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Complete Wire Reports of UNITED PRESS, The Greatest World* ide News Service The Indianapolis Times HOME Mostly cloudy, probably showers tonight or Saturday; slightly warmer tonight. Entered ns Second-Class Matter Outside Marion VOLUME 43—NUMBER 142 INDIANAPOLIS, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1931 at Postoftice. Indianapolis. Ind. TWO CENTS County 8 Cents PLEA MADE BY STIMSON CONFERS APPROVAL OF Community Fund Drive Starts TRUNK MURDER WITH LAVAL; TALK DAUGHTER FOR WORLD PROBLEMS CHINA GIVEN PROBERS SIFT MRS. SIMMONS Un-warranted French Premier to Meet PEACE PLAN DRUG THEORY Hoover Today, Be Girl By I nitrd Press Guest Pictures Mother as SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 23. Japan Reported Ready to Narcotics Believed to Have Kind, Into Municipal Judge George at White House. Gentle, Devoted Police Program, Played Part in Killing J. Steiger’s court walked By United Press Accept With Inspector Dolan. to Children. John WASHINGTON, Oct. 23.—Stand- George J. Steiger is Reservations. of Two Women. “Mrs. ing outside and wants a warrant bare-headed under a warm TELLS OF TRIP TO CITY against her husband for failure autumn sun on the granite south to support George J. Steiger portico of the historic state depart- WILL WITHDRAW ARMY HUNT SUSPECT IN VAIN Jr.,” Dolan announced. ment building, Premier Laval and Forty • What! Why, my wi—ah, Minutes of Time in our home life is perfect.” the Secretary of State Stimson today Evacuation of Manchuria in Ruth Judd Still at Large; Indianapolis judge sputtered. "Somebody’s engaged in one of their most im- Still Is crazy around here and I hope portant conferences thus far. Three Weeks Is Hope Seek Accomplice in Gap in it isn’t me.” They stood there talking earnest- Evidence. “No. it’s a Mrs. George Stei- ly in French for thirty minutes. in Tokio. Dual Slaying. BY STAFF ger you never heard of, I Later it . was learned that pending CORRESPONDENT By United Press BY GEORGE D. CRISSEY guess,” explained Dolan. “She international questions were dis- LEBANON, Ind., Oct. 23.—“Honor GENEVA, Oct. 23.—Alfred Sze of United Press Staff Correspondent thy ” claims her husband isn’t sup- cussed freely. They agreed that father . and thy mother . Ariz., porting little boy.” their work must largely an in- China accepted the league council’s PHOENIX. Oct. 23.—A Exodus 20:xii. their be growing suspicion So George J. Steiger, much formal exploration of the that narcotics And this, the fifth of the Ten diverging formula for settlement of the Man- a in relieved, took up the case of ideas of France and the United playeed part the “trunk mur- Commandments, battled today in churian dispute tonight, as em- of Agnes Anne and George J. Steiger. States. ders” Leroi, 27, the courtroom at the trial of Mrs. Hedvig Samuelson, After bodied in a resolution proposed to 25, of which Mrs. Carrie Simmons to save a mother luncheon at the French Ruth embassy, the council. Winnie Judd, Indiana minis- from being stigmatized under the Laval and his daughter, ter’s daughter, is accused, was voiced law as a of Josette, go to breaker the Sixth Com- were due to the White Kenkichi Yoshizawa, Japanese by authorities today, as a four-day mandment, shalt to stay giving op- not yet “Thou not kill.” House overnight, delegate, had accepted, al- search for a motive for the slay- From a portunity for Laval’s first and though his government was under- hardwood witness chair, LINDBERGHS OFF only ings had proved, ineffectual. facing a stood to be willing to agree to tanned farmer jury, a 16- extended discussion with President it Additional impetus was given the year-old girl—Elizabeth Simmons- Hoover. conditionally. drug theory today with the discov- Members of the sobbed as she tried to tell a motley The morning had been spent in Chinese delega- ery of two bottles—one containing courtroom crowd and the twelve FOR EAST ceremonial visits to Vice President tion said unofficially they would not ether and AGAIN the other drug tablets—- men that she honored her mother Curtis, Chief Justice Hughes, and accept a fixed date for withdrawal in the homes of the slain women. and that she could not be guilty of the tomb of the Unknown Soldier. of Japanese troops, but would sub- $1,043,686 Will Be Goal of Previously, had found the mit counter proposals. investigators infamous crime charged by the Night a small quantity of narcotics in state. Spend in Rock Up to Governments The council set 6:15 p. m. as the Campaign to Relieve Mrs. Judd's home—a drug As time for reconvening. usually she related details of the jo- Springs, Hop for Home. Laval and Stimson were under- used to “taper off” an addicted pa- vial picnic City's Needy. that ended in death of stood to have the view mutually tient. her two sisters and of her own By United Press told Japan Accepts Plan The voice Community Fund Police Captain M. B. Morrison, observation of her mother’s grief at ROCK SPRINGS, Wyo., Oct. 23. that it was for the governments to BY MILES VAUGHN of the W. asked Indianapolis to turn its who ’announced discovery of the their death, she sought to upset —Colonel and Mrs. Charles A. make agreements; that President United Press Staff Correspondent today to helpless babies, and drugs, offered the startling theory charges of the prosecution that the Lindbergh, forced down Thursday Hoover, chief American conferee, Oct. thoughts TOKIO, 23.—The Japanese aged men and women, whose exis- that the women were rendered in- mother she honored was “hard- by rain and darkness, took off at and Laval only government could absorb ideas today instructed its tence next year must depend on j sensible by ether and drugs before boiled” as death walked. 6:10 a. m. tbday for North Platte, for future action. at Geneva representative to accept generosity of the city's 360,000 in- they were killed last Friday night. She broke down and wept several Neb., next stop on their flight Both Laval and the President in- League of Nations conditionally the habitants. Voices Drug times as she told of her mother’s across the continent to New Jersey. sist they expect no binding agree- proposal Theory to start immediate with- And with the plea of the Com- affection for her, the dead girls and The flying pair, who cut a vaca- ments to result from their talks, but of troops "The is drawal inside the treaty munity Fund were blended the narcotic theory as good other members of the family. tion in the far east short because it is believed they will strive to de- in Manchuria. a guess as any yet zone playful coos of babies like Patricia advanced.” G. A. of the death of Dwight Morrow, cide on some general government hoped Rodgers, county Pleads for Mother principles The to com- Steen, the unknowing, childish gig- deputy attorney, Mrs. Lindbergh’s father, appeared controling treatment of war debts, plete the evacuation in three weeks, told the United Press. "A person Fingers drumming on cheek, her gles of other orphans like Billy and much more cheerful and rested. reparations, and disarmaments, to if possible. Orders to Geneva were addicted to their ■ use would do des- curly turning Roanna at the Indianapolis Or- wind-blown bob from The Lindberghs arrived in Rock be worked out in detail later. a meeting. perate things if the supply was attorneys sent after cabinet phans’ Home, the muttered musings defense to Prosecutor Ben Springs Thursday night in a drizzle Mr. Hoover speaks no French and Japan’s stipulated in- threatened with elminiation.” Scifres, she tried to make them conditions of old men and women who liveli\ see of rain, after a flight from Vic- Laval no English. Consequently, cluded Chinese acceptance of Additional impetus was given the that her mother was a kindly soul, all with Joseph Foltzenlogel atat the AAl- toria. They were 500 miles behind their discussion will be slowed down treaties and commitments and theory that Mrs. Judd was aided that she was a builder of , tenheim of children’s schedule. Headwinds and storms by having to go both ways through cessation Indianapolis. by an accomplice in the crime of playhouses, a teacher, a dressmaker of alleged anti-Japanese Mothers Given HelpHein in Idaho had caused the delay. an interpreter. Still they hope, by propaganda in China. which she is accused when police and always a mother. unexpected. Upper Left—Billy has a little secret for Rosanna’s It must Some mothers must work to sup- Their arrival was being free of diplomatic restraints, The position represented ear. dovetailed new information placed Under cross-examination her an- new have been funny. Look grin. port families, but before they in Only airport attaches and a few to talk frankly to each other in a considerable concession by Japan at that toothless their their hands. swers became vague. She responded visitors were the field when they Upper Right—Life’s twilight. And the days for these flowers, can take a job there are tots to be Police Chief an- at friendly fireside atmosphere, in a but included the main provisions of last George Brisbois curtly and appeared irate. landed at 5:50 p. m. that will them closer to- too. Indian summer soon will be over, muses Joseph Foltzenlogel, 80, at cared for. That is one of the first nounced that the following facts in- the way way bring the five points outlined by Foreign She was paving for her The Lindberghs spent an hour at gether could ex- the Altenheim home, at 2007 North Capitol avenue.