Top 10 Saudi companies TADAWUL by market cap (May 2018) Tadawul SECTORS USDBn 0 100 200 300 Appealing to global investors Banks & financial services Petrochemcial 01. SABIC

Cement 02. STC Retail 03. NCB Largest 12th largest 24th largest 180+ listed USD499Bn Energy & food (Q1,2018) GCC market emerging market companies market cap Telecom & IT 04. Al Rajhi market Source: World Federation (Q1,2018) of Exchanges Insurance 05. Saudi Electric. Multi-investment 06. MAADEN FTSE Russell Index upgraded Saudi Arabia to Industrial emerging market status, while MSCI Inc. is also investment Building & 07. Jabal Omar expected to upgraded the market construction Real estate 08. Almarai development A growing market Transport 09. SAMBA 2000 Media & publishing 10. SABB Hotel & tourism

1600 Real estate investment trusts

1200 Volume traded % Change Value traded % Change Tadawul Market Cap (SAR Bn) 100k 1.0 3Bn 1.0 SAR Mn 800 2Bn 0.5 50k 0.25 400 1Bn 0.0

0 0k -0.5 0Bn -0.5 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2007 2012 2017 2007 2012 2017

# of trades % Change TASI Index % Change 70m 0.8 15k 0.4 Investors Bonds Trading Participants 10k 0.0 Male 3,680,236 Value (USDMn) 6,987.2 Equity 42 35m 0.0 Female 989,708 Bond issuers 35 Bond 26 5k -0.4 Institutions 5,591 Bonds listed 17 Online investors 2,737,003 Bonds traded (USDMn) 1,882.94 0m -0.6 0k -0.8 2007 2012 2017 2007 2012 2017

Source: Tadawul

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