May 2012 News Digest
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News Digest™ May 2012 The Premier Organization for Municipal Clerks Since 1947 The City of Roses, Portland, OR, Ready to Welcome Delegates and Guests of the 2012 IIMC Annual Conference 2011 MCEF Annual Report on page 29 IIMC STAFF DIRECTORY BOARD OF DIRECTORS News Digest™ ADMINISTRATION PRESIDENT Professionalism • Executive Director Colleen J. Nicol, MMC, Riverside, California [email protected] In Local Government Chris Shalby [email protected] PRESIDENT ELECT Through Education Brenda M. Cirtin, MMC, Springfield, Missouri Volume LXIII No. 5 ISSN: 0145-2290 • Office Manager [email protected] Denice Cox VICE PRESIDENT May 2012 [email protected] Marc Lemoine, MMC, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada Published 11 times each year the News Digest • Finance Specialist [email protected] is a publication of Janet Pantaleon IMMEDIATE PAST PRESIDENT The International Institute of Municipal Clerks [email protected] Sharon K. Cassler, MMC, Cambridge, Ohio 8331 Utica Avenue, Suite 200 [email protected] Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 • Administrative Assistant Chris Shalby, Editor Maria E. Miranda DIRECTORS - 2012 EXPIRATION ([email protected]) [email protected] James G. Mullen, Jr. CMC - I, Milton, Massachusetts Telephone: 909/944-4162 • (800/251-1639) [email protected] EDUCATION FAX: (909/944-8545) Melissa (Lisa) Small, MMC - III, Temple Terrace, Florida E-mail: [email protected] • Associate Director of Education [email protected] Jennifer Ward Deborah Miner, MMC - IV, Harrah, Oklahoma Founded in 1947, IIMC has more than 60 years of experience [email protected] improving the professionalism of Municipal Clerks. IIMC [email protected] has more than 10,000 members representing towns, small • Communications Coordinator Tami K. Kelly, MMC - V, Grove City, Ohio [email protected] municipalities and large urban jurisdictions of more than Emily Maggard several million people. Julee R. Helt, MMC, XI, Waunakee, WI [email protected] A portion of your annual membership dues goes toward [email protected] publishing and distributing the monthly News Digest. • Verification Specialist Karen Goodwin, MMC - VII, Florissant, Missouri Ashley Carroll [email protected] IIMC is affiliated with 49 U.S., & Nine Canadian Associations. [email protected] Peggy Hawker, MMC - IX, Newport, Oregon [email protected] National affiliations: MEMBERSHIP Francois Allers - XI, Ekurhuleni Metropolitan, South Africa • ATAM (Portugal) • JOSZ (Hungary) • Director of Member Services [email protected] • IAM (Israel) • SLCC (England) Janis Daudt • UDITE (Europe) • VVG (The Netherlands) [email protected] DIRECTORS - 2013 EXPIRATION • IMASA (South Africa) • SOLAR (Scotland) Linda L. Spence, MMC - I, Manchester, Vermont • NAMCB (Bulgaria) • ADSO (England) • Member Services Representative [email protected] Tammy Schultz Diane G. Fitzhenry, MMC -- II, Penn Hills, Pennsylvania [email protected] [email protected] Accounting & Association Tiny B. Washington, CMC - III, Columbus, Georgia [email protected] • Software Group Inside… Debra Batliner, MMC - V, Simpsonville, Kentucky Pilar Archer [email protected] President’s Message .........................................................3 [email protected] Stephanie Kalasz, CMC- VIII, Moscow, Idaho How Agile Automation Empowers [email protected] You and Your Citizens ..................................................6 Computerized Business Solutions • Doug Griffith Kristie L. Smithers, MMC - IX, Wasilla, Alaska Bonds Among City Clerks Are [email protected] [email protected] Strong, Loving and Enduring .......................................8 Laurie Darcus, MMC - X, Pitt Meadows, British Columbia [email protected] Southern Cities That Built Around Cars Are Now Building Toward Stability .....................12 DIRECTORS - 2014 EXPIRATION How Much Is a Tree Worth To A City? ..............................14 Vincent Buttiglieri, CMC -- II, Township of Ocean, New Jersey [email protected] News Releases: Released From the Stress of Mary J. Kayser, MMC - IV, Fort Worth, Texas Figuring Out How To Write Them! ..............................16 [email protected] Portland Conference Centerspread .................................18 Roxanne Schneider, MMC - VI, Dysart, Iowa Operation Mulch-a-Lot: Long Beach [email protected] Chips Away at Blight and Green Waste ......................20 Kittie Kopitke, MMC - VII, Streamwood, Illinois IIMC Registration, Delegate Information ........................25 [email protected] Donna Geho, CMC -- VIII, Glenrock, Wyoming Recruit A New Member ..................................................26 [email protected] Recruit-A-New-IIMC Member Application ......................27 Gail E. Pomroy, MMC -- X, Conception Bay South, NF, Canada Copyright 2012 by the Calendar of Events .........................................................28 [email protected] International Institute of Municipal Clerks. Samantha Shippen, CMC -- XI, Seaford, East Sussex, UK All rights reserved. [email protected] 2 May 2012 IIMC News DigestIIMC President’s Message Colleen J. Nicol, MMC IIMC President, 2011-2012 In the last twelve months, IIMC has lived up to its The Strategic Plan continued with its second year of mission of “promoting continuing education and certifica- full implementation. The five strategic areas of Member- tion programs” through Institutes and Associations as ship, Finance, Communication and Technology, Board evidenced by the 249 members who obtained their Certi- Development, and Education all advanced with measur- fied Municipal Clerk status, and the 113 members who able successes. achieved Master Municipal Clerk designations. Those The Municipal Clerks Education Foundation through statistics speak highly for our education providers and its committed Board of Directors moved through an IIMC members who believe in Clerk education. honest assessment of how best to deliver its core mission Other key highlights this year included welcoming of providing affordable education to IIMC members. a new IIMC Institute in The Netherlands, sponsored by Watch for renewed focus and emboldened actions to raise the VvG and conducted by the Dutch Local Academy funding for scholarships and educational programming for Public Administration and ISBW University. This our members are asking for as the ability for municipali- is IIMC’s third Institute outside North America with ties to fund continuing education shrinks. the other two being the United Kingdom and Bulgaria. Over the past few years, particularly, an extraordi- Membership expansion outside North America reached nary amount of effort has been expended to build inter- an all time high with approximately 140 members and national relationships, grow membership in Region XI, growth continues. A new affiliation agreement with The and accommodate the unique challenges faced by our Association of Municipal Managers, Clerks, and Trea- members outside of North America. Reasonable and surers of Ontario, Canada, is on the Board’s Agenda supportable steps taken, including approval of a business to be discussed in Portland. The Board received direct plan, brought achievable membership strides, a boost to communication with clear recommendations from Insti- diversity of annual conference attendance, a successful tute Directors regarding education of our members, and Study Tour to South Africa, and an increased understand- work continued on forming new Institutes in Louisiana, ing and enjoyment of what Region XI offers all IIMC Wyoming, and South Dakota. members as well as the challenges faced by such a large IIMC’s strong and dedicated staff provided excel- geographical Region. During 2012, Region XI member- lent member support under the leadership of Executive ship reached 135 with 64 in England alone. Through the Director Chris Shalby; a commitment from Board and creative and tenacious leadership of Gil Litov, Chairman staff to adhere to sound financial management practices of the Israeli Association of Municipal Clerks and Manag- continue to keep IIMC’s financial condition healthy; ers (AIM), 26 new members joined through a cooperative and the development of numerous Athenian Dialogues membership program between IIMC and AIM. has also generated a new form of learning for members. IIMC Delegates from South Africa, England, Wales, And, last but not least, all the work done to produce an Scotland, Bermuda, Israel, The Netherlands, Belgium, outstanding conference in Portland this May. and the United States convened the first-ever Region IIMC embraced technology with website enhance- XI meeting in Reading, England this past October. The ments, an active and growing presence on Facebook and presence of the IIMC President and Executive Director Twitter, the President’s and the Executive Director’s at this inaugural meeting underscored the importance to Blogs, and the expanded E-briefings that include the all IIMC members of the discussions, ideas, and emerg- distribution of one weekly general communication and ing initiatives. The momentum continued as a second one specifically geared for education news. These models meeting was held in January of 2012 in Rotterdam. This of communications are meant to inform, educate and apprise members of IIMC activities. Continued on page 5 May 2012 3 How Does 1947 Affect Your Job Today? IIMC News DigestIIMC Reflect back on the history of the International Institute of Municipal Clerks and see