Route map for Hedingham service 63 (outbound) 63 Bike&Go The Jump Street Range The 63 Albert Causton Road Middleborough Holiday Park Head Street Colchester Greenstead Lexden 63 63 Crouch Street 63 Hythe Stanway Circular Road North 63 Ypres University of Road Goojerat Abbey Road Field Queen Mary Avenue Old Heath Gymnasium Lord Holland Road 63 Maypole Fowler Road Monkwick Green John Mace The Cherry Tree Road Rowhedge

Friday Weir Roman Hill House Wood Lane Haye Layer-de-la-Haye Lane Birch

Layer Abberton Road

Abberton Langenhoe Reservoir Essex Wildlife Trust Visitor Centre

St. Ives Road Lower Road 63

Kemps Pyefleet Farm The House Rose 63 Great Wigborough

Salcott-cum-Virley Lawns Close 63 Mill Road Corner Elmwood Drive Underwoods High Garage Street

© OpenStreetMap 1.5 km 3 km 4.5 km 6 km

set-05063B(1).y08 (outbound) Route map for Hedingham service 63 (inbound) 63

Bike&Go Jump Street The Albert Leisureworld Causton Middleborough Road Colchester Holiday Park Greenstead 63 Colchester Lexden Crouch Street Circular St. John's Stanway Road North Street Hythe 63 University of Essex Ypres Road Goojerat Abbey Queen Mary Avenue Road Field Old Heath Chariot Drive Lord Holland Road Gymnasium 63 Wivenhoe James Maypole Parnell Drive Monkwick Green The Cherry Tree Roman Lethe Rowhedge Way Grove Weir Roman Hill House Friday Lane Wood Haye Layer-de-la-Haye Lane Fingringhoe Birch

Abberton Layer Birch Green Road

Abberton Langenhoe Layer Breton Reservoir Essex Wildlife Trust Visitor Centre

St. Ives Road Peldon Kemps Farm Lower The Road Rose

Pyefleet 63 Great Wigborough House

Playing -cum-Virley Lawns Fields Close 63 Underwoods Melrose Road Garage High Street West Mersea

© OpenStreetMap 1.5 km 3 km 4.5 km 6 km

set-05063B(1).y08 (inbound)