Peanut (Arachis Hypogaea, Fabaceae)L P
Origins of Resistances to Rust and Late Leaf Spot in Peanut (Arachis hypogaea, Fabaceae)l P. SUBRAHMANYAM.V. RAMANATHARAO, D. MCDONALD. J. P. Moss, AND R. W. GIBBONS' 7'hcc~ulti~utedpc~a,r1~/(Arachis hypogaea. Fubaccac) is belic~vedto have orlginutcjd ulorrg I/?(,C~USIC~II slo/)c,s (?fihr ..lnrl(s in Bo111.iaund northerr1 Argentina. The crop 1s t~orcgroLt,tr thronghout iro~~ic~ulutid warm tonpiJralr regron.c. .4rnong diseases uttac.krn,q pc,ut~lrrs,rlitr cwlr.,c~/hjl Puccinia arachidis arid larr, Ieuf'spot cuuscd hj, Phaeoisariopsis personata urea flic r? rt?iportan/ and dcstrurttvc~on a ~,orld~,idr .\c,olc. noti? pa//iogc,tr~,rr,stric./cd rn host run@, to Arachis, prohahly originated and c,oc,vol\,ed irl .Siiut/r .,ltnrriiu alclt~y~i'ith thrir /~ost.s.In rcwnr years there has heen 1?11i(./r ~rtlphusr.\OIL .SC~(~CIIIII~c!f pcwn~rt gcrtnpla.\t?i fi?r rerlstuncp to thmr di,seases, :I/ tile It~tcrtiut~o~ldC~OIJX Rc,~eurc.h It~.sti/tttc~,J~r tho St7tni-.-lrrd Troprc,s IICRIS.4 T). Iticlra. .\ottrc7 10.000 i~cntt~tt,yc,rr)ipIa.s~~~ uc,c.c.~.sions u,crc .sc,rccnc,d fhr reslstuncc to rlrst and Iutcz I(,u/ .spot d~rrtn,y1977-1 4X.F u~idsourc,es (?fresi.vt~tii,(,inderiti/rcd,[i)r c,itltrr or both put1iogrtr.c. (If /lie t.r~.vistut~rg~~trotjpc:~, uboul 87% helon~erlto A. hypogaca rur. fastigiata utitl 1.?"0 lo vtrr.
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