Volume 112, No. 50 gitdc April 16, 1999 SPARTAN _DAILY One Washington Square SDAILY(zjmc.sjsu.edu Friday San Jose, (:A 95192-0149 Serving San Jose State University Since 1934 A.S. resolution supports Abu Jamal questioning his brother, William Cook. inconsistencies surrounding the story of of community affairs and Carlos Aguirre, The resolution states the A.S. Board of SJSU backs nationwide Abu-Jamal approached the scene and what actually happened that morning, A.S. director of ethnic affairs. Directors believe Abu-Jamal receivedan movement for retrial within seconds both he and officer which leads them to believe he is inno- Davila said he felt compelled to work unjust trial. Faulkner lay wounded by gunshots. The cent and received an unfair trial. on the resolution after being approached It resolves that he serves as an inspi- of death row journalist officer's wound was fatal, according to This prompted the Associated by numerous students in support of a new ration and role model through his contin- Tahnee Stair, a member of Millions for Students board of directors to pass a res- trial for Abu-Jamal. He also said it would ued achievements in furthering the By Terri Thorp Mumia. The National People's Campaign olution last month in support of a new help increase the awareness of A.S. struggle for human rights and advancing Ste'Writer organization, is a national organization trial for Abu-Jamal, who has been on "It's (the resolution) a symbolic state- his education while being unjustly that fights against what they believe to death row in Pennsylvania since being ment showing our support for Mumia," imprisoned. The resolution does not Mumia Abu-Jamal was working as a be social injustice including racism and convicted of murder in 1982. Davila said. involve the A.S. giving any money in sup- cab driver to help supplement his jour- police brutality. They also defend affirma- The resolution was submitted before Last month's A.S. meeting had the port of Abu-Jamal's campaign. nalism career. On the morning of tive action and other social programs. the San Jose State University A.S. board highest student attendance of the year The original trial of Wesley Cook (as he December 9, 1981, he came across police Abu-Jamal now sits on death row. Abu- by Leo Davila, director of California state with most coming to support the Abu- is known by the courts) was concluded in officer Daniel Faulkner in the process of Jamal supporters believe there are many affairs; Anthony Drummond, A.S. director Jamal resolution, according to Aguirre. See Abu-Jamal, page 4 CSU's Reed blasted Thank God for the sun over disparaging X remarks of faculty vatio* CSU and business and industry, which Statewide had been the focus of Reed's academic senate speech. Reed was asked what particu- condemns chancellor lar challenges he faced imple- menting his vision of partner- By Donna Carmichael ships. Reed replied, and said the Staff Writer key is to focus on public schools. Reed said 85 percent of "our cus- The statewide academic sen- tomers" come from the public ate, which represents all 22 cam- schools in California. TS: puses of the California State "We need a kindergarten University system, voted without through 16 seamless system. dissent to rebuke Chancellor California has the hardest damn .! C., Charles Reed over his recent ... (Reed did not complete that remarks following a speech at San remark) ... there are no systems , ? Louis Obispo, Cal Poly. here. There are silos here," Reed - c Reed's remarks came on the said. r-1 '"" heels of the California Faculty The Chancellor said through- cei,...-t Z7-1 Association's rejection of the last out California's educational sys- 114 Mg ? a-. best offer for a salary contract, tem, there is no "common calen- 1.3,4'; causing a wave of added discon- dar." Reed said he wants to move e--1 ; tent throughout the system. the CSU to a year-round opera- - - The remarks which the tion, but he has to focus on chancellor insists were taken out improving the public schools first. of context have been interpret- "I want to build these partner- ed to mean the faculty is unmoti- ships. I want to serve more stu- vated and unwilling to change. dents," Reed said. They were made during a ques- The Chancellor then proceeded tion and answer session following to make the series of controversial a speech Reed gave to business remarks that have gotten him in leaders, faculty and staff of Cal hot water with the statewide aca- Poly on March 7. demic senate. The comments were in answer "I know that there's about Sarah Orr/Spartan Daily to a question by a member of Cal 400,000 net additional students Poly's President's Cabinet. The that want a college degree in the Kristi Bostock, a child development major, and Manny Martinez, the rain has ceased and the sun is showing its face again, many question concerned the imple- next 10 years that are coming out a history major, enjoy the sun Thursday at the Aquatic Center. Since students are flocking to the pool. mentation of partnership oppor- tunities between higher education See Chancellor, page 4 Experiences San Jose State University lead Yeager down life's dorm life: Home sweet home paid $5,984 and $6,248 respec- It's convenient, but tively. Prices for the 1999-2000 diverse paths school year will rise to $6,006 for SJSU Residene the cost of living the 10 meal plan, $6,262 for the - By Terri Thorp 15 meal plan and $6,534 for the sod-writer on campus is rising 19 meal plan. ft- Ramona Clark, associate direc- It's said that an education will By Adiun Pavlacka tor of admissions and financial last you a lifetime. Senior Staff Writer operations at University Housing It's also said that friendships Services, said on campus housing can last a lifetime. Political sci- Ed s note: Dorm life can he the was competitive with market ence professor Ken Yeager found greatest time of your life. or a com- prices, but it was not the cheapest both at San Jose State University. plete disaster. Torlay is the final option. Yeager first came to SJSU in installment of the Spartan Daily's If cost only is your utmost con- 1971 as a budding journalism stu- two-week look at life on ratnpus. costs. cern, you probably can find some- dent from Southern California, Today The rising (form thing less expensive off campus," but soon found that political sci- Living on campus may be con- Clark said. ence was his calling. venient, but rising costs are forc- According to Clark, the main "I grew up in Riverside and ing students to look elsewhere. advantage to living on campus is came to SJSU when I was 18. For Next year, students will be convenience. Students living on four years, I worked in the charged a minimum of $6,006 for campus do not have to worry Student Union making sandwich- the privilege of living in the about budgeting money for living es and bussing tables," Yeager dorms. expenses, Clark said. said. stayed because of the Akbar Shetty, a second-year A standard double room is 180 friendships." resident in Washburn Hall, is not square feet. By comparison, a stu- pproxonately 45 percent of their Dustin De Rollo, a political sci- happy with the fee increase. dio apartment is typically twice as residents are students. ence major at SJSU, said Yeager "It's a little too much," Shetty large. "A lot of students move in here, cares about his students beyond said. "The only thing good about "You don't have very much they're just tired of dorm life," the classroom. the campus is the community and space," said Annel Uthman, a sec- DeLeon said. "He helps students realize all the fact that it is very close. I'm ond-year resident in Markham If students do choose to reside of their opportunities from the paying for the convenience of liv- Hall. on campus ,they must sign a lease classroom to the outside world," ing here." The Colonnade apartment for the entire academic year. The De Rollo said. "He is a teacher Students living in a standard complex, on Fourth Street, across lease covers housing, utilities, who becomes a friend." double room paid $5,736 for the from SJSU, offers studio apart- basic cable and a pre-selected Yeager attended graduate 1998-99 school year if they opted ments ranging in size from 380 to meal plan. All utilities are includ- school at Stanford University. He for the cheapest meal plan, which 410 square feet, starting at $900 a ed in the cost of the lease, with the came to teach at SJSU in 1991, hem, Esquibel/Spartan DaM includes 10 meals a week. This month, compared to a double exception of telephone service. while working on his political which Residents are responsible for pro- Ken Yeager (lett) converses with Christine Aumack Thursday al his breaks down to a cost of $464 per room in the residence halls, career a career that has month for 'room an $284 per is $928 a month 4464 per per- viding their own telephone ser- spanned over 25 years. book signing at San Jose City College. Yeager, author of 'Trailblazers: month for meals. son). vice through the on campus Yeager has worked as a Profiles of America's Gay and Lesbian Elected Officials," is a San Residents who chose to pur- Priscilla DeLeon, a leasing con- See Yeager, page 6 Jose State University instructor and alumnus. chase the 15 or 19 meal plans sultant at the Colonnade, said See Cost, page 6

INSIDE THE DAILY SPORTS FORUM INsIDE THE DAILY ,\ Ilk The Daily's version of Mel 'The Flip Side' look at thi cooks it up ../ Kiper Jr. offers a weekends NFL draft Page 3 vegetarian style Page 2 410

- IM Page 2 FORUM Friday, AprIl 16, 1999 Vegetarian menu should reflect costs called something else. It's called a grilled cheese Ijust paid more than three dollars for "special sauce," some wilted lettuce, a bit of melted sandwich. ON All jokes aside, vegetarian students are on the cheese, pickles, onions on a sesame seed bun -- -eating students, Student protesters show without the "all beef patties." same student budgets as meat so they enjoy a price break when it For the same amount, my carnivorous col- 40 THE why shouldn't comes to food especially if their meatless order nostalgic 'real' activism leagues at the Spartan Daily get what they refer to as well. as a cheeseburger. FLIP SIDE cut costs for the fast food chain upVI If fast food chain menus do not offer a vegetari- There are 50 students who can hold their heads While many restaurants have caught on to pro- fast an alternative, then they should charge those up high in the bright, sunny sky today. They viding choices for their vegetarian customers, without the burger," broke the stereotype of the San Jose State food chains have not acknowledged the growing loAnn Peach wishing to have the "burger a l'mversity students. veggie population. . f44 J lower price. and Providing a vegetarian alternative would also They showed they cared. Johnny Rockets, Marie Calendar's, Chili's move for fast They showed action. even Denny's despite its political conflicts be a prime public relations food They protested around campus to voice their dis- provide vegetarian burgers as part of their menus. ers" are lower in fat and cholesterol than their chains. fleshy counterparts. If more meat-eaters ate a vegetarian burger satisfaction concerning the recent events between the But common fast food restaurants, such as would California Faculty Association and the California "McDeath's," "Jack in the Crack," "Wormy's" and They are usually made of tofu, various grains, every once in a while, meat production have State University. the rest of the popular fast food chains with their beans and sometimes TVP, which is texturized veg- to go down, causing the amount methane produced For the students who missed the ship and don't cheap "under $5 menu," still do not offer a vegetar- etable protein. TVP is made to have the same tex- by cows to decrease. Methane is proved to harm know what the dispute is obviously you are not ian alternative. ture as meat and can even be flavored to taste like our precious ozone layer. apart of the 50 students here is some background. As it stands, vegetarians who want a meatless beef, pork or chicken. Hey, if McDonald's can get rid of styrofoam The dispute involves a 13-month battle between burger will have to patronize sit-down, more Even for people who eat meat, an occasional packaging for the environment, then it can look the faculty and the CSU system. It ended when the expensive restaurants than go to the drive-thru vegetarian burger instead of a meat patty is a way into vegetarian alternatives for the 35 percent of a value meal. to decrease fat and cholesterol content of a meal. the population who are, in some form, vegetarians. state imposed a contract on the faculty. One of the and get main areas of concern is the CSU's failure to provide If fast food chains would "wake up and smell the At the very least, fast food chains should offer But aside from the environmental, animal pay that is comparable to cost of Bay Area living. hummus," and start providing vegetarian alterna- their regular burgers minus the all-beef patty rights and nutritional reasons, the most important tives, these companies would be able to lure our at a lower cost for vegetarians. is equality. But, who cares about that, right? as pot It doesn't immediately affect students. It won't help increasingly health-conscious society back into the It is ridiculous for those who don't want or eat Vegetarians can be stereotyped -smoking Burger Pit. the part that is the most costly to the company tree-huggers or crazed animal rights activists. But students decide on whether to eat at Sbarros or schedules. We Burger King. Basically, it is over the heads of most stu- Health reports in recent years have warned the to pay the same amount. we're not. We have crazy school work American public about the amount of fat and cho- Even vegetarians get the "Big Mac Attack" hard for our money. So why shouldn't we want to dents, except for the 50 who took time out of their life on Thursday to walk around campus. lesterol in the good ol' American meal of a burger, every once in a while. It doesn't matter if their hang on to it until our needs are met? The sponsors the International Relations fries and a coke. These reports have everyone hear- order is minus the meat. Association brought back some of the luster to stu- ing arteries harden every time they see a drive- Some of my friends I'll call them Aaron, Jon JoAnn Peach is the Spartan Daily opinion editor dent activism on campus that was prevalent during th ru. and Jeremiah joke around and tell me that what "On the Flip Side" appears every Friday. the '60s. More importantly, they showed support that Vegetarian burgers often called "veggie burg- I'm eating, a cheeseburger without the burger, is was previously lacking on campus by anyone besides the faculty. Teachers are only as strong as their students. Without student tuition, the teachers do not have a job. The protest that snaked from Rower Hall to the Talent not required Student Union made the faculty's position stronger. By protesting, the students accomplished two from today's rap things: They invested in the faculty's future and in their own.They also brought attention to the fact that students care about this issue and are not apathetic to gaginamsectozyucsang industry artists tientet C CS6 co, the faculty's cause. eCiagair. Students are only as strong as their teachers. Teachers if they choose to can be a guides, Mike asegueda mentors and friends for students who are preparing for the outside world. CONTRIBUTING WRITER Teachers do a lot of little things that don't get noticed or enough credit for. The good ones not only carry office hours, but they make sure student ques- 'want to be a rapper. tions are answered. They make themselves available Don't laugh. So what if I through telephone and e-mail to deal with the con- am white, don't have cerned student who is worried about five points on a any experience or talent on test. They give career advice and a sympathetic ear. the microphone and have This doesn't give them the limelight, a pat on the been known to mumble . back or the recognition they deserve. Their treatment sometimes. 4 over the past 13 months has shown a total lack of It doesn't matter, I'll just regard by the CSU system. collect my millions of dol- Unfortunately, the CSU system can never fully lars, large gold chain and Rolex while I'm laughing appreciate the extra hours the faculty puts in. They ell the way back to my suburban house. are not the ones to do that. The recent rising stock of Eminem has all but dis- The students are. Every student on campus has pelled the 'Vanilla Ice syndrome" that had plagued their complaints. Most are too lazy to do anything every aspiring white emcee since people finally about it, which makes their voice minimal at best. stopped humming the bassline to "Ice, Ice Baby." The 50 students who protested made their voices If anything, I should be able to profit off of Mr heard. They made both the faculty and SJSU students Slim Shady and his new found success. Whenever a look good. This is something long over due for the new gimmick becomes big in the music industry, the teachers. clones emerge quick, so let me be the first to raise To the rest of the 26,000 plus SJSU students, you my hand. As far as my skills go, no worries. Everyone knows all owe those 50 students a thank you. "MY PARENTS RAISED MY ALLOWANCE FIFTY CENTS . SHOULD I INVEST THE SURPLUS IN MY ONLINE TECH STOCK PORTFOLIO. OR STASH IT IN MY LOW RISK MUNI FUND?" nowadays talent has nothing to do with whether an artist makes it in the hip hop world. Look at Master P and his fleet of No Talent err ... No Limit Soldiers. SPARTAN DAILY Would Silkk The Shocker be anywhere in the rap O. Wothangion Square. Son Jose, CA 95192.0149 world if he wasn't Master P's brother? 14081 024.3280 Editor!: SDAILYOirne situ edu I think not. EDITORIAL As for the rest of P's pals, they can join the ranks Eileen*. e Editor .lon Peres of the Flipmode Squad, Harlem World and every Managing Ed dor Julia B Wright other artist who made it because they're older broth- Production Edit. Aaron William. er, cousin or best friend happens to have a little Outman Editor JoAnn Peach power in the industry. Sparta Editor Jeremieh hthara Entertainment/ Lifestyle Editor John hint. r I figure as long as Juvenile can put out a song in Photo Editor Clayton Steller which every line ends with the same word and peo- Copt Editors %owns Bethel. ireh Damn Sparta Guide ple still flock to it, why not me? Chief Photographer Bnan Prance tion, call Diane Sagmeir at 279- can't Graphics Aaron Williams I'd just like to see someone try to tell me I Today Saturday 6385. rap because of my speech habits because I have the Senior Staff Writern Stodra lesh Doe, A1111111 Parlacka ultimate scapegoat to pass the blame to. alinnv White Stress, Health and Wellness Ballroom Dance Club Ball Student Art Exhibits His name is M-A-Dollar Sign-E, but we'll just call Staff Writers: Cindy Antra.. Donna Carmichael. Workshops The Spring Ball will be held The School of Art and Design him Mese. If Mase make Rhmla Taloa Herrera. 11.111MS Kasen* *Franklin U.* and his slurred speech can Shane Irons. Melina Matchalt Ryan Mellroasin. Counseling Services will hold from 7 to 11 p.m. in the Spartan will show student art in the art Blaze Magazine's Top 50 rappers of all time, I think Hush Stacie manor, DS Peres, Laurie Phillapia. !logo RIVYtA workshops from 3 to 4:30 p.rn. in Complex, room 89. Admission is $5 and industrial studies buildings everyone from me to Chewbacca should have a Wand* Sailor, Klunna Toranslu. Lance Swenton, the Administration building, room or $3 with a Ballroom Dance Club from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. For more record deal. Tem Thorp ArVIS I 'Inch 269. For more information, call information, call Scott or Jenny at Staff Illunrator. Jen lletnutin Tabor membership card. For more infor- As a hip hop connoisseur and observer, I think I Photographem F ranch.. requihel. Sarah r In Senn Petaell., Denise Hadley at 924-5019 or Jill mation. call Carmen at 924-SPIN. 924-4330. know what it takes to make it in the world of rap. It Ilea Sultan true. Sento* Steinbert at 924-5910. is so simple all you have to do is make friends. Queer Revolution Co-op Workshop I bet I can go down to that Jay-Z and DM)C con- ADVERTISING Spring Celebration concert Discussion "To the left and over The Career Center will hold the cert at the Arena next month or make my way over Advertising I nrector Doug Evans Music and Dance Council will the barricades" with host Harry workshop at 12:30 p.m. in the to one of those and Art Director Yoon Wild 94.9 "hip hop" concerts hold a benefit concert featuring Costanoan Room, Student Union. Retail Merniger ,reg Cones Hay in the Costanoan Room, sneak my way backstage to mingle with today's nonsuch of Entertainment Mgr. Husain* Ttn AM I San Jose State University music Student Union. For more informa- For more information, call the cen- giants of hip hop. !Sentinel Manager Mario Dr Palms faculty at 7:30 p.m. in the music tion and time, call April or ter at 924-6033. Before you know it, I'll be one of DMX's "dogs" or Account Executives Monaca DiGiultuo. Jenette DiForio. Dawn] Ida, building concert hall. For more Whitney at 267-8707. have my spiffy new gold teeth and big No Limit Tank Helen dar information, call Elizabeth Kmetz 'I'uesday medallion. ADVISERS at 924-8718. Monday I can picture myself holding it up in the air with News Stephen Greene, Jan Shaw that same moronic grin that Silkk or C-Murder have Advertising Jack Qum ton Fencing Lessons Group Dynamics and Conflict Student Art Exhibits on their faces Photo .11m McNair every time they. show off their "tank The fencing club provide Resolution Workshop The School of Art and Design Production Chief Tina Buhr dogs." lessons from 7:30 to 10 p.m. every The Student Leadership will show student art in the art If that doesn't work, I can always go the way of trimare Ream 406 924 3260 Fa 406 924 32E2 Admirtinag Friday at the Spartan Complex, Development Workshop series con- and industrial studies buildings the man who The Source proclaimed as the 406 924 22,0 SPARTAN DAILY rt’SPS509 4ftni im published every room 79 For more information, tinues from 4 to 6 p.m. in the from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. AJso, the "Greatest school day for ,foll *redeem Producer of All Time" Puff Daddy. OK, mar. $25 1111d I memento, $15 Fhtriodat call Margaret Dickerson at 374- Almaden Room, Student Union. Tuesday Night Lecture Series will po.44. panl at San Joao Mad automptIons accepted on rematmler hold on while I stop laughing at that one. of semester home Pt E4TMAETER Send addre. changes to the 0722 or Van Tat at (415) 560-3921. For more information, call the present the Corporation of As I was saying, my parents have a large collec- Spartan Dade San Jose State l'nweratty lne Wnhington Square San Student Life Center at 924-5950. Acculturation from 7 to 8:30 p.m. Jon r'A .5192.149 tion of records from the '60s and '70s, so I doubt I Stress, Health and Wellness in the engineering auditorium.For wnuld ever run out of beats to use. Workshop Eating Disorder Support more information, call Scott or Opinion page policies Then, I could go down to an elementary school Counseling Services will hold Group Jenny at 924-4330. and find some third grader to write some raps for me the workshop from 3 to 4:30 p.m. The Student Health Center will Readers are encouraged to express thrmeelvm on the and I'd be all over commercial radio in a few days in the admissions building, room host the support group from 3 to 4 Pre-Occupational Therapy Opinion pege with Letter to the Editor That's all well for now, but I guarantee you, I have 269. For more information, call Jill p.m. in the health building, room Advising A letter to the Eddor 200-tvord reeponn to an issue or point much larger goals. Steinberg or Denis Hadley at 924- 208. For more information, call The occupational therapy of mew that has appeered in the Spartan Daily I'm thinking movies, books, anything you can 5910. Nancy Black at 924-6118. department will provide advising Submassions become the property of the Spartan Daily and mey think of I want to flood every medium you can think from 5 to 6:30 p.m. in the central he edited for clanty. grammar. libel and length Submissions of Chinese Campus Fellowship Roundtable Diecussion About classroom building, room 222. For must contain the authoes name, address, phone number, While I'm at it I might as well go for a Grammy Bible study from 2.30 to 4 30 the Holocaust more information, call Barbara sigusture and maior. too. Jay-Z and DMX were upset that rap artists don't p m. in the Almaden Room, Mosaic San Jose State Sullivan at 924-3070. Submissions may he put in the Letters to the Editor boa at the get the proper respect from those in charge of the Student Union For more informa- University's Multicultural Center Spartan Dolly Office in Dwight Bente! Hall Room 209. sent by fax awards. I want to be the first to change that. tion. call Esther at 298-4693. will hold the discussion at the to .408, 924-3237, marled to SDAILYShno emu edu or mailed to I'll start my acceptance speech now. Center from 3 to 4 p.m. For more the Spartan Daily Opinion Editor. School of Jorimaliem end Mass "I'd like to thank all the worthless gimmicks and Chinese Mandarin Bible information, call 924-6255 Communicetions, San .Iper State University, one Washtniton Speared Guide Is prortded free charge one-hit wonders that paved the way for me. I dedi- Fellowship to student& faculty and staff The deadline Square, San .lose, l'A 95192-0149 cate this award to Vanilla Ice, MC Hammer, Ahmad, Movies, life sharing and Bible Study for entries noon, three dove before destrcd Rditorials sre written by, and are the consensus or, the puNtratiern dote Entre form, ore mailable Paperboy, No Limit Records, Badboy Records, and refreshments from 2,30 to 4:30 The Nurses rhnstian on Ow Sporran Daily Office Space restrii Spartan Daily editors, not the. staff. hell, even Young MC. p m. in the Montalvo Room. Fellowship will hold bible study howl mos require editing of suhmissions Publashed opinions and adserttsement do not noceennly reflect the You know, I "keep it real." Student Union. For more informa- at 11 a m in the Montalvo Room, news of the Spartan Daily ihe School 14.1ournalism nd Man tion, call Joyce at 993-8006. Student Union For nit,a t Informa- Conanainicatio. or MS!' Mike Osegueda is a Spartan Daily contributing writer

0 AWPP- t4F Friday, April 16, 1999 SPORTS Page :1 Rams acquire RB Faulk from Colts for two picks George of the Giants ST LOUIS (AP) -- The St. games early in the season, but Louis Rams acquired three-time missed most of the season with a Marshall knee injury and the Rams are Faulk from the Indianapolis Colts worried about his durability. Thursday in exchange for two The Rams had been consider- draft picks, a second- and a fifth- ing taking Miami running back round choice. with the sixth Coach would not pick. Now they might set their confirm the price the Rams paid sights on North Carolina State aside from saying the picks did or not include the Rams' first-round Arizona Chris Allister, selection Saturday, which will be and they might be leaning to the sixth overall in the draft. St. defense. Louis had two second-round picks, Charley Armey, the team's including one acquired from New director of player personnel, noted Orleans in an offseason deal for that the Rams have made a num- wide receiver Eddie Kennison, to ber of offensive upgrades, includ- use as bait. ing Trent Green and 'We're very excited about it," guard Adam Timmerman. Vermeil said. "I think it's an out- "We've addressed a lot of our standing move for our organiza- offensive questions through free tion. Our first-round pick is agency and now this trade," intact." Armey said. *So we can't overlook It was not immediately clear if the type of player that's sitting the deal means the Colts will there at that pick on defense." choose winner Faulk, 26, has two years to go with their No. 4 on the original seven-year con- pick in the draft. tract he signed with the Colts at Colts owner Jim Irsay issued a the second overall pick of the 1994 statement that read, in part, draft. He is to make $2.22 million "Marshall was a very productive this year and wants to renegotiate player for the Colts as evidenced his deal. Vermeil said the Rams by his three Pro Bowl nomina- wouldn't be opposed to that. tions. Faulk is coming off his best "At this point, the Colts have year. He rushed for 1,319 yards, decided to take a different direc- caught 86 passes for 908 yards tion as preparations continue for and scored 10 touchdowns. His the 1999 season. We wish 2,227 total yards from scrimmage Marshall continued success in his was the sixth-highest total in NFL career." history. He was second to Terrell ranche3ca Esquibel/Spartan The deal fills the Rams' biggest Davis in rushing yards. He was pre-draft need. Their top rusher third in the NFL in receptions. He "Crazy George" riles up the crowd during the San Jose Giants Campus. He has been a staple at Giants games and other local last year, June Henley, had 313 led all NFL running backs in both home opener Wednesday at Municipal Stadium near South sports teams for 11 years, nine of which he has been paid fOr. yards. Greg Hill had a few big receptions and reception yards. the hot commodity in weekend's draft Every year the NFL draft pro- new franchise around a quarter- Claiborne is safer and can imme- 13. - 19. - 25. Green Bay Packers - vides a brief ray of hope for the back. Couch is the most polished. diately play. Torry Holt WR North Carolina Patrick Kearney DE Virginia Fred Vinson CB Vanderbilt losers of the league. The draft 2. - 8. (from State Charles Johnson bailed via The team lost Chad Bratzke The Pack is thin at corner. Vinson allows fans of the Rains, Bengals, Donovan McNabb QB San Diego) - John Tait OT free agency. Yancey Thigpen took through free agency. Kearney will is the best available. Colts and other perennial losers Syracuse McNabb is a hell of an BYU The Cardinals lost their the big money elsewhere last year. push Cedric Jones and provide 26. - to remain optimistic about their athlete. He had a great, produc- starting left via free Now, the Steelers need to fill their depth on the line, which is at a LB Tennessee He's team's tive col- agency. Tait could step in and fill shoes. Holt is a great playmaker premium in the NFL. undersized by NFL standards. chances in lege career the void. who had a productive college 20. - But size doesn't matter (except the future. and has 9. - Jevon career. The Steelers should thank CB Alabama with your girlfriends) and Wilson For these good lead- Kearse LB/DE Florida With the their lucky charms if he's still The first of two picks in the first has the heart, character and fans, the ership nickname "The Freak,' Kearse around. rcruitcl will be used as bait to trade swarming ability to succeed. draft is the qualities. will be a menace on the field. The 14. Kansas City Chiefs - up. The Pats are desperate for a 27. - climax of the Plus, new problem is where. The Lions need L.J. Shelton OT Eastern running back. None are worth tak- OT Georgia season - coach help everywhere on their front Michigan The Chiefs have a gap- ing here. Bryant is a logical choice, No, Bill Walsh is not going to the Super Andy Reid seven; hence, the pick is justified. ing hole on the left side of the considering they're thin at corner. trade up and get McNown. That's Bowl of sub- feels 10. Baltimore Ravens - offensive line. Based on needs, 21. Arizona Cardinals - a pipe dream. Stinchcomb fits the four -win McNabb QB Central Shelton is the best available. WR Louisiana prototypical 49er offensive line- franchises. will fit Florida Scott Mitchell isn't the 15. Tech Keep giving Jake Plummer men mold with his intelligence. Although nicely into answer. Culpepper played at a - Anthony McFarland DT weapons, and we'll forget how bad 28. New England Patriots - the NFL the West small school, but has a cannon LSU Head Coach Tony Dungy the Cards have been in the past. C Boston doormats draft higher and can Coast offense. arm, big body and can move pret- can't pass up the opportunity to 22. - College The Pats need a center. pick better football talent, the sys- 3. Cincinnati Bengals - ty well. The Ravens need to take a pair up McFarland with Warren WR Tennessee It's still early to take a center, but tem usually backfires. For exam- QB Oregon In the chance to get to the next level. The Sapp. If you saw the last Woody has All-Pro potential. ple, the Minnesota Vikings were long run, Smith could have a bet- team already has a good core of 16. Tennessee Titans - year, you saw Price come through 29. Minnesota Vikings - loaded with so much talent they ter career than both quarterbacks defensive players. Offense is the DE North in the clutch. He's a special receiv- DE Saginaw didn't even need to draft last year drafted ahead of him. He has the direction to go, and quarterback is Carolina Ekuban is the most er and would complement Valley St. The Vikings Call afford to make the playoffs. So, they took arm, size, intelligence and athleti- the key. athletic defensive lineman. The . to take a chance on this small a chance with the 21st pick and cism to make him successful. The 11. Minnesota Vikings (from Titans are desperate for a pass 23. - Antoine school product. Playing alongside selected Randy Moss, a receiver downside is, he had only one pro- Washington) - Chris rusher. Winfield CB Ohio State The John Randle might unleash with the talent to be the best, but ductive college season. McAlister CB Arizona 17. - Bills need a solid corner. Winfield King's animal instincts, making a checkered past that made some 4. Indianapolis Colts - McAlister might be a better pure WR Ohio State is a steal here. He gets knocked the Viking pass rush more fierce. NBA players look like choirboys. Ricky Williams RB Texas cornerback than Bailey. He's a The team didn't think he'd be for being small, but he's been cov- 30. - Of course, Moss turned int,o the Goodbye, Marshall. Hello, Ricky. ball hawk with size. The Vikings around this late, so they signed ering the best the Big 10 has to Reggie McGrew DT Florida steal of the draft. Williams is the best player in the are lucky if he slips this far. Sean Dawkins. Well, he is, and the offer for a couple of years and has McGrew is a warrior in the The poor Rams - stuck with draft. He will have an immediate 12. New Orleans Saints - team will now have a receiving passed all the tests. trenches. Insert him at tackle, and the sixth pick - settled for Grant impact, and the Colts are looking Cade McNown QB UCLA corps. 24. Miami Dolphins - Andy the Falcons will improve their Wistrom, a who had more and more playoff bound. McNown is Ditka's kind of player. 18. Oakland Raiders - Katzenmoyer LB Ohio State rush defense. a productive college career but is 6. Washington Redskins - He's a leader with great athleti- OT Wisconsin The Dolphins will not draft here. 31. - just an average NFL player. Edgerrin James RB Miami cism and instincts. He also has a Psychics even have trouble with Jimmy Johnson will trade down Antwan Edwards DB Clemson Even worse, the Bears took With Brad Johnson and James, better arm than people give him the Raiders. Gibson is mammoth. to accumulate picks. Some team Edwards is a flexible defense Curtis Enis with the fifth pick, the Redskins have drastically credit for. Plus, he'd probably play He moves piles. He beats grand- will trade up to get the Big Kat. back. He can play corner and safe- and he blew his knee out halfsvay improved their offense. James is better than Billy Joe Hobert from mothers up. He's got Raider writ- He's got too much athleticism to ty. The Denver secondary is up through the season. big, and he's even faster than the getgo. ten all over him. slip much farther down. there in age, and Atwater is gone. The bottom line: The NFL draft Williams. He's only 20, which is isn't fair. The losers will always problem. Millionaires at the age of Teachers Needed For lose. And Mel Kiper will wear a 20 in the NFL tend to have a toupee. rough time. Theater Workshops But I'm not a bitter Rams fan. I 6. St. Louis Rams - Champ .T Must be able to handle actually love the unpredictability Bailey CB Georgia The Rams to 15 kids at once IP FOR A WALKA111.11 AMERICA draft, which is got cold feet in the Ricky Williams up and drama of the transportation why I will take on t.he role of race, instead settling for Marshall * Reliable Spartan Daily NFL Draft fore- Faulk. The team has a need, and needed caster. Bailey is the best available. * No theater experiencu 45661* miiega .4961110 1. - Tim 7. - Chris needed, lust crazy mails iedgoi Couch QB Kentucky The Claiborne LB USC Daunte personality Browns get a chance to build the Culpepper is a possibility, but $20 per hour MANAGEMENT TRAINEES BAY AREA LOCATIONS *Contact Carol at (408)629-9721 We've This is an entr level position assisting in all operational Giants narrowly avoid sweep functions such as processing customer transactions, developing Been a client base SAN FRANCISCO (AP) - day this season for the first time and conducting all other daily operational Barry Bonds had an RBI double after seven years in the minors, activities. Our program provides trainees with the tools and ,and Chris Brock allowed two struck out five while allovzing skills to rapidly advance to the next level. Candidates should PORKLIT MUM Named runs in 6 2-3 innings as the San five hits. The only runs he possess a high energy level, some customer service experience, allowed came on homers by Francisco Giants avoided a three- a willingness to learn business from the ground up, and game sweep by defeating the Bergman and Bill Spiers. MitSubiShi is the world s One of the maintain a flexible Houston Astros 5-2 Thursday. Robb Nen pitched the ninth attitude toward working and training. We leading manufacturer of require a 4 year degree or relevant experience, Bonds, who began the day for his fourth save. forklift trucks. a clean DMV leading the NL with 11 RBIs, Bergman (0-1), who allowed Top 10 record, a valid California driver's license, and strong doubled in the first off Sean three runs on seven hits in six Business majors with interest communication skills. Bergman for the Giants' first innings, hit his second homer of in marketing and sales run. Brent Mayne added a run- the season into the left-field Companies... In exchange, we offer: scoring groundout in the fourth bleachers in the third for the first Account Executives/Fleet Entry level pay plus an incentive plan after center fielder Carl Everett hit off Brock. Spiers added a solo Management positions to work for and we Promotional opportunities seventh for dropped a fly ball for a three-base homer in the Excellent compensation want Expansive benefit package error, and Charlie Hayes had an Houston, which had a three-game program with 401K you to join us! 401k & pension plan after lyear of service RBI single in the sixth. winning streak snapped. Ramon Martinez added a two- With two homers, Bergman If you are looking for Please send your resume to: run homer in the seventh for his has twice as many this season as excitement. first major league home run and power-hitting teammates such as a challenge and e lot 01 fun but The Hertz Corporation first major league RBIs. He also Jeff Bagwell, Ken Caminiti, are ready to get clown to some job # CSUSJ99 hard serious had two singles and scored twice. Derek Bell and Craig Biggio -- work. our company P.O. Box 759, Millbrae, CA 94030 with Richard Hidalgo may be the right place tor you Brock (2-0), who was on a and is tied or FAX (650)-259-2910 maior league roster on opening for the team lead. Fax your resume to Human Resources at 650.692.1800 Complete the Circle. Keep Recycling Working. AWN" allabob sosithirp *law Page I NEWS Friday, April 16, 1999 Davis asks Chancellor: rebuke Where's the beef? Continued from page 1 for Prop. 187 of 12th grade, but we'll never be them that way," Caret said. mediation able to serve them if we work The president said the chancel- about seven or eight months a lor's role is difficult because he SACRAMENTO (AP) Gov. year. You know, I guess, from speaks for the entire CSU system. Gray Davis today asked a federal about 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.. Monday "He's in a difficult period right appeals court to mediate the dis- through Thursday," Reed said. now. When you can't come to a fac- pute over Proposition 187, the con- The chancellor continued in ulty contract settlement and the troversial ballot initiative that vein. He said he was frus- atmosphere is not a healthy one approved by voters in November trated by the "culture in for dialogue ... it's not the easiest 1994 that sought to cut off school- California." He said in the student time to mend fences," Caret said. ing and other services for illegal culture and in the faculty culture Ken Swisher, public affairs immigrants. there is an inertia and a fear of director for the CSU, had a differ- The Democratic governor, who change. ent view of the faculty's interpre- opposed Proposition 187, could Faculty in attendance found tation of the chancellor's com- have thwarted the initiative by Reed's statements shocking and ments. refusing to pursue a court fight very offensive. "You have to question the launched by his predecessor, Myron Hood, Academic Senate appropriateness of their interpre- Republican Gov. Pete Wilson. chair of Cal Poly, said Reed's tation and responses; a misinter- not further their Instead, Davis said he asked remarks implied CSU faculty are pretation will court's help to resolve the fight lazy and unmotivated. Hood cause at a time like this," Swisher the immediately wrote a letter to his said. over Proposition 187, which campus' newspaper, the "Mustang Regarding the statewide acad- Wilson used as the cornerstone of Daily." In the letter, Hood said emic senate's rebuke of the chan- his failed presidential campaign Reed's remarks implied the facul- cellor, Swisher said the faculty and which six out of 10 voters ty is not worthy of merit raises. union and the statewide academ- favored. "One would think that when ic senate are two very separate "I'm a governor, not a judge. I have taken an oath to enforce all the chancellor of the CSU is talk- bodies with separate goals and it Dai Sugano/Spartan Dinh' ing about forming partnerships is not appropriate for the academ- the laws of our state an our between the CSU and business, ic senate to be commenting on fac- Nutrition Professor Miriam Saltmarch helps dietetics major Heidi Holcomb to measure the nation, regardless of my personal he would not be portraying facul- ulty-union business. weight ot a piece of meat Thursday in a Food Science class in the Central Classroom Building. views on those laws: Davis said. ty as a bunch of lazy louts," Hood The rebuke of Reed is not an wrote. official instrument, according to Jo Whitlatch, president of the SJSU Provost Linda Bain. faculty association at San Jose "It's an expression of their (the Abu-Jamal: A.S. champions his cause State University, said the chan- statewide academic senate's) cellor's remarks were made in a opinion," Bain said. Continued from page 1 Desmond Tutu, according to "Hopefully, he will receive a University's Associated Students certain context, but nonetheless Jim Smith, communications Estremera. Estremera, who new trial," Sanchez said. "I hope Board passed a similar resolution implied the faculty have a light director for the faculty union said 1982 when a Jury convicted and spoke in front of the A.S. board in he is not executed." in support of Abu-Jamal in workload, and most of them are a rebuke is a written warning not sentenced him to death for the support of the resolution, said Melanie Landstrom, an envi- November of last year, according only working from 9 a.m. to 2 to do something again. murder of the Philadelphia police Abu-Jamal is innocent and ronmental studies major at SJSU to Connie Wun, vice president of p.m., Monday to Thursday. Swisher said the chancellor officer. deserves a new trial because he who spoke in support of the reso- external affairs at SFSU. 'That's far from the reality. In apologized to the faculty for any The award-winning journalist was not able to defend himself lution, said she feels it's impor- Some members of the SJSU's our type of comprehensive institu- hurt feelings regarding the misin- and former member of the Black during the original trial. tant more students know about A.S. board felt this type of issue tion, most faculty across the terpretation of his comments. Panthers has maintained his "The '60s movement of justice Abu-Jamal. She first became was not appropriate for the board nation teach three courses per As for himself, Caret said it's innocence since his arrest. He and freedom came out of the uni- aware of the case in 1996. to address. semester. On average, our faculty his role to defend this faculty and claims he is a political prisoner. versities," Estremera said. "It's "His case is a blatant example "I believe in the court system," teach four courses per semester this campus and do the best he Abu-Jamal believes he was important that university stu- of injustice and wrongful convic- said Elizabeth Green, A.S. direc- and have one of the heaviest can for them. unjustly tried and thus incarcer- dents seek out both sides of the tion," Landstrom said. tor of non-traditional minority workloads in the nation," she Caret tried to explain how the ated for his political beliefs, issue and make their own deci- In 1998, the Pennsylvania affairs, who voted against the res- said. chancellor's remarks about the according to Curly Estremera, a sion." State Surpreme Court reviewed olution. "I felt everything that I Whitlatch said the chancellor's alleged attitude and ability of fac- member of the South Bay mobi- Activist and poet Sonia findings of the hearing in accor- have read about him (Abu-Jamal) remarks did not acknowledge the ulty relate to the prospective lization to free Mumia Abu-Jamal Sanchez was one of the few who dance with an appeal from the was biased in his favor." horrendous amount of time facul- year-around academic calendar. and all political prisoners. As a spoke on Abu-Jamal's behalf dur- defense. Abu-Jamal's appeal for a Davila said if students are ty work on average, spending Caret said a year-round academic lat,e night radio talk show host, he ing his first trial. According to new trial was rejected. Efforts are interested in an issue it should be in excess of 40 hours a week. calendar does not mean more was an outspoken critic of the Sanchez, Abu-Jamal was well- currently being made to appeal addressed. But SJSU President Robert work and less pay. Caret said the Philadelphia Police Department. liked around his Philadelphia his case to the U.S. Supreme "We (Associated Students) saw Caret said the chancellor is pro- university would probably move Abu-Jamal has won support neighborhood, and he was a Court. In the past, such attempts a group of students that were con- faculty. Caret said he took the to the established trimester from well-known people around respected journalist. Abu-Jamal have failed. A 1995 hearing reject- cerned with this issue," said chancellor's remarks not as a slur model. the world, including Nelson was the president of the Black ed a similar appeal for a new Carlos Aguirre, "A.S. is aware of on faculty but as a slam on how "Teachers won't have to teach Mandela, the European Journalists' Association during trial. social issues and is not afraid of California develops its institu- more, they'll teach differently. If Parliament and Archbishop the time of his arrest. San Francisco State taking a stand." tions. they want to teach more, there -What faculty will tell you is have to be incentives," Caret said. that the chancellor has made The president stressed the uni- other comments like this and that versity would transition to the the latest were just more in a year-around model by careful line," he said. increments. Henry Reichman, chairman of The chancellor's remarks the Academic Senate at CSU caused such a furor at Cal Poly Hayward, said the chancellor has and throughout the CSU that Cai frequently been antagonistic to Poly's president, Warren Baker, faculty since he took office in and Provost Paul Zingg placed the March 1998. full transcript, as well as the "He can be very crude, but chancellor's subsequent letter of actions speak louder than words," explanation, to the the Cal Poly Reichman said. community on the university's Caret said he understood the Web site. faculty's frustration and how they The Web site of the faculty took the comments in the way union at www.calfac.org also car- that they did. ries the chancellor's remarks and 'But I don't think he meant related feedback. ARE YOU SALES MANAGEMENT MATERIAL? MANAGEMENT TRAINEE Continuing Corporate expansion awaits you! WHO WE ARE LOOKING FOR; WHAT WE OFFER. 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Ave. San Jose. Certain advertisements In 20 Seasonal story MCIMM 010011 M00010 apphcation & CREDIT UNION ASSISTANTS Job LOVE OF CHILDREN! Or call Laurie at Apply in person 867-3424x200 for 408.286-5880 these columns may refer the 23 Abounds UUMMOMMO MIEMOWINI BRITANNIA ARMS information. Immediate Need Code 35SPD. Full-Time. No Week- CALL (408) 364-0345 24 Intellectuals ends. No Sales Quotas. Minimum reader to specific telephone OMM MI111810101 5027 Al maien Exo. San bse. 95136 ACCOUNTING CLERK Needed addresses for 25 It's charged! $11.50/hr to start. Provide mem NO BOSS! WORK FROM H081E. Excellent math, people, numbers or MMOUOIMO MOMOMMO TELEMARKETING SUPERVISOR logic. additional information. 28 Check Pan and ber and teller services. Requires Health. Fitness. Nutntion. phone & organizational skills are a WORK WITH HIGH RJNCTIONING Needed to motivate. reaurt. Classified readers should be 29 Chinese-menu 140101201 00810 00018 teremaketers aid HS Diploma or equivalent. 1 yr $3.000/mo. must. Basic computer skills will YOUNG CHILD WITH AUTISM superuse a ban of $500 reminded that. when making item 0N0M0 MOMM 000M San Jose teller experience, good communi- P/T or F/T be required. This is a part time Tutor/Therapist wanted to work in office staff in cur downtown these further contacts, they 34 Farm buildings OMMUM MUMM 00010 a location. Must be available to work cation & PC skills. We offer gener- No experience necessary! position. Mandetory hours are progressive behavioral treat- complete 39 Emanation 0,99EIUMEOFeatureSynchcate Must ous compensation and benefits 590-7642 or 9:30 2pm (20 hrs/wk) Monday should require ment program w/ 4 year old boy in days. menirgs, ard or %canals. (888) information before sending ao Potato state and enjoy including medical, dental, vision, (408)879,3342. through Friday. Fax resume with Los Gatos home. Main emphabs is on haw basic PC knovAedge money for goods or services. 43 Entree meat 4 Colony of bees 36 Stimpy s pal We will train you. special employee loans and salary histay to 408/554-9598. the development of communication working wth People. In addition. readers should 44 Tine 5 Pouches 37 - King Cole benefits opportunities for tuition assis- TELEMARKETING & play skills. Background in psy- Great growth potential and carefully investigate all firms 46 Guarantee 6 Scheme 38 Cunning year old tance. Qualified candidates Part/Full-Time. Day, Eve, and SECURITY chology, special ed., occupational package. We are a 24 offering employment listings 48 Legendary bird 7 Wanders 41 Rado the Bay Area 's should fax or send resume to VVknd shifts amiable. discount Abcom Pnvate Secunty therarpy or speech therapy prefened. company promoting orcoupons for discount 51 Actress West 8 Whole enthusiast Please fax resume 408-756-2565, STAR ONE FCU. reAspaoer subcriptiOns. We will train you. Salary is negotiable. Car required. best newspapers. vacations or merchandise. 52 Type of siding 9 Teahouse 42 "Is it a boy 5165053191 or HR Dept P.O. Bot 3643. Sunnyvale. Salary plus bonus.. Student Fnendly. worker Please call Shari: 408.294-2712. and cover letter to 57 girl?" buttarsfthome.com. Questrais? CA 94088.3643. Please include NEW loosbon: 31 N 2nd St *1270 FT, PT, Wkdys & Wknds. Borders 10 Trite email 62 Califomia 45 Broad smile CASHIERS 510505150a ask br Barrie. job code. 408/4940200 N'edia Romotions. NI shifts. Flexible Schedule. 11 Greek 47 Coral - NEEDED at 4th St. Call earthquake zone Chevron, F/T Call or come in TODAY! 408.247-4827 marketplace 49 Waiting to bat P/T. 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Must have reliable truck & nsurance cookie Ty - 55 Bnckworker 4013292-7876 89 Aclor Eastwood 26 Yes, in Paris 56 Newspapers Print your ad here. Line is 30 spaces, including letters, numbers, punctuation & spaces between words. 70 Anon's partner 27 Beatty of films and radio THE SOUTHWEST YMCA is hiring 71 Mountain lake 29 Head cover 58 Valleys Preschool & School Age Teachers 72 'To Autumn" 30 "Ben- -" 59 Tropical bun to work in Saratoga. Los Gatos. poet 31 Gold, in 60 Santa's Campbell and San Jose areas. IJUIDUJULICIDLILIJULIULICILICULILILICILLICICQU 73 Can. province Acapulco helpers Flexible PT/FT availability with 32 Tin - Alley 61 Plain excellent benefits and quality LIJJLILIJULIDLIJLILILIJLIUCILIUCLILICILLIJULlUi DOWN 33 Sviong around, 63 'It - Me. training opportunities. Energetic 1 Jeweler's weight asaship Babe" staff team and fun kids! Call Tina 2 Wnte Wa ker 35 Gardner of 64 Dish el 370-1877 x 29. LILLIULILLEJLILLIJJULILLILILIJJLILIJUJULICLI 3 Use the tub filmdom collections GREAT WEEKEND JOB $10/HR. JUULIULJUILIULIJUJLILICILILILIJJULIJUJLIJUJ MEM Need Enthusiasm to hold sign &MAIM NENE to direct buyers to new homes Nemo UM= MUM Need transp. 1-800-343-8368 Ad Rates: 3-line minimum Please check / NM One Two Three Four Five Address one classification: NM MOM WM $1600 WEEXLY POTENTIAL Day Days Days Days Days mailing our circulars. Free 3 lines $5 $7 $9 $11 $13 CINAStem Campus Clubs' _Rental Housing MMEMMINIMMINIMMOM information. Call 202-452-5901. 4 lines $6 $8 $10 $12 $14 Greek Messages' Shared Housing* Phone Estate UMMME MIMI= EARN EXTRA CASH $ 5 lines $7 $9 $11 $13 $16 Events' _Real Up to $600/month 6 lines Sa sio $12 $14 $16 Announmments* _Services' add Send check or money order to: WM Become a Sperrn Donor $1 for each additional line. _ Lost and Found" _Health/Beauty' Healthy males, 19 -40 years old Spartan Daily aassifieds Volunteers' _Sponsahnlls' diANAMMEd Unrv. Students/Grads/Faculty San Jose State University After the fifth day. rate increases by $1 per day. For Sale' _Insurance Contact California Cryobank line (25 spaces) set in bold for no extra charge San Jose, CA 95192-0149 8-4:30 First Autos For Sale* _Entertainment' 656324-1900, M-F, Additional words available in bold tor S3 each ? Classified desk is located in Dwight Banter Hall, Room 209 Computers Etc.' _Travel OVUM DONORS NEEDED Deadline: 10:00 a m two weekdays before publication Wanted' _Tutonng* Women 21-32. Heathy. SEMESTEP RATES Mid MI ages ? AA ads are prepaid No rekinds on cancelled ads Employment _Word Processing Responsible. All Nationalities. 3-9 lines: $70 10-14 lines: $90 MI Rates for consecutive publications dates only. Life!!! Opportunffies _Scholarships addiSMOMM Give the Gift of 15-191ines: $110 ? QUESTIONS? CALL (406) 924-4277 $3.500 stipend & expenses pad. INIMMIIMMINIMMOMMIN VVe especially need student rates available for these classifications. $5.00 for a 3 line ad for 3 days. Ads must be placed in person lao:inese and Chinese Donors. Special MEM MEM MEM PLEASE CALL US AT WWFC in DBH209, between 10am and 2pm. Student ID required. (800) 314.9996 Found ads are offered free, 3 lines for 3 days, as a service to the campus community. MEM MIMI **Lost & ME= MOM MN= Page 6 NEWS Friday, April lti. 1999 Yeager: New book Dancing in the dorms Continued from page 1 Currently, there are 124 openly gay elected officials in the United San Jose State Washington D.C. press secretary, States. University residence a campaign manager and the co- "As a faculty member, I had hall students take founder of Bay Area Municipal done a lot of research on the gay Elections Committee one of the and lesbian movement," Yeager swing dancing largest gay and lesbian political said. "I knew there was little lessons in Allen Hall organizations in California. information on gays in politics. I from resident adviser Today, Yeager is the first open- hope the book inspires others to Tony Rubolino and ly gay elected official in Silicon learn from their experiences." Joe West Hall resi- Valley. He was elected to the San Yeager said he hopes the book Jose/ Evergreen Community will refute many of the stereo- dent Melissa Paredes. College District Board in 1992 types about gay and lesbian elect- The halls otter night and was re-elected in 1996. ed officials. events like these to "I felt it was important for me One stereotype is that gay offi- give residents some- to stand up for my rights," Yeager cials will only work on gay issues. thing fun to do and to said. "If I didn't, those rights could Among Yeager's findings, contrary be in jeopardy of being taken to assumptions held by some vot- meet other residents. away." ers, gay representatives serve the Those experiences manifested entire community and spend less itself into Yeager's first book, than five percent a month on gay released last month, entitled issues. "Trailblazers: Profiles of "I think we will look back at America's Gay and Lesbian 'Trailblazers' and it will have a Elected OfTicials." The book historical significance," said explores the lives of 14 of Wiggsy Sivertsen, of counseling America's gay and lesbian elected services at SJSU and a long time officeholders. 'Trailblazers" is the friend of Yeager's. first national survey of gay and "Ken has been a very signifi- Sarah Orr/ lesbian elected officials in the cant force in helping the gay and Spartan Daily country. lesbian community have a voice in Yeager said he thought it was assessing their civil rights." important to tell the story of gay Besides teaching three classes officials because so little is known at SJSU, Yeager is considering about them. running for San Jose city council. Cost: Living on campus more expensive Police brutality targeted in N.Y. Continued from page 1 telecommunications office, Clark through Friday. Each apartment in Spartan ment is approximately $1,400 per NEW YORK (AP) Hundreds grant Amadou Diallo, and the said. "The meal plan is ridiculous. Village is a two bedroom, 750 month. of protesters walked across the alleged 1997 station house tor- Because the residence halls are It's so much more than what I'd square foot unit. Two people live Living off campus is what Brooklyn Bridge on Thursday in ture of Haitian immigrant Abner only open when school is in ses- spend on food," said Julie Wager, a in each bedroom. A total of four Uthman plans on doing next year. the largest gathering yet against Louima. sion, students must either leave or graphic design mikior. "I'm going to people live in each apartment. "I'm not going to live here next allegations of police abuse target- Diallo, who was unarmed, was pay an extra fee if they wish to Spartan Village next year, so I Currently, each Spartan Village year," Uthman said. "There's too ed at minorities. hit by 19 of 41 bullets fired by four stay during breaks. won't have to play for a meal resident pays $370 per month in many distractions, you don't have No one was arrested in the white plainclothes officers as they During the 1998-99 school year, plan." rent. This is a total of $1,480 a lot of privacy and everyone protest, which began outside the searched for a rape suspect in the the residence halls opened on Aug. Elyse Regan, a first-year resi- monthly rent. For the 1999-2000 knows your business." Brooklyn federal courthouse and Bronx. The officers have been 23 and closed on Dec. 18. They dent at Markham Hall said she school year, each resident will pay Regan said she will be leaving ended four hours later near feder- charged with second-degree mur- reopened on Jp.n. 24 and closed was unhappy with the meal plan $389 per month. The increase will the dorms next year to move into al court in Manhattan. der. again on March 26. The halls because she ended up paying for raise the total rent to $1,556 per a sorority house. According to Police estimated about 4,500 Four white police officers also reopened on April 4 and will close meals she didn't use. month. Regan, the sorority is approxi- people attended. Marchers includ- stand accused of beating Louima again on May 27. This is a total "I think that's kind of wrong," Jeff Spevacek, general manag- mately $300 per month less than ed former New York City mayor in a Brooklyn police station. Jury "living time" of seven months and Uthman said. "I don't think you er of Bay Rentals, said two bed- the dorms, but it does not include David Dinkins and entertainers selection in the Louima incident 20 days. should have to have a meal plan to room apartments in the down- food. Harry Belafonte, Ossie Davis and continued at the Brooklyn court- The required meal plan is a live in the dorms." town area around campus range As for Shetty, he said he would Dick Gregory. house where Thursday's protest sticking point with some residents Students wishing to live in from $1,000 to $1,500 per month. love to move off campus, but there The because it is impossible to rent a SJSU housing and int purchase a Currently Bay Rentals has list- is one minor detail preventing number of protesters began. meal plan can opt for Spartan ings for 10 two bedroom apart- him from leaving exceRded those of the room without purchasing a meal he can't cook. previous The Rev. AI Sharpton, who plan. The basic meal plan ends up Village, Clark said. ments in $1,000 to $1,200 per "The only thing that's holding demonstrations that have hap- organized the event, called for costing residents $284 a month. Spartan Village is an apart- month range, Spevacek said. me back is the cooking," Shetty pened in the wake of the February greater federal scrutiny of New For their money, residents are ment community run by According to Spevacek, the aver- said. "I know I couldn't survive off shooting of West African immi- York police. given two meals a day, Monday University Housing Services. age price for a two bedroom apart- the microwave."


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