Packington Newsletter Issue 54 April 2014

Dates for Your Diary

For Church Services, go to next page

25th April 2014 Easter Egg Hunt and Bonnet Parade Social Club

30th May 2014 Quiz Night Social Club

8th June 2014 Gardens Open for The NGS 2 p.m. to 5.30 p.m.

2nd October 2014 Harvest Supper 7.30 p.m.

6th November 2014 Coffee Morning 10.30 a.m. to 12 noon

Line drawing of the Church by by Jon Brierley of Forest Ground Cottage ! ! ! ! ! ! ! THE ESTATE CHAPEL OF ST JAMES, GREAT PACKINGTON! ! (Entry via automatic Park gates on the A45, Eastbound, some 300 yds on left after Stonebridge roundabout)! Services for 2014 at 10.30am! (Holy Communion Services follow the Book of Common! Prayer / Common Worship Order Two)! ! April 20 Easter Day Holy Communion - 10.30

May 4 Easter 11 Service of Easter Hymns / Readings

June 1 Sunday after Ascension Day Holy Communion - 10.30

July 6 Trinity 111 Holy Communion - 10.30

August 3 Trinity V11 Holy Communion - 10.30

September 7 Trinity X11 Holy Communion - 10.30

October 5 Trinity XV1 - Harvest Festival

November 9 Trinity XX1 - Remembrance Day

December 7 Advent 11 Holy Communion - 10.30

December 20 Carol Service 6.30

December 25 Christmas Day Family Communion

January 11 Epiphany 1 TBC Plough Sunday

February 1 Sexagesima TBC The Litany & Holy Communion

March 1 TBC

March 29 Lent 1V TBC Mothering Sunday ! ! ! All are most welcome to these Services! ! Revd John Bradford In the Peter M. Gregory, Organist! 0121 704 9895 Revised 18.03.13 0121 705 4428

! ! Lend a Flower Rota! ! We have set up a rota to do flowers for the once a month service. If it is your turn, please take them home after the service to enjoy them, otherwise they would be wasted! If you cannot do the month allocated please let me know: !Lady Aylesford.....01676 522274 (E-mail..... [email protected]) ! We really need more volunteers for the flower rota so that everyone need !only do it once a year?! ! ! April 20th - Easter Day Lady Aylesford

May 4th Ms. Gow

June 1st Mrs. Sach

July 6th Mrs.Garnet

August 3rd Mrs. Dalton

September 7th Mrs. Hall

October 5th Farmers Wives

November 9th - Remembrance Day Mrs. Smith

December 7th Miss Joan Griffiths

Christmas Lady Aylesford ! ! ! Lady Aylesford will do all Flowers and the Tree for Christmas/Easter Packington Hall, Meriden Nr Coventry CV7 7HF Tel: Estate Office - 01676 522020 Fax: 01676 523399 The Bishop’s House, 23 Davenport Road, Coventry CV5 6PW

telephone: (024) 7667 2244 THE BISHOP OF COVENTRY fax: (024) 7610 0535 The Right Reverend Dr Christopher Cocksworth email: [email protected]


27th March 2014

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

A few matters to bring you up to date . . . . .

Maundy Thursday: Renewal of Ministerial Vows and Chrism Eucharist

You will have had the usual letter about the service but I thought you would like to know about two other things that will be happening during the lunch after the service.

The first is the launch of the Diocese’s new initiatives in spirituality. Soon after Offa House ceased trading as a Retreat and Conference Centre, a small group, encouraged by Bishop John and led by Keith Mobberley, have been developing some innovative ideas for stimulating and supporting the spiritual life of the Diocese. Keith will be sharing those plans on Maundy Thursday. That will also give me a chance to say something about the future of Offa House following the decision – of which you may have heard – to take it off the market.

The second is the publication of the final version of my paper on Confirmation in the missionary practice of the Diocese of Coventry and some associated resources that I hope will help us address the 58% decline in confirmations in the Diocese since the year 2000.

As ever, indeed, especially this year, Bishop John and I very much look forward to seeing you and your other key leaders and ministers.

Pentecost Confirmations

On the theme of confirmations, you may like to know that there will be a service of Baptism, Confirmation, Renewal of Vows, and Reception in the Church of on Pentecost Sunday, June 8th, at 6.30 pm in the Cathedral. This will be in addition to the usual Easter Morning Baptisms and Confirmations etc., in the Cathedral at 5.00 am in the dramatic setting of the Easter Liturgy. Although a very early start for all involved, it is a really powerful service with a great sense of sharing in the death and resurrection of Christ, and being empowered by the Spirit to share the Easter faith.

Centenary Commemoration of the First World War

There will be all sorts of different ways parishes will be engaging with the centenary commemoration of the First World War. It is a great opportunity not only to connect with the local community but also to emphasize the themes of peace and reconciliation for which we are known as a Diocese. Indeed, I would be especially glad if we were able to make the commemorations throughout the Diocese noticeably conscious of the suffering of those we fought against, as well as those from our own land, the then empire and allies who paid such heavy costs. I have learnt from the Coventry story that, as David Porter often puts it, one mark of true reconciliation is when we are able to memorialize the dead of the former enemy.

Various national resources are being made available but I have asked the Diocesan Worship Group, headed up by Canon David Stone, to provide guidance and help to the Diocese as parishes begin to plan for the commemoration of the beginning of the war and some of the key battles that followed as the war unfolded. The centenary of the conclusion of the war will coincide with the centenary of the new Diocese of Coventry, of which more on another occasion.

As far as the Cathedral is concerned, we are planning to have an ecumenical service of commemoration at 8.00 pm on Sunday 3rd August followed by a multi-faith event around the ruins of the old Cathedral as the light fades.

The National Planning group for the commemoration is encouraging all the parishes of the land to open their churches at some point on Monday 4th August for peace and remembrance, and a copy of their briefing note is available in the Documents Library section of our website or can be accessed directly at:

The Liturgical Commission has provided these liturgical resources:

HOPE 14 have developed what look to be really good resources at:

Among the HOPE resources is the ‘Active Service John’s Gospel’ ( I hope to have a copy for each of you at the Chrism Eucharist.

The Diocesan Worship Group will no doubt be in touch with further information as the time gets closer.

Meanwhile, I wish you a holy remainder of Lent and I very much look forward to seeing you on Maundy Thursday.

As ever, yours in Christ,


Present: Lord and Lady Aylesford Nick Barlow Reverend John Bradford Anne Beaty David and Libby Mander Chris and Ros Smith

Lord Aylesford chaired the meeting and passed on thanks to John Bradford and Peter Gregory for their continuing support for the Church.


1.1 The Minutes of the meeting held on the 18th March 2013 were approved and signed having been circulated in the April 2013 edition of the Packington Newsletter. Matters arising were:-

1.2 V.A.T. (Minute 4.0)

Investigation into V.A.T. had been resolved in the favour of the Church.

1.3 Finance (Minute 5.0)

Donations made by the Friends cover the day to day running costs with any costs over and above that covered by the Aylesford Family Charitable Trust.

1.4 Gift Aid (Minute 6.0)

Gift Aid donations can of course be made to the Church but for donations at the end of Church Services, it was felt to be too complicated.

1.5 Heating (Minute 7.0)

LA and NPB need to re-visit the heating again.

Options must include the removal of the current electric heaters; and must be something that can provide instant heat on days of services.


2.1 John Bradford had helpfully provided a report which is shown in the Church section of this Newsletter, together with a list of forthcoming services for the year.

2.2 The support for the monthly services was encouraging and a tribute to John’s leadership.

2.3 John Bradford thanked all those who contributed to the Church. 3.0 MICROPHONE

3.1 This was working well, when turned on!


4.1 NPB confirmed that these were provided every five years to the Church Commissions with the next report being due this year.


5.1 The rubber mat on the step had helped immeasurably.


Present: Lord and Lady Aylesford Nick Barlow Reverend John Bradford Anne Beaty David and Libby Mander Chris and Ros Smith Tony Harrington Cherie Faries and Steve Allcock Marina Hawkley Aaron Taylor Mary-Anne and Adam Beaty Sam and Jackie Minshull Paul Brown Peter and Chris Fortey Paul Skipper (Scouts) Margaret Roper and Matthew Wakeman Councillor Peter Fowler Tom Beaty Stuart Jennings PCSO Phil McGuinness and Jane Owen (Police)

Apologies: Adrian Henry Margaret Rushall (Scouts) Councillor Les Smith WPC Ellen Beaty

1. MEETING - 18th MARCH 2013

1.1 The Minutes of the meeting held on the 18th March 2013 were approved and signed. They had been previously circulated within the April 2013 edition of the Packington Newsletter. Matters arising:-

1.2 Road Safety Issues (Minute 2)

The white lines on the bend on Maxstoke Lane, between Yew Tree Cottages and the East Gate had been re-done and some potholes on Maxstoke Lane had also been repaired. 1.3 SATNAV (Minute 3)

The Estate tried to influence the SATNAV people to stop directing people to gain entrance to the Park via Little Packington and, as reported in the Minutes for the meeting held in 2012, the web site for Tele Atlas (as we understand it the people who control the data for the SATNAV companies), states that:-

“Your report appears to be addressed in the 2011.09 release of Tele Atlas map data. No more work is planned. The availability of this improvement will depend on the update cycle of products from your application provider”.

Parishioners can view this report at: 310c7b536ec/en

It is suggested that if SATNAV devices are still directing people via Packington Lane / School Lane and the Ford after updating your device maps through your providers web site, then you should contact your individual provider. Also, the use of the South Lodge postal code, CV7 7HE, helps.

1.4 Litter Clearance (Minute 4)

Thanks again to Anne Beaty and Sarah Powell-Brett for their work on collecting litter on Shepherds Lane and Old Birmingham Road respectively. NPB raised the continuing poor state of the A45, Stonebridge Island in particularly the A452/A446 to Coleshill. Peter Fowler stated that he had met with Amey Mouchel and County Council regarding the A452 and A446. He accepted that the roads were still poor and that there was still an issue of communication and cooperation between the Local Authorities.

Litter clearance on the A45 east and west of Stonebridge is Solihull M.B.C.’s responsibility and the A452/A446 Stonebridge Island to Junction 4 of the M6 was the responsibility of North Warwickshire Borough Council.

Peter did not know if the littler clearance was regularly diaried, but did know that there was a significant cost in terms of road closure. However, he will obtain further information on actions going forward and pass that on to Nick Barlow.

Jackie Minshull also raised the issue of the lack of Ragwort control on the main roads and Peter Fowler was urged to request the Local Authorities to control Ragwort before it seeded.

The litter at the former Little Chef had improved since its occupation as a Flamenco Restaurant but this might have closed and the problem will need to be monitored.


2.1 Lord Aylesford drew the meeting’s attention the Church report and list of services prepared by John Bradford and left on the seats in the room. Details are shown Appended to the Church Minutes which will be provided, together with the Minutes of this meeting, in the April 2014 Parish Newsletter. 3.0 NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH

3.1 PCSO Phil McGuinness gave a brief report on behalf of WPC Ellen Beaty who was on leave. Since the beginning of the year there had been two instances of break-ins at the SITA portacabins, one at the flamenco restaurant on the A45, one at Bubbles car wash also on the A45 and a number of fuel (diesel and oil) thefts at Packington and Maxstoke.

3.2 Sheep worrying theft or injury around Outwoods Farm and Dairy Farm had also been reported.

3.3 The Police had some leads on the farm and fuel theft and Phil was asked to obtain feed-back from Ellen, which could be incorporated in the Parish Newsletter.

4.0 HS2

4.1 Nick Barlow gave a brief report. The Estate is seriously affected by HS2 with over 3.2km of route and over 300 acres taken either temporarily or permanently.

4.2 On behalf of the Estate and the Farmers, significant representations were made into the Environmental Statement (some 91 pages) and discussions are ongoing to try and ameliorate the scheme. It seems likely that in order to force the issue, the Estate will have to petition against the Bill, after the second reading, currently due some time in April 2014. It is unlikely that the Bill will be passed prior to the Election in 2015 although, as a result of the Higgins Report on the 18th March.

4.3 It is likely that this Government and indeed subsequent Governments will attempt to increase the speed of construction and quite possibly incorporate part of the second phase as far as Crewe into the current programme.

4.4 Unless there are substantial delays with the Bill, construction is likely to commence in a number of stages throughout the Estate in 2017. Significant disruption could occur as a result of works to :-

a) the Kenilworth Road between the Lincoln Farm Café Lorry Park and the Cornets End roundabout;

b) Meriden Road (which will be bridged to form the viaduct over the River Blythe);

c) the potential closure of Diddington Lane;

d) the lifting and widening of the A45 to go over the rail track between the Stonebridge Island and the M42;

e) amendments to the Stonebridge Island, including the formation of a filter lane through the centre; and

f) the moving of the Chester Road, north of Stonebridge, east into the agricultural land owned by the Estate.

4.5 Copies of the plans are available in the Estate Office. 5.0 STONEBRIDGE QUARRY

5.1 The Stonebridge Quarry opened in the autumn, following delays occasioned by the Highways Agency in forming the access.

5.2 The wet winter has handicapped production. Sales of washed product are going well and dry screen building sand should come into production shortly.


6.1 Private Roads Through The Estate

NPB confirmed that a contract had been let over two weeks ago to DHS Contractors for pothole repairs and this included works on the stretch from North Lodge to Fishers Hall.

NPB’s attention was drawn to the poor condition of the road outside Moathouse Cottage where the tarmac joins the plainings and this will be reviewed.

Other priorities included the driveway to Park Farm.

6.2 Broadband

NPB raised with the meeting that there was a case to be made by the Parish for improved Broadband speed through the Estate and the Parishes generally.

Tony Harrington commented that a fibre optic cable had been laid by BT, probably at SITA’s expense, to help with the monitoring and works at the Generator House and this went through to Hampton in Arden

Regarding the Estate generally, the Broadband speeds on the edge of the Estate were reasonable, although variable, but in the centre of the Estate were poor so NPB will try and make representations to BT.

Tom Beaty asked whether the erection of a mast at High Ash had progressed and NPB agreed to make a note of this in the Minutes - the position is that the Estate are continuing to discuss the matter with Metronet.

6.3 Signage on the Estate

Walkers and joggers, particularly from the Forest of Arden, tend to try and get back to the Forest of Arden via a loop past Moathouse Cottage and Reynolds Cottage and NPB agreed to get signs made and erected to prevent this.

The gate between Moathouse Cottage and Reynolds Cottage does not close and this will be looked at.

6.4 Harvest Supper

The Harvest Supper has been fixed for October 2nd 2014. Help us raise funds for FREE when you shop online!

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Just visit, search for our cause and follow the simple steps to sign up.

Then start shopping using the links to over “As a rescue we have 2,000 retailers, including Amazon, John Lewis, no official funding so M&S, Argos, Next, ASOS and more. we rely entirely on our own fundraising efforts. In the last 18 months, Every time you shop, you’ll earn a donation easyfundraising has to our cause at no additional cost to you! allowed us to raise just under £2,000! Which is fantastic when you think it costs absolutely nothing!

Lynne Hall, K9focus GSD & Large Breed Rescue ... and thousands more!

Sign up at, shop online and raise for free! Editors Page

!Oak Trees By The Church John Booth came to look at the Trees by the Church last December to try to !estimate their age. He measured two trees. a) the tree closest to the road measured 6.8m in circumference. From a table for average Parkland trees this would make the tree 497 years old cica ! 1516. b) the second tree to the North East had a circumference of 7.17m. From the ! same table as above this would make it 586 years old cica 1427 !For some context on dates: !1516 - Mary 1st was born, daughter to Henry V111 and Catherine of Aragon 1427 - when this tree was a sapling, in 1426, Henry V1 laid the first stone of !Kings College Chapel, Cambridge These are only estimates and we could go much further into their age and count the growth rings and see just what sort of weather these trees had lived !through. Food for thought! ! ! June 8th - NGS Garden Opening ! We have decided to discontinue the Cream Tea and to therefore try to induce more people to come to our Garden opening on June 8th (2 - 5.30). W.I will be producing their delicious teas and the gate money all goes to a variety of Charities. Please put the date in your diaries and try to make it a bonanza day!!! ! ! Harvest Supper I make no apology for including the Harvest Supper details in this month’s news letter as I do not want people to say….” I didn’t know the date etc”!!!! A lot of hard work goes into making this a great evening so PLEASE help to make it one! The Fasting & Prayer Conference includes meals. ! Scouts are saving aluminium cans, bottles and other items to be recycled. !Proceeds will be used to cripple children. The sermon this morning: 'Jesus Walks on the Water.'The sermon !tonight:'Searching for Jesus.' Ladies, don't forget the rummage sale. It's a chance to get rid of those things !not worth keeping around the house. Bring your husbands. !Don't let worry kill you off - let the Church help. Miss Charlene Mason sang 'I will not pass this way again,' giving obvious !pleasure to the congregation. For those of you who have children and don't know it, we have a nursery !downstairs. Next Thursday there will be try-outs for the choir. They need all the help they !can get. Irving Benson and Jessie Carter were married on October 24 in the church. So !ends a friendship that began in their school days. A bean supper will be held on Tuesday evening in the church hall. Music will !follow. At the evening service tonight, the sermon topic will be 'What Is Hell?' Come !early and listen to our choir practice. Eight new choir robes are currently needed due to the addition of several new !members and to the deterioration of some older ones. Please place your donation in the envelope along with the deceased person you !want remembered.. The church will host an evening of fine dining, super entertainment and !gracious hostility. !Pot-luck supper Sunday at 5:00 PM - prayer and medication to follow. The ladies of the Church have cast off clothing of every kind. They may be !seen in the basement on Friday afternoon. This evening at 7 PM there will be a hymn singing in the park across from the !Church. Bring a blanket and come prepared to sin. ! The pastor would appreciate it if the ladies of the Congregation would lend him their electric girdles for the pancake breakfast next Sunday. Low Self Esteem Support Group will meet Thursday at 7 PM. Please use the !back door. ! The eighth-graders will be presenting Shakespeare's Hamlet in the Church !basement Friday at 7 PM. The congregation is invited to attend this tragedy. ! Weight Watchers will meet at 7 PM at the First Presbyterian Church. Please use large double door at the side entrance.

!And this one just about sums them all up!! The Associate Minister unveiled the church's new campaign slogan last Sunday: 'I Upped My Pledge - Up Yours.'

Packington and Maxstoke NEWS December 2013 ______


Why not join us at 7.30pm in the Undercroft at Packington Hall for one of our forthcoming meetings … new members are made very welcome. Please telephone one of the Officers (see below) if you need a lift.

2014 # Wednesday 8 January: “Leonardo da Vinci’s Inventions” Javed Hashemi

# Wednesday 12 February: The High Sheriff of Warwickshire Keith Sach

# Wednesday 12 March: Birthday Party Members & Guests

# Wednesday 9 April: “The Belgrade Theatre” David Jane

Contacts: President Laraine Jones...... 01676 - 540693 Secretary Jan Wade...... 01676 - 523118 Treasurer Kate Beaty...... 01675 - 443623 Packington Estate Social Club

Well what a fun packed time we have been having at the Undercroft over the last few months.

In December we had our usual Christmas party and the theme this time was St Trinians.

Pictured above is Maryann and Steve with Mick Gardner peeping over in the background.

Early in the evening Santa arrived and brought all the children presents, so everyone was very happy.

We decided that January would be an ideal time to have a 'Onesie' night. It was great that everyone entered into the spirit of the evening and came snug and warm in their 'Onesies'.

Pictured left is Marina, Mark and Nicole showing off their favourite 'Onesies' This picture was taken at the bar on our 'Onesie' evening. Can you recognise any of the 4 characters at the bar?

In February we arranged a night out at Hall Green dogs. It was the first time we had been as a group and were pleasantly surprised at how well the evening went. We were shown to our tables and served with a lovely meal. All the dogs were walked around the stadium prior to each race and a person came to each table to take our bets. The stakes were £2 per bet and there were 13 races. It was a family night and we found that children were very welcome and well catered for. At the start of each race music was played and the stadium lit up which really added to the excitement and atmosphere. Future Events planned

25th April 2014 - Children bring your parents as we will be having an Easter egg hunt and an Easter bonnet parade, so start decorating those bonnets now.

30th May 2014 - Quiz night with fish and chips/curry supper. Cricket match and golf tournament to be arranged hopefully June, July or August. Remember - everyone is welcome and all profits go to charity - so please bring your friends and family and enjoy a night with us. Rural and Horsewatch Bulletin – 28 March 2014 Incident 66 of 17 March – Arley Between 4.30pm on 14 and 7am on 17 March offenders entered a building site compound in Arley after climbing over a fence. Once inside, the offenders forced the battery access panel from a telehandler machine, ripped out the battery wiring and then stole the battery. They also siphoned a quantity of fuel from a excavator.

Incident 369 of 16 March – Baxterley Between 14 and 16 March, offenders broke into barns and an office at a farm premises in Baxterley. The offenders stole a lawnmower, which was later found abandoned nearby.

Incident 101 of 15 March – Bedworth During the night of 14 into 15 March, offenders broke into outbuildings at a farm premises in Bedworth after cutting a hole in a hedge to access the premises. The offenders stole stock for the shop.

Incident 188 of 15 March – Earlswood During the night of 14 into 15 March, offenders stole a quantity of red diesel from a tank at building works in Earlswood. A local dog walker saw a 4x4 vehicle parked at the location and this may have been involved.

Incident 48 of 17 March – Henley in Arden During the night of 16 into 17 March, offenders broke into an office at a farm premises in Henley in Arden and stole a diagnostic air conditioning machine, a wheel alignment machine and 2 speakers.

Incident 110 of 16 March – Earlswood Common At around 2am on 15 March, offenders entered a stable yard at a farm premises in Earlswood Common. The offenders are believed to have attempted to steal a pony from a stable and may have been disturbed.

Incident 157 of 18 March – Rugby Between 12.15 and 1.15pm on 18 March, offenders smashed the window of an office at a farm premises in Hillmorton, Rugby and stole a safe from inside.

Incident 303 of 23 March - Beausale Between 4 and 7.40pm on 23 March, offenders kicked in the rear door of a house at a farm in Beausale, and entered the premises. Once inside, the offenders carried out an untidy search and made off with items of jewellery and a quantity of cash.

Incident 263 of 25 March – Galley Common Between 23 and 25 March, offenders forced open the up and over door of a detached garage at a farm premises in Galley Common and entered the premises. Nothing appears to have been stolen.

Incident 263 of 25 March – Bentley Common At around 8.15pm on 23 March, offenders smashed a window at a rural business premises in Bentley Common and entered the premises to steal 2 laptop computers along with other items.

Incident 100 of 22 March – Shuttington During the night of 21 into 22 March, offenders stole two 14ft wooden gates from the driveway of a farm premises in Shuttington, Tamworth.

Incident 282 of 22 March – Fillongley Between 8.30pm on 21 and 5pm on 22 March, offenders climbed over a brick wall at a cottage home in Broad Lane, Fillongley to get to the rear of the property. The offenders the siphoned a large quantity of kerosene from an oil tank before making off.

Incident 133 of 24 March – Hurley During the night of 23 into 24 March, offenders broke into a unit at a farm premises in Knowle Hill, Hurley and stole a set of vehicle keys from a drawer. The keys were the used by the offenders to drive away a white Mercedes Sprinter van containing tools and a sat nav.

Incident 226 of 21 March – Wolvey During the night of 20 into 21 March, offenders stole a metal gate from a field at a farm in Wolvey, allowing sheep to escape. Incident 179 of 25 March – During the night of 24 into 25 March, offenders entered a secure building site at a farm premises in Ettington after forcing a padlock off a wooden gate. Once inside, the offenders entered the new build house and stole a Bosch saw and a Nailer air compressor.

Alert from West Mercia Police: CAUNSALL, KIDDERMINSTER, WORCESTERSHIRE - Suspicious People - Kinver Lane - At approximately 4pm on 17th March, a van was driving slowly along the lane, a female with a foreign accent got our of the van and approached a field where a female was attending to her horses. As the female was asking questions regarding stables in the area, two males in the van seemed to be interested in the horses she had. No offences reported at this time.

Alert from Police: Log no. 537 19/3 On Tuesday 18th March at approx 2130 hours a dark coloured Land Rover Discovery and a twin axle trailer was used in the Theft of a £15000 JCB digger; from Wood Lane in Earlswood. A white van with wavy graphic lines running horizontally parallel may also of being involved. A tracker was fitted but removed soon after the theft. Before the tracker was removed, direction of travel was towards Yardley Wood, Birmingham. Any information either to Police on 101 quoting above log number or, if you wish to report anonymously to the independent charity, crime stoppers phone 0800555111

Warwickshire Horsewatch Update Rare Breeds Society meeting – Warwickshire Horse Watch will be at Warwickshire Rare Breeds Society at their group meeting on April 3rd 7.30pm Green Man Pub, Long Itchington CV47 9PW

Countrywide Stores, Bearley – Open Weekend 4-6 April Warwickshire Horse Watch will be at Countrywide Bearley on Sunday 6th April 1pm to 3pm to postcode tack for free and help with the latest crime prevention advice. We will also have our gate signs and the brilliant new rug labels. Let your friends know, bring your tack and come for a chat - we would love to meet you. Crime Prevention advice sheets and leaflets will be available all weekend on the Horsewatch table.

Rug Labels We are proud to announce our new horse rug labels developed to help protect your rugs. Warwickshire Horse Watch has been working with Staffordshire Horse Watch to produce a cost effective horse rug label that is highly visible and can be made unique to the owner - see link for full details. work-together-to-tackle-rug-thefts/16154

Warwickshire Horsewatch Website Update

The Warwickshire Horsewatch Website has now been updated and is simpler to use and information is more easily found.

Lots of new crime prevention advice sheets have been added and are available for you to print off and use. Information has now been divided into three categories, Equine, Farm and General to save you time when looking for something specific.

Links to the websites of all of the suppliers of crime prevention goods, who attended the Rural Crime and Safety Event in Moreton Morrell have also been added.

Finally, a new download section has been added. Here you will find property record forms for you to download to your own PC. You can then populate the forms with your own photographs, serial numbers and other information pertaining to livestock, horses, plant and machinery and then file it away on your computer, disk or memory stick. Then, if the worst happens and your item is stolen, you can email the file directly to the Police so that they know exactly what they are searching for. “Hold a Fish and Chip Supper to help spinal cord injured people rebuild lives after injury”

Great British Fish and Chip Supper – Friday 16th May 2014

Want to eat Fish and Chips, while raising money for charity? Hold a fish and chip supper on Friday 16th May 2014 whilst raising awareness of spinal cord injury and supporting SIA’s vital services.

You can hold a fish and chip supper in your own home, at work or hold a larger supper at your local community centre.

SIA will provide a fundraising pack containing hints and tips, recipes, invitations and donation envelopes. By inviting 8 friends and asking them to donate an additional £5.00 means you will raise at least £40.00 from your supper but we will also give you additional fundraising ideas to raise even more money for SIA.

In 2014 SIA is celebrating its 40th anniversary and so we want to make the batter matter and raise £25,000 from everyone holding suppers. Last year we raised £12,500 from the suppers.

The money raised from the suppers will help the Spinal Injuries Association offer support to individuals who become paralysed and their families, from the moment a spinal injury occurs, and for the rest of their lives by providing services and publications which enable and encourage paralysed people to rebuild lives after spinal cord injury.

Every year in the UK over 1,000 people experience a spinal cord injury and there are an estimated 40,000 spinal cord injured people in the UK alone.

Community Fundraising Manager, Elizabeth Wright, says, “The Fish and Chip Supper is a wonderful opportunity for a great evening with friends and family. We are also encouraging people who work to hold a Fish and Chip Lunch in their work places to raise even more funds. You may be even a local community group wanting to run a fun evening with your group.

For more information or request a fundraising pack call Elizabeth Wright on 0845 071 4350 or email [email protected] or visit The Great British


Supporting Spinal Injuries Association Friday 16th May 2014

Make the batter matter Hold a Great British Fish and Chip Supper to help raise money to support our outreach services.

To request a fundraising pack: Call 0845 071 4350 Email [email protected] Visit Have fun and raise money for the SIA Registered Charity No 1054097 Have you been left with a Christmas Debt Hangover?

Citizens Advice saw a 39% increase in the number of people seeking online help with debt problems between 26 December 2013 and 2 January 2014.

Your local CAB can help with information and advice on how to deal with debts. We can also help you if you are not in debt but struggling to make ends meet.

If you would like to talk someone in confidence you can contact:

North Warwickshire CAB on 01827 712852 or

Email: [email protected]

The Estate and Farmers invite you to the 2014 Packington Parish Harvest Supper at Packington Hall - Pompeian Room Thursday 2nd October at 7.30 pm ! Tickets £7 each ! Bring and take away….. Wine and Beer given by the Estate Knives, Forks and Spoons!!!! Raffle Some Form of Entertainment!!!

! Tickets will be restricted to Past and present staff, residents, congregation and immediate (ie wives/husbands and children) families of the above! Tickets are very limited and we really want Estate members and their families to attend .This is an Estate Party first and foremost.

If you would like tickets, please complete the reply slip below, and return to The Estate Office,

c/o Kay Gleeson, Packington Hall, Meriden, Coventry, CV7 7HF

You will hear if you have been successful in getting tickets by one of the 3 methods below, so PLEASE provide!

Email address……………………………………………………………………….

Mobile no………………………………………………………………………………

Home no………………………………………………………………………………..

If you could provide an Apple Pie or 2, or Table Flowers, please indicate.

Please reply by Monday 22nd September so we can contact everyone. We will not be chasing anyone by telephone as this is time consuming and expensive!


HARVEST SUPPER ! Thursday 2nd October 2014 7.30 pm ! ! ! NAME:……………………………………………………………………………………………….

ADDRESS: ! ! ! !Tel No: ! TICKETS REQUIRED AT £7...... ! AMOUNT ENCLOSED: £...... ! Cheques made payable to Lady Aylesford ! ! ! I can provide ...... Apple Pies ! I can Provide ..... Flower Arrangements ! !Family Members : ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !