Extreme G22.3033-007

Session 12 - Main Theme Java Technologies (Part I)

Dr. Jean-Claude Franchitti

New York University Computer Science Department Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences



„ Summary of Previous Session

„ Applications of Java to Database Technology

„ Database Technology Review

„ Basic and Advanced JDBC Features

„ J2EE Enterprise Data Enabling

„ XML and Database Technology

„ Readings

„ Class Project & Assignment #5a


1 Summary of Previous Session

„ Summary of Previous Session

„ Enterprise JavaBeans (EJBs)

„ J2EE Connector Architecture

„ Practical Survey of Mainstream J2EE App. Servers

„ Web Services Developer Pack

„ Enterprise Application Integration (EAI) and Business to Business Integration (B2Bi)

„ J2EE Blueprint Programs

„ Class Project & Assignment #4c


Part I

Java and Database Technology

Also See Session 12 Handout on: “Java and Database Technology (JDBC)”

and Session 12 Presentation on: “Designing for eBusiness Solutions”


2 Review of Database Technology

„ Introduction to Database Technology

„ Data Modeling

„ Conceptual Database Design

„ Logical Database Design

„ Physical Database Design

„ Database System Programming Models

„ Database Architectures

„ Database Storage Management

„ Database System Administration

„ Commercial Systems: www.oracle.com,www.ibm.com/db2, http://www- 3.ibm.com/software/data/informix/,www.sybase.com 5

Advanced Database Concepts

„ Parallel and Distributed Databases

„ Web Databases

„ Data Warehousing and Data Mining

„ Mobile Databases

„ Spatial and Multimedia Databases

„ Geographic Information Systems

„ Active Databases

„ Temporal Databases

„ Deductive Databases 6

3 Java and Database Technology

„ JavaSpaces

„ Create and store objects with persistence

„ Allow process integrity

„ http://www.javasoft.com/products/javaspaces/index.html

„ JDBC Data Access API

„ Access tabular data sources from Java

„ http://www.javasoft.com/products/jdbc/index.html

„ J2EE database access and container managed persistence (http://java.sun.com/j2ee/j2sdkee/techdocs/guides/ejb/html/DevGuideTOC.html)

„ Pjama: Orthogonal Persistence for the Java Platform

„ http://www.sun.com/research/forest/opj.main.html

„ http://www.dcs.gla.ac.uk/pjava/


JDBC: Pure Java and ODBC-Drivers


4 Basic and Advanced JDBC

„ See Session 12 Handouts:

„ Java and Database Technology - JDBC

„ Enterprise JavaBeans Patterns

„ See Session 12 Demo Programs on JDBC

„ Java databases

„ http://sourceforge.net/projects/hsql/

„ http://www.pointbase.com/


JDBC API 3.0 (http://java.sun.com/products/jdbc/index.html, http://www.wiley.com/extras/jdbc_3_java_db_connectivity/)

„ JDBC Technology Core features (java.sql package)

„ Scrollable result sets

„ Updatable result sets

„ Batch updates

„ Savepoints

„ JDBC Optional Package features (javax.sql package)

„ JNDI support

„ Connection pooling

„ Distributed transactions

„ Rowset objects (JavaBeans)

„ Statement pooling 10

5 URL-Based Database Connection


Java and ODBs

„ Related Developments:

„ Persistent Object Stores

„ Object-Oriented Database Management Systems

„ Object/Relational Mapping Automation

„ See Object-Oriented Database Articles at

„ http://www.odbmsfacts.com/

„ Java Data Objects (JDO) API (http://access1.sun.com/jdo)

„ Transparent database access

„ Suitable implementation for

„ Persistent helper classes for session beans

„ Delegate classes for BMP Entity Beans

„ Delegate classes for CMP Entity Beans 12

6 Part II

Introduction to J2EE Enterprise Data Enabling

Also See Session 12 Handouts on: “Enterprise JavaBeans Patterns” “Persistence in EJB Frameworks” “Efficient CMP Development”


Entity Beans in EJB Application Servers

„ Represent sets of data (all or part of a database or a )

„ Functionality limited to creation, update, and deletion of data

„ Manage persistence of data

„ Maintained in a cache

„ Can be container or bean managed

„ Container-managed beans are under the control of an application server for persistence and transaction management

„ Container-managed beans are restricted in the type and complexity of data they can manage

„ Bean-managed beans rely on user provided code for persistence and transaction management


7 Session Beans in EJB Application Servers

„ Handle the business logic of EJB applications

„ May use multiple entity beans to gather application data


EJB Component/Programming Model


8 Anatomy of a CMP Bean

„ EJB remote interface (extends javax.ejb.EJBObject)

„ Contains method signatures for any method that accesses or modifies data stored in the bean

„ EJB remote implementation (implements javax.ejb.EntityBean)

„ Provides an implementation of all the methods defined in the remote interface, in addition to methods required by the application server

„ EJB home interface (extends javax.ejb.EJBHome interface)

„ Declares method signatures for any method that creates new instances of the bean, and for all methods that are used to retrieve instances of the bean (finder methods

„ EJB key

„ Contains the unique primary key implementation for the bean

„ any class that is a legal value type in RMI-IIOP 17

Anatomy of a CMP Bean (continued)

„ EJB finder helper interface (optional)

„ Contains one static java.lang.String field for each finder method declared in the EJB home interface

„ Strings are initialized with SQL queries executed dynamically when bean instances are retrieved in a finder method

„ Some server ignore this file and put queries in XML deployment descriptors using proprietary formats

„ Deployment descriptor (XML -> serialized data object)

„ Names of EJB classes/interfaces, list of persistent fields, etc.

„ Database scripts

„ Application server may generate them


9 EJB Implementation Process (WSAD)

„ Create EJB Project

„ Create (Stateful) Session Beans

„ Create CMP Entity Beans

„ Create CMRs as needed (EJB 2.0 Assumed)

„ Create custom finder methods using EJB QL as needed

„ Map CMP Entity Beans to a Relational Database

„ Specify J2EE References to EJBs and Resources Required by EJBs

„ Integrate EJBs with Web Module “Model” Objects as Needed




10 EJB 2.0 Query Language: EJB QL

„ SQL-like language for expressing selection criteria over the domain of 2.0 CMP EJBs

„ Database-agnostic query language that can be mapped to virtually any relational backend

„ Used to implement EJB custom finders

„ Look under the “Bean” tab of the EJB deployment descriptor in WSAD and scroll down to “Queries | Add”

„ e.g., SELECT OBJECT(i) FROM Inventory i WHERE i.category=?1

„ Also used to implement ejbSelect() methods, which are EJB queries accessible to the bean implementation only


SQLJ (www.sqlj.org)

„ Defines the “style” of database access

„ JDBC implies “dynamic” access

„ SQLJ is a standard for static SQL usage

„ Provides performance enhancements over dynamic SQL

„ Provides “SELECT INTO” statement to populate Java variables directly from the result of an SQLJ statement (no need for cursors)

„ Three stages required

„ SQLJ code generation

„ Translation of SQLJ code to Java

„ Profiling of Java code against specific database used 22

11 IBM WAS Persistence Extensions

„ Access Intent

„ Default is “Pessimistic Update with weakest lock at load”)

„ Application Profile (provides “dynamic” access intent)

„ EJB Persistence Support Extensions (e.g., EJB inheritance)

„ EJB QL Extensions (e.g., ORDER BY)

„ Transactions (unit-of-work scoping)

„ Support for JCA and JDNC-based local transactions to define what goes on when the transaction context is “unspecified” as per the EJB 2.0 specification

„ ActivitySession Service

„ Goal is to retain contained EJBs beyond a given transaction 23

Container Managed Persistence Architecture (review)


12 Bean Managed Persistence Architecture (review)


JDBC in the J2EE Architecture


13 EJB Persistence Service Architecture

„ See Persistence Service Interface for Entity Beans:

„ http://jsp.java.sun.com/javaone/javaone2000/pdfs/TS-1498.pdf

„ See Jboss Persistence Manager Architecture:

„ JAWS (Just Another Web Store) is the default CMP (Container Manager Persistence) plugin that performs basic O/R functionality against a JDBC-store

„ See Patterns for Object Relational Access Layers

„ http://www.objectarchitects.de/ObjectArchitects/orpatterns/EJBPersistence

„ See Session 13 Handout on “Persistence in EJB Frameworks”


EJB Development Approach #1

„ Handcode Everything:

„ EJB remote interface

„ EJB remote implementation

„ EJB home interface

„ EJB key

„ EJB finder helper interface

„ Deployment descriptor

„ Database scripts


14 EJB Development Approach #2: Handcode the Bean and Descriptor


EJB Development Approach #3: Graphical Bean and Descriptor Generator


15 Persistence Service Performance Issues

„ Complexity of an optimal access layer

„ Object to Tuple Layer Logical Mapping

„ Physical Layer Mapping

„ Caching to reduce database traffic and disk I/O

„ Data Clustering

„ Application must still be maintainable at a reasonable cost

„ See Session 12 Handouts and Presentations:

„ “Efficient CMP Development”

„ “Enterprise JavaBeans Patterns”

„ See Session 12 Sub-Topic 1 Presentation

„ “Designing Databases for eBusiness Solutions”


Four Patterns for Managing Persistence

Pattern Entity Mgt. Uses Uses Entity Session Beans Beans 1. Container-managed Container Yes Yes Entity Beans with Session Beans 2. Bean-managed Bean Yes Yes Entity Beans with Session Beans 3. Entity Beans Only Container Yes No* 4. Session Beans Only N/A No Yes * Session beans are used in this example for complex database interactions, but they do not serve as a front-end for Entity beans. Instead, they access the database directly as an Entity bean would. 32

16 Container-Managed Entity Beans + Session Beans

Entity Uses Entity Uses Management Beans Session Beans Container Yes Yes

Session Entity Client Beans Beans JDBC Database

Application Server


Beans-Managed Entity Beans + Session Beans

Entity Uses Entity Uses Management Beans Session Beans Bean Yes Yes

Session Entity Client Beans Beans JDBC Database

Application Server


17 Entity Beans Only

Entity Uses Entity Uses Management Beans Session Beans Container Yes No

Entity JDBC Beans Client Database

Session JDBC Beans

Application Server


Session Beans Only

Entity Uses Entity Uses Management Beans Session Beans N/A No Yes

Session Client Beans JDBC Database

Application Server


18 Performance Characteristics

Pattern Comparison 400 users, 50 iterations, 4 server instances/200MB

8.00 7.00 6.00 5.00 4.00 3.00 2.00 1.00 0.00 Max Avg Min 90th StdDev

Max Avg 90t h Min St dDev

Sessi on Onl y 6.36 0.20 0.15 0.02 0.612 Cont ainer Managed 6.74 0.31 0.79 0.04 0.706 37 Bean Managed 7.02 0.31 0.95 0.04 0.687

Performance Characteristics (continued)

Pattern Comparison 100 users, 50 iterations, 4 server instances/200MB 5.00 4.00 3.00 2.00 1.00 0.00 Max Avg 90th Min St dDev

Max A v g 90th Min StdDev

Entity Only 4.49 0.30 0.35 0.08 0.426 Container Managed 1.52 0.06 0.07 0.04 0.112


19 SQL Statements v.s. Finder Methods

SQL vs. Finder Method Comparison (for getting lists of da ta )

10.00 8.00 6.00 4.00 2.00 0.00 Max Avg Min 90th StdDev

Max A v g 90th Min StdDev

SQL 5.54 0.20 0.15 0.04 0.571 Finder Methods 9.99 1.06 2.92 0.05 1.457


Summary of Findings

„ Pattern 1:(better choice)

„ Great for design and flexibility

„ Good separation of presentation, data, and business logic

„ Fast time to market

„ Pattern 4:

„ Best for performance and throughput

„ Pattern 3:

„ Faster time to market than pattern 1

„ No need to code session beans

„ Prohibitive performance cost


20 Part III

XML and Database Technology


XML & DBMSs Comparison

„ Both separate data from rendition/presentation info

„ Similar languages

„ DBMSs: Forms and Reporting, DDL, DQL, DCL

„ XML: XSL, XQL, and processing instructions

„ No DML in XML

„ XML is paired with a scripting or programming language

„ Validation capabilities

„ DBMSs: datatyping, relationship constraints

„ XML: data type validity and semantic consistency checks

„ XML can handle data too complex for some databases

„ XML interchangeable form of data vs. multidatabases 42

21 XML Support for JavaBeans and EJBs

„ XML and JavaBeans integration

„ e.g., BML, Coins (http://www.jxml.com), etc.

„ JavaBeans and EJB state persistence using XML

„ XML serialization for Java (e.g., Koala, etc.)

„ XML Application Services as JavaBeans/EJBs

„ e.g., Parsing, rendering, querying, messaging beans


Overview of XML and Database Technology

„ http://www.rpbourret.com/xml/XMLDatabaseProds.htm#products

„ XML documents are either data- or document-centric

„ Categories of XML database software

„ Middleware (data-centric, requires coding)

„ XML-Enabled Databases (data-centric, requires coding)

„ Native XML Databases (data- and document-centric, requires coding)

„ XML Servers (data-centric, requires coding)

„ XML Application Servers (data- and document-centric, requires scripting)

„ Content Management Systems (document-centric, requires configuration)

„ XML Query Engines (document-centric, requires coding)

„ Persistent DOM implementations (native XML databases)

„ http://www.rpbourret.com/xml/XMLDatabaseProds.htm#products

„ http://www.javaworld.com/javaworld/jw-01-2000/jw-01-dbxml.html

„ http://www.xhive.com 44

22 Criteria for XML Database Solution

„ Portability and platform independence

„ Compatibility with Java technology and SAX/DOM parsers

„ Compatibility with Servlet/JSP component models

„ Open source powerful solution


Architecture of the XML APIs to DBMSs


23 XML Query and XML Query Engines

„ Most up to date implementation of XML Query Engine

„ XQEngine (http://www.fatdog.com)

„ Software AG’s QuiP

Search.jsp SearchBean

XMLs Result SAX Parser Result(XML)


Architecture of an XML MOM Application Server


24 Sample XML Application Flow


Towards XML Model Based Computing

„ Step 1: Document Object Model

„ Step 2: XML Data Binding

„ Step 3: Standard XML Information Models

„ Step 4: XML Application Services Frameworks

„ Processing, Rendering, Querying, Secure Messaging

„ Step 5: XML-Based “Web Object Model”

„ Web Services Architecture

„ Step 6: XML Model Driven Architectures (to come)


25 Part IV




„ Technology is moving towards XML Model Based Computing and Model Driven Application Architectures

„ At the same time, application infrastructures are evolving towards Channel Independent, Web Services and B2Bi-enabled platforms

„ The Java Framework provides extensive support for database interfacing ranging from programmatic access to container managed persistence

„ Applying XML to Database Technology allows the viewing of database data as an XML document

„ XML Query Engines are infrastructure components that support XML Query 52

26 Architecture Frameworks

„ CORBA & Applets (e.g., VisiBroker, and ORBacus)


„ Web Servers (e.g., Apache), Servlet & JSP Engines (e.g., Tomcat, JRun, WebSphere Client and Web Containers)

„ J2EE Application Servers (e.g., WebSphere, WebLogic, JBoss)

„ J2ME CLDC MIDP/PADP configuration and profiles

„ XML Parsers (e.g., XercesJ)

„ XML server-side POP frameworks (e.g., Cocoon 2/XSP)

„ XML EAI frameworks (e.g., WebMethods), B2Bi, BPM, LE, and EII

„ IDEs (e.g., JBuilder), and JavaBeans Development Kit (e.g., BDK) 53

Assignment „ Readings

„ J2EE: Part II Chap. 6 and 7

„ Expert One-on-One: Chap. 7, 9, 15

„ Selected readings mentioned in class or referenced in the handouts

„ Handouts posted on the course web site

„ Assignment #5a: (submit report and implementation archive)

„ Submit project increment 4 focused on J2EE database-related development. Design and develop a three-tier version of your framework-based application that supports the storage of XML data in a back-end database via JDBC.

„ Project Framework Setup


„ Java Plug-in, Java Web Start, Apache’s Xerces/Xalan

„ J2SE 1.3.1, 1.4.0 or 1.4.1 (SDK)

„ IDE: Eclipse, NetBeans, Sun ONE Studio, JBuilder, Visual Age, Visual Café, Codewarrior, WebGain Studio, Oracle JDeveloper, etc.

„ Editors: JCreator, UltraEdit, etc.

„ Visibroker 4.5.1 or BES 5.2 54 „ RMI-IIOP / Java IDL

27 Next Session: Java Database Technology (Part II)

„ Review of Session 12 Topics „ Java Database Technology (continued) „ Introduction to Web Services and J2EE „ J2EE Security „ J2EE Messaging „ Message Driven Beans „ J2EE Process Management „ Java Operating Systems and Networking Technologies „ Course Material Review „ Final Exam (Take Home Project)