Responses to Question 22 – Any Other Comments

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Responses to Question 22 – Any Other Comments Responses to Question 22 – Any Other Comments Please note that this document should be read in conjunction with the Consultation Statement January 2012 Report and the User Guide for the Record of Comments. It should also be noted that the majority of these comments concern a particular issue or are related to section of the Core Strategy. A column has been added to this record of comments to indicate what the overall comment concerns, as well listing issues and cross referencing comments. ‘Comment by’ list which part of the Core Strategy the comment mainly addresses. Cross Comment No. Comments Officer Comments Issue Reference By In summary simlify the strategy - if it cannot be communicated to normal people in 10 minutes of speech or at most on 2 sides of A4 we are wasting everyones time because it will not be taken on board. Strategy should describe where we need to be and provide a road map on how to get there. The top level policy issues need to be simplified. Policies 6.2, 6.5, and 6.10 are all Noted. It is recognised that the document can be about protecting and improving our environment - the beautiful countryside which is out unique difficult for non-planners, nevertheless the Overall 4 selling point. Protection of our countryside is an enduring necessity in good times and in bad. If Q22 document carries legal weight and needs to stand Strategy we damage this aspect then the county will exist in name only. Policies 6.6, 6.7, 6.8, 6.9 are all up to scrutiny. about the built environment and infrastructure we can make mistakes in this and therefore permit more risk - errors here can be corrected. To clarify thought I suggest that the division above produces 2 top level objectives of policy prioritised in the order 1. Countryside; 2. Buidings and infrastructure. Comment noted. Agree that the council did not There is a false statement that needs correction in South Wiltshire Core Strategy - Topic Paper take forward the first two options. The topic 3, Addendum 2. In the section concerning preferred options, Paragraph 5.12 states that: Paper forms part of the evidence base rather than Analysis of consultation responses, including from Statutory Consultees, identified strong the core strategy itself and therefore at this stage South South 16 objections to the first two scenarios, and the Council did therefore take them forward as it is not felt critical that this is amended. The Wiltshire Wiltshire Preferred Options. However, it is a well-known fact that the Council did not take forward either SWCS is at a more advanced stage of of the first two options. production. The council is awaiting a binding report from the planning inspectorate. Noted. The objector is correct in that the plan does focus on new employment land. However Thank you for the work that has gone into this plan. I've looked at it from a very narrow CP21 and CP22 attempt to support existing viewpoint - as a director of a business based on the Canal Road Industrial Estate in businesses. These will be looked at again. In Trowbridge. Strategic objective 1 focuses on the need to have jobs within Wiltshire (deliver a addition, separately from the planning system, thriving economy which provides a range of job opportunities) however the details for this the council is supporting a superfast broadband 17 objective appear to be on developing opportunities for new jobs and says little about helping project, so that more residents and businesses in SO1 businesses already in place. For us, and many other businesses, the local infrastucture is a Wiltshire can benefit from the fastest broadband severe restriction on our development and our competitive position. It would be useful to available. The council has set a target of giving consider the infrastructure requirements to support existing employers to develop as well as 85 per cent of premises access to superfast those needed to secure new employers. broadband by 2015. Cross Comment No. Comments Officer Comments Issue Reference By Thank you for inviting me to comment of the County Wide Core Strategy Development Plan. As this is going out for full public consultation I would like to make a request for consultation documents to be in plain simple English. Even the departmental title Spatial Planning is not a Comments noted. Every effort is made to ensure readily understood in the public domain. May I suggest that the following description be added the document readable and understandable to all. to your consultation documentation. The Government has defined spatial planning as 'going References are made to the National Planning Consultation 19 beyond traditional land use planning to bring together and integrate policies for the Q22 Policy Framework and what it means in the document development and use of land with other policies and programs which influence the nature of document and it is considered that not further places and how they function.' In practice this means that the process is very different from the amendments are necessary. Local Plan. It provides planning authorities with an opportunity to take a fresh look at their areas, develop strategic approaches to planning that will deliver sustainable development and reflect the local distinctiveness of the area and the aspirations of the local community. Thank you for your e mail. But word on the street is that every consultation is pointless and a waste of time and money. Whatever it is you want to do , it is will go ahead regardless of how Consultation 20 Noted. Q22 many valid objections are raised. It is basically a talking shop with a one way street at the end. process As our Dear Maggie, said this lady is not for turning, neither are any of the planning committes. Wiltshire Core Strategy DPD Thank you for consulting The Coal Authority on the above. Having reviewed your document, I confirm that we have no specific comments to make on this 24 Noted Q22 document at this stage. We look forward to receiving your emerging planning policy related documents; preferably in an electronic format. Thank you for contacting the Vale of White Horse Council about the Wiltshire Core Strategy 25 June 2011. The document has been considered at officer level and its spatial planning Noted Q22 approach raises no concerns for the Vale. Thank you for consulting Oxfordshire County Council on above document. We do not have any 35 Noted Q22 comments to make. You should be aware that your Core Strategy is already causing hardship and difficulty in Salisbury. I refer to, "Memorandum of Information, The appointment of a Development Partner for Central Car Park and the Maltings, Salisbury.'' This document has a forward by Jane Scott, Leader, Wiltshire Council, and Sir Christopher Benson, Chairman, Salisbury Vision. In this document, the area for development is outlined in red. Within the outlined area are seven residential flats known as, The Maltings, which are above shops and over-look the river. These flats are owned and occupied by elderly residents whose average age is about 84. Because of Noted. The comment will be forwarded to the the uncertainty of these flats in any future development, the old people are unable to sell their South South 36 Salisbury Vision so they are aware of your properties. Two agreed sales have fallen through already and I understand that one estate Wiltshire Wiltshire concerns. agent has refused to handle the flats. The flats are lease-hold, and in 2007 Land Securities purchased The Maltings. Both Salisbury Vision and Land Securities are unable or unwilling to tell the residents whether their properties will be developed or not. Development may involve compulsory purchase orders. The result is that these old people are in limbo and are unable to sell their flats to move into nursing homes or to live closer to their families in their last years. What is needed is clarity. A letter from Wiltshire Council stating that the flats will not be developed and a redrawing of the development area to exclude the flats would be ideal. Cross Comment No. Comments Officer Comments Issue Reference By Dear Cllr Clark Herewith, as requested, our report read out at last night's seminar when the Localism Bill and the Core Strategy were discussed: "We would like to thank Wiltshire Council for holding this meeting on Localism and the Core Strategy. Thank you very much. For too long the people of Trowbridge and villages have seen planners neglect the town centre while allowing developers to cover more and more green fields with housing estates and business parks. All this, while the centre of town stagnates. At last, the people of Trowbridge and villages have a voice and we are delighted! Trowbridge offers so many opportunities --- it has very many brownfield sites to build on, old buildings to convert, industrial areas to modernise. It has many beautiful and historic buildings which are hidden gems of the town, also some excellent new developments in Bradford Road (Park View and Waterside Mews), and the flats on the corner of Timbrell Street and Prospect Place. It has a station with excellent rail services to 57 CP7 Noted. General Trowbridge many parts of Wiltshire, Bath, Bristol and more. " Campaign for a better Trowbridge" looks forward, at last, to a development plan in the form of the Core Strategy and Local Development Framework that builds and renovates the town centre with offices, shops, education and other activities in the town, and that says once and for all a resounding "NO" to just adding more urban sprawl with the idea that "bigger is better",when it's not! In
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