Module 4, Unit 3, Lesson 1 Shepherd family women (pioneers of women in ministry)

Guiding Principle: God can use me.

Memory Verse: “Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith and in purity.” 1 Timothy 4:12 (NIV)

Leader’s Background Information: These history lessons of the early Salvation Army can inspire us all to return to the youth and vigor our church had in its beginnings. In this lesson, we learn about Kate Shepherd who ministered to an entire community at 17 years old. If we can help our junior soldiers understand that God can work through them in the same way, there is no stopping this generation of young people from doing bold things for Jesus. Guiding Principle: God can use me. Scripture: 1 Timothy 4:12 (NIV)

Activity What Kids Do Preparation Materials

• Hard chocolate chip cookies COOKIE MINING: • Soft chocolate chip cookies Junior soldiers try to IMPACT Gather supplies. • 2 Paper towels (per junior excavate chocolate chips out (15 min) soldier) of cookies. • 6 Toothpicks (per junior soldier)

Junior soldiers learn about Kate Shepherd, a • Bibles young teenage girl who Review lesson. ILLUMINATE • Black construction paper (10-15 min) helped minister to the coal Review verse. • Construction hats mining community IN • Play food Rhondda Valley.

Junior soldiers watch the members of the SRT try to catalogue all of Bram’s • Video artifacts when they stumble Have video ready to play. INVEST • Small group questions (10-15 min) upon something of Read through the questions • Small notebook Kate Shepherd’s. ahead of time. • Small reward Junior soldiers reflect on the lesson and the things God may be saying.

LIGHT BULB VASE: • Plastic clear light bulbs Junior soldiers make a vase • Soil INSPIRE out of a plastic light bulb to Have a sample prepared. • Plastic spoons (10-15 min) remind us that God can use Copy Take Home Worksheet. • Flower seeds or small us to be a light in flowers dark places. • Take Home Worksheet

Teachers: If you are printing out the lessons for teaching, be sure to select “Fit” under Page Size.

One idea to keep the junior soldiers engaged is to set up stations! If you have a large group, play the game and teach the lesson with the junior soldiers all together, then divide into two groups. The first group will watch the video and go through the small group questions and the second can work on the Inspire project, then switch. IMPACT

COOKIE MINING Group size: 1+ Preparation Time: 5 minutes Time Needed for Activity: 15 minutes

Materials: • Hard chocolate chip cookie (one per junior soldier) • Soft chocolate chip cookie (one per junior soldier) • 2 Paper towels (per junior soldier) • 6 Toothpicks (per junior soldier)

Preparation: • Gather supplies.

Directions: 1. Give each junior soldier one of each type of cookie, two paper towels, and six toothpicks. 2. Start the junior soldiers digging in the hard cookies to pull out the chocolate chips using only the toothpicks. If they break a toothpick and it is no longer sharp, they can no longer use it. It must be thrown away. 3. After 3 to 5 minutes, stop and find out if anyone was successful in extracting anything. As a class, review the debriefing questions below. 4. Have them excavate in the soft cookies using the same rules. 5. After 3 to 5 minutes, stop and find out if the junior soldiers were more or less successful in extracting chips. Review the debriefing questions again. How did the results differ between the hard and the soft cookies?

Safety: Be sure that the junior soldiers do not poke each other with the toothpicks. Be aware of gluten allergies. Avoid cookies with nuts to avoid any nut allergies.

Say: Please take your seats so we can begin our activity. Everyone has received two cookies, two paper towels, and six toothpicks. Do you notice how the cookies are different? One is hard and one is soft. We’re going to start with the hard chocolate chip cookie. This activity is called Cookie Mining. We are going to try and remove the chocolate chips from the cookie without breaking the cookie. You may use the toothpicks provided to try and carve out the chocolate chips. Give it a try! (Give them a few minutes to try.)

Debriefing Questions: • Are the chips you dug out whole or broken? Are there bits of cookies still clinging to them or are they relatively clean?

M4U3L1: Shepherd family women (pioneers of women in ministry) 3 IMPACT

• What was it like trying to remove the chips from the hard cookie? • Has anyone used up all their toothpicks already?

Let’s move on to the soft chocolate chip cookie next and see if it is easier. (Give them a few minutes to try.)

Debriefing Questions: • Are the chips you dug out whole or broken? Are there bits of cookies still clinging to them or are they relatively clean? • What was it like trying to remove the chips from the softer cookie? • How was it different from removing the chips from the hard cookie?

Allow the junior soldiers to eat their cookies as they continue to listen to the lesson.

After the game, say: In today’s lesson we are going to talk about an incident that took place in a coal mining village in the 1800’s. Digging out chocolate chips from a cookie is similar to the work coal miners do in the caves, except they are trying to remove coal from rock! I’m sure you would agree that working in a classroom is much different from excavating coal underground in the dark. In the coal mining story we’re about to tell you, there was a woman named Kate Shepherd who came to share the Good News of Jesus with the coal miners. Let’s take our seats and learn more about the story. You may eat your cookies while you listen to the story.

4 M4U3L1: Shepherd family women (pioneers of women in ministry) ILLUMINATE

Say: Today’s lesson is about unlikely friendships. It is about someone who knows God when others don’t. Can you imagine what that would be like? Have you ever had a friend who didn’t know God? What was that like? (Allow response.)

Imagine for one minute a neighborhood that is one of the most dangerous in your city or state. It is not hard to imagine what it is like at night: people get drunk, take drugs, and commit crimes that end up on the nightly news. Imagine police sirens, yelling and fighting in the streets, and gunshots; someone gets killed; someone gets kidnapped. It’s just another night in the neighborhood. Some of us may live in areas like this or know someone who does.

Now imagine in your mind some of these same criminals walking together down the street singing praise songs. Imagine them apologizing to each other for their violence and hatred and then imagine them apologizing to the neighborhood children for being bad examples. On one street corner you might see former gang members reading Bibles together or on another corner a former drunk and drug dealer praying. Then imagine many of these men and women going into a local church and asking the preacher to let them hear some Bible teaching! This sounds almost too good to be true, right? We might wonder: could God really do this?

When criminals turn their lives over to God; when drug addicts surrender their addiction to Jesus; and when drunks and dishonest men become sober and honest, it is not simply that they got tired of being bad. It is called a spiritual awakening. Did you know that there are times in history where these kinds of things have happened? Today’s lesson is about such an event. I need us all to participate in this story. I have hats for those who want to be coal miners and a basket of pretend food for one person to be Kate Shepherd.

The next part of the lesson involves a lot of history. Maybe have your junior soldiers role play the coal miners and Kate Shepherd as you read the story. Crumple up a bunch of black construction paper beforehand to use as coal. Have construction hats that they can wear as they pretend to be miners. Designate one junior soldier to be Kate Shepherd who gives out play food and prays with the coal miners. South Wales, Rhonnda Valley Setting: South Wales, a region known as the Rhonnda Valley. 1870-1880 Time Period: 1870-1880

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What was happening here during that time? Mining coal was a big deal. In South Wales in the 1800’s coal was very popular because it could be mined cheaply and sold to the rest of England for its industry needs. Even today, coal is the most abundant fossil fuel resource in the United States. Almost half of our electricity comes from coal-fired plants and provides almost a quarter of America’s energy needs. Coal is also the least expensive fossil fuel to use.

What is coal and coal mining? Coal is a black or brownish-black shiny rock and most of it is buried deep underground so we must “mine” or dig it out. Finding coal used to be done by people called prospectors or miners. A coal miner in South Wales would have looked like this in the 1930’s.1

Coal mining was dirty and dangerous work. In the Rhondda Valley, many new coal mines opened every year to keep up with the demand. In fact, coal began to be deep mined on a commercial scale in the Rhondda Valley as early as the 1830’s, and by the middle of the century, the valley was experiencing the start of a period of extremely rapid expansion. By the late 1870’s, the Rhondda Valley was booming, with no less than 84 coal mines and levels having been developed since 1809.2

Background to a Great Spiritual Awakening Rhondda Valley was still a raw, rough place at that time and was growing rapidly: yet the spiritual needs of many of the poorest and roughest elements in this community were still scarcely being touched. , the founder of , was one of those aware of the needs of the area. He ordered that Kate Shepherd, a young seventeen- year-old then working in Aberdare with her mother, Pamela Shepherd, be sent to the Rhondda Valley to start a work on behalf of the newly formed Salvation Army.

Who was Kate Shepherd? Kate was to be one of the first waves of brave young girls who came to be known as the “Hallelujah Lasses” who were sent to pioneer in tough places

1 their-twenty-minute-rest-south-wales-24-june-1931

2 rhondda-1-kate.html

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across England and Wales in the late 1870’s and early 1880’s. The result in 1879 in the Rhondda Valley would be a spectacular revival, started by a 17 year old girl. She was so young that William Booth told her to hide her age, yet so mature spiritually as to be able to carry herself in a way which invited no serious challenge to her authority.

What would it have been like to be a coal miner during this time? How do you think Kate felt as she entered this town to start a corps with these people? (Allow response.)

What did she do? What was Kate Shepherd like? Here are some quick facts about Kate Shepherd and her mission trip to South Wales to help you understand even more about her.

Use the following facts to share even more with the junior soldiers about Kate Shepherd.

• Here is a picture of Kate Shepherd: • Kate Shepherd was 17 years old when she was sent to the Rhonnda Valley. • William Booth asked her to go to Rhonnda Valley just days after the worst mining accident in the history of the area. Mining was dangerous and often mines would explode because of the toxic gases found underground ignited by the light from a miner’s torch or cigarette. Other times, mine shafts would collapse and bury miners inside. In this particular mining accident, 63 men and boys were killed. In all, there were 130 orphans, the majority in the small pit village of Dinas. It was a terrible toll on the area because the population could not have been more than a couple of thousand at that time. Kate Shepherd • One writer said, “The awareness of human frailty and mortality that followed the explosion was like a heavy, oppressive dark cloud suspended overhead the full length of the valley. It confronted people with eternity, and helped in a significant way to prepare the hearts of the people, particularly the miners and their families, to receive the message of the gospel of grace that Kate brought with her in the days and weeks that followed.”3 • Kate brought both the Good News of the message of Jesus Christ, but also a loving heart and a listening ear to the people of the valley. She would sometimes risk the danger of the mines when she visited some of the miners to pray with them or to bring them food. • Kate was one of the “Hallelujah Lasses,” the 30 young women—some of them very young—trained as evangelists by by the end of 1878. At the age of just sixteen, she had already been placed

3 rhondda-1-kate.html

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alongside her mother Pamela in Aberdare the year before. Here she had learned how to face an unruly crowd and tame them with her testimony and timbrel accompanied singing. But that was when she was under the watchful and encouraging eye of her experienced mother. Now, she would be on her own, with other younger girls looking to her for a lead in the even more wild Rhondda Valley. • Kate used both public speaking and one on one visitation with the miners and their families to influence them for Jesus. • During her preaching, she would often sing for her audience and have others on her team give a testimony, and then she would speak again. This was her pattern. She did not want to bore people with too much talking. • In her first public address in 1879, she invited any who wanted to come to Siloh Chapel. Siloh Chapel was a church building, but was also used as a local court. In her sermon on that first day, she said the following:

“Friends, as you all know, tomorrow, Monday, the Stipendiary Magistrate (local judge) will be sitting on this chapel platform for his Bench. Here, his court will be held, where I am standing now. Our Magistrate, God bless him, is a representative of Her Majesty the Queen.

“I am the daughter of a king. I thank God that He has saved me, pardoned my sins, and given me that peace which passes understanding.

“Now I want to declare to you that Hell, not Cardiff Gaol (the Judge), may be waiting to receive you, and tomorrow may be too late for your repentance, your pleas of guilty. Come tonight then, you who may be drunkards, blasphemers, wife-beaters, Sabbath breakers, come to Jesus who paid the price of your wrongdoing for you. He died for you and is waiting for you with outstretched arms. His Spirit shall strengthen you and you shall experience the new birth without which none can be saved.”4

There were many who responded to Kate’s messages for salvation. Many hundreds were saved and the impact of the meetings stretch far beyond the town itself as people travelled by train or on foot to get to the meetings at Siloh. This was a spiritual awakening!

God can use you. Let’s pray for another spiritual awakening in our day. What

4 David Edward Pike, “Teenage Revivalists in the Rhondda: Kate Shepherd” Welldigger Blog, January 22, 2016, accessed February 25, 2016, rhondda-1-kate.html

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would that look like? (Allow response.) Just like God can use a young teenage girl to spread His message, He can use any of us who are willing. How do you sense God leading you to help others?

If you have a small group of junior soldiers, say: Now we’re going to watch a video to teach us more.

If you have a large group of junior soldiers, say: Now we’re going to divide into two groups. Half of you will watch a video to teach us more, and the other half will work on the project. Then, we’ll switch.

If applicable, divide your junior soldiers into two groups. Settle one group in front of the TV or tablet to watch the Invest video and the others can begin working on the Inspire project. If you have only one leader, try following these instructions: while the video is playing, go over the instructions for the project with the project group. When the video ends, go through the small group questions with the video group. After both groups have completed their activity, switch.

M4U3L1: Shepherd family women (pioneers of women in ministry) 9 INVEST

Memory Verse: “Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith and in purity.” 1 Timothy 4:12 (NIV)

Say: This unit’s Scripture memory verse is 1 Timothy 4:12. Let’s read it together. Does anyone want to try to say it from memory?

Allow a time for junior soldiers to recite this verse from memory. Review it again, providing a small reward for those who have memorized the verse. This verse will be reviewed each week throughout this unit.

Say: In the video this week, the SRT members are helping Bram catalogue all of his Salvation Army artifacts when they find a story about Kate Shepherd.

Play Video

Small Group Questions Say: Now we are going to take some time to think about what we learned Small Group Tip: As you share today. I’m going to ask a few questions. Try to answer each question stories with the children about honestly, and respect one another by listening to each other with people who did great things for patience and without judgment. God, encourage them to consider how they might use their talents • How old was Kate Shepherd when she went to the Rhonnda Valley? while they’re young to do great • What did most people in the town do for work? things. For example: a talented • What did Kate do with people in the town? young artist might create notes, • What is special about Kate’s story? cards, drawings, or poems for • How did God use Kate? people who are sick or lonely. • What is one way God can use you in your neighborhood or school? A child with an athletic talent might gather kids together in the neighborhood for a game so that everyone has an opportunity to feel included. A child with an eye for observation might speak up when he/she notices someone who is being bullied. Encourage children to take inventory of their talents and consider ways to use their talents for God!

10 M4U3L1: Shepherd family women (pioneers of women in ministry) INSPIRE

LIGHT BULB VASE Note: You might want to ask for some parent volunteers for this activity.

Materials: • Pack of plastic clear light bulbs (available at craft stores or Amazon) • Soil • Plastic spoons • Flower seeds or small flowers • Take Home Worksheet

Preparation: • Place a container of soil on each table along with plastic spoons.

Directions: 1. Instruct the junior soldier to unscrew the top of their light bulb. 2. Carefully place your small plant in your light bulb. 3. Put some soil into the light bulb with the plastic spoons. 4. Display your plant somewhere where it can get sunlight and grow. 5. Pass out the Take Home Worksheet.

Say: Because Kate Shepherd was a light in her community, we can use these light bulb vases to remind us that we can be a light in our community also.

M4U3L1: Shepherd family women (pioneers of women in ministry) 11 Take Home Worksheet Module 4, Unit 3, Lesson 1 Shepherd family women (pioneers of women in ministry)

Use the words below to fill in the blanks: Kate Shepherd Siloh mining timbrel 17 speaking Rhonnda prayed visits food

Kate Shepherd was __ years old. Moved to ______Valley in South Wales. Ministered to families affected by a ______accident. First meetings held in _____ chapel, which was also used as a court.

Used public ______and home ______to tell people about Jesus. ______and brought ____ to miners working in the coal mines. Used a ______during her public speaking. Family Bible Reading Plan This week, junior soldiers learned about Kate Shepherd, the seventeen year old girl who pioneered the work of women in Army ministry.

Read through the following verses with your junior soldiers.

DAY ONE 1 Timothy 4:12 What does this verse say about young people? How old was Kate Shepherd?

DAY TWO Philippians 2:15-16 DAY THREE This verse tells us that we can shine like Philippians 2:1-4 stars in the universe. What is significant What do these verses tell us about stars? How can we become like about how we should care for the stars described in this passage? one another? How did Kate Shepherd care for the people in Rhonnda Valley?

DAY FOUR 1 Corinthians 9:24-25 How can we run the race to claim the prize? What is the prize? Module 4, Unit 3, Lesson 2 Elijah Cadman: the fighter who changed uniforms

Guiding Principle: God’s power can turn your life around.

Memory Verse: “Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith and in purity.” 1 Timothy 4:12 (NIV)

Leader’s Background Information: The story of Elijah Cadman shows us that God can use anyone to accomplish His purposes. Guiding Principle: God’s power can turn your life around. Scripture: 1 Timothy 4:12 (NIV)

Activity What Kids Do Preparation Materials

TURN AROUND GAME: IMPACT Junior soldiers play a game Create an open space • None (10 min) where they must turn away for play. from obstacles.

Junior soldiers learn about Elijah Cadman, a street Review lesson. • Bibles fighter who turned his life ILLUMINATE Review verse. • Red streamers (10-15 min) around and became a Set up a pretend boxing ring. • Boxing gloves soldier in The Salvation Army.

Junior soldiers watch the SRT continue to catalogue Bram’s artifacts when • Video Have video ready to play. INVEST they come across a poster of • Small group questions (10-15 min) Read through the questions Elijah Cadman. • Small notebook ahead of time. Junior soldiers reflect on the • Small reward lesson and the things God may be saying.

• Concrete MOSAIC STEPPING STONES: • Old metal spoons Junior soldiers make a • Water footprint stepping stone to Lay out the materials • Plant saucers INSPIRE remind them that when they beforehand. (10-15 min) • Stones/beads (several for step out in faith, God’s Copy Take Home Worksheet. each junior soldier) power can turn • Gloves anyone’s life around. • Take Home Worksheet

Teachers: If you are printing out the lessons for teaching, be sure to select “Fit” under Page Size.

One idea to keep the junior soldiers engaged is to set up stations! If you have a large group, play the game and teach the lesson with the junior soldiers all together, then divide into two groups. The first group will watch the video and go through the small group questions and the second can work on the Inspire project, then switch. IMPACT

TURN AROUND GAME Group size: 8+ Preparation Time: 5 minutes Time Needed for Activity: 10 minutes

Materials: • None • Lively music and player (optional)

Preparation: • Prior to class, create an open space for play. If you are indoors, put chairs around the perimeter of the room. If you are outside, find an open space to play that is free of debris or obstacles.

Directions: 1. Have the junior soldiers stand in a circle. Include yourself in the circle. 2. The objective for this activity is to work together with a partner coordinating movements around the room without making contact with any other pairs of junior soldiers. 3. This tends to work better with larger groups, but can be done with small groups as well. For smaller groups, restrict the size of the playing area. If the space is too large, pairs may find the activity less challenging – tighter quarters seems to make this one play better. Lively background music makes this one even more fun! 4. Pair up junior soldiers and ask the partners to stand side-by-side and hold hands in a square dancer’s “promenade” position – left hand to left hand, right hand to right hand holding like you’re shaking hands. (See picture). 5. Without letting go of hands, have the pairs practice rotating their bodies 180 degrees. This rotation is done by one partner pushing one hand and pulling with the other. This double action forces the partners to face in the opposite direction. After each pair understands how to perform the 180 degree turn, spread the pairs out around the playing area. On the “Go” command, or when you start the music, have pairs move forward in a straight line. As the pairs move they will encounter other pairs or other obstacles such as walls. Before making contact with any obstruction, the pair must perform their 180 degree turn calling out, “Turn Around!” while reversing direction. After the reverse, the pair proceeds forward again in their new direction until they come to another obstruction that requires a 180 degree turn. As mentioned in step 3, the smaller the playing area, the greater the number of switches and changes. Play for four minutes. Call “freeze” to stop the action or simply turn off the music. 6. No running allowed. A slow walking pace is recommended.

M4U3L2: Elijah Cadman: the fighter who changed uniforms 3 IMPACT

Safety: This activity requires a certain amount of trust. If junior soldiers become reckless, trust building could be compromised. Keep a close watch.

Say: Please come and stand in a circle to hear the directions for our game. Everyone needs to find a partner. (If there are an odd number of junior soldiers you can partner up with someone.) Once you have found your partner I want you to stand side-by-side and hold hands in a square dancer’s “promenade” position – left hand to left hand, right hand to right hand holding like you’re shaking hands. (Demonstrate this with a partner.) Now without letting go of each other’s hands you are going to rotate your bodies 180 degrees. The way to do this is that one of you will push one hand and pull the other. This will allow you and your partner to turn and face in the opposite direction without letting go of one another’s hands. (Allow them time to practice this and help any groups that are having difficulty.)

Now when I say, “Go” I want you all to move forward in a straight line. As you move you will bump into other partners and you will also bump into walls. Before you touch the other partners or the walls you must turn around 180 degrees and call out “Turn Around!” This will allow you to reverse directions. Then continue to walk forward until you come to something that gets in your way or that requires you to turn. Continue to do this until I say, “Freeze.” Also, remember no running is allowed. Walk at a slow pace to ensure that no one gets hurt. Are there any questions? Okay, “Go!”

After the game, say: In today’s lesson we are going to talk about a man by the name of Elijah Cadman. He is a man whose life was completely turned around by God’s power. In this game, there were times that you were about to run into obstacles or people and you had to trust that you and your partner would work together so you didn’t run into anything. Your partner helped you turn around and go the other direction so you didn’t get hurt or bump into anyone. The same thing happened in Elijah Cadman’s life. When Jesus came into his life and heart, Elijah turned away from his bad behaviors and made better decisions in his life. Let’s take our seats and learn more about the story of Elijah Cadman.

4 M4U3L2: Elijah Cadman: the fighter who changed uniforms ILLUMINATE

Say: The story of Elijah Cadman is about a man whose life was completely turned around by God’s power. He was a street fighter who was turned into God’s soldier. He was a man who was angry, selfish, and proud. But when Jesus came into His life and heart, Elijah Cadman exchanged his boxing gloves and boxing uniform for another uniform. He was a new man and he decided to show it to everyone. He once told William Booth, “I would like to wear a suit of clothes that would let everyone know I meant war to the teeth and salvation for the world.” He is credited with introducing the idea of the Salvation Army uniform.

Acts 3:19 (NIV) says, “Repent, then, and turn to God, so that your sins may be wiped out, that times of refreshing may come from the Lord.”

This verse is a good verse for Elijah’s life: There is a before story, a turning to God story, and a time of refreshing story.

Before class, set up a pretend boxing ring. Maybe place red streamers around the perimeter of the classroom to simulate a boxing ring. Make paper boxing gloves for your fists. Tell the “before” story on your tiptoes dancing around the ring. It will add energy and pique the interest of the junior soldiers.

The Before Story: To repent means to turn around. What are we turning around from? The answer is found in Elijah’s early life: his “before he met Jesus” story. Much of his early life was rough. He was born into extreme poverty. What does “poverty” mean? His father died when Elijah was little. Elijah grew up a thief and a boy of bad character. It’s hard to judge him too much. His boss beat him, and he was forced to drink alcohol and smoke cigarettes before he was even 7 years old. He was short. Because of his size, he became a chimney sweep. He would crawl up and down dirty chimneys and fireplaces and clean them out for only a small amount of money. But here is where his “before” story gets even worse. Later in his life he became part-owner in a chimney sweep business. Because he had learned to fight on the streets, he decided to open a boxing ring. He had a reputation of being able to drink a lot of alcohol and beat anyone in the ring. He was small, tough, and mean.

What do you think happened next for Elijah?

The Turning to God story: One day, Elijah Cadman became afraid of death. He and a friend went to see a public hanging. In the 1870’s in England, people who committed crimes were often hanged in the streets on gallows. While he and his friend watched, his

M4U3L2: Elijah Cadman: the fighter who changed uniforms 5 ILLUMINATE

friend whispered something that would begin to turn his thinking around. He said, “That’s what you’ll come to ‘Lijah, one day.” In the days that followed, Elijah realized that all of his drinking and fighting was leading him nowhere but death, and that scared him.

Elijah Cadman was also a man who liked to poke fun at religious people. After the incident at the public hanging, he decided to go listen to a street preacher and was planning on interrupting him. Instead, he couldn’t get the preacher’s words out of his head. It was like the Holy Spirit was bringing these things to his mind. Finally, he turned over his life to Jesus.

What do you think happened next?

The Time of Refreshing Story Our Scripture verse from Acts says that if you turn or repent, then times of refreshing will come from the Lord. What does that mean? Refreshing in this verse is the idea of being able to breathe again. And this clear, clean air comes from the presence of Jesus Himself. In Elijah Cadman’s life, the first thing he did when refreshment came was that he destroyed his boxing ring. He said, “I’m going to fight for God, not the Devil!” Throughout the rest of Elijah’s life, he lived, fought, and died for Jesus Christ in The Salvation Army. Here’s what he did:

1. After he met Jesus, Elijah became a preacher and would preach on the streets of England.

2. He was the first person to call William Booth the “General of the Hallelujah Army,” because he saw that William Booth acted like a General and was a very effective leader.

3. He became a Commissioner in The Salvation Army and traveled all over the world preaching about Jesus.

In 2 Timothy 2:4 (NIV), it says, “No one serving as a soldier gets entangled in civilian affairs, but rather tries to please his commanding officer.” This is a verse that describes Captain Cadman’s life after He turned it over to Jesus. His before Jesus story was bad, but God turned him into an effective and devoted warrior for other people so that they too could meet Jesus and have a time when their sins were wiped away too.

God’s power can turn your life around!

If you have a small group of junior soldiers, say: Now we’re going to watch a video to teach us more.

6 M4U3L2: Elijah Cadman: the fighter who changed uniforms ILLUMINATE

If you have a large group of junior soldiers, say: Now we’re going to divide into two groups. Half of you will watch a video to teach us more, and the other half will work on the project. Then, we’ll switch.

If applicable, divide your junior soldiers into two groups. Settle one group in front of the TV or tablet to watch the Invest video and the others can begin working on the Inspire project. If you have only one leader, try following these instructions: while the video is playing, go over the instructions for the project with the project group. When the video ends, go through the small group questions with the video group. After both groups have completed their activity, switch.

M4U3L2: Elijah Cadman: the fighter who changed uniforms 7 INVEST

Memory Verse: “Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith and in purity.” 1 Timothy 4:12 (NIV)

Say: This unit’s Scripture memory verse is 1 Timothy 4:12. Let’s read it together.

Allow a time for junior soldiers to recite this verse from memory. Review it again, providing a small reward for those who have memorized the verse. This verse will be reviewed each week throughout this unit.

Say: The members of the SRT are continuing the cataloguing of Bram’s artifacts when they find an old poster of Elijah Cadman.

Play Video

Small Group Questions Small Group Tip: As you share Say: Now we are going to take some time to think about what we learned stories with the children about today. I’m going to ask a few questions. Try to answer each question people who did great things for honestly, and respect one another by listening to each other with God, encourage them to consider patience and without judgment. how they might use their talents while they’re young to do great • When did Elijah turn his life around? things. For example: a talented • Have you ever heard something a preacher said that stuck with you? young artist might create notes, What was it? cards, drawings, or poems for • Elijah decided he would “fight for God and not the devil.” What does people who are sick or lonely. fighting for God look like? A child with an athletic talent • God’s power turned Elijah’s life around. What changed? might gather kids together in the • Elijah was one bad dude before he met Jesus. Is there someone you neighborhood for a game so that know who needs God’s love? How can you show it to them? everyone has an opportunity to feel included. A child with an eye for observation might speak up when he/she notices someone who is being bullied. Encourage children to take inventory of their talents and consider ways to use their talents for God!

8 M4U3L2: Elijah Cadman: the fighter who changed uniforms INSPIRE


Materials: • Concrete or plaster • Old metal spoons • Water • Plant saucers • Stones/beads (several for each junior soldier) Note: You will need • Gloves a lot of beads and • Take Home Worksheet stones depending on Preparation: what size stepping stone you’re making. • Lay out the materials beforehand. • Copy Take Home Worksheet.

Directions: 1. Mix the concrete or plaster. Follow the directions on the bag. You don’t want it to be liquid because the stones/beads will sink. 2. Pour your concrete/plaster into the plant saucers. 3. Have the junior soldiers flatten out the concrete/plaster. 4. Have the junior soldiers start making a footprint design in the middle of their stepping stone. 5. When they are finished, they can use the stones to surround the footprint or fill the footprint in with the stones. 6. Let it dry overnight. 7. The next week, remove the saucer and let them dry more. You may want to spray a little bit of water on them. This makes them last longer. 8. Pass out the Take Home Worksheet.

Say: Elijah Cadman stepped out in faith. Today, we made a stepping-stone to remind us that when we step out in faith, God can turn our lives around!

M4U3L2: Elijah Cadman: the fighter who changed uniforms 9 Take Home Worksheet Module 4, Unit 3, Lesson 2 Elijah Cadman: the fighter who changed uniforms

Use the words below to fill in the blanks: boxing preached commissioner Elijah Cadman boxing ring alcoholism hanging chimney

Elijah’s father died of ______. Elijah was a ______sweep. He owned a ______ring. After seeing a public ______, he gave his life to Jesus.

After becoming saved, he closed down his ______. Elijah became a ______in The Salvation Army. He ______all over the world, and many more were saved. Family Bible Reading Plan This week, junior soldiers learned about Elijah Cadman, and that God’s power can turn anyone’s life around.

Read through the following verses with your junior soldier this week.

DAY ONE Acts 3:19 What does this verse say will happen if you turn away from your sins?

DAY TWO John 3:16 This verse says, “whoever believes in him.” Does that mean even people as bad and mean as Elijah Cadman? DAY THREE John 3:17 What does it mean to save the world through Jesus? How were you saved through Jesus? DAY FOUR 2 Timothy 2:4 Elijah turned his life around and did whatever he could to please his commanding officer, God. List the ways in which Elijah’s behavior changed. Module 4, Unit 3, Lesson 3 Josef Korbel: persecuted for his faith

Guiding Principle: God overcomes evil with good.

Memory Verse: “Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith and in purity.” 1 Timothy 4:12 (NIV)

Leader’s Background Information: Josef Korbel is a modern example of a man who was saved by Jesus, became a Salvation Army officer, and was then persecuted for his faith. May these giants of Salvation Army history inspire us toward being bold about our faith in Jesus. Guiding Principle: God overcomes evil with good. Scripture: 1 Timothy 4:12 (NIV)

Activity What Kids Do Preparation Materials

• 5-7 hula hoops Create an open space • A cone for each hula-hoop PRISON BREAK: for play. • Cones to mark 2 individual IMPACT Junior soldiers play a game Place hula hoops in “Safe Zones” (10 min) where they have to escape. designated area. • One bandana for each Establish safe zones. junior soldier.

Junior soldiers learn Review lesson. ILLUMINATE about Josef Korbel and • Bibles (10-15 min) Review verse. his amazing acts of courage.

Junior soldiers watch Turk find a metal barb and Bram uses that to • Video Have video ready to play. INVEST explain the persecution • Small group questions (10-15 min) Read through the questions faced by Josef Korbel. • Small notebook ahead of time. Junior soldiers reflect on the • Small reward lesson and the things God may be saying.

• Copy Worksheets #1-3 • Drawing paper Cut Worksheets #1-3 • Pencils HALF FACE PAINTING: in half. • Erasers Junior soldiers create Place glue sticks, pencils, INSPIRE • Pencil sharpener (10-15 min) a painting that displays and drawing paper • Printed pictures of Jesus’s Jesus’s love in our life. on tables. face Copy Take Home Worksheet. • Glue sticks • Take Home Worksheet

Teachers: If you are printing out the lessons for teaching, be sure to select “Fit” under Page Size.

One idea to keep the junior soldiers engaged is to set up stations! If you have a large group, play the game and teach the lesson with the junior soldiers all together, then divide into two groups. The first group will watch the video and go through the small group questions and the second can work on the Inspire project, then switch. IMPACT

PRISON BREAK Group size: 8+ Preparation Time: 15 minutes Time Needed for Activity: 10 minutes

Materials: • 5-7 hula hoops • A cone for each hula hoop • Cones to mark two individual “Safe Zones” • One bandana for each child (half of the bandanas should be yellow bandanas, the other half of the bandanas should be green)

Preparation: • This game requires a large play space. Prior to class, create an open space for play. If you are indoors, put chairs around the perimeter of the room. If you are outside, find an open space to play that is free of debris or obstacles. • Lay the hula-hoops out sporadically around the playing area. Mark each hoop by placing a cone on the outside of the hoop. • Use additional marker cones to establish two Safe Zones on opposite corners of the playing area.

Directions: 1. Have the junior soldiers stand in a circle. Include yourself in #1 the circle. 2. Split the kids into two even teams. Give one team the yellow bandanas. Give the other team the green bandanas. Have each junior soldier attach the bandana to their wrist. This is to help identify which team each junior soldier is on. 3. One team starts inside Safe Zone #1. The other team scatters about in the open playing area. 4. As long as a player is on/in a safe zone, he cannot be tagged. 5. The moment a player leaves the safe zone, he can be tagged by the other team waiting in the open playing area. 6. If a player is tagged while trying to make it from one safe zone to another, then he must go back to Safe Zone #1 and wait 10 #2 seconds before making another attempt. 7. Hula-hoops are safe zones as well. These allow players trying to cross the playing area a chance to rest before trying to continue on. Hula-hoops represent different prison cells in the game. Each time someone enters a hula-hoop in the game, any player in the same hoop should say, “Jesus loves you” to them. (This is important for the debrief of the game.)

M4U3L3: Josef Korbel: persecuted for his faith 3 IMPACT

8. You can have as many people in a hula-hoop at a time as you want. 9. After 5 minutes is up, count how many people made it into Safe Zone #2. Then allow the teams to switch roles, so that the team that was just guarding now has a chance to try and get more people than the other team did in Safe Zone #2.

Say: Please come and stand in a circle to hear the directions for our game. We’re going to play a game today called Prison Break. In today’s lesson we are going to learn about a man named Josef Korbel. Josef was put into prison for 10 years because he was a Christian. First we’re going to divide into two teams. I’m going to walk around the circle and give a yellow or a green bandana to every person in the group. This will determine which team you are on. (Do this now.) Now that we have our two teams, we can begin. We have two Safety Zones in this game, Safety Zone #1 and Safety Zone #2. (Demonstrate where these are.)

Safety Zone #1 will represent being in jail. Safety Zone #2 will represent getting out of jail. We’re going to have the yellow bandana team start out in Safety Zone #1. In a moment, but not yet, the green team will scatter about in the open playing area. The yellow team is going to try and run across the playing area without getting tagged by the green team. The hula-hoops that are on the ground are also Safety Zones. This will allow players trying to cross the playing area a chance to rest before trying to continue on.

The hula-hoops are going to represent different prison cells in the jail. If you make it to a hula-hoop without getting tagged, you must say, “Jesus loves me!” Then if another player makes it into the hula-hoop safely, you must tell them, “Jesus loves you!” Do this each time someone new joins you in the hula-hoop. You can have as many people as you can fit safely into the hula-hoop. So let’s say I’m on the yellow team and I step out of Safe Zone #1. The moment I step out of the safe zone, I can be tagged by the other team. If you get tagged by someone, you must go back to Safe Zone #1 and wait 10 seconds before making another attempt. This can happen anywhere out in the playing area. Anytime I am tagged by a member of the other team, I must return to the Safety Zone #1, count to 10, and then I can make another attempt. We will play for 5 minutes, and then we will switch roles, and the green team will get an opportunity to try and break out of prison. Are there any questions?

Safety: Encourage safe tagging and fast walking instead of running.

After the game, say: In today’s lesson we are going to talk about a man by the name of Josef Korbel. As I mentioned before, Josef was put into prison for 10 years because he was a Christian. While he was there, he told many people about Jesus. This was a very risky thing for Josef to do, as they were often punished for sharing their faith with others. In this game, each time you made

4 M4U3L3: Josef Korbel: persecuted for his faith IMPACT

it safely inside a hula-hoop, you either had to say, “Jesus loves me” or “Jesus loves you.” This is what Josef did every single day of his 10 years in prison. He tried to tell as many people as he could about Jesus while he was there. He figured if he couldn’t be a missionary for God outside of the prison, he was going to be a missionary within the prison. Let’s take our seats and learn more about this great man.

M4U3L3: Josef Korbel: persecuted for his faith 5 ILLUMINATE

Say: How can a man stay loving when all around him is hate? How can a man care for others when no one cares for him? How can a man have courage when everyone around him tries to make him afraid? How can a man remain good when all around him there is evil? This is the story of Josef Korbel and it is also the story of how God overcomes evil with good.

Here are some quick facts about his life: 1. Josef Korbel lived during a time when the government of Czechoslovakia became anti-Christian and communist. This lasted until 1989, when a new government came to power. Imagine this happening to you! 2. When his country’s government turned against , many believers in Jesus were put into prison and then falsely accused of doing wrong. They were accused of being enemies of the government or even spies. This created a lot of fear in their country. 3. Josef Korbel became an officer in The Salvation Army in 1927. 4. The Salvation Army’s presence in Czechoslovakia from 1919 until 1951 was largely due to the work of Josef Korbel. 5. Josef Korbel was arrested by Communist agents and put in prison for 10 years from 1949 to 1959. 6. Josef Korbel remained faithful to Jesus even though his life became very hard. 7. In 1971 Josef Korbel was transferred to the USA and lived here until he died in 2002. 8. In 1990 he helped re-open The Salvation Army in his home country. 9. At the 1990 International Congress of The Salvation Army, General presented Josef with the .

Who was Josef Korbel? Josef was born into a wealthy family, but they were spiritually poor. His parents did not care about God and Josef felt lonely and empty. When he was 15, his father left the family. By the time Josef was 20, he had graduated from an art design school and was looking for a new job. On one rainy November evening, he went to his town square expecting to find many people, but he only saw three people. They were singing and playing musical instruments. When the music stopped, one person, a Salvationist, began preaching.

He said, “God loves you friends! Did Jesus die for no purpose? No! He died for your sins and will cleanse your sinful heart as He did mine. Open your heart to Him! You will find peace and joy like you never dreamed possible!

6 M4U3L3: Josef Korbel: persecuted for his faith ILLUMINATE

Are you lonely, sad, or disappointed? He is the king of peace; your loving Heavenly Father has prepared for you just what you have always been looking for... forgiveness for your sins and assurance of everlasting life.”1

Josef was amazed at what he heard. Was it possible that God was real? He followed these three to a meeting hall where he listened to them sing and pray, and when they invited him to come to the altar, he went, knelt, and cried uncontrollably. When he left that night, he was no longer alone because the Holy One was with him. He joined The Salvation Army and became an officer. His life goal was to introduce people to Jesus wherever he went.

How did God use his life for good in the midst of evil? Josef lived in a country that would soon become anti-Christian. In fact, his home country of Czechoslovakia would try to eliminate all talk about God, all singing and preaching about Jesus, and every symbol of Church life. As a result of this new evil government, Josef would soon be arrested because he was “a very dangerous man for his strong religious influence, especially on young people and children.” Josef would spend the next 10 years in prison.

If Josef Korbel couldn’t be a missionary for God outside of the prison, he decided that he would simply be a missionary within prison. Here are a couple of highlights of his time spent in prison:

1. While he was in prison, he received a package from his wife, which contained a letter, some things from his house, and some food. The most important thing he received was a Bible from his wife that had been hidden between two slices of bread. In his autobiography called In My Enemy’s Camp, Josef describes his feelings after he discovered that a Bible had made it through undetected by the guards: “With trembling hands I took the Testament out and pressed it to my heart—and then to my lips. ‘Oh, Lord, how good You are!’ I whispered again and again.”2

2. He was put into a cell with an insane man named Miroslav. For months, Josef cared for this man, read him God’s Word, and talked with him. Miroslav gave his life to Jesus. All of the guards and other prisoners couldn’t believe that it was the same crazy man. This is how Josef described the change: “From that day on, Miroslav was a completely different man. Even his appearance changed. The guards couldn’t believe the miraculous change in him; he washed himself and allowed his nails to be trimmed. The barber came to shave him and to cut his hair. But Miroslav kept silent, always in a

1 Korbel, Josef, and Frank Allnutt. In My Enemy’s Camp. (Orange,CA: Christian Resource Communications, 1976), 47.

2 Ibid. 129-130.

M4U3L3: Josef Korbel: persecuted for his faith 7 ILLUMINATE

contemplative mood. I’m sure he felt God’s constant presence around him. Now and again the guards came to look at him through the peephole—to see if the change in Miroslav was real.”3

A Salvationist hero filled with God’s love Josef Korbel’s story shows us that there are still heroes who are faithful to God even when they suffer for their faith. His story also shows us that good wins over evil and love wins over hate. Josef’s story reminds us of something that Mother Teresa said: “We can do no great things, only small things with great love.”

This is what Josef Korbel did. • Josef washed his cell mates’ feet. • Josef read Scripture to other prisoners and encouraged them not to give up hope. • Josef kept close to God even in prison so that he would not become bitter, angry, and disappointed with his life. • After Josef’s release from prison, he went everywhere he could and told people of God’s grace even while he was in prison. He told God’s story. • Josef did not do any BIG things or GREAT things, but the things he did he did with GREAT LOVE. That makes him a hero.

If you have a small group of junior soldiers, say: Now we’re going to watch a video to teach us more.

If you have a large group of junior soldiers, say: Now we’re going to divide into two groups. Half of you will watch a video to teach us more, and the other half will work on the project. Then, we’ll switch.

If applicable, divide your junior soldiers into two groups. Settle one group in front of the TV or tablet to watch the Invest video and the others can begin working on the Inspire project. If you have only one leader, try following these instructions: while the video is playing, go over the instructions for the project with the project group. When the video ends, go through the small group questions with the video group. After both groups have completed their activity, switch.


3 Ibid. 129-130.

8 M4U3L3: Josef Korbel: persecuted for his faith INVEST

Memory Verse: “Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith and in purity.” 1 Timothy 4:12 (NIV)

Say: This unit’s Scripture memory verse is 1 Timothy 4:12. Let’s read it together.

Allow a time for junior soldiers to recite this verse from memory. Review it again, providing a small reward for those who have memorized the verse. This verse will be reviewed each week throughout this unit.

Say: This week the SRT members are lounging in the Treehouse when they find a metal barb that teaches them the story of Josef Korbel.

Play Video

Small Group Questions Say: Now we are going to take some time to think about what we learned Small Group Tip: As you share today. I’m going to ask a few questions. Try to answer each question stories with the children about honestly, and respect one another by listening to each other with patience people who did great things for and without judgment. God, encourage them to consider how they might use their talents • Why is Josef Korbel’s life important for us to know about? while they’re young to do great • What can we learn about God from the way Josef lived his life? things. For example: a talented • How can we pray for persecuted Christians around the world? young artist might create notes, cards, drawings, or poems for people who are sick or lonely. A child with an athletic talent might gather kids together in the neighborhood for a game so that everyone has an opportunity to feel included. A child with an eye for observation might speak up when he/she notices someone who is being bullied. Encourage children to take inventory of their talents and consider ways to use their talents for God!

M4U3L3: Josef Korbel: persecuted for his faith 9 INSPIRE


Materials: • Worksheets #1-3 • Drawing paper • Pencils • Erasers • Pencil sharpener • Glue sticks • Colored pencils • Take Home Worksheet

Preparation: • Cut Worksheets #1-3 in half. • Place glue sticks, pencils, and drawing paper on the tables. • Copy Take Home Worksheet.

Directions: 1. Give each junior soldier a half printed page of Jesus’s face. Have them glue it to one side of their paper. 2. Instruct the junior soldier that instead of drawing the other half of Jesus’s face they are going to draw their own. 3. Tell them to take their time. When they have finished, they can color their pictures with colored pencils. 4. Pass out the Take Home Worksheet.

Say: This drawing will be our face on one side and Jesus on the other. This will be a symbol of how Jesus’s love lives in us. With His love, we can overcome evil with good.

10 M4U3L3: Josef Korbel: persecuted for his faith M4U3L3, Worksheet #1: Josef Korbel: persecuted for his faith M4U3L3, Worksheet #2: Josef Korbel: persecuted for his faith M4U3L3, Worksheet #3: Josef Korbel: persecuted for his faith Take Home Worksheet Module 4, Unit 3, Lesson 3 Josef Korbel: persecuted for his faith

Use the words below to fill in the blanks: Josef Korbel communist feet Czechoslovakia Bible 1990 Jesus prison art United States

Josef Korbel lived in ______. Josef went to ___ school. His country became ______and anti-Christian. Josef was in ______for ten years. Josef washed the other cell mates’ ____.

While in prison, Josef’s wife sent him a _____ between slices of bread. While in prison, Josef taught his cell mate about _____. Josef reopened the work of The Salvation Army in his home country in ____. Josef lived in the ______until his death in 2002. Family Bible Reading Plan This week, junior soldiers learned about Josef Korbel, a modern example of a Salvation Army officer who was persecuted for his faith.

Read through the following verses with your junior soldier this week.

DAY ONE 2 Timothy 1:7 What does a spirit of power look like? How did Josef show a spirit of power?

DAY TWO Romans 8:28 Was God working the ten years Josef DAY THREE was in prison? What happened during 1 John 4:4 those years? How can we live as if the power that is in us is greater than the one in the world?

DAY FOUR “We can do no great things, only small things with great love.” This quote is from Mother Teresa. What are some small things we can do this week that can show great love to others? Module 4, Unit 3, Lesson 4 Samuel Logan Brengle

Guiding Principle: Because Samuel Logan Brengle was completely surrendered to Christ, he was able to do amazing things for God.

Memory Verse: “Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith and in purity.” 1 Timothy 4:12 (NIV)

Leader’s Background Information: Samuel Logan Brengle is one of the early Salvation Army giants. Through his complete surrender to Christ, we have an example of holiness. Guiding Principle: Because Samuel Logan Brengle was completely surrendered to Christ, he was able to do amazing things for God. Scripture: 1 Timothy 4:12 (NIV)

Activity What Kids Do Preparation Materials

SIMON SAYS WITH A TWIST: Prepare an open space • None IMPACT Junior soldiers play Simon for play. (15 min) Says with one slight change up.

Junior soldiers learn that Samuel Logan Brengle Review lesson. ILLUMINATE surrendered his life to Christ Review verse. • Bibles (10-15 min) and started serving in The Salvation Army.

Junior soldiers watch SRT members find an • Video old shoe shine box that Have video ready to play. INVEST • Small group questions (10-15 min) belonged to Brengle. Read through the questions • Small notebook Junior soldiers reflect on the ahead of time. • Small reward lesson and the things God may be saying.

• Water color paints • Paint brushes • Old magazines or newspapers • Black Sharpies® Cut paper and felt. • Variety colors of felt 3.25” Copy Worksheet #1 on • Foam core board 3’x 6’ COLLABORATIVE cardstock and cut out the • Acrylic paints HEART MURAL: INSPIRE heart templates. • Heart Templates from (10-15 min) Junior soldiers make a Have craft supplies on Worksheet #1 mural using a heart pattern. the table. • Cardstock Copy Take Home Worksheet. • Pencils • Containers for water • Variety of colors of paper cut 3.25” • Oil pastels • Take Home Worksheet

Teachers: If you are printing out the lessons for teaching, be sure to select “Fit” under Page Size.

One idea to keep the junior soldiers engaged is to set up stations! If you have a large group, play the game and teach the lesson with the junior soldiers all together, then divide into two groups. The first group will watch the video and go through the small group questions and the second can work on the Inspire project, then switch. IMPACT

SIMON SAYS WITH A TWIST Group size: 8+ Preparation Time: None Time Needed for Activity: 15 minutes

Materials: • None

Preparation: • Prior to class, create an open space for play. If you are indoors, put chairs around the perimeter of the room. If you are outside, find an open space to play that is free of debris or obstacles.

Directions: 1. Have the junior soldiers stand in the middle of the room at least an arm’s length away from other junior soldiers. Stand at the front of the room facing the children. 2. Ensure you are in a place where everyone will be able to see you and hear you. This is very important. 3. This game is different from the regular game of Simon Says you may have played before. Some of the foundations are the same, but there are a few new rules. 4. First ask the group if there is anyone who does not know how to play the game of Simon Says. 5. Simon will give commands. Only follow the commands if the statement starts with “Simon Says….” Make sure that everyone understands this basic principle. 6. Explain that there are a few new rules. 7. New Rule #1: No one is out. If you make a mistake, give yourself a point. Everyone will keep track of their own points. In the old game of Simon Says, if you made a mistake you were out and you didn’t have an opportunity to learn from your mistake. 8. If you start to move but stop yourself, it counts as a point. 9. New Rule #2: The game begins when you say, “The game of Simon Says has officially begun” and ends when you say, “The game of Simon Says is officially over.” The game will continue the entire time between those two statements. This is a very important rule to remember. 10. Before you start the game, demonstrate the commands/positions you will do in the game, like put your left hand up, etc. 11. Basic Motions: Both hands up Right hand up/Right hand down

M4U3L4: Samuel Logan Brengle 3 IMPACT

Left hand up/Left hand down Start movement before you say a motion. 12. Be an encouraging Simon. Example teacher script: OK, let’s get started. Both hands up! (usually there is at least one person that will make this first mistake.)Not yet, that’s OK. It’s early in the game. Let’s try that again. Both hands up! (If no one makes the mistake again, say “Good job! That’s called learning.”) Simon says put both hands up. Both hands down. Simon says both hands down….It’s okay, you’re not out. Keep playing. Right hand up. Simon says right hand up. Right hand down. Simon says right hand down. Left hand up. Simon says left hand up. Left hand down. Simon says Left hand down. 13. Then start over with both hands up. Don’t attack or single one kid out. Let them succeed. The point of the activity is to let them see that it is sometimes hard to follow the example that Jesus sets for us. 14. Play for 8 minutes mixing up your commands. Don’t forget to end the game with the statement, “The game of Simon Says is officially over.” 15. Ask the debriefing questions to connect the game to the lesson.

Say: Please come and stand in the center of the room to hear the directions for our first game. You need to be at least an arm’s length away from the person standing next to you. We’re going to play a game called Simon Says. Is there anyone here who has not played the game of Simon Says? (Wait for a response. Give basic rules if someone hasn’t played before.) Well this is going to be a NEW version of Simon Says. The same basic principles still apply, but there are a few new rules. For example, if I say “Left hand up!” you wouldn’t do that, you would wait until you hear me say, “Simon says left hand up.” So those basic rules are still the same. In the old version of Simon Says, what happened if you made a mistake? (Wait for a response.) You were out and you had to leave the game. In the old version, it didn’t allow you to learn from your mistake and then try not to make the same mistake again.

In the new version of Simon Says, we have changed the rules to help with that. Here is New Rule #1. Nobody gets out, even if you make a mistake. What I want you to do though, is give yourself a point for every mistake that you make. Please be honest. No one really cares how many points you get. Everyone will keep track of their own points in their own mind. And flinching counts as a point. For example, if I say “Right hand up!” and you flinch a little bit with your right hand, that counts as a point. Does anyone have any questions on New Rule #1? (Wait for responses.) OK, here is Rule #2: In a

4 M4U3L4: Samuel Logan Brengle IMPACT

minute I’m going to start the game and I’m going to say, “The game of Simon Says has officially begun.” The game will continue until you hear me say, “The game of Simon Says is officially over.” The game will play the entire time in between those two statements. This is a very important rule to remember. Here is what I’m going to ask you to do during the game. (Demonstrate this.) “Both hands up, both hands down, right hand up, right hand down, left hand up, left hand down.” Are there any questions before we begin?

After the game, ask the debriefing questions:

1. What did you like about this version of Simon Says compared to the old version? 2. How many of you made at least 1 mistake? 3. If you made a mistake, did you try and learn from it and then try not to make it again? 4. Did anyone make a mistake because someone near you flinched or put their hand up when they shouldn’t have? How is this like everyday life? This is an example of when you hang out with people who are routinely making mistakes, it can be easy to make mistakes right along with them. 5. In the Bible, Jesus gives us an example of how to live our lives. He calls us to follow Him. We try to follow what Jesus says and does, but sometimes we make mistakes. In this game we kept track of our points, which could represent our sins. We make mistakes and sin every day. When we ask for forgiveness, Jesus wipes away our sins – or our points. 6. In today’s lesson we are going to talk about the Divine Rule and how the Scriptures are our guide for living our lives according to God’s direction. God wants us to act and be more like Jesus, just as we tried to follow what Simon said in this game, God wants us to follow what Jesus does as well. Let’s take our seats and learn more about this.

M4U3L4: Samuel Logan Brengle 5 ILLUMINATE

Say: Samuel Logan Brengle was a man of many talents and dreams. He gave his life to Jesus when he was 13 years old and by 15 he had two life goals: to be a worthy follower of Jesus and to be the best student. For example, he loved words and ideas and one of his biggest desires was to be a great orator. An orator is someone who is a very skilled public speaker—like Martin Luther King or Billy Graham.

Even though Samuel Logan Brengle was active in his local church by teaching a Sunday school class for 5 years, he focused his dreams and aspirations on being a lawyer. But in his last year of university something happened that would change his life.

The story goes like this: While Samuel was working hard to win a university speaking contest; he began to think that God might be leading him to be a orator or preacher for Christ, but he just wasn’t sure. So he told God, “If you help me win this competition, I will be a preacher!” You can probably guess what happened. He won and he stayed true to his promise. He became a Methodist preacher for some time, then joined The Salvation Army and became one of the most famous Salvationists of all time. He was known all over the world and in The Salvation Army for his preaching and writing on holiness.

If we look at Samuel Brengle’s life a little closer, what can we learn about how God uses our lives?

1. God created us with certain talents and dreams so that we can do great things for Him. What talents or dreams do you have? How do you imagine using those talents and dreams for God?

Romans 12:2 (NIV) says,“Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.”

2. Sometimes we need to go through a crisis so that we can refocus on God and give Him all of who we are. A crisis is something that causes you great difficulty, danger, or trouble. A spiritual crisis is a time when you feel far away from God, but want or need to get closer to Him. This kind of spiritual crisis occurred in Brengle’s life twice. The first one was when he wanted to win the oratory contest. He wanted to win so badly that he decided if God let him win, then he would be a preacher.

The second, more important, spiritual crisis occurred right before Brengle

6 M4U3L4: Samuel Logan Brengle ILLUMINATE

decided to be a preacher in The Salvation Army. In this crisis, he realized that he was selfish and proud and wanted people to admire him. He realized that he could go no deeper with God unless something changed. In other words:

He wanted his own glory and fame instead of God’s glory and fame. He finally had a spiritual breakthrough when he sincerely prayed, “Lord, let me stammer and stutter, if that is the way I can bring you glory.”1

Luke 9:23-24 (NIV) says, “Then he said to them all: ‘Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross daily and follow me. For whoever wants to save their life will lose it, but whoever loses their life for me will save it.’”

What do you notice? Have you ever been through a crisis?

3. God wants to make my life better than if I just lived it for myself. After Brengle fully surrendered his life to Christ—his dreams, his aspirations, his desire to be admired—the Holy Spirit filled him with PURE LOVE. Listen to his words:

“On January 9, 1885, at about nine o’clock in the morning, God sanctified my soul. He gave me such a blessing as I never had dreamed a person could have this side of heaven. It was a heaven of love that came in into my heart. I walked out over Boston Common before breakfast weeping for joy and praising God. Oh, how I loved! In that hour I knew Jesus and I loved him till my heart would break with love. I loved the sparrows, I loved the dogs, I loved the horses, I loved the little street children, I loved the strangers who hurried past me. I loved the whole world.”2

From this moment on, Brengle was a different man. Imagine if he had not surrendered fully to God and went ahead with his own plans? His life would not have been the awesome one it was.

Brengle believed that to be holy was to be filled with PURE LOVE and that no one could make themselves holy. If you remember, in the lesson where we talked about The Salvation Army and the Holiness Movement, we talked about how God makes us holy. Brengle used to say, “People can’t make

1 Major Max Sturge “Samuel Logan Brengle Preacher and Teacher of Holiness” sublinks/B040FF0C6149BC998625748E00599429?openDocument Originally found in The Officer Magazine, Nov-Dec 2006.

2 Brengle, Samuel Logan. Helps to Holiness. Edited by Bob Hostetler. Samuel L. Brengle’s Holy Life Series. (Indianapolis: Wesleyan Publishing House, 2016), 9-10.

M4U3L4: Samuel Logan Brengle 7 ILLUMINATE

themselves holy any more than a leopard can change his spots.... it is a gift from God that must be received by faith.... now.”3

After this experience, Brengle joined The Salvation Army and wrote many books about God’s holy and pure love coming into our hearts. His life turned out to be an exciting adventure with God. He had his share of struggles and hardships, but in the end, his life was much better because he gave it all to God and His work. Because Samuel Logan Brengle was completely surrendered to Christ, he was able to do amazing things for God.

These last few weeks we have learned about many people who have done great things for God. Kate Shepherd, when she was seventeen years old, traveled to a new town and served the people in the coal mines. She told them about Jesus, visited their families and started a spiritual awakening in the entire city.

Elijah Cadman was a street fighter and chimney sweep who used to make fun of religious people. But after hearing the message of the gospel, he began following Jesus and traveled all over the world spreading the Good News.

Josef Korbel was imprisoned because his country didn’t allow anyone to talk about Jesus. So he decided that even while he was in prison, he would wash the feet of the fellow prisoners and tell them about Jesus.

Samuel Logan Brengle submitted his future to God and became a world renowned speaker and teacher, an important part of the Holiness Movement that The Salvation Army is a part of.

All of these examples are of ordinary people who committed their life to God and He used them to do big things because of their faith. Who do you relate to most? God is still active and working. Maybe there are junior soldiers in this classroom who will do big things because of their faith. How can you do great things for God?

If you have a small group of junior soldiers, say: Now we’re going to watch a video to teach us more.

If you have a large group of junior soldiers, say: Now we’re going to divide into two groups. Half of you will watch a video to teach us more, and the other half will work on the project. Then, we’ll switch.

3 Brengle, Samuel Logan. Helps to Holiness. Edited by Bob Hostetler. Samuel L. Brengle’s Holy Life Series. (Indianapolis: Wesleyan Publishing House, 2016), 9-10.

8 M4U3L3: Josef Korbel: persecuted for his faith ILLUMINATE

If applicable, divide your junior soldiers into two groups. Settle one group in front of the TV or tablet to watch the Invest video and the others can begin working on the Inspire project. If you have only one leader, try following these instructions: while the video is playing, go over the instructions for the project with the project group. When the video ends, go through the small group questions with the video group. After both groups have completed their activity, switch.


M4U3L4: Samuel Logan Brengle 9 INVEST

Memory Verse: “Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith and in purity.” 1 Timothy 4:12 (NIV)

Say: This unit’s Scripture memory verse is 1 Timothy 4:12. Let’s read it together.

Allow a time for junior soldiers to recite this verse from memory. Review it again, providing a small reward for those who have memorized the verse. Since this is the last lesson in the unit, spend a few extra minutes, if necessary, to be sure all of the junior soldiers have memorized the verse.

Say: Today the SRT members find an old shoe shine box used by Samuel Logan Brengle.

Play Video

Small Group Questions Small Group Tip: As you share Say: Now we are going to take some time to think about what we learned stories with the children about today. I’m going to ask a few questions. Try to answer each question people who did great things for honestly, and respect one another by listening to each other with God, encourage them to consider patience and without judgment. how they might use their talents while they’re young to do great • What decision did Brengle have to make? things. For example: a talented • Would it have been wrong to become a lawyer? young artist might create notes, • Have you ever had to go through a crisis? What was that like? cards, drawings, or poems for • How did God use Samuel Brengle to spread the news about Jesus? people who are sick or lonely. • Who was your favorite person we’ve studied these last few weeks? A child with an athletic talent • What can you do for God this week? might gather kids together in the • What can you do for God as you grow older? neighborhood for a game so that everyone has an opportunity to feel included. A child with an eye for observation might speak up when he/she notices someone who is being bullied. Encourage children to take inventory of their talents and consider ways to use their talents for God!

10 M4U3L4: Samuel Logan Brengle INSPIRE


Materials: • Water color paints • Paint brushes • Old magazines or newspapers • Black Sharpies® • Variety colors of felt 3.25” square • Foam core board 3’x 6’ (can be adjusted depending on the number of junior soldiers in your class) • Acrylic paints • Containers for water • Variety of colors of paper cut 3.25” square • Oil pastels • Heart template from Worksheet #1 • Pencils • Take Home Worksheet

Preparation: • Copy Worksheet #1 on cardstock and cut out the heart templates (enough copies for each junior soldier to have one heart template) • Cut the paper and felt into 3.25” pieces (each junior soldier will get 3 pieces of paper and 1 piece of felt) • Try to see how many hearts will fit on your foam core board. • Organize tables so that there is a specific spot for each type of art. • Copy Take Home Worksheet.

Directions: 1. Give each junior soldier one heart template. 2. Explain to the junior soldiers that they are going to create a mural of hearts. Each heart will be a different art piece but the same heart shape will be used for each one. 3. Water color: Have them first trace their heart on a paper and then create a nice water color piece. 4. Pastels: Have them trace their heart on a piece of paper and make a piece using different patterns (squiggly lines, stripes, polka dots, etc.). 5. Collage: Have them first trace the heart template or they can create their collage first and then trace their template on something else and glue it over their collage. 6. Felt: Have them trace their template with a marker then paint with acrylic paints. Make sure they do a background to make their art pop. 7. When everyone is done with their art pieces take all of them and start

M4U3L4: Samuel Logan Brengle 11 INSPIRE

to place them on the foam core board. You can do it by colors, kinds of art, etc. 8. When you are satisfied with a certain pattern of how you want the hearts placed go ahead and carefully hot glue each piece down. You can write this Scripture below or next to it: “Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me.” Psalm 51:10 (NIV) 9. You may want to add a string on the back to hang the mural up somewhere to be admired by others. 10. Pass out the Take Home Worksheet.

Say: As we created these hearts and look at these hearts all together, it can remind us that our love for God and His love for us can allow us to make a huge difference in the lives of others just like the people that we have learned about all month.

12 M4U3L4: Samuel Logan Brengle M4U3L4, Worksheet #1: Samuel Logan Brengle Take Home Worksheet Module 4, Unit 3, Lesson 4 Samuel Logan Brengle

Use the words below to fill in the blanks: orator holiness Samuel Brengle pure love 13 Jesus scholar

Samuel Logan Brengle was saved at the age of __. He wanted to be a follower of _____ and a ______. Brengle was known for his writing on ______.

After winning a university competition, Brengle knew God wanted him to be an ______. Brengle believed that to be holy, it meant you were to be filled with ______. Family Bible Reading Plan This week, junior soldiers learned that because Samuel Logan Brengle was completely surrendered to Christ, he was able to do amazing things for God.

Read through the following verses with your junior soldier this week.

DAY ONE Romans 12:2 What does it mean to not conform to the world? How can we be renewed in our mind?

DAY TWO Luke 9:23-24 How did Brengle lose his life? What did he gain? DAY THREE Romans 12:9 Have you ever felt like someone was insincere with their love? What was that like? DAY FOUR Romans 12:21 What are some things you may see at your school or in your neighborhood that are evil? Write down some ways you can overcome those things with good.