The Big Pharma conspiracy theory Correspondence to: Robert Blaskiewicz Department of English Robert Blaskiewicz University of Wisconsin- Eau Claire, Eau Claire, WI University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire, Eau Claire, WI, USA USA
[email protected] Abstract This essay outlines the broad themes of the conspi- pharmaceutical industry; rather it is the pharma- racy theory that pharmaceutical companies, regula- ceutical industry as they imagine it. In these tors, politicians, and others are secretly working in stories, ‘Big Pharma’ is shorthand for an abstract consort against the public interest. This so-called entity comprised of corporations, regulators, Big Pharma conspiracy theory shares a number of NGOs, politicians, and often physicians, all with a features with other conspiracy narratives, but some finger in the trillion-dollar prescription pharma- features make this particular subgenre of conspiracy ceutical pie. Eliding all of these separate entities theory especially intractable and dangerous. into a monolithic agent of evil allows the conspiracy theorist to mistakenly ignore the complex and con- Keywords: Conspiracy theory, Pharmaceutical flicting interests that they represent. This agent is, companies, Paranoia, Vaccines as are all antagonists in conspiratorial narratives, improbably powerful, competent, and craven, and it allows the conspiracy theorist to cast himself in The so-called Big Pharma conspiracy theory shares a the role of crusader and defender of a way of life, number of features with all other conspiracy the- a Manichean dichotomy that was identified in ories. First, it shares the same basic plot: a relatively Richard Hofstadter’s classic treatise on America’s small number of people are working in secret recurring conspiracism, ‘The Paranoid Style in against the public good.