Cwes Pork Sausage Noted an Attendance of 200 Oom 2: .Hldco Hamashl, Jnckie PLACE Pure'portc Bulk, I Persons:": Mayor-Anhlcy Wna Ainons Wrig-Ht, Barbara Fullmer
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PAGES 3-A 22..193A ttflRALD.. Torraqce, California BltM DOB Prison Vot«« Solicited Second Rupberry Crop At La.t Man (U.P:) When Kof HEATTI,E (U.P.) Cotifrresyraan BRATTLE (U.PJ Mrs. hofl CINCINNATI Television Predicted With New Tube a second Baglon bit the car of.his pdt Bos- T Development of STORY 3 Zlonchcck. was poking up W. Mllllkan harvested Marion raspberry crop frorh her'vines this tdn puppy -- -- wasrt't trying to In fun, .but Continued ttom Fag* 1 no bets In the rerent political year, IP October. The flrtt .cam* mnkcma news." It wasus oiluM In run, .uui. the , pup mlmirtderstood. Ho bit official;! of the C. C. M. O, for rnmpnlfrn. He visited the city Jnll', imusually early In the spring. CHESS iirKml the Inmates to cast absentee NVIth the nocoml crop of rlpo fruit bark. BnRlon wnn treated at a, * * * - (lie purc;hnse of the nix-aero Vesor- hallots and left clgarcta In the Wore blossoms, forecasting a pos hospital for' dog bite. sible third yield III December. Rettored Buying Power By A. L. PAUL I»|nn liiHtcad of paying the entire with the men. For can bo TOLEDO- (U.P.) The buying |13,r>00 nt present. If this especially worked out satisfactorily; we plan Oldeet Hotel Guett power of the people, The Torrancc Chess and Checker two wells BOSTON (U.P.) Miss Laura O. those who have helped build the to* drill ono and possibly war Club has now become a perma at mi early date, Luttlow stated. Hill, 91, believes sho 'Is the na- nation In time of peace, and nently established' Institution wltl tlon's oldest hotel guest In "point veterans who have saved It In time of officers Apple* of service." She has lived at Hole) of war, 'must bo restored, Con the recent retention Boy, 6, Know* Hit of paid under the SERA, to cohdue Bellevuo, on Beacon Hill, for 47 gressman Wrlght P a t m a n, C H A n D O N, O. (U.P.) Clay Texas, told a Democratic rally 'this recreational feature for adult* Eddy. Jr., six, of Chester, near years. spanking e officers are Clyde" McNew any apple from here. here, can Identify Threatened president; Hugh Seckler, secre 25 varieties and tell any fruit Auto Wrecker Saved Cow School Shutdown L. PAul, technical m- ZANESVILLE, O. (U.P.) Unless Boy Struck by t»liou* t.-iry; A. tree correctly, no matter how ESTACADA, Ore. (U.P.) A cow Clf EVE-LAND (U.P.) Lloyd utriictor. Many" lively" aniTorifor- 22 foot deep tciichera 'of this city of 80,000 small. When he ' was -linly CLva- he that fell Into a well Cassldy, 12, stepped Into the path talnlriB features are now being could look nt small specks on an and holding eight feet of water- agree to "serve without-pay the re- Mdrt- miilnder of this year, ZnncsvlllA of a spinning discus on » Hchool planned for each anU every apple and tell wlmt Insect or moth was rescued by use of a wrecking a Rymnaalum Thursday evenings, a schools will close until. Jan. I for playground durlnsr ilay and was responsible. His father Is an car equipment borrowed from session. His skull was fractured. club meets at the Recreation Cen orchnrtlst. local garage. lack of., operating funds. ter, 1316 Cabrlilo avenue, an visitors are cordially welcomed. t Krnm now- on . We shall Includ Every Frldiy I* ono problem.each week as a repru- lar feature of this column. If i FAMILY CIRCLE flclent Interest warrants It DAY shall publish a list of the names Get Your Free Copy. of solvers once a month. SAFEWAY-PIGGLYWiGG ..........Problem No. 100 (rid nor icreeni, and leneratlnf hl»h-freqnency dhvcl By Sam Lloyd A new cathode r»y tube, ntUMnc neither filament, mrreat for DM In ihort-ware radio broadcasting and television sending, ha* been annonneed by Phllo cni: 2KB; 16; 5p2; Gpl; ICJSNkl; 8. ranuworth, 28-year-old Inventor, arid the Helntx-Kanfman Laboratorie* of South Francbeo. Ralyh Solution 'to this problem will be Helntc (second from rlfht above, without coat) I* explaining function* of ithe invention at tests of th« given next'-week. broadcasting PRE- t«be placed 'directly in (root of him. : Expert* predict Immediate development of teteTltion . - stations through use of the tubes. First ' 'of the American c id Piggly wiggly stores in LOS Angeles ciiy. Undent 'to leave for the scene Special pre-holiday values at Safew the International chess tournament Hawaii Baseball-Minded and Southern subui Prices effective T»nir*v Fri., Sat, Nov. 22. 23,24 to be :. held in Mexico City Northern, Western first week of December, Reuben FE&N AVENUE Fine, champion of the Marshall CheHs Club and the holder of the SCHOOL ^ ^END-MEAT VALUES Western Chess Association t(«1e; A$eat vafuei^ectne^ai'Safeway :ahd-'Piggly W.iggly operated markets. nulled tWo weeks ago for Vcra The pupils are very enthusiastic Cruz on board the steamship in their Knighthood of Youth pro Orizaba of the Ward line. The gram. Many fine letters have been a CHUCK ,b young New Yorker, who holds ;lved from parents showing ROAST ^ lb< degree .of Master of Arts from their appreciation and co-opera- :jng...,(3lUBIte ,,OC .tjic.; ^Yoflp'vwiit^ be- orio- of 'i '. dozen Beer Avenue Paf6ht"Te"acli- In the competition ",The' Fern entries irs Association will meet Tuesday, lounccil by Cnpt. Jose .J. Am and and November 27. Save the date SHOULDER he Mexican champion, attend. jf i the pleading exponents of the - Honor Roll game In that country. The following pupils are listed ROAST-LB. is having been perfect In. attend Isaac Kashdan was successful ten weeks game ing. during the first FULL STRENGTH n winning the exhibition if school: tiih Samuel Reshqvsky at New T!edr»rd arid, tlianks to his precise Room . 1, B-l: Gene Egerer, handling of thro e.ndlng, defeated Eugene HoHoman, Clifford Hen- one-time boy marVcl with 'the derson, \Va|ter Hllller, Melvin Jor- blaCk pieces in a Queen's Gambit d?.n. -Neal Jpllence.. Ullan Hamano, OiuirMtMd DoclineS after 5? moves. The Shlrley May -Rosslter, Sumlko le In a tod over : six hours and Sano, Dorothy Smith. tl-oz. ^cwES Pork Sausage noted an attendance of 200 oom 2: .Hldco Hamashl, Jnckie PLACE Pure'Portc Bulk, I persons:": Mayor-Anhlcy wna ainons Wrig-ht, Barbara Fullmer. Ba i-bara se who greeted the young jtean Smith, Robert Warning, Jennie De Passe. t When Babe Kuth, the home .run klnjr, and Connie Mack, manager/of bottle the Philadelphia Athletics, arrived In Honolulu on their worlij'tour .YOUR Mi nee Meat olt oom. 3:. Samuel Avolan, Ka- oni en mosoe to Old Fa«hlon«d——————————fct - If you nre one .of those people -Jerry Holloman, lorl the people declared a national holiday and turned ziiaRi Haruh. two famous figures of the diamond- who think'there-Is- no- excitement Sakala, Itaru Kai, Jeanne de greet the ORDER In chess, then exnrhlne this lively Castrlcrue, Anna Lee Mann, Peggy I»LUS DEPOSIT Sliced Liver 1QC jjame from the Bart Nlendorf tour om, Erncstlna Plna, Lara Jean Pork, Lb.____. ....-__ nament -between.- the two ''orack" Priest. $100,000,000 Dream Comes True players of Sweden. Room 4: Yukle Haruta, ROBC- Queen't Pawn Gamo of 24 bottles $ *f -2O marie Dlsarlo, Hlroshl Mayeda, PLUS -DEPOSIT J^ Sea Bass Stahlherg Stoltz Mlehiko Tanaka, Ralph Wolfe, (white). (black) fc JSJoorq,. ,H.isaHhiv.Watanabe, 1.' I'-Jvl ,. " ' N-KRS Altlko Sano, "Harold Shell, Billy 2. i--<y»( I--K3 Johns, Marilyn Smith, Edward 3. N-QB1- 1--QN3 Egerer. Ele'ha Plna. B-NS 4. I'»KI Room 5: Tautoina Omatsu, Roy EDWARDS' BxNch Wilson, Thomas IlusHCll, Satoyo P-K4 Uurakaml, Uoi-ls Roblnctt, Phyllis DEPENDABLE-VACUUM PACKED (J-K2 RUBSO, Ethel yn Rusk, Mlnoru QXP Mayeda, Lloyd Wartlmn, TodashI NxKP t a n a b e, Charlotte A r z 1111, COFFEE QxPch illu 13urba, Betty Jones, Ruth NxQ Jones, Virginia Moore, Charlotte NxCJP Richardson. Castles Room 6: Caroline Wllkes, Agnes r P-Q3 Sopchlnskl, Charles- Steadman. N-IJ2 Harry Hllller, Tetsuo Hasegawa, P-B3 ma Warthan, Frieda Husso, N-K4 Marjorie Rush, Joyce Robinson, QPxP Eileen Johanson, Mary Intermill,. BxN Mary Ann Gardner, M 11 s u y o KR-K Fujlno. * RxR Jack Room 7: Howard Andrews, expenditure of $100,000,000 was R-R ines, Gerulu MacDonald. David Twenty-two years of labor r.r..l r.n KrB2 culminated Sunday v.r,'.:t f: -i Cie eieantle Hetoh Iletchy pro Rauss, Leroy Wright, Jane Ben- Interior Resigns C h 1 z u e ject flowed Into San Frr.RC.':: o. At tuj left Is Secretary of, SEE IT GROUND itcad, Barbara Evans. large crowd that at iusegawa',, Patty Richardson, Vir Ickes, speaker of the i'ay, r3 1:: r.i'drcsied'the tended the ceremony. On th: il^M Mayor Anjelo Boosl of San Fran- Mr. Ix .M. writes to, "If ginia Ray, Doraleen Scrlvner. ciscn - '- " ''"t ''TV of water. KNOW IT'S FRESH one can already play a fair game Room 8: Teruml Huruta, Mil of chess, what U the advantage dred Ikozoe, Gertrude Priest, i.l studying the science of the Abraham Avolan. Guy Cluire. Hoy game?" Holloman, Susuml Honda, Buster You have ndmjtted o fundamen sell, Robert Wardrop. tal fact In your question, Mr. M.. Dom 9: Billy Parton, Richard GRUBB'S MARKET namely, that chess strategy ,1s a Thompson, . Robert Ernst, Robert science. Because of this fact the a, Toklo Katayama, George CHOICE MEATS Ir Grade "A" k.