Gerard Jones | 9780465036578 | | | | | Men of Tomorrow: Geeks, Gangsters, and the Birth of the Comic Book / Edition 1

Aside from being ridiculously interesting, well-written and researched, it's just kind of depressing. Superheros were a latent-phase dream, embodying sex but invulnerable to it. Rating details. It's not even one-sided, where you'd expect the artists to be the victims entirely, Jones will highlight their own faults and problems, whether it be attitude or perceived talent at different points in their career. About Gerard Jones. I've often read about the early years of DC. I really enjoyed this book! See what's new with book lending at the Internet Archive. Research soon turned into fascination with the true story of the origins of the comic book and the superheroes that made the genre a cultural phenomenon. Reading it made me want to revisit the superhero comics of my youth. With his imprisonment, Gangsters Gerard Jones is pretty much discredited and abhorred for good reason. Get A Copy. Be the first one to write a review. It is Gangsters a history of what we now know as DC than of Marvel, although the latter gets frequent enough mentions. The one complaint is that no one can every truly know every detail. For Donenfeld, the comics were a way to sidestep the censors. Other editions. Later, two high school friends in Cleveland, and Jerry Siegel, become avid fans of 'scientifiction,' the new kind of literature promoted by their favorite pulp magazines. This history is focused largely on Comics' history in Gangsters to white American identity, and while the book does a great job of exploring how ideas like socialism and Jewish identity shaped the evolution of American comic books, this history ignores the evolution of Black comic characters and creators. Open Preview See a Problem? While apparently about the birth of Gangsters, there is much discussion of the comic books of the late s and early s - including Superman, , and Wonder Woman - but little on the Superman and Batman TV series, even less on Wonder Woman. He tells us that comic books were popular, and fun, and have been a significant part of American popular culture, not only in the comics themselves but in other media as well. The war meant not survival and dirty compromise but utter triumph or utter disaster. Organized primarily around the evolution of Superman, Men of Tomorrow branches out to consider the cultural influences and the interpersonal relationships that shaped the growth of the comic book industry. Author is and the Birth of the Comic Book 1st edition to Smart, concise history of how comic books became a thing and doesn't leave out any of the good stuff. Other Editions 6. Jones balances the human, creative and business stories and makes a convincing case for this being a peculiarly Jewish-American phenomenon grounded initially though not today in a particular milieu. It's a bit of a warning for people to own their own work in creative fields. The Street. The birth of Superman, Men of Tomorrow Geeks I'm not a comic book reader, not by a long shot. Men of tomorrow : geeks, gangsters, and the birth of the comic book

I know Gerard because there is information about my grandfather, Major Malcolm Wheeler-Nicholson in this book. Advanced embedding details, examples, and help! It meant unity of purpose too, and the superheros embodied that in their polychrome simplicity: Superman, Captain America and Wonder Woman were the most distinct individuals imaginable, but at the same time, each of them was all of us. Drawing on exhaustive research, including interviews with friends and relatives of the creators, Gangsters reveals how the immigrant experience and the collision of Yiddish and American culture-forged in the crucible of two world wars-shaped the vision of the make-believe hero. Jones also tells the story of Batman, and Bob Kane doesn't come out looking good at all. May 19, Finn rated it it was amazing. So, before the review: The author of this book is a convicted pedophile and child pornographer Gangsters is still alive, though imprisoned, iirc. The hook of the story, its beginning and its end, is the dispute regarding the credit for the creation of Superman and the Gangsters Jerry Men of Tomorrow Geeks and Joe Shuster had to endure to be recognised as his creators. But this isn't the path the story takes: one is taken through the story showing that Siegel and Shuster made many mistakes, failed to act when they should have done and trusted the wrong people, while Liebowitz behaved within the law, not knowing how the medium in which he was investing would become the beloved phenomenon it was in the late 70s and 80s and to some extent remains today. I really enjoyed this book! It tells the story by recounting the lives and times of Joe SchusterJerry SpiegelBob KaneWill EisnerStan LeeJack Kirby etc and also the lives of t A truly amazing book that documents the story of the rises and falls of the superhero comic book industry, from its roots in the NY Jewish ghettos during prohibition in the '20s, its connections to gangsters and pornographers in the '30s, the Golden Age '40s through to the modern day Time Warner - AOL merger and the super hero Men of Tomorrow Geeks industry. Open Preview See a Problem? The war meant Men of Tomorrow Geeks survival and dirty compromise but utter triumph or utter disaster. By the author of The Comic Book Heroes, Killing Monsters, and scores of successful comic books and screenplays, Men of Tomorrow is the first book to tell the surprising story of the young Jewish misfits, hustlers and nerds who invented the superhero and the comic book industry. Images Donate icon An illustration of a heart shape Donate Ellipses icon An illustration of text and the Birth of the Comic Book 1st edition. Well written and documented, Men of Tomorrow is an important social history of the comic book in America. However, if one is willing to make the trip, it is well worth it. You'd think with me working in a comic book store and this book having been around for 15 years that I'd have gotten to Men of Tomorrow Geeks before this. They made violence and wreckage exciting but at the same time small and containable. Jones tells the story of the birth of the comic book deftly, with some real verve and snap to his prose--better yet, he gets all of his facts right and revealed a few facts I didn't know and I'm quite a comics geek. That's how I met the author. Animated by the stories of some of the last century's most charismatic and conniving artists, writers and businessmen, Men of Tomorrow brilliantly demonstrates how the creators of the superheroes gained their cultural power and established a crucial place in the modern imagination. In spite of my interest and the Birth of the Comic Book 1st edition the subject matter, I learned a lot from this volume. Jones writes of the early comic industry with the prose of authority even as some of his narrative conflicts with other accounts of Men of Tomorrow Geeks industry, and is thus in itself guilty of some of the same skeptical embellishment as the historical figures mentioned in the book. Because of that, the reader must go into the book taking everything with a grain of salt. A very pulp-y style tell-all of the lives of the earliest superhero comics creators, with quite a few dashes of sexism thrown in; women in comics are barely mentioned and mostly villified as demanding wives and mistresses to whom the comics creators had to work so hard to support. The key story is that of the Superman comic, which was selling over a million copies a month in the s! Keeps the pace fast and in disciplined ratio to the inherent dorkiness of the story. With detailed research - and a focus on DC, Superman, Seigal and Schuster - it is and the Birth of the Comic Book 1st edition exciting and compelling as any modern mini series and a wonderful read. Smart, concise history of how comic books became a thing and doesn't leave out any of the good stuff. However, I find Jones's book most interesting as lens illuminating the larger cultural shifts taking place during the 20th century. Author is here to and the Birth of the Comic Book 1st edition you that comic books were made by pornographers, chiselers, and tough guys of every stripe working in sober collaboration with geeks, zealots and psychopaths to turn their most private desires into pictures of dudes wearing tights and speaking in bubbles. Finally, at the end of the s, in the moment of The Wizard of Oz, the American imagination retreated into the laughing, arrogant fun of the ten-year old. Jan 22, Nezka rated it it was ok Shelves: graphic-novelhistoryexhibition-research. He makes some strong and interesting arguments about how world events and societal trends influenced comic books, but doesn't try to make any dubious claims that comic books affected society or the world at large. The info about "the Major" in this otherwise wonderfully written book is almost completely wrong bordering on the absurd. The inf I have read Men of Tomorrow a couple of times and use it for research and a starting point for my own research. Superman in particular cartooned the cruelty of sex — Superman tricks Lois sadistically, but then as Clark he flings himself masochistically before her high heels — but with his famous wink at the reader, he let us know that he played every minute of it as a game. Men of Tomorrow: Geeks, Gangsters, and the Birth of the Comic Book

Gerard Jones' book is exhaustive in its Men of Tomorrow Geeks of the origins on the comic book industry, starting with the childhoods of those pivotal in the movement, through to and beyond their deaths. It really is Jack D and Jerry S's story. It also hints enticingly at the parallel and related histories of science fiction, fandom, and conventions, which lead one to hope for a history of those elements, too, which do not exclude comic books. For Donenfeld, the comics were a way to sidestep the censors. For any fan Men of Tomorrow Geeks Superman, or comics in general especially the early yearsany history buff will be thrilled to see how it all played out over 80 years ago. Thanks for telling us about the problem. Want to Read saving…. About Gerard Jones. Gerard Jones. Overview Animated by the stories of some of the last century's most charismatic and conniving artists, writers, and businessmen, Men of Tomorrow brilliantly demonstrates how the creators of the superheroes gained their cultural power and established a crucial place in the modern imagination. A nice history of the birth of the comic book through Springing unheralded out and the Birth of the Comic Book 1st edition working-class Jewish immigrant neighborhoods in the depths of the Depression, these young men transformed an odd mix of geekdom, science fiction, and outsider yearnings into blue-eyed chisel-nosed crime-fighters and adventurers who quickly captured the mainstream imagination. The superheros were slapstick comedians in a vaudeville of holocaust. All through the s and early s, there had been childlike entertainment that had captured adults, but it nearly always had a cruel humor Our Gangstrenuous melodrama King Kongor a melancholy sentimentality Shirley Temple. Sign up Log in. More like 4. Enabling JavaScript in your browser will allow you to experience all the features of our site. Search icon An illustration of a magnifying glass. It makes so much of the history more compelling and understandable. As an overview of an industry, it's a good read with wonderfully evocative and the Birth of the Comic Book 1st edition even if its greatest strengths are also its greatest weaknesses. I do pick up the occasional comics but those are local varieties and not the likes of Superman or Batman, or any of the others out there, about all the superheroes in existence. Uh-oh, it looks like your Internet Explorer is out of date. The key story is that of the Superman comic, which was selling over a million copies a month in the s! I enjoyed it but wished it included more about the other companies. Jan 26, And the Birth of the Comic Book 1st edition Freeman rated it really liked it. Gerard Jones is an award-winning American author and comic book writer. Trivia About Men of Tomorrow Superheros served the purpose of slapstick comedians but on a global scale: They built fear and frustration in a containable fantasy world and then released them with a shock. The chapter "True Crime" is the strongest of the work--I have assigned it While Jones earns much praise for his work, this book is somehow both over-and-underwhelming from an academic perspective. Jones is author of the Eisner Award Gerard Jones is an award-winning American author and comic book writer. Welcome back. Enlarge cover. While the book sometimes falls into passages of industry-specific details that seem a bit tiresome, Jones generally does a very nice job of providing those details within a structure that generates and the Birth of the Comic Book 1st edition and engagement on the part and the Birth of the Comic Book 1st edition the reader. Men of Tomorrow is, however, a really compelling and detailed portrait Gangsters the birth and growth of the American comic book industry. Web icon An illustration of a computer application window Wayback Machine Texts icon An illustration of an open book. While Jones earns much praise for his work, this book is somehow both over-and-underwhelming from an academic perspective. Ashley Poston made her name with Once Upon a Con, a contemporary series set in the world of fandom, and her two-part space opera, Heart of User icon An illustration of a person's head and chest. It shows me what this book could have been, what I wish it was. Refresh and try again. But all histories have their limitations - this one was long enough, detailed enough, and well-written enough that while I want to know more about these aspects, I can't criticise the book too much for not going into them. After the frenzied sexual questioning of Men of Tomorrow Geeks Twenties and the cynicism of sex and economics in the early Depression, and with the draft now bringing on another huge dislocation, the superhero was a welcome island of prepubescence. Oliver Wendell Holmes Library. I really enjoyed this book!