Siwrsaiooi Bonne Terre

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Siwrsaiooi Bonne Terre CHARLES S. M ELLEN jWNATIONMT Elcxico Missouri Message 4 HURT 111 TO 00 DEEDS OF TAFT RULE IS RESCINDED EWStfMBS0uiu John Deal. Et! tor Ml JUNIOR SUFFRAGETTES ORGAN- CIVIL SERVICE EXAMINATIONS MCXICO VISSOLTI ' CINCINNATI STRIKE SECRET SOCIETY. ARE ORDERED. 1- - IZE Business Men Defend Mine Manager. siwrsaiooi Bonne Terre. Business men of flut baseball la such a strain en (be of Class Postof-ftce-s Scotland Yard Learns "Y. H. B." Appointees Fourth Bonne Terre, Mo., the seat of tho Tolce! Must Pass Test, Postmas- Band of Unmarried "Young mines of the St. Joseph Lead com- Lesson MOTORMAN CHARLC9 WEBER OF Hot Bloods." ter General Announces, Sci-- pany, plunged Into the fight being Thunder anil lightning! CHICAGO PROBABLY FATAL- (By B. O. SELLER!), Director of Fvt. waged by In Department, Moody Bihlt- - rather familiar. Washington, D. Postmaster certain stockholders tha Ins The In- LY INJURED BY MOB. London, Kng. Scotland Yard C company to discomfit tire present stitute of Chicago.) have learned of the forma- General Burleson announced Issuance Swnt fly." Yes. sunt It way management of the company. The the tion of a secret organization of un- by President Wilson of an executive out Into outfield. fight will reach its climax at the an- the married suffragettes, who have band- order in effect rescinding President LESSON FOR MAY 18 TO nual meeting of the company May 15 ONE NEGRO SHOT DEATH ed tcgether to do during deeds to wlii Taft's action putting fourth-claB- About the only croaking i.e.-.r-s In New York City. The business men HuffiMfce iu England for women. postmasters In the civil service and JOSEPH MEET8 HI3 BRETHREN. days Is done by fr (ts passed a resolution defending Roscot) these the organization, 'Ctives requiring henceforth all post- The the det that R. S. Parsons, general tnnnager of Trouble, Which Began Some Day have learned, is known jib the "Y. II. masters of this class must pags com- LRSSON TEXT-O- n. C:S 17. Mary persons do not like tho rah-re- t mines, and deploring an It." Investigation, they say. btought petitive examinations. Burleson also the attack (lOU)EM TKXT "Whatsoever a preferring to know what they Ago. Completely Tlea Up Street on him nweth, that shall ha also reap." mude public two postal regulations made recently. eat Car System Mayor Demands forth the Information that the woine: 1:7. are called the "young hot bloods." covering the plan. That Company (; ( k Utilities Reports Asked For. Arbitrate. Inspector Lawrence of Scotland iW'-- The president's executive order Joseph was thirty years of nge St T.ouis hoy swallow, d a whole Jefferson City. The public service when Yard says that wheu tho union head- specifies that all postmngters In tho ho reached bis position of supreme au- crawfish. Fortunately, It v;;n't nn commission called upon county quarters were raided, documents re- fourth clnss receiving more than $1S0 the thority, but we ought not to allow our- el. clerks to com- Cincinnati, Ohio- - Um man urn lating to the secret organization were nnnunlly must hereafter pass exam- of tho state furnish the selves to forget those thirteen yearn mission with names of utility pro'jably fatu'ly lujuie.I and e oth-ii- s found. He revealed this Informal! 't civil-servic- the all Tombstone ate ' n p'rike tim inations under rulos. of humiliation, during which he wan were nt fri.-i- l of auiTingettes charged post- corporations doing business within n added argument for I lie lower cost iiurt when tlie first clas'i the the This means that the Republican betrayed, sold Into slavery and neg- their respective counties. Every utili- erf ilec between tin! i mpl'iyt'B of the traction with niiiklng lufluinmaiory speeches. masters of the fourth class must pasg lected by those whom he befriend-,- ! a?o. - ty company In Missouri Is subject company and nrikers .i rid their sym- A Scotland Yard detective testified :jr , keep Jobs, and, lo Yet those were days of flde'lity In hi.-- , ; tf such a test to their regulation -- pathizers When com-pi.n- lb;:t in union headquarters ruid W the of the commission. About tills time, (lie ; elimlnary cuiumd. the the moreover, nitiBt pass higher than oth- service, of victory over fierce tempta- When the information Is received tho Ftep Is tal;t n in the formation of attempted to iimw seveial of he found eight bottles of benzine con- er applicants. tion, of enduring unjust Imprisonment June brides il.s cars Clint lis Weber, a inotoi nu.l cealed in u traveling bar iu the olfice Burleson's regulations propose that commission will ask the utilities a long period of patient waiting but of Chleago, was pulled eff his car and used by Miss Kenney. applicants must meet qualifications which have not previously reported a valuable period in that now at thirty I for schedule Only two per rent, of musicians arc Injured lute rnally. He not expect- The trial was adjourned until May for fitness laid down by pestal In- their of rates. Whoa yearB of ago he comes to thia Drum-nion- these are filed It can begin com- Tiald. but It Is too late fc r riar.y men ed to live. The injuries to the other 13, when "(Jen." Mr. Flora spectors who, according to the new Its of power fully equipped with that to Join a band. three, all strike sympathizer, were became so ill from l.unget striking rules, are to visit cities where there parisons of charges. knowledge of men, control of hiniseir from thrown missiles. that she had to be removed to Charles S. Mellen, head Of the New is a vacancy. The inspector's renort and faith In God as to be properly fi- York, & As soon as nil women wear fend- Two other fatal Injuries due Inci- bed. New Haven Hartford railway, is to be transmitted to the civil ser- Green to Edit College Paper. tted for the burden of responsibility who recently Inter- ers on thrlr hatpins the men can quit dent to the strike occurred. John None of the women had entcn since testified before the vice commission for Its information. Fulton. The publication board of thrust upon him. state commerce regarding fol- carrying nippers. Cochran, who attended a meeting of (hey were committed to Hollow ay commission Discussing this new plan, Burleson Westminster college elected the Did Not Forget. re- the finances of his road. lowing heads of college publications: the CoopVrs' un!vi, which panned Jail. All of the suffragettes were said: I. The Brothers Need, vv. 3-- The. Editor In of Month- The farmer ought to be a harry resolutions favorlm? the strikers, f;i leased on $5,0(10 bail each. Clayton, "I feel that President Taft's order chief Westminster famine was not confined to Egypt, ly, J. R. of manager but man about these t'.::i' s. Kverybody down a flight of stairs In leaving tho the tichmond chemist, was recommit- did not go far enough in that it failed Green St. Louis; reached over to Canaan, where Jacob of Westminster Monthly. A. R. Dall-mey- Hants to help him. hall and broke his neck. William ted tn jail wltlumt ball. PARLIAMENT CHEERS to apply a merit system to the entire and his sons lived. The desperate-nes- s of lioode, a negro, was fatally shot by Scotland Yard authorities snld thi't 16 service it was aimed to cover. It had Jefferson City; editor In of the famine Is indicated by Ja- thp will chief of Bluejny, Rood Our opinion Is that world unother negro after nn argument $.",000,000 Is a conservative estimate the effect of placing within the clnsai-fie- d Cunningham cob's command to buy, "that we may survive despite Inromi rehensible pic- about the strike. of thc damage wrought in outrages RULER DEFENDS ACTION IN service a large number of post- of Williamsburg; manager of Bluejay, live, and not die." But Jacob is too L. V. of tures and slit skirts. Car System Demoralized, attributed to the suffragettes since EVACUATING SCUTARI. masters who had not been required to Buschmann California, Mo. old to travel, hence the brothers un- - About six associate as- The strike, which began tame days this government recalled the franchise demonsrate their fitness for such ap- editors and dertake the Journey. Twenty-tw- o However, the kind of umbrella Jhnt ago. has completely up reform bill In the last parliament, lit- Declared Annihilation Inevitably polntmentg." sistants will be named by the heads years passed since experi- you good for tied the street hare that cannot lose Is not much car system of the city. Two hundre'l tle more than throe months ago. Would Have Followed If Monte- of both publications. ence when Joseph's brethren cast him keeping out the rain. men to be used motormcn and negro Had Not Yielded. PLANS "SUFFRAGE" GARDEN Into the pit They have been years BABIES SOLD LIKE ANIMALS Girl Wins State Essay Contest filled with wonderful experiences for simplified spell- conductors arrived from Chicago and One trouble with were by police Cettlnje. King Nicholas person- Columbia. Miss Louise Harris of Joseph. Now their attitude Is changed ;' ing Is Ftill foo- escorted to a street Yellow Flowers Only, Americar. Suf- that the authorities car of thego Illinois Legislator Scores President of ally went before the Skupshtina, Fulton won the Missouri high school Instead of being his tormentors they lishly insist upon regular rules barn.
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