ANDREW MACDONALD San Francisco / Bay Area [email protected] 760.681.8812

Technical Skills: JavaScript ES6+, React.js, Node.js/Express, MongoDB/Mongoose.js, Git, Webpack, Babel, ​ JQuery, AWS EC2, HTML/CSS, Docker, Python, Django, MySQL, Mocha, Chai, Jest, Enzyme

WORK EXPERIENCE Fiddler Labs Palo Alto, CA Software Engineer May 2019 – Present

● Created advanced visualizations to facilitate analysis of machine learning models utilizing React.js,, and Highcharts, including complex dashboards in the FE

● Installed and configured Redux, along with implementing all async action creators and reducers to manage the global state of the web application

● Created Node.js endpoints and MongoDB models to store data related to the web application workflow and all user interactions

● Created a proxy service that handled authentication and routed requests to other services

● Implemented OAuth 2.0 authentication and authorization to access internal services and tools used by Fiddler

● Created internal Slack app and corresponding Express server to organize new feature ideas and actionable items, including React UI that supports real-time updates (

● Created Highcharts server to support custom visualizations delivered via email based on configuration

PROJECTS EventListeners | San Francisco, CA ​ A system design of a music streaming web application

● Horizontally scaled microservices and proxy servers on five EC2 micro instances behind an NGINX load-balancer to sustain 1400 RPS, a 466% increase in throughput

● Optimized PostgreSQL queries with indexing and connection pooling to achieve reads on a database containing 30M primary records in <1ms

● Performed stress tests with to simulate sustained high traffic load for pinpointing app-wide performance bottlenecks

DotThen | San Francisco, CA ​ A microservice-based music streaming web application

● Increased application page load speed by 80% by minimizing the number of HTTP requests, minifying and compressing files, and implementing asynchronous loading

● Integrated microservices via Express proxy server deployed to Docker & AWS

● Implemented Test-Driven Development and automated testing with Jest and Enzyme for over 90% test coverage and 75% faster test runtimes

EDUCATION Hack Reactor San Francisco, CA Advanced Software Engineering Immersive Class of 2018 UC Berkeley Berkeley, CA Bachelor of Arts in Economics Class of 2016