proadures, declaration sommaire de culpabi lite ou mist cn soca- t ion. 27:25, 26 Neiman, Hon. Jot" Senator [Peel), Committee IC bairninn -lames Statistiques, 27:44 #26-76) V ietimes, tiaiternent par les a utorites, 27; 24 Bill C26,2: 14,18, 20. 21 Bi11 C-201, tenor, 26: 49, 50. 96-7, 101-2; 27: 7 Bill C34, 9:7. 13, 14.5. 16, 21 Bill 5-32 Bill C-53. hjeck-metier Amenclements proposes parle. son :hear ge-n6ral, rcecvabilite Accuacil's belief as to consent. 25: 23.4 58: 10; 60; 18, 22, 24-6, 34 Charges and penalties. 25; 36, 37, 40 Citizens United Far Safety and Justice, forsetion, 45: 39 Comptainant Motions, 42: 4, 6; 46: 4, 36; 47: 5.6 Reputation. 25: 28 Pen it:mule's, 35: 32; 44; 18 Sexual activity. 25; 21, 22 Pro,ued u re, 35; 7 Consta, 25:35, 36 Societe canndienne pour b prevealon & crime, fonction, 38; 8 De rinitions Surveillance obi igatoire Complainant,in34-5 Commission nationa/a des liberations conditionnelles, position, Sexual assault, 25: 41 35:: 14.5 Sexual offence, 23:32 Criminal Lawyers' Association, position. 46: Study, procedure. 25; 7, 9-10, 11-2, 13-4, 28, 42 Demos Young persons,23: 25 Ad nisi bi lite, 35: 15-6, 18; 37: i 5.6; 38: 14-6 Bill C-61 Attitude, 35: 20; 31: l9 British Columbia government Crimes avec triolence et homicides, 35: 22-3; 38: 17; 42: 15; Costs,21: 15.20 -I 45; 39 -40 Juvenile justice systcrrk, evaluation, 21: ] nquants dangereux et poteni iellemen dangereux Coming into fOroC, transition period 12: 13-4; 15:15-6,18, 22; 37:15-6; 18; 9-10,14-7.,

Children between 7 and I I yearso1d,treatment, 19:24 43: 10-I,12; 444 12-6, 26; 45c 17-20, 29-30; 46: 27-8; Facilities, construction, financing, 19: 7; 20 21 47:0, 27..8;48: 20;57: 13-4, 17-20, 22-3;50: 13, Fingerprinting policy,17: 23,24 13-4 Truancy elittrys, 87; 25 Deteinis purgeata non premiere peine. 35: 17 Jurisdiction, federal and provincial powers, 1917; 21:25 Mises en lib:rte. 35; 15-6, 21 Motion. repOrl. to Senate without amendment, 32: 4, 22, 23 12rOVinze,s prisons, comps raison, 37:29; 45:: 48 Nova Scotia government, position on. 17: 21 Reduction de peine, 32: 12-4; 3& 29, 31; 37:5. 29; 38: 9, Ontario government 14.6;41: 17-81 44115;45:48.9; 444 26 ;48; 17.8 AsseasinentS, 20: 17 Rehabilitation, 47: 21-2 Bill 82, all 11 Slap:union immediate, 35 22: 318.; 10;411 10, 12: 44:13, 26; Costs, 20: 15, 16, 17, 18 46:14; 57: 13-4, [7-20, 22.3; 58: 11, 13-4 Custody provisions, 20.: 15 Hi5t6riqvc,35; 23 Facilities, 20: 18-9,2.0, 23 Liberation uunditionnel le. comparaison, 32: 17; 35: 15-6518-9 Program administration Nnitenciers, personnel, et personnel ?occupant de ia liberation Coat-staring, 20:23-4 conditionnelle, pcsiiion, 48: 16-7 Costs involved, 20; 15,16, 1'7, 18; 21: i 5, 20 -I Police,attirude, 32: t4.5 Provinces. differences, 21: 28, 29 Pub1io, perception, 35: 20-I Youth jusike commitiees. 224 8 Recherches, ecuties535: 22. 25-6 Schou/ board records, 19; 10-1, 12 R'esuitata, evaluations, SS: 19. 22;4526 Young offenders P,:hvocation Children between 7 and 11 }ears old,171 24: 19; 7; 20: 18; Deuheuac da limit a la reduction de peine seulcincnt pour 212 22. 23 line nouvelle infraction, 41: 9; 414; 47: 16, 25; 48: 18-9; Custody, open or closed, 2I 15; 21: 29; 22; 7.8 60: 35 Legal aid, 1St 8 Mise en liberte aprOc la revocation. 47: 22-5

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Neinkau, Hon- JOati, Smaller (feet }, Committee Chairman (issues- Nurgilhoaorahle Niihau, sine Ieur (Winnipeg-Nord)-Saida conl'a Bill S-32-Swile Bill C-61-Coni'4 Surveillance obl igai ni re-Sude Young offenders-Coed RevocaLion-.-.Suter Pei nos, determination, effet, 471 16, El; 48.: 28 "Maximum age. 17: 23; 21:20-1, 28, 29 procedure, 32: 14; 42: 15-6,47: 23 Offences, sIntisAias, 20: 22, 23; 21: 15. I. 17:: 22: 19, 20 Raisins, 41: 9 ; 42: 14-6, 4 1 : 1 6 , 2 0 , 24-5; 48:18.9 Release, 19: 18 Reduction de pone, reattri bu Lion. 41; 9.10 Right to counsel, 17: 26; 21. 6. 7 Transfer La ord ry court, 21: 21, 22 Slatistiqueg, 32: 26 Victims) civil rights, 19: 19 Suryei/lance, 38e. 20; 41: 18; 46:25 Syndicat des employes du solliciteur goners 1, recoturnondallons5, Bill C-127, subjed-matEcr, 25:43. 44527: 51.2 41:11 -2 Procedure, 2716.1, 21. 35, 36, 40, 47, 51, 52 Termine1ogit, convenance, 32; 11-2; 35: 22 Procedure (Acting Chairman), 25: 42-1, 45 Bill 5-33, 59: 18-9, 21, 26, 29-30; 61 22 -1; 64: 5; 65: 15-6 Bill C-I30 Procila ma au de 1983 modifia nit la ConstiruliOn, tell.C.Vr, 70: 24-6 Amendment by House of Commoir Standing Committee on .gPropasitions visan; p 1...orriger.... Sterols revises du Canada de 1970 External Affairs and National Defence, 50.. 22-3 ctrtAines Iois postricurcit, 6; 10, 151 7: 15, 17 Negatjve resolution procedures, B111 comparison, 5f 9-10, I I, 13-4, 23 Nyce, M. Jacob, fideleomunlomalire de Canyon -City, Conseil da tribal de Senate roll, 50: TO, 11 Order of Reference, 50:6, 7 Matta (New Aiyansli, Colomie-Briteolligoe). Proclamation de 1933 mo-difiant is Constitus ion, :dicer, 72a 8 Procedure, SC. 6, 8,12, 14, 774.20, 75 Refor: to Senate, drafting, 50:23, 24, 25 Bill C-141, procedure, 5116.15.16.25, 26, 27 O 1147 Bill C-201, subject- matter, procedure, 26: 10, 12, 13, 27, 28, 31, 36, Voir 37, 40, 41, 42, 435 46. 51, 53, 59.60, 63.67, 73, 75.. 78 -9. $0-2, Ord re lmp6rial des 5111cs dc l'Empire 83,4, 101, 102, 103; 27: Bill S-16,8: 9, 10, Ta Oakes., R. a.(k 2 ihrier, 1983 (01-C-A-)..l, 52: 13: 533 11; 59A: 10-11 sin 10: 11-2, 13, 14, 19; 124 8, 9,11, 19.20; 13: 7,S 66: 51; 68A: 233-4 Bill S-20, 14:8, 9,13 Bill S-21, 147 11, 13 Fergus J., (Brodeur, Correctional Lew Proleati Queues Bill 3-22, 14! 13 University Bill 8-24, 231 6; 14: 9-10, 13, 1E Bill S-32 Bill 3-26. /64 14 Diccussion, 41; 6-33 Bill 3-27, 18; 7, 8 Exposi,4II: 5-6 Bill 5-31, su ktecr-ma tier, 28: 541; 29; 5-8, 10- I O ffice m11E0'1'1deI.t.6nergie, 2$: 18-9. 23, 24. 32; 3 .k 23, 57, 58;34: 17 Procedure, 284. 556,7, 8,16, 22, 28, 29: 194 5, 10, 11, 12; 10.1. 5, 15, 20.21, 22, 2.8, 34, 39, 46, 515 55, 61; 31: 5. 18, 22, 25. 28, 29, O ffices de onerinerdalliation des produits de b forme. L.oi 33, 37; 33: 5, 9.15, 18, 25, 27, 45, 46, 47. 53, 60, 63; 34: 38, A rogodenicnta. proposes; adopies, 7: 27-30 43, 45, 47, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 59, 61, 62, 64, 65, 66, 72, ao, 8], 85.92, 94-5; 37:5; 47: 7 Olson, honorable Horace Andrew (Bud), .atteteur (AI berta-Sud) Bill 3-32 Bill C-130, 50-: 18. 19, 20, 25 Amendmentsproposedby SolicitorGeneral,edmissi bi lit y, ai 11 S 31, teneurr 29: 8-9: 30: 55-9; 33: 23. 61-2 58: 5-6, 7, 10; 60: 5. 10, 12-24, 27-9, 31-5 Bill 5-32, 58: 95 12, 15 du PleRds, Mr, letter to Commit:cc Chairman, quotation, irk 12-8 Ontario, gouvernemen1 :Mandatory supervision Aide juridique, systeme, 17: 27, 78 British Columbia government. proposal, 45:23, 24;4171 28-9 Bill C-61 Goldenberg Report, 331 17 AcercAll. philossophic,2.k 12-3, 21 Inmates Entree en vigutur, 20! 10, 21 A floe-Care agencies, 444. 21 Frais i mpl as Attitude, 38: 18, 19 Age. division en grapes Co913 of maintenance. 444 24.5; 4it 34-5 7-11 Fln5, 20: 12, 18 Crimes of violence and homicides, 35: 18, 23; 45: 40 12-15 ans.20: 7.11,14.15,17, 18 Dangerous Orpotentially dangerous offenders,3$: 30-1: 16-17 ans, 20:7, 8.9, I I, 14, 15, 17, 18; 21:9 38: 17-8; 41: 20, 26-8; 444 15; 45e 26-31. 42.; 47: 7, 10; Analyse, 20 :7, 8,113, 13, 15, 16-7, 18 57; 12, 14, 16, 2.3-4; 58k 14 Augmentation.. aprXcd, 20... 6. 7,8, 10, 15, I B, 2] Calinir., 35: 30-14 41: 20, 27-8; 57: 12, 14, [6, 23.4; 58: 14 Evaluations, 244 / .5, 12, 18 Provinces, prisons, comparison, 46e 47 Fac.111:6,3, 2O: 8, 21 Rehabililatinn.3& 19; 41:28; 48: 33-5 Garde, 7047, 8-9, 14.6, 17-8, 19 R-ornission, 35: 30; 37: 22-3, 26.7, .30: 384 12, 19; 39; 19-20: Geweernernent fed&a.1, contribution au portage des frais. NI 9, 41: 14, 19-20, 29-32: 4 18; 44: 10-1, 15, 26; 45: 24, 10. 13-4, 15, 21 46-9; 47:29 Programmes sociaux, priorias,211t11-2, 13, 15, 18. 23 Nallonal Parde Board, pgwor9, 4ir 20.3 Jounes contreveminta Parole, comparison. 38: 18. 19-20 Age, division an groupea Public perceptiou, 38: 21; 41; 26 12-15 aoa, 20 6, 14, 15. 19-20.22

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Neiman, Hot, Joan, Senator (Peel), Comm lute (haute- Ontario, gouverieentent--Soire Coru'd Bill C61 -Suite Bill 5-32-Corerd Jeunes contravene nts-Sufte Mandatory supervision--Con I 'et Age, division en groupes--Suire Revocation 16-17 ens, 24:8-9, 11-2, 14, 15, 19,20, 22, 23 Forfeiture of remission only for new offence, 38; 18; 41: 29; Age maximal, critique de raugmentation, 201 6, 7,8-10. 11-2. 57: 17; 60:34-6 14, 15, 21 Procedure, 37: 27; 38; 19; 41: 20-2 Droits, 20: 6 Rea:ions, 31k 18; 41: 24, 29-30. 31; 57; 17: 60: 34-6 Facilites, 20; 15,t 8-20, 22 Release post-revocation, 47: 22-3. 25 Garde, milieu nuvert ou milieu ferm6, 20: 6, 15-6 Statistics, 41: 23.4 Infractions, statistiques, 20; 8, 22.3 Supervision, 38; 19; 42z 25; 48: 33-5 R6habilitetion, 20: 15 Penitentiaries, 32:19: 391 16, 21; 41; 28;44: 15, 28 Sentences, 20: 8.9. 14. 20-1,23 Procedure, 32 :5. I I, 26, 27; 35: 5, 6,7, 8,13, 14, 16, 26, 29, 32-3; Me-sure ligislative, consultation federale-provincials, 20:6, 7,9, 21 37: 5. 10, 16, 26, 28, 30; 38: 5, 8,9, 10, 22; 39: 5, 9,22, 41: 5, Temoignage devant In cornit6 de le Chambrc des communes, 6.7, 9,23, 33; 42: 6, 7,13, 20, 21, 22, 23, 29; 44; 5, 7,9, 11, 32; 20: 6, 22 45:5, 13, 20, 32. 33, 39, 50-1; 46: 5, 9,10, 29, 35, 36; 47: 6-7, Bill 176, amendemems a la Loi sur les velours mobilieres, 31 :14-5, 9, 13, 18, 20, 26, 29; 48: 5. 14, 35. 36; 57: 5, 10, 11, 20, 24, 26; 25.6, 32; 34: 40 58: 5, 8,9, 10,12, 13, 14, 15; 60: 5-6, 7, 8,10. 12, 33, 34. 36 Bill S-3I, reaction. 29: 5-6; 29A; 1:31; 31; 33: 24, 60; 34: 66.7, (A, Retroactivity, 57: 12 94 Solicitor General.letter to Committee Chairman, quotation. Ri11 5-32, reaction, 42A: 58 60:7-8 Loi sur les valeurs mobil ions. 34:42.3 Rill S-33 Proclamation de 1983 modifiant Ia Constitution, position, 70: 12. Accused 16 :76: 13 Burden of proof, 40: 13, 14, 15 Failure to testify, judges comment, 40; 20, 21 Ontario Law Reform Com mbslon Canadian Bankers' Association, amendments, 55e 26 Report on The Low of Eviderree, 3 476, 36: 8; 594: 20-1 Canadian Bar Association, briers, 49: 32-3; 54: 14; 63: 31 Character evidence, 59: 24-5; 62: 22 Children as witliesst$, 40: 22 Ontario News Company, Limited Computer printouts, admissibility, 44; 18; 55: 22.3; 64: 18-9, 20; Defeo, notification, 14.8, 9 65: 14, 23-4, 26-7; 64: 44; 67: 12 Dissolutiun, date et raison, 14: 7.8 Corroboration, 40: 22 Historinue 14; 7, 8 Definition., legislative statement or code. 53: 16; 59: 19-20; 63: 17, Impfits, declarations, 14:9 27 Reconstitution, but., 14: 8, 9 Drafting, 49: 31.2; 52:9, 24; 63: 32, 33-4; 65:22 Sommaircs annuels, 14:8 -9 Experts, 36: 25; 412: la Voir aussi Hearsay, 63e 27; 66: 12 Rill 5-20 Procedure, 36:5, 15, 29; 40: 5, 22, 23. 27, 28 :49: 5, II, 12, 13, 14, consomme tion et Corporations Canada 19, 28, 30, 33, 34; 52: 5, 9,15, 18, 20, 22, 24, 25; 53: 5, 11,17-8; 54:5, 9,15, 16-7; 55: 5, 13, 20, 21, 26, 27; 59: 5, 9,16, 18, 19. Ontario News Company, 1,1ralied,, Loi reeonatItuaat Ia seeiete 23, 24, 29, 30-1; 61: 5, 1 I, 17, 18; 62: 12, 25, 30, 31-2; 65: 12, Voir 14, 16, 30, 33.6; 64:5, 12, 16, 20; 65: 5, 6.15, 25, 27, 30; 66: 5. Bill 5.20 13, 20, 23, 37, 35, 36, 37, 40, 52; 67: 5. 10, 13.19, 20 Bill 5-34, procedure, 4316, 8,9 Bill 5-35, procedure 56:6, 8,10, 11 Opekokew, Mme Delia, crowed debt Federation des Nations indiames Committee Chairmanship, acceptance, 26; 9 de Ia Saskatchewan Committee workload. 4.0: 28; 54: 16-7; 76: 13-4 Proclamation de 1983 modiriant la Constitution. teneur Constitution Amendment Proclamation, 1983, snbjeetinatter Discussion., 691 65.7, 69 Aboriginal peoples Expos4, 69: 51-5 Definition. 69: 36: 70: 53, 60.1, 91 Indians, 73: 25: 74; 26-7 &ogre baniruie s.iprntrrteur des Mins de Dominion du Canada. III Land claims, 70: 23-4; 71:27 gran& loge de Numbers, 70' 81-2 Voir Rights, 69; 26.43; 70: 11.6; 72: 24; 74: 13, 20 Flans du Dominion du Canada, la grande loge de l'Ordre benevole Self-government, 69: 62-3; 70:59-60 protecteur des Constitutional conferences in the Figure, 69; 28; 73: 18: 74: 22.29 Procedure, 69; 8, 9,13, 18, 26, 27-8, 29, 43, 48, 49-50, 55, 72., 73, Ordre buretial. des FIlIes de rEmplre (OIEE) 88; 70:8, 9,10, /2, 14, 16, 17, 19, 25, 31, 34-5..16, 47. 52., 62, Voir 67, 85, 86, 100; 71: 7, 14, 19, 24, 25, 27, 31, 35, 37, 39, 40; Imperial Order of the Daughters of the Empire, Chapitre national 72:7, 8,9, 13, 26; 73: 7, 15, 19, 20, 23, 26; 74: 7-8, 21, 22, 29, du Canada 30; 75; 7.8; 76: 13, 24 Ratification, 69:9; 70:47 Study, procedure, 69; 8, 10-3; 70 :47, 62 Orgawinaiion de Pfiliinentntinn ei 4e rarriCadre des Nations unies. "Subject-matter of clauses of Bills..... where such clauses may .. Lei infringe upon therights and freedoms guaranteed by the Voir Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms", examination by a Alimentation et de ]'agriculture des Nations units, Loi sur l'orga- Parliamentary Committee, discussion. 76; 15-21, 23-4 nisation

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Nei Nan, Jahn P., Q.C., The Advocates' Society O'Reilly, M.James, comeiller juridique, Grand Conseil des Cris (du Bill S-33 Quebec) Discussion, 34; 3-15 Proclamation de 1983 modifi ant La Constitution, tower, 72: 14-5. Statement, 54:5-8 20.3, 25-6

New Brunswick goveznoseii Omer, George, 1984, 26; 29, ha Bill C-61 Brief, text, 19A; 1-2 Ouellet, honorable Andre, ministre de la Consommatiun et des Corpo- Costs involved, 19 :5, 10, 13; 194: 2 rations Serious crimes involving 16- and 17-year olds, 19A; 2 Bill 5 -3! 1.1niforin maximum age, 19: 5, 13; 1941. 1-2 Chambre de commerce du district de iviontrial, reunion avec, Bill 5-32, reaction, 42: 23-4; 42A: 19-20 34: 37 Constitution Amendment Proclamation, 1983, position, 69; 23-4, 25, Discussion, 20; 15, 16-41; 34; 66-72, 74-94 78-9; 70: 12, 44,47-8, 51; 74:-20-11 76; 9 Exproi, 28:8-16 Lettre dc la Chambre de commerce du Canada, 29: 6, 7; 33: 53, Isiewromailand government 60; 33A: 2 Bill 5-31, reaction, 33: 2.4, 60; 34:63, 94; 34A.: Lortie, M. Pierre. reunion avec, declarations citees, 31:19, 20 ustitation Amendment Proclamation, 1983, position, 69:8 Reunion avec M. Roger Gagnon, petititmnaire pour Montilac 4 :12 Nickolas, Dennis, Vice-President, Natitmol Indian Brotherhood Bill C-26 Outlet*, Bspport Discussion, 2: 13, 16-7, 18, 20 Voir Statement, 2: 8-13 'twice *male a correrirem: an lien 8 forger, Rapport du °simile canadieri de to reforms pennie et correctionnelle Nicholas, Graydon, President, Union of New Brunswick Indians, Coa- lition of First Muttons Outeritridge, M. W.R., president, Commission nstionnle des 1111÷ra- Com-tin:Lion Amendment Proclamation, 1983, subject-matter lions conditionnellea, Xollielteur st6neral Canada Discussion, 71,1 23-5, 31-2, 34, 37, 39 Bill 5-32 5tatentent, 71: 14-7 Discussion. 35: 8.27, 31-3 Exposi, 35:6 -7 Tyranny (The)ofTreatment -.2, 47A: 7 1984, George Orwell, 26: 29. 68 Pace, M. Michael, cosselller du petitionnaire, Ontario Nevis C'ono- Nisliga Tribal Council (New Aiyansk, British Columbia) pony, Limited Assembly of First Nations, member, 73:9. 17-8 Bill 5-2D Background lutc,rinAtion, 73: 8-9, 10 Discussion, 14; 8, 9 Constitution Amendment Proclamation, 1983 Expose, 14: 7-8 Adoption recommended, 73: 9, 15, 16 Study by the Committee, procedure, 73: 9-10 Pacific Western Airlines, 28;18-211, 29-30, 36; 29: 11-21 30: 28-30, 40. Constitutional Accord, 1983, continents, 73:9-11. 16, 19 57-9; 33:25; 34: 73

Noa-profit corporations, religious PacificWestern Airlines, affaire See Voir Religions corrairations Sd MrajetN du chef de !Alberta c. ('CT

Norands Mines Limited, 301 10, 16; 31: 11; 34: 11, 15, 53 Pappajolin c. LEE Athif (119801 2 R.CS. 120), 25: 22, 23, 24, 25; 27: 9, 12-3, 21, 23, 32. 46- 7 Normand, Carmaml, Assistant General Manager, Caisse de digitet placement du Quebec Pari2enu, henurable Jacques, ministre des Finances, province deQue- Bill S-31, subject-matter, 34:46-7, 51, 55, 5&-7. 58. 59-60, 62 bec Bill 5-31, Lemur Northwest Territories Government Discussion, 30: 15-61 Constitution Amendment Proclamation, 1983, comments. 734l Expose, 30: S-15 Reaction, citation, interpritaliens, 28: 17.8, 27.40-1 Norton, Joe,Chief. Reserve (Quebec), Coalition of First Nations Portage des revenus minims de In reserve Indienne de Port Nelson, Constitution Amendment Proclamation, 1983, SU bjact-rnauer Luc Discussion, 71: 14, 17.9.22 -3, 25-7, 29-33, 35 Voir Statement, 71:7 -14 Bill C-26

Nova Scotia government Paton, M. D., &review des services administratlfs et president Ia Bill C-61,17:9,It, 12, 14, 21; 22115 Vandalism Committee, Peel Board of Education Bill 5-32, reaction, 42A: 21-3 Lettre a l'honorable sena/cur Neiman. citation, 19: 10.1

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Novegiiiek v. Tire gigot (Jan. 25, 1983 (S,C.C.)). 601 51-2, 53.4; Pearce., R. E. IL (19741. 16 C.C.C. (2)340)4, a: 10-1, 29 60A:7 Pitbarles, Teal Nuffield, Soon, Polley Analyst, Solicitor General Canada Amend talent propate; adopte, 7: 30-2 Bill S32, 32: 15. 20. 21; 35: 18, 42; 21-2,23. 26; 471 74425, 26i. Art 31 pri5eTith lol liaSal MajestO, 15 :6 48: 16, 33; 57: 24

Nurgit?, Hun. Niihau., 8'enntor (Winnipeg North) Pernilencier9 [il]] C -26.2. 6; 8,14,5, 16, 18.9, 21 COlarrIbleBT i [a naign, 44:32; 46: 33 Bill C-34, 9: 13: 21 Con5truction.,19-...5, 8,21-2; 44; 32 Bill C-I27, siihject.roatter Detenus A.2..gravaied sexual ass.auli, 27: 24, 39 Autach ton in, d9. 34 Complainant's reputation, 154 45 Camps do travail, 45: 15, 20-2 Consent, 27; 19.38 CentrespisycbiatrimiesrCgionaus, 3%IS-6; 1.9; 41:27-9; Hone,sr belief as to consent, 27; 21-3, 24 41A: 4-5; 45:9; 46. 28-9:47: 15 Murder, firs; degree, 27:39,40 DeichiiDIS preventive, 38:7;44t 9, 13-4, 17-8, 31; 47: 10; 47A: 6, 7 Proceedings, su mma iry conviction or indictment, 27: 25. 26 paellas purgcant tine premiere !mine, 35: 16, 17 Somia I assault, definition. 27: 38, 39 Education et formation, 384. 13; 30: 10:41: 17; 41A; 7; 44;3. 24, Statistics, 27; 25, 30; 48; 34, 35 Victims, treatment by authorities, 27: 24 Ennploi, 381 13, 15; 44: 5, 11, 22-4. 27-8; 45; 14, 15. 20-2 Bill C-2011, sulijEct-matier. 26: 49, 50.96 -7. 101-2t 27; 7 alita ot)46: 34; 571 8 Bar S-32 Fom ines, 32: 11; Alt 12: 30: 5, 14, 17;42; 21. 26-7 Amendments proposed by SOIleitor General, admissibility, 91k 10 Fra is d'entretien, 37; 21, 22 ;39:8, 22;42; 27; 42A: 31, 33; 44; 24, 40 18, 22.24 -6, 34 25; 41k 34. 35 Canadian Aswulation for the Prevention of Crime, function, 311: theareeration, eget. 32:16, 20; 11;12-3. 23; 41A: 5, 6,10; Cilizens United for Safety and Justice, function, 45 :39 45 :22 -3, 25-7; 46: 13;+47: 15. 16, 28; 47A: 7-5 4lancla1cry superii.hion In freer Inns et Harictions, liglements. 44; 9-11. [5, 26 Criminal 1-viiryers' Asksociation, pniaition, 46; 25-6 1solemeni preveotif, rilaBOCia tier.. 41: 14; 41A: 7, 44110, i 11 istorica I bac kground, 3...54 23 Liberation conclitionnclic do jOUr. M 21, 22: 46; 22-3; 47: 20; Innia [es 48: 29;57: 13;58: 1

Attitude, 35e 20; 37; 19 Hombre: 32; 1 I. 19; 35; 17, 28,29, 32;48; 35 Crimes of violence and homicides, 35: 22-3; ast 17; 42: 15; Feats -Unix, compa ra ison, 3 t 19; 39;21: 48; 10 45:39-40 R.6integratien, Mhabi ran tion par elopes:4e 19.20, 21,2, 30, 34-5; Dangerous or potentially dangerous offenders. 32:13-4; 47t 19 35: 15-6, IS, 22; 37: 15-6; 38: 9-10:14-i; 41:10-1, 12; gorpeuplemeni, doable occupation des cello les, 32; 18-9; 35; 28, 44; 12-6, 26; 45: 17.21], 29-30; 46: 27.8; 47; 8, 16-7, 27-8; 29, 32, 37: 29; 39; 5, 8,32; 41: 41A: 6; 42; 12; 42A.: 66: 67; 48: 20 57: 13-4, 17-20, 22-3; 58: 11, 13-4 44. 32; 46: 8; 47A; 7 Eligibility, 35: 15-6,18; 37; 15-6; 38; 14-6 -Faux de criminatite, Etats-Buis, crirrriparaiSOti, 321 19; 39: 20-1; First-time offenders, 35: 17 42A; 5-6, 8 ,11; 484 10 Gating, 35:22: 38; 10; 4k t12, 12:44: 13, 26; 46; 14; 57: 13-4, Transferts, 46: 34, 35 17-20, 22-3; 58; 11, 13-4 Unites siseclales de detention, 30: 10; 44:6, 14, 154. 25 Provinces, prisons., comparison, 37; 29; 45: 48 Driartthellw, 44; 24, 25 Rehabilitation, 47; 21-2 kingston, 39; 14. 15, 16; 414 5.28; 41A: 2, 6,10; 44; 16; 0; 33, 34 Releases, 351 15.6, 24 Laval. 44; 9-1.0 Remission. 32:12-4; 35: 29, 31: 31:15, 29; 38; 9,14-45; Parson n et, 44; 24, 25, 26.32: 48; 16 41; 17-8; 4: 15145:48-9; 461 26; 48: 17-8 Voir oussi National Parole Board, position, 35:14-5 Surveillance obligatui re Parole. componiscon, 32; 17; 35: 15-6, 18-9 Penitentiary and parole stair, position, 48:16 -7 Police, attitude, 321 14.5 peniteoelera .,., Lei modillant la Liii P ukitic perception. 38; 204 Voir Roicarch, studies, 35; 22, 25 hill S-32 RO3Ulis, evaluation, 35:19, 22; 45: 26 Revocation Forfeiture or reirdssion onty for new offences, 41: 9; 42: 14; Pecriteneierio,Lipi 47: 16.2.5; 48: 18-9; 60: 35 A pi, 19 - MsIades men taux, 46: 28-9 Procedure, 324 14; 42 15-6; 47:23 Art, 24 Reduction dc pcine, 57:9, 10, 26 :411: 31,.32; 44.; 5, 11, Reasons, 41: 9:42z 14-6; 47: 16, 20, 24-5:46: 18,9 22; 45: 10,t 4, 20; 46:6; 47: 26; 58: 6; 60:9, 3 i Recase. pair -fryixatign, 47: 22-5 Remission, recrediting, 41: 9.10 S'eritencing, effect an, 47: ;6, 17; 46: 28 Pension de Ia 1H entice publirirne.Loi Staziatiel, 32; 26 A inendemen propose. 6; 5. S upervision: 38c. 16; 46; 25 Terminology, oppropria [envoi, 32: 31 -2; 35; 22 Union Of SolicitorGeneralEmployees,rocommendalions, Peados do retralte des Force.' Ennadi*Mleg, 44; 11-2 A me ndemeni prom : adopter. 7; 21-3


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Nurgita. Him. Nathan, Senator (Winnipeg Borth)-Coui'd Penioas poor les Canagliem. De raeillearrs, minislIre de la Salmi& Bi II S-32 nationale el da Bien -Eire 31; 12, 23, 24, 31; 34! 14 Motiotui.42; 4, 6;.44; 4, 36..47: 5, 6 Pcni tenni' rles, 3...t 32; 641. Procedure, 35:7 Petro-Camada, 301 26, 27; 31t 11, 33 Bill S- 33.59; 18,9, 21, 265 29- 39.62: 22-7; 411 5., 65; 15-6 Constitution AmendmentProclamarion. 1983, subjectmatter. 76t. 74-6 Petrol% Lot gue rad minion lion A mcnde men: propos6; adopte, 7: 10, 48.9 "Proposals to correct... Revised Statutes of Canada, 1970, and other iSt 10. 15; 7: 15, 17 Piebps, M. James, soupeoraralmalre, R6gleet des PT airieN Service Nyee, Jacob, Trustee for Canyon City. lYia3g. Tribal Council (New correctionnel Canada. Sollicheur g6n6ral Canada aifyansli, BritL4i Colusabin) Reduction de Paine rn.Ecit6e, diSelarai ion, citation, 37: 22, 23, 25 Constitution Proclamation Amtodment, 1983, subject-matter, 73:8 Phillips, Mme Dotuta, meenhre du Co mitt comtilotionnel de l'Assou- Oakes, ft. !.OFeb.2, 1983 (0.C.A.)). 5Z: 13; 53.: 11; 59At I0.1; 6b: 51; cis tion des fat mica autoelitanc.s 46 Canada GSSA.: 8-9 Proclamation. dc 1983 modifia at la Constitution, ieneur Discussion, 70: 9-16 O'Connor, Fergus 3., Director, Correct-Intl Law Project, Qweeiiks 711. 8-9 Uklirasily 5-32 Plehe .0. Le Reim, (119711 R.C.S. 23), 52: I I-11 OA: 383 Discussion, 41:6-33 Statement, 4/: 5-6 Pigeon. honorable r Lomas- Philipp, profasseur b &mate de drat (Set-lion dr drolt 401), Unlvers116 d'Ottawa OM* of Aboriginal Constitutional Affairs (Federal-Provincial Iltela- Bill S-33 (ions Office), 69: 16., 2!; 7U 63.81, 83; 76: 9 Discussion. 61: 11-8 Expose, 6i: 5-11 Old Age Security Act Amendments proposed.. carried, 7: 46-7 Pilotage. Lot An 9 (2) - Services contractuels.3t 11 Olson, Hon, Horses Andrew (Bad), Senator (Amerti south) ReV011.19a.i9NTIX du ?taint spacial des pilinco, 3: 7 Bill 0130.50: 18,19, 20, 25 Voir aussi BM S3E, subject-rosiicr. 291 9; 3111; 55-9;33: 23, 61-2 Canadian Association of Marine Pilots i:NS-32, 58;9, 12, 15

PBotes Ontario government Fab. Bill 176, amendments to Seeni Nes Act, 3!: 14-5 25-6, 32; 341 40 CanoiliAn .Association of Marine Pilots Bill C-61 Pilotage, Loi Coming ink) force, S11C ]4:), 21 CaUs involved Age-groups Pinder, M. G,, sous -commissaire, Programmes des &Hip/pants, Ser- 7-11 ycur olds, 2* 11, 18 vice eilrrec tionotl Cris, Sollleitere gin6ral Canada 12-15 year olds, 20.: 7, 8,14, Es, 17, ig Bill S31, :15.7, 14, 16, 17, 19-20, 22, 24, 26..32 16- i7 year olds, 20: 7, 8.9,t l, 14, 15, 11, 18; 22,1 9 Analysis. 20: 7, 8,10, 13. 15, 16-7, 18 herierairle Peter Michael, sic ratcur (Ottawa-Vander) AS;StES rritTIis., 20: 15, 17.18 Bill S-32, 44! 18 -u. 64% 21, 26-7, 30-1, 33 Custody, 20; 7.8.9, 14-6, 17-8, 19 Facilities. 20: 8. 21 Plant-Reyoulds, Mine Barbara, scitaallihe de recherche. /Milespoliii- Fe4eria1 government contribution to cost-sharing, 20 9, 10. qae et aaciaies, Biljliprbjpie du Parlement 13-4, 15. 21 Proclamation de !983 ,nadifiant la Constitution, unman, 69:9 Mc-Tease, ok.c.rview, 20: 6, 1,8, 10, 15, 18, 21 Socialprograms. priorities, 20: 11-2, 13, 15, 18, 23 tcgoaii an, federal-provincial consult4tion, 20: 6, 1,9, 2! PelirIS el incourea, Loi Overview, philosophy. 20: 1.2-3, 21 A inendmen propos6; adopt6, 16, 58-9 Testimony before Commons Committee, 20:6. 22. Young offenders Palyienirevsiie Lae Age-give pa Aettf et faction, 43e 6. 7,8 12 -15 year olds, 241: 8, 14, 15, 19-20, 22 Carnnwnie4tiOrks ave Canaammation etCorporaiions Canada, 16-17 year Mds, 20: 8-9, 11-2, 14, 15, 19, 20, 22, 23 43: 6.7, 8 Custody, open or dosed, 201 6, 15.6 Hibtericlue, 43'. 6.7,8 Pcifiries. 10! 1.5, 18-20, 23 Notaire, 43: 7, .8-9 age, criti.pism of increase, 24s. 6,1,8-10, 11-2, 14, 15, Rapperisanti utta.,43:6 -7, 8 21 Voio. aims( Offences, statiai lea, 20 :8, 22.3 Bill S-34 Rehubllitation, 210: 15 Consorrimatton et Corporations Canada

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Ontario goverstment-Coard podyventreprist Lae reconsrliosat Ii SIDeill'e Bi 11 C61-Coarrd Voir Young offenders- Coved Bill S-34 Rights, 2fc 6 Sentencing, Ilk 8.9,f 4, 20.1.23 Rill S-31., reaction, 29; 5-6; 29A: 1: 314 3I; 33t 24, 60; 34; 66-7. 68., Nelms., M. Michael, want de lieixnn parlementeire. FrsietnIte ratio- 94 nsle des Miens du Canada Bill S-32, reaction, 42AT 24 Bill C26, 2: a, 15-6 Constitution Amendment Proclamation, 1983, position, 70: 12, 16; 76; 13 Legal st1d system, 17; 2:7. 28 (Lcaclararoirf tin Parietnetn, Andre Let juie, 26: 26 Securities Act, 34: 42-3 Power Corporation du Canada Ontario Law Reform Commission Voir Report on the ,Law of Evidence, 1976, 11,; 59A: 20.1 Desmarais, M. Paul, Power c orporaiion du Canada

Ontario News Company, Limited Pr:erectable, M.DR die!C., Avocagiiisiers15Section de l'61ahorathyn de Annual returns, 14: 8-9 reditique at des mu.dificdions au dila pe'real, mtnistre de la Default, notification, 14:8, 9 is D.ISSOIL bon, date and reason, 14: 7, Justice I-Iih.torica I baekgruund, it 7.3 C-6I, 17: 14, 2.7.-8,29, 301. 19:8, 17, 1.5-7, Bill C-127, ioneur, 27: ?di, 41-4, 45-6, 48, 4? 50, 51, 52 Income tax returns, 12E 9 itiI[S -32 Revival, purpose. 14: 3.9 2-5, 17-71, 23-9 See also Discussion, 47: 10, Bill S-20 Expose, 47: 3-9 Consumer and Corp:nrate Affairs Canada pne-sident de Is Division de Lethbridge de 11,glist de Jesus- Christ des Dniario News Company, Limiteg Act to revive saints des (lenders ]ours Sec Mons immobilicrs Bill S-20 Del ai du droll. de proprietk 9.11r Ica biens pas weressaires des fins rcl igieuscs, 6-7, 10-1, 12-3

Opekokew, Delia, Solicitor of the Federation of Saskatchewan Lunn DroiL de vropriet6 Ii toito aux liens n6c M2iVeS. ii des fins religieu- Nations ses, 8; 6-3, 8-11, 12, 1.3-4 Constitution Amendment Proclamation, 1983, au bieet-mni ter Valeur, limits. Pe 6, 7,8 Disomion, 69; 65-7,159 But, 8: 7,9 Si a Lenient, Or. 51.5 Corporation uninersonnelle fi niilon, but, S! 7-8 Exernples,4:43117pa raison, 8: 8 Order or Elks, ma Grand Lodge or the Rensvolent and Protsethe information de base. 81 6-7 See, matkin, Heber Lamont. Piisidrin de 12Division de Lethiwidge. Elkii of the Dominion of Canada, The Grand Lodge of the 8: 12 Renciroicni and Protcol Lire Order of Voir ablest Bdi 8-16 O'Reilly. .T eel Lewd Conseil, Grand Council of the Care (of ()me- President de la division acclesiagaine de Lethbridge, Lai constitUant het) en corporation, S.C. 1926-27, chap.. 112 ConstitutionAmendmentProclamation, 1983, subject-matter, /24 14.5,20-3. 25.6 plisident de Fa divis fon eceI6eIesiigae de 1 c4libri0ge, Lot eommtitutuit Orwell, George, 1084, 26: 29, 68 en corporation, S.C. 1926-27. chap. 112 Bill S.16, comps re ison, Pe 9,11, 12.3 Dffinit ion, nrequis pour I' usage et l'Occopationsi interpratation, 8: 9, Ouellet, Han. Arefre, Minister of Consumer and Corporate Affairs 13 Bill S-31 Discussion Chamber of Commerce of the Dial-id. of Montreal, meeting with, Art. 3 -- Pouvoir d'squirir el de pc,sse'dcr des Wens, Fi 9-10 34:37 Art. 4 - Disposition des biej:15 ilThrEalbiliers. 8: 6. 8.9, 13 Discussion. 2Se 15, 16.41: 34; 66-72., 74,94 Art. 4 (h) - Limits de 15 am, 5 6-7, 8, 11, 12 Letter Front Canadian Chamber lir Cummerc., 6, 7; 33: 53, Art. 4 (d) Pour utter Y2Leurde.& 6. 7,8 60., 33A: 2 Voir ausai Lactic, Pierre, meeting with, statements reported, 31: 19, 20 Bill 8.16 Statement, 2.8,18-16 President de lo Division de. Lethbridge de l'Eglise de Jesus-Christ Meeting with. Roger Gagnon, Petitioner far Mun Lilac Ltd.. 4: 12 des santh des derniers fours

Ouimet Report Sea La Press Toward Unity- Ctiraihat Justice and CorrecErunsReport of the Bill S-31, articles concernant, re' f'&enees, 28: 374 31t 35; 141 92 Canadian Committee on Corrections Quebecair, article concernant, reT6rence, 34; 74

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Outerbridge, W. 11, Chairman, Nation-It Parole Bonn/, Solicitor Gen- Preove eral Canada AccuiS 13111 S-32 Essietjudieiaire. ountre-inierrogatoire au su,rel do, 34 13, 20, Discussion. 35: 8-27, 31-3 23-4, 26.7; 2S; 49: 8; 52: 14-5; 53; 7; 541: 3, 4,8.; 59A.-: 30-11 Statement, 35: 5, 6-7 62; 16; nW, 60-1, 75-6; 661LS-9,37, 49.50; 664; 50-1; 7).ranny .of Treatine 47AT 7 68A: 352.9, 430 Charge de. Ix prouve rmpos4, 16; [5, :6; 40:i 3,4; 51 13; 53; 6, Pace, 11.1ichueli, Counsel for the Pc IfLEener, Ontario Nctv3 Company, 10-1; 541:2; 59A: 10-1; 451: 56-7, 66t14-6, 30, 51-2; Limited 664; 46; 68A: 233.44., 416 Bill S-20 Conjoint commie tErnalo, eompetcnize et contruignatillia, 34; 16-8; Discussion, 1* 8, 9 40: 25.7; 52: i 5; 54A17-8: 61 16 Siaternern, 14:7-8 DieTaration faits Han avaniage par raCCuSe, 54At 6; 62; 27; 65A: 65-7; 68A: 287-8 Pncifie 'Nes-tern Airlines, 28:18.-20, 29-30, 36:296 11-2; 30: 28.30, 40, D6claration faitexiin responmible 37-9: 33; 25; 34; 73 Caracere spontan6 D6finilion ispontonev, 54A; 6; 59; 13-9t 594; l7; 63: 23-4: 45A: 67-9; 66.: 16-7; 681z 282, 245-9, 307-10, 313-23,423 Pacific Western Airlines case Preave, 342 12.6; 40; 24-5; 49i 9-11, 20; 52: 11-2; 53: 7; 59; 9, See 17-9; Mk; 15-9, 28; 62: 25.7; 651: o6, 69.70; .4:fajeszy iit eigia of /Mem CTC 11.3, 66417, 28, 30, 38; 661t 40-1, 44-6, 57-8; 481:282-5, 294.5,300-7, 310-23, 424 Pswi4inks v. The Queer! (11988/ 2 S.C-11. 15; 22, 23, 24, 25; Confirmation par use preuvc maker:idle, 5411 591: 12-3; 27:9, 12-3, 21, 23; 32.46.7 63: 21.3; 65A:70; 684t 3 [2,425 'vr6raclie, interdict-inn dv poser des questions sot, 49: 8; 53t 7; Parole Act :CI)A19; 66: 13:68A; 3046, 424 Section S - Divisions of the Board, 57: 11 Detain de arrioignage, 36; [2, 13, 20-1, 22-5; 40: 20.1, 22-3; Section 6 - Jurisdictionorthe Board, 46.: 20 53c 6; 541Az 3; 59A: 11 -2; 62; 28; 661: 49-50; 681: 257-1, 426 Seetion 10 - Powers of Board, 4* 6, 31 Droiial one defense Nene et Miere, 59A: 14-5; 651: 72.3; Scotian14 - CLOISCCIEtieC. and concurrent sentences, 41: 3D; 66e 31-2; 66A; 49-54 57: 11-5, 22-3; 58: 6. 7 Droll de ie pas timoigner, 34: 23-4; 40: 20-1, 2-4; 51 7; 59t 24; SecIlan 15 (2) -- Effect of mow:1story super rision, 58E 6; 611: 9, 31 59A; 4.6, 11-2:66: 3 66A: 46-50; 68A: 426 Section 16 - S Lapvision of parole and noorchtrision of paroled. Droils, aper;u, 36: 10,11; 49: 6, 9,19, 26-7, 28; 51 6-9, 10; inmate, 35: 5, 6; 46; 6; 47: 23 63; 22; 65A: 72.3: 66: 14, 20, 29-32, 36-7, 39. 52; 661; 44-58: Section 20 - Place or ree womb Lair 42 22., 23; 461 6 6$1: 30, 38, 613 Exigence de don nor 5 En Coutonne tin uremia cur Ica preuves de lu Parole Act, Act to mead afense, 59: 24, 27-9; 5911 4-6, 7-9. 29; 654: 59-60, 701-3; See 66: 17-8, 46.9; 6.614 52-4; 68A... 246.7, 339 13111S-1.1 Maude, 36% 27, 28; 40: il; 541: 5; 59A: 30-1; 654: 75; 66: 19; 661: 51; 681; 356-8 Parole in Canada. Report of the Standing Senate Cunvilaittee on Legal Mode de vie, con tre-inte rrogaloirc, 52: 15; 66A: 38.40; 684: 352 and Constitutional Affairs (Goldenberg Report), 32: i5; 35; 17: Parn.ire, 36: 27; 62: 10; 651: 76-7; 66119, 20; 661; 51. 5151 37; 1D-1; 38: 12; 45; 41:47: 13.4; 482 22 684L 363, 365. 367.8, 369, 373 Admission d'office,411: 19, 20. 22; 54AT 36-7; 66A: 70., 76-7; 684:245. 417-8 Patina, D., Director of Administrative Services *mid Chairman lif the Vandalism Committee, Peel Benrii a Education Alibi, 36: 13; 49; 51 7, 11-2; 544: 7; SO: 24, 27-8; 59A; 4-6,1- 70-3; 66: 174, 48-9; 44A; 51, 52-4; 681: 338-9 I zttor to the Honoiun Sena tor Neiman, quotation, M.: 10-1 9; 65A.;IA Alienation menla le CAB rtc de is [leave, 40e 14; 51 15; 62; 16: 68A: 237, 238, 239 Pirlzeuu, Hon. 3acquen,, Minister of rinalite* Province of Quebec Critere 40! 14-6 i. 111 5-31, aubjext-matter Aveli14. ludicieires. 524 15; 541; 2-3;64; 29; 64A: 42-3, 75, 661: 245 Discussion, 30:: 15-61 Cannier judicislirC,fantrr-inwrregatoire de l'acctis suLic; 36: 13, Reaction reported. inierpreLations, 28t 17-8, 21.404 20. 23.4, 25.7, 28; 49t 8; 52: 14-5; 53; 7; 541: 3, 4;8; 594: 30.1; Statement, 30: 5-1.5 62; Lk 651:643-1, 75-6; 66:18-9,37,49.506 661: WI; 6811 352-9, 430 fears.R. v. ( (1.974). 16 C.C.C. (24)30). 41: 10-1, 29 Charge de la prcave Accuse, mpotitien, 36: 15,16; 40: 13-4; 52: 13; 53: 6,10-4: Penitentiaries 541:2; 594; 101; 654; 56-7; 66: [4-6, 30, 51-2; 46At 46; 'British Columbia, 44: 32; 46e 33 681:233-44,4116 Construction, 39: 5, 8,21-74 44: 32 A]iaation mentale, 40: 14; 52: 15; 62: 16; 681; 217,238, 239 Drumheller, 44: 14, 23 rrcave indirecte, 66; 26-7; 661: 36-3 /ninnies Prothlares au civil, 54A: 36; 63: 29-30; 664: 14 68A: 4 L5-6 Costs of twinge-nonce, 37: 11, 22; 39: 8, 22.; 42; 27; 42A: .31, 33; Charte des droitsetlibert6s,effe-1 or Inrecorabilite. 362 2]; 44124. 25; 48: 34, 35 40:11-10,23-4;52:16-7; 544;37;591:12.3;63:22-3; CrIMe rote, United Stakcs, companion, 32 19; 39: 2C1 i; 42At 66A.; 79-30; 684: 218, 313-4 8.11 ;4&10 00-accus 36: 27,28;541: 5-6; 591: 24.5; 68A; 325-], +42

Day parole, 37; 21, 22; 46: 22 -3; 47: 20; 48: 29; 57: 13; 574: 11

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Phillips, Donna, Member of the Constitsairmai Committee of the Preirte-Strire Native Women's Aasetiation of Canada --Conid Expert-Satre Constitution Amendment Proclamation.,1983, subject-matter- - Avis sur one question relevant du juge des faitA. 54: 10-1; 54A; 3 8 Cont'd Ecriture, 34A: 4-5, 37-8 Statement, 70; 8-9 Procedures en inaliarc civile, 66A: 81; 68A: 256-7 Teo-loin qui n'est pas expert, avis, 54A: 37; 684: 236 Piehb v. The Omen ({1971) S.C.R. 23), 52: 11-2; 68A: 64 designe per, 36: 25; 40: IS; 49: 13-4, 27; 52: 17.8; 594.: 32; 681:252-7 Pigeon, Hen. Justice Levis- Philippe, Professor, Faculty ofLaw (Civil Expertise, apercu, 6411: 232-7 Law Section), LtnlversityofOttawa VOlt artisi plus haul' Expert 801 S-33 Faits similaires, 36: 19-20, 24.211; 521 11, 14; 59; 25-6.41: 6; 63: 30; Discussion, 61:11 -8 60:29:64/i: 43 Statement, 61: 5-11 Imprint:les d'ordinateur des documents be ticaires et prolessionocls Fiabilite du contenu Pilotage Act Defense, draft a contester. 55: 11.9; 64; 14-5; 65: 7, 9,11-4, Clause 9 (2) - Contract for services. as 11 17-22, 24, 28- 9; 654; 52-3 Recognition of special status of pilots, 3: 7 Documents bancaires, 55:6.7, 10-1, 13-9, 23-4; 55A: 19-2i. 25, See also 27. 29; 64: 20- 1,15; 641: 23-4; 65: 5.10, 11-4, 18, 20-1, Canadian Assceiation of Marina Pilots 24-30:65A:48-9, 50-2; 66: 41, 42; 67: 10, 11 Documents professionnds, 64; 7-8, 10.1, 14-5, 16-7; 641: I& Pilots 23-4; 654 8.9, 13-4, 29; 66:41-2; 67: 10 See Documents sur papier, coraparaison, 40: 17: 55; 6-7, 10 -I. 13-5, Canadian Association of Marine Pilots 17; 551: 19- 21, 25, 27, 29; 64: 8, 10, 14.5; 64A: 18-20; Pilotage Act 65: 6, 7, 65A.: 52-3 Force probante, 55: 15, 17; 64: 14.5, 16.7. 19-20; 65; 7, 18, 20; 6.5A: 45, 46 Pinder, G., Deputy Commissioner, Offender Programs, Correctional Recevabilit6 Service Canada. Solicitor General Canada Bill S-32, 35; 7, 14, 16, 17, 19-20, 22, 24, 26-32 Documents crMs au moment d'untilige, 67: 7.9,17,18; 67.419-11,14 Original ou conk, 55: 12; 554.1 21.3, 33; 64: 12-4, 20; 65: 7-8, Pi tfleld, Hon. Peter Michael, Senator (Ottawa-Vanier) 10, 13, 27- 8; 651:49; 66: 43.4; 67; 17 Bill S-32, 46; 18-9, 214 60: 21, 26 -7. 30-1, 33 Preuve prialable Contenu, critCres, 55: 8-9, 17-25; 5M: 21.3, 24; 64: 12-3, Plant-Reynolds, Barbara, Research Officer, Political and Social 16.20; 65: 7-8, 9-14, 28.9; 65A; 46.8, 50-3; 44 41, 42-3, Affairs, Library of Parliament 50.67: 7, 8-14, 15.8; 671: 7-9, 12-4. / 5 Consfthrtion Arnendmoni Proclamation, 1983. subject-matter, 69:9 CoCiss, 64: 10, 13, 16-7; 641: 22 Declarationsous sentient ou amoignage oral,36:14; Polyventreprise Ltee 40; 17.8; 55: 13-9, 23; 55A: 24, 27-9, 33; 65: 10-3, 14-5, Annual sernmaries, 43: 6 -7, 8 20-1; 45A: 51. 52; 67: 16-7 Assets and function, 43: 6, 7.8 Document,definition,66q 41, 41; 67: 6-7, 18; 671: 3-7. 11-2. Communications with Consumer And Corporate Affairs Canada, 15 43:6-/, Expert en infurmatique ou repr6cntant local comme remoiri. 36: 12, 14; 40: 17-9; 53; 10-1, 15, 19 -20, 24 -5; 55A4 28, Historical background, 41: 6.7,8 29;641 9-10, 16.7, 18; 64A:20-2; 633; 24;67: 15-6 Notary, 43: 7, 8-9 Groupe de travail federal-provincial sea les rl8lea uniforrnes See also do la preuve, reonermandations, 55: 10-1. 20, 21.2, 26; Sill S-34 551: 30-1, 32 Consumer and Corporate Affairs Canada Original"...reflete(at)fidelarnent,..".36:12;55t8; SSA: 23.41 64: 3-7, 8-10, 12-3, 15-9; 641; 15-8, 20-2; PoiyventreprIse Lt6e ,. Act to revive 45: 10, id, 17, 28; 65A: 46; 66: 50; 67: 19-20 See Royaurvic-Uni, comparitison, 55:I I, 18, 20, 22; 55A: 31-2; Bill S-34 64: 13, 17 Securite du systime Inforutatise, risque, 344 12; 55: 9-10, 19, Posluns, Michael, Parliamentary Liaison Corraultant, National Maar 20-1. 22-3; SSA: 24, 25.6, 28, 29; 64: 9; 641; 20; 65: 9, brotherhood 10, 13-4, 21, 24.6, 28-9; 6$4: 50; 67: 18-9;67A:6, 13-4 Bill C-26, 2;8, 15.6 Situation twin-elk, jurisprudence, 55: 7-8, 11, 20, 21, 22 -3. 24-5;S5A.: 21.4, 33; 64:12-3,19; 65:7.8,10,19; Ammer (L) d'erlarataire du Parientest, Andric La joie, 26: 26 67: 13-4; 67A; 3, 9,14 luterpretes et troducteurs, 664: 80 interrogatoire do ternoins pour une instance externe, 68A: 400-5 Power Corporation of Canada See Interrogatoire prealable 41t: 14: 52: 19; 66; 35; 66A:75 Juges DegalaraiS, Paul, Power Corporation of Canada Accuse, della ut de temoignage, observation, 36: 12, 13, 20.1, 22 -5; 40: 20-1, 22 -3; 53: 6; 541: 3; 59A: 11-2: 62: 28; froA; 47, Prefontaine, Nadel C. General Counsel, Polley Planning and Crimi- 49.50; 68A: 257-9, 426 nal Law Amendments Section, Department of Justice Citation des tanclins en mati&e chide, 54At 39; 651: 73; 66A: BA Bill C-61, 17: 14, 27-8, 29, 30; 19; 8.12, 13.7, i 641A: 341,426-7

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Pesiientlaries-Courrei Premte-LS'itire I runates-Cord "el Conjoint de l'accuse Echseation and training. 18e 13; 35k 10; 41; 17; 414 7... 44; 23, 24. COMMUriiCatiOrk% entre conjoinis, secret ennijugal. 36: 18; 40i 27; 25, 30; 48: 34.35 51 15: 544; 8 OA; 58; 66: 13; 66A: 80; fill A: 377-89 Employment. 38: 13, 15; 44: 5, 11, 22-4, 27-8; 459, 14, 15, 20-2 Compeiterteo COMMd temoin, 36: 16,8; 40;26.27;52: 15; 544: 7-11; Evaluations, 46: 34; 57: 8 16 First-time offenders, 3S: 16, 17 Contraignabilite comme temoin, 36;17-8:.40; 25, 26; 82 15; Native pm:131.e%, 44: 34 62:16 Number, 32; 11, 19; 35c 17, 28, 29. 32; 46t 35 Temoin United Statft, onmpariFon. 32. 19; 39; 21; 48; 10 Illeferise, pour, 36: 17 -6; 40: 25.26, 27; 52: 15; 62 16 Offences and punishments. regulations, 44; 9.11, 15, 26 Peursuivant. Pour, 36; 16-8; 41i;25-6, 27;54,1E 7 -6 Overcrowding,doubk-knuakieq,,. 32:15-9; 35. 21, 29, 32; 37; 29; Coritro-Inrerropicire de l'noeuse au sujet de son atsier judiciaire, 39: 5, 8,22; 41: 17; 41A: 6; 42: 12. 42A:31, 32; 44; 32;46: 8; 36: 13, 20,23,4, 26-7.. 28; 49: 8; 52: 14 -5; 53a 1; 54A.:3, 4,8; 474;7 594: 30-1; 62:16; 65A;60-1,75,6;66: 18-9 39. 49,50; Preventivedetention, 38: 7; 46c 9, 13.4, 17-8 31; 47; 10; 47A; 6, 7 664 50-1; 68A: 352-9, 430 Regional psychiatric centres:, 39: 15-6,19; 41: 27-9; 414: 4-5; Corroboration, 40::22; 49; 21',53; 6; 54A; /3.; 62:25;65A;76-8; 45; 8; 46:28-9; 47;15 66: 19-20; 66A: 81; 68A; 359-61, 430-1 aeintogre.tioul, rehabilitation, eaneadins effect, 46; 19.20. 21-2, Decisions judideires anterienres,52: 15; 54.4:47-S; at 16; 25, 30,34-5; 47;19 654: 62.3: 66A; 79; 68,44 331-89 425.6 Solitary confinement. dusooiatiot 41: 14; 41A; 7; 441 L 01, 11, 17 Declare hems Special Handling Unillo, 39; 10 ;44:6, 14, 15.8, 2S Ac use, fa ite ii sin respossa bin Transfery., 44 34.35 Caractere.c tmne Women, 32: 11; 37: 12; 39; 5, 14, 17:414 21, 26-7 Demilion .apuniap,6*. 54A; (1;59E. 13.9; 59A: 17; 634 2341 Work camps, 45: 15, 20-2 65A: 67.9; 66; 16-7:68A: 28.2, 295-P, 307-10, 313-23,, 423 Kingston, 391 14, 15, 16; 41; S. 28; 41A.; 2, 6,10: 44: 18; 46; 13, 34 May/436: 12-6; 40; 24-3; 49: 9.11; 209; 52: 11-2.; 511; 59.6. bearer, 44: 9-10 11-3, 17-9; 594: 15.9, 28: 61: 25.7; 654; 66, 69.7115 Staff, 44: 24, 25, 26.32.; 1&16 66; 17, 25, 30, 38; 66A; 40-1, 44-6, 57-8;695: 282-5, See Mss 244 -5, 300 -7, 310-23,424 Mandatory supervision. Confireriatian par une preuve materielle. 544: 7; 12.3; 63: 21-3; (:.'A; 70; 611A: 1 t 2, 425 Penitentiary Act Vreracite, interdiction de poser des questions our. 49: 8; 53: 7; Section 19 - Mentally ill inmates. 46: 28-9 594 19; 66; LA; 684: 306, 424 Section 24 - Remission, 37; 4, 10. 26; 41; 31,12; 44; 5,11, 22; Weds:ration a reneontre des interets de so.n autcnr, 594:, 13-4; 45; 10,L4, 20:46c 6; 47: 26; 58:6:60: 9, 3 L 656:63-5.,66: 13; 68A: 275-6, 421, 422. Declaration du thou ra ut, 54A; 5; 63A: 273-4 Penitentiary Act Act to nesead Declaration:runerersunnepOkirSuirantunefiecommute, See 54A: 5-6; 59A; 24.5; 68.4; 422 Bill 5-32 Declaration fake S son a vantage par raecusk., 54A: 6; 62: 27; 65A1 65-7; 681: 257- Mlatalion forte dans re:ter:vice d'une fonetion, notes d'un agent Passion Benefits Shisdands Ali de police,S4.4:5; 59A: 23; 62: 28-30: 63: 25; OA: 63: Amendment ixoposed; carried, 6: 5; 7:48 66: 47-8:48A; 274, 421.2 D&Ilstralion sprmtanee faits. an reaction Irambdia toiiun tv.enc- Pest Conirot Products Act inept so isisas nt, 59:10.1,,12.4; 59A: 15.6, 26-7, 62; 26,8, Application. discusion, 15; 6.11 68As293.4 Fisheries Act, Section 71, comparison, 1.5.. '6 DiviarMiOrLS Arribieures, 53r 7; 54A; 41-2, 45. 49; 59A; 13-5, 2.2 SeeWO 28.-9; 62; 31; 656:74;66: 10-1; 66A: 54-5, 81; 69A :264.9, Bill C.45 349-51.428.9 hfundatoire, 4u dc l'orripinye, 54;12-3;54A: 47; 59A: 25 Pest Control Products Act. Act to amend Reccodabi Lite sans preuve du earact6re spoil ta ne. do cirrii nes d6ehi- See ra lions., 59: 9- 19; 59A:15-7, 25-7;62; 27-8; 65Af 65-7; 66; 17; Bill C.-45 68_4.: 285.94 Res gffrae.53: 7; 54A: 6; 59; 10; 594: 15-6; 62:27-8;65A: 65; Petro -Canada, 31h 26, 27; 31: 11. 33 66: 17; 66A:43, 47-5; 68A: 286-92, 423, 424 Divellgationde reffleinemeetsadminisIra ti rs, 68A: 409 -10, 434 Petroleum Adrolois-bstion Act Documents uthertiieili, 68A: 431-2 Amendment proposed; en rricd, 7; T0.48 -9 Documents professionnels, 53:14,18; 546: S. 42; 65A: 78; 664: 78; 68A: 432.3 Phelps, James., DE. owl y CfimmiNnioner, Prairie Region, Correctional Microfilm, 55; 12 ;55A: 21; 67:8, 9,11, 13, 44, 18.67A; 2, 7 Service Canada, Solicitor General Canada Vail" crussi phis has Imprimes d'orclina ten r deS41.0alitlerlIS bancai- .arnad remission, statterrient. quo1s1ion, 37; 22, 23, 25 res et profassionnels prod arranger, 6841 391.4, 433.4 Phillips, Donna; Member of the Constitutional CommEttee of the Ecriture, 544.: 4.5. 37-8 Ni rive Women's As or Canada Export Constitution Amendment Proclamation, 19E3, subject matter A ssessenr. 49: 13; 524 18 Discussioa, 70: 9-16 Avis 6crits, 36: 25., 40: 7.6; 49; 13, 27; 32: 11

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Prifontaine, Daniel C., General Counsel, Poi le) Planning and Crimi- Prene.--Stitre nal Law Amendments Section, Department ofJusities-Coned Juges-Strire. Bill C-127, subject-matter. 27: 36, 43-4, 45-6, 48, 49.517, 51, 52 britel tor des dmoins en matiere cri m i net le, 59: 7-9; 59A: 31-2; Sill S.32 65A: 73; 66A: 80; 611.A; 34[, 426-7 Discinsion, 47: 10, 12-5, 17-21, 23-9 Expert, pouvoh de designer, 36; 25; 40; 18; 49: 13.45 27; 52: 17-8; Statement, 47: 7-9 59A: 32; 68A: 252-7 POUvOif diSetkriOillaire d'exclore, 36: 21; 41134 8-10. 23-4; 49: 12; 52: 15-7; 52: 13.14:, 54A: 3, 7,37; 59A: 1-9, 12-3; 62: 13: President of the Letibrike Stake, Act to incorporate, S.C. 1926-27, 63: 21-3; 65A: 57.9; 66: 16; 66A: 76,79-80; 68A; 278-82. Chap. 2:96-8, 312-23, 4]8-9 II S-16. comparison. 8: 9-11, 12-3 Ouf-dire Definition, "required for the use and oceupation", inicrpretation, Apel-cu,..111t 8;49: 14; 5L 11. 18-9; 54: 7, 8,10; 54k, 5-6. 15, 43-9; R: 9.13 59A: 20-8; 63; 13, 25-6; 66; 8-9, 25; 66A: 35-6, 55. 79-110; Discussion 68A: 260-2., 420-3 Section 3 - rower to acquire and hold property, 8:9-10 z6,uteur din no declaration Section 4 - Disp.mad of real property, 8; 6, 8-9, 13 Cre.di bi Ike., MA: 47; 59A; 21. 22, 27.8; 66: 11; 68A; 265,267-9 Section 4 (b) - Fifteen years limit, 2: 6-7, 8, I I, 12 Disponibilite, 52: 18-9; 54A: 5, 43-5; 59k 21-2; 66 10.1; Section 4 (d) - Limit of value, 8; 6.7,8 68A:263- 9 alrp See Non-disponi:1)9RO. 52; 18, 19; 544: 5, 45.6., 47; 59k 224. 27-8; 62128- 30; 63: 24.6:65k 63-5., 66; 11-3, 47-81168A: 669-76, President of the Lethbridge Stake of the Church of Jesus Christ of 420.2 Latterday Saints traitatissi plus how Dacia ra Lions Persormes Res, 49: 14; 15L2e President of the 1A-thbeidgie Stake of the Church of Jesus Christ of Nivel r diSeisionnel, 6.8A: .389-99 Latter-day Salmis Prasomptions Background information. & 6.7 Apercu, 63: 79:68k 411,432 Corporat4on sole Innocence, 364 20-1, 22.3; 53: 10: 59; 24: 59A; 4-6, 10, 11; 624 27; Definition, purpose, 8:7-8 65A; 57, 66; 66: 14-6, 30- I, 3B, 32; 66A: 44 -9 E xamples of. cornparisofi58: 8 Proved moratilt Matkin, 12eber 1-4monr, President of the Lethbridgc.Stakc, 8; 12 Aperp, 544; 3-4; *4: 29- 31 :62: 17; 65A: 59-63 Purpose, 8! 7, 9 Moralite de ramose en cause. 36: 2.0, 23, 24, 26..7., 53: 12; 54A 4; Real estate 59: 23- 9; 59A:4 -6. 7-W, 29-31; 62: 21; 41.5A: 59-61; 66: 16; Ownership restricted to property reglitifed fur religions purposes, 66k 52: 68A:246-51. 419 & 15-7, 8-11. 12, 13-4 Plaignant, Stamens de la moralite, 49: 11-2; 524 13-4; 53: 7; Time limit on ownership of, when not required for religious our. 54A: 3.4; 59A: 7. 30; 62: 17-24; 63; 15-6: 65A: 61-2; 66: 16; poses. & 6-7, 10-1, 12-3 66A: 51-2; 68A: 249-51, 419-20 alue, limit, & 6, 7,8 Freuve i ndi recto, 54k 2; 65.01:: 57; 66: 26-7, 38: 664: 311 -8 See also Preuve motrielle, 54: 8; 54A: 7, 42; 59A: 12-3; 63: 21-3; 65A: 70; Bill S-16 684: 312, 425 President of the Lethbridge Stake, Act to incorporate, S.C. 1926.27, Privilkr Chap. 112 Communications A.coat et diem, 36: 2.4% 654: 58; 66: 50 Conjoints, 34; 18; at 27; 52: 15; 544: 8: 65A; 58; 66; 13; President of the Lethbridge Stake of the Church of Jesus Christ of 66k 80; 66k 377.89 Litter -dry Saints, Act respecting fvfideoin ci in iieat, 40; 10, 27; 684: 375-7 See Pritre ei pinitent, 41k: 10-1 311[ S-I6 Examen pychie at, 49:8; 52: 15; 53: 7; 64; 13;48A; 175-7 Terncrignage; anierisurs, protection Gontrc l'utilisotion, 361 21-2. La Prose 27; 594: 22462: 30-i ; 4.5A: 79; 664: 56, 80-, 68k 562-75,431 Bill S-11. articles concerning. references, 28: 37; 31! 35; 34t 92 Receyabili14 regle genara lie. 36; 21; 40: 8-10, 23-4; 49: 12: 52; 15 -7; Qu6becair, article concerning, reference, 34: 74 53:13,14; 54k 3, 7.37; 59A: 7.9,12-3; 62:13; 65: 21-3; 654: 57-9; 66! 16; 664; 76, 79-80; 684: 278-82. 296-8, 312-23. 418-9 Prisons and Reformatories Act Ragles Amendment proposed; rejected, 7; [0, 49-50, 51 Provinces, adoption, .36: 8.9, 27.8; 49; 17-8, 22, 25, 29-30. 12; 51! 20, 22-5; 61.114-6; 66:18, 21-4, 30-1, 33 -0, 37-9. 47; Problems of aa External 411:iiirs Legal Adviser, 1928-1946 (11 Inter- 664: 2.7-30, 59-68. 73-131; 68.4: 415 national Journal), John Read, 26: 31-2, 36,41-2 Reforrne, 39: 6; 49: 19, 21, 24-6, 27, 31:53:13, 14, 16, 18; 54: 7, 8,13, 14; 54A: 33, 35; 63; 21, 29-30; to: 46 UniCormisnion, 36:7, 8,9, 13-4; 40: 5.7, [6.7:49: 2 25, 28-30; Proposals tcorrect certain anomalies. inconsistencies, archaisms or 52; 20; 53; 5,9,10, 13, 14, 544: 8 errors and to deal with other metiers of a ion-coutroversial and Tomoignages d l'e...xterieur. 68A; 406-8 uncomplicated nalare in the Retired Statutes of Canada, MC Tilmoins itrod other Acts subseiliesi 10 1970 Citation et interrogatolre. 51; 1; 54At 38, 39. 40, 41; 65A; 73-4; See 66: 18, 31. 2; 66A:48 -9. 54-5, 81; 684; 340-9, 426.8 Revised Staitoes of Canada, 1970, and other Acts..., Proposals to Conjoint de1'a.00111#6..,competence et contralonabilit.6, 344 16-8; 0.5rnt.C1 40r 25-7; 3 P S; 544: 7-8; 62: 16

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Prelectioa Brady for Battered Wameor, 1.Vonlea's Reiearch Ceiv Ice, Preuve--Suite Vancouver, B.C., 27: 16 -7 Thrnoins--Suite Crfidibilike, 54A:5;59A:14-5,27.8; 62:31: OA; 74, 19; 164A: 50-1, 54, 56,111; 68A: 352-62, 371.3.430 Pmuiloek, R. w. (r119791 1 S.C.R. 623), 59At 5. 11; 61: 7 Deciatalions anierieurca, 54A: 41.2, 45, 49; 59A: 13.5, 22 22.9: 62: 31; 65A: 74; 66; 10-1;.66A: 54-5, 81; 68A; 264-9, Previgo I uc., 2S.: 15; 30: 12, 50- r; 31; 2$; 33; 34:58, 34: 13. 15. 23. 76, 349.5i , 428-9 77 Enfants, 40: 22:491. 21-, 654.; 77-8; 6.6r 211 Non-diapor rocevabllite dw t6inoignage nteriout PrOvinCea 59A: 13-5, 29 cowl or Quoero. Bench and Distrkt or County Court mergers, Protectionoontre dca 16m0iguage:c americium, 9:20-1 34: 21.2,17: 59A: 22: 62: 30-1; 65A:79:68A: 56,80; Sea also 611A: 162-75, 433 IndiPidual provincial governmemx Rappel d'on Nat, 521 15; 54: 11-2; 54A; 40-1; 62: 17; 66A: 31; 68A: 346-7. 423 Public Service Stmovannuolon Act Tribunal, pouvnir do oiter, 54A: 39; 59: 7-9; 59A: 3 t-2; 65A: 73; Amendmcat propened, 6: 5 66A: 80 68A: 341, 476.7 Voir ap,asipf145haul Expert Pyramid CoMmuciitalieas Limited Administrative practices, 1; 3, 8,9-10 Preum Canada, Lei Default, reotifiCatiOn Art. 2 -- Application, 52: 23; 66:22; 66A: 61 Coriwporidence never received, 1:6, 7-8, 11 Art 12 -- Vieuvo de eondamnation antErieure, 65A: 75; 66: 18.9; Publication in COOCId& CiageriC ): 7, 8,11 06A: 18, 50; 63A: 333, 430 Dissolution An 29 -- Copies das inscriptions, 55e 7. 8,20, 25; 55A: IC, 21, 22, Awpreness or, dare, 1: S. 25. 27, 29; 65: 7, 5,10; 65A; 43; 66,1; 63 Reasons fer,116, 7,5 Function, 1: 9. 10 Pretcre.tal red "erase de 1982 baCk8round, 11 6.-9 Name of.opmpany, change, 119. 10 Mica paid, i, 10 Sec also Peewit, Lel uniform Bill S.8 116106,16e, 36: 6, 7-8, 10.1, 12 -4, 29; 49: 21 -3. 28-31: 52: 6.7. 16-7, Consuincr and Co r pore re Affairs Canada 20; 544:: 8.9% 33-5; $9A; 3; 61: 5-6, 11-3; 62: 14-5; 63: 13-4, 16, 28- 34,31 -3; 68A 412.5 Pyramid CommeniCalions Aei lo revive Traduclion, 49: 18 See Moirerussi Bill S-8 Din S-33

Quebec Prisons el lea unisons do correction, Loi Bill 4-33. application, of 36: 3-9, 27; 49: 16-7, 29-32; 52: 20, Amy ndement propose; reicte, 7.;10, 49-50, 51 22-i; 61: 14-6: 664.21-4. 31-6, 17-9, 47 ::66A: 3-4, 12-5. 18-20 PritirUges ri immunDis cliplomatitpon el (*wallah-es, Loi Quebec Bar A whoa tion et priOritt. L'Orrl.pardiVin awes Bill S 19, 10;1,10, 13 See Voir dugs/ :Point Corom it tec of the Canadian Bar Association and the Bar or Bill. S-19; Quebec Inscn u oite des LUIS &rangers bra:inns unie5 Quebec Chamber of Commerce Bill S-31, position on, reported, 34: 29 ProNems. of an Extertral Affair; Legal Adioi,sze, 11+28 -1946 (22 Wes- Chamberorcornimrcc.orthe District of Monireal, difkrencos. national Journal }, Join Read, 26; 31-2, 36, 41.2 34: 28,9 Crown emporatiens' investments in private enterprise, Statements, quotations, 33; 50 -I, 62; 33At I; 34: 28 proelatuathia de 1983 modifiant la Con.stitutIon A me nderneirls Art. 25151,69; 69; 71,6: 11, 12 Quebec Deposi said Invemineai Fund Art, 35 (3), 69:49; 70418, 39, 22. 88-9. 98 Sae Art, 35 (4). 69; 23, 26-7, 45-6; 69A: 2.3; 70: 19.. 12, 20, 61. 39; Caisse de d464 et placement dti Qualec itA7, 4; 71A3 1 I, 13; 72: 12, 14:73,1 21 'Mist1; 75A; 4-5 Art. 35.1, 69;65-6; 71A:11 1Inetec government Art.17, t, 71A: 11 I Appearance beforeCommEtloc CaLlf&remes conslilutiOnnalft futures Intention, 29; 5, 6,9; 34A: 10 Previr4 69:. 16.8r 30-2; 35; 70:48; 73: 11, 25; 74; 24-5, 29 Precedent, 30: 5, 42 Processus eontinu. 69:15-6. 20, 51. 53, 67, 74, 80; 69At 5; Bill 85, amendments Co Securities Act, 31; IS. 2i -6. 12; 34: 20, 40, 70: 9-113. 13-4, 53-9, 92. 95-6:: 70A: 3; 71: 25; llev:14-5; 41 721 12. 16.7; 73; 21; 73A: 2; 74: 10, 20.25; 76: S. 10

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Quebec government - Ow? Penclemotion de 1983 roorliflani la ConstIlutinn-Suite Bill S.31, subject -matier Discussion Banking legisiniiniti, comparison, 34; 33, 45 Art. 25 - Mai n Lien des d roi Es et liberies dcs Lattice hiones, 60; 30, Chamber of Commerce of the District or Moo thmt, roportrid reac- 65, 69, 70; 71; 15, 16; 71A: 5, 13,1.4; 71: Fah 74: 8.9 tion, 30: 13-4 Article 35 - Caa#Linin lion des droits exislanis des peupica Changes proposed, reaction, 30: 17-8, 38, 42.7, 55-6 ntoehronca, 69: 23, 30, 39.41,46, 65: I,2-3, '70:8.11, Constitutional jurisdiction, 30: EE-9, 23, 24, 29 -30, 34, 60, 61 13, 17-20,22,28, 31, 65, 88:71: 10-1, 15, 16; 7iA: 4,5,11, Criticisms 72: 10-2, 14.5, 20-2, 24-5; 73 20-1; 73A: 2; 74.: 8-9, 14-51 Investments, limitutitm, 30: 11-3, 14-5, 17, 29-33, 37, 41-2, 46, 75A: 3., 76: 8 4S-53,60 Article 37 - Cotarericecaustilutirmuelle, 69:14-5, 23, 26, 30, Scope, 30t: 11-2, 24-5, 38, 41,48, 55-6 40, 81; 69A: 1, 3; 70: t7. 64-5, 82; 71: 8, 1 5, 38; 7IA: 5, 'Voting rights., limitation. 30: 11-2, 30, 32-3, 44.5, 46-51 72: 10, 15;74: 10,1 Desmarais, Paul, statement, reported, 30: 27 Hintprique, 69: 14 -6, 30:70% 86-8: 71:. 0, 14-5, 34; 71A: 4, 18 -21; Effect on other provinces., 30:10. 40-2, 50, 5 73: 9.10 Federal gcrverament exemption], 30: 14 Ratification Montreal Stock Exchange President, reaction, ettmincots, 30;13. Chombre des corn mums,60132-3;73: 19 36 Provinces, 69: 9, 16, 33, 45, 58. 78; 70: 47-8, 50-1, 89; 73: 16,19, National Assembly, Official Opposition. position, 30: 47 24, 25i 73A: 3; 74; 20-1: 75A.7.4; 7617 Purpoae. interpretation, 30: 10, 11, 22-3, 44, 49.53 -4 $6,141. 69: 30, 32.3, 58; 7It 49-51; 73: 9. 1.5-6, 19, 24; 736.: 3, Reaction, reported, 28:11, 14-6, 17-8, 25-7, 4U -1;33; 24, 60 14; 23;15; /i 75A : 1, 12; 76: 10 Reeoinmende i ion, 30:6 15, 43, 60, 61 Bill S-33, position reported. 36. 8-9, 27: 49: 30; 51 20 Ca Imo dc d6pOt of placemeai tin Quebec AlbertaHctirage 1,3and, comporison, 30; 10, 40, 4I, 49, 364 Proclamation de 1983 mollri9ni IsCmistitutku, tateur Business decisions, reoponsibility Or management, 30: 26-7, 32-9 Etude,procedure., 69:8,9. 1 3; 70: 37-3, 50, 62: 70A:1-2,4; Canada Pension Plan. comparison, 30:7.8, 10, 18, 19, 20,2E. 28 71Al2-3; 73: 9-10, 7,5A; 1..2,3, 11-2 Canadiae cifiC Rapport au &kat, 76: 7-12 intentions concerning, 30:9, 22, 39, 47 lairaussi Shama. pe-mentagc, 311a 11, 21, 22 AutiJcbcones Desmarais, Paul, relationship with, interpretation, 31}: 39 Historical background. 1-k )5, 19, 25-6 frwestments, examples, Mt 10,11-3, 16, ]7, 19, 20-1. 29, 30-3, Pruduks autiparnskaires, Ltd 50-1 6 -11 Mandate, 318, 15, 16-7, 25, 37 Application, discussion, 15: Loi sue les *hales, 211.11i:etc71, ectmparAiEun, 15: 6 Pnlicy, criticism, interpreiation, 30: 10-1. 14, 22-3, 35-6, 34,6, 37, 41, 50, 53-4 au.751 Bill C45 Portfolio, 30:9 -10, 1.9-21, 36, 37-8, 46-7, 52-3, 57 !Shares, ownershiplimit. p-TvcMaw, 30: 8, 15, 16, 17, 25, 26, 47 Stock exchanges. presidents' positions, cornmeal's, 30: 22.-3, 36 Dorriarais, Paul, agreement with Canadian Pacific, intc-rpretation, Prodoits a n tiparasitairen. Loi mOdilli2ut 30: 11, 22, 39 Fair Federal government. regulatory powers, 34:11 23-4, 57, 58 -9 Bill C-45 Francophone bwinenea and business circles, over/love, 301 6-7, 9, 31, 35-6,43 public sector Inslitutions H isturiLik I background, 34:, 6-9 Produrra de termer Lai stir lea offices do cora OrKICtalliSki tion I nvestmenis, ont-nber of companies and percentages, 30; 9, 17, 32. Atriendenien is proposes; adopt6s, 7727-30 44, 47-8.49, 50, 60 Private sector, ire,lationship with, 30; 7, 9,24.5 Shares, percentage limits, 31i 9, 17-8, 32, 44 Qaebec economy, links with othereconomies, 30;52-4 Propositions ?Mani curriger ceria erehrtTsmes, anoinalieratiuceni- Securities Act, 344 41-3 paribilitis o9rerreurset it faire cerisimmmodliiiePrEolismlneores et Shareholders' rights visn-vis extraterritorial jurisdiQtion, 30: 5e, 59 non controvermbles dims ks Sintuta revises du Canadade1970 et Young offenders, minimum agc, 17: 24 de certaiiceslOiS pescerieurin, Moir Statute revises du Canadi de 1970et ...certain= lois posarienres, Propositionsc1.sant Quibecair, 2& 17, 18, 37; 30: 23-4, 31; 33: 26;.34: 9, 74, 79, 14

Rape Prupricti des sotions des societi:s, Lai saw .1a limitation See Ve)fr Sex u&] offences BLit S-3E, teneur

Riipe: The Prka of CoertiN Sexerifiq,L, Clark and I. Lewis. Pmhereidriri Srndy JbrBartered Women,Women), Research Centre, 254 15-6; 27: 20 Vancouver. 27: l.6-7

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Rape, This Fling Is About, 11ritisICoioulhia (oolirian of Rape Centres Prondlock- R. c,f4 19,9 t.1 R,C,S, 525), 59A: 3, I I; 611 7 and British Columbia Ponce Commission, 27: 12, 28

Previte loc., 28: 15; Ste 12, 30,1; 31: 28; 33: 34, 58; 34; IL 15, 23, 76, Rapist (The)rile. Les Sussman and Sally Bordwell, 27: 13.4 77

Rotten v. The Omen ([19721A.C. 378), 68A: 66, 69-70, 75 Provinces Cour du Bane de la keine et Cour de corrue ou de district, fuslonne- Raymond, Pierre, SoNcidor far the Petitioners, Mr, Gagnon (Bill S- merit. 20- i 13)s Mr. DrieGovera (BIM S-14) Vob- alas} Bill S-13, 4: 9-11 Cheque goovemement provincial Bill 5-14, 5: 6

Pyramid Communications limited Read. John, Problems of an External AffairsLegal Adviser, Defaut, at!-; 1928 -1946(22 International journal), 26: 31-2. 36, 41-2 Correspondence jamais revue, 1: 6, 7.8, 1t Publicai ion dansanew duCanada, I: 7, 8,11 Red Hot Video stores, Veneouvers13.C., 27; 9.10 Dissolution Connaissance, datv,118 Raisons, 1:6, 7,8 Regulations and other Statutory iltaffunkents. Standing Jofni Commit- Function, 1: 9, 10 tee Fonctionnement administratif, 1: 1, 8,9.10 Function, 6: 5-6, 13 Historique, 1:6.9 Memorandum from Mr. Graham Eglinton, Counsel, to Legal and lmpOts payee:, 1; TO Constitutional Affairs CommitteereBill S-19,t: 20-1; 12: 5, Nom de .la compagnie, changemem, 1: 9, 10 8,24 Voir azasi Bill S-8 Reid, Juhn, Control Data Canada, Ltd Cbailman, 1,,egisIstioe Cola. Consummation et Corporations Canada mittee, Canadiais Business Equipment Manufacturers Association Bill 5-33, 64: 5, 13-5, 16-7, 19-20 COmnuanications Geared, La recommit-want toInnipagnie Voir Religious Corporations Bill 5-8 Corporation sole, 8: 7.8; 56: 7 Realante Legislation Alberta, 8: 11.2 Bill S-33, application, diet, 36: 8-9, 27; 49: 10.8, 29-32; 52: 20, Nova Scotia, 8; 22 -5; 61; 14-6; 66: 21-4, 33-6, 37-9, 47; 66A: 27.30, 5948, 73-81 Quebec, 8:8, 9,11, 14 Mortma in legislation, purpose. 8: 8, 9,14 Quebec, Bureau Ownership restricted to property required for religious purposes, & 841, 12,13-4 Voir Time limit on ownership of. when not required for religious pur- Camille conjoint Association du Barman canachen---Barreau du poses, 8:8, 900-1, 12.3 Oulohec Value, limit, 8: 8 See also Bill C-10 Quebec, Chambre de commerce On In pagrinet Voir Bil15-16 Chambre de commerce de In province de Quebec Bill,S-35

Report on the Law of Evidence,1976, Ontario Law Reform Commis- Quebec, gotaverneutent sion, 36: 8; 59A: 20.1 Actionnaires, droits vis-i-vis competence extra-territoriale. 30: 56, 59 BillS-31, icncur Reports to Senate Assembles nationale, Opposition officielle, position, 30: 42 Bill C-26, ivithoul amendment, 2: 4, 5,21 Banqur.s, lois caner-mast, eornpa re ison, 30:33, 45 Bill 0114, without amendment, 9; 4, 5,22 Bourse de Montreal, president, reaction, commentaires, 30: 13, 36 Bill C-45, without amendment. 15: 4, 5,11 But, interpretation, 36:10, 11, 22-3, 44, 49, 53-4 Bill C-61, without amendment, 22; 4, 5,22, 23 Chambre de commerce du district de Montreal, reaction, citation, Bill C-130, without amendment but with a recommendation express- 30: 13.4 ing the reservations discussed in Committee. 50: 4. 5.25 Changements proposes, reaction, 39: 17-8, 38, 42-7, 55-6 Bill C-141, without amendment, 51: 4. 5,27 Competence commitutionnelle, 38: 18-9. 21, 24, 29-30, 34, 60-1 Bill 5-8, without amendment. 1: 4, 3,12 Critiques Bill 5.12, with amendments, 3: 4.5,16 Investissements, limitation, 30: 11-3, 14-5, 17, 29-33, 37, 41-2, Bill 5-13, without amendment, 4: 4, 5,,13 46, 4853, 60 Bill S-14, without amendment, 5; 4, 5,7 Portee, 30:11 -2, 24-5, 38, 41, 48, 35-6

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gmeretnensent-Suite Reports to Senate--Cuerfri Bill 5 -3lemur-Suite Bill S-16, without amendment, 8: 4, 5,14 Critiques --Suite Bill S-19, with amendments, 13 :4.5, 9-10 Vote, drab.. limitation, 30« 11-2, 30, 32-3, 4 4- 5,46-51 Bill S-20, without amendment, 14: 5, 6.9, 15 Desmarais, M. Paul, d6claration citee, 30;27 Bill 5.21, without amendment 14 :5, 6,11, 15 fEffet sur teatimes provinces, 30: 10. 40-2, 50, 51 Bill S-22, without amendment. ft 5, 6,13, 15 0Gouvernement feikni. exemption, 3ilt 14 Bill S- 24.24: 4, 5,19, 2D Reaction, citation. 28; 11, 14-6, 17-8,25.7.40 -1; 33; 24, 60 Bill S -26, without amendment, 14 4, 5,17 Recommanda Hon. 30: 6, 15, 43, 60, 61 Bill 5.27, without amendment, 11814, 9 Bill 533, position citee, 36: 8-9, 27; 49: 30;52: 20 Bill S-3t, subject-matter, without amendment, 37:4, 5; 37A; 5-6 Calm de dep6t et placement du Quebec Bib 5.32 Actions, limite de prespriote, pourcentage, 30: 8,15, 16, 17, 25. 26. Final Report, with amendments. 62; 5-1 47 First Report, seeking further instruction, 62: 5 Alberta, Fond Heritage, cativo ra ison, 30:10, 40, 41, 49, 56-7 Revised Report, with amendments, 63: 5-11 Bourses, positions des presidents, commentaires,30:. 22-3, 36 Bill 5-33, Interim Report, 48; 5.6 Canadien Paciflnue Bill S-34, without amendment. 43; 4, 5,9 Actions, pourcentage, 30:11. 21, 22 Bill 5-35, without amendment. 56 :4, 5,11 Intentions envcrs, 30: 9, 22, 30, 47 ConstitutionAmendment Proclamation,1983,subject -matter, Decisions d'affaires, responsaisi lite de is direction,30: 26-7,38-9 76: 7-12 Desmarais, M. Paul, rapport avec, interpretation, 30:39 "Proposals b correct_ Revised Statutes of Canada, 1970, and other Fonds de pension du Canada, comparaison,301 7-8, 10, 18, 19. 20, Acts...", with amendments, 7 :6.7, 61 21,28 Histormue, 30; 7-8, 15, 19, 25.6 Investissements, examples, 30: 10, 11-3, /6,17.19, 20 -1.29, 30-3, Revenue Cenadi Taxatlen Income tax returns, Mon lilac Ltd, and Socam Ltd., t 10.11-2 50-1 10 Mandet, 341e 8, 15, 16-7, 25, 37 Notification to Moutilac 1.14- and SCK:a111 Ltd. of dissolution, 4; Fatigue. critique, interpretation, 34k 10-i,14, 22-3, 25-6, 34-6, 37, 41, 50, 33.4 Portefeuille, 30: 9-10, 19-21, 36, 37.8, 46-7, 52-3,57 Revised Statutes of Canada, 1970, and other Ads, Proposals to cor- Comparution decant it Celina net- Intention, 29: 5, 6,9; 34A:. 10 Changm proposed by House of Commons Standing Committee on Pr6e6dent, 30:5, 42 Justine and Legal Affairs, 6: 6 -7.12; 7: 23, 32.4, 56 Desmarais, M. Paul, entente avec CanadienPacifique. interpreta- Clause - Canada Business Corporations Act tion, 30: 11, 22.39 Amendment proposed; carried, 7: 16 Ph:anomie quebecoise, liens avec d'autres economies, 30: 52-4 Discussion, '7: 10-1, 16 Francophones, entreprises et milieux d'affaires, ape:reu.3* 6.7, 9. Clause 2 Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation Act 3t, 35.6,43 Amendments proposed: rejected, 7: 6, 20-1 Oeuvernement federal, isouvoirs de regimentation.30: 21-4. 57, Discussion, fie 15-7, 18, 23-4; 7; 16-8, 19, 20-1 58-9 Clause 3 - Canada Pension Plan Jeunes contreeenants, Age minimum, 17: 24 Amendments proposed; carried, 7: 21 Loi sur lea valeurs mobilities, 34:41.3 Discussion, 6: 16, 17, 24-5; 7: 2l pro* de loi 85, amendements 6 la Loi sur lee valeursrnobilieres. Clause 5 - Canadian Forces Superannuation Act 31: 15, 25.6, 32; 34: 20.40, 41 Amendment proposed; carried, 7: 22 Secteur public, institutions Discussion, 7:21 -3 Actions, pourcentage, limitea, 30:9, 17-8, 32,44 Clause 6 - Combines Investigation Act Historique, 30: 6-4 Amendment proposed; rejected by House a Commons Commit- Investissements, nombre de compegnies et pisureentages,30: 9, tee, 6: 6; 7:23 17, 32.44, 47-8, 49. 50, 60 Dismission, 6: 6; 7: 23 Secteur priv6, rapport avec, 30:7, 9,24-3 Clause 8 - Cooperative Credit Associations Act Amendment proposed; carried, 7: 24 Discussion, 6: 5; 7: 23.4 Queimeair, 17, 18, 37; 30: 23-4. 31; 33s 26; 34: 9, 74, 79, 84 Clause 9 - Criminal Law Amendment Act, 1077 Amendment proposed; carried, 7: 25 Rape; The Price of Coercive Sexuality,L. Clerk et LI Lewis, 25: 15-6; Discussion, 7: 24-5 27: 20 Clause 10 - Crown Liability Act Amendment proposed; carried, 7: 25 Discussion, 7: 25 Rape, This Film Is About, Britisk ColombiaCoition of Rapt Cestres Clause i I - Employment and Immigration Department and Com- and British Columbia Police Conamiseina, 27:12, 28 mission Act Amendment proposed; carried, 7: 26 Rapist (The) File, Les Sussman el Sally Bordwell, 27:13-4 Discussion, 7: 25-5 Clause 12 - Export Development Act Amendment proposed; carried, 7: 27 Discussion, 7: 26.7 Rapport Goldeuberg Clause 13 - Family Allowances Act, 1973 Voir liberationeandlrionrielle an Canada,Rapport du ComitS Amendment proposed: carried, 7; 27 senatorial permanent des Minim jusidiques at constitution- Discussion, 7: 27 nelles

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Revised Statines of Canada, 1970, and other Acts., PnAgcmaN tr.cor. Rapport Oultnel rect--Com'd Voir Clause. 14 - farm Products Marketing Agencies Am juslice pevale errorrecrinu IW110:1aforger, Rapport du. Comit6 Amendments proposed; carried, 7:28, 30 eanadien de La refornic peptide et COFfertig.nriell; Discussion, 7: 27-30 Clause 15 - Fisheries Act Amendment propnsed; carried, 7: 32 RapperisAUSilva Discussion, 7r 30.2 Bit] C.26, sans ameodement, 2:4, 5,21 Clause 16 - Food and Agriculture Organization !i4' the United Bill C934 sans arrimdermai, 9 4.5,22 Nativity Act Bill C-45, sans ameodemeni, 15:4, 5.1 1 Amervdment proposed; carried, 7; 34 Bill C-e1, sans grrlyndcratElt, 22:4, 5;22, 23 Discussion, 6: 6-7; 71.32-4 B ill C -130, sans arnendement vials avec stns IreiVINIMandatien eRP11.` Clause 17 - Food and Drugs Act Mant IVEL reserves du Com1t6, 501 4. 5,25 Amendment proposed; carried. 7: 34 Bill C -I4t, sans amrodemcnr.51.: 4, 5,27 Discussion, 7: 34 Bill 5, sans amendement, 1: 4, 5,12 Clause 18 - Goverrimont COM parties Operation Act Bill S-12, aver itmnderttrIta, 3: 4, 5,16 Amendment proposed. carried. 7: 35 B ill 5-13. sans amendemerd, 4: 4, 5, L 3 Discussion, 7: 34 -5 B in S-14. sans amender:writ, 5: 4, 5,7 Ciause 19 -- Government Employees Compermi ion Act Bill S-1 6, sans amendemenr, 8:4, 5,14 Amendment proposed; carried, 7: 35 Bill 5-19, avec. amendements, St-TO Discussion, 6: 11; 7: 35 Bill S-20, sans amenderrem. 14: 5, 6,9. 15 Clause 21 - immigration Act, 1976 B ill 5-21, sans amendemen L., 14: 5, 6,1 1, 15 Amcndrrien t$ proposed; tarried, 7: 36, 37t 3g. 39 Rill 5-22, sane arileridenTeru., 14:5, 6,13, 15 Discussion, 7:35 -9 B ilr 5-24, 24: 4, 5,9, 20 Clause 22 - InCOVne Tax rout Bill 5-2C VI,niamendement, 16: 4, 5,17 Amendment proposed: carried, 7:40 Rill 5.27, sans amendement, 18:4, 9 Discussion. 7: .39.40 Bill 5.31, tcneurtsans a mendement, 37:4, 5; 57A: 5-6 Chloe 23 - taiclian Act Bin S.3.2 Amendment proposed. carried, 7; 41 Premier rapport. demands nstroc lions en Senati 621 5 Disaission, 7: 41 Rapport final, avec arnendernents, 62: 5-11 Clause 24 - Canadian and British Insurance Comps iez Act Rapport modi fire. avec amender:lents., 63: 5-1 Amendments proposed; carried. 7:4 t, 42 Bill 5-33, rapport provisoire, 684. 5.6 Discussion. be 5;1:41-2 Bill 5.34, an emendement, 43:4, 5,9 Clause 25- Canada Lotion r Colic Bill S-35, sans emendement, 561 4, 5,11 Amendments proposed; carried, 7: 42.43 Prcelarna t1on de 1983 modifiant la Constitution, teneer. 74 7.12 Discussion, 7: 42-3 "Propositions visa ritsi corriger- Steams revisit% du Carmelo de 1970 Claire 26 -- Livestock and Livestock PrOduag Au! at em-taines lois post6rieu res.'", avec umcmdeallents. /: 6-3, 6.1 Amendment proposed; carried, 7:4) Discussion, 7: 43 Clause 27 - Livestock Pedigree Act &Blume. La Rehre4.1972i A.C. 378), 68A: 286., 289. 293 Amendment proposed; carried, 7: 43 Dismission, 7: 43 Clause 2a - Loon Comps nice Act Amendmem proposed. carried. 7:43 Raymond, M. Pierre, proetureur des pelitibillaireS, Gage +,n Discussion. 6;5; 7:43 S-13), M, McGovern (BM 5.141 Clause 29- Na itigal Deream Act MI 5.13, 4: 9.1 1 Amendment proposed: reiccicd, 7: 44 Bill 5-14, 3: 6 Discussion, 7: 9..43-4 Clause 30 - National Film Act Amendment proposed. CArritzl, 45 R*ad,John, Problems Exierffal Affair'Legal.441Fiser, Discussion, 7: 10,45 92N-1946 (22 International Journal), 26431.2, 36,41-2 Clause 31 - Notional Mt ms Am Amendment proposed; carried, 7:46 Discussion, 7: 45-6 Red 1-10 video sieves, Vnni:Ourer, 27: 9-10 Clause 32 - Old Age Security Act Amendments proposed: carried. 7:46, 47 Diseurzica, 7: 46.7 Rilorme du currier:Ben:unit Lei, 17: 6 Clause 33 - Pension Benefits Standards Act Amendment proposed; carried, 7: 48 Ri.girrie de pensions au Canada Discussion, 6: 5: 7: 48 Ainenderoents propos6s. a depth, 6; 16, 17. 24-5;71 21 Clause 34 - -- Perro1curn Administration Act Amendment proposed: carried, 7; 49 Riglements ei autres Mates reglementitires, Cemite mIxte permanent Discutsiort, 7: 10, 48.9 Fonction, 6: 5-6, 13 Clak?-90 33' - Prisons and RCTOFITYLWIC5 Act rieremoire de M. Graham Eglinton, consellier. uu Coroi16 car lei Amendment propoevd; rejected, 7: 50.5] Affaires Juridiquev at constitutionnelles ucitoeinain In Bill S-191 Discussion. 7: 10, 49-50, 51 11:20-1; 12; 5, 8,24

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Revised Statutes of Canada, 1970, and ether Proposals to cor- Regularisation dee eomples, Lot reet,..-Coint'd Amendement propose; adopte, 6: 7; 7: 6, 11-2, 14, 61 Clause 37 - Public Service Superannuation Act Amendment proposed, 6: 5 Disousnion, 6: 5 Reid, M. John, Control Data Canada, Lth: president, Cumitc de Is Clause 38 --Senate and Moose of Commons Act legislation, Association clinsidicane des fahrierants &equipollent de Amendment proposed, 6:11 -2 bureau Discussion, be 11-2 Bill 5-33, 64: 5, 13-5, 16-7, 19-20 Clause 39 -Canada Shipping Act Amendment proposed; carried, 7; 51 Reinuneration des juges et snakes questions conncees, Comite consul- Discussioft, 6: 17, 19; 7: 50-1 tant (Dorfman), 9: 7, 1 Clause 40 - Statistics Act Amendments proposed; carded, 7: 52, 53 Report on the Law of Evidence.1976, Ontario Law Reform Commis- Discussion, 6: 19.22, 24; 7: 51-3 sion, 3618; 54A: 20- l Clause 41 - Act to amend the statute law relating to income tax (No. 2) Rii.Strirt Caughnawaga (Quebec), Coalition des premieres nal tont Amendment proposed; carried. 7: 53 A u tonornie poll t ique, definision, intervalation, 71: 18.9 Discussion, 7: 53 Clause 42 - Statutory Instruments Acl Amendment proposed; rejected, 7: 53 Resorts India:nit de Fort Nelson Discussion. 6: 10; 7: 53 Voir Clause 43 - Surplus Crown Amts Act Indians de Port Nelson, bande Amendments proposed: carried, 7: 54 Discussion. 7: 53-4 Respossabilite de is Couniane. Lai Clause 44 -Tax Rebate Discounting Act Amendement propose, adopte, 7: 25 Amendments proposed; carried, 7: 55 Discussion, 6: 10-1; 7: 54-5 Clause 45 - Territorial Lands Act Rennie Canada Imptt Avis de dissolution a Manillas Ltee et Socam Ltde, 4: 10 Amendment proposed; carried, 7: 55 Discussion, 7:55 Declarations mpot, Montilas Ltee et Soo m Liee, 4: 10, 11-1 Clause 46 - Trademarks Act Amendment proposed; carried. 7: 55 Ridington, Mme dillian, presidente, Comite de is Justice, coallte Discussion, 7: 55 Eatioaal d'aetio, sar Is statist tie I; femme Clause 47 - Transfer of Offenders Act Bill C- I 27 Amendment proposed; carried, 7; 56 Discussion, 27: 21, 22, 23-4, 27. 34. 35, 36 Discussion. sk 6-7, 12; 7: 55-6 Clause 48 -Trust Companies Act Amendment proposed; carried, 7; 56 Risby,R. c. (1197812 R.C.S. 139)453: 7; 59A: 26; 68A: na Discussion, 6s 5; 7: 56 Clause 49 - Unemployment Insurance Act, 1971 Amendment proposed; carried. 7: 38 Rizzuto, honorable Pietro, abnateur (Repenting) Discussion, 6:6-7; 7: 10, 56-8 Bill S-31. teneur, 2& 39.401 30: 39-40, 42-3; 34: 28-33, 45, 47,51-2 Clause 50 - Weights and Measures Act Amendment proposed; carried, 7: 59 Robert, M. Jean-Paul, E.G. Klein Limited. requiront Discussion. 7: 8, 16, 58-9 Bill S-26 New proposals Discussion, 16: 7-9, 10, 11, 12 Adjustment of Accounts Act, amendment, 6: 7; 7: 6, 11-2, 14, 61 Expos& 16: 6 Canada Elections Act, amendment, 6: 7; 7: 6,11-2,14.61 Copyright Act, amendment, tie 7; 7: 6-7, 11-4, 61 Lord's Day Act, amendment, 6: 7; 7: 7, II-2, 14, 61 Roberts, Julia. V. Schedule 1 Pair Definition. 7: 60 Erode de l'opiniOn de la population eanadienne suer fu Item I - Criminal Coda, 7: 59 Item 5 - Immigration Act, 1976, 7: 60 Robichaud, honorable sineteur (L'Acedie) Item 7 - Canadian and British Insurance Companies Act, 7; 60 BillIC-26. 2:7, 3.13, 17.21 Item 9 - Law Reform Commission Act, 7; 60.1 13111C-34,9e 14, 20, 21 Schedule 2, definition. 7: 60 Bill C-53, Lemur See afro Ebriete comma defense, 25: 31 Individual acts Eno prim:alumni I perpetuite camme peine maxima:, 25; 16 Miscellaneous Statute Law Amendment program Etude, procedure, 25: 7, 8.9, 11. 12., 13 Plaignant, reputation, 15: 28 Voles de fait graues, disposition. redaction, 15: 29, 30 Bill C-61,171 13; 19; 5, 7,12, 13; 22: 18.9 Bidingtea, dillian, Chairperson. Justice Committee, National exotica Bill S-19, 10: 8, 24, 251 121 11. 12 Committee an the Status of Women Bill S-26, 16: 13, 14, 16 Bill C -127 Bill 8-31, teneur, 28: 22: 29: 6-7; 30: 27; 34: 62-4, 81.2.86 Discussion, 27: 21, 22. 23-4, 27, 34, 35, 36 Bill S-32, 32: l I; 35:21, 23-4, 26; 45:20 -1, 27; 60: 16, 19-22, 25 Statement 27; 7.11 Bill 8-33, 54: 8.9, 14, 16; 54: 8.9:61: 13, 17-8

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RiskR. v, (IMOI S.C.R. 139), 53: 7; 59A1 68A: 69 Robieband, honorable Louis-.1., sent Rau (L.Aindie)-SUbe "Propositions vissint a cortiger... Stetuka revises du Canada de 119'70 et ... certaines llais postaivores", 6: 7, 13.1D. 12. 15, 18, 22, 24, 25; Riwestio, P1on. Piero, Senator (Repientigny) 7: 14 Bill S-31, aubjca-maticr, 28: 39.40; 30: 39.-40, 42-3; 14: 28-33, 45, 47, 51.2 kobiekon, hi. Georws H., col-make do piinitionrolre. G.A. Barber & Soria Limited BiltS-21 Robert, I. Paul, E.G. kleim Limited, Petitioner Discussion, 141 10 Bill S-26 Bapoper, id: 10 Discussion, 161 7.8-9, 10, 11, 12 Statement, 16: 6 Robbisoi, M. Bernard, emu:Lissa:re 50% services eiNteetkaLrLeLSI Prounrour general, gouvernemeni de is Colorair1e-nti- Roberts, Julian V- tatinible Stn. C-6I Crime Some Newsof theCanadian Publk Discussion, 21; 1)-28 Ertpase, 21: 5.13 Robichaud, Hon. Louis-,L, Senator (Acadia) 5111 C-26, 2: 7, 8,13,11, 21 Robinson, M. Eric. criordonintene, Brotherhood of Indian NaliouS Bill C.34, 9: 14, 20, 21 (Manitoba). Coalition des pft 'Bkpt.& nalitms Bill C-53, subject-ma tthr Proclamation de 1983 moth riank la Constitution, teneer, 71.24 -5 Aggro voted 4W a a li provision, warding. 25: 29, 30 Complainant's reputation, 25: 28 boolonible Du% serrateor (Red River) Drunkenness as defence, 25! 31 &lit C-130, 50; 20 Life imprisonment as maximum penalty, 25: 16 Study, procedure., 254 7, 8,9, 11, 112, 13 B110-61,17:13: 19: 5,7,12, 13; 22: 18.9 Rosen, M. Cart, directeur, Services palatines, Stalistique Cana46 ill 5-119, Itti 8, 24, 25; 12:I I, t2 "Propositions eisont a corriger... Simms revises 4u Canada du 1970 Bill S-26,164 13, 14.16 et .._ canalises lois posterieures", 7; 51-2 Bill S-31, subject-matter, n: 22: 29:6.7; 10i 27; 34: 62-4, 81-2, 86 Bill S.32, 12:11: 15:21, 23-4, 26; 451 20-1, 27; 661 16, 19.22, 25 Bill S-33444.8-9, 14.116;59 : 61.: 1'3, 17-8 Rearm, atiachrsde recherche, Division 6u druid et du gest- -Propcsals to correct_ Revised Statutes of Canada, 1970, and other veroemenr, Blblintlieque du Parkitent it 12; 34: 38

Roblaion, Georges H., Counsel for the Petitioner, G.A. Barker Rosenberg- Math, membre du Comii6 special sir 5-33, Aooactia. SIMSLikialte41 ikon du Barrenn cora/Wien Bill S-2 13i lI S-13 DiACWiCon, 14: 10 Discussion, 66; 33,45-51 Staterneor.14: 10 &pas*, 66: 13.20

Roltinotat, Bernard, Commissioner of Corrections, Ministry of the Rot men c. La Reim ( (19813 IR.C,K 640).36: 21. 52: 16; 54A:6; Attorney General, Government of British Columbia 59A:: 18:68A: 296-8. 299, 308, 310 C-61 Discussion, 21: 13-28 .14Galistein, P4, Peal K, profeoseur, Georgetown University Law Cen- Statement, 21: 543 ter, Washington, D.C. Bill 5 -33 Robthson,Eric,Co-ordinator,BrotherhoodofIndian*lotions Discussion, 40:7.2.8 (MILE10Ira ).Col:11200u of Pirst Nations aspos6, 40: 5-7 ConstitationAmendmentProclamation.J933,$,Iikteci-matter, Thrnoignage, ei ration, 524 12 /1: 24-5 References, afia 19L, 52: ] 2. 54: 6

Roblin, Ron. Buff, Senator (Red River) Roasseau, honorable Yvette Boucher, 4.ateur Stiloberty) B ill C-130, 511., 20 Bill C-$3, teneur, 25: 39,40 Bill g-31, torteur, 30: 18-22:34; 6.50 -I Bill S-32, 21, 22. Rosen, Carl, Director, Legal Services, Pririckarmijork do 1953 roodifiani la Constitution. ;anew, 73: 20 'Proper-B.1s to correct... Revised Statutes of Canasta, 1970, and other Acts,.. ", 7r 51.2 Itoya1, IM. Peter, president, Crilainill Trial Irein,-yere Assuciaden of Edmonton Rosen, Philip, Research Officer, Law aid Government Branch, Bill S.33 Library of Nal] neat Discussion.. 51:9-18 Aaihor, documents on Bills -31, 29! 12; 34: 38 Expose, 53: 5.8

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Rosenberg, Mork, Member of the Special Committee on S-33, Royal Rank a/ Canada c. Ccu7ivena es al ( (1981), 30 U.R. (24) 653), Canadian Bar Association 13: 7.5 Bill S-33 Discussion, 144; 37, 45.51 Statement, 66: 13-20

Rotheran v. Tke Queen (119811 I S.C.R. 640), 36e 21; 52; 16; 54/41 6; Royal Commission on Indian Affairs for the Province of British 59A: 18; 68At 77-9. 80, 90, 92 Columbia (Commission McKenna-McBride), 2: 9.10

Rothstein, Paul F., Professor, Georgetown University Law Center, Washington, D.C. Bill S-33 Discussion, 40: 7-28 Royal Commonwealth Society Statement, 40:5-7 Bill C-201 Testimony, quotation, 52; 12 Bill C-37, compa raison, 26; 15 References to, 36:19; 52: 12; 54: 6 'Dominion" Franwis, iradoetion, 26: 24.6, 41 Interpretation. connotations, 26: 17, 18, 19-20, 23, 32 Rousseau, Hon. Yvette Bomber, Senator (4e Salskerry) Origine, 26:17 -8, 25, 26, 29, 30, 32, 33 Bill C-53, subject-matter, 25: 39.40 Per-spent-in historiquc Bit! 5-31, subject-matter, 30: 18.22; 34:6, 50-1 Empire brittanixtue, utilisation, 29: 19, 21, 26 Bill S-32, 48: 21, 22 Heritage britannique, 24: 24, 29.30, 33, 41 ConsLitution Amendment Proclamation, 1983,subject-matter. Lois constittiliormelles, 26: 16-7. 21-2, 25-6, 39, 41 73: 20 Mat ianadien, Um 19, 21, 24.33, 36, 40, 43 Symbols do la creation du Canada en taut que nation, Royal, Peter, President, Criminal Trial LawyersAssociation of 24: 15-7. 18, 26, 28 Edmonton Titre official du pays. 26116, 20-1, 32, 33-4, 39 Bill 5.33 Tradition. 24e 27, 28, 29, 30-1, 35-6, 43 Discussion, 53: 9.18 Fete du Canada Statement, 53: 5-$ Australia Av, comps raison, 26: 22-3 Evaluation comme nom, 26: 27, 28, 37 Royal Rank of Canonic v. Corelmio es al ((1981), 30 O.R. (2d) 653), Rte du Dominion 13: 7-8 Alternatives suggeress, 24: 26, 34, 41 Aspect politique, evaluation. 26: 27, 28, 31, 37, 42 Royal Commission on Blbngualisas and Biculturalism (Laurendeatr Gallup, sondages, 2fii 27, 39 Dunkin Commission:). 31: 15-6 Gouvernement du Canada, utilisation, 26: 21. 22, 34-5, 40, 41, 42 H4ritage Francais dens rhistoire eanadienne, 26: 24. 33 Royal Commission on Corporate Conceestratina (Bryce Commission), IvIultioulturalime, aspect, 26t 27, 30 31: 11 Lol de Is f &e du Dominion. S.C. 1879. 42 'victoria, chap_ 47, 26: 15.25, 33 Royal Commission on Financial rvlanagentent and Accountability Redaction, 26: 15, 38 (Lambert IC'ommissim), 31: 8-9

Royal Commission on Indian Affairs for the Province of British Columbia (McKenna-McBride Commission), 2: 9-10 Royaume-Doi Bankers' Books Evidence Ad, 1879, 55:4-7, 24; 55A: 20; 65: 7-8 Royal Commission on the Stains of Women in Canada (Bird Commis- Civil Evidence Act, 1968, 55: 11. 18, 20, 22; 55A: 31-2 sioa), 25: 16; 27: 48 Stare Inununfty Act Bill S-19, ootriparaison avec Royal Commonwealth Society Apergu. 10: 9-10 Bill C-201 Definition ractirite commercialem, 10: 7, 9-10. 18, 20; 11: 6, 11, Bill C-37, comparison, 26: 15 14, 1502: 6-7, 9, 12-3. 17-8 Canada Day Execution de jugement, 12: 21 Australia Day, comparison, 26: 22-3 Iminunites et privilegin, elargissement ou limitation, 12: 24 Evaluation as a name, 26; 27, 28.37 Historique, 10: 6, 10.23: 11: 8 "Dominion" Vofr aussi French translation, Mc 24-6, 41 131115.19 iiistorleal significance Conseil de rEurope British Empire, wage, 26: 19, 21, 36 British heritage. 24:24, 29, 33, 41 Canadian word, 26: 19, 21, 24, 33.'36, 40, 43 Constitution Acts, 26: 16.7, 21-2, 25-6.39, 41 Rusmak, le tees reverend Michael, iparque de reparebie. des Saints Official title of the country, 26: 16. 20.1, 32, 33.4, 39 Cyrillic or Methods des Slaques de rite bymintin au Canada, pia. Symbol of creation of Canada as a nation, 26: 16-7, 18, 26, tionnai re 28 MI 5-35, 56:. 8-9, 10

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Ituyal Cammoowes1th Socitiy-Cmed SOPA'FI Limicie, 30: 12-3, 31-2; 341 78:9, 84 8i1] C-201-Con1 V SONAMAR.Sociitk de nal Y igatiola Lalttillitrk.,..3411: 341.33 Historical significatco-Coned Fradiaion, 26:27, 28, 29, 30-1, 35.4, 43 interpretation.. connotatioro5 26: 17, 18:, 19-20, 23, 32 soQuEm.Soc14t6 qu613.&a'MAR d'ex0mati011i fillOiire, 39: 7, 313; 311 Origin.16; 17-8, 2.5, 26, 29, 30.32, 33 Dominion Day SOQ4,31p,Sociak. quei+kolse 41.1initintives 7, 30 ttarnatives suggestai, 24: 26, 34, 41 Trench hariingc in Canadian history, 36: 24. 33 Ss i'llrnicsaAi ode l'AihArra e. O{'T f 1.19r7fil 1 R.C.S.01},15= 10 Gallup pulls, 26: 27, 39 Governmcni or Canada usage, 216: 21, 22, 34 -5. 40, 41.42 ItioulInm 26:27, 30 Serbia, Mme Laura, RoyalComitimmanith Society Pohtivalasincl, ava1uation, 26: 27, ati31. 37.42 BO C-201, teneur Dominion Day act, S.C., 1879, 42 Viotorin, Chap, 47, 26: 15, 25, Discussion, 26: 37 33 Expose. 26: 27.8 Drafting. 20: 15, 38 Sr. Lolitemii., R. c.( 0949), O.R. 2151, 59A:12,0:22:68A; 312,425 Royal Trust, 30-2, 45-7, 62

RusnalisTrio Va.):.Re t.e.relirk Mielract,Epareli of the Eps rely err St. Leonard's Society of Canada Cyril. and Meltiodius of Simales or toe HIrzaatine. Riteininsda, Vair Petitioner Soci.61.6 Saint Lars and du anada Bill S -35, 56;..1-9, 10 Foriglersam. Chef prepzidertl, fidkrntinn deg nations Indiennes de In SOFAT1 Unita, 30: 12.3, 31.2 ;34: 78.9, 84 SasItatchirwari Prociarnation de 1983 mediftant la 0:mttittItiOn, tenem' kiONAMAR, Sheikt.6 de navigation maritime. 30; 30-1. 33 Discussion, 49: 59-72 Exposer. 639 50-1, 57 ..3QUEM, soditi tyuebecoise Waco Elan inhase, 30.: 7, 30; 31; 36 SameIntionle el du Bien-Otre social, minisrere, De srleiftgorn pea- Sheilet6 quibecoisc d'ini [datives pa:trot:14re% 30.: 7, 36 slaws pc.thr ley Cemudinu,3212, 23, 29, 32;144: 14

Laura, Coniniimwealth ScHckety Sthsliattheman Bill C-201,SuWeret-MAtitF Coal: du Bane de Pa R.eina at Cour de c:om &4444 da.distrkt, Eitintie DIS4-101SkIPI.26:37 men 4'0: 11)4, 20-1 StoterritnE, 26:27-8

Seiskatchewan, Fond Heritage Si. .14.,weentir.. R. v. ( 11949)., O.R. 215), 59A: 12; 63: 22, 68A: 93.4. at= do d4poi e.t plAcemciii du QuabN:a, t.ornriaraistin,33', 5-6, 48. 214 49 Leoriares Society ofC.2 Rai" Bill S.- 32 Saskatchewan, gouvernement Discliasiv3n, Section 3, 37 :9, 16, 26 9511C-61 Rocoanniantio duos, 37:4 -10. 14, 18. 25 -ti, 27.8, 30 Agri maxima I,PI 7; 22: 9, 16. !8 Function., 37:6, 11-25 14.5, 16.7, 27 En irk en donut., 19: 22: 11, 15..16, 18 4ais ua, 22: 1 Sanderson, Sot, Chief, President, Federation of Saskatchewan 'Indian !vie...mire, 0; 5, 20; 22: 659 Nations reaction, 29: 5, 6.0; 342.075 94; 34,4:: 11; 37A: 1-4 Consnintion Ault:16.1)cm Proclaim; HEM, 1983, subject-ulattcr 131115-.32, t6action,42A; 59 Discussion, i9:59 -72 Prodarnation tie1933 rnNiiilantisCcontikutino, Vomitievtairesi Sto ianibin, 69.: 50.1, 57 69A45

Saskatchewan Satellites, dommages cause's pa r, 12: 11-2 Court cif Queen's blanch and District tar County Court, 9: 10.1, 20-1 Seamier, M. Serge, pr.t.44 dem du eunseill d'gdmiplAration, Chaaribre de commerce du district dr Mons: at Smkatelietian government Bill C.-61 Bill 5-31,tette u r Dismission, 34: 17-27, 24 -32, 34-7 Brief, 19: 5.20; 21 6, 9 Coming into force, 19:: 5; 221. 11 15, 16.18 Expos, 34: 6-17 Costs invalved, 22t. 17 -8 3vlaximun7 ago., 17: 7:22: 9, 16, 1.8 &WEI, M. Stanley, professeur, Faculti de limit. University of Toronto Bid I S-31 rt-actiirn, 29: 5, 6,9; 34:.67.94; NA; L37A; 1.4 6411 S-33 Bill S-32, reaction, 42.4125 Articles, comma-nit:ire& et recorrtmarIdali ono, OftAl 415-34

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Saskstchrwau govenrment-C'one'd Schldtf,hi.Sisialoy, prof/mom, Foculti de Ira, University of Constitution Amendment Proclamation,1933, comments, 69:8; Toronto-Suite 69A: 5 Bill S -33 -Suite enorimilhgislotif ou code, implications, 631 12-4,13-21, Saskaieloestan Heritage Fund 27-30; 6$A: 412-4 isse de dap& 6i placement du Quebec, comparison. 33 1-6, 48), 49 Discussion. 63: 15-33 EvaEuation,63: 12.4, 18 -21, 27-9; 68A: 412, 411 Expose, f,3.12-4 Satellites, damages caused by, 12: 11.2 Historique, 6,4: 13-4, 16, 28.33; 68A; 412-5 Juridichons reitranor, comparaisan, 63:1 3, 15, 23; 68* 414, Sander, Serge, Chairman of the Bawds Chamber of Commerce of the 434 District at Mueireal Memoire, 684:411-34 Bill 5 -31, subtiect.matter R6doction, processus do cansuitatIon, 63: 28, 31-3 Discussion, 31: 17-27, 29-32,34.7 Sisiemcm, 34; 6-17 Schultz, Rickard 1/.. Familia=sad McReparatory Proem. 34:9

Schiff, Slim Icy, Professor, Facul4 of Law, University of Toronto Bin 5-33 Scopelliti, R, c. 1981), 63C.C-C. (24) 441), 58: 7; 54A-.,3.4; 59A:7; Rric.f, 68A:1.99-224 62: i 7-24; 65A:61-2; 66: 16; 68A: 413, 419-20, comments and recommendations, 6,ItA: 204-24 DoHniti.on, legislative 21t EltVVOILL or codC, implications. 63: 12-4, Scott, Mme Marie-Paule, chef, Section de Iii Sitrvtillimake, Division de 15-21, 27-30; 684: 200-3 l'Applicatigia de la lei. Direction des corporations,Cols ioininatior Discussion. 634 15-33 et Corporations Cavallo (}rafting. cormultation process, 63! 28, 31-3 Bill 5-2o, 16; 14, 15. 16 Evaluation. 63: 12-4; 18-21, 27-9;68A: 200, 203-1 Foreign jurisdictions, comparison. 63: 13, 15, 23; 68As 202-3, 224 Historical background. 63: 13.4, 16, 28-33; 68A; 200-3 Seri:Life, M. Jean-Clande, direeteur des A rfaires. juridiques., Oise le Staterocnt.63 12-4 deprit et placement in !Name Bill S-31, tenet, r, 34:40.41.3, 50, 62, 64

Schultz. Ritharel V., Federalism mod the Regulatory proeesE, 34:9 Skurite de la vitilleise, Led Arnenclemenis pnovoks'cs: adopter, 7: 46-7 Scopelliti. R, r (19810463 C,C,C. (24) 481), 53: 7; 54A: 3 -4: 59A: 7; 62: 17-24z 65A:22.3; 66.: 1616$A: 202, 209 Seised Rills de Finances. pouvudr settlement de r4duire: lea &remotions de Scott, Marie-hide, Chief,. Surveillance Section, ComplianceDI halo, credits, 23: 6:24: 14 Corporation Brooch, Consumer Corporate A fiairi COR#Idi Reglements concex naini les hills de subsides, 244 7, 9,10, 14-5 Bil1.3-26 16; 14, 15, 16 Raionitloas negatives. pro4durc relative, rade. 5* 6, 7,8. 10-1. 14. 15, 16.9, 210-1. 22.5 Serofro, lean-QClatirle, Director of Legal Affairs Caisso de 414411 el Soc16s, rcqu&es de reconstitution, 141 14-5; 164 10, 13 placement du Qu6hec Moir aue-sf Bill S.31, subject-matter, 34; 40, 41.3, 50, 62, 64 Bill 5.24

Senate Sena t it le Chantire desC.itiffikilktro,Lol Companies, petitions for revival, 14114.51 16: 10, 13 Amenclement propxts6, 6: 11-2 Money Mils, power only to reduce money all1oca ilnin. 216: 24: 14 Negative resolution procedures, role, 50: 6, 7A 10.1. 12,14,15, &Our, Mme Enrol's Urn monsirchiste du Canals 16-9, 20-1, 22-5 13111 C.201, tenear Rules cm supply 901s, 24:7, 9,10, 14,5 Discussion. 2.61 See crfro Bill S-24 Expcsli., 26: 53

Service currectimunel Canada Senate and House of COlekmOrLs. Aet Po'niCenojerS Amendment proposed. 6: 11-2 iXten us, infromions el sanctions, reglernents, 44:9-11, 15, 26 Personecl, 44:24, 26, 26-32 Serlar, Elinor, Monarchist League of Canada eorganisation. 35: 2.64.44t 18, 20 Bill C-201, subject-matter R.6.1e: 32: 6;35:26;37: 27.; 42:26 Dismission, 26: 59 Voir aAe-Y8i S boomer'26: 53 Peniteaciers Surveitiono6 obligatni re. Swami offences Degenderization, 25s. 23, 33, 40; 37: 11. 51 MME PirMrY, dent, Corporation rvInkitiek, KuuDisiui Indecent osmuli, 25: 26, 33, 27: 38 (Quebec), Co nilk d' ludo [milt 4e questions astiosoles Procuring. 25: 33-4 Proclamation de 1963 onodirmat la Constitution, teseur, 70: 90-1


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Sexual offemoes-Coned Slavanues de rite byzantln au Canasta. Lol constituent es socielli Sexual assault Peparque de Peparehie des Saints Cyril!. it Method. des Charges and penalties Voir Aggravated sexual assault. 25: 16-7, 29.30, 36-8, 40-i; 27: 24, Bill S35 26, 39 Assault, comparison, 25: 17-8, 26, 30-1, 32-3, 40-2; 27: 8. 14.5 Life imprisonment as maximum penalty, 25e 16-7, 40.1 Smith, honorable George 14 senetehr ( Colchester) Murder. 25:37-8; 27: 39-40, 51-2 Bill C-61, 22: 13 Overview, 25: 16, 36-7 Hill C-127, mow, 27:41, 42.48, 49 Sexual assault. 25: 16, 17. 32-3, 36-7, 40-2; 27:8, 17, 25-6, 41 Bill C-201, teneur, 26:13, 46, 72.82, 89,102 Sexual assault with a weapon, threats -.25; /6, 17, 36-7, 40-1, Bill S-I3, 4: 7 43-4; 27: 16-7 Bill 5-24, 23:6, 7,9, 10; 24: 10. 13-4 Spousal immunity, elimination, 25:44; 27: 8. 14-6 Bill S-31, teneur, 31128, 29 Unjustified accusations, 27:30-1 President, election, proadure. 26; 80 Definition. 2,5: 17, 32-3, 41-2; 27i 30, 38-9 "Propositions visant d corriger. Statuts revises du Canada de 1970 Evidence and trial er . cortainos lois posterieures", 6: 12-5, 19, 20-1, 22,23-4; Complainant 7:8-11 Definition. 25 :34-5 Examen demille, memorandum au Coma, 7t R.11 Prior sexual history, 25; 18-9, 21-2, 44; 27: 8,1 t,12, 47-8, 49-51;36: 28; 59A; 4, 7 Smith, M. O'Neill, Ligue manarchlste do Canada Reputation, 25: 19, 27-8, 44-5 Bill C-201, teneur Consent. 231: 35.6, 41:27: 18.20, 32.3, 374, 40-1 Discussion, 261 59, 60 Corroboration, 25119; 27: 8, 17-8 Expose, 26: 52-3 Defences available, 271 31.2, 36-8 Drunkenness as defence. unavailability, 25:29-30, 31 Honest belief as to consent. 23 22-5,, 27: 8-10, 12-6, 21-4, 26-8. Sprint Like 42, 46-7 Declarations d'impOt, 4: 11 Recent complaint, 25: 19-20, 38-9, 40; 27:I i,17, 18 Defeat, avis, 8, 12 Summary conviction or indictment, 25: 36; 27:16-7. 25-6, Dissolution 29-30, 36, 41-2, 43-4, 48.9, 51 Avis do Rovenu Canada Irripet, 4: 10 Historical !background in criminal law, 25: 15-6, 19-20, 38-40 Publication dans Genelle du Canada. 4:10 Mahipic assailants, 25: 17, 43.4 Raison, 4: 8, 9-10 Pornography, influence, 27:9-10 Fonction, 4: 11 Sclf-defonce, 27: 26.7 Historique, 4: 6.8.9 -12 Statistics, 25: 39; 21: 11.2, 20. 21, 23. 28-9 Proprietaire Victims, treatment by authorities, 25t 38.40; 27: 11.2, 20, 21, Deoes. 4: I I 23.5, 26-7 Lien do parents avec pititionnaire. 4111 12 Violence, aspect of, 25: 13, 16, 17; 27: 7.8. 12, 25-64 32.3, 374 Succession, 4: 12 Young persons, 25:26 -7; 27; 18-20, 40-1 Statut operation:lel, 4: 10. 11 Seearil Voir aussi Battered women Bill S. /3 Bill C-53 Canso:lir:lotion d Corporal ions Canada Bill C-127 Montilac Ltee

Simons, Mary, President, lVlakivkk Corporation, Kaujjusig (Quebec), Swain Luse, Lol reconstituant Las compagnits Momitse We as lanit Ca,writtee oa National Issues Voir ConstitutionAmendmentProclamation,1983,subject-matter, Bill S-13 76e 90-1

Sorieti. consecrate dlrypottleques Et de lagemeat, Slovaks of the Byzantine Rite in Canada, Ad to Incurporite the Amt,:nd ....talents proposes; rejetes, 6; 15-7, 18, 23-4; 7:16-8, 19, 20-1 Eparoh of the Eparchy of Salons Cyril and Methndi us of See Sill 5-35 Societe eamadiesene pour la prevention du crime Bill S-32 Evalualion, 3.1k 3-8, 11, 14, 18, 11-2 Smith, Hoe. George 1,, Senator (Colchester) Recomrnandation, 38:7-8, 9, 21-2 Bill C-61, 22: 15 Emotion el membres. 38.: 8 Bill C.127, subjectmatter, 27: 41, 42, 48, 49 Bill C201, subject-matter, 26: 13, 46, 72. 82, 89, 102 Bill S13, 4: 7 Siviiti do developpentesst industrid du Quebec, 30: 5, 119, 17, 24.5, Bill S-24, 2316, 7,9, 10; 24: 10, 13-4 32.44-5, 47, 54-5 Bill S-31, subject-matter, 31: 28, 29 Chairman. election, procedure, 264 80 "Proposals to correct... Revised Statutes of Canada, 1970, and other Solite John Howard de l'Onterki Acts.", 6: 12.5, 19, 20.1. 22. 23.4; 7: 8-11 voile Detailed examination, memorandum to Committee, T: 8-11 John Howard Society of Oi:iario

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Smith. O Nei Monarchist League of Canada Societe Saint Leonard do Canada Bill C-20I, subject-matter Bill 5-32 Discussion, 26: 59.60 Discusaion, Article 3, 37! 9.10,26 Statement, 26; 52-3 Reeornmandations. 37: 6-10, 14, 18, 254, 27-8,30 Fonction. 37; 6. 11-2. 14-5, 16-7.27

Saturn Ltd. Default, notification, 4: R. 12 Socials caned iennes in but luersallr. Dissolution Voir Notification by RCNCIIIUG Canada Taxation, 4: 10 Bill C-10 Publication in Camada Geaelte. 4: 10 Reason, 4{ 8, 9-10 Se.eikets conunerciales caned iennau, Loi Function, 4: II .10 mem:lucent proposkadcrpte, 7: 10-1, 16 Historical background, 4i 6, 8,9-12 Certificat de prorogation, 14: 7-8, 9, 10. 11216e 6, 1.6; 43:6 Income tax returns. 4: 11 Corporations disposant d'un capita]- actions, specificati On des objets, Operational status, 4: 10, II 3:13 Owner Discur,sion Death, 4:1 Art - 71.11Q 10. 13, 16 Estate, 4: 12 Art. 202 (3) Maintien der droits. 4: 13 Relationship with petitioner. 4 ; 13, 12 Pa rrie 111 - Capaci1.6 et Petwoirs, & 7, 1 3 Public trusteeship of assets, 4; 10 ReoonstIr n Hon des sock:the See also Cortifica: de reconstitution, 4: 13 Bill S-13 Procedure, 1; 7; 4: 7-3, 12. 31: 14: 15: 1ife 1 0, 13, 16 Consumer and Corporate Araks Canada Vofr rreival Mon tilae Ltd. Consomme don et Corporations Canada COrpela tions nadie!MOS,Liii Soma Ltd, Act to revive Montilse Ltd, lid See &deal linpliqueee inns le transport Interprovincial Bill S-13 Definition, 28: 8, 20, 23-5. 30-5; 30: 47, 50; 31: 5; 33s 18. 32-4 Gouvernement federal &elite de devetappenteat intrastrliel du Quilme, 30: 5, 3,9, 17, 24.5. Competence. preservation 32, 44-5, 47, 54-5 Amon, 28: 3-12, L3.4. 20. 23-5, 30; 30: 23, 34, 53-9i 31: 22-, 33: 5.6-9, 12- 3, 17-3, 21-3, 33, 47 ;34:69, 71-2, 76-8, BI -7 Interpretation, 30: 18.9, 34, 60, 61, 31: 6, 34; 34; 9, 10, 14, 17, Solicitor Geirersd Canada 22-3; 37A: 1-3, 5 Bill C-61. Commiltatioos avec les gouverucinenta provinci a ux, I t, 28, 29, Poderal.provincial consultation, 17: 7, 3,12 33; 3e 60; 33: 61, 62; 34: 66-9 Historical background, I'7:5, 8,13, 14; 191 10 Exemption, Me- 11,2; 30 4 14; 31:22; S1.55-4, 56, 57; 33A: 2 Jurisdiction, federal and prorvincial powers, 19:: 15, 37; 22: 12, 13. R6gtennentarion, applicabiliie, 28: 9, 18-9, 30, .36, 37; 29; 11-2; 21 30: 23-4, 57 -9; 31.: 34; ill 7. 18, 23, 33. 53; 34: 9-10, 17.8, Ovcrviow, philosophy, 17: 5. 10, 22, 23, 26, 28; 1.9:. 15 22-3, 25-.74-5,8I-5; 37A: 1 Proclamation due. 17: 25; 19: 6, 91:4; 211 19; 22: 11, 16, 18 Gouvernemonts provinciaux, Quntrille OW influence dung k se leer Program administration irriv.65 risques, 33: 5-14, 16-8, 21.. 23-7, 47-55, 57-613; 33A: 1, 2; Cost-sharing. 17: 20,1.31: 19: 6.7, 8, 9,13, 15; 2.2: 9-10, 14. 15. 34; 17, 18, 2 22, 25 17 1S Propriete des actions perlesgouvernemcntaa ]esorgunismes pro- Cost to pro.cets a charge in Juvenile court, increase, 22: 12 -0.1336m, restriction 1.,cp1 aid, 17: 27, Igle 8; 22; 7 Application, 28: 4, 13, 20, 23, 24-5, 31, 32. 341 76, 77, 73-9. 84; Offsetting savings in adult system, 17: 26; 22: 10 37A; 5 Provinces, Attorrioys General, role., 17: 29, 30 Banque:s, comporainon, 28: 9. 25; 30: 33. 34, 35; 31; 6, 13-4, 27; Youth justice committees, 211 8 -9 33: 23; 33A: 2; 34:36; 37A: 2; 47; 7147A: I 0 Retroactivity, I7t 19-20 But et raisons pour, 28.! 8.16,1 R, 20, 26.7, 30; 30: 10, 11, 22-3, Young offenders 44, 49, 53.4:31: 5, 6; 33:47 -B, 53; 34: 69. 71-2, 764, 30r 31.7, Alternative measures. diversion, 19:4, 15. 17; 22: 13 89, 92-3; 37A: 2, 5 C1111dren Under 12yawsold, 17; 6, 24, 25:119; 8: 22: 12 Corn i collage, orre4 sur, 23:8, 13, 37; 30: 59-60; 31: 23; 34; 10, 25, Custody 75-6, 79; 3-7A: 5 Detention separatefratil adults,19: 14-5 Cotistit ationn all te; 34.: 38; 37A: 1-2, 3, 5 Fcitllics 19: 15:22; 15.17 Critiques Open or dosed, 17: 29; 19: 18; 22: 3 Economic, &Yet mur, 10: 52, 53; 31:6 -7, 8, 10, 31-2 15,17, Separation of agc-gronps. 11: 13 19-22. 36; 33; 28, 38-9.41-2, 44; 37A: 1. 3 Transfer to adult institution, 17: 33; 191. 14-5 Exemptions, re, 33e 42-3 Youth Court, role,17:29; 19: 18-9; 22: 8 Invest isseifien19,Iiinitativa, 21k 27. 28; 30:11-3,14-5,17, Dispos i t ions. level of severity, 17: 22 29-33, 37, 41-2, 46, 48-53, 60; 33: 32, 33, 34, .39-44; 34: II, Maximum age 19, 50, 57-9, 63 Corning into force, 17: 24-5; 19: 6, 14; 21; 19;12: 11-2, 16-7 Porter-, 28: 33.5; 30: 11-2, 24-5, 38, 41, 48, 55-6; 11: 5 -6, 10, Definition_ 17: 6-7, 10-1, 39 36; 33; 12, U. 21-2, 32-4, 58. 59; 34: 11, IS, 17, 34, 75-6, Reasons for choice of "under i 8", 17: 7, 12; 22: 12 77-8, 79, 84; 37A1 3, .5

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Solicitor General Canada- --Cono'd Soti41,16 intpliinets dens lc traikfillOrit Bill C-61 -- Cerra Proprriete dill actions rat les gouvernements et organfsmes pro Young of fanders--Coned vi noiaux. Maximum age-Coned Critiques' -Suiee Uniformity, reason for. 17; 7. 12, 23; 191 4, 10, 14; 22; 12, Vote, tiro% iirrtitation. 30: /1.2, 30. 32.3, 44.5, 46-51; 31; 5-6, 16-7 23, 27-9, 30-1, 34; 33; 32, 33. 34-9, 41-2, 43-4; 34:7,11, 19, Offences. 20, 50,65, 80; 37A:6 Provinces, laws, 22, 22 D131MeCS61.1006miquer1 Statistics, 17: 23, 25., 12; 19, 20-1, 22 CretivelMeMeritt "Status offences", 17:6, 25 Fonds de pensiOr4 1-614 Ct si1dstiyverw 311: 10, 11-2, 13, 32: Parental authorit y, 17: 10, 15 31A; 6 Records Interventions dans reonrunnie,, apercu et statistiques, 31: 6, 7- Des truotion, 17; 6. 17-8., 24; 19; 11.2 10, 17-8, 21 25, 213, 32 -6; 31A:5; 33; 5-4, 11-2 Fingerprints, 17: 6. 17. 1g, 23.4 Scoiak% structure de capital et de prepri16, IL. 7, 8,11-2, 21, Rehabilitation, 17; 30.1;19:15 24.3(x; 31k7, 3 4:15; 34A1 2 Release, prooedure, 19,8.-9 E loarbeiti,transmimion,effot,214 23-5; 311r 10, 35 Rights Exemptions, 28;12, 13.4, 25. 26, 37; 30: 59-60; 311. 6; 33: 32; OVV-YilW, 17: 6, ]0 34: 77, 79 Right to counsel, 17; 26; 19; 8; 21; 6-7 In Fre Woos, 28; 9 'sorter to ordinary court, 22-3 bvestissemenIs atrangea-s, comparaison, 28: 13; 30: 12-3, 28-9 Victlms; rights, 15.6; 19: P9 Pacific Western Airlines et arnendements a la Ifoi stir t'aeronauti- Da agerotcs Offend CommiEee, 37: 9, 17; 44: 5, 6,14-5, 25 que,comparaison, 2&. 9, 19.20, 29-30. 36; 29; 11-2; 30: 23 -9, Ivlandatory supervision 30, 34, 40, 57-9; 33; 25; 34; 73 -5,84 MandatorySldPerPliSAM: DErriauot Porier, Conunitieeon Q uebec. reraclion, 34: 42; 31; 15-6; 33; 24, 23, 47, 54, 53, 56; Mandator), Supervision. 1981, 321 10. 25; 37: 7. 11; 41:r 3, 24, 34: 8. 24, 295 64-.5, 87, 91-2 26:41A: 3; 48: 15. 304. 57:15. 16, 24 Queloccsir, exemption, 28: 17. 37; 33:26:34e 9 Saticityr General's Steady al,! Release, 1981. 37;I I; Transport maritime. effet, 28: 8, 13; 30: 12-3; 34., 18-9, 84.; 37A: 5 45: 7, 40; 46: 7, 9-10, 16, 3.1 Petit SlIalistic99, graphs, 481 9-10. 20-1,27 Bill S.31, Wont See also Cuisse de depot et placement du 1:410 Bill S-32

Soel.614 religience SionniaF, RodneY, Legal Goultsk151.1ebbema Tribal COttEktfl Stems imracibiliers CODS Li tutIon AmendmentProclamation, 1911.3, subject quatttr, D aai du droit de proprire cur les bier's p,ss nece5sai res 6 des fins 74: i 7J, 21 religieu 8: 8, 9,10-1,I2,3 DrOiE de propriitr limiti Mt bier's !rec. essa Era a dea fine religieu- sou, 11:8-11. 12, 13-4 SuPinka, John, Q.C., Member of the Specie/ Committee on Bill S-33. Legislation CamitILin Bar Association Alberta, 8: 11.2 Bill S-11, 66: 8-13 Nonvelle-tcosse, 3: 11 Quebec, 8: 8, 9,11, 14 Mein:nom, but de 16651aLlon sur. &8, 9,14 Stanbury., Hon- Richard 3., Senator (York Centre) Valeur.11mite. 8; 8 131ll C-26, 2:6-7 Corporation unipersonnelle,11: 7-8; 50: 7 Bill C-53, subject .matter 1.1ofrarim( Charges and pennliieo, 25: ill Hill C-10 Complainant's credibility, doctrine of reccnt complaint, 25: 40 Bill 5-16 Procedure {Acting Chairman), 25:6, 15. 23, 29, 31. 32, 42 Bill S-r35 Procuring, 25; 34 Sexual assault, definition, 211 42 Study, procedure, 25; 6,9, /0-1, 13, 14-5, 31, 32, 42 SollicileAr general {;anode Young persons. 25; 26, 27 Bill C.61 Hilt 5-19, 11: 17. 18, 21; 12.1. IS, 22.23 Apercu, losephie, 17: 5, 10, 22. 23, 26. 28;.19.t15 .5111S-33, 40: 23.4 Consultation roderale-provincial e, 17; 7, 8,12 1-11.storique., 17: 5, 8,13, 14; 19 10 Jeunes controvenants State Impurity Act Age maximal See Dellnilion, 17; 6-7, 10 -I, 19 Bill 8.19. ExPriSe en vigueur, 17t. 24-5; 19: 6, 14; 11; 19; 22; 11-2, 14 -7 pOur la Choix deKmains de 18 arts, 17: 7, 12; 221 12 Uniforrnit6, raison, 11; 7, 12, 25; 19:6, It], 14; 224 12, 16-7 State Immunity Act (United Kingdom) eci,gions, oiveau de rigneur, 17: 22 See tinder United Kingdom Dossiers Destruction., 17: 6. 17-8. 24; 191 11.2 EmprelnIcs digitales, 17: 6, 17, 18, 23-4 Statistics Act Droits Amentiments ppurosed, carried, ift: 19-22, 24; 7: 51-3 Apnco, 17: 6.10

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Statute nr Westminster, 1431,E 19, 20.23, 25, 31, 32, 34.71 Solliciteur Onkel. Condo-Smile Bill C-61-Smire Jrunca vontrevenonto-Soire Statutory Inainsinonis Act DrOito-Smire Amendment ptOposed; releCtrd.. 10; 7: 53 DrOit aux ornelets d'un avocat, 17:26', 19: 12: 6.7 En (a nts de moins de 12 am, 6, 24, 25; 119:3; 21.12 Garde Sterling, R. N.W,, PrO4inciell Secretory for Justice, GIDoreninkiaof Detention d lloart des WOW., 191 14-S thinkritt FROi Li DI% 191 15; 22: 15, 17 Bill C-61 our cm milieu lernik..117: 29; 19: 18; 22; 8 DIsoussion, 2 10.6, 19.23 S6paratIon par 38i,.17: 13 Statement, 231~ 6-10 Transfer( dons unt Institution pour adukes, 1.7: 13; 19114,5 Tribunal pour adolescents, r61e.17; 29; 1% 18.9; 221 8 Steuart, Han. IIPsold Gordon, Sentor {Prince Albert-Duck 1-ake1 infractions Conxt i to Lion Amendment Procla ma don, 1983, subject-matter cInFractions de situation., 17:6, 25 Aboriginal peoples Provinces, Lois, 22; 22 Adoption, positions on, 70: 61, 70, 71: 17 Statistiques, 171 23, 25; 22: 19, 20-1, 22 Coalition of First Nations, funding, 71: 26-7 &foar. de rechangr, dejudiolarisation, lcor 14, 15,.117; 22: 13 Definition, 69: 34-5, 75-6; 70: 2 L, 58. 90 Misr en libea-te, procedure, 19: 18-9 Parents, autnrit,e, 17:10, Indians, consonsus.11: 34 Rehabilitation, 17; 30-1; 19r 15 Land chinos, 6%47-8, 76-7, 63; 70: 21- 3,.26, 72: 71: 16; 71 13, Rerwoi a la juridiction normalement cvmpetente, 17: 22-3 15,73:17 dicks civils, 15-6; 19: 19 Numbers, 7.11t 82 Juridiction, puuvoirs federaux eL iDroviocianx, 19; 15, [7; 12, Fights, 26-1, 41, 45-6, 75-6, 86, 70: 11-6, 174, 21. 24,61 13, 21 72: 15-7; 734 23-4; 74:17-9 Proclamation, date, 1.7; 25; 191 6, 9.14; 111 19; 22.: I], 16. Selr-government, 69: 59, 61-2, 68 Programme, adrn in isira don Bilateral prixss, 69: 75; 74: 28 Aide juridique, 17t 27; 15t; 8; 2.2:7 Canada, history, 71: 28-9 Cornit& de justice pour lu jeuner,se, 21. 8.9 darn Ir syst'eme pgaur adultes, 17: 26 Constitutional conferences in 4110. future, 70; 78,74: 16-7.22 Economies compensatrior Procedure, 69: 22, 26, 64.71, 74.5; 71: 35, 74: 17-8 22: 10 Frais. portage, 17; 20-1, 31; 19: 6-7, 8, 9,13, L5; 22: 9-10, 14, 13 Ratificall ion, 09:58; 70: 49-51; 73: 15-6, 24, 75: 7 Northwest Territories, diyisiOrl. 70; 97 17, 18 Frais pour porter des accusations devonl un tribunal pour ar101os cents, augmentation, 22: 12 Stewart, Graham, Matitiertory SuperPisiort; Politics mad PenPfe, 37: 6; Provinces, prOCureOre 8enerakix, rale, 17:29. 30 42: 25 Retroactivite, 17119.20 Cornia PrOponsable des delinquants ditageroux, 37: 9,17; 44t 5, 6,14.5, 25 Sind, ex-Clumge,i, Presidents Surveillance obi [gate.' re Caisse de dep61. et placement du Q1,412.40. 03115 ul tationS COncorning, bode drosoiflclteur ,Ottgraftorle;Pffir.S# r#ithertd sous rorrditfoot, 30: 22-3, 30:31: L9 19E1, 37: 11; 45: 7, 40,464 7,9-30, 16,31 See abo Statistiqucs, graphiCtUtO, 18:9 -10, 20 ..1, 27 Bunting, 2. Pearce, Prcabdom t, Toronto Stook Exchange S urveillance abligatoite.. to: document de rrenroN. Corn LLOur la Loran, Pierre. PresidenL, Montreal Stack Ekellange. mirnillartet {Alton baire, 1981. 31 10, 25.6, 37: 7, I I; 41t 13, 24, 26; 41A, 484 15, 30.; $7; 15, 16, 24 Stonery, Hon. Ptief,Smakif (Moor and Yonge) N Dir auLti BIll S-31, Nikita-muter, 33:45; 34: 26.6 DA S-32 Constitution Amendment Proclamation, 1983, subject -matter AborigInal peoples Sonnies, M, Rodne, consider luridique, Conseil da tribe da Hob- Adoption, positions On. 71; 25-6, 14-5 lama Definition, 711111 21, 57, 69, 91 Proclamation de 1963 modifiant la Constitution, lerueur, 741 17.9, 21 India cis, CORS/CT11.116, 711 2$, 32,3 Land claims, 701 24, 30, 71-2 Sopinka, M. John, c.r., moralist du Comiti special sur 5 -33, Associa- Rights, 704 15, 25, 48-9, 55-7; 71: 30-1 tion du Barrer a conadien of Lon, 74: 6.22 13i Il S-33, 66: 8-13 Procedure. 70: 36, 83. 100; 74: 27 Northwest Territorics, division, 701 97 Stanhury, honorable Richurd .1,, senateur (York-Centre) Rill C.26, 2: 6-7 Steattoo, R. v.( (1974,42 C.C_C. (241) 449), 65A: 35-6., 68A: 136 Bill C-53, tentar Accusations of retries, 25: 41 Strayer, B.L. Q.C, Assistant Deputy Minister, Public Law, 11Pepost- Agression sexuelle, clef-million, 25:42 [sent of Justice Etude, pr000du re, 25; 6, 9,10.1. 13, 14-5, 31.32, 42 Bill S- 19 Jounces personnes, 25: 26, 27 Discussion, lik 8,.0.,I0, 17; 11 5-8, 9, 14-5, 20 -1.22, 23,4 Pia igna nt, erellibi[ite,fheorie do Pa pis inte sParkanee, 15: 4C' atemeni. 10: 5-8

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Surplus C=raws Atiftet9 Act Salsbury:, twittorable Richard 1, seriatew (11'ork-Centre).-Se are Arne ndolchls proposed, carried, 7T 52-4 Bill C-55, teneur-Series Procetare (president supplearity 25; 6. 1.5. 28, 29, 3 I, 32. 42 SUSSJFIRn, 1.05 and Sally Bordvrefl, Ike Ropist Fik, 27; 13-4 Proxeri6tisme, 254. 34 5-19,114 17. 18, 21; 12: 15: 22., 23 Bill S-33,40e.25-4 'mass, Roger, Denial', Minister of Jk }Mit* area Deputy Attorney Gen- eral, Department orJustice Stele &nonentity Act (ROYaurac-iini) BM C-53, subject-matter .sous Discussion, 2-5: 32.7. 39,41 SLa te :nen 25: 32 Rill-I27, sulapei-matter Stwristigne, Lei Discussion, 254 43, 44 Amendments proposes; adoptris, 64 19.22, 24:74 51-3 Statereleot, 25r. 43 BEI1S-33 Sister ee Westminster, /931. 26e 19, 20, 23, 25, 51, 32, 34. 73 DiscocsiOn, 36; 7-9, 10-1. 27, 28, 29 Statement, 36: 5-7 &Nuts revisits du Canals de 1970 et in certainer lois posterrienres, Tax Rebate DISCOliefing AM Prepositions Assiut i cOrriger- A incrodmwits proposed:, carried, 6: 10-1; I: 54-5 Art. I - Loi sur les socier& commerciales comediennes Amender:PM proposf; adopter. 7: 16 Discussion, 7: 104. 16 'faylor, Ron, Assorintios of Records Managers and Mayinis.trnaorn Art. 2 - Loi sur la Srocleti canadienne cl'hypo4inkiues et do InE:c- S.33,437:3-13, 19 men t Antendements proposer, rejetLs. 7; 6, 20-1 Territorial Lands Act Discussion, 6: 35-7, 18, 23-4; 7:16-8, 39, 20.1 A-rn mor:In-mull prOpe.Lsesi, carried. 7.: 55 Art 5 - Regime de pensions du Canada A mendeMentl PrapP{Sy adopt4, 7: 2! DisCUSSien, 6: 16, 17, 24.5; 7: 2.! Titi5 Filto ors riowa Rape, British Colunniga Coalition of Rape Centres Art. 5 - Lei sur la pension de retra[te des rorces canal:Hennes and British CA:mkt& Mice CODIBLigSMil 27: 12, 28 Amendeutent proposk; a dopt6, '7: 22 Discussion, 7t 21 -5 Art, 6 - Loi relative aux end:11461esRUTIcsWatitiOnS Thunspson, Hon, Andrew, Senator (Doverrourt) ATIVAldejneilfpropose; reieipar It mmiteJOla Chembre dos Bill S,32. 32: 23, 24 commu nes, fie 6; 71 23 Discussion, 4 6; 7: 23 Art- 2 - Loi Air Is associations 1211.5*.ft lives de credit Thum, Nelson, Legislative Counsel, Legislation Section, papal-meta A menclement propose: adopee, 7: 24 of herpes Discussion, 35: 5; 7: 23-4 Bill S-19, 12: 23 Art. 9 - Loi de 1977 mod ifia nt lc droll Snot Amendment prOp6S6; adopter 7: 2.5 Tolfuli, Garry, Morrercliist League of Canons Discussion, 7; 24-5 Bill C201, so bject.matter Art. ICI - Loi Air 4a responsalaliig de la C011frifiati Discussion, 26: 53-2, 54.55, 56, 57, 58-9, 60 Ainendement propo4:-adopte., 7: 25 Statement. 26: 53-4 Discussion, 7: 25 Mir 11 - Loi sur ]v miniarc et our Fi Commission de l'e tuploi et Tolkfsoni E.A., Co-ortinstor, Crina4rial Low ReTiew, Deportment of de l'Irnmigration Amendement propose', adopt6., 7: 26 Justice Bill S33, 36: 12, /4-25, 27:4c 18. 21; 52; 8.9 Discussion, 7: 25.6 $tqtcmcmt, $2; 5-8, 1 Sr 20 Art, 12 - Lot our T`expansion des exportations Amendement propose: odopte, 7: 27 Discussion, 7: 26-7 Tiara% Barry, Legal Counsel, Legal Services, Consumer mid Corpo- Art. 13 - Loi i473 sur Its allocation:a finnil talcs rate Affair' Canada Amendment propose, 74 27 "Proposals to correct_ Revised Statutes of Canada, 1970, and other Discussion, 7: 27 Ans..", 7: 11-4 Art. 14 - Loi sur les offices do CW1lmercia kimiori dos proclaim de ferroc Toronto Justice Council Amendments proposes; adapts, 7; 28, 30 Biff 5-32 Discussion, 7: 27-30 Brjor, 47A; 5.4 Art, 15 - Loi sur les pecbcries. EV.Illinit HMI,47A: 5, 7.9 Amertdement propose: sidOlpt, 7; 32 1Zer-ornsuenclo Lions, 47A :5, 8-9 Discussion, 7: 30-2 Art. 16 - L61 sur l'Oredittisaltion de ]'alimentation of de ['Agriculture des Nations tunes Toronto Stock Exchange, President Amendemeut propet3e:, adopter 7: 34 rS'ae Discussion, 6 :6 -7; 7; 32-4 Bunting. J. Pearce. President, Toronto Stock Exchange Art. 17 - Loi dens aliments et drogues Amendment propose,athipte, 7: 34

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Toward Lenity: Criminal Amite and Corrections. Report of the Statues revises du Canada de 1970 el earial ne s loin poste rleurq,- Canadian Committee as Corrections (Ouirmet Report), 45: 9-10; Snore 46: 6, 22, 31;47:13,21;48: 11: 57t. 10 Art. 17 Lot des aliments et drogues -Suite Discussion, 7: 34 Art. 18 Lai sur Is fonctionnement des compagnies de that Tradeinarks Act Amendement propose; adopt& 7: 35 Amendment proposed; carried, 7: 55 Discussion, 71 34-5 Art. 19 - Loi sur l'inclemnisation des employes (le 1'Etnt TransQuinda Pipelineses Lis' mined, 31: 34: 34: 9, 15, 17, 18, 22.85 Amendement propose; adopte, 7: 35 Discussion, 6: II.; 7: 35 Transfer of Offenders Art Art, 21 - Loi dc 19Th sur Amendment by House of Commons Committee to amendment pro. Amendements proposes; adopies. 7 :36, 37, 38, 39 posed. 6:6.7, 12; 7: 56 Discussion, 7: 35-9 Amendment proposed; carried, 6:6-7. 12; 7: 55-6 Art. 22 - Loi de runpOt sur le revenu Amendement propose; adopte, 7; 40 Discussion, 7: 39-40 Trestle' Art. 23 - Loi sur les Indians No. 6, 69:48, 57; 69A: 74; 74; 12, 17 Amendment propose; adore, 7t 41 No. 7, 74.: 13, 17 Discussion, 7:41 No 8 Art_ 24 - Loi sur les corn pagnies d'assurance canadiennes at Mien- Dane Nation, land surrenders. 2: 12 niques interpretaiion, 2: 7, 11-2 Amendernems proposes; adopois. 7:41, 42 Validity challenged, 2: 13 Discussion, 6:5; 7:41 -2 See also Art. 25 - Code eanad ion du travail Treaty 6 Chiefs' Alliance (Alberta), Coalition of First Nations Amendeancrits proposes; adopter. 7: 42, 43 Discussion, 7:42 -3 Treatise (4) OR the Angin-Amer iarre system of evidence in trials at Art. 26- Loi sur to animaux de ferule et leurs produas CORMACH2 parr: including the statutes and judicial decisions ofcfl Amendment propose, adopte, 7: 43 jurisdictions of the United Stares and Canada, John Henry ?trig- Discussion, 7: 43 more, 36: 14; 40: 17; 59: 10, 19: 59A: 15.6; 62: 22; 65: 21; 67: 13: Art_ 27 - Lai sur la genealogic des animaux 68A: 204 -5, 208, 216 Amendement propose; adopte, 7: 43 Discussion, 7: 43 Art. 28 - Lai sur les companies de pret Treaty 6 Chiefs* Alliance (Alberta), Coalition of First Nittioms Arnen&ment propose; adopte, 7: 43 Constitution Amendment Proclamation, 1983 Discussion, 6: 5; 7: 43 Brief, 71: 37-8; 71A.; 2.6 Art. 29 - Lot Stir Is defense na t Inns le Study by the Committee, procedure, 71A; 2.3 Arnenderneni propose.; roca, 7: 44 Constitutional Award, 1983, COMMentS, 71: 38-9; 71A: 3-4, 5.6 Discussion. 7: 9, 43-4 Art. 30 - Lai nationals sur lc film Tremblay, Hon. Arthur, Senator (Les Lanreutides) Amendement propose; adoptA, 7: 45 Bill C-26, 2: 7 Discussion, 7:10.45 8111C-130, 50: 15-6, 22 Art, 31 - Lai sur les musks nationeux Bill C-141 Amendment propose; adoptS, 7: 46 Affirmative action programs, standards, 51: 25-6 Discussion, 7: 45-6 Agoorretirement, 51: 23-4 A rL 32 - Loi rut la securite de la yieilresse Canadian human Rights Commission, discretionarypowers, Amendements proposes; adopt6s. 7: 46, 47 51: 18 -20 Discussion, 7: 46-7 Drafting. 51: 13.4, 15, 16.8 Art. 33 - Loi sur ks 114TMCR dos prcstatirms do pension Procedure, SI: 15, 20 Amendement propose; adopte, 7:48 Bill C-201, subject- matter, 26 91, 98-9, 100 Discussion, in 5; 7:48 Bills -31, subject-matter Art. 34 - Loi sur Eadministration du *role Caine de depot ct placement du Quebec, 30: 20; 34: 41, 42, 51, Amendment propose; adopte, 7: 49 53, 54 Discussion, 7: 10,48-9 Canadian Pacific Limited, 33: 17 Art, 33 - Loi Sur les prisons et les malsons de correction Economy, effect on. 30: 52, 53 Amendement propose; rejete, 7150, 51 Fcdcrul-provincial consultations. 31: 31-2, 33 Discussion, 7: 10, 49.50, 51 Historical background, origins. 33: 15; 34: 92.3 Art. 37 - Lai sur Is pension do In Fouction publiquc Motion, 37: 5 Amendement propose, 6: 5 Procedure, 28: 15, 3111: 21; 34:43, 94 Discussion, 6: 5 Quebec Securities Act, amendments, 34: 41, 42 Art. 38 - Loi sur le Senat at la Chambre des communes Scope, 28: 32.33, 34-5; 33:17 -8 Amendment provost, 6: 11-2 Study, procedure, 28: 7 Discussion, 6; 11-2 Voting rights, limitation, 31: 30, 31; 33: 35-6, 17 Art_ 39 - Loi stir la marine ma rcha nde du Canada Committee workload, 76: 14 Ainendernont propose; adopte, 7151 ConstitutionAmendmentProclamation, 1983, subject-matter, Discussion, 6: 17, 19; 7: 50-1 69 :9 -13. 21-2. 37-9. 42, 48- 9. 67-71; 70: 98-100; 72; 19-24; Art, 40- Loi sur is statistique 76: 3, 13 Amendemcnts proposes: adopt, 7: 52, 53

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Tremblay, Hon. Arthur, Senasor (Les Laurentides)-CoArif Stouts rerie du Canada de 1970 el - cemaInts loin posteritures, "Stilliect.matter of clausos ai:01,1s.., where such Qlattses may - -- infringe upontherights and Friztdouns guaranteed by the Art. 40- Loi Sur IS ststisLiquo-Suite Canadian Charter of Righis and Freedcans", examination by a Discussion, 6e 19-22, 24; 7: 51-3 Parliamentary Committee. discussion, 76: 20-2 Art. 41 - Lei inadi Faint is [twit 6%31 (No. 2) Amendment propose; adopte. 7: 53 Tremblay, Gerald. Member of the Special Committee on S-33, Discussion, 7: 53 Canadian Bar Association; Bar of Quebec Art. 42 - Lot SOT les teates regiementaires NH S-33 Ameaderrient prowst; rcjete.:71 53 Dis4;ussion, 49n 28.9, 30.2; noi: 34-5, 37-40, .46-2, 49 Di8C-110/04),6: 10', 7: 53 Statement, 49: 14-9 Art. 43 - Lot sur lax blew. do surplus de Ia Cc' oronne Amendments proposes; relictes. It 54 TreSikigIndusiriesLimi led DLseussion, Administrator (Major Anderson), death, 5:6 Art. 44- Loi sur icession du droit eta ran boursement cn matfere d'impot Default. notification never received, 6 A me ndernents propos'es; adopies, '7: 55 Elti&mlu ion Awareness of. 516 Discussion, 6: 10.1; 7: 54.5 Reasons for, 5: 6 An. 45 - Loi tut icy mires territoriales Historical background, 5: 6 Amendement propose; adopte, 7 55 Shareholders. St 7 Discussion, 7: 55 See also Art- 46 - Loi sur les ma rquos de commerce Amendment propane; adopte, 7: 55 B ill1S-14 Consumer and Corporate Affairs Canada Discussion, 7; 55 Art, 47 - Lai stir le traresferemeni des delinqusams Arne:lament pouf/m6; adop16, 7: 54' 'freers ImInstrios Limited, Act to revive Discussion. fir 6.7. 12; 7: 55-6 See Art_48 - Loistir leg compagn lcacliduciaires Bill S-114 Amendement propose, adopt& 7: 56 Discussion, 6: 5; 7:. 56 TrePtiffex TradirgCoparatios w,Central Bank.61,f Art. 49- Loi de 192 f SW' Vassurance-chomage 3 Ail Edit 437,1197711 All E.R. 881), 10: 18, 20: 11: 6, 7.10 A mendernent propose; adopte, 7:58 Diseimsion, 6; 6-7; 7:10, 56.8 Trudeau, The Right HMI, Pierre Elliott, Prime Wavier of Canada Art. 50- Loi sur les pals ei mesu re-a First 14inisiers' Conference, 1983, speoohe, quotations, 69: 73-4; Amtudement prOposelarlop*77,59 7tle 46-7, 62; 72: 10 Discussion. 7:8, 16, 58-9 Annexe 1 Tram Companies Act Winition. it 60 Amendment proposed: carried. 61 5; 7: 56 Rubrki pc 1 - Code criminal, 7:59 RubriqueS - Loi de 1976stn rimmigration,7: 60 Rubrique 7 - Loi SW- les compagnies d'assurance canadiennes at !vast CompaniesAS'S ()Aoki*of Canada br:tauniques, 7:60 B ill S.33. position on, 65A:80 Re brique 8 - Loi stir Ia Commission de reforms du droit. 7:60] Annexe 2, definition, 7:60 Two Risers, Billy, Chief, Canghnowago Reserve (Quebec), Cos/igloo' Changernoms proposes par le Comit6 permanent sur la Justice et des or First Nations questions Juridiques lie113 Ch4m bry des communes, k 6-7, 12; CunstituiianAinondmisntProclamation,1%3,5u bicift-rrialtor. 7; 23, 32-4, 56 71: 35-2 Propasi 'Lions Domicile Loi elecosrale do Canada, a mendement.64 7; 7:6, 11-2, 14,61 Tynrierry (Ma) of Trothteani William Oulerbridge, 47A: 7 Loi sur Is regularisation des compiles, amendetnerti, 6: 7; 71 6, I-2,14, 61 Unemployment hiSohrariCe Act, 1971 Loi sur le dimanclie, amendement, 6:7: 7: 7. Ii 2. 14, 61 Amendment by House Of Commons Committee to amendment pro- Lai sur ldroit dra u too r, amendment, 6: 7;1:6-7, 11-4, 61 posed. 6: 6-7 voir anssi Amendment proposed; carried, 6: 6.7; 7: 10, 56.8 Chigoe 16.1 aepgrrment Lois correciives Uniform EvidenceAct Sterling, honorable N.W-, secrelaire.irrovincial tl Is justice, Gouverrse- Historical background, 36: 6, 7-8. 10-1, 12-4, 29; 49: 21-3, 28 -3l; meat da FOntnrin 52 :6-7, 16-7, 20; 14A: 8 -4,14.6;99A: 3; 61; 5-6,f I-3: 62t 14-5; C.f,I 63: 13.4, 16, 213.30, 31.3: 68A: 200-3 13.1seussion, 20: 10-6, 19-23 Translation, 49; 18 1-i:xpose, 20; 6-10 See also B ill S-33 Silenart. honorable David Cordon, sinmenr (Prince Alberi-Duck Lake) Uniform LawCOILitrtilti,of Canada Proclamation de 1983 modal in Is Constitution, tensor Annual. reports to Canadian Bar Association, 49: 33.4; 52:7, 20 tochiones Members, 49: 11 AdOplionpcnition4 crivms, 70 :61, 70; 71: 17

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Uniform Law Conference of Conada-Coned Steuart, honorable David Gnrdou, senateur (Prince Albert-Dock Whitehorse, 1981 meeting, 36: 7, 13, W, 21; 49: 11, 22; SI 7, 20: lake) - --Suite 54: 14; Mb 21; 61:5.6: 62: 13-5,23 Proclamation de 1983 modiriani la Constitution, tenon r--Suite See also Autochtones-Suite Unlfortn Evidence Act Autonomic politique, 69: 59, 61-2, 68 Coalition des premiares nations. firtancement, 71: 26-7 Definition, 69: 34-5, 75-61 70: 21, 58, 90 Union, Act of; 1848, 2: 9 Druits, 69: 26.7, 41, 45-6, 75-6, 86; 71Ik1 1-6, 17.8, 21, 24-6; 72: 15-7; 73: 23-4; 74: 17-9 Union of New Breenrwick Indians, Coalition of First Nations Indiens, consensus, 71: 34 Background information, 71: 14, 15, 23; 711: 16 Inuit, 70: 95 Constitution Amendment Proclamation, position on, 71: 25, 57 Nombre,10: 82 Constitutional Accord, 1983, comments, 71: 15-7; 71A: 22 Revondications territoriales, 69: 47-3. 76-7, 83; '70: 21-3, 26, 72; Presentation to United Nations Working Group on Indigenous Peo- 71: 18; 72: 13, 15; 73:17 ples, 71: 17: 7114 16-23 Canada, histoire, 71: 28.9 C.ouferences constiturionnelles futures, it 78; 74:16,-7, 22 Union of Ontario Indians (Airlskinabek) Procedure, 69: 22, 28, 64, 71, 74-5; 71:35; 74: 17-8 Assembly of First Nations, member, 73: 24, 25 Processus bilateral, 69: 75; 74: 28 Background information, 73: 20, 25 Ratification, 69: 58; 70:49-51:731 154, 24:75: 7 Constitution Amendment Proclamation,1983, adoption recom- Totritoires du Nord-Ouost, division, 70: 97 mended. 73: 23, 74 Constitutional Accord, 1983, comments, 73: 20-3 Stewart, Graham, Mapuistory Supersisiont. Polities at People, 311 6; Self-government, definition, interpretation, 73; 21, 22-3 42: 25

Unionorsolicitor General Employees Stollory, honorable Peter, senateur (Moor et Vow) Bill 5-33 Bill S-31, tentur, 331 45; 34: 26-8 Evaluation, 7.8, 12. 13, 25, 32 Proclamation do 1983 modifiant la Constitution, teneur Recommendations. 44: 7, 8,11-2,13, 18, 19, 26 Autoch tones Function, role. 44: 5, 7,12-3 Adoption, positions envers, 71: 25-6, 34-5 See also Definition, 70: 21, 57, 69, 91 Penitentiaries Droits, 7th 15, 25, 48.9, 55-7; 71: 30-I Indiens, consensus, 71: 25, 32-3 Revendications territorinl, 7110. 24, 30, 71.2 United KIngiont Motion, 74: 6, 22 Bankers' Books Evidence Act, 1879, 55: 6-7, 24: 551: 3; 65: 7-8 Procedure, 70: 36, 83, 100; 74, 27 11, 18, 20, 22; 551: 15-6 Civil Evidence Act. 1968. Territoires du Nord-Ouest, division, 70: 97 State Immunity At Bill 5-19, comparison with (1978), 42 C.C.C. (21) 449).05544 75; 681: 353 Definition, -commercial activity", 10: 7, 9-10, 18, 20; 11: 6. I Srtattort, c. 14, 15; 12-.6-7, 9, 12-3, 17-8 Exceution of judgement, lb 21 Strayer, M. c,r sowc-ministre adjoint, Droit public, ministers Immunities and privileges, extension or restriction. lb 24 dala Justice Overview. it 9-10 Bill S-19 Historical background, 10:6, 10, 23; 11: 8 Discussion, 10: 8.9,10, 17; 12: 5-8, 9, 14-5. 20-1, 22, 23-4 See also Expose, 10: 5-8 Bill S-19 Council of Europe. Stepe4lants, Lol, 40; 13; 52: 13; 53o I1: 591 10; 65A: 57; 66: 15, 51; 68A: 233.6 United Notions Convention on International Liability for Damage Caused by SpaceSwveillance oblIgeleire Objects, 12: 11-2 Alternatives et variations, propositions U reactions Vienna Convention on Consular Rotations, 10: 7. 10-1; 11: 12 Abolition et abolition do la reduction Je peinc Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relation-s, ID; 7, 10-1; 11: 6. 7,8, Detention jusqu'a Pexpiration du mandat daps certaina cat, 12, 20 45: 6, 11, 17, 20, 28-9, 36, 38, 49-50; 47: 20-1, 26-7; 48: 14, See also 17, 26 Diplomatic and Consular Privileges and Immunities Act Incarceration pour une pEriode indeterminec dans certains cos, Immunity of foreign states 45: 36, 37-9, 42-3. 44; 47: 20-1, 26-7; 4& 14, 26 Liberation conditionnelk, adnaissibilite 6 partir du premier tiers United States de Ia peine, 32: 14, 15, 17, 26; 37: 10-1, 12-3. 20., 39: 11; Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act 41: 19:45; 56-7, 41; 47:20-1, 26-7; 41k 14, 26 Bill S-19. comparison with Mire an liberte seulomerbt iiIa discretion de Is Commission Dcfinition "commercial activity", 10: 7, 9.10, 18; II: 15; 12: 6, nationals des liberations cooditionnelles, 38: 20; 45: 6, 10-3. 17.9, 20, 28-9, 35-8, 41, 43, 46-8, 49- 50; 47: 20.1, 26.7, 1.3 Execution of judgencnt, 12t 21 28.9; 48: 8, 9-12, 14, 20-1, 26 Overview, It 9-10 Nine, prolongation & la discretion du jugs dans certains oat, Historical backgrourid, Ift 6.10. 23; 11: 8 44:7, 8,11-2, 13, 26;47: 20-1,26-7;40: 14, 26

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Stour--C6w'd Surreillaoce obligatuire--gulre .See also Alternatives et variations, propositions et ructions-S.:Me Bill S.19 Abolition mais maintieu de la reduction 40 Pei ne Aucone surveillance (situation diavant 1970), 37; 6,185 20; 38: 12; 39: 6, 8.9; 41: 18-9; 42: 8, 10, 13, 19 -20; 42,A; 63-4, Vaillirncaurt, etr4,41'aPiaff Firtfinkft26: 19, 20, 21 67; 45:6, 22-4: 47A: 5,5:48: 8.9, 17 Surveillance svolontairev, 37: 6-4, 14-5,17-20, 30; 38: 12; Vallerand, Amdre, Vice-Presisieni end Director Crenerml, Chamber of 391 7-9; 41; 15; 42A: 63; 45: 10-1; 47: 21.2; 47A: 5, 6; 48; 14 Commerce of the District of Mustreal De.ebfauce du droit it la rkluction de pi3ine seulernent pour one Bill 5-31, subject- matter novelle infraction, 37; 9-10, 1E; 38: 6-7, 11, 18: 39: 6.7, 11. Discus-slop. 34; 18, 20.2, 25-9, 31-2 35-11 12; 41: 5-9, 13, 24-6, 29-3E; 41A: 7-10; 42; 10-1, 14-6, 19; Statement, 34: 7-14 45: 2.2-4,27-k 47: 16, 18-204 25; 49: 1E- 9; 57: 17.8; 60; 34.6 Eritiate de l'ex*emble du sysfatte correetionnel, 38: 5,7-9: aluvernehlexp de la Ripubfigue denuuertfique die Congo.Ir. 46: 5-6, 8-95 19-22,25-7, 30-1, 33-5; 47A: 5,8-9; 49: 5-6, (1[9711S.C.R. 997)., 11: I 1. 13,19; 12.13-4 Reduction de pane Abolition, 32; 10, 15, 17, 26; 37; 10-1. 201 38: 11-2; 44; 7-8. 11-3, 26; 45r 6, 5,10-15 17, 20, 23, 26 -9, 35, 31. 38, 45-50; reureer, Arks v. ((19701 SC.R. 608), 54A: 24; 63: 26, 27; 65: a, 21; 48:8, 9.12, 20-1, 25, 26, 29 66: 10; 68A: 39, 42, 202 Maintien, avec ameliorations, 32: [5; 37: 6, 8,11.2-, 20, 30; 38: 12, 14, 19; 19: 6, 5-9, 11-2. I8.9; 41; 19-20; 41 9, 11-3. 18-22; 42A; 63; 44: 8, 26.8; 45; 6, 5,10, 18, 20, 22-3, 37. eirovee v. Tke Queen 1 (191:2); 67 C.C.C. (24) 1), A 21; n 6, 13; 45-50; 47A :5; 4* 8-9, 28 54At 8; 61; 6; 62:25; 65A: 36-7; 68A; 142. 202 D4t.driUS Adroissibillter, 32: 5-6, 1-11, 124, 15-8; 35: 9, 15, 18, 23; 37: 20-1: Yezeizig v. The Queen (11977) 2 S.C.R. 277). 36: /3522 38 5-6, 18; 41: 8, 10, 19; 41A: 3-4; 42:10, 16,21; 46:19. 25-6, 32; 47: 23-4,29; A 6, 21, 29; n 6; 58t 12-3 Assistance postpenale., services, 32: 25; 414 17-8, 22, 23; 41A: 1; Vienna Convention on Consular Relations 424 26; 44: 14, 20, 21-2, 25-6; 45; 110, 28; 47: 21. 22, 26; Sew under United Nations 47A; 6, 8,9; A 9 Attitude sowers, 35; 8-95 IS, 20, 31; 37: 6-5, 14-5, 17-8; 33: 18-9; 39: 6; 41; 23; 41A: 3; 42: 13, 26; 42A: 62, 67; 44: 5; 45c. 7, 24, Vi-ermo Convention on Diplomatic Belatioas 37;4&25.6; 47: 21, 29; 47A: 6. 7 See :miler United Nations Conditions impos6es, 37: 14-5, 11-5; 41: 9. 20; 41A: 45e 6, 11, 17.8, 20, 22-4; 46; 9, 14-5, 22-3,31 Viers, R.D.,Snafus Levi] A111661, COtpesMiigrdBranch. Bonin of DN.Inquants dangereux ou potentiellement &Lova-eta Code Crjrninel. dispositions, 19.: 11. 16; 41: 11.2,26-1; Corporate Affairs, Consumer and Corporate Affairs Canada Bill S8, r; 11.2 44;12-4, 26; 45: 8.17.19-20, 23, 27-30, 36-9, 41-1; DivS-113,1: 7-9r 12-3 46: 16-5; 47: 7-17, 27; 48; 21. 25, 324 57: 7. 9.11-2, 19-20; Bill 2-20, 14:13, 14, 15 58: 11, ]4;40: 6.6 10, 21, 26; Bill S-21, 14; 13, 14, 15 Crimes avec vioterce et tiomickles. 31; 5, 7-5, 4k 11; 42r15,17.8, 23-4; Bill 2-22. 1114: 13, 14, 15 35: E7-8, 22-4; 38: 17; 351/4 1; 42A;35-9, 41 -5,54.54; 44; 12; 45:6.7, 10, 22.30 -I, 39-40, 45; 47A:7;48: i C.30.1.57: 15.6, 24 Viking Homes and Group Home Program for (111.141ren and Adores Delinquents seknels, 35t 6, 7; 37; 17; 15; 45:7, 8,13, 25, cents 31-5, 38,41- 3; 46: 16-7, 27; 47: 11, 11-1, 17; 57:7-8 13111C-6r, positionon, 19: 19-20 Itiontificaii.on et prediction de e;:importenverra, 35c 6; 37; 15-7, 23-4; 3& 15-7; 39:7, 9 -10, 13; 411 11-3; 41A; 3, 5; 42:11. 25, 13: 44; 6, 12-7, 26; 45; 6, 7-8, 10-1, 16-9, 25, 28-32,43; Walker, Hon. David, Sonotor (Toronto) 46415-9, 27-5, 47: 7 -16; 48: i 1, 20; 57:6-7, 15.7 Dili C-2011, subject-matter, 20; 16,40-1 Pones, deierminatkin, 38: 7, 9; 46: 26, 30; 47: 5, 9,10-3,16, Goldenberg, theHonourableSenator, resignation as Chairman. 17-8. 21, 27 26; Feiner d'une durec ind6termin60, 3t 16; 41:11.24 41A:5; 45; 36,37-9,42-3, 44; 47: 5, 10-3; 48t. 32 Sante mentale, 32: 12-3; 35: 30-1; 181 17; 39i 15-6, 19;41:26-9; Waller, Irwin, Men Releasedfrarl.Prism; and other studies, 37; 7, 14; 41A:4.5,, A 8. 12-3, 25, 25-9. 38, 43; 46c 27-9;4719-10. 41:33, 34-5 13-5, 28; 58:14 SuBpcmion blooage Alternaii.yes, 38: 11, 16; 41; 11-2, 26-1; 41A:4 -5;44:13-4, mire v.TheQuo(11079) 2 S.C,R, 30), 59A: 17; 65A: 28, 661 17. 26; 451 20, 274. 36. 311-9, 42-3, 44; 47: 7, 9.15, 17, 27; 68A: 80. 89 467 21,25,32 Evaluation, 37; 16, 19-20, 23; 38: 7, 10-1. 16-7;41.:20.1; 44t 6, 14,25- 6; 51; 24 Waf i,Charlire,Co-Cbsirman, Inuit Conuniume oo Notional Issues Interpretation de 1a. Lol sur la Libirat ion ocoditionnelle 401 Constitution AmendmentProdamation.,1983.subjectroutter, cietenus 70: 90 Aatorit6. prouvoIr, 32: 13-4., 35: 15; 37: 16, 19-20, 23; II: 10-2; 44; 25; 45:. 12, 16, 28; 46: 13-5; 47: 18.91 7.; 57: 5.6-7; 58* 5, i 2-3; 44: 21,24 Weights and Measures Art Cag, 'sombre, 32: 13, 17; 154.7; 38: 10; 45; 26; 57: 165 21; Amendtnent propound; carrier!, 7: 8, 16.58 -9 58:12

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Vtigmore, John Henry, A treatise on shy Anglo-American system ofSurveillance ehlkgatoire-Smie ea's/evil In Iriezi5 et amnion /ow indoering Ilia szamees and 1:116teuns-Snife deetsims of all jurisdictions. of the United Smiles raid Daioquants dangereux au potentlel [Merl t daneCtrAIX--.Seder TaLlIWILUX, procedures juclicioires, 32t 13. 17: 35: 5-6, 14; 414 17; 59; 10,19; 59A: 15-6; 62: 22; 65: 21; Canada, 36; 22; 37: 23; 3131 7, 10, 18; 41: 5; 42; 24; 44: 13; 45: 9, 67: 13; 69A; 204-5. 208,216 12-3, 16, 26, 28; 46; 9, 13-4; 47: 9, 14-5. 28; 45: 57t 5, 6-7, 10.1, 16;58:5,123;60:21. 24 Willtes, John, Chief, Legishition alai Unison, Income Security Pro- Protection 4u public, erfeL, 32: 13-4; 35e 5-7; 390:. 15; 44: 13; gram Health mil Welfare Camila 47Az 7; 48: 67; 57: 6, 9-10, 25.6; 69: 24.5 "Proposals to correct - -- Revised Statutes of Canada, 1970, and other RAIWILS.,32: 13 -4: 35: 5-7, 15.6, 30-1; 30: 10, 16; 41: 28; AcCE...", 7:21,46-7 13-4, 25 -6; 45; 30; 46: /9-20, 27; 45: 6-7, 20 Waste de la peine, dur$o, 35: 12, 23; 45: 26 Williams, Hoe.. Allen, Attorney General. Government of British Solliciteur genotal, proposition Columbia AppHs. 57: 7, 9,11, 15-7, 18-9, 20.1. 23; 5& 10, 11-2, Bill S.32 13-4;60: 7-8 Discussion, 45c 15-33 Avodieom, 57: 8-9, 1 1-3, 14-5, 1.6-7, 18-9, 20-4: 5& 11; Statement, 45: 5-13 6. 6-8., Awl:trite., purloin, 57: 6.7, 8-9, 10-1, t6-7; 5Ik 10-1. 12, William, Gino i.e. Legal Cousel, Legal Sep, ices, Henn and 'Welfare 13; 60: 6, 7,8 12, 14,21-4; 5& 11-2, Canada Avis au cletenu, &lei, 57: 8, 11, "Proposal' to ofxreel.. Revised Statutes of Canada, 1970, and other 14; 40: 7, Acts-T."47C 31 Critares, 57: 7.8, 9, 11, 12, 25 Explication etaperva, 57: 5, 6-13; 58; 5, 10-1:69; 6.8 Mist en liberte apris 121. suspension Imm6.diate, 57: 13 -4, Women's Research Centre, Vancouver. B.C., Protection Slowly for 2L2.;58: II; 60t 7 &warm' Women, Kombreprevu, 571 16, 25 Pkiorie en v1gueur, disposition tetnporaire, 57i 9, IC 21; Wood, Hon. Delia, Sesame (Mover-41k) 58: 13 Dill S31, su blect matter, 34: 94 RetroactIvite, 57: 12, L3.25; 55: 13 Unit1 sp6oialead4 Mien Ilan, 39; 10; 44; 6.14.15-8. 25 Wood, Joe Guy, Chiefs Chillr MOM the ConstItui keel Committee of Diggs, 32; 9, 15; 35: 5.6, 15-6,sl371 16, 19 -20; 38; 9-11, 16-8; Chiefs, Ai:tenthly of Manitoba Claieft 41: 10, 15-7; 41A; 5; 44: 12, 25, 26; 45; 11-3. 17-8. 33, 38, Constitution Amendment Proclamation, 1983, subject-matter 41-2. 44; 46; 9, 13-4, 17-22, 35; 47: 161, 4& 7, 12; 511 24; DIscuasion, 74: 26-30 571 11 Statement, 74:22-6 Eroploi apras is misc en libel-L.6, 32: 25 Foyers de semi-detention, 371 6, 12, 14-7, 21-2, 27; 46: 14, 22.4. Woolmingrort r. D.F.P. 09351 A.C. 462).59A; 4-5; 68AI 12-6, 20 31;4/A: 8:57: 7 Inuareeradori, effet, 32: 7, 16, 20; 41: 12-3, 18. 23. 25; 41.A.t 5, 6,104 42; 13; 45: 25-6; 46: 9; 47; 15, 16, 20; 48.: 9, 23, 29. 31; i l; Worcester v. Georgia (31 US. 350 (1832)), 691 52, 69A.; 7, 10, 57: 25; 60: 24-5 71: 11 Mks en /ilea& 32:17; 35; 1 5 ,1 6 , 24;37113; 38: 9-10, 13, 15-6, 18:42: 16, 27,28; 42A: 65, 67; 45:40, 45; 46e 7,9-10, 12 Wray, R. v, (119711 272), 3.64 21; 52; 16; 52: 13; 54A: 3, 7; priwns, oomparodsoo, 371a, 12,10, 28-9; 38: 5.7', 59A:7-9, 12-3; 65AI 19-20, 31; 68A: 77-9, 84.5, 93, 95, 97, 20'7-8 30 :8;41:17; 45: 15, 16, 47-8 R6duction de peke Wright, Leslie. prink. somkrit Curfulional Law Project, Queen's Cong6 pour bonne condui.te, effet incilatif. 32: 10-1, 15-9, 26: L, 18-9; 41: 17, 22: 41A: 7, 41.. 9, University 35: 29.32; 38, 14;391 3,I Bill 5-32, 41: 24. 30 11.3, 16, 19; 44: 5, 540, 26-8; 451 37, 45.7, 49; 46:: 25-7, 487.12, 17.8, 22,28-9 Dec benne du droit ar6a Is r6vctutaid0 Young offenders Attitudes, effet, 37: 9; 30; 22; 41: 7, 17, 19, 26; 41At 6-7, 8, Age Children under 12 years old, 17: 24. 25.6; 19: 74, 10; 20: 18; 10; 411 L 1-3; 42A; 6.6; 46: 8 Infractions nouvelltd, 32: 9-10, 18. 19-21;35:13-4; 37: 10, 21; 9.22.3;22: 12 18; 38: 6, 11, 18; 391 6, LI 12;41: 7-9, 13.24 -6, 19-32; Current Ilmits, provincial differences, 17: 7, 19; 211: 11; 21: 274 16-9, 22-6; Maturity, 17: 7 , 22, 23 41AI 3.4, 7.5;42;10.. 14.6.,45:22',.470 47A :7;49; 18-9, 21-2, 27.8;57; 24 Maim am age or "under 1 r Coming EnW force. 1.7: 241-5; 19; 6, 14; 10: 21; 111 19; 221 11-2. Mantpternents aux riglement', 321 9.I0, 18, 19; 35: 9.10; 37: 9-10, 18; 38: 6-7, 11, 18: 39: 6., 10, 12; 41:8-9,13, (5-7 Criticism of 17: 7, JO, 11-2; 19: 5; 20: 6, 7,8-10, 1.1.2, 14, 15, 19,24-5, 30; OA:7-8; 42: 10, 14,16,1.9; 45: 22; 21; 21:7, 8,9, 15, 19,20, 21, 27-8; 22: 18-9 47:16-20, 22-5; 47At 7; 48: 18.9, 21-4, 27-8; 57: 17-8; Definition. 17: 6-7, 10-1, 18-9 64In 34-6 Reasons for eboiec. of "tinder 18", 17; 7, ] 2; 19:10, 14 20: 12; Penitonoiicts,population,effe, 32; 18; 35c 29; 3'7: 29; 39: 5, 41.40. 42: 12, 42A: 66; 46c 8; 21:7;22: 12 5.11, 14, 21,2; 41: 28; 47.A; 7, 48: 25-6 Uniformity, rc-i-sop fur. 17:7, 12, 25; '19;6, 11), 14; 2(is I 21: 7, Prupasitii'm explication of reaction. 321 9-10.,11,14-5, 15, 20;12: 12, 16.7 i9-2.1X 3& 7 -s; 41; 18-9. Alternative encmn nes, diversion, 191 14, 1 5, ET; 21: 9; 22: 13 19-20; 35: 29 -30; 37: 16-7,

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Young offenders --Cont:d Surveillance obligntoire-Safte Behaviour, responsIbililyiaceounitability, 17;5,9,10. 16, 22. 26; Deterss-Su1te 19: 15, 16; 10e. 10, 12.3; 21:6, 10 Reduction de pnitie-St i to Cussody Dbilteanee du droit apses la revocation-,5 gite Detention separate from adults, 19 14-5; Ne 15.20, 2.3 22-2, 24.5, 41A; 4, 5.6-10; 42: 10-1; 45: 6, 8,13, 22, 33-9, 43-5: 46: 5.9, 1.5, 26, 31 47; 16-20, 23=8: 474: 5. 19;7.8=9. 15; 20; 7, 8,13_ 16-20.21, 23; 21 14-5, 17 7-9..48; 5-7, 14-5, Z2-7,2943, 35-6; 57: 6, 10 161 2426, 15.6; 11: 11-2, 24, 27, 29; On or closed, 17: 29. PruteuSion du public, etTet, 32; 7, 9.10. 14. 16.7, 21, 26; 22:7 -8 Separation of agegroups. 17: i t, 13: 20 7. 14, 15, 19, 20; 21; 6, 37: 9;3.1k 8, 22; 39: $, 6,9, 11; 41: 26; 4141 5. 6; 42: 124, 46t 6.8,13, 22.7, 33-4, 42; 44:5,19 -22; 57! 6, 10; Transfer so adult institution, 17;23; 19; 14-5 47; 28; 47A: 7-5: 48; 5-1, 14, 16. 21.5, Youth Court, role, 173 29; 19: 18=9; 21: 10, 11. 2.9:21 7.8 60: 24-5 Dispositions, level of severity, 17: 22-3; 14: 6-9, 14, 2/0-21 21: 15-6 RetruactiviFe, 371 10, 11, 26.7 Evidence, admissibili2y. 21: 9.10, 19 II iatorlive, 31 15:3928; 41; 20; 41 6-10. 20, 21; 46: 33: 4112 12 Legislation Attitude testers, 32: 10, 16, 26; 33: 185 29-31; 37:2 6-7, 8, Coming into Forge. lit 24.5;I 6, 9,14; 26; 10, 21; 21: 19: 22t 11.2, 15-7, 18 15, 16 -20 :41:25; 41A; 3:44: 5:46: 25 Federai-provincia1ourisrultativa. 11: 7, 8.12; 19A: 1; 20t ISr7,9,21; Conti rruiFe pendant la periode de 11ber1e sous surveillance, 21:7. 19,27=1 32:8 -9 Jurisdidion, federal and provincial poweirs. 19; I5, 17; 21: 9, 12, rPhenomene de la pinto tiAmmarite*. 11 6-9, 14, 21; 353 13: 24 -5: 22: 12-3, 21 34:. 7: 41: a. 10, 19, 23.4, 29; 41A: 3, 5; 42: 10, 72, 17; Offences involving provincial laws, 22:22 45:: 6, 22; 444 6-7, 26: 47: 26, 23.4, 27.8; 47A: 6, 7: Retroactivity'. 17; 19-20 4$:5 -6, 7, 14.7, 21.6; 57; 10, 17 Offences Reduction meritee, poureentage, 35: 19-20:39: 181 45: P8 Drugs, 21: 25-6 Pays etraners, comparaison, 32; 5:39: 8, 12, 20 Provinces, laws, 22: 22 Perm, 354 30 -I; 3$: 7, 12: 39; 9. 11.2, 16; 41t 13-5; 41A: 7; Statistics, 17; 22, 23. 25; 20: 8, 22-3; 21:IS-a. 23. 24. 26; 41 21 -3; 441 9-11, 15, 22, 26-8; 45: 10, 11. 14, 16, 47.9; 21 19 -21,22 46; 6, 33; 48.; 12. 17 "Status off.cpco". r7.; 6, 25; 21 :6 Procedure a minter oil a pordre, 32; 5; 35; 19-22; 37: 22-30; Parental authority, 17: 9.10, 15 3/5 12, 14-5,1.9; 392 6, 8-9, 11.2, 17-20; 41: 19-20; 421 9-10. Predisposition reports. 21: 234 15 -23, 27-6;44:2 10, 22, 23, 26; 1M. 10, 14-6, 20:44: 6, 32-1; Program administration 47; 29: 43: 12-3, 17-8, 27 Coat.sharing Provinces, prisons. 46:: [5, 16,47-6 Federal government position, 17; 20-1. .31;19: 6.7. 1, 9,15; Reattribotirm, 41: 8, 9,1135 19; 41A: 3. 3 -6; 42: 22, 23: 42A; 64: 2Lw 9-10, 14, 15, 17, 15 464 7:482 12 -3,22 Provincial governments' positions, 19,4,2 2; 20: 9, 10. F3 -4, 15. Rehabilitation 21, 23:21; 12= 3, 19.20 iiiicitivation. importance, 37: 6, 8,14.5, 16-7, 18-9; 38: 20-1; Cost lo process a charge in juvenile coml. increase, 211 23: 39: 6. 8,20. 22; 41; 18, 22, 23: 42: 20, 25-7, 29; 4242 63; 22: 101, 12 44; 744, 11-2; 45: 7, 10, 14, 24, 28, 45.6; 46; 24-5; 47: 21.2: Judicial proeccsi [rigs, delays, 17:'26-8 47A: 5.6, 859; 48:9, 14 Legal aid, 17; 27; 10: 8; 2It 24: 22: 7 Programmes, 32: 24-5; Rh 13.5, 39 6, 7-$. 10, 13-7, 19, 22: Offsei ring savingg in adult system, 27; 26; 20: 8,22; 10 411 17, 28.9; 414: 7, 10; 42: 14. 23-6; 42A; 61-2; 44; 24: Provinces, Attorneys General role, 17: 29-31 48: 31-5 Youth just lee tom in !nem 22: 6-9 Voir mast picabus RivOcatkin Records Surveitlartee DertruetErin of, 17: 6, 16, 17, 14, 24: 11.; 10-2; 11: 12, 14-5, 19, Hissorione, 31 5, 6,10,35: 9, 23-4; 372 2]; 38: 5:41:17.8: 41.44 3, 4; 24-5, 27 42; 19-20, 24-5; 45; 5; 46; 8-9, 32:47: 21; 444 6 Establishment of, 17: 16-7,18 Juges, post [ion cite% 32: 11 Fingerprints. 17; 6, 16-7, .26, 23-4; 212 24, 25 LihOraticn mod tlonnelle, compare ison School boards, /9: F0.2 Admissibilite, 35.2 /6, 21. 22; 382 6, 13: 42. 9. 10; 46: 19, 20, 32; Use o4' and stews to, 17; 6; 19: 17 47: 23- 4, 29 kehabilftaiion, 17:30.1; 19: 13, 16,20: 13, 15 Audiences. 57: 19, 21, 22-3 Release, procedure, 19: 18.-9 ,Nt.t0.118., altitude erivers, 37; 6, 8; 39; 6, 7 Rights 32:6; 37; 21; 39: 6; 451 5,46; 32; 416 6 Overview, 17.: 6, 10; 2401: 6 fvfises en libel* 32: 17:. 35I 15-4. 24; 37: 13: 38: 9.10, 13, 1!54 Right to counsel, 172 26.8; 19:5; 2129-10. 19. 23. 27; 22: 6.7 (81 42: 26, 27; 42A: 65.66:46: 11,2,48; 10, 20 Society, protection from illegal behaviour of, 17:5; 21: 6, 7,22 Nouvellei infractions, 35: 19; 463 11.2, 16; 46; 11, 30-1; 57:15-6. Transfer to ordinary court, 17: 22-3; 21: 1-9, 21.2., 26 -7 24 Obligations, 31: 26:37: 15, 17, 28-9; 38: 5; 41: 8 Victims, civil rights, ill 15-6. 19 See airsa perception, 37: 7; 36e 10: 39: 6-7; 42; 25; 45: 9 -10: 46: 12; Bill C-61 47A: Revocadon, 35: 25: 352 5; 41A; 4; 4616, 11-2:4.3: 24, 27.13 Liberation vnditionnelle, suretilLants, position cite, 37; 18; 44: 6, 25-9; 4.1h 167 Police, position citee, 31; 14-5; 37: 1 1, 20:42; 23 youngOffenders Ad1 Public, perception et altitude, 32 5,8,10, 12, 21, 26-7; 35: 9: 344 18. See 21; 3%6.7,20-I; II: 13, 25.6: 41A; 3. 5: 42; 12-3. 19-20, 24; Bill C -61 45: 9-20, 37: 46; 17:47A: 6; 48; 11, 30; 57: 6

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Yukon goveronsext Surveillanceohligatolre-,Satre: Constitution Amendment Proclamation, 1983, comments, at 8.9; Recherches, Etudes, 32: 10, 25-6; 35: 22,-, 37: 6.7, 11,[3-4, 17-81 69A: 1-4; 70: 31; 76; 8 38: 9.10, 2i ; 39; 6-7. 20-1; 41: 13, 24, 26;41A: 3; 42: 24.k 45; 7, 40; 46: 7, 9-12, 15.6, 18, 30-1; 41Ik 33-S Recommendations Vuzyk, Hos. Paul, Senator (Fort Garry) Bill S-35, 54: 9-10 Association canadienne des societts Elisabeth Fry, 39; 5, 6.9, 19, 20 Citizens United for Safety and Justice, 45: 35-9, 43.44-5 Zambronsky, Joshua, Executive Director, Canadian Association for Colombia-Britannique, gouvernernent, 454 6, 7-8, 10-3, 28,29, 32 the Preireadion of Criose Correctional Law Project. 41: 18, 19, 22; 41A: 2 Bill S-32 Criminal Lawyers' Association. 46: 5-6, 8,9,19-22, 25-6, 21, 30-1, Discussion. 38; 8-22 33, 34.5 Statement, 38t 5.8 John Howard Society of Ontario. 42: 13;42A: 63-4, 67 Rapport Goldenberg, 32: 15; 35: 17; 37: 10-1; 38: 12; 45: 41; 47: 13.4 .57et following pages for lists of appendices, documents tabled and wit- Societe canadienne pour la prevention du crime, 38: 7-8, 9, 21-2 nesses, Societe Saint Leonard du Canada, 37:6-10, 14, 18, 25-6, 27-8, 30 Syndicat des employes du sollicitcur general, 44; 7, 8,11-2.13. 18, 19, 26 Resultats, evaluations, 32: 7; 35: 8-9, 15-9, 20-5, 32; 38: 14-1; 39: 6; 42: 8, 19-20, 25. 28-9; 45: 6-7, 10.1. 14, 24, 45-6; 47: 20-2. 26-8; 47A: 7-8; 48: 5-6. 14 -6.30, 32-5 Revocation Audiences, 32; 23; 35; 10, 11-2, 14; 37: 27; 38: 19; 41: 12. 15-7, 20-2, 25, 33; 41A: 4, 8-9; 42: 15-6: 44e 20, 29; 47: 17-9; 48: 19, 22, 26 &Ilse on liberte eras is revocation, 32: 9-10, 18; 35: 12; 41; 32-3; 41A:4, 7.8;42A:66;48:7, 21-5 Paints et d6terminelion des peinee, Wet, 32: 19-21; 35: 13-4: 37 :22-5; 38: 7, 13; 39: 7, 10, 12-3: 4U 641, 20, 26, 29-32; 42; 17-9; 42A: 64, 65; 46: 26; 47: 25-6; 48: 28 oPhenomene de la porte tournante*, 32: 8-9, 14, 21; 35: 13; 38: 7; 41; 8, 10. 19, 23.4, 29; 41A: 3, 5; 42: 10, 12, 17; 45: 6. 22; 46: 6-7, 26; 47: 16, 23-4, 27 -8; 47A: 6, 7; 48: 5-6, 7, 14-7, 21-6; 57: 101, 17 Raisons, 32: 5-10, lk, 19-21; 35: 9-10, 13-4; 37: 9-10, 18; 38: 6-7, 11, 18; 39: 6, 10, 12; 41: 7-9, 13, 19, 24-6, 29.32; 41A: 3-4, 7-8; 42: 10, 14.6,19; 45: 7, 22; 47: 16-20, 22-6; 47A: 7: 48: 18-9, 27-8; 57: 17-8, 24; 6IX 34-6 Statist iques Comparaisons Acbevement sans revocation, 35: 9, 16-7, 20; 421 28-9; 46: 12; 47A; I- 2, 4; 48: 24, 32 Infractions apres achevernent sansrevocation,35:8; 42: 28; 46: 12; 47A:: 1-2, 4; 48:32 lo fractions nouvelles, 32: 7, 8; 35: 8, 17; 41: 24; 41A: 7; 42: 28; 46: 7, 8,9-10, 12; 47A; 4; 484 11, 32 Manquements aux regiments, 32: 7, 8,23: 35; 8. 9,21; 41: 24; 41A: 7; 42: 26; 46: 7, 9-10, 12; 47A; 4; 481 32 Total. 32: 7, 18, 23, 26; 33: 9. 12; 42; 28. 29; 441 19, 25; 45: 7; 47A:4, 6 Voir OUSSi phis haul' Detenus Surveillance Assistance pas tpenale, services. 42: 26:44: 21-2; 45; 10, 28 Avantalcs, 32: 6-7, 10, 14, 16, 25; 35: I8-9; 37; 7, 13-4; 38: i 2, 19, 21; 39: 6, 14.20; 41: 17.9, 22; 41A1 4.5,10; 42; 25-6; 44; 6, 18-9; 45: 7, 10; 46; 23.5; 47: 20-1; 48 6-7, 9, 14.5, 22-4, 33-5; 60: 25 Police, :tie, 32; 6, 21-2, 23.24 Suflisance, 32: 12, 21-2, 23; 44; 6, 19-20q 45: 6, 8-9, 11, 15-6, 23, 24, 27-8 Surveillant: da liberation condition:Ilene Charge tic travail, 32:23. 24; 42: 26; 44: 6, 19-21; 45; 11. 17; 464 22, 24

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Setwaillanoa uhrligireLre-Suite S urveillance---Suire 5 utveilloorus de Ilibka t Ion condition:idle-Suite Nombre., 35: 26.8.; 44: 6, 19-20, 29.45: 14; 48E 15 Posii ion eiiCe. 37: IS; 44; 6, 18.9; 48* 16-7

Peuvoirs, 32: 6, 14. 22, 23; 3k 10. I1 , 3; 31: 27; 38: 19-, 48: 26, 2E; 571 IE Voir imssi plus. ham Dhenus ISpenSielli, 323 0, 14, 23: 3S:10,44 371 20, 27; 38: 19; 413 13-6, 20-2; 4IA: 8-9; 46: 24. 28, 32; 47: 17-9; 23; 44: 19, 26 Termini:0440e, cenveriance 32:1 I -2, 21; 35; 22 Voir ar.r.ssi Bill S.32 Pen I tenciens

SketNniab, Lis et Sadly Bardwell, The Awls: Die, 27: 13-4

Slyediewl, marine mamba pule Voir Cluiirk la marine ma rchandc du Canada

Syridiiret ttes empteyis de PiViliCligkir grata Bill 8-13 Evaluation, 443 7-8., 1% 13, 25; 32 Repemmandarions, 44c 7, 8,11-2, 13, IR, 19, 26 Feectien., tae.. 44; 5, 7-12-3 I...air mast 11.6nitencieT9

Tank, M. Rogers sous.-Tairdstre 4. 14 Jurtite et sam-preeureur rid du Canaria, leinistire de It Justice Bill C-53, renew. Driension, 25: 32.7, 39-41 Expose., 25; 32 13411C-127. teneur Diavosaien, 25:43, 44 expose 25c 43 Rill S-33 Discussion, 363 7-9, 10-1, 27, 28, 29 M: 3-7

TayJer, 141, Ben, Ameciatiom des &wilt et advilthriraiters, gnaw] dem documents Bit/ 543, 67: 8-13, i9 Terre-Newye, giluVetnrilltfli Bill 5-3 i, r6acliun, 31 24, 60; 34: 67, 94134A% 9 PrOtlafekkitiOn de 1983 re diriaat la Cainatheriom, position.. 69: 8

Torres territerialea, 141 A:nem:le:mem propose; adore, 7: 55

Territeires du Nord-Ouests gourernerneol Prink! matiot de 1983 medifrant la Convitalion, mtrnentsires. 13.64 1.)

Textes r6glenhestairels 141 Amendment propene; relett 6: 10; 7: 53

TOiis FUN Is Aver Ripe, BrIlisti Columbia Costition of Ripe Centres mod British Columbia Police CammInsioa. 27: 12.28

Thonusserp, honorable Andrews ahoteur (rkirertannt) Bilr 5-32, 32: 23, 24

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Therm, M. Naha*. carmine,: leglekatiL Stella° de /a legislation, ministere de hi Justice Bill S-19, 12: 23

To MB, M. Garry, [Ague monarehiste du Canada Bill C-201, tenser Discussion. 26: 51.2, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58-9, 60 Expose, 26: 53-4

Tollefsaa, M. EA., coordonnateur, RkvIsion du draft penal, inimistire de hi Justice Bill S-33 Discussion, 36: 12, 14-25, 27, 43: 18, 21; 52: 8-9 Expose, 52: 5-8, 15-20

Teruo, M. Barry, avocet canon, Services juris iiques, Onsaosanatica et Co pratLOBSCattalo aPrOpeSil kaS visant a corriger... Sta tuts revises do Canada de 1970 certaines loin posterieures*, 7: 11-4

Toronto, Bourse, prieldent Voir Bunting, M. J. Pearce; pros' 'dent, Bourse de Toronto

Tacoma looks Connell Bill S.32 valmitinn, 47A: 5, 7-9 Memoire, 47A: 5-9 Recommendations, 47A: 5. 8-9

Triads N° 6, 651/4 48, 52 69A:7-8; 74: 12, 17 ND 7, 7* 13, 17 N°8 interpretation, 2:7, 11-2 Nation dense, cession de terres, 2: 12 Validite en doute. 13 Voir aussi Treaty 6 Chiefs' Alliance (Alberta), Coalition des premieres nations

TransCanada Pipelines Limited, 31: 34; 34:9, 15, 17, 18, 22, 85

Tra nsfere me n t des delinquents, Lai Amendement par le Cornite de It Chambre des communes 4 l'amen- dement propose, 6: 6-7, 12; 7; 56 Amendement propose: adopt& 6:6 -7, 124 7; 55-6

Treatise (A) on rite Anglo-American roam of aridersce in friars at common law Earl:Jain the rimier am4 judicial decisionsof all jorirdicrioas of the United Stases and Canada, John Henry Wig- more, 34: 14, 40; 17: 59: 10, 19; 59A; 15.6; 42; 22; 63: 21; 67: 14; 684:416,419, 426

Treaty 6 Chiefs' Alliance (Alberta), Coalition des preniares nations Accord constitationnel de 1983, commentaires, 71: 38-9; 71A; 3-4, 5.6 Proclamation de 1983 modi flan: la constitution Elude per le Comae., proc6d use, 11A: 2-3 Mirnaire, 71: 37.8; 71A: 2-6

Tremblay, blamable Arthur, sea:Rear (Les Laurrntides) Bill C-26, 2; 7

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Trer1111 lay, honorable Arthur, senoteur {Les LourealltIcs)-Snite Bill C-130, 50: 15-6. 22 Bill C.141 Action positive, prograinmes, normes, 51: 25-6 Age de le reunite, 51e 21-4 Commission eanadienne des ctroi Cs de la personae, pouvoir diaerd- ainnoaire, 5.1" .r8-20 Procedure. 51; 15, 20 R6dactiou, 51: 13-4, 15, 16-8 Bill C201. leneur, 264 91,98-9. 100 Bill S-31, kelvin- Caissc de .11.6pat ex placement du Quebec, .30; 20: 34; 41. 42. 51. 53, 54 CanaclieD Pacifique LimitCe, 33; 17 Congullotions friideralez-proviitcialea, 31 -2., 33 Lcrisorni0.f1e-t, 10152, 33 buck, procedure. 2. 7 origl nes, 13: 15; 34: 92-3 1I/Torii:1n, 37: 5 Porte t, grit 32. 33, 14-5; 33:7-8 Prooklure, 28: 15; 30: 21: 34: 43. 94 Qualee, Loi slur les volurs mobili6res. 34: 41, 42 liOtc, droll, limit-all ion, 31; 30, 31:33: 15-6, 17 Cgrisi EC charge de travail. 76414 Pontlemotion do 1983 modiriant Ia Constitution, Lenear, 21.2, 37.9, 42. 48-9, 67-71; 70.: 98-1040; 72: 19-24176: 3, 13 iTeocur Oes arlialc9 dcs projets dolol qui pouvera portcs ntreinte aux limits el libertks gonoti,s par Ia Charie C2 nadienrid des draitg ct libeTtELSA.U.SIITICT1 p2.1" 11:111 parlementaire.j1FE- cmcion, 745: 20-2

TrarnWay, M. Gerald, membre du Comiti cpiebl sur S-31, .3issocia- iloniii Barrean canadien; Barrett du Quebec B111 S33 Dinussion, 491 28-9, 304:66; 34-5, 37-40.46-7, 49 EKpos6, 49: 14-9

Trento& hulosiries Limited ACtionnaires..54. 7 Admiois Lra taut (majorAnd,rwro: a,5:6 Defaut. avis jamaia recu, 5: .6 DissoW Goa Conrioisauntc, 6 Raisins, 5:6 1-11gtorique, 5: 6 Voir masi Hill S-14 Cou5ornma don et Corporations Canada

Demos Industries Limited, Lai remasittnent la eampegule Voir Bill S-14

FrerodIel Trading Corporation Ltd. E' CANhid &nth of 1411geri4 (11976) 3.911 0,19771. I Alf E.R. 10:1 8, 20; 11; 6, /,10

Tradleau, ie tre9 honorable Pierre Elliott., premier mlnistre du Canada Conrerent,I.ticpremiersmiolatrm,1983,discours,citation', 69: 70; 46-7, 62172:10

Trust Royal, 34: 1.0.2,45-7. 62

Tt/Po Riless, Chef filly, rftseree Caul/hue alga (QuOec), Coalition des premieres notions Proclamation de 193 modillant le.Congtituti on, ieneur. 71; 35-7

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Tyranny (The) of Treatment ...Pp IIliam °uteri:ridge, 47A; 7

Union, Mit k84% 21'4

Union des !adieus de Ill:Mindy (Anidhladbek) Accord ronais aloofly! ric 1983, cornmen ta [res. 73: 20.3 Assembide dos preniiervs nations, roembro, 731 24. 25 Autonomic politique, ion, interpodtation, 73C 21, 22-3 Information do loose, 734 20, 25 Prothimalion de 1983 modifia RI la Coustituticn, adoption proposec, 73: 23,24

Union de. Iodkus du Noveau-Brunswick, ContItIon prEmiares Nations Accord ormstibutiormel de 1.98.3, contincrital res., 71: 1 11; 71A: 22 informal FOrk do base, 71: 14, 15r 23; 71A; 16 Prremoirc presenter aux Nations units, Groupe. dc travail sur ins popula dons a utochtones. 711. 17; 71 A;I 6.23 Proclamation de 1983 modifiarit la Constitution, position envers, 71: 25. 37

VaBln ncouri, $write, Caanda is nor a Plantation, 26: 19, 20, 21

M- Andrd, rice -priliddent et threcteur Chambre de commerce du district de Montrhl Bill S -31, kneur Discussion, 34: 16, 20.2, 25-9, 31-2, 35-8 Esprit, 34: 7-14

Vernre, Gosikerae-meirt de la Republique islikmfmrarthipte dry Ong') e, (Tom It CS. 997), 11: 11. 13, 19; 11: 13-4

K amer, A74. e. 01970] R.C,S, 6015), 54A: 44; 63: 26. 27: 6...t R, 21; 66; 10; 6BA: 260,263, 413

Ykreile A Lo Reiff C[I302], 67 C.C.C. (2d) 1 y. 4$*; 21: 53: 6. 15; 54A: 8:61: 6; 62: 25; 65A: 76: 60A; 359, 413

elma. .0, Le Paine 0971] 2 R.C.S, 277), 34; 13.22

Vienne, Convention E1Jr ks relations constrial yes Poir cow Nations u mks

Viegae. COMeatitH1 sur les relations diplornarbirries Vo,fr sous Nations u r i es

Viet, III. R.11, coweiller juridique supo'rivor, direction des airport- lions. Consommation et Corporations Carsalla Bill S-8,1: 11-2 Bill S-13.44 7-9, 12-3 Bill S-20. 11; 13, 14, 15 Bill S-21, lit 13, 14, 1$ Bill S-22, 14; 13, 14, 15

Viking Houses and Group Horne Program for Children cod Adoles- cents Bill C -6], posii ion, 19: 19-20

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Viol Voir Infractions sexuallcs

Welker, honorable David, sinateur (Turonto) Bill C-201. teneur, 26; 16, 40-1 Goldenberg, flionoreble senateur, dem ission comme president, No 7

Waller. irnia, Neu Released fkorn Prison, et Wetness etudes, 37; 7, 14; A& 33, 34-5

Ward e. I.a Refine (X1979* 2 R.C.S. 30), 59Ar 7; 63A: 67; 662 17; 68A :299, 307

Watt, M. Charlie, copresident, Comite Witutle Ira& des questions rationales Proclamation de 1983 modifiant la Constitution, teneur, 70: 90.3, 95-7, 100

Wigmore, John Usury, A treatise on the Angio-Antericas system of eridenee in trials al eorunrou law: including the statutes andjtddi- cluf decisions of trif jrnrisdietions of the United Sasses and Canada, 36; 14; 40: 17; 39: 10, 39; 59A: 15-6; 62: 22; 63: 21; 67: 14; 68A: 416, 419, 426

WilIces, M. John, chef, Legislation et LiAkifr011, programmei de Is situ- rite du remit', Sante et Bien-etre social Canada aProvisitions Irisant 3 outages.- Statute revises du Canada de 1970 et -...oertaines lois posterieoresa, Tt 21, 46-7

bonewelle Allan, procarear glmeral, gouvernement deIII Colomble-BrItannique Bill S-32 Discussion. 45: 15. :J.3 Expose, 45: 5.13

Williams, Mese Ginerte, avocet conselis Services joridiemes, Same et Bien-etre social Canada .Propobitions risant s oorriger... Statute revises du Canada de 1970 et --. eerie i nes lois posterieu rest, 7; 34

Women's Research Centre, Vancouver, C.-B., Proactive Study fir BarteredWomen,27: 16.7

Wised, honorable. Della, amateur (Waterville) Bill 5.31, teneur, 34:94

Wood, Chef Joe Guy, president du °smite cosstitutionnel des chefs, Astemblie des chefs du Manitoba Proclamation de 1983 moditiont Is Constitution, teneur Discussion, 74: 26.30 Expose, 74: 22-6

Woolutington c. P.p. ([19351 A-C.462). 59A: 4.5; 68A: 237-40, 244

Worcester c. Georgia (31 U.S. 350 (1812)), 69:52; 69A: 7,10, II;

71: II

WrgeY, 11 c. (19711 R.C.S. 272), 36: 21; 52: 16;33:13; 54A:3, 7; 59A: 7-9, 12-3: 65A: 58.9, 70; &SA: 296-8, 303,312.313.315,418

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Wright, Mme Leslie Pringle, ensrnotImial taw Project, Queents University Bill S-32, 41:24, 30

Yuknnt gamer's-mut Prod motion do 1983 madifianr la Constitution. cominitaires, 69:13-9., 69A: 1.41 ilk 31;161 8

Vuz".1t, honorible Paid. shrateur (Fort Garry) Bill-35,56:9.10

Zambrowsky, M. lumina. Endear administrant, Soci 'tte rauserenne pour Is pr vesprian du cffigxe Bill S-32 Discussion, 381z 8-22 Expose, 3& 5-1

Vofr sur pages suivantcS limes dm appendices, dos iioratrmnu dhpasEs et des timArias.

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Appendices Appendices 19-A - Brief to Committee from the Honourable Rodman Logan, 19-A - Memoire an Cocaine de l'honorable Rodman Logan, e.r., QC., Minister of Justice and Attorney General, Govern- ministre de In justice et procureur general, Gouvernement ment of New Brunswick, 19k 1-2 du Nouveau-Brunswick, 19A: 1.2 29-A Government ofBritish Columbia telex,reBill 5-31 29-A - Gouvernement de la Colombie-Britannique, telex au sujet 29A:1 -2 du Bill 5-31, 29k 1-2 Government of Ontario telex, re Bill S-31, 29A: I Gouvernement de ('Ontario, telex au sujet du 13111 S-31, 31-A -Assets of Corporations controlled by the federal and provin- 29A: 1 cial gmernment-1979(Table I), 31A: I 31-A -Avoirs des 4,17cifik controfees par les ganwnernems fede- - Control of the 400 largest "C.ranactiatt" companies (excluel- raletprovincfaux -1979 (Tableau 1), 31A: 5 Ingfincrncial institutioirs)(Table Ill), 31A:3 - Controle (Le) des 400 pths grander ertirepr'ises eecattadien- - Fifteen (The) Iowa independent Canadian companies wan (a revelation des institutions financf6nes)(Tableau (excluding financial institutions) (Table IV), 31A:4 III), 31A; 7 - Moth Trust Funds in Canada(Table 11), 31A: 2 - Principator (Les) funds en fiducie an Canada(Tableau II), 33-A - Province of Quebec- Chamber of Commerce, Excerpt from 31A: 6 thePresident's Annual Report, Sited 111, 534.: - Quinze (Lea) plus erodes entreprises conatitennes inrittpen- 33-B - Letter to the Honourable Andre Ouellet from Mr. Hughes danies l'exclusiundesinstitutionsfittentrieres! re Bill S-31,, 33A: 2 (Tableau /V), 314:8 34-A -Enterprises Not Controlled by a Provincial Shareholder 33-A Chambre de commerce de le province do Quebec, Extrait and Being Relatively Active in Quebec(Table 3), 34A: 2 du rapport annitel du Pr6sidenr, Feuillet III, 33A: 1 -Major(The)Transportation CorporationsinCanada 33-B - Loam d l'honorable Andre Ouellet de M. Hughes an sujet (Table I), 34A: 1 du Bill S-3L 33A: 2 - Relative Importance of Transportation Activities CP 34-A -Entreprises non contraiies par un actionnaire dominant et andAlma (Table 2). 34A: 2 relcrtiventent actives an Quebec(Tableau 3), 34A: 2 34-B - Government of Alberta letterto the Honourable Andre - Importance relative der gerivias de transport de C.F. Limi- Ouellet re Bill S-31. 34A; 3.5 t& El Akan(Tableau 2), 34A: 2 34-C - Government of British Columbia,Comments on the Corpo- Principales entreprises de transport an Canada tTa Wean rate Shareholding Limitation ,4ce (S-3 i ),,34k

Cien1);e3r4Anense:1 34.-b - Government of Manitoba, telexre Bill S-3I, 34A;S 34-B --- nt de l'Atberta,lettre a l'honorable Andre 34-E -Government of Newfoundland, telex re Bill S-31, 344: 9 Ouellet convenient Bill 5-31.34A: 3-5 34-F Government of Quebec, telex re Bill S-31, 34A: 10 34-C Gouvernement de le Coloinbie-Britannique,Observations 34-0 - Government of Saskatchewan, telexreBill 5-31, 34A: 11 sur la Lot sur la limitation de la propriet4 des actions 37-A - Letter to the Honourable Andre Gullet from the Govern- des soviet& (S-31)34k6-7 ment of SaskatchewanreBill S-31, 37A: 1-4 34-b Gouvernement du Manitoba, telex concernant Bill S-31, 37.8 - Report of the Committee to the Senate on the subject-mat- 34A: 5 34-E Gouvernement de Terre-Neiree, telex concernant Bill 5-31, ter of Bill S-31, 37A:5-45 41-A -- Correctional LawProject, Faculty of Law, Queen's Univer- 34-F-Gov4er;34t1 n9enterit du Quebec, telex concernantBillS-3I, sity,Kingston,Ontario, SubmissiononBill5-32, 41k 1-10 34A; 10 42-A --Crime.. Some Views of the Catudian Public, Anthony N, 34-G - Gouvernement de la Saskatchewat, telex ooneernant Bill S. 31,34A:11 Doob and Julian V, Roberta, Centre of Criminology, Uni- 37-A -- Lettre 6 l'honorable Andre Ouellet du Goueernement do In versity of Toronto,AuguNt 1982, 42A:1-17 42-B - Government of Alberta, letter Saskatchewan an sujet du Bill S-3I, 37A: 1-4 reBill 5-32, 42k 18 - Rapport du Comte an Senal stir la lemur du Bill S31, 42-C -- Government of New Brunswick,letter reBillS-32, 374: 5-6 424: 19-20 41-A - Correctional Law Project, Faculte de Droit, Queen's Uni- 42-D - Government of Nova Scotia, letter re Bill 5-32, 42A: 21.3 versity, Kingston, Ontario, mernoire presente sat. it projet 42-5 -- Governmentof Ontario, letter re Bill S-32, 42A: 24 deloiS.32,41A:1.10 42-F - Government of Saskatchewan, letterreBill S-32, 42A: 25 42-A -buck de ropinion de la population canadienne sur la cri- 42-0 - John Howard Society of Ontario, Preetntation regarding AothonyN. Nob et Julian V. Roberts. Centre Bill S-32, 42A: 26-33 litcriminologic,University of Toronto, auk 1982, +17-A - John .1-loward Society of Ontario,letterreBill5-32, 42A: 34-52 47A: 3,4 42-3 Geuvernement de l'AJberta, lettre concernant Bill 47-3 - Toronto Justice Council, brief respecting Bill 5-32, 474: 5-9 42A:53 47-C - Pierre Lark, President, Montreal Stock Exchange, letter re 42-C - Gouverneenent du Nouveau-Brunswick, lettre t..oncernant Bill S-31, 47k 10 Bill S-32, 42A: 54 54-A - Criminal Trial Lawyers Association of Edmonton, brief 42-13 - Gouvernement de Nouvelle-Unsse, lettre concernant Bill regarding Bill S-33, 54A; 1-9 5.32, 424: 55-7 54.8 - Advocates' Society, brief regarding Bill S-33 (Civil pro- 42-5 - Gouvernement do ('Ontario, lettre concernant BillS-32, cecch810, 34A: 1018 12k 58 55-A - Canadian Bankers* Association, brief regarding Bill 5-33, 42-F Gouvernement de la. Saskatchewan, lam eoneernant Bill S- 55A ;1 -17 32, 42A: 59 59-A - Criminal Lawyers' Aesociation of Ontario, brief regarding 42-0 - John Howard Society uf Ontario, irterneire concernantIt Bit/ 5-33, 59A :1-32 projet de loi 5-32, 42A: 60-7 64-A - Canadian Business Equipment Manufacturers Association, 47-A - John Howard Society of Ontario, lettre concernant Bill S- brief regarding Bill S-33, 64A: 1-13 32, 47A: 1-4

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Append ices-Contrat Appendices-Suite 65-A - Canadian Payments Association, brief regarding Bill S-33, 47B - Toronto Justice Council. minx:tire eel le projet de ice S42. 65A:1-14 17A., 5-9 65-B Advocates' Society, brief regarding 18111.553. (Criminal pro- 47-C - M. Pierre Loctie5pr6sIdent, Bourse de Montr6s.15 lotus coo- ceedings). 65At .15-39 cernent Bill S -31, 17A: 10 65-C Trust Companies Association of Canada, letter regarding 54-A - Criminal Trial Lawyers Association of Edmonton, marnoiro Bill 8.33.65A. 80 au sujet du Bill S-33, 54k 1-9 615A AIM! Committee of the Canadian Bar Association and the 5441 - Advocates' Society. matuoire au sajet du Bill 5 -33 (proce- Bar of Quebec, brief recording )Jill 5 -33, 66k, 1-20 dures civilea), 54k 29 -49 67-A - Association of Records tvlonage-ra and Administrators, brief 55-A - Associn :Jon des banquiers canadiens, mernolre au sujet du regarding Bill S-33, 67A: 1-15 Bill 5 -33, 55A: 18. 34 .68 A- CanadianBarAsaeciaton,briefregardingBillS.33. 168A; 1198 59-A - Criminal Lawyers' Association of Ontario, mernelreau 68-E - Brief respecting Bilk 13-33 from Professor Stanley Schiff. sujet du Bill S33. 59A: 1-32 68A: 199-224 64 -A - Association canadienne des fabriearns &equipment de 69A - Letter (rum the Government Leader, Government of the bureau5rn6moire au sujet du Bill 8-33, 64A: 14.26 Yukon, regarding the Constitution Amendment Procla- 65-A - Association tzLnadienne des paieroents, memoire au sujetdu mation, 1983, 69k. 1-4 Bi 1 1 5-335 64A: 40-53 69-B - Letter from the Government of Saskatchewan, regarding 65-B - Advocates' Society, m6moire an sujet du Bill S-33 (proce- the Constitution Amendment Proclamation, 1983, 69A: S dures criminelles), 65A: 54-79 69C - Presentation by Chief Solomon Sanderson, Federation of 65-C - Association des compagnies de ficluele du Canada, kare an Saskatchewan Indian Nations, regarding the Constitution sujet du Bill 8-33,65A: 80 Amendment Proclamation, [983,69A: 613 66A Comit6 conjoint Association du Barreaa canadieu-Bar- 70-A - Presentation by Harry Allen, Chairman, Council for Yukon reaudu Quebec, memoire au mkt duBill5-33, Indians, regarding the Constitution Amendment Procla- ,6A: 21-81 mation. 3 9113.11A: 1-5 67-A - Associationdes Oranta etadroinistrateurs, gestiondes 71-A - Declaration of the Fine Nations, 71A: 1 documents, n1 moire an aujet du Bill 5-33, 67A: 1-15 71-3 - Brief of Treaty 6 Chiefs' Alliance (Alberta), Coalititio of First Nations, regarding the Constitution Amendment 68-A - Association du Barr eau canadien. inemoire an sujet du Bill Proclamation. 1983, ItA:2-15 5-33568A: 225-410 71-C - Brief of Brotherhood of Indian Nations (Manitoba), Coali- 68-B - Mernoire concernant Bill 5-33 par M. Stanley Schiff, pro- tion of First Nations, regarding the Constitution Amend- fesseut,1611A, 411-34 ment Proclamation, 1983, 71A: 7-15 69-A - Lettre du Leader du Gouvernemern Gouverisement du 71.D - Presentation to Working Group on Indigenous Peoples by Yokes), au sujet de la Proclamaiicia de 1983 atudirianla Graydon Nicholas, 71A: 16.23 Constitution, 690... 1-4 73-A - Letter from George Braden, Leader of the Elected Execu- 69-B Lettre du Gouvernement de le Saskatchewan an sujet de la tive, Minister of Justice and Public Services, Government Proclamation de 1983 roodifiant Is Constitution, 69A :5 of the Northwest Territories, regarding the Consiitution 69-C - Mernoire du Chef Solomon Sanderson, F6d6ration des Amendment Proclamation, 1983, 73At 1.3 nations indiennes de la Saskatchewan. au au* de Is Pro- 75-A - Written submission of David Ahenekew, Natiocal Chief. clamation de 1983 modiflant Is Constitution, 69A: 6-13 Assembly of First Nations. regarding the Constitution 70-A - Allocution do M. Harry Allen,president, Conseil des Amendment Proclamation, 1953, 75A: t 12 lndiens du Yukon, an stijet de is PraelernatiOn dc 1983 76-A - Letter from George Erasmus, President of the Dane Nation, mod i fiant la Constitution, 70k 1-5 regarding the Constitution Amendment Proclamation, 71k 1 1983, 76k I -2 71-A -Declaration des prentares nations, 76-13 - Submission Fran the Alberta Association of Enfranchised 71-B - Mernoire de la Treaty 6 Chiefs' Alliance (Alberta), Coali- Natives. regarding the Constitution Amendment Procla- tion des premieres nations, au sujet de is Proclamation de mation, 1983, 76k 3-18 1983 mod Mu nt In Constitution, 71 A: 2.6 71-C - Mernoire de Ea Brotherhood of Indian Nations (Manitoba), Coalition des premieres nations, en sujet do la Proclama- Document - Presentation of the Indian Aideottff of Hobekenta to the 5,31 tion de 1983 motTifiaut la Conat3tution,71A: 7-15 ill 71-D - M6moire prdsentO an Groupe de. travail sur les populations Conferettea ilivrigirwel and Treaty Rights ilfarcir 16, 1983), 74e 6, 22 outochtones par M. Graydon Nicholas, 7I k 16.23 73-A - Litre de M. George Bradcm, leader de l'esecutlf tre de Is Justice et des Services publics, gouvernemsn t dos Witnesses Terrifoires du Nord-Cutest. au sujet de is Prcclamation de - Aldridge, James. Legal Con nsel, Nishga Tribal Coundl (Now 1983 rnodifiant la Constitution. 73A: 1-3 Aiyansh, British Columbia) 75-A - M6moirc presente par M- David A bena kew, chef national, Amagoalik, John, Co- Chairman, Inuit Committee on National Issues Assemble des pfeAulres nations, an aujet de Is Procla- -- Archon alt, Hon. Judge J.B4O,, Director, Polley Branch, mation de 1983 rnodirianl b ettnstitulion, 75A: 1.12 Young Offenders Policy, Solicitor General C.anada. 76-A - Lettre de M. George Erasmus, pr8sictent de la Nation - Armstrong, 3.: Chief of Weights and Measures, Legal Met- clne'c, au sujet etc Is PRIciarnation tic 1983 modifiant La rology Consumer and Corporate Affairs Canada Constitution, 76A: 1-2 - Awashisb,Phalip, Vi Chairman of the Crce Regional Author- 76-B - Memoire par l'Association des autochtenes einaneipeS de ity; Executive Chief of the Grand Council or the Crers (or l'Albetta au suict de la Proclamation dc 1983 modifient Quebec) la Constitution, 116A.: 3-13

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Wboresses-Cord'd Document depose Badeock, William T., Special Legal Adviser, National Indian - PthentazIon des narions iierftelmesde Hobbema a Jig amfiernee Brotherhood S.17 0) sax lea droits aarestrara Cl conveatiamtels des - Baker, Samuel R., Solicitor for the Petitioner, the President of maocluones 115 et 16 mare 1983), ?4: 6, 22 the Lethbridge Stake of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter. day Saints Timmins - Barton, Tom, Legal Counsel, Legal Services, Crown AssetsDis- conseiller juridique, Conseil de tribe de posal Corporation - Aldridge, M. Mines, Beauchemin, Marthe, Notary for the Petitioner, Mr. Philippe Nishga (Mew Aiyansh, Colornbie-Britannique) - Amagoalik, M. John,onpre'sident, Comae crettide Inuit des Dorval questions nationales - Bertrand, Gerard, Q.C., Chief Legislative Counsel, Legislation Archarribatat, honorable jugs directeur, Direction des Section, Department of Justice po/itiq nes, Poliliquc des jeunes vontrevenants, Solliciteur gene- Bernbe, Real, Vice-Cbalrman, Canadian Consultative Council ral Canada on Mutticulturalism Armstrong, chef de la Division des poids et mesures, Blssonnetie, P. Andre, Deputy Solicitor General of Canada, mein:dove Legale, Consommation et Corporations Canada Solicitor General Canada Awashish, M. Phillip, viceresident de radrninistration regio- - Black, Heather, Legal Counsel, Legal Services, Health and Wel- nate Cris; chef executif du Grand Conseil des Cris (du Que- fare Canada bec) - Blanchard, Bernard E, Executive Director, Canadian Bar Asso- - Badcoek, M. William T.,consenter jundique spcial, Fraternal Oa thin nationals des indium du Canada - Bouffard, Denis, Legal Counsel, Legal Services, Labour Canada - Baker, M. Samuel ft, procureurdu petitionnaire, le President de - Brom, Susan C., Barrister and Solicitor; President, Elizabeth In Division de Lethbridge de I'Eglise de Jesus-Christ des saints Fry Society of Kingston, Canadian Association of Elizabeth des deriders joura Pry Societies Barton, M. Torn, avocet constil. Services juridiques, Corporation Brown, Henry. .Counsel for the Petitioner, Mr. Robert K. Conn- de disposition des biens de /a Couronne ing - Beauebetin, Mine Marthe, noteire du petitionnaire, M. Phi- Bruyere, Smokey, President, Native Council of Canada lippe Dorval - Burbidge, FS., Chairman, Canadian Pacific Limited - Bertrand, M. Gerard, c.r.,consenter legislatif en chef, Section de - Calder, Frank, Chief, Research Director, Nisbga TribalCouncil la legislation, ministerc dc la Justice (New Aiyansh, British Columbia) - Berabk, M. Real,vice-president, Conseil corauttatif canadien du - Campbell, Faye B., Counsel, Policy Planning and Criminal Law mid tieultu ralisrne Amendments Section, Department of Justice 13-nisi-Janette, M. P. Andre, sous-solliciteur general du Canada, - Campeau, Jean, Chairman, Caisse de dersk ct Mem-tientdu Solliciteur general Canada Quebec - Black. Mlle Heather, avocetconsen, Services juridiques. Sante - Castel, Jean Gabriel. Q.C., Professor, Faculty of Law, Chrgoode et Blen-etre social Canada Hall - Blanchard, M. Bernard direeteur Association clu. Champagne. Francine, Solicitor for the Petitioner, Mr. J. Paul Bar/eau. canadien Robert - Bouffant M. Denis, avocetconscil, Services juridiques, 'Travail - Chanter, Clem, National Representative of the Melts National Canada prestdente, Societe Elizabeth Couneii - Brea u, Mme Susan C., avocate; - Clausen, Inge, Vice-Chairman, Citizens United for Safety end Fry de Kingston, Association eanadienuc des sae-let& Eliza- beth Fry Justice Brown, M. Henry, avocet-wile-II du requerant, M. Robert K - Cole. David, Barrister; Criminal Lawyers' Association Conning Conning. Robert K, Grand Secretary-Treasurer, The Grand Bruyere, M. Smokey president, Conseil des autoehtones du Lodge of the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks of the Canada Dominion of Canada Burbidge, H. FS., president, Candice Pacifique Limitee - Crawford. Bradley, Legal Counsel to the Canadian Bankers' - Calder, Chef Frank.directsur des recherches, Conseil de tribtt Airseciation do Nishga (New Aiyansh, Colombie-Britaradque) - Crawford, Wayne, Executive Secretary-Treasurer, Union of Canipbell. Mme Faye E, conseiller juridique, Section de litlabo, Solicitor General Employees ration de la politique at des modifications au druit penal, - Creighton. Jon, Kodak Canada Inc.; Member, Legislation Com- nnirristere. de Is Justice mittee, Canadian Business Equipment Manufacturers Asso- - Campeau, M. Jean, president, Caine dedep5t et placement du ciation Quebec Dm-ore. Lawrence, National Chairman, Canadian Consultative -Csistel,MJean Gabriel,c.r., profeaeur, faculte dc droit, Council oa Multiculturalism Osgoodc Hall -Deslardinsictliario, Yves, IBM Canada Ltd.; Member, Legisla- Champagne, Mme Francine, avocet du requerant, Jen n.Paul tion Committee, Canadian Business Bquipment Manufactur- Robert ers Association Chortler, M. Clem, representant national du. Conseil national - Diamond, Billy, Chief, Grand Council of the Cites (of Quebec) des Metis - Dingle, James F., Deputy Chairman, Canadian Payments Asso- Clausen, Mine Inge, vice-presidents, Citizens United for Safety ciation and Justice - Dioguardi, Paul, Solicitor far the Petitioner, MT. Lawrence Ross - Cole, M. David, sweat; CriminalLawyers' Association Kingsland - M. Robert X., grand secretaire-tresorier dc la grande - Dionne,Andrea,LegislativeCounsel,LegislationSection, loge dc I'Ordre bEnevolc at protecteur des Plans chi Dominion Department of Justice du Canada

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Teasoins-Susie Witneasts-Coned avocatannstil dc l'Assoclation des bon- - Doc, lan,Hubert, Chairman, NishgaTribal Council (New - Crawford, M. Bradley, quiers canadiens Aiyansh, British Columbia) executer, Syndaatit des - Dorval, Philippa. PolyventrepriseLae, Petitioner - Crawford, M. Wayne, seeteutirrattesorier Director, St Leonard's Society of employes du Kaffir' tear general - Drouillard, Lou A., Executive Kodak Canada Inc.; membre, Comile dc In Canada - Creighton, M. Jon, Edwardia Marlys, Member. Subconuniner an Uniform Eri. legislation,Association canadienne des t'sbricants d'equipe- dance Act, Criminal Laywers' Association of Ontario ment de bureau - Bilis, Megan, National ActionCommittee on the Status of - Dtirora, M. Lawrence,president national, Conseil cousultatif Women canadien du multiculturalisme - Engel, Rick, Student, Correctional LawProject, Queen's lJni- Desiarclin,s-Sicaliano, M. Yves, IBM Canada Ltec: timbre, amity Comae de la legislation, Association canadienne dcs fabrl- Bwasehuk, B.G., Geaeral Counsel, Criminal Law, Department cants d'equipaanent de bureau Grand Conseil des Cris (du Quebec) of Justice - Diamond, Chef Billy, Faggiolo, G., Counsel, Advisory and Administrative Law Sec- - Dingle. M. lamesF., vice-president Association canadienne des tion, Department of Justice paiements - Faulkner, Carol, Executive Director,Elizabeth Pry Society of - Dioguardi, M. Paul, constillerjuridique du patithennana, M. Ottawa, Canadian Association of Elizabeth Fry Societies Lawrence Ross Kingsland conseiikr Iegiiatif, Section de la legisla- Forsey, Hon. Eugene, Royal Commonwealth Society - Dionne, Mlle Andree, - Fortier, Yves Q.C., President, Canadian BarAssociation lion, ministate do Is Justice Doolan, M. Hobert, president, Conseil de tribu tie Nishga (New Fortin. Jacques, Bar of Q1.10110C Legal Services, Canada Mortgage and Aiyansh, Col ombie-Bri tan re ique) - Fowler, Robert, Director, Polyventrepe-ise Ltee, pititianna /re Henning Corporation - Dorval, M. Philippe, - Gagnon, Roger, Menthe Ltd. and SocamLtd., Petitioner - Drouiliard, M. Lou A., directeurexecutif, Societe Saint Leonard Committee on Public Life in du Canada - Gamble, Alvin, Baptist Joint aolts-cornice sur la [Ai Mai' Canada - Edwatda, Mme Marlys, racmhro, Gawky, D.E., Q.C., Member of the Special Committee on 5-33, forme Sur In prawn, Criminal Lawyers' Association of Om nrio Candle national d'action sur It statue do In Canadian Bar Association - Ellis, Mme Megan, General of Canada, femme - Gibson, Fred E.. Q,C., Deputy Solicitor ethdiant, Correctional Law Project, Queen's Solicitor General Canada - Engel, M. Rick, - Gordon, Mark. Representative, Inuit Committee onNational University Ewasehuk, M. E.G., avow general, Droit penal, miniatere do la Issues - Gosnell, James, Chief, President,Nishga Tribal Council (New Justice juridique. Section de la conneltatjoie Aiyansh, British Columbia) - Ankara M. G., canseillee Constitutional Committee of the et do droit administratif, ministate dc la Justice - Gould, Gary P Chairman, directeur administrant, Societe Elizabeth Native Council of Canada - Faulkner, Mine Carol, Fry d'Ottawa. Association canadienne den socilies Mine bath - Gravelly, Pierre, Deputy-Secryrary tothe Cabinet (Federal-Pro- vincial Relations) Fry - Greenspan, Edward L., Q.C., TheAdvocates' Society Porsey, honorable Eugene, Royal Commonwealth Society - Guthrie, Derek, Member of the Law, Scienceand Technology - Fortier, M. Yves, president, Association du I#xrreiui 4:511a. Committee, Canadian Bar Association din John Howard Society of - Fortin, M. Jacques,Barreau du Quebec - Harris, Monte, Q.C., Vice-President, dreamt, Services juridiques, Saciete tans- Ontario - Fowler, M. Robert, Henderson, Gordon F,, 0.C., Q.C., Gowling and Henderson; dienne d'hypiatheques et de logement Counsel, Canadian Payments Association - Gagnon, M. Roger,Montilac Ltee at Socain We, palitlonnuire Higginbotham. Glenn. Chairman, Task Force on Evidence, - Gamble, M. Alvin, BaptistJoint Committee on Public Life in Canadian Bankers' Association Canada - Holmes, James, Counsel for the Petitioner,Eastern Diversified - Gauicy, c.r., membre du Comita special sur S-13, Asso- Company Ltd. ciation du Barreau canadien Sol - - Hopkins, Mark, Association ofRccorde Managers and Adminis- - Gibson, M.Fred E.. a r., saus-solliciteur genera/ du Canada, trators licitettr general Canada - House, Fred, President, Louis Riel MetisAssociation of British Gordon, M. mark, representam di Crania dIttitle Inuit des Columbia, Metis National Council. questions natioaales - Hughes, Dan, Chairman, CitizensUnited for Safety and Justice - Gosnell,Chef James, president, Conseil de tribu do Nisliga - Hughes, Samuel F., President, CanadianChamber of Commerce (New Aiyansh, Colombie-Britannique) - Hunter, Lawson. Assistant Deputy Minister,Bureau of Compe- Gould, M. Gary P., palaident, Cavite constitutiormel du Comma tition Policy, and Director of Inveatigation and Research, des acuminates the Canada du Cabinet (Relations fade. Consumer and Corporate Affairs Canada - Granite. M. Pierre, sous-secretairc - Hutchins, Peter, Legal Counsel, GrandCouncil of the Crecs (of rales-provineiales) The Advocates' Society Quebec) - Greenspan, M, Edward L., Cr,, mernbre du Comae du droll, de Is science et - Jefferson, Christie, Executive Director,Canadian Association of - Guthrie, M. Derek, Elizabeth Fry Societies do la technologic. Association du Barren caned len - Jewett, M., Director, Constitutional andInternational Law Sec- - Harris, M. Monte, c.r.,vice- president, Jahn Howard Society of Ontario tion, Department of Justice Cowling and Henderson; - Joe, Dave, Chief Negotiator, Council forYukon Indians - Henderson, M. Gordon F., O.C. c.r., Joyal, Hon. Serge, Secretary of State of Canada conseiller juridique, Association canadienne des paiements

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Witnesses -Cm Tenaalmr- Sark- - Kaplan, Hon. Robert P.,Solicitor General el Canada - Higginbotham, M, Glenn, president troupe dta.41{16 Sur 10. King,sland, Lawrence Ross, Pyramid Communications Limited,. prmvc, Association dm Intruders Eunacliens Petitioner Holmes, M_ James, conseiller du petitionna ire, Eastern Diversi - Knopp:us, Jake, Association off Records Managers and Admims- tied Company Ltd, tra tors Hopkins, M, Mark, Association dew gerants ci adininislrateurs, La Fontaine, Francois, Legislative Advisor, Legislation Section. gegion des tiocoinents Department de J asticc Hon 90, M. Fred, priaident, Aasoviatien des Metis Louis Rid de - LarraillEldSe, Andre, Acting Commissioner for Federal Judicial lu Colorrible-Brite n Ann, Conseil ne riche] des l+Jtic Affairs Hughes, M. Dan, president, Citizens United for Safety and Jus- - Lamein&n, Ron,Ce-ordinator,'Treaty6Chiefs'Alliance tice (Alberta), Coalition of First Nations IIiighe,s, M. Samuel F., president, Chambre de commerce du - Lang lois, Raynold, Solicitor for Elie Petitioner, the Canadian Canada Merchant Service Guild - Hunter, M, 'Lawson, sousministre adjoint, Ihmeau de Ia politi - Lapicrre, Jean C., Parliamentary Secretary to the Secretary of quo de concurrence et dircctcur dee emu:Elm of recherchcs, State for Extern) Affairs Consummation eS Corporations Canada -Laurin. G., Legislative Counsel, Legisietion Section, Depart- - Hutchins, M, Peter, comeillex jitriclique, Grand Conseil tics Cris ment of Justice (chi Quebec) - Leask. Peter, Member of the Special Committee on S-33, Jefferson, Mme Christie, dirccleur aditilnistratif, Association Canadian Bar Association canadienne des 'vadat& Elizoboth Fry -Lebbcy, Harold, Member of the. Board, St, Lei rd's Sotaety of - Jewett, M. M.. direr...tem, Section dot C1POit VensIituriorinel et Canada international, minisilrc die ,ilikgrice - I,Gbcl, Louts, Raonnier for the Bar of Quebec Joe, M. Dave, negociateur on chef, Conseil des ltidiens du - Legge, Major General RA, Chairman, Royal aimmonweallth Yukon Society Jaya], honorable Serge, Seeretaire d'Etat du Canada Leone, Laureano, President, Council of National Erhirocultural Kaplan. honorable Robert P., Solliciteur general du Canada. Organizations of Canada Kingstancl, M. L,iwrenue Ross, Pyramid Communicationa Wilton, Leger Counsel, Hoisibema Tribal Council petitionnaire - l,ortic, Pierre, Prosidem, tvlontrea I Stock Exchange Knoppors, M. Jake, Association des grants et administraieurs, - Low. D. rvietrtin, Executive Assistant to the Deputy Minisaer of gels-Lion des documents Justice.. General Cognac], Human Rights Law. Department of La Fontaine, M. rrancois, coil ciller legislatif, Section de Ia Justice minigtere - Lyman, S.. Senior Corns T, Legal Snrvlott, Asricoju rD Gartnda taframboise, Mi Andre., Cturirnissaire intkirroairc al in magistra- - McCabe, William, Researcher, John Howard Society cif Oniario ture fe'derale - McDonald, Harry, Director. Legal Services, Department of Lameman. M. Ron, courdormateur. Treaty 6 Chiefs' Alliance I nsu ranee (Alberta), Coalition des premares nations - McDonald, Robert M., Deputy Minister, Ministry of .1.anomu- Laughiis, M. Reynold, procurcur du pe.titiontleire, Guilde de la nity and Social Servicw,s, Covornmcra of Ontario marine murehande du Cicada 11,1cEvan, Q.C. . Leo Counsel for the PctitiOner, The Very Lapieffe, M. Jean C., meretaire perlementaire du seeritaire Reverend Michael Rasttak crtiat arse Afraircs extnricures - MacFarlane, Gordon, Executive Director, Jottu ]!!award Society Laurin, M, G.. conseiller legistatif, Section de islegislation, of Ontario minisr.are de Ia Justice - McGovern, Edward P., 'Demos industries Limited, Petitioner Leask, M. Peter, membre du Contlik spacial sus 5-33. Associa - lvteGrath. Member of the Board, St. Leonard's Society of tlon du Bureau canal:lien CLI nuclei Lebhey, M Harotcl, membre du bureau de direction, Societe - MaeGuigan Hon. Mark r Minister of justice and Attorney Gen- Saint Leonard du Canada eral of Canada Lebel, M. Louis, bAtOnnier du Berreau du Quebec Macintosh, Robert, President, Canadian Rankers' Association - Legge, major- general, 13...1.,prEsident, Royal Commonwealth - MoIvor, Don, President, Manitobahilecis Federation, Mats Society NationalCainlai Leone, M. Laureano, president, Conseil lei erganiames natio- - MeKoy, Alvin, Executive Manlier for Greenville, Nishga Tribal na .thriocullinrels du Canada Cou t (New Alyansh, British Columbia) Lialcchild, M. Wilton, consciller juridique. Conseil de tan do - McKercher, Robert, Q-C., Notional Vice-Prnsidant, Canadian Hobbonia liar Association - Lori i e, M. Pierre, president, Bourse de lvfontreal EviacLatchie, James M.,Executive Director, John Howard - Low. M. U. Martin, chef du cabinet du sous-ministre cle Ia Jus- Society of Canada tice; @vocal Omen!, Droits de la personne.MirthaTe de la JUS- - Manning, Hon. Ernest C., Sone tor (Edmonton West) ticc - Manson, Allan, Barrister a ad Prormor at Queen's University; Lyman, M. S., isvoclatconseil Senior. Coutentieux, Agriculture Criminal Ls wyere Association Canada - 7vianywounds. Peer. Sarum Bawl, Counnil Mernher. Federation McCabe, M. William, recherchisle, John Howard Society of of Seskatcliewan indien Nations Ontario - Martin, Dianne L., Cia.Chairmart, Subcommittne on Uniform - McDonald, M. Harry, dIrectear, SerYi.CeS juridiques, Departe- Evidence Act, Criminal La ofyers: Association of Ontario /pont des Assurances - Martin, Gary, Acting Director, Policy Planning Division, Minis - - McDonald, H. Robert M., sous-ministre, ministere des Services try of the Attorney General. Government of British Columbia saoiaux ci communautaitas, Gouvernement de IrOmarici

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Witnesses --Garcia Tesnoina-Falre - Maszank, Walter, Chief of Drug RegulatoryAffairs Division, McEwan, M. tan., a.r., canseilier juridique du patitionnaire. Le Health and Welfare Canada frau raverand Michael Ruanak - Mathys. FA., Director, Legal Advisory Division. Bureauof - MacFarlane, M. Gordon.directeurgeneral, John Haward Legal Affairs, External Affairs Canada Society of Ontario - Miskokomon, Jac, Chief, Grand Council Chicf ofthe Ani- - - McGovern, M. Edward P., Tramits IndustriesLimited. petition- shinabak Nations; President, Union of Ontario Indians naire - Mitchell, John, former Counsel for the Pat:atonal', Mr. Lawrence - McGrath. M, W.T., membre dubureaa de direction, Soelata Ross Kings land Saint Leonard du Canada Mivillc-Daschane.s,Gilbert, Legal Counsel,LegalServices, lakGingan, honorable Mark, minietra do lo Justice ct procurcur Employment and Immigration Canada general du Canada - Morrison, W_R Chairman of the Special IODF. Crimmittec, - Macintosh, M.Robert, president, Association des hanquiers LODE National Chapter of Canada canadians - Mosley. Richard Cr., Lap! Counsal, Policy Planning and Crimi- McIver, M, Don, president, Federation des Mafia du Manitoba, nal Law Amendments Section, Department of Justice Conseil national des Melia - A fume, Hon. John C lafinistar of Indian and Northern Affairs - McKay. M. Alvin, ranriacniantexactitif de Greenville, Conseil - Nahwegalibcw. David, SpecialAssistanttothePreaidenl. de tribu de Nishga (New Aiyantli, Colombia-Britannique) National Indian Brotherhood - ivieKercher, M. Robert, c.r.,vicapresident national, Association - Nelligan, John P., QC., The Advocates' Society du Barren u canadien - Nicholas, Dennis, VicePresidcnt, National Indian Brotherhood MacLatchie, M. James M., directeur Johns Howard - Nicholas, Graydon, Prasidant, Union of New BrunswickIndians, Society of Qtnada Coalition of First Nations - Manning, honorable ErnestC., senataur (EdmontortGues° Normand, Carmand, Assistant °moral Manager, Caine de Manson, M. Allan. avocat et profasseur, Queen's University; depot et plitaemont du Quebec Criminal Lawyers' Association - Norton, Joe, Chief, Caughnawaga Reserve(Quebec), Coalition Manywounds, M. Peter, Banda Sarcee, membre chi°onset", of First Nations Fedi-ration del nations intlic-nnas de Is Saskatchewan - Nuffield, Joan, Policy Ana lytt, Solicitor General Canada Martin. Mmc Dianne L., coprasidante, souscomita sun Is Lui Nycc, Jacob, 'Trustee for Canyon City, Nishga Tribal Council uniforms ourla pram; Criminal Lawyers' Association of (Now Aiyartsla, British Columbia) Ontario - O'Connor, FergusJ.,Director, Correctional Law Project, - Martin, M. Gary, direcacursupp/aant, Section de pla aifica lion Queen's University de In politician, ministera du PrOCLifeUT general, gouvernernent Opekokew, Delia, Solicitor of the Federation of Saskatchewan do la Colombie-Brita nnique Indian Nations Naas:maw, M. Wafter, chef de la Division da 3a regimentation - Jamcs, Legal Counsel. Grand Council of the Cress (of des drogues. Santo at Blematre social Canada Quebec) - Mathys, M. FA. direaelltr, Direction desconsul cations. jaridi- Oac lict, Hon. Andras, Minister of Consamar and Corporate ques, Bureau des &Haire; juridiques. Affaires natarieures Affairs Canada - Outethridge, W.R., Chairman, National Parole Board. Solicitor Miskokomon, Chef Joe, chef du Grand Coma des nations A nis. General Canada hina bek; president, Union des Indians de rOntario - Pace, Michacr, Counsel for the Petitioner, Ontario News Com- - Mitchell, M. John, ancient consenter juridiqucdii petitionnaire, pany, Limited M. Lawrence Rosa Kingslancf Parizauu, Flan. Jacques, Minister of Finance, Province of Qua. Mivale.Deacheaas, M. Gilbert, ayacat conseil, SerwiccaIeridi- bac qucs, ['Alpha et Immigration Canada - Phillips, Donna, Member of the Coat aut.-lanaiCommittee of the - Morrison, Mime W.F.- presidentedu COMIte special. do NODE, Native Women's Association of Canada Chapitre national du Canada IGOE - Pigeon, Hon. Justice Loais-Philippe, Professor, Faculty of Law - Moseley. M. Richard 0 containerjuridique. Section cla ratabo.. (Civil Law Scotian), University of Ottawa ration de 13 politique at des modifications au droit Pindcr, G Deputy Commissioner, Offender Programs, COrree- ministarc de in Justice Servica Canada, Solicitor General Canada - Munro, honorable John C.,miniatre des Affairat indionncs et du Padang, Michael, Parliamentary Liaison Consultant, National Nord Indian Brotherhood Nahwegahbow, M. David, adjoint spacial du president de la I'm- - Prefontaine, Daniel C., Ganes! Counsel. Policy Planning and totni te natiomile des Indians du Canada Criminal Law Amondnients Section, Department of Justice - Nalligan, M. John P., c.r., The Advocates'Society - Raymund, Pierre, Solicitor for the Patitionera, Mr. Gagnon(Silt - Nicholas, M. Dennis, vice -president,Fraternite nationals (Its 5-.1,3), Mr. McGovern (Bill S-14) Indians dim Canada - Reid, John, Control Data Canada, Ltd.; Chairman,Legislation - Nicholas, Ml, Graydon, president, Union des lint/artydu Nun-. Committee, Canadian Business Equipment Manufacturers nay-Brunswick, Coalition des prentieras nations Association Normand. M. Carmand, directeur geu6ral adjoint. Caisse de Ridington, Jillian, Chairparson, Justice Committee, National dap& et placement du Quebec Action Committee on the Status of Women - Norton, Chef Joe, reserveCauglinavaaga (Quebec],. Coalition - R °barnPaul, E.G. Klein Limited, Petitioner des premieres nations - Robichon, Georges H., Counsel for the Petitioner,G.A. Barber - Nuffield, Mille Joan, analysts do18 politique, Sollicittar seat&ral & Sons Limited Canada - Robinson, Bernard, Commissioner of Corrections, Ministryof Nycc, M. Jacob, fideicammisaaire de Canyon City, Conseil do the Attorney General. Govcrnment of British Columbia tribu de Nishga (New Aiyansh, Colombie-Britanttiqua)

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Witnesses-Coned Temitim-Spdire - Robinson, Eric, Coordinaior, Brotherhood or Indian Nations - O'Connor. M. Fergus J..d'irmicArr, Correctional Law Project, {Manitoba), CaaRtionof First Nations Queen's University - Rosen, Carl, Director, Legal Services, Statistics Canada Opekokew, Mule Delia, OOnStir do la rationdes nations - Rosenberg, Mark, Member of the Special Committee on S-33, indien nes de la Saskatchewan Canadian Bar Association O'Reilly, M. James, consenter juridique. Grand Conseil des Cult - Rothstein, Paul F-, Professor, Georgetawn University Law CC ri (du Quebec) bar, Wa.shingion, Oucllct, honorable Andre, ininistre Jr la Con.sorarnation a des - Royal, Peter, President, Criminal Tria3 Lawyers Association of Corporations Edmonton outerbridge, M. prorsident, Commission national.; des - Rusnak, The Very Reverend Michael, Epareh of the Eparehy of libtrat ions conditionnelies, Soli iciteur general Canada Saints Cyril and Methodius of Siowaks of tbe Byzantine Rise Pace, M. Michael, conseiller du petitiormaire, Ontario News in Canada. Petitioner Company, Limited Sabia, Laura, Royal Commonweath Society - Pa rizein, honorable Jacques, ministre des Finances, pravincede - Sanderson, Sol, chicr, Pr%ident, Federation of Saskatchewan Quebec Indian Nations - Phillips, Mine Donna, memine duComite onstitalionnd do -- Saucier, Serge, Chairman or the Board, Chamber of Commerce l'Assaciation des rearm= amaehtones du Canada of the District or 'Montreal - Pigeon, honorable:page LonisPhilippe, professor.11 is facult6 de - Schiff, Stanley, Professor. Pal.Nilty of Law, University or Toronto droll (Ser_ticai du droit Unieersite &Ottawa - Scott, Marie- Palle. Chief. Surveillance Section, Conipliarme Pinder. M. G., coats- cum s re, Programmes des delinquanta, Division,CorporationBranch. ONISIUDef and Corporate Sere ice correction noi Canada, Solliciteur gekraI Canada Affairs Canada - JPnsluns, ft Michael, agent de liaison parlemotaire, Frarernite Jean- Claude, Director of Legal Affairs, Ca lase de 6601 nationak des Indlens du Canada or plaoement du Quebec Prefontaitio, M. Daniel C., avocat general, Section de 111abnia- - Senior, Elinor, Monarchial League &Canada tion do la politique a des modifications au draft p6nal,minis - - Simons, Mary,President, MA kiVitt Corporation,KLIujjiing tare. de is Justice (Quebec), Inuit Committee on National louts Raymond, M. Pierre, prectirear des pititionnoires. M, Gagnon. - Smith, O'Neil, Monarchist League or Canada (NU S-13), M, McGovern (Bill S. l4) - ScsoniaS, Rodney, Legal Counsel, liehberna Tribal Council - Reid, M. John, Control Data Canada, Litee;president, Cornite - Sopinka. John, Q.C Member of the Special Committee on Bill de la legislation, Association canadione des fabrics tits 4:regal- S-33, Canadian Bar Association proem de bureau - Sterling. Hon. N,W., Provincial Secretary for Ju.stice, Govern- Ridingran, lsdrrtcJitlian, p residente, Comae deIsJUillicO, ment of On tario COMite national' Traction sur le statut de ]a femme - Strayer, B.L Q,C Assistant Deputy Minister, Public Law, Robert, M. Jean-Paul, E-G, Klein Limited, requerant Department of Justice Roblehon, it Georges a, camellia du perIitionnaire., G.A. Ear. - Tame, Roger, Deputy Minister of Justice and Deputy Attorney her & Sods Limited General of Canada, Department or Justice - Robinson, b.f. Bernard, cone issaire ass services cnrreclicinnals, - Taylor, Ron, Association of Records Managers and Administra inirNieasc du Pracureur general, gruiverrtement de la Colona- tors bie-Britannique Thum,Nelson,LegislativeCounsel,LegislationSection. Robinson, M. Eric,candosurateur.Brotherhood of Indian Departineni of Justice Nations (Manitoba), Coalition des premieres nations Toffoli, Garry, Monarchist Logue of Canada - Rosen, M. Cads dlrecteur, Services juridiarnes, Statiskue - Tollerson, Coordinator, Criminal Law Review, Depart. Canada meat er Justice Rosenberg, it Mark, membre die Comite special sue S33, Asso- - Tomb, Barry, Legal Counsel, Legal Services.. COMMIX( and ciation du Barreeu oanadten Corporate Affairs Canada Rothstein, M. Paul F., professor, Georgetown University Law - Tremblay, Gerald, Member of the Special Consinistee on 8-33, Center, Washington, D.C. Canadian Bar Association; Oar of Quebec - Royal, M. Peter, prbrrident, Criminal Trial LawyersAssociation - Two Rivers, Billy, Chief, Ca ughnows Reserve (Quebec), Coa- of Edmonton lition of First Nations Rusiwk, ie tics reverend Michael, epartioe de l'eparchie des - Vallerand, Andre, Vice-President and Director General, Cham- Saints Cyrille ci Iviabode des Sitwaquevi do rite byza min an ber of COnlikkenO of the District of hstoldrea I Canada, petitionnaire - Vies. RD., Senior Legal Advisor, Corporations Branch, Bureau Sabia, Mme Laura, Royal Commonwealth Society of Corporate Affairs, Consumer and CorporateAffairs - Sanderson, Chef Sol, president, Federation des nations indiennes Canada de In Saskatchewan - Watt, ClIsrlia, Ca-Chairman, 'Inuit Committee ort Saucier, it Sago, pees' ident du conseil d'ad m in istratIon, Cham- Issues bre dc commerce du district de- Montreal - iJkex, John, Chief. Legislation and Liaison, Income Security Schiff, M. Stanley, professeur, Pacultc de droll, University of Program, Health and 'Welfare Canada Toronto - Hon. Ann, Attorney General, Government of British - Scott, Woe M ado- Faille, Section de la surveillance,Divi- Columbia Sion do ('application do Is fol, Direction des corporations, Ceti- - WiJJisms, Ginetic, Legal Counsel, Legal Services, Health and sornmation et Corporations Canada Welfare Canada - Sera ire, M. Jean-Claude, director desArfaires juridiques, - Wood, Joe Gay. Chief, Chairman of the Constittiticmal Commit- Ca isse de ciep(v'i et placement du Quebec tee of Chieft, ASSctnbly Of Manitoba Chiefs -Senior, Mme Elinor, Ligue MOM rchistc du Canada

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Witnesses-Coned Tema's- --Suite - Wright. Leslie Pringk, Student, CorrectionalLaw Project, - Simons, Mme Mary, president,Corporation Makivick, kuujjnaq Queen's University (Quebec), Cotnite d'etude Inuit des questions nationa les Zambrowsky, Joshua, Executive Director, Canadian Association - Smith, M. O'Neil, Liguc monarchismdu Canada for the Prevention of Crime Scienias, M Rodney, conseiller juridique, Conseil de tribu de Hohberne Sopinka, M, John, c.r., /timbre du Cornite special soar S-B. Fur pagination, me Index by a ph a betica I order. Association du Barrean eanadien - Sterling, honorable N W.,secretaire-provincial a la justice, Gen- vernement de rOntario Strayer, M. B.L.,, cir., suus.rninistre adjoint, Droit tete do la Justice Tame, M. Roger, sousqoinistre de la Justice at sous-procureur general du Canada, ministere do is Justice Taylor, M. Run, Association des grains et administratesrs, ges- tion des documents Thunn, M. Nelson, consciller legislutif, Section de as legislation, ministate- do In Justice - TotToli, M. Garry, Liguc monarchismdo Canada - Tolleson, M. E.A., coordonnatour,Revision du drollpenal, ministere do Is Justice Teruo, M. Barry, avacat conseil, Services juridiques Consorn- mailer', at Corporations Canada - Tremblay, M. Gerald, rriembredu (=omit* special sur 5.33, Association du Barreau canadicn; Barreau do Quebec - Two Rivers, Chef Billy, reserveCanghnawaga (Quebec), Coali- tion des premieres nations Vallerand, M. Andre, vice-president of directeur general, Cham- bre de commerce du district do Montreal Viers, M. R.D , coaseiller juridique superieur, direction dos cor- porations, Consummation et Corporations Canada Watt, M. Charlie, copresident, Cornite d'etude Inuit des ques- tions nadotales - Wilkes, M. John, chef, Legislation etLiaison, programmes de la securite du revenu, Sante et Bien-itre social. Canada - Williams, honorable Allan, procureurgeneral, gouvernetnent de N.Colocribie.Britannique - Williams, Mme Ginclle, avcicatcormeil, Services juridiques, Sante at Bien-etre social Canada - Wood, Chef Joe Guy, presidentdu Comite constitutiennei des chefs, Assemblie des chefs du Manito'oa - Wright, Mille Leslie Pringle,etudiante, Correctional Law Pro- ject, Queen's University Zambrowsky, M. Joskulit, directeur adudnistratif, Societe eana- dienne pour to prevention du crime

Pour pagination, vow Index par graft alphabetiuuc.

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