Be Drunk with Love!
SERVANTS OF CHRIST JESUS BE DRUNK WITH LOVE! ong of Songs is full of surpris- from the dead, does the Bridegroom than a fulfillment Ses: romance, sensuality, rendez- romance the Bride in an intoxicat- of the prophets; vous, intimacy. The Bride pines for ing and exuberant way? His myste- you are invited to her Bridegroom. The Bridegroom rious appearances and mischievous this exuberant and woos his Bride. In re-reading Song vanishing leave Mary, John, Peter, lively party as well! of Songs in the Augustine Bible the apostles, and the disciples on Perhaps this ex- (ESV), I stayed a long time with the road to Emmaus in wonder, as- plains, too, the another surprising line: Be drunk tonishment, and yearning for more: crazy love of the by Fr. John Ignatius with love (5:1). Questions arise: Have you seen him whom my soul English martyrs, Are we drunk with love for You, loves (3:3)? Is the Bridegroom so in some of whom smile and laugh on Lord? Have You been drunk with love, that He cannot help himself in their way to the scaffold, as if they love for us? wooing His Bride? hear their Bridegroom’s wedding invitation: Arise, my love, my beau- On Good Friday, the Bridegroom Perhaps His drunken love is con- tiful one, and come away (2:10). offers his body and blood for the tagious. After all, the bride seems They seem to hurry to the honey- Bride, and he promises, “It is con- to be following her Bridegroom’s moon. summated. It is finished.” He example when the disciples, after shows us from the Cross another 40 days of resurrection, and the As we feast through Easter toward verse from Song of Songs: Love is intoxication of Pentecost in praise Pentecost, may the Glorious Mys- strong as death (8:6).
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