Status of Coral Reefs in East Asian Seas Region: 2014 Edited by KIMURA Tadashi, TUN Karenne and CHOU Loke Ming Front Cover: Shallow coral reef in Sekisei Lagoon, Okinawa, Japan ( c Mitsuhiro Ueno, 2014 ) Back Cover: Acanthaster predation in Kamise, Kagoshima, Japan ( c Naoko Dewa, 2014) c Ministry of the Environment, Japan, 2014 Ministry of the Environment: 1-2-2 Kasumigaseki, Chiyoda, Tokyo 100-8975, Japan Telephone: (+81) 3 5521 8273 Facsimile: (+81) 3 3591 3228
[email protected] Japan Wildlife Research Center 3-7-7 Koto-bashi, Sumida, Tokyo 110-8606, Japan Telephone (+81) 3 6659 6332 Facsimile (+81) 3 6659 5633 This Report has been edited and organized by Japan Wildlife Research Center by contract with the Ministry of Environment. However, the analyses and recommendations in this Report are the fruit of collaborative efforts by the GCRMN National Coordinators of countries in East Asian Seas Region and do not necessarily reflect views of the Ministry of Environment. Each author is responsible for his/her article in the report. CONTENTS FORWARD………………………………………………………………………………i PREFACE………………………………………………………………………………iii EXECUTIVE SUMMARY……………………………………………………………………v 1. GCRMN HISTORY IN EAST ASIA……………………………………………………1 1.1. Coral Reef Monitoring in Southeast and East Asia………………………………3 1.2. Progress of the regional network on coral reef monitoring in East Asia……………………………………………………………………15 2. CORAL MIGRATION TO THE HIGH LATITUDE AREAS IN EAST AND NORTH ASIA…21 2.1. Migration of corals in Taiwan…………………………………………………23 2.2. Migrating coral community in Shikoku, Japan…………………………………31 3. CONSERVATION OF MARINE AREA WITH MULTIPLE DEMANDS…………………35 3.1.