Montgomefer COUNTY PENNSYLVANIA Jv'o/^/^/Srowjv
BULLETIN HISTORICAL 50CIETY MONTGOMEfer COUNTY PENNSYLVANIA jv'o/^/^/srowjv Smery PUBLISHED BY THE SOCIETY AT IT5 RO0M5 18 EAST PENN STf^EET NORRI5TOWN.PA. OCTOBER, 1937 VOLUME I NUMBER 3 PRICE 50 CENTS Vv' The Old Llewellyn House. Built in 1750 THE BULLETIN / of the Historical Society of Montgomery County Published Semi-Anmcally—October and April at Norristown, Pa. Volume I October, 1937 Number 3 CONTENTS Dr. Hiram Corson Nancy Corson Cresson 99 Outstanding Women of Montgomery County Ella Slingluff 101 Rise of the United States Constitution Joseph Jackson 112 Sketches of Some Early Settlers of Montgomery County .... Charles R, Roberts 126 The Young Family of Merion Square James K. Helms 136 Reports 141 Publication Committee Dr. W. H. Reed, Chairman Charles R. Barker Chester P. Cook Emily K. Preston, Editor 97 Dr. Hiram Corson* By Nancy Corson Cresson Doctor Hiram Corson, of Plymouth Meeting, Pennsyl vania, was born October 8, 1804, on a farm opposite what is now the Township Hall, Plymouth Centre, and died March 4, 1896, in his Maple Hill home, which he built for his bride, Nancy Jones Foulke. His parents, Joseph and Hannah Dickinson Corson, were descendants of Huguenot and English ancestors, and were members of the Society of Friends. He received his education in the country schools and Friends' Select School in Philadelphia. Later he entered the office of the old Nor- ristown Herald as an apprentice, but even then had the determination to study medicine. In pursuance of this plan, he studied with his cousin. Dr. Richard Corson, of New Hope, beginning in 1826.
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