Constructing the Universe with Clusters of Galaxies, IAP 2000 meeting, Paris (France) July 2000 Florence Durret & Daniel Gerbal eds. FROM MESSIER TO ABELL: 200 YEARS OF SCIENCE WITH GALAXY CLUSTERS Andrea BIVIANO Osservatorio Astronomico di Trieste via G.B. Tiepolo 11 – I-34131 Trieste, Italy
[email protected] 1 Introduction The history of the scientific investigation of galaxy clusters starts with the XVIII century, when Charles Messier and F. Wilhelm Herschel independently produced the first catalogues of nebulæ, and noticed remarkable concentrations of nebulæ on the sky. Many astronomers of the XIX and early XX century investigated the distribution of nebulæ in order to understand their relation to the local “sidereal system”, the Milky Way. The question they were trying to answer was whether or not the nebulæ are external to our own galaxy. The answer came at the beginning of the XX century, mainly through the works of V.M. Slipher and E. Hubble (see, e.g., Smith424). The extragalactic nature of nebulæ being established, astronomers started to consider clus- ters of galaxies as physical systems. The issue of how clusters form attracted the attention of K. Lundmark287 as early as in 1927. Six years later, F. Zwicky512 first estimated the mass of a galaxy cluster, thus establishing the need for dark matter. The role of clusters as laboratories for studying the evolution of galaxies was also soon realized (notably with the collisional stripping theory of Spitzer & Baade430). In the 50’s the investigation of galaxy clusters started to cover all aspects, from the distri- bution and properties of galaxies in clusters, to the existence of sub- and super-clustering, from the origin and evolution of clusters, to their dynamical status, and the nature of dark matter (or “positive energy”, see e.g., Ambartsumian29).