ICMC 2015 – Sept. 25 - Oct. 1, 2015 – CEMI, University of North Texas Peabody Computer Music: 46 Years of Looking to the Future Dr. Geoffrey Wright Dr. McGregor Boyle Mr. Joshua Armenta Peabody Computer Music Peabody Computer Music Peabody Computer Music
[email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Mr. Ryan Woodward Ms. Sunhuimei Xia Peabody Computer Music Peabody Computer Music
[email protected] [email protected] ABSTRACT and tape). In addition, there were compositions by three of her former students: McGregor Boyle, Scott Pender, and Ge- There are many significant firsts in the history of Peabody offrey Wright. In between the performances friends and for- Computer Music (PCM). It is the first electronic and com- mer students of Ivey shared their memories of her–resulting in puter music studio in a conservatory in the United States [1]. a touching tribute to this wonderful composer, teacher, men- Peabody itself is the first conservatory of music in the U.S., tor, and friend. [1] and our parent institution, the Johns Hopkins University, is America’s first research university [2]. For 46 years PCM has been training highly-skilled musi- cians to use computers and technology for composition, per- formance, and music-related research. We work within the context of a conservatory that prizes the great accomplish- ments of the past even as we develop new musical vocabular- ies and techniques for the expressive musician of the future. New dean Fred Bronstein is a vital force in leading the old- est music conservatory in the U.S. into the 21st century [3].