Vol. LXXVI No. 44 35 Cents 100 years of service to the Gospel November 8, 2000 ? 0 0 Members of the school choir perform during the dedication of the St. Thomas More Evangelization Center on Oct. 29. I’hoto hu r>n>«’,v,v Dining and Entertainment Special Section highlights fun and values in northern Colorado — 9-14 Proclaiming! Rebirth of station is milestone on journey of faith — 12 Above: David Little, Msgr. R. W alker Nickless, Bill Ritter /*/!(»/(» ^I/ Jeff Ru hmottil Zee Ferrufino, owner of "KBNO" l g ) | l ; j t I )FNVF-‘R ( ATH( )l 1C RFGISTFR N( wember 8. 7000 Hearts on Fire is building a future of hope Campaign supports tuition assistance, Catholic Charities, inner-city parishes and other efforts The is the text of ait audiotape 19*^6, the Archdiocese of Denver began the Archdiocese, St. Joseph Church on 6lh and Galapago, received over By t played in parishes in recent weeks to hi^h- to address some key strategic needs Archbishop's //y/;/ the vital role of Hearts on F-ire in throughout our Church. At that time, $17,000 to help repair the gutters and building a future o f hope for northern we committed to a five-year effort to Column downspouts of the Church, which were Colorado. Moderated by Archbishop help finance several critical needs. But practically rcitted out. Without those funds, the Church could not have Charles Chaput, the presentation includes instead of launching a typical capital By Most Rev. testimonies by Sister of Charity of campaign, this campaign is financed accomplished those repairs that were Leavenworth l.aVonne Cuidoni of Mount through your local parish offertory giv­ Charles J. Chapu^ vital to the preservation of the building. St. X'incent Home: a student at Rishop ing, where your personal stewardship O.F.M. Cap. , Archbishop Chaput: In addition to Machebeuf Hi^h School; and Redeinptorist is most direct. the stories you have just heard, Flearts Father Kyle Fisher, pastor of St. Joseph We are about to enter the fifth and ___________4 ^ ^ ^ on Fire is also helping Catholic Charities I’arish in Denz’er. final year of Hearts on Fire. The results High Schools. I'd like now for one of to open a new day care center for the so far are best described by the people the students at Bishop Machebeuf High economically disadvantaged. Other OI who have already benefited from your School to share what the new high key projects of Hearts on Fire include generosity. I have asked three friends school has meant to the young people support for retired priests, and the dear brotFiers and sisters in development of religious education -Christ: of mine to share with you how Hearts on there. Fire has affected their lives. Here is Student at Bishop Machebeuf High programs to address our needs in this I'm very glad to be with you today, at new millennium. In all, seven critical least in spirit and through this audio- Sister LaVonne Guidioni to tell you School: There is such a sense of family about Seeds of Hope — the Hearts on integrated in the spirit that exists in all needs are to be funded by Hearts on Fire. tape, to talk to you about stewardship We have one final year to bring and Hearts on Fire. First, 1 want to thank Fire program for Catholic School tuition the students throughout the whole assistance for families in need: school. The smell of fresh paint and the Hearts on Fire to a successful conclusion, you for your generosity which is eyi- and to complete the goal of 34 million dent in the many good works we've Sister LaVonne Guidioni: Recently, I brand new desks really make us feel met a father of one of the children who welcome at our new home. So on dollars for these major programs. We been able to accomplish both at your need an outpouring of generosity to local parish and throughout the arch­ had received tuition assistance from behalf of all of the Machebeuf families, Seeds of Hope. He was beaming as he and from the bottom of our Buffalo meet this goal. Because Hearts on Fire is diocese. Stewardship is the good man­ funded through your weekly parish agement of our God-given resources of told me about the success of his five hearts, thank you. children in research, higher education Archbishop Chaput: It's wonderful offertory. I'm asking every one of you to time, talent, and treasure; and the shar­ be as generous as you can in making ing of our resources is a sign of faith and the work force. All of which was to hear her enthusiasm! Another need due to the fact that they received tuition which Hearts on Fire addresses is the your offertory pledge this month for the and gratitude. As your bishop, I'm coming year. By accepting the chal­ very grateful for the generosity that is assistance for their elementary educa­ support required by many of our poor­ tion in one of our inner city Catholic er parishes when something unexpect­ lenge of sacrificial giving, we can meet so evident everywhere in our local our obligations as a Church family to Church. Schools. ed comes up. Father Kyle Fisher has Archbishop Chaput: Thank you sis­ some words on how Hearts on Fire is those in need who are depending on us. But now I'd like to focus specifically Thank you for your help and for on Hearts on Fire. Some of you may ask, ter. Another project of Hearts on Fire helping him revitalize his inner-city parish. your time today. May God bless you "What exactly is Hearts on Fire?" In was the construction of new facilities Father Kyle Fisher. Because of the for our two Archdiocesan Catholic Hearts on Fire program, sponsored by and give you peace. Catholics on American continent called to unity Jubilee seminar offers roadmap for unity in North, South and Central America alf of the world's Catholic pop­ evening, November 9, at 7:15 p.m. in A second key Jubilee Year seminar — ways. Don't miss this compelling pres­ H ulation lives in Latin America, Bonfils Hall at the John Paul 11 Center. this one on science and faith — takes entation. many of them in urgent eco­ Bermudez, director of ACI-Prensa, the place just a few days later. Admission to both seminars is free. All nomic need. Meanwhile, Catholics in largest Catholic news agency in Latin Rev. Philip Larrey, professor at Our are welcome. Refreshments will be served. North America find themselves America, has also served as an informa­ Lady of the New Advent Theological immersed in the wealthiest culture in tion adviser to the Peruvian Catholic Institute and a dynamic speaker on Archbishop's Schedule history. bishops' conference and a variety of issues of religion and science, will 1 low can the Church in America — other Latin American and Vatican speak on Tuesday evening, November Nov. 8: Celebrate Mass and address ban­ both North and South — create a com­ Church leaders. His work appears fre­ 14, at 7:30 p.m. in Bonfils Hall at the quet hosted by Catholic Foundation at mon, fruitful Gospel witness for the quently in Our Sunday Visitor and other John Paul II Center. Please note the John Paul II Center (5:30 p.m.); Nov. 9: wider world? And what does the international Catholic publications. revised start time: 7:30 p.m., not 7:15 Address St. Anthony House Foundation future hold for Catholics in an age of Bermudez will speak on "The p.m. partner circles dinner at Brown Palaci’ fundamentalist proselytizing, political Church in America, North and South: Father Larrey will address "God and Hotel (7 p.m.); Nov. 10: Dinner and unrest and consumer materialism? what the future holds after John Paul Schrddinger's Cat: faith, science and gathering with seminarians at John Paul Alejandro Bermudez will address II." He will present his formal remarks culture after the Quantum Revolution." II Center (5 p.m.); Nov. 11: Concelebratc ' these and related issues in a special in English and answer questions in Quantum physics has challenged some Mass at St. Thomas More Church with i Jubilee Year seminar, Thursday English and Spanish. of science's basic assumptions about Archbishop Kondrusiewicz of Aid to | nature, and its long term effect on pop­ the Church in Russia (4 p.m.); Nov. 12: j Correction ular culture, notions of reality and even Concelebratc Mass at Church of the | our conception of God could be mas­ Risen Christ with Archbishop j he article in the Oct. 25 issue about the naming of six monsignors misidenti- sive. Science and faith both impact Kondrusiewicz (10:30 a.m.); Depart for ' j Tfied the degree earned by Msgr. Samuel Aquila at San Anselmo University in each of our daily lives in hundreds of the Nov. 13-16 meeting of the U.S. bish- Rome. The actual degree awarded was a License in Sacred Theology. We apolo­ ops in Washington. i gize for any misunderstanding this may have caused. Denver Catholic Register Denver Catholic Register (USPS 557-020) is published weekly except the last week of Mission of Reconciliation Published by the Archdiocese December and the first week of Januory by the of Denver, 1300 S. Steele St., Archdiocese of Denver, 1300 S. Steele Street, apuchin Franciscan Fathers Maris St. Andrew, Wray (970-332-5858); Denver, CO 80210, and printed by Times Call CGoetz and Felix Petrovsky will St. John, Yuma ( 970-848-5973); Denver, CO 80210 Printers in Longmont.
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