Appendix B MNES Likelihood of Occurrence Assessment

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Appendix B MNES Likelihood of Occurrence Assessment Appendix B MNES Likelihood of occurrence assessment Scientific name Common name EPBC Act Distribution and habitat Likelihood of Impact listing Occurrence Assessment Required ECOLOGICAL COMMUNITIES Grey Box (Eucalyptus microcarpa) E "Central New South Wales through northern and central Victoria into South Australia. In NSW, No – not identified in No Grassy Woodlands and Derived Native found in the southern subregions of the Brigalow Belt South bioregion, the eastern subregions the project site during Grasslands of South-eastern Australia of the Darling Riverine Plain bioregion, the NSW South Western Slopes bioregion and the survey eastern subregions of the Cobar Peneplain bioregion. Flat to undulating plains, low slopes and rises and, to a lesser extent, drainage depressions and flats. May extend to more elevated hillslopes on the fringes of its range. Often occurs on productive soils derived from alluvial or colluvial materials. Natural Temperate Grassland of the CE Generally corresponds with the Monaro, Murrumbateman, Bungonia and Crookwell No – not identified in No South Eastern Highlands subregions of the South Eastern Highlands bioregion. Remnants are known to be located in the project site during various sub-regions of the Hawkesbury/Nepean, Lachlan, Murrumbidgee and Southern Rivers survey Catchment Management Regions of NSW. Ridges, crests, hillsides, undulating plains, valleys and lower slopes, creeks, drainage lines and river flats. Usually associated with heavy textured soils with low nutrient levels. White Box-Yellow Box-Blakely's Red CE "Occurs in an arc along the western slopes and tablelands of the Great Dividing Range from No – present in the No Gum Grassy Woodland and Derived Southern Queensland through NSW to central Victoria. In NSW, it occurs in the Brigalow Belt project site, however Native Grassland South, Nandewar, New England Tableland, Sydney Basin, NSW North Coast, South Eastern it does not meet the Highlands, South East Corner, NSW South Western Slopes and Riverina Bioregions. Areas EPBC Act condition where rainfall is between 400 and 1200 mm per annum, on moderate to highly fertile soils at criteria altitudes of 170 m to 1200 m. FAUNA Actitis hypoleucos Common M Summer migrant. In NSW, widespread along coastline and also occurs in many areas inland. No – no habitat in the No Sandpiper project site Anthochaera Regent CE Inland slopes of south-east Australia, and less frequently in coastal areas. In NSW, most Unlikely – no No phrygia Honeyeater records are from the North-West Plains, North-West and South-West Slopes, Northern breeding habitat, may Scientific name Common name EPBC Act Distribution and habitat Likelihood of Impact listing Occurrence Assessment Required Tablelands, Central Tablelands and Southern Tablelands regions; also recorded in the Central use the project site Coast and Hunter Valley regions. intermittently. Aprasia Pink-tailed Legless V In NSW, only known from the Central and Southern Tablelands, and the South Western Slopes. No – no suitable No parapulchella Lizard habitat in the project site Apus pacificus Fork-tailed Swift M Recorded in all regions of NSW. Unlikely – not No identified in the site during survey Ardea ibis Cattle Egret Mar Widespread and common across NSW. No – no SIC for marine No species Calidris Sharp-tailed M Summer migrant. Widespread in most regions of NSW, especially in coastal areas, but sparse No – no suitable No acuminata Sandpiper in the south-central Western Plain and east Lower Western Regions. habitat in the project site Calidris Curlew Sandpiper CE, M Occurs along the entire coast of NSW, and sometimes in freshwater wetlands in the Murray- No – no suitable No ferruginea Darling Basin. habitat in the project site Calidris Pectoral M Summer migrant to Australia. Widespread but scattered in NSW. East of the Great Divide, No – no suitable No melanotos Sandpiper recorded from Casino and Ballina, south to Ulladulla. West of the Great Divide, widespread in habitat in the project the Riverina and Lower Western regions. site Crinia sloanei Sloane's Froglet V Floodplains of the Murray-Darling Basin, with the majority of records in the Darling Riverine Unlikely – no suitable No Plains, NSW South Western Slopes and Riverina bioregions in NSW. habitat in the project site Dasyurus Spotted-tailed E Found on the east coast of NSW, Tasmania, eastern Victoria and north-eastern Qld. Unlikely – not No maculatus Quoll identified in the site maculatus (SE during survey mainland population) Scientific name Common name EPBC Act Distribution and habitat Likelihood of Impact listing Occurrence Assessment Required Delma impar Striped Legless V In NSW, occurs in the Southern Tablelands, the South West Slopes and possibly on the No – no suitable No Lizard Riverina. habitat within the development corridor Falco hypoleucos Grey Falcon E1 Arid and semi-arid zones. In NSW, found chiefly throughout the Murray-Darling Basin, with the Unlikely – not No occasional vagrant east of the Great Dividing Range. identified in the site during survey and not known from the area Gallinago Latham's Snipe M Migrant to east coast of Australia, extending inland west of the Great Dividing Range in NSW. No – no habitat in the No hardwickii development footprint Grantiella picta Painted V Widely distributed in NSW, predominantly on the inland side of the Great Dividing Range but Unlikely – not No Honeyeater avoiding arid areas. identified in the site during survey Haliaeetus White-bellied M Distributed along the coastline of mainland Australia and Tasmania, extending inland along Yes – identified in the No – no SIC leucogaster Sea-Eagle some of the larger waterways, especially in eastern Australia. site during survey for marine species Hirundapus White-throated M All coastal regions of NSW, inland to the western slopes and inland plains of the Great Divide. Unlikely – not No caudacutus Needletail identified in the site during survey Lathamus Swift Parrot CE Migrates from Tasmania to mainland in Autumn-Winter. In NSW, the species mostly occurs on Unlikely – not No discolor the coast and south west slopes. identified in the site during survey Litoria Booroolong Frog E Restricted to NSW and north-eastern Victoria, predominantly along the western-flowing Unlikely – not No booroolongensis streams of the Great Dividing Range. Several populations have recently been recorded in the identified in the site Namoi catchment. during targeted survey Merops ornatus Rainbow Bee- Mar Distributed across much of mainland Australia, including NSW. Potential – suitable No – this eater habitat present species is listed as Scientific name Common name EPBC Act Distribution and habitat Likelihood of Impact listing Occurrence Assessment Required Maine and no SIC needs to be applied Motacilla flava Yellow Wagtail M Regular summer migrant to mostly coastal Australia. In NSW recorded Sydney to Newcastle, Unlikely – no suitable No the Hawkesbury and inland in the Bogan LGA. habitat in the site Myiagra Satin Flycatcher M In NSW, widespread on and east of the Great Divide and sparsely scattered on the western Unlikely – no suitable No cyanoleuca slopes, with very occasional records on the western plains. habitat in the site Numenius Eastern Curlew CE, M Summer migrant to Australia. Primarily coastal distribution in NSW, with some scattered No – no habitat in the No madagascariensis inland records. site Nyctophilus Corben's Long- V Distribution coincides approximately with the Murray Darling Basin; the Pilliga Scrub region is No – distribution does No corbeni eared Bat the distinct stronghold for this species. not overlap with the site Petauroides Greater Glider V The greater glider is restricted to eastern Australia, occurring from the Windsor Tableland in Yes – identified Yes volans north Queensland through to central Victoria (Wombat State Forest), with an elevational during survey range from sea level to 1200 m above sea level. An isolated inland subpopulation occurs in the Gregory Range west of Townsville, and another in the Einasleigh Uplands. The greater glider is an arboreal nocturnal marsupial, largely restricted to eucalypt forests and woodlands. It is primarily folivorous, with a diet mostly comprising eucalypt leaves, and occasionally flowers. Phascolarctos Koala V In NSW it mainly occurs on the central and north coasts with some populations in the west of Unlikely – not No cinereus the Great Dividing Range. There are sparse and possibly disjunct populations in the Bega identified during District, and at several sites on the southern tablelands. targeted survey Polytelis Superb Parrot V In NSW, occurs on inland slopes of the Great Divide and on adjacent plains, especially along Unlikely – not No swainsonii the major river-systems. identified during targeted survey Pteropus Grey-headed V Along the eastern coast of Australia, from Bundaberg in Qld to Melbourne in Victoria. Likely – nearby Yes poliocephalus Flying-fox records and suitable habitat present Scientific name Common name EPBC Act Distribution and habitat Likelihood of Impact listing Occurrence Assessment Required Rhipidura Rufous Fantail M Coastal and near coastal districts of northern and eastern Australia, including on and east of Unlikely – distribution No rufifrons the Great Divide in NSW. does not overlap with the site Rostratula Australian Painted E In NSW most records are from the Murray-Darling Basin. Other recent records include Unlikely – no suitable No australis Snipe wetlands on the Hawkesbury River and the Clarence and lower Hunter Valleys. habitat
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