802.379.3120 github.com/cadeban [email protected] Cadence Banulis cadeban.github.io San Francisco, CA 94102 FRONT END ENGINEER linkedin.com/in/cadence-banulis

ABOUT ME I’m a passionate software engineer with the heart of a visual artist: I enjoy finding elegant solutions to complex problems and designing beautiful user experiences or RESTful APIs. Looking to make an impact.

SKILLS Strong: JavaScript (ES6), React, Node, Express, HTML, CSS, Git, Github, SQL, jQuery, Bootstrap, D3 Experienced: Canvas, Redux, Backbone, AngularJS, Heroku, Webpack, Babel, Grunt, Mocha, Chai, Jasmine, MongoDB, Test Driven Development (TDD), Agile and Scrum Development

PORTFOLIO Git Central | gitcentral.com 2016 A git repository visualizer an analyzing tool. • Integrated D3 with React to display meaningful repository user data • Wrote API to interface with Github to collect data for requested repositories • Implemented a mobile-first responsive web user interface with Bootstrap and Material Design • Deployed application, as well as set up production and development continuous integration • Wrote and maintained documentation to ensure high-quality code Event Spot | eventspotapp.com 2016 A web application for finding local artists in concert. • Created dynamic single page application splash with Angular using user data for personalized UX • Integrated with Spotify authentication so users may play songs via app interface • Architected RESTful Express router and integrated SQL database Whiteboard 2016 Online whiteboard to sketch and save ideas. • Used Canvas and jQuery to create a drawing platform that responds to user input • Learned Canvas and created Minimum Viable Product in 36 hour deadline

EXPERIENCE Hack Reactor | Teaching Assistant and Resident San Francisco, CA | 2016 - 2017 • Tutored computer science concepts: data structures, algorithms and client-side MVC frameworks • Led pre-course curriculum and determined program readiness for 50+ students • Lectured 50+ students on algorithm solutions, complexity analysis and performance optimization • Effectively helped students debug and clean up code across stack using best practices • Conducted 13 technical interviews per month, selecting students by technical and cultural fit

EDUCATION Hack Reactor | Advanced Immersive Software Engineering Program San Francisco, CA | 2016 Bennington College | B.A. in Visual Arts Bennington, VT | 2012