Council Minutes
COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS TWELFTH MEETING London May 14,2007 CANADA The Council meets in Regular Session in the Municipal Offices this day at 500 p.m. PRESENT: Mayor A. M. DeCicco-Best, Deputy Mayor T. C. Gosnell, Controllers G. Barber, W. J. Polhill and G. Hume and Councillors R. Caranci, W. J. Armstrong, B. R. MacDonald, S. Orser, J. L. Baechler, N. Branscombe, W. Lonc, P. Hubert, S. E. Eagle, P. M. Van Meerbergen, D. Winninger, H. L. Usher, J. P. Bryant and C. Miller, and K. Bain (City Clerk). At the beginning of the Meeting all Members are present except Councillor Van Meerbergen. Her Worship the Mayor presents a plaque for “London’s Featured Company” to David Taylor, President and CEO representing Pacific and Western Bank of Canada. Councillor Van Meerbergen enters the meeting at 504 p.m. Her Worship the Mayor presents a certificate for “London’s Featured Community Organization“ to Jeff Lang, President, Boys’ and Girls’ Club Board, David Kiwin, President of the Foundation Board, Craig Richardson, Chair of the Aquaplex Capital Campaign and Don Donner, Executive Director of the Boys’ and Girls’ Club of London. Wes Kinghorn, Chair and Joey McDowell, Social Chair of the Woodfield Community Association (WCA) presents a plaque to the Mayor, to recognize the City of London as the recipient of the WCA 2006 Streetscape Improvement Award for renovations to Victoria Park. DISCLOSURES OF PECUNIARY INTEREST 149. Controller Polhill discloses a pecuniary interest in clause 37(e) of the 16th Report of the Board of Control having to do with a matter pertaining to personal matters regarding an identifiable individual who is a municipal employee, advice that is subject to solicitor- client privilege, including communications necessary for that purpose and labour relations and employee negotiations involving CUPE Local 101 by indicating that he has a daughter who is a City employee.
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