2010 Light of the Path Retreat Lama Zopa Rinpoche in


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Lama Yeshe in London, 1975 Lights and Rainbows: My Struggle (Video Recording) By Rolland Swing By Lama Yeshe NHS Videos for Carers 52 His Holiness the Dalai Lama in By UK National Health Service San Jose, California By Gwen McEwen Nine Questions About Vegetarianism Making Business Work for FPMT By Geshe Thubten Soepa By Peter Kedge … and much, much more! Three Ways to Help Animals By Phil Hunt and Tania Duratovic 77

JANUARY-MARCH 2011 ISSUE 50 MANDALA (ISSN10754113) is published quarterly by FPMT Inc, 1632 SE 11th Ave, Portland, OR 97214-4702, USA. Printed by Journal Graphics, Portland, Oregon, USA. Periodicals postage paid at Portland OR. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Mandala, 1632 SE 11th Ave, Portland OR 97214-4702 COVER: Lama Zopa Rinpoche at Light of the Path 2010, North Carolina, USA. PHOTO courtesy of Kalleen Mortensen www.mandalamagazine.org www.fpmt.org

January - March 2011 MANDALA 5 From the EDITOR DEAR READER, I am very happy to present you with this new issue of students facing similar joys and difficulties indicative of Mandala. The last seven issues were part of a series telling practicing Dharma in the modern world. We’ve tried to the collective story of FPMT from its humble beginnings keep the scope of the magazine global while still speaking in India and Nepal to its now international reach: 160+ to the common, everyday occurrences of walking the path centers, projects and services spanning 37 countries. But in daily life. with the October-December 2010 issue came the question: Please do not miss the selection of articles offered in Now what? this issue’s Online Exclusive section on the Mandala website. In June of this year, the Friends of FPMT team sent Many of the following print articles contain additional out a survey to Mandala readers in an attempt to learn what materials and resources that are published on the website. features of the magazine (both print and online) were really Additionally, new updates have been published on Ven. appealing and what additional content you would like to Roger Kunsang’s Life on the Road with Lama Zopa see going forward. We received some very insightful feed- Rinpoche blog, Ven. Chonyi Taylor’s Dharma Realities blog back and have tried to respond to your interests with this and the REJOICE! blog. Plus, there are many other features issue’s new layout. What was clear from your responses is found only on the website. that you rely on Mandala, not only for teachings and practice Thank you all so much for all of your support and advice from qualified teachers, or to stay apprised of all the interest. Please take your time and most importantly, ENJOY! FPMT activity taking place and shape around the world, With love, but also as a means to connect to the stories of other Carina Rumrill ABOUT MANDALA Mandala is the official publica- Friends of FPMT is a donor program composed of Friends working tion of the Foundation for the together to support FPMT’s global activities. Preservation of the Mahayana To learn about Friends of FPMT levels and benefits, contact us or Tradition (FPMT), an interna- visit: www.fpmt.org/friends tional charitable organization Mandala is published in January, April, July and October. founded more than thirty years Mandala eZine is published in February, May, August and December. ago by two Tibetan Buddhist masters: Lama Thubten Yeshe Managing Editor and Publisher FPMT Board of Directors (1935-1984) and Lama Thubten Zopa Rinpoche. FPMT is now a vibrant Carina Rumrill Spiritual Director international community with a network of over 150 affiliate centers, [email protected] Lama Zopa Rinpoche projects, services and study groups in more than thirty countries. Assistant Editor, Board Members Advertising & Sales Khenrinpoche Geshe Lhundrup Editorial Policy Michael Jolliffe Ven. Roger Kunsang Recurring topics include: Buddhist philosophy; Education; Ordination [email protected] Ven. Pemba Sherpa and the Sangha; Buddhism and Modern Life; Youth Issues; FPMT Art Director Karuna Cayton Activities Worldwide; Lama Yeshe and his teachings; Lama Zopa Rin- Cowgirls Design Andrew Haynes poche and his teachings; His Holiness the Dalai Lama and his teachings, [email protected] Peter Kedge among many other topics. Tim McNeill Friends of FPMT Program Writers, photographers and artists, both amateur and professional, Tara Melwani Heather Drollinger are encouraged to submit material for consideration. Mandala currently Alison Murdoch [email protected] Paula de Wijs-Koolkin does not pay for publishable content; we credit all photos and other work as requested. FPMT, Inc. www.mandalamagazine.org 1632 SE 11th Ave. Mandala, in addition to the Mandala eZine, is published quarterly www.fpmt.org and is available via the Friends of FPMT program. Additionally, both Portland, OR 97214-4702 Tel: 1 503 808 1588 publications are supplemented by online stories published exclusively at: Fax: 1 503 232 0557 www.mandalamagazine.org Toll free USA only 1 866 241 9886

6MANDALA January - March 2011 30, 300, 30

Jefn C`fe1 K_\ 9l[[_`jk DX^Xq`e\  :XkXcf^ › `ek\im`\nj ›e\nj › Yffb \oZ\igkj

by Lama Lodü Rinpoche È%%%k_\ Y\jk Xe[ dfjk i\c`XYc\ jfliZ\ ]fi e\nj Xe[ i\jfliZ\j 0- gg% › (+%0,# FLI GI@:< ('%+- `e k_\ N\jk Xe[ _Xj Y\\e jf ]fi dfi\ k_Xe kn\ekp p\Xij%É È@k `j Xj kil\ X ^l`[\ kf kXeki`Z Ç # Xlk_fi by Longchen Rabjam (Longchenpa), 9l[[_`jdËj m`\n f] c`]\ Xe[ [\Xk_ Xj ZXe Y\ trans. by Kennard Lipman & ]fle[ `e gi`ek%ÉÇ Merrill Peterson, under the inspiration of Namkhai Norbu ()) gg% › (/%0,# FLI GI@:< (*%). È@k j_fnj _fn kf c`m\ n`k_`e k_\ jfliZ\ f] Xcc c`]\# k_\ le`Ô\[ Ô\c[ n_\i\ \og\i`\eZ\ kXb\j gcXZ\%ÉÇ k`Y\k7JefnC`feGlY%Zfd Teachings and ADVICE

This section will feature the precious teachings and advice of FPMT teachers, lineage lamas and notable Buddhist scholars. ADVICE FROM A VIRTUOUS FRIEND EQUALIZING the Eight Worldly Dharmas By Lama Zopa Rinpoche

here are so many problems when you live life with attachment and worldly concern. You want comfort and happiness and Ttherefore suffer and become unhappy when there is discomfort. You look for a good reputation, wanting many people to say good things about you, and suffer when that is not happening or the opposite happens and you have a bad reputation. You grasp at praise wanting other people to say good things to you and your mind goes down when that does not happen or you are criticized. You grasp at receiving things and are disappointed when nothing comes. First you advertise your birthday to other people, then when you receive no gifts or birthday presents from your friends, your mind goes down, down, down and you get depressed and unhappy! These problems come because the mind is grasping. The mind grasping at comfort and pleasure, reputation, praise, and receiving material things is the root problem. It is because the mind is grasping that there is dislike and unhappiness when the things you want are not happening or the opposite is happening. Nagarjuna explained that we need to equalize these thoughts: Receiving and not receiving material things, comfort and discomfort, Good and bad reputation, praise and criticism – Equalize these eight worldly dharmas And banish them from your mind.

If you check the nature of your mind when it is grasping at these things, it is not peaceful but disturbed by emotional thoughts. There is no inner peace or calm. Grasping at these four objects of desire is a big problem in our lives and all the other problems come from that, but when these four are equalized and there is no more thought of the eight worldly dharmas, you have real inner happiness, the happiness of Dharma. ◆

Excerpted from the teachings given by Lama Zopa Rinpoche on September 9, 2009 at the Light of the Path retreat held in Lama Zopa Rinpoche at Amitabha Pure Land, Washington, Raleigh, North Carolina, USA. Edited by Ven. Sarah Thresher in USA. Photo by Ven. Roger Kunsang. a compilation titled Start the Day with Bodhichitta, forthcoming from LYWA.

8MANDALA January - March 2011 LAMA YESHE’S WISDOM CLEAN CLEAR COPING at the Time of Death By Lama Yeshe

By Lama Yeshe

heard on TV that there’s a singer who’s sold so many … That’s why it’s so important for you to keep yourself records that if you piled them up they would be higher clean clear all the time. Every day, keep yourself as clean than Mt. Everest. Our heavy blankets of confusion are just clear as possible. Don’t create confused situations with your Ilike that: if you piled them up they would be even higher body, speech or mind. It’s simple. Then you’ll have no prob- than that ... two or three times higher than Mt. Everest. So lems. You’ll be balanced both internally and externally and because of all these imprints of confusion, it’s possible that will also not be in danger of contracting a serious disease. during the death process all kinds of visions can appear. … However, you shouldn’t worry that death must be For example, we see people in hospital with terminal difficult and rebirth even worse; that you might be reborn in cancer suffering greatly, going in and out of consciousness. the lower realms as a tiger, a donkey, a monkey or some-

... those who die with loving kindness in their mind never have to worry about getting a bad rebirth. With loving kindness in your mind, there’s no way to go to the lower realms.

For me, that’s like hell. When I see people in a cancer ward, thing. I tell you, don’t worry. Even though we might not I don’t need any other explanation of hell. Of course, we have great wisdom, we do have a certain degree of loving have detailed explanations of hell, but for me, the cancer kindness, so those who die with loving kindness in their ward’s enough. It’s not usual suffering; it’s unusual. It’s mind never have to worry about getting a bad rebirth. With worse than animal suffering. They’re conscious, they slip loving kindness in your mind, there’s no way to go to the into unconsciousness and the death process; then they come lower realms. ◆ to again. Have you seen people suffering like this? For me, Lama Yeshe gave this teaching in Geneva, Switzerland, this is a hellish experience. So I’m going to say that this kind in September 1983, his last teaching in the West. of situation is absolutely the same as what’s described in Excerpted from Life, Death and After Death, published the Bardo Thödrol: exaggerated visions of yamas with horns by Lama Yeshe Wisdom Archive. This entire teaching coming to eat you. Things like that. can be seen in the December Mandala eZine.

January - March 2011 MANDALA 9 Teachings and ADVICE A TEACHER TELLS US WHY

Cartoon by Frits Ahlefeldt-Laurvig, Q Reader Question: http://hikingartist.com Can I receive oral transmissions, precepts or initiations online? A Answered by Kendall Magnussen This is not as straightforward as you might think! It depends on the specifics of any given situation. It also depends on the lama you are asking and the motivation of the student.

Eight Mahayana Precepts Rinpoche has said that it is not a simple straight When asked about whether or not online students of the forward answer of “yes” or “no,” because it depends. It FPMT Living in the Path program could receive the Eight depends on the motivation and it depends on who is giving Mahayana Precepts from Lama Zopa Rinpoche from video, the lung and who is receiving it. Because of this, Rinpoche Rinpoche replied, “It is okay to take them from video. It’s said that to be on the safe side the answer is “no.” not easy [for us] to meet, so better to do it and make the According to Kirti Tsenshab Rinpoche, you can connection that way. However, it should be done with receive a lung by way of a CD or over the Internet. How- awareness. It is the same as when you are at a teaching and ever, according to Geshe Sopa, one must be in the direct not in the presence of the lama and in another room taking physical presence of the teacher in order to receive the the initiation from the image of the lama on the TV.” transmission. If the original recitation was done as a lung, with the Initiations intention of it being a lung and for the specific person, and However, when Rinpoche was asked about taking initia- the listener from their own side also has the intention of tions from a recording, the answer came back very clearly receiving a lung, then a CD recording can be considered a that Rinpoche does not allow this of his own initiations, lung. However, the guru must have been thinking of the although other lamas may. person who would be receiving the transmission with the thought of giving the transmission to that person. Other- Oral Transmissions wise, it is best considered a blessing. When asked about receiving oral transmissions by way of a In conclusion, generally, the answer is that you can’t CD, Rinpoche told a story. receive lungs by way of tapes, CDs or DVDs, but it is good One time, specifically referring only to himself, Rinpoche to keep in mind that depending on who is giving it, the ◆ asked Kirti Tsenshab Rinpoche about receiving a lung by CD. motivation and under certain circumstances, it is possible. Kirti Tsenshab Rinpoche said that this was okay, as long as Compiled from the advice of Lama Zopa Rinpoche, Kirti Rinpoche listened to the rest of the relevant recording. Then Tsenshab Rinpoche and Geshe Sopa as received by Kirti Tsenshab Rinpoche commented, “But, if there is another FPMT Education Services. Edited by Kendall Magnussen, opportunity to get the lung directly, that would be best.” October 2010.

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January - March 2011 MANDALA 11 Cover FEATURE 2010 Light of the Path Retreat

It seems that Light of the Path, the annual lam-rim teaching retreat in North Carolina, USA, is by all accounts special. Not only is it one of the few teaching events that Lama Zopa Rinpoche initiated from his own side, but it is one of the few that have been webcasted in five languages, allowing hundreds of students around the world who could not come to North Carolina to benefit from the event. That the retreat takes place in the beautiful Blue Ridge mountains on 1,200 acres of woodland complete with mountain streams and wildflowers, ridges, valleys and spectacular views only adds to the event’s transformative power.

LIGHTING THE PATH IN NORTH CAROLINA Education Services exceeded themselves in preparing the By Nick Ribush retreat manual, setting up the live online broadcast, or the second year running the excellent YMCA providing a real-time running transcript projected onto a Blue Ridge Assembly near Asheville, North screen above Rinpoche, and then making the whole course Carolina, was the site of the FPMT’s Light of the available in various media subsequently. Merry Colony, FPath retreat, hosted by Kadampa Center, the FPMT Ven. Joan Nicell, Eamon Walsh, the whole Media team and center in Raleigh, and taught, of course, by our inexpress- many others all deserve our grateful thanks. ibly precious guru, Lama Zopa Rinpoche. Most of the more The program followed the same format as last year. We than two hundred people who attended would probably took the Eight Mahayana Precepts every day and followed agree that it was two of the best weeks of their lives. this by prostrations to the Thirty-five Buddhas and then The folks from Kadampa Center again did a fantastic Guru Puja, usually led by our inspiring retreat leader, Ven. job organizing the retreat and making sure it ran smoothly. Steve Carlier. The session after breakfast saw the conclusion Director Dr. Robbie Watkins, Spiritual Program Coordi- of the puja and some review of the incomparable Lama nator Ven. Tendron and Retreat Coordinator Sarah Brooks Zopa Rinpoche’s previous night’s teaching. After a long in particular worked very hard to give everybody a break, the afternoon session would continue with the wonderful experience. Similarly, the folks from FPMT review followed by a meditation led by Ven. Steve,

12 MANDALA January - March 2011 Ven. Rene Feusi or Ven. Sarah Thresher. Then, after the together to swap stories and plan for the future. Not exactly dinner break, Lama Zopa Rinpoche would teach until, retreat activity, but all part of the big picture. most nights, after midnight. We kept silence (badly) from The retreat continues again next year and I can’t the end of the evening session until after lunch the next day. encourage you enough to go. There’s nothing like it! Rinpoche began his teachings reminding us about some fundamental lam-rim topics such as impermanence THE ORIGINS OF THE and death, the sufferings of the lower realms and the perfect FPMT ONLINE LEARNING CENTER human rebirth, then began giving us the oral transmission By Merry Colony of Lama Atisha’s Lamp for the Path in English. ometimes the beginnings of a project can become hazy The next couple of nights Rinpoche taught on empti- over time, but the origins of the FPMT Online Learning ness using the famous verse from the Diamond Cutter Sutra SCenter remain pretty clear, and perfectly illustrate one that starts “A star, a visual aberration,” with reference to the of FPMT’s unofficial mottos: form follows function.

four schools of Buddhist philosophy. As usual, the teachings Left to Right: were interspersed with Rinpoche’s entertaining stories and Lama Zopa Rinpoche teaching at the 2010 Light of the Path reminiscences, usually delivered with Rinpoche’s great sense retreat in North Carolina, USA. Photo by Kalleen Mortensen. of humor. And as the retreat unfolded, Rinpoche also taught Students form a line to greet Lama Zopa Rinpoche. Back row: Catherine Ming, Shankha Mitra and Jim Brady. on self-cherishing, guru devotion, prostrations, the seven- Front row: Sarah Brooks and Ven. Lhundrup Tendron. Students limb prayer, tsog, karma, the three sufferings and the six form a khata line to greet Lama Zopa Rinpoche. perfections. Rinpoche also spoke about the importance of Photo by Annelies van der Heijden. study and gave general practice advice and a great variety of Blue Ridge Assembly, Ashville, NC, USA. Photo by Sarah Brooks. teachings on other topics and some more oral transmissions. Retreat leader, Ven. Steve Carlier. Photo by Sarah Brooks. People came from many parts of the world and many By 2007 the development of education programming for of them were old friends and FPMT Dharma center FPMT centers was nearing completion insofar as the essential workers, so another great feature of the retreat was people curriculum of a wide range of programs was developed and catching up with each other and sharing experiences. And, available for centers to use. The next step for FPMT Education of course, there were countless meetings, as those of us Services was to get the programs online, particularly because trying to help Rinpoche accomplish his and Lama Yeshe’s continually updating the hard copies of our Discovering vision for the organization took the opportunity of being Buddhism and Basic Program homestudy modules was

January - March 2011 MANDALA 13 F R I E N D S O F fpmt


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www.fpmt.org/friends Cover FEATURE becoming untenable. Lacking technical know-how, I was wondrous Ven. Joan Nicell), arrange it all by topic, pair paralyzed in how to take this next step until Masters Program together with the awareness exercises, meditations and graduate Patrick Lambelet came to International Office to service components, and then by the organizational introduce himself at a staff meeting. Dharma genius of Kendall Magnussen, provide neatly In the course of Patrick’s introduction, he mentioned that packaged, easy to navigate, brilliantly bite-sized modules of he was helping with Istituto Lama Tzong Khapa’s online Basic Lama Zopa Rinpoche’s deep and profound teachings. The success of the Media Center and Online Learning Center featuring Light of the Path retreat materials is undeniable: during the Light of the Path retreat, from Sept 11-26, 2010, the site received 12,170 hits from 4,951 visitors from 89 countries with a high of 1,362 visitors on September 20. Over 40 people were consistently online for Rinpoche’s live teachings. Other parts of the retreat were broadcast live and approximately 12 people appear to have completed the entire retreat via the video webcasts. The world is changing fast and technological advance- ments show no sign of slowing down. Although it is over- whelming to consider that FPMT Education Services must Alexis ben el Hadj, Eamon Walsh, Harald Weicharrt, Antoine keep aligned with new technological developments in order Janssen. Missing is Jean Luc Castagner. Photo by Sarah Brooks. to remain relevant and accessible, we’re excited that we’ve Program. Eamon Walsh, International Office’s CFO and tech- nology wizard, who had already been helping Maitripa College get their courses online, asked for a tour of Moodle, the software Patrick was using. As I watched Eamon explore Moodle, the way forward revealed itself: utilize Moodle as our online program software and Eamon as our online adminis- trator! The need was clearly apparent, a solution was now clear, and the FPMT Online Learning Center was born. The FPMT Online Learning Center currently has five programs online and two Light of the Path retreats available through the FPMT Media Center, an archive of video and audio recordings. We are proud that in a single year FPMT

Education Services has made available 10 years of program Private booths helped translators such as Gerald Noack and development to Friends of FPMT and the general public. Laetitia Franceschini share Rinpoche’s teachings live in five This year, we successfully expanded the FPMT Media languages. Photo by Sarah Brooks. Center’s capacity to broadcast Rinpoche’s Light of the Path teachings live and in five languages. Behind the miracle was managed to come this far and confident that we’ll creatively the skilled and steady support of Harald Weicharrt and adapt to the challenges ahead. the FPMT Media Team: Alexis ben el Hadj, Jean Luc Castagner, Antoine Janssen and Eamon Walsh, the most You can access the FPMT Online Learning Center at http:// onlinelearning.fpmt.org which features modules from five fabulous merging of expertise, good looks and dedication education programs developed by FPMT Education Services. that anyone could ask for! These programs are continually expanding with new modules It’s now hard to imagine how we would have provided added each month. Both Discovering Buddhism and Living in the Path offer one module freely to the public. FPMT’s newest program, Living in the Path, if it weren’t for online delivery. We now have the capability to extract video The FPMT Media Center, the archive of video and audio recordings from Light of the Path, is accessible through the clips archived in the Media Center, match them together FPMT Online Learning Center and is absolutely free for the with the transcript (transcribed in real time by the general public.

January - March 2011 MANDALA 15 Cover FEATURE

GECKO DIVINATIONS his wife really likes the Geico gecko and would be very excited By Sarah Brooks when he brought it home. n the last day of Rinpoche’s teachings at the Light Rinpoche looked around at the rest of us, and then told of the Path retreat, I was part of a small group of Herb he needed the gecko back for a while. He started giving Othe Kadampa Center staff and volunteers who away the other nice things in the room like tsa tsas, a prayer gathered in the lodge where he was staying. That evening he wheel, and things for people’s altars. Each time, he would had taught through the dinner hour, and most of us had not throw the gecko into the air to divine who should receive a taken the opportunity of precepts that morning so had gift. As more people came in, they joined the circle of laughter. skipped dinner to hear his teachings. His core volunteer team Rinpoche held up a large crystal and pronounced it a wish- at the lodge, Cherie Sutorus, Alejandra Almeda, and Hein fulfilling jewel, and the gecko decided it was to go to Ven. and Son Pham, had offered to share dinner with us after Steve Carlier, the retreat leader. Some people got several things Rinpoche left the grounds. He was leaving that evening to and others got none – the gecko was unpredictable! drive overnight to Washington, DC, to go to his next stop in Meanwhile Ven. Roger and the entourage were taking the Mongolia, and an enormous amount of luggage was piled in luggage out and getting ready to leave. Seeing time was short, the corner waiting to be loaded in the car. Ven. Roger urged Rinpoche to remember he had a flight to We gathered in his lobby and of course hoped for a last catch, but Rinpoche just kept throwing gecko divinations opportunity to be in his presence one more time before he until he ran out of things to give away. left. (I was thinking about food too, of course.) Quite a bit of We reluctantly said goodbye to Rinpoche and the time passed, and we speculated when he might appear knowing entourage, and found that during our delightful time he had a deadline to get to DC. We were all just sitting around together the hour had grown late – almost eleven o’clock. talking casually when Rinpoche suddenly walked out of his Where my mind had started off hoping for a bite to eat, I room with his final appointment and saw us all there. We all felt completely satisfied by Rinpoche’s presence and decided stood and bowed, our hands in prostration. to decline dinner after all. Or perhaps my priority had just Scattered on the round tables were gifts that Rinpoche shifted from food to sleep…. did not pack to take with him, and he picked up a figure of a surfer that had been decorated with a mantra and gave a talk LIGHT OF THE PATH WORKING RETREAT about the benefits of even just seeing it. By Gelongma Losang Drimay Then he showed us his stuffed gecko, and while pointing ollowing the two-week course, I joined a smaller around the room told everyone to spread out. He was going to group of eight people for a work-week at a nearby throw the gecko in the air onto the round table and, depending Frental house, churning Lama Zopa Rinpoche’s teachings on who the gecko was looking at upon landing, he or she into modules for the online Living in the Path (LP) study would get to take it home. Once we realized what he was program. From last year’s working retreat there emerged doing, we started laughing and could hardly stop. By then a four modules which are already online. few more people This year, we have identified four new modules on the had joined the themes of (exact titles to be determined): group, so we all sur- • the Diamond Cutter verse – appearances being rounded the round deceptive, table and watched • some verses from Shantideva on the connections Rinpoche toss the between mind and karma, gecko high in the • the refuge-bodhichitta verse – Mahayana refuge, air. It landed and • and Dharma happiness versus worldly happiness was looking at his The LP courses can be done completely online – volunteer driver for providing a great benefit to people who do not have the retreat, Herb access to a Dharma center – and can be held at centers Cunningham, who where there are facilitators. Our work week was much

Lama Zopa Rinpoche, the gecko and Herb was thrilled. Herb easier this year. Last year we had to spend a few days just Cunningham. Photo by Margie Harris. told Rinpoche that figuring out what the program was going to look like;

16 MANDALA January - March 2011 Foundation for the Preservation of the Mahayana Tradition

Online Learning Center FPMT programs available online!

Buddhism in a NutshellDeath & Dying Meditation 101 Living in the PathDiscovering Buddhism Basic Program

Each online program includes some or all of the following components: • Video teachings • Mindfulness exercises for daily life • Audio teachings and meditations • Karma yoga exercises • Written transcripts • Online quizzes • Readings • Online discussion forum • Daily practices • Completion certifi cate FPMT Media Center: High-defi nition streaming video of Lama Zopa Rinpoche’s Light of the Path teachings are available in English, French, Spanish, Chinese, and German.

How to access FPMT online programs: For all online programs go to FPMT Online Learning Center: “I want to thank you for the http://onlinelearning.fpmt.org amazing job of placing FPMT • FREE! Discovering Buddhism module two, How to Meditate into a new era of spreading the • FREE! Living in the Path module one, Motivation for Life Dharma, a really new step in For all other program modules: FPMT era to spread the Dharma, • Individual modules can be purchased from the something to celebrate.” FPMT Foundation Store: http://shop.fpmt.org –Thubten Kunsang, Oct 2009 • Become a Dharma Supporter Friend of FPMT and receive: free access to all online programs and a subscription to Mandala magazine: www.fpmt.org/friends http://onlinelearning.fpmt.org Cover FEATURE

Bringing Living in the Path to Your Center By Merry Colony Living in the Path, the FPMT course based on Lama retreats of two weeks or longer. These retreats include Zopa Rinpoche’s Light of the Path teachings, is unique Light of the Path (USA), Mani retreat (France), Lama because its primary teacher is Lama Zopa Rinpoche and Tsongkhapa (Italy), Four Kadam Deity (France), its content is Rinpoche’s heart instructions for practice. Medicine Buddha (USA), or Vajrasattva (USA). It is FPMT’s quintessential lam-rim course, exemplary of Some centers, such as Maitreya Instituut Amsterdam, our precious lineage. have already found that offering Living in the Path as a Living in the Path takes what Rinpoche taught and weekend retreat has good results. Other centers in Australia packages it into manageable pieces so students can (Chenrezig Institute and Chagtong Chentong) and the integrate the material in a realistic way, while remain- United States (Thubten Norbu Ling, Osel Shen Phen Ling ing true to how Rinpoche initially presented the topics and Kadampa Center) already have plans underway to lead at hand. similar weekend retreats in the near future. With the materials already developed directly from For study groups without teachers, the program can Rinpoche’s teachings, it is easy for centers to offer the be followed simply as a group utilizing the online course to their students by designating a “facilitator” materials provided. to walk students through each module. A facilitator must be an FPMT-registered teacher who has attended Please contact FPMT Education Services (education@ fpmt.org) or visit http://onlinelearning.fpmt.org for more one or more of Lama Zopa Rinpoche’s teaching information about how to host this inspiring course. this year we had the advantage of being able to refer to all MINDFULNESS AND THE the materials that Kendall Magnussen had brought to KINDNESS OF OTHERS completion – the modules that are already online. By Julie Caldwell The LP team got along very harmoniously and enjoyed his year’s focus for the Living in the Path retreat was some gut-bursting laughter at times. During our breaks for mindfulness – how to really, truly, cherish others; meals, we heard wild tales from each other about the adven- Thow to combine compassion with joy-filled wisdom tures of pilgrimage, retreat and running Dharma centers in continuously–atopicIcametoappreciate sitting in a chair far-flung parts of the world, such as Eamon Walsh’s accounts at the rear of the gompa, my crutches propped up against of running the center in Mongolia. the wall, right foot laced up in a black boot, healing the After some members of the work team had already gone broken long bone of my little toe. to catch their flights, the rest of us went on an outing to a After two and a half months of watching my bone heal nearby landmark, Chimney Rock, for a hike and a riverside through a series of x-rays, I hobbled off to North Carolina, dinner afterward at Genny’s “Home-Cooking” Diner, com- crutches still in hand, totally dependent on others. My plete with hushpuppies served with every dish. Some other Dharma practice had shifted from being obsessed with friendly hikers gave us some leads on where to hike when we helping others to allowing others to help me. This was a big come again next year.

Left to Right:

Working retreat participants Ed Gibson, Merry Colony, Eamon Walsh, Kendall Magnussen and Ven. Losang Drimay enjoyed breathtaking vistas from Chimney Rock in North Carolina.

Rinpoche makes prostrations before ascending the teaching throne. Photo by Sarah Brooks.

18 MANDALA January - March 2011 change for me and my long-term co-dependent history of I was liberating all beings while chanting mantras, sharing my caretaking others. practice. My Dharma practice now focused on me mindfully It’s amazing how much the black boot has taught me taking excellent care of healing my foot. This meant slowing about mindfulness. down and following my doctor’s advice. Also, I had to think ahead about special needs such as arranging suitable accom- SOMETHING VERY SPECIAL IS modations (and coming to understand the limitations of HAPPENING IN NORTH CAROLINA access to those). Blue Ridge Assembly provided a ramp over By Alison Murdoch the stairs at the entrance of Abbott Hall (my lodge), and gave lone and in transit at Charlotte Airport, surrounded me a room with a shower. I took responsibility for bringing by unfamiliar advertisements, I had an E.T. moment: my own handrail and seat for the shower. A“Help! What am I doing here?! I want to go home!” The more I took care of my foot, the more mindful I My jet-lagged mind almost convinced me that traveling became about the surrounding environment, the people who halfway across the world to take part in the Light on the Path showed up and the activities I could and could not do. A deep retreat was one big crazy mistake. heartfelt appreciation bubbled up from inside of me, so thank- I needn’t have worried because only a few hours later I ful to each and every being who showed up to help me heal. walked into a gompa blazing with light; full of flowers, People offered to give me rides, did my laundry, shopped and sparkling water bowls and holy images; packed with friendly cooked for me, and gave me homeopathic lotions. All I had welcoming faces; and above all was my precious teacher Lama to give back was my deep appreciation. I kept my foot up, Zopa Rinpoche sitting on the throne and sharing his heart practiced tonglen, meditated, focused on mindfulness, read instructions on how to practice the Dharma. For those few lam-rim, chanted mantras and took time to relax, all the time weeks, North Carolina was at the heart of the FPMT rejoicing in the kindness of others. mandala, and the best place I could possibly be in the world. During the first week of the retreat, a Kadampa Center I work full-time for Rinpoche and the FPMT – an volunteer was assigned to drive me from Abbott Hall to the immense good fortune, but also sometimes an excuse and gompa, then to the lunchroom, then to Lee Hall for discus- distraction from making the time to sit on a cushion in retreat. sions, and then back to Abbott Hall. At mealtimes different Light on the Path was the perfect medicine. By the time I flew people carried my food to the table. Someone else would carry back through Charlotte, I was a changed person: refreshed, my books. When inside the gompa, people brought me tea, reconnected with my teacher, re-inspired to try to dedicate juice and water. Others would smile at me as they walked in my life to others, and re-energized to continue with the study and out of the gompa, some would make small talk, and and practice that will be needed. others shared stories. Although we were trying to “give up on this life” there Sometimes it seemed kinder to turn away help, especially were plenty of worldly delights: blue skies and luminous when it was something I could do for myself. Other times, I sunsets above the wooded hillsides of the Blue Ridge center; saw how much the volunteer needed the experience of helping butterflies and birds around the running stream; and the me. It created space for connection. wooden porches of the buildings strewn with the rocking By week two I was able to put weight on my healing foot, chairs typical of the American Deep South. It proved to be which inspired me to put Rinpoche’s mindfulness and a wonderful location for developing and deepening Dharma walking practices into action. I walked up the hill to Lee Hall, friendships. thinking I was leading all sentient beings to enlightenment The retreat was the highlight of my year, and I’m praying just like Ven. Kaye and Lama Zopa Rinpoche had explained that I’ll have the karma to return next September, this time [see “Walking with Mindfulness,” in Living in the Path]. It with no hesitation. Something very special is happening in took 45 minutes to reach the top of the hill, walking slowly North Carolina. ◆ and with many rests along the way. My ankle was throbbing, Next year’s Light of the Path retreat is already tentatively standing there in my black boot, out of shape. I sat down in scheduled for September 10 - 25, 2011. one of the Lee Hall porch rocking chairs and looked at the For up to date information on Light of the Path 2011, regularly check Kadampa Center’s Light of the Path view. Two hours passed. Now rested, it was time for a shower. website at www.kadampa-center.org/lop/ I stood up and walked down the hill to Abbott Hall, thinking or by email at [email protected]

January - March 2011 MANDALA 19 Practicing Dharma in DAILY LIFE This section provides advice, resources and inspiration for practicing Dharma in daily life. FEATURED PRACTICE As Buddhists, we try to be keenly aware of our own suffering and the suffering of others. But how do we cultivate a mind of benefiting others and ourselves? Lama Zopa Rinpoche’s answer is this issue’s Featured Practice: an explanation of how to meditate on Sang gyä chhö dang, the well-known and foundational prayer written by Lama Atisha, recited millions of times every day by Tibetan Buddhist practitioners around the world.

SANG GYÄ CHHÖ DANG SOG KYI CHHOG NAM LA I go for refuge until I am enlightened JANG CHHUB BAR DU DAG NI KYAB SU CHHI To the Buddha, the Dharma and the Supreme Assembly. DAG GI JIN SOG GYI PE SÖ NAM GYI By the merits I create, through practicing giving and the rest, DRO LA PHÄN CHHIR SANG GYÄ DRUB PAR SHOG May I become a buddha in order to benefit all sentient beings. Photo by Linda Lane Refuge and Bodhichitta By Lama Zopa Rinpoche I am going to explain the meditation prayer of taking refuge these three causes, totally relying on Buddha, Dharma and and generating bodhichitta, composed by Lama Atisha. It is Sangha; that mental factor is Mahayana refuge. extremely important as we recite it so many times in one day. The Secret Mantra Vajrayana way is by practicing Sang gyä means “eliminated and developed.” Sang generation stage to be free from ordinary appearance and means having eliminated all gross and subtle mistakes of ordinary concept, and then to be free from the unfunc- mind; and gyä is having completed all the qualities and tionability of the chakras, winds and drops; to be free from realizations. This is what we need to achieve. We need sang impure wind and mind, to cease those. and gyä. Then chhö is the whole path, and sog is the Sangha – their qualities. Meditate on Two Shocking Things The first cause of refuge is one’s own mind qualified by The first unbelievably deeply shocking thing is that I have having useful fear of samsara. Then the second cause is been experiencing the suffering of samsara numberless having faith towards the Buddha, Dharma and Sangha; times from beginningless rebirths. The second shocking understanding that they have the power and qualities to thing is that it is, again, endless, if one doesn’t change one’s save oneself, liberate oneself, from the oceans of samsaric own mind and become totally detached from samsara. sufferings and their cause: karma and delusions. Then, with Then, you look at the numberless sentient beings – those two causes, completely relying on, totally trusting in numberless hell beings, hungry ghosts, animals, human Buddha, Dharma and Sangha; that mental factor is beings, asuras, suras and intermediate state beings – oooh, Hinayana refuge. In Mahayana, there are these two causes they have been exactly the same: experiencing the general and the third one, compassion for sentient beings. With sufferings of samsara and the particular sufferings of the

20 MANDALA January - March 2011 lower realms numberless times from beginningless rebirths. choice. You’ve got to give help to the mother sentient You can’t imagine. It’s most unbearable. Feel that. beings. It’s not only nice words; it is the reality. Now, if they don’t get help from you, they will experi- “To benefit” means to liberate them from the bondage ence the sufferings of samsara, again and again, endlessly. of karma and delusions. That way you are able to liberate It’s most, most, most unbearable. You can’t stand it for a them from oceans of samsaric sufferings. Not only that, but minute, for a second. you also want to bring them to full enlightenment. Therefore, However, you don’t have sang gyä, so you can’t complete the solution is for oneself to achieve enlightenment. Each time the work for sentient beings. Therefore, with your whole you generate this bodhichitta, “May I achieve enlightenment heart, totally rely on Buddha, Dharma and Sangha, not just for the benefit of transmigratory beings,” by putting your for oneself, but because you want all sentient beings to be palms together, how much merit you collect is amazing. liberated from oceans of samsaric sufferings and their causes. “I go for refuge to Buddha, Dharma and Sangha,” is Sealing with Emptiness the cause refuge – taking refuge in those whose mental After this, think, “The real I seeking enlightenment does continuum is separate from yourself. “Until enlightenment not exist; it is totally empty right there. The real action seek- is achieved” shows the result time refuge. Result Dharma is ing enlightenment is totally empty right there. The real en- when your mind becomes the cessation of suffering and lightenment, not the merely labeled enlightenment, is cessation of defilements, the true path. At that time, you totally empty right there. Those for whom you are achieving become the result Sangha. By developing Dharma, you enlightenment, the real sentient beings, are totally empty become the result Buddha. Only then can you do perfect right there.” Meditate a little bit on emptiness. work for sentient beings without any effort, spontaneously. When we do sang gyä chho dang, we must meditate, not “By the collection of merits,” refers to the merits of just blah, blah, blah. It is a very, very important practice. transcendental wisdom and the merits of virtue. This way, at the very beginning, you practice the heart of Dro la is “migrating beings.” It has two meanings. One Buddhism – the heart of the 84,000 teachings of Buddha, meaning is that after sentient beings are born, even in one the three baskets, the Hinayana, the Mahayana Parami- second, they constantly go, non-stop, towards death. One tayana, and the Mahayana Secret Mantra Vajrayana, the meaning of dro la is that – “one who is going.” The other essence of the lam-rim, the graduated path of the three meaning is “transmigrating.” There are seven realms of capable beings, and the three principal aspects of the path sentient beings. Transmigratory beings are under the – all these already get done at the beginning, before the control of karma and delusions and so, continuously, in one actual practice. It becomes very powerful. ◆ of the realms they suffer. This is what has been happening from beginningless rebirths and, if you don’t help them, they Extracted from the Light of the Path teachings, September 2010. Compiled and edited by Kendall Magnussen, October will have to suffer endlessly in samsara. 2010. Call them “mother” sentient beings. Bring in that subject, mother. Thinking “mother” means close to you, close to your heart. At the same time, it means being a Buddha Days mother and kind in four ways.1 Not only that, but we March 5 – 19, Days of Miracles should remember this: our parents created so much negative karma, twenty-four hours a day, for our well-being. It is Full and New Moons important to think that there will be so much suffering as (Tibetan 15th and 30th days) a result of their negative karma, bearing hardships for you. January 4, 19 Remember that, include that. That is the real story. Then February 2, 28 you can see the mother’s kindness. It becomes most March 4, 19 unbearable. You come to the conclusion that you have no The FPMT Foundation Store offers for sale the LIBERATION 1 [1] Your mother gave you a body, especially the human body which calendar, a traditional Tibetan lunar calendar including allows you to practice Dharma; [2] bore hardships for you; [3] protected auspicious days and more, produced by Liberation Prison your life from hundreds of dangers each day; and [4] gave you an Project: www.fpmt.org/shop education, led you in the path of the world, taught you how to walk, how to speak human language, etc.

January - March 2011 MANDALA 21 Practicing Dharma in DAILY LIFE REJOICE! Every year, students quietly complete retreats, commitments or progress further along the path than seems possible. This section allows us to REJOICE! in these incredible efforts. For more rejoice-worthy stories, please subscribe to this section’s blog on www.mandalamagazine.org. Rejoice! for Ani Tsultrim! Lama Zopa Rinpoche recently received an Chanting the Names of while you were taking inspiring letter from Ani Tsultrim of Amitabha your walks in the Wisconsin countryside. Buddhist Centre, Singapore. This is his reply: Rinpoche, your precious advice to do this practice has been such a wonderful and amazing gift to me because, My very dear Tsultrim, since I don’t live in a nunnery where there’s a daily This is a most amazing thing! You may be the only discipline, reciting and memorizing, this sutra gave me a “Western” student to do this! I have been trying to memo- goal to motivate myself with every day while living in my rize myself when I am walking so time isn’t wasted. mother’s home here in Singapore where there are endless I think it is such a great thing what you have done. distractions! Very, very, very worthwhile! I often recite whatever I’ve memorized while traveling, THANK YOU! walking, in a car, on the bus, on the MRT train, going to With love and prayers, ABC, etc. And now that I have finished memorizing the Lama Zopa whole sutra, it is even better because I don’t need to bring the text along with me. I take quite long to recall all the Ani Tsultrim’s letter: verses, so it keeps my mind well occupied for up to one Dearest Kyabje Zopa Rinpoche, hour. The best thing is that because my mind is concen- I just want to express my deepest and heartfelt thanks trating on recalling the verses, during that time while I’m to you, Rinpoche, for the advice that you gave me last memorizing, I stop thinking self-cherishing kinds of October. I had requested some advice for 2010 and you thoughts. Also, I now try to set up some bodhichitta moti- gave me a list of pujas and practices. You advised me to vation while reciting, and I feel very happy that by silently recite Chanting the Names of Manjushri daily for at least five reciting, I can give some benefit to those around me on the years, and said it would be best if I could memorize it. bus or the train or on the highway. Straight away I found the English translation of I also think that reciting this text has helped me a little Chanting the Names of Manjushri on the FPMT website, bit in my studies. At ABC, Geshe Chönyi has been teaching translated by Ronald Davidson. I told myself it was Lama Tsongkhapa’s “Final Exposition of Wisdom” from possible to memorize the whole text if I tried to memorize the Middling Lam-rim. I think somehow there is some at least one verse at a time, maybe one verse every day. blessing from Guru Manjushri that I can remember and Since beginning the memorization on October 26 last understand what Geshe-la is teaching a little bit better. Just year, I was able to make progress over the days and weeks a little ... and months. So THANK YOU SO MUCH, Rinpoche, for giving I am writing to let you know, Rinpoche, that I man- me this precious practice which is helping my mind and aged to complete memorizing all of the 170 verses (according inspiring my practice. to the English version) about five days ago. I am very happy With great happiness I offer whatever merits I have to have been able to accomplish this task in less than a year! accumulated and the merits of all beings to your extremely It was a very happy coincidence for me last week, as I was long and healthy life! close to completing the memorization, that I watched the With much love and respect, video on Facebook where you spoke of the benefits of Tsultrim ◆

22 MANDALA January - March 2011 PARENTING

Drop-in Meditation By Dana Clarke for Parents and Babies at Vajrayana Institute

Four years ago Renate Ogilvie started a drop-in meditation group for parents and babies at Vajrayana Institute in Ashfield, NSW, Australia. The idea sprang into existence when Renate heard Alison Ribush, former director of Tara Institute, describe how she had to leave a lam-rim teaching given by Lama Zopa Rinpoche because her baby son was crying. As Alison stood at the bottom of the steps to the gompa, deeply frustrated, Lama Yeshe suddenly appeared, opened his arms and embraced them both. He laughed and said, “What are you doing? You’ve heard this teaching before, haven’t you?” Lama Yeshe looked at her son and said, “You are now doing the greatest thing of all, bringing up your children in their precious human rebirth. Life is Dharma. Your children are Dharma. Go to the beach.” Because of this story and Renate’s initiative, the halls of Vajrayana Institute are now filled with strollers and toys on Tuesday mornings. I took over running the sessions in mid-2007 and there are many practical tips I can pass on to others thinking of setting up a similar meditation group. Majella O’Shea with daughters Greta and Eloise at First, nothing runs on time when babies are Vajrayana Institute’s Tuesday drop-in meditation involved! It can be difficult for parents to arrive on time for the sessions. Typically the first half-hour is spent occupied. While originally conceived as “meditation for letting the parents chat while others arrive. This also parents and babies in arms,” we have had parents in the provides valuable time for them to share their problems group whose first child continued to come when the and successes involving their little ones. second arrived. The aim is to not turn the parents away, Once the group feels settled, we run a meditation so some weeks the assistant’s role is to keep the older for about ten to twenty minutes. The meditations are toddlers occupied with drawing, games and stories – varied from week to week and can include meditations ideally in another room. on the breath, loving kindness, visualizations, body scans At the end of each session we offer the parents tea and so forth. and biscuits, and make a point of waiting on them as We keep a careful watch over the babies and toddlers their treat. during the meditation so that the parents can meditate. Majella, who has been coming since the early days, Sometimes there is some disturbance, but most of the had the following to say: time, they don’t present a problem. I have found it invaluable to be able to connect with other However, it is very useful to have a second pair of parents on a spiritual level; to have the chance to meditate hands to assist with the meditation session. I helped out while my children are watched and held with love; to receive in this role when Renate first started the group. Now my beautiful Buddhist guidance and learn Buddhist techniques. partner, Peter Stickels, provides this support. This is I feel so blessed to have found this wonderful group and am so particularly valuable when a crying baby just needs a grateful to Renate, Dana and Peter for its existence. ◆ little individual attention and care to settle them down. An assistant can also help keep any toddlers www.vajrayana.com.au

January - March 2011 MANDALA 23 EDUCATION This section focuses on FPMT’s religious and secular work to educate and transform the hearts and minds of people everywhere.

FPMT EDUCATION SERVICES FPMT Education Services is the education department of FPMT International Office and develops study programs, practice materials and trainings designed to foster an integration of four broad education areas: study, practice, service and behavior. These programs and materials are available through the FPMT Foundation Store, the FPMT Online Learning Center and FPMT centers worldwide.

A Message from Merry Colony In this issue, two important Education Services Foundation Training in initiatives are highlighted: Foundation Training in Compassionate Service and the beginnings of Compassionate accreditation for FPMT certificate programs. Service Mexico The Foundation Training in Compassionate By Moya Mendez Service seeks to provide anyone currently offering service to the organization in any capacity a hirty-eight students gathered comprehensive overview of the FPMT – its at Serlingpa Retreat Center history, structure, resources, and vision, as well as Tin Zitácuaro, Mexico, from a multitude of inner and outer techniques for October 30 to November 3 for a working harmoniously with others and making five-day Foundation Training with one’s service a quick path to enlightenment. Merry Colony and Amy Cayton. Foundation Trainings have been offered since It was the first training offered in 2005 and the most recent training in Mexico Mexico and we were so lucky to demonstrated for all participants how a short, have a representative of every five-day training retreat can shift the balance from center and study group attend. Merry Colony and Amy seemingly insurmountable problems to the joyous The FPMT is fairly new in Cayton offering of service in harmony and clarity. Mexico Mexico, and over recent years has grown quickly and enthusias- proved that Lama Zopa Rinpoche’s comment tically, with groups mushrooming and several projects starting. made years ago that “if everyone followed this We were blessed with a visit from Lama Zopa Rinpoche in 2008, training, the organization would run better” still but it has been clear that most students are not familiar with the rings true. structure of the organization, the varied study materials and Also, Ven. Joan Nicell of Istituto Lama Tzong programs available, the many incredible charity projects that Khapa shares the exciting development of ILTK’s FPMT supports, and Rinpoche’s Vast Vision for the future. So Basic and Masters Programs becoming eligible for this training could not have come at a better time. university credits in Italy. With the exception of Merry and Amy are excellent facilitators, the information Maitripa College in Portland, USA, FPMT was invaluable, but most of all their total devotion to Rinpoche certificate programs to date have not been eligible was an example of how we would all like to be. Their incredible for official accreditation. This is all changing. dedication and generosity has been so inspirational and I know Read on! that we have all been deeply moved by the experience.

24 MANDALA January - March 2011 Representatives from every center and study group in Mexico attended the five-day Foundation Training Many commented that the tools shared in training were extremely beneficial, even outside of official FPMT activity. “[This training has] greatly improved my relationship with my children and parents,” shared Maria Estela Eguia del Rio, a student from Chekawa Study Group, “My mind is more alert to do less harm to others and to speak kinder words to those around me.” “These trainings are very important; they join Dharma brothers and sisters and enhance a sense family,” commented the Thubten Kunkyab Study Group. Personally, I am quite in awe of these ladies and feel honored to have spent this time with them. I now have returned to our center with renewed enthusiasm and energy, feeling so Several participants contemplate and discuss seriously the eval- very blessed to be part of Rinpoche’s mandala and to have this uation worksheets opportunity to offer service to him and the FPMT. I really To learn more about how you can participate in recommend this training and hope that everyone offering Foundation Training and other FPMT trainings, visit service in the organization can make the time to attend one. www.fpmt.org/education/training/

A University Accredited FPMT By Ven. Joan Nicell Basic Program at Istituto stituto Lama Tzong Khapa is extremely pleased to and a member of the European University Association announce that their next Basic Program in 2012 – and (EUA). The collaboration between ILTK and the university Ihopefully also the next Masters Program in 2014 – will be was proposed by Prof. Massimo Bergamasco, a student of accredited by an Italian university of international standing. Lama Zopa Rinpoche and Geshe Jampa Gyatso, who is a The Sant’Anna School for Advanced Studies, Pisa, Italy is professor of engineering at Sant’Anna and director of the a special-statute public university belonging to the Italian university’s Perceptual Robotics Laboratory. network of Schools of Excellence and Advanced Studies, Full-time residential students who fulfill the academic,

January - March 2011 MANDALA 25 EDUCATION meditation and service components of the Basic Program at online program will receive 20 university credits and can ILTK – January 2012 to December 2013 – will receive 90 qualify for the FPMT BP Homestudy completion certifi- university credits and be awarded an International Master’s cate by fulfilling the one-month retreat requirement, Degree in the Preservation and Development of Wisdom participating in the review, and doing the final exam. Culture and the Art of Liberation by the Sant’Anna School Applications for the accredited Basic Program open for Advanced Studies upon completing the first eight of the December 15, 2010. A maximum of 60 students will be nine core curriculum subjects. The ninth subject, Grounds accepted into the program. Applicants are not required to and Paths of Secret Mantra, will be offered in addition to possess a Bachelor’s Degree. ◆ the accredited program as a summer intensive in 2013. To enable students to qualify for the Basic Program completion www.education.iltk.org/wisdom certificate, a three-month online review for the final exam To explore all the FPMT Education Services has to offer, please will be facilitated by the BP online teacher, and several visit www.fpmt.org/education options for fulfilling the three-month lam-rim retreat Please also visit the Foundation Store to purchase study and equirement will be available. Students who fulfill the practice materials recommended by FPMT Education Services academic, meditation and self-study components of the http://shop.fpmt.org/ Essential Education Essential Education (EE) is FPMT’s program of secular education for people of all ages and cultures. A Message from Alison Murdoch It’s a pleasure to “front up” Education. “Wherever you start, this should be the another set of Essential practice” was Rinpoche’s advice – which over the Education updates in my succeeding five years has proved to be immensely skillful. role as director of the Following the launch of our 16 Guidelines workshop Foundation for Developing program in 2008, the guidelines are now being used in Compassion and Wisdom, 22 different countries, and every week we get reports on the organization set up five how people have found ways to share them with others years ago to support this in fresh and contemporary ways. work around the globe. The wonderful news is that Rinpoche sees this as just Essential Education (origi- the beginning. “It’s started, but it’s little compared to how nally named Universal Education by its founder Lama much we have to do in the future, in the world,” he Yeshe) is an evolutionary project with a depth and breadth commented in April this year, and proceeded to give over beyond all of our imagination and understanding. 40 hours of teachings on the original Tibetan root text as In this section you’ll find the latest news from the foundation for a more authentic and profound book Essential Education programs Creating Compassionate on the subject. It will take us some years to complete and Cultures and the Potential Project, as well as updates on edit this new project, provisionally called Causes for a Happy a range of projects based on the 16 Guidelines for a Happy Life – while continuing to support the 16 Guidelines work Life, a resource inspired by the 16 Human Dharmas of that is already underway. King Songsten Gampo, the first Dharma king of Tibet. Delight – a.k.a rejoicing – is one of the guidelines, When I met with Lama Zopa Rinpoche in 2004, so please join us in delighting in the work that is already shortly after taking up post, he explained that the 16 in progress, all with the aim of contributing to a happier Human Dharmas were “like the vows” of Essential and more peaceful world.

26 MANDALA January - March 2011 16 Guidelines at the Notre Dame House School in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada By Sharon Babineau

t was with much delight that I had the opportunity to introduce the 16 Guidelines to the Notre Dame IHouse School in Hamilton, Ontario. Notre Dame is part of the Good Shepherd Centre, a charity meeting the educational needs of street-involved and homeless youth in the downtown core of Hamilton. After I presented the 16 Guidelines to a staff member, the school embraced the 16 Guidelines as their main learning theme for 2009-2010. Thereafter, for 16 weeks I went into the classroom, teaching one guideline per week. In these sessions, the students contributed their own thoughts on each guideline, using the ideas in the book and the example of the role models to round out their Students from Notre Dame House School, Canada thinking about it. We all accepted a challenge, encouraging us to step out of our habits to practice new ways of relating founder of Free the Children. Craig was a friend of Maddison to the world, and we used guided reflections to get heartfelt and the keynote speaker at her memorial event. This was an appreciation for the quality of each guideline. inspiring way for a group of young students to conclude At the end of the school year, the students enjoyed an sixteen weeks of thinking about practical ethics. evening of practicing random acts of kindness. They also had At the conclusion of our 16 weeks together, a teacher at the opportunity to attend an event in memory of my Notre Dame commented that “[The 16 Guidelines] is a simple daughter, Maddison Babineau, who asked the Children’s but powerful program that is inspirational, profound and Wish Foundation to start a school in Africa, and raised the certain to lead its practitioners to a happier and more funds to do so, while she was dying of cancer at age 15. At meaningful life. While all of this is valuable to everyone, it is this event they were also able to meet Craig Kielburger, the particularly valuable to the students of our school who all have role model for the thirteenth guideline, aspiration,and had to overcome many difficulties in order just to arrive here.”

The Potential Project Makes News in Europe

he Potential Project (PP) is the application of Essential productivity in fast-changing and often stressful working Education in the corporate workplace. The Potential environments. In the spirit of generosity, the Potential TProject created the concept of Corporate-based Mind- Project donates all of its profits to charity, half to FPMT fulness Training, based on a synthesis of Western scientific and Essential Education. research in neurology, positive psychology and organiza- Started by Rasmus Hougaard in 2009, the organiza- tional studies with Eastern psychology, philosophy and tion’s work recently gained recognition in a study by The mind training methods. Now the Potential Project aims to Health Group A/S, Denmark’s leading consulting company supply highest-quality mindfulness training to organiza- on health at the workplace. In an evaluation of the Potential tions in Europe and the world, tailoring mindfulness training Project’s Corporate-based Mindfulness Training program at to help busy working people retain their mental energy and insurance company IF Industrial, the study found that:

January - March 2011 MANDALA 27 EDUCATION

• 88% of participants experienced a highly increased ability Reports from participants in the Potential Project’s to stay focused on the task at hand workshops are equally glowing. “After eight weeks of the • 76% experienced a big positive development in social mindfulness program I have no doubt that I have found relations in the team what I was always looking for,” said Ester Bang, account • 65% experienced a personal higher productivity and manager for IF Insurance, “I have never had as clear a efficiency mental separation between my private life and working life • 59% experienced a highly increased ability to counteract as now. That adds a lot of extra energy to both!” stress The Potential Project recognizes that its greatest • 59% experienced better relations to family (work-life strength is its trainers, who must be able to deliver the balance) highest quality of mindfulness training in a corporate This endorsement was picked up by Dagbladet Børsen, environment. Trainers’ Training workshops are thus a daily Danish newspaper specializing in business news, crucial to develop a large base of trainers, and the third who ran an article reporting the study and the work that such workshop happened this November with participants preceded it. Thus, it’s no surprise that the Potential Project’s from Sweden, the Netherlands, France, Spain and South training has been in high demand: Rasmus has run Africa." workshops for GE Healthcare, Sony Corporation and the [email protected] Copenhagen Community Department of Culture.

A 16 Guidelines Group for New Mothers By Christina Smerdon

am running a mothers’ 16 Guidelines group at Langri Many participants have commented that they have Tangpa Centre in Camp Hill, Queensland, Australia. It noticed big changes in their parenting style and approach. Iis amazing to see the interest in our little group! We meet The 16 Guidelines work really well for parents and the once a week for one and a half hours with our babies on weekly summaries are a great record of what we have the floor between us. We are going through the guidelines, covered and what we want to work on. Having homework one per week. Each week we review the homework we gave each week has given us a step-by-step approach to raising ourselves from the prior week and share any new thinking babies with kindness and mindfulness. on the topic. Then we move onto the next topic. We start the new topic by asking, “How does (the guideline) relate to our mothering journey?” We explore what the guideline means to us, any experiences we have had or how we think we can use this idea to better ourselves and our journey with our babies and children. At the end of the session, we give ourselves some homework that relates to the topic, generally along the lines of the challenge in the workbook. Sometimes we make up an assignment. For example, for forgiveness, we all had to forgive someone from our own sides in our own minds without any interaction from the other person. Some people in the group were very New mothers explore the 16 Guidelines at Langri Tangpa Center in successful and able to heal long-held resentments. Camp Hill, Queensland, Australia.

28 MANDALA January - March 2011 Creating Compassionate Cultures for Toddlers and Preschoolers By Pam Cayton n early September, Wishing Well Children’s Commu- involves developing awareness of nity launched a toddler/preschool program in Santa interconnection and our relationship ICruz, California USA. Its main purpose was to to all things. Children explore these implement the Creating Compassionate Cultures (CCC) ideas through art, music, gardening, curriculum for an even younger age group than Wishing CCC Daily Rituals, yoga, liter- Well’s inspiration and sister program, Tara Redwood ature and budding communication School, which caters to children 3-10 years old. Already in around their experiences and feelings. the initial phase of the program, the curriculum is proving Coupled together, these tools intro- to be easily applied to this younger age group with added duce to the children that they can support and simple adaptations. create what they really want, Julian Sends, a member Anyone who has been in a CCC environment knows because they are a part of this of Wishing Well The Gong is a key artifact and powerful tool for self-awareness, interconnected world. In their Children’s Community self-regulation, and the practice of generating happy feelings. words, what they really want (for It serves as a consistent support for exploring the first of the themselves, their families, friends, animals and the world) Seven Steps to Knowledge, Strength and Compassion. are, “Friends!, Hugs!, Laughter!, and Sharing!” Another quintessential element in a CCC classroom is the Sand Mandala. It embodies the essence of Step 2, which [email protected] Universal LKPY’S NEW WEBSITE Mandala Association Images of kindness and peace are Opens in Ibiza, Spain featured in the newly designed Loving Kindness Peaceful Youth’s website. niversal Mandala Association in Ibiza, Spain, opened its doors on Pirates, grasshoppers and hot-air October 5. Belen Kohler has finally realized her dream to begin a balloons also make an appearance in a Uprogram based on the Creating Compassionate Cultures (CCC) fun display of creativity and potential, model at Tara Redwood School, a pilot school for the development of a youthful message that speaks of Essential Education (EE), where she interned for four years. kindness and peace being indeed Universal Mandala has begun as an after-school program and offers a relevant to all times and places. bilingual CCC /EE class for three age groups: 3-4, 5-6 and 7-11 years old. DroppingColours Creative Studio In the first month of school, the classes were almost full with a total of 31 designer, Chi-ling Hsieh, designed the children! People are calling every day to enroll their children and the parents website with young people as her focus. are begging for a full-time program to commence as soon as possible. They Combining a commercial background are reporting a change in their children already, after having been in the with a kind, peaceful and fun-loving program for less than a month. One parent told Belen that “my child is personality, Hsieh’s goal was “to give ◆ sweeter, more mellow and kind.” people a feeling of peace and hope.” [email protected] www.lkpy.org

If you’d like to stay in touch with the unfolding vision and activities of Essential Education, please join their mailing list on www.essential-education.org In addition to the updates printed here, please find more inspiring reports from Essential Education in this issue's Online Exclusive section on the Mandala website.

January - March 2011 MANDALA 29 Taking Care of OTHERS

This section highlights the incredible work being done in the FPMT organization aimed at taking care of others. ANIMAL LIBERATION MAITRI Animal Care Program For the past fifteen years, MAITRI Animal Care Program in Bodhgaya, India, has rescued and cared for hundreds of animals. Many died right after being rescued, many others survived, and several have lived out the rest of their natural lives under MAITRI’s care. Here we highlight a few stories of MAITRI’s care nursing defenseless and injured animals back to health.

Rabri Devi water, Adriana got on the train again. After a while, she One February, MAITRI’s director, Adriana Ferranti, saw a knew she had to return to pick him up. She hid him under five-month-old white puppy lying in one corner of the a seat and named him after the station. platform at Gaya train station. One leg had been badly Itarsi was quite unappealing, with just a tuft of hair on the injured by a train and was infected. tip of the tail and legs badly twisted by rickets. After a few Several times it seemed she would die as bit by bit the months of intensive treatment at MAITRI, he turned out to rotting parts of the leg came off. However, after five months be a very handsome mix and quite naughty and bossy too! of special care she could be let out of the clinic and join the other dogs. Now she is strong and independent. Rajmani Earlier this year, a volunteer brought a two-year-old dog to Itarsi MAITRI. Her front right leg was fractured and the old While traveling through Itarsi Railway Station in the heart- wound was badly infected and full of maggots. land of Madhya Pradesh, Adriana spotted a forlorn four- to As amputation could not be performed, MAITRI tried five-month-old puppy ravaged by mange, hunger and to find a solution by bandaging Rajmani’s leg with two bamboo dehydration. After giving him a pack of biscuits and some sticks and gave her regular high-potency antibiotics, IVs, and

Top Row: Left to Right: Rabri Devi at the time of her rescue and after treatment by MAITRI Animal Care Program. Itarsi, named after the railway station where he was found. Bottom Row: Left to Right: Rajmani was found with maggots in her leg. Vimla could barely stand before he came to MAITRI. Anushka happily uses her cart to play with the other dogs.

30 MANDALA January - March 2011 homoeopathic drugs. After a few days of daily dressings, they been run over the previous night and left to howl all night could detect some healing. Several weeks later, Rajmani’s leg without any help. She was brought to MAITRI in order to had healed. She is now part of the pack. have a peaceful death. Anushka’s lower body was not very responsive, Vimla particularly the right side. She survived thanks to an aggres- A Russian couple brought a small puppy to MAITRI who sive treatment. Currently, MAIRI has started her on some needed attention. His left hind leg had been crushed in an physiotherapy and made a cart so that she can move around accident and was badly broken. He also had an ulcer full of the campus without dragging her legs. Now she is really ◆ maggots. happy and runs after the other dogs! Vimla was extremely small and weak and could barely MAITRI currently looks after 23 goats, 92 dogs and 10 other ani- stand. With his long, thin tail, he looked like a rat. His leg mals (a horse, rabbit, chickens, etc.). 302 animal are buried at the MAITRI animal graveyard. 132 survived and had normal lives after looked as bad as Rajmani’s, so Birendar adopted the same rescue. 170 did not survive long after being rescued – most of the procedure and in time both wound and fracture healed. animals are brought to MAITRI when they are in very critical He now resides at Adriana’s house where he has grown condition, which of course is the exact purpose of their service. stronger and has become very happy and lively. www.maitri-bodhgaya.org Lama Zopa Rinpoche has taught extensively on methods for benefiting sick and dying animals. Liberating Animals (book) Anushka and Recitations for Animals (CD) are both available through A volunteer brought a female dog to MAITRI who had the FPMT Foundation Store: www.fpmt.org/shop

DEATH AND DYING RESOURCES FOR HELPING OTHERS Helping Others AT THE TIME OF DEATH at the Time of Death • Liberation Box, Tools for a Fortunate Rebirth contains powerful methods for ensuring a At the Light of the Path Retreat, Lama Zopa Rinpoche told the story of a fortunate rebirth for those who have died or student whose father had died suddenly several years ago. She had are in the process of dying. The box has mentioned to Rinpoche that she hadn’t known what to do. Rinpoche said: everything you need to assist others at the “I was very surprised to hear that. Then I thought, ‘There is a need time of death. for some explanation for when something like that happens to your • Heart Practices for Death and Dying includes family. You should be prepared, have an education on how to help the the most important practices and prayers for dying person. It’s the most unbelievably important thing to protect the the time of death. person from a rebirth in the lower realms. Not only to protect the person • Heart Advice for Death and Dying includes from that rebirth, but to help the person gradually achieve enlighten- an explanation of the five powers at the time of death and other essential advice. This book ment.’ So I spent four or five days talking about death, talking about also includes a MP3 CD audio course led by how to help. This also includes helping yourself when you are dying. Ven. Sangye Khadro on death and dying. “As time went by, we were able to put together the different • Wholesome Fear: Transforming Your Anxiety practices that you can do to support the person who is dying. Now About Impermanence and Death condenses there is a whole package from International Office. Merry organized the teachings from Heart Advice for Death that. The very essence is the book [Heart Advice for Death and Dying and Dying for a more general audience and and Heart Practices for Death and Dying]. is suitable even for non-Buddhists. “I think it is extremely essential preparation for helping someone The Liberation Box, Heart Practices for Death and Dying and Heart Advice for in the family. It becomes your responsibility when a family member is Death and Dying are all available through the dying. No question about yourself. You have to prepare yourself. When Foundation Store (http://shop.fpmt.org). death approaches, what are you going to do? You have to think now Wholesome Fear is available through and write it down; you have to lay it out. Death is definitely going to Wisdom Publications (www.wisdompubs.org). happen sooner or later, so you have to be prepared.” ◆

January - March 2011 MANDALA 31 Taking Care of OTHERS


Pushing from the Heart By Susanna Parodi-Corona When my grandmothers and at the time – I hugged him and I whispered “Bob, love, let’s mother died, I had enough dance.” He hugged me back. His twitches stopped, and he superficial Dharma knowledge started to gently swing with me in rhythm with the music, to support them, to alleviate our eyes closed. We had a heavenly moment. Shortly after, some of the pain and fear they Bob was happy and calm for the entire afternoon. experienced while dying. Those Caregiving can be stressful and cause lots of worry, so were such worthwhile, satisfac- I do my prayers just before going to work. I motivate, slow tory opportunities for practice. my breathing down, take strong refuge and generate the Marcelle, one of the residents cared for by Susanna After my mother died, I four immeasurable attitudes strongly. Then I go to work went to retreat and I was so sad using it like a session of prostrations: I see the residents as I could only repeat the refuge mantra. My guru had advised my mothers and I take the hardships as if I were bowing me to do 100,000 refuge mantras, which I did. When I down. Caregiving creates merit naturally, that is worth finished, I was no longer crying. keeping in mind when the times are difficult. Now I work in an assisted living community in Portland, I try to respond wisely to my environment and be Oregon for people with various types of memory impair- creative, not letting fear stop me from doing my job. If ment, usually related to Alzheimer’s disease. Once, in the someone needs a long hug, I give it to them – even though big common living room, a resident, Bob, tried to pretend I don’t particularly like hugs myself. We can always become to play a sweet melody while listening to the radio. He someone else, someone better. Just try to give MORE. Push would twitch spastically, nearly jumping from his wheel- with a little effort and from the heart. ◆ chair. It was clear that he wanted to enjoy the song; his mind Susanna Parodi-Corona is a long-time student of Lama Yeshe struggled to enjoy, but his body limited him terribly. I really and Lama Zopa Rinpoche and has continuously served FPMT in wanted to give him a good moment, so I did what I could different capacities since the early days of the organization.

Communicating with Normand By Christine Murphy Being part of the Amitabha Hospice family means that my deeply connect with others on such a basic human level main job description is to care for and to be kind to others. and how fulfilling it was to do so. This is in stark contrast to paid work where quite often Finding a suitable volunteer for Normand was not so money and other constraints put the main emphasis on straight forward. This meant that I could continue to work delivering measurable results within a certain time frame. with him. When we meet we always have plenty to say to As the Amitabha Hospice’s volunteer coordinator I each other, but have found a way of communicating which visited a lovely gentleman, Normand, to make an assessment goes well beyond words. so I could assign him properly. I certainly didn’t anticipate Normand often says how good these visits are for him becoming his caregiver myself! and how much he enjoys them. For me they are a real treat. Due to a stroke, Normand needed more time than We seem to connect effortlessly. Normand is a remarkable others to verbally express himself. I realized that my typical person. The impression is that I am here for him, but really, need for efficiency was not going to work in this situation. he gives me so much. I feel very humbled and privileged to Instead, I needed to slow down and give Normand spend this precious time with him and thankful he’s taught enough space to unfold his story. It was beautiful to me how to truly communicate. ◆ watch him become visible as a whole person, not just as a Amitabha Hospice Service, located in Auckland, New Zealand, victim of a stroke and several bereavements. After I left is one of FPMT’s nine affiliates offering hospice support. his flat that first day, I was struck by how rarely we get to www.amitabhahospice.org

32 MANDALA January - March 2011 FEATURED PROJECT The Sera Je Food Fund

Over 2,600 monks are supported by the Sera Je Food Fund. Sera Je monks now receive three quality meals a day. Now in its 18th year, this issue's Featured Project, the Sera Je Food Fund, is committed to offering free meals to all of the monks studying at Sera Je Monastery. Taking responsibility for supporting these practitioners is extremely worthwhile because they are preserving and spreading the entire teaching of the Buddha. –LAMA ZOPA RINPOCHE ince its inception, the Sera Je Food Fund would be a food fund, whereby all monks at Sera Je has provided over 10,000,000 free meals to Monastery could be offered quality meals for free. Out monks studying at Sera Je Monastery. of his incredible compassion, Lama Zopa Rinpoche Three meals per day are offered to all 2,600 was not simply offering lunch on the day of Osel’s monks and breakfast is served daily to 500 entrance to the monastery but, without precedent, youngS monks studying at the Sera Je School – taking on the responsibility of providing meals to additionally, three meals per day are offered to these every monk at Sera Je for as long as they studied there.

Offering food to the monks of Sera Je is a way of collecting unbelievable merit because all the monks are the pores of the guru. They are all disciples of the same guru – His Holiness the Dalai Lama. By offering to the pores of the guru one collects more merit than offering to Buddha, Dharma, Sangha and numberless holy objects. –LAMA ZOPA RINPOCHE young monks during holidays. It costs US$270,000 This takes the burden off the monks for having to per year to offer this incredible service. provide for their own meals, and allows them more The fund began in 1991 when Osel, the reincar- time and energy for their studies. nation of Lama Yeshe, entered Sera Je Monastery in The fund is extremely important because Sera Je southern India at age six. Although it is customary to is the monastery from which most FPMT teachers make offerings to all the Sangha only on the day that and their teachers have been educated, so any support a tulku officially enters the monastery, Lama Zopa offered to the food fund directly helps preserve the Rinpoche wanted the offering to be of the greatest Mahayana teachings and FPMT’s precious lineage. ◆ practical benefit to the monastery itself. After To learn more about the Sera Je Food Fund, or to offer discussion with the abbot and resident high lamas, it your support, please visit: www.fpmt.org/projects/seraje was determined that the most beneficial offering or contact Ven. Holly Ansett at [email protected]

January - March 2011 MANDALA 33 Taking Care of OTHERS TAKING CARE OF THE ENVIRONMENT Vajrapani Envisions a Perfect World By Ven. Tenzin Chogkyi n October 10, over 7,300 groups all over the world took part in events that highlighted the Oactions needed to combat the climate crisis, events such as digging community gardens, installing solar panels and planting trees. Sponsored by 350.org, an organization committed to reducing carbon emissions below 350 ppm, a level considered by scientists to be the safe upper limit for carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, this day of global action was planned to send a clear message about the urgency of the climate crisis. We were having a retreat on bodhichitta that weekend

at Vajrapani Institute in Boulder Creek, California, and so Retreatants in front of Lama Yeshe’s stupa at Vajrapani decided to do a special meditation: envisioning a perfect might be like in 20 years was a powerful and empowering world 20 years in the future, our part in it, and what we way to end an already rich day of meditation,” commented would do to bring that vision about, and then making light LaVerne Coleman, “It afforded me the opportunity to offerings at the stupa to show our commitment to this develop my vision for a positive future in communities all vision. We registered our meditation “event” with the over the world, as well as to envision a pro-active role for 350.org website, and sent a photo showing the numbers myself. There’s no reason not to start now!” ◆ 350 made out of our light offerings. “Tenzin Chogkyi’s guided meditation on what the planet www.vajrapani.org

34 MANDALA January - March 2011 LEARN TIBETAN Experience the joy of learning to read your texts and prayers in Tibetan

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FPMT Education Services Providing Programs and Practice Materials For All

Taking the Essence All Day and Night The Liberation Box Practices to make every moment Tools for a fortunate rebirth of life meaningful Methods for hooking blessings, clearing obstacles, and transforming our Powerful tools to ensure a fortunate rebirth for those who have died: actions into what is most beneficial, for ourselves and others. • To prepare: Heart Practices and Heart Advice for Death and Dying • Mantras to empower your speech and bless your body • To hear: Recitations to alleviate pain and benefit the mind • Recollections to infuse every life action with bodhichitta mindfulness. • To see: Mantras and images to look upon • The yogas of eating and making extensive offerings • To touch: Mantras, text, stupa, and phowa pill for the body • The Eight Mahayana Precepts Available from the Foundation Store: www.fpmt.org/shop

January - March 2011 MANDALA 35 Dharma in the MODERN WORLD

This section will provide you with stories, articles and reports which highlight the intersections between practicing and preserving Dharma and issues facing the modern world. The Preservation of the Mahayana Tradition: Looking to Mongolia In the Fall of 2010 Lama Zopa Rinpoche spent one month in Mongolia, engaging with characteristic vigor in a host of inspiring, beneficial and groundbreaking activities. Mandala is pleased to offer you an overview of Rinpoche’s recent visit to this fascinating country, details of an historic conference on the future of Mongolian Buddhism, news of Rinpoche receiving an award from the President of Mongolia in recognition of his work to spread and preserve Tibetan , and information on the Lama Zopa Rinpoche outside the Parliament after being awarded many initiatives which Rinpoche has started or plans to the Order of the Polar Star. From left: Khulan Dembereldorj, Director of Enlightening Mind; Dr. Dulmaa Power, COO of FPMT Mongolia; begin in this country which is now emerging from sixty Lama Zopa Rinpoche; Ven. Sangpo, second attendant to Lama years of communism as a potential stronghold for the Zopa Rinpoche; Ven. Roger Kunsang, CEO of FPMT and main attendant to Rinpoche; Haatanbaatar, Director of UB. preservation of the Mahayana tradition.

MONGOLIA AT A CROSSROADS By Ven. Sarah Thresher ongolia – the country of Chinggis Khaan – is at a Namgyal Monastery, and Lama Zopa Rinpoche are widely crossroads, an extraordinary time when old and recognized in Mongolia as two of the Tibetan lamas most Mnew stand face to face. In the countryside one still active in helping to fulfill His Holiness the Dalai Lama’s sees gers1 dotted over the vast rolling steppes and nomads on wishes of nurturing the revival of Buddhism. horses herding their animals with lassos, but now solar panels Rinpoche’s concern for Mongolia extends beyond and satellite dishes are a common sight outside these timeless teaching Dharma and translating and publishing Dharma dwellings and motorbikes and small blue Korean trucks are texts, he also has a range of social service projects which parked beside tethered horses. In the over-populated and over- include feeding the hungry, healing the sick and providing polluted city of – home to half the population – shelter for the homeless [An entire list of Rinpoche’s activities Lexus, Hummers and Toyota Land Cruisers help jam the in Mongolia can be found on page 41]. But for me, perhaps karaoke-lined streets, and shopping malls with brand name the most inspiring thing is simply to watch Rinpoche move goods are springing up along Peace Avenue in the heart of around the cities and countryside. He is the consummate the city. Seventeen years after the fall of communism, lama: standing out from the crowd, people are naturally Mongolians are savoring their new wealth and freedom. The drawn to him with devotion and he endlessly bestows money, however, is only in the hands of a few, and there are blessings, teachings and advice, giving whatever is needed still people living in holes in the ground, scouring through to whoever asks in an unbroken flow of compassion. the rubbish for plastic bottles to sell at half-a-cent, or begging Rinpoche’s recent visit began when he was invited as a for food with fingers and legs lost to frostbite. keynote speaker at a major conference part-sponsored by Rinpoche has an obvious and very special connection the government on the future of Mongolia as a country to with Mongolia. Indeed, Jhado Rinpoche, ex-abbot of preserve the Nalanda tradition of Buddhism – sutra and tantra as it is practiced in Tibetan Buddhism [See page 40 1 A ger is a Mongolian yurt – felt dwellings that can be moved to any place and adapted for summer and winter. for a full report on the conference].

36 MANDALA January - March 2011 RINPOCHE IN ERDENET AND DARKHAN I arrived in Mongolia a week after Rinpoche, so I missed the conference and the dinner with Richard Gere (Mongolians were delighted to see a Hollywood actor on television talking about Buddhism). My first weekend was a trip with Rinpoche to the second and third largest cities in Mongolia – Erdenet and Darkhan– located in northern Mongolia. Rinpoche has activities in both cities and it’s a good start, but his wish is to open centers and teach the Dharma everywhere in Mongolia – the potential is limitless. Erdenet is a city based on copper mining. The Mongolian economy is booming right now due to its large mineral resources and the local copper mine decided to build a huge statue of Buddha dominating the townscape, so our first stop was to meet the people in charge who sought Rinpoche’s feedback and blessing. It was a timely meeting because Rinpoche wants to build large statues all over Mongolia and part of his trip to Mongolia was taken up locating sites for a 13-story Maitreya Buddha in the heart of Ulaanbaatar, a 12-story Padmasambhava in Erdenzuu, and a 7-story Lama Tsongkhhapa in Darkhan.

Rinpoche and M.K. Sen, the CEO of FPMT Mongolia From top: On the road to Erdenet a nomad on horseback who is based in Malaysia, inspected the $2.5 million copper herds his animals with a lasso – a timeless and common sight in statue before lunch and a well-attended talk at the Sports rural Mongolia. Photo by Ven. Sarah Thresher. Complex in the center of town. This was Rinpoche’s first Lama Zopa Rinpoche’s image dominates the main intersection at Darkhan City. visit to Erdenet and he encouraged everyone to study. The next day Rinpoche taught in Darkhan where he has For this visit, the temple was again packed and Rinpoche a group of very devoted students at the Golden Light Sutra taught and gave transmission of the 21-chapter version of the Center. At the main theater complex he taught on emptiness. Sutra of Golden Light. This sutra is virtually the bible of He encouraged the students to develop and expand their Mongolia. In the old days every family had a treasured copy activities and proposed that the largest prayer wheel in in their ger and it was and still is the tradition to invite monks Mongolia be constructed in Darkhan, the venue for the next to read it at least once a year. Rinpoche became acquainted 100 Million Mani Retreat led by Rinpoche in 2012. with the sutra through a Mongolian doctor and upon first reading it, put it to the crown of his head and made a vow to TEACHING AT IDGAA CHODZIN Chenrezig to spread it throughout the world. During this IN ULAANBAATAR visit, Rinpoche told us that he wanted to give transmission Back in Ulaanbaatar, Rinpoche began a series of teachings and teach the sutra in every part of Mongolia. at Idgaa Chodzin in the main monastic complex called Ganden in the heart of the city. Idgaa is the monastery FEASTING WITH THE NOMADS Rinpoche has been supporting for many years now. After a week of teachings, Rinpoche left for another trip to When Rinpoche first visited Mongolia, the few token the countryside. This time it was not the countryside of the monks who manned the dilapidated Idgaa temple during semi-industrialized north, but the nomad provinces of the latter communist period offered a mandala and central Mongolia to visit proposed statue sites at Erdenzuu. requested Rinpoche’s help to build a new temple. With Erdenzuu is regarded by many as the original monastery or the aid of generous sponsors, Rinpoche was able to do “Samye Ling” of Mongolia. It was built within sight of this and the temple was opened for the EEC4 in 2004 Chinggis Khaan’s old capital Kharkhorum, which was once with teachings by Rinpoche, Choden Rinpoche and the center of the largest empire the world has ever seen and Denma Lochö Rinpoche to Mongolians and students is now totally non-existent. Ringed by a wall topped by from around the world. 108 stupas, Erdenzuu is an iconic image of Mongolian

January - March 2011 MANDALA 37 Dharma in the MODERN WORLD

Buddhism and was once a thriving center of Buddhist during communist times when it was illegal and was hidden culture. Now, much of it lies in ruins and the few old temples from the authorities by the nomads for 10 years. He drove that survive are a museum and tourist attraction. out 20 kilometers [12.5 miles] to greet Rinpoche, exchange There is one old Buddhist temple still active within the , offer airag, and then escort Rinpoche back to the grounds of Erdenzuu, however, and the abbot came to greet temple. A huge feast had been prepared for Rinpoche in a Rinpoche and show him around. After we had visited two special ger. The table literally overflowed with piled-high temples, monks wearing ceremonial robes, playing instru- plates of nomad dairy delicacies that must have taken days ments and carrying a large yellow parasol arrived to escort and weeks to prepare alongside expensive fruits and vegetables Rinpoche in procession to the monastery. He was seated on imported from Ulaanbaatar. I felt like I was back in the the main throne, offered a ceremonial mandala, airag2 and Middle Ages at the court of Kublai Khan. feast offerings, and requested to give teachings, a scene that It was amazing to see how news of Rinpoche’s arrival was repeated at every subsequent monastery we visited spread in a valley with no cell phones or landlines. There throughout Mongolia, a country where Rinpoche is recog- were maybe 100 people when Rinpoche began teaching, nized throughout as a great lama. Rinpoche talked briefly but by the end of the talk, another 100-200 had arrived, all about the importance of keeping pure vinaya vows and dressed in their finest dells and bearing khatas and offerings. explained that he planned to build a huge Padmasambhava One person brought two horses to offer the monastery and statue at Erdenzuu to ensure the spread of Dharma Rinpoche blessed them. A similar scene took place the throughout Mongolia and to protect the country. That following day when we visited another monastery some 100 night we stayed at a ger camp near to Kharkhorum and kilometers [62 miles] away. Rinpoche was clearly happy to Rinpoche visited the local governor to discuss his plans. A reach out to the many people who had most likely never spectacular site, perfectly located and with outstanding met a high lama before. views, was chosen and a day later Rinpoche performed incense puja and prayers to clear obstacles on the top of a RETURNING THE LINEAGE OF lofty hill with views that seemed to reach forever. MOST SECRET HAYAGRIVA While at Erdenzuu, Rinpoche made a side-trip to Back in Ulaanbaatar, Rinpoche returned to Idgaa to give Tsaagansum, the summer retreat place of the Idgaa monks the initiation of Most Secret Hayagriva, a special practice of which is located close to the former summer palace of Kublai Idgaa and Sera Je. Rinpoche received the lineage of this Khaan immortalized by Coleridge in his poem “Xanadu.” It practice from the Mongolian Geshe Senge Rinpoche. Geshe lies in a valley of hot-springs and we drove two hours on dirt Senge lived through the years of Chinese occupation in tracks (Mongolian “roads”) to get there. The scenery was Tibet and became the first abbot of both Sera Je and Sera spectacular and when we stopped for a break, Rinpoche Me when some religious freedom was once again granted himself pulled out a camera to take photos! The local head after the death of Mao Tse Tung. He preserved this lineage monk, now approaching 80 years old, took ordination of Most Secret Hayagriva which came from the Mongolian lama Kalka Damtsig Dorje and then passed it on to a few 2 Fermented mare’s milk – for Mongolians, their highest offering. tulkus from Sera Je in Dharamsala in 1986. For me, it was

38 MANDALA January - March 2011 a moving event to witness Rinpoche returning this lineage From left page across: Part of the feast offered by nomads to to the people of Mongolia. Some people in Mongolia, it honor Rinpoche at Tsagansuum. Photo by Ven. Sarah Thresher. seems, regard Most Secret Hayagriva as their main deity On the way to Tsagansumm, Rinpoche himself took photos. Photo by Ven. Sarah Thresher. although commonly it is said that Chenrezig is the patron Rinpoche and 80-year-old monk arrive at Tsagansumm deity of Tibet, Manjushri of China and Vajrapani of Monastery. Photo by Ven. Sarah Thresher. Mongolia. As an interesting coincidence, on the day of the Lama Zopa Rinpoche blesses horses offered to the monastery initiation, the “Dalai Lama” of Mongolia, His Eminence at Tsagansuum. Photo by Ven. Sarah Thresher. the Bogd Gegeen Jetsün Dampa, who has spent his entire Rinpoche meeting with the President of Mongolia to receive life in exile, returned to take up residence in Mongolia the Order of the Polar Star. Photo by Ven. Roger Kunsang. having finally been granted Mongolian citizenship. Although old, paralyzed and unable to speak, he has vowed communist times! “I don’t deserve the award I have been that his next incarnation will be born in Mongolia. given. It is due to the efforts of all the people here,” Rinpoche told us, “Receiving it means that I must work harder and do RECEIVING THE HIGHEST AWARD more to help.” That day, Rinpoche offered the President of FROM THE PRESIDENT Mongolia a copy of the Sutra of Golden Light, newly trans- For the final week of teachings, Rinpoche completed the lated into Mongolian and published by FPMT. That night, transmission of the Sutra of Golden Light up to chapter 18. A Rinpoche offered a copy of the sutra to all the people at Idgaa most amazing thing happened on the last day of the trans- who had taken the transmission, urging them to recite it as mission. The night before, Rinpoche had given commentary much as they could. on chapter seven, The Four Guardian Kings, which explains As Rinpoche slipped through the airport’s VIP entrance how important and beneficial it is for the rulers of a country the next day to board the plane, leaving behind a long list to honor the monk who teaches the Sutra of Golden Light. of projects and instructions to be followed through, he The next afternoon, Rinpoche was called to see the President promised to return to Mongolia again soon. “We are just of Mongolia and awarded the Order of the Polar Star, the beginning in Mongolia, so of course it’s not so easy,” highest honor that can be awarded to civilians and is rarely Rinpoche told Roy Fraser, director of the social services given to foreigners, in recognition of his work in spreading projects and coordinator of all the countryside centers and and preserving the Mahayana tradition in Mongolia. Only activities, “But every single effort made now is so important one other Tibetan lama had been awarded the honor in the because it is the foundation for the present and future past and that was Bakula Rinpoche, the lama who first invited development of Mongolia – all the good things that will Rinpoche to Mongolia and one of the gurus from whom happen in the future. What we are doing now is creating Rinpoche received transmission of the Sutra of Golden Light. the basis for that. So this is the best offering to Lama Yeshe When Rinpoche arrived at Idgaa that night to complete the as well as to His Holiness the Dalai Lama. You are fulfilling transmission, the Polar Star was pinned to the lapel of his His Holinesses’ holy wishes.” dongka and he joked that he felt like one of those Mongolians Ven. Sarah is an FPMT Touring Teacher based in the USA and who proudly display the medals they received during currently traveling and teaching in the countryside of Mongolia.

January - March 2011 MANDALA 39 Dharma in the MODERN WORLD


Lama Zopa Rinpoche (middle) was a keynote speaker at the 1st International Conference on Mongolian Buddhism. Photo by Ven. Roger Kunsang.

he First International Conference on Mongolian culture will prove to be uniquely valuable as Mongolia Buddhism was held on September 26-27, 2010 in continues its successful transition to a modern democratic TZanabazar Buddhist University, which is housed in nation in which respect for life and the environment Gandan Tegchenling Monastery in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia. permeates all aspects of society. It was co-organized by Gandan Tegchenling Monastery, the The panels held on the first day of the conference center of Mongolian Buddhism, and by The Conservancy covered topics related to the ’ contribution to the for Tibetan Art and Culture. Conference participants were spread of Buddhism in Asia since the 13th century; the internationally recognized Buddhist leaders, scholars and issues relevant to the present and future state of Buddhism activists from traditionally Tibetan Buddhist regions and in Mongolia such as challenges posed by modernity and the United States. The conference received great public aggressive proselytizing activities of foreign missionaries attention and media coverage. who often ridicule and disparage the Mongolian Buddhist The conference was opened with Mongolian and tradition; Buddhism’s encounter with modern science; and Tibetan ceremonial chanting. In his welcoming speech, the Buddhist solutions to the current environmental crisis in abbot of Gandan Tegchenling Monastery, Khamba Lama Mongolia caused by the unregulated mining and the other Choijamts, pointed out that the purpose of the conference environmentally hazardous activities of foreign and was to identify the challenges to and opportunities for domestic companies driven by greed. preserving and propagating the Buddhist heritage in The second day of the conference began with prayers contemporary Mongolia. In his concluding remarks, he also by H. H. Rizong Rinpoche, Ganden Tripa and ended with expressed Mongolian Buddhists’ pride and sense of recommendations, outcomes, and encouragement expressed responsibility in upholding and ensuring the survival of the by conference participants, with further concluding remarks Nalanda tradition of India. Dr. Gregory Kruglak, the from Thamtong Rinpoche. president of The Conservancy for Tibetan Art and Culture, Themes covered during the second day of the confer- expressed his belief that Mongolia’s traditional Buddhist ence were encounters between modernity, social action and

40 MANDALA January - March 2011 traditional Buddhist culture; Buddhism and the role of expressed their thoughts on the benefits of holding a women in contemporary Mongolian society; Buddhist conference of this kind and their enthusiasm to continue ethics in business and leadership; and Mongolia’s unique with such conferences on a regular basis held in different Buddhist art and culture. regions in which the Nalanda tradition has been At the conclusion of the conference, participants preserved.

Vesna Wallace, who was a speaker at the conference, is a professor of Religious Studies at U.C. Santa Barbara, specializing in the study of Buddhist traditions of South Asia, Tibet and Mongolia. Her most recent translations include The Kalacakratantra: The Chapter on the Individual Together with the Vimalaprabha and The Inner Kalacakratantra: A Buddhist Tantric View of the Individual.

LAMA ZOPA RINPOCHE’S CURRENT ACTIVITIES IN MONGOLIA GANDEN DO NGAG SHEDRUP LING, ULAANBAATAR: tailoring for unemployed women and an educational FPMT’s city center located opposite the famous program for children in the 16 Guidelines for which Zanabazar Museum of Fine Arts in the heart of purposes a kindergarten will soon be constructed. Gers Ulaanbaatar offers Buddhist classes at different levels are also distributed to the homeless. Director: Roy Fraser and plans to begin teaching the Basic program. The center also has an active children’s program, English CHILDREN’S DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM: Teaches 16 classes, a popular vegetarian cafe and visits to prisoners. Guidelines in kindergartens and schools in Darkhan city, Director: CH Khatanbaatar. Resident teacher: Ven. and an adult education program based on the 16 Thubten Gyalmo (Glenda Lee) Guidelines for work places and local government depart- ments. It provides summer holiday programs for all ages ENLIGHTENING MIND: The translating and publishing and camps for at risk teenagers. The program is also arm of FPMT Mongolia, which has produced a number developing projects to provide water through well of high-quality books and recently published a transla- construction and employment based on forestry nurseries tion of the Sutra of Golden Light in Mongolian. and wool manufacturing in various parts of Mongolia. Authentic Dharma texts are crucial to spread information in this vast country. Director: Khulan Dembereldorj GOLDEN LIGHT SUTRA CENTRE, DARKHAN AND ARYADEVA STUDY GROUP, ERDENET: Teaching in the IDGAA CHOINZINLING MONASTERY MONK’S FOOD second and third largest cities of Mongolia. Director: Roy FUND: Rinpoche himself, with the support of Mongolian Fraser; Assistant Director and Translator: Badmaa; benefactors, is the main benefactor offering lunch, Teacher: Ven. Sarah Threser; and Manager: Odgeral breakfast, dinner to all the monks at Idgaa.. This allows the monks to be able to live in the monastery rather than LARGE STATUE CONSTRUCTION: To date: three large having to return home to their families on a daily basis statues are planned, a 13-story Maitreya Buddha in the so it helps them protect their vows. heart of Ulaanbaatar, a 12-story Padmasambhava in Erdenzuu, and a 7-story Lama Tsongkhhapa in Darkhan. DOLMA LING NUNNERY: An FPMT nunnery located in CEO: M.K.Sen a picturesque old temple in the suburbs of Ulaabaatar. Currently there are nine nuns and plans to extend the MONGOLIA 2012 PILGRIMAGE AND 100 MILLION rudimentary facilities and build a new nunnery. MANI RETREAT: A major event for FPMT Mongolia. Director: Ven. Thubten Gyalmo (Glenda Lee) The pilgrimage will give participants a chance to tour this fascinating country and also see first-hand the LAMP OF THE PATH: The umbrella name for FPMT extent of Rinpoche’s vision. The Mani Retreat will be social service projects serving the homeless, poor and led by Rinpoche and will be an opportunity for inter- vulnerable members of Mongolian society. It comprises national students and Mongolians to practice side by a soup kitchen feeding up to 80 people a day with a side in retreat with Rinpoche’s teachings against the shower complex, free health care, medications and backdrop of the stunning Mongolian countryside. health education talks, training and employment in Director: Roy Fraser, Assistant: Ven Sarah

January - March 2011 MANDALA 41 Dharma in the MODERN WORLD A Significant Symbol of Unity By Khamba Lama Choijamts Khamba Lama Choijamts is the abbot of Gandan Tegchenling Monastery, which housed and co-organized the First International Conference on Mongolian Buddhism. The following statements are excerpted from a report on the Mongolia conference which Khamba Lama gave to the 2010 International Conference on Tibetan Buddhism, held October 18-20 in Atlanta, Georgia, at Emory University. Please see page 44 for a report on the Atlanta conference.

o my mind, this event served as a very significant symbol of the unity of the countries following this sublime tradition, and a sign that we can work together in Tthe future. I am immensely grateful to all the lamas, scholars and social activists who came to take part in this momentous meeting. In particular, let me say how pleased I was that my good friend Richard Gere was able to join us; his presence created tremen- dous interest among the younger generation in the Buddhadharma... We Mongolian Buddhists are fortunate today to live in a free and sovereign nation. Therefore we are keenly aware of the special responsibility that we must shoulder. Working with you all, we are prepared, and determined, to remain active in pursuing some of the key ideas that were discussed in Ulaanbaatar. This includes the establishment of a common platform or international organization that represents our shared tradition, and that will allow us to work together to make the Buddhadharma an important instrument in creating a more compassionate world, while at the same time preserving our own distinctive institutions.... Lama Zopa Rinpoche and Khamba Lama Choijamts. Photo by Ven. Roger Kunsang. Reflections on Mongolia’s Historic Conference By Lodi Gyari Rinpoche Lodi Gyari Rinpoche has served as His Holiness the Dalai Lama’s special envoy to Washington, D.C. since 1990 and is also one of the founding members of the Tibetan Youth Congress, the executive chairman of the board of the International Campaign for Tibet (ICT) and chairman of The Conservancy for Tibetan Art and Culture, among other duties. Lama Zopa Rinpoche and other lamas entering the conference hall. Photo © Tenzing Paljor. y role in the conference was assisting Khamba Lama Choijamts in my capacity as the chairman of The Conservancy for Tibetan Art and A MESSAGE TO MCulture. I have had more than 25 years of relationship with Mongolia. READERS I am honored to have a close personal friendship with many Mongolians FROM RICHARD GERE: including national leaders and especially Khamba Lama Choijamts. As a devout Buddhist, I have always tried to do whatever I can to assist fellow Buddhists whether they are from Mongolia, Nepal, Bhutan, or for that matter, from any part of the world. One of the reasons which motivate me in this endeavor is the plight of Buddhism in my own country, Tibet. The main purpose of the conference was to share with a broader Buddhist world the state of Buddhism in Mongolia today. It was felt that reemergence of the Dharma in Mongolia as a vibrant force is something that can inspire fellow Buddhists throughout the world. At the same time, having a gathering of eminent Buddhist teachers and leaders can also further strengthen the Dharma in Mongolia which obviously faces new challenges. Lama Zopa Rinpoche and This gathering in Ulaanbaatar has become historically relevant. In addition Richard Gere in Mongolia. to discussing the state of Buddhism in Mongolia, the gathering also dealt with Photo by Ven. Roger Kunsang. broader issues which have long-term bearings on the future of the Tibetan his is a unique time for our Buddhist tradition which upholds the core of the Nalanda school of thought. Mongolian brothers and As Buddhists, we always teach about interdependence. It was evident how Tsisters. They have begun interdependent we are even within the Buddhist world. For the Buddhadharma to the very difficult process of grow and to benefit sentient beings, it is important that as a first step we support each shaking off seventy years of other within the Buddhist family so that our tradition remains strong and vibrant. often brutal Soviet influence and With the tragic situation of Buddhism in Tibet, it is even more important that we they are happily rediscovering all make extra effort to make sure that the Dharma remains strong in countries like and re-embracing their extra- Mongolia, Bhutan, Nepal and in the Himalayan regions where our common ordinary Buddhist history and tradition flourishes. culture. It is a very exciting Non-Mongolian Buddhists can support the efforts by following the example moment. With the discovery of set by Bakula Rinpoche and Lama Zopa Rinpoche. In my view, the contribution large and valuable deposits of of Bakula Rinpoche to the revival of the Dharma in Mongolia was immense. gold, copper, uranium and rare Similarly, the work by Lama Zopa Rinpoche and FPMT is remarkable. I also hope earth elements, they are in the that His Holiness the Dalai Lama will be able to continue to visit Mongolia to position of being able to control confer his blessings. His Holiness’ leadership and presence remains the single most their own destiny and write important factor in the maintenance of the Mongolian people’s strong and unique their own future. I was able to Buddhist identity. meet with great leaders there I’d like to convey my warmest congratulations to Lama Zopa Rinpoche on recently – leaders of incredible being conferred upon the highest Mongolian national award to a non-Mongolian vision, courage and skill, who for Rinpoche’s pioneering work in Mongolia. This decision by the Mongolian are committed to Buddhism as government is also reflective of their national character. To acknowledge and a vital part of that future. As appreciate someone’s contribution reflects the character of the people. These days, one of the two remaining whenever I have an opportunity to speak to the Tibetans, especially the younger independent countries which generations, I try to encourage and inculcate in them this kind of character. ◆ embraced the Tibetan Buddhist tradition and made it their MARK YOUR CALENDARS! own, Mongolia is surely tied to Tibet's destiny as well. It is Help make Lama Zopa Rinpoche’s vision for Mongolia a reality by most important for friends of participating in the Mongolian Pilgrimage and 100 Million Mongolia to encourage and support their long-term vision Mani Retreat in Darkhan, Mongolia in 2012. Please stay tuned of wisdom and compassion. to www.mongolia2012.com for details as they become available.

January - March 2011 MANDALA 43 Dharma in the MODERN WORLD

The Seeds of the Dharma By Namdrol Miranda Adams Have Been Sown in the West

“The changing nature of our times The two days of the conference took demands that all of us - in particular place in the form of panel sessions revolving around contemporary issues in Tibetan the teachers, scholars, translators, Buddhism: Tibetan Buddhism’s encounter practitioners and students of Tibetan with modern science, Tibetan Buddhism Buddhism - work together to preserve and social engagement, translating the the essence of the Buddha’s teachings Dharma, Tibetan Buddhism in the modern academy, Tibetan Buddhism in modern and to ensure the best way forward Western culture, and surviving modernity for the Dharma to continue to serve in traditionally Tibetan Buddhist regions. humanity without any boundaries.” Maitripa College’s Yangsi Rinpoche was invited to speak, along with Dr. David Germano, Dr. Anne Klein, Geshe Lobsang obsang Nyandak, Representative of Tenzin Negi, Dr. Daniel Perdue, and other His Holiness the Dalai Lama to the His Holiness the Dalai Lama in distinguished scholars, about the evolution Americas, used these words to frame San Jose, California. of Buddhism in higher education in the Lthe 2010 International Conference Photo by Kurty Wong. United States. on Tibetan Buddhism, held October 18-20 in Atlanta, The atmosphere of this historic event was notable for the Georgia, at Emory University. sense of camaraderie, friendship, commitment and genuine Jointly sponsored by Emory and the Office of Tibet goodwill evident among the participants. The collective New York, with support from Drepung Loseling Monastery present at this event was representative of a group of indi- in Atlanta and The Conservancy for Tibetan Art and viduals whose paths do not normally cross – academics who Culture, the conference spanned two days and was overlaid learn and teach primarily in university settings, teachers with events constructed around the visit of His Holiness whose primary form of engagement with Buddhism is in the 14th Dalai Lama to Atlanta. Dharma centers, and representatives of the tradition from His Holiness has held the title of Presidential Distin- the Nyingma, Kagyu, Sakya, and Gelug lineages. Also guished Professor at Emory since 2007, and has worked in notable, and unusual, was the inclusion of both Western and collaboration with the university for nearly two decades in Tibetan representatives, teachers and students of the tradition the form of their groundbreaking and significant Emory- as both conference attendees and speakers. Tibet partnership. The keynotes, speakers and panelists also spanned a The conference included an opening session with the wide cross section. Among the distinguished guests were Dalai Lama, in which His Holiness spoke of Buddhist Khamba Lama, Sogyal Rinpoche, Gelek Rinpoche, Robert teachings as an evolving aspect of the global landscape, and Thurman, Jeffrey Hopkins, Jose Cabezon, Geshe Thupten in particular, emphasized the importance of harmony Jinpa, Karma Lekshe Tsomo, Dr. Richard Davidson, between the “upholders of the teachings” of all lineages and Samdhong Rinpoche, the current Ganden Tripa, Rizong types of Buddhism. His Holiness spoke in detail and with Rinpoche, and many more. emphasis on the importance of followers of Tibetan Although the panels’ final findings and recommen- Buddhism relying on the root traditions of the Nalanda dations to the conference body varied in scope and detail, masters, and concluded his address to the conference several key elements were echoed among them. Specifi- attendees with the exhortation to come together and discuss cally, there was a strong, clearand articulated intention to the topics at hand “frankly, seriously and with a sense of move forward with dialogue between those contributing responsibility” in the coming days. to the field of Tibetan Buddhism from all perspectives –

44 MANDALA January - March 2011 Western and Tibetan, in the academy, in Dharma centers, This meeting of many of the greatest minds of the first through social welfare and social justice projects, and from generation of Western Tibetan Buddhists and many of the our own cushions at home. Secondly, and equally important, most prolific and influential teachers of the tradition today was a repeated call to action to all those involved in Tibetan marked an important moment in the evolution of Tibetan Buddhism in the West to remember our ethical obligation Buddhism in the West – in the words of one conference as followers of Tibetan Buddhism to the people of Tibet, and attendee, “The seeds of Dharma have definitely been sown in to act on their behalf. the Western earth; let’s see how they take root.” ◆ Conference findings, reports and information about further dialogue will be available on the conference website at www.dalailama.emory.edu/2010/ICTB.html NEWS FROM A BUDDHIST PERSPECTIVE: Peaceful Jihad By Ven. Gyalten Mindrol Virtue and evil are not equal. If you replace evil habits by virtuous ones, you will certainly find that your enemies will become your intimate friends. THE KORAN,SURAH 41.034 Image by Ryan Lothian It seems that hatred is fashionable once again in the United discussion, he quietly resumed his activities of rescuing Jews. States of America. We have hated Jews, we have hated In Greece at the same time, the Nazis ordered one Catholics, we have hated (and killed) our own Black Bishop Chrysostomos to give them a list of all the Jews who citizens, and we have hated (and interred) our Japanese lived on the island of Zakynthos. He gave them a list with citizens. Each of these hatreds was condoned by our society two names on it: his own and that of the mayor. He risked at the time, by our media, by our courts, by those who his life in resisting hatred and it worked. The Nazis left the make our laws and by those who enforce them. Jews of that island in peace. Now we hate Muslims. If you chafe against my use of When I first read about people like these, I often the word “hate” and think it doesn’t apply to you, try wondered: “Could I do that? In a similar situation, could I replacing it with “fear.” Fear comes first, I think, and when find that kind of strength and courage and moral certainty in our fear becomes sufficiently intense, it morphs into hatred. myself? Would I risk my life and the safety of my loved ones Because of the events of the last decade – September for justice?” I still ask myself that question and I know others 11th, wars against two Muslim countries and the looming who do as well. I think it’s time for us to find the answer. fear of a third, the continued attacks of various Islamic Of course, Muslims in Western countries are not terrorist groups against Western targets – it’s now okay in currently in the same danger as the Jews in Europe during America to hate, or fear, Muslims. I’m not just talking about the Holocaust. We could argue that those who live in fundamentalist Christians who want to burn the Koran or occupied countries such as Afghanistan and Iraq definitely ultra-orthodox Jews who rejoice when bad things happen to are, that there have been atrocities against innocent those of the Islamic faith. I’m talking about educated, Muslims that rival or even exceed those of the Germans liberal Americans who don’t want a mosque built anywhere against their victims, but for the sake of keeping this near Ground Zero. I’m talking about flight crews who column at its required word count, let’s stay home in our remove regular, everyday Muslims from planes for no good Western comfort for the moment. Let’s look at what is reason. I’m talking about the insidious way in which fear of happening in our own backyards, in our own hearts. anyone who looks Muslim is infecting the hearts of people Recently, the NewYorkTimesreported that the Pew I know. I’m talking about us, about you and me. Forum on Religion and Public Life surveyed over 3,400 In the Netherlands in the early 1940s, a man named Americans, asking them 32 questions about world religions. Hendrikus Johannes Hulstein and some friends, inspired by Most people got over half the answers wrong, even when the Biblical passage to love thy neighbor, started taking Jews the questions related to their own faiths. Around the same into their homes, giving them food and shelter, new identities time that this article appeared, several New York Times and safe passage to safe places. Hulstein was eventually columnists seized on the issue of how we are ignorant about apprehended by the Gestapo and imprisoned in a concen- Islam, how we don’t really know what the Koran says, how tration camp. Upon his return home, without any fuss or we are overly influenced by those who wish to inflame hatred

January - March 2011 MANDALA 45 Dharma in the MODERN WORLD against an entire religion and the people who practice it. different. I don’t need to quote any Buddhist texts or teachers I learned a lot by reading those articles. For example, in this column; the quote from the Koran is Buddhist columnist Robert Wright pointed out that Muhammad enough for me. So what can we do? What can we do to never taught the concept of military jihad and that this idea replace our “evil habits” of ignorance and passivity, of does not appear in the Koran. Furthermore, in the hadith, looking the other way, with something more virtuous? which are the non-Koranic sayings of the Prophet, apparently What can we, as Buddhists and as Buddhist communities, Muhammad asserted that the “greater jihad” is the fight do to reach out to Muslims, to foster peace and harmony against animal impulses that we wage within our souls (that with them, to offer our friendship? It’s not enough anymore sounds awfully Buddhist, doesn’t it?). I learned from colum- to watch the news and shake our heads, to sit safely on our nist Nicholas Kristoff about a Pakistani imam who shelters cushions and think compassionate thoughts about the rape victims, Muslim leaders who campaign against vague notion of “all sentient beings.” What can we do to female genital mutilation, Muslims who stand up for educate ourselves and our children about the reality of oppressed Hindus and Christians, and as he says, “above Islam? What can we do to stem the tide of hatred that is all, the innumerable Muslim aid workers in Congo, Darfur, sweeping over us? In our hearts, can we “love thy neighbor” Bangladesh and so many other parts of the world who are like Hendrikus Johannes Hulstein did? I hope the answer is inspired by the Koran to risk their lives to help others.” He yes. Let’s start right now. ◆ goes on to say, “Those Muslims have helped keep me alive, and they set a standard of compassion, peacefulness and Ven. Gyalten Mindrol offers service as an editor and writer at FPMT International Office and studies with Yangsi Rinpoche at altruism that we should all emulate.” Maitripa College. The Holocaust started small, with plain old everyday anti-Semitism. It started with fear and with the wish for Understanding truly starts with knowledge. So does compas- sion. If you’d like to learn more about Islam check out a control and power. We have a similar situation today – not collection of resources recommended by the author in this just with Muslims, but against anyone who is well, just issue’s Online Exclusive section at www.mandalamagazine.org


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46 MANDALA January - March 2011 Wisdom and Compassion THE TRUE SOURCE OF GENUINE HAPPINESS Study Buddhism, learn how to meditate, and enjoy the beautiful countryside and historic cities of Tuscany! Istituto Lama Tzong Khapa, Pomaia (Pisa), Italy - 5th September/14th October 2011

THE EXPERIENCE THE COURSE THE TEACHER meditation. Participation From Monday to Friday Week 1: A graduate of the is limited to a maximum 20 people participate in daily classes The Foundation - seven-year intensive of - enabling on Buddhist philosophy, The Four Noble Truths Buddhist philosophical opportunity for personal psychology, and practice. Weeks 2-4: study program at Istituto interaction. Learn how to meditate The Practice - Lama Tzong Khapa, the in daily sessions of Cultivating Wisdom and FPMT Masters Program, guided meditation with Compassion Glen Svensson lives in a final week retreat. Week 5: India where he teaches Take part twice a week The Integration - both introductory and in late-afternoon The Seven Points of intermediate level courses sessions of exercises Mind Training to students from all to relax the body and Week 6: around the world. concentrate the mind. The Retreat - Glen is known for his clear Saturdays, visit the Bringing Theory into and simple teaching style. Experience beautiful cities of Language: English Florence, Siena, San Gimignano, Volterra, Investigate the actual This course is suitable for Pisa, and Lucca. underlying source of anyone who has a sincere problems and suffering interest in gaining a clear Sundays, picnic at the beach, taste the local and learn how to develop understanding in the an effective, practical foundations of the cuisine, go for walks www.education. approach towards fully Tibetan Buddhist among the olive fields, iltk.org/ overcoming them and tradition of Lama Tzong relax in the warm happiness sunshine and enjoy a achieving genuine and Khapa together with a cappuccino... lasting peace and happiness. hands-on approach to THE INTERNATIONAL MERIT BOX PROJECT


慷慨 generøsitet vrijgevigheid suuremeelsus kagandahang-loob hào phóng 寛大な générosité generosità Großzügigkeit щедрость generosidade kemurahan generositet gavmildhet Generozitatea Practice generosity with your own International Merit Box kit, now available in eleven languages. Email [email protected] for more information and to obtain your own Merit Box kit, or visit www.fpmt.org/meritbox If you are already an International Merit Box participant, thank you for practicing generosity today, and throughout the year, in support of FPMT projects worldwide.

Chasing Buddha Pilgrimage A Pilgrimage Tour to TIBET and NEPAL Friday, May 20 to Sunday, June 12, 2011 from Kathmandu t Visit the holy places of TIBET: including Lhasa, Shigatse, Gyantse, Samye and Lama Thubten Yeshe’s birthplace. And NEPAL: Boudhanath, Swayambunath and Parping. t Daily practices and teachings. t Begin with a four-day retreat at Kopan Monastery in Kathmandu. t Land cost from US$4500 plus air to Kathmandu and Lhasa. Jimi Neal, a longtime student of Lama Yeshe and former monk, has traveled to Tibet previously on pilgrimage to holy Mt. Kailas. He has lived in India for most of his adult life and speaks both Hindi and Tibetan. “Jimi Neal is a fantastic teacher. I’m delighted he is leading our 2011 Chasing Buddha Tibet Pilgrimage.” — Venerable Robina Courtin Jimi Neal

Himalayan High Treks CST 2085690-40 “Often when people go on pilgrimage, they are just 241 Dolores Street like tourists; if instead they use the places to collect San Francisco, CA 94103, USA merit and meditate then they’ll get the benefi t.” Phone (in US): (800) 455 8735 +1 (415) 551 1005 — Lama Zopa Rinpoche Fax: +1 (415) 861 2391 [email protected] — Check out our website www.chasingbuddha.org for full itinerary and pictures —

48 MANDALA January - March 2011 Taking Care of the SELF

This section focuses on taking care of one’s self as a powerful means for cultivating compassion and generating the wish to help others. Without taking care of the self, how can we ever expect to offer true assistance to anyone else? RECOVERY AND ADDICTION This is an Emergency! By Ven. Chonyi Taylor An addiction emergency happens when we suddenly find If there is nothing to tempt us ourselves about to repeat the addictive pattern, or even when into our addiction, then we we suddenly discover ourselves in the middle of it. We need stop repeating the addictive something to do right at that moment. For example, a pattern. It is not a complete smoker might find herself halfway through a cigarette before solution for anyone because it she even knows she is smoking. Or perhaps a chocolate does not change the underly- addict might find himself hovering between taking or ing causes of an addiction. leaving the chocolate in the dish. The first emergency Still, it is a good start. solution is to either flee or freeze, both of which are described Freezing: We can become below. Whichever we choose, we have done something about like a block of ice and just not Photo by Marcin Wichary the immediate situation. That gives us time to do one of react to what is happening until we have time to deal with the breathing exercises to calm us down. At first we learn to things more effectively.This means blocking out for a moment concentrate on the out-breath. Often we hold our breath or two whatever is happening. We stop everything. This when we do not know what to do. Concentrating on blocking response gives time for the immediate urgency to breathing out will release a lot of that pent-up energy. Then drain away. A good description of this blocking is “urge-surfing,” we learn to concentrate on the in-breath. This brings oxygen which means just riding the wave of desire until it passes. This into our lungs and can relieve anxiety and panic attacks. gives us time to pause and change the compulsive reaction. Later, when we have time, we can do the mental spa baths Like the fleeing strategy, it is a good short-term solution. meditation [which] combine the in and out movements of breathing and leave us feeling clean and refreshed. Emergency Thought: I Can Change! The emergency tools give us a quick alternative to the The best way to use the emergency tools of fleeing or freezing addictive act. They are not going to stop the craving of is to add the emergency thought, “I can change.” Simply addiction but they give us time to make a choice. It is the thinking [this] reminds us that change is possible. beginning of taking responsibility. Of course, even if we When we use these emergency measures, we can calm choose to flee or freeze, if we really want freedom from down. Even more importantly, when we use them, we have addiction we need to look at its causes and to cut its roots. already changed the addictive pattern … We are at the very That means understanding what brings deep satisfaction start of undermining a destructive habit and replacing it instead of the grasping and craving of an addiction. with a constructive one. That means that we are able to begin the longer-term solutions. ◆

Emergency Actions: Fleeing or Freezing Excerpted from the chapter entitled “What can be done right When we are addicted, we need help, and we need it now?” from Enough! A Buddhist Approach to Finding Release from Addictive Patterns by Ven. Chonyi Taylor. Published by immediately, and it needs to work. That is the time for Snow Lion Publications 2010. Reprinted with permission. using emergency tools. There are two choices: www.snowlionpub.com Fleeing: We can get out of the situation, escape, until we Please visit www.mandalamagazine.org for Ven. Chonyi’s are able to handle the situation. Sometimes we have to get breathing and relaxing exercises which are recommended to away from the objects or situations we are addicted to – either follow these simple emergency measures.

by getting rid of them or by going somewhere else. This is the Subscribe to Ven. Chonyi’s blog, Dharma Realities, at logic behind the teetotal strategy of Alcoholics Anonymous. www.mandalamagazine.org

January - March 2011 MANDALA 49 Taking Care of the SELF RECOVERY AND ADDICTION Whatisa

12-STEP BUDDHIST?By Darren Littlejohn s a child, I never felt right. In the nearly ten years of sobriety, I relapsed summer between seventh and back into active addiction. For the next Aeighth grade, I was 15 and my three years I bounced in and out of emotional state and fragmented sense of recovery. I was hospitalized a couple of self were perfect conditions for the seed times and had erratic sobriety. By the time of addiction to ripen. I found in drugs a I got fully sober again – in December of sense of relief and more. I didn’t have 1997 – I’d done some pretty serious these words for it, but the chemical damage to my mind. highs I constructed for myself were in Reentering 12-Step, counseling and some sense a transcendent spiritual Zen, I put more years of work into experience. I couldn’t imagine life with- “getting right” in the head. But it wasn’t out them, but they destroyed any ability enough. In meditation I felt a sense of to learn to function mentally, physically, darkness. In 12-Step meetings I didn’t emotionally. I may have known that, but hear enough deep spiritual wisdom. In couldn’t care. As addicts, we seek oblivion Zen retreats I felt like the oddball addict. from our pain. I tried to make sense of everything in counseling but it was My addiction progressed quickly. I bounced out of five extremely difficult to have hope. Then I met Ven. Robina high schools, never completing a grade beyond junior high. I and everything changed. couldn’t find my place, knew no one and was unknown. In Ven. Robina explained that our minds were pure by those dreams I felt like a hungry ghost, wandering aimlessly. nature yet stained by the karmic obscurations accumulated In 1984, I was 22. I entered a hospital for chemical from beginningless time. She showed me what I’d been dependency treatment. The 12 Steps were displayed on the missing in over 15 years of Buddhist meditation practice – wall of the treatment center and promised a spiritual the seeds of wisdom and compassion that lay within, awakening. I realized then what I’d always wanted. At that waiting for the right conditions to ripen. time I felt a new sense of what I’d later learn from Buddhist I set on a path to learn everything I could about teachers is called a “spiritual feeling.” It reminded me of Tibetan Buddhism, attending retreats with every teacher some rare moments of relief in childhood that I’d found in from every tradition. I took formal refuge, bodhisattva vows books on Eastern philosophy. In the hospital I was intro- and tantric initiations and listened to talks on bodhichitta duced to meditation by an ex-nun. She taught us how to and emptiness. I built an altar, offered service to lamas and stare at a candle, leaving our eyes open until tears flowed. attended Yangsi Rinpoche’s meditation program and After treatment I did ten years of spiritual work in Discovering Buddhism classes. recovery. In young people’s 12-Step programs, medita- Despite my efforts, I still felt like a square peg in a round tion centers and late night conversations on mysticism I hole in teachings and meetings and society. In my struggle found a path – though impossible to follow. I suffered to understand the complexity and depth of Buddhist from many traumas: hallucinations caused by drug abuse, teachings, I found comfort in writing about my experiences. bouts of rage and depression, an inability to work or Then I got a message from Lama Zopa Rinpoche through maintain family relationships. one of his long-time students, Ven. Ingrid. Somehow I’d finished a BA and most of an MA degree Ven. Ingrid was staying with us, as she often does, and had become a fairly serious student of Zen with a daily during Lama Zopa Rinpoche’s teachings in Portland. practice, combined with counseling and meetings. Yet with During one session, Rinpoche discussed the need to work

50 MANDALA January - March 2011 on the problems of addiction and the lack of understanding and the path of liberation, addicts in recovery – and those between Buddhists and non-Buddhists on this issue. who love them – can find clarity, hope and happiness. Ven. Ingrid felt that because of what the guru requested and There are many ways to teach on and approach this my experience that I should write the book I’d been talking integration. about. Since I try not to ignore the wishes of the guru, I The teachings of the Buddha reveal that life is suffering wrote the book, The 12-Step Buddhist. and that suffering has its causes: attachment, aversion and As I wrote and practiced, and attended meetings, many ignorance. Addiction is attachment gone wild. It is a process things became clear. The similarities between the process of by which we avert what we cannot tolerate – any kind of addiction and the solution of the 12 Steps and other discomfort – and go to extreme lengths to give ourselves methods with the Dharma became evident. From this relief from suffering. But the medicine becomes the poison understanding I became convinced that the integration of and we find ourselves trapped in the cycle of addiction (i.e., Buddhism and 12-Step recovery is a powerful way for the seeking, planning, acquiring, using the drug/person/ Dharma to benefit millions of people who suffer from and process, crashing, feeling remorse and guilt and shame). We are affected – directly and indirectly – by addiction. Because vow to stop again and again, yet always return to the cycle. of the book, I have the honor of conducting groups It is samsara illuminated. nationally, communicating with people in recovery, families As we say in the 12 Steps, there is a solution. Please visit and treatment professionals. www.mandalamagazine.org for a recommended practice as In a sense, we are all addicts. Non-addicts can initially one example of how to practice as a 12-Step Buddhist. ◆ understand this intellectually. But by examining the process Darren’s program, which became the basis for the book The of addiction, Buddhists and other practitioners can better 12-Step Buddhist, is an integrated approach developed over a span of more than twenty years. For articles, podcasts and understand the cycle of samsara in which all sentient beings 12-Step Buddhist retreat information, see suffer. And by studying the Buddhist teachings on samsara http://the12stepbuddhist.com

January - March 2011 MANDALA 51 Taking Care of the SELF Yoga for Health By Brook Cosby atha Yoga, a system of using the physical body Ardha Matsyendrasana. (ardha =half,Matsyendra for spiritual purposes, is widely known as an = Lord of the Fishes, asana = seat). Also known as “Half- Indian practice, but it has deep roots in ancient Seated Spinal Twist,“ this posture functions to move HTibet as well. Master Naropa maintained, and stagnant energy at the navel and open the heart center. many other lineage holders in the Gelugpa tradition From a seated position, cross right leg over bent left leg. maintain, a regular yoga practice. Each pose or “asana“in Place right foot firmly on ground and feel even in your Sanskrit (from the root “as-“ meaning “to sit”) functions to seat. A simpler variation is to extend the left leg straight. prepare the body and mind for states of deep meditation. Reach left arm up and hook elbow outside right knee, You can incorporate these simple postures into your meditation sessions, practicing them before you sit or as a break between sessions to improve both your physical and mental health. Breathe deeply, cultivate bodhichitta and modify as needed. Please always consult your physician before beginning any new physical exercise regimen.

Baddha Konasana.(baddha = bound, kona = angle, asana = seat) Also known as “Cobbler’s Pose,” this powerful posture relieves tension in the hips and lower back. Place the soles of your feet together and pull your heels close toward you. Optionally, open soles of feet to face upwards, like a book, if you have healthy ankles. You can hold your ankles and keep your back straight, or fold forward as appropriate. Keep shoulder blades moving down the back. Take at least five deep exhales and inhales through your nose, rejoicing in the goodness of others. keeping right hand on floor beside you. Be mindful to twist from the navel; do not crank your neck. Send love and the end of suffering to all beings as you take at least five deep exhales and inhales through your nose. Repeat on other side. When you finish your yoga practice, always remember to give away any good energy you created to others. ◆

These poses, along with three others which work well in a sequence, can be found on www.mandalamagazine.org.

Brook Cosby teaches Conquering Lion Yoga in New York City. She worked for the Liberation Prison Project and taught yoga at the Tse Chen Ling center in San Francisco.

Darcy Jones, pictured above demonstrating each pose, is a student of Lama Zopa Rinpoche. She worked at Vajrapani Institute, traveled with the Maitreya Project Relic Tour and teaches Tibetan Heart Yoga around the world. Photos by Tad Fettig, krfilms.com

52 MANDALA January - March 2011 Maintaining a Healthy Lifestyle through Vegetarianism By Diana Gorbea Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is the Be sure to eat lots of different fruits, easiest thing to do, provided you know vegetables, beans, lentils and whole the right tricks. grains to get the nutrition you need. It’s It is important to align yourself in also a good idea to invest in at least one body, mind and spirit. If you have a good cookbook and a book on nutrition healthy body, but you have lack in for help with menu planning. finances, or have a bad love relation- Get to know your body. Pay attention ship, then you don’t have a healthy to how you feel. Are you feeling more lifestyle. tired lately, are you looking more pale In my practice I see many clients than usual, are cuts healing slower than daily, coming with very low energy and unhappy, blaming they should? Is your hunger not being satisfied? Be aware of others and expecting a quick fix. Well, let me tell you, as symptoms of nutrient deficiencies and seek help if you can’t you already know, there is no quick fix. find the answers. Notice how certain foods affect your Many people don’t know how to eat right, or don’t energy, mood, emotions, concentration and sleep patterns. understand that the diet is crucial for a bodhisattva in Respect your body. training. If you are sick, who will you be able to help? So, Be prepared. You may get resistance from friends and with that in mind, you take care of your body. family. Be ready for it. Family dinners can be especially stressful because breaking “food traditions” is hard on Why Go Vegetarian? everyone. Be strong, but not self-righteous. Trust yourself. To support personal health. Less obesity, reduced risk of Prepare, too, for your own self-doubts. Am I getting enough chronic disease, increased longevity, reduced risk of food- vitamins? Am I doing the right thing? This is normal. borne illness, lower intakes of environmental contaminants, Relax. Talk to your friends. Build a support group. Refer improved nutritional intakes and better bone health. back to your books. And if you do “fall off the wagon,” see To promote reverence for life. Food animals are often raised how you feel, and get back on! inhumanely, transported to slaughter in appalling conditions Celebrate! Vegetarianism is an on-going process and the and slaughtered inhumanely – animals have rights. journey is more than half the fun! It’s just as important, To protect the environment. It uses fewer water resources, however, to know that vegetarianism is not for everyone. prevents water pollution, preserves the planet’s most Each of us is different. Some people just simply feel better valuable ecosystems, provides powerful protection against when they eat meat. Don’t beat yourself up if vegetarianism desertification and reduces consumption of the earth’s doesn’t work for you. ◆ dwindling resources. Diana Gorbea has studied naturopathy, Chinese medicine, To uphold religious or philosophical principles. Many auricular medicine, reiki, IET and many forms of holistic healing religions promote vegetarian and/or vegan diets as part of since 1985. She teaches Dharma in prisons and is the founder of a non-profit called Jangchub Gepel Ling which helps tribes their basic teaching: Buddhism, Taoism, Hinduism, and and underprivileged children all over the world. She teaches Seventh-day Adventists, for example. The religious reasons holistic workshops and conducts energy healings and detox for adopting vegetarianism tends to be based on one or therapies in Mesa, AZ. She is the founder and owner of AZ Center for Ancient Healing Arts which has seen hundreds of more of the previous three reasons. graduates. www.dianagorbea.com

Some Tips for Making it Work Please visit www.mandalamagazine.org for Diana’s Wellness Resource Guide including books, cookbooks, websites and Take it seriously. Although a vegetarian diet can be very other valuable information. healthy, it’s not necessarily so. The nutrients you used to Also published in this issue’s Online Exclusive section at get from animal products need to be replaced. Protein is www.mandalamagazine.org is an excellent interview with always a big concern, as are other vitamins and minerals. Geshe Thubten Soepa about vegetarianism.

January - March 2011 MANDALA 53 Your COMMUNITY

This section is aimed at introducing you to the many remarkable individuals in the organization through profiles, interviews, personal stories and obituaries. PROFILE Youth in Refuge The 2010 Light of the Path retreat was attended by a very special young girl, Maddy Stafford, who, at the age of 10, requested to become a nun and geshema. Merry Colony spoke with Maddy and her mother, Mer Stafford, about Maddy’s strong connection to Lama Zopa Rinpoche and the Dharma, and her future plans. Merry Colony: You are a bit of a phenomena here at the Merry: Has Lama Zopa given you any advice? retreat, Maddy. Tell me about yourself, how and when you met the Dharma. Maddy: I asked if I could become a nun and he told me it would be good in three years to get ordained at Land of Maddy: I met the Dharma three years ago when I was Medicine Buddha with Choden Rinpoche. seven. I went to see the Ganden Jangtse monks who were making a Chenrezig sand mandala in New Hampshire in a Merry: What does mom think about that? tiny museum. One of the monks (Lobsang Damchö) saw that I was really interested and invited me into the room Mer (Maddy’s mother): The idea of leaving her family where they were working. He gave me the implements that didn’t disturb Maddy. Lama Zopa Rinpoche is the first the sand comes out of and showed me how to do it. This person to take Maddy seriously. She has been very unhappy meeting really made me think and it changed my mind. until now to not have that connection. Maddy has felt so After that, I decided to become a vegetarian because I didn’t happy since being here. She looked at me and said, “Lama want to kill animals. My Mom and Papa were already Zopa loves me.” Rinpoche told me that Maddy “will vegetarian. enlighten many beings at a young age” and gave Maddy a thangka of Lama Tsongkhapa and his two disciples. Merry: Where do you live and do you go to a center already? Maddy: He gave me the name Thubten Labdron and asked Maddy: I live in Freeport, Maine on a farm with 30 bats, me to do Lama Tsongkhapa guru yoga daily. I’ve memorized three cats and chickens. I went to my first teaching at the refuge and bodhichitta prayer, the Heart Sutra, Praises to Kurukulla Center with Ani Yeshe. It was an introduction the 21 Taras in English and the mandala offering. These to Buddhism class. It made a lot of sense to me. I then haven’t been too difficult, but it is not so easy for me to started going to weekly classes there. I go to Geshe Tsulga’s memorize school work! I like the Tara praises in Tibetan. lam-rim teachings on Sunday and Geshe Tenley’s classes on Wednesdays. Mer: She was previously in a Waldorf school, but kept asking to be homeschooled. She is also studying Tibetan Merry: When did you meet Lama Zopa Rinpoche? with Geshe Tenley at Kurukulla Center. Many people have said how inspiring it was for them to have Maddy Maddy: I met Rinpoche at Milarepa Center just two there in the gompa and staying up through the late night weeks ago! I took Refuge with him and 12 other people. sessions. The first thing I said to Lama Zopa is that I want to be a Also, a lot of parents came up to me and asked if they geshema and he told me to memorize the 100,000 Verse should bring their kids to a retreat like this. The thing I Prajñaparamita in Tibetan [a total of 12 volumes]. really want to tell parents is that one major factor for why my kids are spiritual and calm is because we have taken media Merry: I see you at every session, even those very early and out of their life completely. So they have no TV and no very late ones that others don’t make it to! computer games. Science has proven that this damages the neural pathways, making it hard to develop concentration. Maddy: I have gone to all the night sessions with Lama Zopa, but I sometimes miss the morning session [starting Maddy: Kids have to want to come to an event like this, as early as 5 A.M.]. The emptiness teachings make sense to and not because their parents are coming! ◆ me but some other things don’t.

10 year old Maddy Safford with her mother, Mer. Photo by Sarah Brooks.

January - March 2011 MANDALA 55 Your COMMUNITY


Tibet,TibetBy Harry Sutton IhavetogotoTibet!

In 1971, Lama Yeshe, Lama Zopa Rinpoche and their first student, Zina Rachevsky, established Kopan Monastery in Nepal. Zina “pestered” Lama Zopa Rinpoche “like a mosquito” until he agreed to give a one-month lam-rim meditation course to Westerners at the monastery, then called the Mount Everest Center. Twelve Western students attended the first course and for the last forty years, up to two hundred students participate in the annual one-month meditation course. This new section, Ven. Marcel and Harry Sutton, Nepal, 1979. The Road to Kopan, will feature stories from students who have found their way to, and their home at, Kopan Monastery. To unveil this section, we talked to Harry Sutton, FPMT student of more than thirty- five years, about how he ended up attending his first Kopan course.

he beginning always has to go to the a destination, just going, getting into cars, trucks guru Buddha. When one looks for and people’s lives. It didn’t matter which side of the cause or the condition which the road to stand on, if I was going north, south, brought one to Kopan, I think it west or east. And when the ride was finished, always goes back to the initial cause after listening to their life stories, when the door condition, the holy kind guru. That was closed, I thought: “That’s one life I don’t have can happen years before someone to go through.” I lived it through them, for that evenT hears about Kopan, thinks about Kopan or five-minute, five-hour or two-day ride. Besides, sees Kopan. the result was always the same: their lives had Because of not being intelligent, and quite discontent, dissatisfaction. After trying everything lazy, high school ended a couple of years early, so out in life that the world had to offer for experi- I took that time to work and travel all around encing happiness, I found myself alone and praying North America and Europe. Through hitch- into space. I didn’t believe in god but knew there hiking, I got to meet people, to find out what was was something greater than me in the universe. going on in their lives. Many times there was not And I prayed. I said, usually with tears in my eyes:

56 MANDALA January - March 2011 “May I meet the perfect teachings and the perfect teacher Ven. Marcel turned out to be the leader of the eighth to help my life and others.” I said that every night. After course, my first course. I think we had a couple days of three months of doing this I felt a very strong feeling in 100% pure Ven. Marcel, just to prepare us. Then came my heart, it had a pull to it. And with that pull in my the day that Lama Zopa Rinpoche was coming to teach. heart was the mantra: “Tibet, Tibet I have to go to Tibet. When the most precious, kind guru Lama Zopa’s holy Tibet, Tibet, I have to go to Tibet. Tibet, Tibet, I have to body entered the tent my whole life passed before me. I go to Tibet.” could see that every single action I had done up to that At the time I was doing a part-time job and that ended point in my life had brought me to meet this being who when the bus I was driving went down a hill… without me just entered this tent. Rinpoche’s holy body had entered in it! Of course, I got fired. I was 21. I ended up at my through the far side of the tent so I couldn’t see the holy grandmother’s house and I told her, “I am going to Tibet.” body yet but I could feel Rinpoche’s presence. To finally And she said, knowing about these things better than me, meet my true mother, my true father, the one who truly “You can’t go to Tibet. It is under the control of China.” loves me, who truly knows how to guide me to where I So I said, “If I can’t go to Tibet, then this pull in my heart want to go. Every atom of my body knew this. Tears of is coming from the closest place to Tibet.” I asked for her great joy poured down. And I thought, “Home at last! coffee table atlas and found that part of the world. I had Home at last! This is what I have been living for!” And heard of India but had never heard of Nepal. I was looking this was all before I even saw Rinpoche’s holy body. When for the border between India and Tibet. And when my eyes Rinpoche sat up on the throne, I knew that this was my saw the word KATHMANDU I was pulled into the atlas, guru, my teacher and I instantly felt very fortunate. as if pulled into the map by my heart. At that time I knew The course was fantastic. It was all the things you the pull was coming from Kathmandu. couldn’t find in a book. That’s why the course is so great, Two weeks later, I’m on my way to England, the you don’t find this in print and you are able to meditate cheapest way for me to get over the “puddle.” I then hitch- on it right away. It was an extremely powerful gathering hiked from England to Istanbul. Back then, it was 1975, of people, that 1975 eighth course. About 200 people you could take buses, trains and trucks overland from attended the course. We did the course and then about 80 Turkey to India. There was a highway of hippies going back people went on to a one-month lam-rim retreat. And and forth. It was like hippie paradise in those days. When after that month we said, “Let’s do another month!” After I crossed the Indian/Nepal border, on the top of a bus, I two months we said, “How about another month!” So we felt, as many other students and friends have described… I did three months of lam-rim group retreat, and we would felt like… I was coming home. It is a feeling that comes have kept going on like that except we were told to leave over you when entering Nepal, The Land of Those Gone to Nepal by the Nepalese Government. Bliss! When you are sitting at Kopan, listening to the We all stayed in the Freak Street area at the time. On teachings, doing the retreat, there is not a better place to be the third day in Kathmandu I was in a store. In the same on the earth for that one month of your life. Anyone who store, on the other side of the wall, were two women talking has the opportunity to experience it is very, very fortunate! about two lamas giving a teaching somewhere. I went over The vast extensiveness of the guru Buddha’s activity to and said, “Where is this?” They said, “Kopan.”The next day benefit us is totally beyond our awareness. Thinking it was I got a bike and rode out to Kopan. All the old sangha were MY idea to go to Nepal to meet the holy kind guru, well, there, Dr. Nick, John Feillie, Yogi, Ann, Wongmo, Pemo, in fact, it was the profound skillfulness of the guru Buddha’s Nicole, Thubten Yeshe, Pende and others, who were all activity all along. As Lama Zopa Rinpoche said in Singa- inspiring. pore last February, “There’s no place where there is no guru, Then I had my interview with Ven. Marcel. This made there is no place where there is no Buddha. The reality is a very strong impression on my mind. It was a very powerful like that.” ◆ moment to be sitting in front of Ven. Marcel. I appreciated www.kopan-monastery.com being in his presence.

January - March 2011 MANDALA 57 Your COMMUNITY


Your Words is Mandala’s section devoted to the writers among us. Send us poetry, creative writing, short essays or letters that are inspired by your Buddhist practice and under 1200 words.

Please send your submissions to: [email protected] Kopan By Wendy King

A moment ago only, our faces bathed in light. The rims of cups and bowls opposed The table flatness, color-scored the melody Of things to eat, and underlined Our soft and endless chatter.

Beyond the windows, in the space the valley cups Pencil drawing by Reid Selseth, 2009, The dust of Rajasthan grew purple, grey, Federal Correctional Institution in Marianna, Florida, USA. And blackened into night. Without, the outer moon. Within, the light bulb light. What gain or loss is sitting against the endless darkness? One moment ago only, there was laughter beneath the The eighteenth day of June was gone light bulb light. And swallowed up in night. Our faces, too, Then, all my love and efforts will be swallowed Were sacrificed, just edges of our forms were left. Bythemoon’sdelight–afieldofsable. Then, suddenly, no nothing of the light bulb light. And we will be like all the stars, A fiction of a place, an ancient rumor in that night. How likewise will our own days end Oh! Rage! Rage! Against the dying of that light! By some sputter brief, failure irreparable? ©WENDY KING 2010 How will our conversations finally die, or faces, friends, And days all gone, all devoured By these monsoonal winds?

How likewise brief and rare and precious, Light My own heart’s friend? For I have found a Sage. By Osel Hita His true color’s colorless, the postured wording Of his ritual’s the wind, my heart’s his cup. light is information.... And will the space of time I hold him To light a candle, is to cast a shadow.... Someday be measured up, finished? dual life, let´s live.


Master of Arts in Master of Divinity Buddhist Studies (MA) (MDiv)

™ Understand Buddhist philosophy in ™ Apply in-depth training in Buddhist Tibetan & Western scholastic contexts thought to one’s life and communities ™ Study the greatest texts and thinkers ™ Train in a systems theory approach in the history of Buddhist thought in to transforming suffering India and Tibet ™ Develop and articulate a personal ™ Meditate in a range of Buddhist theology and nurture a spiritual techniques worldview in others ™ Experience the integration of ™ Strengthen leadership skills Buddhist concepts in service to Apply and communicate appropriate communities ™ meditation methodologies ™ Translate Classical Tibetan with Prepare for Chaplaincy or other Western scholars and Tibetan masters ™ professional work as agents of positive ™ Opportunities for Tantra studies change in the world


Photo: Venerable Lama Thubten Zopa Rinpoche (r), Spiritual Director of the FPMT, with Yangsi Rinpoche (l), Geshe Lharampa & President of Maitripa College; taken on Mount Hood on the occasion of Lama Zopa’s visit to Maitripa College in Portland, Oregon ~ Photo by Marc Sakamoto


Lama Zopa Rinpoche requests that “students who read Mandala pray that the students whose obituaries follow find a perfect human body, meet a Mahayana guru and become enlightened quickly, or be born in a pure land where the teachings exist and they can become enlightened.” Reading these obituaries also helps us reflect upon our own death and rebirth – and so use our lives in the most meaningful way. Advice and Practices for Death and Dying is available from the Foundation Store www.fpmt.org/shop

Amy Levitin, 41, died in Montague, Massachusetts, next. She diligently worked her way through the list so USA, August 20, 2010, of breast cancer that within a few months she was fulfilling all the advice. By Wendy Cook She offered naga pujas on certain days and even grew my Levitin connected delphiniums in her garden that she loved so much in order Awith the FPMT in to have the blue flowers required for the puja. 1993, the first year that As the time went by her attitude completely changed Geshe Tsulga-la was resi- from being scared to accepting her situation and using it to dent at Milarepa Center for practice. Her husband Bob said she worked very hard trans- the summer. She turned up, forming her mind and it showed. She was a huge inspiration. as if out of nowhere, and She and I exchanged many emails and phone calls. offered to cook, which, One time, perhaps about eight months before she died, she according to Martha Tack said that she just wanted to stay well enough in order to and Larry Howe, was exactly keep practicing and do a long retreat. what the center needed. Ten days before she died, she wrote in an email: “I Amy attended Geshe-la’s don’t feel depressed at all. It’s just odd to be this debilitated commentary on the Lam-rim Chenmo during that summer – everything takes so long to do and I finish my morning every single night for three months. What an auspicious practices by 5 P.M.! ... I’m getting lovely inspiration from beginning. the DVD Unmistaken Child.” Amy received her Masters in Oriental Medicine during In her last email four days before she passed she wrote: the late ’90s and opened an acupuncture business where she “I had a vision that if I recuperated enough I would open took great care to provide a healing and nurturing space for up a soup kitchen in downtown Holyoke, MA, an area of her clients. Her colleague described how there was a large both low and medium incomes, that offered free soup to closet where there was room for a filing cabinet and not the homeless, but that those with the means would pay.” much else. Yet Amy utilized the space to set up a meditation She wanted so strongly to serve and benefit others. cushion and altar and took great care to keep the whole A few days before she died she was having difficulty space beautiful and clean. doing her practice, the oxygen mask was in the way and Amy called me early in January 2008 to tell me she her glasses fogged up. She asked Bob to slowly read had breast cancer and that it had already metastasized. She Rinpoche’s Dealing with Cancer from the Lama Yeshe was scared, agitated and teary. I suggested she write to Lama Wisdom Archive. Amy had been uncomfortable and Zopa Rinpoche and several months later she received a long agitated due to her physical condition, but as she listened list of advice. At first she was overwhelmed, but decided to to her husband, she was able to meditate and became tackle the pieces of advice one at a time, getting comfort- more and more happy, smiling and relaxed. It turned out able with one practice or mantra before moving onto the that this was the last practice she did before dying quietly

60 MANDALA January - March 2011 and peacefully in her own home. Three of us were able to good state of mind, because a few days ago after Ven. be by her bed within a few hours to perform Medicine Michael went to visit him, he sent a message back Buddha puja, King of Prayers and the recommended acknowledging the prayers and all the advice. He said that powerful mantras. he would keep that advice in his heart and that he I miss Amy, my Dharma sister and fellow nyung nä constantly remembered me praying for him. That warrior! And yet am hugely grateful to her amazingly strong acknowledgement shows that his mind was in a good and clear example on how to die with compassion and place. He also personally thanked me for keeping him in refuge in one’s heart. my prayers, and emphasized that he had kept my advice in mind, and believed in it 100%. That is a good sign. You can read Dealing with Cancer on the Lama Yeshe Wisdom Archive: www.lamayeshe.com The fact that he said that just three days ago, and then passed away so soon after, shows that he had a good state Jack Haynes, 57, died in Melbourne, Australia, of mind. Actually just a month ago, soon after he was August 31, 2010, of melanoma diagnosed with the disease, he came to see me and we had By Julie Henchman and Tara Institute a long meeting. At that time he said, ‘Even though I have ack first came into contact with Lama Yeshe in 1976, been diagnosed with this illness, I really don’t have any Jwhich started a lifelong interest in the Dharma. Jack was worries.’ He commented, ‘Getting this news of my illness instrumental in helping build the first structure on Kangaroo has confirmed that love and compassion is really the Island, which is now a beautiful essence. That is something that is very clear – really it all retreat center [De-tong Ling comes down to just love and compassion. That is the basis Retreat Centre]. and the very essence of everything, and it has dawned He was a really creative upon me very clearly now.’” person who built a mud brick house with his wife Some of Jack’s music can be found at www.myspace.com/thesupertronics Jennie for their family in Daylesford. Jack undertook many varied artistic ventures Gemma Sin Ribot, 54, died in Barcelona, Spain, such as making silver jewelry, September 23, 2010, of cancer bone carvings and stunning By Joan Solana and Kiko Segura oil paintings. ur most dear friend, Gemma Sin, a good practitioner Jack loved playing guitar Oand great artist, well known in Barcelona in the ’80s and performed in many bands over four decades; his fellow as a painter, passed away musicians will miss his talent. He sold imported goods in peacefully some weeks ago. Melbourne from his travels overseas. He was also running She shared her last his own business making beautiful hand-crafted timber months with her Dharma furniture. friends. We all were deeply After a gallant battle, Jack succumbed to cancer. He touched by her serene, will be missed for the many intelligent, philosophical and peaceful, kind and shining spiritual conversations he loved to have with friends. He contagious bliss that inspired always came back to his beloved Buddhism and had a many of us to increase the picture of Lama Yeshe on his altar. intensity and depth of our At the teaching with Geshe Doga the night Jack died, own Dharma practice. Her Geshe Doga asked the students to recite The Heart trust and refuge in the Sutra and The Eight Verses of Mind Training for Jack. Dharma was quite obvious. Her last days were clearly spent Geshe-la said, “I have a feeling that he passed away in a in peace with everybody, establishing a kind, warm, smiling

January - March 2011 MANDALA 61 Your COMMUNITY connection with everybody, even though she was suffering through the retreat, I noticed how much younger and with pain and extreme weakness. A precious gift of inspi- radiant he looked. Indeed, he seemed to have miraculously ration for whoever had contact with her. Thank you, shredded his wrinkles and lost his stoop. Gemma! Please, be well! He was continually appreciative of the retreat’s smooth running. Of Ven. Tendron, the retreat organizer, he had Dieu Van Nguyen, 68, died in Asheville, North Carolina, commented, “She is always smiling!” USA, September 26, 2010, after being struck by a car Through him, I am reminded again and again how By Oi Loon Lee blessed we are to be in a country where we could get first met Dieu Van Nguyen in the gompa of Light of the Buddhist teachings freely. He was quite sad that his wife was IPath in North Carolina on the evening of September 12, still in Vietnam. He also mentioned that he had been in the 2010. I sat down on the cushion next to him. It was obvious States in the 1970s taking a university course. He believed he was having difficulty following the puja, so I helped him that had he stayed back, he would have been “successful” like through the retreat prayer text. Dieu was obviously grateful many of his countrymen who had stayed on in the States. and asked that I sit with him throughout the retreat. It was However, he said, “I am fortunate I went back. I would not a request that I am happy have turned to Dharma if I had not suffered enough.” now to have fulfilled. At the end of the retreat, on September 26, 2010, Dieu Dieu had moved to said in reply to my expressed hope we meet again next year, stay with his daughter in “I hope so. One never knows. Impermanence.” Texas from Vietnam a few That same evening, Dieu was hit by a car as he months ago. He had read attempted to cross the road to the bus station in Asheville. about Lama Zopa Rinpoche I hope his family would find solace in the knowledge that from the FPMT website he had lived the last two weeks of his life in the presence of and written to Ven. Holly his guru and his body, speech and mind had only been filled Ansett expressing his wish with virtuous deeds. to meet Rinpoche. To his delight, Rinpoche sent Donald Wackerly, 41, executed by lethal injection in him a reply. Later, when McAlester, Oklahoma, USA, October 14, 2010 he found out that Lama Zopa Rinpoche was in Deer Park By Ven. Thubten Chokyi receiving teachings from Geshe Sopa, he took a bus from on had been a student of Liberation Prison Project Dallas to Deer Park, Madison. He persistently sat the whole Dsince 2006. Supported by two FPMT students who day in Rinpoche’s residence. Finally, in the evening, Lama corresponded with Don, he regularly practiced and studied Zopa Rinpoche called him in. He told me that Lama Zopa over the past five years. He was also supported by Ven. Rinpoche had given him refuge and teachings that night, Thubten Chodron, and Sangha from Sravasti Abbey, and adding that it had taken four hours and he had been on his took refuge in October 2009. knees the whole time! At Light of the Path, Dieu was elated A few months before his when Rinpoche recognized him. death, Don wrote, “I feel that I Over the course of the retreat, my respect for this have wasted most of my life and 68-year-old Vietnamese man grew as did our friendship. just pray for a second chance so Dieu had some difficulties with his hearing as well with I can be of benefit to others, do English. Nevertheless, he paid keen attention throughout the good and hopefully be able to teachings, taking copious notes and giving me a thumbs-up spread the Dharma.” several times. He really liked the teachings on emptiness Don was eager to share what and he took the opportunity to check with Ven. René Feusi he had learned in the Dharma, but about his understanding of it. Dieu would joke with me, recognized his understanding was telling me I had been his mother before, implying that was very limited. His wish was to be why I was still looking after him! One night, midway able to physically attend a place

62 MANDALA January - March 2011 like Maitripa College, to gain more understanding and be time with him and help him prepare for death. Don retook able to better benefit people when asked about the Dharma. refuge and precepts a few hours before he died. He had He had recently encouraged one of his fellow inmates who planned to use his final two minute statement to generate asked him about the Dharma to write to LPP and Sravasti bodhichitta and chant OM MANI PADME HUM as long as he to get qualified advice. He was delighted that his Dharma had breath to do so. He accomplished both of those things friends outside were attending Light on the Path with Lama and turned and smiled at the viewing gallery just before the Zopa Rinpoche, who he described as a “wonderful human drugs were administered. being.” At the time of death, his spiritual adviser and the geshe Over the last few months, in particular, Don often were permitted to chant mantras in the observation gallery, found it tough to keep going. However, he was determined and were chanting OM MANI PADME HUM throughout, along to “never give up … until enlightenment.” Ven. Tsepal from with Don. His spiritual adviser was allowed to spend time Chenrezig Institute visited him about six weeks before his with him immediately after death to perform rituals, and death and remarked how he was focused on his practice, gave him instructions for not being afraid, to let go and to understandably anxious, but relatively calm. take a precious human rebirth. He then read the King of In the last weeks of his life, he received enormous Prayers. He was able to do all these things due to the support from Buddhists of all traditions, worldwide. Many kindness of the prison staff and chaplain. pujas, retreats, mantra recitations and daily prayers and “May I be fortunate to be able to repay the kindness in practices were dedicated for Don. He had the opportunity my future lives,” Don wrote in a letter, “I pray that if I am to plan for his death. It is an inspiration for us all to get executed, may I be the last one.” ◆ ourselves ready for death when it comes. In his last week, Don’s spiritual adviser, Ven. Jampel Please see page 31 for a list of recommended resources for from Sravasti Abbey and Geshe Dorje were able to spend helping others at the time of death.

ust when Mandala was going to print, Jwe received the sad news that Kurukulla Center’s longtime resident teacher Geshe Tsulga (Tsultrim Choephel) passed away 21 November after dealing with liver cancer for two years. Geshe-la was born in Kham in 1939, ordained at seven and entered Sera Monastery at seventeen. In 1959 he fled the Chinese occupation, stayed His Holiness the Dalai Lama with at the Buxa refugee Geshe Tsulga earlier this year. camp in West Bengal for a decade, then went to Bylakuppe in south India to help build Sera in exile. In 1988, he graduated geshe lharampa with highest honors at the top of his class. Geshe-la came to America in 1992 and since 1995 has been fulltime teacher at Kurukulla Center. A detailed obituary will appear in the next issue of Mandala.

January - March 2011 MANDALA 63 From the Vault:

Since 1987, Mandala has served as FPMT’s official publication, bringing topical stories, teachings, news and advice to FPMT’s growing family. The Mandala archive is filled with many treasures: articles, artifacts and images that remain relevant and inspiring year after year. In this section, we will publish some of our favorites from the Mandala archive.

Home TruthsBy Adèle Hulse From Mandala September-October 1995

he British health and beauty expert mechanism is not even up to the volume of material being Leslie Kenton (Kopan ‘76) once directed at it, “like the dog eats meat.” Sometimes I choke jokingly told author Vicki Mackenzie and stuff and work my throat like a Strasbourg goose at (The Boy Lama, Reborn in the West) the daily force-feed. Do not shudder – I am not the only that she would be a lot more successful person with strong animal habits in my mind. But let’s if she wrote a book about meditation stick to food or we’ll never get anywhere. I have never been techniques that taught people how to bulimic and am not attracted to the condition. (If I were, lose weightT off their thighs than all this stuff about reincar- I wouldn’t be fat.) nation. And of course she is right. Eating, sex, alcohol, drugs are all about instant satis- Your columnist has just come back from a health faction. But the joke is, of course, they don’t bring any check-up with a doctor who made me stand on the scales satisfaction at all – you only end up hungry for more. for the first time in about five years and revealed that in … There are several stories about Lama Yeshe and that time I have added twenty kilos of flesh to my naturally students with eating problems. One Western girl in India light frame. “It would be good,” he said slowly and plainly, refused to eat for a long time and was very thin and ascetic. “if you very slowly lost some of that. You are an intelligent She was full of pure disgust for her plump businessman woman, I don’t have to tell you how.” father who turned up in town one day and had a wonderful Well, girls and boys, as a magazine-loving baby- lunch with Lama. Lama turned to the girl and said, “You boomer fed the fake mantra that slim is holy, let me tell should practice to become like your father, he is a good you that this will not be the first diet I have entered on, but man. Eat!” She was very surprised. it will be the first time I’ve done it for my health – and for On the other hand, Lama roundly criticized some my mind. In the past it was always for vanity – so I could students who got too fat and set several specific diets and wear those pants, fling myself around in high heels, cause exercise routines. He had a total understanding of food, was men to get a steam-up about me, performing (that is, a magnificent cook and a hearty eater. Many old students competing) with the ladies who lunch (but NEVER get fat!). will never forget his American passion for cheesecake. He Five years ago I was whippet slim. Now I meet old served food to his students like an Italian mama, always acquaintances and the women smile and are silent and the men offering more. say, “Gosh, you’ve put some on, haven’t you.” I figure the Anyone who saw Lama Yeshe and Lama Zopa rejoinder is “Gosh, you’ve got old, haven’t you,” but restrain Rinpoche eating together saw the warm, effusive, hospitable myself just in time and duly bow my head in well-earned and plump Lama Yeshe serving up second helpings while shame. Fat people do not get respect in Western society. Rinpoche sat sparrow-boned and bowed over his food, For whatever reasons – and I can probably come up praying. “Eat, Zopa, eat!” Lama would say. with a dozen – I have spent the past five years using food So now it is up to me to unravel my fearful greed for as a form of instant satisfaction. I have begun to observe in food. I have to go back to the lam-rim and consider the my mania that I eat quickly, that often my swallowing nature of this hungry body. I know all the stuff about think

64 MANDALA January - March 2011 of food like shit, and think of how many creatures died to hands over his fully blessed untouched plate with great bring it to you (especially if it’s vegetarian), but I keep pleasure. forgetting every time I see a plate of cakes. Then there’s Precepts, when you only eat at lunch time. I think of Rinpoche offering his food for so long some- Whoever got fat on Precepts? Only on those days is eating times on shorter airline flights hostesses have finished clearing finally special for me and those long free afternoons and for landing and he hasn’t even started eating. Apparently he evenings like a holiday. That’s real satisfaction. ◆

Adèle Hulse is an Australian journalist, a long-time student of Lama Yeshe and Lama Zopa Rinpoche, and author of the authorized biography of Lama Yeshe, Big Love, to be published by the Lama Yeshe Wisdom Archive in 2011. Her column, Home Truths, ran in Mandala from 1995 to 1999. Please visit Mandala’s Facebook page for regularly updated links to some of Mandala’s best articles from past issues. The Beginnings of Mandala

The precursor to FPMT International Office e-News and postcursor to Wisdom Magazine, a monthly handmade “zine” called Central Office News, featured updates, events and teachings from FPMT centers around the world. Central Office News ran for roughly two years. The next formal organizational communications piece, a sixteen- page newspaper called Blissful Rays of the Mandala, debuted in 1987 and quickly became known as simply, Mandala.

January - March 2011 MANDALA 65 FPMT News Around the WORLD

This section is devoted to reporting and sharing the successes and struggles, stories and future plans of FPMT centers, projects and services. International Projects letters and visits. Most are experienced the world, while the LPP coordination LYWA’S NEW HOME FPMT students themselves. There are team based at Vajrayana Institute in By Nick Ribush around 800 regular students engaging Sydney, Australia, will offer guidance with Dharma practice and study via and support to any FPMT center LPP at any one time. interested in incorporating the Libera- LPP was founded in 1996 by Ven. tion Prison Project program into their Robina Courtin, who guided the project social service activities. with strength and vision for many Centers who wish to offer support to local years. The success of LPP is also due to prisoners using the LPP model can contact Ven. Thubten Chokyi: the many staff and volunteers who [email protected] have tirelessly devoted their time and Prisoner students can continue to write to energy to ensure the continuity of the LPP post box address in San Francisco providing Dharma to prisoners. as usual. Lama Zopa Rinpoche blessing Walden Pond The students are the heart and After fourteen years of operating out inspiration of the prison project. We ENLIGHTENMENT FOR of various rented premises, thanks have received many amazing stories of THE DEAR ANIMALS to an inexpressibly kind benefactor, their determination to use their time By Tania Duratovic and Phil Hunt the Lama Yeshe Wisdom Archive in prison to develop their Dharma (LYWA) now has its own home in practice, to study, to transform their Lincoln, Massachusetts, USA, a Boston minds and to turn their lives suburb, not far from the famous around. Many LPP students take Walden Pond. refuge and bodhisattva vows, study Lama Zopa Rinpoche and his FPMT Education courses and under- entourage stayed there during Rin- take retreat while in prison. LPP con- poche’s recent trip to Boston, which tinues to provide Dharma support was a huge blessing for all of us and a post-release. great joy. While there, Rinpoche also Currently, many FPMT centers in blessed Walden’s waters (and the next various countries offer the LPP Puppy with mended leg day Ven. Roger and I went for a swim program to local prisoners – including Enlightenment for the Dear Animals and soaked up the vibes!) Australia, Italy, Mexico, Mongolia, (EFDA) has been busy on a number of www.lamayeshe.com Spain, New Zealand and USA – and fronts recently. In Dharamsala, we would like to invite more centers to support was given to Tibet Charity to LPP MOVING INTO THE FUTURE offer the LPP program. To streamline buy veterinary surgical instruments By Ven. Thubten Chokyi LPP’s administrative functions and and a humane dog trap to assist Since its inception in 1996, Libera- make its services sustainable long into them with their animal birth control tion Prison Project (LPP) has the future, our focus now is to and health care program. In lower provided spiritual advice and 200,000 encourage more and more FPMT Dharamsala, EFDA assisted FPMT Dharma books and practice materials centers to take an active role in offering teacher Jimi Neal in liberating some to over 20,000 prisoners, their families the tried and tested LPP prisoner sheep for the long lives of His Holiness and mentors, prison libraries and support program as part of their the Dalai Lama, Lama Zopa Rinpoche chaplains. More than simply a penpal community outreach activities. and Khadro-la. Donations were given service, LPP has 150 corresponding The wonderful team of LPP to MAITRI’s Animal Care Program in and visiting Dharma friends world- volunteers will continue to support the Bodhgaya, India and to the Animal wide who help guide students through activities of the prison program around Liberation Sanctuary, Nepal. EFDA

66 MANDALA January - March 2011 also conducted extensive research and QUEENSLAND prepared a comprehensive report into GARDEN OF ENLIGHTENMENT shelter and care of farmed animals to OFFICIALLY OPENED assist the Animal Liberation Sanctuary. By Maureen Walshe Donations and support were also given On a beautiful secluded site surrounded to a Buddhist dog rescue and outreach by tropical Queensland rainforest and operation in Santa Cruz, USA. A part of Chenrezig Institute, a tranquil brochure in English and in Spanish has garden has emerged. A towering central been produced and a number of development of eight large stupas on awareness raising stalls in Australia and the roof of a shrine building elaborately the USA have been held. decorated in Tibetan Buddhist style Work is proceeding on the Great Stupa. EFDA traveled to Vilnius, Lithuania strikes quite a contrast in the Sunshine and Ljubljana, Slovenia to conduct the Coast hinterland. Many smaller stupas Universal Compassion, being built first Buddhist animal blessings in these and niches containing the ashes of those near Bendigo, Australia, is almost 20 countries. In between, there have been who have passed away are placed meters (65 feet) above the ground. This many random acts of providing animals throughout the landscaped gardens, is about 40% of the total height. When with shelter and Dharma ranging from along water features, or under trees. The finished, it will be the largest stupa in the whales killed in the Faroe Islands to Garden of Enlightenment was offi- the Western World. Our next target is homeless cats on streets in Croatia to cially opened on October 29, officiated to make the bottom of the Great Stupa run over deer in the USA. by Geshe Lobsang Jamyang and the weather-tight by April next year when www.enlightenmentforanimals.org monks and nuns of Chenrezig Institute. Rinpoche will present his month-long Although the garden is beautiful, Australian teaching inside the Great Australia Chenrezig Institute acknowledges that Stupa [April 2 – 30]. NEW SOUTH WALES the garden’s construction isn’t simply In the meantime we have a giant KADAM SHARAWA INSTITUTE to provide visitors with something [2.7 meter] Jade Buddha statue By Jill Grosche pretty to enjoy. The main purpose of touring the world. The Jade Buddha Kadam Sharawa is probably the smallest the garden is to provide those who for Universal Peace has been carved FPMT center in Australia but we have have passed away, as well as those who from a rare boulder of translucent jade been active on the Central Coast since have lost loved ones, an opportunity to (“Polar Pride”). Recommended by 2001. The center has a small but dedi- create the causes for enlightenment. Rinpoche to tour the world, the Jade cated group of students who have a Fifteen years in the making, this Buddha began in Vietnam in March great sense of community. beautiful and inspiring setting, created 2009. From there it has traveled to We are currently on our fourth mostly by volunteers, is a must-see for Australia, Canada and currently USA round of Discovering Buddhism. Current all visitors. Many people have a rather where it will travel until May 2011. students (anywhere from 10-20) have dry view of the way conventional The Jade Buddha then goes on a ship thoroughly enjoyed Masters Program crematorium gardens function, and they to Europe where it will visit Germany, graduate Wai Cheong’s presentation of see the Garden of Enlightenment as a France, Sweden, Norway and Eng- the course. Student Peter Khoury had real alternative that is a lot more personal land. In late 2011 the Jade Buddha the following to say, “The course has and familiar for them. “This is where I will travel to Asia. Already close to five provided me with both a body of know- want to end up,” is a common response. million people have come to see the ledge and a set of meditation practices www.chenrezig.com.au Jade Buddha and with the world tour to navigate through the ups and downs expected to last for another five or six of daily life.” VICTORIA years we believe the Jade Buddha will Kadam Sharawa is offering Buddhism GREAT STUPA OF UNIVERSAL fulfill Rinpoche’s vision that “it will in a Nutshell approximately three times COMPASSION AND JADE BUDDHA illuminate the world.” FOR PEACE UPDATE a year. Students have been able to The Great Stupa of Universal Compassion: graduate on to Discovering Buddhism By Ian Green www.stupa.org.au from this introductory course. The top of the enormous galvanized The Jade Buddha of Universal Peace: www.kadamsharawa.org steel trusses of the Great Stupa of www.jadebuddha.org.au

January - March 2011 MANDALA 67 FPMT News Around the WORLD

THUBTEN SHEDRUP LING England France MONASTERY GROWING MAITREYA PROJECT RELIC GESHE SONAM By Ven. Thubten Gyatso TOUR VISITS LEEDS, UK VISITS NALANDA MONASTERY Thubten Shedrup Ling (TSL) Jamyang Buddhist Centre Leeds By Ven. Tenzin Yonten Monastery is now 14 years old and our (JBCL) was too small to accommodate The Nalanda community was very community is steadily growing. We now the Maitreya Project Relic Tour this happy to welcome Geshe Sonam this have five resident monks, two or three year, which is one reason it ended up at August. Geshe Sonam was invited part-time residents, a resident lama the Leeds City Museum–agrand from Sera Je Monastery to take up the [Geshe Konchok Tsering, see Mandala Victorian building in the city center, role as teacher of the Basic Program July-September 2010] and a very noisy from September 3-5. We didn’t have the during the study retreat of our abbot, one-winged galah. We’re beginning money to hire the museum (it would Geshe Jamphel. After the small but phase two of our original building have cost thousands of pounds sterling) plan: an eight-bedroom accommodation but it just so happened that the curator block and a large, two-story building of community history was running complete with a proper gompa, three Faith in the City, a project in which guest rooms downstairs and two self- different religious groups ran various live contained apartments upstairs to events at the museum. The Maitreya accommodate our abbot, Lama Zopa Project Relic Tour provided a fitting Rinpoche and other visiting lamas. grand finale to that series of events. Council bureaucracy permitting The relics were displayed in a bare, (it’s enough to make a grown monk circular room some 20 meters across weep!), we hope to have the accommo- and 20 meters in height, with a first- dation block finished in time for next floor balcony. Five giant screens hung April when Lama Zopa Rinpoche and from the domed ceiling. It just so Geshe Sonam many visitors will be here for a one- happened that one of JBCL’s volunteers usual challenges of obtaining a visa for month retreat of teachings and initia- is a professional set designer working France, Geshe Sonam finally arrived at tions. It would be wonderful to have the in television, and her inspired design Nalanda. There is no doubt that we second building completed by then as evoked a Tibetan temple. A three- have been blessed with a special young well, but we have not yet received good meter high print of Maitreya was teacher (32 years old) of the highest news from Tara and the Lotto God, to installed, back-lit on a dais. The screens caliber, and add to that his warmth whom many prayers are directed. showed a slowly-changing PowerPoint and openness, it is making the three Although few in number, the presentation of the relics and previous months he can stay with us far too monks do an amazing number of Maitreya Project Relic Tour events. short, and truly memorable. things: building and gardening at the Over fifty people gave time, The Basic Program will start its monastery and Atisha Centre; teaching professional skills, money, and even fourth year in January with our incom- at Atisha Centre and other venues volunteered help from their non- parable teacher and Abbot Geshe around the state of Victoria, and at Buddhist colleagues, friends and Losang Jamphel. other FPMT centers in Australia; relatives in order to make it all happen. visiting prisoners; counseling people in New students are always welcome, and The curator asked, “How many people can request an application form and need of Buddhist advice; as well as do you think will come?” Well, at least schedule at www.nalanda-monastery.eu their own study and practices. We are the volunteers! We shrugged our busy and harmonious, with a laid-back shoulders, crossed our fingers and GANAPATI STATUE AND TEMPLE Antipodean approach that makes life made prayers. In the end, the relics AT NALANDA MONASTERY at TSL Monastery most agreeable and were visited by nearly 3,000 people. By Ven. Tenzin Yonten worthwhile. www.jamyangleeds.co.uk Ganapati, who is in essence Chenrezig www.tslmonastery.org www.maitreyaproject.org/en/relic but with an elephant face like that of

68 MANDALA January - March 2011 The Foundation of Buddhist Thought

A correspondence course that provides a structured approach to deepen your knowledge and practice of Tibetan Buddhism.

Established in 1999 and recently updated, it has over 600 graduates worldwide. This precious two-year course offers study, supportive tutors, Q & A sessions, meditation, learning activities and online discussion.

Geshe Tashi Tsering, Jamyang Buddhist Centre’s resident teacher and course creator, is renowned for making Buddhism accessible and relevant to modern day life.

Courses start every 4 months in January, May and September. For more information and to apply, visit: www.buddhistthought.org

This course is part of the Foundation for the Preservation of the Mahayana Tradition www.fpmt.org

FBT graduates can continue their studies by joining Geshe Tashi's Lamrim Chenmo correspondence course FPMT News Around the WORLD

it was announced that the purpose of Ganesh, manifested in this aspect to the visit was to attend meetings of the relieve the poverty of sentient beings. Tibetan Government in Exile and no Lama Zopa Rinpoche has said that public teachings would be given, we creating such a statue and a special could not miss such a precious oppor- temple for it in the grounds of tunity to see our guru. On August 31, Nalanda will help bring in the neces- a group of 25 Choe Khor Sum Ling sary resources for all of Nalanda’s members set off to Bylakuppe to attend future building projects. a long life puja for His Holiness. MAITRI leads awareness campaigns about A team of volunteers are working leprosy in preparation for World Leprosy Day 2011 The puja was held on September hard to transform the old fire puja 3 in Sera Monastery and attended by place next to the tsa-tsa house into the TB, malaria, etc. MAITRI now mainly hundreds of devotees. temple which will house the statue. prevents the development of defor- www.cksl.in The roof has already been completely mities, provides rehabilitation services renewed, the tiles cleaned up and the and manages awareness campaigns in a INAUGURATION OF NEW HIMALAYAN ceiling re-done. It is due to be completed much wider area than before. The role MEDITATION BUDDHIST CENTRE by the end of the year. of MAITRI’s hospital has become From the team at HBMC: Bertrand – the sculptor who also more important as people from distant created the large Tara statue now at areas come to know MAITRI’s staff O.Sel.Ling in Spain – finished his and reputation. On World Leprosy Day, January life-size Ganapati statue a couple of Bone relic of months ago. This was carefully taken, 30, we will celebrate with a special Thangtong in pieces, to a foundry in Barcelona, health education program comprising Gyalpo features the display of posters, the distribution a self-emanating where a copy five times bigger in size is image of being made. We expect this new statue of leaflets and speeches carried out Chenrezig to arrive at Nalanda in February 2011, throughout 15 to18 provinces by two when it will be housed in the new jeeps equipped with loudspeakers. We’ll temple. visit 80 to 90 villages with a combined This project has been made possible population of approximately 350,000. thanks to the kindness of a major At the same time, we run our Bodhgaya Khenrinpoche Lama Lhundrup, abbot benefactor, who has sponsored it stall all day, representing several govern- of Kopan Monastery, kindly taught following the recommendation of her ment services and displaying a banner around 100 people, mostly Tibetans, guru, Lama Zopa Rinpoche. May it generously provided by the district who attended the inauguration of the bring great benefit to the sponsor, and leprosy officer. Himalayan Buddhist Meditation Center (HBMC) in Patan, Kathmandu. not just to Nalanda, but also to the MAITRI encourages all FPMT centers to FPMT as a whole and to all beings. organize an event on World Leprosy He expressed his happiness to see so www.nalanda-monastery.eu Day, January 30, 2011, to collect merit, many Tibetans from the nearby prayers and financial resources for people suffering from leprosy. Tibetan Camp, after which he mainly India www.maitri-bodhgaya.org taught on emptiness. The inaugura- MAITRI TO CELEBRATE tion ended with a blessing by a bone WORLD LEPROSY DAY 2011 CHOE KHOR SUM LING relic of the famous yogi Thangtong By Adriana Ferranti VISITS HIS HOLINESS Gyalpo. A major change occurred in MAITRI’s By Darima Daribazaron This precious relic, which belongs to relationship with the Indian govern- From August 31 to September 3, His the family of the HBMC’s director ment in 2002 when leprosy treatment Holiness the Dalai Lama was on official Wangchuk Lama, shows a self-emanating was integrated in the primary health visit to the Tibetan settlement of image of Chenrezig. Thangtong Gyalpo services along with other diseases like Bylakuppe in South India. Even though lived in the 14th century and was a great

70 MANDALA January - March 2011 Buddhist yogi said to have built 58 iron visited Denma Lochö Rinpoche, Dagri 21 TARA STATUES AT TUSHITA chain suspension bridges around Tibet Rinpoche, Khadro-la and His Holiness By Linda Lowry and Bhutan, several of which are still in the Karmapa for Dharma talks and Towards the end of June, 21 Tara use today. Also, he is considered the discussions. Every time I was more statues arrived at Tushita Meditation father of Tibetan opera. impressed with the students’ compre- Centre, Dharamsala, India, from We hope that at its new location, hension and their knowledge of the Nepal. In early July, Lama Zopa HBMC will be successful in reaching a Tibetan language. Their grasp of both Rinpoche also arrived at Tushita to do wide public of Tibetans, Nepalese, colloquial language and Dharma a retreat. We were so fortunate that expats and tourists with its various vocabulary is good, yet they continue Rinpoche remained with us for five Dharma activities. to study till perfection. weeks. Rinpoche advised every step of www.fpmt-hbmc.org Six students are going to use their the way during the Tara preparation. Tibetan interpreting skills to help All 21 Taras were filled with microfilm LRZTP 5 FINISHES SUCCESSFULLY FPMT centers: Ven. Dechen (Shakya- of the four dharmakaya relic mantras. By Tim Van der Haegen muni Center, Taiwan, where she will Dagri Rinpoche and Khadro-la were On October 15, 2010, the first start a new LRZTP program); Ven. invited to fill the main Tara statue. part of Lotsawa Rinchen Zangpo Khedup (Nalanda Monastery, France); One afternoon, Rinpoche took Rosario Verra (Istituto Lama out a bag of pearls which had been Tzong Khapa, Italy), Beatrice recently offered to him in Hong Kong. Guibert (Chokyi Gyaltsen Center, The crowd looked on in disbelief as Malaysia) and Sangmo (Chan- the Rinpoches climbed up into the drakirti Centre, New Zealand). cabinets to personally offer the pearls There are four remaining to each Tara. Lama Zopa Rinpoche students who we are hoping to guided everyone present as the pearls place in an FPMT center as soon were offered to visualize that they as possible. themselves were also offering the All students will formally pearls. graduate from the LRZTP once www.tushita.info

LRZTP 5 received teachings in Tibetan they complete the second part of from Khadro-la the program: working as an inter- Japan Translator Program (LRZTP) 5, after preter in an FPMT center for two DO NGAK SUNG JUK RECEIVES VISIT two years of classroom study in years. FROM GESHE SHERAB Dharamsala, India, finished with a The next program, LRZTP 6, is By Doc O’Connor-Nemoto humble but heartfelt thanking likely to start in October 2011 in Do Ngak Sung Juk was blessed with ceremony to all those involved: teachers Dharamsala, India. Priority for places a month-long visit by Geshe Thubten (Gen Sherab Dargye and Teresa on LRZTP is given to students who Sherab from September 7 to October Bianca), students, conversation partners are being sponsored by an FPMT 7. It was Geshe-la’s first visit to Japan and staff. There were lots of smiles and center to train as an interpreter and some tears of joy. return to that center. Any student The last two months were marked graduating from the classroom section by a more relaxed atmosphere, dissolving of the LRZTP is committed to inter- memories of hardship and frustration. pret for an FPMT center (as long as a As Beatrice, a French student, once suitable placement is available). put: “The two years at LRZTP is Please start thinking now whether tougher than two years retreat.” But by 2013 your center is likely to have a she, together with nine others, didn’t resident geshe and need a qualified give up. The students were able to interpreter. attend teachings of His Holiness the Small group after the completion of the nyung nä on September 17-20. Big smiles because Dalai Lama on three different occasions Please contact Tim Van der Haegen with questions about the next program at we finished/survived and we ate breakfast! in those last two months. We also [email protected] Photo by Thubten Kalden.

January - March 2011 MANDALA 71 FPMT News Around the WORLD

(we hope the first of many). He was participants led by Geshe Tenzin Zopa Mexico accompanied by Ven. Thubten Tenzin engaged in a Padmasambhava retreat. CENTRO BENGUNGYAL from Kopan Monastery. We tried to tap RJL plans to develop retreat houses By Victor Medina into Geshe-la’s extensive knowledge for long-term retreatants, a Buddhist Currently, Centro Bengungyal has with teachings on various topics. Word recreational park, the construction of a about 50 students at various levels. In quickly spread about his wonderful 12-17 story high Medicine Buddha addition to offering FPMT education teaching style and attendance increased. statue and two monasteries housing programs and meditation classes, hatha The highlight of his visit was both monks and nuns. RJL also plans yoga and tai-chi class are offered as leading seven people in a nyung nä at to put up an additional floor with six to complements to Dharma activity. We a member’s house. (The nyung nä text eight more rooms to accommodate are looking into bringing Dharma into was kindly translated into Japanese by more retreat participants and Lama prisons, performing animal liberations our amazing Takiko Ohtome-san, with Zopa Rinpoche’s private quarters. A 12- and other activities to expand the center’s help from Thubten Kalden.) It was the foot [3.5 meters] Avalokiteshrava and program and benefit more groups. first experience for six of the seven 4-foot [1.5 meters] White Dzambala We want to share that the key to participants, including a woman con- are in the works to grace the beautiful our success has been harmony and fined to a wheelchair. It’s very likely gardens. teamwork. this was the first time a nyung nä has [email protected] www.bengungyal.org been conducted in Japan. We are deeply grateful to Geshe-la 16TLB DISASTER RELIEF MISSION VEN. FABIO POZA VISITS in helping spread the Dharma in Japan By Suzie Tan NORTHERN MEXICO and hope we have created the cause for On October 30 16 To Live By (16TLB) From Centro Rinchen Zangpo and another visit soon. sent out a plea for Losang Dragpa Centre Padmasambhava Study Group: www.fpmt-japan.org members and friends to join in the From September 2 to September 13, efforts to provide relief for the victims Ven. Fabio Poza visited northern Mexico Malaysia of the flood in Ayutthaya, Thailand. where he offered teachings at Centro PADMASAMBHAVA PUJA AND The response received has been Rinchen Zangpo on the 12 links of RETREAT AT RINCHEN JAMSENG LING tremendous! Less than 12 hours after dependent origination and the four By Kieren Lim the plea was sent out, the contribu- immeasurables. tions and pledges totaled RM 20,750 [US $6,700]. The funds were used to buy medicine, water, food and other necessities. With hand to heart, 16TLB would like to sincerely thank everyone for their kindness and generosity in extending help to the flood victims in their hour of need. THANK YOU! Please visit Losang Dragpa Centre’s 16TLB Facebook page for further Students of Centro Rinchen Zangpo and updates. Padmasambhava Study Group with Ven. 85 participants attended the Guru Rinpoche Fabio Poza. retreat at Rinchen Jamseng Ling Just as Mandala was going to press Additionally, Padmasambhava we received news that Singapore's Rinchen Jamseng Ling (RJL), situated Amitabha Buddhist Center also raised S$ Study Group in Durango hosted in the sleepy town of Triang, Pahang, 18,000 [US$ 14,000] over a few days to buy several public talks on the mind and necessities for the Thai flood victims. A Malaysia was transformed into Guru complete report on these efforts can be its potential, and teachings on the six Rinpoche’s celestial palace as 85 found on www.mandalamagazine.org. paramitas.

72 MANDALA January - March 2011 The coordination of the visit was Drolma Ling Nunnery near Dharam- taught a number of Kopan courses only possible because of the team work, sala, India. over the years as well. unity and sense of closeness between www.kopan-monastery.com/ Over the past many years, Losang Centro Rinchen Zangpo and Padma- nunnery.html Namgyal Rinpoche has acquired a sambhava Study Group. Receiving large following amongst the Tamang the Dharma in our own language Kopan Monastery Enthrones community in Nepal. Thousands of facilitated our comprehension; Ven. Venerable Losang Namgyal Rinpoche people come to his teachings, and Fabio’s visit was very inspiring and of By Ani Fran hundreds have been known to take great benefit to all the students. refuge with him at a time. Rinpoche is deeply Centro Rinchen Zangpo: interested in improving the www.rinchenzangpo.org.mx Padmasambhava Study Group: lives of the local people, [email protected] and is involved in many social welfare projects for Nepal this community. For instance, KACHOE GHAKYIL LING NUNNERY he has established a Com- By Ven. Tenzin Jangsem munity Welfare Service Kachoe Ghakyil Ling Nunnery now center in Bouddhanath. has over 380 nuns, mostly from poor The center started out as a families. Through the nunnery, the place where poor people nuns have access to good quality The recently enthroned Losang Namgyal Rinpoche could get a free taxi to carry education. They primarily study On August 18 of this year, Losang family members who died to the Buddhist philosophy, but language Namgyal, senior monk, translator and cremation grounds. This was such a classes for Tibetan, Nepali and English, teacher was officially enthroned at completely new concept, as previously as well as science and math classes are Kopan Monastery, following advice people had to carry their dead loved also available. Additionally, we have by His Holiness the Dalai Lama. ones on a stretcher over long distances about 15 nuns who are trained and In 1976, at the age of 6, he was as no taxis were prepared to transport skilled in making many different types recognized by the 16th Karmapa as the dead bodies. of incense. incarnation of Lopen Maila Kaji His enthronement was a joyous The existing facilities are unable Tamang, the 4th lineage holder of this occasion for all the Kopan monks and to properly accommodate the growing particular Nyingma lineage, receiving nuns. They were all involved in the number of nuns accepted to the nunnery. the name Karma Namgyal Gyurme preparation of this special day; preparing There are now six to seven nuns in Dorje Rinpoche. and decorating the gompa, offering tea each room, causing distraction from He received rabjung ordination and sweet rice during the puja, making study and meditation and contri- from His Holiness the Karmapa, and sure that everybody had a plate of buting to health problems. We will be was ordained as getsul by Serkong lunch. More than 3,000 people came to upgrading the existing facilities and Tshenshab Rinpoche, who at that time Kopan to participate in the ceremony. are currently building 130 new rooms. was residing in his monastery in The extensive Tamang community We also plan to start building a Swayambhunath. came in all their finery (even though it kitchen and dining hall. Four of our In 1980 he joined Kopan Mon- was a boiling hot day, many fur and nuns recently toured Malaysia with astery as recommended by Serkong brocade hats were seen over sweaty Khenrinpoche Lama Lhundup to help Tsenshab Rinpoche, to start his studies. brows) to make offerings, receive raise funds for the new dormitories. He has completed class ten at the Kopan blessings, and share a wonderful lunch Every year, the nuns from different school and studied philosophy for many whipped up by the Kopan kitchen. At Gelug nunneries in India and Nepal years, before becoming a translator. He the end of the day, they offered local get together for a one-month winter was resident translator at Kopan, and dances and songs to Rinpoche. debating session. This year Kachoe traveled widely to translate for many On a more mundane level, a great Ghakyil Ling Nunnery sent 42 nuns high lamas, such as Dagri Rinpoche welcome was given to the new, bright plus geshes to the hosting nunnery, and Geshe Nawang Dakpa. He has yellow, school bus for the Kopan

January - March 2011 MANDALA 73 FPMT News Around the WORLD school. Offered by incredibly kind Meij has been helping to clean the members of the FPMT center in Hong buildings in Emst. What inspires her Kong, it will be used to bring the at work is the story of Chudapanthaka, school teachers to Kopan every day, a student of the Buddha who recited and also to take the children on special “abandon dirt, abandon stains” while excursions. sweeping the temple and even became On September 13, before its first an arhat through that practice. trip, it was blessed by Khenrinpoche Besides maintaining the forest and Lama Lhundrup. It then took the senior garden, the volunteers also painted the lamas and monks to the annual rains building, repaired the roof and worked retreat picnic in a valley outside Kath- enthusiastically on finishing the new mandu. The people had a wonderful stupa. To show our appreciation to time in this very comfortable bus, and people like Johan Suijkerbuijk, an we hope the bus enjoyed this special invaluable volunteer, we organized a outing as well. thank-you picnic for all volunteers. www.kopan-monastery.com And unlike the rest of the Netherlands where it rained all day, we enjoyed a Netherlands sunny albeit windy picnic. A DHARMA SUMMER IN EMST When after our summer program By Susanne Francissen Geshe Sonam Gyaltsen resumed his Dorje Chang Institute’s recently completed We can look back at, and rejoice in a commentary on the 400 Verses of Prayer Wheel for World Peace and Geshe Wangchen, the center’s resident teacher very busy but successful summer at Aryadeva, we were pleasantly surprised Maitreya Instituut Emst. We started to see our Dharma friend Jan van to see it patiently and persistently to off with a two-week detailed com- Heeswijk again after a long and diffi- completion. mentary on Yamantaka by Geshe cult illness. He told us: “I can breathe The wheel now contains 111 Sonam Gyaltsen, which was a very again and I am very happy. I would billion OM MANI PADME HUM mantras precious and rare opportunity. This like to thank everyone for their interest on microfilm, over 500 Buddhist texts year’s lam-rim summer course was in and their prayers. It really helped me (including two complete sets of the the capable hands of Ven. Kaye Miner. in all the difficult moments.” Kangyur, one set of the Tengyur and The lam-rim group shared the center www.maitreya.nl/index.htm two complete sets of the Je Sungbum), with the students of Andy Weber, who and over 5 million other prayers and taught a thangka painting course on New Zealand mantras as advised by Rinpoche. female Buddhas. We also hosted a DORJE CHANG INSTITUTE’S PRAYER Following an article in The New seminar on non-violent communica- WHEEL FOR WORLD PEACE Zealand Herald about the new wheel, tion. Our non-violent guests requested By Ven. Gyalten Wangmo we have received inquiries and visits organic food, which led to a fruitful Dorje Chang Institute in Auckland is from the public, especially during our cooperation with a local organic very happy to have brought to com- annual Open Day, from people really farmer. pletion our Prayer Wheel for World wishing to come and see the wheel and Jan Paul Kool, one of the founders Peace which Lama Zopa Rinpoche turn it. of our center, has started handing over advised us to build. The project took Ever since the prayer wheel advice his tasks to our new colleague, Susanne a total of six and a half years to was completed, other projects at the Francissen, in preparation for retire- complete. With a strong commitment center (which before had been slow ment. to this goal, our director, Kathy and difficult to make progress with) Last year, nearly 50 volunteers Frewen, worked with our resident have been accomplished at a strikingly worked at Maitreya Institute Emst. teacher, Geshe Wangchen, and other swift pace! Since October last year, Sheila van der resident Sangha, staff and volunteers www.dci.org.nz/home.shtml

74 MANDALA January - March 2011 Slovenia programs at various levels. NAGARJUNA C.E.T. GRANADA SKYPE TEACHING www.nagarjunamadrid.org By Ven. Gloria Mallol By Mirjana Dechen One group of students from Nagar- In October, Chagna Pemo Study Nagarjuna C.E.T. Barcelona juna Granada recently completed an Group in Slovenia successfully com- By Anila Marga all-night Tara practice. They started at pleted their first Skype teaching with 8:00 P.M. and finished at 7:00 A.M. Andy Wistreich. As the study group with an incredible breakfast. does not have a regular teacher, we www.nagaryunagr.org were very happy to facilitate this. About the teaching, Andy had the following to say, “I felt very close to all the people in the room and would be The debate between Khadro-la and Geshe Jamphel delighted to do this again.” After finishing the Basic Program, Spain Nagarjuna C.E.T. Barcelona began to CENTRO DE RETIROS TUSHITA organize a three-month lam-rim retreat, By Kiko Segura a requirement to complete the program. Centro de Retiros Tushita is in the During the years the course lasted, Ven. mountains near Barcelona and Girona, Geshe Jamphel pushed us with enthu- A copy of the Tengyur was joyously welcomed Spain, and works closely with Nagar- siasm, inspiration and patience to at Centro Nagarjuna Valencia juna C.E.T. Barcelona to support the continue, but completing the retreat retreat needs of its students. For requirement was an uphill battle. CENTRO NAGARJUNA VALENCIA instance, we have offered free accom- This summer, the director of From the team at modation during the Spanish FPMT O.Sel.Ling organized a one-month Centro Nagarjuna Valencia Translation Services meetings. lam-rim retreat led by Ven. Thubten During a puja to celebrate His Holi- www.budismotibetano.net/tushita Dondrub and translated by Ven. Paloma ness the Dalai Lama’s birthday in Alba. The experience has resulted not 2009, Dagri Rinpoche said that he was NAGARJUNA C.E.T. MADRID only in our group completing part of very pleased with Centro Nagarjuna From the team at Nagarjuna their retreat requirement, but has led Valencia and the effort students are C.E.T. Madrid: to the establishment of Lama Chöpa putting into studying the Dharma. and prostrations to the 35 Buddhas as Rinpoche spontaneously expressed his a daily practice, open so that people wish to offer the center the complete can engage in the practice as a group. collection of the Buddha’s teachings At the beginning of June 2010 we and their commentaries along with the had the honor of receiving a visit from works of Lama Tsongkhapa and his Khadro-la that drew people from all two disciples. over Spain to Barcelona. We were all This summer the Ten g yu r (com- taken by her affection, simplicity and mentaries) arrived. It was a very wisdom. In addition to her advice on emotional moment as students from the Lama Zopa Rinpoche speaks with Geshe daily practice and on how to transform center carried the holy texts into the Thubten Chöden during a visit last year afflictive emotions, she took and gompa and we recited auspicious verses. Currently Nagarjuna C.E.T. Madrid answered questions with great kindness Geshe Lamsang our resident lama spoke hosts Basic Program [taught by and surprised (and delighted) us all by of the amazing benefits and blessings in Geshe Thubten Chöden], Discovering engaging in a ten minute hot debate having these texts. Buddhism and Buddhism in a Nutshell with our beloved Ven. Geshe Jamphel. www.nagarjunavalencia.com in addition to several meditation www.nagarjunabcn.org

January - March 2011 MANDALA 75 FPMT News Around the WORLD

O.SEL.LING of the Jesuit priest Ippolito Desideri From O.Sel.Ling: (1684–1733) to the Tibetan plateau. Finally after many years O.Sel.Ling The current volume is the first complete has been fortunate enough to receive a translation of Desideri’s unique account resident teacher, Ven. Jesus Revert, a of Tibet. Spanish monk who finished his geshe- Mahamudra and Related Instruc- degree at Sera Monastic University in tions is the seventh installment in the India, and who is also an experienced Library of Tibetan Classics series. Sangha perform prayers in front of the large meditator. Ksitigarbha statue on Land of Medicine Spearheaded by His Holiness the Dalai www.oseling.com Buddha’s grounds Lama’s principal English translator, Thupten Jinpa, the Library of Tibetan TEKCHEN CHÖ LING Ksitigarbha Day, inspired by the very Classics will eventually be comprised From Tekchen Chö Ling: successful Medicine Buddha Festival of thirty-two volumes. Mahamudra held annually by the center. and Related Instructions represents a This fun-filled day honors Ksitig- thousand years of profound medita- harba, the amazing bodhisattva that tion instruction. vows in particular to care for the The Studies in Indian and Tibetan beings in hell realms. The day is a fun Buddhism series is dedicated to pub- celebration in which the community lishing new contributions to scholarship celebrates the mind of helping others on Indian and Tibetan Buddhism. The and honors the generosity of this most recent volume, The Buddhist bodhisattva. Lunch is offered to all Philosophy of the Middle, is a collection Ven. Thubten Dondrub recently taught exten- attendees, along with door prizes and a of influential and groundbreaking sively throughout Spain raffle, music, dance and prayer. works from the fifty-year career of A thangka painting course has been www.landofmedicinebuddha.org David Seyfort Ruegg. initiated at Tekchen Chö Ling, This September we were honored featuring Andy Weber. This first course MASSACHUSETTS and blessed to host Lama Zopa was attended by around 21 people. WISDOM PUBLICATIONS NEWS Rinpoche along with Ven. Roger, Ven. Recently, after Ven. Geshe Soepa gave a From Wisdom Publications: Kunsang and Ven. Sangpo for a lovely public talk about the benefits of being lunch with the Wisdom staff and vegetarian, five people decided to be board. The afternoon concluded with vegetarian for the rest of their life. Ven. an inspiring talk by Rinpoche that Thubten Dondrub also came for a long highlighted the importance of making weekend teaching retreat. Students the Dharma available through books reported that it was a memorable and the positive impact that this experience. All were touched by his makes toward building a future of knowledgeable, direct and lively ways world peace and harmony. Laura Cunningham, Joe Evans, Mike Crawford, of communicating the teachings to the Search for Wisdom Publications Tony Lulek, Lama Zopa Rinpoche (holding a on Facebook. www.wisdompubs.org students. photo of David Kittelstrom), Tim McNeill, Josh www.centrobudistaontinyent.es Bartok, Pema Shastri, Axel Leblois, Caroline DeVane THE MOST BEAUTIFUL Unites States New books are soon to be released STUPA IN THE WORLD CALIFORNIA from Wisdom! By Nick Ribush LMB KSITIGARBHA DAY 2010 Mission to Tibet: The Extraordinary Four years ago our interpreter, By Denice Macy Eighteenth-Century Account of Father Thubten Damchoe, returned from On September 4, 80 people at Land Ippolito Desideri, S.J., is a story of the Kopan very impressed with the stupa of Medicine Buddha celebrated fascinating eighteenth-century journey built for Geshe Lama Konchog,

76 MANDALA January - March 2011 Kurukulla Center’s Kalachakra stupa

January - March 2011 MANDALA 77 FPMT News Around the WORLD suggesting to then-director Wendy OREGON Cook that we build an enlightenment SAMDHONG RINPOCHE stupa at Kurukulla Center. Lama AND LAMA ZOPA RINPOCHE VISIT Zopa Rinpoche suggested instead we MAITRIPA COLLEGE build a Kalachakra stupa in the rare On October 27, Samdhong Rinpoche, style of the stupa in His Holiness the the prime minister of the Central Dalai Lama’s compound in Dharamsala. Tibetan Administration, came to Maitripa There is only one other of these in the College in Portland, Oregon, to talk West, in Austria. about the environment and education, After two years of research, plan- and the relationship between the two. Lama Zopa Rinpoche and Ven. Amy Miller in front of Milarepa Center’s stupa ning and fund raising, we sank the Lama Zopa Rinpoche also visited foundation in the fall of 2008. Major the college during the first week of VERMONT construction took place during 2009. November while in town for the MILAREPA CENTER During this time all the correct ingre- FPMT board meeting, giving com- By Ven. Amy Miller dients according to tradition and mentary on Lama Tsongkhapa Guru In early September, Rinpoche treated Lama Zopa Rinpoche’s advice were Yoga, Chod, and the oral transmission Milarepa retreat participants to lovely collected, consecrated and inserted of the first half of Lekshe Nyingpo. magical evenings long into the wee under the supervision of our precious Rinpoche unexpectedly extended his hours of the morning in a large tent teacher Geshe Tsulga. stay to the delight of many, offering a erected on the premises of Milarepa Finally, this year, two excellent commentary on a tantric visualization Center. The tent was decorated with artists, Dhargye (Sonam) and Jampel, for Lama Tsongkhapa Guru Yoga. various thangkas, flowers and light came from Kopan to sculpt and paint www.maitripa.org offerings and looked like a fairyland. the intricate decorations that now adorn Rinpoche even commented that we the stupa. Rinpoche also suggested we TEXAS created a Buddha paradise at Milarepa make a Tara pond, and our incredible NEWS AND UPDATES FROM Center. The “tiny house” was completed artists have now also accomplished this LAND OF COMPASSION OF just in time for Rinpoche’s stay and task. The stupa was consecrated by WISDOM IN AUSTIN, TX Rinpoche named it “Thakpa Kacho” Choden Rinpoche at the end of August By Bonnie Baptist (Vajrayogini’s Pure Realm) and said it and Lama Zopa Rinpoche at the begin- Land of Compassion and Wisdom was all “so inspiring.” Rinpoche had ning of September, a joyful sealing of a started out as a small study group in some nice walks around the 275-acre joyful project. A series of videos and 2004 and has been continually growing. property and enjoyed time at the stupa slideshows showing every stage of the In the month of October, we were that is nearing completion. project has been posted on YouTube. blessed with the presence of Geshe Rinpoche’s final day at the center I don’t have room here to thank Soepa who came to us by way of India. included a lunch with the staff and the many people involved in all this This was Geshe-la’s sixth visit to Austin work study participants who worked work but we acknowledge them all on and we did as much as we could with so hard during all of the major events our website, kurukulla.org. him during his short visit. With great of the season. Rinpoche gave everyone And now I’m also Kurukulla’s compassion, he shared his vast experi- gifts and it was wonderful for these former director. I look forward to ence with Dharma talks twice a week dedicated people to have this precious returning my full attention to my other and, very sweetly, gave refuge and time with Rinpoche. ◆ job, directing the Lama Yeshe Wisdom bodhisattva vows to those who wished www.milarepacenter.org it. Geshe-la talked about the compas- Archive, and handing Kurukulla’s reins To receive inspiring stories, updates and to our new director, long-time SPC sionate practice of “not eating meat” anecdotes from Ven. Roger Kunsang as Debra Thornburg. Thank you every- and gave fantastic talks on the nature he accompanies Lama Zopa Rinpoche of mind and methods to develop good around the world, please subscribe to body! the Life on the Road with Lama Zopa www.kurukulla.org minds and eliminate negative minds. Rinpoche blog at: www.austinfpmt.org www.mandalamagazine.org

78 MANDALA January - March 2011 fpmt The Foundation Store

“May our Dharma publications spread all over the world and in every corner of the world.” – Lama Zopa Rinpoche

Books Meditation supplies Study programs Videos Practice books Ritual objects www.fpmt.org/shop Foundation for the Preservation of the Mahayana Tradition FPMT Directory This directory is a listing of centers, projects and services worldwide which are under the spiritual direction of Lama Zopa Rinpoche and the Foundation for the Preservation of the Mahayana Tradition (FPMT). You can find a complete listing with address, director and resident teacher information on the FPMT website: www.fpmt.org/centers Please contact [email protected] with any updates to your listing. Lama Thubten Zopa Rinpoche Mexico National Office A project of Chenrezig Institute: www.stupa.org.au Lama Yeshe Ling Centre c/o FPMT International Office www.fpmt-mexico.org The Enlightenment Project for Tel: (03) 5444 2440 Oakville Tel: +52 (987) 869 2222 Purification and Merit www.lamayesheling.org FPMT International Office Eudlo Shen Phen Ling Study Group Tel: (905) 296 3728 1632 SE 11th Avenue Nepal National Office [email protected] Wodonga Portland, OR USA [email protected] shenphenlingaustralia@ CHINA (Tel Code 852) www.fpmt.org Tel: +977 (1) 442 4091 A project of Chenrezig Institute: yahoo.com.au Tel: (1) (503) 808 1588 North American (USA and The Garden of Enlightenment Tel: (02) 6059 8104 Mahayana Buddhist Canada) Regional Office Eudlo Association INTERNATIONAL PROJECTS [email protected] www.chenrezig.com.au/ Tara Institute (Cham-Tse-Ling) Tel: +1 (512) 280 8687 content/view/42/146 Brighton East North Point, Hong Kong Enlightenment for the www.tarainstitute.org.au www.fpmtmba.org.hk Dear Animals South Asian Regional Office Cittamani Hospice Service Tel: (03) 9596 8900 Tel: 2770 7239 Denistone East, NSW Australia [email protected] Palmwoods www.enlightenmentfor Tel: +91 98 18 027901 www.cittamanihospice.com.au Thubten Shedrup Ling COLOMBIA (Tel Code 57) animals.org Tel: (07) 5445 0822 Eaglehawk Tel: +61 (2) 9808 1045 Spanish National Office www.tslmonastery.org Centro Yamantaka [email protected] Dewachen Study Group Tel: (03) 5446 3691 Bogotá Foundation for Developing Tel/Fax: +34 (91) 445 6514 Mackay www.yamantakabogota.org Compassion and Wisdom www.dewachen.info Western Australia Tel: (310) 303 3855 Taiwan National Office London, United Kingdom Tel: (07) 4954 5188 www.fpmt.tw www.essential-education.org Hayagriva Buddhist Centre CZECH REPUBLIC (Tel Code 420) Tel: +886 (2) 2523 0727 Tel: +44 (0) 20 7820 9010 Karuna Hospice Service Kensington Windsor www.hayagriva.org.au Dompipa Study Group FPMT CENTERS, PROJECTS International Mahayana www.karuna.org.au Tel: (08) 9367 4817 Dolni Podluzi AND SERVICES Institute Tel: (07) 3632 8300 www.dompipa.cz San Francisco, CA USA Hospice of Mother Tara Tel: (412) 373691 ARGENTINA (Tel Code 54) www.imisangha.org A project of Karuna Hospice: Bunbury DENMARK (Tel Code 45) Yogi Saraha Study Group Karuna Books www.hmt.org.au Lama Yeshe Wisdom Archive Buenos Aires www.karunabooks.com.au Tel: (08) 9791 9798 Lincoln, MA USA Tong-nyi Nying-je Ling [email protected] Copenhagen www.LamaYeshe.com Tel: (11) 4541 7112 Langri Tangpa Centre AUSTRIA (Tel Code 43) Tel: +1 (781) 259 4466 Camp Hill www.fpmt.dk Tel: 33 13 11 08 AUSTRALIA (Tel Code 61) www.langritangpa.org.au Panchen Losang Chogyen Liberation Prison Project Tel: (07) 3398 3310 Gelugzentrum A project of Tong-nyi Ashfield, Australia Australian Capital Territory Vienna www.liberationprisonproject.org South Australia www.fpmt-plc.at Nying-je Ling: The Center for Conscious Chengawa Study Group Tel: (1) 479 24 22 Living and Dying LKPY: Loving Kindness Cook Buddha House Copenhagen Peaceful Youth www.chengawa.net Tusmore BRAZIL (Tel Code 55) www.cbld.dk Unley, SA Australia Tel: (02) 6125 4662 www.buddhahouse.org www.lkpy.org Tel: (08) 8333 2824 Centro Shiwa Lha A project of Tong-nyi Tel: +61 (4) 0695 0726 New South Wales Rio de Janeiro Nying-je Ling: De-Tong Ling Retreat Centre www.shiwalha.org.br Dharma Wisdom Publishing Maitreya Project International Kadam Sharawa Kingscote Tel: (21) 9322 0476 Copenhagen www.maitreyaproject.org Buddhist Institute www.detongling.org www.cbld.dk Wyoming Tel: (08) 8559 3276 Kalachakra Study Group FPMT REGIONAL AND www.kadamsharawa.org Joinville FINLAND (Tel Code 358) NATIONAL OFFICES Tel: (02) 4382 1622 Tasmania agnaldograciano@ yahoo.com.br Tara Liberation Study Group Australian National Office Kunsang Yeshe Centre Chag-tong Chen-tong Centre Tel: (47) 3455 0506 Helsinki www.fpmta.org.au Katoomba Snug www.kunsangyeshe.com.au [email protected] Tel: +61 (2) 4782 2095 www.chagtong.org Naljorma Study Group Tel: (50) 353 2886 Tel: (02) 4782 1263 Tel: (03) 6267 9203 Salvador Brazilian National Office [email protected] FRANCE (Tel Code 33) [email protected] Vajrayana Institute Victoria Tel: (71) 3451 4543 Ashfield Tel: +55 (47) 9127 3314 Editions Vajra Yogini www.vajrayana.com.au Atisha Centre CANADA (Tel Code 1) Tel: (02) 9798 9644 Marzens European Regional Office Eaglehawk www.vajra-yogini.com www.fpmt-europe.org www.atishacentre.org.au Gendun Drubpa Study Group Tel: (05) 6358 1722 Tel: +31 (0) 20 627 3227 Queensland Tel: (03) 5446 3336 Williams Lake www.gendundrubpa.com Gyaltsab Je Study Group Italian National Office Chenrezig Institute The Great Stupa of Tel: (250) 296 3386 Eudlo Ile de la Reunion [email protected] Universal Compassion www.chenrezig.com.au association.gyeltsabje Bendigo Tel: (07) 5453 2108 @gmail.com

80 MANDALA January - March 2011 Institut Vajra Yogini Root Institute Shenpen Samten Chekawa Study Group Himalayan Buddhist Marzens Bodhgaya Ling Nunnery Uruapan Meditation Centre www.institutvajrayogini.fr www.rootinstitute.com Pomaia (Pisa) [email protected] Kathmandu Tel: (05) 6358 1722 Tel: (631) 2200 714 Tel/Fax: (452) 523 5963 www.fpmt-hbmc.org A project of Istituto Kalachakra Centre A project of Root Institute: Lama Tzong Khapa: Khamlungpa Center Khachoe Ghakyil Nunnery Paris Shakyamuni Buddha Takden Shedrup Targye Ling Zapopan Katmandu www.centre-kalachakra.com Community Health Care Centre Pomaia (Pisa) www.khamlungpa.org.mx www.kopannunnery.org Tel: (01) 4005 0222 Bodhgaya Tel: (33) 3122 1052 Tel: (1) 481 236 Kushi Ling Retreat Centre Arco (TN) Nalanda Monastery Sera IMI House Khedrup Sangye Yeshe Kopan Monastery www.kushi-ling.com Labastide St. Georges Bylakuppe Study Group Kathmandu Tel: (347) 2113471 www.nalanda-monastery.eu [email protected] Morelia www.kopanmonastery.com Tel: (05) 6358 0225 khedrup_sangye_yeshe@ Tel: (1) 482 1268 Tushita Mahayana Sangye Choling Study Group Sondrio yahoo.com.mx Meditation Centre Thakpa Kachoe Retreat Land www.sangye.it Tel: (443) 308 5707 A project of Kopan Monastery: New Delhi Marseille Tel: (39) 0342 513198 Mu Gompa www.thakpakachoe.com [email protected] Padmasambhava Chhekampar Tel: (11) 2651 3400 Tel: (612) 918 949 Shiné Jewelry Study Center www.fpmt/projects/tsum Pomaia (Pisa) [email protected] Tushita Meditation Centre FRENCH POLYNESIA (Tel Code 689) www.shinegioielli.it Tel: (6181) 711 102 A project of Kopan Monastery: McLeod Ganj Tel: (050) 685 033 Rachen Nunnery Naropa Meditation Center www.tushita.info Rinchen Zangpo Center Chhekampar Tel: (1892) 221 866 Tahiti Yeshe Norbu — Torreo´n www.fpmt/projects/tsum [email protected] Appello per il Tibet www.rinchenzangpo.org.mx INDONESIA (Tel Code 62) Pomaia (Pisa) Tel: (087) 1712 6873 A project of Kopan Monastery: GERMANY (Tel Code 49) www.AdozioniTibet.it Thubten Shedrup Ling Lama Serlingpa Bodhicitta Tel: (050) 685 033 Serlingpa Retreat Center Monastery Study Group Aryatara Institut Zitacuaro Solu Khumbu Jambi München JAPAN (Tel Code 81) http://calendarioretiroserlingpa. [email protected] www.aryatara.de blogspot.com Lawudo Retreat Centre Tel: (89) 2781 7227 Do Ngak Sung Juk Centre Tel: (715) 153 9942 Solu Khumbu Potowa Center Tokyo www.lawudo.com Tangerang www.fpmt-japan.org Diamant Verlag Thubten Kunkyab Tel: (1) 221 875 www.potowa.org Tel: (070) 5562 8812 Kaltern, Italy Tel: (21) 9359 2181 Study Group www.diamant-verlag.info Coapa THE NETHERLANDS (Tel Code 31) LATVIA (Tel Code 371) Tel: +39 (0471) 964 183 ITALY (Tel Code 39) www.meditadf.blogspot.com Ganden Buddhist Tel: (552) 325 5861 Maitreya Instituut Amsterdam Tara Mandala Center Centro Lama Tzong Khapa Meditation Centre Amsterdam Landau Treviso Riga Yeshe Gyaltsen Center www.maitreya.nl/adam [email protected] [email protected] www.ganden.lv Cozumel Tel: (020) 428 0842 Tel: 9951 90235 Tel: (0422) 300 850 Tel: 2949 0141 www.fpmtcozumel.org Tel: (987) 869 2222 Maitreya Instituut Emst GREECE (Tel Code 30) Centro Muni Gyana MALAYSIA (Tel Code 60) Emst Palermo MONGOLIA (Tel Code 976) www.maitreya.nl/emst Gonpo Chakduk www.centromunigyana.it Chokyi Gyaltsen Center Tel: (0578) 661 450 Ling Study Group Tel: (0327) 038 3805 Penang Drolma Ling Nunnery Athens www.fpmt-cgc.blogspot.com Ulaanbaatar A project of Maitreya [email protected] Centro Studi Cenresig Tel: (4) 826 5089 www.fpmt.org/mongolia/ Instituut Emst: Tel: (210) 762 7189 Bologna nunnery Maitreya Uitgeverij www.cenresig.org Jangsem Ling Retreat Centre (Maitreya Publications) INDIA (Tel Code 91) Tel: (347) 246 1157 Triang Golden Light Sutra Center Emst [email protected] Darkhan Choe Khor Sum Centro Tara Cittamani www.fpmt.org/mongolia NEW ZEALAND (Tel Code 64) Kasih Hospice Care Ling Study Group Padova Tel: (1372) 28856 Selangor Bangalore www.taracittamani.it Amitabha Hospice Service www.kasih-hospice.org www.cksl.in Tel: (049) 864 7463 Enlightening Mind Avondale Tel: (3) 7960 7424 Tel: (80) 4148 6497 Ulaanbaatar www.amitabhahospice.org Centro Terra di Unificazione Losang Dragpa Centre www.fpmt.org/mongolia Tel: (09) 828 3321 Ewam Lotsawa Rinchen Zangpo Selangor Tel: (11) 330 463 Florence Translator Programme www.fpmt-ldc.org Chandrakirti Tibetan Buddhist www.ewam.it Dharamsala Tel: (3) 7968 3278 Shedrup Ling Meditation Centre www.fpmt.org/education/ Tel: (055) 454 308 Ulaanbaatar Richmond lrztp.asp MAURITIUS (Tel Code 230) www.fpmt.org/mongolia www.chandrakirti.co.nz Chiara Luce Edizioni Tel: (11) 321 580 Tel: (03) 543 2015 Maitreya Project Trust Pomaia (Pisa) Dharmarakshita Study Group www.chiaraluce.it Gorakhpur Vacoas NEPAL (Tel Code 977) Dorje Chang Institute [email protected] Tel: (050) 685 690 [email protected] Avondale Tel: (551) 2342 012 Tel: 258 3054 Ganden Yiga Chözin Buddhist www.dci.org.nz Istituto Lama Tzong Khapa Meditation Centre Tel: (09) 828 3333 Pomaia (Pisa) MAITRI Charitable Trust MEXICO (Tel Code 52) Pokhara www.iltk.it Bodhgaya www.pokharabuddhist Mahamudra Centre Tel: (050) 685 654 www.maitri-bodhgaya.org Bengungyal Center centre.com Colville Tel: (631) 2200 841 Aguascalientes Tel: (61) 522 923 www.mahamudra.org.nz A project of Istituto www.bengungyal.org Tel: (07) 866 6851 Lama Tzong Khapa: Tel: (449) 973 5550

January - March 2011 MANDALA 81 POLAND (Tel Code 48) O.Sel.Ling Centro de Retiros Jamyang Buddhist Colorado North Carolina Orgiva Centre Leeds Lopon Chok Lang www.oseling.com Leeds Lama Yeshe House Kadampa Center Study Group Tel: (95) 834 3134 www.jamyangleeds.co.uk Study Group Raleigh Warsaw Tel: (07866) 760 460 Boulder www.kadampa-center.org www.Zbigniew-Modrzejewski. Tekchen Chö Ling [email protected] Tel: (919) 859 3433 webs.com/Loponchoklang Ontinyent Jamyang Coventry Tel: (303) 447 0630 www.centrobudistaontinyent.es Buddhist Group Oregon ROMANIA (Tel Code 402) Tel: (96) 291 3231 Coventry Florida Maitripa College coventry-buddhists Land for Nagarjuna’s Sutra and Portland Grupul de Studiu Buddhist Thubten Shen Phen @hotmail.co.uk White Tara Ling Study Group Tantra Dharma Study Group www.maitripa.org Sarasota Tel: (503) 235 2477 Judetul Arges Murcia Khedrup Je Study Group [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Liverpool Tel: 4829 4216 Tel: (941) 745 1147 Texas [email protected] Tushita Retreat Center Tel: (0758) 356 7309 Land of Compassion RUSSIA (Tel Code 7) Arbúcies Tse Pag Me Study Group www.budismotibetano.net/ Zephyrhills and Wisdom Yeshe Study Group Aryadeva Study Group tushita [email protected] Austin Cumbria www.austinfpmt.org St. Petersburg Tel: (97) 217 8262 Tel: (813) 783 1888 Tel: (512) 280 8687 www.aryadeva.spb.ru yeshebuddhistcentre@ yahoo.co.uk Tubten Kunga Center Tel: (812) 710 0012 SWEDEN (Tel Code 46) Tel: (01229) 885 329 Deerfield Beach Vermont www.tubtenkunga.org Ganden Tendar Ling Tsog Nyi Ling Study Group Tel: (954) 421 6224 Milarepa Center Study Group Ransta UNITED STATES (Tel Code 1) Barnet Moscow www.fpmt.se White Tara Buddhist Group www.milarepacenter.org www.fpmt.ru Tel: (0224) 200 22 Arizona Maitland Tel: (802) 633 4136 Tel: (926) 204 3164 www.whitetaracenter.com Yeshe Norbu Study Group Manjushri Wisdom Center Tel: (407) 467 2706 Virginia SINGAPORE (Tel Code 65) Jonkoping Tucson www.manjushriwisdom yeshenorbustudygroup@ Massachusetts Guhyasamaja Center Amitabha Buddhist Centre hotmail.com fpmt.org Centreville Singapore Tel: (0707) 321 793 Tel: (520) 971 1681 Buddha Maitreya Study Group www.guhyasamaja.org www.fpmtabc.org Northampton Tel: (703) 774 9692 Tel: 6745 8547 SWITZERLAND (Tel Code 41) California [email protected] Tel: (413) 586 6288 Washington SLOVENIA (Tel Code 386) Gendun Drupa Centre Gyalwa Gyatso Muraz/Sierre Buddhist Center Kurukulla Center Pamtingpa Center Chagna Pemo Study Group www.gendundrupa.ch Campbell Medford Tonasket Domzale Tel: (27) 455 7924 www.gyalwagyatso.org www.kurukulla.org [email protected] [email protected] Tel: (408) 866 5056 Tel: (617) 624 0177 Tel: (509) 223 3003 Tel: (40) 573 571 Longku Center Bern Land of Calm Abiding Lama Yeshe Wisdom Archive What does it mean to be an SPAIN (Tel Code 34) www.fpmt.ch San Simeon Lincoln FPMT Center, Study Group, Tel: (31) 332 5723 http://landofcalmabiding.org/ www.LamaYeshe.com Project or Service? Ediciones Dharma index.html Tel: (781) 259 4466 Novelda TAIWAN (Tel Code 886) If a center, project or service is Tel: (303) 945 4977 www.edicionesdharma.com Wisdom Publications Inc. affiliated with FPMT, it means Tel: (96) 560 3200 Bodhicitta Culture Somerville that it follows the spiritual direc- Land of Medicine Buddha Enterprise Publishing www.wisdompubs.org tion of Lama Zopa Rinpoche. It Soquel Nagarjuna C.E.T. Alicante Fongyuan Tel: (617) 776 7416 means that centers and study Alicante [email protected] www.landofmedicine groups use FPMT’s educational www.budismoalicante.com Tel/Fax: (2) 8787 8019 buddha.org Montana programs and material, created Tel: (66) 387 124 Tel: (831) 462 8383 in the unique lineage of Lama Heruka Center Osel Shen Phen Ling Yeshe and Lama Zopa Rinpoche. Nagarjuna C.E.T. Barcelona Ciaotou Tara Redwood School Missoula Each FPMT center, project or Barcelona [email protected] Soquel www.fpmt-osel.org service is incorporated indivi- www.nagarjunabcn.org Tel: (7) 612 5599 www.tararedwoodschool.org Tel: (406) 543-2207 dually (is a separate legal entity) Tel: (93) 457 0788 and is responsible for its own Jinsiu Farlin Tsa Tsa Studio / Center for New Mexico governance and finance. Nagarjuna C.E.T. Granada Taipei Tibetan Sacred Art All FPMT centers, study Granada [email protected] Richmond Thubten Norbu Ling groups, projects and services www.nagaryunagr.org Tel: (2) 2577 0333 www.tsatsastudio.org Santa Fe follow the FPMT Ethical Policy. Tel: (95) 825 1629 Tel: (415) 503 0409 www.tnlsf.org FPMT study groups are groups which are using this status as a Shakyamuni Center Tel: (505) 660 7056 probationary period before a Nagarjuna C.E.T. Madrid Taichung City Tse Chen Ling Ksitigarbha Tibetan group becomes a legal entity and Madrid [email protected] San Francisco Buddhist Center a full FPMT center or project. www.nagarjunamadrid.org Tel: (4) 2436 4123 www.tsechenling.org Ranchos de Taos FPMT study groups are not Tel: (91) 445 65 14 Tel: (415) 621 4215 [email protected] yet affiliated with the FPMT, and UNITED KINGDOM (Tel Code 44) therefore do not have the same Centro Nagarjuna Valencia Vajrapani Institute New York responsibilities as a center or Valencia Jamyang Buddhist Centre Boulder Creek project, financially or adminis- www.nagarjunavalencia.com London www.vajrapani.org Shantideva Meditation Group tratively. Tel: (96) 395 1008 www.jamyang.co.uk Tel: (831) 338 6654 New York Tel: (02078) 208 787 [email protected]

82 MANDALA January - March 2011

Istituto Lama Tzong Khapa Pomaia (PI) - Italy

Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies, Pisa, Italy Institute for University Education of international standing, formally recognized as a School of Excellence in collaboration with Istituto Lama Tzong Khapa, Pomaia (Pisa), Italy International School for Buddhist Studies are offering an International Master’s in the Preservation and Development of Wisdom Culture and the Art of Liberation (Master’s in Wisdom) January 2012-December 2013

The Master’s in Wisdom is aimed at cultivating the human qualities of kindness, compassion, and wisdom through the advanced academic study of Buddhist philosophy and psychology accompanied by a strong emphasis on service and meditation.

Students who complete the academic, meditation, and project work components of the Master’s in Wisdom and pass the related exams will be granted an International Master’s diploma and 90 university credits.This Master’s does not qualify graduates to enter a PhD program.

The two-year course will take place at Istituto Lama Tzong Khapa, Pomaia, Italy. Classes are held five days a week, Monday-Friday. Each year, five optional weekend seminars, worth 1 credit each, will be organized.

The subjects of the Master’s can also be studied on-line.Students who complete the academic, meditation, and study components of the on-line program will be granted 20 university credits.


Applicants are required to have a sincere interest in and a strong motivation for the study of the mind as well as the development of wisdom and compassion. They must also demonstrate an acceptable level of spoken and written English. Applicants are not required to possess a university degree. www.sssup.it www.education.iltk.org/wisdom