THE SUNDAY OKEGOXIAy, PORTLAND,. MAT 21, 1922 5 ...... qualifying round and of Guilford In his final with Gardner at ,St Louis JAPANESE DECIDE WINNER OF AMERICAN LONG -DISTANCE CLASSIC TO STAY PENN UNIVERSITY STAR WITH GIANTS. leave no room for doubt that the presen- t-day amateur yields nothing to the ; iii mi i OH iii nil ij illinium m iii linn urn muni m in miiiiiiiii r champion of 1900 in the matter of to TEAMS PAIRED FOR HAN- running 'em down. Add this the BALL TIE BY RACE IN HIS CLASS ARE ability of these cracks at getting far greater distances from the tee and . 01 DICAP PIiAY. you have the answer. Gullford'a four birdies in a row against Gardner at Mrs. James Nicol Defeats Mrs. C. a critical stage in their match Is Travis could not have equalled in his College Nines Refuse to Play N. Sampson in Finals of best days on this same course under Battling Joe Learns Bitter like conditions. by Spring Tournament. A better angle may be had on the American Rule. Lesson in Three Fights. improvement in play In 20 years by comparing medal scores of the win- A women's handicap team match ners of the open then and now. The in which the f'rst ladder team cap- present test is over a distance of from tained by Mrs. Pat Allen will play 500 to 600 more yards a few strokes, U. the second ladder team under the to say the least. But It was not until S. UMPIRE PUZZLED OPPONENTS TOO HEAVY is leadership of Mrs. Jean Cline 1900 that the le journey was scheduled for the Portland Golf club made under 300 strokes, Aleck Smith next Friday. There are 23 players turning in a 195 that season. The on. each team. The match will be for winner's average "total for the five Athletes Giving 18 holes. years around 1900 was 320 Btrokes. Declare That When Iiittle Fellow Finds Task of Following is the order in which the Of years, in fact only once In late ' , Yankee Coaches Are ' Hired, Away Ten Pounds Is Too team players are paired: the last ten, has the winner been team Second team above 300 strokes, Hagen and Brady Change Will Be Made. Great a Strain.'' First 301 In 1919. : Mrs. P. Allen (cap.) Mrs. J. Cline (cap.) tieing with The lowest :: V?V " - Mrs. James rslcol Mrs. Wintermute medal for the open was, curiously. x- - j tW Mrs. H. B. Shofner Mrs. Matt Lynch hung up by an amateur. Chick Evans, C. N. Sampson Standish 'Ai Mrs. Mrs. Miles 2S6 1906 Jw Up Miss Naomi Norman Mrs. R. C. M'Dan'ls scoring in 1916. to the A. C. Mrs. J. P. Dawson lowest was 303, In by BY Mrs. Callan p medal turned MALCOLM MacLEAN. Joe Gorman has at last learned Mrs. Earl Crebbs ., Mrs. W. I. Northi-- Willie Anderson in 1904. CHICAGO, I1L, May 20. (Speclii.) his lesson. It took three defeats to Mrs. C. B. Lynn Mrs. W. H. Cullers ' wise Joe to the fact that he could Mrs. Jack Yates Mrs. C. L. Dick For the five years around 1S20 th4 Two Japanese college teams played a Mrs. Lou Garrlgrus Mrs. H. B. Newland average made was 293 1- -5 strokes, not stand the gaff against heavier " ball game a few years ago and the mi' I opponents. his Mrs. E. H. Meyers. Mrs. A. D. Gils 26 5 strokes under the average for fwi. Gorman with short Mrs. C. V. stater '., Mrs. Philip Dater 20 - period years Accord- Bcore was tied at the end of the ninth reach and height should be fighting Mrs. A. H. Meyers- ' Mrs. R. Wilhelm a like back. inning. They decided the result by featherweights instead of light- Mrs. Eari Ross Mrs. T. T. Ashton ing to figures the modern grolfeq each selecting the fastest sprinter on weights who outweigh him seven to Mrs. Theo Osmand Mrs. O. W. Elliot would pick up a stroke in about) Mrs. S. S. Mumm Mrs. A. Mumford every holes the champs JO) their teams, and having tbem put on ten pounds. Mrs. Ralph Meyers Mrs. F. Grigsby three if of a. foot race. Mrs. D. A. fattullo Mrs. Hendershott year back could be stirred into their Gorman Is Feather. Mrs. C. C. Moore Mrs. L. C. Newl'nds top form and sent to the starting Walter Golvin, recruit first base- can make featherweight McCarthy man of the Chicago Cubs, umpired the Joe the Mrs. A. D. Leach Mrs. J. line. mark without any trouble but he is Mrs. J. M. Meany Miss Mabel Wood Some argue that this improvement battle and judged the result of the overly fond of training grind Mrs. J. C. Braly Mrs. P. J. Holohan sprint. Golvin, at the time, was not the &rs. Wm. J. Lyons Mrs. R. B. Bain is due in no small part to the livelier necessary to take off weight. So he ball. But that view scarcely holds stationed on the cruiser Brooklyn of takes things easy and lets the boys The spring handicap tour the Asiatic fleet, and was leader of women's when the added distance is considered come in at catchweights. Instead of v nament completed Friday was won by The actual cause is competition. the sailor ball team. It was during training to his proper weight of 128 - the war and wherever the fleet bastML- Mrs. James Nicol, who defeated Mrs. There is an abundance of that these to 126 pounds, he has been taking on C. N. Sampson in the finals. Winners days, and golfers not only have to go touched the old Yankee baseball was heavy opponents at 130 himself. put on. of the additional flights were: First at top speed, but they know a bit Gorman left Portland yesterday for flight, Mrs. Ralph Meyers; second more game. As a result Golvin played in many Grants Pass where he is buying a about the ports of China Japan, especially flight, Mrs. A. H. Meyers; third flight, Witnin a week the west is sche and home. "I am through . light country, mmmmmmmmmmmmm with Mrs. S. S. Mumm; fourth flight, Mrs. uled to ring up another triumph, as the latter where the inhabi- weights," said the little battler before Ru- tants are crazy sport and Philip Dater; fifth flight, Mrs. the stars point to a victory by either for the his departure. I will stay in south dolph Wilhelm. already have adopted it as their ern Oregon for ten days or two weeks California or Stanford In the Inter- pastime. In a women's bogey tournament, collegiate track and field meet at national or longer If necessary until. I feel also played Friday, Mrs. H. B. New "We were anchored at Yokohama I am in condition again and my right Harvard. The sole hope of the east la ens when I was invited, to land carried off the honors when she that Cornell may spring a surprise afternoon hand has regained its strength. When finished 6 up on bogey. Mrs. C. N. umpire a grams between two of the I return I will be ready to box any with its team. But mailer college teams," said Golvin. Sampson, who was one .up on the such tests invariably fall to that col- featherweight in the country weigh colonel, was second. "These youths played ball out of the ing around 126 pounds. There is lege with a half dozen outstanding book, The trophy for this event must be stars. This is the reason for writing not having American coaches only one boy whom I would give won in succession by the like Waseda and Kelo universities. away weight to. That is Lakey Mor- two months the dope as it is. They knew pretty well, get same person before it can be per Much interest will center in the the rules but row and I will do anything to retained. On 2 seem , manently June there running of Larry Brown, Penn's for- couldn't to understand that him In the ring again." ;. sweepstake tournament for when there was a tie at the end of Photo Underwood & Underwood. will be a mer miler. Brown has been switched Innings the women while the flag tournament from his old distance to the quarter nine the battle should be C1.AREWCE H. DB MAR. The next Portland boxing commis 9. continued until one of the teams sion card will be held at the Armory will be the attraction June A and half, where the competition is gained a verdict. De Mar of Melrose Highlands, Mass., "hero of the Boston marathon, May 31. While the bout has not white elephant tournament and the likely to prove so strenuous, in the "They were tied at the end of the in. 1911; shattered! the recordi for the course in Boston been signed as yet it is probable that June bogey competition are listed for belief that he may take both events cus- recently. De Mar's time was 2 hours 18 minutes 10 seconds' 47 fi June 16. and prove himself Meredith. ninth and I tried to explain the Jimmy Sacco, the Boston flash, will 4 Photo, Underwood & Underwood. another tom, but they didn't get it at all. seconds faster than the record established' last year by Frank Zuna meet Johnny Noye of St. Paul in the While the Quaker runner is a great They insisted that they always had of the Paullst A. C, New York. main event. Noye is in Portland and j . HOWARD BERRV. j performer, we doubt his ability to decided the result with a race, so is certain to be on the next card here. Golf Players of Present Are outdistance both fields, as did the finally I gave In and Judged it. But Sacco is already booked for two Better Than Oldtimers. wonderful Ted in his great days. All they did say that they expected to engagements next week. The first things considered, Meredith stands as have American coaches some day, and ia in Vanoouver, B. C, Thursday the greatest runner America hasveves then they would play It our way." game of a double-heade- r, does he don night, when he meets Bobby Harper. strokes a little more, so as to be able Champions of Today Yield Noth- produced. It will be a long time bx DELL IS TEMPERAMENTAL his uniform at 1:30 and then sit The Becond is against Joe. Harrahan JAPANESE STAR WRITES to play the whole court game, like ing to Title-Hold- er of 1000. fore his equal is found. One of the greatest charms of around in it until called to the firing in Aberdeen May 29. Harper will be Johnston, Tilden, or Williams. ,1 be- line for the chaser bill? He does not. a real test for the Bostonian for lieve that unless Australia, England SHOWING SKTTJj Santa Catallna Island, where the Cubs or Japan produces young BY SOL METZGER- - BLIND BOY trained this spring, is wonderful Rather, he positively refuses to put Seattle Robert measures up to Sacco wonderful its on the regalia shortly Harper, tennis players in the near future the RE American golfers of today fishing. No other place in the world VERNOX STAR PITCHER HAS until before in size and height. who has ORIENTAL TENNIS SHARK. IM cup affords such angling for gigantic tne start of the second combat. been training in Portland for two Davis will remain in the United "A playing as well as when Wal Herman Immein, Deprived of Sight, OWN IDEAS ON "I find I on my developed PRESSED BY YOUNGSTERS. States for some time to come." tuna and ewordflsh as Catallna, and BASEBALL. that if have uniform weeks, has a wicked left ter Travis was supreme?" writes Weights. la, a couple of hours before I am to pitch which he uses effectively in the Shlmidzu also declares that the turf Works With Its Tuna club perhaps, the most of American is P. B. O. seems to me," he con- famous organization of followers of I become stale and logy and don't clinches. courts much softer and 'It In Herman Immein, Trinity prob- Pacific Coast League Mound have my, stuff," said DelL "No. I Sbimidzu Young Players Ex the grass longer than that of the tinues, "that we have no star of the Izaak Walton to be found anywhere Hurl Finds English courts, which makes dif ably has the only blind college ath- sand-da- bs just keep on my store clothes, stay The Portland boxing commission Is it present like the old man, especially Catallna are In demand Opposed Prac- away ceptionally Good ficult to play on the grass here with lete in the country competing for a for food all over the coast, and the er la to Morning irom the bench and try to for richer by several dollars because the Here, but in putting and accuracy." varsity team. Although unable to De Pinto-Freddi- e Williams ordinary rubber soled shoes. He had Island's whltefish, rock cod, groupers, get baseball." Mike bout did lead a charmed golf see, he appeared with other candi- tice for Ball Clubs. Wheezer's physical prejudices In at the Armory Thursday was called Lacking Finish. to use shoes with spikes for the first Travis etc, are pulled In In great numbers time when he came to this country- - life on and around the greens from dates when they reported for trials both by amateur and professional this matter may be real, and yet it no contest. The commissioners at for the track team last week. He la sounds unmistakably temperamental. a meeting yesterday upheld Referee last summer, and 't took him several 1900 to 1904, when at the pealc of his fishermen. Wfteezer DelL leading pitcher of to pay Zenzo Shlmidzu of Japan, writing weeks to become accustomed to the game. The tales of his uncanny abil- trying his hand at weight throwing. The some old-ti- fish- Most of us could get Just ae tired Gruman's ruling and refused island has the Vernon Tigers a general thing, Annual, change. - long ones His work so far, for one who has as sitting in claw-hamm- er the two boys what they had coming for this year's Tennis has ity at running down the ing guides who have motorboats and has his own ideas about keeping in around a coat taken up the weights for the first spring-botto- m high-wate- fight. some 'his are rarely far from fact. But we do lead tourists Into the deep for the and pants as in a r for the interesting observations in time, has called forth favorable com- condition. Also, it may surprise some baseball uniform. Impressions of American tennis." PHIL PATTERSON TO ENTER not believe he had anything on such fighting fish. One of the most noted to find that Dell, with all his rugged According to reports two ment from those who have seen him and skillful of these salt captains is from Seattle After dwelling first on the surpris modern artists as the Bostonians perform. He is in his third year at Captain exterior, is a bit temperamental. 'Willamette Tennis Team and Tacoma Sammy Gordon, the Ouimet and Guilford medalist and Eaton of the Leona. For one thing, he is opposed to Wins. Hebrew battler, put up two sensa- ing speed and pace of the leading Diving Champion Expect winner, respectively, of ama- Trinity and stands high in his clasa. years Cata-M- na Junior the last For ten Eaton went to morning practice for ball teams dur- MOSCOW, Idaho, May 20. fights week, getting deci playera of the United States, the as an amateur fisherman and (Special.) tional last teur at St. Louis. ing the regular season. He Is opposed Willamette university's two-ma- n sions over Jimmy Cole in Seattle and Nipponese star devotes several" para ed to Compete at'Yosemite. Various reasons have been offered Cup to Be Given Ruth. gained a reputation by going out alone to at times, particularly team experienced Mike in Tacoma. gen- sav- it all but tennis little diffi- Ballerina graphs to America's younger YOSEMTTE, Cal.t "May "'20. The for the magnificent putting of Travis. May 20. When "Babe" in a rowboat and catching those when the race and the weather be- culty in making a sweep BALTIMORE, age fighters, tuna and swordflsh, clean of the eration of racket wlelders, their diving championship Some authorities hold his record in Ruth goes to the plate at the Polo come hot. Wheezer says morning iaano series here Friday. The Oregon senior amateur this art was due, in no small meas- without aid. He loved the sport so practice uses up steam Which men won strong and weak points as a class, of Pacific Athletic association grounds this afternoon for his first he that all sets by handy margins says the ure, to the flat greens of his time, as game lifting his sus- well became one of the profession- BRITISH EVENTS ATTRACT and their future. He in part: 16 Yo- - y after the of should be reserved for the afternoon. and their superiority was never ques to will be decidied June in the the present-da- problems offered by pension will be presented with als. He took parties of Cub players Managers disagree on this point. jNoDie Mooay, Willamette, de 1 was more than surprised find pool, Yosemite he On deep-se- a fishing tioner younger generation of lawn semite lodge in the the contorted surfaces of the modern a large loving cup, the gift of his adventures. Some are the forenoon Idaho, 0 that the sticklers for feated Kenneth Hunter, in United is valley. Dives will be made from two putting green had not come into In his home town of Balti- frolics. Ty Cobb is otherwise. Ty 1, and Hugh Doney defeated Curtis tennis players the States vogue holing admirers Captain Baton, qulet-voioe- d conspicuous boards, one at ten above the when the old man was more. The cup will a man. In 3, 1. very and that there are feet contain earth believes allowing the athletes to Herrington, In the doubles KEEN RIVALRY ASSURED IN 20 out from all distances. Is full of anecdotes of the deep. He sleep as late as they deem Moody and Doney so many good players among young water, the other feet above. taken from around the ,home plate of told us one when we were snaring fit. defeated Hunter aspirants, as Vincent Richards, Don Hopper of Stockton CaL, who Other experts offer maturity as an the ball grounds at St. Mary's school, When Dell is to pitch, the second and Herrington, J, 1. GOLF CHAMPIONSHIPS. such white fish with 400 feet of line out, Arnold Jones, Marshall Allen and Phil is present holder of the P. A. A. explanation. As things go in golf, where Babe learned to play ball. The that was certainly the gem of his Neer, but at the same time there are championship, will defend his title Travis was the granddaddy of all the earth was gathered by Brother Mat- amateur champions. His British ama- man large collection. G. George not many good playere among the against Al White of Stanford univer- thias, the "who discovered" "I was in my boat one morning 3. Anderson, Dickson veterans, which is quite the reversS sity, national diving champion, and teur was won after he had passed 40. Babe. when I ran into an enormous school Jr., Donald Parson, J. D. Chap in England. Al d'e Ferari of the Olympic club of Most champs are in the early 20s of sardines," said the captain. "They 1 am inclined to think, however. San Francisco, who placed third in Those fathering this belief claim that Women Bowlers to Sleet. were jammed together as closely man Americans Entered. the young players, with the excep the recent national championships in the steadiness and consistency of well, as sardines. My boat couldn't AJortixi tion of Richards and Allen, are lack San Franciscov Phil Patterson. W. J. were due entirely to more ad- The 1923 Women's National Bowl- move; it was as if I had been at ing in steadiness. Therefore they Junior national diving champion, also vanced years. ing association tournament will be anchor. While only four American players may do better if they cultivate ground is expected to enter the senior events. But the work of Oiftmet in the held in St. Louis. "Suddenly a couple of blue-nos- ed ONUY AMERICAN WINNER OF SRITiSn "OPIM are entered in the British amateur harks appeared among the sardines. golf championships to be played at When they had many beginning May 22, devoured I WEBB one thing hnlp.nthfit Fnn. - n oon Prostwlck interest moirthfuls they started to leave when asked the .all in the event will be almost as keen another enormous school of sardines IFmost essential to success In play- yards and a spoon or iron shot of as it was last year when a half score hemmed them in on the free side. ing the modern game of golf, I "ir to tne green. ne greeni in of the best of the United States play "So packed were the little sardines would unhesitatingly say that it Is some cases is guarded by a brook or ers were in the competition. Hiey a deep stand trap or quarry.. The made a sort of a soup effect getting distance from the tee. This goner wno The four Americans entered are and the sharks couldn't move fin. can get a lainy long G. Anderson Sewaney; George a would take in the brassie or the drive stands am excellent chance of John of There they were, captured and being spoon, plays tee Dickson, Jr., national links; Donald slowly as the man who his reaching th miut HmA t n tar.n smothered. The fish got in shots well get almoBt as much shots, but Parson of Youngstown and John D. their mouths, were on top, under- will the short driver never can Chapman of Greenwich. It will be We Picked Them As yardage wtlh his brass-sole- d clubs niyo lo gen. over in two to tne latter. neath and on all sides. I don't sup- The remembered that last year such ster pose any sharks ever had so horrible through the fairway. risk of going for the hole would ling American players as Chick as two There are many fine putters among be too great. , a sensation those babies. What is the innvltahl In Evans, Francis Ouimet, Dr. Paul "As for myself, I made the most of the 10 and 12 handicap players, but Hunter sought to win the tourna This Year's Winners opportunity. By their perfection on the green has this case? Nine times out of ten to the means of a i ment. In view of their failure it as dipped never cut as many strokes off their the short ririvar is a in.t hi- - in bucket a net I into those match play or a five will be a great surprise if any of the sardines and before long had 550 handicap as extra distance from the in a medal round present We selectee Oldfield tires because we fore tee. these days, w.utre me par is lour. American entrans even pounds of them flapping in the bot- Distance with the semi-final- s. greens, The golfer who can you reaches the saw they were ..what car? owners would tom of my boat. And, exhausted modern trapped is absolutely outdrive In 1921 the Americans started that ' even a paltry 20 yards . big with from those efforts, I had to lay essential. has a a rush. And one by one, for. 1922. Oldfield accomplishments It has been said of us in England advantage in thJs respect He can then, while demand around and wait until the sardines reach the green the Yankees put up great contests, started to leave that immediate that we think more of long driving with a drive and a away. in three years would have been impossible than of any other department of the brassie or n nnoon vIiam w.. they fell neighborhood of the ocean to give me compelled for safety's Following is a list of winners in a chance to use my propeller." game. They go . so far there as to sake to play had Oldfield Tires not given extra values. say slugging m your secono smot. your the British amateur and golf cham that the ball has almost """i may pionships since 1900 where played: Twenty-fiv- e guesses, friends, on ruined the game in this country. drive be all of 200 yards, but and t r i j iuirK rorvr to ira j tia n a 1918 H. H. Hilton at Sandwich. Oldfield has overtaken 85 of the other who is expected to have the best sea- When I advise going after extra dis- 1901 H. H. Hilton at St. Andrewa son among the Coast league pitchers tance with the driver I do not mean over me Droot. You therefor 1902 Charles Hutching at . volume of sales in that time. 1903 tire companies in in 1922. Tom Hughes, the old-tim- e that we should try to kill the ball Robert Maxwell at . Yes, on each tee the expense of a top Dan aiong or puch it short of the 1004 W. J. Travis (V. S.) at Sandwich. Boston star. that's the man. It's at trouble. 1905 A. G. Barry at Prestwlck. uni- well nigh unbelievable. or a hook or the risk of missing the 1906 J. Robb at Hoylake. Oldfield Cords have given evidence of Tom was globule altogether. - - u rou.,, iJVTl yvu 1907 Jr. St. Andrews. considered all through happens. at formly big mileage cannot fail to in- years ago. He tried comeback s and I want to impress on the mind of after this You either must 1908 B. A. Laason at. Sandwich. that play the ball deaii with wu. 3909 R. Maxwell at Muirfield. 1 failed. So in 1920, without receiving the average player that, unless he 1910 John Ball Jr. at Hoylak. fluence the buyer. In a recent test 4 Oldfield a cent in pay can a distance uppiDnua or sins; a long putt for checks, Tom journeyed drive within reasonable . . I 1911 H. H. Hilton at Prostwlck. "i mi j n i out every morning to the Los An- of his opponent on each hole, he Is ins wniin y.iuu.yaitnn& n 1912 John Ball Jr. at Westward HO. Cords averaged 14,000 miles. geles park. With the aid of laboring under a terrific handicap, a but where is the advantage if your 1918 H. H. Hilton at St. Andrewa the opponent by a of 114 1,. Jenkins at Sandwieh. trainer, Doc Jacobs, he put up a small handicap that even a long putt will stroke luck sinks 1915-191- 9 D t World war. no competition. passed all precedent and placed not overcome on many ia pun 1920 Oldfield "demand has stake a tomato can on holes. ' Cyril Tolley at Muirfield. the top. Nothing Gained. Ifs Pivot That Cotmta. 1921 W. I. Hunter-a- t Hoylake. "as'Ol.dfield performariceTias broken all records. Every day for Kothinff Ventured, Hunter is a member of the Walmer weeks and months Some players drive There are many, holes nt hi A Tom pitched at that can. acquiring prefer to and Klngsdown Golf club, won the perfect straight down the course, although scription on golf courses. There are title last year from Allen Graham of then you owe to your- control. He would throw the is A many If you drive a car it ball, put up the can when he knocked the distance obtained short. in California, as the favorite the Royal Liverpool club, 12 up and off longer shot, even though it does find course Is 11 to play, in a contest. Of to know why Oldfields have leaped into it and retrieve the ball all by his rough occasionally, will there a layout that has self lonesome. the not hurt deep the 13 Americans who started F. J. nation-wid- much unless the rough is so bad barancas guarding the greens. such e favor. Last year he reported to the Los nas some Wright of Boston, the last survivor, Angeles that there is danger of losing the ball, holes of this de- was in round. club and said he was ready. spot can scription and. SLt m.n!iir. nn .v- ,- eliminated the sixth They offered $300 or it finds a where one The margin by which- - de We all sizes the lowest him a month if he play out of only a distance. champlonship course, a short driver Hunter have them in at made good. He won 13 games and it short ...111 t.- -. r . . feated Graham constituted a record The short and straight player who " " w piay least champion-ship.- , prices ever offered. lost 14. Five of his seven for the British no defeats were never finds trouble will always re- or eight times in the round. lost by the narrow margin of 1 to 0. If one will player before being so. decisively main a 10 or 12 handicap golfer, while recall courses he knows he Graham, This season the Angels look forward will find that this is case on beaten. however, had just you drive a light ca ask for the ,999" to some splendid the player who goes out for more the received word that hiy father had If work from Tom. length will soon find he is to nearly every northern links.' able If a player been stricken down and was not ex a 30 x VA Fabric. control his long game better and keep wants to reduce his pected survive, piuckily played Father of Ted Meredith Coach. on fairway. handicap from 15 or 20 to a figure be- to but his drives somewhere the low ten. a longer through. James H. Meredith, He will find, too, that he does not drive is more likely father of Ted out rough occa to accomplish the trick than, anything Meredith, holder of the world records mind playing of the else. 500,000 Trout Promised. for quarter-mil- e -- sionally and that the long grass is the and half mile How can one obtain a longer drive? runs and formerly captain of the Uni- not half as bad as the duffer lmag OLYMPIA, Wash., May' 20. (Spe versity of Pennsylvania track team, ines. cial.) Announcement of the allot The gets idea into his It is easy enough to do and quite 500,000 and George Meredith, now a member duffer the a cinch compared ment of rainbow and 6ut cinder-pather- 15 with learning the Red and Blue s. head that an opponent who is or the throat trout to Thurston county was of art of sinking long putts. Bad pivot- will coach the runners at the West 20 yards ahead of him through the ing is usually received yesterday by E. N. Steele high fairway has not especial advantage the result of short of the Thurston.. county Catholic school this year. Mass driving. A player gets into chairman athletic were adopted by the school av because a good approach or a putt the habit game commission,, from J. W. Kinney up dis- of swinging his arms at the ball in the. suggestion of James Meredith. will easily make for lost stead of using the body state supervisor of game and game The following events will be tried: tance. There are times when this you fish. The trout will come from the 100-ya- If will notice a golf er who 440-ya- will be true and the best manipulator does Chambers creek hatchery and will be lothebUeksnti-ki- d and dashes, not lift hla left fmm --,,4 run, half-mil- e, one-mil- e, high of mashie or putter will win, but more planted in the lakes and streams of OldSeld tread you will see a poorhi driver. Straight you will find sot jump, broad Ijimp and the shotput. frequently the long driver will gain paroaps, the county next month. This allot oaty advantage with his out no distance. The nat ment Is in addition to 2,625,000 trout a tremendous additional brassie ural pivot would save him mileage capacity, or spoon or midiron. in this already planted In Thurston county safe- Tennis Balls Develop Wrists. respect and he need not think of lift- but a tenm of The long driver will have a mashie ing this year. ty that yoo will approach to the green where the left heel it will come up of every mile Tennis has become a contributor to the short its own accord quite easily. ' haseball. Detroit pitchers are going driver is compelled to use a wooden and Tacoma 3, Edmonton 5. jou travel club or chances on a Another thing important in bitting about this spring armed with tennis take long Iron a long ball la perfect timing. EDMONTON, May 20. Al Miller, Es balls. Every pitcher is supplied with shot. It is Ijong Advantage. excellent to pivot, but fatal when kimo pitcher, held Tacoma to three at least one. When the pitchers are Drivers the body tries to beat the club head. hits, while his teammates were pound at leisure they spend their time But this is not the main point to be infl result is a niiAnnd hnt tuynm Duke Cross, a newcomer to squeezing balls. The idea considered. The long will gain ing the FLETCHER & JAMES the tennis hitter where off to the rich nnH Tvft naiA Taco-m- team, for ten. Including is to strengthen their hands and a tremendous advantage on most ular good. Let the club head attend homer and a triplet. The score: Sixth and Pine to Ankeny St. wrists. Ty Cobb borrowed the idea modern courses Inasmuch as he is to getting the ball away first before R. H. E. R. II. E from boxing. Several prominent seldom If ever forced to play short uing me Dooy xor propelling pu Tacoma 3 3 2 Edmonton. 5 10 Broadway 106 Dealers Everywhere boxers use this method to develop to avoid ditches or traps. poses. i Tla.r Hrows Parfma t Mil. power. many tH and hand and wrist There are holes fine golf (Copyright by tb BU Snrdlcate. lac) I lp ana neana.