"ARE YE SINCERE?" Then Say "The Florentine" It-C Cream 1'Arlor Is the I'ridc of Lcthbi-Idrc Cily
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Page 3 THE T.-F.T1IBRIDGE1 DAILY HERALD Tnp«ila.v. May 13. 1013 "ARE YE SINCERE?" Then say "The Florentine" It-c Cream 1'arlor is the I'ridc of Lcthbi-idRC Cily. ICES And llu- mw iHiinaj;uim-iit is ffiviiiff llic public excoHem. -.crvk-u- Onnlilv Counts iiiul wo li;m; it—Try us for Quarterly Stake of llie Mormon FRUITS, CAXD1KS, SODAS, IClv CUlv.VM. CONFKCTHlNK KY Church Held al Raymond ANDREWS & CARLILE, Props, on Sunday Its superiority is unquestioned Raymond, May 1J —rho :avpc-st Its fame world-wide eonreiencc that was cvi. n> :d in tie Tailor Stake just i-losiJ It l.epan Saturday morning at 10 c-.lc-cl- I're Its use a protection and a guarantee sident H. S. Allen and <V:ii,i'lor3 T against alum food lley and O. H. S'UJA. also tbe councillors and L-i-'-'u-- ot th.-j Demand is the Proof of aarde were pretent 'I-.c- clJi-s ivho Jujt returned from (on-ieri in'scb:]! The low-grade powders are made from "alum," or "sodium aluminum ![,oko for a sbort time- ji.J '>|i«ted Excellence lliel: labor wli;e abio.il christen sulphate," which is also alum, a mineral acid, which does not make the Jensen of Magrath, who jubl n-l^rneil food healthful. from the Samcan Islacilt, rj,o!,e ol '.h? sincerity of tbe natlve= cir.ur. \o-znz One pound of the low cost powders contains three ounces of alum, a The fact tluil HUJE U151BOX TF..-V from th'e Germany mUi.o:1 !i>;il ho,v mineral acid. Is it safe to put that on your pantry shelf along with cans is in contiuiiiilly increasing demand the missionaries are IrcJtul anj iov, the people receive !ho I:C = |K! r.hlcrs of food ingredients? proves its satisfying qualifies. Clarence Stevet-s and Jcci s.roit! 110:11 the northern States ini==:or.. to!d o[ Food baked with alum baking powders is found to contain a portion jmst year's sales were enormous, (he. •conditkns Ihere ;<uJ c'.it n:ore of the alum unchanged. yet tins year they tire quite DO^-o miFsionailE-s arc neL-dtd lo I're^ch iho greater. PrtsMs^t Theodore lira: dk.v then Read the ingredient clause of label on the can. Unless it fallowed aud rejiorteil l'i- Hike ami shows cream of tartar don't use the powder. Tlie best Tea—at the most econom- I'M inlMlonary wor^ thj'. baj Icen going on during tl'e wtnt-T. He s'.at- ical price is eJ lhat we cannot euc-i'i itic lestl. mriny ol our enemies bi-<au?e thev rado Springs. Colo . September. 1911. aro prejudiced and oui mends do not luted. Tl.a filiation as a symtol of us, but our enemies it «as William E. Uaw:on. wife and daugh- purity and steadfastness is che cm- er. Monmouth, HI. Ot-toier, 1911. Cbrisl's oncmics who bore :cstimo::y, lc-m trf Mother's Day. condemned and crucified linn, so be USEB1 AXE ON William Showman, wile and threa Sister Verua B. Itcdil gave a brie! hlldreo, Ellsworth, Kan., October, uot amazed If your enemies misrep- rejtorl of (he conference bcld in Salt resent arid tell untruths auu^t >oj, be 911. Lake City In Ai»H. They were in- liollin Hudson and wile, Paolo. Kaa.i slid. structed to give nioro care to infant llfi une, 1911. ...jille Grant followed President cMldrrn, and Ibat It Is tin- work or J. M. Mcore, four children and two Brandloy. "I am delietttd,' Le said, the HclUf Sociciy to go among iho irl g'Jfste, Vlllisca, la, June, ISI2- "lo £68 sou 'people slick up for vcur people and teach them what ati m Mrs Wilson and Mrs. Moore, at Co- Cranbrook Libs. E. J. LOVELACE country. You have ihe b'si country fant is most in neei of, careful feed- in the world. I ECU satisfaction, cov Ing and plenty of fresh air. umhia Ready For the Of St. Catharines, nomniated by Ihe tentmerit and thrlftiuess in jo— faces T'ho Relict Society meets oil '.he Sleuth Tells of Deductions Liberals of Lincoln for the Dominion your dress and In >our naaio? " lie first and third Thursdajs in every detectives Make Fearful Charge McClaughry -,ia° called to assist In louse. spoke of those who do noi do their month.. Tt,ey liave arranged to have he Investigation ol the Vlllisca mur- Fight duties, how Ihey drift and dwindle, competent iiiysician to gixe lee Jers, anil since then has devoted much auc! how finally they sever t!.e cor., ,(lrr£S on ;1](, neejs o[ children in the Against Convict in Missouri time to the study of a\e crimes. Warner, May 12.-A very enthusi- nectiofl between their chinch and God. | home. This nill be siren once a He calls attention to the fact that astic, anil vjCccssSul iiicelici; of the But there is something mysterious State Prison the first of the series of murders did CratiHoul, May 11 .-Much com 'Alherta Temperance and Moral He liienl. a:.d interest has been aroused about il Mormon when Lc leases the In the afternoon Dr. \Vra> >;avc a not occur until Moore's release from form League" was held at this place the stale reformatory at Hutchinson, in tbe city by the calling o! an in; es- 1 (; 1(1 church tie is of Jio value to any ether ecluie on infactile mortalit>. He Kuuilay evening. 1U\. W- I '- o church. 'l<lvc up to ;o~r rdlgion, per- Leavenwo7th. Kansas., May 12.- where he served a term for tor- timation, io be belli In the city l.all oi Edmonton, represented the leaju reated the subject Irani two phases Twenty-five murders tOQiniitled In In Eery. He s.i>s further that each ol tomorrow, Into the circumstances ;d gave his illubtratctl lecture, "Ten form your duties, anil >ou will always , bad feeling; cecond. infection M be valiant workers for Christ and His contagious diseases. He slalei the twenty-five persons murdered, half connected with the arrest ot two In- Nights in a liar-Room." lasl three years in Missouri. Kansa dians a srort time ago. cause. One third of the. people in this iat one-third of the mortality «a of them children, woro slnln in their _ The ir.feting was held in the Evan NEXT CONVENTION OF CANADIAN Coloiado, Iowa anc Illinois by mean homes acd that traces Indicative of ' About SO witnesses have hcsn sum- clical church which was crowile Flake arc under eight years of age. mong infants under t*o years c e FORESTRY CONVENTION IS of blons from an i.ie are ascribed t Ihe most cross brutality .TV ere left. In : mor.ed to. give eviilrnre before tl.o po- with eager listeners. The openin We are emvire builders, and we are ge, and that ihe causes nere usuall Jice commissioners. TO BE HELD IN WINNIPEG going to stay here until we have ac- ttr'ibutcn lo bad feeding, and sccon Henry I.efi Moore, now sen ing a lit each case the iioody aw was found song service was led by the paslo term in the Missouri penitentiary, ac- as if left as tbe murderer's flendUU ."•fl.TV.c? pupils ol MIES Darho's dais at of the church, licv. L. 1-. Orth. TL complished [he design which God hid Infectious diseases. 1 ne latler ' the publn; school gave her a surprise In view Rhen He sent us here. sirally contracted by keeping tho in cording to a theory announced today insignia Scripture was read by Uev. Svvayne by .M. \V. McCanghry. special agent years • iiarty on Thursday evening at the r Ottawa, Out., May 15.— The next The Mormon people as a whole have ant from the fresh air ami kcenin Moore's admission tbal (or lhe church choir and orchestra abl of the department of Justice, after an his mind had been immersed In. the- house wheio sh» and Miss lliscock and beautifully rendered several the hest health of any people in the t wrapped too closely. The n convention of the Canadian Forestry exhaustive study ol the to called ase study of terrible ciimea, McClaughry are "halching." lectiona. 'll.e Solo, "tthcrc is M • , , \vorld. The presidents of four of die join babe should have more fresh r.i ^ bicb is end ivorlr.E to ,__.. f__ a.d ,,(e- lMUrimce com murders. rajs, influenced him greallj In the The City Hand Sunday alternoon Wandering Hoy Tonighl," hy Mrs ban the child from four to sk >ear roccert loday was la\ored with fine nrmiin nnblic ouinion (o (he ^alue of panics in the uorjd (old Pres. Gran of ape. Tho reason ^as because o McCiaushry said the strangely sim- formation of his theory. ilar circumstances in the murder ESV- weither, and a large number o! citi- forests on lands unsuited lo asricul- that (hey would valuer Insure Mor bo rapid pulsations of tbe heart. Convict Moore Denies Charges ?cns enjoyed (lie music provided. lea <-nnM tr.id to no other conclusion. Jefferson City, Mo , May 12.—Henry from every point oi view, including li:rp. will be held at WiEnipeg, Man.. rnons and their homes, because the Tim annual meeting of tho Crar.- death rate Is louer and the losses b> McCIaugbry Is a son of Warden Me- ^o Moore, convicted In Columbia the item ol the offering.