The Kodaira dimension of Siegel modular varieties of genus 3 or higher Vom Fachbereich Mathematik der Universitat¨ Hannover zur Erlangung des Grades Doktor der Naturwissenschaften Dr. rer. nat. genehmigte Dissertation von Dipl.-Math. Eric Schellhammer geboren am 18. November 1973 in Stuttgart 2004
[email protected] Universitat¨ Hannover – Fachbereich Mathematik February 25, 2004 Referent: Prof. Dr. Klaus Hulek, Universitat¨ Hannover Koreferent: Prof. Dr. Herbert Lange, Universitat¨ Erlangen Tag der Promotion: 6. Februar 2004 2 Abstract An Abelian variety is a g-dimensional complex torus which is a projective variety. In order to obtain an embedding into projective space one has to chose an ample line bundle. To each such line bundle one can associate a polarisation which only depends on the class of the line bundle in the Neron-Se´ veri group. The type of the polarisation is given by a g-tuple of integers e1;::: ;eg with the property that ei ei+1 for i = 1;:::;g 1. j ei+1 − If e1 = = eg = 1, the polarisation is said to be principal. If the values are ··· ei pairwise coprime, the polarisation is said to be coprime. Furthermore, we can give a symplectic basis for the group of n-torsion points, which is then called a level-n structure. Not only Abelian varieties but also their moduli spaces have been of interest for many years. The moduli space of Abelian varieties with a fixed polarisation (and op- tionally a level-n structure for a fixed n) can be constructed from the Siegel upper half space by dividing out the action of the appropriate arithmetic symplectic group.