College Notes 1980S

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College Notes 1980S The Rev . M.H. CRES SE , College Notes w Y (B . A. 1958) was Ve lnstalled as Prl'nc' 0 stml' ns t er College on 4 October 1979 . lpa1 f Dr. C.H. CRI PPS (B.A. 1937) Honorar an Honorary Fellowsh Yc F �ilOW , has bee n e lected into Dr . ip at Queens' 0 ege. APPOINTMENTS D.W.J. CRUICKSHANK (B A 1949) f rmer Chemistry, Manchester U�i�ersit � Fellow, Professor of . S.P. ANDERSON (Matric . 1976) has been appointed an assistant Royal Society. y, as been elected a Fellow of the Mr Dr. B.W. master at Winchester College. CUNLIFFE (B A 1962) Pro f s or of Europea Dr. W.D. ARMSTRONG, O.B.E. (B.A. Christ'S 1947 ) Fellow, has b,een Oxford University' ' ·h�s been � � n Archaeology, by the Institute of Chemic�l Academy. elec e a Fellow of the British awarded the Arnold Greene Medal Mr Engineers. I.M. DALZIEL (B.A. 1968) wa le ted The Rev. Dr. G.W.E.C. ASHBY (Matric . 1975) Former Senior overseas the European Parliament on � � � as Conservative member of Visiting Scholar , has been elected Bishop of St. John's, Province ency of the Lothia 7 e u 979 to represent the constitu Mr. A.W. ns. - of South Africa. DAWSON (Anthony Attwell)(B .�. 19 Dr. C.H.F. AVERY (B.A. 1962) has been appointed head of the Works of grant by the South East Art 74) has been awarded a Art Department of Christie's of London. German tenor Ernst s A, ssoclatlon to study wi th the famous College, has Dr Haefll'ger In MunlC h . Mr. J.R. BAMBROUGH (B.A. 1948) Fellow and Dean of the . P.D. D:EATH (B.A. King's 1971 ) f me been elected president, to hold office from 25 May 1979 until 1983. Unlverslty Assistant Lecturer i� �� � Fellow, has been re-appointed The Rev. E.R. BARDSLEY (B.A. 1947) has been appointed Vicar of Mathematics and Theoretica e epartment of Applied St. Andrew's, Tiverton, Diocese of Exeter. years. l PhY SlCS' f rom 1 October 1979 for two Mr. A. Mr. S.F. BARNETT (M.A. 1964 ) has bee« elected into a Reserved S. DURWARD (B A 1958) h asb een appoi�ted Fellowship under Title B at Wolfson College from 1 November 1978. N. Eckhard, chief· g�neral m anager deputy to Mr. Basil Mr. E.E. BARRITT (B.A. 1961 ) has been awarded an M.A. degree in Building Society. and a dlrector of the Leicester Management Studies at Brunel University (Henley Administrative Mr. �.S.S. EDWARDS (B.A. 1974) Fe110 � , has been ap Staff College) and he has been appointed County Planning Officer Unlversity Assistant Lecture , Pol' nted a for Suffolk with effect from 1 July 1979. Politics from 1 r ln t e Faculty of Economics and Profess October 1979 for t h, ree years . Mr. E.J. BAVISTER (B.A. 1956) has been appointed managing director or J.A. EMERTON D D ·( �· · (lnc .)1 of Constructors John Brown Limited and joins the Board of Process elected a Fellow of the·B ' t � 954) Fellow, has been Engineering and Construction Division of John Brown . Mr . J.A.F. ENNALS (B �� Academy. g's College, has been Constitu .A. 193�) s c�osen by the Thames Dr. B.C.R. BERTRAM (B.A. 1965) Fellow of Kin ency to be its cand'da te In the Europea Valley Labour appointed curator of mammals at London Zoo from 1 January 1980. elections held on 7 June 19�9 n Parliament Mr. M. BIRKINSHAW (Matric . 1973) has been elected to a Research Mr. A.H.M. EVANS (B.A. 1957) ha� Fellowship at Gonville and Caius College with effect from Bench of Grays Inn. been appointed a Master of the 1 October 1980. Dr. R.K. GILBERT (B.A. 1951 ) has sir John BRIGHTMAN (Hon. Mr. Justice Brightman)(B.A. 1932) has been year te�m on the pOl been re-elected to a second thr - appointed a Lord Justice of Appeal from 1 october 1979. of Amerlc icy-making Board of Governors of the Mr an Pathologists. COlle�: Dr. D.N. CANNADINE (B.A. Clare 1972) formerly Fellow , now a Fellow . B.L. , GREAVES (B.A. 1964) has been , of Christ's College, has been re-appointed a University Assistant publlclty organiser for the appolnted' fund ralser and Lecturer in the Faculty of History from 1 October 1979 for two Organisation . I nt ernatl onal Voluntary Service years. Mr . J.M.F. GUNN (Matric Mr. B.G. CARTLEDGE (B.A. 1954) has been appointed Ambassador to Fellowship . 1975) has been elected lnto' a Resea Mr. at Peterhouse with fect fr om 1 rch Hungary. T . W . ( Thom) GUNN ( B . A.Trin. 1 95 3)�or October 1979 . Sir Hugh CASSON, K.C.V.O. (B.A. 1932) Honorary Fellow and president been awarded the W.H. Smi merly Harp�r-Wood Student , has of the Royal Academy , was conferred with an honorary D. Litt., by £2,50 0 for h th and �n nnu al lltera ry awa The Re� is Selected Poems 19� 1 �75. rd of LOughborough university . T.W. GUNTER (B.A. 196 2) has been , Mr. D.J .A. CLINES (B.A. 1963) has been appointed Reader in Biblical Sunnlnghill, Berkshire from J anuar appolnted Vicar of Studies, university of Sheffield. He is joint-editor of the Mr . T.D. HAW y 1980. KINS M R C : P : ' M.R.C.S:. D.M.R.D. Journal for the Study of the Old Testament and is secretary of the has been appoi�ted Cllnlcal Dean In , F.R.C.R. (M.. A 19 77) Society for Old Testament Study. M e d'lCln , e from 1 October the Facu lt Y 0 f Clinical Mr 1979 f or f'lve years The Most Rev. and Rt . Hon. F.D. COGGAN , D.D. (B.A. 1931 ) Honorary . D.N. HILL (B A . 197 9 ) has been . Fellow and formerly Archbishop of Canterbury , has been conferred Alexandra Choi; . appointed the conductor of th e with a life barony and has been gazetted by the name , style and D r. D.A: HOPWOOD c Gen (B.A. 1954) former Fe l OW , Jo title of Baron oggan of Canterbury and of Sissinghurst in the etlcs, University of East Anglla, ; hn Innes Professor of County of Kent . the Royal Society. ' as been elected a Fellow of Dr . W.J. HOUSTON ( B.A. 1963) was insta Old Testament Studies at s lled as Gl endyne Pro fes so r Pr of essor Westmin ter C 0 llege on of K.H. JACKSON F B A ' (B, .A. 19 4 October 1979 been awarded the Der�k Alie� 31 ) Ho�o�ary Fellow, has · p rlze by the Brltlsh Academy. 48 49 Professor Sir Harold JEFFREYS , F.R.S. (B.A. 1913) Fellow, has been Mr S 9 awarded the medal of the Seismological Society of America. Me i ' � gb d ' � :� ���n awarded the ?rder of Civil Dr. P.T. JOHN STONE (B.A. 1969) FelloW, has been appointed University Mr�. Pei� �ser� has=;� �= �� C �r� d Of the Republlc of Korea and also had th��e� Honora :y Degre of oc . Assistant Lecturer in the Department of Pure Mathematics conferred upon him b Chun nam N tlo � � tor of Science Mathematical Statistics from 1 October 1979 for three years. Mr. R.C. PETERSEN (B.A� 19 � nai Unlverslt� , Daejeon, Korea. Mr. H.G.R.V.T.D. KING (M.A. 1961 ) has been re-appointed Librarian of Chartered Insti 44� has e n e ected Presldent of the the Scott Polar Research Institute from 1 October 1979 to the Mr tute of Patent Ag � . D:J. P�CKEN (B.A. 1955) has be:� :pp retiring age. englneerlng at Leicester Pol ' ointed to a chalr' of Mr. B.M.W. KNOX (B.A. 1936) Director of the Cent er for Hellepic Dr. C.I. POGSON (B Y t ech nlC School. Studies, Washington , U.S.A. , has been awarded the sixteentD'yOSmOs the A T 6) t ect rer in Bio University of Ken t ��n������ �as � chemistry �t Club award by the Cosmos Club , Washington D.C., U.S.A. of Blochemistry at the� �University e en elected to a Chalr Mr. P.W. LAIRD (B.A. 1978) has been awarded the T.R.C. Fox Prize for Mr. J. QUASH (B A 1 ) 5 o� , Manc hester. e n appolnted 1 979 . on-the-Hill S�h� 0 : � ��� � headmaster of St. J ' Mr. T.P.R. LASLETT (B.A. 1938) former Fellow, now Fellow of Trinity Profe 1 ut 1 � ohn s- ssor K.F. QUINN (B.A Eman 1947) College, has been elected a Fellow of the British Academy . Senior Fellowship by th� h as been awarded a Connaught Mr. A. LORD, C.B., (B.A. 1950) has been appointed managing director Mr. C.D. RAPPAPORT Univ�rsitY 0 f Tor?nto, C nada (B.A. 1934 ) h s bee p ol nt � . of Dunlop Holdings with effect from 1 January 1980. Jewish Col on ization Asso ciatio� (I ) a P ed dlr ector of th e Mr. J.W. LOVERIDGE (B.A. 1946) was re-elected Conservative Member of Dr. S.C. REIF (M.A. 1976) has been ' , , Parliament for the Upminster constituency in the General Election at the University Libr r��agpolnted an Under Llbrarian held May 1979. ary from 1 0 c t 0 r 1979 Mr.
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